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1- Consider a dielectric material with a double well potential indicating the equilibrium positions of a mobile charge 𝑞𝑞.
The distance between the two positions is 𝑏𝑏 and the energy barrier between the two potential minima is 𝐸𝐸𝑎𝑎 .

a) Propose reasonable values for 𝑞𝑞, 𝑏𝑏 and the volume occupied by one of this microscopic dipoles and calculate the
permittivity of the material at 𝑇𝑇=200 K.

b) Consider that after the application of an external field the material shows a dielectric relaxation with a time 𝜏𝜏 =
𝜏𝜏0 𝑒𝑒 𝑘𝑘𝑇𝑇 with 𝜏𝜏0 =10-13 s. Calculate and plot the relaxation function and the corresponding complex permittivity at 200 K if
all the microscopic ‘double well dipoles’ have an energy barrier of 𝐸𝐸𝑎𝑎 =0.55 eV. (Use logarithmic time and frequency axis
for the plots).

c) Consider that the material contains different types of ‘double well dipoles’: 10% with 𝐸𝐸𝑎𝑎 =0.5 eV, 30% with 𝐸𝐸𝑎𝑎 =0.55
eV and 60% with 𝐸𝐸𝑎𝑎 =0.6 eV. Calculate and plot the relaxation function and the corresponding complex permittivity at
200 K (Use logarithmic time and frequency axis for the plots).

d) Repeat the previous question for 300 K.

2- Consider the following phases, with the indicated piezoelectric and stiffness tensors.

a) TiPbO3 - tetragonal P4mm

173 79 46 0 0 0
⎡ 79 173 46 0 0 0⎤
0 0 0 0 3.26 0 ⎢ ⎥
𝒆𝒆 = � 0 0 0 3.26 0 0 � in (C/m2), 𝒄𝒄 = ⎢ 46 46 44 0 0 0 ⎥ in (GPa)
⎢ 0 0 0 35 0 0 ⎥
1.64 1.64 2.79 0 0 0 ⎢ 0 0 0 0 35 0 ⎥
⎣ 0 0 0 0 0 87 ⎦
b) TiPbO3 - cubic Pm-3m
281 116 116 0 0 0
⎡116 281 116 0 0 0⎤
0 0 0 0 0 0 ⎢ ⎥
𝒆𝒆 = �0 0 0 0 0 0 � in (C/m2), 𝒄𝒄 = ⎢116 116 281 0 0 0 ⎥ in (GPa)
0 0 0 0 0 0 ⎢ 0 0 0 97 0 0 ⎥
⎢ 0 0 0 0 97 0 ⎥
⎣ 0 0 0 0 0 97 ⎦

c) ZrPbO3 - orthorhombic Am2m (eix polar en la direcció [010])

219 79 93 0 0 0
⎡ 79 156 74 0 0 0⎤
0 0 0 0 0 1.17 ⎢ ⎥
𝒄𝒄 = ⎢ 93 74 230 0 0 0 ⎥ in (GPa)
𝒆𝒆 = �−1.57 −2.20 0.18 0 0 0 � in (C/m2),
0 0 0 0 0 0 ⎢ 0 0 0 39 0 0 ⎥
⎢ 0 0 0 0 64 0 ⎥
⎣ 0 0 0 0 0 25 ⎦

d) FeBiO3 - trigonal R3c (point group 3m).

0 0 0 0 −3.37 −1.90
𝒆𝒆 = �−0.95 0.95 0 −3.37 0 0 � in (C/m2), no information of 𝒄𝒄
−1.80 −1.80 −1.81 0 0 0

e) FeBiO3 - Pnma (point group mmm)

242 121 119 0 0 0
⎡121 243 119 0 0 0⎤
0 0 0 0 0 0 ⎢ ⎥
𝒆𝒆 = �0 0 0 0 0 0 � in (C/m2), 𝒄𝒄 = ⎢119 119 255 0 0 0 ⎥ in (GPa)
0 0 0 0 0 0 ⎢ 0 0 0 78 0 0 ⎥
⎢ 0 0 0 0 60 0 ⎥
⎣ 0 0 0 0 0 90 ⎦

Explain why phases b) and e) do not show piezoelectricity.

