Project Report
I Jayakrishnan, J S hereby declare that the project report titled ‘Kerala Public Library
Network: A Project Report’ has been done by me under the guidance of Mr. Ajith
Brahmanandan, Technical Director, National Informatics Centre, Government of India
and Mr Sadasivan K P, Consultant (Library), IIITM-K, Techno park,
Thiruvananthapuram. I also declare that this report had not been submitted by me, as
fully or partially, for the award of any degree or diploma earlier.
Thiruvananthapuram Jayakrishnan J S
27.08.2013 12650008
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our Director, Dr. M.S Rajasree for providing
facilities and the necessary guidance to carry out this project work. I wish to express my deep
sense of gratitude to external faculty Mr. Ajith Brahmanandan, Technical Director, National
Informatics Centre, Government of India, who patiently gone through the work at different
stages and guided me through the correct path. I also have to thank internal faculty who acted
as guide Shri. Sadasivan K P, Consultant (Library), IIITM-K and Programme as well as the
Programme Coordinator, Sri. Md. Meraj Uddin, Assistant Professor, IIITM-K.
I also express my special thanks to Sri. Sathish Kumar, Development Officer KSLC who
educated me about the existing system as well as the renowned experts on library and
information systems who in response to my humble request attended a telephonic interview
and shared their valuable time who consists of: K. P. Sathishkumar, Development
Officer, Kerala State Library Council, Trivandrum, Dr. K. Madhavan working in
Canada as Librarian, Sri C S. Sati Kumar who was librarian of the Kerala Legislature,
Dr. R. Raman Nair of M.G University, Sri. Majeed, H of Kerala University Library,
Mrs Laila T Abraham of M G University, Dr. Binu Jose of Xavier Institute of
Management Jamshedpur, and Sri P. Mohan of Government Women’s College
Jayakrishnan J.S
Today our public library system is not so effective due to lack of an efficient system for
providing services and facilities for resource sharing. The present library system can be
made more useful by application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
and increasing the public participation. This can be achieved with the aid of a Kerala
Public Library Network KPLNET, and use of an integrated library automation package
in all libraries. The web portal of the Public Library Network maintained by Kerala
State Library Council the controlling organization can extend the use of resources and
accessibility of the system transcending time and space. Sharing of resources is much
easier through KPLNET. Public can easily access the public library services through
this system for book lending, searching of catalogue, e-reading etc. The important
aspect of this system is to provide the public easy access to the data online through the
network. Through multi user licences to acquired content and numerous resource
sharing programmes the public libraries can reduce their expenses and can perform
more cost effectively. The libraries will develop content on local aspects, which will be
a unique feature of KPLNET. The major objective of the KPLNET proposed here is to
unite all public libraries throughout the State of Kerala in a single networked system.
Here the Kerala State Library Council (KSLC) has a unique role in adoption and
implementation of the system, because more than 7000 public libraries are working
under it. So KSLC can perform more effectively once it implements the proposed
KPLN. This project suggests the integration of public libraries under KSLC with a
library network using a web enabled system that act as an interactive public interface to
enable the public for effective utilisation of the library resources.
Library is an organized collection of books and other materials. Such materials may
include magazines, newspapers, maps, films, compact discs (CD's), online databases,
and other print, electronic, and multimedia resources. Libraries play a vital role in the
society’s communication, education and leisure. The numerous resources and services
that libraries provide help people carry out their work, studies, and leisure-time
activities. Libraries rank among society's most important and useful cultural
There are many types of libraries – Public, Academic and Special. Public Libraries
meet the needs of all members of society, from children to senior citizens, and farmers
to highest level officials and housewives to researchers. Academic and special libraries
are designed to serve a specific organization or group like universities or research
organizations or industries, or to provide resources related to a particular topic or field.
Public Libraries provide access to knowledge and information in all subjects to all users
from the recorded knowledge they manage that has been accumulated during centuries.
Those from all age groups and all walks of life - including students, teachers, scientists,
business executives, and government officials - use library resources for their work. In
addition, large numbers of people turn to libraries to satisfy their desire for knowledge,
to pursue a hobby, or to read in their free time.
Public Library is considered all over the world as a gateway to knowledge. Freedom,
Prosperity and the Development of society and individuals are fundamental human
values as per UNESCO Declaration. They will only be attained through the ability of
well-informed citizens to exercise their democratic rights and to play an active role in
society. Constructive participation and the development of democracy depend on
satisfactory education as well as on free and unlimited access to knowledge, thought,
culture and information which public libraries only can ensure.
The Public Library makes all kinds of knowledge and information readily available to
its users of the region it serves. The services of the public library are provided on the
basis of equality of access for all, regardless of age, race, sex, religion, nationality,
language or social status. All age groups will find materials relevant to their needs.
Collections and services will include all types of appropriate media and modern
technologies as well as traditional materials. High quality and relevance to local needs
and conditions are fundamental. Material must reflect current trends and the evolution
of society, as well as the memory of human endeavour and imagination.
The contents of libraries have changed so much through the years that the word library
itself is, in a sense, inaccurate. The word comes from the Latin word liber, which means
book. Today's libraries house many books, of course. However, they also have a wide
variety of other resources that communicate, educate, and entertain.
By proper application of ICT in libraries of Kerala all the above can be activated. ICT
can enable library system to make resources accessible to all. Using digital formats can
cost-effectively increase knowledge resources. Access can be extended to people
transcending space and time even to remote village.
The project is a study of the existing public library and information system under
Kerala State Library Council (KSLC) to understand the existing organizational
structure, method of operations, and information support system for governance. The
possibilities for introduction of an automated system and networking the libraries using
currently available technologies and specialized packages and developing a web portal
for e-governance at KSLC are also attempted. A proposal for networking the public
libraries and connecting available content holding systems is also put forward.
The Scope of the present study is Public Library System under Kerala State Library
Council (KSLC). The region covered is Kerala and the study covers public libraries in
the State, which are under KSLC established by Kerala Public Library Act. The current
status of public library system will be presented based on the data collected from KSLC
and from a sample survey done for the study. The present organizational set up, the
legal basis, the administrative processes procedures presently followed, and existing
services to the public will be discussed. Based on the above data the possibilities for
implementing an e-Governance infrastructure will be explored. Recommendations for
designing and implementing a public library network required for the e-Governance at
Developing public library system under KSLC harnessing the infinite possibilities of
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in a way in which the knowledge
resources developed and acquired by various agencies in the state and that is accessible
from external sources can be pooled together and shared in a way in which it becomes
accessible to the people transcending social, economic and geographical barriers
through a system managed in a transparent and accountable manner.
To study the organization and administration of public library system and the
legal framework under which it works with an aim to introduce e-Governance.
To suggest the development of a web portal for KSLC at the front end of the
public library system and network for its e-Governance.
To collect data for assessing the present status interview schedules were used. Three
different questionnaires were used for the interview. The questionnaires are provided in
the Appendix. The first was used for collecting data from village, Taluk and District
libraries. For the field study samples areas selected was Trivandrum, Quilon,
Pathanamthitta, Calicut, Kannur and Kasragod Districts belonging to south and north
Kerala. Libraries were selected including some samples for State Central Library,
District Library and village libraries. Second was used collect data from major systems
like KSLC, Trivandrum Public Library etc mainly for extracting information from
KSLC officials. Some informal methods were also used to extract information from
some libraries like Trivandrum Public Library. Third format was used for an informal
interview schedule mainly through telephone to extract information related to the
experiences and software used for library automation. For this randomly selected
experts from the net which consisted of the following along with others:
Sri. C.S. Sathi Kumar who was Librarian of the Kerala Legislature, Trivandrum
The analysis of data extracted from them is provided in Chapter 4 Section 4.16.
The study is planned in 7 sections, which form nine chapters. The sections are planned
as follows.
Chapter –1: Introduction, which deals with the scope, and significance of the project,
states the objectives, and also gives the plan of the chapterisation.
Chapter –4: Present status of the system from data collected from KSLC and by
visiting sample libraries and analysis of the collected data.
Chapter 5: About the project, which will give full information on the project including
technical specification and other details. It will give details about the project, structure
of proposed system, specifications of integrated library management system essential,
and other requirements.
