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Electrical Power and Energy Systems 130 (2021) 106928

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International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems

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Solar PV stochastic hosting capacity in distribution networks considering

aleatory and epistemic uncertainties
Enock Mulenga *, Math H.J. Bollen , Nicholas Etherden
Luleå University of Technology, Sweden


Keywords: This paper proposes a stochastic method, ’’mixed aleatory-epistemic“, for estimating solar PV hosting capacity
Distributed power generation (HC) of low-voltage (LV) distribution networks. The approach treats the aleatory and epistemic uncertainties in a
Hosting capacity different way. The HC is estimated by applying the transfer impedance matrix, ’which is only calculated once’,
Monte Carlo methods
and the superposition principle to determine the voltage magnitude rise due to solar PV. By distinguishing be­
Solar power
tween aleatory and epistemic uncertainties, the calculations are limited to the relevant hours (time-of-day or
time-of-year) during which high solar PV production is expected. In this way, the random aleatory uncertainties
(background voltage, solar PV production, local consumption) are modelled by their probability distributions
during the selected time period. The distributions for the epistemic uncertainties (installed capacity per
customer, number of customers with solar PV, phase to which single-phase units are connected) are created with
simple models involving the interval value and possible occurrence. The stochastic approach proposed is applied
to three LV distribution networks to illustrate the method. The results show that both types of uncertainties affect
the HC. The need for distribution network planners to identify and distinguish between the types of uncertainties
is emphasised.

1. Introduction any of the uncertainties in the solar PV, loads or distribution network.
Examples of such uncertainties are; the solar power production, size,
The global solar photovoltaic (PV) installed power could reach 1.25 location, phase connection and customers’ power consumption.
TW by the end of 2023 [1]. Solar PV mounted on roof tops of houses, a Including these uncertainties requires stochastic or time-series methods
case of most low-voltage (LV) distribution networks, could reach 44 GW [8,9]. Time-series methods evaluate the influence of solar PV on the
and 76.5 GW with varying likelihoods [2]. The penetration of small to distribution network for up to several years with a specific time
medium units, in this paper defined between 1 and 43.5 kW, will also resolution.
increase in low-voltage (LV) distribution networks. The increase in solar Stochastic methods were applied to quantify the hosting capacity for
PV will result in several adverse impacts on electrical networks [3]. The distribution networks in [10–20], mainly considering the rise in voltage
penetration level at which the impacts become unacceptable is essential magnitude. The method was applied to three distribution networks
information for planning of LV distribution networks. The concept of a considering voltage and PV size up to 5 kWp in [10]. In [11] and [13],
quantifiable limit of acceptable solar PV penetration in LV distribution many distribution networks were studied covering a larger area and
networks termed ’the hosting capacity (HC)’ was used in [4] after being different distribution network characteristics. Performance indices for
introduced in [5]. overvoltage and thermal loading were used to quantify the hosting ca­
Different general approaches are available for the estimation of pacity. The hosting capacity, according to [14,15,21] is the value that
distribution network’s hosting capacity. A commonly used approach is results in a violation of at least one of the performance indices’ limits.
calculating one or more performance indices for cases without and with Also, because the location and PV size is unknown, the hosting capacity
solar PV [6,7]. The methods used to determine the hosting capacity should be considered as a random variable according to [20]. Other
include the deterministic, stochastic and time-series methods; an over­ phenomena considered include the voltage unbalance, voltage devia­
view of the methods is given in [8]. The deterministic method excludes tion, losses, harmonic distortion and reliability [21,22]. The voltage

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: enock.mulenga@ltu.se (E. Mulenga), math.bollen@ltu.se (M.H.J. Bollen), nicholas.etherden@ltu.se (N. Etherden).

Received 3 August 2020; Received in revised form 11 January 2021; Accepted 15 February 2021
Available online 17 March 2021
0142-0615/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
E. Mulenga et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 130 (2021) 106928

