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Automated Vulnerability Detection in Source

Code Using Quantum Natural Language


Mst Shapna Akter1 , Hossain Shahriar2, and Zakirul Alam Bhuiya3

1 Department of Computer Science, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw
[email protected]
2 Department Information Technology, Kennesaw State University, USA
[email protected]
3 Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Fordham University, New
York, USA
[email protected]

Abstract. One of the most important challenges in the field of software code
audit is the presence of vulnerabilities in software source code. Ev-ery year,
more and more software flaws are found, either internally in proprietary code
or revealed publicly. These flaws are highly likely ex-ploited and lead to
system compromise, data leakage, or denial of ser-vice. C and C++ open-
source code are now available in order to create a large-scale, classical
machine-learning and quantum machine-learning system for function-level
vulnerability identification. We assembled a siz-able dataset of millions of
open-source functions that point to poten-tial exploits. We created an
efficient and scalable vulnerability detection method based on a deep neural
network model– Long Short-Term Mem-ory (LSTM), and quantum machine
learning model– Long Short-Term Memory (QLSTM), that can learn features
extracted from the source codes. The source code is first converted into a
minimal intermediate representation to remove the pointless components
and shorten the de-pendency. Previous studies lack analyzing features of
the source code that causes models to recognize flaws in real-life examples.
Therefore, We keep the semantic and syntactic information using state-of-
the-art word embedding algorithms such as Glove and fastText. The
embedded vectors are subsequently fed into the classical and quantum
convolutional neural networks to classify the possible vulnerabilities. To
measure the performance, we used evaluation metrics such as F1 score,
precision, re-call, accuracy, and total execution time. We made a
comparison between the results derived from the classical LSTM and
quantum LSTM using basic feature representation as well as semantic and
syntactic represen-tation. We found that the QLSTM with semantic and
syntactic features detects significantly accurate vulnerability and runs faster
than its clas-sical counterpart.

⋆ Supported by organization x.
Keywords: Cyber Security; Vulnerability Detection; Classical Machine
Learning; Feature Extraction; Quantum Natural Language Processing;

