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Theme Page Roadmap

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Theme Page Roadmap

Tools needed:
Market Research: Market Research Sheet
Market Research: Market Research Example
Check peoples growth: Socialblade.com
Find the best content: Viralfindr.com
Find background images: Google Lens
Create Content: Photoshop
Hire a Logo Designer: fiverr.com

Theme Page Foundation

-> You can find videos explaining each step inside the member's area (make sure to
watch them)

1. Choose Your Niche

The first step on your journey is to choose your niche. I myself am a big fan of the business
niche because it’s easy to monetize.

Within the business niche, you can sell “how to make money / how to build a business”
products and services which are super trendy at the moment.

PLUS: Shoutout prices and the demand of shoutouts is high within the business niche
because many coaches and consultants (personal brand) are looking to promote their
products, services, and Instagram accounts in front of a business audience.

One of my pages @monye.focus for example makes over $20,000+ per month just from

In the food niche that wouldn’t be possible.

You’d probably need 10,000,000+ followers. @money.focus currently has 970,000 followers.

Rule #1: Choose a niche that’s “easy” to monetize

Rule #2: Try to catch trends

Within the business niche there are always trends and new let’s call it “sub-niches” open

4 years ago for example there were no business theme pages. There were only
motivational quotes pages.

@money.focus and @allaroundbusiness were one of the first “business pages” and they
were super easy to grow at the beginning because it was a new sub-niche within the
motivational quotes niche.

About 1,5 years ago female business / female confidence/women empowerment pages
started blowing up and if you were an early adopter like one of my clients
@confidentlywomen it was super easy to grow your page.

Now recently, at the beginning of 2022 a new sub-niche within the business niche started
blowing up. The “earning tips/side hustle opportunities” pages.

Example Pages: earning.tip , money.generate , money.explore , money.guiden

@earning.tip for example grew from 0 to 300,000+ followers in just a few months and
makes approximately $15,000 a month from shoutouts. Why? Only posting videos with
earning tips and side-hustle opportunities was a new trend + it attracted the perfect
audience for coaches and consultants who wanted to promote their products and
services in front of people who are actively looking for side hustle opportunities.

Another great example is @businessgrowthmentor

The page is within the business niche, yes, but it cathed a trend when it comes to content.
Check their growth on social blade (here’s the link). The page grew to over 590,000
followers in 1 month.

The question is: How do you catch trends? That’s what we’ll talk about in the next
video/section “Market Research”.

But before that a little, but IMPORTANT note over here when it comes to choosing your
niche: You don’t have to go into the business niche!
I have seen many of my students go into the business niche and yes, the business niche is
amazing, but there are so many other amazing niches (in which it’s often way easier to
grow an account than within the business niche).

Example #1: https://www.instagram.com/supecarshub/

Example #2: https://www.instagram.com/matchfitsoccer/

Example #3: https://www.instagram.com/life.is.a.dance/

Example #4: https://www.instagram.com/thehitterslab/

Those are all client's pages that are NOT within the business niche. Of course, there are
many more great examples of pages that are not within the business niche, but I hope
that those give you brought idea.

My advice: Go into a niche that you are passionated about / choose a topic that you are
interested in.

And (IMPORTANT): Before you choose your niche make sure to do your market research to
figure out if #1: The niche actually exists and that there’s potential for growth and #2: That
it’s “easy” to monetize within that niche.

2. Get Proof Of Concept

The goal of market research is to first of all figure out if the niche that you potentially want
to go into actually exists and if there’s room for growth. And you also want to figure out if
it’s “easy” to monetize.

Once you know that there’s room for growth within that niche and once you figured out
that it’s “easy” to monetize within that niche you can dig deeper and do the actual market

- How do you know that there’s room for growth?

Simple: There need to be “big pages” within that niche that are consistently growing. If
there were, for example, no pages within the business niche that were getting many likes,
and views and weren’t consistently growing then I wouldn’t go into that niche.
- How do I know if a niche is “easy” to monetize?

