Tax-Remedies (Govt-Remedies-Highlights)
Tax-Remedies (Govt-Remedies-Highlights)
Tax-Remedies (Govt-Remedies-Highlights)
interest at the rate of 12% per annum It is a certain amount of money which the taxpayer
(double the legal interest rate pays to compromise a tax violation. Compromise
prescribed in Section 249(A), which penalties are paid in lieu of criminal prosecution,
interest shall be assessed and collected and cannot be imposed in the absence of a showing
from the date prescribed for its that the taxpayer consented thereto. If an offer of
payment until the full payment thereof, compromise is rejected by the taxpayer, the
or upon issuance of a notice and compromise penalty cannot be enforced through an
demand by the CIR, whichever comes action in court or by distraint and levy. The CIR
earlier (Sec. 249 (B), TRAIN). should file a criminal action if he believes that the
taxpayer is criminally liable for violation of the tax
NOTE: The new interest rate shall be applied law as the only way to enforce a penalty
only in cases of deficiency taxes for 2018 (Dimaampao, J. 2015).
onwards. If the deficiency taxes were for earlier
taxable period, it shall be computed pro-rata i.e. Q: A domestic corporation failed to withhold and
20% for 2017 and earlier (under the NIRC) and remit the tax on income received from
the 12% for 2018 onwards (under TRAIN). Philippine sources by a non-resident foreign
corporation. In addition to the civil penalties
3. Delinquency interest – There shall be provided for under the NIRC, a compromise
assessed and collected on the unpaid penalty was imposed for violation of the
amount, interest at the rate of 20% per withholding tax provisions. May the
annum until the amount is fully paid, Commissioner of Internal Revenue legally
which interest shall form part of the enforce the collection of compromise penalty?
tax, in case of failure to pay: (2000 Bar)
- Amount of tax due on any return
required to be filed, or A: NO. There is no showing that the compromise
- Amount of tax due for which no penalty was imposed by the Commissioner of
return is required, or Internal Revenue with the agreement and
- Deficiency tax, or any surcharge conformity of the taxpayer (Wonder Mechanical
on interest thereon on the due Engineering Corporation v. Court of Tax Appeals, et.
date appearing in the notice and al., 64 SCRA 555).
demand of the CIR (Sec. 249 (C),
NOTE: Deficiency interest on deficiency income
tax accrues and commences from the date of The assessment process starts with the self-
assessment as shown in the assessment notice. assessment by the taxpayer of his tax liability, the
filing to the tax return, and the payment of the entire
4. Interest on extended payment – tax due shown in his tax return in accordance with
There shall be assessed and collected the methods and within the dates prescribed in the
interest at the rate of 20% per annum law and regulations (Mamalateo 2014).
on the tax or deficiency tax or any part
thereof unpaid from the date of notice Upon discovery of the BIR that the self-assessment
and demand until it is paid: was either deficient or when no return was made by
the taxpayer, the BIR issues deficiency assessment
- If any person required to pay the tax is (Ingles, 2015).
qualified and elects to pay the tax on
installment, but fails to pay the tax or any Deficiency Assessment Process
installment hereof, or any part of such
amount or installment on or before the date A. Tax Audit (including the Letter of Authority)
prescribed for its payment, or B. Issuance of Preliminary Assessment Notice
- Where the CIR has authorized an extension (PAN)
of time within which to pay a tax or a C. Reply
deficiency tax or any part thereof (Sec. 249 D. Issuance Formal Letter of Demand and Final
(D), NIRC). Assessment Notice (FLD/FAN).
E. Disputed assessment
Compromise penalties
There must be a grant of authority before any Q: How many times can a taxpayer be subjected
revenue officer can conduct an examination or to examination and inspection for the same
assessment and the revenue officer must not go taxable year?
beyond authority. Otherwise, the assessment or
examination is a nullity. A: GR: Only once per taxable year
The error made by a tax official in the assessment of 1. When the finding for any deficiency tax is the
his tax liabilities does not have the effect of relieving result of Mathematical error in the computation
the taxpayer from the obligation to pay the full of the tax appearing on the face of the tax return
amount of his tax liability, for taxes are fixed by law filed by the taxpayer; or
and the government is never estopped to collect the 2. When the Excise tax due on excisable articles
legitimate taxes because of errors committed by its has not been paid; or
agents (Commissioner v. Atlas Consolidated Mining 3. When a Discrepancy has been determined
Co., 102 SCRA 246). between the tax withheld and the amount
actually remitted by the withholding agent; or
Notice of Informal Conference 4. When an article locally purchased or imported
by an Exempt person, such as, but not limited to,
Presently, there is no requirement for the issuance vehicles, capital equipment, machineries and
of a Notice for Informal Conference. R.R. 18-2013 spare parts, has been sold, traded or
deleted such requirement. transferred to non-exempt persons (Sec. 228,
NIRC); or
(B) PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT NOTICE(PAN) 5. When a taxpayer who opted to claim a refund or
tax credit of excess creditable withholding tax
If after review and evaluation by the Commissioner for a taxable period was determined to have
or his duly authorized representative, as the case Carried over and automatically applied the
may be, it is determined that there exists sufficient same amount claimed against the estimated tax
basis to assess the taxpayer for any deficiency tax or liabilities for the taxable quarter or quarters of
taxes, the said Office shall issue to the taxpayer a the succeeding taxable year (Sec. 3.1.2, R.R. No.
PAN for the proposed assessment. It shall show in 18-2013).
detail the facts and the law, rules and regulations, or
jurisprudence on which the proposed assessment is In the above-cited cases, a FLD/FAN shall be issued
based (R.R. No. 18-2013, emphasis supplied). outright. (2002 BAR)
NOTE: Prior to the issuance of the PAN, the taxpayer Q: In the investigation of the withholding tax
may be allowed to make voluntary payments of returns of AZ Medina Security Agency (AZ) for
probable deficiency taxes and penalties (RMO 11- the taxable years 1997 and 1998, a discrepancy
2014). between the taxes withheld from its employees
and the amounts actually remitted to the
Requirements of a valid PAN government was found. Accordingly, before the
period of prescription commenced to run, the
1. In writing; and BIR issued an assessment and a demand letter
2. Should inform the taxpayer of the law and the calling for the immediate payment of the
facts on which the assessment is made (Sec. 228, deficiency withholding taxes in the total amount
NIRC) of P250,000.00. Counsel for AZ protested the
assessment for being null and void on the
The sending of PAN to taxpayer to inform him of the ground that no pre-assessment notice had been
assessment made is but part of the “due process issued. Is the contention of the counsel tenable?
requirement in the issuance of a deficiency tax (2002 Bar)
assessment,” the absence of which renders nugatory
any assessment made by the tax authorities. A: NO. The contention of the counsel is untenable.
Therefore, for its failure to send the PAN stating the Sec. 228, NIRC expressly provides that no pre-
facts and the law on which the assessment was assessment notice is required when a discrepancy
made as required by the law, the assessment made has been determined between the tax withheld and
by CIR is void (CIR v. Metro Star Suprema, Inc., G.R. the amount actually remitted by the withholding
No. 185371, December 8, 2010). agent. Since the amount assessed relates to
deficiency withholding taxes, the BIR is correct in
Exceptions to issuance of PAN issuing the assessment and demand letter calling for
the immediate payment of the deficiency
GR: There must be a PAN issued by the BIR before withholding taxes.
issuing a Formal Letter of Demand (FLD)/ Final
Assessment Notice (FAN). Q: Mr. Tiaga has been a law-abiding citizen
diligently paying his income taxes. On May 5,
XPN: PAN is not required in the following instances: 2014, he was surprised to receive an assessment
[MEDEC] notice from the BIR informing him of a
A: It shall be issued by the Commissioner or his duly parties, the requirement of Section 228 was
authorized representative. substantially complied with. Respondent had fully
informed petitioner in writing of the factual and
Q: In what form shall the FAN be and what legal bases of the deficiency taxes assessment,
should it contain? which enabled the latter to file an “effective”
protest. Taxpayer’s right to due process was thus
A: not violated (Samar Electric Corp v. CIR, G.R. No.
