Salt Spray Chamber

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JMEPEG (2000) 9:338- 343 © ASM International

Corrosion Resistance of a New AL 6013-20 SiC(P)

in Salt Spray Chamber
Zaki Ahmad and B. J. Abdul Aleem

(Submitted 22 October 1999; in revised form 7 January 2000)

Aluminum 6013 alloy (0.82Si, 0.95Mg, and 0.35Mn) is finding increasing usage in new aircraft designs,
automotives, and structural applications due to its good stretch forming character in T4 temper (solution heat
treated and naturally aged to a substantially stable conditions) compared to alloy 2024 (4.4Cu, 0.6Mn, 1.5Mg,
and balance Al) and Al 6061 (Si0.51 to 0.71, Fe0.35, Cu0.15, Mn0.85, Mg0.15, 0.25Cr, 0.15Zn, and balanced Al).
The newly developed A1 6013 reinforced with 20 vol.% SiC(P) has a higher strength than its unreinforced
counterpart. Whereas the corrosion behavior of A1 6013 has been reported in literature, there is no previous
data on A1 6013 reinforced with SiC(P). A knowledge of the corrosion behavior of this alloy is crucial to its
applications in aerospace, structural, and automotive industry. The first results of corrosion study of this alloy
in 3.5 wt.% Na Cl in a salt spray chamber are presented.
Three tempers F (as fabricated), O (annealed), and T4 (age hardened and stabilized at room temperature)
of the alloy A1 6013-30 SiC(P) were exposed to environmental chamber in accordance with ASTM
recommended practice. The corrosion rate of the alloy showed a decrease with increased exposure period
and after 800 h of exposure no appreciable change in the rate of corrosion was observed. The lowest rate of
corrosion (4.83 mdd) was shown by temper T4 followed by tempers F and O after 1200 h of exposure in the
increasing order of corrosion rate. Fluctuations in the corrosion rate with time are related to the kinetics of
growth and dissolution of Al(OH)3 film, which was detected by fourier transformation infrared (FTIR)
spectroscopy (FTIS). The film was composed of an inner compact layer and outer bulk layer dependent on
the refreshment rate from the bulk solution. Micrograph examination by scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
showed the presence of pits covered by aluminum hydroxide gel, which isolates the pit from the bulk solution.
The acidic conditions of pits also cause intergranular attack. Pitting was observed to be less pronounced in
temper T4 compared to F and O tempers, the former also showing the highest resistance to corrosion.
The data generated predict promising application potential of this alloy in environment where resistance
to corrosion is also a major consideration.

Keywords corrosion, aluminum alloy 6013-20 SiC(P), metal The situation has, however, changed in the last decade and attention
matrix composites, NaCl salt spray test is shifting gradually from the conventional materials to high per-
formance polymers, advance ceramics, and composites for applica-
tions ranging from process to defense industry. Aluminum alloy
1. Introduction 6013 has been the focus of attention in recent years because of its
improved mechanical properties over the better known alloy A1
During the 1970s, intense desalination activity in the Arabian 6061 and its promising application in aerospace, automobile, and
Gulf region was a driving force behind the search for strong, cor- power generation industries. Al 6013 reinforced with 20 vol.% sil-
rosion-resistant, and economically compatible materials for de- icon carbide, in particulate form, was designed to have improved
salination and process industries. Aluminum alloys 5052 and 6061 mechanical properties, over those or Al 6061 SiC(P), and a better
have been extensively investigated because of their good corrosion corrosion resistance than Al 2124 SiC(P) T4. Whereas the devel-
resistance in marine environment and attractive application po- opment of alloy 6013 reinforced with SiC has generated substan-
tential in chemical, petrochemical, and power utilities.[1,2,3] A num- tial interest, published corrosion data on it is virtually nonexistant.
ber of studies on the localized corrosion of aluminum alloys of The corrosion resistance of this alloy in marine environment has
5000 and 6000 series have been made.[4,5,6] These alloys were the been recently reported by the authors.[14,15] This paper reports the
focus of intensive research because of their low production cost, low corrosion resistance of Al 6013-20 SiC(P) T4 in salt spray cham-
maintenance cost, and their nontoxicity in sea coastal environment. ber, which is considered to be a useful tool to evaluate the cor-
Their suitability was amply demonstrated under thermal desalinat- rosion resistance of materials in simulated marine environment.
ing conditions.[7,8,9] Cupro-nickel alloys are the best material avail-
able; however, because of their high cost and problems arising out
of velocity and water chemistry, research and development efforts
have been diverted to produce aluminum alloys that could be sub-
2. Experimental
stituted for conventional and more accepted aluminum alloys.[10–13]
A Singleton salt spray (fog) testing cabinet was used to in-
Zaki Ahmad and B. J. Abdul Aleem, Mechanical Engineering Depart- vestigate the corrosion resistance of Al 6013-20 SiC(P). It is
ment, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran 31261, comprised of a basic chamber, level-matic reservoir (10 gal.),
Saudi Arabia. salt solution reservoir (30 gal.), bubble tank, twin optifog

