Business Correspondence and Reporting - DPP - Chanakya

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1. Explain the Star Network in the channel of 18. What is paralanguage?
19. What do you understand by clarity and coherence
2. What is the ‘chain of command’ in communication? in communication?

3. List at least 5 barriers of communication. Explain any 20. Differentiate between vertical and horizontal
two of them in your own words. communication.

4. Based on communication channels, what are the 21. What is gender barrier in communication?
different kinds of communicationmethods? Explain.
22. What is diagonal communication?
5. Define the term ‘communication’. How is it relevant
in daily life? 23. What are the main steps in the process of
6. What do you mean by completeness in effective
communication? 24. Discuss “Cultural barrier in communication.

7. Explain briefly cultural barriers in communication 25. What do you mean by (A) Vertical and (B) Horizontal
formal communication?
8. What is non verbal communication. Explain its types
26. How do Technology barriers effect communication?
9. Define formal communication and explain its types Explain.

10. What is visual communication? 27. Non-verbal is also one of the Broad Categories of
Communication? Explain
11. What is network in communication.
28. Define Vertical & Chain Network under network in
12. What / Which according to you is / are the most communication?
significant communication barrier / s thatshould be
eliminated for a seamless communication in a diverse 29. What do you mean by Informal Communication?
/ multi-cultural work environment?
30. The listener has to be objective, practical and
13. What are the barriers of communication? Explain it. control his emotions" Explain with reference to
importance of listening in communication?
14. Differentiate between the Horizontal and Diagonal
Communication? 3 1 . What do you mean by an "Attitude Barrier"?

15. Compare written and oral communication in your 32. Explain how emotional awareness and control helps
own language? in communication?

16. What are the characteristics of effective 33. Define the areas where chain network of
communication? communication is found in an organization.

17. Define communication


Hint and Solution

1. Star Network: has multiple channels of network in 4. Based on Communication channels, there are
communication. This network allows a group three kinds of categories:
communication and is useful especially where Verbal: Verbal communication involves the use of
teamwork is involved. The members communicate words and language in delivering the intended
and exchange information with each other freely, message
and without hindrance or hesitation. The usefulness
Non-Verbal: Nonverbal communication is the
of all networks depends on the structure and size of
process of communicating by sending and receiving
the company, and the manner of communication
wordless messages. These messages can aid verbal
between the employees.
communication, convey thoughts and feelings
contrary to the spoken words or express ideas and
2. Chain of Command: The communication pattern emotions on theirown.
that follows the chain of command from the senior Visual: Visual communication through visual aids
to the junior is called the chain network. such as signs, typography, drawing, graphic design,
Communication starts at the top, like from a CEO, illustration, colour and other electronic resources
and works its way down to the different levels of usually reinforces written communication. Visuals
employees. It involves a lot of organizational like graphs, pie charts and other diagrammatic
hierarchy. presentations convey clearly and concisely a great
deal of information. They are an essential part of
official presentations these days.
3. Barriers in communication:
• Physical Barriers
5. Communication is a process of exchanging
• Cultural Barriers information, ideas, thoughts, feelings and emotions
• Language Barriers through speech, signals, writing, or behavior.
Communication is relevant in daily life as we
• Technology Barriers
experience it in all walks of life. While talking to
• Emotional Barriers friends, family and office colleagues, while passing
Technology Barriers: Being a technology driven on a piece of information, while starting a campaign
world, all communication is dependent on good and or a protest march; at every step we want to
extensive use of technology. However, there might communicate a message. The audience differs and the
arise technical issues, like server crash, overload of purpose differs; yet communication happens.
information etc which lead to miscommunication or
no communication at all.
6. A complete communication conveys all facts and
Language Barriers: It’s a cosmopolitan set up,
information required by the recipient. It keeps in
where people of different nationalities move from
mind the receiver’s intellect and attitude and conveys
their home to other countries for work. As a result, it
the message accordingly. A complete communication
is difficult to have a common language for
helps in building the company’s reputation, aids in
communication. Hence, diversity gives rise to many
better decision making as all relevant and required
languages and it acts as a barrier at times.
information is available with the receiver.

7. Understanding cultural aspects of communication colours, jeans, T - shirts, especially with slogans and
refers to having knowledge of different cultures in other informal wear are frowned upon. For women
order to communicate effectively with cross culture formal two-piece trouser or skirt sets or formal ethnic
people. Understanding various cultures in this era of wear like sarees, is permissible.
globalization is an absolute necessity as the existence
Symbols such as religious and status.
of cultural differences between people from various
countries, regions tribes and, religions, where words
and symbols may be interpreted differently can result 9. Formal communication: Formal communication,
in communication barriers and miscommunications. both oral and written, follows certain rules,
Multinational companies offer special courses and principles and conventions in conveying the message.
The hierarchy in the organization has to be followed.
documents to familiarize their staff with the culture
Formal format, style and language have to be used.
of the country where they are based for work. The communication pattern can be vertical,
horizontal or diagonal.
8. Nonverbal communication is the process of Vertical: Information can flow upwards or
communicating by sending and receiving wordless downwards in the organization. Data that is collected
flows up to the top levels of management for review
messages. These messages can aid verbal
and decision making, while instructions and orders are
communication, convey thoughts and feelings
passed down from the management/ seniors to the
contrary to the spoken words or express ideas and subordinates for implementation.
emotions on their own. Some of the functions of
Horizontal: Horizontal communication that involves
nonverbal communication in humans are to communication between two parts of the organization
complement and illustrate, to reinforce and at the same level. For example, the managers of a
emphasize, to replace and substitute, to control and project in a company may hold a regular daily,
regulate, and to contradict the denoted message weekly or monthly meeting to discuss the progress of
Physical nonverbal communication: An the project.
individual’s body language that is, facial Diagonal: Cross-functional communication between
expressions, stance, gestures, tone of voice, touch, employees at different levels of the organizational
and other physical signals constitute this type of hierarchy is described as diagonal communication.
communication. For example, leaning forward may Diagonal communication is increasingly common in
mean friendliness, acceptance and interest, while larger organizations. It reduces the chances of
crossing arms can be interpreted as antagonistic or distortion or misinterpretation by encouraging direct
defensive posture. communication between the relevant parties. For
Paralanguage: The way you say something, more example, a junior engineer reports directly to the
than the actual words used, reveal the intent of the General Manager regarding the progress on the
message, The voice quality, intonation, pitch, stress, project.
emotion, tone, and style of speaking, communicates
approval, in trustor the lack of it. 10. Visual communication is affected through visual aids
such as signs, typography, drawing, graphic design,
Aesthetic communication: Art forms such as
illustration, color and other electronic resources
dancing, painting, sculptor, music are also means of
usually reinforces written communication. It is a
communication. They distinctly convey the ideas and
powerful medium to communicate. Thus, print and
thoughts of the artist. audio-visual media makes effective use of adverts to
Appearance: Appearance is usually the first thing convey their message. Visuals like videos graphs, pie
noticed about a person. A well dressed andgroomed charts and other diagrammatic presentations convey
person is presumed to be organized and methodical, clearly and concisely a great deal of information
whereas a sloppy or shabby person fails to make a
favorable impression. Therefore, dressing
11. A communication network refers to the method and
appropriately in all formal interactions is emphasized.
pattern used by members of an organization to pass
The dress code in office is generally formal. It on information to other employees in the
constitutes of formal suits, trousers with plain white- organization. Network helps managers create various
or light-colored shirts and leather shoes. Bright types of communication flow according to

