SORBTEX Bearing Pad Catalog

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5 hf?v STV
eariilg pads are coiumoiily engineers and designers a new choice elastoil~ericpads. Sigi~ificantfactors

B used in all types of standard

coi~structioi~, steel, precast
in ROF pads. With today's ever identified ill the literature which need
increasing structural nerds and l~iglier to be considered in the design process
and prestressed coilcrete bridges and load requirements, a pad was needed are as follows:
buildings, as well as for 111achinery that could meet these rigid deii~ailds - Stress-strain behavior of uniforlnly
and equipment foundations. They and reil~aincost effective. FIBERLAST loaded bearing pads
are designed to: is such a product. Made of 11igh- - Creep properties of uniforil~ly
- distribute vertical and l~orizoi~tal quality ozone resistant virgin elastomer loaded bearins pads
loads over bearing areas to eliil~inate combii~edwit11 syntl~eticfibers, - Stress-strain behavior of
highly localized stresses and FIBERLAST pads have been extensively non-ui~iformlyloaded bearing pads
resulting structural damage tested to demonstrate that their perform- - Horizontal shear resistance behavior
- allow l~orizontalai-td/or rotational ance characteristics"' are superior to and friction cl~aracteristicsof
111ovementsat the beariilg surfaces comparable ROF or AASHTO grade uiliformly loaded pads
to reduce the effects of temperature, uilreinforced Neoprelleo (Chlo~~oprene) - Coefficient of friction between
creep, shrinkage, and ilnpact pads"'. beariilg surfaces of low friction slide
- provide a longer bearing life tl~an The 1988 FIBERLAST test bearings.
steel bearings which ill the past have program and published design 111 the test prograin, triplicate
commonly failed due to corrosion manual"' identified the need for an uiliforln coil~pressiontests were
- isolate shock loads 011 structural updated and comprehensive test coi1ducted between steel surfaces oil
ll1embers prograill and a similar published SORBTEX pads wit11 sizes of 8 x 8 ~
- lminimize vibrations between design mailual for larger-sized and 11/32 in., 8x8x1/2 in., 8x8~1in., 8 x 8 ~ 3
contacting surfaces. thicker elastoil~ericpads for bridge ill. and 7x14~2ill. Data reported in this
Elastomeric bearing pads may be construction and other heavy duty manual also includes SORBTEX test data
classified into two groups: plain pads loadings. Such a test program was frc)111 previous tests oil 13x13~10 ill, bearings.
(ullreinforced) and reinforced pads. ~lndertakenon SORBTEX and Pad coilfiguratioils tested included
Plain pads are generally 111ade in FlBERLAST for fixed and low-friction conveiltional SORBTEX, SORBTEX
single layers from Neoprene" sliding bearings. This design mailual laminated to layers of polymer and
(chloroprene) such as NEOSORB"', presents the data and design Polytetrafluoroetl~ylel~e (PTFE), and
Cl~loropreneforll~ulatedwith other recommendations for these different SORBTEX lail~inatedto 1/4 in. thick
elastoil~ersand natural rubber. elastoiueric beariilg pad materials steel plates recessed to colltaiil a bonded
Reinforced pads are inade by several based upoil the 1991 test program. layer of 1/8 in. thick PTFE,
metl~odsand materials, includil~gsteel Ui~iformcoil~pressiontests were
reinforcement, fiberglass reinforcemei~t, Details of The Structural also conducted ill triplicate on 8 x 8 ~ 3
rai~domoriented fibers (I<OF)sucl~as Bearing Pad Test Program in. and 7x14~2ill. specin~ei~s of
FIBERLAST"' and preforii~edcotton Ail extensive laboratory test program FIBERLAST, The yads tested incluclcd
duck reinforced pads sucl~as was ui-tdcrtal<enby Voss E~~gineeril~gFTBERLAST bonded to layers of polylner
SORBTEX"'. Coii~panyto evaluate the structural and PTFE and FIBEKLAST bonded to
SORBTEX bearing pads provide performance properties of various 1/4 in. tluck steel plate rccessed to contain
structural engii~eersand designers an bearing pad systems. The tests were a boiided layer of 1/8 in. thick PTbT.
alternative material for higl~load, perfornled in 1991 by Wiss, Janney, Fig. 1 sliows the various pads tested.
small deflectioi~applications. Made Elstner Associates, Inc., Northbrook, Data reported in this manual also
of layers of cotton and polyester fabric Illinois. The tests were designed and iilcludes FIBERLAST test data from
ill~pregiiatedwith oil resistant performed by Gilbert T. Blake, Senior previous tests on 13x13~10in. thick
sylithetic rubber, SORBTEX provides Engii~eer,and Joseph Zacl~orowski, pads.
a liig11-quality alternative to coinparable Specialist. Donald W. Pfeifer, Vice Nonui~ifori~~ (rotation) compressioil
steel or fiberglass ~einforcedChloropreile President, served as a consultant on tests at load angles of 0.015 and 0.025
expai~sioi~ bearings. the project. Photographs of the radians were col~ductedon triplicate
FIBERLAST bearing pads offer various tests are showi1 on the inside
front cover.
Prior to undct taking the laboratory
testing, a literature review' "'was il~ade
to establish the state-of-the-art in
structural design considerations for
specimens of SORBTEX and FIBERLAST --
- - -

