Design and Implementation of A Hostel's Room Allocation Sysytem

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JULY, 2021.


This is to certify that this project was carried out by NSOFOR CHIGOZIE MIRACLE, a student

in department of Computer Science, College of Pure and Applied Science, Caleb University

Lagos and supervised by;


______________________ ____________________


______________________ ____________________
Dr. Olumoye, Mosud Date
Head of Department

______________________ ____________________
Dr. Olutola Bob-Soile Date
Dean of COPAS

____________________ ______________________
External Examiner Date


The success and final outcome of this project required tons of guidance and assistance from

many of us and that I am extremely privileged to possess and get this right along the completion

of my project. All that I even have done is merely thanks to such supervision and assistance and

that I wouldn't forget to thank them.

I respect and thank my Head of Department Dr. Olumoye, for providing me an opportunity to do

the project work in Caleb University and giving all support and guidance, which made me

complete the project duly. I am extremely thankful to Dr. Olumoye for providing such a nice

support and guidance.

I owe my deep gratitude to my project supervisor Dr. Olayiwola, who took interest on my project

work and guided me all along, till the completion of my project work by providing all the

necessary information for developing a good outcome.

I would also wish to thank my friends and family, who helped me tons in finalizing my project

within the limited time-frame.


This project is for a Hostel’s Room Allocation System for Universities it is an allocation and

database management system that gives a platform for students to get assigned to a particular

room number through an online system and also records this information of the students for that

semester. The aim of this project is to develop (design and implementation) and produce a

simple web-based allocation system for students; both male and female currently enrolled into

that university. It also reflects on the problems faced in development and selecting the

appropriate development model, system requirement and system deployment. At last, we discuss

on how the system will be applicable in academic institutions. The web application was

developed using JAVA, HTML5 (Hypertext Markup Language), MYSQL (My Structural Query

Language), VSC (Visual Studio Code).

Keywords: Allocation, Information, Hostel, Room, Student, System


1.1 Background of the study................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the problem...................................................................................................2
1.3 Objectives of the Study.................................................................................................2
1.4 Significant of the Project...............................................................................................2
1.5 Scope of the Project.......................................................................................................3
1.6 Limitation of Study.......................................................................................................3
1.7 Definition of terms........................................................................................................3
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................5
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE...................................................................................5
2.0 Introduction........................................................................................................................5
2.1 Roles and Benefits of an Allocation System in an institution............................................5
2.2 Concept of a Hostel’s Room Allocation System................................................................6
2.3 System Development..........................................................................................................7
2.4 Student Management System...........................................................................................14
2.5 Review of Previous Hostel Allocation Systems...............................................................15
2.6 Software Development Model..........................................................................................18
3.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................19
3.2 Research Methodologies Adopted....................................................................................19
3.3 System Analysis...............................................................................................................24
3.4 System Design..................................................................................................................26
3.5 Database Design...............................................................................................................29
3.6 Flowchart of The Proposed System..................................................................................30
CHAPTER FOUR.........................................................................................................................31
SYSTEM AND IMPLEMENTATION.....................................................................................31
4.0 Introduction......................................................................................................................31
4.1 Objectives of the New System.........................................................................................31
4.2 System Implementation....................................................................................................31
4.2.1 Hardware Requirements................................................................................................32
4.3 Login Page........................................................................................................................32
4.4 Admin Login....................................................................................................................35
CHAPTER FIVE...........................................................................................................................38
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION...........................................................................................38
5.1 Summary..........................................................................................................................38
5.2 Conclusion........................................................................................................................38
5.3 Recommendations............................................................................................................39
5.4 Areas of Application........................................................................................................39

Figure 2.0 Database
Figure 2.1 DBMS
Figure 2.2 Incremental Iterative
Figure 3.0 Object Modelling
Figure 3.1 System Architecture………………...........................................................................28
Figure 3.2 Database Design….....................................................................................................29
Figure 3.3 The New System Flow
Figure 4.0 Login
Figure 4.1
Figure 4.2 & 4.3 Book
Figure 4.4 Register Student…….................................................................................................35
Figure 4.5 Admin
Figure 4.6-4.8 Front-end and Back-end codes…...................................................................36-


1.1 Preamble
Firstly, what do we understand by an Allocation System? This is a method which can determine

and help in the allocation of scant assets to satisfy the need for such things. The Hostels Room

Allocation System can be used to allocate rooms to boarding university students, this purposes’

and plans a system that is equipped for managing a database that is automated to assign room

space to students in need. As a result, the formal manual means of room allocations in

institutions which are inaccurate and undependable will see a change with the purposed system.

The establishment of this system in these institutions will relieve the overall workload of the

Students Affairs Committee and Hostel Administrators, in the sense that all student’s

information regarding hostel affairs is recorded accurately and are in safe hands of the DBMS

(Database Management System).

This research study will go through all the issues found with developing such a system, problems

faced in the old system and how to prevent issues that have to do with the usual accommodation

problems in universities. Making use of an online web application developed with tools like

HTML etc., students can simply login with their details and provided that the accommodation fee

has been paid to receive room numbers to their desired hostels automatically.

1.2 Background of the study

In the past, hostel allocation and accommodation were not much of a big deal due to the limited

amount universities and educated persons at that time. However, the 21 st century has opened a lot

of doors and given opportunity for almost everyone to have an education and embrace the new

technology-wise systems. Although, in Nigeria we have only seen a few technological

improvements over the years and most organizations are still in the use of old methods of

handling operations when technology has come to make things easier for us all.

