Static Heat Energy Balance Mathematical Model For An Iron Blast Furnace

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Static Heat Energy Balance Mathematical Model for an Iron Blast Furnace

Article in International Journal of Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy · October 2017
DOI: 10.11648/j.ijmpem.20170205.11


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Ayush Bhattacharya
VIT University


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International Journal of Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy
2017; 2(5): 57-67
doi: 10.11648/j.ijmpem.20170205.11

Static Heat Energy Balance Mathematical Model for an Iron

Blast Furnace
Ayush Bhattacharya1, *, Sadhasivam Muthusamy2
School of Mechanical Engineering, VIT University, Vellore, India
Blast Furnace Department, JSW Steel Ltd., Salem, India

Email address:
[email protected] (A. Bhattacharya)
Corresponding author

To cite this article:

Ayush Bhattacharya, Sadhasivam Muthusamy. Static Heat Energy Balance Mathematical Model for an Iron Blast Furnace. International
Journal of Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy. Vol. 2, No. 5, 2017, pp. 57-67. doi: 10.11648/j.ijmpem.20170205.11

Received: August 29, 2017; Accepted: September 11, 2017; Published: October 10, 2017

Abstract: In this study a static heat energy balance analysis has been carried out for an iron blast furnace. The objective of this
work is to provide a mathematical calculation model of the heat distributions for the various components of the blast furnace. The
model presented, is also indicative to the amount of excess fuel being charged. To prepare a proper heat balance, the first step is
to attain a proper mass balance calculation. To do so, each input and output materials has been analysed, and the respective
elemental compositions have been calculated. All major components and reactions of a blast furnace have been included in the
study. Each calculation has been done with sufficient details, to allow estimation of heat requirements, according to the working
conditions of a blast furnace.
Keywords: Blast Furnace, Heat Energy Balance, Blast Furnace Reactions, Blast Furnace Efficiency

A heat balance analysis for a continuous production blast

1. Introduction furnace was presented by [1]. The authors gave a simplified
Heat energy analysis is a very major study for the proper model to calculate heat distributions for various components
operation of a blast furnace. Heat balance is an account of the of the furnace. However, the authors did not provide any
input and output of heat in a process, which follows the first insight to the reactions occurring in the furnace. Also, no
law of thermodynamics. A proper heat balance not only helps sub-divisions to the calculations were shown. Taking [1] as
to predict the efficiency of a furnace, but to also eliminate any reference, the following study has been conducted to calculate
excessive fuel wastages. Reduced fuel requirement not only exact heat distributions of each input and output component of
reduces production costs, but more importantly saves a the furnace, in detail. Various standard textbooks [2-5], and
portion of our rapidly depleting natural resources. To get a papers [11-14] have been referred to get an in-depth insight
proper heat balance, a proper material balance is a necessity. A into the factors which should be taken into consideration, and
material balance is simply an account of input and output of the reactions taking place in the different regions of the
mass, governed by the law of conservation of mass. A proper furnace. The standard enthalpy of formation of compounds
material balance will provide accurate quantitative values, data has been taken from [6], the enthalpy data of elements
thereby simplifying calculations in each step of the heat and compounds at high temperatures has been taken from [7]
balance. Besides this, a detailed study of each input and output and the heat of solution data has been taken from [8].
components of the blast furnace has to be carried out, which Composition analysis of all materials has been carried out
includes: 1. Fuel Supplied; 2. Combustion Air or Hot Blast; 3. using XRF analysis, and BF gas analysis has been carried out
Blast Furnace Reactions; 4. Hot Metal; 5. Volatile Matter in using Orsat absorption method.
Input Materials; 6. Moisture in Input Materials; 7. Blast
Furnace Gas; 8. Dust Collected; 9. Blast Furnace Slag; 10. 2. Working of a Blast Furnace
Cooling Water Supplied; 11. Other Heat Losses (Heat Loss
through the tuyeres, Conduction, Convection, Radiation etc.). A blast furnace is a huge, steel rack lined with refractory
58 Ayush Bhattacharya and Sadhasivam Muthusamy: Static Heat Energy Balance
Mathematical Model for an Iron Blast Furnace

