Ashenafi - M20 (2) Final

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ID: RU1238/12


Dec 8, 2023 Wolaita Sodo, Ethiopia

I Ashenafi Asfaw, hereby declare that this internship report submitted to Wolaita Sodo
University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is uniquely carried out by me
after the completion of two months of internship at WAPSHRMICT (West Arsi Zone Public
Service and Human resource management information communication technology Department)
and has not been previously submitted to any other University, collage and organization for any
academic qualification. Wherever contributions of others are involved, and some sources of
information are derived from the existing appropriate literature and have been indicated at the
End of this report.

Name Signature Date

1.______________________ ___________ ____________

As the student academic advisor, I clarify that the internship report prepared by the student is
original work and compiled according to the guideline provided by the department as far as my
knowledge is concerned.

Name: of the Advisor: Advisor Signature: Date:

.…………………... ……………. …………….

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The presence of supportive individuals around me greatly contributed to my positive experience
during the internship, before mentioning them I want to thank God almighty for his usual help in
each sort of my work. And then I want to thank my department for giving me the choice to spent
my internship where ever I wanted. I want to thank my supervisor Mr. Smegn Bekele for his
unforgettable help. I want to be grateful for those willing people in WAPSHRMICT department
that has invested their precious times to share me all the knowledge they have these are Mrs.
Shemsiya Aman Bekele and Mr. Mussa kedir. Finally, I also want to thank my advisor Mr.
Gueyta for his Good advises and kindness he have shown me.

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This internship report is about my two months of internship at WAPSHRMICT (West Arsi Zone
Public Service and Human resource management information communication technology)
Chapter One: the first chapter of this report provides information about my internship hosting
organization. It begins with the brief history of the agency and also in this chapter we will find
the missions and visions of the organization.
Chapter Two: -This chapter describes my overall internship experience. this include how did I
get into the organization, in which section I have been working in, how does the flow in the
section look like, what challenges I have been facing, what measure I have taken in order to
overcome these challenges and many more.
Chapter Three: This chapter describes the overall benefits I have got from the internship in terms
of improving practical skills, upgrading theoretical knowledge, improving communication skills,
improving team laying skills and many more are included.
Chapter Four: This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of my project work, focusing on
the key elements such as the project's objective, methodology, features, and functionalities.
Specifically, it explores the development of a mobile application. Additionally, the chapter
highlights the limitations of the app and discusses its future potential.
Chapter Five: Chapter Five: In this last chapter I have put an overall conclusion about my
internship and recommendation for the internship hosting organization

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API: Application Programming Interface

ICT: Information Communication Technology

IDE: Integrated Development Environment

LAN: Local Area Network

OWSAP ZAP: Open Web Application Security Project Zed Attack Proxy

RBAC: Role Based Access Control

SDK: Software Development Kit

UI: User Interface

UX: User Experience

WEPSHRMICT: West Arsi Zone Public Service And Human Resource Management

Table of Contents
APPROVOL SHEET.................................................................................................................................ii
EXECUTIVE SUMMERY.......................................................................................................................iv
CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................................................................1
1.1 The back ground of my internship hosting organization..............................................................1
1.1.1 History of WAPSHRMICT (West Arsi Zone Public Service and Human Resource...........1
Management Information Communication Technology) department:..........................................1
1.2 Vision of the organization...............................................................................................................1
1.3 Mission of the organization.............................................................................................................2
1.4 Values and principles......................................................................................................................2
1.5 Organizational structure.................................................................................................................3
1.6 Products and services of the organization......................................................................................3
1.7 Customer or end user of the government organization................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO.......................................................................................................................................5
ABOUT MY INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE...........................................................................................5
2.1 How did i get to this organization?.................................................................................................5
2.2 The section i have been working in.................................................................................................5
2.3 How does the work flow looks like?...............................................................................................5
2.4 Tasks i have been executing............................................................................................................5
2.5 Procedures i have been using while performing my tasks............................................................6
2.6 How good i have been in performing my tasks..............................................................................6
2.7 Challenges i have been facing while performing my tasks...........................................................6
2.8 Measures i have taken to overcome the above challenges.............................................................7
CHAPTER THREE...................................................................................................................................9
THE BENEFITS GAINED FROM THE INTERNSHIP.......................................................................9
3.1 What i gained in terms of improving practical skills....................................................................9
3.2 What i gained in terms of upgrading my theoretical knowledge................................................10
3.3 What i gained in terms of upgrading my interpersonal communication skills.........................10

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3.4 What i gained in terms of upgrading my team playing skills.....................................................11
3.5 In terms of leadership skill............................................................................................................12
3.6 Work ethics and related issues......................................................................................................12
3.7 Entrepreneurship...........................................................................................................................12
CHAPTER FOUR...................................................................................................................................14
BETESEB APP........................................................................................................................................14
4.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................14
4.2 Statement of problem....................................................................................................................15
4.3 Methodology...................................................................................................................................16
4.3.1 Problem identification............................................................................................................16
4.3.2 Requirements gathering.........................................................................................................16
4.3.3 Technical planning and architecture design.........................................................................16
4.3.4 User interface and user experience design............................................................................16
4.3.5 Development and implementation.........................................................................................16
4.3.6 Testing and quality assurance................................................................................................17
4.3.7 Evaluation and feedback........................................................................................................17
4.4 Objective.........................................................................................................................................17
4.4.1 General Objective...................................................................................................................17
4.4.2 Specific objective.....................................................................................................................17
4.5 Scope...............................................................................................................................................17
4.6 Limitation.......................................................................................................................................18
4.7 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE.......................................................................................................18
4.7.1 Core functional modules.........................................................................................................18
4.8 Features and functionalities..........................................................................................................19
4.9 Implementation detail...................................................................................................................28
4.10 Testing and evaluation................................................................................................................28
4.11 Result............................................................................................................................................29
4.12. Discussion....................................................................................................................................34
4.13 Future plan...................................................................................................................................35
CHAPTER FIVE.....................................................................................................................................37
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.....................................................................................37

