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AglaSem Admission

(English/Tamil) Test Booklet Code
This Booklet contains 44 pages. CÆ ÂÚõzuõÒ öuõS¨¦ 44. £UP[PøÍ öPõshx

Do not open this Test Booklet until you are asked to do so.
C¢u ÂÚõz öuõS¨ø£ uÓUS®£i PsPõo¨£õͺ TÖ® Áøµ°À vÓUPUThõx.

Read carefully the Instructions on the Back Cover of this Test Booklet.
ÂÚõzöuõS¨¤ØS ¤ß £UP•ÒÍ AÔÄøµPøÍ PÁÚ©õP £iUPÄ®. *0KK*
Important Instructions : •UQ¯ AÔÄøµPÒ :
1. The Answer Sheet is inside this Test Booklet. When you 1. C¢u ÂÚõuöuõS¨¤ØSÒ ÂøhzuõÒ EÒÍx. ÂÚõz
are directed to open the Test Booklet, take out the öuõS¨ø£. vÓUP AÔÄÖzu¨£k® ö£õÊx ÂøhzuõøÍ
Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars on Side-1 and Gkzx £UP®-1 ©ØÖ® £UP®-2 CÀ @PmP¨£mkÒÍ
Side-2 carefully with blue/black ball point pen only. £µVPøÍ PÁÚ©õP }»®/PÖ¨¦ £õÀ £õ#ßk @£Úõ
©mk@© £¯ß£kzv {µ¨¦Ä®.
2. The test is of 3 hours duration and Test Booklet 2. C¢u @uºÄ 3 ©o @|µ©õS® ©ØÖ® ÂÚõzuõÒ öuõS¨¦ 180
contains 180 questions. Each question carries 4 marks. ÂÚõUPøÍU öPõshx. JÆöÁõ¸ ÂÚõÄUS 4
For each correct response, the candidate will get ©v¨ö£sPÒ. JÆöÁõ¸ Œ›¯õÚ ÂøhUS, @uºÄ
4 marks. For each incorrect response, one mark will be GÊx£Á¸US 4 ©v¨ö£sPÒ QøhUS®. ö©õzu
deducted from the total scores. The maximum marks are ©v¨ö£sPÎÀ JÁöÁõ¸ uÁÓõÚ ÂøhUS® J¸ ©v¨ö£s
720. PÈUP¨£k®. AvP£mŒ ©v¨ö£sPÒ 720 BS®.
3. Use Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only for writing 3. C¢u £UPzvÀ GÊxÁuØS®/ÂøhPøÍU SÔ¨£uØS® }»®/
P¸¨¦ £õÀ £õ#ßk @£Úõ ©mk® E£@¯õQUP @Ásk®.
particulars on this page/marking responses.
4. ÂÚõzuõÒ öuõS¨¤À öPõkUP¨£mh ChzvÀ ©mk®
4. Rough work is to be done on the space provided for this Œ›£õºzu¾US (Rough work) £¯ß£kzu@Ásk®.
purpose in the Test Booklet only. 5. @uºÄ •i¢uÄhß, @uºÄ GÊx£Áº ÂøhzuõøÍ AøÓ
5. On completion of the test, the candidate must hand @uºÄU PsPõo¨£õÍ›h® @uºÁøÓ°¼¸¢x öÁÎ@¯
over the Answer Sheet to the Invigilator before @£õS•ß@£ öPõkUP @Ásk®. @uºÄ GÊx£ÁºPÒ
leaving the Room/Hall. The candidates are allowed ÂÚõzuõÒ öuõS¨ø£ Gkzx öŒÀ» AÝ©vUP £kQÓõºPÒ.
to take away this Test Booklet with them. 6. C¢u ÂÚõzuõÒ öuõS¨¤À SÔ±k KK. ÂøhzuõÎß
£UP®-2 À öPõkUP¨£mkÒÍ SÔ±k® C¢u ÂÚõzuõÒ
6. The CODE for this Booklet is KK. Make sure that the öuõS¨¤ß SÔ±k® JßÖuõß GßÖ EÖv öŒ#¯Ä®.
CODE printed on Side-2 of the Answer Sheet is the HuõÁx •µs£õk C¸¢uõÀ, @uºÄ GÊx£Áº EhÚi¯õP
same as that on this Test Booklet. In case of discrepancy, AøÓ PsPõo¨£õÍ›h® öu›Âzx, ©õØÖ ÂÚõzuõÒ
the candidate should immediately report the matter to öuõS¨ø£²® ©ØÖ® ÂøhzuõøͲ® ö£ØÖU öPõÒÍ
the Invigilator for replacement of both the Test Booklet @Ásk®.
and the Answer Sheet. 7. @uºÄ GÊx£ÁºPÒ ÂøhzuõÒ ©h[Põ©À C¸¨£øu
EÖvöŒ#x öPõÒÍ @Ásk®. ÂøhzuõÎÀ G¢uÂu©õÚ
7. The candidates should ensure that the Answer Sheet is @uøÁ¯ØÓ SÔ¨¦PЮ öŒ#¯UThõx. ÂÚõzuõÒ
not folded. Do not make any stray marks on the Answer öuõS¨¦/ÂøhzuõÎÀ öPõkUP¨£mh SÔ¨¤mh Chzøu
Sheet. Do not write your Roll No. anywhere else except uµ G¢u Chzv¾® @uºÄ GÊx£Áº AÁµx £vÄ Gsøn
in the specified space in the Test Booklet/Answer Sheet. GÊuThõx.
8. Use of white fluid for correction is not permissible on the 8. ÂøhzuõÎÀ öÁÒøÍ vµÁzvÀ AÈzx v¸zu[PÒ öŒ#¯
Answer Sheet. AÝ©v°Àø».

In case of any ambiguity in translation of any question, English version shall be treated as final.
ÂÚõ ö©õÈ ö£¯º¨¤À HuõÁx ŒºaøŒ C¸¢uõÀ, B[Q» ¤µv@¯ •iÁõÚx.

Name of the Candidate (in Capitals) : _____________________________________________________________________

Roll Number : in figures ________________________________________________________________________________

: in words _________________________________________________________________________________

Centre of Examination (in Capitals) : ____________________________ _________________________________________

Candidate’s Signature : __________________________ Invigilator’s Signature : ________________________________

Facsimile signature stamp of

Centre Superintendent : ________________________________________________________________________________
AglaSem Admission
1. The kinetic energies of a planet in an elliptical 1. `›¯øÚa _ØÔÁ¸® }ÒÁmh¨£õøu°À J¸
orbit about the Sun, at positions A, B and C are ÷PõÎß C¯UP BØÓÀ A, B ©ØÖ® C {ø»PÎÀ
KA, KB and KC, respectively. AC is the major •øÓ÷¯ KA, KB ©ØÖ® KC BS®. `›¯ß
axis and SB is perpendicular to AC at the £hzvÀ Põmi¯ÁõÖ S- {ø»°À C¸US® ÷£õx
position of the Sun S as shown in the figure. AC Gߣx ö£›¯ Aaø\²® SB BÚx AC-ØS
Then ÷|º SzuõPÄ® EÒÍx

(1) KA > KB > K C

(1) KA > KB > K C
(2) KB < KA < K C
(2) KB < KA < K C
(3) KA < KB < K C
(3) KA < KB < K C (4) KB > KA > K C
(4) KB > KA > K C 2. J¸ vhU ÷PõÍ©õÚx E¸Ð® C¯UPzvÀ
EÒÍx, E¸Ð® C¯UPzvÀ, J¸ ö£õ¸ÍõÚx
2. A solid sphere is in rolling motion. In rolling
motion a body possesses translational kinetic
Ch¨ö£¯ºÄ C¯UP BØÓÀ (Kt) ©ØÖ® _ÇØ]
energy (Kt) as well as rotational kinetic energy C¯UP BØÓÀ (Kr) Cµsøh²® A÷u÷|µzvÀ
(Kr) simultaneously. The ratio Kt : (Kt + Kr) for ö£ØÔ¸US®. GÛÀ, vhU÷PõÍzvØPõÚ
the sphere is Kt : (Kt + Kr) uPÄ
(1) 5:7 (1) 5:7
(2) 10 : 7 (2) 10 : 7
(3) 7 : 10 (3) 7 : 10
(4) 2:5 (4) 2:5
3. A solid sphere is rotating freely about its 3. J¸ vhU÷PõÍ©õÚx Auß \©a^º Aaø\¨ £ØÔ
symmetry axis in free space. The radius of the PmiÀ»õ öÁΰÀ ußÛaø\¯õP _ÇÀQÓx.
sphere is increased keeping its mass same. Auß {øÓø¯ ©õØÓõ©À Auß Bµ® ©mk®
Which of the following physical quantities would
AvP›UP¨£kvÓx. GÛÀ, vhU÷PõÍzøu¨
remain constant for the sphere ?
ö£õ¸zu©miÀ ¤ßÁ¸ÁÚÁØÔÀ G¢u
(1) Moment of inertia
C¯Ø¤¯À Põµo¯õÚx ©õÓõ©À C¸US®
(2) Rotational kinetic energy
(1) v¸¨¦zvÓß
(3) Angular velocity
(4) Angular momentum (2) _ÇØ] C¯UP BØÓÀ
(3) ÷Põn vø\÷ÁP®
4. If the mass of the Sun were ten times smaller
and the universal gravitational constant were (4) ÷Põn E¢u®
ten times larger in magnitude, which of the
4. `›¯Ûß {øÓ £zx ©h[S SøÓÁõPÄ®, Dº¨¦
following is not correct ?
©õÔ¼ £zx ©h[S AvP©õPÄ® AÍÃmiÀ
(1) Walking on the ground would become more C¸¢uõÀ, ¤ßÁ¸® TØÔÀ Gx uÁÓõÚx
(1) uøµ°À |h¨£x ªPÄ® ]µ©©õP C¸US®.
(2) Time period of a simple pendulum on the
(2) ¦Â°À uÛ F\¼ß Põ» Aø»Ä ÷|µ®
Earth would decrease.
(3) Raindrops will fall faster. (3) ©øÇzxÎPÒ ÷ÁP©õP RÈÓ[S®.
(4) ‘g’ on the Earth will not change. (4) ¦Â£µ¨¤ß «x ‘g’-ß ©v¨¦ ©õÓõx.


AglaSem Admission
5. A toy car with charge q moves on a frictionless 
5. ^µõÚ ªß¦»® E ß uõUPzvÚõÀ q ªßÞmh®
horizontal plane surface under the influence of a
  öPõsh J¸ ö£õ®ø© PõµõÚx Eµõ´ÁØÓ QøhuÍ
uniform electric field E . Due to the force q E , 
its velocity increases from 0 to 6 m/s in one £µ¨¤ß ªx |PºQÓx. q E Âø\°ÚõÀ 1 ÂÚõi Põ»
AÍÂÀ Auß vø\÷ÁP® 0 ¼¸¢x 6 m/s ØS
second duration. At that instant the direction of
E¯ºÁøhSÓx. A¢uUPÚzvÀ ªß¦»zvß vø\
the field is reversed. The car continues to move ©õØÓ¨£kQÓx. C¢u ¦»zvß uõUPzvÀ PõµõÚx
for two more seconds under the influence of this öuõhº¢x ÷©¾® Cµsk ÂÚõiPÒ |PºvÓx. GÛÀ 0
field. The average velocity and the average speed ¼¸¢x 3 ÂÚõiPÎÀ Põ›ß \õµ\› vø\÷ÁP® ©ØÖ®
of the toy car between 0 to 3 seconds are \µõ\› ÂøµÄ
respectively (1) 1 m/s, 3 m/s
(1) 1 m/s, 3 m/s (2) 1 m/s, 3·5 m/s
(2) 1 m/s, 3·5 m/s (3) 2 m/s, 4 m/s
(3) 2 m/s, 4 m/s (4) 1·5 m/s, 3 m/s
6. m-{øÓöPõsh öuõS¨¦ JßÖ -\õ´ÄU÷Põn®
(4) 1·5 m/s, 3 m/s
6. A block of mass m is placed on a smooth inclined
öPõsh ABC GßÓ ÁÇÁǨ£õÚ \õ´uÍzvß
wedge ABC of inclination  as shown in the
«x øÁUP¨£mkÒÍx £hzvÀ Põmh¨£mkÒÍx.
figure. The wedge is given an acceleration ‘a’
\õ´uÍ©õÚx Á»¨¦Ó©õP ‘a’ AÍÄ •kUP®
towards the right. The relation between a and 
öPõkUP¨£kQÓx. öuõS¨¦ \õ¯uÍzvß«x
for the block to remain stationary on the wedge
{ø»¯õP C¸¨£uØPõÚ a ©ØÖ®  ØS
Cøh÷¯¯õÚ öuõhº¦

g (1) a=
(1) a= sin 
sin 
(2) a = g cos 
(2) a = g cos 
g (3) a=
(3) a= cosec 
cosec 
(4) a = g tan 
(4) a = g tan   ^ ^ ^ 7. ¦ÒÎ (2, 0, – 3) À, ¦ÒÎ (2, – 2, – 2) I¨ö£õ¸zx,
7. The moment of the force, F = 4 i + 5 j – 6 k at  ^
(2, 0, – 3), about the point (2, – 2, – 2), is given by Âø\ F = 4^i + 5 ^j – 6 k ØPõÚ E¢uzøuz u¸Áx
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
(1) – 4 i – j – 8 k (1) –4i – j – 8k
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
(2) – 7 i – 8 j – 4 k (2) –7i – 8 j – 4k
^ ^ ^
^ ^ ^ (3) –8i – 4 j – 7k
(3) – 8 i – 4 j – 7 k ^ ^ ^
(4) –7i – 4 j – 8k
^ ^ ^ 8. J¸ ©õnÁº «Ò]ØÓÍÄ 0·001 cm öPõsh v¸S
(4) – 7 i – 4 j – 8 k
8. A student measured the diameter of a small steel
AÍÂø¯U öPõsk, J¸ ]Ô¯ C¸®¦ Ssiß
ball using a screw gauge of least count
Âmhzøu AÍUQÓõº. v¸S AÍ塧 ‰»
0·001 cm. The main scale reading is 5 mm and
AÍÄ ©v¨¦ 5 mm ©ØÖ® Ámh AÍÄ ¤›Âß
zero of circular scale division coincides with
_ȯõÚx ÷©Ø÷PõÒ ©mhzvØS 25 ¤›ÄPÐUS
25 divisions above the reference level. If screw
÷©À J¸[Qøn¢xÒÍx. v¸S AÍÂ
– 0·004 cm _ȤøÇ öPõshx GÛÀ, Ssiß
gauge has a zero error of – 0·004 cm, the correct
diameter of the ball is
\›¯õÚ Âmh®.
(1) 0·525 cm
(1) 0·525 cm
(2) 0·053 cm
(2) 0·053 cm
(3) 0·521 cm
(3) 0·521 cm
(4) 0·529 cm
(4) 0·529 cm
AglaSem Admission
9. The volume (V) of a monatomic gas varies with 9. J¸ JØøÓ Aq Áõ²Âß £¸© (V) ©õÖ£õk
its temperature (T), as shown in the graph. The Auß öÁ¨£{ø»ø¯¨ (T) ö£õ¸zuuõÚ
ratio of work done by the gas, to the heat Áøµ÷Põk £hzvÀ Põmh¨£mkÒÍx. £hzvÀ
absorbed by it, when it undergoes a change from {ø» A °¼¸¢x {ø» B ØS ©õÖ® ÷£õx
state A to state B, is Áõ²ÂÚõÀ ö\´¯¨£mh ÷Áø»US®, AuÚõÀ
EmPÁµ¨£mh öÁ¨£zvØS©õÚ uPÄ

(1) 2
3 (1)
(2) 1
3 (2)
2 2
(3) (3)
5 5
2 2
(4) (4)
7 7
10. The fundamental frequency in an open organ
10. J¸ vÓ¢u BºPß SÇõ°ß Ai¨£øh AvºöÁs
pipe is equal to the third harmonic of a closed
organ pipe. If the length of the closed organ pipe
BÚx J¸ ‰i¯ BºPß SÇõ°ß ‰ßÓõÁx
^›ø\USa \©©õS®. •i¯ BºPß SÇõ°ß }Í®
is 20 cm, the length of the open organ pipe is
20 cm, GÛÀ, vÓ¢u BºPß SÇõ°ß }Í®
(1) 8 cm
(1) 8 cm
(2) 12·5 cm
(2) 12·5 cm
(3) 13·2 cm (3) 13·2 cm
(4) 16 cm (4) 16 cm
11. At what temperature will the rms speed of 11. G¢u öÁ¨£{ø»°À BU]áß ‰»UTÓõÚx
oxygen molecules become just sufficient for ¦Â°¼¸¢x Âk£mka ö\À»z ÷uøÁ¯õÚ rms
escaping from the Earth’s atmosphere ? ÷ÁPzøu¨ ö£Ö®
(Given : (BU]áß ‰»UTÔß {øÓ (m) = 2·76  10–26 kg
Mass of oxygen molecule (m) = 2·76  10 kg ÷£õÀmì÷©ß ©õÔ¼ kB = 1·38  10–23 J K–1
–23 –1
Boltzmann’s constant kB = 1·38  10 JK ) öPõkUP¨£mkÒÍx)
4 4
(1) 8·360  10 K (1) 8·360  10 K
4 4
(2) 5·016  10 K (2) 5·016  10 K
4 4
(3) 2·508  10 K (3) 2·508  10 K
4 4
(4) 1·254  10 K (4) 1·254  10 K
12. The efficiency of an ideal heat engine working 12. }›ß EøÓ{ø»¨ ¦ÒÎUS® öPõv{ø»¨
between the freezing point and boiling point of ¦ÒÎUS® Cøh÷¯ ö\¯À£k® J¸ C»m]¯
water, is öÁ¨£ C¯¢vµzvß vÓß
(1) 20% (1) 20%
(2) 6·25% (2) 6·25%
(3) 26·8% (3) 26·8%
(4) 12·5% (4) 12·5%