Just go to the successful page within that niche and observe their posts and stories. Are
they consistently promoting a product in their story and bio? Are they consistently selling
shoutouts / paid promotions? If yes, go message them and ask for the prices of their
shoutouts. You can then calculate how much they are approximately earning.

Also, go to clickbank.com or the digisore24 marketplace and try to find affiliate products
within that niche. Do many products exist? What’s their seller's rank?

Also, go to YouTube and search for that niche and check if there are any big channels that
promote and sell products successfully.

Example: Are there any big YouTube Channels within the business niche that consistently
promote products?

YES! That means there’s proof of concept.

2.1. Do Market Research

Once you have proof of concept you can go ahead and do the actual market research.

Let’s take the business niche as an example.

#1: Go to Instagram and search for the keywords within the business niche to find
accounts ( business, money, success, mindset, millionaire, mentor etc.).

Open up all the accounts that you can find and enter them into the Market Research

Note: Split the pages into #1: Big Accounts & #2: Small Accounts

Why? You want to do market research for big and for small pages, because sometimes
what works for big pages doesn’t work that well for small pages.

That means you’ll have two market research files.

#1: For Big Accounts

#2: For Small Accounts
Here’s a template:


Here’s also a link to an example of market research, to give you an idea.

So how do you do the market research:

#1: Enter all the pages you found into the Big Accounts Sheet and Small Accounts Sheet
#2: Go to socialblade.com and check their monthly growth and enter it into the market
research sheet
#3: Enter all the other details (followers, bio etc.)
#4: List the pages in an order when it comes to growth (Fastest growing to slowest
growing / losing followers)

You now have a list of the most successful big and small pages within your niche.

You then take a look at what exactly those pages are doing.

- What kind of username do they have

- What kind of logo do they have
- What kind of name do they have
- How do they structure their bio
- What highlights do they have
- How often are they posting (check on socialblade)
- What kind of content are they posting (normal photos, videos, reels, slide shows
- What hashtags do they use and how many
- At what times do they post
- How many stories do they upload
- How do they structure their captions
- What colors do they use in the logos, posts, and highlights

Make sure to follow those pages to check on a daily base what they are doing.

Also, go to Viralfindr.com and search for all of the pages and see what their most
successful posts are to get an idea of what kind of content works in your niche.
After doing the market research you should already have a good idea of what works in
your niche and what doesn’t work. Now it’s time to create your username.

3. Choose Your Username

Choosing your username is really simple. The hard part is to find a username that’s not
already taken.

Note: It can take days to find a good one, but it’s IMPORTANT to find an awesome one

If your username sucks, your chances of success will massively decrease. So take the time
to find an AWESOME one!

Here are my rules for usernames:

#1: Make sure that a BIG keyword is inside your username and make sure that it’s search
engine optimized = something that people search for within your niche.

Example Business Niche:

- business
- money
- wealth

#2: Make sure that the keyword and overall username is congruent with the content that
you’ll post.

- mindset would for example also be a keyword within the business niche, but if your
plan is to only post business content and for example earning tips, then having the
keyword “mindset” within your username isn’t a smart move.

#3: Use a brand word. Of course, having a username like wealth, or money, or business
would be awesome, but all of them are already taken. That’s why we add a “brand” word
to the username. A great example is the page motivationmafia. The keyword is
motivation, the brand word mafia. Another great example is money.focus or
money.guiden or business.pharaoh or millionaire_mentor.
#4: Make sure that you username is clean. Do NOT use any numbers (4 6 2 or whatver).
Also don’t use more than 1 “_”, ‘.’ or whatver. Exmaple of what NOT to do:

#5: The username has to make sense. For example: mindset.therapy. Keyword + Brand
Word. People read the username and they know exaclty what kind of content they can
expect on the account. That’s the goal.

4. Create Your Name

For those of you who don’t know what the “Name” is. It’s the thing under the username that
in this example says: “Business I Money I Wealth”

For the name there are basically just 2 options.