bricks, which is used to convert iron oxide into pig iron. The again reacts with excess C, to produce CO gas. This hot gas
blast furnace is an example of a counter current reactor where then moves upwards in the furnace reducing the iron oxides
solids descend and gasses ascend. The fuel (coke, coal, nut and the other input materials. Other than reduction by CO gas
coke) and other raw materials (iron ore, sinter, dunite, (Indirect Reduction), other reducing processes are reduction
dolomite, quartzite) are weighed, and charged into the furnace by C (Direct Reduction) and reduction by H₂. Dunite,
from the top. dolomite and quartzite are slag producing agents, which
Coke is a mixture of coals, crushed and then heated to produce slag along with iron ore impurities such as alumina
remove most of the volatile matter. Coke has higher calorific and silica, and help in the removal of elements like sulphur
values due to the presence of more carbon content. Nut coke is and phosphorus. The raw materials require around 6 to 8 hours
smaller in size and has a lesser calorific value than coke. Sinter to descend to the bottom of the furnace, as the final products:
is produced by agglomerating iron ore fines with other plant hot metal and slag. The hot metal and slag flow out of the blast
wastages, having some iron percentages, such as screened furnace through the tapping hole. The hot metal flows through
sinter fines, flue dust and sludge from the blast furnace, and the runner and is collected in the ladles. The slag having a
scales from mills. Limestone and dolomite are added to lesser density than that of the hot metal, separates out from the
maintain the required basicity of sinter. Coke fines are used in hot metal, as the slag runner is placed in a different direction.
the coke oven plant, to heat the iron ore fines along with the The slag is granulated by sprinkling water over it and later sent
flux material, to form lumps of sinter. The iron ore is found in to cement factories, where it used as a raw material. During
mainly two forms, Hematite (Fe₂O₃) and Magnetite (Fe₃O₄). reactions, various other gases are produced at various levels
Air is collected from the atmosphere and heated to 1200°C inside the furnace. These gases leave the furnace and is known
with the help of giant hot blast stoves. From the stoves the hot as Blast Furnace Gas (BF Gas). The BF gas carries small
combustion air is given sufficient oxygen enrichment, and particulate matter (dust), which are removed by passing the
supplied into the furnace at high pressure, through the tuyeres, gas through the Dust Catcher and then the Gas Cleaning Plant
as hot blast. The coke descends to the bottom of the furnace (GCP). The BF Gas carries significant amount of energy, and
and is ignited by the hot combustion air blast. The coke reacts after removal of dust, is reused in various areas of the plant.
to produce CO₂ and heat, raising temperatures of the The dust collected in the Dust Catcher and GCP is used as a
combustion region to around 1900°C. The wustite ore, having raw material for sinter. Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of
a high melting point, melts in this region. The CO₂ produced a blast furnace plant.

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of Blast Furnace Plant [2].

International Journal of Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy 2017; 2(5): 57-67 59

3. Heat Balance Calculations

Figure 2. Heat Energy Flow Diagram.

All data for the study has been taken from the month of each batch, on arrival. These fuel analysis values have been
April 2017. A heat energy flow diagram is shown in Figure 2 taken for the fuel used in the month of April, 2017.
for a demonstration of the calculations. (-) sign indicates Quantity of Coke Consumed= 381 Kg/THM
components which release heat, whereas (+) sign indicates Calorific Value of Coke= 7020 Kcal/Kg
heat absorbing components. Quantity of Coal Consumed= 130 Kg/THM
Hot Metal Production in April 2017= 48411 Tons Calorific Value of Coal= 5605 Kcal/Kg
Quantity of Nut Coke Consumed= 19 Kg/THM
3.1. Fuel Analysis Calorific Value of Nut Coke= 6850 Kcal/Kg
The calorific values of coke, coal and nut coke are tested for
Energy Generated from Coke Combustion (A1) = 381 Kg/THM * 7020 Kcal/Kg
= 2674620 Kcal/THM
Energy Generated from Coal Combustion (A2) = 130 Kg/THM * 5605 Kcal/Kg
= 728650 Kcal/THM
Energy Generated from Nut Coke Combustion (A3) = 19 Kg/THM * 6850 Kcal/Kg
= 130150 Kcal/THM
Total Energy Generated from Fuel Input = A1+ A2+ A3
= 3533420 Kcal/THM (-)
3.2. Combustion Air or Hot Blast Analysis

