Pmfias Ca 2023 08 01
Pmfias Ca 2023 08 01
Pmfias Ca 2023 08 01
Table of Contents
{GS2 – POSCO – 2023/08/01} Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act ............................. 1
Salient Features of POSCO Act, 2012 ...............................................................................................................................1
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) .........................................................................3
National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) ..............................................................................3
{GS3 – Envi – Laws – 2023/08/01} Forest (Conservation) Amendment Bill, 2023 ............................. 3
Forest Conservation Act, 1980 (FCA, 1980) ....................................................................................................................4
Forest Conservation (Amendment) Bill, 2003 ...............................................................................................................4
Key Provisions of the Forest (Conservation) Amendment Bill, 2023 ....................................................................4
Other Criticisms of the 2023 Bill ........................................................................................................................................7
Constitutional Provisions for Conservation of Forests ..............................................................................................7
• Context (TH): Former Bombay HC Judge Pushpa Ganediwala, known for controversial POCSO Act
judgments, is seeking a pension through the court.
• She resigned after SC refused to confirm her permanent appointment to the HC after she delivered
several controversial judgments concerning cases of sexual assaults against women and children.
• In 2021, she adjudicated an appeal against a trial court order that sentenced the offender to three
years in prison, the minimum sentence for sexual assault against children under the POCSO Act.
• Ganediwala ruled that for an offence to qualify as sexual assault under the POCSO Act, there had to
be skin-to-skin contact with sexual intent!
• Ganediwala reduced that the man had committed the offence of outraging a woman's modesty
under section 354 of the IPC as he had groped the child through her clothing!
• In a second case, she ruled that the acts of a man who exposed himself to a five-year-old child did
not constitute offences under POCSO, as there was no physical contact.
• In a third case, she acquitted a man holding that the absence of signs of violent struggle on wom-
en indicated it could not have been non-consensual.
• It consists of Chairperson and six members appointed by the Central Government.
• Out of the six members, at least two should be women.
• The Chairperson is appointed on the recommendation of a 3-member selection committee chaired
by the minister-in-charge of the Ministry or the Department of Women and Child Development.
• The Chairperson holds office for a term of three years or 65 years, whichever is earlier.
• The members hold the office for a term of three years or 60 years, whichever is earlier.
• They are not eligible for appointments for more than two terms.
• Context (IE | IE | TH | DTE | TH | TH): The Lok Sabha has passed the Forest Conservation
(Amendment) Bill, 2003, which amends the Forest Conservation Act, 1980 (FCA, 1980).
Forest Conservation Act, 1980 (FCA, 1980)
• FCA, 1980 was enacted to protect India’s forests and regulate forest resource extraction by in-
dustries and forest-dwelling communities.
• The Act levies penalties in case of violations of the provisions of FCA.
2023 Bill
• The 2023 Bill adds more activities to the restriction on dereservation list, such as:
zoos and safaris under the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 owned by the government or any
authority, in forest areas other than protected areas,
eco-tourism facilities,
silvicultural operations (enhancing forest growth), and
any other purpose specified by the central government.
Limits Scope of the FCA
SC in T.N. Godavarman vs. Union of India held that the provisions of the FCA will apply beyond
‘notified forests’ to all areas ‘recorded’ as forest in any government record.
But the 2023 Bill proposes that the FCA will apply ONLY to those lands which are recorded as for-
est on or after 25th October 1980, thus restricting the scope of the Godavarman judgement.
This is a significant exclusion because it will potentially exclude 28% of India’s forests outside Rec-
orded Forest Areas from the purview of the FCA.
The lands excluded from the purview of FCA will be easily diverted for commercial use.
Endangers Ecologically Sensitive Bio-geographic Regions and Biodiversity Hotspots
This exemption provision of the Bill is problematic as forests in the Himalayan, Trans-Himalayan
and North Eastern regions, which are rich with endemic biodiversity will be exempted.
Clearing of these forests without any assessment and mitigation plan will lead to biodiversity loss
and increase the vulnerability of the ecologically and geologically sensitive areas.
2023 Bill
• 2023 Bill incentivises the private parties by allowing the divertion of private forests for com-
mercial or other uses, without the need for acquiring forest clearance.
2023 Bill
• The 2023 Bill provides that state government or any authority do this assigning to any organisation
subject to terms and conditions prescribed by the GoI.
Biodiversity Loss
Though the 2023 Bill proposes to ease the land transfer for compensatory afforestation, it will not
serve the ecological purpose until fundamental changes are made.
Generally, monoculture is practiced in compensatory afforestation, which leads to biodiversity loss.
Fundamental Rights
Article 21(Right to Life)
• According to Article 21, “no person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according
to procedure established by law”. Thus, it guarantees the fundamental right to life. The right to a
healthy environment, free of the danger of diseases and infection etc., is inherent in it.
• Right to a healthy environment as part of Article 21 was first recognised in the Rural Litigation
and Entitlement Kendra vs. State case (popularly known as the Dehradun Quarrying Case).
Article 48A (Protection and improvement of environment and safeguarding of forests and
• The State shall endeavour to protect and improve the environment and to safeguard the forests and
wild life of the country.
Fundamental Duties
Article 51A(g)
• To protect and improve forests and wildlife and to have compassion for all living creatures.
{GS3 – IE – Industry – 2023/07/01} Index of Eight Core Industries (ICI)
• Context (TH): The country’s eight core industries' output hit a five-month high of 8.2 per cent in
June 2023. Except for Crude Oil, all other core industries recorded positive growth in June 2023.
• The monthly Index of Eight Core Industries (ICI) is a production/output of eight core industries.
• The Office of Economic Advisor (Ministry of Commerce and Industries) releases ICI.
• The objective is to provide an advance indication of the production performance of core indus-
tries before the release of the IIP (which has a 6-week lag) by the NSO, Ministry of Statistics.
• The core sectors account for about 40.3% of the Index of Industrial Production (IIP).