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The American Journal of Pathology, Vol. 191, No.

5, May 2021
See related Commentary on page 805

Statistical Methods in Experimental Pathology
A Review and Primer
Douglas A. Mata* and Danny A. Milner, Jryz

From Foundation Medicine, Inc.,* Cambridge, Massachusetts; the American Society for Clinical Pathology,y Chicago, Illinois; and the Harvard T.H. Chan
School of Public Health,z Boston, Massachusetts

Accepted for publication

February 11, 2021. Correct use of statistical methods is important to ensure the reliability and value of the published
experimental pathology literature. Considering increasing interest in the quality of statistical reporting
Address correspondence to
Douglas A. Mata, M.D., M.P.H., in pathology, the statistical methods used in 10 recent issues of the American Journal of Pathology were
Foundation Medicine, Inc., 150 reviewed. The statistical tests performed in the articles were summarized, with attention to their im-
Second St., Cambridge, plications for contemporary pathology research and practice. Among the 195 articles identified, 93%
MA, 02141-2115; or Danny A. reported using one or more statistical tests. Retrospective statistical review of the articles revealed
Milner, Jr, M.D., M.Sc., M.B.A., several key findings. First, tests for normality were infrequently reported, and parametric hypothesis
American Society for Clinical tests were overutilized. Second, studies reporting multisample hypothesis tests (eg, analysis of vari-
Pathology, 33 W. Monroe St., ance) infrequently performed post hoc tests to explore differences between study groups. Third, cor-
Ste. 1600, Chicago, IL 60605- relation, regression, and survival analysis techniques were underutilized. On the basis of these findings,
5308. E-mail: dmata@
a primer on relevant statistical concepts and tests is presented, including issues related to optimal,
study design, descriptive and comparative statistics, and regression, correlation, survival, and genetic
[email protected], or
[email protected]. data analysis. (Am J Pathol 2021, 191: 784e794;

Conducting experimental pathology research requires fa- community, because of the sheer volume of articles pub-
miliarity with a range of statistical concepts and proficiency lished each year that experience these issues, may proceed
in performing statistical tests. However, prior work has down a path of scientific conclusion that is unjustified.
shown that pathologists report a poor overall understanding To ameliorate these issues, there has been a movement
of statistics, suggesting that they would benefit from further within the scientific community to increase the emphasis on
training in epidemiologic study design and from mastering statistical review at the grant and publication level.2,3 This
about a dozen commonly used statistical tests.1 movement, although well intentioned, is hampered by a lack
In experimental pathology, the range of experiment types of individuals with statistical expertise and/or crossover
is vast and includes in vitro basic science studies, animal knowledge to provide meaningful review of increasingly
studies, qualitative and quantitative tissue morphology and complex studies. A complementary approach is for scientific
morphometry analyses, and big data studies of genetic, journals to periodically review the statistical tests used in
transcriptomic, and proteomic data. Unfortunately, physi- their publications, observe what can be learned from these
cians and scientists with limited formal training in statistics surveys, and provide rationale and support to future authors
often select incorrect analysis plans when preparing manu- about how to make the right decisions for their studies.4
scripts for publication. Additionally even with an editor’s To that end, we surveyed a selection of articles published
focus on high-quality scientific data, many editorial boards in The American Journal of Pathology over a 5y-period to
and reviewers lack the expertise to provide sufficient sta-
tistical review to catch subtle errors in study design, test Disclosures: D.A.M. is an employee of Foundation Medicine, Inc., and
selection, and interpretation. Therefore, the scientific owns stock in Roche Holdings.

Copyright ª 2021 American Society for Investigative Pathology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Statistics in Pathology