#1: Your Username: “Money Guiden”

#2: Serch Engine Optimized Keywords from your Niche “Business I Money I Wealth”

5. Your Logo & Highlights

The logo of your theme page is really important. If it sucks, the first impression of your
potential follower isn’t good and you don’t want that to happen.

I’d recommend to get a professional to design your Logo and Highlights.

Find one on fiverr.com or contact my team (Find the contact details in module 1)

Rulse for your Logo and Highlights:

#1: Make sure that it goes into the direction of what the most successful pages from your
niche have
#2: Make sure that it looks clean (Black & White + Your Branding Color)

Note: If you for example go into the business niche you should have 1 (NOT 2 or 3)
branding color. For example blue, or yellow.

Example of a good logos:

#3: Have your username inside your logo or / and and icon (like wealth / 2 exmaple) that
strongly represents the username.

Note: In other niches the conecept of a “great logo” might be different. For exmaple the
travel niche. Within the travel niche successful accounts don’t follow those steps. They
usually just have an awesome travel image as their logo. That’s why you do the market
research to figure out what works and what doesn’t.

6. The Instagram Bio

Your Instagram Bio is part of the first impression that people have. So you want to make
sure that it’s awesome!

Here are a couple of rules for creating your bio:

- #1: You want to make sure that it looks super clean (don’t use too many emojis - if
you use emojis make sure that they look clean and that the colors are congruent
with your branding color + black and white)

- #2: Let people know what kind of content they can expect

- #3: Give people a reason to follow / have curiosity inside

- #4: Do NOT promote your products or services too much (Maximum 1 line (usually
the last one in the bio with a link in bio call to action))

Pro Tip: Create 5-10 different bios and then choose the best one

7. Examples of Great Accounts

- Username: Keywords + it’s clean (isn’t too long, no numbers, underscores etc.)
- Logo: Username is inside, black and white + branding color
- Name: Keywords are inside (I’d personally exclude NFT and put something else)
- Bio: Shows people what content to expect + gives a reason to follow

- Username: Keyword + Brand word + The username makes sense

- Name: Keywords
- Logo: Username + Clean Colors
- Highlights: Clean and congruent with the logo/branding color
- Bio: Shows what content to expect, but doesn't really give a reason to follow
- Username: Perfect (just 1 search engine optimized key word)
- Name: Search Engine Optimized Keywords
- Bio: Gives people a reason to follower + shows what content they can expect
- Logo: Clean (just 2 colors) and has an icon that strongly associates with the
- Highlights: Clean and congruent with the logo and branding color

Theme Page Setup / Growth

1. Your Content Strategy

When it comes to your content strategy you want to make sure that your content triggers
all the metrics that the Instagram Algorithm has.

To understand this content make sure to watch the video inside the member's area again!

Here are the metrics and the type of content that works great for them.

- Likes = Normal Posts & Viral Reposts

- Saves = Slide Shows with lot’s of value
- Views = One-second videos
- Comments = Posts with a comment call to cation
- Shares = Something funny / valuable
- Watch Duration = Reels

When it comes to your content strategy the most important part is that you ONLY post
content that has proof of concept/content that’s already proven to work. PLUS: You want
to make sure that if your content involves designing something (for example quotes and
business posts), that your design template (the font, color, size of logo etc) also have
proof of concept.

In the next section, I’ll show you how to find viral content.

IMPORTANT: Test a lot when it comes to your content strategy until you found something
successful. Test the fonts, the structure of the posts, the research process etc.
2. Find Viral Content

To find viral content you basically only need 2 things.

#1: Your Market Research File (The list of the best pages)
#2: https://viralfindr.com/

You simply go to https://viralfindr.com/ and put all the successful pages from your niche
into the search function.

Viral Findr will then show you their most liked/viewed posts/videos.

You can then repost them if you are in a reposting niche - for example, the travel niche or
re-create them if you are in a re-creating niche - for example, the business niche.

PRO TIP: To find viral videos make sure to also search on other platforms like Tik Tok or

3. Create Viral Content

Content is the most important part of your Instagram account and also growth strategy. If
the content is 10/10 then your account will grow and you’ll get results.

