Nutrition, Longevity and Disease From Molecular Mechanisms To Interventions
Nutrition, Longevity and Disease From Molecular Mechanisms To Interventions
Nutrition, Longevity and Disease From Molecular Mechanisms To Interventions
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Cell. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2023 April 28.
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Diet as a whole, encompassing food composition, calorie intake, and the length and frequency
of fasting periods, affects the time span in which health and functional capacity are maintained.
Here, we analyze aging and nutrition studies in simple organisms, rodents, monkeys and humans
to link longevity to conserved growth and metabolic pathways, and outline their role in aging
and age-related disease. We focus on feasible nutritional strategies shown to delay aging and/or
prevent diseases through epidemiological, model organism, clinical, and centenarian studies, and
underline the need to avoid malnourishment anb frailty.These findings are integrated to define
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a longevity diet based on a multi-pillar approach adjusted for age and health status to optimize
lifespan and healthspan in humans.
In the year 440 BCE the Greek physician Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and
let thy medicine be food”. His wisdom has proven true since we now know that altering
the levels, type, and timing of food consumption (i.e., fasting) is perhaps the most potent,
feasible and safest intervention to improve health, extend longevity, and extend the time
in which health and functional capacity are maintained (i.e., healthspan) in species ranging
from bacteria to humans. In fact, the fundamental relationship between nutrients and cellular
and/or organismal responses are conserved from unicellular microorganisms to humans.
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However, despite extensive research, the type, quantity, and combination of nutrients that
optimize healthy longevity remains highly controversial. In addition, increasing evidence
suggests that in humans nutrition must be adjusted to age, sex, genetics, and metabolic
To whom correspondence should be addressed: [email protected].
Longo and Andersen synthesize and weigh the literature, from molecular mechanisms to epidemiology, and spanning yeast to people,
about what you should eat, how much you should eat, and when should you eat it to live a long and healthy life.
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Longo and Anderson Page 2
risk status of an individual, and that tailoring specific dietary recommendations is essential
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for full beneficial effects to be realized. Understanding and harnessing these evolutionary
conserved mechanisms in addition to personalizing dietary interventions will be key to
optimize human healthspan and longevity. Here, we explore the link between nutrients,
fasting, genes, and longevity in short-lived species, and connect these links to clinical and
epidemiological studies in primates and humans, including centenarians. By adopting a
multi-system and multi-pillar approach based on over a century of research we can begin to
define a longevity diet that represents a solid foundation for nutritional recommendation and
for future research.
the quantity, type of nutrients and feeding patterns that regulate them. Taking examples
from studies in yeast, worms, and fruit flies, we discuss the biology behind nutritional
modulation of longevity and describe some of the common themes emerging from studies,
which point to metabolic and growth regulatory pathways as key influences on healthspan.
In particular we emphasize the conserved mechanisms and how these might play into aging
regulation. Insights gleaned from studies of short-lived species provide the foundation for
the fundamental biology of longevity, and for how different nutrients and their levels impact
molecular processes that are vital to maintaining health with advancing age.
Aging in yeast is assessed either by measuring survival of non-dividing cells (chronological
lifespan) or the replicative capacity of individual mother cells (replicative lifespan). Here
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we will focus on the genes and processes that are generally involved in regulating both
replicative and chronological lifespan. The quantity and type of nutrients available are at
the center of the regulation of virtually every stage of the life history of simple organisms.
Sugars and specific amino acids have strong effects in regulating both stress resistance
and longevity pathways in yeast. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast laboratory strains,
nutrients are provided in the form of mixtures of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids on
which the cells grow. The presence of glucose results in the activation of the yeast Ras--
adenylate cyclase (AC)--PKA pathway, whereas amino acids regulate the Pkh/PDK and
Tor-Sch9/S6K pathways (Mirisola et al., 2014). Mutations that decrease the activity of either
Tor- Sch9/S6K or Ras- AC -PKA pathways extend lifespan and healthspan, accompanied
by the activation of stress resistance transcription factors Msn2/Msn4, increased expression
of antioxidant enzymes, a reduction in DNA damage and an extension of the reproductive
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period (Fabrizio et al., 2001). Genetic mutations in both pathways have an additive effects
on lifespan suggesting that there is more than one way to harness growth pathways as a
means to extend lifespan.
Recent studies are defining the molecular impact of diet composition and fasting on aging.
Yeast studies of caloric restriction (CR) usually involve lowering the availability of sugars
(e.g. from 2% to 0.5% glucose), or nitrogen sources (e.g. amino acid restriction). Genetic
RNA processing, and the stress response are all important in conferring longevity (Campos
et al., 2018). Although restriction of different carbon sources (e.g. glucose, galactose)
can have different effects on lifespan extension, the shared key pathways associated with
longevity involve the regulation of glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle,
oxidative phosphorylation, lipid metabolism, oxidative stress, DNA damage, apoptosis, and
autophagy (Kaya et al., 2021) (Fabrizio et al., 2001). Mechanistically longevity extension
is linked to increased stress resistance, altered redox metabolism, and potentially also
increased engagement of lipid and peroxisomal metabolism. Thus, aging studies in this
unicellular eukaryote model show interconnections among stress and nutritent signaling
pathways, and indicate that signal transduction pathways activated by glucose and amino
acid reduce stress resistance and accelerate metabolism and growth to shorten lifespan.
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In the simple nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, the insulin signaling pathway influences
longevity using key players similar to those in yeast including the insulin receptor (IR)
homologue Daf-2, AKT, TOR, and the stress resistance forkhead transcription (FOXO)
factor Daf-16. Genetic studies on longevity regulation in worms also implicate stress
signaling, in addition to roles for mitochondrial function, metabolic adaptation, nuclear
receptor signaling, translation regulation, and immune modulation (Fontana et al., 2010).