with lainii~atioi~s of pcjlyiner and

recessed steel with PTFE. SORBTEX BEARING PADS
Low-friction expansion bearing
pads gentrally use laminated top
surfaces of PTFE as the low friction SORBTEX Specification
eleinent. W11en bonded to elastoiners,
lateral pad drforlnatiins Made of high-quality cotton-polyester duck cloth that has been iapregnated
wit11 oil resistant synthetic rubber and treatej wit11 mold and mildew

PTFE to also stretch laterally under
inl~ibitors.Manufactured to the specificatioi~sof MIL-C-882E, 27 January 1989'"'.
load. T11e test program iilcluded
1. Hardness (Sl~or~e A). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50f5 .
measurei-.~entof the lateral cold flow
2. Compression - Minimum Ultimate Strength. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 psi
behaviol-of ITFE bonded to various s ~ ~ b - 3. a. Shear Modulus(G). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 psi
I skates when uilder compressive loads.
Tests were coilducted to detennii~e
B11sed 011 tests c o r r ( f ~ l c t ~o icl c o r ~ f i ~to~Ag S T M D 4014-87,
s ot 11111.~s I l e n ~stroirr o f 33 percolt.
A r r r r ~ ~~1
I tlle coefficient of friction between b. Apparent Sllear Modulus (GA).. . . . . . . . . . . 400,850,1150 &Z 1325 psi
PTFE bonded to various substrates
and polisl~edstainless steel. Thest
A t corrrp~~essizle stress~~s
stri'ss rricosrlrc~rrrr~rts
of 500, 1000, 2000 nrrd 3000 psi, &isc~i or1 slrelzr
111odr(lt 70°F to 80°F c7t 11 plrrs slip strnirr of 50 ; ~ c r c ~ r i t . I
4. Permanent Set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2f11% .
friction tests were conducted ui-tder 5. Volume swell per FED-STD-GOI(Ref.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25~" max
uniforin compressive stresses of 6. Dielectric Strength, ASTM D 149 (VDC/mil.) . . . . . . . . . . .155
about 500, 2000 and 3500 psi. Tests 7. Voluine Resistivity, ASTM D 257 (ohinOcinx 10"') . . . . . . . . . . 3.3
were also conducted to determine the 8. Thickness tolerance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5%of tliickness
sliding friction bellavior between slide 5. Plan S i ~ Tolerance e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . k1/8. . in.
bearing surfaces of filled and unfilled For closer tolernnces co~~slrlt fhefrrctoq
.L. I ' R ~ I ) U C IS
steel plates under uiliforin compressive
stresses of 500,2000, and 3500 psi. /
Shear ino3ulus tests, as described
in ASTM D4014-87, Ani~exAl, were
performed on speciinei1s of SORBTEX
as part of the test progr~ain.Apparent
0 shear modulus tests were also
conducted to determine the sl~ear/slip the amoui~tof bulge in compressed
characteristics of SORBTEX and FIBER- elastomer material. Excessive
LAST. These tests wer~ecoilducted bulging leads to pad cracking and
betwr-en concrete to concrete and steel ultimate failure. S11ape factor, S, is a
to concrete surfaces at coinpressive i ~ c i ~ d i i n e ~ ~ rs ei ol a~t i~oanl s l ~ i ~
stresses from 500 to 3000 psi ior associated with the bulging caused
SORBTEX and 500 to 1500 psi for by coinpressii~ga bearing pad. It is an
FIBEPLAST. impcrtant consideratiol~ill plain and
Creep tests were made in reinforced pad design and is d t f i i ~ t d
Compression Design
triplicate ~lsillga ~ o l l ~ t a ~
l l ot l l l p r e ~ ~Characteristics
i~e as the area of tlle pad divided by the
stress of 1500 psi 011 4-1 / 4 ~ 4 - 1 / 4 ~ 1 / 2 Structural bearins pad desiqn area of t l ~ epad circumferei~ce:
ill. pads of SOIIBTEXfFIBERLAST procedures art usually based on S = LW (2)