understand the type and frequency of statistical tests per- are generally applicable to studies with larger sample sizes,
formed. We then used these data as a starting point to were accordingly overutilized, constituting 54% of tests.
discuss which tests a researcher should be familiar with as Two-sample parametric tests predominated, representing
well as to make inferences about test utilization in the field 32% of tests reported, followed by multisample parametric
of experimental pathology. tests, representing 22% of tests reported. Only 8% of re-
ported two-sample tests were nonparametric. Studies
reporting multisample tests did not perform post hoc tests to
Survey of Articles explore differences between study groups 68% of the time.
Few studies corrected P values for multiple testing. Lastly,
Ten issues of The American Journal of Pathology published correlation, regression, and survival analysis techniques
between January 2014 and December 2018 were randomly were underused, even though several studies reported data
selected for review. The articles published in the issues were that would have been amenable to analysis with such
examined to determine the type and number of statistical tests methods (Figure 1).
reported per article. Among the 10 issues, 195 articles were Taken together, these results indicate that there is room for
identified, 93% of which reported using one or more statis- improvement in the statistical methods of the published pa-
tical tests. In all, 426 statistical tests were reported, with a thology literature. On the basis of these findings, a primer on
median of two tests per article. A summary of the statistical relevant statistical concepts and tests is presented below,
tests reported by the articles is shown in Figure 1. These including issues pertaining to study design, descriptive sta-
included tests of normality (eg, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test); tistics, normality assessment, two-sample and multisample
methods of P-value correction for multiple testing (eg, Bon- comparisons, regression and correlation analysis, categorical
ferroni); two-sample parametric (eg, t-test) and nonparametric data analysis, survival analysis, and genetic data analysis.
(eg, Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon) tests; multisample parametric
(eg, parametric analysis of variance, including Tukey and
Dunnett tests) and nonparametric (eg, Kruskal-Wallis) tests; Selecting an Appropriate Study Design
post hoc tests (eg, Newman-Keuls); tests for assessing dif-
ferences among categorical variables (eg, c2 and Fisher exact High-quality research in pathology should ideally begin
tests); correlation analysis (eg, Spearman and Pearson with rigorous attention to study design and statistical
methods); generalized linear models (eg, linear regression); methods.5 However, the skills needed to pursue these ob-
survival analysis (eg, Kaplan-Meier analysis and Cox pro- jectives are not often taught in pathology training programs,
portional hazards regression); and other specialized methods, unlike in training programs in data science. For example, in
such as DCt analysis of real-time PCR data. training epidemiologists and biostatisticians, emphasis is
Retrospective review of the reported statistical tests placed on experimental design before beginning data
revealed several key findings. Tests for normality, the collection. This process involves generating an a priori
formal method of determining whether a parametric or statistical analysis plan, including anticipated data types,
nonparametric test is indicated, were only reported in 5% of sample size calculations, and test selection. In only rare
articles, even though many had small sample sizes (ie, <20 instances does the researcher designing an experiment not
observations). Parametric tests, which assume that data are know the form the data will take; therefore, the generation
distributed according to a well-defined distribution and thus of a statistical analysis plan, which should guide

Figure 1 Statistical tests utilized by the articles surveyed. A bar chart is shown with the breakdown of test type, total number encountered, and
percentage of total. The graph shows all tests (not all articles). n Z 426. ANOVA, analysis of variance.

The American Journal of Pathology - 785

Mata and Milner

experiments just as the technical protocol does, should be key concepts, although intended for humans, can be applied to
considered mandatory. experimental intervention studies involving animals.12
Selecting a proper study design should coincide with the
process of generating a research question. Turning an idea for
an experimental pathology study into an answerable question
Statistical Software
is an important part of the process. A good question is
Once a research question, study design, and statistical analysis
FINERdfeasible, interesting, novel, ethical, and rele-
protocol have been established, data collection and analysis
vantdand should be written up as a formal scientific proposal
can commence. Familiarity with one or more commonly used
with a literature review, hypothesis, and proposed methods
data management systems and statistical software packages is
before commencing data collection.6 Completing this exer-
essential. Although beginners might make use of free web-
cise will inform study design selectiondbe it case-control,
based analysis tools, such as MedCalc (MedCalc Software
cross-sectional, cohort, randomized, or something
Ltd, Ostend, Belgium) and OpenEpi (
elsedand the approach to the data analysis. In experimental
com, last accessed February 17, 2021), intermediate users
pathology, cross-sectional or retrospective cohort studies are
will likely be most comfortable with Excel (Microsoft Corp.,
common study designs.
Redmond, WA), which not only allows for data entry,
For any proposed experimental pathology study, one should
storage, and filtering, but also provides a graphical user
read the relevant guidelines before collecting data (Table 1).
interface for graphical data exploration, descriptive and
The EQUATOR Network (Enhancing the QUAlity and
comparative statistics, and correlation and regression analysis
Transparency Of health Research) provides resources for
through the Analysis ToolPak. Other easily accessible
reporting research studies, providing guidelines for all standard
graphical user interfaceebased options include GraphPad
epidemiologic study designs as well as for basic science and
Prism (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA), Minitab (Minitab,
animal studies (, last accessed
LLC, State College, PA), SPSS (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY), and
February 17, 2021).7 Although these guidelines primarily
PSPP (, last accessed
advise how to report results, they also provide an implicit
February 17, 2021). However, most researchers will want to
framework for how studies should be conducted. Of particular
develop expertise in a robust statistical programming
relevance to pathology are the Standard Protocol Items: Rec-
environment, such as R (The R Foundation for Statistical
ommendations for Interventional Trials statement, which dis-
Computing, Vienna, Austria), Stata (StataCorp LLC, College
cusses how to prepare an a priori study protocol before data
Station, TX), SAS (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC), or
collection8; the Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo
Anaconda/Python (Anaconda Inc., Austin, TX). The
Experiments guidelines, which discuss how to report in vivo
following sections assume the reader has access to one or
animal experiments9; the Case Reports guidelines, which
more of these tools.
provide instructions on how to prepare case reports10; and the
Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in
Epidemiology guidelines, which cover the reporting of obser- Data Exploration and Descriptive Statistics
vational studies such as cross-sectional and cohort studies.11
The Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials statement, In pathology, many types of studies include observations
which advises on reporting parallel group randomized trials, is that need to be describeddand have valuedbut do not
also of special relevance to experimental pathology because its actually involve comparisons requiring a statistical test.