Volume of Moist Blast= 1181 m³/THM

It is taken that atmospheric air contains 21% Oxygen (O₂) and 79% Nitrogen (N₂). Also, 15 gm moisture is considered to be
present per m³ of atmospheric air.
Quantity of H₂O in Moist Blast = 15 gm/m³*1181m³/THM
= 17715 gm/THM
= 984 moles/THM
= 21 m³/THM
Volume of Dry Blast= 1181 m³/THM - 21 m³/THM
= 1160 m³/THM
Steam is supplied to the combustion air at 21 gm/m³.
Total Volume of H₂O in combustion air = 21 gm/m³*1181m³/THM + 17715 gm/THM
= 42516 gm/THM
=2362 moles/THM
Oxygen Enrichment of 2.39% is given to the combustion air.
60 Ayush Bhattacharya and Sadhasivam Muthusamy: Static Heat Energy Balance
Mathematical Model for an Iron Blast Furnace

Volume of O₂ Enrichment given= 0.0239 * 1181 m³/THM

= 28 m³/THM
Total Volume of O₂ in combustion air= 244 m³/THM + 28 m³/THM
= 272 m³/THM
= 388576 gm/THM
= 12143 moles/THM
Total Volume of N₂ in combustion air= 916 Nm³/THM
= 1145508 gm/THM
= 40911 moles/THM
The complete combustion air composition results are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Combustion Air Composition Analysis.

Element H₂O O₂ N₂
m³/THM 53 272 916
Moles/THM 2362 12143 40911

Latent Heat of H₂O (Liquid → Gas) (B1) = 42.5 Kg/THM * 540 Kcal/Kg
= 22950 Kcal/THM
Sensible Heat of H₂O (298K → 1473K) (B2) = 2362 moles/THM * 11.14 Kcal/moles
= 26313 Kcal/THM
Sensible Heat of O₂ (B3) = 12143 moles/THM* 9.37 Kcal/moles
= 113780 Kcal/THM
Sensible Heat of N₂ (B4) = 40911 moles/THM * 8.93 Kcal/moles
= 365335 Kcal/THM
Total Heat of all combustion air constituents = B1 + B2 + B3 + B4
= 528378 Kcal/THM (-)
3.3. Composition Analysis

For simplicity in calculations, it has been assumed the input iron ore to be only in the form of Hematite (Fe₂O₃). The
percentage compositions of the various input materials are studied using XRF analysis, which is carried out for every batch of
input materials, on arrival. The values are of that input materials, used in the month of April 2017. Only the percentage
composition of the elements, taken into consideration for this study, has been shown.

3.3.1. Iron Ore

Total Quantity Used= 28118 Tons
Moisture Content= 2.1% = 603 Tons = 12.46 Kg/THM = 692 moles/THM
Dry Weight= 27572 Tons
The iron ore composition analysis results is shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Iron Ore Composition Analysis.

Element C Fe₂O₃ SiO₂ P₂O₅ MnO TiO₂ Al₂O₃

% 3.35 89.4 3.57 0.025 0.55 0.16 2.24
Kg/THM 19.45 509.11 14.73 0.66 2.62 0.93 13.01
Moles/THM 1621.45 3182 245.58 4.68 37 11.62 127.55

3.3.2. Sinter
Total Quantity Used= 53101 Tons
The sinter composition analysis results is shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Sinter Composition Analysis.

Element Fe₂O₃ FeO SiO₂ CaO MgO P₂O₅ MnO TiO₂ Al₂O₃
% 66.28 10.23 3.57 11 2.26 0.037 0.35 0.16 2.65
Kg/THM 707.04 113.11 40.08 112.14 28.8 1.86 3.27 1.76 29.72
Moles/THM 4419 1571 668 2002.5 720 13.09 46 22 291.42

3.3.3. Dunite
Total Quantity Used= 1232 Tons
Moisture Content = 2.5% = 31 Tons = 0.64 Kg/THM =35.35 moles/THM
International Journal of Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy 2017; 2(5): 57-67 61

Dry Weight= 1201 Tons

The dunite composition analysis results is shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Dunite Composition Analysis.

Element Fe₂O₃ CaCO₃ MgCO₃ SiO₂ Al₂O₃

% 4.5 0.88 44.36 36.25 0.98
Kg/THM 1.12 0.22 11.34 9 0.24
Moles/THM 7 2.18 135 150 2.38

3.3.4. Dolomite
Total Quantity Used= 324 Tons
Moisture Content= 0%
The dolomite composition analysis results is shown in Table 5.