AglaSem Admission
13. A carbon resistor of (47  4·7) k is to be marked 13. J¸ Põº£ß ªßuøh (47  4·7) k BÚx Auß
with rings of different colours for its ©v¨ø£ PshÔÁuØPõP Ásn ÁøͯU
SÔ±mk Aøh¯õÍ® Ch¨£mkÒÍx. Cuß
identification. The colour code sequence will be ÁsnU SÔ±mk Á›ø\UQµ©®
(1) Yellow – Violet – Orange – Silver (1) ©g\Ò & Fuõ & Bµg_ & öÁÒÎ
(2) ©g\Ò & £aø\ & Fuõ & ö£õßÛÓ®
(2) Yellow – Green – Violet – Gold
(3) Fuõ & ©g\Ò & Bµg_ & öÁÒÎ
(3) Violet – Yellow – Orange – Silver (4) £aø\ & Bµg_ & Fuõ & ö£õßÛÓ®
(4) Green – Orange – Violet – Gold 14. \© ªßuøh ‘R’ öPõsh ‘n’-GsoUøP°»õÚ
ªßuøhPÒ öuõhº Cøn¨¤À ‘R’ APªßuøh
14. A set of ‘n’ equal resistors, of value ‘R’ each, are öPõshx® ‘E’ AÍÄ emf öPõshx©õÚ ªß
connected in series to a battery of emf ‘E’ and P»zxhß CønUP¨£kvÓx. CvÀ £õ²®
internal resistance ‘R’. The current drawn is I. ªß÷Úõmh® I BS®. C¨ö£õÊx
Now, the ‘n’ resistors are connected in parallel to ‘n’-GsoUøP°»õÚ ªßuøhPÒ A÷u
the same battery. Then the current drawn from
ªßP»zxhß £UP Cøn¨¤À CønUP¨£mhõÀ
£õ²® ªß÷Úõmh® 10 I BQÓx GÛÀ ‘n’-ß
battery becomes 10 I. The value of ‘n’ is ©v¨¦
(1) 11 (1) 11
(2) 20 (2) 20
(3) 10
(3) 10
(4) 9
(4) 9
15. J¸ ªßP»z öuõS¨£õÚx ©õÖ£k GsoUøP
‘n’-öPõsh ªßP»[PøÍU öPõskÒÍx.
15. A battery consists of a variable number ‘n’ of
(JÆöÁõßÔß APªßuøh²® ‘r’ öPõshx).
identical cells (having internal resistance ‘r’
AøÁ öuõhº Cøn¨¤À CønUP¨£mkÒÍÚ.
each) which are connected in series. The ªßP»z öuõS¨¤ß •øÚPÒ JßÔønUP¨£mk
terminals of the battery are short-circuited and ªß÷Úõmh©õÚx I AÍUP¨£kvÓx. ¤ßÁ¸®
the current I is measured. Which of the graphs Áøµ÷PõmiÀ G¢u JßÖ I ©ØÖ® n-ØS
shows the correct relationship between I and n ? Cøh÷¯¯õÚ \›¯õÚ öuõhºø£ Põs¤UQÓx


AglaSem Admission
16. An em wave is propagating in a medium with a 16. J¸ ªßPõ¢u Aø» J¸ FhPzvß ÁÈ÷¯
  ^
^ V = V i vø\÷ÁPzvÀ £µÄQÓx. A¢uU PÚzvÀ
velocity V = V i . The instantaneous oscillating
electric field of this em wave is along +y axis. ªßPõ¢u Aø»°ß ªß¦»® + y Aa]À
Aø»ÄÖQÓx. GÛÀ, Aø»ÄÖ® Põ¢u¨ ¦»zvß
Then the direction of oscillating magnetic field of
the em wave will be along
(1) + z vø\°À
(1) + z direction
(2) – y vø\°À
(2) – y direction
(3) – z vø\°À
(3) – z direction
(4) – x vø\°À
(4) – x direction
17. J¸ •¨£mhP¨ ö£õ¸Îß JλPÀ Gs 2
17. The refractive index of the material of a prism is
©ØÖ® •¨£mhPzvß ÷Põn® 30. öÁÒΨ §a_
2 and the angle of the prism is 30. One of the
öPõsk •¨£mhPzvß J¸ JλPÀ £µ¨¦
two refracting surfaces of the prism is made a
Em¦Ó©õP Bi¯õP ©õØÓ¨£kQÓx. Jΰß
mirror inwards, by silver coating. A beam of
ußø©öPõsh JÎUPØøÓ JßÖ •¨£mhPzvß
monochromatic light entering the prism from the ©ØöÓõ¸ £UPzvß ÁÈ÷¯ Fk¸Â Aøu
other face will retrace its path (after reflection ÁÈ÷¯ v¸®¦QÓx. (JΨ§a]À ¤µv£¼zu¤ß)
from the silvered surface) if its angle of incidence Auß •¨£mhPzvß «uõÚ £k÷Põn®
on the prism is
(1) 45
(1) 45
(2) 30
(2) 30
(3) 60
(3) 60
(4) _È
(4) zero
18. 15 cm S¯zyµ® öPõsh J¸ SÈBi°¼¸¢x
18. An object is placed at a distance of 40 cm from a 40 cm öuõø»ÂÀ ö£õ¸Ò øÁUP¨£mkÒÍx.
concave mirror of focal length 15 cm. If the object Biø¯ ÷|õUQ¯ vø\°À ö£õ¸ÍõÚx 20 cm
is displaced through a distance of 20 cm towards öuõø»ÂØS |Pºzu¨£mhõÀ, ¤®£zvß
the mirror, the displacement of the image will be Ch¨ö£¯ºÄ
(1) 36 cm away from the mirror (1) Bi°¼¸¢x 36 cm »Qaö\À¾®

(2) 30 cm towards the mirror (2) Bi÷|õUQ 30 cm ÷|õUQ C¸US®

(3) 30 cm away from the mirror (3) Bi°¼¸¢x 30 cm »Qaö\À¾®

(4) 36 cm towards the mirror (4) Bi÷|õUQ 36 cm ÷|õUQ C¸US®

19. J¸ ªßysi°À ÷\P›UP¨£mkÒÍ Põ¢u

19. The magnetic potential energy stored in a certain
{ø»¯õØÓÀ 25 mJ, ªßysi°À ªß÷Úõmh®
inductor is 25 mJ, when the current in the
60 mA GÛÀ, ªßysh¼ß ©v¨¦
inductor is 60 mA. This inductor is of inductance
(1) 138·88 H
(1) 138·88 H
(2) 1·389 H
(2) 1·389 H
(3) 0·138 H
(3) 0·138 H
(4) 13·89 H
(4) 13·89 H


AglaSem Admission
20. An electron of mass m with an initial velocity 20. m-{øÓöPõsh J¸ Gö»Umµõß,
  ^
^ V = V0 i (V0 > 0) GßÓ xÁUP vø\÷ÁPzvÀ,
V = V0 i (V0 > 0) enters an electric field
 ^  ^
E = – E0 i (E0 = constant > 0) at t = 0. If 0 is t = 0 {ø»°À, E = – E0 i (E0 = ©õÔ¼ > 0)
its de-Broglie wavelength initially, then its ªß¦»zvÝÒ ~øÇQÓx. xÁUPzvÀ 0 Gߣx
j¤µõU¼ Aø»}Í® GÛÀ, t ÷|µzvÀ j£õµU¼
de-Broglie wavelength at time t is
 eE0   eE0 
(1) 0  1  t (1) 0  1  t 
 mV0  mV
 0 
(2) 0 t (2) 0 t

0 0
(3) (3)
 eE0   eE0 
1  t 1  t
  mV0 
 mV0  
(4) 0
(4) 0
21. J¸ Pv›¯UP® ö£õ¸ÐUS, Aøµ B²Ò Põ»®
21. For a radioactive material, half-life is 10 {ªh[PÒ. xÁUPzvÀ C¸¢u AqUP¸UPÎß
10 minutes. If initially there are 600 number of GsoUøP 600, GÛÀ, 450 AqUP¸UPÒ
nuclei, the time taken (in minutes) for the ]øuÄÓ BS® Põ»® ({ªhzvÀ)
disintegration of 450 nuclei is
(1) 10
(1) 10
(2) 30
(2) 30
(3) 20
(3) 20
(4) 15
(4) 15
22. øíiµ\ß AqÂß J¸ ÷£õº _ØÔ¾ÒÍ J¸
22. The ratio of kinetic energy to the total energy of Gö»UmµõÛß C¯UP BØÓ¾US® ö©õzu
an electron in a Bohr orbit of the hydrogen atom, BØÓ¾US©õÚ uPÄ
(1) 1:–1
(1) 1:–1
(2) 2:–1
(2) 2:–1
(3) 1:1
(3) 1:1
(4) 1:–2
(4) 1:–2
23. 2v0 AvºöÁs öPõsh (v0 Gߣx £¯ß öuõhUP
23. When the light of frequency 2v0 (where v0 is
AvºöÁs) JÎ J¸ E÷»õP uPmiß «x £k®
threshold frequency), is incident on a metal
÷£õx, EªÇ¨£k® Gö»UmµõßPÎß ö£¸©
plate, the maximum velocity of electrons emitted vø\÷ÁP® v1 £kPv›ß AvºöÁs 5v0 AÍÄ
is v1. When the frequency of the incident
AvP›UP¨£mhõÀ, A÷u uPmiß «v¸¢x
radiation is increased to 5v0, the maximum
EªÇ¨£k® Gö»UmµõßPÎß ö£¸© vø\÷ÁP®
velocity of electrons emitted from the same plate
v2, GÛÀ v1 ¼¸¢x v2 ØPõÚ ÂQu®
is v2. The ratio of v1 to v2 is
(1) 1:4
(1) 1:4
(2) 4:1
(2) 4:1
(3) 1:2
(3) 1:2
(4) 2:1
(4) 2:1
AglaSem Admission
24. Unpolarised light is incident from air on a plane 24. ‘’ JλPÀ GsöPõsh \©uÍ £µ¨¤ß «x,
surface of a material of refractive index ‘’. At a PõØÔ¼¸¢x J¸ uÍÂøÍÄÓõ JΣkQÓx. J¸
particular angle of incidence ‘i’, it is found that SÔ¨¤mh £k÷Põn® ‘i’-À ¤µv£¼¨¦ Pv¸®
the reflected and refracted rays are »SPv¸® JßÖUöPõßÖ ö\[SzuõP C¸¨£x
perpendicular to each other. Which of the
PshÔ¯¨£kQÓx. C¢uU `Ì{ø»US,
¤ß£¸ÁÚÁØÔÀ G¢uU TØÖ \›¯õÚx
following options is correct for this situation ?
(1) ¤µv£¼¨¦ JÎ Auß ªßÛ¯À
(1) Reflected light is polarised with its electric öÁUhõ¸hÚõÚ £kuÍzvØS ö\[Szx
vø\°À uÍÂøÍÄÖ®
vector perpendicular to the plane of
incidence –1  1 
(2) i = sin  
–1  1 
(2) i = sin   (3) ¤µv£¼¨¦ JÎ Auß ªßÛ¯À
öÁUh¸hÚõÚ £kuÍzvØS Cønvø\°À
(3) Reflected light is polarised with its electric uÍÂøÍÄÖ®
vector parallel to the plane of incidence –1  1 
(4) i = tan  
–1  1 
(4) i = tan  
 25. J¸ ÁõÛ¯À JλPÀ öuõø» ÷|õUQ¯õÚx,
AvP ÷Põn E¸¨ö£¸UP•®, E¯º ÷Põn
25. An astronomical refracting telescope will have TºEnºÄ® öPõsi¸UP, Auß ö£õ¸Í¸S
large angular magnification and high angular ÂÀø»¯õÚx
(1) AvP S¯zyµ® ©ØÖ® ]Ô¯ Âmh®
resolution, when it has an objective lens of
öPõsi¸UP ÷Ásk®
(1) large focal length and small diameter (2) AvP S¯zyµ® ©ØÖ® AvP Âmh®
öPõsi¸UP ÷Ásk®
(2) large focal length and large diameter
(3) SøÓ¢u S¯zyµ® ©ØÖ® AvP Âmh®
(3) small focal length and large diameter öPõsi¸UP ÷Ásk®
(4) small focal length and small diameter (4) SøÓ¢u S¯zyµ® ©ØÖ® SøÓ¢u Âmh®
öPõsi¸UP ÷Ásk®

26. In Young’s double slit experiment the separation 26. J¸ ¯[ Cµmøh ¤ÍÄ £›÷\õuøÚ°À
d between the slits is 2 mm, the wavelength  of
¤ÍÄPÐUS Cøh¨£mh d BÚx 2 mm.
£¯ß£kzu¨£k® J롧 Aø»}Í®  = 5896 Å
the light used is 5896 Å and distance D between
©ØÖ® vøµUS® ¤ÍÄUS® Cøh¨£mh
the screen and slits is 100 cm. It is found that the
öuõø»Ä D ß ©v¨¦ 100 cm. Áøͯ[PÎß
angular width of the fringes is 0·20. To increase
÷Põn AP»® 0·20 A÷u  ©ØÖ® D ©v¨¤ØS
the fringe angular width to 0·21 (with same 
÷Põn AP»zøu 0·21 AÍÄ AvP›UP,
and D) the separation between the slits needs to ¤ÍÄPÐUS Cøh¨£mh öuõø»ÂÀ ÷uøÁ¯õÚ
be changed to ©õØÓ®
(1) 1·9 mm (1) 1·9 mm
(2) 2·1 mm (2) 2·1 mm
(3) 1·8 mm (3) 1·8 mm
(4) 1·7 mm (4) 1·7 mm


AglaSem Admission
27. In the circuit shown in the figure, the input 27. R÷ÇöPõkUP¨£mkÒÍ _ØÔÀ, EÒÏk
voltage Vi is 20 V, VBE = 0 and VCE = 0. The ªßÚÊzu® (Vi) 20 V, VBE = 0 ©ØÖ® VCE = 0.
values of IB, IC and  are given by GÛÀ, IB, IC ©ØÖ®  ß ©v¨¦

(1) IB = 25 A, IC = 5 mA,  = 200 (1) IB = 25 A, IC = 5 mA,  = 200

(2) IB = 20 A, IC = 5 mA,  = 250 (2) IB = 20 A, IC = 5 mA,  = 250

(3) IB = 40 A, IC = 10 mA,  = 250 (3) IB = 40 A, IC = 10 mA,  = 250

(4) IB = 40 A, IC = 5 mA,  = 125 (4) IB = 40 A, IC = 5 mA,  = 125

28. In a p-n junction diode, change in temperature 28. J¸ p-n \¢vøh÷¯õiÀ, öÁ¨£¨£kzu¨
due to heating £kÁuõÀ HØ£k® öÁ¨£{ø» ©õØÓ®
(1) •ß÷ÚõUQ¯ ªøhuøhø¯ ©mk®
(1) affects only forward resistance
(2) does not affect resistance of p-n junction (2) p-n \¢v°ß ªßuøhø¯ £õvUPõx
(3) affects only reverse resistance (3) v¸¨¤¯ ªßuøhø¯ ©mk® £õvUS®
(4) affects the overall V – I characteristics of (4) p-n \¢v°ß •ÊÁx©õÚ V − I £s¤¯ø»
p-n junction £õvUS®

29. In the combination of the following gates the 29. R÷Ç öPõkUP¨£mkÒÍ uºUPÁõ°À _ØÖ
output Y can be written in terms of inputs A and Aø©¨¤À, EÒÏkPÒ A ©ØÖ® B ØPõÚ \›¯õÚ
B as öÁαk Y

– – – –
(1) A. B + A .B (1) A. B + A .B
(2) A.B +A.B (2) A.B +A.B

(3) A.B (3) A.B

(4) AB (4) AB


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30. A tuning fork is used to produce resonance in a 30. J¸ PsnõiU SÇõ°À Jzvø\øÁ HØ£kzu J¸
glass tube. The length of the air column in this Cø\UPøÁ £¯ß£kzu¨£kQÓx. J¸ C¯[S
tube can be adjusted by a variable piston. At usøhUöPõsk SÇõ°ÝÒ EÒÍ PõØÖz
room temperature of 27C two successive u®£zvß }Ízøu \›ö\´¯»õ®. 27C
resonances are produced at 20 cm and 73 cm of AøÓöÁ¨£{ø»°À, Akzukzx Cµsk
column length. If the frequency of the tuning fork
Jzvø\ÄPÒ 20 cm ©ØÖ® 73 cm }ÍzvÀ
is 320 Hz, the velocity of sound in air at 27C is
E¸ÁõUP¨£kQÓx. Cø\UPøÁ°ß AvºöÁs
(1) 339 m/s 320 Hz GÛÀ, 27C US J¼°ß vø\÷ÁP©õÚx ?
(2) 350 m/s (1) 339 m/s
(2) 350 m/s
(3) 330 m/s (3) 330 m/s
(4) 300 m/s (4) 300 m/s
31. Q ªßÞmh® ©ØÖ® A £µ¨¦ öPõsh Cøn
31. The electrostatic force between the metal plates uPk ªß÷uUQ°ß C ¤›UP¨£mkÒÍ Cµsk
of an isolated parallel plate capacitor C having a
uPkPÐUS Cøh÷¯ Põn¨£k® {ø» ªßÛ¯À
charge Q and area A, is
(1) linearly proportional to the distance (1) uPkPÐUS Cøh¨£mh öuõø»ÂØS
between the plates. ÷|›¯À ÂQu¨ ö£õ¸zu•øh¯x.
(2) proportional to the square root of the (2) uPkPÐUS Cøh¨£mh öuõø»ÂØS
C¸©i ‰» ÂPu¨ ö£õ¸zu•øh¯x.
distance between the plates.
(3) uPkPÐUS Cøh¨£mh öuõø»øÁ
(3) independent of the distance between the \õµõux.
plates. (4) uPkPÐUS Cøh¨£mh öuõø»ÂØS
(4) inversely proportional to the distance
GvºÂQu ö£õ¸zu•øh¯x.
between the plates. 32. ^µõÚ ©ØÖ® ö\[SzuõP ÷©À÷|õUQ¯
vø\°»õÚ J¸ ªß¦»® E À, J¸ Gö»Umµõß
32. An electron falls from rest through a vertical BÚx K´Ä{ø»°¼¸¢x ö\[SzuõP h
distance h in a uniform and vertically upward
öuõø»Ä R÷Ç ÂÊQÓx. C¨ö£õÊx
directed electric field E. The direction of electric
ªß¦»zvß AÍÄ A¨£i÷¯ øÁUP¨£mk
field is now reversed, keeping its magnitude the
same. A proton is allowed to fall from rest in it
vø\©mk® v¸¨£¨£kQÓx. J¸ ¦÷µõmhõß
through the same vertical distance h. The time of BÚx ªß¦»zvÝÒ A÷u E¯µ® h AÍÂØS
fall of the electron, in comparison to the time of R÷Ç ÂÊ©õÖ ö\´¯¨£kQÓx. GÛÀ
fall of the proton is Gö»Umµõß ÂÊ® ÷|µ AÍÄ ¦÷µõmhõß ÂÊ®
(1) 5 times greater
÷|µ AÍÄhß J¨¤mhõÀ
(1) 5 ©h[S ö£›¯x
(2) 10 times greater (2) 10 ©h[S ö£›¯x
(3) smaller (3) ]Ô¯x
(4) equal (4) \©©õÚx
33. ÷uøÁ¯õÚ E¯µ•ÒÍ Pmihzvß Tøµ°ß
33. A pendulum is hung from the roof of a
Ea]°¼¸¢x J¸ F\»õÚx
sufficiently high building and is moving freely to
öuõ[PÂh¨£mkÒÍx ©ØÖ® Ax J¸ ^›ø\
and fro like a simple harmonic oscillator. The
Aø»°¯ØÔ÷£õÀ •ßÝ® ¤ßÝ® C¯À£õP
acceleration of the bob of the pendulum is
2 Aø»ÄÖ©õÖ EÒÍx. \µõ\› {ø»°¼¸¢x
20 m/s at a distance of 5 m from the mean
position. The time period of oscillation is 5 m öuõø»ÂÀ F\À £¢vß •kUP® 20 m/s2
GÛÀ, Aø»Ä ÷|µ®
(1)  s
(1) s
(2) 2s (2) 2s
(3) 2 s (3) 2 s
(4) 1s (4) 1s