1 Introduction

Security in the digital sphere is a matter of increasing relevance. However,

there is a significant invasion threat to cyberspace. Security vulnerabilities
caused by buried bugs in software may make it possible for attackers to
penetrate systems and apps. Each year, thousands of these vulnerabilities
are found internally in proprietary code [1].
Recent well-publicized exploits have demonstrated that these security flaws
can have catastrophic impacts on society and the economy in our healthcare,
energy, defense, and other critical infrastructure systems [2]. For instance, the
ransomware Wannacry swept the globe by using a flaw in the Windows server
message block protocol [3, 4]. According to the Microsoft Security Response Cen-
ter, half of 2015 had an industry-wide surge in high-severity vulnerabilities of
41.7%. Furthermore, according to a Frost and Sullivan ( a global growth con-
sulting company) analysis released in 2018, there was an increase in severe and
high severity vulnerabilities in Google Project, going from 693 in 2016 to 929 in
2017, with zero coming in second place in terms of disclosing such flaws. On
August 14, 2019, Intel issued a warning on a high-severity vulnerability in the
software it uses to identify the specifications of Intel processors in Windows PCs
[5] . The paper claims that these defects, including information leaking and
de-nial of service assaults, might substantially affect software systems.
Although the company issued an update to remedy the problems, an attacker
can still use these vulnerabilities to escalate their privileges on a machine that
has already been compromised.
A good technique to lessen the loss is early vulnerability discovery. The
pro-liferation of open-source software and code reuse makes these
vulnerabilities sus-ceptible to rapid propagation. Source code analysis tools
are already available; however, they often only identify a small subset of
potential problems based on pre-established rules.
Software vulnerabilities can be found using a technique called vulnerability
detection. Static and dynamic techniques are used in conventional vulnerability
detection [6]. Static approaches evaluate source code or executable code without
launching any programs, such as data flow analysis, symbol execution [7], and
theorem proving [8]. Static approaches can be used early in software develop-
ment and have excellent coverage rates. It has a significant false positive rate. By
executing the program, dynamic approaches like fuzzy testing [9], and dy-namic
symbol execution [10] can confirm or ascertain the nature of the software.
Dynamic methods depend on the coverage of test cases, which results in a low
recall despite their low false positive rate and ease of implementation.
The advancement of machine learning technology incorporates new approaches to
address the limitations of conventional approaches. One key research direction is
developing intelligent source code-based vulnerability detection systems. It can
be divided into three categories: using software engineering metrics, anomaly
detection, and weak pattern learning. To train a machine learning model, soft-
ware engineering measures, including software complexity, developer activity, and
code commits were initially investigated. This strategy was motivated by the idea
that software becomes more susceptible as it becomes more complicated.
However, in those works, accuracy, and recall need to be enhanced.
Numerous research organizations are utilizing the potential of quantum ma-
chine learning (QML) to handle massive volumes of data with the aid of quantum
random access memory (QRAM) [11]. In general, the phrase ”Quantum Machine
Learning” refers to a field that combines quantum computing, quantum algo-
rithms, and classical machine learning. In this field, real-world machine learning
problems are addressed using algorithms that make use of the effectiveness and
concepts of quantum computing [12]. Quantum computers have enormous pro-
cessing capacity due to the core ideas of quantum machine learning, such as
quantum coherence, superposition, and entanglement, which pave the way for the
increasingly widespread use of quantum computing in technological disci-plines
[13]. In contrast to traditional computing, the fundamental building block of
quantum computing, the Qubit, can use both 0 and 1 to pursue several com-
putation routes concurrently [14]. A qubit state is a vector in two-dimensional
space, shown by the linear combination of the two basis states (|0>, and |1>) in a
quantum system: |ψ >= α|0 > +β|1 >, where α, β ϵ C are probability amplitudes required
to satisfy |α|2 + |β|2 = 1 . Such a sequence of basis states is referred to as
quantum superposition, while the correlations between two qubits through a
quantum phenomenon are termed entanglement.
We have come up with a solution for detecting software vulnerabilities
using a deep neural network model– Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and a
quan-tum machine learning model– Long Short-Term Memory (QLSTM) , that
learns features extracted from the source codes. We first transformed the
samples of source code into the minimum intermediate representations
through dependency analysis, program slicing, tokenization, and serialization.
Later, we extracted se-mantic features using word embedding algorithms
such as GloVe and fastText. After finishing the data preprocessing stage, we
fed the input representation to the LSTM and QLSTM. We found that QLSTM
provides the highest result in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, and f1
score, which are 95, 97, 98, and 99 percent, respectively.
The contribution of this project is as follows:
1. We extracted semantic and syntactic analysis using FastText and Glove
word embeddings. Sequential models have the drawback of not
understanding the pattern in the text data; it is very tough to catch a similar
pattern when unseen data arrives. However, it can be solved by extracting
semantic features that can help the models recognize the pattern based on
the context, even if unseen data comes.
2. We developed a Quantum Long-short Term Memory algorithm for deal-
ing with sequential data. We have shown how to develop a quantum machine-
learning algorithm for detecting software vulnerability.
3. We made a comparative analysis between the results derived from the
classical LSTM model and the quantum LSTM model using the basic features
as well as semantic and syntactic features.
4. We used both the accuracy and efficiency measurements.
We organize the rest of the paper as follows: We provided a brief
background study on classical machine learning and quantum machine
learning in section 2. In section 3, we explain the methods we followed for our
experimental research. The results derived from the experiment are
demonstrated in Section 4. Finally, section 5 concludes the paper.

