2018, Marcato
2018, Marcato
2018, Marcato
IPO underpricing
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Market Integration, Country Institutions
Gianluca Marcato1
University of Reading United Kingdom
Stanimira Milcheva2
University College London United Kingdom
Chen Zheng3#
University of Reading United Kingdom
Email: [email protected]. University of Reading, Reading, RG6 6AH,
UK. Tel: +44 118 378 8178.
2Email: [email protected]. University College London, London, WC1E 6BT, UK.
Tel: Tel: +44 207 679 5946.
3 #
[ Corresponding author] Email: [email protected]. University of
Reading, Reading, RG6 6AH, UK. Tel: +44 118 378 8878.
Market Integration, Country Institutions and
IPO Underpricing
We extend the IPO literature analysing the role of financial market integration
in the development of IPO markets and the pricing of newly listed stocks.
Using a hierarchical linear model, we show that differences in underpricing
between markets with high and low financial integration levels are
economically significant and may explain the choice of location in the listing
process. Firstly, market integration negatively affects the level of IPO
underpricing by increasing the importance and efficiency of the financial
intermediation process via tradable securities. Secondly, the presence of a
deeper market integration has a moderation effect, which weakens the
explanatory power of country institutions in the cross-country variation of IPO
underpricing. Finally, we suggest a hierarchical structure be assumed for the
modelling of cross-country IPO studies with heterogeneous country
characteristics. Our results are robust to alternative measures of financial
integration and several model specifications.
1. Introduction
See also (Carter and Manaster, 1990, Carter et al., 1998, Chemmanur and Fulghieri, 1994, Nanda and
Youngkeol, 1997, Tinic, 1988).
reduces the competitive advantage of domestic banks through the presence of an increased
number of foreign banks in domestic markets and increased opportunities to access finance in
foreign markets. To respond to the growing role of financial intermediation, the overall
quality of financial services is improved. This may occur through a spillover effect, where
less competitive domestic players try to learn from foreign banks and institutions with better
financial systems. Consequently, the efficiency of the financial intermediation process in the
home country should improve due to its increasing level of integration with the global market.
In line with this expectation, we find that market integration reduces IPO underpricing.
Secondly, the law and finance literature demonstrates that a growing globalization
weakens the role of country institutions on corporate finance activities (Doidge et al., 2007,
Doidge et al., 2013, Kho et al., 2009, Stulz, 1999, Stulz, 2009). Following this evidence, we
argue that financial market integration also works as a moderation effect weakening the
explanatory power of country institutions in the cross-country variation of IPO underpricing.
Particularly, market integration allows companies to access finance in foreign markets and to
borrow from foreign institutions, reducing the cost of funding. In fact, we show that the
boundaries between capital markets in different countries fade away and the impact of
country institutions on the cross-country IPO underpricing is weakened. These results also
help us to understand the regional conditions for foreign IPO investment opportunities. They
provide issuers and underwriters with an insight into the economic effects of country
institutions on IPO underpricing in a wider context of financial integration. More widely, our
findings indicate that the process of financial market integration with the global market
improves the efficiency on primary markets and reduces the cost of equity internationally by
driving the convergence of institutional quality across countries.
Finally, from a methodological standpoint, we apply hierarchical linear modelling to a
large dataset that has a clustering structure, using a mixed-effects model. Moving away from
a simple OLS estimation used in previous international studies, we are able to test the
country-level effects and correct for the country clustering structure at the same time, which
cannot be realized by a fixed effect model. Our results are also confirmed by propensity score
matching, which reveals a 10% reduction of IPO underpricing when markets are financially
The paper is organised as follows: the next section summarises the literature review
and develops the research hypotheses. Section 3 presents the data collection process and
estimation models. Sections 4 and 5 discuss main results and robustness tests, while section 6
concludes the paper.
The literature on IPO underpricing is substantial and previous studies explain this
phenomenon focusing on pre-market activities following either an information-asymmetry-
based theory, or an aftermarket demand-driven behavioural argument. 2 The first stream
generally argues that underpricing is a consequence of the information asymmetry existing
between the agents involved in an IPO event. The first systematic information asymmetry
model by Rock (1986) argues that some investors have better information about the IPO
valuation than the issuers and underwriters. Underpricing is used as a compensation for
investors with information disadvantages who are otherwise reluctant to participate in IPOs.
Beaty and Ritter (1986) show that uninformed investors are discouraged by the “winner’s
curse” risk and issuers use underpricing to attract investors who believe that shares are only
available because they are mispriced or unwanted. Finally, signalling models present
underpricing as a strategy adopted by issuers to signal the company’s quality. In this set-up,
only well-performing companies are able to afford the initial cost of underpricing which can
be recovered in the subsequent season equity offerings (Allen and Faulhaber, 1989, Grinblatt
and Hwang, 1989, Welch, 1989).
On the other hand, behavioural arguments focus on the IPO issuance process.
Brailsford et al. (2004) document how general market conditions and investors’ sentiment
affect IPO volumes and underpricing. The prospect theory by Loughran and Ritter (2002)
shows that the value of investors’ holdings increases substantially after the first day of trading
compared to the expected valuation based on the initial file range of the offer price.
Compared with the value gain, the diluted wealth (or value loss) due to underpricing seems
negligible and therefore, issuers accept a certain level of underpricing.3
Finally, the presence of different institutions in the IPO process might also impact
underpricing such as auditor’s quality (Beaty, 1989),4 status of venture capital-backing (Barry
For a very detailed review on the IPO literature, please refer to Ritter and Welch (2002).
3 See, for example Derrien (2005), Ljungqvist et al. (2006) and Reber and Vencappa (2016) for more
behavioural arguments on IPO underpricing.
Hong et al. (2014) also find that the adoption of mandatory International Financial Reporting Standards has a
negative impact on the level of IPO underpricing.
et al., 1990, Gompers, 1996, Lerner, 1994), ownership structure pre- and post-IPO (Brennan
and Franks, 1997) and the role of underwriters (Beaty and Ritter, 1986, Carter and Manaster,
1990, Carter et al., 1998, Chemmanur and Fulghieri, 1994, Ellis et al., 2000, Nanda and
Youngkeol, 1997, Tinic, 1988, Boeh and Dunbar, 2016). Moreover, although the focus in
previous literature has been on firm- and issue-specific variables, more recent international
studies show that country institutions are also important to explain the cross-country variation
in IPO underpricing (Banerjee et al., 2011, Engelen and Essen, 2010, Hopp and Dreher,
2013). We extend the literature by focussing on the roles of financial market integration in
the IPO underpricing anomaly. The next two sections describe our research hypotheses.
IPOs represent complex financial deals where company information is not fully
disclosed and the involvement of several independent institutions (i.e. issuer, investors and
underwriters) makes the financial intermediation process highly relevant to understand the
pricing dynamics. The information extraction theory by Benveniste and Spindt (1989)
represents the most empirically supported theoretical setting. The authors argue that the
bookbuilding process of an IPO represents the information extraction process during which
the underwriters retrieve useful information from informed investors to set an appropriate
offering price. Therefore, the efficiency of this information extraction process is critical to the
level of underpricing. On one hand, acting as information producers, underwriters set
standards to obtain an issuing company’s valuation; on the other hand, underwriters try to
extract useful information from informed investors and compensate them with a certain level
of underpricing. However, as both actions are unobservable, issuers choose underwriters
according to their reputation based on past performance (i.e. success) and underpricing.
When underwriters either overprice or heavily underprice, their subsequent market share
decreases (Beaty and Ritter, 1986, Carter and Manaster, 1990, Carter et al., 1998,
Chemmanur and Fulghieri, 1994, Nanda and Youngkeol, 1997, Tinic, 1988, Sherman, 2005).
Hence, investment banks have incentives to improve the efficiency of the financial
intermediation process to set an appropriate offer price.