If your content sucks, then you’ll get no results. It’s that simple. So if there’s one thing that
you should really FOCUS on then it’s learning how to find and create good content.

Explaining how to create good content and what tools to use is a little bit hard to do inside
of text form. That’s why we have videos inside the Theme Page Module showing you
exactly what tools to use and how to create content. Make sure to check them out.

PRO TIP: As I said: Content is the most IMPORTANT thing when it comes to your Instagram
account. So make sure to test a lot until you found a “theme” that works for you.
4. Posting Time, Frequency etc.

Okay, let’s talk about posting time and frequency. The idea behind is actually very simple:
Do what works! Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Just do what works.

How do you know what works?

That’s what you did the market research for.

Now, as I already told you at the beginning: What sometimes works for big pages doens’t
always work for small pages. For example when it comes to the posting frequency.

Some of the big pages within your niche might uplaod 20x a day, but if you’d do that as a
small page it wouldn’t work. That’s why we did the market research for small and for big

So, your job to figure out at what time to post and how often to post is to simply take a
look at what the small successful pages are doing. And you then simply COPY it. The post
frequency and the posting time.

It’s that simple.

5. Captions

Same for the captions. Just take a look at what the successful pages are doing and copy
it! They usually have a call to action in the first line. After that 3 times their username and
then the hashtags.

6. Hashtags

The hashtag game is also really simple. You just copy what the small successful pages
are doing. But there are a couple of important rules/frameworks.

Rule #1: ONLY use hashtags that perfectly fit into your red line/content strategy.

Framework #1: Use 5-10 super relevant hashtags (relevant to the post) that of course also
fit into the red line / your content strategy

#elonmusk #rich #elonmuskadvice #wealth

-> #elonmusk = the post is about elon musk and there’s an image of him
-> #rich = fit’s into the red line and the word “rich” is within the post
-> #elonmuskadvice - fit’s into the red line of the account and fit’s into the post
-> #wealth - fit’s into the red line of the account and the word is inside the post
7. Engagement Groups

People always talk about engagement groups and whether you should use them or not. I
personally would NOT use them.

The only case when you can try to use them for a short period of time is if your account
isn’t growing after a long time of posting 10/10 content and doing everything correctly. You
can then try to use an engagement group to get your account into the algorithm.

Note: Make sure that the engagement group is specifically for the niche that you are in.

8. Grow Your Instagram Account

Alright, let’s talk about growing your Instagram account and the different strategies that
you can use. Before we talk about growth let me make this clear: The Foundation for
massive growth is what we talked about before. If your username sucks, you’ll have a hard
time growing. If your logo is a 6/10 and not a 10/10 then you’ll also have it harder to grow.
The same goes for the bio and the highlights.

But THE MOST IMPORTANT part is your content. If your content is a 5/10 then your account
won’t grow. If it’s a 7/10 then the account will only grow slowly. If it’s an 8/10, then yes you’ll
grow, but you won’t reach your full potential.

The most important part of growth is your content!

Master this and you don’t have to worry about hashtags, posting time, captions etc.

Right now the most powerful type of content that you can use to grow is video content,
especially reels.

If you master reels, then you’re good to go!

Anyways, let’s also talk about other growth strategies that you can use to grow you
account especially in the early stages.

- #1: Connect your account with Facebook and also post your reels on Facebook
Going viral on Facebook is super easy and the views you get on Facebook will also be
counted into your views on Instagram. It won’t help you with growth directly, but indirectly
it will, because the overall metrics of the account will improve and it will make going viral
on Instagram itself way easier.

- #2: The HTN Strategie

Another great way to grow your Instagram account in the early stages is the HTN Strategy.
HTN stands for Highly Targeted Niche.

Ask yourself “Who is my dream follower?” and “Where does he hang around on

- What accounts does he follow and what kind of content does he interact with?

Find the answer to that question, then go to those accounts and the posts that your
dream followers like, and interact with the people who comment on those posts.

Give their comment a like, reply to it, follow them, message them etc.