1. In writing; and 193100, December 10, 2014).
2. Shall state the facts, the law, rules and
regulations, or jurisprudence on which the Q: Taxpayer duly protested a PAN it received
assessment is based, otherwise, the FAN shall from the BIR. Subsequently, the BIR issued a FAN
be void (Sec. 228, NIRC; Sec. 3.1.3, R.R. No. 18- to the taxpayer. The demand letter states: “This
2013). is our final decision based on investigation. If you
disagree, you may appeal the final decision
NOTE: If the FAN is deemed insufficient insofar as within 30 days from receipt hereof, otherwise
compliance with Section 228 of the NIRC is said deficiency tax assessment shall become final,
concerned, such insufficiency can be cured, if the executory and demandable.” Instead of filing a
FLD can show the legal and factual bases relied upon protest on the assessment, the taxpayer filed a
in the issuance of the assessment which the FAN petition for review with the CTA. The BIR filed a
failed to detail. motion to dismiss on the ground that the
taxpayer failed to exhaust administrative
Q: What does the phrase “in writing” under Sec. remedies by filing a protest on the assessment.
228 mean? Should the motion be granted?
A: It does not exclusively mean written words. A: NO. This case is an exception to the rule on
“Writing” consists of letters, word, numbers, or their exhaustion of administrative remedies, i.e., estoppel
equivalent, set down by handwriting, typewriting, on the part of BIR. The taxpayer cannot be blamed
printing, photostating, photographing, magnetic for not filing a protest against the FAN since the
impulse, mechanical or electronic recording, or language used and the tenor of the demand letter
other form of data compilation. Indubitably, figures indicate that it is the final decision of the CIR on the
are also “writings” and if the numerical presentation matter. The CIR must indicate, in a clear and
is understandable enough, then there is no reason unequivocal language, whether its action on a
why it should be automatically rejected as disputed assessment constitutes its final
inadequate compliance with the law (Sevilla, v. CIR, determination thereon in order for the taxpayer
CTA Case 6211, October 4, 2004). concerned to determine when his or her right to
appeal to the tax court accrues. Thus, the CIR is now
Q: Is substantial compliance of the notice estopped from claiming that it did not intend the
requirement under Section 228 of the NIRC FAN to be a final decision (Allied Banking Corp. v.
allowed? CIR, G.R. No. 175097, February 5, 2010).
A: YES. The notice requirement under Section 228 NOTE: An FLD/FAN issued reiterating the
of the NIRC is substantially complied with whenever immediate payment of deficiency taxes and
the taxpayer had been fully informed in writing of penalties previously made in the PAN is a denial of
the factual and legal bases of the deficiency taxes the response to the PAN. A final demand letter for
assessment, which enabled the latter to file an payment of delinquent taxes may be considered a
effective protest. decision on a disputed assess ment. This includes a
disputed PAN. So long as the parties are given the
In the case of Samar I Electric Cooperative v. CIR, the opportunity to explain their side, the requirements
Court held that although the FAN and demand letter of due process are satisfactorily complied with
were not accompanied by a written explanation of (RMO 11-2014).
the legal and factual bases of the assessed deficiency
taxes, the records showed that CIR responded to (E) DISPUTED ASSESSMENT
taxpayer’s letter-protest, explaining at length the
factual and legal bases of the deficiency tax Remedies of the taxpayer after the issuance of a
assessments and denying the protest. FAN
Considering the foregoing exchange of The taxpayer may protest the assessment within 30
correspondence and documents between the days from receipt. Otherwise, the assessment
After the request is filed and received by the BIR, the 1. The taxpayer failed to file a protest 30 days
assessment becomes a disputed assessment (CIR v. from receipt of the assessment
Isabela Cultural Corp., G.R. No. 135210, July 11, 2001). 2. After the 180-day period and the CIR has not yet
acted on the protest, the taxpayer fails to appeal
NOTE: Refer to “Protesting an assessment” under it
Taxpayer’s Remedies for complete discussion on
protest. 3. After 30 days from the receipt of the decision of
the CIR the taxpayer fails to appeal
Collectibility of tax liability arises in the
The government is given two ways to collect: following instances:
1. Summary or administrative remedies, and
2. Judicial remedies 1. Self-assessed tax shown in the return was not
paid within the date prescribed by law
The legislature may adopt any reasonable method - Internal revenue taxes are self-assessing and
for the effective enforcement of the collection of no further assessment by the government is
taxes, subject to: required to create the tax liability. The taxpayer
is immediately considered as delinquent with
1. The right of the person to notice; and respect to the unpaid amount of tax;
2. The opportunity to be heard. 2. When final assessment is not protested
administratively within 30 days from the date
The power to impose taxes is clothed with the of receipt;
implied authority to devise ways and means to
3. Failure to question assessment served upon the
accomplish collection in the most effective manner.
decedent’s heirs (Marcos II v. Court of Appeals,
Without this implied power, the ends of government
273 SCRA 47);
may fail (CIR v. Pineda, G.R. No. L-22734, September
15, 1967). 4. Non-compliance with the condition laid in the
approval of protest - construed as if no protest
Requisites was filed;
5. Failure to file a timely appeal to the CTA on the
GR: Collection is only allowed when there is already final decision of the Commissioner or his
a final assessment made for the determination of authorized representative on the disputed
the tax due. assessment.
3. Waiver in writing executed before the the five- Also, the attempt of the BIR to collect the tax
year period expires: period agreed upon through its Answer with a demand for the taxpayer
to pay the assessed DST in the CTA is not deemed
NIRC v. Civil Code v. Rules of Court compliance with the NIRC which provides that
assessed tax must be collected by distraint or levy
The prescriptive period to assess or collect and/or court proceeding within the prescribed
deficiency tax is governed by NIRC (a special law) period. (China Banking Corporation vs.
and not the Civil Code (a general law). The same can Commissioner of Internal Revenue, G.R. No. 172509,
be said between NIRC and the Rules of Court. Hence, February 04, 2015).
claims for taxes may be collected even after the
distribution of the decedent’s estatae. Claims for Tax is deemed collected for purposes of
estate taxes are exempted from the application of prescriptive periods
the statute of non-claims (Ingles, 2015, citing several
cases). 1. If collection is through summary remedies
(distraint and levy), when the government
Summary: avails of a distraint and levy procedures
prescribed under NIRC.
- Distraint and Levy proceedings are begun
FALSE, FRAUDULENT, by the issuance of warrant and service
OR FAILURE TO FILE A thereof to the taxpayer (BPI v. CIR, G.R. No.
RETURN 139736, October 17, 2005).