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34. A metallic rod of mass per unit length 34. Jº A»S }ÍzvØS 0·5 kg m–1 {øÓöPõsh J¸
–1 E÷»õPU PÈ JßÖ, Qøh©mhzxhß 30 \õ´ÄU
0·5 kg m is lying horizontally on a smooth
inclined plane which makes an angle of 30 with ÷PõnzøuUöPõsh ÁÇÁǨ£õÚ \õ´uÍzvß
the horizontal. The rod is not allowed to slide «x Qhzu¨£mkÒÍx. PȯõÚx R÷ÇÁÊUPõ©À
down by flowing a current through it when a C¸UP, ö\[Szx vø\°À 0·25 T Põ¢u¨
¦»zyshÀ ö\¯À£kzu¨£mk, Auß ÁÈ÷¯
magnetic field of induction 0·25 T is acting on it
ªß÷Úõmh® £õ²®£i ö\´¯¨£kQÓx. GÛÀ,
in the vertical direction. The current flowing in
PÈø¯ |Pµõ©À {ø»¯õP øÁzv¸UP Auß
the rod to keep it stationary is
ÁÈ÷¯ £õ²® ªß÷Úõmh®
(1) 5·98 A (1) 5·98 A
(2) 14·76 A (2) 14·76 A
(3) 7·14 A (3) 7·14 A
(4) 11·32 A (4) 11·32 A

35. Current sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer 35. J¸ C¯[S _¸Ò PõÀÁ÷Úõ «mh›ß
is 5 div/mA and its voltage sensitivity (angular ªß÷Úõmh EnºÄ ~m£® 5 div/mA ©ØÖ®
ªßÚÊzu EnºÄ ~m£® 20 div/V GÛÀ
deflection per unit voltage applied) is 20 div/V.
PõÀÁ÷Úõ «mh›ß ªßuøh
The resistance of the galvanometer is
(1) 25 
(1) 25 
(2) 250 
(2) 250 
(3) 40 
(3) 40 
(4) 500 
(4) 500 
36. J¸ ªßPõ¢u x¸Á •øÚPÐUQøh÷¯
36. A thin diamagnetic rod is placed vertically ö\[SzuõP ö©À¼¯ Gvº Põ¢uUPÈ
between the poles of an electromagnet. When the øÁUP¨£mkÒÍx. ªßPõ¢u ªß÷Úõmh©õÚx
current in the electromagnet is switched on, then AÝ©vUP¨£mhx®, Cøh©mh Põ¢u¨ ¦»zvÀ
Gvº Põ¢uUPÈ ÷©À÷|õUQ uÒͨ£kQÓx.
the diamagnetic rod is pushed up, out of the
GÚ÷Á PȯõÚx Dº¨¦ ªß{ø» BØÓø»¨
horizontal magnetic field. Hence the rod gains
ö£ÖQÓx. CuØS ÷uøÁ¯õÚ ÷Áø»ø¯ ö\´¯
gravitational potential energy. The work
required to do this comes from
(1) Põ¢u¨¦»®
(1) the magnetic field (2) PÈö\´¯¨£mkÒÍ ö£õ¸Îß
(2) the lattice structure of the material of the AoU÷PõøÁ Pmhø©¨¦
rod (3) ªß ‰»®
(3) the current source (4) Põ¢u¨ ¦» ©õØÓzvÚõÀ ysh¨£k®
(4) the induced electric field due to the ªß¦»®
changing magnetic field 37. J¸ ªßysi 20 mH, J¸ ªß÷uUQ 100 F
37. An inductor 20 mH, a capacitor 100 F and a ©ØÖ® J¸ ªßuøh 50  BQ¯Ú öuõhº
resistor 50  are connected in series across a Cøn¨¤À, emf, V = 10 sin 314 t US Cøh÷¯
source of emf, V = 10 sin 314 t. The power loss in CønUP¨£mkÒÍx C¢u _ØÔÀ HØ£k® BØÓÀ
the circuit is CǨ¦
(1) 0·43 W (1) 0·43 W
(2) 2·74 W (2) 2·74 W
(3) 0·79 W (3) 0·79 W
(4) 1·13 W (4) 1·13 W


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38. The power radiated by a black body is P and it 38. J¸ P¸®ö£õ¸Îß BØÓÀ PvºÃa_ P ©ØÖ®
Ax ö£¸© BØÓø» 0 Aø»}ÍzvÀ Ã_QÓx.
radiates maximum energy at wavelength, 0. If
P¸®ö£õ¸Îß öÁ¨£{ø»ø¯, Ax ö£¸©
the temperature of the black body is now 3
BØÓø»  Aø»}ÍzvÀ öÁΰh HØÓÁõÖ
changed so that it radiates maximum energy at 4 0
3 ©õØÔÚõÀ, BØÓÀ PvºÃa_ nP GßÓõQÓx.
wavelength  , the power radiated by it
4 0 GÛÀ, n-ß ©v¨¦
becomes nP. The value of n is
4 3
3 256
256 81
81 3
3 4
(3) 81
4 (4)
(4) 39. J÷µ ö£õ¸ÎÚõÀ ö\´¯¨£mh Cµsk P®¤PÒ
J÷µ AÍÄ £¸©ß öPõshuõPÄ® EÒÍÚ. •uÀ
39. Two wires are made of the same material and P®¤°ß SÖUSöÁmk¨£µ¨¦ A ©ØÖ®
have the same volume. The first wire has CµshõÁx P®¤°ß SÖUSöÁmk¨£µ¨¦ 3A
cross-sectional area A and the second wire has BS®. •uÀ P®¤°ß }Ízøu l AÍÄ AvP›UP
cross-sectional area 3A. If the length of the first Auß «x Âø\ F ö\¯À£kzu¨£kQÓx GÛÀ
wire is increased by  l on applying a force F,
CµshõÁx P®¤ø¯²® A÷u AÍÄ }miUP
how much force is needed to stretch the second
÷uøÁ¯õÚ Âø\°ß AÍÄ
wire by the same amount ?
(1) 6F
(1) 6F
(2) 4F
(2) 4F
(3) 9F
(3) 9F
(4) F
(4) F
40. ‘r’-Bµ® öPõsh J¸ ]Ô¯ ÷PõÍ©õÚx K´Ä
40. A small sphere of radius ‘r’ falls from rest in a {ø»°¼¸¢x J¸ £õ´© vµÁzvÝÒ ÂÊ©õÖ
viscous liquid. As a result, heat is produced due ö\´¯¨£kQÓx. Cuß ÂøÍÁõÀ £õ´©
to viscous force. The rate of production of heat Âø\°ÚõÀ öÁ¨£® E¸ÁõQÓx. ÷PõÍ©õÚx
when the sphere attains its terminal velocity, is •øÚ¯P vø\÷ÁPzøu Aøh²®÷£õx öÁ¨£
proportional to E¸ÁõUP Ãu ÃQu¨ ö£õ¸zu®
(1) r (1) r
(2) r (2) r
(3) r (3) r
(4) r (4) r

41. A sample of 0·1 g of water at 100C and normal

5 –2 41. 100C À, C¯À£õÚ AÊzuvÀ (1·013  105 Nm–2)
pressure (1·013  10 Nm ) requires 54 cal of EÒÍ 0·1 g ©õv› }øµ B¯õP ©õØÓ 54
heat energy to convert to steam at 100C. If the P÷»õ›US 100C öÁ¨£ BØÓÀ ÷uøÁ¨£kQÓx.
volume of the steam produced is 167·1 cc, the CvÀ EØ£zv¯õÚ B塧 £¸©ß 167·1 cc
change in internal energy of the sample, is GÛÀ ©õv›°ß AP BØÓÀ ©õÖ£õk
(1) 208·7 J (1) 208·7 J
(2) 42·2 J (2) 42·2 J
(3) 104·3 J (3) 104·3 J
(4) 84·5 J (4) 84·5 J


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42. A body initially at rest and sliding along a 42. xÁUPzvÀ J´Ä{ø»°¾ÒÍ J¸ ö£õ¸ÍõÚx
frictionless track from a height h (as shown in h-E¯µzv¼¸¢x Eµõ´ÁØÓ £õøu°À (£hzvÀ
the figure) just completes a vertical circle of Põmi¯ÁõÖ) RÈÓ[Q J¸ ö\[SzuõÚ Ámh
diameter AB = D. The height h is equal to _ØøÓ •iUQÓx. Ámha _ØÔß Âmh® AB = D
GÛÀ, E¯µ® h ØS \©©õÚx

(1) D
(1) D
(2) D 7
5 (2) D
(3) D 3
2 (3) D
5 5
(4) D (4) D
4 4
43. Three objects, A : (a solid sphere), B : (a thin 43. ‰ßÖ ö£õ¸ÒPÒ A : (J¸ vh ÷PõÍ®), B : (J¸
circular disk) and C : (a circular ring), each have ö©À¼¯ Ámh Ámk) ©ØÖ® C : (J¸ Ámh
the same mass M and radius R. They all spin Áøͯ®) JÆöÁõßÖ® J÷µ AÍÄ {øÓ M
with the same angular speed  about their own ©ØÖ® Bµ® R öPõshøÁ¯õS® \©a^º
symmetry axes. The amounts of work (W) Aaø\¨£ØÔ J÷µ AÍÄ ÷Põnvø\÷ÁP® -À
required to bring them to rest, would satisfy the _ÇÀQßÓÚ. AÁØøÓ K´Äø»US öPõsk
relation Á¸ÁuØS ÷uøÁ¯õÚ ÷Áø» AÍÄ (W)
(1) WA > WB > WC ©v¨ø£ §ºzvö\´ÁuØPõÚ öuõhº¦
(2) WB > WA > WC (1) WA > WB > WC
(2) WB > WA > WC
(3) WC > WB > WA
(3) WC > WB > WA
(4) WA > WC > WB
(4) WA > WC > WB
44. A moving block having mass m, collides with 44. m-{øÓöPõsh |P¸® öuõS¨¦ JßÖ 4m
another stationary block having mass 4m. The
{øÓöPõsh {ø»¯õP EÒÍ öuõS¨¤ß «x
lighter block comes to rest after collision. When
the initial velocity of the lighter block is v, then
÷©õxQÓx. ÷©õu¾US¨ ¤ß {øÓSøÓÁõÚ
the value of coefficient of restitution (e) will be öuõS¨¦ J´Ä{ø»US Á¸QÓx. {øÓSøÓÁõÚ
(1) 0·25 öuõS¨¤ß xÁUP vø\÷ÁP® v GÛÀ,
(2) 0·8 {ø»«m]U SnP® (e) ß ©v¨¦
(3) 0·5 (1) 0·25
(4) 0·4 (2) 0·8
(3) 0·5
45. Which one of the following statements is
incorrect ? (4) 0·4
45. ¤ßÁ¸® TØÔÀ Gx uÁÓõÚx
(1) Limiting value of static friction is directly (1) {ø» Eµõ´Âß Áµ®¦ ©v¨¦ ÷|ºSzx
proportional to normal reaction. GvºÂøÚUS ÷|ºÂQu¨ ö£õ¸zu•øh¯x.
(2) Frictional force opposes the relative motion. (2) Eµõ´Ä Âø\¯õÚx \õº¦ C¯UPzøu
(3) Rolling friction is smaller than sliding (3) E¸Ð® Eµõ´Ä ÁÊUS®
friction. Eµõ´øÁUPõmi¾® ]Ô¯x.
(4) Coefficient of sliding friction has (4) ÁÊUS Eµõ´ÄU SnP® }Í A»SPøÍU
dimensions of length. öPõshx.


AglaSem Admission
46. Match the metal ions given in Column I with the 46. öuõSv I À öPõkUP¨£mh E÷»õP A¯ÛPøÍ
spin magnetic moments of the ions given in öuõSv II À öPõkUP¨£mh AÆA¯ÛPÎß
Column II and assign the correct code : _ÇØ] Põ¢uv¸¨¦zvÓÝhß ö£õ¸zv ©ØÖ®
Column I Column II Auß \›¯õÚ SÔ±møh ÷uº¢öukUPÄ® :

a. Co
i. 8 B.M. öuõSv I öuõSv II
3+ a. Co i. 8 B.M.
b. Cr ii. 35 B.M. 3+
b. Cr ii. 35 B.M.
c. Fe iii. 3 B.M. 3+
c. Fe iii. 3 B.M.
d. Ni iv. 24 B.M. d. Ni
iv. 24 B.M.
v. 15 B.M. v. 15 B.M.

a b c d a b c d
(1) i ii iii iv (1) i ii iii iv
(2) iv i ii iii
(2) iv i ii iii
(3) iv v ii i
(3) iv v ii i
(4) iii v i ii
(4) iii v i ii
47. C¸®¦ Põº£øÚÀ, Fe(CO)5 BÚx
47. Iron carbonyl, Fe(CO)5 is
(1) JßøÓU P¸
(1) mononuclear (2) •U P¸
(2) trinuclear (3) |õßS P¸
(3) tetranuclear (4) C¸ P¸
(4) dinuclear 48. [CoCl2(en)2] AønÄ Põmk® ©õØÔ¯zvß
48. The type of isomerism shown by the complex ÁøP¯õÚx
[CoCl2(en)2] is (1) AønÄ ©õØÔ¯®
(2) A¯Û ©õØÔ¯®
(1) Coordination isomerism
(3) ÁiÁ Á\ ©õØÔ¯®
(2) Ionization isomerism (4) Cøn¨¦ ©õØÔ¯®
(3) Geometrical isomerism 49. RÌPsh A¯ÛPÎÀ Gx JßÖ d-d ©õØÓzøu²®
(4) Linkage isomerism ©ØÖ® £õµõPõ¢uzußø©²® Eøh¯uõS® ?
49. Which one of the following ions exhibits (1) Cr2O7
d-d transition and paramagnetism as well ? (2) MnO 4

2– 2–
(1) Cr2O7 (3) CrO 4
– 2–
(2) MnO 4 (4) MnO 4
2– 50. [Ni(CO)4] AønÂß ¦ÓöÁÎ Aø©¨¦ ©ØÖ®
(3) CrO 4
Põ¢u ußø©¯õÚx
(4) MnO 4 (1) |õß•Q ¦ÓöÁÎ Aø©¨¦ ©ØÖ® h¯õ
50. The geometry and magnetic behaviour of the (2) \xµuÍ ¦ÓöÁÎ Aø©¨¦ ©ØÖ® ÷£µõ
complex [Ni(CO)4] are Põ¢uzußø©
(1) tetrahedral geometry and diamagnetic (3) \xµuÍ ¦ÓöÁÎ Aø©¨¦ ©ØÖ® h¯õ
(2) square planar geometry and paramagnetic Põ¢uzußø©
(3) square planar geometry and diamagnetic (4) |õß•Q ¦ÓöÁÎ Aø©¨¦ ©ØÖ® ÷£µõ
(4) tetrahedral geometry and paramagnetic Põ¢uzußø©


AglaSem Admission
51. A mixture of 2·3 g formic acid and 4·5 g oxalic 51. 2·3 g £õºªU Aª»® ©ØÖ® 4·5 g BU\õ¼P
acid is treated with conc. H2SO4. The evolved Aª»® P»øÁ Ahº H2SO4 Ehß ÂøÚ
gaseous mixture is passed through KOH pellets. ¦›QÓx. öÁÎÁ¸® Áõ²UPÎß P»øÁ KOH
Weight (in g) of the remaining product at STP ÂÀø»PÎß EÒ ö\¾zu¨£kQÓx. STP °À
will be «u•ÒÍ ÂøÚö£õ¸Îß Gøh (g) ¯õÚx
(1) 3·0
(1) 3·0
(2) 2·8
(2) 2·8 (3) 1·4
(3) 1·4 (4) 4·4
52. Aª÷»õì ©ØÖ® Aª÷»õö£Uiß Cøh÷¯
(4) 4·4
EÒÍ ÷ÁÖ£õhõÚx
52. The difference between amylose and amylopectin (1) 1  4 -Cøn¨¦ ©ØÖ® 1  6
is -Cøn¨ø£ Aª÷»õì öPõsi¸US®
(1) Amylose have 1  4 -linkage and (2) 1  4 -Cøn¨¦ ©ØÖ® 1  6
1  6 -linkage -Cøn¨ø£ Aª÷»õö£Uiß
(2) Amylopectin have 1  4 -linkage and öPõsi¸US®
1  6 -linkage (3) 1  4 -Cøn¨¦ ©ØÖ® 1  6
(3) Amylopectin have 1  4 -linkage and -Cøn¨ø£ Aª÷»õö£Uiß
1  6 -linkage
(4) SÐ÷Põì ©ØÖ® Põ»U÷hõÎÚõÀ
(4) Amylose is made up of glucose and
Aª÷»õì BUP¨£mi¸US®
53. SÖUSz öuõhº¦ AÀ»x Áø»¨¤ßÚÀ
53. Regarding cross-linked or network polymers, £»£iPøÍ ö£õ¸zx, RÌPsh TØÖPÎÀ Gx
which of the following statements is incorrect ? JßÖ \›¯õÚx CÀø» ?
(1) They are formed from bi- and tri-functional (1) AøÁ Cµmøh ©ØÖ® •®ø© &
ÂøÚzöuõSv J¸£i°ÚõÀ E¸ÁõS®.
(2) ÷£Uø»m, ö©»ø©ß CÁØÔØS
(2) Examples are bakelite and melamine.
(3) They contain covalent bonds between (3) öÁÆ÷ÁÖ ÷|º÷Põmk £»£i
various linear polymer chains. \[P¼PÐUQøh÷¯ \P¤øn¨¦PøÍ
(4) They contain strong covalent bonds in their öPõshx.
polymer chains. (4) £»£i \[P¼ÎÀ AøÁ Á¼ø©¯õÚ
\P¤øn¨¦PøÍ Eøh¯x.
54. Nitration of aniline in strong acidic medium also 54. Á¼ø©ªS Aª» FhPzvÀ Aܼß
gives m-nitroaniline because ø|m÷µØÓ® m-ø|m÷µõ AܼøÚ²® u¸QÓx,
(1) In electrophilic substitution reactions Hß GÛÀ
amino group is meta directive.
(1) G»Umµõß PÁº £v½mk ÂøÚPÎÀ
(2) In absence of substituents nitro group
Aª÷Úõ öuõSv m-ÁÈ|hUS®.
always goes to m-position.
(2) £v½kPÒ CÀ»õu÷£õx ø|m÷µõ öuõSv
(3) In spite of substituents nitro group always
goes to only m-position. G¨÷£õx® m&Chzøu ÷|õUQ÷¯ ö\À¾®.
(4) In acidic (strong) medium aniline is present (3) £v½kPÒ C¸¢u÷£õx® ø|m÷µõ öuõSv
as anilinium ion. G¨÷£õx® m-Chzøu ÷|õUQ÷¯ ö\À¾®.
(4) Aª» (Á¼ø©ªS) FhPzvÀ Aܼß,
55. Which of the following oxides is most acidic in Aܼۯ® A¯Û¯õP C¸US®.
nature ? 55. RÌPsh BUø\kPÎÀ Gx C¯ØøP¯õP AvP
(1) BeO Aª»zußø©²øh¯x ?
(1) BeO
(2) BaO
(2) BaO
(3) MgO (3) MgO
(4) CaO (4) CaO


