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Master Plumber Reviewer

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1. RA 1378 Plumbing Law

2. 5 Minimum number of LAV for 200 males? (As-

sembly Places- Theaters, Auditoriums, etc. -
for permanent employee use)

3. 50.8 mm The invert of the inlet of the inlet pipe shall

be at a level not less than _____ above the
invert of the outlet pipe

4. Tailpiece Pipe or tubing that connects the outlet of a

plumbing fixture to the trap

5. DWV System A piece of framework that expels sewage and

greywater from a building and controls pneu-
matic stress in the waste-framework chan-
nels to help free stream

6. Air or Water All sections of a plumbing drainage and vent

system must be tested with

7. Section 5 The 22 basic Principles of Master Plumbing

is enumerated in what section of RA 1378?

8. 1 Minimum number of WC for 100 males? (As-

sembly Places - Theaters, Auditoriums, Con-
vention Halls, etc. - for public use)

9. Group Vent a branch vent that performs its functions for

two (2) or more traps.

10. 150% Minimum pressure required to test water sup-

ply system

11. 2" Minimum size of p-trap for floor drain

12. House Sewer Part of a plumbing system extending from

point 0.6 m of the inner face of the foundation
wall of building to the junction with another
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13. Any suitable opening Air test for a plumbing drainage and vent
system shall be made by attaching the air
compressor or other test apparatus to

14. Section 2 The scope of pluming practice is enumerated

in what section of the Plumbing Law?

15. each five persons Where there is exposure to skin contamina-

tion with poisonous, infectious, or irritating
materials, provide one lavatory for

16. 228.6 mm The side walls shall extend at least ___

above the liquid depth. (Septic Tank)

17. 600 mm What is the maximum distance allowed for

the trap of the floor drain to be placed below
the finished floor line to facilitate cleaning in
case of line trouble?

18. Indirect Waste When floor drainage is required for a cold

storage room used for storing or holding food
or drink, the drain must be connected to the
sanitary drainage system though a/an

19. 50.8 mm The cover of the septic tank shall be at least

___ above the back-vent openings.

20. Height of building Vertical distance from the "grade line" to the
highest point of the coping of a flat roof or
to the top line of a mansard roof or to the
average height of the highest gable of a pitch
or hip-roof

21. Friction Refers to the resistance delivered by stream-

ing water with fittings and inside surface of
the pipe.

22. Dearerator

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To receive the discharge from aeration, what
is installed at the bottom portion of the soil
stack where the house drain is connected?

23. Apartment buildings with up The requirements for installation of grease

to 100 dwelling units interceptors exclude

24. equal to the required Inlet and outlet pipe fittings or baffles, and
cross-sectional area compartment partitions shall have a free vent
area ______ of the house sewer or private
sewer discharging therein to provide free
ventilation above the water surface from the
disposal field or seepage pit through the sep-
tic tank, house sewer, and stack to the outer

25. Flow Control To ensure effectiveness, the wastes entering

the grease interceptor must not exceed the
manufacturer's rated capacity. For this rea-
son, a _____ must be installed.

26. Welded joint & Seam Any joint or seam obtained by the joining of
metal parts in a plastic molten state.

27. Water Combination of hydrogen and oxygen

28. Regulating Equipment include all valves and controls used in plumb-
ing systems which are required to be acces-

29. Sufficient Strength Satisfactory hanger which supports any pip-

ing must be of

30. President of the Philippines Who shall appoint the Board of Examiners for
Master Plumber?

31. considered equivalent to When provided with water outlets for such
one lavatory space, a 610 mm width of was sink or 457
mm diameter of a circular basin, shall be

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32. Normal Pressure pressure range measured over a period of 24

33. 2% Standard slop of the building drain

34. 25 Ga Rainwater piping located on the exterior of a

building using galvanized sheet metal shall
not be less than

35. Discharge a predetermined A flushometer valve is a device used to

quantity of water

36. 0.80m The maximum height above the trap for a

clothes washer standpipe receptor

37. President of the Philippines Authorized to issue rules and regulations to

carry into effect the objectives of RA 1378

38. for each 150 persons there- Where food is consumed indoors, water sta-
after tions may be substituted for drinking foun-
tains. Offices, or public buildings for use by
more than six persons shall have one drink-
ing fountain for the first 75 persons and one
additional fountain_____