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5.1 Conclusion......................................................................................................................................37
5.2 Recommendation...........................................................................................................................37
5.2.1 Recommendation for the hosting company...........................................................................37
5.2.2 Recommendation for Beteseb App........................................................................................38
5.2.3 Recommendation for our university.......................................................................................38

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Table of figures
figure 4 1 User Interface................................................................................................................................... 19
figure 4 2 User Authentication.......................................................................................................................... 20
figure 4 3 Role-Based Access Control................................................................................................................. 21
figure 4 4 Location Tracking............................................................................................................................... 22
figure 4 5 Family Health Module........................................................................................................................ 23
figure 4 6 Chat.................................................................................................................................................. 24
figure 4 7 Entertainment & Library.................................................................................................................... 25
figure 4 8 Document Storage............................................................................................................................. 26
figure 4 9 User Interface Design......................................................................................................................... 27
figure 4 10 Family document............................................................................................................................ 30
figure 4 11 Real time location............................................................................................................................ 31
figure 4 12 family health information................................................................................................................ 32
figure 4 13 family discussion.............................................................................................................................. 33
figure 4 14 Suggested Informations................................................................................................................... 34

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1.1 The back ground of my internship hosting organization
1.1.1 History of WAPSHRMICT (West Arsi Zone Public Service and Human Resource
Management Information Communication Technology) department:
WAPSHRMICT (West Arsi Zone Public Service and Human resource management information
communication technology) department was established to foster the social and the eco- nomic
development and building good governance in the west Arsi zone under the proclamation
number 133\2003 of the state. It is necessary to produce a human resource having adequate
professional knowledge and skill in the information and communication technology that enables
to further strengthen the democratic administration Sectors, the public and the government,
having gained adequate, current and quality information to be able to provide their service pro-
vision in qualitative and speedy way through developing and expanding the information and
communication technology in the region the organization is re-organized into the first four major
vision/mission critical/oriented directorates and different supportive directorates. These include:

 Network and Software Development directorate.

 ICT Equipment and Materials Refurbishment, Maintenance and Troubleshooting
 Social Information and Government data Services and Administration directorate.
 Private Business Innovation Centers Services and Administration directorate.
 Finance, Procurement and Property Administration directorate.
 Agency Director office.
 Government Communication Affairs directorate.
 Human Resource Data and Information Distribution and Organization directorate.
 Internal Auditing directorate

1.2 Vision of the organization

To see the life of all Ethiopian citizens being supported with communication and information by
2015 E.C. The Dream of west Arsi Zone in the future is to see the city has rapid growth and
developed ICT based Technology and become active participant in world competition to the
country. It also creates awareness and support in expanding private companies in the city and see
the people of west Arsi zone with enhanced altitude of preparation and self-reliance in solving it
development challenges by their own capacity throughout and finally to realize sustainable
socio- economic development and democratic and good governance in the zone.

1.3 Mission of the organization

Developing ICT in everywhere among the community of the region to improve their living
standard and develop the support of ICT for the government and for the people of the nation.
Improving the ability of using information technology in the region & developmental faction and
optimize its contribution to the social and economic development of the region. To develop or
make familiar society with technology, deploy and use ICT and also optimize its contribution to
improve the live hood, development and in addition good governance of the region. To im- prove
the living standards of the society ICT has a great role. Extensively, within all the geo- graphical
locations ends to upgrade and improve the support delivered by communication in- formation
technology to the people.

1.4 Values and principles

The agency has developed & implements the following values and principles to achieve their

 Trustworthiness.
 Continuous learning and development.
 Making a difference.
 Adding value.
 Transparency.
 Solving the problem of the user by co-operative learning.
 Executing their work honestly.
 Providing efficient and effective services.
 Their customers are pillars of their existence.
 There employees are key to their success.
 Making difference in the field of information security

1.5 Organizational structure
The following figure is the structure of the company:

Figure 1 company structure

1.6 Products and services of the organization

The agency provides different kinds of services efficiently and effectively for the satisfaction of
clients and consumers. The main services are:

 Provide basic computer training and ICT trainings.

 Networking and installation.
 Website development.
 Software and hardware maintenance.
 Maintenance and assessment of ICT equipment’s.
 Giving support with follow up and capacity building services.
 Comprising ICT Business Incubation Centers.
 Preparing specifications of ICT equipment.
 Community data center service.
 Supporting and full filing need of technological equipment for basic work processes.
 Services on software development.
 Data center administration.
 Licensing of entrepreneurships

1.7 Customer or end user of the government organization
It has three different versions within it. This process is mainly aimed to build and maintain an
electronic government system. This core processes have three versions this are: -

1. Networking
2. Application development
3. Datacenter service and management



It is usual that Wolaita Sodo University arranges an internship place for fourth year students:

 To develop practical knowledge interacting with theoretical knowledge.

 To develop leadership skill.
 To develop interaction with co-workers.
 To develop problem solving skills.
 To learn to handle work pressure

2.1 How did i get to this organization?

I live in Shashemene and I have a friend that spent their internship at WAPSHRMICT (West
Arsi Zone Public Service and Human resource management information communication
technology) department and had a better knowledge on the ICT world, and they were motivating
me to get into this organization for internship and finally I have decided to get into this
government organization.