NEoSORB. The 13.5 to11 loads were service loads, excludii~gimpact. The 2t(L+W)
maintaii~edfor 120 days usiilg stai~dard design for elastoll-eric
Where: L or LI = loaded lengtl~of
50-toil creep frames in accordailce with bearings colltailled ill AASHTO pad, in.
ASTM C512 inetllods. Stai-tdard Specifications for Highway - W or WI = loaded width of
pad, in.
Bridges"' prestiited here also reflect
t l ~ elatest researcl~contained in the t = tl~icknessof pad or
October, 1987 NCHRP Report 298 "' layers, in.
and I ecent work conducte 1by Roeder AASHTO furthe1 limits tlle
a i d Stantoi~'~'. maxiinum uniforin compressive stiess
The inaxiinum compressive to 1000 psi for steel reinforced pads or
stress, o ~allowed , by AASHTO, is 800 psi for fabric reinforced bearings
determii~edfrom the equatic n or plain pads. A11 increase of 10 percent
o, I G S / P 'I) is allowed where sl-iear trailslation is
Where: ok= Average compressive prevented.
st1ess caused by dead and live W11ile these liil itations are valid
loads, excluding impact for norinal elastomeric bearings made
G = S11ear Modulus at 73"F,psi cf AASHTO grade Cllloroprene or
S = Shape Eactor Isoprene, testing indicates that SORBThX
pads have limited bulging at these
AAStlTO maxiiilum stress levels and
F(y.2 S O R B T E X ' U N I F O R M C O M P R E S S I ( do not suffer fro111cracking or delaliiin-
SIress, 11s; ation uiltil mucli lliglier compressive
4000 stress levels are applied.
Tlie compressive stress/strain
curves for tlie uniformly loaded
SORBTEX pads froiii tlie 1991 test
program are shown in Fig. 2. These
average curves, fram triplicate
specima~s,are froiii pads with shape
g 0.3 to 5.8.
factors r a ~ i g i i ~fro111
Figure 3 sliows SORBTEX stress /
strain curves for shape factors from 0.3 I
to 5.8 plotted for coiiiparison purposes
with 60 duroii~eterAASI-IT0 grade
Neoprenee ( C h l o ~oprenc) stress/strain I
curves"' for shape factors fro111 3 to 20.
Tliese coiilparisons deino~lstratea
tii~clilower sensitivity to bulgiiig for
SORBTEX w11e11 compared to
Cliloroprene which is very sensitive to
bulging. Since SOIiBTEX is much less
Fix. 3 UMlFQRM CQMPRESSION TESTS -. - - saisitive to tlie detrimental effects of
M ~ I
bulgiiig, the use of the AASHTO
eq~iation"'and stress liiilits are not
2000 valid. For iiistatlce, the AASHTO

equatio~ifor plain or fiber-reiiiforced

pads would restrict the allowable
stress for various tested shape factors
as follows:

AASHTO Allowable Stress

Shapc Ibctor SLress, * ~ S I

0.7 58
2 167
4 333
5.8 483
9.6 800 I
( I

rl 0 5 10 15 20 "Assumc G = I50 psi and 11 = .I .8 in equation "' 1

F I X 4 STEEL REIMFORCED CHLORUPRENE PADS Tile data shown in Fig. 2 for

SORBTEX sliows that the SOIiBTEX
pads llavi~lgshape factors from 0.3 to
5.8 can easily support 111aximuii1stresses
far above the 58 to 483 psi limits esta-

blished by AASHTO for Clidorprene.
In fact, SORBTEX pads have beell
designed for 2000 psi uniform slress
levels for over 20 years, as discussed in I
tlie PC1 Design Handbool<"'.
Based upon tlie results of over 35
years of experience wit11 SORBTEX yads I
in bridge and buildii~gapplications I

