Nonlinear Viscoelastic Constitutive Model For Bovine Liver Tissue
Nonlinear Viscoelastic Constitutive Model For Bovine Liver Tissue
Nonlinear Viscoelastic Constitutive Model For Bovine Liver Tissue
Received: 1 July 2019 / Accepted: 21 January 2020 / Published online: 10 February 2020
© The Author(s) 2020
Soft tissue mechanical characterisation is important in many areas of medical research. Examples span from surgery training,
device design and testing, sudden injury and disease diagnosis. The liver is of particular interest, as it is the most commonly
injured organ in frontal and side motor vehicle crashes, and also assessed for inflammation and fibrosis in chronic liver dis-
eases. Hence, an extensive rheological characterisation of liver tissue would contribute to advancements in these areas, which
are dependent upon underlying biomechanical models. The aim of this paper is to define a liver constitutive equation that is
able to characterise the nonlinear viscoelastic behaviour of liver tissue under a range of deformations and frequencies. The
tissue response to large amplitude oscillatory shear (1–50%) under varying preloads (1–20%) and frequencies (0.5–2 Hz) is
modelled using viscoelastic-adapted forms of the Mooney–Rivlin, Ogden and exponential models. These models are fit to the
data using classical or modified objective norms. The results show that all three models are suitable for capturing the initial
nonlinear regime, with the latter two being capable of capturing, simultaneously, the whole deformation range tested. The
work presented here provides a comprehensive analysis across several material models and norms, leading to an identifiable
constitutive equation that describes the nonlinear viscoelastic behaviour of the liver.
1642 A. Capilnasiu et al.
oscillatory shear and uniaxial deformation tests show that, at contribute to our understanding of separate aspects of the
low strains, the liver exhibits quasi-linearity, with the non- viscoelastic behaviour of the liver, there remains a need for
linear behaviour being exposed at higher strains (Liu and a comprehensive 3D model which can describe the tissue
Bilston 2000; Gao et al. 2010; Tan et al. 2013). Addition- response under various deformation types and frequencies.
ally, loading–unloading tests reveal that hysteresis effects In this paper, we present a comparison of liver constitu-
are taking place (Jordan et al. 2011), with the response being tive models based on the tissue’s response to a range of large
rate dependent (Liu and Bilston 2000; Miller 2000). Multi- deformations and frequencies. A cross testing of uniaxial
frequency soft tissue measurements of the shear modulus preloads (1–20%), shear strains (1–50%) and frequencies
G∗ indicate a fractional-order dependence on the angular (0.5–2 Hz) is considered (Tan et al. 2013), thus emphasis-
frequency in the form of G∗ ∝ 𝜔𝛼 (Holm and Sinkus 2010), ing the rate-dependent, nonlinearly viscoelastic behaviour
with 𝛼 ∈ [0.2, 0.35] [e.g. 𝛼 ≈ 0.23 (Liu and Bilston 2000), of the liver. The testing protocol displays a strain softening
𝛼 ≈ 0.26 (Jordan et al. 2011; Sinkus et al. 2018), 𝛼 ≈ 0.32 effect, which is addressed by proposing a new error norm
(Asbach et al. 2008)]. Other biomechanical properties of the that allows for some degree of flexibility in fitting the linear
liver have also been investigated, such as relaxation (Liu and parameters of the models. This analysis and model-fitting
Bilston 2006; Chatelin et al. 2011) and creep (Wang et al. procedure lead to the identification of simplified constitutive
1992). models, which retain the essential components needed for
Liver tissue rheology measurements have lead to a range characterising the above-mentioned properties of the liver
of biomechanical models. Hyperelasticity is often assumed, exhibited under combined deformation and various fre-
with polynomial, exponential and logarithmic forms being quencies. To the authors’ knowledge, this is one of the first
employed for compression and elongation data (Chui et al. liver studies that investigates combined large uniaxial and
2004; Gao et al. 2010). The general findings indicate that shear loading, at various frequencies, and the first study that
the exponential, logarithmic and power law models offer proposes a three-dimensional nonlinear viscoelastic model
more flexibility in capturing the different regions of the which can capture the large amplitude oscillatory response
stress–strain curves. In order to probe viscoelasticity, cyclic across a range of preloads and frequencies.
deformations or relaxation tests usually need to be investi- In what follows, a brief introduction to kinematics
gated. Some studies employed relaxation (Liu and Bilston (Sect. 2.1) precedes the outlining of the experimental
2006), shear oscillations (Nicolle and Palierne 2015) or design and modelling assumptions (Sect. 2.2). Three differ-
cyclic indentation (Jordan et al. 2011) over a range of fre- ent constitutive models are proposed, which are then fit to
quencies, thus offering a broader picture of the biomechani- the data using a set of error norms that infer different model
cal behaviour of liver. Among these, the K-BKZ model was properties. Throughout Sect. 3, the results of the model-
proposed due to its awareness of the complete past time fitting process are going to be presented grouped by the
history and was validated against small amplitude oscil- norm investigated (Sects. 3.1–3.3), with the three models
latory shear and strain ramp (Nicolle and Palierne 2015). being compared within each subsection. This is followed
Alternatively, viscoelasticity was modelled by introducing by a discussion reviewing the findings and potential future
a Maxwell element. A complex differential model, with applications (Sect. 4).
ten model parameters, was investigated by Liu and Bilston
(2006) against the relaxation behaviour at four strain levels.