2.2 The section i have been working in

In my times of internship in this organization I have been mostly working on maintenance and
networking. In this government organization there are a lot of sectors and each worker on each
sector have a desktop and laptop computers and they come to us if they need both hardware and
software maintenance and we will fix it together.

Sometimes there will be a need of network installation either in the organization or in the
different places of the zone therefore we will go out and work network installation sometimes.

2.3 How does the work flow looks like?

Now is the time that I have started appreciating the internship experience, I was evaluating
myself that if I were a worker in this section how much active I will be on troubleshooting
different information technology problems.

2.4 Tasks i have been executing

Generally, I have been working on:
 Maintaining and troubleshooting network devices (desktop, laptops and soon)
 Identifying the problem on existing network.
 Design local area network for different sectors.
 Reporting the problem on existing network.
 Installation of local area network for Zone sectors.
 Cabling and punching
 programming (python language)

2.5 Procedures i have been using while performing my tasks

As I mentioned before I have mostly been working on maintenance and networking, for these
two tasks I have been using similar troubleshooting steps
When Workers having trouble with their devices come to our department or call us where the
problem occurred I:
 First gather enough information about what problem is.
 Then make imagination on what the problem will be.
 Then prepare instruments that will help me to maintain the certain problem
 Then as soon as I find out what the problem is I will fix the problem just as I have learned
from my seniors.
 Finally, I will check if the maintenance has worked or not, if it is not working and it is
above my knowledge, I will ask my teachers for help and learn when they fix the
problem, if it works, I will do what makes me happy that is taking feedback.

2.6 How good i have been in performing my tasks

I Have been punctual in my times this organization we enter office at 2:00 and go out for lunch
on 6:00 and the afternoon work time is 7:30 to 11:00 therefore I was working just as common
worker of the organization and used my time perfect.
And I also have been trying to improve my computer maintenance and networking skills. And
fast trouble shooting to any kind of networking and maintenance problems and I succeed.
I dare to ask any thing that are not clear for me. And in the times that there is no work I spent my time
watching python programming tutorials (kivy mobile application development tutorials)

2.7 Challenges i have been facing while performing my tasks

I face a sort of challenges while I am performing my tasks these are:
life style challenge: it took me a long time to habituate with the life style around the
organization. Including:

 Wearing styles.
 Talking styles.
 Work ethics.
 Tolerating customers bad behaviors

Language challenge: I mostly meet with people that are totally Oromic language speakers and
won’t understand Amharic at all, this has highly affected my interrelationship with some staff
members. And I also meet people that don’t like to have any kind of conversation with Amharic
speakers. This has limited me to have a good interaction with some staff members in there.
The Internet speed: the internet speed in this government organization is totally weak. As I
mentioned before in my no work times, I spent my time watching at video tutorials about python
programming, so this network speed has put a big problem on my work. Even There were a
times that I simply sit with no work whole day.
Lack of time: sometimes my teachers will get busy so they can’t answer the questions I have, so
they can’t show me what I have to learn on that day.
My laptop broke: One of the biggest obstacles I had to overcome was that I needed my laptop to
complete my project, and it fell to the ground. My keyboard began to malfunction in a few
places. Changing the keyboard on my laptop would have been too costly.
2.8 Measures i have taken to overcome the above challenges
To overcome the life style challenge: The social relation in the work place is not the same as the
social life that I have spent in the campus that’s why I declared this social life challenge a life
style challenge.

 It took me a long time to start wearing like as every worker do but finally, I succeed.
 I stopped talking to people like I do with my friends.
 I made my self-ready to habituate with work ethics, stopped a lot of informal things I do
while I was with my friends and alone (like yawning loud and many more) , I have
trained myself.

 We face so many workers that are unsatisfied with our works and they sometimes get
angry and start to talk to us in informal way, and it been hard for me to tolerate that but
finally I succeed.

To overcome the language challenge: I can’t speak Oromic language so to communicate with
these people I need to get a translator and I did. To overcome the internet speed problem: I have
tried to inform this problem but I got no answer for that, therefore the only choice I have to get a
good connection is to look for other places that have good Wi-Fi connection like Hawassa
kerawd Hotel. To overcome this Lack of time problem: when my teachers get busy, I will keep on
teaching myself watching video tutorials. To overcome my laptop damage: to overcome this I have
bought a temporary Bluetooth key- board.



In this chapter I am going to make a description on the overall benefits I gained from the
internship at WAPSHRMICT (West Arsi Zone Public Service and Human resource management
information communication technology) department
The benefits are:
 Practical skills.
 Theoretical knowledge.
 Interpersonal communication skills.
 Team playing skills.
 Leadership skills.
 Work ethics and.
 Entrepreneurship skills

3.1 What i gained in terms of improving practical skills

Practical skill development is one of the bedrocks of any given profession and it is a sine over to
the continuous survival and growth of any given profession especially in engineering. Practical
skills development in Electrical and computer engineering is related to the whole productivity of
the student. Practical knowledge is developing the student’s skills of using tools, different
software and systematic thinking and reasoning to perform tasks that related to the field of the
Seventy percent of my internship times in WAPSHRMICT (West Arsi Zone Public Service and
Human resource management information communication technology) department were
practical. The department provides a practical works more for the internship coming students
When for the first time I introduced myself to the organization that I am electrical and computer
engineering student the organization understood that I have gone a lot through the theory. There-
fore, they focused on showing me the practical part. I had a good understanding on networking
and maintenance practical works. And also, procedures to maintain a certain problem. And I
have got a chance to apply some theory knowledges I had acquired in the last three and half
years of my class into practical. Most of the theory parts that I have learn in my three and half

years in Electrical and computer Engineering class were highly applicable. As I have learnt the
theory about networking now I have what it looks practically in my internship.
Generally, the practical skills I have gained include:

 Network configuration skills.