In particular, financial market integration impacts on the underwriting process
because a market’s financial exposure to global factors can “increase the depth and breadth
of domestic financial markets and lead to an increase in the degree of efficiency of the
financial intermediation process” (Agénor, 2003). In fact, market integration significantly
enhances the competitiveness of the banking system through different mechanisms. Firstly, it
increases the competition for domestic banks by raising the number of foreign banks
operating in local markets (Caprio and Honohan, 1999) and allowing companies to access
more affordable financing opportunities in foreign markets. As far as IPOs are concerned,
financial integration reduces the costs and improves the likelihood of domestic companies
going public abroad to access better institutional settings. Financial integration is found to
increase the number of global IPOs – Doidge et al. (2013) – and to precipitate the shift of
banks from the traditional loans and depository business, to financial intermediation based on
securities – Hausler (2002). Furthermore, in response to the higher competition introduced by
market integration, domestic banks learn from foreign banks and other institutions and tend to
develop a better banking regulatory system (Caprio and Honohan, 1999). As a result, we
expect domestic banks to become more effective information producers in the IPO process,
improving the financial intermediation process and, according to the information extraction
theory, leading to a lower overall level of underpricing. Finally, and strictly for IPOs, Caglio
et al. (2016) and Doidge et al. (2013) point out that financial globalization increases the
likelihood and reduces the cost of domestic companies going public abroad, providing
companies with an opportunity to escape from poor institutional settings in their home
countries – e.g. Doidge et al. (2013) find that the number of global IPOs is increased by
world financial globalization.
All these arguments indicate a negative relationship between the level of financial
market integration and IPO underpricing, and therefore we form the first hypothesis as
H1: Financial market integration decreases the cost of listing as measured by IPO
as firm- and issue-level characteristics do (Banerjee et al., 2011, Engelen and Essen, 2010,
Hopp and Dreher, 2013).
However, a rise in the level of financial integration weakens the influence of country
institutions on corporate finance activities. Generally, this argument arises from the fact that
financial integration allows a greater flexibility as companies can use foreign markets to
choose the most suitable country institutions to be subjected to. A strong but also implicitly
reasonable argument is made by Stulz (2009): “in a fully integrated world, we would expect
national capital markets to be irrelevant”. He argues that the advantages of country
institutions for domestic firms gradually disappear, with financial market integration allowing
firms to choose better institutions in a foreign market and lowering the costs of international
investments and capital raising (Stulz, 1999, Stulz, 2009). La Porta et al. (2006) show that the
influence and effectiveness of laws regulating the issuance and trading of securities in a
country are heavily linked to the development of the underlying financial market. However,
the impact of such laws is weakened in more open capital markets where firms can freely
choose to subject themselves to the laws of other countries. Similarly, Kho et al. (2009) find
increasing financial market integration decreases the importance of country institutions on
corporate finance and governance activities over time. Particularly, Doidge et al. (2007)
argue that the impact of country institutions on IPO activities are weakened by more
accessible global capital markets, while Doidge et al. (2013) show that world financial
integration increases the number of global IPOs and weakens the effects of country
institutions on the number and size of both domestic and global IPOs. Therefore, they argue
that financial globalization plays a weakening role for country institutions for IPO activities.
Following this line of research, we extend the literature by examining the role of
financial integration as a moderation effect that weakens the role of country institutions in
explaining the cross-country variation of IPO underpricing. Therefore, our second hypothesis
is formulated as follows:
H2: Financial market integration weakens the impact of a country’s institutions on IPO
3. Data and methodology
Data on worldwide IPOs from January 1995 to December 2017 is collected from
Thomson ONE New Issues Database, while market-level data is sourced from Thomson
Reuters DataStream Professional. We obtain IPO information on both offering and first-
trading-day closing price to measure the level of IPO underpricing. In line with previous
studies, we initially exclude companies in the finance, insurance and real estate industries
(SIC code between 60 and 67) and companies with missing observations. From a total of
14,587 deals, we apply a filtering process to obtain a final full sample of 12,778 IPOs from
37 countries by removing: IPOs with abnormal initial returns outside the −67% to +2,000%
range (likely due to measurement errors);5 IPOs using a private placement; IPOs in countries
recognised as tax-haven non-sovereign jurisdictions (e.g. Bermuda and British Virgin
Islands); outliers of initial returns in the top and bottom 1% percentiles; and deals in countries
with less than 5 IPOs during the overall sample period.
The level of IPO underpricing is the dependent variable in our study and is measured
by the initial return on the first day of trading as follows:
extent to which market returns are explained by global and domestic factors. In addition, as
this measure is based on daily returns, we are able to capture the time-variance within
countries for the entire sample period, without relying on secondary sources as is for the other
four alternative measures we use in our robustness checks. We also further separate financial
integration from overall market development by controlling for market returns and turnover,
which also show a low level of correlation with our financial integration measure.
The impact of market integration on IPO underpricing is tested after controlling for
firm- and issuing-level characteristics. In particular, IPO size (LSIZE) is used to proxy for the
ex-ante uncertainty about the issuing company, as proposed by Beaty and Ritter (1986), and
some dummy variables capture whether the IPO is venture capital-backed (VB) and/or uses a
bookbuilding method (BB), both factors reducing underpricing through a process of
information revelation. Secondly, we control for market-related variables. According to
Loughran and Ritter (2002) and Ljungqvist et al. (2006), the market return represents the
market sentiment and is positively related to underpricing. We include the three-month
cumulative market return (MRETURN) before the IPO issuing date and expect a positive
relationship with underpricing. We also control for cyclical patterns in the IPO market.
Particularly, we define the volume variable (VOLUME) as the ratio between the number of
IPOs in a specific year in one country divided by the total number of IPOs in that country
during the overall sample period6. A negative relationship between the IPO underpricing and
IPO volume in the market is recorded by Ibbotson and Jaffe (1975), Lowry and Schwert
(2004) and Shi et al. (2013). We also include the market turnover (TURNOVER) to further
control for market development. The data is collected from Thomson Reuters DataStream for
each country.
While earlier studies report a negative effect of underwriter’s reputation on IPO
underpricing, this relationship is reversed in more recent studies. Nonetheless, the
underwriters play an undeniably important role in IPO events. Following Megginson and
Weiss (1991) and Shi et al. (2013), we measure the quality of underwriters by their shares in
the IPO market and create a global underwriter reputation proxy (UNDERWRITER), taking
the total proceeds underwritten by each underwriter as a share of the total proceeds raised
across our sample period.
6This variable is calculated based on the IPOs recorded in the database before we apply any of the filtering
To test the second hypothesis, we include five alternative country-level institutional
variables based on previous empirical studies (Banerjee et al., 2011, Engelen and Essen, 2010,
Hopp and Dreher, 2013). They vary across countries but not across time.7 Particularly, we
exclude the level of disclosure because the variable is computed using a survey in 2000 and it
does not cover all countries in our study. Its use would require us to drop 25% of our sample,
with particular emphasis on markets that are generally less financially integrated. Moreover,
the use of a time-invariant measure does not reflect the changing nature of disclosure
regulation, especially in developing and emerging markets, which represent a significant
component of our study. The five country-level institutional variables are described below.
The Investor Protection Index (IPI) measures the level of minority investor protection
and has a negative impact on underpricing (Banerjee et al., 2011, Engelen and Essen, 2010).
In countries where minority investors are not sufficiently protected, they tend to have less
monitoring power over managers and big institutional investors, and they suffer from
inappropriate managerial activities (e.g. self-dealing activities). In IPO events, the high
uncertainty around a company valuation makes investors reluctant to participate, as they
might become minority investors. As a result, higher underpricing is required to attract them.
Unlike Banerjee et al. (2011) and Engelen and Essen (2010), who use the anti-self-dealing
index constructed by Djankov et al. (2008) to capture the level of minority investor protection,
we use the Investor Protection Index (IPI), the most recent data on the level of minority
investor protection, reported as part of the Doing Business project by the World Bank. The
data is collected from the related website 8 and ranges from 0 to 10, where higher values
represent a better protection for minority investors.
By dividing a country’s law system into “law in books” (written laws) and “law in
action” (the effectiveness of legal enforcement), Engelen and Essen (2010) find that when the
“law in books” is relatively weak to protect investors from controlling insiders and unjust
deals, strong legal enforcement (i.e. effective police force or courts) can to some extent
compensate the weak investor protection. We obtain the Public Enforcement Index (PEI) as a
proxy for the effectiveness of the legal enforcement system from La Porta’s website. 9 The
index ranges from 0 to 1, with higher values representing more effective legal enforcement.