requirement of the task at hand. Some companies (4) Attitude barriers- Personal attitudes of
have established and predefined networks of employees can affect communication within the
communication for specified venture. organization. A proactive, motivated worker
will facilitate the communication process,
12. In a cross-cultural environment, the factors that whereas a dissatisfied, disgruntled, shy,
impact communication the most are: introvert or lazy employee can delay, hesitate in
taking the initiative, or refuse to communicate.
(1) Language: It can create many obstacles in
Attitude problems can be addressed by good
communication. Literally, people from different
management and regular interaction with staff
regions and countries may interpret the same
words differently. Difficult words, subject
specific terminology, unfamiliar expressions
and ambiguous words having multiple 13. An Obstacle to communication when the message
meanings, create hurdles in communicating. It is delivered by the speaker doesn’t reach to the receiver.
also a fact that that the linguistic ability of There are many barriers in the communication
various people in the work place is different. process. These are the following:
Some may be proficient in the language while
others may possess just basic skills. Therefore, a. Physical Barriers: Physical barriers are related to our
it is important to use clear, simple easily surroundings such as noise, technical disturbances,
understood language in most of your official outdated instrument, distant locale, old technology
communications. and inappropriate infrastructure.
(2) Cultural barriers: Understanding cultural
aspects of communication refers to having b. Organisational structure barriers: It occurs when
knowledge of different cultures in order to the systems, structures and processes in the
communicate effectively with cross culture organization are not clear or have gaps in them.
people. Understanding various cultures in this
era of globalization is an absolute necessity as
the existence of cultural differences between c. Language barrier: No two people speak or write
people from various countries, regions tribes alike. But there must be basic knowledge of
and, religions, where words and symbols may be phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and
interpreted differently can result in pragmatics of the language. Because inappropriate
communication barriers and knowledge of language can create many snags in
miscommunications. In addition, every communication.
organization too has its own work culture. In
fact, departments within the same company may
also differ in their expectations, norms and d. Cultural barriers: It refers to having knowledge of
ideologies. This can impact intra and inter different cultures in order to communicate effectively
organizational communication. The same with cross culture people.
principle applies to families and family
groups, where people have different e. Emotional barriers: anger, fear of criticism,
expectations according to their background and unreliability, and suspicion of intentions, jealousy,
traditions leading to friction and anxiety and many more emotions either positive or
misunderstanding. A very simple example is of
negative affect our communication.
the way food is served by a member of afamily.
It can be the cause of appreciation or displeasure.
(3) Emotional barriers: Anger, fear of criticism or
f. Attitude barriers: Personal attitudes of employees
ridicule, mistrust of person, suspicion of
can affect communication with the organization.
intentions, jealousy, anxiety and many more
feelings and sentiments we carry within us,
affect our communication ability and quality. A g. Perception barriers: Everyone perceives the world
person who is upset and disturbed cannot pass differently and this causes problem in
on or receive information appropriately and communicating.
objectively. His emotions will colour his
perception and assessment of the
communication. h. Physiological barriers: Health issues can be hurdles
in effective interaction with others.