magnitude rise (overvoltage) is the parameter most often considered in capacity is during the relevant hours [9]. A study considering four-hour
hosting capacity methods [8,13,17]. sunny period around noon was done in [33] for estimating the hosting
The uncertainties included in [10–20] are solar irradiation, PV size, capacity. In [13], the hours between 11 am and 1 pm were considered
PV type, consumption, cloud cover (clear sky or shading inclusive) for a single-day comprehensive study on a distribution network (ToD) .
location of customers with PV and the phase connection for single-phase The studies in [11,13] only considered and proposed the ToD. In this
units. Uncertainties are part of many studies, within power engineering paper, the ToY is also proposed and considered for the stochastic
and other parts of engineering. They show up even in completely approach. The assumed days of interest considered in this study are the
different fields like management, investment decisions, occupational spring and summer months (21st March – 21st September) for the lo­
safety and fundamental physics [23–27]. When studying uncertainties in cations in the Northern hemisphere and with Sweden as an example. The
different fields, a distinction is often made between aleatory and period will be different on opposite hemispheres and for different places,
epistemic uncertainties [26–28]. The distinction between aleatory and as shown in [30–32].
epistemic uncertainties is determined by modelling choices [29]. The The influence of the combination of both aleatory and epistemic
significance of identifying and separating the two types of uncertainties uncertainties is studied for ToD and ToY in this paper. By limiting the
for system behaviour assessment and interpretation of the results was studied time-period, knowledge of the consumption, production and
also emphasised in [30]. The aleatory uncertainties are due to the distribution grid outside of this period is not needed to estimate the
variability or random nature, sometimes referred to as intermittency hosting capacity.
when it concerns solar power. The epistemic uncertainties are due to the The “uncertainty processing method” used in this paper is the Monte-
lack of knowledge or information about a variable. The two types of Carlo simulation, where random samples are generated of especially the
uncertainties are used in [31] and [32] for reliability assessment of aleatory uncertainties. The epistemic uncertainties are kept constant per
power systems. Epistemic uncertainties may introduce dependence simulation run and changed in steps. The main advantages of this
among random events, which may not be properly noted if modelled as method is, mathematically, it’s easy and flexible implementation and, in
random aleatory variables [29]. Both types of uncertainties impact the practice, that it does not require advanced mathematical knowledge to
future voltages in the grid; therefore both have to be considered in a interpret the results. Hosting capacity studies are aimed at being used by
stochastic hosting-capacity study. To obtain realistic results from prac­ planning personal with network operators. The approach is applicable to
tical hosting-capacity studies, data collection is essential. This holds planning decisions made by DSOs under different combinations
especially for stochastic and time-series methods, but they require involving the two types of uncertainties.
different data sets. Different data sets are also needed for each type of The paper’s main innovations and contributions are:
uncertainty [30,32]. For example, a survey may be conducted to
determine the number of customers (epistemic uncertainty) willing to • The development of stochastic hosting capacity approach. In the
install solar PV in future. However, the actual number of customers that approach, a planning risk (percentile) concept is introduced as
will install solar PV is not known. For aleatory uncertainties, measure­ complement to the use of performance limit used in deterministic
ments are needed. and time-series hosting capacity studies.
The studies that use a stochastic approach to hosting capacity do • Quantification and sensitivity analysis of the planning risk impact on
typically include uncertainties from both types [10–20]. However, none the hosting capacity
of the studies [10–20] makes a distinction between the two types of • A stochastic approach with a different way of treating the two types
uncertainties. There is a need to identify, recognise the differences and of uncertainties. This allows for a better interpretation of the results
suitably include them in a model. Besides, the identification of the two and it limits the amount of cases that have to be studied. We expect
types of uncertainties can assist in establishing additional data collection that separating between the two types of uncertainty will limit the
plans and model development for hosting-capacity studies. The amount of input data needed.
distinction between the two types of uncertainties provide transparency • A recommendation to identify and include the aleatory and epistemic
into which uncertainties can be further reduced [29]. The distinction is uncertainties in a stochastic model for hosting capacity estimation.
also important when interpreting the results; for example, to decide • The consideration of aleatory uncertainties’ impact for only the
about measures to increase the hosting capacity. relevant hours of the day (ToD) and the relevant time of the year
In this paper, a stochastic approach is proposed and applied for (ToY). The assessment is done in combination with the epistemic
estimating the hosting capacity for LV distribution networks. The sto­ uncertainties.
chastic approach is a mixed aleatory-epistemic method that encom­ • Application of the method to three existing low-voltage distribution
passes the two types of uncertainties, but in different ways. The set-up of networks and estimation of the hosting capacity for single-phase and
the two types of uncertainties in this paper is similar to the “second order three-phase solar PV units.
probability” and “two developed Monte Carlo” for reliability studies in
[31,32]. A two-dimensional approach is applied in [31,32], while a The remaining parts of the paper are organised as follows. Section 2
multi-dimensional is applied in this paper. The stochastic approach of this paper presents the proposed stochastic approach. Section 3 de­
proposed incorporates the two types of uncertainties to estimate the scribes the distribution networks used in this paper to illustrate the
hosting capacity. Following the approach in [33], the hosting capacity in method in Section 4. Section 4 also gives definitions of some of the
this paper is only estimated for the four relevant hours (for overvoltage) essential terms used. Sections 5 and 6 present the study results and
of the day for the months with solar PV production to reduce the number discussions. Finally, Section 7 gives conclusions from the results
of simulations needed. obtained.
The solar irradiance, responsible for power production, depends on
the position of the sun in the sky and the cloud cover [34–36]. It is also 2. Stochastic approach
shown in [34–36] that solar-power production has maximum values
around noon. The origin of the “time-of-day (ToD) and time-of-year The stochastic approach presented in this paper, treating aleatory
(ToY)” concepts applied in this paper emanates from the results pre­ and epistemic uncertainties in a different way, is used to obtain a
sented in [34–36]. The relevant hours of the day (ToD) have the highest probability distribution function (pdf) of the voltage magnitude rise due
likelihood for maximum solar PV production. The time-of-year (ToY) are to single-phase and three-phase solar PV. The basic underlying
the months when high solar PV power production from a unit can be assumption for the approach is that overvoltages due to solar PV will
expected. For example, solar PV production is present for the entire year first occur during the so-called sunny hours of the day and the year,
in Botswana and only for selected months in Sweden [36]. The hosting referred to here as ToD and ToY.