Chapter 6: Details of the proposed Web portal of KSLC. A prototype developed and
hosted in the web, as part of the project will be used for demonstration.
Appendices and Annexure providing questionnaires, forms and formats, acts and rules
etc as well as references will follow.
A few studies were conducted in Kerala to examine the different aspects of public
libraries. The studies can be classified under different headings such as public library
movement, library development, library collections, library finance, library services,
public library special services, use and user study, role of public libraries,
collaborations with other institutions, evaluation of public library effectiveness, and
public libraries Acts. But there was no specific study on public library networking
which deals with the conversion of all procedures of public library governance existing,
to an ICT based system with the intention of establishing a public library network under
One of the best studies on public libraries that can give an idea of our public library
system identified while searching for literature on the subject is the study by Sudha
Azhikodan (12) entitled 'Public Libraries in Malabar’ which is an evaluative study. It is
confined to the public libraries in Malabar comprising six revenue districts - Kasaragod,
Kannur, Kozhikode, Wayanad, Malappuram, and Palakkad. The major emphasis of the
study is on public libraries that come under the purview of the State Library Council
formed in accordance with the provision of Kerala Public Libraries Act, 1989.
A study by R. Raman Nair (08) entitled 'Peoples Library Movement in Kerala’ traces
out the history of library movement in Kerala. He describes its beginning,
organisational movement, the objectives and programmes of public library movement
and many organizations coming under that. But points out the lack of scientific
involvement in the movement.
The study Ramanujan Nair; ‘Library movement in Kerala’ (10) revealed that the
Trivandrum Public Library, established in 1829 is the first public library in Kerala. He
discusses the Kerala Granthasala Sanghom, and its administrative set up. He has also
examined the several attempts at public library legislation It stressed the need for
John and V. K. G. Nair (Public Library Movement in Kerala) (03) have given an
account of public library movement in Kerala and their study has documented the
following events: 1) Public library movement in Kerala started in 1829 with the
establishment of Trivandrum public library, 2) The establishment of Malabar
Vayanasala Sanghom (1937) and Granthasala Sanghom (1945) has contributed much to
the growth of public libraries, 3) Under local library authorities several libraries were
established in Malabar, and 4) In 1979 there were nearly 4000 libraries in Kerala.
Pasilithil’s study (The Kerala Granthasala Sanghom and its socio-cultural contributions)
(07) has evaluated the history of public libraries in Kerala during the pre and post
Granthasala Sanghom period. . In order to study the socio-cultural relations of the
libraries with the society, a survey has been conducted. The study indicated that
Sanghom enabled rural populace to form their opinions on the social, political, and
economic problems of the society and it contributed much to the elegance of the social
fabric of Kerala.
Ranjith (Rural libraries of Kerala) (11) has conducted a study on the rural libraries in
Kerala. The important findings of the study are: 1) A majority of the libraries (60%)
have book strength in the range of 1001 to 5000) 90% of the libraries have own land
and building) A majority of the libraries (75%) have women membership of less than
30%) 45% of the libraries work 9 hours or more, 30% of the libraries work 4 to 9 hours,
and 25% work less than 4hours) A majority of the libraries (62%) have the membership
500 or below; 6) 45% of the libraries have a distribution of 500-1000 books on an
average per month, 40% upto 500, and 15% 1000 and above) The average daily reading
time was the highest among the youngest age groups of 15-30 years of both male and
female; the highest in degree holders and 60% of the members are satisfied with the
collection of the libraries.
Only two studies related to public library networking was seen of which that of Thomas
(Computerization of public libraries in India) ( 13) is important. He has studied the state
of application of IT in the public library field in India, their future plans and the
problems they face in this process. The findings of the study revealed that 8% of the
libraries computerised are two State central libraries, two district libraries and a
voluntary organisation library. They are T. S. Central State Library, Chandigarh; H. K.
M. State Library, Bhuvaneswar; District Central Library, Coimbatore; City Central
Library, South zone, Bangalore; and Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Library,
Bhuvaneswar. Only 28% libraries were planning to automate. None of the libraries
were from Kerala.
V, Vimal Kumar and S, Jasimudeen (14) in their study Adoption and user perceptions
of (Koha library management system in India) have stated that adoption and use of open
source library management systems in Indian libraries is gaining momentum. Koha is
the first free and open source library automation package. This paper provides a brief
picture of Koha software adoption and the users’ perceptions about it in the Indian
The studies reviewed show that mainly they are focused on library movement and
traditional library services, and public library use and user study. In Kerala, major
studies have been conducted only in public library movement, Act, and Kerala
Granthasala Sanghom. It can be seen that no comprehensive study has been conducted
to reveal the present situation of the public libraries in Kerala and how automation and
networking can be used to improve the situation.
The search through libraries and the net revealed that there was no detailed study on
Kerala State Library Council (KSLC) by the government or academic. The literature
survey conducted for this study also revealed that there was no attempt to do a
feasibility study for networking public libraries under KSLC. No technical Report on
Developing a Public Library Network in Kerala, implementing an e-Governance
System or developing a Web Portal for KSLC has been attempted.
As understood from the literature search from Library Science or computer science field
each and every region of a state at grass root level units of public library system, by a
like KSLC for sharing it to public throughout the length and breadth of the state through
The Kerala State Library Council (KSLC) is an autonomous body under the Higher
Education Department of Govt. of Kerala. It is a statutory apex body of public libraries
in the State. It is the successor of Kerala ‘Grandhasala Sanghom’ formed by the
amalgamation of Libraries, which were functioning in the erstwhile Travancore Cochin
and Malabar regions in Kerala. It is constituted through a democratic process giving
representation to all public libraries in the state and functions as the core of the cultural
life of Kerala.
As per the Public Library Legislation in Kerala 1989, a three-tier system is followed in
the administration of libraries in Kerala viz, the State Library Council, District Library
Councils and Taluk Library Councils.
The libraries under KSLC are graded as A, B, C, D, E & F grades on the basis of certain
norms. Annual gradation is done to assess the functioning of libraries and annual grant
and librarian allowance are distributed on the basis of grades assigned to them during
the annual gradation process.
When we consider ICT application, networking etc, we have to keep in mind that the
libraries under KSLC can be developed only in accordance with Kerala Public Library
Act 1989 and Kerala Public Library Rules 1991. The State Library, District Library,
Taluk Library, Village Library etc. can function and can be networked only in
accordance with the system envisaged by Kerala Public Library Act 1989 and Kerala
Public Library Rules 1991. So the Integrated Library Network Management System can
be developed organization in conformity with the above Act and Rules. But the system
based on law gives a clear plan for developing the department levels of network
integration of system and resources. The Present proposal is also prepared accordingly.
The library system as per the Kerala State Public Library Act1989 is built up from the
grass roots level. The general body of members of the village library, which is at the
lowest level of pyramid, elect its governing body. The governing body of the village
library consists of President, Vice President, Secretary and Joint Secretary. The
governing body appoints the librarian on monthly allowance. The system is depicted in
the figure (1).
The village libraries elect and send two members to Taluk Library Council. The council
elect a member of the executive committee and seven represents members for District
Library Council (DLC). It also elects the President, Vice President, Secretary and Joint
Secretary. The Taluk Library Council (TLC) will have one LD Clerk or UD Clerk. The
system is depicted in figure (2).
District Library Council consists with 7 members from each Taluk. The district library
council elects 11-member executive committee and one representative of District
Library Council for State Library Council, as well as President, Vice President,
Secretary and Joint Secretary. The District Library Council will have a fully equipped
Office with District library officer one clerk and one office attendant. The system of
District Library Council is depicted in figure (3).
Councils. It also will have the 5 government secretaries and 5 government nominees as
Taluk Library Council representatives plus five government secretaries and five
government nominees. The State Library Council will have a full-fledged office with
For the purpose of the study I have visited many libraries but collected data only from
31 libraries, which included Taluk library, district library and village libraries. Data was
collected from Trivandrum Public Library also but that being a large collection existing
separately from KSLC the data was not comparatively analysed. The libraries mainly
used and discussed belong to Trivandrum, Quilon, Pathanamthitta, Calicut, Kannur and
Kasragod Districts of south and north Kerala. I have collected through a simple
questionnaire and informal discussion information on status of libraries in respect to
their organisation, administration, resources, activities, ICT resources and services and
checked details to find out their effectiveness and efficiency.
