(English/Tamil) Test Booklet Code
This Booklet contains 44 pages. CÆ ÂÚõzuõÒ öuõS¨¦ 44. £UP[PøÍ öPõshx
Do not open this Test Booklet until you are asked to do so.
C¢u ÂÚõz öuõS¨ø£ uÓUS®£i PsPõo¨£õͺ TÖ® Áøµ°À vÓUPUThõx.
Read carefully the Instructions on the Back Cover of this Test Booklet.
ÂÚõzöuõS¨¤ØS ¤ß £UP•ÒÍ AÔÄøµPøÍ PÁÚ©õP £iUPÄ®. *0KK*
Important Instructions : •UQ¯ AÔÄøµPÒ :
1. The Answer Sheet is inside this Test Booklet. When you 1. C¢u ÂÚõuöuõS¨¤ØSÒ ÂøhzuõÒ EÒÍx. ÂÚõz
are directed to open the Test Booklet, take out the öuõS¨ø£. vÓUP AÔÄÖzu¨£k® ö£õÊx ÂøhzuõøÍ
Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars on Side-1 and Gkzx £UP®-1 ©ØÖ® £UP®-2 CÀ @PmP¨£mkÒÍ
Side-2 carefully with blue/black ball point pen only. £µVPøÍ PÁÚ©õP }»®/PÖ¨¦ £õÀ £õ#ßk @£Úõ
©mk@© £¯ß£kzv {µ¨¦Ä®.
2. The test is of 3 hours duration and Test Booklet 2. C¢u @uºÄ 3 ©o @|µ©õS® ©ØÖ® ÂÚõzuõÒ öuõS¨¦ 180
contains 180 questions. Each question carries 4 marks. ÂÚõUPøÍU öPõshx. JÆöÁõ¸ ÂÚõÄUS 4
For each correct response, the candidate will get ©v¨ö£sPÒ. JÆöÁõ¸ Œ›¯õÚ ÂøhUS, @uºÄ
4 marks. For each incorrect response, one mark will be GÊx£Á¸US 4 ©v¨ö£sPÒ QøhUS®. ö©õzu
deducted from the total scores. The maximum marks are ©v¨ö£sPÎÀ JÁöÁõ¸ uÁÓõÚ ÂøhUS® J¸ ©v¨ö£s
720. PÈUP¨£k®. AvP£mŒ ©v¨ö£sPÒ 720 BS®.
3. Use Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only for writing 3. C¢u £UPzvÀ GÊxÁuØS®/ÂøhPøÍU SÔ¨£uØS® }»®/
P¸¨¦ £õÀ £õ#ßk @£Úõ ©mk® E£@¯õQUP @Ásk®.
particulars on this page/marking responses.
4. ÂÚõzuõÒ öuõS¨¤À öPõkUP¨£mh ChzvÀ ©mk®
4. Rough work is to be done on the space provided for this Œ›£õºzu¾US (Rough work) £¯ß£kzu@Ásk®.
purpose in the Test Booklet only. 5. @uºÄ •i¢uÄhß, @uºÄ GÊx£Áº ÂøhzuõøÍ AøÓ
5. On completion of the test, the candidate must hand @uºÄU PsPõo¨£õÍ›h® @uºÁøÓ°¼¸¢x öÁÎ@¯
over the Answer Sheet to the Invigilator before @£õS•ß@£ öPõkUP @Ásk®. @uºÄ GÊx£ÁºPÒ
leaving the Room/Hall. The candidates are allowed ÂÚõzuõÒ öuõS¨ø£ Gkzx öŒÀ» AÝ©vUP £kQÓõºPÒ.
to take away this Test Booklet with them. 6. C¢u ÂÚõzuõÒ öuõS¨¤À SÔ±k KK. ÂøhzuõÎß
£UP®-2 À öPõkUP¨£mkÒÍ SÔ±k® C¢u ÂÚõzuõÒ
6. The CODE for this Booklet is KK. Make sure that the öuõS¨¤ß SÔ±k® JßÖuõß GßÖ EÖv öŒ#¯Ä®.
CODE printed on Side-2 of the Answer Sheet is the HuõÁx •µs£õk C¸¢uõÀ, @uºÄ GÊx£Áº EhÚi¯õP
same as that on this Test Booklet. In case of discrepancy, AøÓ PsPõo¨£õÍ›h® öu›Âzx, ©õØÖ ÂÚõzuõÒ
the candidate should immediately report the matter to öuõS¨ø£²® ©ØÖ® ÂøhzuõøͲ® ö£ØÖU öPõÒÍ
the Invigilator for replacement of both the Test Booklet @Ásk®.
and the Answer Sheet. 7. @uºÄ GÊx£ÁºPÒ ÂøhzuõÒ ©h[Põ©À C¸¨£øu
EÖvöŒ#x öPõÒÍ @Ásk®. ÂøhzuõÎÀ G¢uÂu©õÚ
7. The candidates should ensure that the Answer Sheet is @uøÁ¯ØÓ SÔ¨¦PЮ öŒ#¯UThõx. ÂÚõzuõÒ
not folded. Do not make any stray marks on the Answer öuõS¨¦/ÂøhzuõÎÀ öPõkUP¨£mh SÔ¨¤mh Chzøu
Sheet. Do not write your Roll No. anywhere else except uµ G¢u Chzv¾® @uºÄ GÊx£Áº AÁµx £vÄ Gsøn
in the specified space in the Test Booklet/Answer Sheet. GÊuThõx.
