RM Balon Sir
RM Balon Sir
RM Balon Sir
Balon sir
type of research
In C.R. Kothari's "Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques," various types of research are
discussed, providing a framework for understanding different research approaches and
Applied Research: Aims to find solu ons for immediate, prac cal problems in society
or industry. Examples include research to iden fy social, economic, or poli cal trends
affec ng an ins tu on, marke ng research, and evalua on research.
Fundamental Research: Concerned with generaliza ons and theory formula on,
o en termed as 'pure' or 'basic' research. This includes research in natural
phenomena or human behavior aimed at making generaliza ons about such
These types of research collec vely provide a comprehensive understanding of the various
approaches used in academic and scien fic research.
These categories provide a detailed overview of the various research methodologies and approaches.
Balon sir
Research design
In C.R. Kothari's "Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques," research design is elaborated as
In exploratory research studies, the design must be flexible enough to allow for the
considera on of different aspects of the problem under study.
Descrip ve/diagnos c studies need a rigid design to protect against bias and
maximize reliability.
Dis nc ons in sampling, sta s cal, observa onal, and opera onal designs are
outlined, with different approaches recommended for exploratory/formula ve and
descrip ve/diagnos c types of studies.
Research design is described as the arrangement of condi ons for data collec on
and analysis, aiming to combine relevance to the research purpose with efficiency.
It includes decisions about the study's subject, purpose, loca on, data type, and data
It's tailored to the research purpose, categorized into explora on, descrip on,
diagnosis, and experimenta on.
Flexible designs are suited for exploratory research, while designs that minimize bias
and maximize reliability are suitable for descrip ve or diagnos c studies.
Balon sir
These components of research design provide a comprehensive guide for researchers in structuring
their studies effec vely, ensuring they address their research ques ons with appropriate
Problem formula on
In C.R. Kothari's book "Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques," the formula on of a
research problem is presented as a cri cal and founda onal step in the research process. Here are
some key points from the book on this topic:
Statement in a General Way: Ini ally, the problem should be stated broadly, focusing
on prac cal concerns or scien fic interests.
Understanding the Nature of the Problem: It involves understanding its origin and
nature clearly.
Surveying Available Literature: This helps in understanding the context and exis ng
knowledge related to the problem.
Rephrasing into a Working Proposi on: Making the problem as specific as possible
for opera onal viability.
4. Example of Problem Formula on: An example given in the book illustrates the evolu on of a
research problem from a broad, ambiguous ques on ("Why is produc vity in Japan so much
higher than in India?") to a more specific and analy cally meaningful one ("What factors
were responsible for the higher labor produc vity of Japan’s manufacturing industries during
1971-1980 rela ve to India’s manufacturing industries?").
5. Challenges and Considera ons: Defining a research problem is a complex task that requires
se ng boundaries and objec ves. The researcher should pose a ques on or receive a
Balon sir
direc ve ques on and develop techniques and procedures to explore it. The goal is to
formulate a problem that is not too broad and is suitable for tes ng.
In conclusion, the formula on of a research problem is a systema c, though ul process that sets the
founda on for the en re research study. It involves understanding the problem, consul ng literature,
refining the problem statement, and ensuring the problem is specific and meaningful for research
In C.R. Kothari's "Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques," various types of research
methodologies are discussed, including the following key types:
Qualita ve Approach: Not specifically men oned in the quoted texts, but typically
involves collec ng and analyzing non-numeric data to understand concepts,
opinions, or experiences.
Exploratory Research Studies: Also known as formula ve research studies. These are
focused on formula ng a problem for more precise inves ga on or developing
working hypotheses. The design is flexible to accommodate different aspects of the
problem under study (Page 36).
Descrip ve and Diagnos c Research Studies: Involves describing the state of affairs
as it is at present. It o en includes surveys and fact-finding inquiries of different
kinds. The main aim is to describe the characteris cs of a par cular individual,
situa on, or group.
3. Ex Post Facto Research for Descrip ve Studies: In this type of research, the researcher has
no control over the variables and can only report what has happened or is happening. It
o en includes survey methods, compara ve and correla onal methods. Ex post facto studies
may also a empt to discover causes even without the ability to control variables (Page 3).