Ayyildiz et al. (2015) also proposed a Maxwell-based model 2 Materials and methods
with 13 parameters for capturing the viscoelastic behaviour
of liver at a range of uniaxial preloads, frequencies and strain The aim of this work is to characterise the constitutive
rates. There, large preloads (20%) and shear strains (5%) behaviour of the liver under a range of combined deforma-
were employed simultaneously in the testing protocol. How- tions and frequencies. In order to achieve this, Sect. 2.1
ever, the results focus on the effect of preload, strain rate and outlines the kinematics metrics that are needed throughout
frequency on the normal force and torque response, while this paper (see Taber 2004; Bonet and Wood 2008). Sec-
the combined effect of large preloads and shear strains is tion 2.2 explains the testing protocol and its modelling char-
not addressed. Jordan et al. (2011) considered increasingly acteristics. Three different types of models are proposed in
complex networks of springs and dashpots, arranged both in Sect. 2.3, which are due to be fit to the data using the meth-
series and in parallel, in order to model the liver behaviour ods described in Sect. 2.4.
under cyclic indentation at different strain rates and relaxa-
tion. A power law model considering solid-phase compress- 2.1 Kinematics background
ibility was employed by Perepelyuk et al. (2016), who, at
large preload strains and small oscillatory shear, measured Let the region 𝛺0 ⊂ ℝ3 define a solid body which can be
the storage modulus G′ . While these models significantly deformed in space and time using a displacement field
Nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive model for bovine liver tissue 1643
1 1
X ∈ 𝛺0 , corresponds at time t ∈ [0, T] to a point in the
D𝛼t Sv = 𝜕 S (z) dz, (6)
𝛤 (1 − 𝛼) 0 (t − z)𝛼 t v
physical domain 𝛺t , by the mapping
with 𝛼 = 0 leading to a hyperelastic contribution and 𝛼 = 1
x = U(X, t) + X, x ∈ 𝛺t . (1) leading to a purely viscous contribution in the form 𝜕t Sv . In
order to separate the deviatoric and hydrostatic stress com-
The deformation gradient tensor F relates the reference and
ponents, we introduce the deviatoric operator
physical domains via
A ∶ C −1
𝜕x 𝜕xi Dev[A] = A − C , (7)
F = ∇X x =
, Fij =
. (2) 3
which ensures that Dev[A] ∶ C = 0. Having defined the PK2
The volumetric changes between the two states are quan- tensor in the context of constitutive modelling, the Cauchy
tified by the determinant J = det F , with J = 1 implying stress tensor can be related to the PK2 tensor using
incompressibility. From the deformation gradient F , the
right and left Cauchy Green strains are defined as 1
𝝈= FSFT . (8)
C = F F, B = FF ,
or, in their isochoric form (Bonet and Wood 2008), here 2.2 Nonlinear viscoelastic characterisation of liver
indicated by the “ ̂ ” symbol, as tissue
F̂ = J −1∕3 F, Ĉ = F̂ F,
̂ B̂ = F̂ F̂ . In this paper, combined loading experiments are used to
Some tensor quantities that remain unchanged under rota- investigate the behaviour of liver tissue. The data presented
tions are the first and second invariants (Bonet and Wood here have been previously published in Tan et al. (2013).
2008), obtained using the double contraction “:” Here, we focus on the large amplitude oscillatory strain
(LAOS) tests and briefly review the protocol.
IA = A ∶ I, IIA = A ∶ A, (3)
where A is a general m × m tensor. For clarity, in index nota- 2.2.1 Sample preparation
tion, this is equivalent to
Fresh healthy bovine liver was collected from an abattoir,
∑ ∑
m m
∑ ∑
m m
with the samples being tested within 6 hours post-mortem.
IA = Aij 𝛿ij , IIA = Aij Aij . (4) During transport, the livers were wrapped in saline-soaked
i=1 j=1 i=1 j=1
gauze and transported on ice in a sealed container. Cylindri-
Constitutive equations can be used to describe a material’s cal samples were cut to approximately 10 mm radius and
behaviour under deformation. Let W(C) denote a strain 3 mm height. During testing, in order to ensure hydration,
energy function which depends on strain metrics, here in the samples were maintained in a 100% humidity chamber,
particular on C . The corresponding second Piola–Kirch- which is a part of the rheometer. The temperature was con-
hoff (PK2) tensor is obtained by taking the derivative of trolled to be 25 °C. For more complete preparatory details,
the strain energy function with respect to C , as S = 2∇C W see the original protocol published in Tan et al. (2013).
(Bonet and Wood 2008). For a viscoelastic material descrip-
tion, fractional-order viscoelastic models have been success- 2.2.2 Rheological experimental design
fully employed in modelling soft tissue behaviour (Kiss et al.
2004). Thus, here let S be defined as the sum of an elastic, Tissues were tested using a rotational rheometer (Kinexus
fractional viscoelastic and hydrostatic part, as Pro KNX 2100, Malvern, United Kingdom), as illustrated
S = Se + D𝛼t Sv + Sp . in Fig. 1. The cylindrical samples were fit in between two
serrated plates of 20 mm diameter, to avoid slipping. The
The elastic and viscoelastic parts are derivatives of elastic bottom plate was fixed, while the upper plate was vertically
and viscoelastic strain energy functions (i.e. Se = 2∇C We adjusted and oscillated around the cylindrical axis. Torque
and Sv = 2∇C Wv ), and the hydrostatic part is defined as measurements were acquired in combined loading tests, with
Sp = JPC−1, where P is the hydrostatic pressure. The frac- shear strains of 1, 10, 25 and 50% being investigated under
tional-order derivative, as defined by Caputo (1967), is different uniaxial preload levels—1, 10 and 20%, at a strain
rate of 1 Hz. Additionally, shear strains of 1, 10 and 25%,
at a preload of 10%, were investigated at strain rates of 0.5
1644 A. Capilnasiu et al.
Table 1 Testing protocol across frequencies, compression and shear deformed by compression. Let the ratio of the deformed to
deformations undeformed height be 𝜆 = h∕H , which corresponds to each
SS 1% SS 10% SS 25% SS 50% compression strain (CS) level via CS = 1 − 𝜆. Here, ideal
compression is assumed,
√ which leads to the radius being
CS 1% ○ ○ ○ ○ deformed as r = R∕ 𝜆.