E. Mulenga et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 130 (2021) 106928

2.1. Overall approach and IPV (T)is the current injected at location-T. The impedance is
element ST of the transfer impedance matrix.
The approach considers the aleatory uncertainties, which are the The current shown in equation (1) follows the notation of an injected
solar PV production, customers’ minimum consumption and the back­ active power corresponding to a current along the positive real axis. The
ground voltage, during the ToD and ToY. The considered ToD (10 am – TI can also be obtained for the voltages and currents in the three phases
2 pm) for the approach is shown in Fig. 1: normalised solar PV pro­ and neutral, compared to a reference node by inverting the node
duction for a day in April and location in Northern Sweden. admittance matrix. The node admittance matrix is built from the low-
The basic underlying assumption makes that probability distribution voltage distribution network’s source, transformer, line and cable im­
functions for the aleatory uncertainties only have to be considered for pedances [37,38]. The distribution network load is not connected to the
the sunny hours (ToD and ToY). Details of the uncertainties, the way reference node but between any of the three phases and neutral or to the
they are modelled and values used are presented in Sections 2.3, 3.4 and three phases for three-phase loads. Considering two nodes (N1 andN2 )
4. each with three phases and neutral, TI is obtained from the above-
The total highest solar PV power production from an installed solar mentioned matrix by applying an equation linking different locations.
PV unit in a distribution network is expected during the cloudless sunny For example, the transfer impedance of the red phase-neutral at node-1
day (sunny-hours). What matters most for the risk of overvoltage during to red phase-neutral at node 2 of the voltages and currents between the
the ToD is the highest background voltage and lowest minimum con­ two nodes using the red, yellow and blue notation for a three-phase
sumption [37]. The largest voltage rise is also expected during the ToD system is calculated using equation (2) [37].
in the ToY shown in Fig. 1.
ZR1n1− = Z(NR2 , NR1 ) − Z(NR2 , Nn1 ) − Z(Nn1 , NR1 ) + Z(Nn2 , Nn1 ) (2)
The locations and number of customers that will install solar PV are R2n2

among the epistemic uncertainties. The ToD and ToY alone do not where ZR1n1− R2n2 is the transfer impedance between the two nodes, NR1 is
matter for the epistemic uncertainties. The epistemic uncertainties are the sending-end red-phase at node 1, NR2 is the receiving-end red-phase
independent of time, but still uncertain when the hosting-capacity at node 2, Nn1 is the sending-end neutral at node-1 and Nn2 is the
estimation is made. In this study, all possible locations for a particular receiving-end neutral node-2.
number of customers with solar PV are considered. Another epistemic Similar expressions exist for the other phases and nodes. The
uncertainty is the phase to which a single-phase solar PV unit is con­ impedance obtained for the three phases and neutral is a matrix of
nected. The overall approach flow chart is shown in Fig. 2. order4Ncust × 4Ncust , where Ncust is the number of customers in the dis­
The flow chart in Fig. 2 requires distribution network data as input to tribution network. The input impedance are modelled using the phase-
the voltage calculation and hosting capacity estimation. The hosting impedance (Zph ) and neutral impedance (Zn ) of the components
capacity calculated is the number of customers, considering all possible
[38,39]. The phase-impedance is the same for the three phases in a
locations that can be allowed to have solar PV in the distribution
three-core or four-core cable. The neutral impedance can be different for
network without resulting in an unacceptable probability of over­
three-core cables. There is a possibility to use a cable with a larger or
voltage. The exact definition of “unacceptable” overvoltage is the per­
smaller cross-sectional area for the neutral conductor.
formance index shown in Section 4. The probability includes the two
The addition of solar PV at a customer location-T causes a voltage
types of uncertainties during the relevant sunny hours of the year.
magnitude rise. Also, consumption impacts the voltage magnitude. The
’background voltage’ is the voltage obtained without any connection of
2.2. Background voltage and magnitude rise calculation power production nor consumption.
The installation of multiple solar PV units at other locations and the
The transfer impedance (TI) matrix connects the voltage magnitude consumption at other locations impact the voltage magnitude for a given
at a particular location (location-S) and the current injected at another customer. The total contribution is the superposition of the ’background
location (location-T) [37,38]. The connection between the voltage rise voltage’ {U0 (S)}and the voltage rise or drop due to all the individual
and the current injected by the PV is expressed by equation (1). installations, resulting in Equation (3).
ΔU(S) = Ztr (S, T)⋅IPV (T) (1) ∑N
U(S) = U0 (S) + T=1
Ztr (S, T) × {IPV (T) − Icons (T) } (3)
where Ztr (S, T)is the transfer impedance from location-T to location-S

Fig. 1. Solar PV normalised power production (In black) for a unit located in Northern Sweden for a day in April, the minimum customers’ power consumption (in
blue) and the hours considered (10 am – 2 pm in red) for the proposed approach.

E. Mulenga et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 130 (2021) 106928

Fig. 2. Voltage calculation and hosting capacity estimation overall proposed approach.

where Icons (T) is the current consumption at location-T and IPV (T) is location. The probability distribution, for a customer location, is the
current injection due to solar PV unit at location-T. distribution of the highest voltage at that location during cloudless and
sunny days (ToD and ToY). A random value of the voltage magnitude is
obtained from equation (3). The value on the right-hand-side of equa­
2.3. Probability distribution functions and uncertainties tion (3) is obtained by taking random samples for both uncertainties.
Details on how to obtain the hosting capacity, from the probability
A stochastic approach to hosting-capacity estimation has been distribution functions of the voltage, are shown in Section 4. The
introduced in the previous sections. The approach is based on calcu­ probability distribution functions used to model the aleatory un­
lating a probability distribution function of the voltage during the certainties in the study are:
relevant sunny hours of the year (ToD and ToY). A Monte-Carlo simu­
lation is used to obtain this distribution function, including both types of • The probability distribution functions of the maximum production
uncertainties. The number of customers with solar PV, the solar PV size, per installation, given the installed capacity.
type and phase connection (if single-phase) are the epistemic un­ • The probability distribution function of the lowest consumption per-
certainties. The background voltage, solar PV power production and the customer and per-phase.
minimum consumption are the aleatory uncertainties included. • The probability distribution function of the highest background
The Monte-Carlo simulation generates random voltage magnitude voltage during the ToD of the ToY. The distribution here is for the
values for each customer location. These values are used to obtain worse-case during the ToD of the ToY considered.
probability distribution functions; one function for each customer

