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Estimating Carbon Stocks in Sub Tropical 3

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Pak. J. Agri. Sci., Vol.

46(4), 2009
ISSN (Print) 0552-9034, ISSN (Online) 2076-0906


Syed Moazzam Nizami1, Sarwat N. Mirza1, Stephen Livesley2, Stefan Arndt2, Julian C. Fox2,
Irshad A.Khan1* and Tariq Mahmood3
Dept. of Forestry & Range Management, PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi
Dept. of Forest & Ecosystem Science, The University of Melbourne, Richmond VIC 3121, Australia
Dept. of Environmental Sciences, PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi
*Corresponding author’s e-mail: [email protected]

The study estimated the carbon stocks (t/ha) of the native sub tropical pine (Pinus roxburghii) forests of Pakistan.
Vegetation and soil carbon stocks were assessed in two forest sites of sub-tropical pine forests (Ghoragali, 1729
ha and Lehterar, 1254 ha). Overall, 76 plots of 1 ha each were established between 2006-08, representing a
sampling intensity of 2.5% of the total forest area. In each 1 ha plot, overstorey tree diameters at breast height
and tree heights were measured. Soil samples (composite n=5) were collected at 0-15 and 15-30 cm depths in
each 1 ha plot. Stem biomass was calculated from measured stem diameter, height, standard taper functions and
wood density estimates. Total above and below-ground tree biomass was calculated using appropriate biomass
expansion factors from the scientific literature to predict branch, foliage and root biomass. Soil carbon (0-30 cm)
was calculated by using Walkey-Black organic carbon concentrations multiplied by mean soil bulk density
measurements. The study revealed that overall (Vegetation + Soils) C_ Stocks (t/ha) in both the forest
ecosystems of Ghoragali and Lehterar forests were 126 +2.94 and 99 + 1.58 t/ha respectively.
Keywords: Sub tropical forest, carbon stocks, tree biomass, soil carbon

INTRODUCTION The amount of C stored in plant biomass globally

exceeds that of atmospheric CO2, and nearly 90% of
Of all terrestrial ecosystems, forests contain the largest the plant biomass C is stored in tree biomass. This
store of C (IPCC 2001; Schlesinger 1997; SCOPE emphasizes the importance of forest ecosystems in the
1984). Worldwide, forests cover 4x106 ha (30% of land global carbon cycle and the necessity to accurately
area) and, relative to non-woody vegetation, have a evaluate the amount of C stored in forest ecosystems
large biomass per unit area of land (FAO, 2005). The (Körner, 2006).The importance of forest conservation
main C pools in forests are plant biomass (above- and and new afforestations are recognised within the Kyoto
below-ground), coarse woody debris, litter and soil
Protocol and other voluntary and regulated carbon
(containing organic and inorganic C; IPCC 2003;
Richards and Evans 2004). These C pools continue to trading mechanisms. To meet the requirements of
increase over the life cycle of a forest towards a state these carbon markets, reliable, but cost efficient,
of equilibrium when respirational CO2 losses by plants means of estimating forest carbon pools and fluxes are
and soils and decomposition of biomass equals rate of needed. These have so far been lacking for Pakistan’s
growth (Acker et al., 2002; Smithwick et al., 2002). native and managed forest ecosystems. We quantified
Where forest growth is disturbed or the forest is the mean forest carbon stocks for two major forest
destroyed, CO2 and other greenhouse gases (i.e. types in Pakistan.
methane ‘CH4’, nitrous oxide ‘N2O’) are released back
into the atmosphere via respiration, combustion or MATERIALS AND METHODS
decomposition (IPCC 2003; Richards and Evans 2004;
Schlesinger 1997). The two forest sites are Ghoragali and Lehterar forest
The ability of forests to both sequester and emit sub divisions are located in the Murree hills (330 54'
greenhouse gases coupled with ongoing widespread
30" N and 730 26' 30" E).The forests of Ghoragali and
deforestation, has resulted in forests and land-use
change being included in the United Nations Lehterar (Murree Hills) receive 1140 mm rainfall/ year
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and are pure stands of Pinus roxburghii managed
and in the Kyoto Protocol (KYOTO, 1997; UNFCCC, under the ‘Shelter wood’ silvicultural system.