The aims of this system are to create, develop and manage all allocations of the students

checking into the hostels without any margin for errors and also save lots of time and energy of

students and staff. Universities adopting this system are required to have a database where these

records can be kept for future purposes, they would need a strong host server to handle data

traffic and the likes, making the systems centralized so it can be altered without problems. The

proposed system will automatically let students know the rooms they are to occupy even before

they get to school.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

To begin with, the human population of the world is always on the rise which means the more

resources needed to control and manage, same thing goes with schools and institutions as they’re

more students gaining admission into the university now unlike before. This tells us that we have

to keep on expanding and upgrading our systems, to fit in with the requirements of this present


So therefore, a new system or method will have to be incorporated to ensure that high amounts of

information and data are not lost but must be effective and absolute. This will also help hostel

administrators record keeping by providing an accurate and up-to-date information on the

occupants of the hostel rooms. These statistics will be needed from time to time for proper

management of the hostel administration and the school’s general database.

1.4 Aims and Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study are summarized as follows:

 To design a web-based program that consequently generates and stores all hostel

occupancy data.

 Creating a centralized database management for all students in the hostel.

 Give accurate reports on the hostel’s occupancy.

1.5 Significant of the Project

 The system will tackle issues identified with the obtaining of allocation for students into

hostel and rooms.

 A report of this information is expected effectively and accurately.

 It will give the institution information on the students currently assigned to the hostel for

easy identification and acknowledgement.

1.6 Scope of the Project

The major aim of the project is to develop a system which will allocate students of an institution

into room spaces of various hostels at a fast time rate. It focuses on the registration, allocation

and management of data about individuals of the institution.

1.7 Limitation of Study

Over the span of this research, numerous things worked against its consummation, which are;

 Time frame to complete this project was not adequate.

 Financial cost to develop the system.

 High programming languages can be difficult to understand and implement.

 Due to time factor, research resources were not always available and hard to come by.

1.8 Definition of terms

 HOSTEL: A large building where people can stay inexpensively for a short period of


 ALLOCATION: This is the process of assigning a resource to a particular person.

 ROOM: A portion or space in a building or house, separated by walls, ceilings and other


 SYSTEM: Is a collection of elements, principles and procedures to which something is


 STUDENT: An individual who is studying in the university or a school.

 RECORD: A writing or piece of information that is kept for future reverences.

 WEBSITE: A collection of web pages located by a single domain name, produced by an

individual or organization.

 DATABASE: This is an organized data stored and can be assessed electronically from a


 METADATA: This is the type of data types and relationships, which can often be known

as data dictionary, that seems to be a more accepted term.

 DBMS (Database Management System): It can be defined as a system software which

promotes the organization of grouped data into a specific database architecture.

 SQL (Structured Query Language): SQL is known as a relational database query or a

manipulative language. It’s ability and flexibility make way for the creation of databases

and tables and the adjustment of query data.


2.1 Introduction

A Hostel’s Room Allocation System is an important part/structure of database management in

almost all tertiary institutions across the world, this is majorly due to its accuracy and time

effectiveness, here the students benefit from the system in numerous ways; registering into the

hostel online, room numbers are assigned and recorded instantly etc.; whereas in the previous

existing system which was done manually, hostel administrators used pen to paper method to

register and assign students to the hostel. Due to various issues experienced in operating manual

methods of hostel allocation in universities, making use of written or printed paper records are

not efficient.

“There are a lot of challenges in the global educational system: from top to bottom

systematic issues on how educational institutions are organized and deliver, then bottom

to top issues of curriculum effectiveness, accountability and human resources allocation”.

(Adam Braun, 2012)

The systems’ allocation technique for hostels is essentially online programming developed for

allocating rooms to students. The motivation behind this research study; is to come up with an

answer for the problems of room allocation in the hostel of an institution by designing a web-

based scheme, which is extensive with a graphical user interface (GUI) that goes together with

the active manual method. This type of software program that will be made use of should be able

to eradicate issues of room allocation, congestion of hostel facilities and ensure its more reliable

and efficient than the previous manual system.

2.2 Roles and Benefits of an Allocation System in an institution

Though various evaluations of both manual and automatic allocation systems, institutions would

not resist to opt for the new proposed system due to vast improvements achieved by the

allocation system. In my research, I was able to notify the roles and benefits of allocation

systems in universities;

1) Choose to either automatically assign students to rooms dependent on characterized rules; like

sex, age, departments etc. or assume manual responsibility for the distribution of students.

2) Our 2-module proposed method guarantees that all designations (both manual and

programmed) are supported before any lists are produced, offering you the chance to correct any

incorrect distributions.

3) Extensive administration reports empower you to rapidly and effectively screen all parts of the

system life cycle.

4) Complete authority over the information of the site, just as the data of any programmed alarms

and notifications sent to the undergraduates from the system.

5) All exchanges and connections with every candidate from starting client registration through

to their appearance are automatically recorded. This information is documented for review


6) Fully facilitated in the server of your website, the program limits the requirement for tedious

programming updates and redesigns.

7) Automatic updates can be arranged to prompt students to finish registration of their hostel

applications before the deadline.

8) Flexibility to move students from one room then onto the next whenever. Depending on the

reason and situation.

2.3 Concept of a Hostel’s Room Allocation System

The Room Allocation System looks to improve on the hostel administrator’s activity. The stages

engaged with the registration cycle should be decreased to the very least in case it is to be

quicker and of more advantage. Paper-based registration of room allocation are tedious and

costly. The student has a rule to go through and few layers of approval, creating numerous

archives en route.

An increase in the number of students will clearly mean more desk work and less proficiency of

the old manual system, subsequently, numerous universities are discovering the hostel’s room

allocation system a superior and more viable method of making up for the inconvenience and

shortcoming of the manual system of allocation.