The data analysis provided below is based on the data collected from the randomly
selected libraries excluding Trivandrum Public Library. The visits revealed many
aspects, which are grouped under different headings as follows:
The number of libraries is more in the rural area than in the urban area. A majority of
the libraries have registered as per Societies Registration Act. The visit to the randomly
selected sample libraries and the discussions revealed that the average collection of
books in libraries is 12307 books, magazine is 7, newspapers 5, users/members 123
among which included teachers, students, farmers etc. The average availability of
computers is 0.5. But this may not be correct if we take the approximately 7500
libraries. Of the 30 libraries visited for this study only twelve have computers. This
comes to 47 %. But many are not using it except for simple word processing
applications and Internet. The data collected informally are provided in the Table 4.2 at
page 99. The collection varies from about 3000 books to approximately 30000 books in
the libraries covered. The details of book collections in the Libraries vested are
presented in the following Chart.
E.K Nayanar
District Library,
K.P Smaraka
District Library
Sree Narayana
Readers Centre
Rajan memorial
The total collection of books in 30 libraries comes to 369224. The thirty libraries
together subscribe to 212 journals and the libraries have a total membership of 3694.
The average membership is 123. The libraries in total possess an average 75 reference
books, 50 textbooks, 210 children’s books, and 11972 general books (average total
12307) etc. Detailed information on collections, periodicals, e-books, and users are in
the 30 libraries visited is provided in Table 4.1 at Page 98.
All libraries have a separate general books section. Few have a reference section, and a
periodical section. All libraries have Newspaper reading section. There is no prescribed
norm for the sections of the Library.
4.4. USERS
In the libraries surveyed there is a total of 3694 members. It comes to an average of 123
members’ per library. The details of the members of the libraries surveyed are provided
in the following table.
E.K Nayanar
Bapuji Swamrak
Sporting Youth
A.K.G Memorial
Rajan memorial
V P Thampi
Jolly Library
As per the data collected from the surveyed libraries each library user has 30 books in
the library system. The membership varied from 25 to 1100.
All libraries provide lending facilities. Only less than 1/4 of the libraries have a book
selection committee. No library visited adopts a book selection policy. A large majority
of the libraries use publishers' catalogues and visit to bookstalls as the main book
selection tool. The number of different categories of books available in the public
libraries is more in the urban area that is Trivandrum and Quilon than at Kannur where
the libraries surveyed are in rural area. The majority of collection forms fiction in
public libraries. The fiction collection in the public libraries is of cheap quality, mostly
detective novels, and non-fiction collection does not cover all subjects. The public
libraries stocked more Malayalam books, and English Hindi and other language books
such as Tamil, Kannada and Sanskrit occupy only less shelf space in libraries visited.
There is no steady increase in the acquisition of new books in the public libraries during
the period from 2010 to 2013. The libraries subscribe to an average of 2 children's
periodicals, 7 general periodicals and 3 subject periodicals. The libraries are not
cleaning books regularly. The libraries conduct stock verification only occasionally that
is once in 5 or ten years. The libraries do not classify the books, or even adopt a local
No libraries visited have any non-book materials such as CDs and Floppies. A few of
the libraries have computers. Most libraries have telephone Connection. Of the 30
libraries visited even though 12 have computers only 6 libraries have Internet facility.
The data is provided in the Table 4.2 at page 99. Of the libraries which libraries
provide Internet facility to the members, an average of 5 to 10 members utilise this
facility every day.
Most of the library staff is part-time staff only. The librarians except those at Quilon
District library and Calicut Public Library are not professionally qualified. The
librarians have no basic computer operating skill. But one unique quality found in
library staff under KSLC is in some libraries especially at Kasragod the staff never
considers their service as a job. They are not bothered about the wage.
These librarians are human encyclopaedias about the region and they know each and
every person in the village, each and every organization there, history of the region, its
specialities and what not. They are involved in the cultural, social and political activities
. of the region. The involvement of such persons can surely help the development of
content for regional /local studies as well as popularising the public library system and
All the libraries have their own buildings and with an average plinth area of 800 sq. ft.
The average size of the library building is larger in the urban area than in the rural area.
Few libraries have television, radios, and tape-recorders. Some libraries have other
equipments such as public addressing system, and video set. A majority of the libraries
have insufficient furniture both for stacking and for reading facilities. In majority of the
libraries, the ventilation, fan, and lighting facility are only partly satisfactory. Only few
of the libraries provide drinking water facility to the users.
The total average number of visitors of the public libraries per day ranges between 10 to
25. Users are more from the urban community and less from the rural community. The
average number of members is more in the urban areas than in the rural areas. A
majority of the libraries provide membership to children. No library provides free
service to adults or children. The libraries collect membership fee, which varies, from
Rs. 10 to Rs. 25.
Public libraries in the State except a few are directly under the control of the State
Library Council. In most libraries, the membership registers are incomplete and
inaccurate and are poorly maintained. Visitor registers are not maintained in the
libraries. Issue and return is done using registers in all libraries surveyed.
The libraries in Kerala libraries generally lend one book at a time, and a few lend 2
books at a time. The libraries provide the facility to extend the loan period of books.
They take action to recover the overdue books from the members after a long period.
Normally they do not collect any fee from the members for the overdue books.
The libraries adopt the ledger system for the circulation of books. The libraries provide
reference service to the members but the service is informal. But the resources available
in the libraries for this service are too inadequate and not constitute standard reference
books to provide this service satisfactorily. No libraries formally offer service to the
The libraries have poor special collections such as atlases, charts, and audio-video
cassettes for children. The libraries generally participate in no in literacy activities.
They normally provide no social services to the disadvantaged groups such as old-age
persons, patients in hospitals, and orphanages. Only one library was found to have been
engaged in literary activities through their hand written magazines. Libraries provide no
user education programme. They provide no formal service to schools and it is at a
minimal level. The visited libraries have contributed more in fulfilling the recreational
and cultural roles rather than informational or educational roles in the society.
The libraries keep their lending sections open only for one to four hours a day. The
libraries are kept open only few days in a week. The libraries visited are not using any
library automation package except in 2 libraries even though 12 of the 30 libraries were
having computers.
Of the 30 libraries surveyed 2 is automated. None of the libraries have web sites.
Libraries except two have not scientifically classified or catlaogued their books. The
librarins except two in 30 libraries visited are familiar with using computers and
automated systems. So for developing KPLNET all the works related to automation and
preparing of these libraries needs to be done from the scratch.
State Central Library possessing more than 4 lakhs books and unique facilities costing
millions of Rupees is standing out of the purview of the KSLC. This being State Central
Library its resources should be shared through KPLNET to the people throughout the
length and breadth of the country.
As part of the preliminary study informal interview was conducted with officials of
KSLC. The vast amount of data in regard to the functioning of the KSLC and the
standards rules and norms based on which it functions such as, affiliation of libraries
(Annexure at Page 75) different forms and formats presently used for manual processes
etc provided in Annexure and Appendices pages 74-97 and are to be transformed into
computer process able forms that can be filled online.
The sharing of their experience for this study revealed that presently libraries used
software Libsys, SOUL, Alice for Windows, Libsoft, e-Grandhalaya, and Koha. Most
of the experts opined that Open Source software is only advisable. Dr. K. Madhavan
who was having a good exposure to library systems in different countries told that the
present trend is to use accepted Open Source packages. He stated that the reason behind
that is the freedom to scale up or move from one package to another and the continuous
R&D behind most Open Source packages supported by international organizaitons.
The present project is intended to visualize the conceptual framework and propose the
development of a Kerala Public Library Network (KPLNET) under KSLC by exploring
and exploiting the existing facilities and resources and ICT infrastructures and library
related technologies to achieve the objectives of the Kerala Public Library Act 1989 and
within the frame work permitted by the Act. The system proposed can help the
evolvement of a Kerala society, a knowledge society, capable of leveraging on
appropriate technologies, in adding value and quality of life to its member citizens.
Socially relevant public as well as academic libraries and proactive librarians could play
a pivotal role in transforming our society into a learning or knowledge society.
To transform the public libraries into more relevant and citizen sensitive social
To reinvent and reengineer the existing public libraries to act also as the
Community Information Centers (CIC) of the region.