and the results from the 1991 test I

program, ail allowable ~ n a x i ~ i i u i i ~
compressive stress of 2500 psi
is considered safe. This stress level
will produce ~neasuredc~mpressive
strains of 7.5 to 13.3percent for the
wide range for tested shape factors as
sliown in Fig. 2. Tliis ability to sustain
Iiigl~erstresses tlian steel reinforced
Cliloroprene pads is clearly sliown in
Fig. 3 where a 60 durometer reillforced
Cliloropreile pad wit11 a sliape factor
of 5 at a stress of 800 psi produces a
compressive strain of 5 percent, while
tlle SORBTEX pad witli a shape factor
of about 5 will sustai~i1500 psi at tlie
identical 5 percent strain. At a shape
factor of 4, the comparison is even
more beneficial wit11 tlle SORBTEX
pad able to sustaili 2300 psi at a strain
of 7.3 percent, while tlle reinforced
AASMTO Cllloropre~lepad can oi~ly
sustai11a stress of about 800 psi for
the salue 7.3 percent strain.
Since Cl~loropreiiebulges
significantly witli durometers of 50,
60 and 70, as explained and shown il-
NCHRP Report 298"!, steel plates arE
used to reinforce and laininate thinner
layers of Cliloroprene to reduce the froin 12.5 to 16.2 percent wit11 an stress. Long-term creep data for
bulging problem. Stress/strain curves average co~npressivestrain of 13.7 SORBTEX pads uniformly loaded
for five i-iomi1lal50 to 55 durometer percent. Tliis average strain for 13.7 to 1500 psi witli a shape factor of 2 are
differently shaped steel plate percent colnpares quite favorably with sl~ownin Fig. A1 (on pg 22). This creep
reiiiforced Cl~loroprenepads having the 12.5 percent average strain data s l ~ o w about
s 8 percent creep
shape factors of about 5 are s l ~ o w nin n ~ e a s u r e don the conventional strain after 120 days of sustained
Fig. 4. These saine stress/strain SORBTEX pads having the same range loading. Tlius, t l ~ ecreep straiii for a
curves are s11ow11 in Fig. 5 wit11 the in shape factor while also at 2500 psi. 1500 psi sustained stress can vary
SORBTEX stress/strain curve for t l ~ e Therefore, the low-friction froin appr~xili~a tely 90 to 160 percent
salne nomilla1 shape factor of about 5. SORBTEX pads have very similar of tlie insta~itaneouscompressive
These data further illustrate the stress/strain curves when compared strain at a stress of 1500 psi. T11e
greater load carrying capacity of to the convei1tioilal SORBTEX pads. total long- term colnpressive straiii
SORBTEX when co~nparedto steel could range fro111 13 to 17 percent at
plate reinforced AASHTO Chloroprene Compressive Strain and a sustained stress of 1500 psi and
pads. A review of the data in Fig. 5 Creep Behavior froin about 21 to 24 percent of the
for steel plate reinforced Chloroprene Average instantaneous compressive origiilal pad tl~icknessif loaded
pads working at a stress of 1000 psi strain is defined as follows: continuously at 2500 psi. Since
iildicates that the SORBTEX yad call
sustain from about 2200 psi to above
E(. = a,. (3) bearing pads are geilerally under
sustaiiled working stresses due to
3000 psi while allowing the same Where: r,. = instantaneous dead load only, tlle total actual
co~npressivestrains of about 7 to 12 coinpressive straiii, in./in. long-term co~npressivestrain of the
percent. A, = instaiitaneous pads would probably be less tlian
Uniform compression tests were compression sl~orteningof t l ~ e21 to 24 percent suggested range
c o ~ ~ d u c t e011d typical SORBTEX pad, in. for a sustained 2500 psi stress level.
expansion bearing pads la~l~iiiated to t = original bearing pad
PTFE, polyiner witli PTFE and steel thickness, in. Nonuniformly Loaded Bearing
wit11 PTFE. T11e purpose of these tests The total average compressive Pads in Compression (Rotation)
was to d e t e r ~ n i i if~ ethe coinpressioi~ strain during t l ~ elife of the yad is the Bearing pads are often loaded
stress/ strain behavior was sum of t l ~ einitial coinpressive strain
influenced by the low-friction due to instailtaneous dead and live
lamillate. The test results are shown loads, and the long-terin colnpressive
in Figs. 6 to 8. These tests 011 strain due to creep. Instantai~eous
SORBTEX pads with shape factors of co~npressivestrains for the tested
0.7 to 2.0 indicate that the various SORBTEX pads when loaded
low-friction SORBTEX pads can also unifor~nlyto 2500 psi range froin about
be designed for 2500 psi uniform 7.5 to 13.3 percent and fro111about 5 to
coinpressive stress. For tllese tests 011 8.8 percent for a u ~ ~ i f o r1500