Table 1 Reporting Guidelines Relevant to Experimental Pathology Research

Type Example Description
Study protocols SPIRIT statement Guidelines for preparing a priori study protocols; emphasis on clinical
trials, but relevant for other study types.
Preclinical animal studies ARRIVE guidelines Reporting guidelines for any subfield of biomedical research that utilizes
laboratory animals.
Case reports CARE guidelines Consensus guidelines on data collection and chart review for clinical case
Observational studies STROBE statement Guidelines for reporting case-control, cross-sectional, and cohort
studies; broadly relevant to all pathology research.
Randomized trials CONSORT statement Guidelines for reporting parallel-group randomized trials.
Diagnostic accuracy studies STARD guidelines Standards for reporting the accuracy of medical diagnostic tests.
The Equator Network provides >400 other reporting guidelines with broad relevance across health research ( Authors are
encouraged to search for reporting guidelines relevant to their study types before commencing data collection and analysis.
ARRIVE, Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments; CARE, Case Reports; CONSORT, Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials; SPIRIT, Standard
Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials; STARD, Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy; STROBE, Strengthening the Reporting of
Observational Studies in Epidemiology.

786 - The American Journal of Pathology

Statistics in Pathology

Researchers may encounter new entities (eg, tumors or significantly from the gaussian distribution. For small
disease states) or note an important phenomenon within a sample sizes, we therefore recommend that nonparametric
commonly used experimental system that should be tests be used even if the data appear normally distributed on
accounted for and described (eg, a preponderance of My- formal testing. One should also note that when sample sizes
coplasma in cell cultures). The methods of descriptive sta- are exceptionally large, formal testing may reject the null
tistics provide a means to summarize a data set using hypothesis of normality, even for trivial deviations that have
measures of frequency, central tendency, dispersion or little to no effect on the conclusions drawn from parametric
variation, and position or rank.13 These methods contrast hypothesis tests. Therefore, for most medical data sets, vi-
with those of inferential statistics, which involve the use of sual inspection for normality is sufficient.
hypothesis tests to generalize the findings from a smaller Regardless of whether visual inspection or formal statis-
data set to a larger population. More importantly, the nature tical testing of normality is conducted, prespecifying the
of the observations themselves often dictates the appropriate rationale for the decision and the downstream statistical
statistical description needed, and an analysis plan should analysis plan before conducting experiments and making
ideally be prespecified before beginning a descriptive study, further inferences is key. There is a significant risk of bias
just as one would be for a randomized trial. associated with defining a statistical testing approach after
Regardless of the study design, the first step after data detailed examination of the data.
collection should be description rather than comparison.
Once data have been collected, each variable in the data set
should be visually inspected, explored, and summarized in Parametric and Nonparametric Two-Sample and
accordance with the prespecified analytical plan defined Multisample Comparisons
before data collection commenced. Steps may include, in
addition to providing textual descriptions of phenomena, i) Once a comparison is introduced to an experiment, statis-
inspecting data for typos and missing values; ii) calculating tical tests are required to determine whether observed dif-
measures of central tendency (eg, mean, median, and mode) ferences are likely to represent real differences. The
and dispersion (eg, SD, range, and interquartile range) of methods of inferential statistics involve the use of statistical
each continuous variable; iii) plotting continuous variables hypothesis tests to generalize findings from a sample to the
as scatter plots, histograms, box-and-whisker plots, or violin larger population from which the sample was drawn.
plots to visually assess for normality and potential outliers; Choosing the appropriate comparative test depends on the
and iv) tabulating categorical variables and determining the type of data to be compared. A key distinction is between
percentage of observations within each category. numeric and categorical variables. Numeric variables are
Visualizing continuous variables using a histogram al- either described with discrete values (eg, count data, such as
lows the researcher to determine by visual inspection the number of positive blood cultures in a patient hospital-
whether the variables are normally distributed, which may ized with sepsis or the number of mitoses per high-power
inform the type of hypothesis testing to be performed field in a gastrointestinal stromal tumor) or take on a con-
(Figure 2). Notably, data that are not normally distributed, tinuum of values (eg, age at initial histopathologic diagnosis
such as the right-skewed example in Figure 2, can often be of glioblastoma or the variant allele fraction of a mutant
transformed to a normal gaussian distribution by way of NF1 allele by next-generation sequencing).
logarithmic or square root transformation.14 Assessing for If a numeric-dependent variable is normally distributed,
normality is a key component of the data exploration pro- then a parametric statistical test can be used to assess
cess because differences among normally distributed vari- whether it differs between two or more groups.16 For
ables can be assessed with parametric hypothesis tests, example, a two-sample t-test could be used to determine
whereas those among nonnormally distributed variables are whether age at diagnosis for prostatic adenocarcinoma
better assessed with nonparametric tests.15 However, it is differed according to whether patients were Black or White.
important to remember that nonparametric tests can still be For simultaneously comparing age at diagnosis among pa-
used on normally distributed data; in fact, nonparametric tients who were Asian, Hispanic, or Pacific Islander, a
tests are likely to detect meaningful between-group differ- multisample comparison could be performed using analysis
ences and less likely to detect statistically significant dif- of variance, and if a significant difference was noted, a post
ferences that are in actuality clinically insignificant. hoc test could suggest which racial group was more likely to
In addition to visual inspection, statistical tests of be diagnosed at a younger or older age. For multisample
normality, such as the D’Agostino K-squared test, the tests, either parametric or nonparametric, post hoc tests can
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and the Shapiro-Wilk test are be used to investigate the significance of an individual effect
available, which test the data against the null hypothesis that size.17 However, a caveat is that studies are rarely
they are normally distributed. Each of these tests has adequately powered for definitive post hoc testing. The re-
different performance characteristics, and none is particu- sults of post hoc testing should generally be considered
larly powerful for small sample sizes. They may not reject exploratory and ideally subjected to independent assessment
the null hypothesis of normality, even for data that deviate in a separate experiment. Furthermore, researchers should