2 Literature Review

Researchers are interested in the recently developed quantum machine learn-ing

strategy for identifying and preventing software and cybersecurity vulnera-bilities
[1] to address the shortcomings of conventional machine learning tech-niques. For
classifying software security activities like malware, ransomware, and network
intrusion detection, various machine learning techniques, including Neural
Networks, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN),
Decision Trees, and Support Vector Machines are successfully used. We have
tried to go through the classical machine learning and Quantum machine learning-
related papers that have been applied to the software security domain.
Previously, Zeng et al. [15] reviewed software vulnerability analysis and
dis-covery using deep learning techniques. They found four game changers
who contributed most to the software vulnerability using deep learning
techniques. Game-changer works describe concepts like– automatic semantic
feature extrac-tion using deep learning models, end-to-end solutions for
detecting buffer error vulnerabilities, applying a bidirectional Long Short Term
Memory (BiLSTM) model for vulnerability detection, and deep learning-based
vulnerability detec-tor for binary code.
Yamaguchi et al. [16] showed an anomaly detection technique for taint-
style vulnerabilities. It groups the variables that pass on to functions with
sensitive security. Then, the violation is reported as a potential vulnerability by
anomaly detection. This strategy works well with taint-style vulnerability but
not with all vulnerabilities.
Wang et al. [17] proposed an automatic semantic learning process using
deep learning models for defect detection in source code. They used DBN, a
generative graphical model capable of learning representation that can
reconstruct training data with a high probability. The input they provided are
[..., if, foo, for, bar, ...] and [..., foo, for, if, bar, ...], respectively. Compared to
the traditional features, their semantic features improve WPDP on average by
14.7% in precision, 11.5% in the recall, and 14.2% in F1 score.
Kim et al. [18] proposed a technique for identifying similarity-based
vulnera-bilities. Although, this approach is only effective against vulnerabilities
brought on by code cloning.
A comparison study based on the effectiveness of quantum machine learn-ing
(QML) and classical machine learning was shown by Christopher Haven-stein et
al. [19]. The authors worked on reproducible code and applied ML and QML
algorithms. Later, quantum variational SVMs were used instead of conven-tional
SVMs since they exhibit greater accuracy. The future potential of quantum multi-
class SVM classifiers are highlighted in their conclusion.
Quantum machine learning (QML) research was carried out by
Mohammad Masum et al. [20] to identify software supply chain attacks. The
researchers used a variety of cutting-edge techniques, such as the Quantum
Support Vector Machine (QSVM) and Quantum Neural Network, to examine
how to accelerate the performance of quantum computing (QNN). The
authors discovered two open-source quantum simulators— IBM Qiskit and
TensorFlow quantum for software supply chain threats detection. The study’s
conclusions indicate that quantum machine learning is superior to classical
machine learning in terms of computing time and processing speed.
MJH Faruk et al. [21] studied quantum cybersecurity from both threats and
opportunity perspectives. The authors have provided a comprehensive review
of state-of-the-art quantum computing-based cybersecurity approaches. The
re-search indicated that quantum computing can be utilized to address
software security, cybersecurity, and cryptographic-related concerns. On the
other hand, the malicious individual also misuses quantum computing against
software in-frastructure due to the immense power of quantum computers.
Payares and Martinez-Santos [22] demonstrated the importance of using gen-
eralized coherent states for the SVM model. SVM is a classical machine learning
model, and coherent states are a calculational tool here. They used the RKHS
concept to connect the thread in the SVM model. Such reproducing kernels are
responsible for the overlapping situation of canonical and generalized coherent
states. Canonical coherent states regenerate the radial kernels while the POVM
calculates the overlap functions, which eventually decreases the computational
times when the high dimensional feature problem arises. The Quantum version of
SVM recently played an important role in solving classification and detection
problems, but the quantum version of LSTM is unexplored.
Khan and Pal [23] proposed a quantum computing-based technique for devel-
oping reverse engineering gene regulatory networks using a time-series gene ex-
pression dataset. The model they used is recurrent neural networks. The method
they used is comparatively new, and the results are satisfactory. They applied a 4-
gene artificial genetic network model as part of experimental work and proposed a
10-gene and 20-gene genetic network. They found that quantum computing
provides very good accuracy and it reduces the execution time.
Choi et al. [24] proposed a brief description of Quantum Graph Recurrent
Neural Networks (QGRNN). Previously, several works have been done in the
machine learning field with some optimized models. Graph Neural Networks is a
subfield of machine learning which came to the focus. Researchers developed a
quantum graph neural network using circuits that convert the bits into qubits.
Among the other quantum machine learning models, the quantum graph recur-
rent neural network (QGRNN) is proven to be more effective. They proposed
a Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) for converting the bits into quantum
states and the converting them into QGRNN.
Oh et al. [25] provided a survey on Quantum Convolutional Neural Net-
work (QCNN). QCNN is a quantum version of classical CNN. It is sometimes
very challenging when data comes with high dimensions and thus makes the
model very large. But the quantum version of CNN overcomes such issues
and improves performance, and makes the model efficient. The first study
proposes a quantum circuit that uses Multi-scale Entanglement
Renormalization Ansatz (MERA). The second work they showed used a
hybrid learning model, which adds a quantum convolution layer.
Lu et al. [26] proposed a Quantum Convolutional Neural Network to find
the optimal number of convolutional layers. They used CIFAR10 for training
VGG-19 and 20-layer, 32-layer, 44-layer, and 56-layer CNN networks. Then
they compare the difference between the optimal and non-optimal CNN
models. They found that the accuracy drops from 90% to 80% as the layers
increases to 56 layers. However, the CNN with optimization made it possible
as the accuracy is more than 90%, and the parameters are reduced by half.
Their experiment indicates that the proposed method can improve the network
performance degra-dation very well, which causes by hidden convolutional
layers, and reduce the computing resources.

