Binary and Ternary Solubilities of Disperse Dyes and Their Blend in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
Binary and Ternary Solubilities of Disperse Dyes and Their Blend in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
Binary and Ternary Solubilities of Disperse Dyes and Their Blend in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
Binary and ternary solubilities of C.I. Disperse Blue 134 (1,4-bis(isopropylamino)anthraquinone) C.I. Disperse Yellow 16 (3-methyl-1-
phenyl-5-pyrazolone) and their dye mixture in supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2 ) were measured by a flow-type apparatus. The solubility
measurements were carried out at the pressure ranges from 10.0 to 25.0 MPa for the binary systems at the temperatures from 323.15 to
383.15 K and for the ternary system at 383.15 K. An empirical equation was used to correlate the experimental binary solubilities of the dyes
in terms of the density of carbon dioxide. To represent accurately the binary solubility of the dyes in terms of temperature and pressure, we
used a modified Peng–Robinson–Stryjek–Vera equation of state (PRSV EOS). The ternary solubilities of the dye blend could be predicted
successfully from binary parameters with the modified PRSV EOS.
© 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0378-3812/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
26 K. Tamura, T. Shinoda / Fluid Phase Equilibria 219 (2004) 25–32
2. Experimental
preheating coil and equilibrium cell, monitored by a digi-
2.1. Materials tal thermometer (1502A, Hart Scientific) with a PRT probe,
was controlled within ±0.1 K in the oven. The pressure of
C.I. Disperse Blue 134 and C.I. Disperse Yellow 16 whose the cell was maintained within ±0.2 MPa with the back-
purities are more than 97% were kindly supplied by Arimoto pressure regulator. The pressure transducer in the regulator
Chemical Co. Ltd. Any additives such as dispersing agents was calibrated using a pressure indicator (DPI145, Druck).
and surfactants were not detected in the disperse dyes, dis- The line between the exit of the oven and the cold trap is
solved in ethanol, by scanning the UV-Vis wavelength from wapped with a flexible heater to prevent from clogging with
190 to 1100 nm. The chemical structures of the dyestuffs dry ice or precipitation of dye in the flow lines. After the
are shown in Fig. 1. Carbon dioxide (purity >99.9%) was temperature and pressure in the system reached to the super-
obtained from Uno Sanso Co. These compounds were used critical conditions at a steady state, the six-way valve was
without further purification. turned to flow the carbon dioxide into the extraction cell and
mix it with the dye. The supercritical fluid mixture including
2.2. Apparatus and procedure the dye was released at the back-pressure regulator. The dye
was trapped in a two-step cold trap filled with ethanol. The
A detailed description of the equipment and operating dye precipitated in the system during the depressurization
procedure, and the reliability of the solubility measurement was additionally recovered by washing out with ethanol. A
is given elsewhere [11]. A flow-type apparatus (SCF-201, UV-Vis spectrophotometer (BioSpec-1600, Shimadzu) was
JASCO) was used to measure the solubility of disperse dye in utilized to analyze the concentration of the dye dissolved in
SC-CO2 . The schematic diagram of the apparatus is shown ethanol solution. A wet gas meter (W-NK-1B, Shinagawa)
in Fig. 2. The dye packed with glass beads was loaded into was placed down-stream of the two-step trap to measure the
the extraction cell. Carbon dioxide was delivered from the flow rate of carbon dioxide. The solubility of the dye can be
gas cylinder and flowed through the extraction cell at a rate calculated from the dye concentration and volume of car-
of 2.0 cm3 min−1 on the basis of liquid carbon dioxide at bon dioxide. After every experimental run, the whole line
the circulation pump. The flow rate used in this work was of the apparatus was rinsed with acetone and ethanol, re-
determined from preliminary experiments carried out at dif- spectively. The solvent remaining in the line was completely
ferent flow rates of 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 cm3 min−1 removed by flowing carbon dioxide through the line heated
and the solubilities measured were independent of the flow at 373.15 K with the oven and flexible heater.
rate between 1.0 and 3.0 cm3 min−1 . The temperature of the
Table 1
Binary solubility data of dyes (2) in SC-CO2 (1)
T = 323.15 K T = 353.15 K T = 383.15 K
Table 2
Ternary solubility data of C.I. Disperse Blue 134 (2) and C.I. Disperse
Yellow 16 (3) in SC-CO2 (1) at T = 383.15 K
P (MPa) 105 y2 105 y3
10.0 00.05669 00.1832
12.0 00.1764 00.4834
15.0 00.6618 01.495
Fig. 5. Solubility of C.I. Disperse Blue 134 in terms of density of carbon
20.0 05.091 08.652
dioxide. Experimental: (䊊) 323.15 K; () 353.15 K; (䊐) 383.15 K; (—)
25.0 16.46 26.49
calculated by Eq. (1).
28 K. Tamura, T. Shinoda / Fluid Phase Equilibria 219 (2004) 25–32
4. Calculated results
Table 3
Parameters in Eq. (1)
System Parameter AAD (%)a
A B (K−1 ) C D (K−1 )
CO2 + C.I. Disperse Blue 134 −5.6359 −13276 1.9381 1166.3 5.9
CO2 + C.I. Disperse Yellow 16 12.518 −18542 −0.85373 2005.0 4.4
ND exp
a AAD (%) = 1 {y2,i − y2,i }
× 100 .