 A good knowledge on how to incorporate software and hardware part to make them work
as together.
 A good knowledge on how computer hardware is installed

3.2 What i gained in terms of upgrading my theoretical knowledge

This internship helped me not only in the practical part it also helped me upgrading my theory
knowledge it also increased my ability to apply systematic design procedure to open ended
problems and how to analyze something technically and making it good either systematically and
practically. In this it helped me improve and upgrade my theoretical knowledge like it does
improve my practical knowledge. And also, it helped me memorize the important theories that I
have learnt in my previous classes in my electrical engineering class, these are the theoretical
knowledges I have got in my internship times:

 How to make Broadband network installation.

 Troubleshooting a certain hard ware.
 Troubleshooting a certain software.
 Troubleshooting a certain networking problem.
 What is the hardware fails and how to fix them.
 What is the software fails and how to fix them.
 LAN (local area network).
 Cabling (theory).
 punching(theory).
 personally, I have been learning programming on YouTube

3.3 What i gained in terms of upgrading my interpersonal communication skills

This skill is very important for every person to create a smooth relation between the co-workers
when working together to create a suitable and productive work environment. I Have created a
good interpersonal communication with my co-workers. I had a free atmosphere to have a

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conversation about our personal lives and go out on our coffee times and I felt free to ask any
thing that is not clear for me while my work. And we also share life experiences how they have
finished their university classes and they gave me advices on how I am going to be successful
with my learning. I highly improved my free speaking and understanding ability that will be an
experience for my entire life. In this organization I had a lesson on interpersonal communication
skills that helps me in every part of my social this organization There is an age,
experience, and knowledge difference but the interpersonal relationship is perfect.

3.4 What i gained in terms of upgrading my team playing skills

Among the most important skills that we developed during the intern are our communication and
Working together /team sprit/ skill. In this organization most of the workers are sociable. Most of
the time we discuss about the works and other related issues. In my internship times there were
many job responsibilities that I have been covering with the workers.
Our team playing skill looks like this:
 Sharing of information between members. From our internship program we gained the
way of sharing information, knowledge, and experience to take the initiative to keep
other team members informed
 I have learned that one team member must care about what the team members are doing
and their contribution to its success.
 I understood that the knowledge of team is stronger than the individual persons
knowledge and it is more effective.
 I understood even in the future the knowledge of team is important if I share information
and work together.
 Listening to the concept of others whatever it is and admiring if that is good or helping
them if it yet to be called good.
 Being patient and wise and respectful for each other.
 Being Open minded to others point of view.
 Able to celebrate the successes and learn the setbacks.
 Focus on the positive and take the negative in stride not let them down.
 Understand others complain and make sure that the communication channel flow is free.
 Be flexible rather than rigid for new concepts and changes

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3.5 In terms of leadership skill
I am not part of these but I have tried to observe how the leadership should be just by observing
my work compound and having conversation with leaders in the government organization.
A leader must have:
 Ability to encourage and motivate workers to do their best.
 The ability to communicate with all workers without any force.
 The ability to listen problems and focus on its solution.
 As leader to have clear and defined goals missions and vision.
 Be willing to admit and learn from failures and weaknesses.
 Ability to design a solution for any problems

3.6 Work ethics and related issues

When I first join WAPSHRMICT (West Arsi Zone Public Service and Human resource
management information communication technology) department, my supervisor gave me
orientation on how I should act in organization. And every day I took time to have decent
character in our team. Finally, I understood the fact that the more I get close to others in ethical
way the more I will be beneficial.
one of the necessities that the internship has for student is to have a good work ethics. This is
what my work ethics looks like:
 punctuality (I get to work and leave on time).
 Have Been respectful to my supervisor and all workers.
 Being responsible in analyzing and interpreting gathering of data.
 Obeying any work tasks that my supervisor asks me to do.
 Being loyal and honest when making judgments on the issues of: -
 Cost vs. benefit analyzing
 Safety
 Quality and Quantity when doing any project

3.7 Entrepreneurship
It is official that all graduates cannot be employed in government and nongovernmental company
(organization). Hence it is very important to be an employer to reduce unemployment. The
WAPSICT (west Arsi public service Information communication technology) working
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environment had been a good starting place to enhance my entrepreneur capabilities. Indeed, I
learned a lot on improving critical thinking and problem- solving skills. The change from school
to workplace itself was another learning opportunity, it made me to adapt the work place
This internship had played a great role improving my entrepreneurship skills in multidirectional
ways including: -
 Increases my attitude to be creative and innovative through practical knowledge.
 How to manage my own business.
 How organize and control resources to ensure the profit for my business.
 How to identify new products (services) opportunities.
 How to help people with computer software and hardware fails.
 To take feedbacks from the user.
 How to satisfy my customers with my faster service.
 How to tolerate people with bad behavior