E. Mulenga et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 130 (2021) 106928

The probability distribution functions (pdfs) for the aleatory un­ 3.1. 83-Customers distribution network
certainties used in this study are the rectangular or uniform distribution
[16,37,40]. Other pdfs can be used or characterised from data or mea­ The three-phase 83-customers’ low-voltage distribution network is a
surements. An important property of the aleatory uncertainties is that, suburban network located in Northern Sweden. The data for the network
despite being random, empirical information about their probability has been obtained from a Swedish network operator and it is actual data
distribution can still be obtained from measurements. The impact of of an existing distribution network. The network layout, cable types,
different pdfs as well as the characterisation of the probability distri­ lengths and number of customers (C) at each cable cabinet are shown in
bution functions (pdfs) used for aleatory uncertainties are beyond the Fig. 3.
scope of this paper. A brief method of obtaining the pdfs is described in A 500kVA, 10/0.4 kV, Dyn11 transformer with an impedance of
Section 6. 4.9% supplies power to the network in Fig. 3. The lengths of the service
The epistemic uncertainties in this study include solar PV size, cables between the customers and the cable cabinets are shown in
location and phase installation for single-phase units. It is generally not Table 1.
possible to obtain enough data either from past events or measurements The second column in Table 1 represents the number of customers
for epistemic uncertainties’ [31,32,41,42], but estimations may be made connected to the cable cabinet in the first column; the third column
using extrapolation of possible information. The following stochastic represents the customers’ cable lengths in meters (m). All customers are
models were used for the epistemic uncertainties:

• The PV size was considered fixed; calculations were repeated for Table 1
different PV sizes considering the ToD ratio for production (Section Number of customers (C) connected to cable cabinet (B2-B26) and lengths of
3.4). service cables.
• All customers were assumed to have the same probability of having Cable Cabinet Customers Customers’ Cable Lengths (m)
solar PV.
B2 4C 68.2 : 103.4 : 26.4 : 24.2
• The number of customers with solar PV was considered fixed; cal­ B3 6C 23.4 : 34.9 : 17.5 : 48.5 : 48.5 : 21.3
culations were repeated for different numbers of customers with B4 3C 20.8 : 31.5 : 8
solar PV (1 to N). As will be shown in Section 6 and 5, this is used to B5 1C 19
estimate the hosting capacity. B8 1C 23
B9 6C 23.3 : 34.9 : 17.5 : 48.5 : 48.5 : 21.3
• A single-phase installation has the same probability to be connected
B10 6C 30 : 45.8 : 24 : 37.8 : 47.8 : 16
to any of the three phases. B11 4C 48 : 28.3 : 45.8 : 32.7
B12 3C 34 : 64 : 18
3. Illustrative Low-Voltage distribution networks B13 6C 29.1 : 38.1 : 49.3 : 26.9 : 31.4 : 49.3
B14 3C 70.3 : 68.4 : 51.3
B15 4C 20.9 : 28.3 : 44.3 : 29.3
The stochastic approach is applied to three low-voltage distribution B17 5C 13.4 : 24.4 : 21.8 : 13.4 : 11
networks. Two networks with the three-phase connection of end- B18 6C 77.2 : 38.6 : 29.5 : 9.1 : 50 : 22.7
customers (Northern and Southern Sweden) and one with single-phase B19 4C 40.3 : 43.3 : 37.4 : 23
connected end-customers (IEEE low-voltage test network, originally a B20 5C 59 : 56.4 : 28.2 : 52 : 19.5
B21 3C 30.4 : 130 : 56.4
UK distribution network).
B22 3C 17 : 52 : 16.1
B24 4C 52.2 : 13 : 40.6 : 39.2
B25 2C 14 : 12
B26 4C 63.1 : 24.6 : 20 : 49.3

Fig. 3. 83-Customers’ low-voltage distribution network layout showing the supply network, transformer, and number of customers at cable cabinets (C), cable types
and lengths.

E. Mulenga et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 130 (2021) 106928

connected to the cable cabinets with EKKJ-10/10 cable. values. Oversizing of the solar PV units is not assumed in the study.

3.2. 38-Customers distribution network 4. Hosting capacity Calculation, performance index and limit