⨁ ⨁ ⨁
CS 10% ○
The shear strain, 𝛾 , is defined as the ratio between top
CS 20% ○ ○ ○ ○ plate rotational part of the displacement and inter plate gap,
Legend | 0.5 Hz ○ 1Hz − 2Hz 𝛾 = d∕h, with the rotational displacement depending on the
angular displacement and radius. Having a predefined 𝛾 level,
at frequency f the angular displacement on the top of the sam-
and 2 Hz. Table 1 summarises the loading, shearing and ple is given by
frequency protocols employed.
A total of 18 tests were carried out—12 at 1 Hz and 3 at 𝜓(t) = , (9)
0.5 and 2 Hz, respectively. For each test, the data were aver- r
aged between at least four liver samples. For each test, the with the maximum angular displacement being reached
first eight cycles were used for preconditioning purposes, at 𝜓 = h𝛾∕r . Let 𝛹 (t, X3 ) define the angular displacement
with the data being recorded from the ninth cycle. Precon- throughout the sample, as
ditioning was carried out sequentially and not directly at
the maximum deformation level in order to avoid damaging 𝜓(t)
𝛹 (t, X3 ) = X.
tissue (e.g. eight preconditioning cycles at shear strain 1% H 3
and then three data cycles, followed by eight preconditioning Hence, the compression and shearing lead to a body defor-
cycles at shear strain 10% and then three data cycles, etc). mation (Taber 2004) defined by
Originally, two more shear strain levels were acquired—80
and 100% (Tan et al. 2013), but these data were excluded ⎡ X1 � � X2 � �⎤
⎢ √ cos 𝛹 (t, X3 ) − √ sin 𝛹 (t, X3 ) ⎥
here due to potential tissue damage. 𝜆 𝜆
⎢ � � X2 � � ⎥.
x(t) = ⎢ X1 (10)
2.2.3 Modelling the experiment ⎢ √ sin 𝛹 (t, X3 ) + √ cos 𝛹 (t, X3 ) ⎥⎥
⎢ 𝜆 𝜆 ⎥
⎣ 𝜆X3 ⎦
Compressive and shear deformations were imposed onto the
liver samples in order to investigate their 3D biomechanical Incorporating the above form into Eq. 2, the corresponding
response. Thus, denoting by H and R the undeformed height deformation gradient takes the form
and radius of a sample, let h and r denote the height and radius
Nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive model for bovine liver tissue 1645
( )
where n = [0, 0, 1]T is the normal to the top surface. Since 1 ( ) IIC −1
the rotational forces are acting in plane, symmetrically S2e = 4∕3 IIĈ − 3 C − C . (14b)
J 3
around the Z-axis, then the only nonzero torque component
is The above form provides a purely elastic part, with S1e
leading to a linear response in shear and S2e leading to a
𝜏3 = r1 𝜎23 − r2 𝜎13 d𝛤t , (13) nonlinear response. Viscoelasticity is introduced by taking
a fractional-order derivative on the S1e tensor, as described
in Eq. 5. Initially, a more extensive Mooney–Rivlin-based
where the Cauchy stress components can be found from
model was considered (“Appendix 1”, Eq. 31), but it did not
Eq. 8. Although the hydrostatic pressure P does not affect
perform much better than a model with fewer parameters.
the torque computation, note that its value can be retrieved
Hence, the total PK2 tensor for the vMR∗ law considered
due to the zero normal traction on the wall boundary 𝛤w. By
here is
combining Eqs. 5 and 8 into
S = CS2e + 𝛿D𝛼t (S1e ) + Sp , (15)
𝝈 = F(Se + D𝛼t Sv )FT + JPI,
with C, 𝛿 (Pa), and 𝛼 (unitless) being material parameters.
and knowing that t = 𝝈 ⋅ n = 0, P can be determined by bal-
Note that C and 𝛿 act as linear scalings on the model compo-
ancing out the elastic and viscoelastic components in the
nents, whereas 𝛼 triggers a nonlinear response (hence it will
traction normal on the wall, 𝛤w.
be referred to as a nonlinear parameter, with the understand-
ing that it leads to a nonlinear torque response).
2.3 Constitutive modelling of liver tissue
2.3.2 Viscoelastic Ogden‑based model
In this study, the nonlinear liver behaviour is investigated
The second type of model considered is the Ogden
under combined large compressions and shear strains. An
model, described by the strain energy function
example of angular displacements employed is shown in
W = (𝜆b1 + 𝜆b2 + 𝜆b3 − 3)∕(2b), and the corresponding PK2
Fig. 1. For modelling purposes, it is assumed that in the ref-
erence configuration the bovine liver samples are stress free
and isotropic. The observed torque behaviour is modelled ∑
of drawing a comparison between their suitability to model Here, power b is a nonlinear parameter (i.e. the torque
the data: polynomial (a modified form of the Mooney–Rivlin depends nonlinearly on it), 𝜆i are the three principal
model, which will be indicated by vMR∗ ), Ogden (vOG) and stretches, and vi are the corresponding eigenvectors of ten-