Some of the first longevity genes identified in worms (age-1 and clk-1) were linked to
insulin, growth signaling, and mitochondrial function. Subsequently, these mutants were
associated with the mitochondrial unfolded protein response (mitoUPR), which sensitizes
the innate immune response via stress response signaling (Campos et al., 2021; Wu et
al., 2019). Several studies indicate that the mechanisms behind longevity conferred by
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dietary restriction (DR) and by reduction in insulin-like signaling are similar but not
equivalent_(Greer and Brunet, 2009).
In worms, DR is often accomplished by food dilution, as the animals live on their food
source, a bacterial infused layer. The term DR rather than CR is used in worm studies
because actual calorie intake of individuals is not quantified. DR, which is effective
in extending longevity in worm, recruits many of the same genes identified by genetic
screens as modulators of longevity, including those in growth signaling, proteostasis, the
stress response, and metabolic pathways. In worms, fasting induces pathways involved in
proteostasis, by a mechanism involving stress response signaling factors (Uno et al., 2013),
and protects against the disruption of proteostasis (Iranon et al., 2019), indicating that
there is a protective aspect to the metabolic setting associated with fasting. Mitochondrial
and peroxisomal function have also been implicated in mechanisms of worm longevity
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more nuanced adjustment of protein synthesis rather than a simple energy-saving reduction
(Rollins et al., 2019). In terms of cellular processes, genetic strategies to augment autophagy
extend longevity in worms (Kumsta et al., 2019), pointing to the importance of recycling
and/or removal of damaged proteins.The protective effect of autophagy is linked to
mitochondrial function (Zhou et al., 2019), indicating a metabolism-regulated proteostasis
pathways. The targeted degradation of proteins through the proteasome system is also
vulnerable to age (Koyuncu et al., 2021), but is rescued by genetic strategies that mimic DR
or that dampen growth signaling. Aging studies in the worm model show the complexity of
pathways and processes associated with longevity regulation and point to key interactions
among them, where a change in growth is accompanied by a change in metabolism, and
changes in metabolism influence growth and proteostasis.
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There is substantial evidence that reduced insulin-like signaling also extends longevity in
the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Here too, factors including the fly homologues of
insulin receptor substrate (Chico), AKT, and forkhead transcription factor (dFOXO) are
established longevity regulatory factors (Fontana et al., 2010). Indeed, pharmacological
strategies to reduce growth signaling are effective in enhancing fly lifespan (Castillo-Quan
et al., 2019). One of the highly attractive features of the fly model is the amenability to
studies with large numbers of organisms. That together with the increased complexity of
the organism and the very well characterized genetic tools available, allows for in depth
exploration of genetic and nutritient interactions in the regulation of longevity. Studies in
flies reveal interactions between genetics and diet to impact longevity (McCracken et al.,
2020). Metabolic hubs linked to longevity across genetic backgrounds include the glycolytic
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DR is implemented in flies by the dilution of the diet and acts in part independently
of insulin-like signaling pathways, at least for the upsteam events that lead to longevity.
Genetic differences among strains impact the ability of DR to increase survival (Wilson
et al., 2020). Transcriptional analysis identifies phases of response to DR beginning with
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Intermittent fasting (IF) is also effective in delaying aging in adult flies, but the animals
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need to be switched back to ad libitum at older age, pointing to the need for age-specific
dietary interventions in simple organisms (Catterson et al., 2018) as suggested by studies in
humans and mice (Levine et al., 2014). IF suppresses the age-related decline in proteostasis
related pathways and impacts both the stress response and inflammation. (Zhang et al.,
2018). Furthermore, IF preserves the integrity of gene expression regulation and is additive
with DR (Ulgherait et al., 2021). Fasting in flies induces the cAMP responsive CREB,
a key transcription factor known for its role in metabolic regulation, but also influencing
inflammatory and immune pathways (Shen et al., 2016). Time restricted feeding (TRF) is
also beneficial and is associated with a depletion in ectopic lipid stores (Villanueva et al.,
Studies in short lived species are invaluable for advancing the field in nutrition and aging
research. It is clear that genetics regulates the health and longevity of these organisms
and that many of the key aging genes are regulated by nutrients levels and composition.
Studies in simple organisms also indicate that genes play a role in how an individual
organism responds to nutritional cues to promote health and longevity. It is also clear
that there are complex interactions between nutrient composition and the engagement of
longevity pathways. Furthermore, the age of onset influences diet efficacy, a feature that
is clear also in mammalian studies. In short-lived species, aging appears to be regulated
though inhibition of growth and alteration of metabolic pathways. Mechanisms that are
associated with fasting, including greater stress resistance, reliance on lipid fuel use and
activation of proteostatic mechanisms, are shared features of delayed aging (Figure 1). A
substantial body of evidence indicates that cellular processes including mitochondrial energy
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metabolism, autophagy, and the stress response are likely to be causal in implementing
longevity induced by diet manipulation. Importantly, these signatures are at least partially
conserved in mammals.
IGF-1 levels, and, not surprisingly, in shortening the lifespan of rodents by activating
a pro-aging axis including higher levels of circulating IGF-1 (Figure 2) (Bartke et al.,
2013). For example, the switch from 18% to 7% of calorie intake obtained from proteins
whether derived from casein or soy, caused an over 30% decrease in IGF-1 levels and a
doubling in the levels of IGFBP1, an inhibitor of IGF-1 signaling, in mice (Levine et al.,
2014). Similarly, blood IGF-1 levels are significantly higher in human subjects in the US
reporting a high protein diet compared to those on a low protein diet. Genetics of aging
studies also revolutionized our understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the effect
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of dietary restrictions on aging and lifespan in mammals. As observed for yeast and flies,
mutations that cause severe deficiencies in growth genes (for mice, growth hormone (GH)
and growth hormone receptor (GHR)) extend lifespan by 35–50% (Bartke et al., 2013).
