R and AC Presentation - 1
R and AC Presentation - 1
R and AC Presentation - 1
The term ‘refrigeration’ may be defined as the process of removing
heat from substance under controlled conditions.
It also includes the process of reducing and maintaining the
temperature of a body below the general temperature of its
In other words, the refrigeration means a continued extraction of heat
from a body whose temperature is already below the temperature of
its surroundings.
A refrigeration system is a combination of components, equipment
and piping connected in a sequence to produce the refrigeration
Refrigeration Cycle: when a refrigerant undergoes a series of processes
like evaporation, compression, condensation, throttling and expansion, it
is said to have undergone a refrigeration cycle.
The aim being to cool some product or space to the required
One of the most important applications of refrigeration has been the
preservation of perishable food products by storing them at low
Refrigeration systems are also used extensively for providing thermal
comfort to human beings by means of air conditioning.
Air Conditioning refers to the treatment of air so as to simultaneously control
• Temperature,
• Moisture content,
• Cleanliness,
• Odour and circulation
as required by occupants, a process, or products in the space.
The subject of refrigeration and air conditioning has evolved out of human
need for food and comfort, and its history dates back to centuries.
The history of refrigeration is very interesting since every aspect of it, the
availability of refrigerants, the prime movers and the developments in
compressors and the methods of refrigeration all are a part of it.
Natural Refrigeration
In olden days refrigeration was achieved by natural means such
as the use of ice or evaporative cooling.
In earlier times, ice was either:
1. Transported from colder regions,
2. Harvested in winter and stored in ice houses for summer
use or,
3. Made during night by cooling of water by radiation to
Materials like saw, dust or wood shavings were used as insulating
materials in these ice houses. Later on, cork was used as insulating
Evaporative Cooling:
Evaporative cooling is the process of reducing the temperature of a
system by evaporation of water.
Human beings perspire and dissipate their metabolic heat by
evaporative cooling if the ambient temperature is more than skin
Animals such as the hippopotamus and buffalo coat themselves
with mud for evaporative cooling.
Evaporative cooling has been used in India for centuries to obtain
cold water in summer by storing the water in earthen pots.
The water permeates through the pores of earthen vessel to its
outer surface, where it evaporates to the surrounding, absorbing its
latent heat in part from the vessel, which cools the water.
Cooling by Salt Solutions:
Certain substances such as common salt, when added to
water dissolve in water and absorb its heat of solution from
water (endothermic process).
This reduces the temperature of the solution (water + salt).
Sodium Chloride salt (NaCl) can yield temperatures up to -
20°C and Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) up to - 50°C in properly
insulated containers.
However, as it is this process has limited application, as the
dissolved salt has to be recovered from its solution by heating.
1) The disadvantages of natural refrigeration methods are:
a) They are expensive
b) They are uncertain(unsure)
c) They are not environment friendly
d) They are dependent on local conditions
2) Evaporative cooling systems are ideal for:
a) Hot and dry conditions
b) Hot and humid conditions
c) Cold and humid conditions
d) Moderately hot but humid conditions
Artificial Refrigeration
Refrigeration as it is known these days is produced by artificial means.
Though it is very difficult to make a clear demarcation between natural and
artificial refrigeration,
It is generally agreed that the history of artificial refrigeration began in the
year 1755, when the Scottish professor William Cullen made the first
refrigerating machine, which could produce a small quantity of ice in the
Based on the working principle, refrigeration systems can be classified as
vapor compression systems, vapor absorption systems, gas cycle systems
Application of refrigeration
Storage of Raw Fruits and Vegetables: It is well-known that some bacteria
are responsible for degradation of food, and enzymatic processing cause
ripening of the fruits and vegetables.
In chemical and process industries, the industries like petroleum
refineries, petrochemical plants and paper pulp industries etc. require very
large cooling capacities
a) Separation of gases:- In petrochemical plant, temperatures as low as –
150 oC with refrigeration capacities as high as 10,000 Tons of
Refrigeration (TR) are used for separation of gases by fractional
b) Condensation of Gases: some gases that are produced synthetically, are condensed to
liquid state by cooling, so that these can be easily stored and transported in liquid
c) Dehumidification of Air: Low humidity air is required in many pharmaceutical
industries. It is also required for air liquefaction plants.
d) Solidification of Solute: One of the processes of separation of a substance or pollutant
or impurity from liquid mixture is by its solidification at low temperature. Lubricating
oil is dewaxed in petroleum industry by cooling it below –25 oC. Wax solidifies at
about –25 oC
Special applications of refrigeration
a) Cold Treatment of Metals
b) Medical
c) Ice Skating Rinks
d) Construction
e) Ice Manufacturing
Air conditioning application is divided in to two categories, namely
industrial and comfort air conditioning.
Comfort Air-Conditioning
The air temperature, humidity and velocity at which human body does not
have to take any extra action, is called comfort condition.
Comfort condition is also sometimes called as neutral condition.
The residences, offices, shopping centers, stores, large buildings, theatres,
auditorium etc. all have slightly different requirements and require different
design. The required cooling capacities also vary widely depending upon
the application
The factory assembled room air conditioners are very widely used for
small residences, offices etc.
These units are available as window type or split type.
The capacity of these systems vary from a fraction of a ton (TR)
to about 2 TR.
These systems use a vapour compression refrigeration system
with a sealed compressor and forced convection type evaporators
and condensers.
What is a Refrigerant?
• Refrigerants are used as working substances in a Refrigeration
• Fluids suitable for refrigeration purposes can be classified into
primary and secondary refrigerants.
a) Primary refrigerants are those fluids, which are used directly as working
fluids, for example in vapour compression and vapour absorption
refrigeration systems.