3 Methodology
We adopted a Quantum Long Short-Term Memory (QLSTM), a subfield of
Quantum Machine Learning (QML), for this research and applied the model to the
text dataset. Figure 1 demonstrates the framework representing the im-
plementation process. At first, we pre-processed raw data prior to providing it as
input to the QML model. We used Python, keras tokenizer, sklearn LabelEn-
coder, Keras sequence, Keras padding, Keras embedding, Glove, and FastText
embeddings for pre-processing the dataset. Keras library has been used to extract
the basic input representation and the semantic and syntactic representations
have been extracted using Glove and FastText Embeddings. For the experiment,
we consider only the balanced portions of the dataset, which contains an almost
equal number of vulnerable and non-vulnerable datasets, to avoid underfitting or
overfitting. In quantum machine learning models, we need to feed numerical
values, so we converted text data into numerical values, and all the numerical
values were normalized to maintain a similar scale. We made a comparison with
results derived from LSTM and QLSTM models with or without training the
semantic and syntactic representations. Results have been shown in section 4.
The sigmoid layer state’s equation is:

3.1 Dataset Specification

From the standpoint of the source code, the majority of flaws originate in a
crucial process that poses security risks. The function, assignment, or control
Fig. 1: Framework representation of the implementation process.

statement considers the primary operation. An adversary can affect this

crucial operation either directly or indirectly by manipulating certain factors or
cir-cumstances. A large number of training examples are required to train
machine learning models that can effectively learn the patterns of security
vulnerabilities directly from code. We chose to analyze software packages at
the function-level because it is the lowest granularity level that captures a
subroutine’s overall flow. We compiled a vast dataset of millions of function
level examples of C and C++ code from the SATE IV Juliet Test Suite, Debian
Linux distribution, and public Git repositories on GitHub described in the paper
of Russel [27]. In this project we have used CWE-119 vulnerability feature.
CWE-119 indicates issues associated with buffer overflow vulnerability. A
buffer overflow occurs when data is written to the buffer that is longer than the
buffer itself, overwriting storage units outside the buffer in the process.
According to a 2019 report from Com-mon Weakness Enumeration, the buffer
overflow vulnerability has evolved into the vulnerability that has been most
adversely affected. Although we have used the buffer overflow issue as an
example, our method can be used to find other kinds of vulnerabilities as well.
Figure 1 illustrates an intra-procedural buffer overflow vulnerability.
The data we have used in this project can be found in this link:
https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/119.html. The dataset has a subfolder:
train, validation, and test. Each of the folders contains a CSV file. The CSV
file stores the text data and corresponding labeling. We analyzed the dataset
Fig. 2: An intra-procedural buffer overflow vulnerability.

and found some common words with it’s corresponding counts: = (505570), if
(151663), n (113301), == (92654), return (77438), * (71897), the (71595), int
(53673), < (43703), + (41855), for (35849), char (33334), else (31358).