To maximize the use of low-cost / appropriate and yet latest Information and
Communication Technologies (ICTs) for the social good and benefit of the
locality / region.
The data collected and analysed show that presently public libraries are not applying
ICT for their functioning and services except a very few. There is no standardization of
different types of services. There is no programme for resource sharing or interlibrary
lending. Public is not aware of what is available and where. Sate Central library Act as
a public library of Trivandrum city. People from Kasaragod cannot access its services
or know what is available there. The same is the case with District and Taluk Libraries.
A villager has to get satisfied with minimum resources available at his village library.
But State Central Library also is maintained by the tax paid from the pocket of the
villager from Kasaragod.
Public from any remote area can by using their username and password allotted by the
library, through the internet connection from home or through the workstation made
available at his/her nearest library request for any information they require. The request
can be made in their local language or language of their interest e.g. Malayalam, Tamil,
Kannada, Hindi or English. The request will go to the State Service Delivery Gateway
(SSDG) and from there it will pass through the local language translator to KSLC
Knowledge portal. Link to various sources of information maintain by state as well as
country like NKN and other foreign sources open/subscribed will returned the
information to the user as available as in existing format and language specified by
local language translator.
The establishment of the public library network will require the following stacks and
Computer Equipments like Monitors, Printers, Barcode Readers, and Scanners
etc. at libraries/offices at all levels. Communication and Network Stacks and
Solutions of Library
System Software like Open Source (Linux) or Proprietary (Windows/Mac)
Integrated Library Management Software, which will be web enabled. It should
contain modules for different library operations.
Web Portals at different levels /required packages for developing
Uninterrupted Power Supply and Power Backup System (UPS)
Three public IPs. Server Connection and data backup system. Security Against
Data loss and Malfunctioning of Resources
Human Resources
High-End server with latest configuration for holding the database of member libraries. Huge
amount of data from participating libraries will be uploaded to this server for accessing from
any part of the world. This server will be used for content creation initiatives like Digital
Libraries, Internet accessible Institutional Repositories etc.
Web server to host the website of the network. People will access this website for searching and
downloading data and other content uploaded time to time.
Required number of systems for the staff for developing and managing the quality database.
A training Lab with latest systems and internet connectivity for providing training to librarians
and others involved in the process
Member Libraries
Required number of systems for the staff for preparing the quality database at member
library level.
High speed Internet connectivity for the users for searching the database and other Net
based resources.
The proposed model for networking the libraries in Kerala has two levels:
a. The provision of local networks to interconnect the libraries associated with each
library authority;
b. The interconnection of the library authority networks and their connection to the
KSLC portal, Internet and other Indian and international networks.
The proposed public library network system will function as follows. State Library
Council will have a web portal. The portal will have the following shared facilities and
Gradation of Libraries
There will be separate web pages in this portal for District Library Councils and Taluk
Library Councils and Village libraries, which are the service outlets. These will be
organized in different levels.
Applications and proposal to be submitted to the District Library Council and Taluk
Library Council also can be done online through the concerned web pages in the KSLC
Web portal.
Application for membership, formats for entering catalogue data etc. that can be done at
the village level also can be done through this web portal. Some sample formats for
these online data entry, proposals and applications are provided at Appendixes1 to 10
Public libraries will register online in this web portal. The registration will be verified at
the next level that is Taluk or village. Verified items will go to State Library Council,
which will verify and approve the registration. Then it will be sent back to the lowest
level authority where it is registered for manual verification. The report will again be
transmitted to the State Library Council, which will issue a membership Id, and digital
certificate if essential. The same routine will be followed for grants. State Library
Council will calculate the grade by using the integrated library management system to
count the collection. The grants will be issued according the grade to which the library
is identified.
The portal will have integrated library management software and other facilities.
The KSLC will have a Server system with appropriate configuration, to manage all data
coming from District, Taluk and Local Libraries Data will be stored on the server
storage area and the backup is provided for keeping the data safe without any loss.
Network schema will be as per Figure 5.2. Network flow will be as per the Figure 5.3
and the request response model will be as per Figure5.4.
The figure 5.8: gives an outline of the way in which the service delivery system under
the KSLC public library network will function.
Public from any remote area can by using their username and password allotted by the
library through the Internet connection from home or through the workstation made
made available at his/her nearest library request for any information they require. The
request can be made in their local language or language of their interest e.g. Malayalam,
Tamil, Kannada, Hindi or English. The request will go to the SSDG and from there it
will pass through the local language translator to KSLC Knowledge portal. Link to
various sources of information maintained by State as well as country; like NKN and
other foreign sources open/subscribed will be searched through and retrieved
information will be returned to the user in format and language specified by local
language translator.
For networking public library system each individual library needs to be automated for
all housekeeping functions. It requires an Integrated Library Management System that
provides all functions and modules which library usually uses and wants. In the
interviews done for this study many librarians were asked why the software is being
preferred in libraries. The statements provided by many librarians revealed a mature
approach, which considered their merits of functionality, alignment with strategic
priorities, quality of service, and economic value. From the discussions with various
librarians and from observing the libraries which use Koha and other commercial and
Governmental software Koha was found to be most advisable for reasons like, coverage
of maximum functions, Open Source, popularity, backing organization for its
continuing Research and Development, Online User Community, easy customisation
etc. So in this project software recommended is KOHA integrated library management
software. This software chosen because being open and free it can be customized
according KSLCs needs. Compared to other open source library management software,
Koha is more popular in India due to its active user’s community. Many prestigious
library automation projects in India have adopted Koha due to its capability to handle
Indian languages. Delhi Public Library has started using Koha in 2007. The
Government of Kerala has in principle made a decision to make Koha as its official
software for computerization of government administered libraries. Calicut University
has changed over from SOUL a Government of India supported Software, to Koha MG
University has also changed from Soul to KOHA on 13/08/2013. Educational
institutions under Institute of Human Resource Development (IHRD) have adopted
Koha in their libraries by providing in-house training for library professionals. IHRD is
an autonomous body under Government of Kerala, which own around 50 educational
institutions. Training and awareness through such organizations can eliminate
misconceptions of many library professionals regarding open source software.
A) Technical Requirements:-
Operating System: Linux [Debian, Fedora, and Red Hat]
Web and Application Server: Apache / Tomcat
Web browser based interface: Supporting all industry standard browsers such as
Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari
B) Other Requirements:-
- Multi-tasking facility and customisable search.
- Union catalogue facility
- Simple and clear interface in both English and Malayalam language
- Integration with email applications
- Unicode support for all languages
- Ability to integrate with various web2. 0 tools, RSS feeds, and similar plug-ins
- Multiple level admin / user logins and permissions settings – user access
- Backup and restore functionalities
- Automatic multilingual transliteration facility for search, retrieval and data
- Ability to handle multimedia and digital resources [MARC Tag 856]
-Reports and ability to save reports in PDF, Word, Excel formats
C) Library Standards:-
MARC21, AACR-II R2, OAI-PMH, SRU-SRW, NCIP Z39. 83 Ver 2. 0, ISO 2709,
Unicode 4. 0 / 5. 0, Z39. 50, Code39 [barcode], Fedora Digital Object, Open URL
Serials management – Serial Details, Receive Issues, Reminders.
Events Calendar: Add, modify, delete, attach notice / brochure / report.
Acquisition - Order, Invoice, Accession Register, Expenditure Analysis
Cataloguing - Reports – spine label, barcode
Circulation – Membership, Members list/id card, Transaction, Fine collection,
Overdue reminders
Serials – Serials List, Reminders,
Events – Events Calendar, Event report/list
Settings / Utilities:-
User Management – Settings, Functions, Passwords.
Parameters: Currencies, Exchange rates, Budgets, Vendors, Authority files,
Member categories, Fines, Text for Notice / Orders / Reminders. This will
have other functions for managing / maintaining the software.
Now with Open Access Initiative (OAI) an ocean of information sources have come
into the Internet freely accessible. This includes general information like web pages
providing data on different countries, cultures etc as well as specialized information like
research papers PhD theses etc. In addition there are encyclopaedia’s dictionaries, audio
and video files of interest to students and public etc. There is an ocean of content that
KPLNET can canalise to its service outlets in a user friendly way. In addition there will
be freely accessible content created in the country and the state.
