Aug 3 Paystub
Aug 3 Paystub
Aug 3 Paystub
96 h 96 h 0.2
0.2 SG296 SG297 0.2 effects
%M 5.6 1.12
control 0 0 10 2
2.4 0.48 0 0 5.6 1.12 18 3.6 *
3.2 0.64 10 0 10 2 32 6.4 *
4.2 0.84 40 20 18 3.6 56 11.2 *
5.6 1.12 10 0 32 6.4 100 20 *
7.5 1.5 20 20 56 11.2 34 6.8
8.7 1.74 10 20 100 20
10 2 0 20
11.5 2.3 20 0
13.5 2.7 0 10 0.139
15.5 3.1 60 0
18 3.6 100 70
21 4.2 100 100 0 0
24 4.8 100 100 1 0.139
28 5.6 100 100 3.2 0.4448
32 6.4 100 100 5.6 0.7784
SG296 10 1.39
12.27 2.454 18 2.502
7.6 1.52 32 4.448
21.55 4.31 56 7.784
100 13.9
SG297 13.4 1.8626
14.86 2.972
9.5 1.9
28.24 5.648
26.7 5.34 VI control
V 320
IV 420
III 560
II 750
I 1000
ED50 0.784
95% CI 0.673 to 0.103
The following particular conspicuous symptoms of intoxicatio
18.2 0.182
13.9 0.139
1 0.14
1.8 0.25
3.2 0.44
5.6 0.78 1.02
10 1.39 1.82
18 2.50 3.28
32 4.45 5.82
56 7.78 10.19
100 13.90 18.20
102 28.1 3.91 5.11
104 18 2.50 3.28
98 0.182 56 7.78 10.19
0.095 52.1978 12 0.12 13.9
105 0.16 87.91209
105 0.135 74.17582 10 1.20 1
102 0.146 80.21978 13.5 1.62 1.8
104 18 2.16 3.2
24 2.88 5.6
18 0.18 32 3.84 10
108 3.2 0.58 42 5.04 18
117 5.6 1.01 56 6.72 32
10 1.80 75 9.00 56
112.5 18 3.24 100 12.00 100
32 5.76 80 9.60 13.4
56 10.08 56 6.72 24
100 18.00 100 12.00
42.3 7.61
Cc263 Cc264
13.5 2.7 18 3.6
18 3.6 24 4.8
24 4.8 32 6.4
32 6.4 37 7.4
42 8.4 42 8.4
56 11.2 49 9.8
75 15
36.66 7.332
33.26 6.652
40.41 8.082
96 h %M mg a.i./L effects 96 h %M
0 control
0 5.6 1.12
0 10 2
40 18 3.6
100 32 6.4 80
100 56 11.2 100
100 20 100
26.7 5.34
0.01 0.062
mg a.i./L effects 96 h %M
5.6 0.056 0.3472
10 0.1 0.62
18 0.18 1.116
32 0.32 1.984 80
56 0.56 3.472 100
100 100 1 6.2 100
100 42.3 0.423 2.6226
100 0.118
1 0.12
1.8 0.21
72 hrs 3.2 0.38
0 5.6 0.66
0 10 1.18
0 18 2.12
10 32 3.78
100 56 6.61
100 100 11.80
42.3 4.99
s symptoms of intoxication were observed in the test animals from groups I - IV: lifeless drifting, retarded response, swimming at the surfa
94 13.9 0.01 61
93 29.2 0.03 64
99 63.1 0.06 69
96 154 0.15 84
94 310 0.31 85
9.3 0.09
9.88 0.92
14.8 1.38
22.2 2.06
33.3 3.10
50 4.65
27.2 2.5296
sponse, swimming at the surface, condition similar to that induced by anaesthesia and longitudinal axis rotation