7 This is a standard approach in the literature, also considering that there is very little (and insignificant) time-
8 Source: http://www.doingbusiness.org/
Source: http://faculty.tuck.dartmouth.edu/rafael-laporta/research-publications/
Furthermore, we also include the Rule of Law Index (RLI) and the Corruption
Perception Index (CPI) to proxy for the overall quality of a country’s legal system (Engelen
and Essen, 2010). The Rule of Law Index is constructed by the World Justice Project 10 and
ranges between 0 and 1, with higher values representing better overall legal systems. The
Corruption Perception Index is provided by Transparency International11 and measures the
level of corruption, ranging from 0 (most corrupted environment) to 100 (least corrupted
Finally, ENGLISH represents a dummy variable that captures the status of a country’s
legal origin. It equals 1 if its legal system is originated from English Common Law and 0
otherwise. The data on legal origin is collected from La Porta et al. (1998). La Porta et al.
(1998) find that the legal protection is generally better in common law countries (i.e. USA
and UK) than in civil law countries (i.e. Germany, France and Scandinavian countries).
Hence, following the literature, we expect a lower level of underpricing in countries with an
English Common Law system.
Summary statistics
Table 1 defines the main variables in our study and shows data sources and summary
statistics. We report a high level of underpricing, on average 27.46%, associated with a
significant standard deviation of 49.40%. This shows the significance of the phenomena and
the high level of variation over time and across companies and countries. In light of the high
variation, it will be important to control for several cross-sectional and time effects.
Table 2 summarizes the average IPO underpricing at country level from 1995 to 2017.
We notice a large variation in the level of underpricing and the number of IPOs across
countries. In our sample, the US has the highest number of observations with 3,955 IPOs,
followed by China and Australia with 2,729 and 960 respectively. Our dataset is by far the
10 For more details about how the rule of law index is constructed, please refer to the World Justice Project
website. http://worldjusticeproject.org/
11 Transparency International is an independent organisation that monitors the level of corruption in the world.
Regarding the construction of the corruption perception index, please refer to their website.
largest in cross-country IPO studies.12 During the sample period, all 37 countries experience
underpricing. China has the highest level at 43.11%, with Hong Kong following at 42.77%,
while Norway records the lowest figure at 2.33% based on 62 IPOs. Brazil shows an average
underpricing of 5.62%, which differs from 33.1% in Loughran et al. (1994, updated 2015).
We explain this difference arguing that our 1995 to 2017 sample period is much more recent
than their 1979 to 2011 period. Moreover, a recent study by Minardi et al. (2015) reports a
4.5% average underpricing for Brazilian IPOs using a similar sample period to ours (2004 to
2012). Therefore, we believe our sample not affect the main findings of this study.13
In our second hypothesis, we test the moderation effect that financial market
integration plays on the relationship between country institutions and underpricing. Table 3
Panel A presents the average level of market integration and alternative measures by country.
Our variable of interest, market integration (MI), presents similar values to those in
Pukthuanthong and Roll (2009). Examples of markets with low levels of financial integration
are Argentina, China, India, Indonesia and the Philippines, while Australia, France, Germany,
Hong Kong, Singapore, UK and US are among markets with high financial integration.
Table 3 Panel B presents the variables used to proxy for different country-level
institutional settings. Firstly, the correlation of different proxies is encouraging as it shows
similar patterns across countries. The Investor Protection Index finds financially dominated
countries such as Hong Kong and Singapore among the highest ranked, while countries such
as the Philippines and China are among the worst in protecting investors’ interests. To our
surprise, Luxembourg shows a low protection and the US, Germany and Sweden are only
positioned around the average (even if still ranked above many other countries we would
expect to have a lower protection). We find an explanation for this puzzle in the next index,
which measures the effectiveness of legal enforcement. In fact, the aforementioned countries
show the highest value of enforcement, alongside Canada, Sweden and others. The US
however, still remains a puzzle, but it is solved when the characteristics of the overall legal
12 The ranking of the underpricing by country is highly correlated (0.6) with the one reported in Jay Ritter’s
website, but single average figures show some differences due to the use of different sample periods. Most Jay
Ritter’s country IPO data goes back to the 1970s, while ours starts in the 1990s. The representativeness of our
sample is also confirmed by the high correlation (0.7) of our underpricing figures with Banerjee et al. (2011).
As robustness check, we have run the models excluding IPOs from Brazil and the results do not change.
system are considered (Rule of Law Index). In fact, the US is ranked top with other more
efficient markets such as Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Scandinavian
countries and the UK. Similar results are also found for the Corruption Perception Index,
which shows a very high correlation (0.97) with the Rule of Law Index. Finally, we find that
34% of the countries in our study are based on the English Common Law.
An OLS estimation is a commonly adopted method in IPO literature. Since our data
clearly shows a hierarchical structure with IPOs nesting within the same country sharing
similar patterns, hierarchical linear modelling (HLM) – Raudenbush and Bryk (1992) –
allows us to test our hypotheses on country institutions and control for country effects at the
same time, without violating the independence assumption of residuals. This methodology is
also used in the cross-country IPO underpricing study by Engelen and Essen (2010). As
Garson (2013) points out, in the presence of a nesting or clustering structure, observations
from the same group are not independent and the standard errors of the predicted parameters
by an OLS regression are underestimated. As a result, wrong or imprecise inferences might
be made.
Particularly, we use a two-level HLM, where levels 1 and 2 represent respectively
individual IPOs and countries (treated as a random sample from a wider population). As a
rule of thumb, a good HLM estimation needs at least 20 observations at level 2, and our
dataset meets this requirement with 37 countries included. Among the different specifications
of an HLM, we use a random intercept model, which allows for the level 1 intercept to shift
between countries (i.e. the random factor is the country variable where correlated errors are
created and slopes are parallel lines between countries 14). In the random intercept model, the
intercept of the IPO performance at level 1 is then modelled as a random effect of the relative
country at level 2. The specification for hypothesis 1 is as follows:
𝑯𝟏: 𝑈𝑖𝑗𝑡 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑗𝑡 + 𝛽2 𝑋𝑖𝑗𝑡 + 𝜇𝑗 + 𝜖𝑖𝑗𝑡 (2)
14The other model is the random slope model, which allows the slope to differ across countries too. In order to
choose between these two models, we use a likelihood ratio test and the random intercept model is more
where 𝑈𝑖𝑗𝑡 is the underpricing level for IPO 𝑖 in country 𝑗 in year 𝑡; 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑗𝑡 is
the level of financial integration for country 𝑗 in year 𝑡; 𝑋𝑖𝑗𝑡 represents a vector of the control
variables; 𝜇𝑗 is the random country effect shifting the regression line between countries; and
𝜖𝑖𝑗𝑡 is the overall error term at level 1.15
Alongside an HLM estimation, we also present the OLS results with random country
effects, which generally support our main findings. Finally, to test that IPO underpricing is
indeed affected by market integration rather than other unobserved factors or self-selection of
companies in stock exchanges with high versus low market integration, we employ a
treatment effect estimation with propensity score matching. We categorize IPOs into a high-
integration group if the listing country of this IPO has an above-average market integration in
the issuing year and a low-integration group otherwise. The dummy variable of high versus
low integration acts as a “treatment” effect, where each IPO in the high-integration group is
matched to an IPO in the low-integration group whose propensity score is closest. In our
estimation, the propensity score is obtained by using a logit model on VB, BB, LSIZE,
Along with the presence of a direct effect, we also argue that financial market
integration of a country works as a moderation effect, which weakens the explanatory power
of the country institutions in the cross–country variation of IPO underpricing. As mentioned
in the data section above, we include five different country-level institutional variables. In
order to test for the moderation effect, we follow the method used in Doidge et al. (2013).
The interaction term between financial integration and each of the five institutional variables
is adopted to capture that effect. As Baron and Kenny (1986) suggest, the specification
should also include the two main effects in the interaction term. Our specification is as
𝑯𝟐: 𝑈𝑖𝑗𝑡 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 𝑀𝐼𝑗𝑡 + 𝛽2 𝐼𝑗 + 𝛽3 (𝑀𝐼𝑗𝑡 ∗ 𝐼𝑗 ) + 𝛽4 𝑋𝑖𝑗𝑡 + 𝜇𝑗 + 𝜖𝑖𝑗𝑡 (3)
15 Note that the random effect μj and the overall error term ϵijt are independent of each other.
where 𝐼𝐽 is the institutional variable for country 𝑗16; the variable of interest, (𝑀𝐼𝑗𝑡 ∗
𝐼𝑗 ), is the interaction term between the level of market integration of country j and the
country j institutional variable. All other variables are the same as in Equation (3).