exponential (vEXP). sor C . A more comprehensive Ogden-based model was ini-
tially considered (“Appendix 1”, Eq. 32); however, it did not
1646 A. Capilnasiu et al.
Nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive model for bovine liver tissue 1647
[ ] [ ] � �1∕2
Ai = 𝜏im,e 𝜏im,v and bi = 𝜏id . ∑� �
Ai x − bi ;bi pw
The model components 𝜏 m were computed across a circular
J ∗pw = � �1∕2 . (26)
surface of radius r, at time points corresponding to the data ∑
(bi ;bi )pw
readings. Spatial integration of the modelled torque across i
the top face of the cylindrical sample was carried out using
a triangular mesh with 765 elements. For the time integra- This adapted norm leads to potentially higher L2 norm
tion, a discrete time step was set so that it matches the data errors, but it also ensures that the curve trends (e.g. the non-
points, using dt = fT1 , where f is the frequency and T is the sinusoidal torque response in Fig. 1) are better matched,
irrespective of their amplitude.
number of points in an oscillatory period. Specifically, dt =
0.0059, 0.0049 and 0.0049 s for the samples at 0.5, 1 and 2
2.4.4 Parameter scaling norm
Hz, respectively.
Three different norms were employed in order to quan-
Parameter variability can be encountered when analysing sam-
tify the model fit to the data. Firstly, the classical L2 norm
ples collected from different livers or different locations in the
is investigated. Further on, a point-wise scaling norm is
liver. Furthermore, the parametrisation process can be affected
introduced, which is an adaption of the L2 norm. Lastly, a
by shear softening—an effect which might be observed when
parameter scaling norm is designed, where some constraints
a material is sheared at successive increasing levels (Perepe-
on the linear parameters are relaxed. The norms presented
lyuk et al. 2016). Here, in order to accommodate for param-
are constructed such that the error is 0% for a perfect fit
eter variability due to sample location or shear softening, we
and 100% when the linear parameters are set to 0 Pa. The
introduce a norm that allows for flexibility in the linear scaling
contrasting nature of the norms leads to gathering different
insights about the data and thus contributes to an overall
Since a single frequency was investigated per sample (either
better understanding of the liver tissue.
0.5, 1 or 2 Hz), this is not sufficient to allow for variability
in the fractional order 𝛼 . Moreover, it is observed that the
L2 norm
2.4.2 shape of the data curves tends to be preserved across samples,
whereas the amplitude scaling changes. Hence, presuming
The first norm relies on the MATLAB-implemented linear that the nonlinear parameters govern the shape of the torque
solver “lsqnonneg”. The linear parameters are found by min- curves, 𝛼 and b (if applicable) are assumed to be consistent
imising the remainder in a least squares (lsq) sense, using across samples and shear softening. By contrast, the linear
the L2 norm (|| ⋅ ||2 ), i.e. scaling parameters C and 𝛿 are assumed to vary, and their dis-
tribution will be examined in order to understand the ampli-
||Ax − b||2 tude behaviour of the data.
J∗lsq = . (24)
||b||2 Firstly, consider the normalised
While straightforward, this norm favours the tests that ⎡ 𝜏 m,e 𝜏im,v ⎤ ⎡ 𝜏d ⎤
employ larger deformations and thus attain higher torque A∗i = ⎢ ⎥ and b∗ = ⎢ ⎥
i i
⎢ n ����𝜏 d ���� n ����𝜏 d ���� ⎥ i ⎢ n ����𝜏 d ���� ⎥
amplitudes. ⎣ i �� i ��2 i �� i ��2 ⎦ ⎣ i �� i ��2 ⎦
1648 A. Capilnasiu et al.
Nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive model for bovine liver tissue 1649
Fig. 4 Example of the three models fit to the data acquired at 1 Hz, compression strain 10%, using the L2 norm. The parameters employed to pro-
duce the models’ curves can be found in column 2 (CS 10% 1 Hz) of the corresponding tables in Fig. 3
(1–10–25–50%), while the bottom row zooms in on the 3.4 Viscoelastic models tailored with the parameter
1 and 10% shear strains. Compression strain increases scaling norm in the case of non‑ideal
from the left column (1%) to middle (10%) and right compression
(20%). In these figures, the models’ curves were obtained
by employing the starred parameters from Fig. 9, scaled In this study, for rapid model evaluation, the analysis
according to Eq. 27. The test-specific linear parameters assumed ideal compression. However, the testing condi-
can be seen, for all models, in Fig. 13, and their mean and tions (serrated plates) actually led to non-ideal compression
standard deviation are shown in Fig. 9. and hence a barrelling of the tissue samples. “Appendix 2”
1650 A. Capilnasiu et al.
4 Discussion
Nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive model for bovine liver tissue 1651
Fig. 7 Example of the three models fit to the data acquired at 1 Hz, compression strain 10%, using the point-wise scaling norm. The parameters
employed to produce the models’ curves can be found in column 2 (CS 10% 1 Hz) of the corresponding tables in Fig. 6
with shear strain (1–50%) than the models are. The bias of
the L2 norm towards the higher amplitude points can also be
observed in Fig. 5, where the vEXP model fit well the peak
at shear strain 50%, yet the rest of the model torque curve
looks idealised (almost perfectly elliptic) and does not fol-
low the data curve.
In order for the models to better follow the data curve
trends throughout the entire deformation, a point-wise scal-
ing norm (Eq. 26) was designed, which penalises discrepan-
cies between data and models, across all points considered,
evenly. For this norm, the errors for the vOG and vEXP mod-
els are similar, with the vMR∗ model performing signifi-
cantly worse (≈ 20%, as shown in Fig. 6). This is because the
vMR∗ model cannot recreate the nonlinear trends exhibited.