m psi
triplicate specimei~sof 8 different
laininated SORBTEX pads, tlie
compressive strain at 2500 psi ranged ENGINEERING
SORBTEX ~~onul~iformly as shown in Fig. 9. be histances, particularly with large
The total angular difference, 0, pads and large rotations, wl~enthere
between tl~etwo structural lnelnter is not full load contact over the entire
beai ing SLII face planes is referled pad area. Since the entire pad area
to as rotation. Rotation is significant cannot be used for load calculations,
because it causes the load to be these partially-loaded design cases
nonuniforinly distributed over the are not considered in this manual.
bearing pad. Under some cor-tcbtions, I<OFor plain unreinforced pad
pads may be only pal tially loaded materials may not exhibit eq~~ivalent
as shown in Fig. 10 or colnpletely nonuniform load L ehavior unless
loaded as s11owi1 ir. Fig. 11. Non - their stress-strain tehavior produced
uniform loadi1,g can cause high the same maximum 12 percent
edge load stresses. For this reason, compressive strain at the most lughly
t l ~ eamount of rotation must be loaded edge at service loads.
accounted for in design. T11e Compressive deflection (strain)
AASHTO Bridge Specifications""' behavior is limited by AASHTO to
limit the relative rotation bet~vt-en the use of data obtainej f r ~ m AASIH'I'O
the top and bottom surfaces of the design aids such as Equations 3
bearing by: and 4, results of testing, such as
LO,.+W0, 12 4 tor r~ctnrr~rr/nr!~a,r,rrgs discussed in this manual, or by
rational analysis.
D~ G ~mr~ugs
5 2ACfi1 c~rc~iflr
The use of L or W (L, or WI)
Where: L = Gross loaded lengtl~ depends 011 wluch surface dimension
of rectangular bearing parallel to is affected by the rotation, as shown
longitudinal axis of beam, ill. in Fig 10. If rotations occur about
W = Gross loaded width of both axes, the dimension with the
rectangular bearing perpendicular greater angle is used for calculating
to longitudinal axis of beam, in. pad size. Limiting rotation angles
0, = Relative rc tation be- derived from Equation 6 for various
tween top and bottom beaxing SOIiBTEX pad tl~ickl~ess and
surfaces about the transverse diuension combinatioi~sare plotted
axis, radians in Fig. 12. These curves show the
0, = Relative rotations be- relationship between maximum
tween top and bottom b~aring usable pad dimer sions L or W, pad
surfaces about the longitudir~al thickness t, and rctation angle 0, foi
axis, rad lalts.
' nonuniform loading conditions
A, = Instantaneous whic11provide full contact on the
shortening of a uniformly pad or 100 percent utilization of the
loaded bearing, in. pad area. Equation 6 is valid when
D = Bearing pad dia., in. one edgc is fully loaded and the
t = thickness of pad or other edge load is zero.
layers, in. Figure 12 can also be used to
The recommended SORRTEX determine the proper pad thickness
nonuiufor~nlyloaded service design t, for efficient utilization of the pad
stress is based up011 a conipletely by maximizing the actual loaded
Isaded surface as shown in Fig. 11 area of the p a l under rorui~iform
wit11 a maxilnum strain of 12 percent loading conditions. As an example,
at the inost highly loaded edge for from Fig. 12, for ar assumed design
pads witli thicknesses of 0.50 in. or rotation ~f 0.025 radians, the rnaxim~un
greater. L or W (I,, or WL)dimension for a 1.5
Then for SORBTEX: in. thick pad will be 7.2 in. to aclueve
LO, +we, 10.12t t5' full col tact pressure on the pad.
And if either 8, or Ow = zero, However, these dime1 sions would
then: increase to 9.6 in. if a 2 in. thick pad
was selected. When the actual
rotatioil conditions of a project are
unknown and the designer wishes
The AASHTO zlefinition for L to assume an angular lotation of
01 W assumes that the er tire surface 0.025 radians, the Fig. 12 chal t shows
of the pad is loaded and that there that 0.5 to 4.0 in. thick pads can
is full contact on both tlie top and provide usatle fully-loaded
bottom loaded surfaces. There can dimensions L m W (Llor Wl) cf 2.4
to 19.2 in., respectively. F1g. 9
There are two loading cases STRUCTURAL
possible for fully loaded bearings BEARING I \ / MEMBER
under nonuniform loading condit:ons. CREATED BY
The first case is when one edge is CONSTRUCTION
loaded to a maximum stress o,,,,, and f OLERANCES
the other e d g stress
~ is zero. This OF TWO
casc. produces the maximum pad CONCRETE
length LIllax,which can be found by STRUCTURAL
rearranging Equation 6: MEMBERS