Web based system for hostel lodging convenience assumes an indispensable part in the change

and if adequately executed, it will accomplish these goals:

 Reduce paper work and excess stress, further developing usefulness and bringing down

cost of printing and buying registration materials yearly.

 Help the institution in informing the executives and joining of students' profiles.

 Provide the school's measurements on the need of students (e.g., bedding, cushions,

tables, seats, and so on)

 Helps the school to give record of student effortlessly.

2.4 System Development

The Hostel Room Allocation System introduced in this project, has been created due to of

researches conducted inside the Automatic Scheduling, Optimization and Planning in various

Universities. A study was done to find out what the requirements of the new system should be,

and from this study we set up a collection of important prerequisites of a system to automate the

rooms portion measure. This collection can be summed up as follows.

 Hardware Compatibility: The system has been intended to run under COMPUTERs

running 32-digit Windows conditions, for example, Windows 10 or XP since this is the

arrangement that most colleges use.

 Connectivity: The incorporated DBMS support gives a direct way wherein to stack the

essential data set data to start the advancement cycle. Utilizing DBMS libraries, we

guarantee that the system can peruse the client's information in standard arrangements

like SQL, Oracle, Access, Excel, Text CSV and others.

 Visualization: The system can show all accessible data in regards to the current

advancement issue. It shows the wellness insights window that shows the quantity of

allotted assets, the quantity of rooms utilized, space usage and punishments for

unsatisfied limitations. This shows the asset rundown window that presents a rundown of

every asset along with its relating allocated room, imperative punishments and different

subtleties from the information base.

 Convenience: Hostel Administrators can without much stress utilize our system on

account of the easy-to-use interface, empowering them to design the system just as to

decipher, alter and save the arrangements delivered. A record set containing the necessary

data set data for the advancement issue should be stacked into the system. This record set

parts the data set into three gatherings: assets, rooms and limitations. Assets is the

rundown, everything being equal, to be considered in the streamlining issue along with

proper data like name, level, proprietor, bunch, amount, share, need, space prerequisite

and use. Rooms contains the accessible rooms to be utilized in the assignment issue along

with the necessary information for every specific room like mark, size, asset, building,

floor, nearby rooms, proprietor, type and use. Imperatives records all norm and issue

explicit limitations to be utilized in the advancement interaction. The particular and

adjustment of limitations can be controlled utilizing an extraordinarily planned window

through which the client can characterize name, imperative, subject, target, type,

weighting and need for every requirement. When the system is stacked with every one of

the necessary information, there are two client levels to arrange the system. The main

level, system director, displayed. This approves the decision of a fitting calculation and

its boundaries, while the subsequent level, system client, settles on a speedy and a more

exhaustive yet more slow looking through measure. When the system delivers the

arrangement, the space supervisor can assess it utilizing the showed data. It is likewise

conceivable to change this proposed arrangement through added altering capacities that

let the client move assets starting with one room then onto the next, acquiring data from

the system about the assessment of this move.

 Functionality: We are giving the hostel admins a utility device which empowers them to

assess, the student’s biodata, the current space allotment. It is feasible to discover various

arrangements centered upon explicit objectives by indicating the significance of every

limitation. The system can be designed to utilize the strategies carried out with various

boundary esteems that additionally consider these particular client objectives. Thusly,

various arrangements can be proposed for a similar issue contingent upon the

arrangement of requirements, and the calculation settings.

2.4.1 Allocation System User Interface

Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) are the fundamental

languages utilized for making site pages and other data that can be shown in an internet browser.

The reason for an internet browser is to peruse HTML records and create them into apparent or

discernible website pages. The program doesn't show the HTML labels, however utilizes the

labels to decipher the idea of the page. Hypertext Markup Language HTML components

structure the structure squares, everything being equal, permits pictures and protests to be

installed and can to be utilized to make intuitive structures. It gives a way to make organized

reports by indicating underlying semantics for txt like heading, passages, records, connections,

cites, etc. It can likewise implant scripts written in dialects, for example, JavaScript which

influence the conduct of HTML pages. HTML comprises of a few key segments, including labels

and their traits, character-based information types, character references and substance references.

A significant part is the archive type assertion, which triggers norms mode delivering.

Hypertext Preprocessor PHP is a worker side prearranging language intended for web

advancement yet in addition utilized as a universally useful programming language. PHP code

might be inserted into HTML code, or it very well may be utilized in blend with different Web

layout systems and web systems. PHP code is normally prepared by a PHP mediator (figuring)

translator carried out as a module (registering) module in the web worker or as a Common

Gateway Interface (CGI) executable. The web developer consolidates the aftereffects of the

deciphered and executed PHP code, which might be any kind of information, including pictures,

with the produced page.

2.4.2 Database of the Allocation System

MySQL (Structured Query language) is an open-source social information base administration

system (RDBMS), the world's second most utilized social data set after SQLite. It is sent with

each Android (working system) and iPhone gadget alongside the Google Chrome and Firefox

programs. The MySQL advancement project has made its source code accessible under the

details of the GNU General Public License, just as under an assortment of exclusive

programming arrangements. MySQL is a famous decision of information base for use in web

applications, and is a focal segment of the broadly utilized LAMP (programming group) open-

source web application programming stack and other rundown of AMP bundles. Free

programming open-source projects that require a full-included information base administration

system regularly use MySQL.

2.4.3 Selection of DBMS Software

Three of the most well-known databases for allocation are the board systems are chosen

for benchmark examination. They are MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL. One of the

differentiations among the product is that; MySQL and PostgreSQL are open source,

while prophet is a business database that may require a permit Zhonhai Z., et al. (2009).

