Subject: Cloud Computing 5TH SEM / Computer Engg

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No. of Printed Pages : 4 Q.

5 MLFQ is: (CO-7)

Roll No. .................. 180854A/170854A a) Multiple Level Form Queue
5TH SEM / Computer Engg b) Muitl Level Full Queue
c) Multiple Level Full Queue
Subject : Cloud Computing
d) Multi Level Feedback Queue
Time : 3 Hrs. M.M. : 100 Q.6 Which of the following Is a cloud Service
SECTION-A Provider. (CO-2)
Note:Multiple choice questions. All questions are a) Amazon b) Microsoft
compulsory (10x1=10) c) Google d) All of the above
Q.1 GCE stands for (CO-2) Q.7 API stands for. (CO-5)
a) Google Compute Engine a) Application Programming Interface
b) Good Compute Engine b) Architecture Planning Interface
c) Gmail Compute Engine c) Apple Phone Interface
d) None of the above. d) Amazon Planning interface
Q.2 PaaS is (CO-2) Q.8 AWS (CO-5)
a) Power as a Service b) Platform as a Service a) Apple Web Services
c) Prime as a Service d) None of the above b) Architecture Web Services
c) Amazon Web Services
Q.3 SMTP Stands for (CO-1) d) Advantage Web Services
a) Software Mail Transfer Pipe Q.9 Which cloud model is combination of private
b) Service Mail Transfer Protocol and public cloud: (CO-2)
c) System Mail Total Protocol a) Public b) Community
d) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol c) Hybrid c) Private
Q.4 Storing and accessing data over the internet is Q10 Server, Operating System, Virtual Machines,
called (CO-1) comes under (CO-2)
a) Cloud b) Scheduling a) IaaS b) PaaS
c) Virtualization d) Grid c) CaaS d) SaaS
(1) 180854A/170854A (2) 180854A/170854A
SECTION-B Q.25 Distinguish between Static and Dynamic
Note:Objective type questions. All questions are Scheduling. (CO-7)
compulsory (10x1=10) Q.26 Illustrate different types of live virtual machine
Q.11 SAN is______ (CO-6) migration. (CO-4)
Q.12 Two Deployment models in cloud are ________ Q.27 Elaborate Data Leak. (CO-5)
and _________ (CO-2) Q.28 Define CASB and elaborate its use in cloud
Q.13 Public cloud is most secure (T/F) (CO-2) security. (CO-5)
Q.14 Two Cloud service Providers are __________ Q.29 Explain SLA and its life cycle. (CO-3)
and __________ (CO-2) Q.30 List disadvantages of Public cloud. (CO-2)
Q.15 FCFS stands for ______ (CO-7)
Q.31 Explain PaaS and its advantages. (CO-2)
Q.16 SaaS is ______ (CO-2)
Q.32 Discuss.various privacy and legal issues in
Q.17 Two types of SLA are ____ and ____ (CO-3)
cloud computing. (CO-5)
Q.18 IaaS is also called Hardware as a Service
Q.33 Define SAN and its benefits. (CO-6)
(T/F) (CO-2)
Q.19 Community cloud is bigger than private cloud. Q.34 Write a note on Hypervisor. (CO-4)
(T/F) (CO-2) Q.35 Define Virtual Machine and its types. (CO-4)
Q.20 Vender lock-in is disadvantage of Cloud
Computing (T/F) (CO-1) SECTION-D
Note:Long answer type questions. Attempt any two
SECTION-C questions out of three questions. (2x10=20)
Note:Short answer type questions. Attempt any twelve Q.36 Describe and explain different types of
questions out of fifteen questions. ( 1 2 x 5 = 6 0 ) Scheduling in Cloud Computing. (CO-7)
Q.21 Elaborate at least five advantages of Cloud Q.37 Explain various Deployment models In detail.
Computing. (CO-1) Also discuss which model is the best for private
Q.22 List various characteristics of Cloud Computing. organization and why. (CO-2)
(CO-1) Q.38 Write a note on
Q.23 Outline the Scheduling Problem with example. a) Applications of cloud computing. (CO-1)
(CO-7) b) Overview of Cloud Storage. (CO-6)
Q.24 Differentiate between Private and Public Cloud.
(3) 180854A/170854A (1260) (4) 180854A/170854A

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