8. Use of white fluid for correction is not permissible on the 8. ÂøhzuõÎÀ öÁÒøÍ vµÁzvÀ AÈzx v¸zu[PÒ öŒ#¯
Answer Sheet. AÝ©v°Àø».
In case of any ambiguity in translation of any question, English version shall be treated as final.
ÂÚõ ö©õÈ ö£¯º¨¤À HuõÁx ŒºaøŒ C¸¢uõÀ, B[Q» ¤µv@¯ •iÁõÚx.
: in words _________________________________________________________________________________
g (1) a=
(1) a= sin
(2) a = g cos
(2) a = g cos
g (3) a=
(3) a= cosec
(4) a = g tan
(4) a = g tan ^ ^ ^ 7. ¦ÒÎ (2, 0, – 3) À, ¦ÒÎ (2, – 2, – 2) I¨ö£õ¸zx,
7. The moment of the force, F = 4 i + 5 j – 6 k at ^
(2, 0, – 3), about the point (2, – 2, – 2), is given by Âø\ F = 4^i + 5 ^j – 6 k ØPõÚ E¢uzøuz u¸Áx
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
(1) – 4 i – j – 8 k (1) –4i – j – 8k
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
(2) – 7 i – 8 j – 4 k (2) –7i – 8 j – 4k
^ ^ ^
^ ^ ^ (3) –8i – 4 j – 7k
(3) – 8 i – 4 j – 7 k ^ ^ ^
(4) –7i – 4 j – 8k
^ ^ ^ 8. J¸ ©õnÁº «Ò]ØÓÍÄ 0·001 cm öPõsh v¸S
(4) – 7 i – 4 j – 8 k
8. A student measured the diameter of a small steel
AÍÂø¯U öPõsk, J¸ ]Ô¯ C¸®¦ Ssiß
ball using a screw gauge of least count
Âmhzøu AÍUQÓõº. v¸S AÍ塧 ‰»
0·001 cm. The main scale reading is 5 mm and
AÍÄ ©v¨¦ 5 mm ©ØÖ® Ámh AÍÄ ¤›Âß
zero of circular scale division coincides with
_ȯõÚx ÷©Ø÷PõÒ ©mhzvØS 25 ¤›ÄPÐUS
25 divisions above the reference level. If screw
÷©À J¸[Qøn¢xÒÍx. v¸S AÍÂ
– 0·004 cm _ȤøÇ öPõshx GÛÀ, Ssiß
gauge has a zero error of – 0·004 cm, the correct
diameter of the ball is
\›¯õÚ Âmh®.
(1) 0·525 cm
(1) 0·525 cm
(2) 0·053 cm
(2) 0·053 cm
(3) 0·521 cm
(3) 0·521 cm
(4) 0·529 cm
(4) 0·529 cm
AglaSem Admission
9. The volume (V) of a monatomic gas varies with 9. J¸ JØøÓ Aq Áõ²Âß £¸© (V) ©õÖ£õk
its temperature (T), as shown in the graph. The Auß öÁ¨£{ø»ø¯¨ (T) ö£õ¸zuuõÚ
ratio of work done by the gas, to the heat Áøµ÷Põk £hzvÀ Põmh¨£mkÒÍx. £hzvÀ
absorbed by it, when it undergoes a change from {ø» A °¼¸¢x {ø» B ØS ©õÖ® ÷£õx
state A to state B, is Áõ²ÂÚõÀ ö\´¯¨£mh ÷Áø»US®, AuÚõÀ
EmPÁµ¨£mh öÁ¨£zvØS©õÚ uPÄ
(1) 2
3 (1)
(2) 1
3 (2)
2 2
(3) (3)
5 5
2 2
(4) (4)
7 7
10. The fundamental frequency in an open organ
10. J¸ vÓ¢u BºPß SÇõ°ß Ai¨£øh AvºöÁs
pipe is equal to the third harmonic of a closed
organ pipe. If the length of the closed organ pipe
BÚx J¸ ‰i¯ BºPß SÇõ°ß ‰ßÓõÁx
^›ø\USa \©©õS®. •i¯ BºPß SÇõ°ß }Í®
is 20 cm, the length of the open organ pipe is
20 cm, GÛÀ, vÓ¢u BºPß SÇõ°ß }Í®
(1) 8 cm
(1) 8 cm
(2) 12·5 cm
(2) 12·5 cm
(3) 13·2 cm (3) 13·2 cm
(4) 16 cm (4) 16 cm
11. At what temperature will the rms speed of 11. G¢u öÁ¨£{ø»°À BU]áß ‰»UTÓõÚx
oxygen molecules become just sufficient for ¦Â°¼¸¢x Âk£mka ö\À»z ÷uøÁ¯õÚ rms
escaping from the Earth’s atmosphere ? ÷ÁPzøu¨ ö£Ö®
(Given : (BU]áß ‰»UTÔß {øÓ (m) = 2·76 10–26 kg
Mass of oxygen molecule (m) = 2·76 10 kg ÷£õÀmì÷©ß ©õÔ¼ kB = 1·38 10–23 J K–1
–23 –1
Boltzmann’s constant kB = 1·38 10 JK ) öPõkUP¨£mkÒÍx)
4 4
(1) 8·360 10 K (1) 8·360 10 K
4 4
(2) 5·016 10 K (2) 5·016 10 K
4 4
(3) 2·508 10 K (3) 2·508 10 K
4 4
(4) 1·254 10 K (4) 1·254 10 K
12. The efficiency of an ideal heat engine working 12. }›ß EøÓ{ø»¨ ¦ÒÎUS® öPõv{ø»¨