AglaSem Admission
56. In the reaction 56. CÆÂøn°À

Gö»Umµõß PÁº Põµo¯õP Dk£kÁx

the electrophile involved is

 (1) £õºø©À ÷|º A°Û ( CHO )
(1) formyl cation ( CHO )
(2) øhS÷Íõ÷µõ ö©zvÀ Gvº A¯Û ( )
(2) dichloromethyl anion ( )

 (3) øhS÷Íõ÷µõ ö©zvÀ ÷|ºA¯Û ( CHCl 2 )
(3) dichloromethyl cation ( CHCl 2 )
(4) øhS÷Íõ÷µõ Põº¥ß (:CCl2)
(4) dichlorocarbene (:CCl2)
57. J¨¤h¨£hUTi¯ ‰»UTÖ {øÓ²øh¯
BÀiøíkPÒ, Rm÷hõßPÒ ©ØÖ®
57. Carboxylic acids have higher boiling points than BÀPíõÀPøÍ Põmi¾® Põº£õUéõ¼U
aldehydes, ketones and even alcohols of Aª»[PÒ AvP öPõv{ø»¨ ¦ÒÎPøÍ
comparable molecular mass. It is due to their Eøh¯x Hß GÛÀ CÁØÔÀ
(1) formation of carboxylate ion (1) Põº£õUê÷»m A¯Û E¸ÁõÁuõÀ
(2) more extensive association of carboxylic (2) Áõshº ÁõÀì PÁºa] Âø\ ‰»©õP
acid via van der Waals force of attraction
Põº£õUéõ¼U Aª»zvß AvP AP
(3) formation of intramolecular H-bonding CnUPzuõÀ
(4) formation of intermolecular H-bonding
(3) ‰»UTÔøh÷¯ H ¤øn¨¦ E¸ÁõuÀ
(4) ‰»UTÔÝÒ H ¤øn¨¦ E¸ÁõuÀ
58. Compound A, C8H10O, is found to react with
58. ÷\º©® A, C8H10O, NaOI ²hß ÂøÚ¦›ÁuõP
NaOI (produced by reacting Y with NaOH) and
AÔQ÷Óõ® (Y-¯õÚx, NaOH Ehß ÂøÚ¦›¢x
yields a yellow precipitate with characteristic
EØ£zv¯õQÓx) ©ØÖ® J¸ ©g\Ò ÃÌ£iøÁ
SÔ¨¤hzuUP ö|i²hß u¸QÓx.
A and Y are respectively
A ©ØÖ® Y ¯õÚx •øÓ÷¯


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59. The compound A on treatment with Na gives B, 59. ÷\º©® A ¯õÚx Na Ehß ÷\º¢x B I u¸QÓx
and with PCl5 gives C. B and C react together to ©ØÖ® PCl5 ²hß C I u¸QÓx. B ©ØÖ® C
give diethyl ether. A, B and C are in the order JßÓõP ÂøÚ¦›¢x øhGzvÀ Dzuøµ u¸QÓx.
A, B ©ØÖ® C °ß Á›ø\¯õÚx
(1) C2H5OH, C2H5Cl, C2H5ONa
(1) C2H5OH, C2H5Cl, C2H5ONa
(2) C2H5Cl, C2H6, C2H5OH
(2) C2H5Cl, C2H6, C2H5OH
(3) C2H5OH, C2H6, C2H5Cl
(3) C2H5OH, C2H6, C2H5Cl
(4) C2H5OH, C2H5ONa, C2H5Cl
(4) C2H5OH, C2H5ONa, C2H5Cl
60. Which oxide of nitrogen is not a common
60. C¯ØøP ©ØÖ® ©Ûu ö\¯À CµsiÚõ¾®
pollutant introduced into the atmosphere both
due to natural and human activity ? ÁΩsh»zvÀ EÒ ¦Szu¨£k® ø|mµáß
BUø\kPÐÒ Gx JßÖ ö£õxÁõÚ ©õ_£kzv
(1) NO2
Qøh¯õx ?
(2) N2O
(1) NO2
(3) N2O5
(2) N2O
(4) NO
(3) N2O5

61. Hydrocarbon (A) reacts with bromine by (4) NO

substitution to form an alkyl bromide which by
61. øím÷µõPõº£ß (A) ¦÷µõªÝhß £v½miÚõÀ
Wurtz reaction is converted to gaseous
ÂøÚ¦›¢x BÀøPÀ ¦÷µõø©øh E¸ÁõUS®
hydrocarbon containing less than four carbon
AøÁ÷¯ Eºmì ÂøÚ°ß ‰»® |õßSUS®
atoms. (A) is
SøÓÁõÚ Põº£ß AqUPøÍ öPõsh Áõ²
(1) CH2 = CH2 øím÷µõPõº£ÚõP ©õØÓ® AøhQÓx. (A) ÁõÚx
(2) CH3 – CH3 (1) CH2 = CH2

(3) CH  CH (2) CH3 – CH3

(4) CH4 (3) CH  CH
62. The compound C7H8 undergoes the following
(4) CH4
reactions :
62. ÷\º©® C7H8 RÌPsh ÂøÚø¯ ¦›QÓx :

The product ‘C’ is

(1) o-bromotoluene ÂøÚö£õ¸Ò ‘C’ ¯õÚx

(1) o-¦÷µõ÷©õöhõ¾Âß
(2) 3-bromo-2,4,6-trichlorotoluene
(2) 3-¦÷µõ÷©õ--2,4,6- møµS÷»õ÷µõöhõ¾Âß
(3) m-bromotoluene
(3) m-¦÷µõ÷©õöhõ¾Âß
(4) p-bromotoluene
(4) p-¦÷µõ÷©õöhõ¾Âß


AglaSem Admission
63. Which of the following carbocations is expected to 63. RÌPsh Põº£ß ÷|º A¯Û°À Gx ªP AvP
be most stable ? {ø»¨¦zußø© Eøh¯uõP Gvº£õºUP»õ® ?

64. -− I £v½k ÂøÍøÁ ö£õ¸zx RÌPshÁØÖÒ

64. Which of the following is correct with respect to Gx \›¯õÚx : (R = BÀøPÀ)
– I effect of the substituents ? (R = alkyl)
(1) – NR2 < – OR < – F
(1) – NR2 < – OR < – F

(2) – NH2 > – OR > – F (2) – NH2 > – OR > – F

(3) – NH2 < – OR < – F (3) – NH2 < – OR < – F

(4) – NR2 > – OR > – F (4) – NR2 > – OR > – F

65. Which of the following molecules represents the 65. Chª¸¢x Á»©õP AqUPÒ RÌPsh G¢u
2 2
order of hybridisation sp , sp , sp, sp from left to ‰»UTÔÀ sp2, sp2, sp, sp CÚUP»¨¦ Á›ø\ø¯U
right atoms ? Põmk® ?
(1) CH2 = CH – C  CH (1) CH2 = CH – C  CH

(2) CH2 = CH – CH = CH2 (2) CH2 = CH – CH = CH2

(3) HC  C – C  CH (3) HC  C – C  CH

(4) CH3 – CH = CH – CH3 (4) CH3 – CH = CH – CH3


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66. Identify the major products P, Q and R in the
66. RÌPsh ÂøÚPÎß Á›ø\°À •UQ¯
following sequence of reactions :
ÂøÚö£õ¸ÒPÒ P, Q ©ØÖ® R I PshԯĮ :


67. RÌPsh ÷\º©[PÎÀ Gx ì_Âmhº A¯Ûø¯

67. Which of the following compounds can form a E¸ÁõUS® ?

zwitterion ?
(1) A]mhÛø»k
(1) Acetanilide
(2) ö£ß÷\õ°U Aª»®
(2) Benzoic acid
(3) Aܼß
(3) Aniline

(4) Glycine (4) UøÍ]ß


AglaSem Admission
68. Following solutions were prepared by mixing 68. öÁÆ÷ÁÖ ö\ÔÄPÎÀ NaOH ©ØÖ® HCl I
different volumes of NaOH and HCl of different öÁÆ÷ÁÖ PÚAÍÂÀ P»¢x u¯õ›UP¨£mh
concentrations : RÌPsh Pøµ\ÀPÎÀ :
a. 60 mL HCl + 40 mL NaOH a. 60 mL HCl + 40 mL NaOH
10 10 10 10
b. 55 mL HCl + 45 mL NaOH b. 55 mL HCl + 45 mL NaOH
10 10 10 10
c. 75 mL HCl + 25 mL NaOH c. 75 mL HCl + 25 mL NaOH
5 5 5 5
M M d. 100 mL HCl + 100 mL NaOH
d. 100 mL HCl + 100 mL NaOH 10 10
10 10
pH of which one of them will be equal to 1 ? Guß JßÔß pH BÚx 1 US \©©õP C¸US® ?
(1) a (1) a
(2) d (2) d
(3) b (3) b
(4) c (4) c
69. RÌPsh G¢u £s¦PÎÀ J¸ A¯Û°ß v›uÀ
69. On which of the following properties does the
coagulating power of an ion depend ?
vÓß \õº¢v¸US® ?
(1) Size of the ion alone (1) A¯Û°ß AÍÂÀ ©mk®
(2) A¯Û°ß ªß_ø© AÍÄ ©ØÖ® SÔ
(2) Both magnitude and sign of the charge on
the ion Cµsøh²÷©
(3) The magnitude of the charge on the ion (3) A¯Û°ß ªß_ø© AÍÂÀ ©mk®
alone (4) A¯Û°ß ªß_ø© SÔø¯ ©mk®
(4) The sign of charge on the ion alone 70. NH3, H2, O2 ©ØÖ® CO2 US öPõkUP¨£mh
70. Given van der Waals constant for NH3, H2, O2 Áõshº ÁõÀì ©õÔ¼PÒ •øÓ÷¯ 4·17, 0·244,
and CO2 are respectively 4·17, 0·244, 1·36 and 1·36 ©ØÖ® 3·59, RÌPsh Áõ²UPÎÀ Gx JßÖ
ªP GÎuõP vµÁ©õS® :
3·59, which one of the following gases is most
easily liquefied ? (1) H2
(1) H2 (2) O2
(2) O2
(3) NH3
(3) NH3
(4) CO2
(4) CO2
71. The solubility of BaSO4 in water is 71. 298 K À }›À BaSO4 ß PøµvÓß 2·42  10–3 gL–1.
2·42  10
at 298 K. The value of its Auß PøµvÓß ö£¸UP (Ksp) ©v¨£õÚx :
solubility product (Ksp) will be (öPõkUP¨£mh BaSO4 ß ÷©õ»õº {øÓ =
(Given molar mass of BaSO4 = 233 g mol )
233 g mol–1)
–12 2 –2 –12 2 –2
(1) 1·08  10 mol L (1) 1·08  10 mol L
–14 2 –2 –14 2 –2
(2) 1·08  10 mol L (2) 1·08  10 mol L
–10 2 –2 –10 2 –2
(3) 1·08  10 mol L (3) 1·08  10 mol L
–8 2 –2
(4) 1·08  10
–8 2
mol L
–2 (4) 1·08  10 mol L


AglaSem Admission
72. The bond dissociation energies of X2, Y2 and XY 72. X2, Y2 ©ØÖ® XY °ß ¤øn¨¦ ¤›øP BØÓÀ
are in the ratio of 1 : 0·5 : 1. H for the formation 1 : 0·5 : 1 GßÓ ÂPuzvÀ EÒÍx. XY E¸ÁõuÀ
of XY is – 200 kJ mol . The bond dissociation H BÚx – 200 kJ mol–1. X2 Âß ¤øn¨¦
energy of X2 will be ¤›øP BØÓ»õÚx
(1) 100 kJ mol (1) 100 kJ mol
(2) 800 kJ mol (2) 800 kJ mol
(3) 200 kJ mol (3) 200 kJ mol
(4) 400 kJ mol (4) 400 kJ mol

73. When initial concentration of the reactant is 73. ÂøÚ£kö£õ¸Îß öuõhUP ö\ÔÄ
doubled, the half-life period of a zero order C¸©h[PõS® ÷£õx, J¸ §ä¯ÁøP ÂøÚ°ß
reaction Aøµ ÁõÌÄ Põ»®
(1) is doubled (1) C¸©h[PõS®
(2) is tripled (2) •®©h[PõS®
(3) is halved (3) £õv¯õS®
(4) remains unchanged (4) ©õÓõx C¸US®
74. BU]á÷ÚØÓ JkUP ÂøÚ¯õÚ
74. For the redox reaction
– + 2+
– + 2+ Mn O 4– + C2 O42 + H  Mn + CO2 + H2O
Mn O 4– + C2 O42 + H  Mn + CO2 + H2O
the correct coefficients of the reactants for the Cuß \©õÚ©õUP¨£mh \©ß£õmiß ÂøÚ£k
balanced equation are ö£õ¸Îß \›¯õÚ öPÊÁõÚx
Mn O 4– C 2O 2 – H
+ Mn O 4– C 2O 2 – H
4 4

(1) 2 5 16 (1) 2 5 16
(2) 2 16 5 (2) 2 16 5
(3) 16 5 2 (3) 16 5 2
(4) 5 16 2
(4) 5 16 2
75. Which one of the following conditions will favour 75. RÌPsh Ga`Ì{ø»°À AvP£m\ ÂøÚö£õ¸Ò
maximum formation of the product in the
A2 (g) + B2 (g) 
X2 (g) rH = – X kJ ? A2 (g) + B2 (g)  X2 (g) rH = – X kJ ?
(1) Low temperature and low pressure (1) SøÓ¢u öÁ¨£{ø» ©ØÖ® SøÓ¢u
(2) High temperature and high pressure AÊzu®
(3) Low temperature and high pressure (2) AvP öÁ¨£{ø» ©ØÖ® AvP AÊzu®
(3) SøÓ¢u öÁ¨£{ø» ©ØÖ® AvP AÊzu®
(4) High temperature and low pressure
(4) AvP öÁ¨£{ø» ©ØÖ® SøÓ¢u AÊzu®
76. The correction factor ‘a’ to the ideal gas equation
76. |À¼¯À¦ Áõ² \©ß£õmiÀ v¸zuU Põµo ‘a’
corresponds to
CuØS öuõhº¦øh¯x
(1) volume of the gas molecules
(1) Áõ² ‰»UTÖPÎß PÚAÍÄ
(2) electric field present between the gas
(2) Áõ² ‰»UTÖPÐUQøh÷¯ C¸US®
molecules ªß¦»®
(3) density of the gas molecules (3) Áõ² ‰»UTÖPÎß Ahºzv
(4) forces of attraction between the gas (4) Áõ² ‰»UTÖPÐUQøh÷¯ EÒÍ PÁºa]
molecules Âø\


AglaSem Admission
77. The correct order of N-compounds in its 77. N ÷\º©[PÎß \›¯õÚ CÓ[SÁ›ø\
decreasing order of oxidation states is BU]á÷ÚØÓ {ø»PÎß Á›ø\¯õÚx
(1) HNO3, NO, NH4Cl, N2 (1) HNO3, NO, NH4Cl, N2

(2) HNO3, NH4Cl, NO, N2 (2) HNO3, NH4Cl, NO, N2

(3) HNO3, NO, N2, NH4Cl (3) HNO3, NO, N2, NH4Cl
(4) NH4Cl, N2, NO, HNO3
(4) NH4Cl, N2, NO, HNO3
78. RÌPsh uÛ©zvÀ Gx GßÖ MF A¯Ûø¯
78. Which one of the following elements is unable to 6
3– E¸ÁõUS C¯»õx ?
form MF6 ion ?
(1) Al
(1) Al
(2) B
(2) B
(3) Ga
(3) Ga (4) In
(4) In 79. GÀ¼[íõ® £hzøu P¸zvÀ öPõshõÀ,
79. Considering Ellingham diagram, which of the RÌPsh E÷»õP[PÎÀ Gx A¾ªÚõøÁ JkUP
following metals can be used to reduce alumina ? £¯ß£kQÓx ?
(1) Zn (1) Zn

(2) Mg (2) Mg
(3) Fe
(3) Fe
(4) Cu
(4) Cu
80. öuõSv 13 uÛ©[PÎß \›¯õÚ Aq Bµ[PÎß
80. The correct order of atomic radii in group 13 Á›ø\¯õÚx
elements is
(1) B < Al < Ga < In < Tl
(1) B < Al < Ga < In < Tl
(2) B < Ga < Al < Tl < In (2) B < Ga < Al < Tl < In
(3) B < Al < In < Ga < Tl (3) B < Al < In < Ga < Tl
(4) B < Ga < Al < In < Tl (4) B < Ga < Al < In < Tl