i. Technology barriers: Anyone who is not tech 16. Good communication is an art that has be developed
friendly struggles to communicate effectively via the and honed. Effective communicators practice every
medium. aspect of the skill frequently. These aspects are the
j. Gender barriers: Men and women communicate 1. Clarity- Clarity means your meaning of message
differently. Men talk in linear, logical and should be the same what you are trying to convey.
compartmentalized manner whereas the women use Choosing conversational words, constructing
both logic an emotion and are more verbose. effective sentence and paragraph is important when
you communicate.
14. Horizontal communication that involves 2. Conciseness- Avoid using too many irrelevant words
communication between two parts of the organisation or adjectives. Ensure that there is no repetition.
at the same level. Such as, the managers of a project
3. Concreteness- you must be specific, definite and vivid
in a company may hold a regular daily, weekly, or
rather than vague.
monthly meeting to discuss the progress of the
project. While Diagonal communication is cross- 4. Coherence- It refers to the logical bridge between
functional communication between employees at words, sentences, and paragraphs. All content under
different levels of the organization hierarchy is the topic should be pertinent, interconnected and
described as diagonal communication. It is present information in a flow.
increasingly common in large organisations. It
reduces the chances of distortion or misinterpretation 5. Completeness- Communication must be complete
by encouraging direct communication between the and requisite in every aspect. A complete
relevant parties. As a junior engineer reports directly communication helps in building the company’s
to the General Manager regarding the progress on the reputation, aids in better decision making as all
project. appropriate and required information is available with
the receiver.
15. Written and oral communication comes under the 6. Courteous- It implies that the sender is polite,
term verbal communication. Written communication considerate, respectful, open and honest with the
is different from oral communication in terms of the receiver. You must be sincere, thoughtful and
following: appreciative in nature.
Written communication: Nowadays writing skills
7. Focus and attention- Everyday work environment
are very important. It includes letters and
has multiple activities going on simultaneously. You
documents, e-mails, reports, handbooks, brochures,
must focus and attention during the communication is
various chat platforms, SMS and any form of
imperative for effectiveness.
written interaction between people. T he written
form of communication is essential and
indispensable for formal business interactions and 17. The word communication is derived from the Latin
word “Communicare” which means to share or
legal instructions and doc mentation. Effectiveness
exchange information, ideas, or feelings. So, it can be
of written communication depends on the writing
defined as an activity or process of exchanging or
style, knowledge of grammar, selection of lexicon expressing ideas and feeling of people. It is imparting
and clarity or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information
Oral Communication: It refers to communication by verbal or non-verbal.
through the spoken word, either face-to- face,
telephonically, via voice c hat, video conference or 18. Paralanguage: It is the manner in which we say
any other medium. Formal medium like lectures, something, more than the actual words use, reveal the
meetings, presentations, conferences, seminars, intent of the message, the voice quality, volume,
interview etc. are part of oral communication. intonation, pitch, stress, emotion, tone. It
Effective of oral communication depends on c lear communicates approval, interest or lack of it.
speech and the tone used by the speaker. Speaking 19. Clarity: Any spoken or written communication
in too high/low volume or too fast/slow can also should state the purpose of message clearly. The
language should be simple. Sentences ought to be
impair communication between people. Knowledge
short as the core message is lost in long, convoluted
of paralanguage and use of paralanguage is
sentences. Each idea or point must be explained in a
desideratum for effective oral communication.

separate bulleted points or paragraphs. Make it easy 23. Steps in the process of communication
for the reader to grasp the intent of the communiqué. a. The purpose or reason
Coherence: Coherence in writing and speech refers b. The content or message
to the logical bridge between words, sentences, and c. The medium used for conveying the message
paragraphs. Main ideas and meaning can be difficult (internet, written text, speech etc.)
for the reader to follow if the writer jumps from one d. Transmitting the message
idea to another and uses contradictory words to
express himself. The key to coherence is sequentially e. Messages are often misinterpreted due to external
organized and logically presented information which disturbances. These factors disruptcommunication
is easily understood. All content under the topic
f. Receiving the message
should be relevant, interconnected and present
information in a flow. g. Deciphering/decoding the message
h. Interpreting and figuring out what the real message
20. Vertical: Information can flow upwards or
downwards in the organization. Data that is collected
flows up to the top levels of management for review 24. Cultural barriers: Understanding cultural aspects of
and decision making, while instructions and orders communication refers to having knowledge of
are passed down from the management/ seniors to the different cultures in order to communicate effectively
subordinates for implementation. with cross culture people. Understanding various
cultures in this era of globalization is an absolute
Horizontal: Horizontal communication that involves
necessity as the existence of cultural differences
communication between two parts of theorganization
between people from various countries, regions tribes
at the same level. For example, the managers of a
and, religions, where words and symbols may be
project in a company may holda regular daily, weekly
interpreted differently can result in communication
or monthly meeting to discuss the progress of the
barriers and miscommunications. Multinational
companies offer special courses and documents to
familiarize their staff with the culture of the country
21. Gender barriers-Men and women communicate where they are based for work.
differently. The reason for this lies in the wiring of a
man's and woman's brains. Men talk in a linear,
25. Formal communication: Formal communication,
logical and compartmentalized manner whereas the
both oral and written, follows certain rules,
women use both logic and emotion, and are more
principles and conventions in conveying the message.
verbose. This may be the cause of communication
The hierarchy in the organization has to be followed.
problem in an office where both men and women
Formal format, style and language have to be used.
work side by side. Men can be held guilty of
The communication pattern can be vertical,
providing insufficient information, while women
horizontal or diagonal.
may be blamed for providing too much detail.
Vertical: Information can flow upwards or
Gender bias is another factor in communication
downwards in the organization. Data that is collected
barriers. Due to traditional mindsets, many men find
flows up to the top levels of management for review
it difficult to take orders from, or provide
and decision making, while instructions and orders
information to women.
are passed down from the management/ seniors to the
subordinatesfor implementation.
22. Diagonal Communication. Horizontal: Horizontal communication that involves
It is part of the formal communication section. It communication between two parts of the
refers to the cross functional communication between organization at the same level. For example, the
different levels of employees in an organization. It is managers of a project in a company may hold a
commonly found in large organization. Diagonal regular daily, weekly or monthly meeting to discuss
communication is recommended as it reduces the the progress of the project.
gaps between communication and encourages direct
talks with the third party. For example a junior
engineer directly reporting to the General Manager
about the progress of a project.