The assesment of the tax is deemed made and the A: YES. The collection of taxes may be barred by
period for collection of the assessed tax begins to prescription. The prescriptive periods for collection
run on the date the assessment notice had been of taxes are governed by the tax law imposing the
released, mailed or sent by the BIR to the taxpayer. tax. However, if the tax law does not provide for
Thus, failure of the BIR to file a warrant of distraint prescription, the right of the government to collect
or serve a levy on taxpayer's properties nor file taxes becomes imprescriptible.
collection case within the prescriptive period is
2. Request for reinvestigation — refers to a plea executory and demandable; and the taxpayer
of re-evaluation of an assessment on the basis of shall be required to pay the deficiency tax or
newly discovered or additional evidence that a taxes attributable thereto, in which case, a
taxpayer intends to present in the collection letter shall be issued to the taxpayer
reinvestigation. It may also involve a question of calling for payment of the said deficiency tax or
fact or of law or both. taxes, inclusive of the applicable surcharge
and/or interest.
The taxpayer shall state in his protest:
2. If there are several issues involved in the
1. The nature of protest whether reconsideration disputed assessment and the taxpayer fails to
or reinvestigation, specifying newly state the facts, the applicable law, rules and
discovered or additional evidence he intends regulations, or jurisprudence in support of his
to present if it is a request for reinvestigation, protest against some of the several issues on
2. Date of the assessment notice, and which the assessment is based, the same shall be
3. The applicable law, rules and regulations, or considered undisputed issue or issues, in which
jurisprudence on which his protest is based, case, the assessment attributable thereto shall
otherwise, his protest shall be considered void become final, executory and demandable; and
and without force and effect. the taxpayer shall be required to pay the
deficiency tax or taxes attributable thereto and a
REQUEST FOR REQUEST FOR collection letter shall be issued to the taxpayer
RECONSIDERATION REINVESTIGATION calling for payment of the said deficiency tax,
2. A claim for re-
3. A claim for re-evaluation inclusive of the applicable surcharge and/or
evaluation of the of the assessment based interest.
assessment based on on newly-discovered or
existing records without additional evidence. Q: A taxpayer receives two final assessments,
need of additional one for Net Income Tax (NIT) and one for VAT. If
evidence. the taxpayer would only like to protest the one
4. It may involve 5. a It may also involve a for NIT and not the one for VAT, what should he
question of fact or law question of fact or law or do to file a protest for the NIT?
or both. both.
It does not toll the 6. It tolls the statute of A: The taxpayer should first pay the tax due under
statute of limitations. limitations. the VAT, where he does not intend to file a protest.
NOTE: A motion for reconsideration of the denial of NOTE: This is not payment under protest for this is
the administrative protest does not toll the 30-day neither a tax under the TCC nor a Real Property Tax
period to appeal to the CTA (Fishwealth Canning (RR 12-99).
Corporation v. CIR, G.R. No. 179343, January 21,
2010). Submission of supporting documents
There is a distinction between a request for For requests for reinvestigation, the taxpayer shall
reconsideration and a request for reinvestigation. A submit all relevant supporting documents in
reinvestigation which entails the reception and support of his protest within sixty (60) days from
evaluation of additional evidence will take more date of filing of his letter of protest. Otherwise, the
time than a reconsideration of a tax assessment, assessment shall become final.
which will be limited to the evidence already at
hand; this justifies why the reinvestigation can “Relevant supporting documents”
suspend the running of the statute of limitations on
collection of the assessed tax, while the These refer to those documents necessary to
reconsideration cannot. (BPI v. CIR, G.R. No. 181836, support the legal and factual bases in disputing a tax
July 9, 2014). assessment as determined by the taxpayer.
Protest against validity of some of the issues These are documents which the taxpayer feels
would be necessary to support his protest and not
1. If there are several issues involved in the what the Commissioner feels should be submitted,
FLD/FAN but the taxpayer only disputes or otherwise, the taxpayer would always be at the
protests against the validity of some of the issues mercy of the BIR which may require production of
raised, the assessment attributable to the such documents which taxpayer could not produce
undisputed issue or issues shall become final,
entertained by the CIR. When the law provided for the remedy to appeal the
inaction of the CIR, it did not intend to limit it to a
2. If the protest is not acted upon, the single remedy of filing an appeal after the lapse of
taxpayer may either: 180-day prescribed period. When a taxpayer
a. appeal to the CTA within 30 days after protested an assessment, he naturally expects the
the expiration of the 180-day period; CIR to decide either positively or negatively. A
or taxpayer cannot be prejudiced if he chooses to wait
b. await the final decision of the CI R’s for the final decision of the CIR on the protested
duly authorized representative on the assessment (Lascona Land Co., Inc. v. CIR, G.R. No.
disputed assessment. 171251, March 5, 2012).
NOTE: Items 1&2 are mutually exclusive. The Q: The FDDA issued by the CIR to Liquigaz
exercise of one option bars the other. merely contained a table of Liquigaz’s
supposed tax liabilities, without providing any
By the CIR details. The CIR explains that the FDDA still
complied with the requirements of the law as it
a. If the protest or administrative appeal, as was issued in connection with the PAN and
the case may be, is denied, in whole or in FLD/FAN, which had an attachment of the
part, the taxpayer may appeal to the CTA details of discrepancies. Hence, the CIR
within 30 days from date of receipt of the concludes that Liquigaz was sufficiently
said decision. Otherwise, the assessment informed in writing of the factual bases of the
shall become final, executory and assessment. Is the CIR correct?
A: NO. It is undisputed that the FDDA merely
A motion for reconsideration of the CIR’s showed Liquigaz’ tax liabilities without any details
denial of the protest or administrative on the specific transactions which gave rise to its
appeal, as the case may be, shall not toll the supposed tax deficiencies. While it provided for the
30-day period to appeal to the CTA. legal bases of the assessment, it fell short of
informing Liquigaz of the factual bases thereof. The
b. If the protest or administrative appeal is CIR erred in claiming that Liquigaz was informed of
not acted upon, the taxpayer may either: the factual bases of the assessment because the
1. appeal to the CTA within 30 days from FDDA made reference to the PAN and FAN/FLD,
after the expiration of the 180-day which were accompanied by details of the alleged
period; or discrepancies.
2. await the final decision of the CIR on the
disputed assessment and appeal such The rules specifically require that the decision of the
final decision to the CTA within 30 days CIR or his duly authorized representative on a
after the receipt of a copy of such disputed assessment shall state the facts, law and
decision. rules and regulations, or jurisprudence on which the
decision is based. Failure to do so would
NOTE: Items 1&2 are mutually exclusive. The invalidate the FDDA. To rule otherwise would
exercise of one option bars the other. tolerate abuse and prejudice. Taxpayers will be
In case of inaction on protested assessment within unable to file an intelligent appeal before the CTA as
the 180-day period, the option of the taxpayer is to they would be unaware on how the CIR or his
either: authorized representative appreciated the defense
raised in connection with the assessment (CIR v.
1. file a petition for review with the CTA within 30 Liquigaz Philippines Corp., G.R. No. 215534, April 18,
days after the expiration of the 180-day period; 2016).
