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Noted the colour of the Blue or bluish green Presence of Cu2+/Ni2+
Greenish colour Presence of Ni2+

Light green Presence of Fe2+

Dark brown Presence of Fe3+

Pink or violet Presence of Co2+

Light pink Presence of Mn2+

White Absence of all the above ions

Odour: Take a pinch of Ammoniacal smell Presence of NH4+

salt between the fingers
Vinegar like smell Presence of acetate
and rub it with a drop of
water and note the smell Smell of rotten eggs Presence of sulphide

Solubility: To a little of Soluble All NH4+ salts, nitrites, nitrates,

the salt add acetates, chlorides,

Cold water and shake Except that of lead, most of the

sulphates except that of
Hot water and shake
Lead chloride, Lead nitrate
Cold dil. HCl & shake
All carbonates which do not dissolve in
Flame test: Make a paste Silvery white flame Presence of Pb2+
of the salt with Conc. HCl.
Grassy green flame Presence of Ba2+
Take a part of the paste
at the tip of a pointed Crimson red flame Presence of Sr2+
pencil & show it to a non -
luminous flame Brick red flame Presence of Ca2+

Ash test: To a few drops Blue ash Presence of Al3+

of salt solution add one or
two drops of conc.HNO3 &
a few drops of dil. Cobalt
nitrate solution.
Green ash Presence of Zn2+
Boil for two minutes. Dip
a filter paper into the
solution and burn it to ash

Pink ash Presence of Mn2+

INDICATORY TEST FOR ANIONS(All tests compulsory)

Dil. HCl test To a pinch of 1.Brisk effervescence 1.Presence of carbonate

the salt in a dry test tube with the evolution of a
2HCl + Na2CO3 ----> 2NaCl + H2O + CO2
add dil. HCl colorless odorless gas

2.Colorless gas with

pungent smell which 2. Presence of sulphite
turns acid K2Cr2O7
solution green
SO32-(aq) + 2H+ (aq) → H2O(l) + SO2 (g)
3.Colourless gas with
the smell of rotten egg
smell which turns lead
acetate solution black 3. Presence of sulphide

4.Reddish brown gas

turning FeSO4 solution
Na2S + HCl → NaCl + H2S

4. Presence of nitrite

Conc.H2SO4test: To a 1.Coloupless gas 1.Presence of chloride

pinch of salt in a test tube evolved which turns
add a few drops of dense white when a
Conc.H2SO4 and warm glass rod dipped in NaCl(s) + H2SO4(l) ==> NaHSO4(s) + HCl(g)
ammonia is shown at
the mouth if the test

2.Light yellow gas with

pungent smell turns
starch paper yellow

3.Deep violet vapours 2. Presence of bromide

which turns starch 2NaBr(s) + 2H2SO4(l) ==> NaHSO4(s) + Br2(g) +
paper blue SO2(g) + 2H2O(l)

3. Presence of iodide

8NaI(s) + 5H2SO4(l) ==> 4Na2SO4(s) + 4I2(g/s) +

H2S(g) + 4H2O(l)

Paper ball test: To a pinch Reddish brown gas Presence of nitrate

of salt in a test tube add a evolved
4NaNO3 + 4H2SO4→4 NaHSO4+4 HNO3
few drops of Conc.H2SO4
and paper ball & warm C + 4HNO3→ CO2 + 2H2O + 4NO2

Dil.H2SO4test: To a pinch Gas with smell of Presence of acetate

of salt in hand add a few vinegar
drops of dil.H2SO4& rub
well with fingers & note
the smell

BaCl2 test: To a few ml of White ppt insoluble in Presence of sulphate

the salt solution add dil
HCl & a few drops of BaCl2 mineral acids Na2SO4 + BaCl2 → BaSO4↓ + 2NaCl

