The Science Project - Acid Test - 2022
The Science Project - Acid Test - 2022
The Science Project - Acid Test - 2022
Acids can sound really scary and some of them undoubtedly are, requiring very careful
handling. As a precaution you should be wary of anything called an acid. However, there
are a great many acids which are not only harmless to us but are vital to our survival.
Acids react with bases and weak acids only really react with very strong bases. The problem
with strong acids and strong bases is that they are so strong that they can always persuade
even the weakest of bases or acids to react with them. There usually is something around to
fill that role since all substances lie somewhere on a scale between being strong acids and
being strong bases. Most natural substances lie in the middle zone where they’re neither
particularly acidic or basic.
Scientists use something called the pH scale to measure how acidic or basic something is. The
pH scale measures acidity in the same way that a millimetre scale measures length, for
example. A low pH indicates an acidic compound (an acid), whilst a high pH indicates a basic
compound (a base). Here is an illustration of the pH scale from 0 (strongly acidic) to 14
(strongly alkaline) showing how acidic, or basic, some everyday things are:
Things that are neither acidic nor basic are neutral and come in the middle of the pH scale –
for example, pure water in the illustration above. Knowing whether something is acidic or
basic can be very useful. For example, wasp stings are alkaline but bee stings are acidic. So if
you get stung you need to put bicarbonate of soda on a bee sting and vinegar on a wasp sting.
Hair conditioner is slightly alkaline as shampoo tends to be slightly acidic, so any traces of
shampoo can be neutralised by the conditioner. What does this tell you about all-in-one
Special substances called indicators are used to determine whether things are acidic or basic
by changing colour. You can make your own indicator from a red cabbage and find out which
things in your kitchen are acidic and basic. To make your indicator solution, you need to:
1. Cut the red cabbage up, put it into a saucepan and cover with boiling
water. Please make sure you are supervised by an adult when
handling boiling water.
2. Stir it around and then leave it to soak for 15 minutes.
3. Using a sieve, separate the liquid from the cabbage pieces.
4. Keep the liquid in an old drinks bottle and label it clearly as INDICATOR.
pH 2 4 6 8 10 12
Invisible ink
You can even use the power of acid and base chemistry to write secret messages! You can
write a message in invisible ink by doing this:
1. Add 1 tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) to a mug of water.
2. Dip a cotton-wool bud into the mixture and use it like a pen to write your
message onto a piece of paper. Handy hint: try not to put too much liquid
onto the cotton bud!
3. When the paper is completely dry, rub a red grape over the message.
Handy hint: using a hair dryer speeds things up.
Can you work out what’s going on? Of the bicarbonate of soda and the red grape, which do
you think is acidic and which alkaline?
This activity was used by us for Science Week 2003 and at the BAYSday ‘Hands-on Science’
event held at Imperial College, London in March 2003.