We start with a two-level null model to partition the variance in level 1 and level 2.
For parsimonious reasons, and also considering that the model is simple, we do not report the
intermediate results. The between-country variance is 111.12 and the level 1 variance is
2319.56. Therefore, the between-country differences could explain about 5% of the variance
in the cross-country IPO underpricing.
4. Main results
Table 4 reports the main results for hypothesis 1, the direct effect of financial
integration on IPO underpricing. We focus our discussion on the coefficients reported in
Model (1), which reports the baseline model using the main proxy for the level of financial
market integration. To make the results comparable, Market Integration (MI) used in the
regressions are presented in percentages. Consistent with our expectation, we find that market
integration reduces the level of IPO underpricing, improving the valuation certainty through a
more efficient intermediation process. It also supports the argument in the law and finance
literature that the cost of external financing caused by information asymmetry and agency
costs is reduced by increasing financial globalization (Stulz, 1999). A one standard deviation
increase in MI results in 0.28 standard deviation decrease in the level of IPO underpricing. A
coefficient of −0.358 suggests that a 2.8% increase in MI translates into a 1% decrease in the
level of underpricing, all else equal. This finding represents the first major contribution of our
study to the literature on international IPO studies.
Consistent with most of the previous empirical findings, firm- and issuing-level
control variables generally show the expected signs. Many of the early studies based on the
All country-level institutional variables are held constant throughout the sample period for each country,
US market find a negative relationship between the venture-capital status and the level of
underpricing, supporting the certification role of venture capitalists proposed by Megginson
and Weiss (1991). They argue that the existence of venture capitalists in an IPO company
certifies the “quality” of the IPO offer price – i.e. the price reveals all the relevant
information and this leads to a reduction in the underpricing. However, the reversed
relationship has also been documented (Boeh and Dunbar, 2016, Guo et al., 2006, Liu and
Ritter, 2011), supporting the analyst lust theory by Liu and Ritter (2011). They point out that,
as venture capitalists are more interested in the market price on the day shares are distributed
to the limited shareholders (usually after the lock-up periods), they have a great desire to
attract the all-star analysts’ coverage. This can affect the IPO price leading to a higher
underpricing. We find support for the analyst lust theory, as we record a positive effect of the
venture-capital status on the level of underpricing.
Bookbuilding status and company size are commonly used measures for the ex-ante
uncertainty about the valuation because the bookbuilding technique and big companies are
normally associated with lower levels of information asymmetry. We show a negative impact
of the bookbuilding technique and company size on IPO underpricing which is consistent
with the majority of the empirical studies supporting the classic information-asymmetry-
based theories (Benveniste and Spindt, 1989, Beaty and Ritter, 1986, Rock, 1986, Reber and
Vencappa, 2016).
We report a 0.4% reduction in IPO underpricing for each percentage point of
cumulative market return increase during the three months prior to the deal (MRETURN) in
support of the “hot issue” period argument by Ritter (1984). This finding also provides
evidence for the behavioural argument that a higher pre-IPO market return indicates higher
sentiment demand from exuberant investors leading to higher initial returns (Loughran and
Ritter, 2002, Ljungqvist et al., 2006, Reber and Vencappa, 2016).
Consistent with Ibbotson and Jaffe (1975), Lowry and Schwert (2004) and Shi et al.
(2013), we find that IPOs issued in years with relative higher VOLUME of IPO deals
experience lower underpricing. This result also supports the information revelation argument
by Altı (2005), who identifies an unknown common factor driving IPO valuations. The
private information about the common factor is gradually revealed by the outcomes of
previous IPOs because the IPO offer price incorporates the indications of the participating
investors’ interests.
The coefficient on UNDERWRITER is significantly positive, suggesting that a higher
reputation increases the underpricing, as found in several recent studies.
Furthermore, we compare the HLM estimates with simple OLS estimates. Results are
presented in Model (1) in Table 5. According to Garson (2013), even though the second level
random factor should have no effects on the means of individual observations in the first
level, it can change the covariance structure, hence leading to inefficient estimates by
reducing standard errors. We find that the OLS results confirm the ones obtained using HLM,
except for an underestimation of the impact of financial integration on underpricing by circa
35%. The differences in our results are due to the random factors at level 2, which are not
explicitly modelled in the OLS estimation. We also test for model preference using a
likelihood ratio, which indicates that the HLM accounting for the country random effect is
the preferred model. Notwithstanding the normal use of simple OLS models in international
IPO studies, we find overall confirmation that an HLM structure should be adopted to
research a micro-level phenomenon (underpricing) using a macroeconomic country-level
argument. This finding represents one of the major contributions of our study.
The final step to test the direct impact of market integration on IPO underpricing is to
estimate a propensity score matching (PSM) model. Table 6 shows that the overall benefit of
listing a company in a highly integrated market corresponds to a 10% reduction in IPO
underpricing – Model (1). Our PSM results are consistent with HLM and OLS estimations.
The baseline results for hypothesis 2, the indirect effect of financial integration, are
presented in Table 7. Models (1) to (5) each include a different proxy of the country-level
institutional variables. Overall, the inclusion of country institutions in our models does not
alter the significant negative impact of financial integration on IPO underpricing. At the same
time, we find that a better legal protection of minority investors (IPI) and quality of legal
framework (RLI), more effective public enforcement (PEI), a lower level of corruption (CPI)
and the existence of an English common law-based system (ENGLISH) in a country reduce
the uncertainty of the ex-ante IPO valuation as well as the level of underpricing. This is
consistent with previous cross-country IPO studies.
However, the significantly positive coefficient of the interaction term (MI x Institution)
signals that market integration acts as a moderator effect, reducing the extent to which
country institutions affect the level of IPO underpricing. In other words, in a country that is
more financially integrated with the global markets, institutional characteristics show a
weaker effect on the IPO underpricing. This finding supports our second hypothesis and the
argument in the law and finance literature that financial globalization weakens country
institutions. It is also consistent with Doidge et al. (2013), who find that the world financial
globalization reduces the impact of country institutions on IPO size and numbers.
This is particularly evident in Model (1), where the negative relationship between the
level of minority investor protection (IPI) and the level of IPO underpricing is consistent with
Banerjee et al. (2011), Engelen and Essen (2010) and Hopp and Dreher (2013). They all
argue that more underpricing is required to compensate the minority investors in a country
where the investor’s protection is insufficient. We show that this effect is weakened by the
improvements in the level of financial integration. Models (2), (3), (4) and (5) also show a
reduction in the direct negative relationship between underpricing and the level of Public
Enforcement Index (PEI), the Rule of Law Index (RLI), the Corruption Perception Index
(CPI) and the English common law dummy (ENGLISH) due to higher levels of market
integration. Finally, the coefficients of all control variables are still consistent with the
baseline Model (1) reported in Table 4.
The interpretation of the interaction term between continuous variables is not as
straightforward as the one between categorical variables. For example, in Model (5) the high
absolute value of ENGLISH indicates that the average IPO underpricing in English common
law countries is 23% lower than elsewhere. However, the positive coefficient of the
interaction term indicates that this prominent impact is somewhat weakened by the increase
in the level of financial integration. When the level of market integration increases by 1%, the
decrease in the average underpricing caused by the English common law system is reduced
by 0.28%.
Since market integration and institutional variables are both continuous variables in
Models (1) to (4) we also estimate the second hypothesis by re-centring market integration at
one standard deviation below (4a) or above (4b) its mean as follows:
𝑀𝐼_𝐿𝑜𝑤 = 𝑀𝐼 − (𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑀𝐼 − 1𝑠𝑑) (4a)
𝑀𝐼_𝐻𝑖𝑔ℎ = 𝑀𝐼 − (𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑀𝐼 + 1𝑠𝑑). (4b)
This procedure allows us to hold the market integration constant at “low” – MI_Low
in Equation (4a) – and “high” – MI_High in Equation (4b) – values and to compute the slopes
of the country institutional variables under these two scenarios.