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Mata and Milner

Figure 2 Normally distributed data compared with skewed data. Left panel: Visual inspection of the data reveals them to be normally distributed. The
median and mean are both 50, and the Shapiro-Wilk normality test yields a P value of 0.21, confirming this impression. Right panel: Visual inspection of the
data reveals a right skew. The median and mean are discordant (77 versus 50), and the Shapiro-Wilk test yields a statistically significant P value of <0.001,
confirming the data are not normally distributed.

not use post hoc tests to data dredge subgroups if their Example: Age, sex, race, history of diabetes, weight, body
original hypothesis was not supported by their experiment. mass index, number of years smoking cigarettes, and average
More importantly, because sample sizes in pathology are number of cigarettes smoked per day and patient serum low-
often small, nonparametric tests should be used at least as density lipoprotein (LDL) levels, provide a set of nine vari-
often as parametric tests, if not more often.18 Nonparametric ables. Of these, age, weight, body mass index, and number of
tests are used for data with a skewed distribution (eg, tumor years smoking are continuous variables (ie, they can have any
mutational burden in glioblastoma patients with and without value, and math can be performed on them). Sex, race, and
temozolomide-induced hypermutation) or taking the form of history of diabetes are categorical variables. The average
a discrete or ranked scale (eg, a Likert scale).19 These tests number of cigarettes smoked per day is an integral variable
have the advantage of relaxing assumptions about the dis- greater than zero so it may be evaluated as an ordinal or a
tribution of the data. They work by assigning ranks to data categorical (collapsed) variable. Our hypothesis is that LDL
and comparing the ranks without accounting for the actual concentration is related to and predicted by one or more of the
size difference between sample values. Parametric tests, like collected variables. Note that, given the nine variables, any of
t-tests, are easily influenced by extreme outlier values. In them can be used as the dependent (outcome) variable to
contrast, nonparametric tests are not hindered by outliers, as examine how others relate to it. However, in practice, a sci-
the rank scheme between the values remains unchanged. It entific hypothesis is being tested and so a direction and pur-
bears repeating, a nonparametric test could also be applied pose to the questions should be obvious. Because LDL
to normally distributed data (eg, the Mann-Whitney- cholesterol concentration is a continuous variable, linear
Wilcoxon test could substitute for the t-test in the prostate regression is a good choice for determining whether age, sex,
cancer example above); although this may slightly reduce race, or any of the other collected predictor variables are
power to detect differences, truly meaningful differences associated with an increase or decrease in LDL levels. The
would still likely be detected. magnitude and direction of each association would be sum-
marized by the slope of the fitted line between the outcome (ie,
LDL) and predictor variables.
Linear and Logistic Regression Analysis Logistic regression is similar to linear regression but has a
dependent variable that is most commonly binary (eg, pre-
Regression analysis is a principal tool for determining the sent versus absent).20 For example, whether a patient infec-
behavior of a dependent outcome variable [eg, such as ox- ted with SARS-CoV-2 develops pneumonia on chest X-ray
ygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry in a patient could be represented as a binary dependent (outcome) vari-
with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 able (yes versus no), and one could fit a logistic regression
(SARS-CoV-2) infection] in relation to one or more inde- model to the data to determine whether the independent
pendent predictor variables (eg, patient age, smoking his- (predictor) variables age, smoking history, or number of
tory, or number of comorbid medical conditions). A classic comorbid medical conditions were associated with an
example in research is measuring one or more continuous or increased risk of pneumonia. The strength of the association
categorical independent (predictor) variables and using between each predictor and the outcome is represented by the
linear regression to determine their effect on a continuous odds ratio (ie, the ratio of the probability that the outcome
dependent (outcome) variable of interest. occurs/the probability that it does not occur).21