81. Which of the following statements is not true for 81. RÌPsh TØÖPÎÀ íõ»áßPÐUS Gx
halogens ? Esø©°Àø» ?
(1) GÀ»õ® Ba]á÷ÚØÔ¯õS®.
(1) All are oxidizing agents.
(2) ¦Ð›øÚ uºzx AøÚzx® ÷|º
(2) All but fluorine show positive oxidation
states. BU]á÷ÚØÓ {ø»ø¯ Põmk®.
(3) All form monobasic oxyacids. (3) GÀ»õ® JØøÓPõµ BU] Aª»zøu u¸®.
(4) S÷Íõ›ß AvP©õÚ G»Umµõß & HØÓÀ
(4) Chlorine has the highest electron-gain
enthalpy. GßuõÀ¤ Eøh¯x.
82. ClF3 Aø©¨¤À, ø©¯ Aq ‘Cl’ EÒÍ uÛzu
82. In the structure of ClF3, the number of lone pairs
of electrons on central atom ‘Cl’ is
Gö»Umµõß CµmøhPÎß GsoUøP¯õÚx
(1) two (1) Cµsk
(2) four (2) |õßS
(3) one (3) JßÖ
(4) three (4) 䧅


AglaSem Admission
83. The correct difference between first- and 83. •uÀ ©ØÖ® Cµshõ® ÁøP ÂøÚPÎß \›¯õÚ
second-order reactions is that ÷ÁÖ£õk Gߣx
(1) the half-life of a first-order reaction does not (1) •uÀ ÁøP ÂøÚ°ß Aøµ ÁõÌÄ [A]0
depend on [A]0; the half-life of a \õº¢v¸UPõx; Cµshõ® ÁøP ÂøÚ°ß
second-order reaction does depend on [A]0 Aøµ ÁõÌÄ [A]0 \õº¢v¸US®
(2) a first-order reaction can be catalyzed; a (2) •uÀ ÁøP ÂøÚø¯
second-order reaction cannot be catalyzed ÂøÚ³UP¨£kzu»õ®; Cµshõ® ÁøP
ÂøÚø¯ ÂøÚ³UP¨£kzu C¯Áõx
(3) the rate of a first-order reaction does not
depend on reactant concentrations; the rate (3) •uÀ ÁøP ÂøÚ°ß ÂøÚ÷ÁP®
of a second-order reaction does depend on ÂøÚ£k¨ö£õ¸Îß ö\ÔøÁ
reactant concentrations \õº¢v¸UPõx; Cµshõ® ÁøP ÂøÚ°ß
(4) the rate of a first-order reaction does
ÂøÚ÷ÁP® ÂøÚ£kö£õ¸Îß ö\ÔøÁ
depend on reactant concentrations; the rate \õº¢v¸US®
of a second-order reaction does not depend (4) •uÀ ÁøP ÂøÚ°ß ÂøÚ÷ÁP®
on reactant concentrations ÂøÚ£k ö£õ¸Îß ö\ÔøÁ \õº¢v¸US®;
Cµshõ®&ÁøP ÂøÚ°ß ÂøÚ÷ÁP®
84. Among CaH2, BeH2, BaH2, the order of ionic
ÂøÚ£k ö£õ¸Îß ö\ÔøÁ \õº¢v¸UPõx
character is
(1) CaH2 < BeH2 < BaH2 84. CaH2, BeH2, BaH2 BQ¯ÁØÔÝÒ A¯Û¨
(2) BeH2 < BaH2 < CaH2
£s¤ß Á›ø\¯õÚx
(1) CaH2 < BeH2 < BaH2
(3) BeH2 < CaH2 < BaH2
(2) BeH2 < BaH2 < CaH2
(4) BaH2 < BeH2 < CaH2
(3) BeH2 < CaH2 < BaH2
85. In which case is the number of molecules of water (4) BaH2 < BeH2 < CaH2
maximum ? 85. RÌPshÁØÔÀ GvÀ }º ‰»UTÖPÎß
(1) 0·18 g of water GsoUøP AvP£m\©õ´ C¸US® ?
(2) 0·00224 L of water vapours at 1 atm and (1) 0·18 g }›À
273 K (2) 1 atm ©ØÖ® 273 K À 0·00224 L }º
(3) 18 mL of water B°(4) 10
mol of water (3) 18 mL }›À
(4) 10–3 ÷©õÀ }›À
86. Consider the change in oxidation state of
Bromine corresponding to different emf values as 86. R÷Ç EÒÍ £hzvÀ Põmi°¸¨£x ÷£õÀ
shown in the diagram below : öÁÆ÷ÁÖ emf ©v¨¦øh¯ ¦÷µõªÛß
BU]á÷ÚØÓ {ø»°À HØ£k® ©õØÓzøu
P¸zvÀ öPõshõÀ :

Then the species undergoing disproportionation

is ÂQua ]øuÄUS EÒÍõS® EÖ¨£õÚx ________
(1) Br O 4–
(1) Br O 4–
(2) Br2
(2) Br2
(3) Br O 3– (3) Br O 3–
(4) HBrO (4) HBrO


AglaSem Admission
87. Consider the following species : 87. CÆÄÖ¨¦PøÍ GkzxUöPõshõÀ :
+ –
CN , CN , NO and CN CN+, CN–, NO ©ØÖ® CN
Gx JßÖ AvP©õÚ ¤øn¨¦uµzøu Eøh¯x ?
Which one of these will have the highest bond –
order ? (1) CN
(1) CN
– (2) CN
+ (3) NO
(2) CN
(4) CN
(3) NO
88. Gx J¸ uÁÓõÚ TØÖ ?
(4) CN
(1) J¸ Bº¤mhõÀ ‰ßÖ SÁõsh® GsPÍõÀ
88. Which one is a wrong statement ? SÔ¨¤h¨£kQÓx B°Ý® Jº AqÂß
(1) An orbital is designated by three quantum J¸ Gö»Umµõß |õßS SÁõsh®
numbers while an electron in an atom is GsPÍõÀ SÔ¨¤h¨£kQÓx.
designated by four quantum numbers. (2) N AqÂØS EÒÍ Gö»Umµõß Aø©¨¦
(2) The electronic configuration of N atom is

(3) ‘s’-Bº¤mhõ¼À EÒÍ Gö»UmµõÛß

ö©õzu Bº¤mhõÀ ÷Põn E¢u®
(3) Total orbital angular momentum of electron §ä¯zvØS \©©õ´ EÒÍx.
in ‘s’ orbital is equal to zero. (4) d z 2 ß m ©v¨¦ §ä¯©õ´ EÒÍx.
(4) The value of m for d z 2 is zero.
89. AøÓ öÁ¨£{ø»°À C¸®¦ bcc Aø©¨ø£
89. Iron exhibits bcc structure at room temperature. Eøh¯x. 900C ØS ÷©À Ax fcc Aø©¨¤ØS
Above 900C, it transforms to fcc structure. The
©õÖ®. AøÓ öÁ¨£{ø»US®, 900C °¾®
ratio of density of iron at room temperature to
that at 900C (assuming molar mass and atomic C¸®¤ß Ahºzv ÂQu©õÚx (C¸®¤ß ÷©õ»õº
radii of iron remains constant with temperature) {øÓ²® ©ØÖ® Aq Bµ•® öÁ¨£{ø»ø¯
is ö£õ¸zx ©õÓõx C¸¨£uõP öPõshõÀ)
4 3
(1) 4 3
3 2 (1)
3 2
3 3
(2) 3 3
4 2 (2)
4 2
(3) 3
2 (3)
(4) 1
2 (4)
90. Magnesium reacts with an element (X) to form an
90. ö©UÜ]¯® J¸ uÛ©® (X) Ehß ÂøÚ ¦›¢x
ionic compound. If the ground state electronic
2 2 3 J¸ A¯Û ÷\º©zøu E¸ÁõUS®. (X) ß
configuration of (X) is 1s 2s 2p , the simplest
uõÌ{ø» G»Umµõß Aø©¨£õÚx 1s2 2s2 2p3
formula for this compound is
GÛÀ, Aa÷\º©zvß GÎø©¯õÚ Áõ´¨£õhõÚx
(1) MgX2 (1) MgX2
(2) Mg2X (2) Mg2X
(3) Mg2X3 (3) Mg2X3
(4) Mg3X2 (4) Mg3X2


AglaSem Admission
91. Pollen grains can be stored for several years in 91. vµÁ ø|mµáÛÀ ©Pµ¢uzxPÒPøÍ £»
liquid nitrogen having a temperature of BskPÒ ÷\ªzx øÁUP C¯¾® AzvµÁ
(1) – 80C ø|mµáÛÀ öÁ¨£ {ø»
(2) – 196C (1) – 80C
(3) – 120C (2) – 196C
(3) – 120C
(4) – 160C
92. Oxygen is not produced during photosynthesis by (4) – 160C
(1) Nostoc 92. CÁØÔß JÎa÷\ºUøP°ß ÷£õx BUêáß
(2) Cycas
(1) |õìhõU
(3) Green sulphur bacteria (2) ø\Pì
(4) Chara (3) £_ø© \À£º £õUj›¯õUPÒ
93. What is the role of NAD in cellular (4) Põµõ
respiration ? 93. ö\À _Áõ]zu¼À NAD+ ß £[S GßÚ ?
(1) It functions as an electron carrier. (1) Ax Gö»Umµõß Phzv¯õP ö\¯À£kQÓx.
(2) It is a nucleotide source for ATP synthesis. (2) Ax ATP u¯õ›¨¤À J¸ {³UÎ÷¯õøhk
(3) It functions as an enzyme. ‰»®.
(4) It is the final electron acceptor for anaerobic (3) Ax J¸ ö|õv¯õP ö\¯À£kQÓx.
respiration. (4) Ax PõØÔÀ»õ _Áõ\zvÀ Pøh{ø»
94. Which of the following elements is responsible for Gö»Uµõß Hؤ.
maintaining turgor in cells ? 94. RÌPshÁØÖÒ GzuÛ©® ö\ÀPÎÀ ÂøÓ¨¦
(1) Sodium £µõ©›¨¤ß ö£õÖ¨÷£ØQÓx ?
(1) ÷\õi¯®
(2) Potassium
(2) ö£õmhõ]¯®
(3) Magnesium
(3) ©UÜ]¯®
(4) Calcium (4) PõÀ]¯®
95. Which one of the following plants shows a very 95. RÌPsh G¢u uõÁµ[PÐÒ JßÖ, A¢x¨
close relationship with a species of moth, where §a]°ß J¸ ]ØÔÚzxhß ö|¸[Q¯z öuõhº¦
none of the two can complete its life cycle without öPõsi¸¨£uÚõÀ, JßÔßÔ ©ØöÓõßÖ uÚx
the other ? ÁõÌUøP _ÇØ]ø¯ {øÓÄ ö\´¯ C¯»õx ?
(1) Yucca (1) ³UPõ
(2) Banana (2) ÁõøÇ
(3) øím›À»õ
(3) Hydrilla
(4) øÁ÷¯õ»õ
(4) Viola
96. RÌPshÁØÔß G¢u {ø»PÎÀ C¸®¦
96. In which of the following forms is iron absorbed
uõÁµ[PÍõÀ QµQUP¨£kQÓx ?
by plants ?
(1) ö£ºµì
(1) Ferrous (2) PmkÓõ uÛ©®
(2) Free element (3) ö£º›U
(3) Ferric (4) ö£º›U ©ØÖ® ö£ºµì Cµsk®
(4) Both ferric and ferrous 97. CµmøhU P¸ÄÖuÀ Gߣx
97. Double fertilization is (1) J¸ Bs CÚa ö\À, C¸ x¸Á
(1) Fusion of one male gamete with two polar
EmP¸UPÐhß CønÁx
(2) C¸ Bs CÚa ö\ÀPÒ Jº Ashzxhß
(2) Fusion of two male gametes with one egg (3) ©Pµ¢uU SÇ¼ß C¸ Bs CÚa ö\ÀPÒ
(3) Fusion of two male gametes of a pollen tube C¸ ÷ÁÖ Ash[PÐhß CønÁx
with two different eggs (4) Esø©¯õÚ P¸ÄÖuÀ (]ß÷Pª) ©ØÖ®
(4) Syngamy and triple fusion ‰ÂønÄ


AglaSem Admission
98. A ‘new’ variety of rice was patented by a foreign 98. J¸ ¦v¯ A›] |P® Ax }sh Põ»® C¢v¯õÂÀ
company, though such varieties have been EÒÍ÷£õx® J¸ öÁÎ|õmk {ÖÁÚzuõÀ
present in India for a long time. This is related to Põ¨¦›ø© ö£Ó¨£mkÒÍx. Ax
(1) Sharbati Sonora (1) \º£v ÷\õ÷Úµõ
(2) ö»º©õ ÷µõáõ
(2) Lerma Rojo
(3) Co-667
(3) Co-667 (4) £õ_©v
(4) Basmati 99. C¢v¯õÂÀ, ©µ¦©õØÓ® ö\´¯¨£mh
E°›Ú[PÎß £õxPõ¨ø£ ©v¨¥k ö\´x
99. In India, the organisation responsible for
ö£õx©UPÎß £¯ß£õmiØUS AÔ•P® ö\´¯
assessing the safety of introducing genetically
ö£õÖ¨¦ ÁQUS® {ÖÁÚ®
modified organisms for public use is
(1) AÔ¯À ©ØÖ® öuõÈØ\õº B´ÄUPõÚ
(1) Council for Scientific and Industrial
Research (CSIR)
(2) ©µ¦¨ ö£õ¸Ò øP¯õÐÁuØUPõÚ
(2) Research Committee on Genetic Bµõ´a]U SÊ (RCGM)
Manipulation (RCGM) (3) C¢v¯õÂß ©¸zxÁ Bµõ´a]U SÊ©®
(3) Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) (ICMR)
(4) Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (4) ©µ¦¨ ö£õÔ°¯À ©v¨¥mkU SÊ (GEAC)
100. RÌPshÁØÖÒ ©Ûu ¼®÷£õø\m ö\À¼À J¸
100. Which of the following is commonly used as a DNA xshzøu Emö\¾zu ö£õxÁõP £¯ß£k®
vector for introducing a DNA fragment in human Phzv Gx ?
lymphocytes ? (1) Ti ¤Íõìªk
(1) Ti plasmid (2)  ÷£ä
(2)  phage (3) öµm÷µõøÁµì
(3) Retrovirus (4) pBR 322
(4) pBR 322 101. £ßÚõmk {ÖÁÚ[PÒ HøÚ¯ |õmiß E°º
101. Use of bioresources by multinational companies ÁÍ[PøͲ®, Auß ©UPøͲ® öuõhº¦øh¯
and organisations without authorisation from the |õmiß AÝ©v°ßÔ £¯ß£kzxÁx CÆÁõÖ
concerned country and its people is called AøÇUP¨£kQÓx
(1) Biopiracy (1) E°º\õº v¸mk
(2) Biodegradation (2) E°›PÍõÀ ]øuzuÀ
(3) Bio-infringement (3) E°º\õº Azx«ÓÀ
(4) E°º\õº _µshÀ
(4) Bioexploitation

102. The correct order of steps in Polymerase Chain 102. £õ¼©÷µì \[Q¼ ÂøÚ°ß (PCR) £i
Reaction (PCR) is {ø»PÎß \›¯õÚ Á›ø\
(1) Annealing, Extension, Denaturation (1) £uÚõØÓÀ, }m]²ÖuÀ, C¯À¦]øuuÀ
(2) C¯À¦]øuuÀ, }m]²ÖuÀ, £uÚõØÓÀ
(2) Denaturation, Extension, Annealing
(3) }m]²ÖuÀ, C¯À¦]øuuÀ, £uÚõØÓÀ
(3) Extension, Denaturation, Annealing
(4) C¯À¦]øuuÀ, £uÚõØÓÀ, }m]²ÖuÀ
(4) Denaturation, Annealing, Extension
103. \›¯õP¨ ö£õ¸zu¨£mhøuz ÷uº¢öukUPÄ® :
103. Select the correct match :
(1) F2  Jk[S£s¦ & C¸£s¦ P»¨¦
(1) F2  Recessive parent – Dihybrid cross ö£Ø÷Óõº
(2) T.H. Morgan – Transduction (2) T.H. ©õºPß & ~soøh ©õØÓ®
(3) Ribozyme – Nucleic acid (3) øµ÷£õø\® & {³UÎU Aª»®
(4) G. ö©shÀ & C¯À©õØÓ®
(4) G. Mendel – Transformation


AglaSem Admission
104. Niche is 104. Áͨ£õ[S Gߣx
(1) the physical space where an organism lives (1) E°›Ú® uõß ÁõÊ® E¯›¯À ©ØÖ®
(2) the range of temperature that the organism E°›¯À {ø»PÎß Ãaø\ £¯ß£kzx®
needs to live Âu®
(3) all the biological factors in the organism’s (2) E°›Ú® ÁõÇz ÷uøÁ¯õÚ um£öÁm£
environment Ãa_
(4) the functional role played by the organism (3) E°›Úzvß _ØÖ `ǼÀ EÒÍ AøÚzx
where it lives
E°›¯À ©ØÖ® C¯Ø¤¯À PõµoPÒ
(4) E°›Ú® ÁõÊ® ChzvÀ Auß
105. Which of the following is a secondary pollutant ? ö\¯À£õmk¨ £[S
(1) CO 105. RÌPshÁØÖÒ Cµshõ® {ø» ©õ_ Gx ?
(2) SO2 (1) CO2