39. 101.6 mm Partitions or baffles between compartments

shall be of solid durable material and shall
extend at least _____ above the liquid level

40. Horizontal Branch A drain pipe extending laterally from a soil

or waste stack or building drain with or with-
out vertical sections or branches, which re-
ceives the discharge from one or more fix-
tures drains and conducts it to the soil or
waste stack or to the building drain

41. 8.0 PSI minimum pressure for flush tank

42. 28.3 liters One fixture unit is equivalent to

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43. Insanitary a condition contrary to sanitary principles OR

44. Combination Waste and Vent A specially designed system of waste piping
system embodying the horizontal wet venting of one
or more sinks or floor drains by means of
a common waste and vent pipe adequately
sized to provide free movement of air above
the flow line of the drain.

45. 18 The minimum height above the trap for a

domestic clothes washer standpipe receptor
is _____ inches

46. Citizen and resident of the Section 6 of RA 1378 states that each mem-
Philippines, at least 30 years ber of the Board shall, at the time of this
of age and of good moral appointment be:
character, has been actively
engaged in the trade of mas-
ter plumber for at least five

47. Restaurant business which sells food to be consumed on

the premises

48. 104.6 mm An inverted fitting equivalent in size to the

tank inlet, but in no case less than ____ in
size, shall be installed in the inlet compart-
ment side of the baffle with the bottom of
the fitting placed midway in the depth of the

49. Secondary Branch Any branch in a building drain other than the
primary branch

50. Water Meter A device used to measure the amount of

water that goes through the water service.

51. 3 inches Minimum size of the drain pipe for the water
closet to discharge into?
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52. 16 The maximum fixture unit loading allowed on

a 2-inch waste stack is

53. Dead-end The extended portion of a pipe that is closed

at one end to which no connections are made
on the extended portion, thus permitting the
stagnation of liquid or air therein.

54. 6 The trap for a clothes washer must be

roughed-in less than _____ inches above the

55. Commissioner of Civil Ser- Under Section 9 of RA 1378 who shall be the
vice executive officer of the Board, and shall con-
duct the examination given by the board and
shall designate any subordinate officer of the
Bureau of Civil Service to act as secretary of
the Board

56. equal The number of occupants for a drive-in

restaurant shall be considered as ____ to the
number of parking stalls

57. not less than 14.4 kPa Each such tank shall be structurally designed
to withstand all anticipated earth or other
loads. All septic tank covers shall be capable
of supporting an earth load of _____ when
the maximum coverage does not exceed 9m.

58. Hubless It is a cast iron soil pipe with plain ends con-
nected together with bolted stainless steel
bands and neoprene gaskets

59. full way gate valve A valve used for controlling two or more out-
lets in a cold water supply line

60. 1 According to NPCP, at least ____ of the ver-

tical stacks in the plumbing system must be
extended full size through the roof
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61. Control Valve Required a head of each water supplied ap-

pliance, each slip joints or nonmetallic con-

62. Continuous Vent A vertical vent that is a continuation of the

drain to which it connects

63. Storeroom No direct waste receptor can be installed in

any _____

64. Faucets and Diverters ______ shall be connected to the hot and
cold water distribution supplies so that the
hot water supply is located at left side of the
combination fittings.

65. No. 12 U.S. gauge The minimum wall thickness of any steel sep-
tic tank shall be ____

66. Mobile Home Park Sewer That part of the horizontal piping of sani-
tary drainage system which measures 0.6
m downstream from the last mobile home
site and conveys sewage to a public sew-
er, private sewer, individual sewage disposal
system and other points of disposal

67. Aluminum What is the material not listed in the code for
use in water piping?

68. 38 mm What is the size of waste pipe for urinal?

69. Vertical Pipe any pipe or fitting installed in a vertical posi-

tion or which forms an angle of not more than
45 degrees with the vertical line

70. Wet Vent A vent pipe which receives waste from a


71. An indirect connection must To properly connect a steam pipe to a plumb-

be made ing drainage system,
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72. AVB Consists of a body, a checking member and

an atmospheric opening

73. 25.4 mm Before placing filter, material or drain lines

in a prepared excavation, all smeared or
compacted surfaces shall be removed from
trenches by raking to a depth of ____ and the
loose material removed.