2. await the final decision of the Commissioner or Q: What is the effect of a void FDDA?
his duly authorized representative on the
disputed assessment and appeal such final A: FDDA that does not inform the taxpayer in
decision to the CTA within 30 days after the writing of the facts and law on which it is based
receipt of a copy of such decision. renders the decision void. The written notice
requirement for both the FLD and the FAN is in
These options are mutually exclusive and the observance of due process — to afford the taxpayer
resort to one bars the application of the other. adequate opportunity to file a protest on the
However, a void FDDA does not ipso facto render the 1. If the protest is wholly or partially denied by the
assessment void. The assessment remains valid CIR or his authorized representative, then the
notwithstanding the nullity of the FDDA because the taxpayer may appeal to the CTA within 30 days
assessment itself differs from a decision on the from receipt of the whole or partial denial of the
disputed assessment. An FDDA that does not inform protest.
the taxpayer in writing of the facts and law on which 2. If the protest is wholly or partially denied by the
it is based renders the decision void. Therefore, it is CIR's authorized representative, then the
as if there was no decision rendered by the CIR. It is taxpayer may appeal to the CIR within 30 days
tantamount to a denial by inaction by the CIR, which from receipt of the whole or partial denial of the
may still be appealed before the CTA and the protest.
assessment evaluated on the basis of the available 3. If the CIR or his authorized representative
evidence and documents (CIR v. Liquigaz Philippines failed to act upon the protest within 180 days
Corp., G.R. No. 215534, April 18, 2016). from submission of the required supporting
documents, then the taxpayer may appeal to the
Q: A taxpayer received a tax deficiency CTA within 30 days from the lapse of the 180-
assessment of P1.2 Million from the BIR day period.
demanding payment within 10 days, otherwise,
it would collect through summary remedies. The To further clarify the three options: A whole or
taxpayer requested for a reconsideration partial denial by the CIR’s representative may be
stating the grounds therefor. Instead of appealed to the CIR or the CTA. A whole or partial
resolving the request for reconsideration, the denial by the CIR may be appealed to the CTA. The
BIR sent a Final Notice before Seizure to the CIR or the CTA’s authorized representative’s failure
taxpayer. May this action of the Commissioner of to act may be appealed to the CTA. There is no
Internal Revenue be deemed a denial of the mention of an appeal to the CIR from the failure to
request for reconsideration of the taxpayer to act by the CIR's authorized representative.
entitle him to appeal to the Court of Tax
Appeals? Decide with reasons. (2005 Bar) PAGCOR did not wait for the RD or the CIR’s decision
on its protest. PAGCOR made separate and
A: YES, the final notice before seizure was in effect successive filings before the RD and the CIR before
a denial of the taxpayer's request for it filed its petition with the CTA. PAGCOR rendered
reconsideration, not only was the notice the only the second option moot when it formulated its own
response received, its nature, content and tenor rule and “elevated an appeal” to the CIR without any
supports the theory that it was the BIR's final act decision from the RD. The third option states that
regarding the request for reconsideration (CIR v. the remedy for failure to act by the CIR or his
Isabela Cultural Corporation, G.R. No. 135210, July authorized representative is to file an appeal to the
11, 2001). CTA within 30 days after the lapse of 180 days from
the submission of the required supporting
Q: PAGCOR received a FAN on January 17, 2008 documents. PAGCOR clearly failed to do this. If we
for payment of deficiency Fringe Benefit Tax. 7 consider, for the sake of argument, PAGCOR’s
days later, it filed a protest to the FAN addressed submission before the CIR as a separate protest and
to RD Misajon of Revenue Region No. 6 of the not as an appeal, then such protest should be denied
BIR. On August 14, 2008, PAGCOR elevated its for having filed out of time. It is clear that PAGCOR
protest to CIR, there being no action taken failed to make use of any of the three options
thereon as of that date. On March 11, 2009, described above. Indeed, PAGCOR’s lapses in
PAGCOR filed a Petition for Review before the procedure have made the BIR’s assessment final,
CTA alleging respondent’s inaction in its protest. executor and demandable (PAGCOR v. BIR, G.R. No.
CTA Division dismissed the petition for being 208731, January 27, 2016).
filed out of time. CTA En banc affirmed CTA
Division’s ruling. In its Petition for Review before Effect of the failure to appeal by a taxpayer
the SC, PAGCOR argues that its protest before the
CIR on August 14, 2008 starts a new period from The decision or assessment becomes final and
which to determine the last day to file its executory. The assessment is considered correct
petition before the CTA. Is PAGCOR correct? which may be enforced by summary or judicial
remedies. The assessment which has become final
In case the CIR decides adversely or if no decision In case of tax assessment, compromise is the
yet after the lapse of 180 days, the taxpayer may contract between the government and the taxpayer
appeal to the CTA Division, 30 days from the receipt to setlle the liability.
of the decision or from the lapse of the 180 days
otherwise the decision shall become final, executory Court cannot compel the CIR to compromise in cases
and demandable (RCBC v. CIR, G.R. No. 168498, April when such is allowed, in order to assure that no
24, 2007). improper compromise is made to the prejudice of
the Government.
If the decision is adverse to the taxpayer, he may file
a motion for reconsideration or new trial before the NOTE: Compromise as amount of paid by the
same Division of the CTA within 15 days from notice taxpayer to settle his tax liability is different from
thereof. compromise penalty which is the amount paid by
the taxpayer to compromise tax violation and paid
In case the resolution of a Division of the CTA on a in lieu of criminal prosecution. (Refer to Additions to
motion for reconsideration or new trial is adverse Tax.)
to the taxpayer, he may file a petition for review
with the CTA En Banc. Requisites for Compromise
The ruling or decision of the CTA en banc may be 1. Tax liability of the taxpayer;
appealed with the Supreme Court through a verified 2. An offer of the taxpayer of an amount to be paid
petition for review on certiorari pursuant to Rule 45 by him; and
of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure. 3. The acceptance (the CIR or the taxpayer) of the
offer in the settlement of the claim
NOTE: Refer to “Court of Tax Appeals” for complete
discussion on judicial remedies. Authority of the CIR to compromise taxes
COMPROMISE AND ABATEMENT OF TAXES The CIR may compromise the payment of any
internal revenue tax, when:
Compromise vs. Abatement
a. A reasonable doubt as to the validity of the
COMPROMISE ABATEMENT claim against the taxpayer exists provided that
Nature Involves a Involves the the minimum compromise entered into is
reduction of cancellation of equivalent to 40% of the basic tax (Doubtful
the taxpayer’s the entire tax Validity);
liability liability of a b. The financial position of the taxpayer
through a taxpayer. demonstrates a clear inability to pay the
mutual assessed tax provided that the minimum
agreement. compromise entered into is equivalent to 10%
Authorize CIR, REB, NEB CIR of the basic assessed tax (Financial
d Incapacity),
Grounds 1. Reasonable 1. The tax or any MINIMUM COMPROMISE RATES
doubt as to portion thereof Based on doubtful 40% of the basic
the validity of appears to be validity assessed tax
5. That amounts payable or due to Commissioner conflict with R.A. 1405 (Secrecy
stockholders other than business-related of Bank Deposits Law)? (1998 Bar)
transactions which are properly includible
in the regular “accounts payable” are by A: The CIR is authorized to inquire into the bank
fiction of law considered as part of capital deposits of:
and not liability, and that the taxpayer has 1. a decedent to determine his gross estate;
no sufficient liquid asset to satisfy the tax 2. any taxpayer who has filed an application for
liability compromise of his tax liability by means of
6. The taxpayer is suffering from a Net worth financial Incapacity to pay his tax liability (Sec.
deficit (total liabilities exceed total assets) 6(F), NIRC).
computed by deducting total liabilities (net
of deferred credits and amounts payable to The limited power of the CIR does not conflict with
stockholders/owners reflected as R.A. No. 1405 because the provisions of the NIRC
liabilities, except business related granting this power is an exception to the Secrecy of
transactions) from total assets (net of pre- Bank Deposits Law as embodied in a later
paid expenses, deferred charges, pre- legislation.
operating expenses, as well as appraisal
increases in fixed assets,) taken from the Furthermore, in case a taxpayer applies for an
latest audited financial statements, application to compromise the payment of his tax
7. In the case of an individual taxpayer, he has liabilities on his claim that his financial position
no other leviable properties under the law demonstrates a clear inability to pay the tax
other than his family home. assessed, his application shall not be considered
unless and until he waives in writing his privilege
Requisites for financial incapacity as ground for under R.A. No. 1405, and such waiver shall
compromise settlement constitute the authority of the CIR to inquire into the
bank deposits of the taxpayer.