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Statistics in Pathology

Like all statistical models, linear and logistic regression and Cox regression, the latter of which is discussed
make certain assumptions about the distribution of data that belowdmay be better suited for some study questions.
should be assessed before model building. Linear regression Researchers should seek formal statistical consultation when
assumes that the relationship between predictor and planning their studies to ensure that the most appropriate
outcome variables is linear. It also assumes homoscedas- methods are selected before data collection and analysis.
ticity (ie, that the noise in the relationship between the
predictor and outcome variables is the same across all values
of the predictor variables) and that input variables are nor-
Correlation Analysis
mally distributed. Logistic regression also assumes linearity
Correlation analysis is similar to regression in that it ex-
[ie, linearity between logit(p) or log (p/1-p) and outcome].
amines the statistical relationship between two variables.25
Both methods also assume low or no collinearity among
However, unlike regression, it is not generally used for
independent variables. For example, one should not include
prediction and does not assume a causal relationship.26
both hemoglobin and hematocrit concentration in the same
Rather, it seeks to identify and quantify the degree of as-
regression model, in part because both variables provide the
sociation or relatedness between two variables (eg, hemo-
model with essentially identical information. One can
globin and hematocrit), which is summarized as a
ensure that potential predictor variables are not unduly
correlation coefficient. As for other statistical techniques,
collinear with one another by performing correlation anal-
multiple types of correlation analysis exist, and the appro-
ysis before model building.
priate method depends on the structure of the data of in-
An important step in regression modeling is determining
terest. Methods of correlation analysis fall into two
the number of predictor variables that are permissible to
categories: linear correlation and nonparametric correlation.
include in a multivariate regression model. A common rule
Continuous variables (eg, LDL and total cholesterol levels)
of thumb is that one predictor can be added for every 10
can be analyzed using the Pearson product-moment corre-
events in the data set.22 In the LDL cholesterol example,
lation coefficient, a linear correlation method that produces
there were eight predictor variables and one outcome vari-
a value between 1 and 1, summarizing both the strength
able. Therefore, at least 80 patients would be needed in the
and the direction of the correlation. This method generally
data set if all eight predictors were to be included in a linear
provides a more valid result if the data are normally
regression model to predict LDL cholesterol. However, if
distributed; also, it is not particularly robust to outliers.
the same data set were to be used to predict the risk of acute
Relationships between ordinal variables (eg, the experience
myocardial infarction (coded as present versus absent) using
level of an anatomic pathologist and the Gleason grade
logistic regression and only 20 patients experienced a heart
assigned to a prostate core biopsy) can be assessed using the
attack, then it would have been possible to include only two
nonparametric Spearman or Kendall rank correlation co-
predictors in the model. Notably, the 1 in 10 rule is con-
efficients. These methods can also be used for continuous
servative, and, in some instances, it is possible to justify
variables regardless of whether they are normally distrib-
including additional predictors.23
uted. As their names imply, the rank correlation coefficients
A separate issue is deciding which predictor variables to
quantify the degree of similarity between two rankings and
include in a regression model in the first place. In general,
thus are more robust to outliers. Before performing regres-
one should first build univariate regression models for each
sion analysis, generating a correlation matrix of all variables
potential predictor variable to obtain unadjusted estimates.11
in a data set can be an informative way to discover re-
Then, when building multivariate models, predictor vari-
lationships between variables as well as identify collinearity.
ables should ideally be selected in a rational, hypothesis-
driven manner based on the understanding of disease
pathophysiology. For example, body mass index and Analysis of Categorical Data
smoking status are typically adjusted for in multivariate
models of coronary risk because prior research has estab- Binary categorical (eg, the presence of absence of a disease
lished them as biologically important risk factors that may state) and multilevel categorical (eg, the pathologic stage of
confound the observed univariate associations of other po- a tumor) data are commonly encountered in pathology.
tential predictor variables with coronary outcomes. Using These data are often summarized in tabular form for anal-
stepwise regressionda computer-aided method that selects ysis. As in case for numeric data, it is often of interest to
predictor variables by automatic procedure is typically not conduct two-sample or multisample comparisons involving
recommended to select predictor variables for model in- variables that are categorical. For example, the histologic
clusion. Stepwise regression is widely regarded as a form of diagnosis of a brain tumor (eg, glioblastoma or medullo-
data dredging, although it may occasionally be useful for blastoma) can be tabulated against the location of the tumor
exploratory hypothesis generation.24 (eg, frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, or cerebellar) in a
Lastly, although linear and logistic regression analysis are 2  5 table, and if the sample were large (eg, greater than
commonly used in medical research, other variations of five observations per cell of the table), a c2 hypothesis test
regression analysisdsuch as polynomial, quantile, Poisson, can be performed to assess for a statistically significant