The three-phase 38-customers’ low-voltage distribution network is a The hosting capacity in this study is defined as the number of cus­
rural network located in Southern Sweden. The network has 38 cus­ tomers in a low-voltage distribution network that can have solar PV
tomers. The data for the network has been obtained from a Swedish installed before the probability of the overvoltage limit being exceeded
network operator and it is actual data of an existing distribution becomes unacceptable. The stochastic approach gives the probability
network. The network layout, cable type, length and number of cus­ distributions for the customers’ voltage magnitude after connection of
tomers at each cable cabinet are shown in Fig. 3. The distribution solar PV units. Obtaining the hosting capacity requires a performance
network in Fig. 4 is supplied through a 500 kVA transformer (10/0.4 kV, index and a performance limit. In this paper, a high percentile of the
Dyn11, 4.33%). The customers’ cable lengths and additional network probability distribution of the voltage magnitude is used as performance
details are given in [43]. index. Distribution network operators apply stricter internal planning
levels for the permissible voltage rise, 105% of the nominal voltage, for
example. In this approach, the 110% overvoltage limit, in the EN50160
3.3. 55-Customers distribution network
standard, is used as a performance limit.
A planning level is applied in the form of a percentile value of the
The 55-customers’ low-voltage distribution network is located in the
obtained customers’ voltage distribution. The percentile applied also
UK and is an IEEE European low-voltage test feeder. The network has 55
illustrates the planning level a distribution network operator is willing to
customers, supplied through a single-phase connection from a four-wire
take or make. In the calculation, a 90th percentile of the obtained cus­
three-phase distribution system [44]. The distribution network is fed
tomers’ voltage magnitude is applied with the 110% overvoltage limit. A
through an 800 kVA rated transformer (11/0.416 kV, Dyn, 4%). Addi­
99.99th percentile would represent a more strict planning level.
tional network data characteristics are given in [45]. The single-phase
Assuming a strict planning level, the probability of the customer to
hosting capacity assessment performed in this paper is the realistic
exceed the 110% overvoltage limit (EP) is evaluated before the hosting
scenario for the 55-customers distribution network. Three-phase hosting
capacity is estimated. A conservative approach would be to ensure a zero
capacity is also shown to depict a possible future three-phase connection
probability of a customers’ voltage exceeding 110%.
of customers and solar PV units.
The connection of a solar PV unit will give a certain likelihood of
voltage rise or an overvoltage. The likelihood to exceed was assessed for
3.4. Parameter values used for aleatory uncertainties each solar PV installation. The implementation of the approach is as
follows for the 83-customers distribution network:
The values of the background voltage and customers’ minimum
power consumption used are independent of each of the three illustra­ • The interval of the number of customers that will install solar PV in
tive distribution networks. The input data used vary for the different future is defined. An interval of 1–83 customers is used.
networks based on found values in studies. The input data used are; • The rated solar PV size to consider is defined. The power injections’
range from the units is defined. The power injections range is
⁶ For the 83-customers’ low-voltage distribution network, the voltage 0.7–0.95 of the rated solar PV size installed and modelled with its
and power range of 238–242 V and 0–250 W were used [33,37]. pdf. The simplification in the model is that all customers will have
⁶ For the 38-customers’ low-voltage distribution network, the voltage the same rated solar PV size
and power range of 232–238 V and 0–228 W were used [43]. • The customers’ minimum consumption is used. The customers’
⁶ For the 55-customers’ low-voltage distribution network, the voltage consumption of 0–250 W and its pdf is modelled in the distribution
and power range of 241–251 V and 0–223 W were used [45,46]. network [33,37].
• The background voltage of the distribution network is defined, and
For all the distribution networks, solar power injection of 0.7–0.95 238–242 V uniformly distributed is used [33,37].
times the rated solar PV size was used. The 0.7–0.95 interval applied • For a particular number of customers that will have solar PV in the
covers the different values of the ToD considered. The values are due to future, all possible combinations and locations are evaluated. For
the differences in the tilt and elevation that can shift the production

Fig. 4. 38-Customers’ low-voltage distribution network layout showing the supply network, transformer, and number of customers at cable cabinets (C), cable types
and lengths.

E. Mulenga et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 130 (2021) 106928

example, two-customers with solar PV units can be at any of the 83- 5. Low-voltage distribution networks’ hosting capacity results
customers locations and making various combinations. Additionally,
a 3 kW single-phase unit assessed can be connected to any of the The results obtained for the application of the stochastic approach to
three phases. the three illustrative low-voltage distribution networks are shown in this
• The stochastic approach (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2) with 100,000 Monte- Section.
Carlo simulations is applied, and the probability distributions of
the customers’ voltage magnitude obtained.
5.1. Single-phase and Three-phase illustrative case
• The 90th percentile values are obtained and compared to the 110%
overvoltage limit. The hosting capacity is estimated.
To illustrate the approach further, single-phase and three-phase solar
PV size with a rated capacity of 3 kW and 12 kW are used for the 83-
The method was used to obtain the hosting capacity from the prob­
customer distribution network. A 45% penetration of customers with
ability distribution functions of the customers’ voltage magnitudes as
solar PV is used in both cases (37-customers). All the other conditions
shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6.
are kept the same as in Section 4. The probability distribution functions
The lower blue vertical line shows the 110% overvoltage limit in
for the customers’ voltage magnitudes are shown in Fig. 7.
Fig. 5. The horizontal black line gives the probability for a customer with
A horizontal pink line shows the 90th percentile values and the 110%
the highest voltage to exceed the 110% overvoltage limit (EP). The
overvoltage limit line is shown with a red vertical dotted line in Fig. 7.
probability of an arbitrary customer to exceed the 110% overvoltage
The results in Fig. 7 shows that all customers can install 3 kW single-
limit is calculated to be 9% for the results in Fig. 5.
phase units at a 45% penetration level, which is all the 37-customers
The upper pink horizontal line in Fig. 5 shows the 90th percentile
as the hosting capacity. For the three-phase units at 12 kW rated ca­
voltage values of the customers which vary from around 106 to 112 V for
pacity, on the right hand-side, allowing all customers to install solar PV
the given PV penetration rates and solar PV size. The line allows for a
results in atleast one customer exceeding the overvoltage limit. The
10% margin, planning level risk of overvoltage. The 90th percentile
evaluation of the three-phase results showed that 35-customers could be
values in Fig. 5 is for all 83 customers having solar PV of the considered
allowed to install solar PV units without exceeding the overvoltage limit.
size (3 kW single-phase). The 90th percentile voltage values for each
The combined solar PV power injection for single-phase units is 111 kW,
number of customers with solar PV simulation step (1-N) are plotted in
and that of three-phase units is 420 kW. The results in Fig. 7 shows that
Fig. 6. The overvoltage limit (110%) is also plotted in Fig. 6 (solid and
more solar PV power/energy can be injected into a low-voltage distri­
dotted blue line).
bution network for three phase units.
In Fig. 6, voltage values are now on y-axis and horizontal line gives
the 110% overvoltage limit. The case of 52-customers with solar PV is
shown as the intersection of the vertical and horizontal blue lines. This is 5.2. Three-phase hosting capacity
the number of customers with solar PV for which the 90th percentile
values for all customers does not exceed the 110% overvoltage limit. The calculations have been repeated for three-phase connected solar
Thus, this planning risk level allows for 63% (52/83) of the total number PV installations. The three-phase hosting capacity as a function of solar
of customers to have PV installed before the risk of overvoltage becomes PV size is shown in Fig. 8.
unacceptable. The risk is acceptable, in this example, as long as the In Fig. 8, the results obtained show that the distribution networks can
probability that the voltage exceeds 110% is less than 10% for all cus­ accommodate three-phase solar PV units for all customers without need
tomers; when this criterion is not fulfilled, the risk is considered unac­ for reinforcements up to 3 kW for the 38- and 55-customer networks,
ceptable and the hosting capacity is exceeded. and up to 6 kW for the 83-customer network. Contrary to the case with
The low-voltage distribution network illustrated in Fig. 6 can allow single-phase PV units, the 83-customer network can inject more power,
52-customers with three-phase solar PV units and injecting 156 kW and the customers can install larger three-phase units than the customers
power in total. in the two other distribution networks.
Similar to what was observed for single-phase installations, an in­
crease in the installed capacity per customer also results in a decrease in
the hosting capacity. When the rated size is increased to 6 kW, the