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4.1 Introduction
The family unit plays a fundamental role in society, serving as the building block for
communities and the foundation for the development of ethical citizens. It is widely recognized
that the overall health and stability of families are crucial for the well-being of individuals and
the prosperity of a nation. However, various challenges can arise, impacting the fabric of family
life. In response to these challenges, I have developed a mobile application called "Beteseb,"
which means "family" in Amharic, to contribute towards creating stable and thriving families.
The Beteseb app is designed to provide families with a platform that offers essential features
aimed at addressing key aspects that contribute to family well-being. By leveraging the power of
mobile technology, my app aims to facilitate access to crucial resources and support systems that
promote health, children's education, and overall family happiness.
The app begins with a user-friendly login interface, where users are required to enter their
username and password. To ensure privacy and security, i have implemented a feature that
allows users to choose between hiding or showing their entered password. The app provides
immediate feedback in case of incorrect login credentials, helping users troubleshoot login issues
Upon successful login, the app presents users with role-specific interfaces tailored to parents and
children. The parent page offers a range of features carefully curated to address the unique needs
and responsibilities of parents. These features include access to health-related information,
educational resources for parenting guidance, tools for managing family schedules, and
communication channels to foster family unity.
Meanwhile, the children's page provides a safe and engaging environment for children, with age-
appropriate educational materials, interactive learning activities, and platforms for fostering
creativity and expression. Additionally, the app facilitates parent-child interaction by enabling
parents to monitor their children's progress, set goals, and provide feedback.The development of
the Beteseb app stems from a deep understanding of the importance of family stability and well-
being in shaping the future of individuals and societies. By harnessing the potential of mobile

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technology, we aim to empower families, enhance their overall quality of life, and contribute to
the creation of ethical and resilient citizens.
In this paper, I will provide a comprehensive overview of the Beteseb app, including its features,
functionality, and the underlying principles that guided its development. I will also discuss the
potential impact of the app on promoting family stability and well-being. Furthermore, I will
explore future enhancements and avenues for expanding the app's reach to benefit more families
in our community.

4.2 Statement of problem

The stability and well-being of families are critical for the development of ethical citizens and
the overall health of a nation. However, families often face numerous challenges that can impact
their cohesion, security, and happiness. These challenges may include difficulties in maintaining
effective communication, ensuring the safety of family members, accessing relevant health and
educational resources, and fostering a nurturing environment for children.
The absence of a comprehensive and user-friendly platform that addresses these challenges
hinders families from accessing the necessary support and resources they need. Existing
solutions may lack essential features or fail to provide an integrated approach to promoting
family stability and well-being. Consequently, there is a pressing need for a mobile application
that empowers families by providing them with tools and resources to overcome these challenges
and enhance their overall quality of life.
In response to this problem, I have developed the "Beteseb" app, which aims to address the
aforementioned challenges and promote family stability and well-being. The app offers a range
of features designed specifically for parents and children, including access to health-related
information, educational resources, communication channels, and location tracking. By
leveraging mobile technology, the Beteseb app seeks to empower families in creating a stable
and nurturing environment, fostering stronger bonds and increasing overall family happiness.

The effectiveness of the Beteseb app in promoting family stability and well-being will be
evaluated through user feedback, surveys, and performance metrics. The insights gained from
these evaluations will guide future enhancements and updates to ensure the app remains
responsive to the evolving needs of families.

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4.3 Methodology
4.3.1 Problem identification
The first step in developing the Beteseb app was to identify the key challenges and needs faced
by families in maintaining stability and promoting well-being. This involved conducting a
thorough review of existing literature, consulting experts in the field, and gathering insights from
focus groups and surveys with target users.

4.3.2 Requirements gathering

Once the problem areas were identified, a comprehensive list of requirements was compiled to
guide the development process. These requirements encompassed various aspects, including the
desired features, user interface design, security measures, and compatibility with different mobile

4.3.3 Technical planning and architecture design

Based on the identified requirements, a technical plan and architecture for the app were
developed. This involved selecting the appropriate frameworks and technologies to ensure
scalability, performance, and compatibility. Considerations were made for data storage, user
authentication, real-time communication, and integration with external services, such as maps
and educational resources.

4.3.4 User interface and user experience design

The development of an intuitive and user-friendly interface was crucial to encourage engagement
and adoption of the app. User interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design principles were
employed to create visually appealing layouts, easy navigation, and seamless interaction.
Wireframing, prototyping, and iterative design processes were utilized to refine the UI/UX

4.3.5 Development and implementation

The app development process involved coding and implementing the various features and
functionalities outlined in the requirements. An agile development approach was adopted,
enabling incremental development, frequent testing, and continuous feedback from users. The
development team utilized industry-standard programming languages, development

16 | P a g e
environments, and version control systems to ensure efficient collaboration and code

4.3.6 Testing and quality assurance

Rigorous testing procedures were employed to ensure the functionality, performance, and
security of the app. This included unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing.
Bugs, errors, and usability issues were identified, documented, and resolved in an iterative
manner. Quality assurance measures were implemented to meet industry standards and ensure a
stable and reliable app.

4.3.7 Evaluation and feedback

The app's effectiveness and impact on promoting family stability and well-being were evaluated
through user feedback, surveys, and performance metrics. Quantitative and qualitative data were
collected to assess user satisfaction, engagement levels, and the achievement of predefined goals.
This feedback was utilized to inform future updates and improvements to the app.

4.4 Objective
4.4.1 General Objective
The Beteseb app aims to empower families by addressing challenges, enhancing communication,
ensuring safety, providing access to resources, and fostering a nurturing environment for family
stability and well-being.

4.4.2 Specific objective

The Beteseb app aims to boost family stability through the following targeted objectives:
 Improve communication through real-time messaging.
 Ensure family safety via location tracking.
 Promote health management.
 Enrich family life with educational and entertainment content.
 These specific goals collectively work towards creating a supportive and holistic digital
platform for families.

4.5 Scope
The Beteseb app focuses on enhancing family communication, ensuring safety through location
tracking, providing access to health information, and offering educational resources. It aims to
promote family stability and well-being by facilitating secure messaging, real-time location

17 | P a g e
monitoring, health-related content, and interactive learning materials. The app serves as a tool to
strengthen family bonds and happiness, complementing existing support systems. User feedback
and performance metrics will guide future enhancements to the app.