Table 5. Dolomite Composition Analysis.

Element CaCO₃ MgCO₃ SiO₂

% 43.62 33.6 12.4
Kg/THM 2.92 2.25 0.83
Moles/THM 29.2 26.85 13.77

3.3.5. Quartzite
Total Quantity Used= 238 Tons
Moisture Content= 2.5% = 6 Tons = 6.83 Moles/THM
Dry Weight= 232 Tons
The quartzite composition analysis results is shown in Table 6.

Table 6. Quartzite Composition Analysis.

Element SiO₂ Al₂O₃

% 98 0.3
Kg/THM 4.68 0.01
Moles/THM 78 0.14

3.3.6. Coke
Total Quantity Used= 18445 Tons
Moisture Content= 221 Tons =1.2% =4.57 Kg/THM =254 moles/THM
Dry Weight= 18224 Tons
The coke and coke ash composition analysis results are shown in Table 7 and Table 8 respectively.

Table 7. Coke Composition Analysis.

Substance Carbon Ash Inherent H₂O

% 86.7 12.35 0.95
Quantity (Tons) 15800 = 27198 moles/THM 2251 173 = 199 moles/THM

Table 8. Coke Ash Composition Analysis.

Element SiO₂ Fe₂O₃ CaO MgO MnO TiO₂ P₂O₅ Al₂O₃

% 53.54 10.21 5.8 1.76 0.23 1.48 1.37 23.13
Kg/THM 24.9 4.8 2.68 1.62 0.11 0.69 0.64 14.79
Moles/THM 415 30 48 40.46 1.5 8.6 4.5 145

3.3.7. Coal
Total Quantity Used= 6301 Tons
Moisture Content= 8% = 504 Tons= 10.41 Kg/THM = 578.38 moles/THM
The coal and coal ash composition analysis results are shown in Table 9 and Table 10 respectively.

Table 9. Coal Composition Analysis.

Substance Carbon Volatile Matter Ash Inherent H₂O

% 69.22 19.47 10.11 1.2
Quantity (Tons) 4361.55 = 7507.85 moles/THM 1227 = 25.34 Kg/THM 637 75.61 = 86.77 moles/THM
62 Ayush Bhattacharya and Sadhasivam Muthusamy: Static Heat Energy Balance
Mathematical Model for an Iron Blast Furnace

Table 10. Coal Ash Composition Analysis.

Element SiO₂ Fe₂O₃ CaO MgO MnO TiO₂ P₂O₅ Al₂O₃

% 43.04 6.69 5.96 1.31 0.04 1.28 1.17 35.89
Kg/THM 48.22 8.71 7.76 2.5 0.05 1.66 0.87 8.8
Moles/THM 803.65 54.42 138.52 62.63 0.73 20.82 6.12 86.29

3.3.8. Nut Coke

Total Quantity Used= 985 Tons
Moisture Content= 8% =83 Tons =1.71 Kg/THM =95.24 moles/THM
Dry Weight= 902 Tons
The nut coke and nut coke ash composition analysis results are shown in Table 11 and Table 12 respectively.

Table 11. Nut Coke Composition Analysis.

Substance Carbon Ash Inherent H₂O

% 86.7 12.35 0.95
Quantity (Tons) 782 = 1346.11 moles/THM 111.4=2.3 Kg/THM 8.6 = 9.83 moles/THM

Table 12. Nut Coke Ash Composition Analysis.

Element SiO₂ Fe₂O₃ CaO MgO MnO TiO₂ P₂O₅ Al₂O₃

% 53.54 10.21 5.8 1.76 0.23 1.48 1.37 23.13
Kg/THM 1.83 0.23 0.13 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.03 2.36
Moles/THM 30.46 1.47 2.38 1.01 0.7 0.42 0.22 5.21

3.4. Hot Metal Analysis

Temperature of Hot Metal= 1464°C = 1737 K

The hot metal composition analysis results is shown in Table 13.

Table 13. Hot Metal Composition Analysis.