Ammonium Molybdate Deep yellow ppt Presence of phosphate

test: To 1ml of salt
solution add conc. HNO3
then ammonium
molybdate & warm


Confirmation for carbonate

1. To a pinch of the 1.Brisk effervescence Presence of carbonate confirmed2HCl +

salt add dil. HCl with the evolution of a Na2CO3 ----> 2NaCl + H2O + CO2
Pass the gas evolved colorless odorless gas
Ca(OH)2 + CO2 → CaCO3 + H2O
through lime water
Which turns lime water
2. Magnesium sulphate
test: ( only for soluble
carbonates) To a few ml
of salt solution add
Presence of soluble carbonate
magnesium sulphate White ppt in the cold
Mg CO3 + MgSO4 → Mg CO3 + Na2SO4

Confirmation for sulphite

1. BaCl2 test: To a few White ppt soluble in Presence of sulphite confirmed

ml of the salt solution add mineral acids
Na2SO3 + BaCl2 → BaSO3 + 2NaCl
dil. HCl & a few drops of
BaCl2 solution.
2. To a part of the ppt
from (1) add a few drops
of acidified KMnO4
The pink colour is Presence of sulphite confirmed
Na2SO3 + H2SO4 → Na2SO4 +H2O + SO2

H2O + SO2 +[O] → H2SO4

Mg CO3 + H2SO4 →K2SO4 + Cr2SO4 + H2O

+ [O]

Confirmation for sulphide

1. To a few ml of the Black ppt is obtained Presence of sulphide confirmed

Salt solution add dil.
Na2S+ (CH3COO)2Pb →PbS +2CH3COONa
Acetic acid and lead
acetate solution

2.Sodium Nitro prusside

test: To a few ml of the
salt solution add a few
drops of sodium nitro Purple or violet Presence of sulphide confirmed
prusside solution coloration is obtained
Na2S +Na2[Fe(CN)5NO]→Na4[Fe(CN)5NOS]

Confirmation for Nitrite

1. To a portion of the A dark brown or black Presence of nitrite confirmed

salt solution in a test coloration is obtained.
tube add some dil. acetic
acid and ferrous sulphate 3 HNO2→ HNO3 + 2NO + H2O
solution FeSO4 + NO → FeSO4. NO
2. Starch Iodide Test:
To a portion of the salt
solution in a test tube
A blue solution is
and a few drops of dil.
obtained. Presence of nitrIte confirmed.
H2SO4 add a few drops of
potassium iodide solution 2KI+2 H2SO4+2HNO2 →2KHSO4 +I2+2NO +2H2O
followed by freshly
prepared starch solution.

Confirmation for Chloride

1. Silver nitrate test: To a portion White curdy ppt Presence of chloride confirmed.
of salt solution in a test tube acidify soluble in excess (White ppt of silver chloride
with dil: nitric acid boil cool and then of ammonium dissolves in NH4OH to form
add a few drops of silver nitrate hydroxide. soluble complex.)
NaCl +AgNO3 → AgCl + NaNO3
2.MnO2 test: To a pinch of salt in a
test tube add a few drops of
conc.H2SO4 & MnO2 warm
Greenish yellow Presence of chloride confirmed
gas which turns 2NaCl + 3 H2SO4+MnO2→
3.Chromyl chloride test: starch iodide NaHSO4 +MnSO4 +2 H2O +Cl2
Mix a small quantity of the salt with a paper blue
small amount of K2Cr2O7.Take the
mixture in a test tube and add
Heat the test tube and pass the red
vapors evolved into a test tube
containing NaOH solution.
To the yellow solution thus obtained
add dil. Acetic acid and lead acetate A yellow ppt is
Presence of chloride confirmed
solution obtained
(yellow ppt is lead chromate)

4 NaCl+ K2Cr2O7 +3H2SO4→2Na2SO4

+K2SO4 +2CrO2Cl2 +3H2O

CrO2Cl2+ 4NaOH →Na2CrO4+2H2O+2NaCl

Na2CrO4 +(CH3COO)2Pb →


Confirmation of Bromide

1. Silver nitrate test: To a portion Pale yellow ppt Presence of Bromide

of the salt solution in a test tube sparingly soluble in confirmed.
acidify with dil. Nitric acid boil cool NH4OH
(AgBr sparingly soluble in
and then add silver nitrate solution
2. Acidify a portion of the salt NaBr +AgNO3 → AgBr + NaNO3
solution with dil. HCl & add 1-2 ml of
carbon disulphide and then chlorine Carbon disulphide
water. Shake vigorously and allow to layer acquires
Presence of Bromide
stand orange coloration