4.6 Limitation
One limitation of the mobile app is that the information available is limited to the data entered by
the users themselves. The app relies on user-provided data for functionality, and therefore, its
effectiveness and accuracy are dependent on the completeness and accuracy of the data input by
the users


User Authentication and Role Management - Login/Registration System: Secure authentication
system for users to log in or register. - Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Different access
levels for parents and children.

4.7.1 Core functional modules

 Current Location Tracking: For parents to access the location of family members.
Offline capability to view the last known location.
 Family Health Module: Input fields for health data like blood pressure, meals, calorie
intake, and workout times. Viewing and editing options for parents, view-only for children.
 Chat Feature: Real-time messaging and discussion forums for family members. -
Entertainment & Library: Repository for educational, spiritual, general knowledge, and
entertainment content. - Document Storage: Secure storage for family documents (photos,
videos, PDFs).
 User Interface - Dynamic UI based on Role: Distinct parent and child interfaces. Feature
access tailored to user roles.

18 | P a g e
figure 4 1 User Interface
 Data Management and Storage - Database: To store user profiles, health data, chat
messages, and document metadata. - File Storage: For storing documents, images, and
other media.
 Security and Privacy - Data Encryption: To protect sensitive information. - Privacy
Controls: Ensuring user data is handled with confidentiality.
 Backend Services - Server: To handle requests, authentication, data processing, and
storage. - APIs: For location services, health data processing, and other functionalities.
 Cross-Platform Compatibility - Ensure the app is functional across various devices and
operating systems.

4.8 Features and functionalities

 User Authentication - Functionality: Secure login and registration process for users. -
Features: Username and password entry, option to show/hide password, error message
for credentials.

19 | P a g e
figure 4 2 User Authentication

 Role-Based Access Control - Functionality: Different user experiences based on roles

(parent or child). - Features: Parent page and child page with tailored features for each.
Use Case - A use case is an interaction between users and a system. It captures the goal
of the users and the responsibility the system to its users. It is the functionality of the
system or the service provided by the system.

20 | P a g e
figure 4 3 Role-Based Access Control
In the app, the location page is exclusively designed for parents, providing them with specialized
location-related features. However, the other pages, including the documents page, family health,
chat, entertainment, and library, are accessible to both parents and children roles. This inclusive
access allows parents and children to interact and engage with various features of the app
together, fostering collaboration, communication, and shared experiences within the family unit.

 Current Location Tracking (Parent-Exclusive) - Functionality: Allows parents to

access the real-time location of family members. - Features: Real-time GPS tracking, last
known location if offline, alerts for family members in risky areas.

21 | P a g e
figure 4 4 Location Tracking

 Family Health Module - Functionality: Monitoring and recording health-related

information for family members. - Features: Input fields for blood pressure, meal
tracking, calorie count, workout duration; option for parents to view and edit health data.

22 | P a g e
figure 4 5 Family Health Module

 Chat - Functionality: Real-time communication among family members. - Features:

Text messaging, group discussions, media sharing

23 | P a g e

figure 4 6 Chat

 Entertainment & Library - Functionality: A repository for educational and

entertainment content. - Features: Storage and access to academic resources, spiritual
content, general knowledge, and entertainment materials.

24 | P a g e
figure 4 7 Entertainment & Library
 Document Storage - Functionality: Secure storage for important family documents. -
Features: Upload and delete options for images, PDFs, and videos; categorized storage
for easy retrieval.

25 | P a g e
figure 4 8 Document Storage

 User Interface Design - Functionality: Intuitive and user-friendly interface tailored for
both parents and children. - Features: Home page with an app bar, body, and floating
action button; feature buttons arranged in a vertical order.

26 | P a g e
figure 4 9 User Interface Design
 Cross-Platform Compatibility - Functionality: Ensuring the app works seamlessly
across different devices and operating systems. - Features: Responsive design adaptable
to various screen sizes and operating systems.
 Privacy and Security - Functionality: Protecting user data and ensuring confidentiality.
- Features: Data encryption, secure handling of sensitive information.
 Monitoring and Analytics - Functionality: Track app usage and user engagement for
continuous improvement. - Features: Analytics dashboard, usage statistics

27 | P a g e
4.9 Implementation detail
 Development Environment and Frameworks - Flutter SDK: For building natively
compiled applications. - Dart Programming Language: Primary language for Flutter. -
IDE: Android Studio or Visual Studio Code.
 User Interface (UI) Implementation - Flutter Widgets: For UI building. - Custom
Widgets: For specific design requirements. - Responsive Design: Using MediaQuery for
screen size adaptation.
 User Authentication - Firebase Authentication: For secure user sign-in/sign-up. -
Role-Based Access: Managing different user roles.
 Location Services - Geolocator Plugin: For real-time location tracking. - Google Maps
for Flutter: To display user locations.
 Health Data Management - Form Widgets: For health data input. - Local Storage:
Using SQLite for data storage.
 Real-Time Communication - Firebase Cloud Fire store: For real-time chat
functionality. - Push Notifications: Using Firebase Cloud Messaging.
 Entertainment & Library Content - API Integration: For fetching external content. -
Media Player Widgets: For media playback.
 Document Storage and Management - Firebase Cloud Storage: For file storage. - File
Handling: Upload and download functionalities.
 Testing and Quality Assurance - Unit Tests: For individual functions and widgets. -
Integration Tests: For overall app functionality. - Widget Testing: For UI components.
 Performance Optimization - Profiling Tools: For app performance enhancement. -
Code Optimization: For efficiency and speed.
 Security and Privacy Measures - Data Encryption: For protecting sensitive data. -
Secure Coding Practices: To avoid vulnerabilities

4.10 Testing and evaluation

 Unit Testing - Objective: Test individual functions and components for correctness. -
Tools: Flutter's built-in testing framework. - Process: Writing test cases for each function
and widget, ensuring they perform as expected.