1. Clear inability to pay the tax; and
2. The taxpayer must waive in writing his Q: May the CIR compromise the payment of
privilege of the secrecy of bank deposit withholding tax where the financial position of
under RA 1405 or other general or special the taxpayer demonstrates a clear inability to
laws, which shall constitute as the CIR’s pay the assessed tax? (1998 Bar)
authority to inquire into said bank deposits
(Sec. 6 [F], NIRC). A: NO. A taxpayer who is constituted as withholding
agent who has deducted and withheld at source the
Grounds for denial of compromise settlement tax on the income payment made by him holds the
based on financial incapacity [CRAW] taxes in trust for the government (Sec. 58 [D], NIRC)
and is obligated to remit them to the BIR. The
1. If the taxpayer has a Tax Credit Certificate, subsequent inability of the withholding agent to
issued under the NIRC, or pay/remit the taxes withheld is not a ground for
2. If the taxpayer has a pending claim for tax compromise because the withholding tax is not
refund or tax credit with the BIR, Department of a tax upon the withholding agent but it is only a
Finance One-Stop-Shop Tax Credit and Duty procedure for the collection of a tax.
Drawback Center (Tax Revenue Group or
Investment Incentive Group) and/or the courts, Q: May the tax liability of a taxpayer be
or compromised during the pendency of an
3. If the taxpayer has an existing finalized appeal? (1996 Bar)
agreement or prospect of future agreement
with any party that resulted or could result to A: YES, as long as any of the grounds for a
an increase in the equity of the taxpayer at the compromise i.e.; doubtful validity of assessment and
time of the offer for compromise or at a definite financial incapacity of taxpayer is present. A
future time, or compromise of a tax liability is possible at any stage
4. If the taxpayer failed to execute a waiver of his of litigation, even during appeal, although legal
privilege of the secrecy of bank deposits under propriety demands that prior leave of court should
Republic Act No. 1405 or under other general or be obtained (Pasudeco v. CIR, G.R. No. L-39387, June
special laws (R.R. 30-2002). 29, 1982).
Q: Can the CIR inquire into the bank deposits of Q: After the tax assessment had become final
a taxpayer? If so, does this power of the and unappealable, the CIR initiated the filing of
NOTE: The CTA may issue an injunction to 2. Regard it as rescinded and insist upon original
prevent the government from collecting taxes demand (Art. 2041, NCC).
under a compromise agreement when such
would be prejudicial to the government. Prescriptive period to enforce compromises
taxes, for which the taxpayer is directly liable 1. There is tax collected erroneously or illegally, or
(Sec. 204 [C], NIRC). a penalty collected without authority, or a sum
excessively or wrongfully collected (Sec. 229,
All TCCs issued by the BIR shall not be allowed NIRC).
to be transferred or assigned to any person
(RR14-2011). NOTE: Payment under protest is not required.
Grounds for claim for refund and tax credit 2. There must be a written claim for refund filed
by the taxpayer with the CIR (Vda. De Aguinaldo
1. Tax is erroneouslyor illegally assessed or v. CIR, G.R. No. L-19927, February 26, 1965).
2. Penalty is imposed without authority; and XPNs:
3. Sum collected is excessive or in any manner a. When on the face of the return upon which
wrongfully collected. payment was made, such payment appears
clearly to have erroneously paid - the CIR
Illegally collected tax vis-a-vis erroneously may refund or credit the tax even without a
collected tax written claim (Sec. 229, NIRC).
b. A return filed showing an overpayment
ILLEGALLY ERRONEOUSLY shall be considered as a written claim for
COLLECTED COLLECTED credit or refund (Sec. 204 (C), NIRC).(2002,
TAX TAX 2010 Bar)
Definition There is a No violation of
violation of the law but there 3. Must be a categorical claim for refund or credit;
certain is a mistake in - It is for the CIR to afford an opportunity to
provisions of collection. correct the action of subordinate officers;
tax law or and
statute. - To notify the Government that such taxes
On the part The tax was The payment have been questioned and the notice
of the paid by him was made under should then be borne in mind in estimating
Taxpayer under duress. a mistake of fact. the revenue available for expenditure
On the part The tax was The collection (Bermejo v. CIR, G.R. No. L-3029, July 25,
of the collected in was made based 1950).
Government patent on a
disregard of misapplication 4. Must be filed within 2 years from date of
the law. of the law. payment of the tax or penalty regardless of
any supervening cause that may arise after
Distinguish tax refund from tax credit payment. No suit or proceeding shall be
instituted after the expiration of the such
TAX REFUND TAX CREDIT period; and (2008 Bar)
As to The taxpayer The taxpayer
purpose asks for asks that the 5. The taxpayer must present proof of payment of
restitution of money paid be the tax.
the money paid applied to his
as tax. There is existing tax Q: Congress enacts a law granting grade school
actual liability except and high school students a 10% discount on all
reimbursement withholding school-prescribed textbooks purchased from
taxes any bookstore. The law allows bookstores to
Reckoning 2-yr period to 2-yr period claim the discount in full as a tax credit.
point of file the claim starts from the
the 2-year with the CIR date such credit a. If in a taxable year a bookstore has no tax
period starts after the was allowed – in due on which to apply the tax credits, can the
payment of the case credit is bookstore claim from the BIR a tax refund in
tax or penalty wrongly made lieu of tax credit?
b. Can the BIR require the bookstores to
deduct the amount of the discount from
Requisites for a claim of tax refund or tax credit
their gross income?
(2002, 2005 Bar)
c. If a bookstore closes its business due to
losses without being able to recoup the
A: YES, the deficiency tax assessment is a bar to a A suit or proceeding for tax refund may be
tax refund or credit. The taxpayer cannot be entitled maintained “whether or not such tax, penalty or sum
to a refund and at the same time liable for a tax has been paid under protest or duress” (Sec. 204 [3],
deficiency assessment for the same year. The NIRC).
deficiency assessment creates a doubt as to the
truth and accuracy of the Tax Return. Said Return When payment under protest required
cannot therefore be the basis of the refund (CIR v.
CA, G.R. No. 106611, July 21, 1994). It is necessary in claims for refund for real
property taxes under Sec. 252, LGC and for
Q: On June 16, 1997, the BIR issued against the customs duties under Sec. 2308, TCC.
Estate of Mott a notice of deficiency estate tax
assessment, inclusive of surcharge, interest and Rule on government’s liability for interests on
compromise penalty. The Executor of the Estate tax refunds
of Mott filed a timely protest against the
assessment and requested for waiver of the GR: There can be no interest on refund of tax in the
surcharge, interest and penalty. The protest was absence of statutory provison clearly and expressly
denied by the CIR with finality on Sept. 13, 1997. directing or authorizing such payment.