Albeit the Oracle databases are more versatile in light of the fact that it handles huge

databases which is in terabytes, while MySQL can deal with bigger databases than

PostgreSQL. Anyway, MySQL and PostgreSQL have higher similarity contrast with

Oracle Fermilab, (2014). Similarly, MySQL is the most broadly utilized and well-

known social database the executive’s system, which gives various client admittance to

a few databases. It likewise has greater agreeableness in the PHP web advancement

Khan, (2014).

Figure 2.0 Database Types

2.4.4 Relational Database Systems

Relational databases take additional thought when you are finding out about how databases

work. Relational databases let you work with information similarly you do with different things

in your day-to-day existence, putting together comparative information into gatherings and

afterward attempting to wipe out copies of information at every possible opportunity. We will

cover relational databases in this module. Toward the finish of this module, you ought to

comprehend having a standardized database and how that affects the questions you make

utilizing SQL. A relational database matches information by utilizing normal attributes found

inside the informational collection. The subsequent gatherings of information are coordinated

and are simpler for people to comprehend. For instance, an informational index containing every

one of the stock exchanges for an individual can be gathered by the date range in which the

exchanges happened, or it tends to be assembled by the value scope of the exchanges. Such a

gathering utilizes the relational model (a specialized term for this is construction). Consequently,

such a database is known as a "relational database." The product used to do this gathering is

known as a (RDBMS) relational database the executive’s system and the expression "relational

database" regularly alludes to this sort of programming.

Relational database systems were initially evolved due to commonality and effortlessness. Since

tables are utilized to convey thoughts in numerous fields, the phrasing of tables, lines, and

sections isn't threatening to most clients. During the early long periods of relational databases

(1970s), the straightforwardness and commonality of relational databases had solid allure

particularly in examination with procedural direction of other information models that existed at

that point.

The engineering of DBMS bundles has developed from the early solid systems, where the entire

DBMS programming bundle was one firmly incorporated system, to the advanced DBMS

bundles that are secluded in plan, with a customer/worker system design. This development

reflects the patterns in processing, where huge incorporated centralized server databases are

being supplanted by many circulated workstations and databases associated by means of

correspondences organizations to different kinds of worker machines like Web workers, database

workers, document workers, and application workers. In an essential customer/worker DBMS

design, the system usefulness is appropriated between two sorts of modules.

 A client module is normally planned so it will run on a client workstation or databases.

Regularly, application projects and UIs that entrance the database run in the customer

module. Henceforth, the customer module handles client communication and gives the

easy-to-use interfaces like structures or menu-based GUIs (graphical UIs).

 The other sort of module, called a server module, normally handles information

stockpiling, access, search, and different capacities.

Preceding utilizing SQL, ordinary systems utilized a level record approach. A level document is

a database record that can;

 Must be perused or composed successively.

 Comprises of at least one records.

 Each record contains at least one field occurrences.

 Each field occurrence can contain an information esteem, or be precluded.

A few definitions express that all records should be of a similar sort and this limitation is normal

while examining a level document database. Notwithstanding, most uses permit a level document

to have more than one record type.


Database System

Application Programs/Queries

DBMS Software

Software to process Queries/Programs

Software to Access Stored Data

METADATA Stored Database

Figure 2.1 DBMS

2.5 Student Management System

As stated by Marvish, (2003), Student Information Management System (SIMS) is a student-

level information assortment system that permits the institution to gather and investigate more

exact and far-reaching information, to meet government and state detailing necessities, and to

advise strategy and automatic choices. Student Information Management System gives the total

information and management for the students, guardians, resources, and different staffs of the

school. A portion of the highlights of the Student Information Management System for

management are to give information for dynamic, effectively open information to all fitting, give

information that is exact, predictable, ideal, dependable, and complete, decrease regulatory

expenses, gives information about new management approaches, charge structure, date of

installment, new guidelines and assists management with monitoring profiles and execution of

all students in the foundations.

These are a few suggestions which legitimacy further thought; however, they can't yet remain all

alone and these are distinguished in the connected investigation. Students have a scope of

decision in the room's designation system. First-years fill in a structure that given by student

affairs before appearance, showing the lease band of the room they would like. They likewise

can contact Student Affair Office on the off chance that they need house to lease and not

intrigued to remain at the school or perhaps school didn't give to them.

Room members are liable for the up-keep of neatness and cleanliness of their rooms consistently

remembering the normal regions for the inn, for example, the reception, storeroom and restrooms

for the comfort of the students. No student is permitted to oversee modifications or harm to the

hostel changes or harm to the premises or to eliminate any fittings. Anybody found abusing this

standard will be exposed to proper charges and activity were considered significant by the

management. All students should peruse and are required to comply with the accompanying

principles and guidelines. Any student who neglects to conform to any of these guidelines and

guidelines will be exposed to disciplinary activity and might be evicted from the hostel by the

Management. Any equilibrium of the convenience expenses will be relinquished and students

should pay harms where appropriate. The Hostel Administration Management will help students

in addressing themselves and their rooms in the best way conceivable. Offer help to students,

empowering them to foster ID with the school through social, instructive, social, sporting and

preparing programs. Backer for students on different grounds councils. Urge workforce and staff

to be ready for students and their co-educational program exercises. Help students in creating

abilities that empower them to achieve their co-educational program objectives. Supporter for

student interests inside student exercises and the school all in all by give a student viewpoint in

student exercises preparing and general arrangement advancement and work with students to

start new student associations.