28 | P a g e
 Integration Testing - Objective: Ensure different parts of the app work together
seamlessly. - Tools: Flutter integration testing tools. - Process: Creating tests that interact
with the app as a user would, checking the flow between various app components.
 Widget Testing - Objective: Ensure UI components render correctly and respond to user
inputs. - Tools: Flutter's Widget Testing Framework. - Process: Testing each widget in
isolation, verifying their appearance and interactions.
 Performance Testing - Objective: Assess the app's performance, speed, and
responsiveness. - Tools: Flutter's performance profiling tools. - Process: Monitoring app
performance, identifying and fixing bottlenecks.
 Security Testing - Objective: Verify the security measures implemented in the app. -
Tools: Security testing tools like OWASP ZAP. - Process: Testing for vulnerabilities,
ensuring data encryption and secure data handling practices are effective.
 Continuous Testing and Monitoring - Objective: Continuously test and monitor the
app post-deployment. - Process: Implementing automated tests and monitoring tools for
ongoing quality assurance.
 Evaluation Metrics - User Feedback: Satisfaction ratings, usability feedback. -
Performance Metrics: Load times, responsiveness. - Error Rates: Frequency and severity
of bugs and crashes. - Adoption Rates: Number of downloads, active users. The testing
and evaluation phase is crucial for ensuring the quality, security, and user satisfaction of
the 'beteseb' app. It involves rigorous and iterative testing processes, incorporating user
feedback for continuous improvement.

4.11 Result
The result of this project is the successful development and implementation of the
Beteseb mobile application, which aimed to support family stability and security.
Through the creation of different interfaces for parents and children, with role-based
access, the app effectively catered to the specific needs of each user group.
Documents: Efficiently store and access important family documents with our secure
Document Storage feature.

29 | P a g e
figure 4 10 Family document
Current location: Ensure the safety and security of your family members with our
reliable and accurate Location feature.

30 | P a g e
figure 4 11 Real time location

Family Health: Track and manage your family's health with our intuitive Family Health

31 | P a g e
figure 4 12 family health information

Chat: The Chat feature successfully facilitated seamless communication, allowing family
members to stay connected and foster closer relationships.

32 | P a g e
figure 4 13 family discussion

Entertainment and Library: The Entertainment and Library feature provided a suitable
area for users to explore a wide range of educational and entertaining resources

33 | P a g e
figure 4 14 Suggested Informations

The Beteseb mobile application successfully promoted family stability and security
through features such as location tracking, family health monitoring, seamless chat
functionality, and an entertainment and library feature, enhancing user experience and
family engagement

4.12. Discussion
The 'beteseb' mobile application opens up important discussions about its impact on
family dynamics and the broader societal implications. Firstly, the app's features, such as
real-time location tracking and health monitoring, have the potential to influence family
interactions and communication patterns. Balancing the need for safety with individual
autonomy within families becomes a crucial consideration. Additionally, the app's user
34 | P a g e
experience and accessibility, particularly the tailored interfaces for parents and children,
play a vital role in ensuring its usability across different age groups and technological
proficiency levels.
Furthermore, the social and ethical implications of continuous monitoring through the
'beteseb' app should be explored. Privacy concerns and the issue of trust among family
members need to be addressed. Additionally, understanding societal attitudes towards the
increasing integration of technology into family life is essential in evaluating the app's
reception and acceptance.
From a technical standpoint, the app's reliability, especially concerning features like
location tracking, must be thoroughly examined to ensure accurate and consistent
performance. Data security measures should also be assessed to protect sensitive
information like health data and legal documents.
Considering user feedback and incorporating it into future enhancements will contribute
to the continuous improvement of the 'beteseb' app. Exploring its broader societal impact,
such as its role in enhancing family security and cohesion, helps to understand the
implications beyond individual families and highlights potential benefits for society as a

4.13 Future plan

In the future, the app aims to enhance its functionality by incorporating several features
 Post-Medical Histories - Implement a feature that allows users to save and access
their medical records conveniently.
 Real-Time Notifications - Provide users with real-time notifications for any
updates made to their database, ensuring prompt awareness of changes.
 Enhanced Chat Functionality - Expand the chat section to include audio and chat
attachments, enabling seamless sharing of audio files and documents.
 Text-to-Speech and Video Call - Introduce text-to-speech functionality and
video call capabilities within the chat, enhancing communication options for
 Profile Picture and Bio - Add a feature that allows users to upload a profile
picture and provide a bio, personalizing their user experience.

35 | P a g e
 Expanded Family Health Page - Broaden the family health page to capture
additional health information, providing a comprehensive understanding of the
user's family health background.