(3) CO (2) SO2

(4) O3 (3) CO
(4) O3
106. Natality refers to
(1) Birth rate 106. |õhõ¼mk Gߣx GøuU SÔUS®
(2) Number of individuals leaving the habitat (1) ¤Ó¨¦ ÂQu®
(3) Death rate (2) J¸ ÁõÈhzøu Âmk }[S® uÛ
(4) Number of individuals entering a habitat E°ºPÎß GsoUøP
(3) CÓ¨¦ ÂQu®
107. World Ozone Day is celebrated on (4) J¸ ÁõÈhzvÀ ¦S® uÛ E°ºPÎß
st GsoUøP
(1) 21 April
107. E»P K÷\õß vÚ® öPõshõh¨£kÁx
(2) 16 September
(1) 21 H¨µÀ
(3) 5 June (2) 16 ö\¨h®£º
nd (3) 5 ãß
(4) 22 April
(4) 22 H¨µÀ
108. What type of ecological pyramid would be
obtained with the following data ? 108. RÌPsh uµÄPμ¸¢x GÆÁøP¯õÚ `Ì{ø»U
Secondary consumer : 120 g T®¦ ö£Ó¨£k® ?
Primary consumer : 60 g Cµshõ® {ø» ~Pº÷Áõº : 120 g
•uÀ {ø» ~Pº÷Áõº : 60 g
Primary producer : 10 g
(1) Pyramid of energy
•uÀ {ø» EØ£zv¯õͺ : 10 g
(2) Upright pyramid of numbers (1) BØÓÀ T®¦
(3) Inverted pyramid of biomass (2) ÷|µõÚ GsoUøPU T®¦
(4) Upright pyramid of biomass (3) E°º¨ö£õ¸Ò uø»RÌ T®¦
(4) Á°º¨ö£õ¸Ò ÷|µõÚ T®¦
109. In stratosphere, which of the following elements
acts as a catalyst in degradation of ozone and 109. RÌPsh uÛ©[PÎÀ ìm÷µm÷hõ줯›À
release of molecular oxygen ? J÷\õß ]øu¨¤À ÂøÚ³UQ¯õP ö\¯À£mk
(1) Cl ‰»UTÖ BUêáß öÁΨ£h Põµn©õÁx Gx ?
(1) Cl
(2) Fe
(2) Fe
(3) Carbon (3) Põº£ß
(4) Oxygen (4) BUêáß


AglaSem Admission
110. Which of the following pairs is wrongly 110. RÌPsh CønPÎÀ uÁÓõP¨ ö£õ¸zu¨£mhx
matched ? Gx ?
(1) ABO blood grouping : Co-dominance (1) ABO Cµzu ÁøP : Cøn K[Sußø©
(2) XO ÁøP £õÀ {ºn¯® : öÁmkUQÎ
(2) XO type sex : Grasshopper (3) £mhõo°À : £ÀTmk AÀ½½PÒ
determination uµ\ EØ£zv
(3) Starch synthesis in pea : Multiple alleles (4) T.H. ©õºPõß : ¤øn¨¦
(4) T.H. Morgan : Linkage 111. \›¯õÚ TØøÓ ÷uº¢öukUPÄ® :
(1) ¦ßÚm \xµ® J¸ ¤›miè AÔ¯À
111. Select the correct statement :
AÔbµõÀ E¸ÁõUP¨£mhx.
(1) Punnett square was developed by a British
(2) ì¨ø»]÷¯õ÷\õ®PÒ £i¨ö£¯º¨¤À
scientist. Dk¨kQßÓÚ.
(2) Spliceosomes take part in translation. (3) ‘‘¤øn¨¦’’ GßÓ ö\õÀø» £¯ß£kzv¯Áº
(3) Franklin Stahl coined the term ‘‘linkage’’. L¨µõ[UÎß ì÷híÀ.
(4) Transduction was discovered by S. Altman. (4) ~soøh ©õØÓzøu Psk¤izuÁº
112. The experimental proof for semiconservative S. BÀm÷©ß.
replication of DNA was first shown in a 112. £Sv £õxPõUP¨£mh DNA |P»õUPzvß B´Äa
(1) Bacterium \õßÖ •u¼À AÔ¯¨£mhx GvÀ ?
(2) Plant (1) £õUj›¯®
(3) Fungus (2) uõÁµ®
(4) Virus (3) §gø\
113. Select the correct match : (4) øÁµì
113. \›¯õP¨ ö£õ¸¢v²ÒÍøu ÷uº¢öukUPÄ® :
(1) Alfred Hershey and – TMV
(1) BÀ¤µm öíºæ - TMV
Martha Chase
©ØÖ® ©õºzuõ ÷\ì
(2) Matthew Meselson – Pisum sativum (2) ©õz³ ª\À\ß ©ØÖ® & ø£\® \møhÁ®
and F. Stahl F. ì÷híÀ
(3) Alec Jeffreys – Streptococcus (3) B»U öáL¨›ì & ìmöµ¨÷hõPõUPì
(4) ¨µõßPõ´ì ÷áP¨ & »õU K£µõß
(4) Francois Jacob and – Lac operon ©ØÖ® ÷áU ©õÚõm
Jacques Monod 114. ‘BL¨ö\m’kPÒ CuÚõÀ ÷uõßÖQÓx
114. Offsets are produced by (1) SßÓõ® £S¨¦PÒ
(1) Mitotic divisions (2) P¸ÄÓõU PÛ¯õuÀ
(2) Parthenocarpy (3) SßÓÀ £S¨¦PÒ
(3) Meiotic divisions (4) P¸ÄÓõ CÚz÷uõØÓ®
(4) Parthenogenesis 115. RÌPshÁØÖÒ uÚx ÁõÌ|õÎÀ J÷µ J¸ •øÓ
115. Which of the following flowers only once in its ©mk® ©»ºÁx Gx ?
life-time ? (1) £»õ
(1) Jackfruit (2) ©õ
(2) Mango (3) ‰[QÀ ]ØÔÚ®
(3) Bamboo species (4) £¨£õÎ
(4) Papaya 116. RÌPshÁØÖÒ ©Pµ¢uzxPÒPøÍ
116. Which of the following has proved helpful in öuõÀ£i©©õP¨ ÷£qÁvÀ Eu¦›²® Gߣøu
preserving pollen as fossils ? {¸¤zux Gx ?
(1) Cellulosic intine (1) ö\À¾÷»õéõÀ BÚ APEøÓ
(2) Oil content (2) Gsön´ öPõsi¸¨£x
(3) ÷£õ»ßQm
(3) Pollenkitt
(4) ì÷£õ÷µõö£õÀ¼Ûß
(4) Sporopollenin
AglaSem Admission
117. Secondary xylem and phloem in dicot stem are 117. C¸Âzvø»z uõÁµz usiÀ Cµshõ® {ø»
produced by ø\»® ©ØÖ® ¦÷Íõ¯® E¸ÁõUSÁx
(1) Vascular cambium (1) ÁõìS»õº BUPzv_
(2) Phellogen (2) £møh BUPzv_
(3) Apical meristems (3) ~Û BUPzv_
(4) Axillary meristems (4) ÷Põn BUPzv_
118. Plants having little or no secondary growth are 118. Cµshõ® {ø» Áͺa]ø¯ ]Ô¯ AÍÂ÷»õ
AÀ»x •ØÔ¾® CÀ»õ©÷»õ EÒÍ uõÁµ[PÒ
(1) Deciduous angiosperms
(1) Cø»²vº §US® uõÁµ[PÒ
(2) Conifers
(2) ÷PõÛLö£ºPÒ
(3) Grasses
(3) ¦ØPÒ
(4) Cycads
(4) ø\PmPÒ
119. Sweet potato is a modified 119. \ºUPøµÁÒÎU QÇ[QÀ ©õØÖ¸ÁõP C¸¨£x
(1) Adventitious root (1) ÷ÁØÔh ÷Áº
(2) Tap root (2) Bo ÷Áº
(3) Stem (3) usk
(4) Rhizome (4) ©mh {»zusk
120. Pneumatophores occur in 120. _Áõ\ ÷ÁºPÒ Põn¨£kÁx
(1) Free-floating hydrophytes (1) uÛzx ªuUS® }ºzuõÁµ[PÒ
(2) Carnivorous plants (2) §a]²sq® uõÁµ[PÒ
(3) Halophytes (3) \x¨¦ {»z uõÁµ[PÒ
(4) Submerged hydrophytes (4) ‰ÌQ¯ PÔø» }ºzuõÁµ[Pß
121. Põì£õ›¯ß £møhPÒ Põn¨£kÁx
121. Casparian strips occur in
(1) ö£›ø\UQÒ
(1) Pericycle
(2) ¦Óo
(2) Cortex
(3) ¦Óz÷uõÀ
(3) Epidermis
(4) APz÷uõÀ
(4) Endodermis
122. RÌPsh TØÖPÎÀ \›¯õÚx Gx ?
122. Which of the following statements is correct ? (1) ö\»õâöÚÀ»õ C¸]u» ÁøP²®
\õÀÃÛ¯õ J¸]v» ÁøP²©õP EÒÍÚ.
(1) Selaginella is heterosporous, while Salvinia
(2) SvøµÁõÀ ö£µoPÒ GߣøÁ
is homosporous.
â®÷Úõìö£º®PÒ BøÁ.
(2) Horsetails are gymnosperms. (3) â®÷Úõìö£º®PÎÀ `ÀPÒ `»P
(3) Ovules are not enclosed by ovary wall in _Á›ÚõÀ `Ǩ£hÂÀø».
gymnosperms. (4) ø\Pì ©ØÖ® ö\mµì BQ¯ Cµsi¾®
uskPÒ ö£õxÁõPU QøÍzv¸¨£vÀø».
(4) Stems are usually unbranched in both
Cycas and Cedrus. 123. uÁÓõÚ TØøÓ ÷uº¢öukUPÄ® :
(1) |õ´USøhU PõÍõßPÒ ÷£]i÷¯õø©^m
123. Select the wrong statement : ÁS¨ø£ ÷\º¢uøÁ.
(1) Mushrooms belong to Basidiomycetes. (2) ì÷£õ÷µõ BÁõUPÎÀ ö£õ´UPõÀPÒ
(2) Pseudopodia are locomotory and feeding Ch¨ö£¯ºÄ ©ØÖ® EnÅmh
structures in Sporozoans.
(3) §gø\PÒ ©ØÖ® ¤Íõs÷h BQ¯ÁØÖÒ
(3) Cell wall is present in members of Fungi ö\À_Áº EÒÍx.
and Plantae. (4) ÷©Üµõ uºzx ©ØÓ ÷£µµ_PÎÀ
(4) Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell ø©m÷hõPõßh›¯[PÒ ö\À¼ß BØÓÀ
in all kingdoms except Monera. ø©¯[PÍõP EÒÍÚ.


AglaSem Admission
124. Match the items given in Column I with those in 124. RÌPshÁØÖÒ \›¯õÚ Âøhø¯z ÷uº¢öukzx
Column II and select the correct option given öuõSv I ©ØÖ® öuõSv II-I ö£õ¸zv GÊxP :
below :
öuõSv I öuõSv II
Column I Column II
a. E»º i. £u¨£kzu¨£mh uõÁµ
a. Herbarium i. It is a place having a uõÁµzöuõS¨¦ ©ØÖ® »[S öuõS¨¦PÒ
collection of preserved öPõsh Ch®.
plants and animals. b. vÓÄ÷PõÀ ii. J›hzvÀ Põn¨£k®
b. Key ii. A list that enumerates AøÚzx ]ØÔÚ[PÎß
methodically all the _¸UP©õÚ ÂÁ›¨¦hß
Ti¯ Á›ø\UQµh©õÚ
species found in an area
PshÔu¾US Em£mi.
with brief description
c. A¸[Põm]¯P® iii. E»ºzv AÊzu¨£mh
aiding identification.
uõÁµ ©õv›PÒ uõÎÀ
c. Museum iii. Is a place where dried and Jmh¨£mk øÁUP¨£k®
pressed plant specimens Ch®.
mounted on sheets are d. AmhÁøn iv. £À÷ÁÖ hõU\õßPøÍ
kept. PshÔ¯ EuÄ®
d. Catalogue iv. A booklet containing a list £s¦PøͲ® AÁØÔß
of characters and their ©õØÖPøͲ®
£mi¯¼h¨£mh J¸ ]Ö
alternates which are
helpful in identification of
a b c d
various taxa.
(1) iii ii i iv
a b c d
(2) ii iv iii i
(1) iii ii i iv (3) i iv iii ii
(2) ii iv iii i (4) iii iv i ii
(3) i iv iii ii 125. ì÷£õºPÒ Põ›÷¯õPõª öuõhº¢x JkUPؤ›Ä
(4) iii iv i ii öÁΨ¦µ©õP ÷uõßÖÁx GvÀ
125. After karyogamy followed by meiosis, spores are (1) BÀhº÷Ú›¯õ
produced exogenously in (2) APõ›Pì
(1) Alternaria (3) {²÷µõì÷£õµõ
(2) Agaricus (4) \õUP÷µõø©^ì
(3) Neurospora 126. ]ÓSøh¯ ©Pµ¢uzxPÒPÒ Põn¨£kÁx
(4) Saccharomyces (1) ø\Pì
126. Winged pollen grains are present in (2) ©õ
(1) Cycas (3) PkS
(2) Mango (4) ø£Úì
(3) Mustard
127. Gx uÁÓõP¨ ö£õ¸zu¨£mkÒÍx ?
(4) Pinus
(1) C¸ Pø\°øÇ & £Ç¨¦ BÀPõUPÒ
127. Which one is wrongly matched ?
(1) Biflagellate zoospores – Brown algae
(2) öᮩõ ÷Põ¨ø£PÒ & ©õºPõß]¯õ
(2) Gemma cups – Marchantia
(3) JØøÓU Pø\°øÇ & £õ¼ø\L÷£õÛ¯õ
(3) Uniflagellate gametes – Polysiphonia
(4) Unicellular organism – Chlorella
(4) J¸ ö\À E°› -& S÷ÍõöµÀ»õ
AglaSem Admission
128. The two functional groups characteristic of 128. \ºUPøµPÎß C¸ ]Ó¨£õÚ ÂøÚzöuõSvPÒ
sugars are (1) Põº£øÚÀ ©ØÖ® ö©zvÀ
(1) carbonyl and methyl (2) Põº£øÚÀ ©ØÖ® £õì÷£m
(2) carbonyl and phosphate (3) øímµõU]À ©ØÖ® ö©zvÀ
(3) hydroxyl and methyl (4) Põº£øÚÀ ©ØÖ® øímµõU]À
(4) carbonyl and hydroxyl 129. RÌPshÁØÖÒ JÎa÷\ºUøP°ß JÎ ÂøÚ°ß
129. Which of the following is not a product of light ÂøÚö£õ¸Ò AÀ»õux Gx ?
reaction of photosynthesis ? (1) NADH
(1) NADH (2) NADPH
(3) ATP
(4) Oxygen
(3) ATP
130. RÌPshÁØÖÒ ¦÷µõPõ›÷¯õm AÀ»õux Gx ?
(4) Oxygen
(1) ø©U÷Põ£õUj›¯®
130. Which among the following is not a prokaryote ?
(2) |õìhõU
(1) Mycobacterium (3) \õUP÷µõø©^ì
(2) Nostoc (4) B]À»÷hõ›¯õ
(3) Saccharomyces 131. Cø»zxøÍ C¯UP® CuÚõÀ £õv¨£øhÁvÀø»
(4) Oscillatoria (1) JÎ
131. Stomatal movement is not affected by (2) O2 ö\ÔÄ
(1) Light (3) öÁ¨£ {ø»
(2) O2 concentration (4) CO2 ö\ÔÄ
(3) Temperature 132. ÷PõÀøP EÖ¨¦PÒ CÁØÔÀ £[÷PØQßÓÚ
(4) CO2 concentration (1) _µ¨¦ ø£PÒ ÷uõßÖuÀ
132. The Golgi complex participates in (2) £õUj›¯õUPÎÀ _Áõ]zuÀ
(1) Formation of secretory vesicles (3) öPõʨ¦ Aª» ]øuzuÀ
(2) Respiration in bacteria (4) Aª÷Úõ Aª» ö\¯»õUP®
(3) Fatty acid breakdown 133. RÌPshÁØÖÒ EmP¸©o SÔzu Gx
(4) Activation of amino acid \›¯õÚx ?
(1) Ax J¸ \ÆÄ `Ì¢u Aø©¨¦.
133. Which of the following is true for nucleolus ?
(2) ì¤siÀ CøÇ ÷uõßÖÁvÀ £[S
(1) It is a membrane-bound structure.
(2) It takes part in spindle formation.
£S¨¦ |øhö£Ö® ö\ÀPÎÀ ö£›¯
(3) Larger nucleoli are present in dividing cells.
EmP¸©oPÒ Põn¨£kQßÓÚ.
(4) It is a site for active ribosomal RNA
(4) øµ÷£õ÷\õ® RNA u¯õ›¨¤ß uÍ®.
134. ÷áõi ÷\º¢u Jzu S÷µõ÷©õ÷\õ®PÒ ¤›¯
134. The stage during which separation of the paired
Bµ®¤US® {ø»
homologous chromosomes begins is
(1) i¨÷Íõjß
(1) Diplotene
(2) Diakinesis (2) øh¯õøPÚ]ì
(3) Pachytene (3) £õRmjß
(4) Zygotene (4) ø\÷Põjß
135. Stomata in grass leaf are 135. ¦ØPÎÀ Cø»zxøÍPÒ
(1) Kidney shaped (1) ]Ö}µP ÁiÁõÚx
(2) Rectangular (2) \xµ©õÚx
(3) Dumb-bell shaped (3) EkUøP ÁiÁõÚx
(4) Barrel shaped (4) ¥¨£õ´ ÁiÁõÚx