3.2 Input Representation

The basic input representation technique is representing each word with a

num-ber, eventually creating a pattern. The neural networks sometimes fail to
learn in-depth patterns and thus not giving accurate results for real-life
examples. The biased nature of data occurs in this case, and the model can
recognize data only with the same pattern. In real life, all data are not the
same. To overcome this issue, Glove and fasTest have been developed to
extract the semantic and syn-tactic features. Even with different patterns, a
model trained with semantic and syntactic features is able to recognize the
vulnerability with the help of context of words.

Tokenizer In the natural language processing project, the basic units called
words are mandatory to concentrate on the computational process. In the
NLP field, the word is also known as a token. Tokenization is a process that
sepa-rates sentences into small units that can be used for several purposes.
With this concept, Keras provides a tokenizer library called Tokenizer.
Tokenizer contains two methods named tokenize() and detokenize(). The
methods go through the plain text and separate the word. We used the Keras
tokenizer for our initial data preprocessing step kathuria2019real.

GloVe Semantic vector space language algorithms replace each word with a
vector. The vectors are useful since the machine cannot understand words but a
vector. Therefore, numerous applications can make use of these vectors as
features– question answering [28], parsing [29], document classification [30],
in-formation retrieval, and named entity recognition [31]. The glove is a
language algorithm for prevailing vector representations of words. This is an
unsupervised learning algorithm; the training process has been performed on
global word-word co-occurrence statistics from a corpus [32].
Pennington et al. [32] dispute that the online scanning process followed by
word2vec is inferior as it does not provides global statistical values about
word co-occurrences. The model produces a vector space with a valid
substructure with 75% of performance on a real-life example. GloVe was built
on two concepts– lo-cal context window and global matrix factorization.
CBOW and skip-Gram are Local context window methods. CBOW is better for
frequent words, whereas Skip-gram works well on small datasets with rare
observations. While global matrix factorization is the matrix factorization
method that derives from lin-ear algebra is responsible for reducing the long-
term frequency matrices. The matrices constitute the occurrence of words.

fastText FasText is an embedding method that uses a word’s deep-down struc-

ture to improve the vector representations acquired from the skip-gram method.
Modifications such as sub-word generation and skip-gram with negative sampling
happen in the skip-gram method to develop the fasText model.
Sub-word generation: For a specific word, it generates character n-grams
of length 3-6. The source code mostly uses words such as return, char, else,
and int shown in Table 1 and Figure 3. The first step would be to take a word
and add an angular bracket. It denotes the beginning and end of the word. For
instance Return , char , int . This approach conserves the interpretation of
short words that may come up as n-grams of other words. Moreover, it
captures the meaning of suffixes and prefixes. The length of n-grams can be
controlled by using -maxn and -minn flags for the maximum and the minimum
number of characters [33]. The fastText model is somewhat considered a bag
of words model aside from the n-gram window selection. No internal structure
is present for the featurization of the words. However, the n-gram embeddings
can be turned off by setting it as 0, which is useful for some particular words
which do not bring any meaning in the entire corpus. The purpose of putting
ids in words is while updating the model, fastText learns weights for each of
the n-grams as well as the entire word token [34].

3.3 Classification Models

The vector representation of the software source code has been fed to the
LSTM, and QLSTM models. The dataset has been divided into training and
validation portions for the purpose of training the models. Finally, the test
dataset is used to evaluate each trained model.

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) LSTM is A popular artificial Recur-rent

Neural Network (RNN) model, which works with datasets that preserve
sequences such as text, time series, video, and speech. Using this model for
se-quential datasets is effectiveSince as it can handle single data points. It
follows the Simple RNN model’s design and an extended version of that
model. How-ever, unlike Simple RNN, it has the capability of memorizing prior
value points since it developed for recognizing long-term dependencies in the
text dataset. Three layers make up an RNN architecture: input layer, hidden
layer, and output layer mandic2001recurrent, akter2022forecasting. Figure 3
depicts the LSTM’s structural layout. The elementary state of RNN
architecture is shown as the mathematical function:
ht = f(ht−1, xt; θ) (1)
Here, θ denotes the function parameter, ht denotes the current hidden state, xt denotes
the current input, f denotes the function of previous hidden state.
When compared to a very large dataset, the RNN architecture’s weakness
is the tendency to forget data items that are either necessary or unneeded.
Due to the nature of time-series data, there is a long-term dependency
between the current data and the preceding data. The LSTM model has been
specifically developed to address this kind of difficulty. It is first proposed by
Hochreiter Long [35].
This model’s main contribution is its ability to retain long-term dependency
data by erasing redundant data and remembering crucial data at each update
step of gradient descent [36]. The LSTM architecture contains four parts: a
cell, an input gate, an output gate, and a forget cell [37].
The purpose of the forget cell is to eliminate extraneous data by determining
which data should be eliminated based on the state (t) − 1 and input x(t) at the
state c(t) − 1.
At each cell state, the sigmoid function of the forget gate retains all 1s that are
deemed necessary values and eliminates all 0s that are deemed
superfluous.[35]. The forget gate state’s equation is stated as follows:

ft = σ(Wf .[ht−1, xt] + bf ) (2)

where ft denotes sigmoid activation function, ht−1 denotes output from previ-ous
hidden state, Wf denotes weights of forget gate, bf denotes bias of forgetting gate
function, and finally xt dentoes current input.
After erasing the unneeded value, new values are updated in the cell
state. Three steps make up the procedure: The first step is deciding which
values need to update using sigmoid layer called the “input gate layer”.
Second, creating a vector of new candidate values using the tanh layer.
Finally, steps 1 and 2 are combined together to create and update the state.
The equation for the sigmoid layer is as follows:

it = σ(Wi.[ht−1, xt] + bi) (3)

Output(O) O1 O2 Ot

1 2
h h h ht

inpu(inp) inp1 inp2 inpt

Fig. 3: LSTM neural network structure.

The tanh layer generates a vector of new candidates for producing a new
value to the state C(t), while the sigmoid layer determines which value should
be updated.
The equation for tanh layer’s equation is as follows:
C(t) = tanh(Wc.[ht−1, xt] + bC ) (4)
The addition of C(t) ∗ it and Ct − 1 ∗ f t updates the new cell at state C(t). The
updated state’s equation is:
Ct = Ct−1 ∗ ft + C(t) ∗ it
In order to determine which output needs to be maintained, the output is ulti-
mately filtered out using the sigmoid and the tanh functions.

Ot = σ(Wo.[ht−1, xt] + bo) (6)

ht = Ot ∗ tanh(Ct) (7)
In this state, ht gives outputs that are used for the input of the next hidden

Quantum Long Short-Term Memory (QLSTM) We propose a novel frame-work

of a modified version of the recurrent neural network- Long short-term memory
(LSTM) with Variational Quantum Circuits (VQCs), basic functions discussed
briefly in the following section. The model has been implemented us-ing a
hybrid quantum-classical approach, which is fitted for NISQ devices as the
approach utilizes the greater expressive power during the iterative
optimization process provided by the quantum entanglement.
Variational Quantum Circuits (VQCs): A quantum circuit with tun-able
parameters. We choose the circuit to use in the NISQ device as it is robust
against quantum noise [38]. Moreover, VQCs are more intensive than classical
neural networks as it has the ability to represent certain functions with a lim-ited
number of parameters [39]. Recurrent Neural Networks approximate any
computable function, even with one single hidden layer; Therefore, pairing the
LSTM model with the VCQs enables the learning process very fast [40]. It has
been successfully experimented on several tasks such as classification [41],
func-tion approximation [42], generative modeling [43], deep reinforcement
learning [44], and transfer learning [45]. The architecture for this circuit is
demonstrated in Figure 4.

Fig. 4: Variational Quantum Circuit’s architecture

The U(x) block represents the state preparation which converts the
classical input x into the quantum state. In contrast, the block represents the
variational part along with the learnable parameters for doing optimization
during the gra-dient descent process. We measure a subset of the encoded
qubits to retrieve a classical bit string, for example, 0100.
Quantum LSTM We modify the traditional LSTM architecture into a
quantum version by replacing the neural networks in the LSTM cells with Vari-
ational Quantum Circuits (VQCs) [40]. The VQCs play roles in both feature
extraction as well as data compression. The components we used for the
VCQs are shown in Figure 5.