Hence, this norm drives the model peak points to match
closely the lower amplitude data points (Fig. 7), by forcing
a delayed response (higher 𝛼 values, as shown in the top
table of Fig. 6, compared to the middle and bottom tables).
Fig. 8 Lissajous curve exemplifying the vEXP model fit to the data
Figure 7 shows that the vOG and vEXP models are able
acquired at 1 Hz, compression strain 10%. The parameters employed to capture the data trends; however, there is a data-model
to produce the model’s curves can be found in column 2 (CS 10% amplitude discrepancy for all tests. This discrepancy is more
1 Hz) of the bottom table in Fig. 6. The curves corresponding to shear accentuated than for the L2 norm (Fig. 4) because the models
strains 1–10–25–50% are shown in the top quadrant, while the lower
quadrant zooms on shear strains 1–10%
employ a higher nonlinear parameter b—8 to 4 for vOG, as
shown in the middle tables of Figs. 3 and 6, and 1.2 to 0.1
err(%) α b C ∗ (P a) δ ∗ (P a)
vMR∗ 19.92 0.22 N/A 97.38 130.85
mean±SD 145.55±106.26 195.43±142.79
vOG 17.04 0.19 10 N/A 2.7
mean±SD 6.74±6.09
vEXP 17.52 0.2 1.5 N/A 113.99
mean±SD 231.02±198.43
Fig. 9 Minimum model error (vMR∗ , vOG and vEXP) for the param- is enhanced by the larger-sized marker, obtained for the parameters
eter scaling norm (Eq. 30), obtained for the tests altogether, for frac- presented in the corresponding table
tional-order 𝛼 values between 0.05 and 1. The minimal error across 𝛼
1652 A. Capilnasiu et al.
Fig. 10 Three models fit to the data acquired at 1 Hz, using the ters employed to produce the models’ curves can be found in the table
parameter scaling norm. The first row illustrates the tests at CS 1%, corresponding to Fig. 9
the second row at CS 10% and the third row at CS 20%. The parame-
for vEXP, as shown in the bottom tables of the same figures. Comparing the three models, it can be observed that error
This determines a steeper increase in the models’ amplitude. behaviour with 𝛼 (Fig. 9) is almost identical for the vOG
Figure 8 clearly shows that this norm leads to a better model and vEXP models. For the vMR∗ model, the minimum error
match of the data curve trend, at the cost of discrepancy in curve is shallow for 𝛼 values between 0.15 and 0.4, leading
the peaks. to a less precise parameter identifiability.
In the models, the nonlinear parameter 𝛼 determines the With the three models reaching a similar minimum
phase delay between the shear strain input and torque output. error, it is expected that they behave similarly, as shown in
The nonlinear parameter b controls the shape and amplitude Figs. 10 and 11. The vOG and vEXP models are better at
of the torque curve, where b = 0 leads to a linear response capturing the data nonlinearity, which becomes apparent at
(i.e. sinusoidal output as a result of a sinusoidal input) and shear strains above 10%, as the curves start deviating from
higher values lead to an increased nonlinear response. The a pure sinusoidal wave, looking like a combination of trian-
linear parameters C and 𝛿 amplify the contribution of the gle and sine waves. Although it appears that an increased
model components. Comparing the results of the L2 and compression strain simplifies the appearance of the shear
point-wise norms, it can be concluded that the data curve strain torque curve, in reality it further complicates the non-
trends can only be captured by accentuating the nonlinear linear behaviour exposed due to shear straining. This com-
characteristics of the models (e.g. increasing the b param- plex behaviour is generally better captured by the vOG and
eter). However, this deteriorates the peak amplitude match, vEXP models, although one notable test where the vMR∗
as the data exhibit strain softening (Fig. 2). model performs better is at compression strain 1%, shear
Due to the fact that the data could not be described using strain 50%, 1 Hz (top right panel in Fig. 10). There, vMR∗
a set of fully consistent parameters, the parameter scaling captures the data amplitude and does not exhibit the exag-
norm was designed so that the set of linear parameters can gerated nonlinearity of the other two models; however, it
be adjusted according to each test, by scaling the models’ performs inferiorly in other tests (e.g. compression strain
amplitude response. Hence, it is expected that the errors, 10%, shear strain 25%, 0.5 Hz—top right panel in Fig. 11).
computed using Eq. 30, are small. Indeed, as per Fig. 9, The models’ curves in Figs. 10, 11 and 12 were produced
the parameter scaling norm leads to the smallest quantified using the parameters presented in Fig. 9. All three models
errors, compared to the L2 and point-wise scaling norms. employ a similar fractional-order derivative, between 0.19
Nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive model for bovine liver tissue 1653
Fig. 11 Three models fit to the data acquired at CS 10%, using the employed to produce the models’ curves can be found in the table
parameter scaling norm. The first row illustrates the tests at 0.5 Hz, corresponding to Fig. 9
the second row at 1 Hz and the third row at 2 Hz. The parameters
and 0.22, which is in good agreement with the literature. linear parameter variability introduced by sample location
It is notable that for the vOG and vEXP models, the non- and strain softening.