The American Journal of Pathology - 789

Mata and Milner

difference in neuroanatomic distribution between the tumor a randomized trial. The Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic
types. For small samples, the Fisher exact test can be used Accuracy Guidelines provide a list of essential items to
instead. Notably, the c2 and Fisher exact tests are consid- consider when designing, analyzing, and reporting studies of
ered nonparametric tests; both can be used for multisample diagnostic accuracy.27 Readers should also be aware of useful
comparisons. As for numeric data, it is also often of interest online statistical calculators that helpfully explain the statis-
to examine the correlation between categorical variables. tical concepts behind these tests (
Tabulated data are therefore also important in assessing diagnostic_test.php and
interrater agreement (eg, determining whether two pathol- Bayes-App, both accessed February 17, 2021).
ogists interpret an immunohistochemical stain in the same
manner, often summarized using the Cohen k).
Data tabulation is also used in the evaluation of diag- Survival Analysis
nostic test accuracy (eg, for calculating sensitivity, speci-
ficity, and positive and negative predictive values). Survival analysis refers to the suite of statistical techniques
Sensitivity and specificity, the probabilities that a test result used to analyze time-to-event data.28 Examples in pathology
will be positive or negative when the disease is present or include overall survival (eg, time from diagnostic biopsy of
absent, respectfully, are intrinsic to a diagnostic test and do a neoplasm until death attributable to any cause), cancer-
not depend on disease prevalence. The relationship between specific survival (eg, time from diagnostic biopsy until
the sensitivity and specificity of a diagnostic test can be death attributable to the cancer with which the patient or
explored through a receiver operating characteristic curve, experimental animal was diagnosed), and progression-free
which also provides a visual assessment of diagnostic test survival (eg, the time from treatment assignment in an
accuracy (for a helpful online calculator, see intervention trial to disease progression, the definition of
edu/jeng/javarad/roc/JROCFITi.html, last accessed which depends on the illness being studied). Time-to-event
February 17, 2020). Conversely, positive and negative data are a composite of a continuous variable (ie, time,
predictive values, the probabilities that the disease is usually measured in months or years) and a binary variable
present or absent when the test is positive or negative, (ie, the event, such as whether one is deceased or alive). For
respectfully, depend on the prevalence of the disease in subjects who have died, the time interval is calculated from
the population being tested. These prevalence-dependent diagnosis until the date of death, and the event (death) is
values are of immense practical importance and are often represented in the data set by the numeral 1. For subjects
overlooked in pathology studies (eg, in studies of immu- who are alive, the time interval is calculated from the date of
nohistochemical markers for diagnosis of specific diagnosis until the last known date at which they were alive
malignancies). (eg, the last time they were seen in clinic) or known to be
Example: A commercial nucleic acid amplification test is progression-free (eg, the date of their last magnetic reso-
implemented for SARS-CoV-2 to use as a pre-admission nance imaging). Their status is represented by the numeral
screening tool for patients at a hospital. The package insert 0, indicating that their outcome is censored.
reports seemingly excellent performance characteristics, Together, these variables can be input into a survival
including a sensitivity of 91.0% and a specificity of 99.0%. function, which examines probability that the subject will
A clinician orders the test on an otherwise healthy patient survive (or not progress) beyond a specified time. In the
being evaluated in the emergency room for a fractured simplest case, the two variables (time and status) can be
ankle, and the test result is positive. The reported prevalence used to plot a Kaplan-Meier survival curve, a nonparametric
of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the community is approxi- function that plots the percentage survival on the y axis and
mately 1%. Using this information, the clinician is told that time on the x axis. Each time an event occurs, the curve
the positive predictive valuedthat is, the probability that the steps down, generating a line resembling a ladder. Censored
disease is present when the test is positivedis only 50.0% subjects are represented by tick marks. An example of this
for this patient. The patient is tested again the following day, approach could be a study of transgenic mice with experi-
and the result is negative. The clinician then tests a second mentally induced glioblastoma. One could generate a
patient, an elderly man with fever, shortness of breath, Kaplan-Meier curve of all mice to estimate median survival
anosmia, and diarrhea. The prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 time in the entire cohort, finding that mice live on average
infection in patients with this tetrad of symptoms in the 150 days after diagnosis. To compare groups stratified by
community is >50%. The positive predictive value for this another variable (eg, NF1 knockdown), one could generate a
patient is 100%. Repeated diagnostic testing is not neces- third categorical variable that lists NF1 knockdown status as
sary, and the patient is admitted and treated. These examples present or absent for each mouse. Then, plotting both
illustrate the importance of considering disease prevalence groups on the same curve, one could ascertain that mice
and clinical suspicion (ie, the pretest probability) in the with NF1 knockdown live only 100 days compared with
statistical evaluation of diagnostic tests. 200 days on average for those with intact NF1 signaling
More importantly, researchers should approach studies (Figure 3). A formal statistical test, the log-rank test, can be
involving diagnostic tests with the same rigor that they would used to generate a P value and determine whether the