Fig. 5: Components for VQCs

The circuit consists of three parts: data encoding, variational layer, and
quan-tum measurements. Data encoding transforms the classical data into a
quantum state. The variational layer updates itself during gradient descent
and plays the optimization role [40]. The quantum measurements retrieve the
values for fur-ther processing. The expected values have been calculated
using the simulation software, as we do not have access to the real quantum
computer. We have shown the Quantum LSTM architecture in Figure 6.

Fig. 6: QLSTM Architecture

x(t) refers to the input at time t, ht refers to the the hidden state, ct refers to the cell
state, and yt refers to the output. The blocks σ and tanh represent the sigmoid and the
hyperbolic tangent activation function, respectively. Finally, the
⊗ and ⊕ represents element-wise multiplication and addition. The
mathematical functions [40] for each state of QLSTM model are stated below :
it = σ(V QC2(vt))
Ct′ = T anh(V QC3(vt))
ct = ft ∗ ct − 1 + it ∗ Ct′
ot = σ(V QC4(vt))
ht = σ(V QC5(ot ∗ tanh(ct))
yt= V QC6(ot ∗ tanh(ct))
3.4 Evaluation metrics

Evaluating a model’s performance is necessary since it shows how close the

model’s predicted outputs are to the corresponding expected outputs. The
eval-uation metrics are used to evaluate a model’s performance. However,
the evalu-ation metrics differ with the types of models. The types of models
are classifi-cation and regression. Regression refers to the problem that
involves predicting a numeric value. Classification refers to the problem that
involves predicting a discrete value. The regression problem uses the error
metric for evaluating the models. Unlike the regression problem model, the
classification problem uses the accuracy metric for evaluation. Since our
motive is to detect the vulnerabili-ties, we used accuracy, f1 score, Precision,
and Recall for our evaluation metric depto2021automatic .
Precision : When the model predicts positive, it should be specified that how
much the positive values are correct. Precision is used when the False
Positives are high. For vulnerability classification, if the model gives low
Precision, then many non-vulnerable codes will be detected as flaws; for high
Precision, it will ignore the False positive values by learning with false alarms.
The Precision can be calculated as follows:

P recision = TP +FP (8)
Here TP refers to True Positive values and FP refers to False Positive values.
Recall : The metric recall is the opposite of Precision. The Precision is used when
the false negatives (FN) are high. In the vulnerability detection classification
problem, if the model gives low recall, then many vulnerable codes will be said as
non-vulnerable; for high recall, it will ignore the false negative values by learning
with false alarms. The recall can be calculated as follows:

Recall = TP +FP (9)
F1 score: F1 score combines Precision and recall and provides an overall
accu-racy measurement of the model. The value of the F1 score lies between
1 and 0. If the predicted value matches with the expected value, then the f1
score gives 1, and if none of the values matches with the expected value, it
gives 0. The F1 score can be calculated as follows:

F 1score = 2 · precision · recall (10)

precision + recall
Accuracy : Accuracy determines how close the predicted output is to the
actual value.

Accuracy = TP +TN +FP +FN (11)
here, TN refers to True Negative and FN refers to False Negative.
4 Result and Discussion

From the previous study, we found that the application of quantum models has not
been applied to the software security field. Since, the majority of software
companies face a surge due to software flaws, those require a system that can
provide an accurate result as well as efficiency. Before training the neural net-
works, several criteria need to be followed. One important criterion is feature
analysis. There is a huge chance that a classifier performs poorly due to the lack
of feature analysis techniques. As investigators did not consider the in-depth
feature analysis process in software security field, we have shown a step-by-step
process for extracting the semantic and syntactic features. We developed the
LSTM model with the same number of parameters for both the classical and
quantum versions to get a clear observation. We implemented the classical LSTM
architecture using TensorFlow with 50 hidden units.
It has a softmax layer to convert the output to a single target value y t. The total
number of parameters is 123301 in the classical LSTM. In case of QLSTM, we
used 6 VQCs shown in Figure 5. Each of the VQCs consists of 4 qubits with 2
depths in each variational layer. Additionally, there are 2 parameters for scaling in
the final step. The total number of parameter is 122876. We chose pennylane as
our simulation environment for the quantum circuit. Through our experimental
results, we found that the QLSTM learns faster than the classical LSTM does with
a similar number of parameters. Our comparative analysis between the classical
Long Short-Term Memory model and the quantum long Short-Term Memory
model illustrates in Table 1 and Table 2.