Consequently, the Executor was made to pay the
deficiency assessment on Oct. 10, 1997. The XPNs:
following day, the Executor filed a Petition with 1. If interest is authorized by law;
the CTA praying for the refund of the surcharge, 2. Arbitrariness in the collection of tax;
interest and compromise penalty. The CTA took
cognizance of the case and ordered the CIR to
3. Under Sec. 79(C)) [2] with respect to extinguishes his tax obligation for the year
income taxes withheld on the wages of the concerned (Gibbs v. CIR, G.R. No. L-17406,
employees. November 29, 1965).
NOTE: An action is not arbitrary when exercised Overpaid quarterly corporate income tax:
honestly and upon due consideration where there is From the date the final adjustment return is filed
room for two opinions, however much it may be after the end of the taxable year. The period is
believed that an erroneous conclusion was reached. counted from the actual filing, not the last day
Arbitrariness presupposes inexcusable or obstinate allowed by law to file.
disregard of legal provisions (Philex Mining Corp. v.
CIR, G.R. 120324, April 21, 1999). The filing and payment of the quarterly income
tax should only be considered as mere
Tax Refund or Tax Credit may be forfeited to the installments of the annual tax due. These
Government quarterly payments should be treated as
advances or portions of the annual income tax
1. Tax Refund – When a refund check or warrant due, to be adjusted at the end of the year, its Final
remains unclaimed or uncashed within 5 years Adjustment Return(CIR v. TMX Sales, G.R. No.
from date of mailing or delivery. 83736, January 15,1992 reiterated in CIR v. CA,
2. Tax Credit – a Tax Credit Certificate which G.R. No. 117254, January 21, 1999).
remains unutilized after 5 years from date of
issue, shall be invalid. Unless revalidated (Sec. The two-year period for filing tax refund is not
230, NIRC). jurisdictional
Two-year prescriptive period The Supreme Court held that even if the two-year
period had already lapsed, the same is not
No credit or refund of taxes or penalties shall be jurisdictional and may be suspended for reasons of
allowed unless the taxpayer files in writing with the equity and other special circumstances(CIR v. PNB,
CIR a claim for credit or refund within 2 years after 474 SCRA 303).
the payment of the tax or penalty (Sec 204(C), NIRC).
Founded on moral and equitable grounds, the
No suit or proceeding shall be filed after the following circumstances may stay the two-year
expiration of 2 years from the date of payment of the period:
tax or penalty regardless of any supervening cause
that may arise after payment (Sec 229, NIRC). 1. Assurance on the part of the BIR that steps were
being taken to credit taxpayer with the amount
It is necessary that the tax be paid in full, and that sought to be refunded;
the claim for refund in the BIR as well as the 2. An agreement or understanding with the BIR
proceedings in the CTA be commenced within 2 that they await the result of a pending cases
years counted from the payment of the tax. involving similar issue raised in the claim for
refund (Panay Electric Co., Inc. v. CIR, 103 Phil
Thus, as a rule, the two-year prescriptive period 819).
runs from the payment of tax. However, the
following instances provide for different Waiver of prescription in an action for refund
commencement of the two-year period.
GR: The 2-year period is not jurisdictional.
Tax is paid in installments (For individuals): Therefore, if the government failed to plead
From the date of the final payment prescription in a motion to dismiss or as a defense
Payments effected through the withholding in its answer to the petition for review, it is deemed
tax system: From the date it falls due at the end waived.
of the taxable year
XPN: Taxpayer amends his petition for review
In case of payments effected through alleging therein a new cause of action and the
withholding tax system, the tax liability is government pleads prescription in his answer to the
deemed paid when the same falls due at the end amended petition for review.
of the tax year. This is because a taxpayer,
resident or non-resident, who contributes to the Q: Alyanna has a pending claim for refund with
withholding tax system, do not really deposit an the CIR. The 2-year period is about to end and
amount to the CIR, but, in truth, performs and
A: A claim for refund must be filed with the BIR and Taxpayer’s remedy in case of denial of claim for
the commencement of the proceedings in the CTA refund
must be done within the 2-year period from the date
of full payment of the tax or penalty regardless of The taxpayer may appeal to CTA in case of denial by
any supervening event. Thus, Alyanna must CIR of the claim for refund. It must be filed within 30
commence the proceedings with the CTA before the days from receipt of the decision of the CIR but not
end of the 2-year period without waiting for the to exceed the 2-year period from date of payment of
decision of the CIR. the tax or penalty regardless of any supervening
cause that may arise after payment.
Q: On Mar. 12, 2001, REN paid his taxes. Ten
months later, he realized that he had overpaid In case the decision of the CIR takes too long and the
and immediately filed a claim for refund with 2-year period is about to end, proceedings in the
the CIR. On Feb. 27, 2003, he received the CTA must be commenced and there would no longer
decision of the CIR denying REN's claim for be any need to wait for the decision of the CIR.
refund. On Mar. 24, 2003, REN filed an appeal
with the CTA. Was his appeal filed on time or Distinction of remedies in tax assessment and
not? (2004 Bar) claim for refund
A: NO, his appeal was not filed on time. The 2-year Against an Assessment
period for filing a claim for refund is not only a A tax assessment becomes final unless it is
limitation for pursuing the claim at the disputed or contested within 30 days from
administrative level but also for appealing the case receipt thereof by the taxpayer. If the action
to the CTA. The law provides that "no suit or taken by the CIR on the request for
proceeding shall be filed after the expiration of 2 reconsideration is unacceptable to the taxpayer,
years from the date of the payment of the tax or the latter must then appeal, by way of Petition for
penalty regardless of any supervening cause that Review to the CTA within 30 days from receipt of
may arise after payment. Since the appeal was only the decision of the CIR.
made on Mar. 24, 2003, more than two years had The taxpayer may also opt to pay the tax before
already elapsed from the time the taxes were paid the finality of the assessment (e.g., within 30 days
on Mar. 12, 2003. Accordingly, REN had lost his from receipt of the assessment) and then file
judicial remedy because of prescription. within 2 years a written claim for the refund of
the tax.
Q: XCEL Corp. filed its quarterly income tax Claim for Refund (Sec. 229)
return for the first quarter of 1985 and paid A denial by the CIR of a claim for refund must be
P500.000 on May 15, 1985. In the subsequent appealed to the CTA within 30 days from receipt
quarters, XCEL suffered losses. On Apr. 15, 1986 of notice of denial and within 2 years from the
it declared a net loss of P1,000,000 in its annual day of full and final payment.
income tax return. After failing to get a refund, Continued inaction by the CIR on claims for
XCEL filed on Mar. 1, 1988 a case with the CTA to refund may thus be taken as a denial appealable
recover the P500.000 in taxes paid on May 15, to the CTA, in order to permit the appeal to be
1985. Is the action to recover the taxes filed considered or having been made within the two-
timely? (1994 Bar) year mandatory period.