74. Building Drain that part of the lowest horizontal piping of

a drainage system which receives the dis-
charge from soil, waste and other drainage
pipes inside the walls of the building and
conveys it to the building sewer beginning 0.6
meter outside the building wall.

75. 32-38 mm What is the size of waste pipe for bathtub?

76. Drainage, Waste and Vent Definition of DWV

77. To prevent pressure The primary purpose of a yoke vent is

changes in stacks

78. To prevent splashing The receptors receiving the discharge of in-

direct waste pipes must be of a shape and
capacity that will

79. Manhole a large opening in a sewer line or part of

a plumbing system constructed with suffi-
cient size for a man to gain access there-
in for maintenance purposes and facility for
changes of line and/or grade of pipeline

80. Occupancy The purpose for which a building is intended

to be used.

81. Plumbing Code A set of regulation adapted by an administra-

tive agency that has jurisdiction over material
and design specification in plumbing.

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82. Corporation Stop Type of valve found in the service main, used
as a control of the water service and shut off
valve when service is disconnected.

83. 32 mm Size of waste pipe for drinking fountain?

84. Cast Iron Bell and Spigot A joint made by firmly packing with oakum
Soil Pipe and filled with molten lead to a depth of not
less than one inch.

85. 24 inches wide Every passageway to an attic water heater

shall have a solid continuous flooring not less
than ______

86. Public or Private sewer Every building in which plumbing fixtures are
installed shall have connection to a _______

87. Potable Water water that is safe to drink

88. A straight tee branch Shall NOT be used in a drainage branch

89. An air gap Assume you are installing a waste pipe for a
culinary sink. The pipe is a 1-1/2 inch copper
pipe. The code requires that the sink be pro-
tected from backflow. In order to pass inspec-
tion, you must provide ______

90. Open Floor Sink The drain pipe from a refrigerator must drain
into an ___

91. DC Consists of two independently acing inter-

nally or externally loaded check valves, four
properly located test cocks with connections
and two isolation gate valves.

92. PVB Consists of a loaded air inlet valve, an inter-

nally loaded check valve, two properly locat-
ed test cocks and two isolation gate valves.

93. 19.1 mm to 64mm

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Clean stone, gravel, slag, or similar filter ma-
terial acceptable to the Administrative Au-
thority, varying in size from _____ shall be
placed in the trench to the depth and grade
required by this section.

94. 1.5 m When seepage pits are used in combination

with disposal fields, the filter material in the
trenches shall terminate at least _____ from
the pit excavation and the line extending from
such points to the seepage pit shall be ap-
proved pipe with watertight joints.

95. Offset and Set A combination of elbows or bends that brings

one section of the pipe out of line but into a
line parallel with the other section.

96. Hot Water Recirculating What do you call to this device that is being
Pump used to circulate hot water to the plumbing

97. RP Consists of two independently acting inter-

nally loaded check valves, a differential pres-
sure relief valve, four properly located test
cocks and two isolation gate valves

98. 0 to 63.5 cm of mercury Airgap less than 25 mm shall only be ap-

proved as a permanent part of a listed as-
sembly that has been tested under actual
backflow conditions with vacuums of from

99. Distribution Box Where two or more drain lines are installed,
an approved ______ of sufficient size to re-
ceive lateral lines shall be install at the head
of each disposal field

100. Polybutylene Tube made of plastic material and colored

black. The cross-sectional shape is normally
OVAL and is denoted by its outside diameter
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or O.D. Normally used as water service con-
nection from main to meter.

101. Static Pressure Pressure existing without any flow motion

102. 10 ft head Minimum pressure used in water test for

drainage system?

103. 1/4 inch per foot Slope of a waste pipe with a minimum size of
3" horizontal pipe?

104. 15 psi Allowing for friction and other pressure loss

the available water pressure for fixture is

105. It has been approved The drainage system or any part thereof shall
not be covered until

106. Approved air-gap fitting The waste pipe from a domestic dishwashing
machine connected to a food-waste disposer
unit mush have a/an

107. By an indirect waste method A freestanding drinking fountain may connect

to the drainage system of a building ______

108. caulked Joints in LEAD pans or liners shall be ____

109. Soldered or Brazed Joints in COPPER pans or liners shall be


110. the circulation pump shall All whirlpool bathtubs shall comply with the
be located above the crown following requirements, except
weir of the trap

111. 106.6 mm A baffle type fitting shall have the equivalent

cross-sectional area of the connecting sew-
er pipe and not less than ____ horizontal
dimension when measured at the inlet and
outlet pipe inverts

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112. 101.6mm The inlet and outlet pipe or baffle shall extend
____ above and at least 304.8 mm below the
water surface.