AglaSem Admission
136. Nissl bodies are mainly composed of 136. {ìêÀ EÖ¨¦PÎÀ ö£¸®£õßø©¯õP
(1) DNA and RNA Põn¨£kÁx
(2) Nucleic acids and SER (1) i.Gß.H. ©ØÓ® Bº.Gß.H.
(2) {³UÎU Aª»® ©ØÖ® SER
(3) Proteins and lipids
(3) ¦µu[PÒ ©ØÓ® ¼¨¤kPÒ
(4) Free ribosomes and RER
(4) uÛzu øµ÷£õ÷\õ®PÒ ©ØÖ® RER
137. Which of these statements is incorrect ? 137. ¤ßÁ¸® TØÖPÎÀ uÁÓõÚx Gx ?
(1) Glycolysis occurs in cytosol. (1) QøÍPõ¼]ì ø\m÷hõ\õ¼À {PÌQÓx.
(2) Glycolysis operates as long as it is supplied (2) øímµáß AqUSÒ HØS® NAD UPÒ
with NAD that can pick up hydrogen atoms. C¸US® Áøµ QøÍPõ¼]ì {PÇ®.
(3) Enzymes of TCA cycle are present in (3) TCA _ÇØ]°ß ö|õvPÒ ø©mhõPõsi›¯õ
mitochondrial matrix. ©õm›UêÀ EÒÍx.
(4) Oxidative phosphorylation takes place in (4) ¦Ó ø©mhõPõsi›¯õ \ÆÂÀ BU]÷hmiÆ
outer mitochondrial membrane. £õì£õ›÷»åß {PÊ®.
138. ©Ûu £À»ø©¨ø£ ÂÍUS® SÔPÒ ¯õøÁ ?
138. Which of the following terms describe human
dentition ? (1) wU÷Põhõßm, øhLø£÷¯õhõßm,
(1) Thecodont, Diphyodont, Heterodont
(2) §Ð÷µõhõßm, ÷©õÚõø£÷¯õhõßm,
(2) Pleurodont, Monophyodont, Homodont ÷íõ÷©õhõßm
(3) Thecodont, Diphyodont, Homodont (3) wU÷Põhõßm, øhLø£÷¯õhõßm,
(4) Pleurodont, Diphyodont, Heterodont ÷íõ÷©õhõßm
(4) ¦Ð÷µõhõßm, øhLø£÷¯õhõßm,
139. Select the incorrect match : öími÷µõhõßm
(1) Allosomes – Sex chromosomes
139. uÁÓõP ö£õ¸¢v²ÒÍ Cønø¯ ÷uº¢öuk :
(2) Submetacentric – L-shaped chromososmes
(1) AÀ÷»õ÷\õ®PÒ & £õÀ
chromosomes S÷µõ÷©õ÷\õ®PÒ
(3) Lampbrush – Diplotene bivalents (2) RÌ ö©mhõö\ßi›U & L- ÁiÁ
chromosomes S÷µõ÷©õ÷\õ®Pß S÷µõ÷©õ÷\õ®
(4) Polytene – Oocytes of amphibians (3) »õ®¨¤µì & i¨÷Íõjß
chromosomes S÷µõ÷©õ÷\õ®PÒ ø£÷Á»ßkPÒ
(4) £õ¼jß & C¸ÁõÌÂPÎÒ
140. Which of the following events does not occur in S÷µõ÷©õ÷\õ®PÒ Fø\mkPÒ
rough endoplasmic reticulum ?
140. ¤ßÁ¸® G¢u {PÌÄ ö\õµö\õµ¨£õÚ AP¨¤Íõ\
(1) Protein glycosylation Áø»¤ßÚ¼À (RER) {PÌÁvÀø» ?
(2) Cleavage of signal peptide (1) ¦µu QøÍ÷Põ]»õUP®
(3) Protein folding (2) SÔøP ö£¨øhkPÎß ¤ÍÄ
(3) ¦µu ©i¨¦
(4) Phospholipid synthesis
(4) £õì÷£õ¼¨¤k E¸ÁõUP®
141. Many ribosomes may associate with a single
mRNA to form multiple copies of a polypeptide 141. £»£i £õ¼ö£¨øhkPøÍ J÷µ \©¯zvÀ
simultaneously. Such strings of ribosomes are E¸ÁõUP £» øµ÷£õ÷\õ®PÒ J¸ mRNA Ähß
termed as Cøn²®. AzuøP¯ öuõhº øµ÷£õ÷\õ®PÎß
(1) Polyhedral bodies
(1) £õ¼öímµÀ EÖ¨¦PÒ
(2) Plastidome (2) ¤Íõìi÷hõ®PÒ
(3) Polysome (3) £õ¼÷\õ®PÒ
(4) Nucleosome (4) {³UÎ÷¯õ÷\õ®PÒ


AglaSem Admission
142. All of the following are part of an operon except 142. ¤ßÁ¸ÁÚÁØÖÒ J¨¤µõ÷Úõk öuõhº£ØÓx
(1) structural genes Gx ?
(1) Aø©¨¦ ©µ£q
(2) an enhancer
(2) E¯ºzv ©µ£q
(3) an operator
(3) C¯US ©µ£q
(4) a promoter
(4) ö\¯À£k ©µ£q
143. A woman has an X-linked condition on one of her
143. J¸ ö£soqøh¯ X S÷µõ÷©õ÷\õªÀ
X chromosomes. This chromosome can be
X- ¤øn¨¦ ÷|õ°ØS›¯ PõµoPÒ EÒÍöuÛÀ
inherited by
AuøÚ Akzu uø»•øÓ°À ö£Ö£ÁºPÒ ¯õº ?
(1) Only sons (1) ©PßPÒ ©mk®
(2) Only grandchildren (2) ÷£µ¤ÒøÍPÒ ©mk®
(3) Only daughters (3) ©PÒPÒ ©mk®
(4) Both sons and daughters (4) ©Pß ©ØÖ® ©PÒPÒ

144. According to Hugo de Vries, the mechanism of 144. ï³÷Põ i ÂŸì £i £›nõ©zvß ö\¯À•øÓ
evolution is ¯õx ?
(1) Saltation (1) \õÀ÷håßPÒ
(2) Phenotypic variations (2) ¦Ó÷uõØÓ ©õÖ£õkPÒ
(3) Multiple step mutations (3) £» £i{ø» vjº©õØÓ[PÒ
(4) Minor mutations (4) ]Ô¯ÍÄ vjº©õØÓ[PÒ

145. AGGTATCGCAT is a sequence from the coding 145. J¸ ãÛß SÔ•øÓ CøÇ°À EÒÍ Á›ø\
strand of a gene. What will be the corresponding AGGTATCGCAT GÛÀ, £iö¯kUP¨£mh mRNA
sequence of the transcribed mRNA ? ÂÀ Auß öuõhº¦øh¯ Á›ø\ Gx ?
146. Match the items given in Column I with those in (4) UCCAUAGCGUA
Column II and select the correct option given
below : 146. RÌPshÁØÖÒ \›¯õÚ Âøhø¯z ÷uº¢öukzx
Column I Column II öuõSv I ©ØÖ® öuõSv II-I ö£õ¸zv GÊxP :
a. Proliferative Phase i. Breakdown of öuõSv I öuõSv II
endometrial a. ö£¸UP {ø» i. Gs÷hõö©m›¯
lining £h»® ]øuuÀ
b. Secretory Phase ii. Follicular Phase b. _µUS® {ø» ii. L£õ¼S»õº {ø»
c. Menstruation iii. Luteal Phase c. ©õuÂhõ´ iii. ¿mi¯À {ø»
a b c a b c
(1) i iii ii (1) i iii ii
(2) ii iii i (2) ii iii i
(3) iii ii i (3) iii ii i
(4) iii i ii (4) iii i ii


AglaSem Admission
147. Which one of the following population 147. ©¸¢uÔ¯¼À Bßiø£¯õmiU ©¸¢xPøÍ
interactions is widely used in medical science for u¯õ›UP GÆÁøP¯õÚ CÚzöuõøP EÓÄ•øÓ
the production of antibiotics ? £¯ß£kQÓx ?
(1) Mutualism (1) £Qº¢xÓÄ
(2) Parasitism (2) Jmkso EÓÄ
(3) Commensalism (3) J¸[Qøn¢u EÓÄ
(4) Amensalism (4) J›Ú AÈÄ Tmho EÓÄ
148. ¤ßÁ¸ÁÚÁØÖÒ ‘÷ÁØÔh £õxPõ¨¦’
148. All of the following are included in ‘Ex-situ •øÓ¯À»õux Gx ?
conservation’ except (1) ÷PõÂØ PõkPÒ
(1) Sacred groves (2) uõÁµÂ¯À §[Põ
(2) Botanical gardens (3) ÁÚ Â»[S \L£õ› §[Põ
(3) Wildlife safari parks (4) Áøu Á[Q
(4) Seed banks 149. RÌPshÁØÖÒ \›¯õÚ Âøhø¯z ÷uº¢öukzx
öuõSv I ©ØÖ® öuõSv II-I ö£õ¸zv GÊxP :
149. Match the items given in Column I with those in
Column II and select the correct option given P»® I P»® II
below : a. ³mk÷µõL¤U÷Påß i. UV-B Pvº Ãa_
Column I Column II b. vhPÈÄ öPõsk ii. PõhÈzuÀ
a. Eutrophication i. UV-B radiation
b. Sanitary landfill ii. Deforestation
c. £Û S¸k iii. Fmh¨ö£õ¸Ò
c. Snow blindness iii. Nutrient ªøPø©
enrichment d. ã® £°›kuÀ iv. PÈÄ ÷©»õsø©
d. Jhum cultivation iv. Waste disposal a b c d
(1) i iii iv ii
a b c d
(2) iii iv i ii
(1) i iii iv ii (3) ii i iii iv
(2) iii iv i ii (4) i ii iv iii
(3) ii i iii iv
150. J¸ |õmiß Á͸® áÚzöuõøP°À
(4) i ii iv iii (1) ¤ß CÚö£¸UP {ø»°À EÒÍ |£ºPøÍ
Âh CÚö£¸UP {ø»°À EÒÍ |£ºPÒ
150. In a growing population of a country, SøÓÄ.
(1) reproductive individuals are less than the (2) CÚö£¸UP {ø»°À EÒÍ |£ºPЮ •ß
post-reproductive individuals. CÚö£¸UP {ø»°À EÒÍ |£ºPЮ
(2) reproductive and pre-reproductive \©©õP EÒÍÚº.
individuals are equal in number. (3) CÚö£¸UP {ø»°À EÒÍ |£ºPøÍ Âh
(3) pre-reproductive individuals are more than •ß CÚö£¸UP {ø»°À EÒÍ |£ºPÒ
the reproductive individuals. AvP®.
(4) pre-reproductive individuals are less than (4) CÚö£¸UP {ø»°À EÒÍ |£ºPøÍ Âh
the reproductive individuals. •ß CÚö£¸UP {ø»°À EÒÍ |£ºPÒ
151. Which part of poppy plant is used to obtain the 151. £õ¨¤ ö\i°ß G¢u £Sv ‘‘ì÷©U’’ GßÓ ÷£õøu
drug ‘‘Smack’’ ? ©¸¢øu u¯õ›UP £¯ß£kQÓx ?
(1) Latex (1) ÷»mhUì
(2) Roots (2) ÷ÁºPÒ
(3) Flowers (3) ©»ºPÒ
(4) Leaves (4) Cø»PÒ


AglaSem Admission
152. Among the following sets of examples for 152. ›{ø» £›nõ©zvØS öPõkUP¨£mh
divergent evolution, select the incorrect option : GkzxUPõmkPÎÀ uÁÓõÚx Gx ?
(1) Heart of bat, man and cheetah (1) ÁÆÚÁõÀ, ©Ûuß ©ØÖ® ^zuõÂß Cu¯®
(2) ÁÆÚÁõÀ, ©Ûuß ©ØÖ® ^zuõÂß ‰øÍ
(2) Brain of bat, man and cheetah
(3) ©Ûuß, ÁÆÚÁõÀ ©ØÖ® ^zuõÂß
(3) Forelimbs of man, bat and cheetah •ßÚ[PõÀ
(4) Eye of octopus, bat and man (4) Buh£ì, ÁÆÚÁõÀ ©ØÖ® ©ÛuÛß Ps
153. Which of the following is not an autoimmune 153. ¤ßÁ¸ÁÚÁØÖÒ Gx ‘uß Gvº¨¦’ ÷|õ´
disease ? AÀ» ?
(1) Rheumatoid arthritis (1) ›©mhõ´k Bºvøµmiì
(2) Alzheimer’s disease (2) AÀ^©º ÷|õ´
(3) Psoriasis (3) ÷\õ›¯õ]ì
(4) Vitiligo (4) Âmi¼÷Põ
154. G¢÷|õ´ öPõ_ÂÚõÀ Phzu¨£k®
154. In which disease does mosquito transmitted ~sq°›°ÚõÀ {n}º |õÍ{PÎÀ |õÒ£mh
pathogen cause chronic inflammation of BÇØ] HØ£kzxQÓx ?
lymphatic vessels ?
(1) AìPõ›¯õ]ì
(1) Ascariasis (2) ›[Áº® ÷|õ´
(2) Ringworm disease (3) G¼L÷£ßi¯õ]ì
(3) Elephantiasis (4) A«ø£¯õ]ì
(4) Amoebiasis
155. £õÀ u°ÓõP ©õÖ® ÷£õx Auß Fmh\zx ©v¨¦
155. Conversion of milk to curd improves its G¢u øÁmhªß AÍÄ E¯ºÁuõÀ AvP›UQÓx
nutritional value by increasing the amount of (1) øÁmhªß A
(1) Vitamin A (2) øÁmhªß B12
(2) Vitamin B12
(3) øÁmhªß D
(3) Vitamin D
(4) øÁmhªß E
(4) Vitamin E
156. •xöP¾®¤PÎß •ßÚ[PõÀPÎß
156. The similarity of bone structure in the forelimbs G¾®£ø©¨¤À EÒÍ JØÖø© GuØS
of many vertebrates is an example of GkzxUPõmk ?
(1) Analogy (1) AÚõ»â
(2) Convergent evolution (2) SÂ{ø» £›nõ©®
(3) Homology (3) ÷íõ©õ»â
(4) Adaptive radiation (4) uÊ £µÁÀ
157. Which of the following characteristics represent 157. ©ÛuÛß CµzuÁøP £õµ®£›¯zøu \›¯õP
‘Inheritance of blood groups’ in humans ? ÂÍUSÁx Gx ?
a. Dominance a. {øÓ ÷¯õ[PÀ
b. Co-dominance b. xøn ÷¯õ[PÀ
c. Multiple allele c. £» Smk A½ÀPÒ
d. Incomplete dominance d. SøÓ÷¯õ[PÀ
e. Polygenic inheritance e. £» ©µ£q £õµ®£›¯®
(1) a, b and c (1) a, b ©ØÖ® c
(2) b, d and e (2) b, d ©ØÖ® e
(3) b, c and e (3) b, c ©ØÖ® e
(4) a, c and e (4) a, c ©ØÖ® e


AglaSem Admission
158. Hormones secreted by the placenta to maintain 158. PÖÄØÓø» £µõ©›UP ¤Íõ\ßhõÁõÀ _µUP¨£k®
pregnancy are íõº÷©õßPÒ ¯õøÁ ?
(1) hCG, hPL, Dìiµáß, ›»õU]ß, B
(1) hCG, hPL, estrogens, relaxin, oxytocin
(2) hCG, hPL, progestogens, estrogens (2) hCG, hPL, ¦÷µõöáìm÷hõáß, Dìiµáß
(3) hCG, hPL, progestogens, prolactin (3) hCG, hPL, ¦÷µõöáìm÷hõáß,
(4) hCG, progestogens, estrogens,
(4) hCG, ¦÷µõöáìm÷hõáß, Dìiµáß,
159. The contraceptive ‘SAHELI’ 159. ‘\õ÷í¼’ GßÓ P¸zuøh \õuÚ®
(1) increases the concentration of estrogen and (1) ö£sPÎÀ Dìiµáß AÍøÁ AvP›zx
prevents ovulation in females. Ashö\À öÁίõuø» ukUQÓx.
(2) is an IUD. (2) J¸ IUD.
(3) P¸¨ø£°¾ÒÍ Dìiµáß HؤPøÍ
(3) blocks estrogen receptors in the uterus,
©øÓzx P¸•møh £v¯zøu ukQÓx.
preventing eggs from getting implanted.
(4) ¦nºu¾US ¤ß £¯ß£kzu¨£k®
(4) is a post-coital contraceptive. P¸zuøh \õuÚ®.
160. The amnion of mammalian embryo is derived 160. £õ¿miPÎß P¸¼¾ÒÍ B®Û¯õß
from GÁØÔ¼¸¢x öPõnµ¨£kQÓx ?
(1) Gs÷hõöhº® ©ØÖ® «÷\õöhº®
(1) endoderm and mesoderm
(2) «÷\õöhº® ©ØÖ® k÷µõL÷£õ¤Íõìm
(2) mesoderm and trophoblast
(3) GU÷hõ÷hõ® ©ØÓ® «÷\õöhº®
(3) ectoderm and mesoderm
(4) GU÷hõöhº® ©ØÖ® Gs÷hõöhº®
(4) ectoderm and endoderm
161. ìö£ºª÷¯õöáÛ]ìÝUS®
161. The difference between spermiogenesis and ìö£ºª÷¯åÝUS® Cøh°À EÒÍ
spermiation is ÷ÁÖ£õkPÒ Gx ?
(1) ìö£ºª÷¯õöáÛ]ìêÀ
(1) In spermiogenesis spermatozoa are formed,
ìö£º©mhõ÷\õÁõUPÒ E¸ÁõQßÓÚ;
while in spermiation spermatids are
ìö£ºª÷¯åÛÀ ìö£º©õmikPÒ
(2) In spermiogenesis spermatozoa from sertoli (2) ìö£ºª÷¯õöáÛ]ìêÀ ö\º÷hõ¼
cells are released into the cavity of ö\ÀPμ¸¢x ìö£º©m÷hõ÷\õÁõUPÒ
seminiferous tubules, while in spermiation ö\ªÛLö£µì SÇÛÝÒ
spermatozoa are formed. öÁΰh¨£kQßÓÚ; ìö£ºª÷¯åÛÀ
ìö£º©m÷hõ÷\õÁõUPÒ E¸ÁõQßÓÚ
(3) In spermiogenesis spermatids are formed,
(3) ìö£ºª÷¯õöáÛ]ìêÀ ìö£º©õmikPÒ
while in spermiation spermatozoa are
E¸ÁõQßÓÚ; ìö£ºª÷¯åÛÀ
ìö£º©mhõ ÷\õÁõUPÒ E¸ÁõQßÓÚ
(4) In spermiogenesis spermatozoa are formed, (4) ìö£ºª÷¯õöáÛ]ìêÀ
while in spermiation spermatozoa are ìö£º©mhõ÷\õÁõUPÒ E¸ÁõQßÓÚ;
released from sertoli cells into the cavity of ìö£ºª÷¯åÛÀ ìö£º©m÷hõ÷\õÁõUPÒ
seminiferous tubules. ö\ªÛLö£µì SÇÛÝÒ
AglaSem Admission
162. Which of the following is an amino acid derived 162. Aª÷Úõ Aª»zv¼¸¢x öPõnµ¨£mh
hormone ? íõº÷©õß Gx ?
(1) Ecdysone (1) GUøh÷\õß
(2) Estradiol (2) Dìiµøh÷¯õÀ
(3) Epinephrine (3) G¨¤ö|L¨Ÿß
(4) Estriol (4) Dìiøµ÷¯õÀ