2.6 Review of Previous Hostel Allocation Systems

Ezzat F. Guirgius. An audit of the inn circumstance in province down. Northern Ireland Queen

Street Mental Health Center, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

In this article, it is displayed about the emergency clinic's circumstance. In 1992, the functioning

party was set up to cover the inn circumstance in co. down, Northern Ireland and to make

suggestions in regards to future necessities. The inns have been in presence in co. down since

1963 and have expanded from four beds to 102 beds at the hour of the report.

Smithey. PN (1999). Engage and Petrification: A relevant examination of inhabitant

management out in the open lodging, 150.

An article has been composed by Smithey P. examine about a logical investigation of inhabitant

management out in the open lodging. Inhabitant management is a strategy that permits the

occupants of the loft to act admirably completely to settle the local area issue, acquire the help

from public and some subsidizing. By utilizing dark strengthening urban areas as an exploration,

Smithey discover an appropriate method to oversee inhabitant out in the open lodging. By

utilizing this diary, one can realize what was required in a loft or inn for students to live and what

are the necessities for a decent inhabitant.

Bowman k. (2007) another job for student lodging, renewing an average sized city center, 174.

The report has been composed by Bowman K. the diary examines about student’s home. The

review from 380 respondents' shows 1.6% communicated a longing to live in a student home.

Larger part of students' reaction show that they need to pick their own living climate than

quarters standard space. Different outcomes shows that they might want to add the parking

garage, cafés and supermarket as the extra offices at their inhabitant. The condos that are given

to students have inhabitance range from one to four individuals. The individual rooms were

coordinated reasonable to the student's exercises in their rooms.

Pulvis C.L. (2008). The biological impression of inn sightseers in Ontorio and Quebec. This

diary had been composed by Pulvis C. what's more, it examines about lodgings study. This study

required point by point information on example inns. The review was planned suitably to gather

the information about the inn. A subjective survey was intended to hear their point of view about

the example lodgings. The gathered information incorporates the inhabitants, the month that gets

higher tenants, and the offices of the example lodgings. After the overview, the chief will make

the investigation about the example lodgings.

JE Calmeyer and GJ Delport. (2002). The displaying and control of heated water utilization in

private inns. Place for new power examines, branch of electrical and gadgets designing

University of Pretoria, South Africa.

This paper portrays the models that have been produced for the plan of control of boiling water

utilization of the private inn at the University of Pretoria. It depends on 1999 duty rates. Heated

water load limit is accessible to be controlled on primary grounds alone. In the ideal control of

the heated water chambers, separation of boiling water in the chamber isn't thought of.

A General System Design for e-Hostel Allocation System was planned at the school of

Allamanda, by a professor. The issue was that the quantity of students enlisting each year was

continually expanding which brings about manual enrollment of convenience issues. The

particular target was to examine and shows the overall engineering of the e-Hostel Allocation

System and to make a set out of online modules like Staff Registration, Student Identification,

Web Portal Administration, Student Allocation Generation and Report and furthermore

UNIMAS Colleges Integration modules.

The System analysis and procedure were object-arranged plan. Throughout this venture, they

tracked down that the system had the option to show e-lodging distribution system and further

developed the model structure set of online modules, for example, staff enlistment, student

distinguishing proof, web-based interface organization, and student assignment age and report,

however the plan of this investigation didn't zero in on students’ singular inclinations and

individual qualities. They planned and Implementation of a Hostel Management System for

Lagos State University (LASU). The scientists set up the issue, expressing that the current inn

method for students' designation was manual which is related with insufficiencies as more

faculty are regularly required and a ton of times are squandered. Consequently, the goal was to

execute an electronic lodging management system that will smooth out enlistment measure,

lessen authoritative assignments and desk work to further develop the enrollment cycle measure


Hypertext Pre-processor (PHP) and MySQL data set were utilized to execute the examination

work. It was tracked down that the Electronic inn management system for student's enrollment

sped up the enlistment. Once more, the plan of this investigation joins students who contrary in a

similar room. More examination was finished, they planned a Hostel Management System for

students' convenience issues in Federal Colleges of Education in South-Eastern Nigeria. The

scientist found that most lodgings were excessively packed, ineffectively fabricated, and need

appropriate manual enlistment strategy.

The particular target was to discover the idea of student's inn convenience issues in the Federal

Colleges of Education, discover the ramifications of convenience issues on scholarly execution

of students in these universities, and Identify management systems that could be embraced to

enhance student's convenience issues in these Federal Colleges of Education. This was

accomplished by embracing an elucidating study plan. In the venture, his significant discoveries

showed that the student concurred that deficient inn convenience, stuffing, were because of

terrible assignment system. The insufficiency in this investigation was the selection of a poll that

is inclined to wrong inputs.

Furthermore, they planned and carried out a modernized research at Ogun state foundation of

innovation. The analyst expressed that the Problems related with inn records are the manual

circumstance by the University system which brought about the advancement of an application

that will facilitate the pressure related with the current manual system. Nonetheless, the

exploration actually didn't resolve the issue of shared control over choice of room among


2.7 Software Development Model

Incremental Iterative Model is the advancement strategy we are utilizing to develop the proposed

new system.

The Iterative Model is reiteration in essence. Rather than beginning with completely known

prerequisites, you execute a bunch of programming necessities, then, at that point test, assess and

pin point further necessities. Another variant of the product is created with each stage, or cycle.

Do this process again until the total system is prepared.

Figure 2.2 Incremental Iterative Model

One benefit over other SDLC procedures: This model gives you a functioning form from the get-

go all the while and makes it more affordable to carry out changes. One weakness: Resources

can rapidly be eaten by rehashing the cycle and once more.