Element Si Mn P Ti C
% 0.61 0.42 0.162 0.065 4.42
Kg/THM 6.1 4.2 1.62 0.65 44.2
Moles/THM 218 76.36 52.26 13.54 3684

3.4.1. Silicon
Quantity of Si in Hot Metal= 218 moles/THM
Sensible Heat of Si in Hot Metal (C1) = 218 moles/THM * 21 Kcal/moles
= 4578 Kcal/moles
Heat of Solution of Si (C2) = 218 moles/THM * - 28.5 Kcal/mole
= - 6213 Kcal/mole
3.4.2. Manganese
Quantity of Mn in Hot Metal = 76.36 moles/THM
Sensible Heat of Mn in Hot Metal (C3) = 76.36 moles/THM * 17.89 Kcal/mole
= 1366.08 Kcal/THM
Heat of Solution of Mn (C4) = 76.36 moles/THM * 1.2 Kcal/mole
= 91.63 Kcal/THM

3.4.3. Phosphorus
Quantity of P in Hot Metal = 52.26 moles/THM
= 26.13 moles/THM {2P→P₂}
Sensible Heat of P in Hot Metal (C5) = 26.13 moles/THM * 46.266 Kcal/mole
= 1209 Kcal/THM
Heat of Solution of P (C6) = 26.13 moles/THM * - 29.2 Kcal/mole
= - 763 Kcal/mole
3.4.4. Titanium
Quantity of Ti in Hot Metal = 13.54 moles/THM
Sensible Heat of Ti in Hot Metal (C7) = 13.54 moles/THM * 11.38 Kcal/mole
= 154.08 Kcal/THM
International Journal of Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy 2017; 2(5): 57-67 63

Heat of Solution of Ti (C8) = 13.54 moles/THM * -13.35 Kcal/mole

= - 180.76 Kcal/THM
3.4.5. Carbon
Quantity of C in Hot Metal = 3684 moles/THM
Sensible Heat of C in Hot Metal (C9) = 3684 moles/THM * 8.84 Kcal/mole
= 32566.56 Kcal/THM
Heat of Solution of C (C10) = 3684 moles/THM * 7.645 Kcal/mole
= 28164.18 Kcal/mole
The carbon entering into the hot metal, enters as elemental carbon. As it is considered all carbon to be undergoing oxidation in
the furnace, the reversible reaction is taken to indicate the release back of elemental carbon.
CO₂ → C + O₂ ∆H Reaction = 94.14 Kcal/mole
Latent Heat of Elemental Carbon (C11) = 3684 moles/THM * 94.14 Kcal/mole
= 346811.76 Kcal/mole
3.4.6. Iron
Quantity of Fe in Hot Metal= 941.752 Kg/THM
= 16817 moles/THM
Sensible Heat of Fe in Hot Metal (C12) = 16817 moles/THM * 17.171 Kcal/mole
= 288764.71 Kcal/THM
Heat of Solution of Fe= 16817 moles/THM * 0 Cal/mole
Total Heat of all elements in Hot Metal =C1+C2+C3+C4+C5+C6+C7+C8+C9+C10+C11+C12
= 696730 Kcal/THM (+)

3.5. Volatile Matter

Assuming all volatile matter to be phenol. [4]

Heat Capacity of Phenol= 122 Kcal/Kg
Heat of vaporization of coal volatile matter = 25.34 Kg/THM * 122 Kcal/Kg
= 3091.48 Kcal/THM (+)
3.6. Moisture in Input Materials

Total Moisture content in all input materials = 1662 moles/THM

= 30 Kg/THM
Sensible Heat absorbed by moisture (E1) = 1662 moles/THM * 1.353 Kcal/mole
= 2249 Kcal/THM
Latent Heat of Evaporation of Water = 540 Kcal/Kg
Heat Lost in evaporation of moisture (E2) = 30 Kg/THM * 540 Kcal/Kg
= 16200 Kcal/THM
Total Heat Lost in evaporation of moisture = E1 + E2
= 18449 Kcal/THM (+)
3.7. Blast Furnace Gas (BFG)

Quantity of BFG = 1702 m³/THM

Calorific Value of BFG= 870 Kcal/m³
Temperature of Blast Furnace Gas= 179°C = 452 K
The blast furnace gas composition analysis results is shown in Table 14.

Table 14. Blast Furnace Gas Composition Analysis.

