fig. 1: setup
Now look at the dice you have. As soon as both knights clash, the player who has got
Each player should have one die of one colour. This the lower Jousting Score now attacks by rolling his
is his Jousting Die. The other two dice of a different Combat Dice first. (Remember: A knight having
colour are his Combat Dice. received a favour may reroll one or both of his dice.)
The knights lower their lances, aiming at some part For each result of
of their opponent.
Each player sets his Jousting Die in secret to any Combat Die + Jousting Score = 10 or more
value. When each player has set his die, both players
reveal their result and may look at the opponent‘s the opponent receives 1 hit.
result. (Remember: Rolling a 0 counts as a 0 – not as a 10!)
The result revealed is called the Jousting Score. A knight having received at least 1 hit needs to defend
The knights have aimed their lances roughly at some by rolling 1 die per hit received. For each result of 7
point of the opponent. As they are charging each or more the knight defends and reduces the number
other, they readjust their aim: of hits received by 1. This may reduce the number of
Both players once again hide their Jousting Dice and hits received down to 0.
raise or lower their Jousting Score up to 2 figures. (So Whenever a knight defends and the attackers last
a Jousting Score of 5 could be raised up to 7 or down movement has been gallop, the defender has to reroll
to 3). 1 successful defense and take the 2nd result.
Then both players reveal their Jousting Score again.
A player having modified his Jousting Score not at all Now have the hits score points:
or by 1 now gallops with his knight forwards by 4“ on If the attacking knight did not score at least 1 hit
his side of the tilt. before defending, the player does not score a single
A player having modified his Jousting Score by 2 trots point. Spectators start throwing rotten vegetables
with his knight forwards by 2“ on his side of the tilt. and foul eggs at the knight. (This does not affect the
If at least one of the knights moved only, repeat the gameplay, though).
readjusting as described above. If the attacker scored any number of hits but all of
As soon as both knights stand on opposing sides of them got defended, he has scored a hit that left the
the tilt or have passed each other (fig. 2 +3), they lance intact. The player receives +1 point.
clash. If the attacker scored 1 hit that has not been defended,
he has scored a hit that broke the tip of the lance.
Additionally he has thrown the other knight off
balance. The player receives +2 points.
If the attacker scored 2 hits that have not been
defended, he has scored a hit that shatters the entire
lance into multiple fragments, much to the
enjoyment of the spectators. Additionally he has
thrown the other knight off the horse. The player
receives +3 points.
Award Ceremony
On the third day, when all wounds have been taken
care of, the award ceermony takes place.
The knights return to the arena back in the saddle of
their horses and ride in circles around the tilt until
the king gives a sign to halt them all.
Kai Bettzieche
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