2KBr+Cl2 →2KCl+Br2

Confirmation of Iodide

1.Silver nitrate test: To a portion of

yellow ppt Presence of iodide confirmed.
the salt solution in a test tube acidify
insoluble in NH4OH
with dil. Nitric acid boil cool and then (AgI sparingly soluble in
add silver nitrate solution NH4OH)
NaI+AgNO3 → AgI + NaNO3

2. Acidify a portion of the salt solution

with dil. HCl & add 1-2 ml of carbon
disulphide and then chlorine water.
Shake vigorously and allow to stand
and then add silver nitrate solution. Carbon disulphide
layer acquires
Presence of Iodide confirmed.
orange coloration

2KI+Cl2 →2KCl+I2

Confirmation of Nitrate

1. Copper chips test: Heat a small Dark brown Presence of nitrate confirmed.
quantity of the salt and conc. fumes evolve
(Brown fumes is that of NO2)
Sulphuric acid and copper chips. and solution
turns blue. 2KNO3+H2SO4→K2SO4 +2HNO3

A dark brown Cu(s) + 4 HNO3(aq) →

2. Brown Ring test: Add a small Cu(NO3)2(aq)+ 2 NO2(g)+2 H2O(l)
ring is formed at
quantity of saturated freshly
the junction of Presence of nitrate confirmed
prepared ferrous sulphate to a part
the layers of the
of the water extract of the salt and (Brown ring is that of
acid and the
then pour a few drops of conc.
sulphuric acid slowly along the [Fe(NO) (H2O)5]2+)
sides of the test tube.
2KNO3+H2SO4→K2SO4 +2HNO3

6FeSO4+3H2SO4+2HNO3→4 H2O +

2 NO+3 Fe2(SO4)3

FeSO4+ NO+5 H2O →

[Fe(NO) (H2O)5] SO4

Confirmation for Acetate

1. Ferric Chloride Test: Take water Reddish colored Presence of acetate confirmed
extract of the salt. Add neutral filtrate.
ferric chloride solution. Filter and
divide the filtrate into 2 parts. +3NaCl
1) To 1 part add
dil. HCl
2) To second part add water and
(CH3COO)3Fe+ 2 H2O →

Reddish color (OH)2Fe+2CH3COOH

Reddish brown

Confirmation for Sulphate

1. Acidify a part of the salt solution A white ppt is Presence of sulphate

with acetic acid and add lead formed which is confirmed.
acetate solution. soluble in excess of
(The white ppt is that of lead
hot ammonium
2. Match stick test: Acidify a part of Na2SO4+ (CH3COO)2Pb →PbSO4 +
the salt solution with dil. HCl and 2CH3COONa
add barium chloride solution. Filter
and take the white ppt. Mix it with Presence of sulphate
Violet streaks are confirmed.
sodium carbonate and a little
powdered charcoal so as to form a K2SO4+BaCl2→BaSO4 +2KCl
paste. Take some of this paste at
the tip of a wooden splinter and BaSO4+Na2CO3→ Na2SO4+ BaCO3

heat in reducing flame Na2SO4+4C →Na2S +4CO

Na2S + Na2[Fe(CN)5NO] →


Group TEST & confirmatory test FOR CATIONS

1)To the solid salt add sodium Colourless gas with Group O present(NH4+)
hydroxide and warm the smell of
ammonia which
turns dense white
when a glass rod
dipped in dil: HCl is
shown at the mouth
of the test tube

Conformation for(NH4+)

a) To the solid salt add sodium Brown ppt Presence of NH4+Confirmed.

hydroxide and warm. Pass the gas
evolved through Nessler’s reagent
2)To the salt solution add dil: HCl White crystalline Group I present(Pb2+)

Conformation for(Pb2+)

a) Dissolve the above white ppt in hot White crystalline ppt Presence of Pb2+ confirmed
water and cool under the tap reappears on cooling
b)To the salt solution add potassium
chromate solution
c) To the salt solution add potassium Yellow ppt
iodide solution Presence of Pb2+ confirmed

