Fatigue Substantiation and Damage Tolerance Evalua
Fatigue Substantiation and Damage Tolerance Evalua
Fatigue Substantiation and Damage Tolerance Evalua
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Stefan Emmerling
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Fatigue Substantiation and Danmge Tolerance Evaluation
of Fiber Composite Helicopter Components
EL Bansemir, S. Emmerling
Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH
81663 Manchen, Germany
"* demonstration of ultimate load capacity including consid- The first flight of the BKI 17 of MBB / Kawasaki Heavy In-
eration of manufacturing and impact damages dustries took place June 13, 1979. Since that time about 375
"* fatigue evaluation for parts suitable or unsuitable for dam- helicopters are flying worldwide. The rotor system of this
age tolerance method and the related inspection procedures helicopter is identical to the BOl05 except the rotor blade
"* investigation of growth rate of damages that may occur design which includes a different geometry but mainly
from fatigue, corrosion, intrinsic and manufacturing defects equivalent glass/epoxy and carbon/epoxy composite materials.
or damages from discrete sources under repeated loads ex-
pected in service
"* residual strength requirements
"* consideration of the effects of material variability and
environmental conditions like hot/wet strength degradation
"* substantiation of bonded joints
The fatigue tolerance evaluation and damage tolerance sub-
stantiation for composite structures are shown in this paper.
The fulfillment of the 'Special Conditions' is demonstrated for
the main rotor blade of the EC 135.
2. DYNAMICALLY LOADED ROTOR BLADES Figure 1: The Multi-Purpose Helicopters BO105 and BK1 17
COMPOSITE ROTOR BLADES In 1991/92 Eurocopter started the development of the multi-
4. GENERAL CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND purpose light twin helicopter EC135. The main rotor was
SUBSTANTIATION PRINCIPLES derived from the B0108 technology (Ref. [1-4]), whereas the
5. ESTABLISHMENT OF BASIC MATERIAL FATIGUE tailboom with the Fenestron anti-torque system was developed
AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE DATA by Eurocopter France. The first prototype carried out its
maiden flight in February 1994, powered by two Turbomeca
6. BASIC STRUCTURAL BEHAVIOUR Arrius 2B engines, whereas the second prototype began flight
7. DYNAMIC STRENGTH COMPONENT TESTING AND testing two months later, powered by the alternative Pratt &
After extensive testing of three prototypes, structures and
systems and with the help of validated analysis, the type certi-
1. INTRODUCTION fication was issued in June 1996 by the LBA and in July 1996
by the DGAC and FAA. Since that date EC135 helicopters
In 1967 the BO105, a product of the former helicopter division with certified basic and optional equipment have been deliv-
of MBB, now Eurocopter Deutschland, flew for the first time. ered to customers all over the world.
Three years later this light twin helicopter was certified by the
German Luftfahrtbundesamt (LBA). Up to now almost 1500 2. DYNAMICALLY LOADED ROTOR BLADES
BO105 multipurpose helicopters have been manufactured and The basic design features of the multi-mission helicopter
are flying in more than 40 countries. The worldwide first serial EC135, a 3D drawing and the overall dimensions, are shown in
hingeless main rotor system was a key element of this heli- Figure 3 and Table 1.
copter, using the advantages of the newly developed fiber glass
Paperpresented at the RTO AVT Specialists' Meeting on "Application of Damage Tolerance Principlesfor
Improved Airworthiness of Rotorcraft", held in Corfu, Greece, 21-22 April 1999, and published in RTO MP-24.
web and the blade skin have to carry the greatest part of the The total mass of the blade is almost 40 kg including about
shear loads including torsional moment. 7.5 kg of additional masses for the tuning of frequencies and
the reduction mainly of the lead-lag bending moments.
Figure 6: Blade Attachment Area with Control Cuff and 3. QUALITY ASSURANCE METHODS APPLIED FOR
At radius station R = 110 mm the blade is connected with the At Eurocopter Deutschland computed tomography (CT) is
help of two bolts to the rotor hub. The loads are transferred via used for the quality assurance of the rotor blades of BOl05,
two double lugs at the relatively stiff blade attachment area. A BK1 17 and EC135 17], see Figure 7 and Figure 8.
tapered transition area leads to the flat 'flapping hinge' section. For the EC135 blades CT was also used during the design
This section has to allow the flap angles by bending, phase and has been performed for each blade at the beginning
of the serial production.
shifted to the
In the following transition area the layers are
cruciform shape of the torsional element. This has a short Originally CT was developed for the medical field. To create a
length of about 0.5 m and replaces the blade bearings. Its slim cross section image, an X-ray beam rotates around the object
and deeply slit cruciform cross section results in an extremely in a complete circle. From several projection directions at-
low torsional stiffness of the flexbeam of 4.2 NmP/ without tenuation profiles of the beam are measured. With these data a
and of 7.2 Nm/f with centrifugal force. computer calculates the image of the cross section slice having
the thickness of the X-ray beam of about 1.5 mm. During the
The cruciform shape of the torsional clement has special ad- rotor blade examination cross section images are produced at
vantages. Warping restriction can be avoided, and the flapping various radius stations. When these stations are close together,
and lead-lag stiffnesses can be tuned independently from each e.g. in the lug area, vertical and horizontal cuts in radial direc-
other. In addition the relatively high flapping stiffness of the tion can also be computed.
torsional element reduces the static sag of the non-rotating
rotor. Therefore no blade stop is needed.