The average stress, oavg for this MEMBER
case is one-half omax. klg. l U
1 The other loading possibility is
whtn both edges are loaded to
significant stresses. For design
purposes, the most highly loaded PLAN Vlkw ELEVATION VIEW
edge is allowed to increase from 2500
psi when 8 = 0 radians to 4000 psi
when 8 = 0.025 radians. Tke pad
length L,,, ,for this second condition
represents t l ~ erninirr um fully
loaded length for oaVg = 2500 psi.
Shorter lengths will result in excessive
edge stresses. The mini11 um lengths
for bearings loaded to significant
levels at both edges were calculated
using the following relationsl~ip
derived from specimen geometry:

These minimum pad lengths are

plotted in Fig. 13.
Table 1, (pgs. 12,13) is a tabulation of
allowable average stresses between
Llllllland L,, for fully loaded
bearings under nonuniform loads
wit11 rotations between 0 and 0.025
radians a1 d pad thicknesses between
0.5 and 3.0 in.
These design load conditions and PARTIAL NONUNIFORM LOADING
resulting stress/strain behavior allows is not loaded and cannot be used for load calculations
for as much as 20 percent strain at
the most highly stressed loaded edge F1g. 11
of the nonuniformly loaded bearing NONUNIFORMLY LOADED PAD
pad wl~ilelimiting the average strain UTILIZING FULL BAD AREA
to 10 percent or less at the center of
gravity of the loaded area of the pad.

1ywdjt I
No detrimental effects were apparent
at these stress levels during load
tests of 54 different pads.
As an exalnple of the use of Table
I Sorbtex 2 0.06t
Fiberlast 2 0.15t

C ,'
Fiberlast- -U.IZ~
borbtex 0.3 t


1- - - - -
- -
-- -
TESTS - -- --


- =- - - 9

Stress, Mpn


cr,qcJ,711c\\, p.51 Stress, Mpn

Fig 18-SORBTEX--
At~r.ugcS/r.c,ss, psi
-- - - - ----
Stress, Mpn


otation = 0.025 rad.

' - i
16 s
- --- TESTS -
- -
' I
- 'I

A ~~ei.crgeStress,
psi Stress, M P ~ A,~,r.,,yc ~ t r scs , psi Stress, MI' fl
4000 4000


Edge Strniii, 0 5 10 15 20 2
.: r.. I # . - . I . -. . .. 7 . I
- - -.. I . .
, I -
. J .

In additioi~to the friction

requiremei~ts,AASHTO also requires
that tht. average bearing pressure on
the 1'TFE sliding surfaces due to all
loads shall not exceed 3500 psi for
recessed unfilled PTFE and 2000 psi
for PTFE not recessed. This AASI-IT0
~equiremei~t lowers tlie allowable
compressiol~stress for SOKBTEX/
systems to 2000 psi. The average
allowable compressive stress for
expallsion bearings designed wit11
SORBTEX/ recessed steel/PTFE is
2500 psi.
AASHTO also requires that
edge load pressure due to all loads
and rotation sl~all*nc~texceed 5000 psi.
Usiiig the recomme11de-I allowable
average stresses, all colifigurations of
SORBTEX expansioli pads tested in .
elastoinericmatrix. Altl~o~~gh70 percent stainless steel wit11 a surface finish of the 1991 series meet this requirement.
shear plus slip strain has been about 18 microil~chesroot- mean
. recommei-tdedas a limit by PC14and square (rms). This surface roughness Stability
I R.
others, the NCHRP and AASHTO is appr~xin~ately equivalent to an Failure ill highly-loaded, thick and .
shear specifications limit deforiilatiol~ average surface finish (R,) of about 16 narrow bearing pads is often caused
to 50 percent of the pad thicki~ess.T116 microinclies. Friction tests were by buckling rather tlian bulging and
11 axlmuln allowable shear stress, q can conducted at nominal compressive splitting. To ensure maximum
be expressed by this relationship: stresses of 500,2000 and 3500 psi. stability, the AASHTO specifications
7, = E, GA (9) The r e s ~ ~ loft sthe tests are shown in rec~tnrnendthat tlie pad thickness, t,
Fig. A2 (on pg 22) and tabulated along sliould relate to pad length, L, width,
Where: z, = maximu111allowable
with the AASHTO inii1iinum design W er diameter, D as follc ws:
shear stress, psi
requireinents ill the followillg table:
E, = maximuin shear strain of
t < L, D
- - W or - ( 10)
0.50 in./in. 3 3 4 for sleel reinforced
G,, = apparent sl~eari~iodulus Clilorc~prcnepads
at shear plus slip strain of 0.50 ,
Because cf tlie high shear resistance of
in./in., psi SORBTEX/Unfilled PTFE SORUTEX experience and testing has
SORBTEX has been tested in shear. on Stainless Steel shown that the additions of steel
Fig. 20 shows the horizontal shear - -
shims is 11ctbeneficial to stability. To
characteristics of SORBTEX when tested Friction Coefficiei~ts maintain stability in SORBTEX pads, it
under various con pressive loads and
is recommei~dedthat:
two surface conditioi s. These 18 tests Perlc>rmance 1
Bearing I'lrssun, pri
show that the apparent shear modulus,
GA, is relatively sensitive to the ts
stnallest pad plar dimension (, ,,
compiessive stress variation from 500 to 1.5
3000 psi, but insensitive to the bearing SOKBTEX 0.03 0.02 0.02
surface conditions. The GAvalues at 50
percent shear plus slip strain ranged
from about 400 to 1325 psi.