between the freezing point and boiling point of ¦ÒÎUS® Cøh÷¯ ö\¯À£k® J¸ C»m]¯
water, is öÁ¨£ C¯¢vµzvß vÓß
(1) 20% (1) 20%
(2) 6·25% (2) 6·25%
(3) 26·8% (3) 26·8%
(4) 12·5% (4) 12·5%
0 0
(3) (3)
eE0 eE0
1 t 1 t
(4) 0
(4) 0
21. J¸ Pv›¯UP® ö£õ¸ÐUS, Aøµ B²Ò Põ»®
21. For a radioactive material, half-life is 10 {ªh[PÒ. xÁUPzvÀ C¸¢u AqUP¸UPÎß
10 minutes. If initially there are 600 number of GsoUøP 600, GÛÀ, 450 AqUP¸UPÒ
nuclei, the time taken (in minutes) for the ]øuÄÓ BS® Põ»® ({ªhzvÀ)
disintegration of 450 nuclei is
(1) 10
(1) 10
(2) 30
(2) 30
(3) 20
(3) 20
(4) 15
(4) 15
22. øíiµ\ß AqÂß J¸ ÷£õº _ØÔ¾ÒÍ J¸
22. The ratio of kinetic energy to the total energy of Gö»UmµõÛß C¯UP BØÓ¾US® ö©õzu
an electron in a Bohr orbit of the hydrogen atom, BØÓ¾US©õÚ uPÄ
(1) 1:–1
(1) 1:–1
(2) 2:–1
(2) 2:–1
(3) 1:1
(3) 1:1
(4) 1:–2
(4) 1:–2
23. 2v0 AvºöÁs öPõsh (v0 Gߣx £¯ß öuõhUP
23. When the light of frequency 2v0 (where v0 is
AvºöÁs) JÎ J¸ E÷»õP uPmiß «x £k®
threshold frequency), is incident on a metal
÷£õx, EªÇ¨£k® Gö»UmµõßPÎß ö£¸©
plate, the maximum velocity of electrons emitted vø\÷ÁP® v1 £kPv›ß AvºöÁs 5v0 AÍÄ
is v1. When the frequency of the incident
AvP›UP¨£mhõÀ, A÷u uPmiß «v¸¢x
radiation is increased to 5v0, the maximum
EªÇ¨£k® Gö»UmµõßPÎß ö£¸© vø\÷ÁP®
velocity of electrons emitted from the same plate
v2, GÛÀ v1 ¼¸¢x v2 ØPõÚ ÂQu®
is v2. The ratio of v1 to v2 is
(1) 1:4
(1) 1:4
(2) 4:1
(2) 4:1
(3) 1:2
(3) 1:2
(4) 2:1
(4) 2:1
AglaSem Admission
24. Unpolarised light is incident from air on a plane 24. ‘’ JλPÀ GsöPõsh \©uÍ £µ¨¤ß «x,
surface of a material of refractive index ‘’. At a PõØÔ¼¸¢x J¸ uÍÂøÍÄÓõ JΣkQÓx. J¸
particular angle of incidence ‘i’, it is found that SÔ¨¤mh £k÷Põn® ‘i’-À ¤µv£¼¨¦ Pv¸®
the reflected and refracted rays are »SPv¸® JßÖUöPõßÖ ö\[SzuõP C¸¨£x
perpendicular to each other. Which of the
PshÔ¯¨£kQÓx. C¢uU `Ì{ø»US,
¤ß£¸ÁÚÁØÔÀ G¢uU TØÖ \›¯õÚx
following options is correct for this situation ?
(1) ¤µv£¼¨¦ JÎ Auß ªßÛ¯À
(1) Reflected light is polarised with its electric öÁUhõ¸hÚõÚ £kuÍzvØS ö\[Szx
vø\°À uÍÂøÍÄÖ®
vector perpendicular to the plane of
incidence –1 1
(2) i = sin
–1 1
(2) i = sin (3) ¤µv£¼¨¦ JÎ Auß ªßÛ¯À
öÁUh¸hÚõÚ £kuÍzvØS Cønvø\°À
(3) Reflected light is polarised with its electric uÍÂøÍÄÖ®
vector parallel to the plane of incidence –1 1
(4) i = tan
–1 1
(4) i = tan
25. J¸ ÁõÛ¯À JλPÀ öuõø» ÷|õUQ¯õÚx,
AvP ÷Põn E¸¨ö£¸UP•®, E¯º ÷Põn
25. An astronomical refracting telescope will have TºEnºÄ® öPõsi¸UP, Auß ö£õ¸Í¸S
large angular magnification and high angular ÂÀø»¯õÚx
(1) AvP S¯zyµ® ©ØÖ® ]Ô¯ Âmh®
resolution, when it has an objective lens of
öPõsi¸UP ÷Ásk®
(1) large focal length and small diameter (2) AvP S¯zyµ® ©ØÖ® AvP Âmh®
öPõsi¸UP ÷Ásk®
(2) large focal length and large diameter
(3) SøÓ¢u S¯zyµ® ©ØÖ® AvP Âmh®
(3) small focal length and large diameter öPõsi¸UP ÷Ásk®
(4) small focal length and small diameter (4) SøÓ¢u S¯zyµ® ©ØÖ® SøÓ¢u Âmh®
öPõsi¸UP ÷Ásk®
26. In Young’s double slit experiment the separation 26. J¸ ¯[ Cµmøh ¤ÍÄ £›÷\õuøÚ°À
d between the slits is 2 mm, the wavelength of
¤ÍÄPÐUS Cøh¨£mh d BÚx 2 mm.