113. Bituminous Coating Distribution boxes shall be coated on the in-

side with a ____ or other approved method
acceptable to the Administrative Authority

114. Less than 76mm diameter The size of a trap arm may change direction
without the use of a cleanout when such di-
rection does not exceed 90º

115. 1 per 150 What is the urinal per male ratio for principal
worship places?

116. Sewerage or Sewerage comprehensive term, including all construc-

Works tions for collection, transportation. pumping.
treatment and. final disposition of sewage .

117. Interceptor and Clarifier is a device designed and installed to separate

and retain deleterious, hazardous or undesir-
able matters from normal wastes and permits
normal sewage or liquid wastes to discharge
into the disposal terminal by gravity

118. Latrine A water closest consisting of a continuous

trough containing water. The trough extend
under two or more adjacent seats. Prohibited
by health authorities for permanent installa-

119. 1.2 m Maximum interval of vertical supports for

lead piping

120. 2.5 gpm Water demand for shower head

121. Vents Expansion joints shall be acceptable in pip-

ing, except

122. Ferrule
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a metallic sleeve caulked or joined to an
opening in a pipe into which a plug is
screwed that can be removed for cleaning or
examining the interior of the pipe

123. 102 For Manila and Environs, what is the rainfall

intensity that is being used (mm/hr) ?

124. Storm Sewer Drainage Pip- A piping system designed to control and con-
ing vey excess ground water to a suitable loca-

125. 32 mm The indirect waste lines carrying refrigeration

waste shall not be smaller than one (1) inlet
serving not more than 2.8 m^3 of refrigera-
tion space

126. 1954 Approval of House Bill No. 962 also known as

RA No. 1378

127. Rain Water What is a storm water?

128. Infiltration The movement of water to the surface of a

soil and into the soil below the surface.

129. The inlet connection of the The size of supply piping outlet for any gas
appliance appliance shall not be less than _____

130. Prevent sewer gases from A trap is a fitting or a device designed to:
entering the building

131. Crow Weir to the top of the The trap seal is being measured from the
dip of a trap _____

132. 2.2 m What is the minimum excavated diameter of

a seepage pit?

133. 15.2 m What is the minimum required distance of

septic tank from the water supply well?

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134. May issue a Partial Permit The Administrative Authority _____ for the
construction of a part of a large and/or com-
plicated plumbing system before the entire
plans and specifications for the whole system
have been submitted or approved, provid-
ed adequate information and detailed state-
ments have been filed, complying with all
pertinent requirements of this Code.

135. 1 Number of approved plans, specifications,

computation and related data shall be kept
at the jobsite at all times while the works is in

136. The discharge side of the Inlets to Tanks, Vats, Sumps, Swimming
last valve with the critical Pools and other receptors when protected by
level of not less than 152mm a listed atmospheric vacuum breaker shall
have such atmospheric vacuum breaker in-
stalled in

137. Last shutoff valve Lawn Sprinkling Systems shall be equipped

with listed atmospheric vacuum breakers in-
stalled on the discharge side of each of the

138. 2.4 m What is the minimum horizontal distance of a

building from disposal field?

139. four Walls of _____ sides - no allowance for wall

areas below top of lowest wall - add for ar-
eas above the top lowest wall per Sections
1104.2.1, 1104.2.2, 1104.2.4 and 1104.2.5

140. 3.0 m What is the minimum distance of a septic

from the pressure public water main?

141. critical level C-L or C/L marking on a backflow prevention

device or vacuum breaker is a point conform-
ing to approved standards and established
by the testing laboratory (usually stamped on
the device by the manufacturer) which deter-
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mines the minimum elevation above the flood
level rim of the fixture or receptacle served
where the device may be installed.

142. Water Treatment a device which conditions or treats water

supply to improve water quality, remove sus-
pended solids by filtration.