790 - The American Journal of Pathology

Statistics in Pathology

difference is statistically significant. The clinical signifi- two study subjects is constant as time passes. For example,
cance also involves one’s judgment as a scientist or in a study of relapse-free survival in prostate cancer patients
physician. receiving a placebo pill or an investigational drug, if a pa-
An extension of the Kaplan-Meier concept is the pro- tient receiving the placebo has a risk of relapse at an initial
portional hazards model, the most common of which is time point that is twice as high as that of another patient
known as Cox proportional hazards regression.29,30 The receiving the drug, and at all later times the risk of relapse
Cox model produces a hazard ratio, that is, the ratio of the remains twice as high, then the assumption of proportional
hazard of the event (eg, death) according to whatever pre- hazards is met. Whether this assumption is met by a Cox
dictor variable one is interested in (eg, age, sex, or NF1 model can be tested by examining the Schoenfeld residuals.
knockdown status). For example, one would expect a sub- However, in real life, the assumption of proportional haz-
ject’s hazard of death to increase with each 1-month in- ards is rarely met in medical studies. When hazards are non-
crease in age (a continuous variable). The hazard of death proportional, the predictor variable in the model interacts
might also increase with each 1-mm increase in radiologic with time. For example, screening smokers with low-dose
tumor size at diagnosis. Or, being male rather than female (a chest computed tomography scans may have an immediate
binary categorical variable) might be associated with an effect on identifying occult lung nodules (leading to an
increased hazard of death. In Cox regression, one uses the elevated hazard ratio of developing lung cancer in the month
same outcome as in a Kaplan-Meier model (namely, a after the scan) and have a delayed preventive effect (and
composite of time and status). In the case of univariate Cox thus lower hazard) of being diagnosed with lung cancer
regression of a binary predictor, one would reach the same years down the road (because low-stage lung cancers
conclusion as a Kaplan-Meier model. For example, one detected by screening were surgically resected). More
could use NF1 knockdown status (present versus absent) as importantly, inferring more than the direction of an effect
a predictor and overall survival as an outcome, and the from a hazard ratio is conceptually difficult; therefore,
resulting magnitude of the hazard ratio and P value would researchers should always provide measures of survival
be concordant with that from Kaplan-Meier analysis. A differences to give additional context to studies involving
useful aspect of Cox regression, however, is that one can time-to-event data.
more easily perform a multivariable analysis and add po-
tential confounders (eg, age, sex, mouse strain, or other
pathologic or genetic variables) to the model, accounting for Analysis of Genetic Data
their effects on the association of interest.
Like linear and logistic regression, Cox proportional With the advent of next-generation sequencing and
hazards regression makes certain assumptions about the high-resolution microarrays, an increasing number of
distribution of input data that should be considered before experimental pathology studies are incorporating not
building a model. Chief among these is the assumption of only traditional clinical, histologic, and immunohisto-
proportional hazards, that the ratio of the hazards for any chemical measures, but also high-dimensional genetic