Incremental Iterative methodology: is one of the articles situated methodologies used to foster a

system through rehashed cycles (iterative) and in more modest bits all at once (gradual),

permitting programming designers to exploit what was realized during advancements of before

parts or forms of the system. Taking in comes from both the turn of events and utilization of the

system, where conceivable key strides in the process start with a basic execution of a subset of

the product necessities and iteratively improve the developing adaptations until the full system is

carried out. At every emphasis plan, alterations are made and new utilitarian abilities are added.



3.1 Introduction

The technique received for this research work is object-oriented method (OOM). We live in a

universe of objects. These objects exist in nature, in man-made elements, in business, and in the

items that we use. They can be arranged, depicted, coordinated, joined, controlled and made.

In this way, an object-oriented view has come into picture for system analysis and programming.

An object-oriented way to deal with the development of programming was proposed in late

1960s. Object-Oriented development necessitates that object-oriented methods be utilized during

the analysis, and execution of the system. This procedure requests that the researcher figure out

what the objects of the system are, the means by which they act after some time or in light of

occasions, and what obligations and connections an object needs to different objects. Object-

oriented analysis has the investigator take a look at all the objects in a system, their

commonalties, contrast, and how the situation needs to control the objects. OOM of building

systems accepts the objects as the premise, Firstly, the system to be created is noticed and broken

down then the necessities are characterized. Furthermore, the objects in the proposed system are

distinguished for example students, hostel administrator, computer systems, online allocation

system and so forth in basic terms, OOM depends on recognizing the objects in a system and

their interrelationships, whenever this is done, the execution of the system is finished.

3.2 Research Methodologies Adopted

The research methodology is the process the researcher uses in performing the analysis of the

existing system and therefore the subsequent acquisition of knowledge for the designing of the

proposed system, which might replace the existing system.

Numerous research methodologies available depending on the software development cycle, the

demands of the user, the nature of the software being developed etc. some of the methodologies

are as follows:

 Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM)

In structured system analysis and design methodology, the project as a whole is structured into

small, definite activities. SSADM also gives us the sequence and connection of those activities.

In coding, the programs are broken down into functions and processes and there is one entry

point and one exit point in the system.

 Object Oriented Design (OOD)

In Object Oriented Design, the ideal model of the important word problem is developed. It is

advised often to check the planning before creating it.

 Prototyping

Prototyping is the activity where an incomplete version of the proposed system is made. This is

not the final implementation and should not be used for the existing system.

Earlier, the method proposed is the Object-Oriented Design (OOD). This methodology makes the

use of the three types of methods namely; object modelling techniques, object process

methodology and rational unified process.

Object Modeling Techniques (OMT)

It was one of the principal objects situated philosophies and was presented by Rumbaugh in

1991. OMT utilizes three distinct models that are consolidated in a manner that is

undifferentiated from the previous organized methodology.

Figure 3.0 Object Modelling Techniques

a. Analysis

The fundamental objective of the analysis is to bring up models of the world.

The demands of the clients, developers and directors give the data expected to attend to the

underlying issues of the system.

b. OMT Models

i. Object Model

It portrays the object classes and their connections as a class outline, which addresses the static

design of the system. It notices every one of the items as static and doesn't give any consideration

to their dynamic nature.

ii. Dynamic Model

It catches the cycle of the system over the long run and the stream control and occasions in the

Event-Trace Diagrams and State Transition Diagrams. It depicts the progressions happening in

the conditions of different objects with the occasions that may happen in the system.

iii. Functional Model

It shows the information changes of the system. This displays the progression of information and

the progressions that happen to the information all through the system.

c. Design

It determines the entirety of the information expected to depict how the system will be executed.

In this stage, the information of the system analysis and system design are executed.

The objects distinguished in the system design stage are planned.

2. Object Process Methodology (OPM)

This is additionally called as second era approach because it was first presented in 1995. It has

just one graph that is the Object Process Diagram (OPD) which is utilized for displaying the

design, capacity and conduct of the system. It has a solid accentuation on demonstrating however

has a more fragile accentuation on measure. It comprises of three primary cycles:

i. Initiating: It decides significant level prerequisites, the extent of the system and the assets that

will be required.

ii. Development: It includes the point-by-point analysis, plan and execution of the system.

iii. Deploy: It acquaints the system with the client and resulting upkeep of the system.

3. Rational Unified Process (RUP)

This process was created by the Rational Corporation in 1998. Its methodology comprises of

four stages which can be separated into emphases.

i. Origin

ii. Elaboration

iii. Development

iv. Progress

Every cycle comprises of nine workspaces called disciplines. A discipline relies upon the stage

wherein the cycle is occurring. For each discipline, RUP characterizes a bunch of curios (work

items), exercises (work embraced on the ancient rarities) and jobs (the obligations of the

individuals from the advancement group).

Targets of Object-Oriented Methodologies

 To support more prominent re-use.

 To deliver a more definite particular of system requirements.

 To have less issues with approval (Are we assembling the right item?).

Advantages of Object- Oriented Methodologies

1. It addresses the issue area, since it is simpler to create and get plans.

2. It permits changes all the more without any problem.

3. It gives pleasant constructions to speculation, abstracting and prompts particular plan.

4. Straightforwardness
5. Reusability: It is an ideal objective of all advancement interaction. It contains the two

information and capacities which follow up on information. It makes simple to reuse the code in

another system. Messages give a predefined interface to an article's information and usefulness.

6. Expanded Quality: This component expansions in quality to a great extent a result of this

program reuse.

7. Viable: This OOP technique makes code more viable. The objects can be kept up with

independently, making finding and fixing issues simpler.