143. Shielded Coupling an approved elastomeric sealing gasket with

an approved outer shield and a tightening

144. Vent pipe A pipe or opening used for ensuring the cir-
culation of air in a plumbing system and for
relieving the negative pressure exerted on
trap seals

145. Single Family Dwelling A building designed as a home by the owner

of such building and shall be the only dwelling
located on a parcel of ground with the usual
accessory building.

146. Subsurface drain An underground drainpipe that receives only

subsurface or seepage water and convey it
to a sump for disposal by gravity flow or by
lift pump.

147. Slip Joint an adjustable tubing connection, consisting

of a compression nut, a friction ring, and
a compression washer, designed to fit a
threaded adapter fitting or a standard taper
pipe thread.

148. Tube A cylindrical conduit or conductor conforming

to the particular dimensions known as "tube
sizes" and denoted by its outside diameter or

149. Water Pump Pump used on a smaller distribution system

for elevating water in wells or other sources.
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150. 1 gallon Minimum quantity of water for flush urinal

151. Foot Valve A valve located at the lower end of the pump
and used mainly to prevent loss of priming of
the pump

152. Fixture A receptacle attached to a plumbing system

other than a trap in which water or wastes
may be collected or obtained for ultimate into
the plumbing system.

153. Full Gate Valve The valve for controlling two or more outlets
in a cold water supply line.

154. ASTM Cast iron pipes, weld steel pipes, vitrified

clay, concrete and asbestos pipe shall con-
form to _____ standard other than Philippine

155. Molded Rubber Coupling What is the approved method to use to make
Joints a bell-and-spigot joint between cast-iron pipe
and vitrified clay pipe?

156. Allowing for movement of Horizontal swing joints or pipe loops on long
pipe due to temperature runs of hot water piping are generally in-
changes stalled for the purpose of ______

157. 2 and 4 inches Except when deeper seals are required for
interceptors, a fixture trap must have a water
seal of between:

158. A trap with interior partitions Which of the following is a prohibited trap?

159. Self-cleaning Fixture traps for a lavatory shall be

160. 1/8 inch A 4 inch Ø building drain installed horizontally

must have a minimum of ____ fall per foot to
meet the Code.

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161. Discharge capacity of fixture Fixture unit equivalents not commonly listed
in fixture unit tables must be based on _____

162. Steel Piping Prohibited for underground installation for

drainage piping

163. above the flood level of the When listed air-gap fittings are required for
sink or above the sink drain- sinks receiving the wastes from dish-washing
board, whichever is higher machines, where shall the plumber install the
flood level marking?

164. Pass through a cooling tank A sterilizer is required in a hospital surgi-

before connecting to the cal room. It is used for sterile materials and
drainage system requires a water and waste connection. Ac-
cording to code, such waste must ______ .

165. 132 Assume the flow from a pump ejector in a

building is 66 gallons per minute, this would
add a total of ___ fixture units to the building
drainage system.

166. equivalent to half of the orig- What amount of a free shall be paid for the
inal free renewal of a plumbing permit?

167. Issued in error, on the ba- The Administrative Authority may, in writing,
sis of incorrect information suspend or revoke a permit issued under the
supplied, in violation of per- provisions of this Code whenever
tinent ordinances, rules and

168. Listed construction and ma- Heat exchangers, and other assemblies or
terials method of constructions using potable water
shall be of

169. A minimum of two separate Potable water shall be separated from the
walls, with a positive, vented fluids or gasses by
leak detection path

170. 3.0 m In areas where the records or data indicated

that the ground waters are grossly degraded,
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the _____ separation requirement may be
reduced by the Administrative Authority.

171. 101.9 li/m^2 - sandy loam - What is the maximum absorption capacity of
sandy clay a leaching area for a 24-hour period if the soil
has a sandy clay characteristic?

172. 6.4 mm What is the minimum required radius of the

circular disc when bending copper tube by

173. Gooseneck a return bend of small-sized pipe, one end

of which is about 30 cm. long and the other
end is about 7. 5 em. long. It is commonly
used as a faucet for a pantry sink. Also, the
term means the flexible tubing connection
between a service pipe and a water main.

174. Grade The slope or fall of a line of pipe with refer-

ence to a horizontal plane. In drainage, it is
usually expressed as the fall in centimeters
per meter or percentage slope of pipe.

