3 Exam For FKWO

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Q1: What is Docker Swarm??

a Container orchestration tool

b Text document that contains all the commands

c None

d Container registry

e None

f None

Q2: Which HTML element is used to specify a footer for a document or section??

a <footer>

b <section>

c None

d None

e <down>

f <bottom>

Q3: How can we destroy a PHP session:?

a session()

b startD()

c destroy_session()

d session_destroy()

e sessionDestroy()

f destroySession()

Q4: ________is the enterprise-grade cluster management solution from Docker. It manages
your whole cluster from a single place.?
The correct Answer is: None

b Docker Compose

c Docker Hub

d Docker Universal Control Plane

e Docker Swarm

The correct Answer is: None

Q5: Which Ansible command will you use to install Apache on Ubuntu host??

a ansible your_host_name_here -b -m apt -a "name=apache2 state=latest"

b ansible your_host_name_here apt install "name=apache2 state=latest"

c ansible your_host_name_here -b -m wget -a "name=apache2 state=latest"

d ansible your_host_name_here -b -m yum -a "name=apache2 state=latest"

e None

f None

Q6: Which command can be used to determine file type by its content??

a type

b file

c None of the above.

d ls –l

e None

f None

Q7: Choose the option to remove write permission for group & others for a file “a.txt”.?

a chmod go-w a.txt

b Select disable write for group and others where file=”a.txt”

c chmod w-go a.txt

d None

e None

f chmod go=”r-x” a.txt

Q8: The kube-apiserver on Kubernetes master is designed to scale:?

a kube-apiserver is not used for scaling

b None

c None

d None

e Horizontally

f Vertically

Q9: Crontab gives administrators the ability to do what??

a Set up scheduled tasks on a system

b View the status of Linux kernel modules

c None

d Call up a list of open files

e Identify users on the system

f None

Q10: What does the FROM instruction do in a Dockerfile??

a None

b FROM creates a layer from a base Docker image.

c None

d FROM is an invalid instruction

e FROM adds files from your Docker client’s current directory

f FROM specifies the creator of the image

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