The resources developed by National Library at Kolkata worth millions of rupees can
be made use to the villager living in Pattazhi or any similar remote place. Like that the
resources of the State Central Library also should become useful to the people of Kerala
through KPLNET. When it is connected through national public library network to state
library network, which have the village library in Pattazhi serves as a service outlet.
Now there are numerous open access resources consisting of books journals and
multimedia, which will become accessible for the villager through the public library
network. KSLC can develop a digital library with material relevant to the region in
local script and connect to the KSLC public library network. KSLC can digitise out of
copyright books printed in Malayalam and added in to the digital library.
Through this Knowledge Gateway the Kerala public libraries can get connected the
state-of-the-art multi-gigabit Pan-India Network. NKN designed to ensure the highest
level of availability, quality of service, robust, secure and reliable connectivity.
National Knowledge Network has already established the connectivity among 114
institutions across India including nine institutes in Karnataka and many more
institution are in pipeline. NKN is a hierarchical network divided into three basic layers
Core (Level 1), Distribution (Level 2), and Edge (User Level).
NKN access through KSLC Network or providing facilities for access of NKN at
libraries will put at the disposal of KSLC an ocean of documents or recorded
knowledge, which may include books, journals and multimedia.
Priced content like Encyclopaedia Britannica, reference libraries offered for purchase
and online journal for general interest like “National geography “can be subscribed for
use in network by KSLC and made accessible for the people. Selected reference books
in Malayalam can be purchased for digitization and providing access through the
network by special agreement with Malayalam publishers. Like this KSLC can add the
quantity and quality of the collections in its digital library connected to the network
KSLC can pooled catalogue records of its libraries throughout the length and breadth of
the state to make available union catalogue of books available in the libraries of the
state. This will enable the public to understand what is available and where? NKN will
have connectivity to different general and specialized libraries archives and collections
this will consists of resources available in different Specialised libraries like National
scientific library, Agricultural libraries, Medical libraries, University libraries and
libraries of different research organisations. All these resources available under NKN
can be connected to the KSLC Public library network.
State Wide Area Network (SWAN) can provide to KSLC public library network
connectivity extends to the state capital to the remote villages and also supplement the
public library network with the information resources if any SWAN will have in its own
Through the public library network the knowledge resources in digital form highly
relevant to each and every region of the state developed in house at different region can
be conserved and made accessible.
The Figure 5.5 given earlier gives an outline of the way in which the service delivery
system under the KSLC public library network will function.
Public from any remote area can by using their username and password allotted by the
library through the internet connection from home or through the workstation made
from home or through the workstation made available at his/her nearest library request
for any information they require. The request can be made in their local language or
language of their interest e.g. Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada, Hindi or English. The
request will go to the SSDG and from there it will pass through the local language
translator to KSLC Knowledge portal. Link to various sources of information maintain
by state as well as country like NKN and other foreign sources open/subscribed will
returned the information to the user as available as in existing format and language
specified by local language translator.
The KSLC systems network can be interconnected through Kerala State Wide Area
Network and will be linked to National Knowledge Network and other systems.
SWAN infrastructure, which reaches even remote regions of the State, can be used by
KSLC also to implement its public library network. The State/Union Territory
Headquarters are connected to village level via the blocks through a vertical
hierarchical structure with a minimum bandwidth capacity of 2 Mbps per link. Each of
the State / UT can enhance the bandwidth up to 34 Mbps between State Head Quarters
and District Head Quarters and up to 8 Mbps between District Head Quarters and Block
Head Quarters depending upon the utilization. Steps have been initiated to integrate all
SWANs using the National Knowledge Network (NKN).
SWAN is envisaged as the converged backbone network for data, voice and video
communications throughout a State/UT with the following salient features:
One PoP at each State / District / Block Headquarter
Each PoP has Configurable Aggregation Equipment to enable vertical &
horizontal connectivity
Gateway (National Backbone) for Inter-State connectivity
KSWAN can also boost the power of public library network to connect to the
information resources and canalize it to users of public library system.
As a part of the KSWAN, Govt. of Kerala has extended SWAN Network to many
District Headquarters (DHQs) and Block Headquarters (BHQs). All the 14 DHQs are
proposed to be connected to the nearest NOC of the State Information Infrastructure
with 2 Mbps leased line connectivity from BSNL. In addition, the BHQs are to be
networked to the concerned DHQs with 2 Mbps Leased Lines from BSNL. Further
Local Offices will be linked to the nearest DHQ or BHQ to achieve connectivity to the
KSWAN. At each DHQ and BHQ a Wireless Base Station is to be provided so as to be
able to connect 60 remotes to it within a radius of 10 Kms.
State Data Centre (SDC) facility of Government can be used by KSLC to host its Web
portal and databases required for its e- governance project for public library network.
State Data Centre (SDC), the core component of the e-Governance infrastructure,
consolidates services, applications and infrastructure to provide efficient electronic
delivery of G2G, G2C and G2B services. These services are rendered by the States
through common delivery platform supported by core Connectivity Infrastructure such
as State Wide Area Network (SWAN) and Common Service Centre (CSC) connectivity
extended up to village level. State Data Centers provides functionalities like Central
Repository of the State, Secure Data Storage, Online Delivery of Services, Citizen
Information/Services Portal, State Intranet Portal, Disaster Recovery, Remote
Management and Service Integration. They also provide better operation &
management control and minimize overall cost of Data Management, IT Resource
Management, Deployment and other costs.
KSLC web portal, its digital library, union catalogue and other databases can be hosted
at State Data Centre.
Statewide Connections of KSLC public library network can be done through the
KSWAN subject to the availability of KSWAN infrastructure. Remaining libraries at
Taluk and Village level affiliated to KSLC can be connected through BSNL Broadband.
The ‘back-end ‘of the KSLC network is the system of data management used to support
the ‘front-end’ services being delivered for windows and Linux. Apache HTTP server
and MySQL as the underlying relational database. When installing Debian OS select
MySQL as your RDBMS server. Middleware is computer software that connects
software components or applications. The operating system like Linux /Windows etc.
The front-end library application software will interact with the user through the web
portal. Perl, java, java script, and html programmers can enhance or customized
functionalities of existing library software to create new features.
As in other organizations, the primary benefit of network under KSLC is the facilitation
of information sharing. Various kinds of documents can be converted into HTML and
made web-accessible. Policies, procedures, forms, annual reports, manuals, schedules,
calendar of events and programs, and anything on paper can be transferred to an
Intranet. Then the network will serve as a quick and reliable source and access
mechanism. Library networking means a group of Libraries and information centres
interconnected for some common pattern or design for information exchange and
communication with a view to improve efficiency.
The KSLC and NIC can jointly form a Project Committee that will contain project
executives from both NIC (Technical) and KSLC (for Library system) and also
members from the Higher Education Department. KSLC can select its members to the
Project Committee.
They can give suggestions and patterns for improving the project. The Vendor selection
of software, hardware and Networking will be done under KSLC. Procurement of
computer hardware and software can be done with the technical support of National
Informatics Centre (NIC) for State, District and Taluk Library Council. The exact
specification of the system will require the following information.
For KPLNET of KSLC the hardware required for each public library unit specified
below in addition to the items mentioned earlier needs to be purchased at the initial
Computer systems with Minimum configuration for libraries and KSLC
Servers as specified earlier
Assorted related accessories, Storage units, Peripherals
Network Interface Cards
The Public Library (Local Library) Network can connected to the Taluk Library
Network through the Internet. And the Taluk Library and District Libraries and State
Libraries also can be connected through Internet or can be interconnected through the
KSWAN subject to availbility of conncections at the locations.
E-Governance at KSLC covering the management of the KPLNET and the services to
the public offered through different levels at the service outlets at the grass root levels
which are village libraries will be done through the KSLC web portal. It will be an
inviting and user-friendly site which will integrate the website of the KSLC as well as
the sites of DLC, TLC and the 7000 and more village libraries. The main service pages
like those for Digital Library, membership, Union Catalogue, individual OPACs etc.
will be uniform. But there will be provision for adding regional specialities and
differences at different levels and at village libraries.