26. In the present world, communication modes are formal. It constitutes of formal suits, trousers with
primarily technology driven. The communication plain white- or light-colored shirts and leather shoes.
technology is being constantly upgraded or new Bright colors, jeans, T - shirts, especially with
formats emerge ever so frequently. Anyone who is slogans and other informal wear are frowned upon.
not abreast with these struggles to communicate For women formal two- piece trouser or skirt sets or
effectively via the medium. formal ethnic wear like sarees, is permissible.
An individual is swamped with huge amount of Symbols such as religious, status, or ego-building
information every day in the form of emails, texts and symbols
social updates. Multitasking is the norm these days.
The information overload and trying to accomplish 28. Vertical and Chain Network
too many things together can result in gaps in
Vertical network: The vertical network is a formal
communication and miscommunications.
network. It is usually between a higher-ranking
employee and a subordinate. This is a two-way
27. Nonverbal Communication: Nonverbal communication in which immediate feedback is
communication is the process of communicating by possible.
sending and receiving wordless messages. These Chain Network: The communication pattern that
messages can aid verbal communication, convey follows the chain of command from the senior to
thoughts and feelings contrary to the spoken words or junior is called the chain network. Communication
express ideas and emotions on their own. Some of the starts at the top, like from a CEO, and works its way
functions of nonverbal communication in humans are down to the different levels of employees.
to complement and illustrate, to reinforce and
emphasize, to replace and substitute, to control and
regulate, and to contradict the denoted message 29. Informal communication is the casual, friendly and
unofficial. It is spontaneous conversation and
Physical nonverbal communication: An
exchange of information between two or more
individual’s body language that is, facial
persons without conforming to the prescribed official
expressions, stance, gestures, tone of voice, touch,
rules, processes, systems, formalities, and chain of
and other physical signals constitute this type of
command. Informal communication is between
communication. For example, leaning forward may
family, friends, neighbours, members of community
mean friendliness, acceptance and interest, while
and other social relations that are based on common
crossing arms can be interpreted as antagonistic or
interests, tastes and dispositions. Information can
defensive posture.
flow from any source in any direction.
Research estimates that physical, non-verbal
communication accounts for 55 percent of all
communication. Smiles, frowns, pursing of lips, 30. A good listener does not only listen to the spoken
clenching of hands etc. transmit emotions which are words, but observes carefully the non-verbal cues to
not expressed through verbal communication. understand the complete message. He absorbs the
given information, processes it, understands its
Paralanguage: The way you say something, more
context and meaning and forms an accurate,
than the actual words used, reveal the intent of the
reasoned, intelligent response. The listener has to be
message. The voice quality, intonation, pitch, stress,
objective, practical and in control of his emotions.
emotion, tone, and style of speaking, communicates
Often the understanding of a listener is coloured by
approval, interest or the lack of it.
his own emotion’s judgements, opinions, and
Research estimates that tone of the voice accounts reactions to what is being said.
for 38 percent of all communications.
Aesthetic communication: Art forms such as
3 1 . Attitude barriers refer to personal attitudes of
dancing, painting, sculptor, music are also means of
employees that can affect communicationwithin the
communication. They distinctly convey the ideas and
organization. A proactive, motivated worker will
thoughts of the artist.
facilitate the communication process, whereas a
Appearance: Appearance is usually the first thing dissatisfied, disgruntled, shy, introvert or lazy
noticed about a person. A well dressed and groomed employee can delay, hesitate in taking the initiative,
person is presumed to be organized and methodical, or refuse to communicate.
whereas a sloppy or shabby person fails to make a
favourable impression. Therefore, dressing
appropriately in all formal interactions is
emphasized. The dress code in office is generally

32. Emotions play a major role in our interactions with conflict resulting in successful completion of the
other people. They are a powerful force that affect communication process.
our perception of reality regardless of how hard we
try to be unbiased. In fact, intense emotions can 33. Communication pattern that follows the chain of
undermine a person’s capacity for rational decision- command from the senior to the junior is called the
making, even when the individual is aware of the chain network. Communication starts at the top, like
need to make careful decisions. from a CEO, and works its way down to the different
Emotional awareness is a necessary element of good levels of employees. The supervisor/ manager/ CEO
communication. While interacting with another gives commands or instructions to those working
person or a group, it is important to understand the under him/her in the organization.
emotions you and he/ she/ they are bringing to the B, C, D and E, F, G are the subordinates to A in the
discussion. Managing your own and others emotions organizational hierarchy and receive commands from
and communicating keeping in mind the emotional ‘A’ as shown in the diagram. The chain network often
state of others helps in smooth interaction avoiding takes up time, and communication may not be clear.


Read the following passage carefully and answer the You have the liberty to laugh at me, but I have the
questions at the end of each passage. liberty to be indifferent to you. And if I have a fancy
for dyeing my hair, or wearing an overcoat and
34. Passage 1
sandals, or going to bed late or getting up early, I shall
A stout old lady was walking with her basket down
follow my fancy and ask no man’s permission.
the middle of a street in Petrograd to the great
1. In the phrase ‘symbol not of tyranny but liberty’,
perplexity of the traffic and with no small peril to
what does the word tyranny mean?
herself. It was pointed out to her that the pavement
was the place for pedestrians, but she replied: ‘I’m (para 2)
going to walk where I like. We’ve got liberty now.’ 2. What is the narrator trying to preach by means
It did not occur to the dear old lady that if liberty of this passage? State in two sentences.
entitled the pedestrian to walk down the middle of the 3. What reason did the lady give for her walking in
road, then the end of such liberty would be universal the middle of the road?
chaos. Everybody would be getting in everybody 4. Select the suitable synonym for the word
else’s way and nobody would get anywhere. ‘perplexity’ as used in the passage:
Individual liberty would have become social anarchy. (1) Morality (2) Pleasure
There is a danger of the world getting liberty-drunk (3) Confusion (4) Horror
these days like the old lady with the basket, and it is
5. According to the author, what is liberty?
just as well to remind ourselves of what the rule of
the road means. It means that in order that the liberties
of all may be preserved, the liberties of everybody 35. Passage 2
must be curtailed. When the policeman, at Piccadilly The sage of science, Einstein, was sitting in a
Circus steps into the middle of the road and puts out depressive and pensive mood one evening. His eyes
his hand, he is the symbol not of tyranny but of were brimming with tears. The pain was evident on
liberty. You may not think so. You may, being in a his face. He peeped out of the window of his room.
hurry, and seeing your car pulled up by this insolence The sun had set a few minutes back. The sky was
of office, feel that your liberty has been outraged. filled with a reddish glow. At this sunset, he felt that
How dare this fellow interfere with your free use of it was humanity that had sunk into devilish darkness
the public highway? Then if you are a reasonable and the reddish glow in the sky was the blood of
person, you will reflect that if he did not interfere with humanity spilling all over the sky from earth. With
you, he would interfere with no one, and the result tired steps, he walked back to his chair and settled
would be that Piccadilly Circus would be a maelstrom down. It was the 9th of August 1945. Three days
that you would never cross at all. You have submitted back, he had felt the same agony as if someone had
to a curtailment of private liberty in order that you torn him apart. He was deeply hurt and depressed
may enjoy a social order which makes your liberty a when he heard on the radio that America had dropped
reality. an atom bomb on the Japanese city, Hiroshima.
Liberty is not a personal affair only but a social Today, within three days another bomb was dropped
contract. It is an accommodation of interests. In on another city, Nagasaki and lakhs of people had
matters which do not touch anybody else’s liberty, of been killed.
course, I may be as free as I like. If I choose to go He had heard that the blast released so much energy
down the road in a dressing-gown, who shall stop that it had paled all past destructions in comparison
me? and death had played out a pitiable dance of
destruction. The flames that broke out of the bomb