Friction Properties of Low Friction The SORBTEX coefficiei~tof

SORBTEX Expansion Pads friction values listed above are
Tests were conducted 011 provided to reflect the typical
SORBTEX / recessed steel / PTFE performal~ceof the materials described
expal~sionpads interfaced wit11 a and are not intended to be a design
polished staiilless steel to deteimine value recommendation. Voss
the fiiction properties between the Engineering, Inc. reccmmends at a
a~atingsurfaces as sliowi~i11 tlie back minimum, AASHTG design values be
cover. For all specimens, I / l 6 in. or used for the structure desigli.
1/8 in. thick, unfilled PTFE surfaces ENGINEERING
were tested against 14 gage, Type 304

xpailsioii aiid slide bearing Upper Bearing Assembly positioned so that tliere is sufficient

E assemblies generally coi~sistof

upper and lower components.
The upper coil1ponent contains a
Upper bearing pad support elemelits
are usually fabricated from ASTM
Type A36 steel. Stainless steel contact
vertical and llorizontal clearances
between the pad and the retainer to
allow for pad lateral expansioli and
support elemel~tsuch as a steel plate surfaces wheii used, are made from long-term creep sl~ortening.
aiid a coiltact element such as a sheet ASTM A240 or Type 304 staililess steel All exposed carbon steel should be
of stainless steel or layer of rTFE. The and sliall be at least 14 gage (0.0e4 ill.) painted to retard corrosion.
lower component usually coiisists of a wit11 a surface finish less than 16.5
steel support elemelit, an ROF inicroiiicl~esR.1 (20 microinches,
elastoil~ericor preforined fabric pad root-meail-square.) 111 addition to tlie
and a contact assembly. The contact surface roughness requirement, other Lateral Cold Flow of PT1;EWith
assembly call be a boiided layer of PTFE contact surfaces shall have Laminated Expansion Bearing Pads
PTFE, bonded lail1inations of minimuiu Brine11 Hardness of 125
polyiuer and PTFE or a bonded steel (-70 Rockwell B). As elastomeric pads compress
plate recessed to contain a layer of 1TFE. Stainless steel contact surfaces from applied vertical loads, the pads
These assemblies call be illstalled in should be coiltinuously welded to the expand laterally. Wlien tlie
concrete to concrete, steel to steel and support element to prevent illfiltration elastomeric inaterial is laminated to a
concrete to steel construction. of rnoisture between tlie sheet and plate. low-friction PTFE system, the PTFE
Fig. 34,35 and 36 illustrate some Tlie bearing area of tlie contact surface inaterial also expands laterally uilless
typical methods of bearing asselnbly sllould be sufficieiltly larger tllaii tlie a special polyineric material separates
attacliment. Fig. 35 sliows i ~ ~ e t l ~of o d scontact area of the lower eleineilt to the elastomeric pad from the I'TFE.
attacliing bearings in concrete to allow for relative 111ovement between material. This cold flow within tlie
concrete constructioi~while Fig. 34 tlie elements. Contact areas of both PTFE can create long-term durability
sl~owsinethods used for steel to steel upper aiid lower elemei~tsshould be problems, particularly wllen the PTFE
attacliinent. Sollie iilstallatioiis recluire protected from dirt, abrasion etc. does not recover its lateral cold flow
bearings which limit il~ovementto one during installation. Wherever strain. During the test program, the
direction. Examples of two such possible, the coiltact surfaces shall be lateral cold flow characteristics of PTFE
designs are shown in Fig. 36. oriented so that sliding movements bonded to plain SORBTEX, to
Coinbinations of these methods and will cause dirt and dust accuin~~lationSORBTEX wit11 a polymer, to FIBER-
others can be used for steel to concrete to fall froin the mating surface. LAST and to FIBERLAST wit11 a
applications. polymer were measured. The results
Lower Bearing Assembly of these uiiiform coinpression tests are
The lower bearing assembly usually sliowi~iii Fig. A4 (on Pag 22) The test
rests on a steel plate cast in concrete data indicate that the polymer layer
or is attached to a steel structural dramatically reduces the lateral cold
element. Support eleilients of the flow bellavior of the I'TFE wheil
bearing are usually ASTM Type A36 bonded to SORBTEX or FIBERLAST.
steel, welded or bolted to the steel The design eilgineer should coiisider
plate or structural element. The the expected lateral straiii 111 the
bearing pad/contact surface eleinent design bearing w l ~ econsiderii~g
i~ the
can be either unrestrained free standing, use of a polymer substrate. If the
restrained free standing, or boi~dedto edge straiii of a FIBERLAST /
the support element, if used. Polymer / PTFE pad under rotation
If welding is used to attach elemeilts exceeds about 15 percent, a piece of
wit11 bonded PTFE surfaces, provisioils 10 gage stainless steel should be used
i n ~ ~be
s tmade to ensure that the in place of the polymer.
temperature in the boild area does not
exceed 300°F (150 'C).
When desigiliilg retainers for the
lower asseil-tbly,consideration must
be given to bulge and long-term creep
sliortei~iiigcharacteristics of the
bearing pad. Retainers must be
Cl i~l,/l,'5 of F i x . A / -CWEBC BEHAVIOR
Illlcloic~s~ - - +


