Health 10-W1 - Q1 - LP
Health 10-W1 - Q1 - LP
Health 10-W1 - Q1 - LP
First Quarter
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
A. Explains the guidelines and criteria in the selection and evaluation of health
information, products and services.
B. Know the importance of being a conscientious health consumer.
C. Validate collected health information, products and services through reliable media
II. Subject Matter
Topic: An Educated Consumer of Health Information, Products and Services
Reference: YouTube, Practical MAPEH 10, pp. 274-278
Materials: Video, slide share
III. Procedure
A. Review:
- No past lesson(Virtual Orientation)
B. Motivation:
- Present video clip about tips before buying a product or availing of a services at
C. Activity:
- Present pictures of different health products and services.
D. Analysis:
- Present video of set of guidelines from DOH at
E. Abstraction:
- What should you do to avoid being victim of fake products?
- Give examples of reliable media sources for health information, products and
F. Application:
- Imagine that you are walking near a market when you notice a commotion.
You see a vendor who is in the middle of situation. He claims that
his product can cure any type of diseases. Furthermore, he says that it is a newly
formulated herbal medicine. He mentions that consuming his medicine will give bad
effects to your body because it is organic.
- List the things that you will do before buying the product the man offers. Then
answer the following questions.
1. Will you purchase the product? Why or why not?
2. How will you know that the source of information a product is reliable or not?
3. What will you do as a wise consumer in that scenario?
G. Assessment:
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