ND exp
K. Tamura, T. Shinoda / Fluid Phase Equilibria 219 (2004) 25–32 29
Table 4
Characteristic parameters for pure dyes
C.I. Disperse C.I. Disperse
Blue 134 Yellow 16
Tc (K)a 940.6 917.1
Pc (Pa)a 1.862 2.356
ωa 1.2658 0.9046
Ps (Pa)
323.15 Kb 8.526 × 10−8 1.094 × 10−4
353.15 K 1.026 × 10−6 4.403 × 10−3
383.15 K 5.162 × 10−4 9.089 × 10−2
vsc (×106 m3 mol−1 ) 276.9 218.9
a Estimated by Miller method [18].
b Estimated by Lee-Kesler method [17].
c Estimated by Yamamoto et al. method [19].
where ND is the number of experimental data and yi,j is the between dye and SC-CO2 phases during the minimization
binary solubility of dye in SC-CO2 . Fig. 7 shows a com- process of the deviations in solubility between the experi-
parison of the binary solubilities of C.I. Disperse Blue 134 mental and calculated ones. Fig. 8 illustrates the calculation
in SC-CO2 at 383.15 K. Whenever the solubilities of the procedure for the vapor pressure, molar volume and fugac-
disperse dye were correlated according to above-mentioned ity coefficient of dye determined simultaneously from the
procedure, the PR and PRSV EOSs could not represent the solubilities of dye using the EOSs. Using the PR EOS in
solubilities of the dye satisfactorily. the binary correlation of the solubilities of dye by means of
In contrast, another method for calculation is to corre- Eq. (5), we determined only the binary interaction param-
late the binary solubilities of dye using the fugacity coeffi- eter kij as temperature-dependent fitting the model to the
cient, vapor pressure and molar volume of dye determined experimental solubilities. In the PRSV EOS, the binary in-
by solving the equivalent in chemical potentials of the dye teraction parameter kij as well as the adjustable parameter
κ1 of the PRSV EOS were fitted to the experimental solu-
bilities. Furthermore the modified PRSV EOS assumes the
temperature-dependent parameter κ1 for accurate represen-
tation of the binary solubilities. The temperature-dependent
parameter κ1 in the modified PRSV EOS was obtained fit-
ting to the experimental solubilities of dye in SC-CO2 at
every temperature. Fig. 7 compares the experimental and
calculated results for the solubilities of C.I. Disperse Blue
134 in SC-CO2 at 383.15 K. From the correlated results,
the modified PRSV EOS can represent the solubilities of
the dye in SC-CO2 more accurately than the PR and PRSV
EOSs. We obtained a considerable improvement on the bi-
nary solubility correlation in calculating simultaneously the
Fig. 7. Solubility of C.I. Disperse Blue 134 in SC-CO2 at 383.15 K: vapor pressure and molar volume of dye in addition to the
(—) m-PRSV EOS, using P2sat , V2S and φ2SCF calculated by modified fugacity coefficient of dye in SC-CO2 . However, we could
PRSV EOS simultaneously; (- - -) PRSV EOS, using P2sat , V2S and φ2SCF
not compare the vapor pressure of the dye calculated with
calculated by PRSV EOS simultaneously; (- · - · -) PR EOS, using P2sat , V2S
and φ2SCF calculated by PR EOS simultaneously; (– – –) PRSV GC, using the experimental results exactly because no experimental va-
P2sat and V2S estimated by group contribution method; (- · · - · · -) PR GC, por pressures were available for the dyes used in this work.
using P2sat and V2S estimated by group contribution method. Table 5 summarizes the binary correlation results obtained
30 K. Tamura, T. Shinoda / Fluid Phase Equilibria 219 (2004) 25–32
Table 5
Correlation of solubility of dyes (2) in SC-CO2 (1) with PR EOS, PRSV EOS and modified PRSV EOS
CO2 + C.I. Disperse Blue 134 323.15 48.5 0.1687 0.8270 10.4 0.1784 0.9114 6.0
353.15 60.9 0.1576 0.8270 7.4 0.1576 0.8268 7.4
383.15 48.1 0.1506 0.8270 12.5 0.1313 0.7423 5.4
CO2 + C.I. Disperse Yellow 16 323.15 27.6 0.1639 −0.1991 17.7 0.1786 −0.3145 7.7
353.15 15.9 0.1546 −0.1991 5.2 0.1564 −0.1989 5.2
383.15 5.7 0.1519 −0.1991 14.8 0.1226 −0.0834 5.2
ND exp
1 {y2,i − y2,i }
a AAD (%) = × 100 .
ND exp
b κ1 was obtained using Eq. (6) with the constants given in Table 6.
kij = A0 + A1 T (7)
Table 6
Coefficients in Eqs. (6) and (7) for modified PRSV EOS
Compound κ2 κ3 (×103 K−1 ) A0 A1 (×104 K−1 )
C critical
i, j components i and j
2, 3 solid solute of second and third components
cal calculated
exp experimental
sat saturated
S solid
SCF supercritical fluid
Fig. 11. Solubility of C.I. Disperse Blue 134 (2) and C.I. Disperse Yellow
16 (3) in SC-CO2 (1) at 383.15 K. Experimental: (䊉) C.I. Disperse Blue
134; (䉱) C.I. Disperse Yellow 16; (—) predicted by modified PRSV EOS Acknowledgements
with parameters determined by Eqs. (6) and (7) (k23 = 0.0).
We thank Arimoto Chemical Co. Ltd. for providing the
5. Conclusions C.I. Disperse Blue 134 and C.I. Disperse Yellow 16.
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