Fig. 5. The probability distribution function for the illustrative network with 83-customers. Each curve represents the probability distribution of a single customer.
The horizontal pink line crossing the distributions indicates the 90th percentile.

E. Mulenga et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 130 (2021) 106928

Fig. 6. The customers’ 90th percentile voltage values and considering the 110% overvoltage limit (solid blue lines).

Fig. 7. Single-phase and three-phase customers’ voltage probability distribution plots with 3 kW single-phase (left) and 12 kW three-phase (right) solar PV power
with power injections of 0.7–0.95 of the rated capacity for the 83-customers distribution network with a penetration level of 45%.

Fig. 8. Three-phase percentage hosting capacity for the three illustrative distribution networks (83-(black), 38-(blue) and 55-(red) customers). Note the difference in
horizontal scale with Fig. 7.

E. Mulenga et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 130 (2021) 106928

hosting capacity drops to around 40–50% for the 83-customer distri­ PV is obtained. Three case studies are assessed. In the first case, no
bution network and 50–60% for the 38-customer and 55-customer dis­ customers have solar PV unit. In the second case, 20% (17-customers)
tribution networks. A decrease to around 40–50% (similar to the 38- have solar PV units. In the third and last case, 50% (42-customers) have
customer network) is obtained for a solar PV unit size of 12 kW for solar PV units. The three study cases had all other input parameters
the 83-customer network. unchanged as in earlier cases. The other input parameters are:
The EP calculation was repeated for three-phase solar PV units and
the results are presented in Table 2. • Single-phase solar PV units and injecting power that is uniformly
Table 2 shows that there is zero probability for a customer to exceed distributed 0.7 and 0.95 of the installed capacity of 4.2 kW.
the 110% overvoltage limit up to 4.2 kW for the 83-customer network. • The background voltage, locations and customers’ minimum con­
The probability is less than 1% at 6 kW. The probability is less than 10% sumption were kept the same as the set-up in Section 5.1.
at 3 kW size for the 38-customer network. Above 3 kW, the probability • Monte-Carlo simulations with 100,000 samples.
increases and is equal to 100% for PV sizes above 9 kW. The probability
is less than 29% for sizes up to 4.2 kW for the 55-customer network. The The results obtained for the three cases are shown in Fig. 10.
probability increases for PV sizes above 4.2 kW and is about 97% at 9 kW In Fig. 10, a horizontal pink line shows the 90th percentile values,
PV size. and the red vertical line shows the 110% overvoltage limit. In the first
case, the left-hand subplot of Fig. 10 shows the aleatory uncertainties
5.3. 55-Customer distribution network Single-phase hosting capacity (background voltage and local consumption). The other two subplots
show the increasing influence of the epistemic uncertainties (installed
As described in Section 3.3, the 55-customer low-voltage distribution capacity per customer, number of customers with solar PV, phase to
network is based on a UK network with customers supplied through a which single-phase units are connected) over the aleatory uncertainties.
single-phase connection. In Section 5.2, the network was modified to The 90th percentile of the three subplots shows an increase in standard
have customers with solar PV connected three-phase. deviation of the probability distributions. The domination of the
Solar PV units rated 1.8 kW were taken as the first starting point. epistemic uncertainty impacts the hosting capacity when the over­
After each hosting capacity estimation, the rated size was increased by voltage limit line is considered (red dashed line).
0.6 kW steps. The hosting capacity for the original single phase customer
connection is calculated and compared to the results for three-phase
shown in Fig. 8. The comparison for the hosting capacities is shown in 5.5. Sensitivity analysis
Fig. 9.
Fig. 9 shows that the 55-customer distribution network can accom­ A sensitivity analysis was performed using the 83-customer distri­
modate single-phase units for all customers up to atleast 2.4 kW. As long bution network to assess the impact of different parameters on the
as all units remain below this size, there is no need for network re­ hosting capacity. For this study, 3 kW single-phase and 9 kW three-phase
inforcements even for the extreme case where all customers would have units were selected. The levels of 99th, 95th, 90th, 85th and 80th per­
PV. centiles (i.e. allowing a likelihood margin of 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20%) were
When the installed single-phase PV capacity per customer is studied and the fraction of customers that can have solar PV obtained.
increased, not all customers may have solar PV. The trend was also All other input parameters remained unchanged. The 99th percentile
observed in Fig. 7 for three-phase units. For the 3.6 kW rated capacity represents a strict planning level and, the 80th percentile represents a
per installation, the hosting capacity is reduced from over 95% to about lesser strict planning level in the context of the sensitivity analysis in this
60%. At a rated power of 9 kW, the hosting capacity dropped to about section. The actual planning levels implemented by distribution network