A: The action for refund was filed with the CTA on Excess input VAT (Sec. 112) vs. Excessively
time. In the case of overpaid quarterly corporate collected tax (Sec. 229):
income tax, the two-year period for filing claims for
refund in the BIR as well as in the institution of an In a claim for refund or credit of “excess” input VAT
action for refund in the CTA, the two-year under Section 110(B) and Section 112(A), the input
prescriptive period for tax refunds is counted from VAT is not “excessively” collected as understood
the filing of the final, adjustment return under under Section 229. At the time of payment of the
Sec. 67 of the NIRC, and not from the filing of the input VAT the amount paid is the correct and proper
quarterly return and payment of the quarterly tax. amount. The person legally liable for the input VAT
The CTA action on Mar. 1, 1988 was clearly within cannot claim that he overpaid the input VAT by the
the reglementary 2-year period from the filing of the mere existence of an “excess” input VAT. The term
“excess” input VAT simply means that the input VAT taxpayer as a subsidy, a refund, or an incentive to
available as credit exceeds the output VAT. encourage investment (Fort Bonifacio Development
Corporation v. Comm., G.R. No. 173425, January 22,
From the plain text of section 229, it is clear that 2013).
what can be refunded or credited is a tax that is
“erroneously, illegally, excessively or in any manner Statutory basis for tax refund
wrongfully collected.” In short, there must be a
wrongful payment because what is paid, or part of Tax refunds are not founded principally on
it, is legally due. legislative grace. It is based on legal principle which
underlies in all quasi-contracts abhorring a person’s
Distinction between the application of the 2- unjust enrichment at the expense of another. The
Year prescriptive period under Sec. 112 and Sec. dynamic of erroneous payment of tax fits to a tee the
229 prototypic quasi-contract, solutio indebiti, which
covers not only mistake in fact but also mistake in
1. Under Sec. 112, the 2-year prescriptive period law (J. Dimaampao, 2015).
applies only to the administrative claim before
the CIR and not to judicial claim before the CTA The Government is not exempt from the application
because the taxpayer always has 30 days from of solutio indebiti. Indeed, the taxpayer expects fair
the decision of the CIR or from the lapse of the dealing from the Government, and the latter has the
120-day period even after the lapse of 2 years duty to refund without any unreasonable delay
from the taxable quarter where the sales were what it has erroneously collected (CIR. v. Fortune
made (CIR v. Mindanao Geothermal II Tobacco, Corp., G.R. No. 167274-75, July 21, 2008).
Partnership, 713 SCRA 645, [2014]).
The pertinent laws governing this principle are
Thus, it is only the administrative claim that found in Article 2142 and Article 2154 of the New
must be filed within the two-year prescriptive Civil Code.
period; the judicial claim need not fall within
the two-year prescriptive period. Provisions of the NIRC regarding refund
2. Under Section 229, the decision of the CIR is 1. Corporations entitled to refund of excess
appealable to the CTA sitting in division within estimated quarterly income paid as shown on
30 days after the receipt but must be within the its final adjustment return (Sec. 75 and 76,
2-year period from payment or filing of the final NIRC)
adjusted return. Thus, if the Commissioner 2. Claims for refund of VAT-registered persons,
denies the claim for refund within the 2-year whose sales are zero-rated or effectively zero-
period, the remedy is to file an appeal with the rated, with regard to their creditable input tax
CTA 30 days from the receipt of such denial. due, except transitional input tax, to the extent
But, such 30-day period must also be within the that such input tax has not been applied against
2-year period. For example, if there are only 10 output tax (Sec. 112, NIRC)
days left within such 2-year period, then, the 3. Locally produced or manufactured goods,
taxpayer has only 10 days within which to whether in their original state or as ingredients,
appeal his claim. However, if there is an inaction any excise tax paid thereon shall be credited or
on the part of the Commissioner and the 2-year refunded upon submission of proof of actual
period is about to lapse, the remedy is to file an exportation (Sec. 130(d), NIRC)
appeal also with the CTA. 4. National Internal Revenue Tax: a) erroneously
or illegally assessed or collected; b) any penalty
Transitional input tax credit is a form of tax claimed to have been collected without
credit, not tax refund authority; or c) any sum allegedly to have been
excessively or in any manner wrongfully
A transitional input tax credit is not a tax refund per collected, may be recovered in a suit or
se but a tax credit. Prior payment of taxes is not proceeding for that purpose (Sec. 229 and Sec.
required before a taxpayer could avail of 204(c), NIRC)
transitional input tax credit. A tax credit is not
synonymous to tax refund. Tax refund is defined as Proof for claim or refund
the money that a taxpayer overpaid and is thus
returned by the taxing authority. Tax credit, on the Evidence that may be presented that would best
other hand, is an amount subtracted directly from substantiate claim for tax refund:
one’s total tax liability. It is any amount given to a
Proper party to claim refund or tax credit is given the right to appeal the decision or ruling of
the Commissioner.
GR: The “taxpayer” is the person entitled to claim a
tax refund. He is the “party adversely affected” who
A: YES. A withholding agent should be allowed to (SYSTRA Phil., Inc. v. CIR, G.R. No. 176290, September
claim for tax refund, because under the law said 21, 2007).
agent is the one who is held liable for any violation
of the withholding tax law should such violation The exercise of an option is irrevocable and a
occur (Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Wander decision to carry-over and apply tax overpayment
Philippines Inc., 160 SCRA 570, 1988). continues until the overpayment has been fully
applied to tax liabilities (until fully exhausted) (CIR
Furthermore, since the withholding agent is made vs. McGeorge Food Industries, Inc., G.R. No. 174157,
personally liable to deduct and withhold any tax October 20, 2010).
under Section 53(c) of the NIRC, it is imperative that
he be considered the taxpayer for all legal intents NOTE: Under the old provision, the option to carry-
and purposes. Thus, by any reasonable standard, over the excess or overpaid income tax for a given
such person should be regarded as a party in taxable year is limited to the immediately
interest to bring suit for refund of taxes succeeding taxable year only. In contrast, under
(Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Procter and Section 76 of the NIRC of 1997, the application of the
Gamble Philippines Manufacturing Corporation and option to carry over the excess of creditable tax is
CTA, 204 SCRA 377, 1991). not limited only to the immediately following
taxable year but extends to the next succeeding
Corporate taxpayer’s options in case of excess taxable years. The clear intent in the amendment
quarterly income taxes paid under section 76 is to make the option, once
exercised, irrevocable for the “succeeding taxable
If the sum of the quarterly tax payments made years” (Asiaworld Properties Philippines Corporation
during the said taxable year exceeds the total tax v. CIR, G.R. No. 171766, July 29, 2010).
due on the entire taxable income of that year, the
corporation shall either: Failure to signify preference in the return does
not bar outright a claim for refund
a. Carry-over the excess credit against the
estimated quarterly income tax liabilities for The corporation must signify its intention by
the taxable quarters of the succeeding taxable marking the corresponding option box provided in
years; or the final adjustment return (FAR). While a taxpayer
b. be credited (TCC); or is required to mark its choice in the form provided
c. refunded with the excess amount paid (Sec 76, by the BIR, this requirement is only for facilitating
NIRC). tax collection to ease tax administration,
particularly the self-assessment and collection
The above options are alternative and not aspects.
cumulative in nature, that is, the choice of one
precludes the other. The logic behind the rule is to Failure to signify one's intention in the FAR does not
ease tax administration, particularly the self- mean outright barring of a valid request for a
assessment and collection aspects (Republic v. Team refund, should one still choose this option later on.
