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The medieval hastilude for 2 (or more) combatants

Jousting is a medieval and renaissance martial game A Maiden‘s Favour

between two combatants on horse. On the first day, each knight tries to gain a maiden‘s
The joust became an iconic characteristic of the favour.
knight in Romantic medievalism. To do so, for each of your knights roll 2 D10.
If the result shows at least one 0, the knight has
Requirements received a Minor Favour.
To play a game of Joust with miniatures, players If the result is a double (with double-0 counting here,
need the following components: too), the knight has received a Major Favour.
At least one model of a knight on a horse per player. A knight having received a Minor Favour may reroll
Each knight model has to be on a 1”x2” base. any one of his dice once, but has to accept the 2nd
3 ten sided dice (D10) per player – one of them in result.
another colour than the other two. A knight having received a Major Favour may reroll
(In a game of Joust, a result of 0 on a D10 always an two of his dice once (even for the same roll), but
counts as a 0 instead of a 10!) has to accept the 2nd result.
One jousting arena (see below). When playing with multiple knights on a team, you
might want to note down which of your knights has
The Arena received what kind of favour, if at all.
To build the arena, you need at least a “tilt” – the
centre bar both contestants ride along before clashing The Joust
into each other. The tilt needs to be exactly 10“ long. On the 2nd day, the knights meet to show off, who is
Of course you are free to build as much decoration as the best of them all.
you want to: tribunes, market stalls, spectator ranks They are going to ride against each other. And while
and whatever else you can come up with to build the taking the opponent off his horse is one way finish
stage of the event. the encounter early (as well as being one risky way
to score big points), shattering lances is going to
The Teams score points for the team.
As stated above, each player needs at least 1 knight But first, let‘s start with establishing the encounters.
to compete. Each player fields the same number of Pitting one knight of one team versus one knight of
knights, though. The chivalrous code of honour the other team is called an Encounter. To determine
demands equality among participants! which knight is going to encounter whom, each
player creates a counter with a number for each of
Phases of the Joust his knights. Throw all counters of one team into one
A Joust is not simply two knights clashing into each pouch and all counters of the other team into another
other. A Joust is the highlight of an event that could puch. Now draw one counter out of each bag to
last for multiple days. On each day, the knights are determine the parings for the first Encounter, then do
busy with preparing themselves or with likewise for the second Encounter and so on, until
participating in the festivities – in one way or the each knight of one team is paired up with a knight of
other. the other team in an Encounter.
On the first day, the knights try to receive the favour For each Encounter, the following rules apply:
of a fair maiden. A maiden often shows her favour Two paired knights meet at the tilt.
by giving a knight a piece of her gown or her veil. Place each knight model to the right side of the tilt
On the second day, the actual Joust takes place: from his point of view with the rear end of his base
Wooden lances clash onto steel for the enjoyment of aligning with the end of the tilt (see fig. 1).
the masses – and the crowd cheers. After the jousting
is over, the knights go on and enjoy the festivities – if
they still can walk.
On the third day, the winners will be declared.
Knights don‘t count their score while jousting –
others do that for them. So the declaration of the
winning team has to wait one more day.

fig. 1: setup
Now look at the dice you have. As soon as both knights clash, the player who has got
Each player should have one die of one colour. This the lower Jousting Score now attacks by rolling his
is his Jousting Die. The other two dice of a different Combat Dice first. (Remember: A knight having
colour are his Combat Dice. received a favour may reroll one or both of his dice.)
The knights lower their lances, aiming at some part For each result of
of their opponent.
Each player sets his Jousting Die in secret to any Combat Die + Jousting Score = 10 or more
value. When each player has set his die, both players
reveal their result and may look at the opponent‘s the opponent receives 1 hit.
result. (Remember: Rolling a 0 counts as a 0 – not as a 10!)
The result revealed is called the Jousting Score. A knight having received at least 1 hit needs to defend
The knights have aimed their lances roughly at some by rolling 1 die per hit received. For each result of 7
point of the opponent. As they are charging each or more the knight defends and reduces the number
other, they readjust their aim: of hits received by 1. This may reduce the number of
Both players once again hide their Jousting Dice and hits received down to 0.
raise or lower their Jousting Score up to 2 figures. (So Whenever a knight defends and the attackers last
a Jousting Score of 5 could be raised up to 7 or down movement has been gallop, the defender has to reroll
to 3). 1 successful defense and take the 2nd result.
Then both players reveal their Jousting Score again.
A player having modified his Jousting Score not at all Now have the hits score points:
or by 1 now gallops with his knight forwards by 4“ on If the attacking knight did not score at least 1 hit
his side of the tilt. before defending, the player does not score a single
A player having modified his Jousting Score by 2 trots point. Spectators start throwing rotten vegetables
with his knight forwards by 2“ on his side of the tilt. and foul eggs at the knight. (This does not affect the
If at least one of the knights moved only, repeat the gameplay, though).
readjusting as described above. If the attacker scored any number of hits but all of
As soon as both knights stand on opposing sides of them got defended, he has scored a hit that left the
the tilt or have passed each other (fig. 2 +3), they lance intact. The player receives +1 point.
clash. If the attacker scored 1 hit that has not been defended,
he has scored a hit that broke the tip of the lance.
Additionally he has thrown the other knight off
balance. The player receives +2 points.
If the attacker scored 2 hits that have not been
defended, he has scored a hit that shatters the entire
lance into multiple fragments, much to the
enjoyment of the spectators. Additionally he has
thrown the other knight off the horse. The player
receives +3 points.

If the other knight now is NOT off balance or off the

fig. 2: knights opposing each other horse, the roles of attacker and defender are swapped:
The other player now becomes the attacker, rolling
his Combat Dice and adding previously determined
Jousting Score as described above and the result can
be defended as described above. Afterwards have
each hit score points as described above.

If both knights clash with the same Jousting Score,

they attack each other simultaneously. Both players
may roll for attacks and both players may have to
defend. Also, both players can receive points – all as
fig. 3: knights having passed each other described above.
While throwing an opponent off the horse ends an Credits
Encounter, breaking lances is scoring points. Cover Image: „Joust“ by N. C. Wyeth
Also, if a knight breaks a lance, he immediately Jousting Knights: „De Arte Athletica II“ by Paulus
receives a new one by one of his squires, so the Hector Mair
Encounter may continue.

Either after 3 clashes or as soon as one of the knights

finds himself off the horse, the current Encounter is
over, and the next pair of knights meets at the tilt.

Award Ceremony
On the third day, when all wounds have been taken
care of, the award ceermony takes place.
The knights return to the arena back in the saddle of
their horses and ride in circles around the tilt until
the king gives a sign to halt them all.

Now tally up the points each knight scored for his

team during an encounter.

The player with the highest score wins the Joust.

In case of a tie between two players for the first

place, both players select one of their knights and
both knights go through one more Encounter.
That Encounter lasts either until one of the knights
finds himself off the horse or until the third clash if
after the third clash one of the knights has scored
more points than the other knight. If after the third
clash both teams still have the same number of
points, the next clash leading to one knight scoring
more points than the other knight that one knight‘s
team is declared the victorious team.

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Kai Bettzieche
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