The ability of the deficiency in growth hormone releasing hormone receptor (GHRHD)
upstream of GH and GHR to also extend the mouse lifespan by 20–25% point to a role
for the GHRH-GH-GHR axis as a master regulator of aging and lifespan (Fig. 2). Both
growth hormone deficiency (GHD) and growth hormone receptor deficiency (GHRD) cause
a severe reduction in the levels of circulating insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which is
the central factor promoting the growth of mammals (Bartke et al., 2013). This circulating
IGF-1 reduction and the lowering of insulin levels caused by GHRD but potentially also
a reduction in the cell autonomous GHR signaling, appear to be important for longevity
extension (Bartke et al., 2013). The relative contribution of the lowering of insulin, versus
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IGF-1, versus the down-regulation of GHR signaling in various cell types on lifespan
extension of GH or GHR deficient mice remains poorly understood and in need of further
As expected, based on the role of aging as a major risk factor for many diseases, the portion
of GHRDs mice developing neoplasms was reduced from 83.3% in wild type mice to 42.1
%, with adenocarcinomas affecting 20% of wild type but none of the GHRDs (Ikeno et al.,
2009). GHRD mice are also protected from insulin resistance and age-dependent cognitive
decline (Bartke, 2005). Insulin and IGF-1 can activate the insulin and IGF-1 receptors
and the downstream IRS, PI3K-AKT and TOR-S6K pathways in many different cell types
(Bartke et al., 2013). In fact, compared to wild type mice, mice lacking one copy of the
IGF-1R gene live 16–33% longer, with females displaying a stronger extension, and mice
with mutations in the IRS-1 gene, which encodes proteins functioning downstream of both
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the IGF-1 and insulin receptors, also live 16–30% longer (Bartke et al., 2013). Furthermore,
knockout mutations of the S6K gene result in lifespan extension in mice (Selman et al.,
2009) and administration of the TOR-S6K inhibitor rapamycin starting after middle age
extends longevity in genetically heterogeneous mice (Harrison et al., 2009). The role of
reduced IGF-1 and insulin signaling in mouse lifespan extension is in agreement with the
role for reduced insulin-like signaling in the lifespan extension of worms and flies, discussed
In agreement with studies in yeast, flies, and mice showing that mutation in either TOR-S6K
or GH-IGF-1/Insulin signaling cause dwarfisms and record longevity extension, studies of
humans with mutations in the GHR gene that causes severe GHR and circulating IGF-1
deficiency show protection against age related diseases. In fact in the Ecudaorian GHRD
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subjects cancer incidence was extremely low (Guevara-Aguirre et al., 2011) in agreement
with the observation of Zvi Laron for GHRD subjects in other parts of the world. Ecuadorian
GHRDs also display a very low incidence of diabetes despite high obesity prevalence
which is explained by the increased insulin sensitivity in these subjects (Guevara-Aguirre
et al., 2011). Furthermore, GHRDs display a cognitive performance similar to that of
younger individuals (Nashiro et al., 2017). Notably, the effects of GHRD on obesity, insulin
sensitization, diabetes, cancer, and cognitive decline are consistent with those described
above for mice (Bartke et al., 2013)
In addition to the protein-endocrine axis, sugars can also play a central role in signaling
leading to the acceleration of the aging process. As well established for S. cerevisiae,
glucose may also contribute to mammalian aging by both increasing the release of insulin
and possibly by directly activating certain pro-aging pathways. In rat cardiomyocytes
glucose restriction induces the activation of early growth response protein 1 (Egr1)
transcription factor, the ortholog of yeast Msn2/Msn4 through the regulation of protein
kinase A (PKA)- and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) (Longo et al., 2021). Glucose
can also activate mTORC1 which senses dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP), a glycolytic
metabolite (Orozco et al., 2020). Not surprisingly, both mutations in AC and in subunits
of PKA extend longevity and reduce morbidity in mice. Disruption of adenylyl cyclase
type 5, predominantly expressed in the heart and brain, increased median lifespan by 30%
and protected mice from cardiomyopathy, possibly through protection against oxidative
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stress, analogous to the findings related to AC and longevity in yeast (Yan et al., 2015).
The disruption of the RIIb subunit of PKA is also associated with extended longevity in
male mice, reduced fasting glucose and insulin levels, and protection against left ventricular
hypertrophy (Enns et al., 2009).
In summary, the increased levels/activity of hormones, factors and genetic pathways caused
by either proteins, certain amino acids, or sugars have been consistently associated with
accelerated aging and/or age-related disease in organisms ranging from yeast to humans.
Among them, the GH-IGF-1 axis, the Tor-S6K pathway, and glucose-dependent responses
either through elevated insulin or direct cellular signaling appear to be the most conserved
and most likely to serve as targets of effective pro-longevity drugs. However, either
continuous, intermittent or periodic dietary intervention may, at least initially, be preferable
choices to regulate these pathways because they can generate coordinated responses which
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are effective against aging and diseases but also safe both after short- and long-term use.