338—Volume 9(3) June 2000 Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

assembly, and atomizers, as shown in Fig. 1 and 2. Accessories, Rectangular specimens of A1 6013-20 SiC(P) in O, F, and T4
such as tower assembly, bubble tank heater, level-matic control tempers were used. The samples were polished with 320, 400,
valve, salt solution valves, level-matic solution valves, and cabi- and 600 grit SiC and finally polished with a 6 and 1 µm diamond
net heaters are the pertinent parts of the equipment. paste in nap cloth for 1 and 1.5 min, respectively, followed by
The level-matic reservoir (10 gal.) and bubble (saturation) tank rinse in demineralized water and ethyl alcohol. After exposure for
are filled with demineralized water. The cover water trough located 200 h, the samples were gently washed in clean and running
at the top rim of the cabinet is filled with demineralized water (1 in. water to remove salt deposit.
deep). A salt solution is prepared by adding 8 oz. of sodium chlo- Separate weight-loss studies were conducted at 100 °C in
ride per gallon of distilled water. The solution is filtered through a 3.5wt.%NaCl in recirculating loop under condition of smooth
5 µm polypropylene felt. The solution is transferred to the salt so- flow. The loop was designed by the authors and describe else-
lution reservoir located below the level-matric reservoir. The brass where.[16] Circular specimens measuring 2.5 cm and 2 mm thick
valve on the bottom of the unit is opened to allow the solution by were used for weight-loss studies. Polished specimens were used
gravity into the optifag lower reservoir located inside the cabinet. A for weight-loss studies.
constant level salt solution is maintained. The bulk solution prepa- Corrosion rates were calculated from the following relation-
ration and filtration of the solution is facilitated by the optimum salt ships.
solution mixing and storage tank. The brass valve located at the
base of the bubble tank is opened to allow the air flow through the W × 365 × 1000
tower. Salt spray (fog) is introduced into the cabinet from the opti- P= (Eq 1)
fog assembly in which a constant level of salt solution is main-
tained. The bubble tank internal air pressure is maintained between where
12 and 18 psi. The thermologic digital temperature controller main- P = average penetration rate, mm/annum;
tains the cabinet interior bubble level at 15 psi. The pH of the solu- W= mass loss, g;
tion when atomized is maintained at 7.4 by adjusting with HCl. The A = initial exposed surface, mm2;
compressed air supply was maintained at 130 kN/m2. All experi- T = exposure period, d; and
ments were conducted at 35 °C (±1 °C). D= density of the material g/cm3.