£¯ß£kzu¨£k® J롧 Aø»}Í® = 5896 Å
the light used is 5896 Å and distance D between
©ØÖ® vøµUS® ¤ÍÄUS® Cøh¨£mh
the screen and slits is 100 cm. It is found that the
öuõø»Ä D ß ©v¨¦ 100 cm. Áøͯ[PÎß
angular width of the fringes is 0·20. To increase
÷Põn AP»® 0·20 A÷u ©ØÖ® D ©v¨¤ØS
the fringe angular width to 0·21 (with same
÷Põn AP»zøu 0·21 AÍÄ AvP›UP,
and D) the separation between the slits needs to ¤ÍÄPÐUS Cøh¨£mh öuõø»ÂÀ ÷uøÁ¯õÚ
be changed to ©õØÓ®
(1) 1·9 mm (1) 1·9 mm
(2) 2·1 mm (2) 2·1 mm
(3) 1·8 mm (3) 1·8 mm
(4) 1·7 mm (4) 1·7 mm
28. In a p-n junction diode, change in temperature 28. J¸ p-n \¢vøh÷¯õiÀ, öÁ¨£¨£kzu¨
due to heating £kÁuõÀ HØ£k® öÁ¨£{ø» ©õØÓ®
(1) •ß÷ÚõUQ¯ ªøhuøhø¯ ©mk®
(1) affects only forward resistance
(2) does not affect resistance of p-n junction (2) p-n \¢v°ß ªßuøhø¯ £õvUPõx
(3) affects only reverse resistance (3) v¸¨¤¯ ªßuøhø¯ ©mk® £õvUS®
(4) affects the overall V – I characteristics of (4) p-n \¢v°ß •ÊÁx©õÚ V − I £s¤¯ø»
p-n junction £õvUS®
29. In the combination of the following gates the 29. R÷Ç öPõkUP¨£mkÒÍ uºUPÁõ°À _ØÖ
output Y can be written in terms of inputs A and Aø©¨¤À, EÒÏkPÒ A ©ØÖ® B ØPõÚ \›¯õÚ
B as öÁαk Y
– – – –
(1) A. B + A .B (1) A. B + A .B
(2) A.B +A.B (2) A.B +A.B
35. Current sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer 35. J¸ C¯[S _¸Ò PõÀÁ÷Úõ «mh›ß
is 5 div/mA and its voltage sensitivity (angular ªß÷Úõmh EnºÄ ~m£® 5 div/mA ©ØÖ®
ªßÚÊzu EnºÄ ~m£® 20 div/V GÛÀ
deflection per unit voltage applied) is 20 div/V.
PõÀÁ÷Úõ «mh›ß ªßuøh
The resistance of the galvanometer is
(1) 25
(1) 25
(2) 250
(2) 250
(3) 40
(3) 40
(4) 500
(4) 500
36. J¸ ªßPõ¢u x¸Á •øÚPÐUQøh÷¯
36. A thin diamagnetic rod is placed vertically ö\[SzuõP ö©À¼¯ Gvº Põ¢uUPÈ
between the poles of an electromagnet. When the øÁUP¨£mkÒÍx. ªßPõ¢u ªß÷Úõmh©õÚx
current in the electromagnet is switched on, then AÝ©vUP¨£mhx®, Cøh©mh Põ¢u¨ ¦»zvÀ
Gvº Põ¢uUPÈ ÷©À÷|õUQ uÒͨ£kQÓx.