These responses may have evolved to allow organisms to enter a high protection and slow
aging maintenance mode when food is not sufficient for growth or reproduction
Caloric restriction
Caloric restriction in rodents
There is a large literature on the beneficial impact of CR on indices of health including
the onset and progression of multiple age-related diseases and conditions in rodents
(Richardson, 2021). The mechanisms responsible for the effects of CR on longevity and
disease involve the nutrient responsive signaling genes discussed above, although additional
mechanisms, including the prevention of insulin resistance and metabolic diseases, are also
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renders organisms sensitive to specific infectious diseases. In rodent studies the pressing
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contradictory, subsequent comparisons between the studies resolved that the monkeys that
weighed less and ate less lived longer and were healthier until later in life (Mattison et al.,
The hallmarks of CR in monkeys mirror those identified in mouse studies and include
lower adiposity, lower fasting glucose and insulin, greater insulin sensitivity, and more
favorable lipid profiles (Kemnitz, 2011). Importantly, these same features are also detected
in a short-term clinical trial of CR in humans (Most et al., 2017). CR in nonhuman
primates is associated with several indices of healthy aging. MRI studies of monkeys on
CR indicate delayed brain aging, based on the preservation of age-related loss of gray matter
volume (Colman et al., 2009), which was subsequently linked to improved insulin sensitivity
(Willette et al., 2012), and preservation of white matter (Bendlin et al., 2011). CR was also
effective in delaying sarcopenia, preserving muscle mass, preventing an age-related decline
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in physical activity, and lowering the metabolic cost of movement that becomes elevated
with age (Yamada et al., 2013). There is also evidence that CR preserves the T cell repertoire
(Messaoudi et al., 2006), opposing a phenotype of age that is thought to be directly linked
to disease vulnerability. In skeletal muscle, CR increases expression of genes involved in
energy metabolism and proteostasis, decreases the expression of genes involved of immune
and inflammatory pathways, preserves fiber metabolism and cross-sectional area, and delays
fibrosis and fat infiltration (Rhoads et al., 2020). At the system level, delayed muscle aging
is linked to insulin sensitivity. In hepatic tissue, CR induces gene expression related to
oxidative phosphorylation, lipid metabolism and peroxisomal pathways, proteostasis, and
RNA processing, while down-regulating immune and inflammatory pathways (Rhoads et al.,
2018). Serum metabolomics reveal similarities between the rodent and monkey responses
to CR (Aon et al., 2020), including enrichment of ketone bodies, fatty acids, and factors
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associated with fasting including succinate, glutamine and lactate. These studies suggest that
the biology of CR is at least partially conserved from mice to nonhuman primates.
in fat free mass being higher as a percent of total body mass in individuals on the CR
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regimen. CR was associated with greater insulin sensitivity (Ravussin et al., 2015), lower
risk scores for cardiovascular disease (Kraus et al., 2019), and improved biomarkers of liver
health (Dorling et al., 2021). Analysis of clinical and plasma biomarkers from CALERIE
subjects indicates that the pace of aging is delayed (Belsky et al., 2017), which was later
corroborated using the methylation clock (Belsky et al., 2020). The similarities between the
human, nonhuman primate, and mouse responses to CR argue for strong conservation in the
underlying mechanisms by which CR impacts health in mammals, with links to improved
longevity consistent between mice and monkeys.
transition to healthier status include autophagy, proteostasis, energy metabolism and the
switch to lipid fuel usage, changes in growth signaling including translation and synthetic
pathways, and engagement of gene regulatory mechanisms such as RNA processing, all
of which have been linked to longevity regulation in short-lived species (Figure 1). The
overall picture indicates that longevity is associated with a reduction in the activity of
growth pathways and a switch to metabolic patterns associated with fasting responses. These
changes are coincident with reduced inflammation without a general impairment of immune
function, which could contribute to protection against diseases ranging from cancer, to
cardiovascular disease, to Alzheimer’s and autoimmune diseases. Although these outcomes
are shared in effective models of longevity enhancement there are important caveats. Timing
of onset of the diet, sex, and existing metabolic and genetic status all influence the efficacy
of these diets in producing beneficial effects. The striking influence of genetics on the health
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In this section we bring together evidence from mammalian studies on the beneficial effects
of fasting, describing the different models of fasting implementation, and their effects on
disease risk factors, health, and longevity.
Intermittent fasting
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Although there are many different types of intermittent fasting regimens, ranging from
restricting eating to a limited number of hours (time restricted feeding or TRF in model
organism and time restricted eating TRE in humans) to alternate day fasting, to fasting for 2
days a week, here we will focus on the most common form of IF, which in most cases entails
12–23 hours of fasting per day (Longo et al., 2021).
TRF in rodents—Time restricted feeding (TRF) has gained a lot of public attention due to
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ease of implementation and the promise of health benefit. In this regimen, the time period in
which there is access to food is reduced but composition of the food is not changed. Much of
the early work was not focused on aging but on correcting or avoiding metabolic dysfunction
associated with obesogenic diets (Chaix et al., 2014). Compared to a high fat diet (60% fat)
fed ad libitum without timing limitations, the same diet limited to 9hr of feeding followed
by 15hr of fasting (TRF) activated pathways in liver including those involved in metabolism,
proteostasis, RNA processing, and repair and defense pathways (Chaix et al., 2019). On a
standard diet, benefits of TRF are also observed, and although there are similarities with CR
even at the molecular level, TRF is not as effective as CR in delaying aging (Aon et al.,
2020; Mitchell et al., 2019; Velingkaar et al., 2020). The beneficial metabolic effects of TRF
(9hr feeding/15hr fasting) in mice fed a “western” diet (45% fat) ad libitum compared to
those fed the same ad libitum diet without imposed fasting periods are observed in young
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and mature adult mice, and also include improved survival in response to LPS (Chaix et al.,
2021). There are interesting sex-specific effects of TRF benefits, reflecting differences in the
innate response to high fat diet feeding, and adding to the growing evidence across aging
studies that females are not the same as males. Thus, the impact of nutrient limitation by CR
and the effect of TRF on health indices is observed whether animals are on standard diets
or on high fat diets although the specifics of the metabolic reprograming are not identical
(Diaz-Ruiz et al., 2021). It seems that the context matters, perhaps reflecting the importance
of metabolic status and the best strategy to harness health and longevity associated pathways
that may be different when starting from a metabolically compromised position.
subjects with obesity, metabolic syndrome, or Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). The regimen
used is usually a 8–10 hour daily eating window, with duration varying from 4 to 12
weeks, and with some studies imposing TRE only 5 out of 7 days per week. Almost
all studies of TRE report weight loss, and a reduction in adiposity (Wilkinson et al.,
2020) or waist circumference (Schroder et al., 2021) when measured. Several studies
report improvements in circulating factors linked to cardiovascular disease (Che et al.,
2021; Schroder et al., 2021; Wilkinson et al., 2020), but this is not always the case.