Element CO CO₂ O₂ N₂ H₂
% 23.74 20.09 0.71 53.41 2.05
m³/THM 404 342 12 909 35
Moles/THM 18024 15257 536 40580 1564

Latent Heat of BFG = Quantity * Calorific Value

= 1702 Nm³/THM * 870 Kcal/Nm³
= 1480740 Kcal/THM (+)
64 Ayush Bhattacharya and Sadhasivam Muthusamy: Static Heat Energy Balance
Mathematical Model for an Iron Blast Furnace

Sensible Heat of CO (F1) = 18024 moles/THM * 1.07 Kcal/moles

= 19285.68 Kcal/THM
Sensible Heat of CO₂ (F2) = 15257 moles/THM * 1.51 Kcal/moles
= 23038.07 Kcal/THM
Sensible Heat of O₂ (F3) = 536 moles/THM * 1.11 Kcal/moles
= 594.96 Kcal/THM
Sensible Heat of N₂ (F4) = 40580 moles/THM * 1.09 Kcal/moles
= 44232.2 Kcal/THM
Sensible Heat of H₂ (F5) = 1564 moles/THM * 1.06 Kcal/moles
= 1657.84 Kcal/THM
Total Sensible Heat of all elements in BFG = F1 + F2 + F3 + F4 + F5
= 88809 Kcal/THM (+)
3.8. Dust Analysis

Dust Formation Temperature= 1400K

The dust formation temperature is taken as 1400 K as the reactants with the dust, undergo reaction only after reaching the
desired temperature. Also, dust is produced after a reaction, hence the calculation for sensible heat of dust will take into
consideration the temperature in which a reaction takes place. Other than the mentioned compounds, dust also contains nominal
amounts of MnO, TiO₂, P₂O₅. The heat effects of these compounds can be neglected. Table 15 shows the composition analysis
results for the dust collected in dust catcher, and Table 16 shows the composition dust analysis results for the dust collected in gas
cleaning plant.
3.8.1. Dust Catcher
Quantity of Dust Collected in Dust Catcher= 728 Tons

Table 15. Composition of Dust Collected in Dust Catcher.

Element C Fe₂O₃ SiO₂ Al₂O₃ CaO MgO

% 12.1 68.24 6.84 5.84 2.55 1.37
Kg/THM 1.82 10.25 1.04 0.88 0.38 0.23
Moles/THM 151.65 64.12 17.29 8.55 6.71 5.72

Sensible Heat of C (G1) = 151.65 moles/THM * 4.99 Kcal/mole

= 757 Kcal/THM
Sensible Heat of Fe₂O₃ (G2) = 64.12 moles/THM * 37.65 Kcal/mole
= 2414 Kcal/THM
Sensible Heat of SiO₂ (G3) = 17.29 moles/THM * 17.64 Kcal/mole
= 305 Kcal/THM
Sensible Heat of Al₂O₃ (G4) = 8.55 moles/THM * 30.8 Kcal/mole
= 263 Kcal/THM
Sensible Heat of CaO (G5) = 6.71 moles/THM * 13.43 Kcal/mole
= 90 Kcal/THM
Sensible Heat of MgO (G6) = 5.72 moles/THM * 12.57 Kcal/mole
= 72 Kcal/THM
Total Sensible Heat of Dust Collected in Dust Catcher (P8) = G1 + G2 + G3 + G4 + G5 + G6
= 3901 Kcal/THM
3.8.2. Gas Cleaning Plant
Quantity of Dust Collected= 478 Tons

Table 16. Composition of Dust Collected in Gas Cleansing Plant (GCP).

Element C Fe₂O₃ SiO₂ Al₂O₃ CaO MgO

% 23.48 52.66 7.62 6.03 2.5 2.22
Kg/THM 2.32 5.2 0.75 0.95 0.25 0.22
Moles/THM 193.2 32.5 12.51 5.92 4.41 5.48

Sensible Heat of C (G7) = 193.2 moles/THM * 4.99 Kcal/mole

= 964 Kcal/THM
Sensible Heat of Fe₂O₃ (G8) = 32.5 moles/THM * 37.65 Kcal/mole
= 1224 Kcal/THM
International Journal of Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy 2017; 2(5): 57-67 65