the diamagnetic rod is pushed up, out of the
GÚ÷Á PȯõÚx Dº¨¦ ªß{ø» BØÓø»¨
horizontal magnetic field. Hence the rod gains
ö£ÖQÓx. CuØS ÷uøÁ¯õÚ ÷Áø»ø¯ ö\´¯
gravitational potential energy. The work
required to do this comes from
(1) Põ¢u¨¦»®
(1) the magnetic field (2) PÈö\´¯¨£mkÒÍ ö£õ¸Îß
(2) the lattice structure of the material of the AoU÷PõøÁ Pmhø©¨¦
rod (3) ªß ‰»®
(3) the current source (4) Põ¢u¨ ¦» ©õØÓzvÚõÀ ysh¨£k®
(4) the induced electric field due to the ªß¦»®
changing magnetic field 37. J¸ ªßysi 20 mH, J¸ ªß÷uUQ 100 F
37. An inductor 20 mH, a capacitor 100 F and a ©ØÖ® J¸ ªßuøh 50 BQ¯Ú öuõhº
resistor 50 are connected in series across a Cøn¨¤À, emf, V = 10 sin 314 t US Cøh÷¯
source of emf, V = 10 sin 314 t. The power loss in CønUP¨£mkÒÍx C¢u _ØÔÀ HØ£k® BØÓÀ
the circuit is CǨ¦
(1) 0·43 W (1) 0·43 W
(2) 2·74 W (2) 2·74 W
(3) 0·79 W (3) 0·79 W
(4) 1·13 W (4) 1·13 W
(1) D
(1) D
(2) D 7
5 (2) D
(3) D 3
2 (3) D
5 5
(4) D (4) D
4 4
43. Three objects, A : (a solid sphere), B : (a thin 43. ‰ßÖ ö£õ¸ÒPÒ A : (J¸ vh ÷PõÍ®), B : (J¸
circular disk) and C : (a circular ring), each have ö©À¼¯ Ámh Ámk) ©ØÖ® C : (J¸ Ámh
the same mass M and radius R. They all spin Áøͯ®) JÆöÁõßÖ® J÷µ AÍÄ {øÓ M
with the same angular speed about their own ©ØÖ® Bµ® R öPõshøÁ¯õS® \©a^º
symmetry axes. The amounts of work (W) Aaø\¨£ØÔ J÷µ AÍÄ ÷Põnvø\÷ÁP® -À
required to bring them to rest, would satisfy the _ÇÀQßÓÚ. AÁØøÓ K´Äø»US öPõsk
relation Á¸ÁuØS ÷uøÁ¯õÚ ÷Áø» AÍÄ (W)
(1) WA > WB > WC ©v¨ø£ §ºzvö\´ÁuØPõÚ öuõhº¦
(2) WB > WA > WC (1) WA > WB > WC
(2) WB > WA > WC
(3) WC > WB > WA
(3) WC > WB > WA
(4) WA > WC > WB
(4) WA > WC > WB
44. A moving block having mass m, collides with 44. m-{øÓöPõsh |P¸® öuõS¨¦ JßÖ 4m
another stationary block having mass 4m. The
{øÓöPõsh {ø»¯õP EÒÍ öuõS¨¤ß «x
lighter block comes to rest after collision. When
the initial velocity of the lighter block is v, then
÷©õxQÓx. ÷©õu¾US¨ ¤ß {øÓSøÓÁõÚ
the value of coefficient of restitution (e) will be öuõS¨¦ J´Ä{ø»US Á¸QÓx. {øÓSøÓÁõÚ
(1) 0·25 öuõS¨¤ß xÁUP vø\÷ÁP® v GÛÀ,
(2) 0·8 {ø»«m]U SnP® (e) ß ©v¨¦
(3) 0·5 (1) 0·25
(4) 0·4 (2) 0·8
(3) 0·5
45. Which one of the following statements is
incorrect ? (4) 0·4
45. ¤ßÁ¸® TØÔÀ Gx uÁÓõÚx
(1) Limiting value of static friction is directly (1) {ø» Eµõ´Âß Áµ®¦ ©v¨¦ ÷|ºSzx
proportional to normal reaction. GvºÂøÚUS ÷|ºÂQu¨ ö£õ¸zu•øh¯x.
(2) Frictional force opposes the relative motion. (2) Eµõ´Ä Âø\¯õÚx \õº¦ C¯UPzøu
(3) Rolling friction is smaller than sliding (3) E¸Ð® Eµõ´Ä ÁÊUS®
friction. Eµõ´øÁUPõmi¾® ]Ô¯x.
(4) Coefficient of sliding friction has (4) ÁÊUS Eµõ´ÄU SnP® }Í A»SPøÍU
dimensions of length. öPõshx.
a. Co
i. 8 B.M. öuõSv I öuõSv II
3+ a. Co i. 8 B.M.
b. Cr ii. 35 B.M. 3+
b. Cr ii. 35 B.M.
c. Fe iii. 3 B.M. 3+
c. Fe iii. 3 B.M.
d. Ni iv. 24 B.M. d. Ni
iv. 24 B.M.
v. 15 B.M. v. 15 B.M.
a b c d a b c d
(1) i ii iii iv (1) i ii iii iv
(2) iv i ii iii
(2) iv i ii iii
(3) iv v ii i
(3) iv v ii i
(4) iii v i ii
(4) iii v i ii
47. C¸®¦ Põº£øÚÀ, Fe(CO)5 BÚx
47. Iron carbonyl, Fe(CO)5 is
(1) JßøÓU P¸
(1) mononuclear (2) •U P¸
(2) trinuclear (3) |õßS P¸
(3) tetranuclear (4) C¸ P¸
(4) dinuclear 48. [CoCl2(en)2] AønÄ Põmk® ©õØÔ¯zvß
48. The type of isomerism shown by the complex ÁøP¯õÚx
[CoCl2(en)2] is (1) AønÄ ©õØÔ¯®
(2) A¯Û ©õØÔ¯®
(1) Coordination isomerism
(3) ÁiÁ Á\ ©õØÔ¯®
(2) Ionization isomerism (4) Cøn¨¦ ©õØÔ¯®
(3) Geometrical isomerism 49. RÌPsh A¯ÛPÎÀ Gx JßÖ d-d ©õØÓzøu²®
(4) Linkage isomerism ©ØÖ® £õµõPõ¢uzußø©²® Eøh¯uõS® ?