Table 1: Vulnerable Source code Classification results using classical LSTM

and Quantum LSTM with no word embedding algorithms
Models Accuracy precision Recall F1 Score Execution
1* LSTM 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.92 40min 2s
1* QLSTM 0.94 0.99 0.98 0.99 13min 52s

Table 2: Vulnerable Source code Classification results using classical LSTM

and Quantum LSTM with embedding algorithms GloVe + fastText
Models Accuracy precision Recall F1 Score Execution
1* LSTM 0.92 0.93 0.95 0.97 42min 13s
1* QLSTM 0.95 0.97 0.98 0.99 19min 11s
Table 1 shows the result derived from LSTM and QLSTM with basic input
representation, whereas Table 2 shows the result derived from LSTM and QL-
STM with semantic and syntactic representation. For both cases, we found that
the Quantum version of the LSTM model provides better accuracy and compara-
tively runs faster. LSTM with basic representation provides 90 percent accuracy,
90 percent precision, 90 percent recall, and 92 percent F1-Score. In comparison,
QLSTM with the same basic input representation provides 94 percent Accuracy,
99 percent precision, 98 percent recall, and 99 percent of the F1 score. Classical
LSTM with semantic representation provides 92 percent accuracy, 93 percent
precision, 95 percent Recall, and 97 percent F1 score. While quantum LSTM with
semantic representation provides 95 percent accuracy, 97 percent precision, 98
percent recall, and 99 percent f1 score. We also found that by using the Glove
+ FastText word embedding model, the accuracy improves, but the execution
time becomes higher. LSTM with basic input representation, LSTM with se-mantic
and syntactic representation, QLSTM with basic input representation, QLSTM with
semantic and syntactic representation takes 40min 2s, 42min 13s, 13min 52s, and
19min 11s, respectively. Further, we explored the learning capa-bility of the
periodic function of our QML model. The sine function: y = sin(x)
(3) is easier to represent and more effective for comparing. The result is
shown in Figure 7. We used 30 epochs, and the models iterated through each
model and learned. In each epoch, it learns and optimizes in different batches
of inputs. Therefore we can make an observation by comparing the learning
representation of the first and last epochs. The vertical blue line represents
actual data, and the red line represents the predicted output.
From the sinusoidal graph, we found that QLSTM learns better than LSTM.
We also point out that QLSTM learns significantly more information from the
first epoch while LSTM gradually learns and improves in the last epoch, still
lacking the proper learning capability.

1 Conclusion

Quantum computing has recently gained prominence with prospects in the com-
putation of machine learning algorithms that have addressed challenging prob-
lems. This paper conducted a comparative study on quantum Long Short-Term
Memory (QLSTM) and traditional Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and an-alyzes
the performance of both models using vulnerable souce code . Moreover, We
extracted the semantic and syntactic information using state-of-the-art word
embedding algorithms such as Glove and fasText, which can make more accurate
result. The QML model was used on a open sourced Penny Lane simulator due to
the limited availability of the quantum computer. We have tried to implement
machine learning algorithms for sequence modeling, such as natural language
processing, vulnerable source code recognition on noisy intermediate-scale quan-
tum (NISQ) device. We assessed the model’s performance using accuracy and
processing criteria. According to the experimental findings, the QLSTM with Glove
and fastText embedding model learns noticeably more vulnerable source
No Title Given

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig.7: Comparison between sine function learning result obtained from jupyter note-
book using LSTM+ Glove + FasText model for (a) epoch 1 and b) epoch 30 and
QLSTM+ Glove + FasText model for (c) epoch 1 and (d) epoch 30

code features and operates more quickly than its conventional equivalent. Al-
though advances have been made in quantum machine learning over the past
few decades, more work is still needed because the current generation of
quan-tum simulators only has a small number of qubits, making them
unsuitable for sensitive source code. It is possible that a large number of
convergent qubits using quantum machine learning models will have a
significant impact on clas-sification performance and computing time.

The work is partially supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation

Award #2100115. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or
recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do
not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.


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