3 Paper For DTEF
3 Paper For DTEF
3 Paper For DTEF
a Varchar(20);
b None
e None
a None
b None
d None
e None
a Near
b Far
c None
d None
e From
f To
Q4: You have to sort records in the descending order by field "rating". Which query will be
a SORT BY "rating" DESC
c ORDER BY "rating"
d SORT BY "rating"
e None
f None
a None
b False
c None
d True
e None
f None
a None
b Yes, you can change the core files without any further compilations
c None
d No, because your changes will be lost during the next WordPress update
e None
f None
Q7: How do you round the number 7.25, to the nearest integer??
a None
b Math.rnd(7.25)
c rnd(7.25)
d None
e round(7.25)
f Math.round(7.25)
c unordered lists
d ordered lists
e None
f None
Q11: Which command can give first found difference between two file after comparing??
a Common
b None
c None
d stat
e diff
f cmp