36 | P a g e


5.1 Conclusion
Nowadays technology is a massive tool in developing a country and making the citizens
equipped with the skillset that is necessary to be competent in a world class level. Being
competent among the different organization and professionals calls for knowledge, experience
management skills and so much more. This Internship program is proved to be bridges that takes
us to very competent and skilled professional engineers in our professional life. The various
types of orientation programs, tasks and trainings that we have been undertaking during this past
four months on the site and the office enhanced our knowledge in Computer engineering. We are
very glad to see how what we have learnt in the university can be applied in the working world.
We were able to apply our theoretical knowledge in the real-life situation. Generally, the purpose
of this Internship program was to introduce us with working condition and mostly it helps us to
grasp knowledge from practicing the theory which we have been learning in the class. Also helps
us gain different life skill set like problem solving capacity, a skill to work together with people
and etc. so these both skill on both educational practice and life skill set like problem solving
capacity help me this project that I think is a problem-solving tool for the organization I interned
at and also other companies in the tech field. The 'beteseb' mobile application was developed
during an internship program to support family stability and security. It includes key features
such as login and user interface with role-based access for parents and children, location tracking
for safety purposes, health monitoring for tracking vital information, a chat feature for family
communication, an entertainment and library section with educational resources, and document
storage for important family documents. This project demonstrates the practical application of
theoretical knowledge and contributes to addressing challenges in the tech field

5.2 Recommendation
5.2.1 Recommendation for the hosting company
Even though I had a good and developing experience at the organization it’s an obvious thing
that the organization does not have a program to create a good internship experience for us to
develop our skill most of our productivity and development comes from the staffs’ personal help

37 | P a g e
and encouragement and our personal strength. So, the organization should work on developing a
system for intern students to have a good and productive internship experience.

5.2.2 Recommendation for Beteseb App

Recommendations for enhancing the 'beteseb' app:

 Integrate an emergency response feature Include an emergency button for

immediate alerts to designated contacts or emergency services. Strengthen
security measures, such as encryption and two-factor authentication.
 Promote educational development for children Incorporate interactive quizzes,
educational games, and tailored learning modules.

5.2.3 Recommendation for our university

To enhance our university's internship program, I recommend implementing the following

 Establish partnerships with a diverse range of industries and organizations to provide

students with a wide array of internship opportunities.
 Develop a comprehensive support system for interns, including mentorship programs and
regular feedback sessions, to ensure a valuable learning experience.
 Offer resources and workshops to help students effectively navigate the internship
process, including resume building, interview preparation, and professional networking..
 Establish clear guidelines and expectations for internships, including learning objectives,
project-based assignments, and evaluation criteria, to ensure meaningful and structured
experiences for students.

By implementing these measures, our university can create a robust internship program that
provides valuable opportunities for students to gain practical experience, develop skills, and
enhance their career readiness.

[1] Flutter - Beautiful native apps in record time. (n.d.). Retrieved from
38 | P a g e
[2] Flutter documentation. (n.d.). Retrieved from

[3] Flutter packages. (n.d.). Retrieved from

[4] Flutter: A Portable UI Framework for Mobile, Web, Embedded, and Desktop. (n.d.). Retrieved from

[5] Flutter for Android Developers. (n.d.). Retrieved from


[6] Flutter for iOS Developers. (n.d.). Retrieved from


[7] Flutter Widgets. (n.d.). Retrieved from

[8] Firebase Authentication. (n.d.). Retrieved from

[9] Geolocator package. (n.d.). Retrieved from

[10] Google Maps for Flutter. (n.d.). Retrieved from

[11] Firebase Cloud Firestore. (n.d.). Retrieved from

[12] Firebase Cloud Storage. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Login page code
39 | P a g e
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

import 'package:firebase_auth/firebase_auth.dart';

class LoginPage extends StatefulWidget {


_LoginPageState createState() => _LoginPageState();

class _LoginPageState extends State<LoginPage> {

final FirebaseAuth _firebaseAuth = FirebaseAuth.instance;

final TextEditingController _emailController = TextEditingController();

final TextEditingController _passwordController = TextEditingController();

String _errorMessage = '';

bool _obscurePassword = true;

bool _isLoading = false;

Future<void> _login() async {

setState(() {

_isLoading = true;


try {

final UserCredential userCredential =

40 | P a g e
await _firebaseAuth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(

email: '${_emailController.text.trim()}',

password: _passwordController.text.trim(),


// Login successful, do something here

} catch (e) {

setState(() {

_errorMessage = e.toString();



context: context,

builder: (BuildContext context) {

return AlertDialog(

title: Text('Login Error'),

content: Text('Wrong Name or Password'),

actions: [


onPressed: () {



child: Text('OK'),

41 | P a g e
), ], ); }, ); }

setState(() {

_isLoading = false;

}); }


Widget build(BuildContext context) {

return Scaffold(

appBar: AppBar(

centerTitle: true,

backgroundColor: Colors.transparent,

elevation: 0,

title: Text(

'Login Page',

style: TextStyle(color:,

), ),

body: Padding(

padding: EdgeInsets.all(16.0),

child: Column(


children: [

42 | P a g e

'Welcome to Beteseb App',

style: TextStyle(

fontSize: 27,

fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,




'Login to your account',

style: TextStyle(fontSize: 20, color: Colors.grey),


SizedBox(height: 16.0),


controller: _emailController,

decoration: InputDecoration(

labelText: 'Name',

border: OutlineInputBorder(

borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),


filled: true,

fillColor: Colors.grey[200],

43 | P a g e
). ),

SizedBox(height: 16.0),


controller: _passwordController,

decoration: InputDecoration(

labelText: 'Password',

border: OutlineInputBorder(

borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),


filled: true,

fillColor: Colors.grey[200],

suffixIcon: IconButton(

icon: Icon(

_obscurePassword ? Icons.visibility_off : Icons.visibility,


onPressed: () {

setState(() {

_obscurePassword = !_obscurePassword;

}); }, ), ),

obscureText: _obscurePassword,


44 | P a g e
SizedBox(height: 16.0),


onPressed: _isLoading ? null : _login,

child: _isLoading

? SizedBox(

width: 20.0,

height: 20.0,

child: CircularProgressIndicator(

valueColor: AlwaysStoppedAnimation<Color>(,

), )

: Text(

'Log In',

style: TextStyle(color:,


style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(

primary:, // Set your desired button color here

), ), ], ), ),

); }}

45 | P a g e

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