Nizami, Mirza, Livesley, Arndt, Fox, Ahmad and Mahmood

Tree biomass Soil carbon stocks

Forest inventories were conducted in the two forest Composite soil samples were collected at 0-15 and 15-
sites to determine the present growing stock. Sampling 30 cm depths from each inventory plot, using an auger.
was done using fixed area plots at sampling intensity of Soil carbon concentration (g C/g of soil) was
2.5% total forest area between 2005 and 2008. established using the Walkey-Black titration method.
Overall, 76 plots (each 1 ha) were inventoried. Stem Soil bulk density (t/m3) was determined for a sub-
biomass was determined by calculating stem volume sample of inventory plots using a 100 x 150 mm soil
(m3/ha.) and multiplying this by generic dry wood core (1178 cm3). Soil carbon stocks (t C/ha) in the
density (t/m3). The biomass (t/ha) of other tree upper 30 cm of soil was then established.
components (leaves, branches and roots) were Data collection for desired objectives were recorded
estimated from stem biomass using published Biomass using standard procedures (FAO, 2005) and analysed
Expansion Factors (BEF) for this tree species (Rana et statistically by using student t test.
al., 1989; Chaturvedi and Singh, 1982).
Vegetation carbon stocks
The calculations of the carbon sequestered as biomass Overall stem density of P. roxburghii in Ghoragali was
was done by multiplying the total biomass by 210 trees/ha. (having greater than 20cm dbh) and 668
conversion factor that represents the average carbon plants of regeneration having less than 20cm dbh)
content in biomass. It is not practically possible to which overall make 878 trees/ha. with mean basal area
separate different biomass components in order to 28.47 m2/ha (R2 =0.97). While in sub tropical pine
account for variations in carbon content as function of forests of Lehterar the stem density of trees having
the biomass component. Therefore, the co-efficient of more 20cm stem diameter were 148 tree/ha. (R2
0.50 for the conversion of biomass to C, (Brown and =0.93). The stem density of regeneration (trees less
Lugo, 1982; Roy et al., 2001; Malhi et al., 2004) was than 20cm dbh) was 628 trees/ ha with mean basal
used here for conversion from biomass to carbon area of 23.08 m2/ha. The overall stem density
stocks (t/ha) = 0.50 x Biomass (t/ha). This co-efficient (including regeneration of less than 20cm dbh) of
is widely used internationally, thus it has been applied P.roxburghii in Ghoragali and Lehterar is 878 and 776
in this study for calculation of total carbon in upper trees/ha, respectively, with a maximum stem diameter
storey vegetation of sub tropical pine forests of of 64 cm (Figure 1) which is within the expected range
Pakistan. of 700-1600 trees/ha between altitudes of 1300-1750m

Figure 1. The relationship between stem density (trees/ha) and stem diameter (cm) of Pinus roxburghii in
Ghoragali and Lehterar Forests of Pakistan

Carbon stocks in sub-tropical pine forests of Pakistan

(Surendra et al., 1994). The P. roxburghii stem density wood biomass (‘SWB’; i.e. kg ha-1) that are converted
of 575 trees has been determined by Rana et al. to stand-level estimates of above-ground tree biomass
(1989) in Himalayan forest of India at an altitudinal (‘AGTB’; i.e. including non-stem components) using
range of 1200-1800m. The stem density in both the expansion or conversion factors (AGO, 1998; Zianis et
forests decreased with increasing stem diameters and al., 2005).
the relationship between stem density and stem In this study tree stem biomass (t/ha) was calculated
diameter of P.roxburghii was best represented by a by multiplying wood density (t/m3) with stem volume
power function (Table 1). (m3/ha). A regression equation was developed for stem
Field measurement revealed that the average height of biomass as a function of basal area (m2/ha). The stem
P. roxburghii in Ghoragali and Lehterar forests biomass increasing with the increasing stem diameter.
increased with increasing stem diameter. The The relationship between stem biomass and basal
maximum height of P. roxburghii in Ghoragali and area was determined in each forest site. Regression
Lehterar forests was 34.64 and 31.08 m at the equations for stem biomass of dominant species in
maximum stem diameter of 64 cm. The relationship each forest site has shown more linear relationship (y0
between stem height and diameter of P. roxburghii + ax+ bx2) with stem diameter (Table 3).
showed a linear relationship in both forests (Table 2). The allocation of biomass to stem is greater in P.

