LB - Electron & Atomic Force Micros
LB - Electron & Atomic Force Micros
LB - Electron & Atomic Force Micros
DOI 10.1002/jemt.22775
Department of Biomedical Engineering,
College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University,
Seoul, 02447, Korea Various labial and lingual orthodontic appliances with aesthetic materials have been developed
Department of Orthodontics, School of due to an increased demand in aesthetic orthodontic treatment. However, there are few reports
Dentistry, Kyung Hee University, Seoul regarding the morphology of lingual orthodontic appliances. Therefore, this study evaluates the
02447, Korea
roughness of slot surfaces of various orthodontic lingual brackets using field emission scanning
Department of Dentistry, Graduate School,
electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Three types of stainless steel
Kyung Hee University, Seoul 02447, Korea
lingual brackets (Stealth®, 7th Generation®, and Clippy L®) and one gold lingual bracket (Incogni-
Young-Guk Park, D.M.D., Ph.D., Depart- toTM) with a slot size of 0.018 inches 3 0.025 inches (0.457 3 0.635 mm2) were selected as
ment of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, representative lingual materials. Both FE-SEM and AFM examinations showed that the Stealth®
Kyung Hee University, 26, Kyungheedae-ro, and Clippy L® brackets had the lowest surface roughness, while the 7th Generation® bracket had
Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 02447, Korea.
the highest surface roughness. There was a significant difference in surface morphology between
Email: [email protected]
the types of lingual brackets, even when composed of the same material. The surface roughness
of the bracket slot was dependent on the manufacturing process or surface polishing process
rather than the fundamental properties of the bracket materials. There was no significant differ-
ence in the mean surface roughness of the slot floor between gold and stainless steel lingual
brackets. These findings suggest that, although the gold lingual bracket is very expensive, it has
great potential for use in patients with nickel allergy.
atomic force microscopy, gold lingual brackets, orthodontic lingual brackets, scanning electron
microscopy, surface roughness
1 | INTRODUCTION the cross-sectional area of the archwire (Min and Suhr, 1988; Sung and
Park, 1991), the ligating material (Drescher et al., 1989), and the liga-
The frictional resistance between fixed orthodontic appliances and the tion methods (Sims et al., 1993). Among the mechanical factors, the
archwire is crucial for determining the effectiveness of tooth move- surface roughness of the bracket is an important factor that determines
ment. Most studies have concentrated on the mechanical factors that the contact area and influences the corrosion behavior and biocompati-
affect the frictional resistance between the bracket slot and the arch- bility of the material (Ryu et al., 2015). Surface roughness is a charac-
wire. They included the properties and surface roughness of the teristic of the material itself and can be influenced by manufacturing
bracket (Angolkar et al., 1990), the shape of the bracket (Sims et al., processes such as polishing and heat treatment. Due to the influence
1993; Sung and Park, 1991), the width and depth of the bracket slot of the coefficient of friction, the roughness of the material can affect
(Drescher et al., 1989), the properties and surface roughness of the the sliding mechanics such that friction is directly related to the rough-
archwire (Drescher et al., 1989; Kusy et al., 1988; Min and Suhr, 1988), ness of the bracket surfaces. Previous studies measuring the surface
roughness of various brackets and archwires were performed using
These authors contributed equally to this study.
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) or a surface profilometer (Choi
Review Editor: Prof. Alberto Diaspro
et al., 2012a,b; Doshi and Bhad-Patil, 2011; Liu et al., 2013). However, T A B LE 1 Specifications of the four lingual brackets used in this
there were some limitations in these approaches. SEM could not detect studya
real-time changes in surface roughness and did not allow for quantita- Slot Manufacturing
tive or qualitative analyses of the specimens (Choi et al., 2012a; Lee Bracket Manufacturer material method
et al., 2010). A profilometer can damage the surface being scanned and Stealth® American SS Milling
Orthodontics (USA)
may lead to false results, as surface defects adjacent to the scanning
7th Ormco (USA) SS Milling
line are not measured (Bourauel et al., 1998). In order to overcome
these disadvantages, atomic force microscopy (AFM), which provides
Clippy L® Tomy (Japan) SS Injection molding
quantitative information on the surface roughness of orthodontic TM
Incognito 3M Unitek Gold Customized casting
materials, was proposed (Lee et al., 2010; Lin et al., 2006). AFM can (Germany)
also provide three-dimensional depth information based on reconstruc- a
SS, stainless steel. Dental casting gold alloy Type IV.
tion from the two-dimensional surface morphology and the material’s
mechanical properties (Choi et al., 2014).