Fundamental Research: Concerned with generaliza ons and with the formula on of
a theory.
Balon sir
5. Methods Used in Research: Includes a variety of methods such as case studies, life histories,
content analysis, observa onal studies, use of a tude scales, projec ve techniques,
interviews, and surveys. These methods are tailored to the specific requirements of the
study and can vary greatly depending on the research ques on and objec ves (Page 3).
Each of these methodologies serves different research purposes and is chosen based on the specific
objec ves and requirements of the research study.
The "Se ng Approach of Methodology" in C.R. Kothari's book "Research Methodology: Methods and
Techniques" is not explicitly tled as a separate chapter or sec on. However, the concept is integral
to the overall theme of the book, which deals with the various methods and techniques in research
In general, a "Se ng Approach of Methodology" would refer to the context or environment in which
research is conducted. This includes:
3. Impact on Data Collec on and Analysis: The environment where the research is conducted
can affect the type of data collected and the way it is analyzed.
4. Relevance to Research Objec ves: The se ng should align with the research objec ves to
ensure the relevance and effec veness of the study.
5. Ethical and Prac cal Considera ons: The choice of se ng also involves ethical and prac cal
considera ons, especially in terms of accessibility, par cipant recruitment, and data privacy.
1. Understanding the Research Problem: The researcher must have a clear understanding of
the research problem. This understanding forms the basis for developing the ques onnaire
or schedule, guiding the focus and scope of the ques ons.
2. Formula ng Ques ons: The nature of the informa on sought, the characteris cs of the
sampled respondents, and the intended analysis should guide the formula on of ques ons.
The researcher must decide between using closed or open-ended ques ons. Ques ons
should be simple, straigh orward, and logically integrated into the overall plan for data
tabula on and analysis.
Balon sir
3. Dra ing the Ques onnaire: A rough dra of the ques onnaire or schedule should be
prepared, considering the appropriate sequence of ques ons. Exis ng ques onnaires or
schedules can be referred to for guidance.
4. Review and Revision: The dra should be thoroughly reviewed and revised as necessary.
A en on should be paid to technical details and poten al defects in the ques onnaire.
5. Pilot Study: Conduc ng a pilot study is crucial for pre-tes ng the ques onnaire. Based on
the pilot study results, the ques onnaire may need further edi ng and refinement.
6. Clear Instruc ons: The ques onnaire should contain clear and straigh orward instruc ons
for the respondents to ensure they can answer the ques ons without difficulty.
In "Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques" by C.R. Kothari, the sec on on wri ng a
literature review and its types typically covers the following aspects:
1. Understanding a Literature Review: This sec on would explain what a literature review is,
emphasizing its role in providing a comprehensive overview of the current knowledge on a
par cular topic, including major findings, theories, and methodologies.
2. Types of Literature Reviews: Kothari's book might dis nguish between different types of
literature reviews, such as narra ve reviews, systema c reviews, and meta-analyses. Each
type has its own methodology and purpose. For instance, a narra ve review synthesizes
informa on qualita vely, while a systema c review follows a strict protocol to search and
evaluate literature.
3. Prepara on for Wri ng: This involves defining the scope of the review, formula ng research
ques ons, and determining criteria for selec ng relevant literature. The book might discuss
how to develop a research strategy, including choosing databases and keywords for literature
4. Organizing the Literature: Kothari would likely guide on how to categorize and organize the
selected literature. This could involve thema c organiza on, chronological order, or grouping
by methodology or theory, depending on the research ques on and type of review.
5. Wri ng the Review: This sec on would cover how to cri cally analyze and synthesize the
literature. Kothari might provide insights on how to discuss various studies, highlight trends,
iden fy gaps in the research, and discuss the implica ons of the findings.
6. Basis of Assigning and Structuring: The book might discuss how to assign weightage to
different studies based on their relevance, quality, and impact. This includes evalua ng the
credibility of sources, considering the publica on date, and the study’s context and
7. Concluding the Review: Finally, the book would likely address how to conclude a literature
review, summarizing the key findings, discussing the limita ons of the exis ng literature, and
sugges ng areas for future research.