With market integration assuming a value of zero, 𝛽2 in Equation (3) represents the
impact of country institutions (I) on IPO underpricing. However, the level of market
integration is unlikely to reach a value of zero or below. Hence, by subtracting (𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑀𝐼 −
1𝑠𝑑) or (𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑀𝐼 + 1𝑠𝑑) from MI, a value of zero for the newly constructed market
integration measure is made meaningful. For example, 𝑀𝐼_𝐿𝑜𝑤 (𝑀𝐼_𝐻𝑖𝑔ℎ) can take the
value of zero when market integration is held constant at one standard deviation below
(above) its mean (𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝐼𝐹𝐼 − 1𝑠𝑑) ((𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝐼𝐹𝐼 + 1𝑠𝑑)). The interpretation of 𝛽2 becomes
straightforward as it simply represents the effect of country institutions on the level of
underpricing, given a constant low (high) level of financial integration – one standard
deviation below (above) the mean. Therefore, comparing the slopes on country institutional
variables when market integration moves from low to high values, we expect the slope to
flatten (i.e. the absolute value of the 𝛽2 coefficient to decrease).
Estimated coefficients are reported in Table 8. Models (1) to (4) present estimations
for four different country institutions respectively: IPI, PEI, RLI and CPI. Under each model,
we report two equations for market integration held at low (a) or high (b) values respectively.
Interaction_Low and Interaction_High are the interaction terms between each of the country
institutions and MI_Low and MI_High respectively. As all estimates of control variables
remain similar to our baseline results in Table 7, we do not report them here. As expected,
Model (1) shows that the absolute value of the coefficient for IPI decreases when market
integration moves from low (Model (1a)) to high (Model (1b)) values. More specifically, a
one unit increase in the level of investors’ protection results in an 10.44% decrease in average
underpricing when market integration is held at one standard deviation below its mean, while
the decrease is reduced to 5.15% when market integration is increased by two standard
deviations (one standard deviation above its mean). The same pattern is found on the
remaining country institutional variables. Interestingly, we find that, for some country
institutions, market integration not only decreases the impact on IPO underpricing, but also
changes the direction of the impact. One possible explanation is that countries with good-
quality institutions might be “punished” by integrating deeply with global markets, which
have on average lower quality institutions than theirs. This is in line with the argument that
developing countries benefit more from the globalization process than developed countries.
Overall, the empirical results reported in Table 8 further support our second hypothesis and
reinforce the evidence of the moderation effect of market integration. Further robustness tests
are reported in the next section.
5. Robustness tests
To test that our results are not driven by the choice of a specific financial integration
measure, we also use alternative measures to estimate models for hypothesis 1. Firstly, we
employ the KOF Index of Globalization17 and, similar to Doidge et al. (2013), we focus on
one of its Economic Globalization Index (EG). This measure is constructed using an equally
weighted combination of the de facto (EG_df) and de jure (EG_dj) measures of Economic
Globalization. We use these two indices separately. A sub-index in EG measures the financial
market integration, which is closer to our market integration measure. Therefore, we also
include the de facto (Finance_df) and de jure (Finance_dj) measures of financial integration
separately. Finance_df is the sum of external assets and liabilities as a share of GDP, a
method firstly developed by Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2003) and revised in Lane and Milesi-
Ferretti (2007). Finance_dj measures the country’s capital account openness based on its
restrictions on the cross-border financial transactions, a metric developed by Chinn and Ito
17The KOF index is constructed by the KOF Swiss Economic Institute and is updated annually. The overall
index consists of 36% economic globalization, 37% social globalization and 27% political globalization. The
data and details on the index construction are available on the website: http://globalization.kof.ethz.ch/.
(2006). Results reported in Models (2) to (4) in Table 4 are very similar to the original
baseline results in Model (1). A 1% increase in EG_df (EG_dj) results in a 0.33% (0.5%)
decrease in the level of IPO underpricing. This impact increases to 0.45% and 0.5% in
Models (4) and (5), indicating that financial market integration seems to have a stronger
impact than the overall economic globalization. On the whole, we confirm the significant
effects of the financial integration on IPO underpricing.
We also use all these alternative proxies in our OLS estimation, reporting results in
Models (2) to (5) within Table 5. They further confirm our main findings. Furthermore, we
employ the four alternative proxies of financial integration in the propensity score matching
(PSM) estimation and present findings in Table 6. Our PSM results in Models (2) to (5) are
consistent with HLM and OLS estimations and show robustness to the use of alternative
proxies of financial integration.
In the main result section, we strengthen the inference of our second hypothesis
(moderator effect) by holding the market integration constant at high and low levels (see
Table 8). We further test the robustness of our results replacing our main measure of market
integration with the Economic Globalization Index (EG) in Table 9. The coefficients for EG,
country institutions, interaction terms and control variables are all similar to the baseline
results presented in Table 7.
where 𝑀𝐼 is the level of market integration; 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛_𝑀𝐼 is its mean across all
observations; 𝐼 represents a country-level institutional variable and 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛_𝐼 is its mean across
countries. Results are presented in Table 10, where Models (1) to (5) refer to different proxies
for country institutions as in Table 7. All models show that, although the centred variables
have different values of coefficient estimates, their effect and significance do not change,
signalling that our results are not driven by a potential increased collinearity induced by the
interaction term.
Furthermore, we have operated several other robustness tests, the results of which are
not fully reported in this paper for parsimonious reasons. Overall, our main findings
withstand all following extra robustness tests.
Firstly, our findings are robust to the introduction of year dummies by using both
HLM and OLS estimations, with coefficients showing values and statistical significance in
line with the main models. To further support the results by HLM, we have also estimated
OLS models with clustering by country and year respectively and the main findings remain
Secondly, we confirm that financial market integration reduces IPO underpricing not
only for foreign IPOs but also domestic ones. We exclude all foreign IPOs and estimate the
main model (with both HLM and OLS) using a reduced sample of domestic IPOs only and
find no significant differences in our results. As an alternative strategy, we also interact a
foreign IPO dummy variable with market integration and find confirmation for all main
results on financial integration, country institutions and their interactions. While most of the
specifications have returned insignificant coefficients of the interaction term between market
integration and the foreign IPO dummy, some suggest that foreign IPOs might experience
greater impact from market integration. In other words, while both domestic and foreign IPOs
experience a decrease in underpricing when market integration increases, the scale of this
decrease is greater for foreign IPOs than for domestic ones. Both tests strengthen the findings
and eliminate the concerns that financial market integration of a country only impacts on
foreign IPOs.
Thirdly, to test that our results are not driven by the US market – the most popular
destination for foreign listings – we exclude all US IPOs and estimate HLM models on the
remaining 36 countries. All main findings are statistically and economically consistent for
both hypotheses. More particularly, with a negative coefficient for venture capital status (VB),
in countries other than the US we find support for the certification argument by Megginson
and Weiss (1991) rather than analyst lust theory by Liu and Ritter (2011). Meanwhile, the
coefficient on underwriters’ reputation (UNDERWRITER) becomes insignificant, suggesting
that underwriters’ reputation is primarily important in the US. This finding related to the
‘dark side’ of financial institutions is worth exploring further.
Fourthly, to address potential correlated omitted variables, we estimate a model
specification adding two country-level control variables to the baseline specification of our
second hypothesis included in Table 7. In particular, we first separately and then jointly add
trade openness and home bias, which may be correlated with market integration, country
institutions and IPO underpricing. Coefficient estimates show that market integration, country
institutions and the interaction term are still statistically and economically significant. This
estimation procedure is applied for each institutional variable used in Table 7 and results are
Finally, although the average underpricing of Brazil in our sample is similar to more
recent studies, it still might raise concerns as it is significantly smaller than what is reported
on Jay Ritter’s website, as mentioned earlier. We then estimate models excluding Brazilian
IPOs and results still hold.