Most AFM-assisted studies that evaluated the morphological 2 | MATERIAL AND METHODS
changes in the surface of orthodontic bracket-archwire systems have
focused on labial appliances (Choi et al., 2011; Lee et al., 2010; Lin et al., 2.1 | Materials
2006; Park et al., 2010). However, the recent trend in orthodontic treat-
Four as-received lingual brackets (n 5 10 per each, Table 1) with a slot
ment is for aesthetic brackets (Ryu et al., 2015); thus, many labial and lin-
size of 0.018 3 0.025 inches (0.457 3 0.635 mm2) were investigated
gual appliances have been developed using new materials. An
in this study (Figure 1). There were three types of stainless steel lingual
orthodontic lingual bracket has different dimensions and clinical features
brackets, the Stealth® (American Orthodontics, Sheboygan, WI), the
compared to an orthodontic labial bracket. Therefore, the surface rough-
7th Generation® (Ormco, Glendora, CA), and the Clippy L® (Tomy,
ness of these lingual brackets should be compared with that of labial
Tokyo, Japan), and one gold lingual bracket, the IncognitoTM (3M Uni-
brackets. To the best of our knowledge, few studies have reported the
tek, Puchheim, Germany). To apply the AFM technique to lingual brack-
surface roughness of commercially available lingual brackets (Ortan et al.,
ets, the wings of all brackets were removed by a high-speed hand drill,
2012). The purpose of this study is to investigate the surface roughness
and the wing-eliminated brackets were fully rinsed with physiologic
of the slots of various orthodontic lingual brackets, particularly stainless
saline and dried using an air syringe.
steel and gold lingual brackets, using SEM and AFM techniques.
FIGURE 1 Representative orthodontic lingual brackets: (a) Stealth®, (b) 7th Generation®, (c) Clippy L®, and (d) IncognitoTM. Scale
bar 5 500 lm. [Color figure can be viewed at]
CHOI ET AL. | 1195
F I G U R E 2 FE-SEM topographical images (5003) of the four as-received orthodontic lingual: (a) Stealth®, (b) 7th Generation®, (c) Clippy
L®, and (d) IncognitoTM. Scale bar 5 20 lm
1196 | CHOI ET AL.
FIGURE 3 Tapping-mode AFM two-dimensional topography images of four as-received orthodontic lingual brackets: (a) Stealth®, (b)
7th Generation®, (c) Clippy L®, and (d) IncognitoTM. Scale bar 5 2.5 lm. [Color figure can be viewed at]
2.4 | Statistics particles and debris were observed in all lingual brackets. The Stealth
group (Figure 2A) and the Clippy L group (Figure 2C) had the lowest
Quantitative data were expressed as mean 6 standard deviation. Statis-
surface roughness of the bracket slots, and the 7th Generation group
tical analyses were performed to compare surface roughness between
(Figure 2B) had the highest surface roughness compared to other
the four types of orthodontic lingual brackets using one-way analysis of
orthodontic lingual brackets. The Incognito group exhibited many gold
variance (ANOVA). Additional post-hoc multiple comparisons between
particles on the bracket slot surface.
each bracket were performed using the Student–Newman–Keuls test
The slot surfaces of four as-received orthodontic lingual brackets
when appropriate (Choi et al., 2012b). An independent t-test was per-
were nanostructurally characterized by an AFM machine (Figure 3).