Balon sir
It's important to note that while I can provide a general outline based on typical contents of a book
on research methodology, the specific details and structure might vary. For the most accurate and
detailed informa on, it's best to consult the book directly.
Assigning literature in a literature review involves several key steps, which are generally guided by
the objec ves of your research and the specifics of your research ques on. Here's a typical
1. Define Your Research Ques on and Objec ves: Clearly outline what you are trying to find
out or understand through your research. This will guide your en re literature review
2. Scope of Research: Determine the breadth and depth of your literature review. Decide on
the me frame, geographical area, and subject ma er that your review will cover.
3. Source Iden fica on: Iden fy where you will find relevant literature. This includes academic
journals, books, conference papers, disserta ons, and credible online resources.
4. Search Strategy: Develop a strategy for searching literature. This involves choosing
appropriate keywords, search terms, and databases. Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) can
be used to refine search results.
5. Screening and Selec on: Screen the literature for relevance to your research ques on. You
may need to read abstracts, introduc ons, and conclusions to determine if a piece of
literature is per nent to your review.
6. Cri cal Appraisal: Cri cally evaluate the selected literature for quality and relevance.
Consider the author's creden als, the publica on's credibility, the study’s methodology, and
the date of publica on.
7. Categoriza on: Organize the literature into categories. This could be based on themes,
methodologies, outcomes, or chronological order, depending on your research ques on and
8. Synthesis: Synthesize the informa on from your selected literature. Look for pa erns,
trends, important findings, and notable gaps in the research.
9. Wri ng the Review: When wri ng your review, provide a summary of each work, along with
a cri cal discussion that relates each piece to your research ques on. Explain how each work
contributes to the field and to your understanding of the topic.
10. Referencing: Ensure all sources are correctly cited and referenced in your work to maintain
academic integrity and avoid plagiarism.
Remember, the process of assigning literature in a literature review is itera ve. You might need to
revisit your search strategy, selec on criteria, and organiza on as you delve deeper into the
literature and refine your understanding of the topic\
Balon sir
The basis of assigning literature in a literature review involves several criteria that help in
determining which sources are most relevant and valuable for your research. These criteria include:
1. Relevance to Research Ques on: The most crucial factor is how closely the literature relates
to your research ques on or hypothesis. The literature should provide insights, data, or
perspec ves that directly contribute to understanding the topic you are researching.
2. Quality and Credibility of the Source: Consider the source's reliability. Peer-reviewed journal
ar cles, books published by reputable publishers, and studies conducted by respected
ins tu ons typically offer the most credible informa on.
3. Methodological Rigor: Evaluate the methodology of the studies you are reviewing. Well-
designed and executed studies offer more robust and reliable findings. Consider aspects like
sample size, study design, data analysis techniques, and poten al biases.
4. Currency and Timeliness: The date of publica on is crucial, especially in rapidly evolving
fields. However, seminal or founda onal works, even if older, may s ll be relevant.
5. Author's Exper se and Reputa on: The author's background, qualifica ons, and standing in
the field can impact the credibility and relevance of the literature.
6. Impact and Contribu on to the Field: Literature that has significantly influenced the field or
has been widely cited can be important for your review. Such works o en provide
founda onal concepts or key developments in the area of study.
7. Diversity of Perspec ves: It's essen al to include a range of viewpoints and approaches to
ensure a comprehensive understanding of the topic. This includes looking at literature that
may challenge or contradict your own perspec ves.
8. Geographical and Cultural Relevance: Depending on your research topic, the geographical
and cultural context of the studies may be significant.
9. Interdisciplinary Insights: Some mes, valuable insights can be gained from literature outside
the immediate discipline of your study. Interdisciplinary approaches can enrich the analysis
and understanding of complex research topics.
By applying these criteria, you can systema cally select the most per nent and high-quality literature
for your review. This ensures that your literature review is thorough, balanced, and provides a solid
founda on for your research.