Table 1. The relationships between stem density (trees/ ha) and stem diameter (cm) for Pinus roxburghii
in Ghoragali and Lehterar forests of Pakistan
Sr. No. Forest Species Relationship Type Equation R2
1 Ghoragali Pinus roxburghii Power Y= 409.14X-1.3736 0.97
2 Lehterar Pinus roxburghii Power Y= 330.54x -1.37 0.93

Table 2. Relationship between stem height (m) and stem diameter (cm) of Pinus roxburghii in the
Ghoragali and Lehterar forests of Pakistan
Sr. No. Forest Species Relationship Type Equation R2
1 Ghoragali Pinus roxburghii Linear Y= 0.9726(x)+ 5.0872 0.94
2 Lehterar Pinus roxburghii Linear Y= 0.9609(x)+3.523 0.96

Stem volume (m3 /ha) of P. roxburghii increased with roxburghii (63%) as compared to contribution of other
the increasing basal area (m2/ha). However on tree components like branches (11.57%), twigs
average basis the stem volume (m3/ha) in Pinus (3.38%), leaves (3.21%) and roots (18.5%) as given by
roxburghii was 243 m3 /ha. in Ghoragali at average Rana et al. (1989). In the forest of Ghoragali and
basal area of 30.38 m2/ha, while in Lehterar the Lehterar, the mean total tree biomass was 237 and
average stem volume was 197 m3/ha. at an average 186 t/ha (Table 4).
basal area of 26.11 m2 /ha (Figure 2). It should also be mentioned that most studies are
Biomass estimates of a forest sample are generally not concerned with evaluating forest biomass pools, not
directly measured. Instead, estimates for each tree are carbon pools. It has traditionally been assumed that
made and these are summed to give a total stand the carbon content of dry biomass of a tree was 50%
estimate (Zianis et al., 2005). The simplest way to (Brown and Lugo, 1982; Roy et al., 2001; Malhi et al.,
estimate above-ground biomass at the individual tree 2004), however it should be emphasized that wood
level is to use allometric equations. Allometric carbon fraction may exhibit some small variation (Elias
equations can be general or species-specific and can and Potvin, 2003). Assuming that carbon is 50% of dry
use diameter alone or diameter with height to produce biomass, the total carbon stocks in upper storey
biomass estimates of the whole-tree or of tree vegetation of sub tropical pine (P. roxburghii) forest is
components (Chave et al., 2005). By using one or two calculated as 119 t/ha in Ghoragali Forest and 93 t/ha
measurements, allometric equations offer a simple in Lehterar forests (Table 4). The total soil C stocks
approach to estimating tree biomass (Keith et al., were determined at depths of 0-30cm in both forest
2000; Lambert et al., 2005). An alternative to using sites and was found to be 7.40 and 6.24 t/ha at
allometric equations to produce estimates of individual Ghoragali and Lehterar respectively (Figure 3). Student
tree biomass, is to use stand-level estimates of stem t-test results showed (P < 0.05) significant variation in
means of C stocks between these two forests sites.

Nizami, Mirza, Livesley, Arndt, Fox, Ahmad and Mahmood

Figure 2. The relationship between stem volume (m3/ha) and basal area (m2/ha) of Pinus roxburghii in
Ghoragali and Lehterar Forests in Pakistan
Table 3. Regression equations of stem biomass of P. roxburghii in both the forests sites
Sr. No. Forest Sites Species Y0 a B R2
1 Lehterar Pinus roxburghii 22.99 0.7524 0.1194 0.98
2 Ghoragali Pinus roxburghii 8.464 2.05 5.65 0.98

Table 4. Calculation of above and below ground total carbon stocks (t/ha) in Ghoragali and Lehterar
Forests of Pakistan
Avg. basal Avg. stem Tree Avg. stem Total tree Total
Soil C Total C
Forest site area volume density biomass biomass tree C
(t/ha) (t/ha)
(m2/ha) (m3/ ha) (t/m3) (t/ha) (t/ha) (t/ha)
Ghoragali 30.38 243 0.617 149 237 119 7.40 126
Lehterar 26.11 197 0.617 117 186 93 6.24 99

Figure 3. Total C stocks (t C/ha) in plant biomass and soils of Pine (Pinus roxburghii) forests of Ghoragali
and Lehterar in Pakistan

Carbon stocks in sub-tropical pine forests of Pakistan

CONCLUSION Keith, H., D. Barrett and R. Keenan. 2000. Review of

Allometric Relationships for Woody Biomass for
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sites in sub tropical pine (P. roxburghii) forest is 126 + No. 5b, Australian Greenhouse Office, Canberra,
2.94 t/ha in Ghoragali and 99+1.58 t/ha in Lehterar ACT, Australia.
(Table 4). However, on the average basis sub tropical Körner, C. 2000. Biosphere Responses to CO2
Pine (P. roxburghii) Forest ecosystem is having 112.5+ Enrichment. Ecological Applications 10(6): 1590–
2.26 t/ha. of carbon which comprises of 94% from plant 1619.
material and 6% from topsoils. Körner, C. 2006. Plant CO2 responses: an issue of
definition, time and resource supply. New
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