175. Spigot The end of a pipe which fits into a bell.

176. Domestic Wastes Wastes which require some special meth-

ods of handling such as the use of indirect
waste piping and receptors; corrosion resis-
tant piping; sand, oil or grease interceptors;
condensers or other pretreatment facilities.

177. Two-pipe The _____ gravity steam-heating system

was developed to overcome the difficulty en-
countered when steam and condensate flow
against one another in the same pipe.

178. Vapor In a ____ system, thermostatic traps are

used at each radiator and at the ends of the
steam mains.

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179. Service pipe It is a pipe from the street water main to the
building served

180. 12 inches What is the maximum distance between a

water heater and union on the water lines?

181. Blank Defined as the pipe flange that is not drilled

for bolt holes.

182. 25 mm When potable water is discharge to the

drainage system, it shall be by means of
approved air gap of 2 pipe size diameter from
the supply of the outlet and top surface of the
drainage inlet, but in no case shall be less
than _______.

183. 80 Thread on plastic pipe shall be factory cut

or molded. Threaded plastic pipe shall be
schedule _____ min. wall thickness.

184. Fixture Unit A unit which is equivalent to the flow rate of

one (1) cubic foot of water per minute or 7.48
gpm of water

185. 3 Working Days The number of days to request for inspection

by the master plumber to the administrative
authority are required to be made in advance
at least before the work to be tested.

186. Cast Iron Caulked or screwed joints shall be applicable

to _____.

187. Exposed Fixture Supply In the water supply piping slip joints may be
used only on the _____.

188. DPWH, DILG or City Mayor's Permit required under this jurisdiction

189. not less than two-thirds

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The inlet compartment of any septic tank
shall be ___ of the total capacity of the tank,
nor less than 2.0 m^3 liquid capacity.

190. 900 mm Minimum width of the inlet compartment of a

septic tank

191. equal Distribution boxes shall be designed to insure

____ flow and shall be installed on a level
concrete slab in natural or compacted soil.

192. 2.4 m Fixture outlets shall not be connected to the

horizontal excreta drainage piping system
within how many meters from any vertical
to horizontal change of direction of a stack
containing suds-producing fixtures

193. Wye a hose connection with two-gated outlets

permitting two connections of the same or
smaller coupling diameter to be taken from a
single supply line.

194. storey That portion of a building included between

the upper surface of any floor and the upper
surface of the floor next above.

195. Globe Valve A valve actuated by stem screw, and hand

wheel, suited on installation that calls for

196. 1 What is the minimum of number of water

closet required at the office with 20 persons?

197. Plumbing System all water, supply, drainage and venting sys-
tems with all their fixtures and traps.

198. 10 mm What is the minimum size of water supply

pipe to a lavatory

199. January 28, 1959

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On what date the National Plumbing Code of
the Philippines was approved?

200. Two (2) Maximum Fixture unit loading allowed on

51-inch waste stack

201. 10 ft Cast iron piping is 10 ft length installed hori-

zontally, shall be supported at intervals of not
more than ____

202. Sewer The drainage pipe running from outside a

buildings foundation to the main sewer.

203. Flush Valve a device located at the bottom of a flush tank

FOR FLUSHING water closets and similar

204. Invert The lowest portion of the interior part of any

pipe or conduit that is not vertical

205. Prevent sagging Horizontally installed piping must be support-

ed at sufficiently closer intervals to ____

206. Protected Properly All piping installed in corrosive type material

shall be _____.

207. Not be used under any cir- A trap depending on movable parts to retains
cumstances its seal may

208. Stall shower traps Cleanouts on the seal of a trap are prohibited

209. Branch Any part of a piping system that extends hori-

zontally at an approved grade, with or without
vertical extensions from the main to plumbing

210. Horizontal Branch any part of a drainage system that extends

horizontally at a slope from a soil or waste

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stack, with or without lateral or vertical exten-
sions, on two or more floors.

211. Wastewater drain for "Sacrarium" cupsink at church altar and

Baptistries font outlet shall discharge direct to
the ground and not connected to the sanitary
drainage system.

212. Gauge No. 24 B & S or 0.5 What is the minimum thickness of copper
mm THK pans or liners?

213. 600 mm Length of the pipe that should be added on

the top of the highest fixture level to eliminate
the water hammer?