16%. The drop means only one in six customers could have solar PV if operators can differ from the ones used in this paper. The results ob­
they are located at points with the highest voltage rise from solar PV tained are presented in Table 3.
(weakest network connection). Table 2 shows for the 83-customers distribution network that the
The results obtained in Fig. 8 shows that at a particular hosting ca­ percentile selected strongly influences the hosting capacity. The results
pacity below 100%, the customers can be allowed to connect larger show that it holds for both single-phase and three-phase units.
three-phase units. A shift from single-phase solar PV (originally) to In addition to the planning level, an assessment is done for other PV
three-phase solar PV installations will results in more solar power con­ sizes for single-phase units. In this study, only the solar PV rated size is
tributions by customers into the 55-customer distribution network. changed at each planning level. The results obtained are shown in
Fig. 11.
For the 2 kW case, in Fig. 11, the distribution network operator need
5.4. Impact of epistemic uncertainty not take the risk of more than 10% to allow all the customers to install
solar PV. For the 4 kW size, a risk of more than 20% is needed for the half
A calculation was done to illustrate the impact of an epistemic un­ of the customers to install solar PV. Similar results are obtained for the
certainty using the 83-customer network. For this study, the number of other solar PV sizes. The results in Fig. 10 show that the hosting capacity
customers that will install solar PV in the future is fixed. The probability is sensitive to both the single-phase solar PV size and the planning level.
distribution function of the customers’ voltage magnitude due to solar The results for the 99th percentile in Fig. 11 show that a strict perfor­
mance limit (planning level) yields a lower hosting capacity.
Table 2 The impact of the performance limit on the three-phase units for the
The probability of overvoltage at selected three-phase solar PV sizes for the 83- other two distribution networks at 3 kW solar PV size was evaluated. All
customer, 38-customer and 55-customer distribution networks. the input parameters for the 3 kW case in Table 3 were maintained. The
Solar PV Size Probability of overvoltage (EP) results obtained are shown in Fig. 12.
3-Phase (kW) The results in Fig. 12 show all three networks exhibit similar sensi­
83-Customers 38-Customers 55-Customers
tivities to the percentile used as performance limit. For all the distri­
1.8 0 0 0
3 0 9.4 0 bution networks, a performance limit lower than 80% would be needed
4.2 0 91.0 28.5 to allow all customers to install single-phase solar PV with 3 kW rated
6 0.9 95.4 82.9 size. The variations of the hosting capacities in Fig. 12 shows that a
7.2 10.2 98.3 91.8 higher acceptable risk can allow more customers to install solar PV in
9 35.2 100 96.6
the networks.

E. Mulenga et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 130 (2021) 106928

Fig. 9. Comparison of single-phase and three-phase percentage hosting capacity for the 55-customer distribution network.

Fig. 10. Single-phase voltage probability distribution results for three different number of customers with solar PV in the 83-customer network.

method is illustrated by estimating the hosting capacity for single-phase

Table 3
and three-phase connected solar PV installations in three 400 V LV
Percentage of customers that can have solar PV for performance index at 80th to
networks. The application of the transfer impedance matrix, which is
99th percentile performance limits for the 83-customer distribution network.
calculated once and after that used for all the voltage calculations, im­
Percentile 80th 85th 90th 95th 99th proves the speed of the approach. The approach allows multi-
HC 3 kW : 1-Phase 78% 69% 61% 46% 33% dimensional studies with at least 100,000 Monte Carlo simulations to
HC 9 kW : 3-Phase 68% 65% 59% 55% 47% be performed in a few minutes of computational time on a standard
The proposed stochastic approach can be used as a planning tool for
6. Discussions
the future distribution network. The efficiency of the computation
method allows detailed study of which type of uncertainties has the
6.1. Stochastic approach
biggest impact on the hosting capacity. The distinction of the two types
of uncertainties is useful for identifying which ones are most influential.
The Monte Carlo simulation method in this paper evaluates the
Once the impact of the different uncertainties on the hosting capacity is
probability distribution functions for the voltage rise, around noon on a
known, efforts can be made to improve the modelling and find empirical
cloudless sunny day (ToD), due to the contribution of uniformly sized PV
distributions of the uncertainties with the greatest impact. The distinc­
units at customer locations. The proposed stochastic approach can be
tion of epistemic and aleatory uncertainties is also important from the
applied for planning decisions with limited need for input data. The

E. Mulenga et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 130 (2021) 106928

Fig. 11. Single-phase percentage hosting capacity for the 83-customer illustrative distribution network as a function of the performance limits for different solar PV.