6. Conclusion
By using a hierarchical linear modelling with nearly 13,000 IPOs from 37 countries,
this study presents evidence that IPO underpricing decreases when the IPO listing market is
more integrated with the global markets. In particular, we argue that a direct effect is firstly
obtained through an improved efficiency of the financial intermediation process because of
the increased external competition introduced by financial integration, which eventually
improves the efficiency of IPO pricing for both domestic and foreign IPOs. Therefore, this
effect could have two possible explanations. Firstly, companies going public domestically
benefit from a higher competition in the home market, which decreases the information
asymmetry and makes the pricing process more transparent. Secondly, foreign IPOs may
benefit from listing in countries with an improved efficiency. Importantly, we find that this
relationship is robust to the use of either de jure or de facto measures of financial integration
and it does not represent a cyclical phenomenon that is restricted to a specific period.
Moreover, we identify an indirect channel where market integration reduces IPO
underpricing by diminishing the role country institutions play in the development of financial
markets. Once integration is accounted for, we find that the impact of country institutions on
IPO underpricing weakens. This can be explained by companies becoming less reliant on
home institutions due to the increased accessibility to the global markets. Hence, we argue
that the integration of financial markets has a moderation effect, reducing the explanatory
power of country institutions in IPO underpricing.
Overall, our empirical findings support the previous literature in international
corporate finance, providing complementary evidence that market integration not only lowers
the cost of external financing, but also weakens the role of country institutions on corporate
finance decisions – e.g. Stulz (1999, 2009) and Doidge et al. (2013). By identifying the
effects of financial integration, this work adds to the explanation of IPO underpricing
(especially cross-country variation), and also presents a macroeconomic approach to
investigate corporate finance activities.
Our findings provide issuers, underwriters and investors some insights into the role
that country institutional settings play in IPO markets and how this role can be altered by
improvements in market integration. Firstly, as financial integration decreases the cost of
IPOs associated with underpricing and increases the capital that the issuing company can
raise, it gives issuers incentives to seek more financially integrated markets for listings.
Secondly, the dynamic relationship between market integration, country institutions and IPO
performance is particularly informative for foreign IPO investors and issuers who consider
cross-border listings to either avoid or take advantage of certain institutional characteristics.
Thirdly, as emerging markets are more sensitive to the globalization process, this provides
valuable implications for policy makers regarding the impact of market integration on
domestic financial development as well as corporate activities. While financial integration
helps to improve the efficiency of the domestic market, it also provides domestic companies
with opportunities to choose foreign capital by reducing constraints from institutional settings,
e.g. legal frameworks. Therefore, a sustainable development would be linked to an
improvement in the institutional settings and legal framework while taking advantage of the
integration process.
Finally, we envisage the scope of this work to develop in two main directions. First,
as we argue that the direct effect is transmitted through the financial intermediation process,
one could further test this mechanism by examining how the gross spread and market share of
investment banks are affected. Second, as this work uses a static cross-sectional measure of
legal systems, the impact and role of the dynamic development of legal systems and its
interaction with improvements in financial market integration may be tested in relation to the
valuation of IPOs.
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Table 1: Variables description and descriptive statistics
Variable Description
Obs Mean StD Min Max
Initial Return (%), which measures the level of underpricing as the difference
IR between the offer price and the closing price on the first trading day. Source: 12778 27.46 49.40 -58.33 890.00
Thomson One
A dummy variable that equals 1 if the IPO is venture capital backed; 0 otherwise.
VB 12735 0.28 0.45 0.00 1.00
Source: Thomson One
A dummy variable that equals 1 if the IPO method is bookbuilding; 0 otherwise.
BB 12125 0.71 0.45 0.00 1.00
Source: Thomson One
LSIZE Frim size: natural log of the total proceeds of the IPOs. Source: Thomson One 12778 3.40 1.73 -6.91 9.99
IPO volume: for each country-year companion, it is the number of IPOs in a given
VOLUME year in this country divided by the total number of IPOs throughout the sample period 12778 9.71 6.96 0.10 100.00
in this country, expressed in 100%. Source: Thomson One.
Market return: 3-month cumulative market return before the IPO date, based on the
MRETURN 12778 3.82 9.61 -40.46 80.16
market index in DataStream. Source: DataStream
Stock market turnover: annual turnover by value in the year of IPO. Source:
TURNOVER 12471 981.54 630.41 4.17 4481
Global underwriter reputation: this is a widely-used measure of underwriters'
reputation following Megginson and Weiss (1991). Following Shi et al (2013), we
UNDERWRITER 12364 1.22 2.43 0.00 8.99
use the total proceeds underwritten by each lead underwriter as a share of the total
proceeds during our sample period. Source: Thomson One
Market Integration: a measure of the actual market integration of one country with the
global markets by identifying the explanatory power of a multi-factor model on
global factors. R-squared is then used as an indicator of market integration. This
MI 12363 68.24 37.84 2.25 99.97
method is developed by Pukthuanthong and Roll (2009) with high frequency data.
For comparison purpose, it is presented in percentage levels in the estimations.
Source: DataStream
Table 1: Variables description and descriptive statistics (continued)
Variable Description
Obs Mean StD Min Max
Investor Protection Index: measures the level of legal protection of minority
investors in one country; it ranges from 0 to 10 with higher values representing
IPI better protection. For each company, the IPI of the country where it is firstly listed 12778 6.25 1.09 4.20 8.20
has been included. This data is directly collected from the website of the Doing
Business project by the World Bank.
Public Enforcement Index: measures the effectiveness of one country's legal
enforcement, i.e. court enforcement; it ranges from 0 to 1 with higher values
PEI representing more effective legal enforcement (Djankov et al., 2008). For each 12771 0.17 0.33 0.00 1.00
company, the PEI of the country where it is firstly listed has been included. This
data is directly collected from Rafael La Porta’s website.
Rule of Law Index: measures the overall quality of the legal framework, with higher
values representing better legal system. This data is constructed by the World Justice
RLI 11905 0.66 0.13 0.45 0.88
Project and collected from their website. For each company, the RLI of the country
where it is firstly listed has been included.
Corruption Perception Index: measures the level of the overall corruption, with 0
representing the most corrupted system. This data is constructed by the
CPI 12771 63.54 17.77 34.00 92.00
Transparency International and collected from their website. For each company, the
CPI of the country where it is firstly listed has been included.
A dummy variable, which equals 1 if the country’s legal system originates from the
ENGLISH English Common Law system. It is reported in La Porta et al. (1998). For each 12777 0.60 0.49 0 1
company, the ENGLISH dummy is created of the country where it is firstly listed.
Table 2: IPO underpricing by country
Table 3: Summary statistics of country variables
Panel A: Measures of integration
Country MI EG EG_df EG_dj Finance_df Finance_dj
Argentina 0.144 42.49 37.80 47.18 57.81 49.02
Australia 0.973 64.07 52.82 75.31 73.08 68.15
Austria 0.901 80.14 75.46 84.81 85.74 77.89
Belgium 0.848 79.98 80.42 79.19 84.51 75.44
Brazil 0.380 46.18 36.45 55.91 50.14 54.25
Canada 0.941 70.77 58.43 83.12 80.22 82.12
China 0.052 43.98 49.23 38.74 51.22 15.61
Cyprus 0.193 73.06 70.77 75.35 83.86 64.85
Denmark 0.948 76.44 69.79 83.09 79.85 75.58
Finland 0.505 75.78 67.03 84.54 81.26 77.15
France 0.891 76.86 66.45 87.28 86.69 83.17
Germany 0.839 78.87 73.11 84.64 84.41 78.38
Greece 0.267 81.92 77.57 86.27 86.37 81.71
Hong Kong 0.947 91.06 90.24 91.88 98.18 88.17
India 0.130 56.44 53.92 58.96 54.92 50.53
Indonesia 0.023 32.79 30.91 34.68 31.63 27.13
Israel 0.220 69.10 56.66 81.54 69.11 77.00
Italy 0.829 57.57 39.50 75.63 53.44 73.23
Japan 0.993 84.14 80.59 87.82 90.38 82.53
Luxembourg 0.295 51.89 40.39 63.32 51.82 61.96
Malaysia 0.272 85.87 86.38 85.36 90.18 80.72
Mexico 0.354 67.50 78.62 56.37 75.18 46.30
Netherlands 0.891 75.23 70.02 80.43 80.22 77.03
New Zealand 0.404 52.82 59.33 46.32 59.74 44.41
Norway 0.594 70.93 63.23 78.62 77.28 75.70
Philippines 0.171 60.99 59.02 62.96 62.67 48.60
Poland 0.374 89.02 90.58 87.46 93.64 80.48
Singapore 0.968 73.83 73.64 74.03 81.74 70.93
South Africa 0.978 48.59 47.86 49.32 53.14 35.98
Spain 0.736 76.05 67.50 84.60 81.68 77.03
Sweden 0.660 56.42 59.78 53.06 54.27 42.83
Switzerland 0.844 46.80 54.76 38.85 57.50 16.19
Taiwan 0.170 56.09 45.54 66.65 62.37 56.62
Thailand 0.246 51.01 42.10 59.93 44.11 47.69
Turkey 0.150 61.15 38.47 83.82 57.77 80.55
United Kingdom 0.850 82.91 79.00 86.82 87.75 82.30
United States 0.947 50.94 55.06 46.82 61.44 31.32
This table presents the mean value of different measures of the integration for each country across the 1995-2017 sample
period. The variable of interest is MI which measures the actual market integration and is constructed following
Pukthuanthong and Roll (2009). The other five measures are constructed by the KOF Swiss Economic Institute. EG is the
overall economic globalization which takes the average of the de-facto (EG_df) and de-jure (EG_dj) economic globalization
measures. We also include two sub-indices, one de-facto (Finance_df) and one de-jure (Finance_dj), that are used in the
construction of EG to capture the financial market integration.