linear parameters 𝛼 and b presented in Fig. 9 are similar The effect of barrelling, due to non-ideal compression,
to the parameter means presented in Fig. 6, obtained using was investigated in “Appendix 2”. For the vEXP model
the point-wise norm. This reinforces the suitability of the simulating the data at 1Hz, the corrected parameters can
parameter scaling norm to be employed with this study’s be seen in Fig. 14. The parameters at CS 1% remain similar
data, as its main effect is facilitating the amplitude match. between ideal and non-ideal compression, which is expected
The linear parameters 𝛿 ∗ and, if applicable, C∗ , are given the small compressive strain level. The parameters at
scaled according to each data test, leading to the test-spe- CS 10% are downscaled by a factor of ≈ 1.5, according to
cific parameters depicted in Fig. 13. It can be observed Table 2, and maintain a similar softening trend. The param-
that for all three models, the linear parameters decrease eters at CS 20% are downscaled according to the factors pre-
with increasing shear strain, which reflects the shear strain sented in Table 2. Although the non-ideal parameters trend
softening effect. Interestingly, it appears that three data appears flatter, this is because of the scale used (0 to 230),
groups can be identified, which correspond to the fre- and in reality the softening trend is accentuated.
quency groups—0.5, 1 and 2 Hz. Since the linear param-
eters do not have a monotonic trend with frequency, with 4.1 Liver biomechanical considerations
the parameters at 0.5 and 2 Hz being larger than the ones in the context of existing literature
at 1 Hz, it is unlikely that this reflects a parameter–fre-
quency coupling. Instead, this might be explained by a In this study, polynomial, Ogden and exponential model
dependency on the sample location, as different samples forms were used. These types of models are commonly
were tested across the frequency tests. Additionally, the employed for capturing the nonlinear hyperelastic behav-
standard deviation of these parameters reaches up to 90% iour exhibited by tissue at large strains (Veronda and West-
of their mean, as presented in Fig. 9, indicating a high mann 1970; Zobitz et al. 2001; Chui et al. 2004; Gao et al.
1654 A. Capilnasiu et al.
Fig. 12 Lissajous curve exemplifying the vEXP model fit to the data shows the curves corresponding to shear strains 1–10–25–50%, while
acquired at 1 Hz. The parameters employed to produce the model’s the bottom row zooms on shear strains 1–10%. Compression strain
curves can be found in the table corresponding to Fig. 9. The top row increases from left (1%) to middle (10%) and right (20%)
Nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive model for bovine liver tissue 1655
1656 A. Capilnasiu et al.
Nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive model for bovine liver tissue 1657
decay to 1% of the maximum value is 1010 s (≈ 317 years). was selected with care to avoid large vessels that may
This is an impractical time duration for both experiments bias measurements; however, smaller vessels were pre-
and simulations. Thus, despite the eventual decay of the sent throughout the test samples. While the presence of
force, here it was considered that a single viscoelastic term vasculature can exhibit behaviour similar to viscoelas-
is appropriate for modelling the data. Adding a purely elas- tic phenomena, studies neglecting viscoelastic response
tic term Se to the vOG and vEXP models was also consid- in cardiac tissue, arterial wall and articular cartilage (at
ered, as exemplified in “Appendix 1”; however, this leads to strain rate > 0.0001s−1 ) have not been able to replicate
parameter coupling. A broader frequency interval may be experimentally observed hysteresis or relaxation (Yang
beneficial in identifying two separate elastic and viscoelas- and Taber 1991; Zakerzadeh et al. 2016; DiSilvestro
tic terms, but for the data available in this study there was a et al. 2001). Further, as the constituents of the liver have
trade-off between adding a purely elastic term and identify- been shown to exhibit viscoelastic material response (e.g.
ing a fractional order 𝛼. hepatic cells are viscoelastic (Zhang et al. 2002; Yang
One of the assumptions made in the modelling process et al. 2019), extracellular collagen needs to exhibit viscoe-
is the idealised compression employed. In the experiments, lasticity in order to ensure accurate hepatic cell behaviour
however, the samples bulged under compression. Likely, the (Mattei et al. 2018) and isolated collagen fibrils exhibit
viscoelastic model response would change when considering viscoelasticity (Shen et al. 2011)), we believe the observed
a non-idealised compression. Investigations in simulated 3D behaviour stems from viscoelasticity within the material.
models indicate that there is a torque amplitude difference Further studies considering poro-viscoelasticity (particu-
between the idealised and non-idealised compression. How- larly at the whole-organ level) would provide an interest-
ever, this would have an impact only on the linear param- ing avenue for further investigations.
eters of the models, which would need to be upscaled. The
normal force, nonetheless, would be the most affected, as
simulations show a qualitative difference between ideal and
non-ideal compression. “Appendix 2” presents a detailed in 5 Conclusions
silico comparison of normal forces and torque between ideal
and non-ideal compression. This paper investigates the suitability of three models—
The liver samples used in this study were fixed in the vMR∗ , vOG and vEXP—to capture the nonlinear viscoelastic
rheometer using serrated plates. To ensure sample gripping, liver response at a range of large deformations. Their perfor-
an initial compressive strain and force had to be applied mance is gauged using three norms—the L2 norm, a point-
before running the experiments, and hence, the total com- wise scaling norm, which ensures even contributions from
pressive force at 1, 10 and 20% compression strain was 0.07, each data point, and a novel parameter scaling norm, which
0.2 and 0.7N, respectively. Despite the initial preload, other allows for flexibility in determining the linear parameters.
fixing methods like glue could have led to changes in tissue This norm was introduced in order to overcome the strain
properties (Nicolle et al. 2010) and artificial changes in the softening effect, and its implementation leads to significant
samples’ height. improvements in fitting the models to the data, with the vOG
Although the range of frequencies investigated here is and vEXP models being able to better capture the nonlinear
small (0.5–2Hz), the models presented in this study are particularities. Among the forms presented here, the vEXP
applicable for other frequencies as well. The fractional model is able to recreate the data trends, while identifying a
order 𝛼 is related to the frequency response, and the value clear minima across the fractional order 𝛼 . Furthermore, it
identified in this study (𝛼 = 0.2) is in good agreement with relies on strain metrics that are cheap to compute, making it
literature findings (Liu and Bilston 2000; Jordan et al. 2011; advantageous to use.