214. 3.2 mm The lead shall be caulked thoroughly at the

inside and outside edges of the joint. After
caulking, the finished joints shall not extend
more than ____ below the rim of the hub.

215. 6.4 mm In addition to the required incised marking, all

hard-drawn copper tubing shall be marked by
means of a continuous and indelibly colored
stripe at least ____ in width.

216. Ga. 12 Minimum wall thickness of a steel septic tank

that can be protected from corrosion internal-
ly and externally is

217. 50% Two (2) walls opposite of differing heights -

add _____ of wall area above top of lower
wall to the roof area.

218. Ball cock a valve opened and closed by the fall and
rise, respectively, of an attached ball
floating on a surface of the liquid

219. Ball cock A type of pipe connection in which a

ball-shaped end is held in a cuplike shell and
allows movements in every direction.
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220. Complicated Riser diagrams are elevations or perspective

views showing stack and risers. They gener-
ally are shown only for _____ jobs

221. Jute, hemp or oakum The use of ______________________ is not

permitted for caulking or for joining water dis-
tribution piping connections

222. Decrease Friction loss in a pipe accounts for slowing

the rate of flow and can do the following to
the amount of water delivered by a pump.

223. Evaporation The hot-water heating systems transmit only

sensible heat to radiators, as distinguished
from steam systems, which hear principally
by the latent heat of _____.

224. 1 What is the DFU of lavatory?

225. Flanges Fixture connections between drainage pipes

and water closets shall be made with _____

226. 200 According to Subsection 1206.1 of the NPCP,

any such piping ____ mm diameter and larg-
er may have a slope of not less than 0.5%

227. Commercial Standards and What do CS and PS means?

Product Standards

228. lowest to the highest point Building sewer shall be tested by completely
filling the sewer with water from the _____.

229. Water Tight Roof joints shall be

230. Plumbarius The individual who works in the sanitary field

of ancient Rome.

231. Common Vent The drain from two fixtures connected to a

single trap.
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232. Industrial Wastes Sewage or other waste from a plumbing sys-

tem which may be deleterious to a surface
or subsurface water, shall not be discharged
into the ground or into any waterway unless
first rendered innocuous through subjection
to some acceptable form of treatment.

233. accepted engineering prac- All designs, constructions and workmanships

tices shall be in conformity with accepted engi-
neering practices and shall be of such char-
acter as to secure the results sought to be
obtained by this Code.

234. Ejector Electrically or mechanically operated device

used to elevate sewage and liquid waste from
a lower level to a point of discharge into a
sewer or other disposal system?

235. Pressure The force required to move water inside the


236. 152 No galvanized wrought iron or galvanized

steel pipe shall be used underground and
shall be kept at least ____ mm above the

237. air break A physical separation, which may be a low

inlet into the indirect waste receptor from the
fixture, appliance or device indirectly con-

238. Pressure Relief Valve A water system that has water heater would
require a ____.

239. 1/2 inch What is the minimum size of water supply

pipe for flush valve?

240. 3 Minimum distance (in m) away from the sew-

er line shall the water pipe be installed?

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241. 3 inches Minimum allowable size of any drain, hor-
izontal branch, vertical soil or waste stack
serving one or more water closets.

242. 85% Copper content in brass fitting

243. Fireplace ashes A single-family house, connected to a public

sewer, may discharge all but one of the fol-
lowing through its drainage system:

244. Bed-pan washer The term "liquid waste", is waste that is dis-
charged into the plumbing system from all but
one of the following fixtures.

245. Leader A rood drain, is a drain installed to receive

water collecting on the surface of a roof, and
to discharge the water into the:

246. 1/4 When notching the ends of joists to install

water piping, the depth of the notches shall
not exceed ____ of the depth of the joists.

247. Grade Tje drainage fittings shall have threads that

are tapped to allow for

248. Workmanship It shall be unlawful to conceal cracks, holes,

or other imperfection in materials by welding,
brazing or soldering the defects or by using
therein or thereon any paint, wax, tar or other
sealing or repair agents.

249. Double Hub Fitting No ______ for lead-caulked joint in vertical

position, single or double tee branch; single
or double tapped tee branch, side inlet quar-
ter bend, running thread, band or saddle shall
be used as a drainage fitting, except that a
double hub sanitary tapped tee may be used
on vertical lines as a fixture connection.