Few studies report improvements in glucoregulatory parameters. A notable exception is
a study involving healthy weight individuals, where cardiovascular disease indices were
unaltered but circulating glucose levels were lowered (Martens et al., 2020). More stringent
TREs (6 hours) are effective in improving insulin sensitivity but are more challenging to
undertake (Sutton et al., 2018). Epidemiology studies are less clear about TRE. Longer
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daily fasting periods which involve breakfast skipping have been consistently associated
with increased mortality, which is particularly high for cardiovascular disease (Rong et
al., 2019). Four weeks of another form of intermittent fasting in which subjects fast every
other day (alternate day fasting) was also effective In improving cardiovascular markers,
reducing trunk fat, improving the fat-to- lean ratio, and increasing b-hydroxybutyrate, even
on non-fasting days (Stekovic et al., 2020)
In summary, TRE appears to have beneficial effects in both rodents and humans, but both
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compliance issues and side effects point to a 11–12 hours daily eating period as ideal at least
until additional studies identify TRE lengths that are safe, feasible and effective.
days and in most cases 4 sequential days, but the advantage is that they are in the great
majority of cases adopted twice a month or less and may be effective if applied only a few
times a year, since they have been shown to provide long term protective effects even months
after PF cycles end (Wei et al., 2017). Thus, PF can be adopted at regular intervals such as
once a month and can be used analogously to drugs based on the need to treat a condition
or disease such as cancer (Longo et al., 2021). Although periods of water-only fasting (i.e.,
only water is consumed) lasting 3 or more days are feasible, the extreme nature of this
intervention underlines both safety and compliance concerns, particularly when involving
relatively healthy subjects who are not motivated by the need to treat a disease or condition.
In fact, the initial trials focused on the use of water-only fasting in cancer patients proceeded
very slowly, since the intervention was difficult for patients and was met with skepticism
by oncologists (Longo et al., 2021). For this reason, but also in search for nutritional
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compositions able to enhance the effects of water only fasting, Fasting mimicking diets
(FMDs) were developed and tested both in animal and clinical studies.
In mice, FMD cycles are protective in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes models, prevent
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the premature death caused by a high fat/calorie diet, reduce the symptoms and pathology
associated with multiple autoimmune diseases, reduce the incidence and progression of
a range of tumors, and extend lifespan (Longo et al., 2021). Notably, in humans the
beneficial effects of FMD cycles on disease markers/risk factors including IGF-1 and
leptin continue for weeks after the return to a normal diet, consistent with what has been
observed in mice (Caffa et al., 2020). Although the specific mechanisms responsible for
the protective and rejuvenating effects of FMD cycles are only beginning to be understood
insulin sensitivity, and lowered inflammation are also detected in response to periodic
FMD treatments. Specific mechanisms observed during the FMD cycles in mice include
the activation of stem cells and developmental-like programs in multiple systems, but
the re-feeding phase in which mice are switched from the FMD to a high protein and
calorie nutrition appears to be central for the regenerative effects. Consistent with both the
anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects, FMDs cause a reduction in autoimmune cells
leading to reduced inflammation, re-myelination, and reduced pathology in mouse models
of multiple sclerosis (Longo et al., 2021). In leptin receptor deficient a type 2 diabetes
db/db mouse model, FMD lowers insulin resistance pointing to a fundamental role of
fasting periods in recalibrating metabolic integrity. FMD also promotes a gene expression
profile in the pancreas similar to that observed during embryonic development, leading
to the reversal of the depletion in functional beta cells and reduced insulin production
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in a type 1 diabetes model (Cheng et al., 2017). FMD cycles applied for 5 days once a
month to mice on a high fat/calorie diet, lower body fat, improve cardiac function, lower
cholesterol and restore lifespan to the levels observed in mice on a standard diet (Mishra
et al., 2021). Additional health benefits of FMD cycles lasting 4 days include extended
longevity, reduced tumor incidence and delayed cognitive decline, even when started at
middle age (Brandhorst et al., 2015). Furthermore, either CR or FMD cycles protect against
cancer in an implanted xenograft model (Pomatto-Watson et al., 2021). Metabolite signaling
is integral to fasting biology and recent studies demonstrated enhanced longevity in mice
fed the TCA intermediate alpha ketoglutarate (Asadi Shahmirzadi et al., 2020). Perhaps
the stimulation of mitochondrial activity by ketone bodies or TCA cycles intermediates,
in addition to increased stress resistance, anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects, could
mediate part of the effects of periodic fasting/FMDs.
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be safe and reduce markers and risk factors associated with cancer progression without
reducing muscle function or mass (Caffa et al., 2020).
Therefore, FMD cycles have been associated with potent anti-inflammatory, metabolic
and regenerative effects in mice and with improvemens in disease risk factors or clinical
response in multiple clinical studies. Because the beneficial changes caused by FMD cycles
can last for months, this dietary intervention has the potential to be effective and should be
tested in clinical trials for the prevention and treatment of many diseases when applied for
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only 3–4 times per year without requiring but while preferring improvements in the daily
eating habits.
that augment central adiposity can cause major increases in insulin resistance and the risk
for diabetes, cancer and neurodegenerative disease in mice and humans (Saltiel and Olefsky,
2017). In the sections below we focus on how macronutrient composition, levels, and source
affect biomarkers and risk factors for aging and age-related diseases in rodents and humans.
high cholesterol and a shortened lifespan (Mishra et al., 2021; Wali et al., 2020). In mice and
rats, the calories from fat intake that promote obesity and insulin resistance is typically in the
40–60% range, but these high fat diets in general also contain high levels of sugars (Wali et
al., 2020).