Fig. 1 Singleton salt fog corrosion test cabinet—number 23, 24, or 25

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Volume 9(3) June 2000 —339
Fig. 2 Cross section of singleton salt fog corrosion test cabinet

W × 365 × 1000 2.27 × 10 4 W creased corrosion rate with increased exposure period have also
P= = (Eq 2) been observed in other aluminum alloys, such as Al alloys 6063
ATD(2.54)3 ATD
and 5052,[17] and it is ascribed to the kinetics of film formation
where and film dissolution and change in the composition of the film
P = average penetration rate, mpy from being beyrite to boehemite.[18,19] The observed decrease in
W = mass loss, g the rate of corrosion is consistent with the time dependence of
A = initial exposed surface area, in2 anodic reaction, the cathodic reaction being independent of time.
T = exposure time, d Studies on A1 alloys of 6000 and 5000 series have adequately
Metallographic studies were conducted by scanning electron shown that the film formation by corrosion product has a bene-
microscopy on corroded and uncorroded samples. ficial effect on the corrosion rate.
Separate weight-loss studies at elevated temperatures were
conducted in 3.5 wt. % NaCl for 100 and 200 h. The results of
the studies are shown in Tables 2 and 3. A three- to fourfold in-
3. Results and Discussion crease in the rate of corrosion was observed on increasing the
temperature from 50 to 75 °C, whereas a much lesser increase
The variation of corrosion rate of three tempers of O, F, and was observed between 75 and 100 °C. The above observation
T4 of alloy 6013–20 SiC(P) in salt spray chamber is shown in confirms the belief that the corrosion behavior of A1 6013-20
Table 1. The highest corrosion rate was shown by temper O SiC is a very strong function of Al(OH)3, and once the film for-
(10.23 mpy), followed by temper F (8.42 mpy) and temper T4 mation is complete, it becomes independent of oxygen.[20] The
(7.12 mpy) in decreasing order after 200 h. The corrosion rate, relative decrease in the rate of corrosion observed on increasing
however, showed a continuous decline with increased exposure the temperature from 50 to 75 °C is attributable to a change in
exemplified by a decrease in the corrosion rate from 10.23 to the composition of the film from boehemite Al2O3, 3H2O to
4.27 mpy, 8.42 to 3.68 mpy, and 7.12 to 4.27 mpy after 1200 h Al2O3, H2O (boehemite to beyrite), which has been identified by
of exposure to salt spray environment. The phenomena of de- Fourier transformation infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy studies.

340—Volume 9(3) June 2000 Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

Table 1 Variation of corrosion rate of Al-6013-20 SiC(P) by salt spray (fog) testing

Corrosion rates

O-temper F-temper T4-temper

Time (h) mpy mdd mpy mdd mpy mdd

200 10.23 19.18 8.42 15.78 7.12 13.35
400 9.11 17.08 7.78 14.58 6.18 11.59
600 6.38 11.96 5.06 9.49 4.38 8.21
800 4.92 9.23 3.98 7.46 2.82 5.28
1000 4.66 8.74 3.76 7.05 2.63 4.93
1200 4.27 8.01 3.68 6.90 2.58 4.83

To convert mpy to mm/yr, multiply by 10−3 × 25.4

To convert mdd to mm/yr, multiply by 0.03652/ρ (ρ density in g/cm3)

Table 2 Variation of corrosion rate of Al-6013-20 SiC(P) with temperature in 3.5% NaCl (static condition for 100 h
exposure time)
Corrosion rate (open air condition) Corrosion rate (deaerated condition)

O-temper F-temper T-4-temper O-temper F-temper T-4-temper

Temperature (C°) mpy mdd mpy mdd mpy mdd mpy mdd mpy mdd mpy mdd
50 1.90 3.56 1.09 2.04 0.43 0.80 1.51 2.83 0.97 1.81 0.34 0.637
75 5.96 11.17 5.16 9.67 4.6 8.62 4.76 8.92 4.28 8.02 3.97 7.44
100 7.46 13.98 6.96 13.05 5.8 10.87 6.7 12.56 6.3 11.81 4.50 8.43

To convert mpy to mm/yr, multiply by 10−3 × 25.4

To convert mdd to mm/yr, multiply by 0.03652/ρ (ρ density in g/cm3)

Table 3 Variation of corrosion rate of Al-6013-20 SiC(P) with temperature in 3.5%NaCl (static condition for 200 h
exposure time)

Corrosion rate (open air condition) Corrosion rate (deaerated condition)