were burning, melting and exploding buildings. (4) Why were animals in water boiled to death after
Scared of the heat of the bomb, people had jumped the nuclear bomb attack?
into lakes and rivers, but the water was boiling, and (5) Why was Einstein sitting in a depressive and
the people too were burnt and killed. The animals in pensive mood?
the water were already boiled to death. Animals, (6) What could be the long terms effects of the
trees, herbs, fragrant flowering plants were all turned nuclear attack?
into ashes. The atomic energy destruction had just not
stopped there. It had entered the atmosphere there and
36. Passage 3
had spread radiation that would affect people for
generations to come and would also ring about The first survey in Japan on ‘gaming disorder’ found
destructive irreversible biological changes in animals that 18.3% of young people aged between 10 and 29
and plants. As the news of the atomic attack reached play video games for an average of three or more
Einstein, and he became aware of the glaring horror hours a day. Those who spend extended and long
of the abuse of atomic energy, his distress and hours playing these games are more likely to become
restlessness knew no bounds. He could not control addicted, which can interfere with their lives and
himself and picked up his violin to turn his mind on negatively affect their health.
to other things. While playing the violin, he tried to Among those surveyed 85% (92.6% male and 77.4%
dissolve his distress in its sad notes but couldn’t. He female) had played video games within the past 12
was burning on the embers of destruction; his heart months. A survey question that allowed multiple
was filled with an ocean of agony and tears just answers found that the most popular gaming format,
continued streaming uncontrollably out of his eyes. used by 80% of those surveyed was the smartphone,
Night had fallen. His daughter came up and asked followed by home video game consoles at 48 %
him to eat something as he had not taken anything for approximately and hand-held game consoles at 33.5
the last four days. His voice was restrained, and he approximately. About 97.6% persons responded that
said, “I don’t feel like eating.” they played games at homes. It gives them a comfort
He could not sleep that night. Lying down, he was zone and makes them feel easy and relaxed.
thinking how he had drawn the attention of the then Around 40% of those playing six or more hours of
American President Roosevelt towards the video games a day also reported that they continue
destructive powers of an atomic bomb. He had despite physical problems like backaches, sore eyes,
thought that this would be used to scare Hitler and put and headaches or mental stress, even sleep disorders
an end to the barbarism that Hitler was up to. or depression. About half of the pre-school kids and
However, Roosevelt kept him in the dark and made elementary students have already begun to play
false promises. Eventually, he had abused Einstein’s online games. Adult should set a good example by
equation of E= MC2 that resulted in destructive demonstrating proper self-control themselves.\
experiments. His actions had made science and (1) What problems can happen when you play video
scientists as murderers. games for more extended hours?
Einstein kept on thinking for a long time. Eventually, (2) Select a suitable antonym for the word ‘relaxed’
he slipped into sleep. When he woke up at dawn, (1) Rigorous (2) Comfortable
there was a new dawn in him too. The atomic threat (3) Simple (4) Volcanic
had transformed his heart. (3) On a general, who is more likely to get addicted
(1) Why was Einstein upset on 9th August, 1945? to video games?
(2) What did Einstein do to distract himself when (4) What is the order of preference (according to the
the news of the atomic attack reached him? survey) for playing video games. Mention the
(3) Select a suitable antonym for the word devices in order of usage (highest usage
‘barbarism’ as used in the passage? mentioned first)
(1) Chaos (2) Mundane (5) Give the passage a suitable title.
(3) Brutality (4) Gentleness

Hint and Solution

34. Passage 1 was very well aware of the harmful
consequences that had happened and would
(1) The word tyranny means a harsh rule or happen in the future that would badly effect
brutality. life.
(2) The narrator is trying to preach the fact that
The attack had spread radiation that would
liberty should be exercised to the extent that it affect people for generations to come and
doesn’t harm anyone else. No citizen should would also ring about destructive irreversible
take undue advantage of liberty and do whatever biological changes in animals and plants.
he wishes to.
(3) The lady said that they had liberty, so she could
36. Passage 3
walk anywhere, even in the middle of the road.
(4) 3. Confusion (1) Extended hours of play can lead to backaches,
sore eyes, and headaches or mental stress, even
(5) Liberty according to the author is not a personal sleep disorders or depression
affair only but a social contract. It is an
(2) 1. Rigorous
accommodation of interests. One must exercise
it within guaranteed limits and not misuse it. (3) Those who spend extended and long hours
playing these games are more likely to become
addicted to video games.
35. Passage 2
(4) Devices used by 80% of those surveyed was
(1) Einstein was upset on 9th august because the smartphone, followed by home video game
today within three another bomb was dropped consoles at 48 % approximately and hand-held
at Nagasaki. game consoles at 33.5 approximately.

(2) He picked up his violin to turn his mind on to Video games: Fun or addiction -- The choice
other things. is yours!!