Sinkus et al. 2018; Asbach et al. 2008). Thus, by choosing
the nonlinear parameters presented in Fig. 9 and the appro- Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Kirsty Tan for
acquiring the data.
priate linear parameters corresponding to a certain deforma-
tion level (Fig. 14), the models can be used for predicting Funding D.N. acknowledges funding from the Engineering and
phenomena occurring repetitively, at various frequencies. Physical Sciences (EP/N011554/1 and EP/R003866/1). L.B. acknowl-
(e.g. for MRE purposes). However, when a sudden force edges funding from the Australian Research Council Discovery
is experienced (e.g. crash injury), the response is hard to Grant (DP160100061) and an NHMRC senior research fellowship
(APP1077934). This work is funded by the King’s College London
predict, and hence, the use of these models in an area like and Imperial College London EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Train-
transportation industry is limited. ing in Medical Imaging (EP/L015226/1), and CDT industrial spon-
The current model presented considers liver tissue as sor Siemens Healthcare. This work was supported by the Wellcome
viscoelastic, neglecting porous media effects due to the EPSRC Centre for Medical Engineering at King’s College London
(WT 203148/Z/16/Z) and by the National Institute for Health Research
vasculature of the liver. Preparation of tested samples
1658 A. Capilnasiu et al.
(NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre award to Guy and St Thomas’ where Seb is characterised by Eq. 18. For all three extended
NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with King’s College London.
The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those
models, the material parameters C and 𝛿 are linearly scaling
of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health. the elastic and viscoelastic contributions, respectively.
Compliance with ethical standards Appendix 1.1: Results employing the extended
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
interest. Employing the extended models with the parameter scaling
norm leads to smaller errors compared to the initial models.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
Figure 15 summarises the minimum errors and best param-
tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long eter set for each model. The vMR∗ext model leads to a better
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, fit (≈ 4% error improvement) compared to vMR∗ . For the
provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes other two extended models, the error improvement is less
were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
than ≈1%. However, in Fig. 15 it can be seen that the minima
otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in are shallow, whereas when using the initial models vOG
the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not and vEXP (Fig. 9), the minima are more clearly identified.
permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will This is because the vOGext and vEXPext models offer more
need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a
copy of this licence, visit
flexibility in fitting the data, by adding a purely elastic com-
ponent. This becomes dominant, while the viscoelastic part
is used for fine-tuning of the nonlinear behaviour, which is
Appendix 1: Extended models why the error curve is shallow across 𝛼 values. Given the
data range used in this study, the extended models do not
The models presented in this study may be extended to lead to a clear parameter identifiability. Nevertheless, they
include more components. This could allow for more flex- might be suitable in modelling more complex experimental
ibility in the modelling process. For example, consider the data or different materials.
extended version of the vMR∗ model (vMR∗ext ) to be
S = C1 S1e + C2 S2e + 𝛿1 D𝛼t (S1e ) + 𝛿2 D𝛼t (S2e ) + Sp , (31) Appendix 2: Ideal and non‑ideal
where Se1,2 are defined as in the set of Eqs. 14. Similarly, the
extended vOG model (vOGext ) would be characterised as The modelling part of this study assumes ideal compression
conditions, where the cylindrical samples can slide under
S = C1 Sbe 1 + 𝛿1 D𝛼t (Sbe 2 ) + Sp , (32) compression and maintain a cylindrical shape. However, due
to the nature of the rheological experiment, which employs
with Seb given by Eq. 16. Lastly, the extended vEXP model
serrated plates, the top and bottom faces of the samples
(vEXPext ) would be defined as
were prevented from sliding, hence leading to non-ideal
S = C1 Dev[Sbe 1 ] + 𝛿1 Dev[D𝛼t Sbe 2 ] + Sp , (33) compression and a barrelling effect. This effect has been
previously investigated in the literature (Mendis et al. 1995;
Fig. 15 Minimum model error (vMR∗ext , vOGext and vEXPext ) for the across 𝛼 is enhanced by the larger-sized marker, obtained for the
parameter scaling norm (Eq. 30), obtained for the tests altogether, parameters presented in the corresponding tables
for fractional-order 𝛼 values between 0.05 and 1. The minimal error
Nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive model for bovine liver tissue 1659
Miller 2005; Wu et al. 2004; Spilker et al. 1990; Roan and compression, the sample is barrelling. Simulations of the
Vemaganti 2007), and it was shown that the compressive normal force on the top surface and torque are presented in
force was significantly higher when a no-slip boundary was Figs. 17, 18 and 19.
in place, leading to barrelling. This was more pronounced The normal force simulations show the most striking
for samples where height/diameter ratio is small, as in the differences between the two compression types, which is
current study. In order to address discrepancies that might consistent with literature findings. In order to facilitate
arise, here, we investigate the differences between ideal and the comparison of the force between ideal and non-ideal
non-ideal compression in an in silico setting. For this, C compression, the force corresponding to the ideal case was
heart (Lee et al. 2016) was used to solve the mechanical upscaled by the parameters presented in Table 3. These
problem posed in Sect. 2.2.3. were obtained by ensuring the best point-wise fit between
In order to replicate the experiment as accurately as pos- the two cases, with the errors being reported for each test.