The library sites at the villages will be further developed with local participation with
data on the village, images special to the village etc. By this decentralization of the
portal development and content development on the region and participation of the
whole population will be possible. It will be a unique enterprise in the history of the
country. In the first phase of the web portal development itself it can incorporate more
than 10000 similar pages if KSLC moves on a planned manner.
The KSLC Web portal front end will have the following modules according to the
functions undertaken by KSLC
The modules of individual libraries will have in addition to the common facilities
specified above; the following facilities:
Registration of Membership
OPAC Catalogue
Digital Library of Regional Content Developed In house
There is no earlier model for an e-portal meant for public library system to base our e-
There is no web portal for any Library Network covering numerous libraries in India or
Kerala. So all the modules suggested have no earlier models in Kerala.
The modules suggested for Village libraries to enable them to create their own regional
content is a very new idea for such a system enabling about 7000 libraries contributing
content development on the region to a system that is KLC is an idea never envisaged
earlier by any project.
The web portal of the KSLC will be designed as per the following plan
library VILASAM
Figure 6.1: Plan of the KSLC Web Portal for e- Governance. Screen shots of the pages
The web portal will be managed by KSLC, which will prescribe required standards and
formats for common pages at different levels to achieve uniformity. System
administrator has full access of administrative modules of the web portal. KSLC home
page and other state level services will have an inviting user-friendly web pages in the
Public can access the site but they won’t be able to access services specifically meant
for library members. But many reference material governmental orders made accessible
through the web portal Digital Library Section will be freely accessible to public.
All the concerned from the president of the KSLC to a library member or a public who
has not taken membership, will be accessing the system through the same portal and
home page, from there they can directly go to the specific service on a specific library.
(A draft design of the web portal of KSLC) is provided in the following figures
Figure 6.2: Shows home page of the KSLC web portal. In it registered users of different
categories can enter using their registered username and password based on which their
access will be controlled. They can also register their name for using the portal if they
are an official member. The public can access services, which are open from the same
Figure 6.2: Home page of the Proto type of KSLC Web Portal developed during the
study which is presently live at:
The home page will link to all administrative systems resources and libraries under
KSLC like the following
1. Affiliation and Grants
2. Union Catalogue
3. Services
4. Digital Libraries
5. Access Libraries
Figure 6.3: Front end of eh page in the KSLC Web Portal dealing with affiliation of
libraries, grant etc.
From the web page officials and librarians can reach this section. The users can do his
function subject to the access functions permitted to him with his permission with his
username & password. In this section secretary of a library can submit the application
for affiliation, can propose the estimates for next year’s budget etc. to the TLC.TLC can
pass the request received from libraries to DLC as well as do the functions at their
levels. In the same way District Library can also fulfil do their functions and operations.
KSLC can process and decide on affiliation and grants using the selection as well as
generate various statistical reports.
Figure 6.4: Union Catalogue. This is the model of another live system connected for
demonstration to the KCLSC web portal prototype at
Modules of union catalogue will be accessible as in the KSLC web pages from page at
every level and from village library level or site. It will be accessible free of cost to the
Pooling the catalogues of all the participating libraries will generate the catalogue. The
search can reveal to the user what is available? And where it is available? The records
of each book will give a field which specifies a location where the book is available?
The above figure depicts a model union catalogue linked to the KSLC website for
Figure 6.5: Front end of the page in the KSLC Web Portal dealing with Customer
oriented Services.
The homepage will lead to the service modules. There will be two types of services
Members who entered using their concerned username & password only access services
limited to members.
Figure 6.6: Front end of eh page in the KSLC Web Portal providing Digital Library
Services. Live now at /page5.html.
Home page will lead to the module on digital library. The section also will consist of
open resources as well as resources meant for members. Open resources will be
recourses like government orders government reports, document in digital libraries
maintained by state and central library’s Indian and foreign etc.
Resources reserved for members will be purchased or subscribed content like e –books
from ox-ford university press, journals from SAGE etc.
Each and every page of the web portal will provide access to the common modules
specified above. This is only a skeleton of the proposed web portal a functional
prototype has been developed and hosted at as part of this
Figure 6.7: Front end of the page in the KSLC Web Portal on Access Individual
systems and libraries leading to systems and libraries under it. .
Home page of KSLC will leads to another module named Access Libraries. Through
this section user can get a map of system at different levels.
First it will lead to the District Library Council from where user can access each and
every District library Council modules and TLCs under it.
Figure 6.8: Front end of the DLC page in the KSLC Web Portal on Access Individual
systems and libraries.
Figure 6.9: Front end of the page in the KSLC Web Portal leading to systems and
libraries under it.
TLC site will lead users to village library portals developed under each TLC as the one
depicted in the following figure:
The web site of the village library which comes in the lowest level of the web portal of
the KSLC will contain all the common modules for services provided by the KSLC site
accessible from KSLC Home page as well as DLC and TLC home pages. Village
libraries also will have their individual OPAC catalogue and service pages as per the
common standard. It will also provide access to some general reference materials like
encyclopaedias, dictionaries etc in regional language in electronic form prepared and
provided to the libraries by KSLC. The web site of the Village library will have the
following common modules.
Registration of Membership
To maintain the local specialities and interest giving a standard template the village
libraries will be encouraged to make their own site so that each and every site will be
unique. But some part of the sites like entry to library management system looking after
the house keeping operation will have a uniform design.
The web portal at village library, which forms the grass roots level service outlet of the
KPLNET of KSLC, will be unique for each and every one of the 7000 or more
participating units. The site will have its own local design like the following with images
that are very close to the people of the area as in the sample site provided below hosted in
the prototype web portal made as part of this project.
The main attraction will be the digital library of the region containing text, images audio
and video files developed and hosted y the village library. This will be developed in house
by participation of the people of the village. It will contain diaries of freedom fighters,
social activists and great men from the village, their images, pictures of their houses and
oral statements of people who lived with them. Then there will be history of local churches,
temples, monuments, details of historical sites, local industries, trade, landscapes, places
that can be developed for tourists, and thousands of things, which can never be created at
any other place or by any other organization. There will be video films of local events like
temple, church festivals, agricultural festivals, markets, events, etc. Pooling together this
data will enable KSLC to develop a large knowledge base on the region, which no other
system in India has ever attempted. This can enable the universities and other research
organization to get sufficient resources for ‘Regional Studies’.
The web portal of KSLC will contain separate login space for State, District, Taluk and
other Administrative Staff and members as well as browsing provision for registered
members (public). The facilities allowed to public will be available if and only if he/she
is a member of anyone of the affiliated libraries. Priced e-books and e-journal will be
accessible only in the libraries. The portal needs facilities like union online catalogue
for searching available books will be there. Also, the integrated web based Library
Management Software will be included in the portal for integration of catalogues of
library and their details. In short, the Web portal will be interactive and user friendly for
both people and staffs.
The back end of the web portal will contain integrated library software (Koha) and
databases. The process on web portal will be regulated by KSLC.
For the KSLC web portal the web application system that can be used is a request
response model. It will include web client, web server, web application software, and a
relational database system for submitting and loading of data.
In the KPLNET system the major modules are: Affiliation (the registering system for
library affiliation), Financing (for Budget – Income and Expenditure management),
OPAC System (for controlling bibliographical work and its standards), Downloads (for
downloading major forms for manual use, manuals, guides, handbooks, supplier form,
library membership form, catalogue record form, recognition form for the library,
application to the grant for furnishing proposal from gradation committee etc.)
Software Library (for downloading free/open/licensed software, acquired software for
participating libraries) Member Libraries (containing public libraries details in which,
affiliated, graded libraries reports will be seen and printed by authorized staffs in
KSLC), Reports (put online by two different sections administrative section and
member section) In administrative section login will be restricted to KSLC staff and its
authorized persons which will be used by the KSLC, DLC, TLC staff. Second in the
members area the affiliated libraries can access with the member id and password. The
libraries only can access the access the affiliated library page and they can fill the data
corresponding to library, daily circulation and books scheduled and other library
administrative details, budget details, library collection etc.
The web portal will also contain a payment gateway that enable public to pay the cost
of KSLC publications, tender forms, member libraries their subscription fee for the
electronic journals, periodicals, books online, the administration section to transfer
grant and other funds to DLC, TLC and libraries, the salaries of the staff, cost of books
purchased of books etc. There will be a secure connection with the bank, merchant and
For developing the Web portal of the KPLNET system applications; PHP and Apache
Server, My Sql database and Linux operating system. The system development is to be
done under the guidance of experts. The above are only approximate specifications and
are to be checked by the experts before preparing RFP.