Sensible Heat of SiO₂ (G9) = 12.51 moles/THM * 17.64 Kcal/mole

= 221 Kcal/THM
Sensible Heat of Al₂O₃ (G10) = 5.92 moles/THM * 30.8 Kcal/mole
= 182 Kcal/THM
Sensible Heat of CaO (G11) = 4.41 moles/THM * 13.43 Kcal/mole
= 59 Kcal/THM
Sensible Heat of MgO (G12) = 5.48 moles/THM * 12.57 Kcal/mole
= 69 Kcal/THM
Total Sensible Heat of Dust Collected in GCP (P9) = G7 + G8 + G9 + G10 + G11 + G12
=2719 Kcal/THM
The dust comes out of the furnace in elemental form. As it is considered all carbon to be undergoing oxidation in the furnace, the
reversible reaction is taken to indicate the release back of elemental carbon.
CO₂(g) → C(s) + O₂(g) ∆H Reaction = 94.14 Kcal/mole
Latent Heat of Carbon Dust (P10) = (151.65 + 193.2 = 344.85) moles/THM * 94.14 Kcal/mole
= 32464 Kcal/THM (+)
Total Heat in Dust = P8 + P9 + P10
= 39084 Kcal/THM (+)
3.9. Cooling by Water

Quantity of Water Supplied= 17014.3 Kg/THM

Rise in Temperature of water= 10℃
Heat Capacity of Water= 1 Kcal/Kg℃
Heat carried away by water= Mass * Heat Capacity * Temperature Difference
= 170143 Kcal/THM (+)
3.10. Slag Analysis

Quantity of Slag Produced= 362.2 Kg/THM

The blast furnace slag composition analysis results is shown in Table 17.

Table 17. Slag Composition Analysis.

Element SiO₂ Al₂O₃ FeO CaO MgO TiO₂ MnO

% 33.36 18.57 0.73 34.53 9.32 0.91 0.83
Kg/THM 120.82 67.26 2.64 125.06 33.75 3.30 3
Moles/THM 2014 659 37 2233 844 41 42

The slag calculation is done taking reference from [1]. The values of [1] are selected, as the slag composition data is similar to that
produced in the blast furnace, taken in the study.
Heat produced during slag formation= 362.2 Kg/THM * 140 Kcal/Kg-slag
= 50708 Kcal/THM (-)
Sensible Heat of Blast Furnace Slag= 362.2 * [(1561℃ * 0.2741 Kcal/Kg℃) – (25°C * 0.185 Kcal/Kg℃)]
= 153299 Kcal/THM (+)

3.11. Reactions

Table 18 shows the elements entering into the blast furnace for reactions, after excluding dust losses, carbon in hot metal and FeO in
slag. The mentioned elements have been excluded in beforehand for more accuracy in results. The amounts excluded are taken from
the respective composition sheets.

Table 18. Elements Entering the Blast Furnace for Reactions after Excluding Dust Losses, Carbon in Hot Metal and FeO in Slag.

Elements Fe₂O₃ FeO C CaCO₃ CaO MgCO₃ MgO

Moles/THM 7624 1534 33611 31 2202 162 856
Elements SiO₂ MnO P₂O₅ TiO₂ H₂O O₂ Al₂O₃
Moles/THM 2232 118 31 67 2677 11607 659

The enthalpies of reactions, as shown in Table 19, are calculated according to the temperature in which the reaction takes place, by
applying Kirchoff’s equation (1).
(∆HReaction)T2 = (∆HReaction)T1 + [∑ (∆HT2 - ∆HT1)Products - ∑ (∆HT2 - ∆HT1)Reactants] (1)
66 Ayush Bhattacharya and Sadhasivam Muthusamy: Static Heat Energy Balance
Mathematical Model for an Iron Blast Furnace

where, T2 is the temperature at which the reaction takes place and T1 is the standard temperature of 298K. Figure 3 shows the different
temperature zones in a blast furnace.

Figure 3. Temperature Zones in a Blast Furnace.

The CO produced, for the reduction of ores, is produced by the combustion of fuels at 1700 K.
2C(s) (23214) + O₂(g) (11607) → 2CO(g) (23214)

The values in brackets is the number of moles of the substance undergoing reaction according to the mass balance shown in
Table 18.
After performing various calculations, the reduction percentages are taken to be 60% Indirect Type (CO) Reduction, 35%
Direct Type (C) and 5% reduction by Hydrogen (H₂), as this yields the most accurate results, as shown in Table 19. These
percentages vary according to the operating conditions of the furnace. The percentages can be estimated by taking into
consideration the BF Gas analysis.