49. Which one of the following ions exhibits (1) Cr2O7
d-d transition and paramagnetism as well ? (2) MnO 4
2– 2–
(1) Cr2O7 (3) CrO 4
– 2–
(2) MnO 4 (4) MnO 4
2– 50. [Ni(CO)4] AønÂß ¦ÓöÁÎ Aø©¨¦ ©ØÖ®
(3) CrO 4
Põ¢u ußø©¯õÚx
(4) MnO 4 (1) |õß•Q ¦ÓöÁÎ Aø©¨¦ ©ØÖ® h¯õ
50. The geometry and magnetic behaviour of the (2) \xµuÍ ¦ÓöÁÎ Aø©¨¦ ©ØÖ® ÷£µõ
complex [Ni(CO)4] are Põ¢uzußø©
(1) tetrahedral geometry and diamagnetic (3) \xµuÍ ¦ÓöÁÎ Aø©¨¦ ©ØÖ® h¯õ
(2) square planar geometry and paramagnetic Põ¢uzußø©
(3) square planar geometry and diamagnetic (4) |õß•Q ¦ÓöÁÎ Aø©¨¦ ©ØÖ® ÷£µõ
(4) tetrahedral geometry and paramagnetic Põ¢uzußø©
65. Which of the following molecules represents the 65. Chª¸¢x Á»©õP AqUPÒ RÌPsh G¢u
2 2
order of hybridisation sp , sp , sp, sp from left to ‰»UTÔÀ sp2, sp2, sp, sp CÚUP»¨¦ Á›ø\ø¯U
right atoms ? Põmk® ?
(1) CH2 = CH – C CH (1) CH2 = CH – C CH
(3) HC C – C CH (3) HC C – C CH
73. When initial concentration of the reactant is 73. ÂøÚ£kö£õ¸Îß öuõhUP ö\ÔÄ
doubled, the half-life period of a zero order C¸©h[PõS® ÷£õx, J¸ §ä¯ÁøP ÂøÚ°ß
reaction Aøµ ÁõÌÄ Põ»®
(1) is doubled (1) C¸©h[PõS®
(2) is tripled (2) •®©h[PõS®
(3) is halved (3) £õv¯õS®
(4) remains unchanged (4) ©õÓõx C¸US®
74. BU]á÷ÚØÓ JkUP ÂøÚ¯õÚ
74. For the redox reaction
– + 2+
– + 2+ Mn O 4– + C2 O42 + H Mn + CO2 + H2O
Mn O 4– + C2 O42 + H Mn + CO2 + H2O
the correct coefficients of the reactants for the Cuß \©õÚ©õUP¨£mh \©ß£õmiß ÂøÚ£k
balanced equation are ö£õ¸Îß \›¯õÚ öPÊÁõÚx
Mn O 4– C 2O 2 – H
+ Mn O 4– C 2O 2 – H
4 4
(1) 2 5 16 (1) 2 5 16
(2) 2 16 5 (2) 2 16 5
(3) 16 5 2 (3) 16 5 2
(4) 5 16 2
(4) 5 16 2
75. Which one of the following conditions will favour 75. RÌPsh Ga`Ì{ø»°À AvP£m\ ÂøÚö£õ¸Ò
maximum formation of the product in the
A2 (g) + B2 (g)
X2 (g) rH = – X kJ ? A2 (g) + B2 (g) X2 (g) rH = – X kJ ?
(1) Low temperature and low pressure (1) SøÓ¢u öÁ¨£{ø» ©ØÖ® SøÓ¢u
(2) High temperature and high pressure AÊzu®
(3) Low temperature and high pressure (2) AvP öÁ¨£{ø» ©ØÖ® AvP AÊzu®
(3) SøÓ¢u öÁ¨£{ø» ©ØÖ® AvP AÊzu®
(4) High temperature and low pressure
(4) AvP öÁ¨£{ø» ©ØÖ® SøÓ¢u AÊzu®
76. The correction factor ‘a’ to the ideal gas equation
76. |À¼¯À¦ Áõ² \©ß£õmiÀ v¸zuU Põµo ‘a’
corresponds to
CuØS öuõhº¦øh¯x
(1) volume of the gas molecules
(1) Áõ² ‰»UTÖPÎß PÚAÍÄ
(2) electric field present between the gas
(2) Áõ² ‰»UTÖPÐUQøh÷¯ C¸US®
molecules ªß¦»®
(3) density of the gas molecules (3) Áõ² ‰»UTÖPÎß Ahºzv
(4) forces of attraction between the gas (4) Áõ² ‰»UTÖPÐUQøh÷¯ EÒÍ PÁºa]
molecules Âø\
(3) HNO3, NO, N2, NH4Cl (3) HNO3, NO, N2, NH4Cl
(4) NH4Cl, N2, NO, HNO3
(4) NH4Cl, N2, NO, HNO3
78. RÌPsh uÛ©zvÀ Gx GßÖ MF A¯Ûø¯
78. Which one of the following elements is unable to 6
3– E¸ÁõUS C¯»õx ?
form MF6 ion ?
(1) Al
(1) Al
(2) B
(2) B
(3) Ga
(3) Ga (4) In
(4) In 79. GÀ¼[íõ® £hzøu P¸zvÀ öPõshõÀ,
79. Considering Ellingham diagram, which of the RÌPsh E÷»õP[PÎÀ Gx A¾ªÚõøÁ JkUP
following metals can be used to reduce alumina ? £¯ß£kQÓx ?
(1) Zn (1) Zn
(2) Mg (2) Mg
(3) Fe
(3) Fe
(4) Cu
(4) Cu
80. öuõSv 13 uÛ©[PÎß \›¯õÚ Aq Bµ[PÎß
80. The correct order of atomic radii in group 13 Á›ø\¯õÚx
elements is
(1) B < Al < Ga < In < Tl
(1) B < Al < Ga < In < Tl
(2) B < Ga < Al < Tl < In (2) B < Ga < Al < Tl < In
(3) B < Al < In < Ga < Tl (3) B < Al < In < Ga < Tl
(4) B < Ga < Al < In < Tl (4) B < Ga < Al < In < Tl
81. Which of the following statements is not true for 81. RÌPsh TØÖPÎÀ íõ»áßPÐUS Gx
halogens ? Esø©°Àø» ?