8. Versatile: The object situated applications are more versatile than organized methodology. It

makes simple to supplant the old and maturing code with quicker calculations and more up to

date innovation.

9. Measured quality: The OOD systems are simpler to adjust. It very well may be modified in

essential manners while never separating since changes are flawlessly exemplified.

10. Modifiability: It is not difficult to roll out minor improvements in the information portrayal

or the techniques in an item situated program.

11. Customer/Server Architecture: It includes the transmission of messages to and fro over an


3.3 System Analysis

Systems analysis is a cycle of gathering authentic information, understanding the cycles in

question, distinguishing issues and suggesting achievable ideas for working on the usefulness of

the system. This includes considering the business measures, element connections gathering

functional information, comprehend the data stream, discovering bottlenecks and developing

answers for beating the shortcomings of the system to accomplish the hierarchical objectives.

System Analysis likewise incorporates decoupling of complex cycles that make up the whole

system, recognizable proof of information store and manual cycles.

3.3.1 Analysis of The Existing System

The number of students acquiring admission to higher institution is expanding on yearly basis.

This is work-load in the offices of these establishments. Receiving the ordinary manual booking

method is the normal practice in many institutions here in allocating students. This technique is

known to various disadvantages, some of which are human blunder, low security, information

repetition, trouble in administration, trouble in information update, trouble in record keeping,

trouble in information recuperation in the event of calamity and so forth.

Benefits of The Existing System

1. Force supply doesn't influence the activity of the current system.

2. The current system can be utilized by both computer literates and illiterates.

3. The system is easy to develop.

Disadvantages of The Existing System

The existing system is described however not restricted to the accompanying shortcomings:

1. The current system makes the recovery of data undeniably challenging on account of the huge

volume of record one needs to figure out to recover or approach one's document.

2. The current system needs satisfactory security on the grounds that unapproved admins cannot

approach data.

3. The current system is defenseless against cataclysmic event like flood, fire episode and rat

assault of records which will cause loss of data.

4. The current system comes up short on a computer-based data set for the capacity of records

which makes these documents to consume the actual extra room.

5. Loads of time is committed to the filling of structures for simple recovery of data.

6. There is deficient labor to adapt to the developing populace.

Solutions to The Problems Identified

The answer for these issues is improvement of an online hostel allocation system; this in the new

system will dispose of the issues experienced in the manual system. Whenever carried out, it will

assume an incredible part, for example,

1. Increased productivity: The modernized system details precise effectiveness, quicker and

compelling method of preparing inn exercises, with the mediation of computer.

2. Capacity: The new system gives a superior method for data stockpiling, all records identified

with inn are put away on an incorporated information base and scrambled to stay away from

unapproved access.

3. Mistake free: The new system with the computer mediation in preparing, blunders will be

kept away from or wiped out.

4. Speed: The new system offers the students undertakings official and the administration a

chance to recover and sort documents in the briefest conceivable time contrasted with the manual


5. Unwavering quality: Delay is totally looked out on the recovery of record about inn utilizing

the mechanized system.

3.3.2 Analysis of The Proposed System

The proposed system which is an electronic system that can be dispatched on the web or run on a

worker is a strong system which interconnects every one of the offices and faculty engaged with

the student's administration and allocation measure in an institution. The system likewise has

hearty data set for the capacity of data in where student’s information should be put away.

Benefits of The Proposed System

1. The proposed system will computerize the hostels distribution/the allocation interaction

consequently disposing of the escape clauses related with the current system.

2. The utilization of data set will help in simple recovery of data and control information


3. The use of a pass phrase will be joined to keep up with and guarantee information security and


4. The online association of the multitude of divisions and the pertinent work force engaged with

the designation interaction will assist clients with finding and view data quicker and use

application that is applicable to their jobs and duties.

5. The new system is savvy since data can be gotten to through internet browsers as opposed to

keeping up with actual archives which will assist with getting a good deal on printing, copying of

reports just as record upkeep overhead.

3.4 System Design

The system design shows the outline of any system that will be created. It gives the very insight

concerning each part of the system that will be made. Here the analyst gives the overall system

of the end result (what could be alluded to as manual). The different method of utilization of the

new system is given here, for example the most effective method to, what to and on what will the

system be utilized on. The significance of the design is to empower system designer or scientist

to know the expense result of the item on the client and the developer. In that the adequacy of the

system won't be out of date. (Contributing a lot of asset and having less usefulness).

3.4.1 System Requirements

To be utilized proficiently, all computer programming needs certain equipment segments or

other programming assets to be available on a computer. These essentials are known (as

computer) system requirements and are regularly used as a rule rather than a flat-out rule.

These are some of the functional requirements of the system;


Hostel details Information the The system must have the

system must have students information

View status Status the system The system allows

must have students to check
application status

Rooms allocation Allocates rooms to The system allocates rooms

students. to students

3.4.2 System Design
In view of the client necessities and itemized analysis of the existing system, the web-based

Hostel’s Room Allocation System was planned. This stage included the two-information

demonstrating and measure displaying. Setting outlines were utilized in information definition to

characterize the substances of the system and how they interface with one another.

3.4.3 System Architecture

A 3-tier application architecture is a measured client-server architecture that comprises of a show

tier, an application tier and an information tier. The information tier stores data, the application

tier handles rationale and the show tier is a graphical UI (GUI) that speaks with the other two

tiers. The three tiers are consistent, not physical, and might possibly run on a similar actual


Presentation tier - This tier, which is worked with HTML5, falling templates (CSS) and

JavaScript, is conveyed to a figuring gadget through an internet browser or an online application.

The show tier speaks with different tiers through application program interface (API) calls.