Figure 8: Non-Destructive Testing of the EC135 Main Rotor Blade with Manufacturing Defects at an Early Development Stage
by Means of Computed Tomography
4. GENERAL CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS defects or damages from discrete sources under repeated
AND SUBSTANTIATION PRINCIPLES loads expected in service
e fatigue evaluation for parts suitable or unsuitable for dam-
The EC135 has been certified according to Joint Aviation age tolerance method and the related inspection procedures
Requirements JAR27 'Small Rotorcraft'. However, as the * residual strength requirements
primary structure includes composite materials, the German * consideration of the effects of environmental conditions
airworthiness authority Luftfahrtbundesamt issued a Special and material variability
Condition 'Primary structures designed with composite mate- 9 substantiation of bonded joints
rial' that had to be fulfilled additionally. The special condition
adresses subjects like
In general the fatigue substantiation of dynamically loaded
"* demonstration of ultimate load capacity including consid- structures is based on the Safe Life procedure. As derived and
eration of manufacturing and impact damages stated in the Helicopter Fatigue Design Guide (see also [5]),
"* investigation of growth rate of damages that may occur the service life is determined from the usually applied sub-
from fatigue, corrosion, intrinsic defects, manufacturing stantiation procedure:
where SA. is the endurance limit, SAut the ultimate value, N 3. Allowables for material strength
the number of cycles and a, 03are the shape parameters for the a) Ultimate load and residual strength
adjustment of the curve [5]. - hot/wet conditions
- rl decisive (fiber crack)
The S/N-curve for torsion of the flexbeam is shown in Figure - No interlaminar failure (riLs) allowed up to limit load
9. b) Flight loads
- room temperature conditions
The flight tests yielded the necessary load spectra. A complete - B-values for substantiation of blade as fail safe
spectrum contains the working loads (High-Frequency- structure
Spectrum) and the GAG loads (Ground-Air-Ground-
Spectrum). The damage ratios and the resulting lives of the
structures were calculated according to Miner's linear damage
accumulation hypothesis.
Figure 10: Critical Load / Failure Areas of the EC135 Main Rotor Blade
As seen in Figure 10, the sections of the rotor blade are loaded
in different ways. As the rotor blade cannot be tested dynami- Delamination Mode I: * w
cally as complete structure, several sectional areas were tested
according to their critical load and failure behaviour. Thus for
each section S/N-curves were derived and transformed to P.a
working curves taking into account 99.9 % survivability and
95 % confidence level.
In opposite to the TCT specimen with inner fiber interruption Relevant Delamination Formulas for Mode iI
as shown in Table 5 a modified TCT specimen with outer fiber and III
interruption shown in Figure 12 was created to investigate the
mixed mode I/Il.
Table 5: Tests for Experimental Determination of Energy pure delamination mode II, whereas the specimen with outer
Release Rates for Mode 1, Mode 1iand Mode InI fiber interruption takes the influence of mode I on mode 1Iinto
Mode Sign / Designation Tezt Configuration The delamination stress au (upper value) for the stress ratio
I DCB R = 0.1 versus load cycles is shown in Figure 13 for the outer
double cutilever e fiber interruption. The specimens for establishment of this
beam curve were fabricated of E-Glass/913 unidirectional prepreg
material, which is used for the flexbeam of the EC135 heli-
"copter.The delamination onset curve is described by the four
11 TCT parametric Weibull formula:
transvense crack 0
tension l
transverse crack ______Ig with
tension-compression TCT N....ogN)unl exp
schort beam shear
Ultimate Delamination Stress Oult
, Delamination Endurance Limit Crum
Curve parameter a
Curve parameter 13
end-notched flexure
1n CLS
cra k iskp
shearII 11 1 , 1 11 1 1111
I Hl
1111 EDT
edge delamination
edge delamination \".J Loadcda N H
Figure 13: S/N-Curve for DetImination Strength of Unidirec-
I/Il HDT tional E-Glass/913
hole delamination
tension •'The relation between the stress all and the energy release rate
HDTC ( =...') Gil with the specific parameters of the tested specimen reads:
hole delamination ".J2
tension-compression 1 0 h -t
Gil =- .. . with
4 E h-t
Inlf EMT
edge notch tension Young's modulus E = 41.5 GPa.
ENrC . Specimen thickness h = 1.25 mm
edge notch .. Thickness of interrupted plies t = 0.25 mm
The delamination growth rate was determined for materials
widely used in the helicopter structures of ECD. The loga-
rithmic linear relationship between the delamination growth
rate da/dN and the energy release rate Gnl in the range of stable
FI delaemination growth was derived from the test results. The
range of stable delamination growth is bounded by the thresh-
old value of G0tsh and the critical value Gnc. Below Guth there
is no crack propagation and above Gu, 1 the crack grows in-
Figure 12: Modified TCT Specimen with Outer Fiber stantenously.
da Gn with c and n being material constants
For the analysis of delamination initiation and delamination dN ilmax describing the position and the slope of
propagation due to dynamic tension loads TCT test specimens the curve.
with inner and outer fiber interruption shown were used. The
test specimen with inner fiber interruption corresponds to the
Figure 14 shows the delamination growth rates versus energy delamination endurance limit a,, which can be transformed
release rate for E-Glass/913, carbon T300/913 and R- into the critical and threshold value Gil, and Gnh respectively.
Glass/913 UD prepreg materials. In general it can be deducted
from the gradient of the curves that materials with higher Table 6: Critical Energy Release Rate Gil for Several
stiffness show more sensitivity of the crack propagation ve- Unidirectional Composites
locity against increasing cyclic energy release rate.
Unidirectional Young's H T Critical Energy
Material Modulus Release RatwGic
, [Wa1 [nmn] [mm] [N/m]
,J,•E-lss9l3 41.5 1.3 "0.26 gir -
During the development phase the flexbeam was continuously test was only limited by the capacity of the testing machine.
improved and the S/N-curve concerning bending could be This test proved the outstanding qualities of the EC135 flex-
raised by about 20%. beam.
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