Figure 3 Example Kaplan-Meier survival curve of mice

with experimentally induced glioblastoma with and
without NF1 knockdown. The dummy data used in this
example were generated using a random sampling func-
tion in the statistical computing program R. The
nonparametric log-rank test was used to assess for a dif-
ference between the two survival distributions.

The American Journal of Pathology - 791

Mata and Milner

and epigenetic data. For example, the Memorial Sloan change) between the prevalence of the genetic alteration in
Kettering Cancer Center Integrated Mutation Profiling of the adenocarcinoma compared with the squamous cell car-
Actionable Cancer Targets next-generation DNA cinoma group could be calculated. In a Foundation Medi-
sequencing platform targets 468 genes and select introns cine data set with 664 interrogated genes, this could be
to produce data on single-nucleotide variants, small in- performed on a per-gene basis and plotted in a volcano plot,
sertions and deletions, copy number variations, and a special type of scatter plot that allows the viewer to
structural variants.31 Similar data can be gleaned from visually determine which genetic alterations are enriched for
the Brigham and Women’s Hospital OncoPanel assay,32 in a particular group of patients (Figure 4). When per-
the Foundation Medicine FoundationOneCDx assay,33 forming multiple hypothesis tests in a data set that experi-
and the Tempus Labs xT assay.34 For diseases such as ences the small n, large p problem (ie, few cases but many
brain tumors and sarcomas, methylation analysis can potential predictor variables), correction for multiple testing,
provide important diagnostic information.35 For as by a Bonferroni correction or the Hochberg sequential
example, the Infinium MethylationEPIC assay provides procedure, is essential.38 Multiple online graphical user
MGMT promoter hypermethylation status as well as data interfaceebased tools are available to simplify the analysis
on >850,000 CpG methylation sites across the of genetic data, such as cBioPortal39 and PathwayMapper.40
Although the magnitude of data produced by these
technologies may sound daunting, it is important to Summary
remember that all the familiar tests described above can be
applied to these data. For example, one could sequence 50 The results of this survey of articles from The American
lung tumors to assess for the presence of an oncogenic Journal of Pathology indicate that there is room for
EGFR alteration, which could be coded in binary (eg, pre- improvement in statistical methods. Because experimental
sent or absent). This variable could be combined with his- sample sizes in pathology studies are often small, tests for
tologic diagnosis (eg, adenocarcinoma versus squamous cell normality are essential, and nonparametric tests should be
carcinoma) in a 2  2 table, from which one could calculate used to assess for potential differences between variables.
an odds ratio, a CI, and a Fisher exact test P value to Familiarity with a wider array of statistical techniques,
determine the extent to which oncogenic EGFR alterations including multisample comparisons, regression and corre-
are more common in lung adenocarcinomas rather than lation analysis, survival analysis, and high-dimensional ge-
squamous cell carcinomas. Or, the log2 ratio (ie, the fold netic data analysis, can help experimental pathologists make

Figure 4 Volcano plot of gene mutation fre-

quencies in lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) versus
lung squamous cell carcinoma (LUSC). The y axis
shows the log10 of the P value, whereas the x
axis shows the log2 of the ratio between the
prevalence of the specified gene alteration in
55,644 cases of LUAD versus 13,297 cases of LUSC.
The P-value cutoff is represented by the horizontal
dashed line. The vertical dashed lines denote
log2 fold changes of 1.5 and 1.5, respectively.
The analysis confirms that cases of LUAD are
relatively enriched for KRAS, EGFR, and STK11
mutations; NKX2.1, NFKBIA, and MET amplifica-
tions (amp); and ALK, RET, and ROS1 fusions.
Conversely, cases of LUSC are relatively enriched
for CDKN2A and PTEN inactivating mutations,
FBXW7 mutations, FGF cluster and CD274 (PD-L1)
amplifications, and FGFR3-TACC3 fusions, among
other alterations. Because 664 hypothesis tests
were performed, a Bonferroni correction was per-
formed to determine the P-value cutoff: 0.05/
664 Z 0.0001. These real-world patient data are
from the FoundationCore comprehensive genomic
profiling database (, last accessed February
17, 2021, registration required).

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