Application tier - The application tier, which may likewise be alluded to as the rationale tier, is

written in a programming language like Java and contains the business rationale that upholds the

application's center capacities. The hidden application tier can either be facilitated on

disseminated servers in the cloud or on a committed in-house server, contingent upon how much

preparing power the application requires.

Information tier - The information tier comprises of a database and a program for overseeing

peruse and compose admittance to a database. This tier may likewise be alluded to as the

capacity tier and can be facilitated on-premises or in the cloud. Mainstream database systems for

overseeing read/compose access incorporate MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server and


Figure 3.1 Three-tier System Architecture

3.5 Database Design

The database design is a relatable data set model, where there is the utilization of tables with

lines and segments which have datatypes that characterize the principles for information section.

A model is the student register; where the individual data of the student is saved.

Figure 3.2 Database of the System

3.6 Flowchart of The Proposed System



Enter User name &



Is the data


Main menu

Book Hostel My profile Room Details

Is the data


Figure 3.3 Flowchart of the New System



4.0 Introduction
System design or configuration can be known as the drawing, arranging, outlining or organizing

of many separate components into feasible bound together entirety. While the system analysis

stage is worried about the subject of what the system is doing and how it ought to do meet user’s

prerequisites, the system configuration stage fixates on how the system is created to meet the


System configuration is the undertaking of organizing the system under investigation, following

determinations of the handling necessities like information, yield, and the separating of these

preparing prerequisites into a program.

4.1 Objectives of the New System

The objectives of the new system are as per the following:

 Set up to decrease the workload of the hostel administration’s allocation duties.

 Add new highlights that would react promptly engage students.

 Keep and recover an update of the records of the students and rooms allocation, as the

new system ought to have the option to give data about a specific student or room


4.2 System Implementation

System implementation is the delivery of fully tested system into production which is the process

of defining how the physical system design should be built and ensuring that the system is

operational and useable also ensuring that the information system meets quality standards. The

purpose of this phase is to smoothly changeover from the old existing system to a new system.

4.2.1 Hardware Requirements

The minimum hardware specification needed in the efficient and effective implementation and

installation of the student and staff collation system are listed below;

• Processor: intel® core™ i3 or higher

• Speed: @2.00 GHz or higher

• Internet enabling device (modem, Wi-Fi)

• Flash Disk: at minimum 4GB

• Laptop or Desktop

• RAM: to the minimum 4GB

• System type: 64-bit

• Hard Disk: to the maximum of 1TB

4.2.1 Software Requirements

The following are the software requirements of the system;

 Microsoft Windows Operating System – (Windows 8 and above)

 MYSQL Data Base

 Visual Studio Code

 XAMPP Control Panel

4.3 Login Page

The is the first page to user sees on the web browser, after loading the hostel system homepage.

The user will be required to input a valid username and password to enable access to the main

page of the website.

Figure 4.0 Login Page

4.3.1 Dashboard

Figure 4.1 Dashboard

4.3.2 Book Hostel

Figure 4.2 Book Hostel

Figure 4.3 Book Hostel

4.3.3 Register Student

Figure 4.4 Register Student

4.4 Admin Login

Figure 4.5 Admin Login

4.4.1 Front-end and Back-end codes

Figure 4.6 Front-end codes

Figure 4.7 Back-end codes

Figure 4.8 Back-end codes



5.1 Summary

This exploration has had the option to recognize that the utilization of the database and the

allocation system to do recording activities would go far to assist with keeping up with precise

and dependable data. Moreover, quick chronicle of important information is another benefit.

The researcher used universities in Nigeria as a contextual investigation as that would be a

decent climate to contemplate the set of experiences, evolvement, issues, and so on, of the


Additionally, the investigation of related writing was likewise completed where related issues

like the historical increase of population, measures associated with student registration, statistics

data, system development, advantages of database that executes system, and so on, were talked


Similarly, investigation of the current system was done to distinguish the related issues.

Additionally, answers for the distinguished issues were given and the need to have an automated

system that would deal with the recognized issues was talked about.

In any case, investigation of the proposed system was made in which the examination of how the

new system would deal with the issues related with the old system was finished. This is finished

by the deterioration of the great level model of the proposed system.

At last, documentation and execution were influenced, and the system prerequisite, changeover

methodology, manual and preparing of the staff were taken care of.

5.2 Conclusion

The investigation of the current system was finished. Furthermore, the new system planned.

The requirement for the computerization of the association was profoundly accentuated

allocation system that could store, allocate rooms and recover data in a way that no human

specialist can do. Computer could generally handle information and produce exact and

dependable outcomes when given right information. The utilization of computer in evaluation

activities will tackle issues.

Experienced in the manual system. Henceforth, one could then reason that the computerization

of the registration is an invited advancement that should be embraced as it has as benefits;

 High processing speed

 Further developed storage spaces and simple recovery

 Overcome any barrier of moving information with a computer network using database


5.3 Recommendations

The productivity and adequacy of utilizing the allocation system to deal with student room

allocation taking has effectively been recognized by the scientist, in this way the analyst


 That the allocation system ought to be embraced in higher institutions nationwide.

 That the equal changeover procedure ought to be received as that would give space for

the allocation of students.

 That the hostel administrators ought to be completely prepared on the utilization of the

product as it would empower them to be able.

5.4 Areas of Application

This system will discover application in any school whose aim is to specifically allocate rooms

to individuals moving into the hostels.


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$stmt=$mysqli->prepare("SELECT email,password,id FROM userregistration WHERE email=?

and password=? ");



$stmt -> bind_result($email,$password,$id);






$ldate=date('d/m/Y h:i:s', time());






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