O-temper F-temper T-4-temper O-temper F-temper T-4-temper

Temperature (C°) mpy mdd mpy mdd mpy mdd mpy mdd mpy mdd mpy mdd
50 2.14 4.01 1.72 3.22 1.11 2.08 1.27 2.38 1.37 2.56 0.98 1.83
75 6.74 12.63 5.83 10.93 5.98 11.21 5.16 9.67 5.11 9.58 4.87 9.13
100 8.2 15.37 7.3 13.68 6.20 11.62 7.10 13.31 6.63 12.43 4.96 9.30

To convert mpy to mm/yr, multiply by 10−3 × 25.4

To convert mdd to mm/yr, multiply by 0.03652/ρ (ρ density in g/cm3)

The decrease in the rate of corrosion in 3.5wt.%NaCl compared corrosion chimneys. Figure 4 shows a typical pit corrosion
to salt spray test is the result of a highly aggressive environment chimney and silica particle in O temper of the alloy exposed to
in the latter. salt spray test. Crystallographic faceting in O temper can be ob-
Examination of corroded surfaces revealed pitting and inter- served in Fig. 5. The surface morphology of F temper of the alloy
granular corrosion as the predominant form of localized corrosion. shows a variety of features. SiC particles are shown by ABC and
The type of pits ranged from being shallow and crystallographic the pit D in Fig. 6. The average pit depth observed in F temper
to deep. Some salt particles were observed on the alloy surface. was 47.33 m compared to O temper(68.00 µm). The pit depths
The surface of the alloy is often covered with a white gelatinous were of a lower magnitude in T4 temper compared to F and O
product of aluminum hydroxide Al(OH)3. The pit environment tempers. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) photomicro-
is highly acidic. The hydroxide gel formed isolates the pit from graph of Al 6013-20 SiC(P) T4 is shown in Fig. 7. Preferential
the bulk solution. As bubbles of hydrogen rise from the sur- dissolution is observed in A. A highly faceted structure indica-
face, corrosion chimneys are formed. The hydrogen bubbles tive of a lesser metal dissolution is shown in Fig. 8. Corrosion
pump up AlClx (OH)3−n to the outside, which reacts with water chimneys are also shown. Shallow crystallographic pits in a
to form Al(OH)3.[21] Figure 3 shows corrosion products with highly ordered pattern are shown in Fig. 9. It has been shown by

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Volume 9(3) June 2000 —341
Fig. 3 SEM photomicrograph of Al 6013-20 SiC(P)-OT sample Fig. 5 SEM photomicrograph of Al 6013-20 SiC(P)-OT sample
exposed to salt spray test showing corrosion chimneys exposed to salt spray, showing crystallographic faceting

Fig. 4 SEM photomicrograph of Al 6013-20 SiC(P)-OT sample Fig. 6 SEM photomicrograph of Al 6013-20 SiC(P)-F sample exposed
exposed to salt spray test showing pit, corrosion chimney, and silica particle to salt spray test. Silica carbide particles are shown by A, B, C and pit is
shown by D

micrographic examination that pitting is less pronounced in

temper T4 compared to O and F tempers. 4. Conclusions
Unlike conventional aluminum alloys, the corrosion mecha-
nism of Al-SiC composites is presently not known. For instance, On the basis of the investigations conducted, the following
the sites of nucleation of pits, whether they initiate on SiC/Al ma- are the conclusions.
trix interface, or on secondary phase particle, or on sites of mi-
crosegregation of secondary phases, have not been established. • The corrosion rate of three tempers O, F, and T4 of the
It is, however, believed that the distribution of SiC particles (uni- alloys in salt spray chamber decreases on increasing the
form or agglomeration) and particle of secondary phase, such as exposure period from 200 to 1200 h. The least rate of cor-
Fe, Mn, and Cu, influences the uniformity and thickness of rosion rate of 2.58 mpy (4.8 mm/yr) is exhibited by temper
Al(OH)3 film, which has a predominant influence on the corro- T4 followed by temper F (3.68 mpy) 6.90 mdd, and temper
sion kinetics. Whether the film would develop weak spots or it O (4.27 mpy) 8.01 mdd in decreasing rate order of corrosion
would be uniform would depend on the concentration of second- resistance. A similar trend is shown by the three tempers in
ary phase particles, cathodic precipitates, SiC particles, and dis- weight-loss tests conducted in 3.5wt.%NaCl in a recirculat-
tribution of SiC particles. Sufficient evidence has been gathered ing loop at 50 and 100 °C. The overall rate of corrosion
by the authors to show that a high concentration of intermetallic shown by alloy 6013-20 SiC(P) in weight-loss tests was ob-
at Al/SiC interphase is the preferred site for localized corrosion. served to be lower than observed in the salt spray tests.

