Concept of Inflation and Money
Concept of Inflation and Money
Concept of Inflation and Money
Concept of inflation:
Inflation is an increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a
period. Inflation occurs when the general level of prices and costs are rising.
Types of inflation:
1. Demand-pull inflation:
Demand-pull inflation arises in an economy when the demand for goods and services is
increased, however, the supply of goods and services decreases and the general price level rises.
It involves an increase in money supply, an increase in disposable income, or an increase in
aggregate demand for goods and services.
2. Cost-push inflation:
When there is an increase in the cost of factors of production, the overall cost of manufacture
increases, which leads to an increase in the prices of goods such inflation is called cost-push
e.g. an increase in wages, or an increase in the cost of raw materials.
Reasons/causes of inflation:
• Increase in demand for goods and services
• Increase in cost of a factor of production
• Increase in cost of import
• Increase in supply of money
• Increase in public spending
• expectations of inflation that cause higher wages leading to higher costs
Theories of inflation:
1. demand-pull theory:
Demand-pull inflation is when there is an increase in aggregate demand, and the supply
remains the same or decreases. When supply cannot meet growing demand, prices for goods
and services are pulled higher.
2. cost-push theory:
Cost-push inflation is the decrease in the aggregate supply of goods and services stopping an
increase in the cost of production.
Deflation refers to a persistent decrease in the general price level of goods and services for a
significant period. It is the opposite of inflation.
Causes of Deflation:
The level of investments decreases which negatively affects the economy as the demand for
goods falls. A decrease in the people's income also causes deflation in the economy. Due to a
reduction in the income level, the demand for goods and services decreases which leads to a
decrease in price level.
To control deflation there should be a decrease in taxes, an increase in investments, a decrease
in interest rate, or an increase in consumption by offering higher discounts.
When inflation increases above 50 % drastic increase in prices is termed hyperinflation.
When there is a decrease in the rate of inflation such a situation is called disinflation. It is
caused by a slowdown in the rate of increase of a country’s money supply.
Relation refers to an economic policy whereby a government uses fiscal and monetary stimulus
to expand a country's output. This is possibly achieved by the method that includes, reducing
the tax, changing the money supply or even adjusting the interest rates.
The excess of aggregate demand above the The lack of aggregate demand below the
level that is required to maintain a level that is required to maintain a
full employment level of equilibrium full employment level of equilibrium
is termed an inflationary gap. is termed a deflationary gap.
Inflationary gap causes inflation and The deflationary gap causes deflation and
increases wages and price levels in decreases wages and price levels in
the economy. the economy.
Barter system:
A system of direct exchange of one commodity or service for another without the use of money
is called barter. One has to exchange the product that one has in excess with those who have
other surplus products themselves.
Concept of money:
Money is anything that can be used as a medium of exchange and at the same time act as a
measure and store of value.
2. Measure of value:
Money provides a common measure of value that allows people to compare and express the
prices of different goods and services consistently.
3. Store of value:
Money acts as a store of value. It provides security to individuals to meet possibilities, and
unpredictable emergencies and to pay future debts. It keeps its value over time, allowing
individuals and businesses to store wealth and make purchases in the future. It is also the store
of wealth.
Types of money:
1. Commodity money:
Commodity money is made up of valuable commodities like wheat, goats, etc. people used
these commodities for exchange purposes and to fulfill their needs. As time passed on, they
faced many problems due to commodity money like storing value, durability, divisibility, etc.
3. Paper Money:
Paper currency is made up of paper and used for payment systems and also used as a medium
of exchange. It consists of notes issued by the state or central bank.
Paper money can be;
Convertible paper money:
It is converted into coins on demand e.g. gold and silver certificates.
Fiat paper money:
It is not converted into coins on demand and it is accepted in transactions at its face value due
to its unlimited legal tender.
5. Electronic Money:
The next stage in the development of the payment system is Electronic money replaces credit
or bank money due to the expansion of technology. Electronic money consists of ATMs, debit
cards, credit cards, and online banking. People can make payments and receive money through
the online banking system and save time.
Qualities of good money:
1. General Acceptability:
The most essential quality of an ideal money material is that it would be acceptable as a medium
of exchange without any objection by others for goods and services.
2. Transferability:
Good money has quality of portability means it can be easily and economically transported
from one place to the other. In other words, it possesses high value in small bulk.
3. Durability:
As money is passed from hand to hand and is kept in reserves it must not easily deteriorate
either in itself or as a result of wear and tear.
4. Homogeneity:
All potions of the substance used as money should be homogeneous and of the same quality so
that equal weights have the same value. Its units must be similar in all respects.
5. Divisibility:
The money material should be capable of division and the aggregate value of the mass after
division should be almost the same as before.
6. Recognizability:
One of the very essentials of good money material is that it should be easily recognizable by
the eye, ear, or touch. It should have certain distinct marks which nobody can mistake.
7. Stability of Value:
Money should not be subject to fluctuations in value. The value of a material which is used to
measure the value of all the other materials must be stable.