(1) GÀ»õ® Ba]á÷ÚØÔ¯õS®.
(1) All are oxidizing agents.
(2) ¦Ð›øÚ uºzx AøÚzx® ÷|º
(2) All but fluorine show positive oxidation
states. BU]á÷ÚØÓ {ø»ø¯ Põmk®.
(3) All form monobasic oxyacids. (3) GÀ»õ® JØøÓPõµ BU] Aª»zøu u¸®.
(4) S÷Íõ›ß AvP©õÚ G»Umµõß & HØÓÀ
(4) Chlorine has the highest electron-gain
enthalpy. GßuõÀ¤ Eøh¯x.
82. ClF3 Aø©¨¤À, ø©¯ Aq ‘Cl’ EÒÍ uÛzu
82. In the structure of ClF3, the number of lone pairs
of electrons on central atom ‘Cl’ is
Gö»Umµõß CµmøhPÎß GsoUøP¯õÚx
(1) two (1) Cµsk
(2) four (2) |õßS
(3) one (3) JßÖ
(4) three (4) 䧅
102. The correct order of steps in Polymerase Chain 102. £õ¼©÷µì \[Q¼ ÂøÚ°ß (PCR) £i
Reaction (PCR) is {ø»PÎß \›¯õÚ Á›ø\
(1) Annealing, Extension, Denaturation (1) £uÚõØÓÀ, }m]²ÖuÀ, C¯À¦]øuuÀ
(2) C¯À¦]øuuÀ, }m]²ÖuÀ, £uÚõØÓÀ
(2) Denaturation, Extension, Annealing
(3) }m]²ÖuÀ, C¯À¦]øuuÀ, £uÚõØÓÀ
(3) Extension, Denaturation, Annealing
(4) C¯À¦]øuuÀ, £uÚõØÓÀ, }m]²ÖuÀ
(4) Denaturation, Annealing, Extension
103. \›¯õP¨ ö£õ¸zu¨£mhøuz ÷uº¢öukUPÄ® :
103. Select the correct match :
(1) F2 Jk[S£s¦ & C¸£s¦ P»¨¦
(1) F2 Recessive parent – Dihybrid cross ö£Ø÷Óõº
(2) T.H. Morgan – Transduction (2) T.H. ©õºPß & ~soøh ©õØÓ®
(3) Ribozyme – Nucleic acid (3) øµ÷£õø\® & {³UÎU Aª»®
(4) G. ö©shÀ & C¯À©õØÓ®
(4) G. Mendel – Transformation
(4) O3 (3) CO
(4) O3
106. Natality refers to
(1) Birth rate 106. |õhõ¼mk Gߣx GøuU SÔUS®
(2) Number of individuals leaving the habitat (1) ¤Ó¨¦ ÂQu®
(3) Death rate (2) J¸ ÁõÈhzøu Âmk }[S® uÛ
(4) Number of individuals entering a habitat E°ºPÎß GsoUøP
(3) CÓ¨¦ ÂQu®
107. World Ozone Day is celebrated on (4) J¸ ÁõÈhzvÀ ¦S® uÛ E°ºPÎß
st GsoUøP
(1) 21 April
107. E»P K÷\õß vÚ® öPõshõh¨£kÁx
(2) 16 September
(1) 21 H¨µÀ
(3) 5 June (2) 16 ö\¨h®£º
nd (3) 5 ãß
(4) 22 April
(4) 22 H¨µÀ
108. What type of ecological pyramid would be
obtained with the following data ? 108. RÌPsh uµÄPμ¸¢x GÆÁøP¯õÚ `Ì{ø»U
Secondary consumer : 120 g T®¦ ö£Ó¨£k® ?
Primary consumer : 60 g Cµshõ® {ø» ~Pº÷Áõº : 120 g
•uÀ {ø» ~Pº÷Áõº : 60 g
Primary producer : 10 g
(1) Pyramid of energy
•uÀ {ø» EØ£zv¯õͺ : 10 g
(2) Upright pyramid of numbers (1) BØÓÀ T®¦
(3) Inverted pyramid of biomass (2) ÷|µõÚ GsoUøPU T®¦
(4) Upright pyramid of biomass (3) E°º¨ö£õ¸Ò uø»RÌ T®¦
(4) Á°º¨ö£õ¸Ò ÷|µõÚ T®¦
109. In stratosphere, which of the following elements
acts as a catalyst in degradation of ozone and 109. RÌPsh uÛ©[PÎÀ ìm÷µm÷hõ줯›À
release of molecular oxygen ? J÷\õß ]øu¨¤À ÂøÚ³UQ¯õP ö\¯À£mk
(1) Cl ‰»UTÖ BUêáß öÁΨ£h Põµn©õÁx Gx ?
(1) Cl
(2) Fe
(2) Fe
(3) Carbon (3) Põº£ß
(4) Oxygen (4) BUêáß
144. According to Hugo de Vries, the mechanism of 144. ï³÷Põ i ÂŸì £i £›nõ©zvß ö\¯À•øÓ
evolution is ¯õx ?