163. Which of the following structures or regions is 163. ¤ßÁ¸ÁÚÁØÖÒ G¢u Aø©¨¦ Auß
incorrectly paired with its function ? ö\¯÷»õk uÁÓõP ö£õ¸¢v²ÒÍx ?
(1) ®¤U öuõSv : ‰øÍ°ß £» £SvPøÍ
(1) Limbic system : consists of fibre
tracts that CønUS® |õº
interconnect PØøÓPøÍ
different regions of öPõsi¸US®, C¯UP
brain; controls ö\¯ÀPøÍ
movement. Pmk¨£kzx®.
(2) øí¨÷£õu»õ©ì : _µ¨¦ íõº÷©õßPøÍ
(2) Hypothalamus : production of
releasing hormones EØ£zv ö\´x, öÁm£®,
and regulation of £] ©ØÖ® uõPzøu
temperature, ^º£kzx®.
hunger and thirst. (3) ö©kÀ»õ : _Áõ\® ©ØÖ® Põºi÷¯õ
A¨»[÷Pmhõ ÁõìS»õº AÛaø\PøÍ
(3) Medulla oblongata : controls respiration
and cardiovascular
reflexes. (4) Põº£ì P÷»õ\® : Á»x ©ØÓ® Chx
(4) Corpus callosum : band of fibers Aøµ÷PõÍ[PøÍ
connecting left and
CønUS® |õº PØøÓPÒ.
right cerebral
164. ©Ûu PsPÎÀ EÒÍ JÎ Fk¸Ä® ÂÀø»
Auß {ø»°À Guß ‰»® {Özu¨£kQÓx
164. The transparent lens in the human eye is held in (1) I›ì÷\õk Cøn¢v¸US® ¼Pö©skPÒ
its place by
(2) I›ì÷\õk Cøn¢v¸US® ö©ßv_UPÒ
(1) ligaments attached to the iris (3) ^¼¯› EÖ¨÷£õk Cøn¢v¸US®
(2) smooth muscles attached to the iris »Pö©skPÒ
(3) ligaments attached to the ciliary body (4) ^¼¯› EÖ¨÷£õk Cøn¢v¸US®
(4) smooth muscles attached to the ciliary body ö©ßv_UPÒ

165. Bìi÷¯õ÷£õµ]ìêÀ •UQ¯ £[S ÁQUS®

165. Which of the following hormones can play a
significant role in osteoporosis ?
íõº÷©õß Gx ?
(1) ¦÷µõöáìi÷µõß ©ØÖ® BÀhõìi÷µõß
(1) Progesterone and Aldosterone
(2) Dìiµáß ©ØÖ® £õµõøuµõ´k íõº÷©õß
(2) Estrogen and Parathyroid hormone
(3) BÀhõìi÷µõß ©ØÓ® ¦÷µõ»õUPiß
(3) Aldosterone and Prolactin
(4) £õµõøuµõ´k íõº÷©õß ©ØÖ®
(4) Parathyroid hormone and Prolactin
AglaSem Admission
166. Which of the following options correctly 166. Bìx©õ ©ØÖ® G®L¤^©õÂÀ ~øµ±µ¼ß
represents the lung conditions in asthma and {ø»ø¯ •øÓ÷¯ \›¯õP SÔ¨£x Gx ?
emphysema, respectively ? (1) ¤µõßøP÷¯õÀPÎß GsoUøP
(1) Increased number of bronchioles; Increased AvP›zuÀ; _Áõ\ £µ¨¦ AvP›zuÀ
respiratory surface
(2) _Áõ\¨£µ¨¦ AvP›zuÀ;
(2) Increased respiratory surface; ¤µõßøP÷¯õÀPÎÀ _ÇØ] HØ£kuÀ
Inflammation of bronchioles
(3) ¤µõßøP÷¯õÀPÎÀ _ÇØ] HØ£kuÀ; _Áõ\
(3) Inflammation of bronchioles; Decreased £µ¨¦ SøÓuÀ
respiratory surface
(4) _Áõ\ £µ¨¦ SøÓuÀ; ¤µõßøP÷¯õÀPÎÀ
(4) Decreased respiratory surface; _ÇØ] HØ£kuÀ
Inflammation of bronchioles
167. RÌPshÁØÖÒ \›¯õÚ Âøhø¯z ÷uº¢öukzx
167. Match the items given in Column I with those in öuõSv I ©ØÖ® öuõSv II-I ö£õ¸zv GÊxP :
Column II and select the correct option given
below : öuõSv I öuõSv II
Column I Column II a. ‰ÂuÌ ÁõÀÄ i.
Chx Hm›¯® ©ØÖ®
a. Tricuspid valve i. Between left atrium Chx öÁsi›UQÒ
and left ventricle Cøh°À
b. Bicuspid valve ii. Between right b. C¸ÂuÌ ÁõÀÄ ii. Á»x öÁsi›UQÒ
©ØÖ® ~øµ±µÀ u©Û
ventricle and
pulmonary artery
c. AøµÁmh ÁõÀÄ iii. Á»x Hm›¯® ©ØÖ®
c. Semilunar valve iii. Between right
Á»x öÁsi›UQÒ
atrium and right Cøh°À
a b c
a b c
(1) i iii ii
(1) i iii ii
(2) i ii iii
(2) i ii iii
(3) iii i ii
(3) iii i ii
(4) ii i iii
(4) ii i iii
168. Match the items given in Column I with those in 168. RÌPshÁØÖÒ \›¯õÚ Âøhø¯z ÷uº¢öukzx
Column II and select the correct option given öuõSv I ©ØÖ® öuõSv II-I ö£õ¸zv GÊxP :
below :
Column I Column II öuõSv I öuõSv II
a. ‰a\ÍÄ i. 2500 – 3000 mL
a. Tidal volume i. 2500 – 3000 mL
b. EÒ•a_U Põ¨¦z ii. 1100 – 1200 mL
b. Inspiratory Reserve ii. 1100 – 1200 mL ÷uUPU öPõÒÍÍÄ
c. ¦Ó_Áõ\ JxUPU iii. 500 – 550 mL
c. Expiratory Reserve iii. 500 – 550 mL öPõÒÍÍÄ
volume d. u[S öPõÒÍÍÄ iv. 1000 – 1100 mL
d. Residual volume iv. 1000 – 1100 mL a b c d
a b c d
(1) iii i iv ii
(1) iii i iv ii
(2) i iv ii iii
(2) i iv ii iii
(3) iii ii i iv (3) iii ii i iv
(4) iv iii ii i (4) iv iii ii i


AglaSem Admission
169. Which of the following gastric cells indirectly 169. G›z÷µõ÷£õ¯]ìUS ©øÓ•P©õP EuÄ®
help in erythropoiesis ? Põìm›U ö\ÀPÒ Gx ?
(1) Mucous cells (1) ª³UPì ö\ÀPÒ
(2) Goblet cells (2) ÷Põ¨»m ö\ÀPÒ
(3) ^¨ ö\ÀPÒ
(3) Chief cells
(4) £øµmhÀ ö\ÀPÒ
(4) Parietal cells

170. Match the items given in Column I with those in 170. RÌPshÁØÖÒ \›¯õÚ Âøhø¯z ÷uº¢öukzx
Column II and select the correct option given öuõSv I ©ØÖ® öuõSv II-I ö£õ¸zv GÊxP :
below : öuõSv I öuõSv II
Column I Column II a. Lø£¨›÷Úõáß i. Bì©õmiU \©Ûø»
a. Fibrinogen i. Osmotic balance b. S÷Íõ¦Îß ii. Cµzu® EøÓuÀ
c. BÀ¦ªß iii. £õxPõ¨¦ ö\¯À•øÓ
b. Globulin ii. Blood clotting
c. Albumin iii. Defence mechanism a b c

a b c (1) i ii iii

(1) i ii iii (2) i iii ii

(2) i iii ii (3) iii ii i

(3) iii ii i (4) ii iii i
(4) ii iii i
171. ¤ßÁ¸ÁÚÁØÖÒ Gx öuõÈÀ öuõhº£õÚ _Áõ\
171. Which of the following is an occupational ÷PõÍõÖ ?
respiratory disorder ? (1) ]¼÷Põ]ì
(1) Silicosis (2) £õmk¼\®
(2) Botulism (3) B¢vµõ]ì
(4) GL®¤^©õ
(3) Anthracis
(4) Emphysema 172. G¾®¦ uø\ _¸[Su¼À PõÀ]¯® •UQ¯ £s¦
172. Calcium is important in skeletal muscle
(1) ø©÷¯õ]ß ATPase _hß Cøn¢x CuøÚ
contraction because it
(1) activates the myosin ATPase by binding to
it. (2) ø©÷¯õ]ß uø»ø¯ BUiß
CøÇPμ¸¢x ¤›UQÓx.
(2) detaches the myosin head from the actin
filament. (3) S÷µõ÷£õÛÝhß Cøn¢x,
(3) binds to troponin to remove the masking of ©øÓUP¨£mi¸US® ø©÷¯õ]ÝUPõÚ
active sites on actin for myosin. ö\¯ÀvÓß £SvPøÍ öÁΨ£kzxQÓx.
(4) prevents the formation of bonds between (4) ö©÷¯õ]ß SÖUS Cøn¨¦ ©ØÖ® BUiß
the myosin cross bridges and the actin CøÇPÎÛøh÷¯ HØ£k® ¤øn¨¦PøÍ
filament. ukUQÓx.


AglaSem Admission
173. Match the items given in Column I with those in 173. RÌPshÁØÖÒ \›¯õÚ Âøhø¯z ÷uº¢öukzx
Column II and select the correct option given öuõSv I ©ØÖ® öuõSv II-I ö£õ¸zv GÊxP :
below :
öuõSv I öuõSv II
Column I Column II
a. QøÍ÷Põ`›¯õ i. ‰mkPÎÀ ³›U
a. Glycosuria i. Accumulation of uric Aª»® ÷\ºuÀ
acid in joints
b. öPÍm ii. ]Ö}µPzvØSÒ
b. Gout ii. Mass of crystallised
Põn¨£k® PÚ
salts within the kidney
£iP©õÚ E¨¦PÒ
c. Renal calculi iii. Inflammation in
glomeruli c. ›À PõÀSø» iii. S÷Íõ©¹øÍ°À
HØ£k® _ÇØ]
d. Glomerular iv. Presence of glucose in
nephritis urine d. S÷Íõ©¹Íõº iv. ]Ö}›À SÐU÷Põì
ö|L¨›miì EÒÍx
a b c d
(1) i ii iii iv a b c d
(2) ii iii i iv (1) i ii iii iv
(3) iii ii iv i (2) ii iii i iv
(4) iv i ii iii (3) iii ii iv i

174. Match the items given in Column I with those in (4) iv i ii iii
Column II and select the correct option given
below : 174. RÌPshÁØÖÒ \›¯õÚ Âøhø¯z ÷uº¢öukzx
Column I Column II öuõSv I ©ØÖ® öuõSv II-I ö£õ¸zv GÊxP :
(Function) (Part of Excretory öuõSv I öuõSv II
System) (ö\´PÒ) (PÈÄ
a. Ultrafiltration i. Henle’s loop £Sv)
b. Concentration ii. Ureter a. ~s ÁiPmi i. öíß¼ ÁøÍÄ
of urine
b. ]Ö}›ß AhºÄ ii. ³÷µmhº
c. Transport of iii. Urinary bladder
urine c. ^Ö}º Phzu¨£kuÀ iii. ]Ö}º ø£

d. Storage of urine iv. Malpighian d. ^Ö}º ÷\P›¨¦ iv. ©õÀL¤â¯ß

corpuscle Põº¦ö\À
v. •ußø©
v. Proximal
convoluted tubule
a b c d a b c d
(1) iv i ii iii (1) iv i ii iii
(2) v iv i ii (2) v iv i ii
(3) iv v ii iii (3) iv v ii iii
(4) v iv i iii (4) v iv i iii


AglaSem Admission
175. Which of the following features is used to identify 175. Bs Pµ¨£õߧa]PÒ ©ØÖ® ö£s Pµ¨£õß
a male cockroach from a female cockroach ? §a]PøÍ G¨£s¦PÒ •»® PshÔ¯»õ® ?
(1) Presence of caudal styles (1) ÁõÀ ]vÀ EÒÍuõÀ
(2) Forewings with darker tegmina (2) •ß CÓSPÎß öhUªÚõ P¸ø©¯õP
(3) Presence of a boat shaped sternum on the EÒÍuõÀ
abdominal segment (3) 9-Áx Á°ØÖ PshzvÀ £hS ÁiÁ
ìöhºÚ® EÒÍuõÀ
(4) Presence of anal cerci
(4) ©»¨¦øÇU öPõ®¦PÒ EÒÍuõÀ
176. Identify the vertebrate group of animals
characterized by crop and gizzard in its digestive 176. ö\›©õÚ ©sh»zvÀ wÛ¨ø£ ©ØÖ®
system. AøµøÁ¨ø£ø¯ Eøh¯ •xöP¾®¤PÒ Gx ?
(1) FºÁÚ
(1) Reptilia
(2) HÆì
(2) Aves
(3) C¸ÁõÌÂPÒ
(3) Amphibia
(4) BìjUwì
(4) Osteichthyes
177. ¤ßÁ¸ÁÚÁØÖÒ öÁ¨£ Cµzu ¤µõo¯ØÓ
177. Which one of these animals is not a »[S Gx ?
homeotherm ?
(1) R÷»õß
(1) Chelone (2) ÷Pö©»ì
(2) Camelus (3) ©õU÷µõ£ì
(3) Macropus (4) ]mhõUS»õ
(4) Psittacula
178. ö£¸[PhÀPÎÀ •UQ¯ EØ£zv¯õ͵õP
178. Which of the following organisms are known as P¸u¨£k® E°›PÒ Gx ?
chief producers in the oceans ? (1) h¯mh®PÒ
(1) Diatoms (2) \¯÷Úõ£õUj›¯õUPÒ
(2) Cyanobacteria (3) øh÷ÚõL¤ÍõöáÀ÷»mkPÒ
(3) Dinoflagellates (4) ³UÏÚõ´kPÒ
(4) Euglenoids
179. ¤ßÁ¸ÁÚÁØÖÒ Áͺ E¸©õØÓ® {PÇõu
179. Which of the following animals does not undergo {PÊP »[S Gx ?
metamorphosis ? (1) i³Û÷PmkPÒ
(1) Tunicate (2) A¢x¨ §a]
(2) Moth (3) ©s¦Ê
(3) Earthworm (4) |m\zvµ «ß

(4) Starfish 180. ¤Ó ¦÷µõm÷hõ÷\õÁõUPμ¸¢x ^¼÷¯mkPÒ

GUPõµnzuõÀ ÷ÁÖ£kPßÓÚ ?
180. Ciliates differ from all other protozoans in
(1) ªøP }øµ öÁÎ÷¯ØÓ _¸[S ~sSªÌ
(1) having a contractile vacuole for removing ö£ØÔ¸US®
excess water
(2) Cøµø¯ ¤i¨£uØS ÷£õ¼PõÀPøÍ
(2) using pseudopodia for capturing prey £¯ß£kzx®
(3) using flagella for locomotion (3) Chö£¯ºÄUPõP }ÎøÇPøÍ £¯ß£kzx®
(4) having two types of nuclei (4) Cµsk ÁøP¯õÚ EmP¸øÁ ö£ØÔ¸US®


AglaSem Admission


AglaSem Admission


AglaSem Admission
Read carefully the following instructions :
RÌPsh AÔÄøµPøÍ PÁn©õP £²UPÄ® :
1. Each candidate must show on demand his/her
1. @uºÄ GÊx£ÁºPÒ PsPõo¨£õͺ @PmS®
Admit Card to the Invigilator. @£õx u[PÍx AÝ©v Amøhø¯U Põs¤UP
2. No candidate, without special permission of @Ásk®.
the Superintendent or Invigilator, would 2. @uºÄ GÊx£Áº GÁ¸® PsPõo¨£õÍ›ß
leave his/her seat. ]Ó¨¦ AÝ©v°ßÔ, AÁµÁº
C¸¨¤hzv¼¸¢x öŒÀ»
3. The candidates should not leave the AÝ©vUP¨£h©õmhõºPÒ.
Examination Hall without handing over their
Answer Sheet to the Invigilator on duty and 3. @uºÄ GÊx£ÁºPÒ u[PÍx AøÓ°¾ÒÍ
PsPõo¨£õÍ›h® C¸•øÓ Á¸øP¨ £vÄU
sign the Attendance Sheet twice. Cases
öPö¯õ¨£® Ch @Ásk® ©ØÖ® u[PÍx
where a candidate has not signed the ÂøhzuõøÍ AøÓ @uºÄU PsPõo¨£õÍ›h®
Attendance Sheet second time will be öPõkzu ¤ßÚ@µ öÁΰÀ öŒÀ»
deemed not to have handed over the AÝ©vUP¨£kÁõº. CµshõÁx •øÓ
Answer Sheet and dealt with as an øPö¯õ¨£ªhõu @uºÁºPÒ, u[PÍx
unfair means case. ÂøhzuõøÍ AøÓUPsPõo¨£õÍ›h®
AÎUPõ©À öŒßÓuõP P¸u¨£kÁõº ©ØÖ® Ax
4. Use of Electronic/Manual Calculator is AÁµx ö£õÖ¨£ØÓ öŒ¯»õP P¸u¨£k®.
4. ªßÚÝ/Œõuõµn Po¨¤PÒ £¯ß£kzuÁx
5. The candidates are governed by all Rules and uøh öŒ#¯¨£mkÒÍx.
Regulations of the examination with regard to
5. @uºÄ AøÓ°ÝÒ, @uºÄ GÊx£ÁºPÒ
their conduct in the Examination Hall. All AøÚÁ¸® @uºÂß Œmhvmh[PÐUS
cases of unfair means will be dealt with as per Em£mhÁºPÒ BÁº. ö£õÖ¨£ØÓ GÀ»õ
Rules and Regulations of this examination. öŒ¯ÀPÐUS® @uºÂß Œmhvmh[PÒ£i
|hÁiUøP GkUP¨£k®.
6. No part of the Test Booklet and Answer Sheet
shall be detached under any circumstances. 6. G¢u ‹ÌÛø»°¾® @uºÄ¨ ¦zuP® ©ØÖ®
ÂøhzuõøÍ ¤›zöukzuÀ Thõx.
7. The candidates will write the Correct Test
Booklet Code as given in the Test 7. @uºÄ GÊx£ÁºPÒ u[PÍx @uºÄ ¦zuP
ÂøhzuõÒ SÔ±møh Á¸øP¨ £vÄzuõÎÀ
Booklet/Answer Sheet in the Attendance
Pmhõ¯® GÊu@Ásk®.


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