(Phils.) Energy Corp., G.R. No. 188016, January 14, Despite the failure of taxpayer to make the
2015). appropriate marking in the BIR form, the filing of its
written claim effectively serves as an expression of
The Irrevocability Rule its choice to request a tax refund, instead of a tax
credit. To assert that any future claim for a tax
Once the option to carry-over and apply the excess refund will be instantly hindered by a failure to
quarterly income tax against income tax due for the signify one's intention in the FAR is to render
taxable quarters of the succeeding taxable years has nugatory the clear provision that allows for a two-
been made, such option shall be considered year prescriptive period (Philam Asset Management
irrevocable for that taxable period and no Inc. v. CIR, G.R. Nos. 156637/162004, December 14,
application for cash refund or issuance of a tax 2005).
credit certificate shall be allowed therefor (Sec 76,
NIRC). Claim for tax refund or credit of excess and
unutilized creditable withholding tax (CWT)
The phrase “such option shall be considered
irrevocable for that taxable period” means that the The requirements for entitlement of a corporate
option to carry over the excess tax credits of a taxpayer for a refund or the issuance of TCC
particular taxable year can no longer be revoked involving excess withholding taxes are as follows:
The residue, if any, goes back to the taxpayer or Requisites for the exercise of distraint and levy
owner of the property. (DeF –DeP)
effects distrained shall be restored to the It is the taking of personal properties, cash
owner (Sec. 210, NIRC). or sums of money owned by a delinquent
taxpayer which is in the possession of a
5. Sale at public auction to be held not less third party (i.e. bank accounts.) Bank
than 20 days after notice to the owner or accounts are garnished by serving a
possessor of the property and publication warrant upon the taxpayer and upon the
or posting of such notice president, manager, treasurer, or other
responsible officer of the bank.
Rules governing the sale
Q: Is the BIR authorized to issue a warrant of
a. The sale must be held at the time and garnishment against the bank account of a
place stated in the notice. taxpayer despite the pendency of taxpayer’s
b. It may be conducted by the Revenue protest against the assessment with the BIR or
Officer or through a licensed commodity appeal with the CTA? (1998 Bar)
or stock exchange.
c. If the sale is conducted by the Revenue A: YES, the BIR is authorized to issue a warrant of
Officer, it must be a public auction and garnishment against the bank account of a taxpayer
the property shall be sold to the highest despite the pendency of protest (Yabes v. Flojo, GR L-
bidder for cash. 46954 July 20, 1982). Nowhere in the NIRC is the CIR
d. If the sale is through a licensed required to first, rule on the protest before he can
commodity or stock exchange, it must institute collection proceedings on the tax assessed.
be with the approval of the CIR. The legislative policy is to give the CIR much latitude
e. In case of stocks and other securities, in the speedy and prompt collection of taxes
the officer making the sale shall execute because it is in taxation that the Government
a bill of sale, which shall be delivered to depends to obtain the means to carry on its
the buyer and to the corporation, operations.
company or association which issued
the stocks or other securities. Upon NOTE: The taxpayer may request that the warrant
receipt of the copy of the bill of sale, an be lifted. The CIR may, in his discretion, allow the
entry of transfer should be made in the lifting of the order of distraint. He may ask for a
company or association’s book and a bond as a condition for the cancellation of the
corresponding certificate of stock shall warrant (Sec. 207, NIRC).
be issued if required.
f. Residue over and above what is 2. Constructive distraint – a preventive remedy
required to pay the entire claim, which aims at forestalling a possible dissipation
including expenses, shall be returned to of the taxpayer’s assets when delinquency sets
the owner of the property sold. in. No actual tax deliquency of the taxpayer is
g. The officer making the sale shall make necessary before the same is resorted to by
a written report of the proceedings to government.
the CIR within 2 days after the sale (Sec.
211, NIRC). How constructive distraint is effected:
The CIR or his deputy may purchase the 1. To sign a receipt covering the property
property in behalf of the National distrained;
Government for the amount of taxes, 2. To obligate himself to preserve it intact and
penalties and cost due thereon when the unaltered; and
bid amount for the property under distraint 3. Not to dispose of it without the express
is: authority of the CIR.
a. Not equal to the amount of tax; or
b. Very much less than the actual market Cases when constructive distraint is proper [CARL]
value of the property offered for sale
(Sec. 212, NIRC). 1. Retirement from any business subject to the
2. Service of the written notice to the: the property, for it was forfeited (Sec. 214,
a. Delinquent taxpayer, or NIRC).
b. If he is absent from the Philippines, to his
agent or the manager of the business in Effect of the redemption to the property sold:
respect to which the liability arose, or
c. If there be none, the occupant of the It shall entitle the taxpayer, the delivery of the
property, certificate issued to the purchaser and a
d. The Registry of Deeds of the place where certificate from the Revenue District Officer
the property is located shall also be that he has redeemed the property. The
notified; Revenue District Officer shall pay the
purchaser the amount by which such property
Q: Suppose an auction sale of land for the has been redeemed and said property shall be
collection of delinquent taxes was held, is notice free from lien of such taxes and penalties (Sec.
by publication enough or must there be 214, NIRC).
personal service of notice?
Person entitled to the possession of the
A: Notice by publication is not enough there must be property levied:
a personal notice to the registered owner of the
property for cases involving an auction sale of land The owner shall not be deprived of the
for the collection of delinquent taxes are in property until the expiration of the
personam (Talusan v. Tayag, G.R. No. 133698, April 4, redemption period and shall be entitled to
2001). rents and other income until the expiration of
the period for redemption (Sec. 214, NIRC).
NOTE: Failure of the heirs to receive a copy of
notices of levy does not bar its effectivity since the Final deed of purchaser:
taxpayer is in fact the estate (Marcos II vs. CA).
In case the taxpayer shall not redeem the
3. Advertisement of the time and place of sale property, the Revenue District Officer (RDO)
within 20 days after the levy by posting of shall, as grantor, execute a deed conveying to
notice and by publication for three consecutive the purchaser so much of the property as has
weeks; been sold, free from all liens of any kind
4. Sale at a public auction; whatsoever, and the deed shall succinctly
recite all the proceedings upon which the
The taxpayer may recover his property prior to validity of the sale depends (Sec. 204, NIRC).
the consummation of the sale. At any time
before the day fixed for the sale, the taxpayer 6. Further distraint and levy.
may discontinue all proceeding by paying the
taxes, penalties and interest (Sec. 213, NIRC). The remedy of distraint and levy may be
repeated if necessary until the full amount of
5. Redemption of property sold; the tax delinquency due including all expenses
is collected from the taxpayer (Sec. 217, NIRC).
Within 1 year from the date of sale, the Otherwise, a clever taxpayer who is able to
taxpayer or anyone for him, may pay to the conceal most of the valuable part of his
Revenue District Officer the total amount of property would escape payment of his tax
the following: liability by sacrificing an insignificant portion of
a. Public taxes; his holdings.
b. Penalties;
c. Interest from the date of delinquency to NOTE: Further distraint and levy does not
the date of sale; and apply when the real property was forfeited to
d. Interest on said purchase price at the rate the government for it is in satisfaction of the
of 15% per annum from the date of sale to claim in question (Sec 215, NIRC).
the date of redemption.
NOTE: If the property was forfeited in favor of
the government: the Redemption price shall BIR is allowed to forfeit the property subject to levy
include only the taxes, penalties and interest only if:
plus costs of sale – no interest on purchase
price since the Government did not “purchase” 1. There is no bidder; or
Within 1 year from the date of forfeiture, the 2. Failure of any person to Register as required
taxpayer, or any one for him may redeem said under Sec. 236: The temporary closure of the
property by paying to the CIR or Revenue Collection establishment shall be for the duration of not
Officer the full amount of the taxes and penalties, less than 5 days and shall be lifted only upon
together with interest thereon and the costs of sale, compliance with whatever requirements
but if the property be not thus redeemed, the prescribed by the CIR in the closure order (Sec.
forfeiture shall become absolute (Sec. 215, NIRC). 115 NIRC).