What will happen is that those “dream followers” will take a look at your account and if it’s
setten up correctly and if the content is a 10/10, then many of them will follow you and
interact with your content. That will help a lot to get the first 1,000 followers.

Once your account grows 100+ followers per day you don’t have to use the HTN Strategy

Note: Don’t interact with profiles too fast. Instagram might action block you and you don’t
want that to happen.

- #3: Influencer Marketing

The by far best way to grow your Instagram account is Influencer Marketing. You simply
pay pages from your niche to promote your account.

Note: Only do it once you grow organically. Otherwise, you’ll confuse the algorithm.

The question is how can you run paid promotions / Influencer Marketing consistently
without going broke. The answer is simple: You have to monetize your account and make
at least $1 back for every $1 that you spend. You can then basically get unlimited followers
for free. And that’s exactly what we’ll talk about in the next section. But before that let’s talk
about Instagram stories really fast.

9. Instagram Stories

Instagram stories on theme pages are really simple if you don’t want to build a brand
(personal brand or undercover personal brand). You just post content that’s congruent to
what you have in your feed.

But I’d highly recommend you to build an actual brand because it’s the only way how
you’ll truly monetize a theme page with products and services.

Monetization, Automation & Scaling

1. Monetization

When it comes to monetizing a Theme Page there are a couple of different things that you
can do.

The first way is Shoutouts. And shoutouts are really powerful. @money.focus for example
makes $20,000+ per month just from shoutouts and I spend less than 5 minutes per day
on the account, but more about that later.

The second way is Affiliate Marketing. You can sell other people's products on your Theme
Page. Check the Affiliate Marketing Module here inside the program to learn more about it.

The third way is to sell your own product or service and that’s what I would recommend
you to do. YES, I’d highly recommend you to develop your own product and service and to
sell it on your theme page. Because that’s where you truly learn business and build
something that has the potential to make you multiple 5 figures a month, even 6 figures
($100,000+ per month).

Note: I monetize my theme pages mainly by selling shoutouts and by selling my own
products. Yes, sometimes we also promote affiliate products and it brings in a few
thousand dollars a month, but the focus is on shoutouts and our own products.
2. Automation

The goal shouldn’t be to forever create all the content yourself and to manage the page
yourself. The goal should be to automate EVERYTHING.

And that’s exactly what I did for my theme pages. All of my pages run completely on
autopilot and I actually spend 0 minutes a day managing them. Sometimes I just for fun
look into them and that’s it.

How do you do it? Simple: Your hire 2 people.

- #1: A content creator and account manager who takes care of the whole account

You can find content creators on Instagram itself (by simply messaging pages that have
great content) and then train them. YES, you should train them and show them exactly
how to find viral content, how to create it etc. (even if they already know how to create
great content). Or you can simply work with my team. Contact details are in the first

- #2: A shoutout manager

The second person you have to hire is a shoutout manager. Someone who sells the
shoutouts in the direct messages, who negotiates the deals, and who uploads the content.
In the members are you can find a video from my shoutout manager in which he explains
everything he does.

3. Scaling

Alright, you’ve made it to the last chapter of this module/roadmap. And it’s actually the
most exciting one! Scaling. How do you do it?

It’s also relatively simple.

What you need to scale is basically 3 different things.

- #1: An Offer
- #2: A Sales Process
- #3: An unlimited Traffic Source
An Offer is basically something that you can sell. It can be your own product or service or
someones else's product or service.

Once you have that you need a sales process. An automated sales process that turns
followers into customers.

You need a promotional strategy (posts and stories) that get makes people aware of your
offer and that get’s them interested and you need a Funnel.

A combination of websites, emails etc that automatically sells your offer.

Once you have that you can start printing money and scale.

You can start selling your offer to your existing audience and make the first money with
that and you then simply reinvest the profits into Influencer Marketing. You then get new
followers, some of them will be interested in what you offer and some will buy your offer.

The key is to make this whole process profitable. And that’s exactly what we will talk about
in the Personal Branding module. Enjoy :)

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