(1) Saltation (1) \õÀ÷håßPÒ
(2) Phenotypic variations (2) ¦Ó÷uõØÓ ©õÖ£õkPÒ
(3) Multiple step mutations (3) £» £i{ø» vjº©õØÓ[PÒ
(4) Minor mutations (4) ]Ô¯ÍÄ vjº©õØÓ[PÒ
145. AGGTATCGCAT is a sequence from the coding 145. J¸ ãÛß SÔ•øÓ CøÇ°À EÒÍ Á›ø\
strand of a gene. What will be the corresponding AGGTATCGCAT GÛÀ, £iö¯kUP¨£mh mRNA
sequence of the transcribed mRNA ? ÂÀ Auß öuõhº¦øh¯ Á›ø\ Gx ?
146. Match the items given in Column I with those in (4) UCCAUAGCGUA
Column II and select the correct option given
below : 146. RÌPshÁØÖÒ \›¯õÚ Âøhø¯z ÷uº¢öukzx
Column I Column II öuõSv I ©ØÖ® öuõSv II-I ö£õ¸zv GÊxP :
a. Proliferative Phase i. Breakdown of öuõSv I öuõSv II
endometrial a. ö£¸UP {ø» i. Gs÷hõö©m›¯
lining £h»® ]øuuÀ
b. Secretory Phase ii. Follicular Phase b. _µUS® {ø» ii. L£õ¼S»õº {ø»
c. Menstruation iii. Luteal Phase c. ©õuÂhõ´ iii. ¿mi¯À {ø»
a b c a b c
(1) i iii ii (1) i iii ii
(2) ii iii i (2) ii iii i
(3) iii ii i (3) iii ii i
(4) iii i ii (4) iii i ii
163. Which of the following structures or regions is 163. ¤ßÁ¸ÁÚÁØÖÒ G¢u Aø©¨¦ Auß
incorrectly paired with its function ? ö\¯÷»õk uÁÓõP ö£õ¸¢v²ÒÍx ?
(1) ®¤U öuõSv : ‰øÍ°ß £» £SvPøÍ
(1) Limbic system : consists of fibre
tracts that CønUS® |õº
interconnect PØøÓPøÍ
different regions of öPõsi¸US®, C¯UP
brain; controls ö\¯ÀPøÍ
movement. Pmk¨£kzx®.
(2) øí¨÷£õu»õ©ì : _µ¨¦ íõº÷©õßPøÍ
(2) Hypothalamus : production of
releasing hormones EØ£zv ö\´x, öÁm£®,
and regulation of £] ©ØÖ® uõPzøu
temperature, ^º£kzx®.
hunger and thirst. (3) ö©kÀ»õ : _Áõ\® ©ØÖ® Põºi÷¯õ
A¨»[÷Pmhõ ÁõìS»õº AÛaø\PøÍ
(3) Medulla oblongata : controls respiration
and cardiovascular
reflexes. (4) Põº£ì P÷»õ\® : Á»x ©ØÓ® Chx
(4) Corpus callosum : band of fibers Aøµ÷PõÍ[PøÍ
connecting left and
CønUS® |õº PØøÓPÒ.
right cerebral
164. ©Ûu PsPÎÀ EÒÍ JÎ Fk¸Ä® ÂÀø»
Auß {ø»°À Guß ‰»® {Özu¨£kQÓx
164. The transparent lens in the human eye is held in (1) I›ì÷\õk Cøn¢v¸US® ¼Pö©skPÒ
its place by
(2) I›ì÷\õk Cøn¢v¸US® ö©ßv_UPÒ
(1) ligaments attached to the iris (3) ^¼¯› EÖ¨÷£õk Cøn¢v¸US®
(2) smooth muscles attached to the iris »Pö©skPÒ
(3) ligaments attached to the ciliary body (4) ^¼¯› EÖ¨÷£õk Cøn¢v¸US®
(4) smooth muscles attached to the ciliary body ö©ßv_UPÒ
170. Match the items given in Column I with those in 170. RÌPshÁØÖÒ \›¯õÚ Âøhø¯z ÷uº¢öukzx
Column II and select the correct option given öuõSv I ©ØÖ® öuõSv II-I ö£õ¸zv GÊxP :
below : öuõSv I öuõSv II
Column I Column II a. Lø£¨›÷Úõáß i. Bì©õmiU \©Ûø»
a. Fibrinogen i. Osmotic balance b. S÷Íõ¦Îß ii. Cµzu® EøÓuÀ
c. BÀ¦ªß iii. £õxPõ¨¦ ö\¯À•øÓ
b. Globulin ii. Blood clotting
c. Albumin iii. Defence mechanism a b c
a b c (1) i ii iii
174. Match the items given in Column I with those in (4) iv i ii iii
Column II and select the correct option given
below : 174. RÌPshÁØÖÒ \›¯õÚ Âøhø¯z ÷uº¢öukzx
Column I Column II öuõSv I ©ØÖ® öuõSv II-I ö£õ¸zv GÊxP :
(Function) (Part of Excretory öuõSv I öuõSv II
System) (ö\´PÒ) (PÈÄ
a. Ultrafiltration i. Henle’s loop £Sv)
b. Concentration ii. Ureter a. ~s ÁiPmi i. öíß¼ ÁøÍÄ
of urine
b. ]Ö}›ß AhºÄ ii. ³÷µmhº
c. Transport of iii. Urinary bladder
urine c. ^Ö}º Phzu¨£kuÀ iii. ]Ö}º ø£