342—Volume 9(3) June 2000 Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

Fig. 7 SEM photomicrograph of Al 6013-20 SiC(P)-T4 sample exposed Fig. 9 SEM photomicrograph of Al 6013-20 SiC(P)-T4 sample
to salt spray test, showing preferential dissolution exposed to salt spray test, showing shallow crystallographic pits in a
highly ordered pattern

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2. E.T. Wanderor and M.W. Wei: Metal Congress, Chicago, IL, Oct.
3. R.A. Bonewitz: Corrosion, 1973, vol. 29 (6), p. 215.
4. E.D. Vernik, Jr.: A Progress Report, Annual Meeting of the National
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5. W.W. Binger and H.W. Frittis: Corrosion, 1954, p. 425.
6. I.G. Bohlmann and F.A. Posey: Proc. 1st Int. Symp. on Water
Desalination, 1965, vol. I, p. 306.
7. R.L. Lindberg: Mater. Performance, 1972, vol. II, p. 45.
8. J.N. Wanklyn, N.J.M. Wilkins, D.R.V. Silvester, C.E. Austing, and
P.F. Lawrence: Desalination, 1971, vol. 9, p. 245.
9. M. Elboujdaini, E. Ghali, R.G. Barradas and M. Girgis: Corr. Sci.,
vol. 30 (8/9), pp. 855-67, 1990.
Fig. 8 SEM photomicrograph of Al 6013-20 SiC(P)-T4 sample 10. M.S. Parvizi, A. Aladjem, and J.E. Castle: Int. Mater. Rev., 1988,
exposed to salt spray test, showing highly faceted structure with shallow pits vol. 33 (4).
11. M.S. Parvizi, A. Aladjem, and J.E. Castle: NCRA Project 2541,
Guildford, Surrey, Nov. 1985.
• The rate of corrosion of the three tempers of A1 6013-20 12. W.W. Kirk: Final Report PRJ-384, INCRA, Laque Center for
SiC decreased on increasing the temperature from 50 to Corrosion Technology, Wrightsville Beach, NC.
100 °C. This phenomenon has been attributed to the 13. A.L. Greger and J. Andrew Wacks: JOM, 1991, vol. A3 (8), p. 815.
changes in the composition of the film from being beyrite 14. Z. Ahmad and B. J. Abdul Aleem: Corrosion, 1996, vol. 52 (11), p. 857.
(Al2O3, H2O) to boehemite (−Al2O3, H2O), as shown by 15. Z. Ahmad: KACST Report 1, AR-1465, KACST, Riyadh, Saudi
FTIR studies. Arabia, p. 85.
• Pitting is the major form of localize corrosion, and corro- 16. Z. Ahmad: Br. Corr. J., vol. 33, No. 3, 1998, p. 230.
sion chimneys are formed because of the formation of alu- 17. R.A. Bonewitz: Corrosion, 1979, vol. 30 (2), p. 253.
minum hydroxide. 18. K.M. Carlson: Int. J. Electrochem. Soc., 1957, p. 147.
19. R.A. Bonewitz: Corrosion, 1973, vol. 29 (6) p. 215.
20. A.M. Beccaria, G. Paggi, D. Gingaud, and P. Castellor: Br. Corr. J.,
Acknowledgment 1994, vol. 29 (1), p. 65.
The authors acknowledge the financial support provided by KACST 21. T.D. Burleigh, E. Ludwiczak, and R.A. Petro: Corr. Sci., 1995,
and the encouragement and facilities provided by KFUPM. vol. 51 (1), p. 50.

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Volume 9(3) June 2000 —343

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