The proposed KPLNET can transform the public libraries into more relevant and citizen
sensitive social institutions. Presently the public libraries in the state are used mainly as
just reading rooms or pass time centers and not seriously as libraries where people
frequent them for quenching their intellectual curiosity and for knowledge
development. Some are of course exceptions having good reference materials and also
lend useful books to the public but even in those libraries the currency and the strength
of collections are very much doubtful. The objective of KPLNET is therefore to help
the libraries in their capacity building and enable them to strategically position these
libraries among the social strata of the state of Kerala by deploying appropriate
technologies, knowledge resources and the necessary infrastructure. Libraries should
act, as agents of pertinent knowledge carriers and resource repositories to systematically
address the intellectual, professional, social and academic needs of almost all segments
and age groups of the public.
The proposed KPLNET can enable public libraries to act also as the Community
Information Centers (CIC) of the region and thereby become the hub of knowledge/
information as relevant to the public of the locality and the region.
The proposed KPLNET increase the availability and accessibility of resources available
in different libraries in Kerala. Users of each participating library will have access to
resources available in all the member libraries. Resources can be moved from one
library to another manually or through modern means. This will provide an easy access
to and free flow of information. Resource sharing should result in an increase in the
range and depth of services offered by the member libraries.
The proposed KPLNET can promote co-operative activities like acquisition, exchange,
storage, binding, training, reference and documentation services, inter-library loans,
online services etc.
The proposed KPLNET can extend service to a wider user community and to promote
programme for increased use of library resources and facilities, through which we can
bring back the users to libraries.
The proposed KPLNET can also enable the participative content creation on areas of
local interest and specialities.
The proposed system design is intended to meet the demands of the users of the public
library services in the State. All the major areas are focused in details. The system
design suggested is on which can provide the users a number of valuable, timely
services and accurate information. The project proposal has identified the existing
public library system under KSLC, assessed the requirements for networking the
libraries and suggested an approximate configuration and model for implementing a
public library network under KSLC. The suggested system can enable KSLC to
administer the libraries under it through its web portal, automate the housekeeping
operations of all public libraries coming under the network, link them and enable
sharing of valuable knowledge resources held by them under the network
The actual Pros and Cons will be identified only when the proposed system is in pilot
run. But what can be assumed from the experiences in similar implemented systems are
the following.
Can improve resources utilization and service levels to users at the individual
Provide efficient and reliable means of resource sharing in areas such as inter
library user services, document delivery services, manpower training, access to
national and international databases, and communication link through
publication and inter personal communication and procurement of micro
Through this network people can interact with all Public Libraries in Kerala.
All Public Libraries are networked under a single window. This window can
help people to easily access of e-learning, e-reading and Online Public Access
Catalogue through a Union Cataloguing System.
The recommendations for making the project self sustainable as well as generating
otherwise not avaible resources and services using the system developed are provided
To sustain the Public Library Network the KSLC can adopt the following methods and
Reprography service and the photocopy facility can be given to the public at
nominal rate.
Through social media like twitter, face book etc. more publicity to the system
and services can be given.
To sustain the KPLN – there should be proper training at proper time for library staff
and librarians and these should be conducted by KSLC with utmost sincerity. Then it
will be a successful venture.
KSLC should also promote workshops on Integrated Library Management System used
and the web based technologies. This could help the staff to improve their efficiency at
providing services and people will get more benefit from the libraries.
KSLC can with permission of the publishers develop digital versions of reference
materials and books copies of which are required in the thousands of libraries
Connecting the resources worth millions of rupees at State Central Library to KPLNET,
which is impossible to duplicate otherwise, is one innovative and important suggestion
put forward by this project.
Figure: 7.1 A unique village library web portal at the grassroots level service outlet
where local level knowledge creation will take part.
The project identifies the possibilities for developing knowledge resources highly
specific to each and every region of the state developed locally and pooled by KSLC to
achieve a unique knowledge base, which will support education, research and
development. Local libraries will develop archives of local reminiscence materials,
based on citizens’ stories, photographs and objects from an earlier period of the
village/town‘s history. Development of such a local history collection can dramatically
change our historical research with hitherto undreamed possibilities. KSLC public
library network can with local involvement can identify and collect cultural material of
importance available in different regions like works of art or sculpture, paintings,
documents, musical instruments etc.
Every library will develop its own digital library containing text and images available
only at that region. This will be developed inhouse by participation of the people of the
To maintain the local specialities and interest giving a standard template the village
libraries can be encouragee to make their own site so that each and every site will be
unique. But some part of the sites like entry to library management system looking after
the house keeping operation will have a uniform design.
02. Govi, K.M. Library and Information Science. Tvpm. CIRD, 2011.
03. John, PA and V. K. G. Nair. Public Library Movement in Kerala. Twenty fifth all
India library conference Souvenir. 14 -18, May 1979, Trivandrum.
04. Kerala Public Libraries (Kerala Granthasala Sangham) Rules 1991. Published in
Kerala Gazette 15. 2.1991.
05. Kerala Public Libraries (Kerala Granthasala Sangham) Act 1989 (15 of 1989).
06. Nasirudheen, T.P.O. 2004. Impact of Kerala Granthasala Sanghom on the formulation
of the Kerala Public Libraries Act, 1989. Ph.D. thesis, University of Calicut.
07. Pasilithil. The Kerala Granthasala Sanghom and its socio-cultural contributions.
Trivandrum, Kerala University. 1992.
08. R. Raman Nair. Peoples Library Movement in Kerala. New Delhi, Concept, 2010.
09. Raman Nair, R. Computer Application to Library and Information Services. New
Delhi, Ess Ess, 1992.
11. Ranjith. Rural libraries of Kerala. Trivandrum, Centre for Development Studies,
12. Sudha Azhikodan. 'Public libraries in Malabar. Delhi, Serials Publication, 2010.
13. Thomas, V.K. 2001. Computerisation of public libraries in India.” CLIS observer 18,
no.3 (July-December): 92-98.
14. Vimal Kumar Vand S, Jasimudeen Adoption and user perceptions of Koha library
management system in India. Annals of Library and Information Studies (ALIS) , 2012,
vol. 59, n. 4.
Extracted from Kerala Public Libraries (Kerala Granthasala Sangham) Rules 1991.
Published in Kerala Gazette 15. 2.1991.
2. The library has been functioning for a period of not less than one year prior to the
date of application.
3. The library has a minimum of fifty members as per rules adopted by general body
of library.
4. The library has a minimum of 1000 books 50%of which shall be from the approved
list of KSLC, the cost of which shall not be less than 5000 rupees, at the aggregate.
6. Provided that the SLC may with the recommendation of the Taluk library council
relax this condition in accordance with the density of population in the area
7. The library has the minimum storage facilities for safe keeping of the books,
periodicals and other records accommodate reading room with necessary furniture
for the reading pubic.
8. The library has a building of its own or rented with not less than 15 square meters
9. The membership in the library is open to all irrespective of religion, race, caste,
creed or sex.
10. Provided that special provisions may be made for women and children and members
12. The library has a librarian in charge of its functions who shall be a full employee or
person elected from the members as per the bye-laws of the library.
14. The library has bye-laws duly approved by the general body of the library and
The important duties and powers of the State Library Council are:
2. To co-ordinate the works of the district library council and the Taluk library
3. To supervise and direct all matters relating to library services in the State.
KSLC organizes various programs and services such as conducting Certificate Course
in Library Science, children’s section, women’s section, jail libraries, sanatorium
libraries, juvenile home libraries, reading contest, book banks, orphanage libraries,
academic study centers, rural book circulating programs, rural information centers,
career guidance centers, and model village libraries.
b. Affiliated Libraries
As per the State Library Council’s record, more than 7000 public libraries are affiliated
to the State Library Council and they are classified into six grades from A to F based on
standards formulated by the Council for the purpose of giving grants.
1. Every library applying for affiliation shall pay Rs.100 along with an application.
2. The application as provided in the sub-rule (1) shall be submitted to the secretary,
Taluk Library Council (TLC) of the Taluk which library is situated.
