Risk Assesment

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Activity Risk Likelihood Conseq Initial Risk Controls Likelihood Consequence Residual risk

uence Risk rating


Barge access Person likely high extreme  Appropriate height unlikely medium moderate
and general overboard guardrails
operations  Use of AMSA
compliant gangway
 Crew to wear a
 Stand by rescue vessel
 Person overboard alert
 Wear appropriate
footwear and clothing
 Monitor weather
 Communication means
to raise the alarm
 Regularly practice
person overboard
 Lifebuoys in easily
accessible location
 Ladder installed on
 Means to recover person

Carriage of Structural likely catastro extreme  Don’t exceed maximum rare high moderate
deck cargo failure of phic load freeboard marks
and vessel;  Don’t exceed maximum
machinery overloading deck loading limits.
and loss of  Use dunnage for
stability concentrated deck loads
 Use fit for purpose
flooding; attachment points to
capsize secure deck cargo and
large machinery.
 Load to ensure even
heel and trim. Always
load according to
stability assessment.
 Regularly inspect and
maintain deck plating
and supporting
 Ensure all
hatches/openings are
 Regularly check bilges
and remove any water

Use of Loss of likely catastro extreme  Up to date stability rare high moderate
crane/lifting stability; phic assessment by
appliances accredited marine
crane failure surveyor
 Use a marine specific
 Ensure working load
limits are not exceeded
 Regular maintenance
according to
 Inspection according to
WHS regulations
 Appropriate crane
operator qualifications
 Standard operating
procedure for safe use of
 Use of a spotter
 Regularly check bilges
and remove water
 Ensure vessel is
according to stability
 Emergency stop button
for crane

Use of Falling possible high extreme  Perform the task from rare high moderate
crane/lifting objects land where practicable
appliances  Never lift or move
suspended loads over
 Ensure crane is secured
to the barge
 Ensure an appropriate
exclusion zone around
the load to be lifted
 Select appropriate
slinging methods and
lifting gear
 Standard operating
procedure for safe use of
crane including
communication between
crew and plant operator
 Use of qualified plant
operators and
 Regular maintenance
according to
instructions, including
all lifting slings and
 Consider the weather
conditions and swell or
wake from passing
 Wear appropriate PPE
such as head, eye, foot
and hand protection

Carriage of Explosion, possible catastro extreme  Adhere to state rare high moderate
dangerous environmental phic regulations for storage
goods pollution and separation of
dangerous goods
 Store engine fuel tanks
and compressed gas
tanks properly, away
from sources of ignition
 Only keep onboard
quantities of flammable
and combustible
materials necessary for
operations and
 Post appropriate danger
 Appropriate and
serviced fire fighting
 Carry spill kits

Refuelling Fuel spill, possible high extreme  Re-fuel on land if rare medium moderate
equipment explosion possible
 Re-fuelling procedure
 Carry fuel spill kit and
emergency plan for fuel
 No hot work or smoking
on whilst re-fuelling

Confined Loss of possible high extreme  Follow Safe Work rare medium moderate
space entry consciousness Australia confined
spaces code of practice
Suffocation including forced air
ventilation, testing of
Fire/explosion atmosphere, use of gas
monitor, use of a sentry.
 Undertake confined
space entry training
 Implement a confined
space entry permit
 Identify and label all
confined spaces
 Have an emergency
rescue recovery plan
Towing Loss of possible high extreme  Remove any deck loads unlikely medium moderate
stability of that aren’t required.
towed barge,  Remove all fuel and
capsize other potential
contaminants prior to
Environment tow
spill  Ensure all deck loads
are properly secured and
located appropriately for
stability assessment.
 Consider effect of free
surface effect for any
liquids carried on
 Close all hatches and
empty bilges before tow
 Monitor weather
 Carry a spill kit

Towing Collision possible medium high  Assess the weather rare minor low
 Passage plan taking
identifying waterways
hazards, local traffic and
wind and tide
 Use appropriate
COLREG day shapes
and navigation lights
 Always maintain proper
 Good local knowledge
 Use AIS transponder

Towing Loss of Likely medium high  Use appropriate towage rare minor low
control of arrangements
towed  Know bollard pull
barge/breakag requirements
e of tow line  Use appropriately rated
tow lines and inspect
 Check weather forecast
and complete a passage
 Ensure the towing vessel
is appropriate for the
tow and has approvals to
conduct towing
 Ensure clear line of line
and communication
between master and
 Ensure appropriately
qualified crew on the
towing vessel
 Have an emergency
towing arrangement

Use of plant Fire possible medium high  Daily visual check of all rare minor low
and fuel/hydraulic pipes
machinery  Proper storage of fuel
 Separate storage of
flammable materials and
oily rags
 No smoking policy on
 Remote shut offs for
fuel and ventilation
 Serviced fire equipment
including deck hoses,
fire pumps
 Portable fire
extinguishers, fire
blankets and fire
 Practice emergency fire
plan regularly

Barge access Trips, falls likely medium high  Slip resistant deck unlikely minor low
and general surface
operations  Tidy workplace with
clear access and
 Suitable footwear
 Safe system for
collecting, storing and
disposing of excess and
waste materials
 First aid qualifications
and first aid kit

Breaking Collision, possible medium high  Use high strength lines rare medium moderate
loose while pollution and appropriate rated
moored mooring equipment
 Regularly check
mooring arrangements
 Monitor weather
forecast and risk of
flooding or tidal surges
 Utilise anchor drag
alarm technology
 Maintain a watch during
high-risk events

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