Since 1970, daily calorie intake in the US has increased by 20% or by about 425 Kcal/day
(Janssen, 2021) but the increase in total calorie intake is not the only qualitative difference
of the “western diet.” With high calories comes also elevated sugar, starch, saturated fat
and protein content. Collectively western diets result in elevated insulin, hyperglycemia,
high IGF-1 and high cholesterol and triglyceride levels and on one hand activate pro-aging
pathways and on the other hand promote insulin resistance and obesity, outcomes linked to
a host of age-related diseases (Figure 2). Thus, the combination of these factors appears to
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contribute to disease and mortality both by accelerating the aging process and by promoting
morbidities independently of aging.
known benefits of fasting in children with epilepsy could be also achieved by a diet able to
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produce higher levels of ketone bodies and called it “ketogenic diet” (KD) (Wilder, 1921).
This was later described as a diet providing 1 g of protein per Kg of body weight, less than
15 g of carbohydrates/day, and the rest of it coming from fat. In the 1970’s, the ketogenic
diet was modified and made popular by Robert Atkins to achieve a higher compliance
and weight loss in adults by allowing a much higher level of proteins but maintaining
carbohydrate intake low to very low (Weber et al., 2020). However, this popularization of the
KD allowed the adoption of a low carbohydrate “western diet” that allows more than 15 g
a day of carbohydrates but also promotes the consumption of ingredients typical of western
The ability of very high fat content diets to confer health benefits has prompted widespread
interest in the KD. In mice, a KD applied in fully mature adult animals modestly increases
lifespan, and improves indices of metabolic, physical, and cognitive function (Roberts et
Author Manuscript
al., 2017). A cyclical application of the diet also affords metabolic and cognitive benefits
(Newman et al., 2017). In mice KD improves cerebrovascular function (Ma et al., 2018), and
in rats it improves cognitive scores together with changes in metabolite transport systems
in the prefrontal cortex (Hernandez et al., 2018). Cognitive performance also improves
in Alzheimer’s disease models treated with KD (Pawlosky et al., 2020), and treatment
with ketone bodies, beta hydroxybutyrate, in Alzheimer’s disease mice fed a standard diet
improves cognition and lowers plaque burden in a manner that was linked to hippocampal
neuronal mitochondrial function (Wu et al., 2020). Within hours, the KD induces autophagy
in liver, a step critical for the synthesis of ketone bodies. Mechanistically, the induction of
the ketogenic program is linked to key lipid metabolism regulator PPARa and the autophagy
dependent removal of an inhibitor complex (Saito et al., 2019). The links between lipid
metabolism and autophagy is likely to contribute to the health benefits of the KD as both
Author Manuscript
are linked to longevity regulation in shorter-lived species. Notably, in many studies the KD
involves a low protein intake, so it is possible that some of the reported benefits of KD on
longevity and disease may be linked at least in part to lower protein/amino acid intake. It
will also be important to know how different animal and plant-derived fats affect the effect
of KD on aging and disease.
Ketogenic and other low carbohydrates diets have also been studied extensively in
humans. In obese humans, a recent meta-analysis suggested that ketogenic/low carbohydrate
consumption was no more effective than a balanced diet including a low calorie, or low fat/
high carb, or low protein/high carb diets, with equivalent effects on body mass index (BMI),
circulating levels of total cholesterol, lipoprotein profiles, and triglycerides (López-Espinoza
et al., 2021). Some large epidemiological studies have specifically focused on carbohydrate
Author Manuscript
intake and mortality. One of these studies followed 85,168 women (aged 34 to 59 years at
baseline) and 44,548 men (aged 40 to 75 years at baseline) without heart disease, cancer, or
diabetes, for 26 years and 20 years, respectively. This study showed that a low-carbohydrate
diet based on animal sources was associated with higher all-cause mortality in both men
and women, whereas a low-carbohydrate diet with a higher content of plant-based food
was associated with lower all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality rates. Men on an
animal products-based low carb diet also displayed a 66% increased risk of cancer mortality,
whereas women on the same diet displayed a 26% increased risk of dying of cancer (Fung et
al., 2010). In a meta-analysis of multiple cohorts involving 432,179 participants, both a low
Author Manuscript
Although it is well established that long term consumption of the very restrictive KD
is not feasible for the great majority of the population, these studies are important to
understand whether certain plant based diets providing moderately low carbohydrate levels
could represent a more realistic option for the public. They also underline the importance of
analyzing the relative macronutrient content instead of focusing on a specific one, but also
point to very different effects of animal versus plant-based sources of fats and proteins on
health, mortality and longevity. These results also clarify the importance of combining basic
and human studies to begin to identify the age-specific nutrition that can extend healthspan.
indicated that the low protein and high carbohydrate diets were beneficial, although there
was sex dimorphism in how diet interacts with mortality risk. In a follow-up study, low
protein diets could recapitulate to some extent the beneficial effects of CR on cognition with
evidence of nutrient signaling pathway activation and preservation of neuronal architecture
related to connectivity in the hippocampus (Wahl et al., 2018). In contrast, a very low
protein diet causes mice to eat less, due in part to altered signaling in the hypothalamus
(Wu et al., 2021). These studies indicate that the composition of the diet influences feeding
behaviors and may illicit distinct feeding signaling patterns in hypothalamic centers.