(3) 4. Gentleness (5) Video games: Fun or addiction -- The choice

is yours!!
(4) The water was boiling due to the heat of bomb.
As a result, animals were boiled to death in
(5) Einstein was sitting in a pensive mood because
two nuclear bomb attacks had taken place. He


37. Tsunamis are monster waves that can grow to be was unable to bring unity within his Conservative
more than 100 feet (30 meters) high. They are Party, and thus decided to seek public opinion on the
typically caused by earthquakes; identifying other issue.
seismic zones — a region high in seismic activity While Mr. Cameron wishes his country remain in
such as tremors and earthquakes — with these the EU, former London Mayor and MP Boris
features could help researchers identify areas that Johnson campaigns for Britain's exit, or Brexit as it
could produce catastrophic waves, the scientists is being referred to.
added. The Labour Party too is divided. While the Labour
Major tsunamis often result at the shallow portions of chief Jeremy Corbyn supports staying with the EU,
sub-duction zones, the areas where one of the a group calling itself Lexit (Left for Exit) is
tectonic plates that make up Earth's surface dives campaigning for leaving the bloc citing the EU's
below another. These crash zones are dangerously Cold War origins and pro-market stand.
active, and these tectonic interactions can cause the While the Scottish National Party (SNP) bats for
world's biggest earthquakes and worst tsunamis. 'Remain', hardline U.K. Independence Party (UKIP)
In the past 20 years or so, researchers have discovered wants exit from the EU.
that the seismic zones that lead to tsunamis often have
three key features. First, the boundary where the
39. Information technology clients are no more in the
tectonic plates meet is often rough instead of
‘business as usual’ mode. And, ‘less is more’ is the
smooth. This keeps the plates from easily slipping
new mantra for IT spending. These two philosophies
past each other, allowing energy to build up between
now rule the thinking of clients spending on
the plates. When this built-up energy finally gets
technology. The IT services industry has also been
released, it can trigger a major earthquake, according
facing challenges in getting retail and banking clients
to the researchers.
to spend on technology. Mr. Subramaniam dwells on
Second, these danger zones may also possess hard theseheadwinds and new opportunities:
rock rather than sediment near the seafloor and on
We can’t have teams that do only programming. We
both sides of the plate boundary. This can permit
need more all-rounders. People should have
more motion from an earthquake to occur near the
functional knowledge, the ability to co-relate and
seafloor, for more powerful tsunamis, the researchers
understand the experience being delivered to the
client. Coding is important. But you also have to
A third key feature seen with the 2011 Tohoku ensure that we are coding for scale, that there are
earthquake is a series of cracks or faults rooted in vulnerabilities in your code; you should know how to
the plate boundary. These faults may suggest that the test, how to document. More than anything else,
plate boundary is especially active in its shallow make sure that your code does not freeze other pieces
portions and more prone to generating tsunamis. of code. In a jigsaw puzzle, you can’t worry only
about your piece. Earlier, it was possible. Now you
38. On June 23, registered voters of the United Kingdom have to understand big picture; understand what you
will voice their opinion whether the nation should are trying to deliver in termsof experience.
'Remain' in or 'Leave' the European Union.
Though he managed to get the EU's nod for 40. The potential is enormous, and we have not lived up
restrictions on certain welfare benefits for new to it. Yes, trade is more than $2 billion, but most of
migrants, British Prime Minister David Cameron that comes from trade in a few items like potash and

phosphate and we would like to diversify. Jordan benefits. Evidently, neither the project proponent nor
could be a market and would welcome investment the Odisha government has come up with persuasive
from Indian companies, including in ICT, arguments over the past eight years on why villagers
infrastructure and energy. His Majesty is looking should part with their land when their livelihood is
forward to his visit in early 2018, as soon as possible, linked to it. Moreover, there is no effort to reach a
and we hope to create momentum to put us on a fast consensus on the renewal of environmental
track of ties. clearance, now for a production capacity of eight
You spoke of opportunities, but equally Jordan is in million tonnes per annum, even with conditionalities
a region in turmoil. Jordan itself houses millions of that include spending on ‘social commitments’ by
refugees from Palestine and Syria. How will this Posco.
change in 2018? Ministry’s Decision Revoked (Heading)
For us, the core issue remains the Palestinian-Israeli
conflict and there cannot be peace and stability in the 42. By making it optional for cinema halls to play the
region without a resolution to the conflict on the basis national anthem before every show, the Supreme
of a two-state solution that would allow an Court has at last removed the coercive element it
independent sovereign Palestinian state with had unfortunately introduced by an interim order in
Occupied (East) Jerusalem as its capital, on the lines November 2016. Laying down a judicial rule that the
of the 1967 situation, and that would allow a peaceful anthem must be played on certain occasions in
Israel as well. We want every country to support this. specific places, in the absence of any statutory
India has always had a very clear position in favour provision to this effect, was unnecessary and opened
of a just, lasting peace, and we encourage India to be the court to charges of over-reach. With the Centre
more engaged and would like to see more of an Indian saying this directive could be placed on hold, and
role [in the peace process. that it would set up an inter-ministerial committee to
recommend regulations for the presentation of the
41. Read the following passage/news story and make national anthem, the court has said it is not mandatory
proper notes following the guidelines of Note to play it in cinema halls. The panel will also suggest
making. (Source: internet, newspaper articles) changes in the Prevention of Insults to National
Honour Act, 1971, or in the Orders relating to the
The decision of the Ministry of Environment and
anthem issued from time to time. Justice D.Y.
Forests to revalidate the environmental clearance
Chandrachud, one of the three judges on the Bench,
issued to South Korean steelmaker Posco for the
had at an earlier hearing doubted the wisdom of
proposed steel plant in Odisha is based on a
asking patrons of cinema to visibly demonstrate their
piecemeal approach, rather than a comprehensive and
patriotism each time they entered a theatre to watch a
cumulative assessment of all parts of the project. It
film, remarking that there was no need for an Indian
cannot claim to rely on sound judgment. What
to “wear his patriotism on his sleeve”. He had asked
distinguishes the proposal from the welter of projects
at what point would such “moral policing” stop if it
before the Ministry is its major Foreign Direct
were to be prescribed that some kinds of apparel
Investment potential, estimated at more than `50,000
should not be worn at the movies as they could
crore. There is little doubt that it will take massive
amount to showing disrespect to the national anthem.
investments to pull the masses out of deep poverty,
The court’s order also had some unintended, but not
and new industries are vital to achieving this goal.
unforeseen, consequences. The audience began
Significant expansion of the economy has taken place
looking for signs of ‘disrespect’ and there were
over the past two decades, creating much wealth.
reports of vigilantism, with people beaten up or
Unfortunately, this has also coincided with grossly
harangued for not standing up.
uneven distribution of negative externalities. In the
case of Posco, the acquisition of land has been a Playing of National anthem in movie halls (Heading)
contentious issue, evoking strong protest from local
communities which remain unconvinced about the