1 . Fiberlast--The Omni Direction Bearing

Pacl of Tomorrow, Voss Engineering, hic.,
Chicago, Illinois, 1989, 14 pages

2. Standard Specifications for Highway

Bridges, Division 1, Section 14 and 15;
Division 2, Sections 25 and 27, American
Associa tion of State Highway and
Transportatioli Officials (AASIJTO),
Fourtee~itliEclition, 1989

3. National Cooperative Highway

Research Program Report 298, r -= - -. - - -
"Performance of Elastomeric Bearings, CIII/I c,~<iilc,
Transportation Research Board, October, s / ,I - - _ - - - - S~ics,

4. I'feifer, D. W. and Iverson, J. I-'.,

"Liearing Pads for Precast Concrete
Buildings," 1'CI Journal,
Scptember/October, 1985

5. "I'CI Design I-Jandbook-Precast ancl

I'restressed Co~icrete,"Prestressed
Concrete Iiistit~~tc.,Tliircl
Edition, 1985 hx
c r o r ~ r c / l i ~RMS

6. National Cooperative Highway

Research I'roject lieport 248, "Elastomcric
Bearings-Design,Constr~~ctio~i and
Materials," Transportation Research I

Board, August, I982 1 F i t s . A3 SLIDE BEARING FRICTION TESTS S/rc:is

Slrc:ss.~isi - M1111
7. Roeder, C. W. and Stanton, J.F., 0 Voss L I i ~ j i l l117'FE
"State-of-the Art Elastomcric Bridge -A- Voss Fil11~r-l1'7-FE
Bearing Design," ACI Str~~ctural Journal,
Vol. 88, No. 1, January-Fcbr~~ary,1991

8. Iverson, James K. and Pfeifer, Donald

W., "Criteria for Design of Bearing Pacls," 'i
Technical Report No. 4, I'restresseed
Concrete I~istitutc,June, 1985

9. Military Specification MIL-C-882E, 27

January '1989," C:loth, Duck, Cotton or
Cotton-l'olyester Blend, Synthetic Rubber
1 I~iipreg~iatedand Lailiinated, Oil
511la\+, /I%! -
10. Interi111 Specifications - Bridges - 1990, 3000 20
American Association of State I-Iighway

and Transport'ition Officials



1 22.

-- -
Welcl o n all ides Sorbtc*

Sole Plat
Sole Plate


IJ Ln:ie'-

' I
)r Slotted 1

L,. Sole I'latc to hole I'iate

T ,/ T I

Bonded Bolted Retaining Box I

Through Bolts

[)u,:ded I'TI 1:

Sole Plate

Tapped Holes
- Weld

I I p-
Cap Screws Through Bolts
Fig.35 cO)(CeflE COW-

Cast Sole Plate

I 1


1 Drachet w /

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