4. The SLC on the receipt of the application duly recommended by the TLC and DLC
after due consideration may grant affiliation to the library and on such affiliation
being granted the library shall be treated as an affiliated library.
5. Nothing contained in these rules shall apply to the libraries deemed to be affiliated
to the SLC under Section 45 on the Act.
2. The SLC shall issue the certificate of affiliation inform NO II. Each library shall be
assigned a code No. consisting of a common serial number and numbers letters
indicating the District and the Taluk.
3. The TLC, DLC and the SLC keep registers showing the details of all affiliated
libraries coming under their jurisdiction.
1. Any decision of the TLC rejecting the application for affiliation to a Library shall be
communicated to the affected party writing within 7 days from the date of such
2. An appeal against such decision shall be filed by the aggrieved person to the SLC
through the DLC within 30 days .The SLC may pass such order on the appeal as it
may deem fit after obtaining the opinion of the DLC.
Every library has to maintain the following records duly approved by the SLC, namely-
1. Bye-laws
2. Admission form
3. Stock register
d. Bye-laws
2. The by-laws/rules as mentioned in the sub-rule (1) shall in accordance with the Act
and the rules.
3. In case of any existing rules/regulation or the bye-laws of the library are contrary to
the provisions of the Act and rules, such rules/regulation or bye-law shall be
deemed to be without force and the SLC shall have the power to direct the library
concerned to amend them .The library is bound to carry out the instructions issued
to it by the SLC.
2. The library has ceased to function and is not in a position to get it is received or
3. Its functioning is such that taking over of the assets etc. is absolutely necessary to
protect the interests of the members.
4. Action as per sub-rule (1) shall not be finalised unless reasonable opportunity is
given to the committee of the library to explain why such action shall not be
f. Gradation of libraries
1. Public libraries are graded in to six groups from A – F. The standards for grading
the libraries are prescribed in FORM No.11.
2. The grade of the library shall be basically fixed on the basis of Two items
4. The grade shall be first fixed on the basis of the number of books viz., book stock. If
the number of times books issued per year viz., book issue is sufficient for the
particular grade that grade will be provisionally assigned to the library. But, if all
the other condition except the book stock for a particular grade are satisfied by a
library, condonation of 10%of the total number of books required shall be allowed,
to make the library eligible for the particular grade.
5. If there is deficiency to the extent of one grade from the number fixed for issue of
books of a particular grade, the classification fixed on the basis of book stock shall
not be altered, provided all the remaining condition are satisfied. But the
classification shall be reduced by one grade, if in addition to the above deficiency;
there is any deficiency in more than one of the condition specified.
6. If the deficiency of issue of books is to the extent of more than one grade, the
classification of the library fixed on the basis of books stock shall correspondingly
be reduced in accordance with the deficiency of issue and the next higher grade
shall be fixed for the library.
7. If there is an increase in the number of issue to an extent of two or more grades, the
classification shall be raised by one grade.
8. In the case of E&F grade libraries, the classification shall be raised by one grade for
the possession of newly constructed building for the first year only.
9. The classification shall further be raised by one more grade for the possession of
any one or more of the following social or cultural activities in the library
5) Nursery school/Anganwadi.
10. Whatever be the deficiency of any library, if it satisfies the minimum conditions
regarding the books stock and issue, the minimum grade F shall be given.
11. If there is any library which does not even satisfy these minimum conditions, the
library shall not be considered eligible for any annual grant.
12. While furnishing proposals for annual grant to libraries the gradation committee
shall also suggest the amount of librarians’ allowance eligible for the libraries to
facilitate the disbursement of annual grant and librarians’ allowance together.
Librarians’ allowance shall not be less than that was eligible before the
commencement of this Act.
No of books Papers Other
Grade Book stock Building
issued M&E Periodicals
Above 8000
A 12000 5M&2E 20 Own
B 5000-8000 5M&2E 15 Own
C 4000-5000 5M&2E 12 Own
D 3000-4000 5M&2E 10 Own
E 2000-3000 5M&1E 10 Own/Rent
F 1000-2000 5M 7 Own/Rent
2. The deficiency of 10% of books in book stock required for a grade will be condoned
provided such libraries satisfy all other conditions.
3. Such of those libraries which have completed the construction of their own
buildings shall be given encouragement by raising them to the next higher grade
4. The value of books in stock will be taken in to consideration .The majority of the
books in stock in the libraries coming under A to F grade should comparatively be
of better standards than those stocked in the libraries of the remaining grades. These
libraries will be equipped with classics as well as reference books. The average cost
of the books stocked in libraries of C to F grade should be Rs.1.50 while in the case
of libraries of A to B grades should be Rs.2.50.
5. Publications received from government or from any other sources should not be
considered for existing grade.
1. The library should be open to all members of the community irrespective of cast,
creed, sex or language.
5. The accounts of the libraries should be accepted passed by the committees of the
6. No library receiving grants from SLC should stock in library books, periodicals or
any other publications prohibited by government.
8. The minimum annual receipt of the library from monthly subscription shall not be
less than Rs. 40.
9. 75% of the grant received by the library under the Act each year shall be utilized for
the purchase of new books for the library. The bills for the books purchased shall be
properly kept by the library for inspection by the officers and non-officials
authorized for the inspection of libraries. Grants shall be given only if the previous
year’s grant has been utilized for purchase of books as per condition laid down. The
grants shall be utilized within two months after their receipt. Separate accounts shall
be maintained by the libraries for receipt and expenditure out of special grants and
building grant if any sanctioned by State library council. Note. The date of receipt
of grants can be excluded in calculating 2 months period under this rule.
10. The remaining 25% of the grant shall be utilized for purpose of the library approved
by the committee within 6 months of date of receipt of the grant.
11. The unspent balance if any of grants shall be surrendered by the libraries after the
period specified in sub rules 9 and 10.
12. Officers disbursing the grant amount shall maintain a register showing the amounts
of grant disbursed to the libraries their utilization, surrender etc.
13. Officers disbursing the grant amounts shall see that libraries which are in receipt of
grant under these rules are working properly.
1. Application for grant shall be submitted to DLC through the TLC in FORM No.5 so
as to reach there on or before the end of June every year.
2. The secretary DLC shall forward proposal to the SLC every year for the constitution
of library gradation committees.
3. SLC shall issue orders constituting the gradation committee every year.
3. Date of establishment :
4. Management :
9. Timing of library :
Here by assure that the library should function as per the decision and suggestions of
the District Library Council, State Library Council and Taluk Library Council.
3. Date of establishment :
4. Member Number :
5. Management :
11 Name of publications :
Dailies :
Weekly :
15 Their cost :
19 Radio available? :
1. Author (English) :
2. Author (concerned :
3. Title (English) :
4. Title (concerned :
5. Editor ,Translator, :
Compiler etc.
6. Publisher :
7. Place of publication :
8. Year of publication :
9. Pages :
10 Keywords :
1. Name :
2. Address :
3. Age :
4. Sex :
5. Education :
6. Occupation :
7. Official address :
8. Telephone :
9. Email :
10. Introduced by :
Date Signature
2. Place :
3. Address :
4. Telephone :
5. Email :
6. Publishers represented :
1. Serial Number :
2. Register Number :
3. Name and Address of the :
4. Taluk :
5. District :
6. Nature of Ownership :
7. Application Date :
8. Date of Approval of the :
executive committee
9. Reasons for removal :
10. Date of removal :
11. Remarks :
1. Serial Number :
2. Register Number :
3. Name and Address of the library :
4. Taluk-District :
5. Name and Address of the librarian :
6. Date of Appointment :
7. Duration of the Appointment :
8. Qualifications
a. General :
b. Technical :
Form No51 Annual Report of the State Library Council (See Rule 133(1))
e. Other Receipts
f. Expenditure
g. a. Recurring
b. Non-recurring
e. Other Receipts
f. Expenditure
g. a. Recurring b. Non-recurring
Questionnaire -I
No Questions? Answers.
5 Number of users?
16 Approximate No of Students,
Teaches, Farmers etc among
17 The System used of Lending books
Questionnaire- II
No Questions? Answers.
3 Experiences?
11 Availability of training?
Questionnaire- II
No Questions? Answers.
4 Administrative set up
5 Number of staff