Panel B: Country institutional variables
Argentina 5.80 0.00 0.50 34.00 0
Australia 5.70 0.50 0.80 80.00 1
Austria 6.30 1.00 0.82 72.00 0
Belgium 6.20 0.50 0.76 76.00 0
Brazil 6.30 0.50 0.54 43.00 0
Canada 7.30 1.00 0.78 81.00 1
China 4.50 0.00 0.45 36.00 0
Cyprus 6.80 / / / 0
Denmark 6.80 0.75 0.88 92.00 0
Finland 5.60 0.00 0.84 89.00 0
France 6.80 0.50 0.74 69.00 0
Germany 5.90 1.00 0.80 79.00 0
Greece 5.80 0.50 0.59 43.00 0
Hong Kong 8.10 0.00 0.76 74.00 1
India 7.30 0.50 0.48 38.00 1
Indonesia 6.10 0.00 0.52 34.00 0
Israel 7.10 1.00 / 60.00 1
Italy 6.70 0.00 0.63 43.00 0
Japan 6.30 0.00 0.78 76.00 0
Luxembourg 4.70 1.00 / 82.00 0
Malaysia 7.40 1.00 0.58 52.00 1
Mexico 5.80 0.50 0.45 35.00 0
Netherlands 5.20 0.00 0.83 83.00 0
New Zealand 8.20 0.00 0.83 91.00 1
Norway 7.00 1.00 0.88 86.00 0
Philippines 4.20 0.00 0.50 38.00 0
Poland 6.30 1.00 0.67 61.00 0
Singapore 8.00 1.00 0.79 84.00 1
South Africa 6.80 0.00 0.55 44.00 1
Spain 6.40 1.00 0.67 60.00 0
Sweden 6.30 1.00 0.85 87.00 0
Switzerland 5.50 0.75 / 86.00 0
Taiwan 6.40 0.00 / 61.00 0
Thailand 6.60 0.00 0.52 38.00 1
Turkey 6.90 0.00 0.50 45.00 0
United Kingdom 7.80 0.00 0.78 78.00 1
United States 6.60 0.00 0.71 74.00 1
Mean 6.35 0.43 0.66 61.71 0.31
This table presents each country’s institutional variables. All the variables are held constant for each country throughout the
sample period from 1995 to 2017. Investor Protection Index (IPI) measures the level of the legal protection of minority
investors in one country, with higher values representing better protection. Public Enforcement Index (PEI) measures the
effectiveness of the legal enforcement, with higher values representing more effective legal enforcement. Rule of Law Index
(RLI) measures the overall quality of the legal framework, with higher values representing better legal system. Corruption
Perception Index (CPI) measures the level of the overall corruption, with 0 representing the most corrupted system.
ENGLISH is a dummy variable, which equals 1 if the country’s legal system originates from the English Common Law.
Table 4: Direct effect of market integration on IPO underpricing (HLM)
Dependent Variable Hierarchical Linear Modelling
Underpricing (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
MI EG_df EG_dj FG_df FG_dj
VB 4.459*** 6.041*** 6.215*** 6.286*** 6.215***
1.113 1.105 1.104 1.101 1.101
BB -9.014*** -19.65*** -16.89*** -19.18*** -16.11***
1.415 1.636 1.621 1.611 1.621
LSIZE -3.670*** -2.333*** -2.652*** -2.372*** -2.853***
0.357 0.355 0.358 0.354 0.358
VOLUME -0.480*** -0.412*** -0.440*** -0.473*** -0.349***
0.075 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091
MRETURN 0.395*** 0.406*** 0.433*** 0.428*** 0.448***
0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045
TURNOVER -0.005*** -0.008*** -0.012*** -0.004*** -0.014***
0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
UNDERWRITER 1.715*** 1.783*** 1.955*** 1.928*** 2.015***
0.219 0.210 0.211 0.210 0.210
INTEGRATION -0.358*** -0.331*** -0.496*** -0.448*** -0.494***
0.024 0.052 0.063 0.045 0.047
Constant 65.59*** 64.44*** 82.97*** 75.18*** 79.37***
3.682 4.241 5.776 4.153 4.593
var(c.country) 187.0*** 101.7*** 136.2*** 88.72*** 145.3***
52.56 29.67 39.87 27.44 42.38
var(e.ir) 2,144*** 1,681*** 1,675*** 1,671*** 1,665***
28.97 26.26 26.16 26.09 26.00
Observations 10,991 8,228 8,228 8,228 8,228
Number of groups 37 37 37 37 37
This table presents the regression results of the IPO underpricing from 1995 to 2017, by multi-level modelling. IPO
underpricing is firstly modelled at firm level and then at country level. A random intercept model is assumed with the
intercept shifting between countries due to the random country effect. Models (1) to (5) present the results using different
measures of integration (INTEGRATION). The baseline model is Model (1) which uses a de facto measure of stock market
integration (MI). MI is the R-squared of the regression of a country’s daily market performance in a given year on the global
factors, a method developed by Pukthuanthong and Roll (2009). Model (1) uses a sample of 10,991 observations from 37
countries. For the efficiency of the calculation, we choose countries which have a minimum number of IPOs equal or larger
than 6. Models (2) to (5) use alternative measures of globalization and integration that are constructed by the KOF Swiss
Economic Institute. Model (2) adopts a de facto measure of economic globalization (EG_df) which captures both the
exchange of trade, capital flows and stocks of foreign assets and liabilities. Model (3) adopts a de jure measure of economic
globalization (EG_dj) which focuses on policies on trade and capital flows. Models (4) and (5) adopt financial integration
measures which are closer to our market integration measure. Finance_df is the de facto measure which is the sum of
external assets and liabilities as a share of GDP, a method firstly developed by Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2003) and revised
in Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2007). Finance_dj measures the country’s capital account openness based on its restrictions on
the cross-border financial transactions, a measure developed by Chinn and Ito (2006). The dependent variable is
Underpricing which is the initial return between the first-trading day closing price and the IPO offer price, expressed as a
percentage. VB captures the venture-backed status of the IPO firm and equals 1 if the IPO is venture capital-backed. BB is a
dummy variable and equals 1 if the IPO uses book-building as an issuing technique. LSIZE is the offer size of the IPO,
expressed in logarithm. VOLUME, for each country-year companion, is the number of IPOs in a certain year in one country
divided by the total number of IPOs throughout the sample period in this country. MRETURN is the 3-month cumulative
market return before the IPO, based on the country market index in DataStream. TURNOVER is the stock turnover by value
recorded in DataStream which is the value of the shares traded divided by the average market capitalization.