The relative importance of specific amino acids in the diet is an active area of investigation.
Methionine restriction (MR) increases longevity in mice, and recent studies have identified
the potential use of this restriction in combination with standard treatments for cancer (Gao
et al., 2019). Notably, methionine levels are very low in legumes and other plant based
Author Manuscript
protein sources compared to those in animals. A key signaling molecule in the mechanisms
of both protein restriction (PR) and MR is the liver derived signaling peptide FGF21 (Hill et
al., 2020). The remodeling of adipose tissue by MR requires activation of FGF21 receptors
in the brain, indicating a cross-talk among tissues (Forney et al., 2020). In a high fat diet
background, MR dampens inflammation locally in tissues and systemically, although the
effect on inflammation is independent of FGF21 (Sharma et al., 2019). MR has beneficial
effects on cognition even when applied at advanced age, and in this case the metabolic and
structural changes induced in the hippocampus are FGF21 dependent (Ren et al., 2021). The
Author Manuscript
increase in circulating levels of branched chain amino acids (BCAA) in models of metabolic
dysfunction has prompted considerable research interest. Glucoregulatory improvement and
the anti-inflammatory effects of PR are dependent on low levels of BCAA, and increasing
the levels of dietary BCAA under standard diet feeding conditions is sufficient to drive
over eating and increased adiposity (Solon-Biet et al., 2019). Lifelong restriction of BCAAs
improves health and extends lifespan in males but not females in mice (Richardson et al.,
2021). Molecular analysis of skeletal muscle from these animals shows the enrichment of
pathways involved in peroxisomes, lipid metabolism, and growth signaling in males but not
CR results in beneficial changes in cardiometabolic risk factors but is not associated with
reduced IGF-1 levels unless participants are also protein restricted (Fontana et al., 2008). In
both mice and humans, a low protein diet imposes a reduction in growth factors/signaling
both upstream of IGF-1 (GHRH, GH) and downstream of it (mTOR, S6K). With PR
diets lower growth signaling goes hand in hand with lower insulin and improved insulin
sensitivity, and although clinical studies more often focus on insulin it is clear that there is a
connection between these pathways.
The role of protein intake in increasing mortality and reducing longevity appears to be also
conserved in humans, although this relationship is complex. There is evidence that diet
should be tailored to age. Whereas consumption of more than 20% of calories in the form
of proteins is associated with a 75% increase in overall mortality and 400% increase in the
Author Manuscript
In subjects younger than 65, IGF-1 levels correlate with level of protein intake but not in
subjects 66 and older (Levine et al., 2014). These findings suggest that protein restriction
in the elderly may no longer provide protection against overall and cancer mortality in
part because it no longer inhibits pro-aging pathways. In light of these results, the low
carbohydrate and high mortality correlation described earlier may also be re-interpreted by
Author Manuscript
focusing on the protein content of the different diets. The group on the lowest carbohydrate
diet consumed 37.2% energy from carbohydrate versus 60.5% in the highest intake group,
but the lowest carb group also displayed a 22.3% of the energy from proteins versus
15% in the high carb group (Fung et al., 2010) raising the possibility that the increased
all-cause, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality observed for the low carbohydrate group may
be also due to the high protein intake. Instead, for the group consuming a vegetable-based
low carbohydrate diet, which was associated with a reduced all-cause and cardiovascular
mortality, the protein intake was similar to that of the high carbohydrate group (18.7%
versus 17.5%)(Fung et al., 2010). These studies suggest that animal-derived proteins play an
Author Manuscript
important role in age-related mortality and diseases, underline the importance of the balance
of all macronutrients within the diet, and demonstrate that diet efficacy can be age range
cardiovascular events was about 30% lower in the Mediterranean diet groups supplemented
with fats from olive oil or nuts compared to the group recommended a low fat diet (Estruch
et al., 2018). These results are also in agreement with the epidemiological data discussed
earlier and showing that a diet high in animal fat and animal protein increases mortality
compared to a high carbohydrate diet, but that a low carbohydrate diet is beneficial when
high in vegetable-based food sources (Fung et al., 2010). The consensus from these studies
is that a relatively high carbohydrate diet is ideal but that the balance of macronutrients is
important, and the source of nutrients can determine whether the diet is more or less healthy.
Vegan diets
Several studies indicate that pesco-vegetarians but not vegans display reduced risk for
overall mortality compared to meat eaters, although a vegan dietary pattern is also associated
Author Manuscript
with reduced risk of cancer, hypertension and diabetes compared to that for regular meat
eaters (Segovia-Siapco and Sabaté, 2019). Notably, the vegan diet has been associated with
a 43% increased risk in all fractures and 2.3 fold increase in hip fractures compared to
non-vegan diets (Tong et al., 2020). This frailty may be explained in part by deficiencies
of certain amino acids. In fact in the EPIC-Oxford study, 16.5% of vegan men and 8.1%
of vegan women had a protein intake lower than their requirement, which could be made
worse by the reliance on amino acids solely from legumes, which provide very low levels
of methionine and other amino acids (Mariotti and Gardner, 2019). In summary, the data
are consistent with remarkable benefits of a vegan diet against aging and diseases but also
an association of vegan diets with less benefits compared to vegetarian or pesco-vegetarian
diets, possibly because these diets prevent the frailty associated with vegan diets in the
general population.