Consider that we apply a deformation with strain 𝑥𝑥 = [0.3𝛿𝛿 0.3𝛿𝛿 −𝛿𝛿 0 0 0] (Voigt notation) with 𝛿𝛿 > 0 with
a value of 0.5%. For phases a), b), c) and e) calculate the stresses that we must apply in order to produce such
deformation in the absence of electric field. For all phases, calculate the induced polarization due to the applied

Consider that monocrystalline samples with a size of 1mm in the direction of the [001] crystalline axis. Consider that the
samples are clamped (no deformation is allowed). Calculate the stresses generated by the application of 1V between the
two extrema of the sample along the [001] direction.
3- Consider the following behaviors of the inverse permittivity as function of temperature.


Indicate and justify what is the nature of the phase transitions at Tc for each case.

Write down the Landau expansions of free energy that are able to describe such behaviors. For each case, define the
sign and temperature dependence of each coefficient.
4- Consider the free energy expansion for the description of an antiferroelectric transition.

Sublattice displacement fields: 𝐷𝐷𝑎𝑎 , 𝐷𝐷𝑏𝑏

Ferroelectric displacement field: 𝐷𝐷𝐹𝐹 = 𝐷𝐷𝑎𝑎 + 𝐷𝐷𝑏𝑏
Antiferroelectric ‘staggered’ displacement field: 𝐷𝐷𝐴𝐴 = 𝐷𝐷𝑎𝑎 − 𝐷𝐷𝑏𝑏
Free energy expansion in terms of sublattice fields:

𝐺𝐺1 = 𝑓𝑓�𝐷𝐷𝑎𝑎2 + 𝐷𝐷𝑏𝑏2 � + 𝑔𝑔𝐷𝐷𝑎𝑎 𝐷𝐷𝑏𝑏 + 2ℎ�𝐷𝐷𝑎𝑎4 + 𝐷𝐷𝑏𝑏4 � (𝑔𝑔 > 0 favors antipolar situation)

Free energy expansion in terms of displacement 𝐷𝐷𝐹𝐹 and ‘staggered’ displacement 𝐷𝐷𝐴𝐴 :

1 𝑔𝑔 1 𝑔𝑔 ℎ
𝐺𝐺1 = �𝑓𝑓 + � 𝐷𝐷𝐹𝐹2 + �𝑓𝑓 − � 𝐷𝐷𝐴𝐴2 + (𝐷𝐷𝐹𝐹4 + 6𝐷𝐷𝐹𝐹2 𝐷𝐷𝐴𝐴2 + 𝐷𝐷𝐴𝐴4 )
2 2 2 2 4
With second-order antiferroelectric transition if �𝑓𝑓 − � = 𝛽𝛽(𝑇𝑇 − 𝑇𝑇𝑐𝑐 )

a) Study the different regions of stability and metastability as a function of temperature and electric field by minimizing
the reduced version of 𝐺𝐺 = 𝐺𝐺1 − 𝐸𝐸𝐷𝐷𝐹𝐹 :

𝑔𝑔𝐴𝐴 = (1 + 𝑡𝑡)𝑑𝑑𝐹𝐹2 + 𝑡𝑡𝑑𝑑𝐴𝐴2 + (𝑑𝑑𝐹𝐹4 + 6𝑑𝑑𝐹𝐹2 𝑑𝑑𝐴𝐴2 + 𝑑𝑑𝐴𝐴4 ) − 𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑑𝐹𝐹

ℎ 𝛽𝛽 2ℎ ℎ ℎ
, 𝑡𝑡 = (𝑇𝑇 − 𝑇𝑇𝑐𝑐 ) , 𝑒𝑒 = � 3 � 𝐸𝐸 , 𝑑𝑑𝐹𝐹2 = 𝐷𝐷 2 , 𝑑𝑑𝐴𝐴2 = 𝐷𝐷 2
with 𝑔𝑔𝐴𝐴 = 𝐺𝐺
𝑔𝑔2 2 𝑔𝑔 2𝑔𝑔 𝐹𝐹 2𝑔𝑔 𝐴𝐴

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