Table 19. Blast Furnace Reactions and Enthalpy.

Reactions (Value in brackets indicate number of moles) Temperature (K) ∆H Reaction (Kcal/mole) Total ∆H (Kcal)
C(s) (2677) + H₂O(g) (2677) → CO(g) (2677) + H₂(g) (2677) 1700 +32.1 +85931.7
3Fe₂O₃(s) (4574) + CO(g) (1525) → 2Fe₃O₄(s) (3049) + CO₂(g) (1525) 1000 -12.47 -19012.59
Fe₃O₄(s) (3049) + CO(g) (3049) → 3FeO(s) (9147) + CO₂(g) (3049) 1200 +4.585 +13979.66
FeO(s) (9147 + 921 = 10068) + CO(g) (10068) → Fe(s) (10068) +CO₂(g) (10068) 1200 -3.85 -38761.8
3Fe₂O₃(s) (2668) + C(s) (889) → 2Fe₃O₄(s) (1179) + CO(g) (889) 1400 +26.95 +23967.53
Fe₃O₄(s) (1179) + C(s) (1179) → 3FeO(s) (3537) + CO(g) (1179) 1400 +44.43 +52383
FeO(s) (3537 + 537 = 4074) + C(s) (4074) → Fe(s) (4074) +CO(g) (4074) 1700 +27.48 +111953.5
3Fe₂O₃(s) (381) + H₂(g) (127) → 2Fe₃O₄(s) (254) + H₂O(g) (127) 1200 -46 -5842
Fe₃O₄(s) (254) + H₂(g) (254) → 3FeO(s) (762) + H₂O(g) (254) 1200 +12.45 +3162.3
FeO(s) (762 + 76 = 838) + H₂(g) (838) → Fe(s) (838) + H₂O(g) (838) 1300 +3.73 +3126
CaCO₃(s) (31)→ CaO(s) (31) + CO₂(g) (31) 1200 +39.42 +1222.02
MgCO₃(s) (162) → MgO(s) (162) + CO₂(g) (162) 700 +27 +4374
P₂O₅(s) (26) + 5C(s) (130) → 2P(s) (52) + 5CO(g) (130) 1700 +206 +5356
TiO₂(s) (13) + 2C(s) (26) → Ti(s) (13) + 2CO(g) (26) 1700 +129.36 +1681.68
MnO(s) (76) + C(s) (76) → Mn(s) (76) + CO(g) (76) 1700 +69.33 +5269.08
SiO₂(s) (218) +2C(s) (436) → Si(s) (218) + 2CO(g) (436) 1700 +158.89 +34638.02
CO(g) (1219) + H₂O(g) (1219) → CO₂(g) (1219) + H₂(g) (1219) 1000 -8.33 -20350.19
C(s) (910) + CO₂(g) (910) → 2CO(s) (1820) --------------------------------- (X) 1300 +40.05 +36445.5
Fe(s) (16780) → Fe(l) (16780) 1800 +3.56 +59737
∑ Summation of Enthalpies +359261

Reaction X is the mass balancing equation to balance the Moles produced in the BF according to calculations:
excess C supplied (excess fuel). CO = 18660; CO₂ = 15144
International Journal of Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy 2017; 2(5): 57-67 67

But the moles leaving the furnace in BF Gas: output component, taken in the study, would help to alter the
CO = 18024; CO₂ = 15257 quantity of supply of any component, for improving the
Difference in moles of CO =18660 – 18024 =636 (Excess) efficiency. From the above calculations, one can account for
Difference in moles of CO₂=15144 – 15257 =113 (Less) approximately 73% of the heat supplied [Table 20]. This result
This difference in the number of moles can be explained is in accordance with the literature of heat energy balance for a
due to the other reactions taking place inside the furnace. It blast furnace [3-5]. The remaining 27% can be explained as
can be said that 113 moles of CO are reducing some other other heat losses taking place in the tuyere region [9-10],
oxides (other than those taken in this study) to produce 113 conduction, convection, radiation etc.
moles of CO₂. Hence CO₂ balance will then be achieved.
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