43. Read the following passage/news story and make level, money provides us with a convenient means to
proper notes following the guidelines ofNote making. access goods and services.
(Source: internet, newspaper articles) As we know, money performs many functions in an
Market risk is inevitable part of capital market. economy. As such as, money is a convenient medium
Broadly, ‘MR’ means changes in the market prices of of exchange or it is an instrument that facilitates easy
underlying. In commercial business the market risk exchange of goods and services. Money, though not
may be a consequence but in capital market it forms having any inherent power to directly satisfy human
organization’s core business. MR can arise in wants, by acting as a medium of exchange, it
different stages of services or different timing say commands purchasing power and its possession
during an hour, a day or a week. Generally, the enables us to purchase goods and services to satisfy
primary concern in assessing the market risk is to our wants. It is an explicitly defined unit of value or
assess it in absolute term or relative changes in unit of account because money is a ‘common measure
comparison of any benchmark say interest rates etc. of value’ or ‘common dominator of value’ or money
The market risk can be broken down into different functions as a numeraire. We know, Rupee is the unit
classes: such as internet risk, foreign exchange risk, of account in India in which the entire money is
commodity risk and equity risk. Internet rate risk dominated. The monetary unit is the unit of
arises due to change in the yield curve. It affects not measurement in terms of which the value of all goods
only current value of items of Balance Sheet of a and services is measured and expressed. Money
financial institutions but also the off the Balance serves as a unit of standard of deferred of payment
Sheet items. Foreign exchange risk arises on account i.e., money facilitates recording of deferred
of change in the price of foreign currency. promises to pay. Money is the unit in terms of which
Commodity risk arises due to change in price of future payments are contracted or stated. However,
commodities, commodity price index etc. and Equity variations in the purchasing power of money due to
risk occurs when there is a fall in equity indices or inflation or deflation, reduce the efficacy of money in
most of the shares. Equity risk normally results from this function.
any unprecedented events say sovereign default etc. So, we can say, money also functions as a permanent
44. Read the following passage/news story and make store of value. There are many other assets
proper notes following the guidelines of Note government bonds, despite of other securities, land,
making. (Source: internet/newspaper article) houses, etc. which also store value. Despite having
Money is the centre of every economic transaction the advantages of potential income yield and
and plays a significant role in all economies. It refers appreciation in value over time, these other assets
to assets which are commonly used and accepted as a are subject to limitations such as storage costs, lack
means of payments or as a medium or exchange or of of liquidity and possibility of depreciation in value.
transferring purchasing power. For policy purposes, The effectiveness of an asset as a store of value
money may be defined as the set of liquid financial depends on the degree and certainty with which the
assets, the variation in the stock of which will have asset maintains its value over time. Hence, in order to
impact on aggregate economic activity. Money has serve as a permanent store of value in the economy,
generalized purchasing power and is generally the purchasing power or the value of money should
acceptable in settlement of all transactions and in either remain stable or should monotonically rise
discharge of other kinds of business obligations over time.
including future payments. Anything that would act
as a medium of exchange is not necessarily money. 45. Read the following passage/news story and make
For example, a bill of exchange may also be a proper notes following the guidelines of Note
medium of exchange, but it is not money since it is making. (Source: internet/newspaper article)
not generally accepted as a means of payment.
The meaning of the term ultra vires is simply “beyond
Money is totally liquid asset as it can be used directly,
(their) powers.” The l egal phrase “ultra vires” is
instantly, conveniently and without any costs or
applicable only to acts done in excess of the legal
restrictions to make payments. At the fundamental

powers of the doers. The presupposes that the powers payment or recover the money rent. But if the money
in their nature are limited. advanced to the company has not been expended, the
It is a fundamental rule of a Company Law that the lender may stop the company from parting with it by
objects of a company as stated in its memorandum means of an injunction; this is because the company
can be departed from only to the extent permitted by does not become the owner of the money, which is
the act, thus far and no further. In consequence, any ultra vires the company. As the lender remains the
act done, or a contract made by the company which owner, he can take back the property in specie. If the
travels beyond the powers not only of the directors ultra vires loan has been utilized in meeting lawful
but also of the company is wholly void and debt of the company, then the lender steps into the
inoperative in law and is therefore not binding on the shoes of the debtor paid off and consequently he
company. On this account, a company can be would be entitled to recover his loan to that extent
restrained from employing its fund for purposes other from the company.
than those sanctioned by the memorandum. An act which is ultra vires the company being void,
Likewise, it can be restrained from carrying on a trade cannot be ratified by the shareholders of the
different from the one it is authorized to carry on. company. Sometimes, act which is ultra vires can be
The impact of the doctrine of ultra vires is that a regularized by ratifying it subsequently. For
company can neither be sued on an ultra vires instance, if the act is ultra vires the power of the
transaction, nor can it sue on it. Since the directors, the shareholders can ratify it; if it is vires
memorandum is a “public document”, it is open to the articles of the company, the company can alter the
public inspection. Therefore, when one deals with a articles; if the act is within the power of the company
company one is deemed to know about the powers of but is done irregularly, shareholder can validate it.
the company. If in spite of this you enter into a
transaction which is ultra vires the company, you
cannot enforce it against the company.
If you have supplied goods or performed service on
such a contract or lent money, you cannot obtain