formed to investigate whether there was an overall difference in the
Tapping-mode AFM topography images showed similar findings to
surface roughness of bracket slots between stainless steel and gold lin-
those of the FE-SEM analysis. The Stealth and Clippy L groups exhib-
gual brackets. P-values< 0.05 were considered statistically significant.
ited a smooth surface roughness, and the 7th Generation group had a
rough surface. Furthermore, the Incognito group exhibited extensive
3 | RESULTS distribution of gold nanoparticles. Quantitative analytic findings calcu-
lated from AFM topography images using eqs. 1 through 4 are sum-
The slot surfaces of four as-received orthodontic lingual brackets were marized in Table 3. The surface roughness values of all groups were
ultrastructurally characterized by an FE-SEM machine (Figure 2). Some significantly different (ANOVA, P < 0.001). The post-hoc multiple
Labels with different letters indicate a significant difference (Student–Newman–Keuls test, p < 0.05) according to ANOVA.
CHOI ET AL. | 1197
T A B LE 4 Comparison of the mean roughness between stainless affect frictional resistance (Angolkar et al., 1990; Drescher et al., 1989;
steel and gold lingual brackets Kusy et al., 1988; Min and Suhr, 1988; Sims et al., 1993; Sung and
Surface roughness p-value Park, 1991). In particular, most studies have concentrated on evaluating
Sa 50.2363 the surface roughness of brackets and archwires because friction is
FIGURE 4 Reconstructed AFM three-dimensional images of four as-received orthodontic lingual brackets: (a) Stealth®, (b) 7th Generation®,
(c) Clippy L®, and (d) IncognitoTM. [Color figure can be viewed at]
1198 | CHOI ET AL.
brackets (Incognito group) was first investigated in this study. Our find- 2 There was a significant difference in surface morphology among
ings revealed many gold nanoparticles on the surface of the slot floor, lingual brackets even when made from the same material.
creating an irregular surface morphology with a higher roughness than 3 The surface roughness of the bracket slot was dependent on the
that of the Stealth and Clippy L groups. This was likely due to the manufacturing process or the surface polishing process, rather
mechanical and electrical characteristics of gold alloy materials. This than the fundamental property of bracket materials.
gold alloy-fabricated lingual bracket is expected to have benefits for
4 There is no significant difference in the mean surface roughness
patients with a nickel allergy.
of the slot floor between gold and stainless steel lingual brackets.
Park et al. (2010) used AFM to analyze the surface of different
ceramic bracket slots and reported a significant variation in surface Further studies are required to analyze macroscopic characteristics
roughness between the ceramic brackets. Some ceramic brackets had a of lingual brackets with a noncontact surface profilometer. This will
lower surface roughness than stainless steel brackets. This indicates help determine the relationship between surface roughness of the lin-
that the surface roughness of the bracket slot is dependent on the gual brackets and the LFM-evaluated friction force. Additionally, we
manufacturing process and/or surface polishing process rather than will be able to characterize the relationship between surface roughness
the fundamental properties of bracket materials. Similar to the FE-SEM
and frictional force in various lingual brackets determined by an in vitro
observations, our AFM-evaluated findings showed that the Stealth and
and in vivo sliding test.
Clippy L groups had the lowest surface roughness and the 7th Genera-
tion group had the highest surface roughness. The AFM-evaluated sur-
face roughness of the gold lingual brackets (Incognito, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Sa 5 141.5 6 9.5 nm) showed a significant difference compared to the This study was supported by a grant from the Korean Health Tech-
other brackets. The Incognito group had a significantly higher surface nology Research and Development Project, supported by the Minis-
roughness than the Stealth and Clippy L groups; however, it had a sig- try of Health and Welfare, Republic of Korea (HI14C2241).
nificantly lower surface roughness than the 7th Generation group
(Table 3). Furthermore, the mean surface roughness of the Incognito
brackets made from gold alloy materials was not significantly different
compared with that of stainless steel lingual brackets (Table 4). This The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
finding was likely due to the large variation in the mean surface rough-
ness between the types of stainless steel brackets. The AFM three- R EF ER E N CE S
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