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Approves stainless steel For jointing of hub less cast-iron soil pipes
bands with neoprene gas- are acceptable to use

251. All valves, pipes and fittings Prohibited fitting and practices, except
shall be installed in correct
relationship to the direction
of flow

252. 19.56 kg/m^3 and 1.6 mm weight and thickness of sheet lead shall not
thick be less than ____ for safe pans.

253. 14.63 kg/m^3 and 1.2 mm Weight and thickness of sheet lead shall not
thick be less than _____ for flashings or vent ter-

254. 56.8 li/day What is the estimated sewage flow rate for
day camp per person?

255. 4.6 m When disposal field are installed in sloping

ground, the required horizontal distance be-
tween any part of the leaching system and
the ground surface is _____.

256. 18 .9 li/day what is the estimated flow rate for airports per

257. A residual pressure The pressure available at the fixture or water

outlet; allowance is made for pressure drop
due to friction loss, head, meter and other
losses in the system during maximum de-
mand period

258. Stand Pipe A vertical pipe usually used for storage of

water, frequently under pressure.

259. Caulking Plugging an opening with oakum, lead or

other materials that are rounded into place.

260. Scupper
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It is a box like collection device which is locat-
ed on the exterior of the building and receives
storm water on one side.

261. Fire Hose Always located near the stairs for use by
firemen in case of fire.

262. Neoprene Rubber Sleeves The hubless is used in lieu of the pipe when
caulking and jointing of the pipe is quite dif-
ficult. The hubless pipe (cast iron_ is easily
joined by use of _____.

263. Offset in a line of piping is a combination of elbows

or bends, which brings one section of the
pipe out of line but into a line parallel with the
original section

264. 6 Two-inch copper tubing installed horizontally

must be supported at distances of not less
than _____ feet.

265. Cast-iron soil pipe Vertical _____ must be supported at the base
and at each story level at interval not exceed-
ing 15 feet.

266. 10 Horizontally hung cast-iron soil pipe in

10-foot lengths have minimum spacing of
supports not more than ____ feet apart.

267. Water Piping Not defined by Code as a "stack" when in-

stalled in a vertical main is ____.

268. Male threads only When joining threaded piping and fittings to-
gether, an approved joints compound must
be applied to ____ .

269. run parallel and dose to the Plumbing fixture shall be installed in a man-
nearest wall or building line. ner to provide easy access for repair and
cleaning. Where practical, all pipes from fix-
tures shall be
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270. 1.2 m Minimum distance between the door or entry

to the drain opening?

271. 305 mm Access and clearance shall be provided for

the required testing, maintenance and repair.
What is the minimum access and clearance
space between the lowest portion of the as-
sembly and the grade, floor or platform?

272. DANGER- UNSAFE WATER Each outlet on the non-potable water line,
may be used for drinking or domestic purpos-
es, shall be posted: ____.

273. Yoke Vent The pipe connection upward for the soil or
waste stack to a vent stack for the purpose
of preventing pressure changes in the vent
stack is

274. Asbestos Cement Pipe Joints between ____ and other approved
pipe shall be made by means of an approved
adapter coupling.

275. Asbestos Cement Sewer ______ Joints shall be a sleeve coupling of

Pipe the same composition as the pipe or of oth-
er approved materials and sealed with neo-
prene rubber rings or joined by an approved
type compression coupling.

276. 1.5 m In areas where the records or data indicate

that the ground water are grossly degraded,
the minimum separation requirement from
the excavation of a leach line or leach bed is

277. Double Offset Two offsets in succession or in series such

that the centerlines of the outside ends are
in the same straight line.

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278. 1. Any public nuisance Nuisance means:
known in common law or in
equity jurisprudence.
2. Whenever any work regu-
lated by this Code is danger-
ous to human life or detri-
mental to health and proper-
3. Inadequate or unsafe wa-
ter supply and or sewage
disposal system.

279. American Standards for ASTM means

Testing Materials

280. Rivers not usually used as a source of water for

domestic use.

281. Four (4) Total number of water closets on a 3-inch


282. Atmospheric Vacuum Break- acronym for AVB as a backflow prevention

er device

283. 3-1/2 inches Minimum pipe size of the vent pipe serving a
combination waste and vent system with a 4"
drain pipe

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