Hint and Solution

37. Tsunami (Heading) 39. IT industry needs a big picture (Heading)
(I) What is a Tsunami? (Sub heading) I) Major changes in IT business
(a) Monster waves a) No more usual stuff
(b) Go to a hght of 30 m b) Less signifies more
(II) Causes and occrnc of a Tsunami II) Maj. challenges: Retails and Banking sec.
(a) Earthquakes undr the sea III) What is now expctd?
(b) Occur in high seismic zones a) Broader view
(c) Also occur in shallow areas with tectonic b) Feel the exprnc
plate movmnt. c) Can’t be an individual task
(III) Key ftrs of Seismic Zones d) Coding to be co-rltd.Key Used:
(a) Bndry of tectonic plates rough 1) IT= information technology
(b) Prsnc of hard rock than sediment nr sea 2) Maj= major
bed 3) Sec= sector
(c) Series of cracks in the plate bndry 4) Expctd= expected
Key Used 5) Exprnc= experience
(1) Hght= height 6) Rltd= related
(2) Occrnc= occurrence
(3) Undr= under 40. Jordan as a potential market (Heading)
(4) Movmnt=movement I) A good plc for bsnss.
(5) Ftrs= features a) Trade mr thn 2 mill.
(6) Bndry= boundary b) Potash and phosphate: primarily
(7) Prsnc= presence II) Need and appeal to diversify
III) Inviting Indian giants to invest in
38. (I) Agenda for Br. Natnls a) ICT
(a) Remain with or exit Europe b) Infrstrc
(b) To be dcd by voting c) Energy
IV) Need to wrk on Palestine-Syria conflict
(II) Who supports/ remain with EU a) Build peaceful ties
(a) British PM b) Reslv the cnflt
(b) Labour chief c) Create indpndt Palest. State
(c) SNP d) Req. sprt from Ind.Key Used:
1) Plc- place
(III) Who wants to exit? 2) Bsnss= business
(a) Former London Mayor 3) Mr= more
(b) A group termed Lexit 4) Thn= than
(c) UKIP 5) Infrstrc= infrastructure
6) Wrk= work
Key Used 7) Reslv= resolve
8) Cnflt= conflict
(1) Br= British 9) Indpndt= independent
(2) Natnls= nationals 10) Req= request
(3) Dcd= decided 11) Sprt= support
(4) SNP= Scottish National Party
UKIP= United Kingdom Independent Party

41. (4) Cnnt= cannot

(I) S. Korean steel maker Posco under attack (5) Govt= government
(II) Prpsl for steel plant in Odisha rcnsdrd (6) Mnstrl=ministerial
(III) Need to rethink the descn (7) Dscsn=discussion
(a) Not based on solid grounds (8) Prps=proposes
(b) FDI’s (9) Jdcl=judicial
(c) Land aqstn from natives nt easy (10) Chngs= changes
(d) Protests frm landholders (11) Prvntn=prevention
(IV) No concrete result (12) Ntnl= national
(a) 8 years past; standstill (13) Cnseqncs= consequences
(b) Neither prpnt nor govt. able to justify its (14) Vlnce=violence
moves (15) Amngst= amongst
(c) Leaves the matter open ended. (16) Ppl= people
(17) Hrsmnt=harassment
Key Used: (18) Pub=public
(19) Dsrspct=disrespect
(1) S= south Scty= society
(2) Prpsl= proposal
(3) Rcnsdrd=reconsidered 42. Risk Management
(4) Descn= decision 1. Wht is risk mngmnt
(5) Aqstn- acquisition 2. Relvncy of MR in comrcialbsines a-
(6) Nt= not Fluctuation-b- Primary concern
(7) Frm= from 3. How many kinds of MR
(8) Prpnt=proponent a. Intrnt rate rsk
(9) Govt= government. b. Fornexchngrsk
(10) FDI= foreign direct investment c. Commdtyrsk
d. Equtyrsk
(I) The Court’s ordr wdrwn 4. Equtyrsk occurs when
(II) Court mks it optional; cnnt have a mandate on 5. D prmry concern of MR
the issue
(III) Consequences Used Key
(a) Govt intervenes; calls for a mnstrl dscsn
(b) Prps a hold on the court’s jdcl rule 1. Wht-What
(c) Suggest chngs in the Prvntn of Insults and 2. Mngmnt- managementRelvncy- Relevancy
Ntnl honour Act 3. MR- Market Risk Comrcial- Commercial
(IV) Justice Chadrachud suggests, no end to Bsness- business Intrnt- Intenet
‘moralpolicing’ 4. Rsk-risk Forn-foreign
(V) Cnseqncs 5. Exchng-exchange Commdty-commodity
(a) Vlnce amngst ppl. Equty- equity
(b) Hrsmnt of pub. 6. d-the
(c) Dsrspct in the scty. 7. prmry- primary

Used Key

(1) Ordr= order

(2) Wdrwn= withdrawn
(3) Mks= makes

44. Money Market 45. Title: Doctrine of Ultra Vires

1. Ntr of Ult Vrs
1. Wht is Mny? a. Mng of Ult Vrs
a. Rfrs to Ast b. Lmt of Ult Vrs
b. Lqd Ast Comp Law
c. Elctrnc Rcd a. Fnd Rule
b. Comp Act
2. Fncns of Mny c. Cont of trade
a. Mdm of Excng 2. Impact of the doctrine of Ult Vrsa. Use of
b. Unt of VlucUnt of Stndrd
a. Use of Trns
3. Types of Ast
3. Utl of Ult Vrs Loan
4. Vlu of Ast
4. Act of Ult Vrs
Used Key:
Wht- What Used Key:
Mny- money
Rfrs- refers Ntr- Nature
Ast- assets Ult- UltraVrs- Vires
Lqd- Liquid Mng- Meaning Lmt- Limitation
Elctrnc- Electronic Comp- Company
Rcd- Record Fnd- Fundamental
Fncns- Functions Cont- Controlling
Mdm- Medium Mrdm- Memorandum
Excng- Exchange Trns- Transaction
Unt- Unit Utl- Utilisation
Vlu- Value
Stndrd- Standard

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