UNDERWRITER is the underwriter’s reputation which is measured by the IPO market share of this underwriter during the
1995-2017 sample period. var(c.country) is the variance between countries and var(e.ir) is the variance between individual
IPOs. The figures below each coefficient are the standard errors. Significance at 10%, 5% and 1% levels are marked with *,
**, and *** respectively.
Table 5: Direct effect of market integration on IPO underpricing (OLS)
Dependent Variable OLS
Underpricing (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
MI EG_df EG_dj FG_df FG_dj
VB 9.356*** 7.551*** 9.883*** 7.212*** 10.14***
0.959 1.069 1.068 1.063 1.066
BB -1.632 -16.77*** -4.636*** -17.89*** -3.261***
1.352 1.528 1.267 1.433 1.255
LSIZE -2.271*** -0.381 -1.829*** -1.357*** -2.039***
0.305 0.332 0.339 0.331 0.337
VOLUME -0.536*** -0.578*** -0.540*** -0.534*** -0.467***
0.058 0.091 0.088 0.090 0.087
MRETURN 0.425*** 0.488*** 0.498*** 0.473*** 0.504***
0.051 0.057 0.055 0.054 0.055
TURNOVER -0.002*** -0.001 -0.004*** 0.003*** -0.005***
0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
UNDERWRITER 1.141*** 0.677*** 1.650*** 1.273*** 1.733***
0.223 0.247 0.255 0.248 0.255
INTEGRATION -0.235*** -0.430*** -0.548*** -0.658*** -0.425***
0.013 0.031 0.030 0.031 0.022
Constant 54.01*** 64.04*** 78.48*** 84.09*** 66.05***
1.926 2.998 3.304 3.269 2.635
Observations 10,991 8,228 8,228 8,228 8,228
R-squared 0.045 0.056 0.079 0.092 0.084
This table presents the OLS regression results of the IPO underpricing from 1995 to 2017. Models (1) to (5) present the
results using different measures of integration (INTEGRATION). Model (1) which uses our variable of interest which is a de
facto measurement of stock market integration (MI). MI is the R-squared of the regression of a country’s daily market
performance in a given year on the global factors, a method developed by Pukthuanthong and Roll (2009). Model (1) uses a
sample of 10,991 observations from 37 countries. For the efficiency of the calculation, we choose countries which have a
minimum number of IPOs equal or larger than 6. Models (2) to (5) use alternative measures of globalization and financial
market integration that are constructed by the KOF Swiss Economic Institute. Model (2) adopts a de facto measure of
economic globalization (EG_df) which captures both the exchange of trade, capital flows and stocks of foreign assets and
liabilities. Model (3) adopts a de jure measure of economic globalization (EG_dj) which focuses on policies on trade and
capital flows. Models (4) and (5) adopt financial integration measures which are closer to our market integration measure.
Finance_df is the de facto measure which is the sum of external assets and liabilities as a share of GDP, a method firstly
developed by Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2003) and revised in Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2007). Finance_dj measures the
country’s capital account openness based on its restrictions on the cross-border financial transactions, a measure developed
by Chinn and Ito (2006). The dependent variable is Underpricing which is the initial return between the first-trading day
closing price and the IPO offer price, expressed as a percentage. VB captures the venture-backed status of the IPO firm and
equals 1 if the IPO is venture capital-backed. BB is a dummy variable and equals 1 if the IPO uses book-building as an
issuing technique. LSIZE is the offer size of the IPO, expressed in logarithm. VOLUME, for each country-year companion, is
the number of IPOs in a certain year in one country divided by the total number of IPOs throughout the sample period in this
country. MRETURN is the 3-month cumulative market return before the IPO, based on the country market index in
DataStream. TURNOVER is the stock turnover by value recorded in DataStream which is the value of the shares traded
divided by the average market capitalization. UNDERWRITER is the underwriter’s reputation which is measured by the IPO
market share of this underwriter during the 1995-2017 sample period. The figures below each coefficient are the standard
errors. Significance at 10%, 5% and 1% levels are marked with *, **, and *** respectively.
Table 6 Propensity score matching results (Logit Model)
Table 7: Indirect effect of market integration on IPO underpricing
measures the effectiveness of one country's legal enforcement, i.e. court enforcement; it ranges from 0 to 1 with higher
values representing more effective legal enforcement. RLI is the Rule of Law Index, which measures the overall quality of
the legal framework; it ranges from 0 to 100 with higher values representing a better legal system. CPI is the Corruption
Perception Index, which measures the level of the overall corruption; it ranges from 0 to 100 with 0 representing the most
corrupted system. ENGLISH is a dummy variable which equals 1 if the country’s legal system originates from the English
Common Law and 0 otherwise. The variable of interest here is MI x Institution, which is the interaction term between each
of these institutional variables and MI, i.e. MI x Institution in Model (1) is equal to MI * IPI. var(c.country) is the variance
between countries and var(e.ir) is the variance between individual IPOs. The figures below each coefficient are the standard
errors. Significance at 10%, 5% and 1% levels are marked with *, **, and *** respectively.
Table 8: Robustness – Constant low/high value of market integration
total number of IPOs throughout the sample period in this country. MRETURN is the 3-month cumulative market return before the IPO, based on the country market index in DataStream.
TURNOVER is the stock turnover by value recorded in DataStream which is the value of the shares traded divided by the average market capitalization. UNDERWRITER is the underwriter’s
reputation which is measured by the IPO market share of this underwriter during the 1995-2017 sample period. Under each model, there are two models – (a) and (b) - where MI is held constant
at low (MI_Low) and high (MI _High) values. MI_Low is the market integration held constant at 1 standard deviation below the mean, and MI_High is the market integration held constant at 1
standard deviation above the mean. Market integration (MI) is the R-squared of the regression of a country’s daily market performance in a given year on global factors, a method developed by
Pukthuanthong and Roll (2009). Institution represents each of the four country-level institutional variables from Models (1) to (4). IPI is the Investor Protection Index, which measures the level
of the legal protection of minority investors in one country; it ranges from 0 to 10 with higher values representing better protection. PEI is the Public Enforcement Index, which measures the
effectiveness of one country's legal enforcement, i.e. court enforcement; it ranges from 0 to 1 with higher values representing more effective legal enforcement. RLI is the Rule of Law Index,
which measures the overall quality of the legal framework; it ranges from 0 to 100 with higher values representing better legal system. CPI is the Corruption Perception Index, which measures
the level of the overall corruption; it ranges from 0 to 100 with 0 representing the most corrupted system. Interaction_Low and Interaction_High are the interaction term between each
institutional variable and respectively MI_Low and MI_High; i.e. Interaction_Low in Model (1a) is equal to MI_Low * IPI. var(c.country) is the variance between countries and var(e.ir) is the
variance between individual IPOs. The statistics shown under each coefficient are the standard errors. Significance at 10%, 5% and 1% levels are marked with *, **, and *** respectively.
Table 9: Robustness – Indirect effect with alternative measure of integration
Table 10: Robusntess – Interaction with mean-centred variables
global factors, a method developed by Pukthuanthong and Roll (2009). Institution represents each of the five mean-centred
country-level institutional variables from Models (1) to (5). Cen_IPI is the mean-centred Investor Protection Index, which
measures the level of the legal protection of minority investors in one country; it ranges from 0 to 10 with higher values
representing better protection. Cen_PEI is the mean-centred Public Enforcement Index which measures the effectiveness of
one country's legal enforcement, i.e. court enforcement; it ranges from 0 to 1 with higher values representing more effective
legal enforcement. Cen_RLI is the mean-centred Rule of Law Index, which measures the overall quality of the legal
framework; it ranges from 0 to 100 with higher values representing better legal system. Cen_CPI is the mean-centred
Corruption Perception Index, which measures the level of the overall corruption; it ranges from 0 to 100 with 0 representing
the most corrupted system Cen_ENGLISH is the mean-centred dummy variable which equals 1 if the country’s legal system
originates from the English Common Law and 0 otherwise. The variable of interest here is Cen_MI x Cen_Institution, which
is the interaction term between each of the mean-centred institutional variables and the mean-centred MI. i.e. Cen_MI x
Cen_Institution in Model (1) is equal to Cen_IPI* Cen_MI. var(c.country) is the variance between countries and var(e.ir) is
the variance between individual IPOs. The figures below each coefficient are the standard errors. Significance at 10%, 5%
and 1% levels is marked with *, **, and *** respectively.