sible, a cylindrical sample of radius R = 10 mm and height It can be seen that for small compression and shear strains
H = 3 mm was compressed by 1, 10 and 20% and sheared up (1%), an almost perfect match can be recovered. The factor
to 1, 10, 25 and 50% level, at a frequency of 1 Hz. The expo- used in this case (6.5821) matches the correction indicated
nential model (Eq. 18) was employed, with the linear scaling by Gent (2012) for short cylindrical samples (i.e. 6.5556,
𝛿 = 130, the nonlinear parameter b = 1.5 and the fractional corresponding to the specific sample size considered here).
power 𝛼 = 0.2. The uniform compression was prescribed at The correction proposed by Gent stands for small strains,
the top and bottom surfaces as and hence, it can be seen that for the larger strains utilised
in this study, the parameters are different and the match
⎡ X1 cos(𝜓(t)X ) − X2 sin(𝜓(t)X ) − X ⎤ deteriorates.
⎢ √𝜆(t) 3 √ 3 1⎥
⎢ 𝜆(t) ⎥ Despite the discrepancy in the normal force, the ideal
u(t) = ⎢ X1 X compression consideration does not invalidate this study.
sin(𝜓(t)X3 ) + √ 2 cos(𝜓(t)X3 ) − X2 ⎥
⎢ 𝜆(t) ⎥
𝜆(t) In Figs. 18 and 19, it can be seen that, although the torque
⎢ ⎥
⎣ X3 (𝜆(t) − 1) ⎦ amplitude differs between ideal and non-ideal compression,
(34) the trends are preserved and a good match can be obtained
while the non-ideal compression was prescribed as by upscaling the ideal compression case by the factors pre-
sented in Table 2. For 1% compression strain, the factor is
⎡ X1 cos(𝜓(t)X3 ) − X2 sin(𝜓(t)X3 ) − X1 ⎤ almost unity, which is expected since very little barrelling
u(t) = ⎢ X1 sin(𝜓(t)X3 ) + X2 cos(𝜓(t)X3 ) − X2 ⎥. (35) is experienced under 1% compression. The errors when
⎢ ⎥
⎣ X3 (𝜆(t) − 1) ⎦ matching the two cases is generally very small. For 20%
compression, the errors can reach 3%, but this is likely due
Note that the other boundaries were left unrestricted. Here, 𝜆 to the first oscillatory cycle, as the remaining cycles look
is the compression and 𝜓X3 is the shear angle, where better matched.
Although there is a scale factor that needs to be
𝛾𝜆3∕2 (t) sin(2𝜋f ̂t)
𝜓(t) = √ . applied to the torque simulations between ideal and non-
X12 + X22 ideal compression, this only affects the identification of
the linear parameters presented in Figs. 9 and 13. Since
The compression was set to take place linearly over the the parameter scaling norm (Eq. 30) allows for the linear
course of 0.5 s, i.e. 𝜆(t) = 1 − CS min(t, 0.5), and the angu- parameters to be adjusted according to each test, the ideal
lar displacement was applied after the desired compression compression assumption does not impact the model fit to
level was reached, i.e. ̂t = max(0, t − 0.5). the data, but it introduces additional uncertainty on the
Note that, while ideal compression was assumed in linear parameter 𝛿 . Note that, as the torque scaling factor
order to ensure rapid model evaluation, correction to is approximately constant across shear strain (for com-
non-ideal compression could be carried out for each case pression strain 1% and 10%) or increases (for the CS 20%
individually. However, the non-ideal model is time-con- group), consideration of non-ideal compression would
suming and costly, especially when analysing different not have resolved the shear strain softening phenomena
model forms over a broad parameter space. observed in the study, as shown in Fig. 14. Overall, it can
be concluded that the exponential model (18) with the
Appendix 2.1: Results comparing ideal nonlinear parameters presented in Fig. 9 and the linear
and non‑ideal compression parameters presented in Fig. 14 is suitable for capturing
the constitutive behaviour of liver tissue.
The liver under ideal and non-ideal 10% compression is
illustrated in Fig. 16. It can be seen that, under non-ideal
1660 A. Capilnasiu et al.
Fig. 16 Simulations of liver sample compression; (left) liver in undeformed state; (middle) liver under 10% ideal compression; (right) liver
under 10% non-ideal compression
Fig. 17 Normal force simulations during ideal and non-ideal com- The black curves show the non-ideal compression, the blue curves
pression. The simulations were carried out at CS 1% (top row), 10% show the ideal compression, and the red curves show the scaled ideal
(second row) and 20% (third row), and shear strain 1% (first column), compression, using the factors presented in Table 3
10% (second column), 25% (third column) and 50% (fourth column).
Fig. 18 Torque simulations during ideal and non-ideal compression. black curves show the non-ideal compression, the blue curves show
The simulations were carried out at CS 1% (top row), 10% (second the ideal compression, and the red curves show the scaled ideal com-
row) and 20% (third row), and shear strain 1% (first column), 10% pression, using the factors presented in Table 2
(second column), 25% (third column) and 50% (fourth column). The
Nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive model for bovine liver tissue 1661
Fig. 19 Lissajous curves of torque simulations during ideal and non- (fourth column). The black curves show the non-ideal compression,
ideal compression. The simulations were carried out at CS 1% (top the blue curves show the ideal compression, and the red curves show
row), 10% (second row) and 20% (third row), and shear strain 1% the scaled ideal compression, using the factors presented in Table 2
(first column), 10% (second column), 25% (third column) and 50%
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