Author Manuscript
may lead to misleading interpretations. For example, many epidemiological studies have
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pointed to the increased mortality risk in subjects with low IGF-1 leading to the conclusion
that IGF-1 should be maintained higher, but several studies have pointed to both the lowest
and highest IGF-1 levels being associated with higher mortality pointing to mid-range IGF-1
as consistently linked to low mortality (Burgers et al., 2011). Thus, epidemiology, which is
clearly a central pillar in determining the ideal ranges of a nutrient or factor for health and
longevity, should be complemented by at least 3 additional pillars that account for age, sex,
and underlying metabolic status and that assess risk factors in addition to biological age: 1)
basic research focused on lifespan and healthspan, 2) carefully controlled clinical trials, 3)
studies of individuals and populations with record longevity.
longevity listed above, we can begin to point to a common denominator for healthy
longevity. These pillars indicate that the everyday normocaloric Longevity Diet associated
with low or very low side effects and extended lifespan and healthspan is characterized
by a mid to high carbohydrate and low but sufficient protein intake which is mostly plant-
based but includes regular consumption of pesco-vegetarian-derived proteins (Longo, Valter,
2019). For example, animal products represented about 1 % of the traditional diet of the
record longevity Okinawans (Willcox et al., 2007), and occasional meat or animal product
consumption also characterized the populations of the Sardinian and Loma Linda areas
with high prevalence of centenarians or high average lifespan (Levine et al., 2014). The
benefits of such a diet is supported by evidence from the calorie and protein restriction
studies in short-lived species, is in agreement with the epidemiological data described in
earlier sections, and consistent with the evidence from large clinical trials. Thus, the low
Author Manuscript
but sufficient protein diet or a normal protein intake with high legume consumption and
therefore relatively low content of methionine and other amino acids contributes to the
reduction in the levels/activity of the pro-aging GHR, IGF-1 and TOR-S6K signaling (Fig.
2). However, in over 65 individuals the low protein diet does not appear to reduce further
the circulating IGF-1 already lowered during the aging process, and may instead contribute
to lean body mass loss and frailty. In the absence of obesity and insulin resistance, the
relatively high carbohydrate consumption may also contribute to avoiding frailty at all ages
but particulary in the elderly, thus providing energy without increasing insulin and activating
glucose signaling pathways.
A fat consumption providing about the 30% of energy mostly from plant-based sources
is also part of the longevity diet and is again consistent with the basic research, and
epidemiological and clinical data, although the traditional Okinawan diet provided a much
Author Manuscript
lower level of fats, confirming that thre are variations of the optimal longevity diet that
could be equally effective. The high circulating fat content, does not appear to have the
pro-aging effects of the protein- and sugar-endocrine axes, possibly because fat catabolism,
fatty acids and ketone bodies are at the center of fasting responses. A recent study based
on meta-analyses and data form the Global Burden of Disease 2019 study including studies
from the US, China and Europe, provides evidence in support of the Longevity Diet. A
sustained change from the typical western diet to an optimal diet rich in legumes, whole
grains and nuts with reduced red and processed meats is associated with an increase in life
Author Manuscript
expectancy of 10.7 years in females and 13 years in males if started at age 20, and over 8
years of increased life expectancy when started at age 60 (Fadnes et al., 2022),
An important caveat is that the longevity diet should be designed to avoid malnourishment,
particularly in the over 65 population to prevent frailty and diseases that may result from
reduced bone or muscle mass or low blood cell counts. Ideally, the longevity diet would
also include a 12–13 hours daily fasting period that has been shown to be safe, feasible, and
effective in many studies. The periodic use of a periodic FMD in those age 18 to 70 may be
key in reversing the insulin resistance generated by a high calorie diet. In fact, maintaining
a Body Mass Index lower than 25 and an ideal sex- and age-specific fat composition, lean
body mass and abdominal circumference and not a set calorie level should be used as
guidelines to establish daily food intake. FMD cycles may also lower IGF-1, blood pressure,
total cholesterol and inflammation, particularly in at risk subjects.
Author Manuscript
This work was supported in part by awards to VDL including the Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul
Cancro (AIRC) (IG#17605 and IG#21820.), the BC161452 grant of the Breast Cancer Research Program (US
Department of Defense) and the US National Institute on Aging-National Institutes of Health (NIA–NIH) grants
P01 AG055369). RMA is supported by NIH-NIA RF1AG057408, R01AG067330, R01AG074503, Veterans
Adminstration Merit Award BX003846, and by Impetus Grants and the Simons Foundation. This work was made
possible by support from the William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospial Madison Wisconsin. VDL has
equity interest in L-Nutra, a company that commercializes medical food.
Author Manuscript
Dietary restriction (DR)
A broad term describing the reduction in specific dietary components or in amounts of food
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Figure 1.
Conserved pathways associated with longer lifespan identified in yeast, worms, flies,
and mice. Altered metabolism involves signature changes related to energy saving,
activation of lipid fuel use, and dampened growth and synthetic pathways. At the cellular
level the delayed aging phenotype is associated with increased metabolite recycling,
autophagy, reduced translation, protein turnover, and enhanced maintenance and repair
Author Manuscript
linked to antioxidant and other stress response pathways. Interactions among organelles are
influenced by energy status and associations shift to accommodate the metabolic state linked
to lower nutrient availability and low growth signaling conditions. The overall outcome is a
reprogrammed metabolism, enhanced repair and recycling mechanisms, and reduced growth
and macromolecular synthesis.
Author Manuscript
potentially increased autophagy in different cell types. Prolonged and periodic FMDs and
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possibly other fasting methods may activate autophagy during the late portion of the fasting
period and increase the levels of stem cells and regeneration in various tissues, especially
during the re-feeding period. Downstream of these changes are improved metabolic
function, reduced inflammation with delayed immunosenescence, reduced oxidative damage
and improved proteostasis. The regulation of this pro-longevity network can delay aging,
and reduce the risk factors and/or incidence of age-related diseases including diabetes,
cancer, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. The effects of the Longevity Diet on
diseases appears to be both dependent and independent of its effect on aging and biological
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Author Manuscript
Author Manuscript