Yellow ppt which

Presence of Pb2+ confirmed
dissolves on boiling
with water and
reappears as golden
spangles on cooling

3) To the salt solution add dil: HCl Black ppt Group II present(Pb2+,
and pass H2S Cu2+ )

Conformation for (Cu2+)

a) To the salt solution add Chocalate brown ppt Presence of Cu2+ confirmed
potassium Ferro cyanide
b) To the salt solution add
potassium iodide solution
White ppt is formed in Presence of Cu2+ confirmed
brown coloured

4)To the salt solution add solid White gelatinous Presence of Al3+
NH4Cl and excess of NH4OH ppt
GroupIII present

Red gelatinous ppt

Presence of Fe3+

Conformation for Al3+

a)Lake test:Acidify the salt solution Blue ppt floating in Presence of Al3+ confirmed
with few drops of dil:HCl.Add to it two colourless solution
drops of blue litmus solution followed
by NH4OH dropwise

b)Perform ash test

Blue ash

Presence of Al3+ confirmed

Conformation for Fe3+

a)Potassium ferrocyanide test: To the Prussion blue Presence of Fe3+ confirmed

salt solution add potassium ferro colouration
cyanide solution.

b) Potassium sulphocyanide test: To

the salt solution add potassium
sulphocyanide solution. Blood red colouration
Presence of Fe3+ confirmed

{If GroupIII is absent divide the group solution to three equal parts and perform the group
test for GrIV,V&VI}

5) To the salt solution add solid GrIV Present

NH4Cl and excess of NH4OH and
Black ppt Presence ofCo2+ or Ni2+
pass H2S
Buff coloured ppt Presence ofMn2+

Dirty white ppt Presence of Zn2+

Conformation for (Co2+)

a) To few drops of the salt solution Yellow ppt Presence of Co2+ confirmed
add NH4OH to neutralize the
solution.Add acetic acid and a crystal
of potassium nitrate and warm.
b)To few drops of the salt solution
add1mlEther.Add a crystal of
ammonium thiocyanate,shake. Allow
to settle
Blue colour in ether Presence of Co2+ confirmed

Conformation for (Ni2+)

a) To few drops of the salt solution Black ppt Presence of Ni2+ confirmed
add NaOH in excess and bromine
b) To few drops of the salt solution
add NH4OH and few drops of dimethyl
Bright rose red ppt Presence of Ni2+ confirmed

Conformation for (Mn2+)

a)To the salt solution add NaOH & White ppt turning Presence of Mn2+ confirmed
shake.Add bromine water. brown

b) To the brown ppt obtained in the

above test add Conc HNO3 & lead
Pink coloured solution
peroxide.Boil cool and allow to settle. Presence of Mn2+ confirmed

Conformation for (Zn2+)

a)To the salt solution add NaOH White ppt which Presence of Zn2+ confirmed
dropwise dissolves in excess of


b)Potassium ferrocyanide test: To the Bluish white ppt

Presence of Zn2+ confirmed
salt solution add potassium ferro
cyanide solution.

c) Perform ash test

Green ash
Presence of Zn2+ confirmed
6)To the salt solution add solid White ppt Presence of
NH4Cl and excess of NH4OH and GrV(Ba2+,Sr2+,Ca2+)


Conformation for (Ba2+)

a) To the salt solution add Yellow ppt Presence of Ba2+confirmed

Potassium chromate
b) Perform flame test
Grassy green flame Presence of Ba2+confirmed

Conformation for (Sr2+)

a) To the salt solution add White ppt Presence of Sr2+confirmed

Ammonium sulphate solution
b) Perform flame test
Crimson red flame Presence of Sr2+confirmed

Conformation for (Ca2+)

a) To the salt solution add 1-2ml White crystalline ppt Presence of Ca2+confirmed
of Ammonium oxalate
solution.Add to it a little
ammonium hydroxide and
scratch the sides with a glass
b) Perform flame test

Brick red flame Presence of Ca2+confirmed

7)To the salt solution add solid White ppt Presence of GrVI(Mg2+)
NH4Cl and excess of NH4OH and
disodium hydrogen phosphate

Perform ash test

Pink ash Presence of

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