Fig. 12. Single-phase percentage hosting capacity as a function of the performance limits of 80th, 85th, 90th, 95th and 99th percentile for the illustrative distribution
networks and a 3 kW solar PV size.

viewpoint of transparency in decision-making. The distinction can also and between countries, but the percentile used by the DSO will greatly
assist in determining which potential interrelationships between un­ influence the amount of grid strengthening required and thus the long-
certainties have not been modelled [29]. term cost to allow a high degree of distributed generation from solar PV.
Ensuring a sufficient but not overly expensive level of planning risk is,
therefore, an important task for regulators when high solar PV pene­
6.2. Planning risk margin tration levels are promoted.

Any hosting capacity study requires the choice of a performance 6.3. Hosting capacities
index and a performance limit [47]. The performance limit used in this
study consists of the voltage magnitude and percentile limit. The choice Single-phase solar PV units up to a maximum size of 9 kW were
of performance limit impacts the number of customers that can connect considered. The size would corresponds to a 35 A fuse rating if con­
solar PV in future. The 90th percentile value used in the performance nected as single-phase. In reality, single-phase solar PV seldom reaches
index constitutes a planning risk that acknowledges that a limited this size. In Sweden, the recommendation is for units above 3 kW to be
probability of overvoltage may still be acceptable. The latter reflects the three-phase [48]. For the 55-customer distribution network, all cus­
unlikely placement of solar PV solely at the locations with adverse dis­ tomers could have single-phase solar PV installed by customers with 4
tribution network impact. kW rated size.
The planning risk is the probability that mitigation measures against The hosting capacities and probabilities of exceeding the overvoltage
overvoltage are needed. The influence of the choice of a percentile limit for the three distribution networks are shown in Fig. 8, Fig. 9 and
encompassing the planning risk or level taken was first discussed in [33]. Table 2.
The extent of the impact on the hosting capacity and planning level
identified in [33], is confirmed in this paper. The choice of the planning
risk percentile depends on, for example, the regulatory frameworks and
tariff setting. The regulations and tariffs vary between utility companies

E. Mulenga et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 130 (2021) 106928

6.4. Aleatory and epistemic uncertainties side of the distribution transformer.

Increased aleatory uncertainties result in a reduction in the hosting 6.7. Other phenomena and indices
capacity as additional risk margin is needed. The studies in [10–20]
applied 5–10% of the nominal voltage as uncertainty of the background The methodology in this paper is used with overvoltage phenome­
voltage. The epistemic uncertainties also influence the hosting capacity. non. For a complete assessment of the hosting capacity, other phe­
The proposed stochastic approach considers both uncertainties. For any nomena mentioned in Section 1 should be considered also. In [51–53], a
risk assessment study, a correct practice is to independently identify the simple stochastic methodology was applied for estimating the hosting
characteristics of the two types of uncertainties [49]. capacity for single-phase units considering unbalance and harmonics. As
Because of the separation between aleatory and epistemic un­ shown in [8], stochastic hosting-capacity methods can also be applied
certainties, the consumption (load) only needs to be known during the for addressing the potential overload due to large amounts of solar
“sunny hours of the year”, which is 10 am – 2 pm for spring and summer power. Applying the proposed stochastic method to such other phe­
in this study. Simple models of background voltage, loading interval nomena will require the definition of additional performance indices.
values (consumption) and possible occurrences of epistemic un­
certainties have been used in this paper. As the uncertainties arise from 7. Conclusions
the lack of knowledge, obtaining more data is needed to reduce the
unknowns. Also there may be interdependencies between epistemic A stochastic approach is proposed and illustrated in this paper for
uncertainties that are not fully known and can be found with more estimating the hosting capacity of low-voltage network for solar PV. The
empirical data [29]. Such data can help to represent the epistemic un­ method treats the two types of uncertainties, aleatory and epistemic, in
certainties’ future possible occurrence. However, it is not easy to obtain distinctively different ways.
data on these uncertainties and some are country-specific: for example, The approach proposed in this paper avoids the need for the entire
the regulations concerning connection of single-phase and three-phase years’ time-series of input variables (solar power production and pre-
units, structure of the grid fees and subsidies that may promote spe­ connection voltage). The approach instead concentrates on the rele­
cific solar PV unit size. Detailed models for other uncertainties that vant hours of the days of the year (ToD and ToY). The approach has been
encompass economic regulation like the incentives to install solar PV or applied to three existing networks. The preference of three-phase solar
tax exemption are also needed to evaluate their impact on the hosting PV over single-phase units for the distribution network has been quan­
capacity. tified. The obtained results, especially for the IEEE European type
reference network (55-customers) which is originally built for single-
6.5. Obtaining the distribution functions phase, show so. The illustrative examples show that the approach can
be used as a planning tool to decide at which solar PV penetration levels
In this study, the modelling of aleatory uncertainties was done with a the need for measures to avoid cases of overvoltage arises.
uniform (rectangular) distribution. The pdf was based on limited mea­ The illustrative studies further show that the performance index and
surement data of a customer and solar PV production measurements in limit used in a deterministic and time-series hosting capacity studies
Northern Sweden [37]. There is a need for more and longer time-series need to be complemented with a planning risk percentile for stochastic
to obtain suitable probability distribution functions [33,45,50]. Mea­ studies. The importance of the planning risk margin for the hosting ca­
surement campaigns for the uncertainties (for example, solar PV pro­ pacity quantification approach is shown through sensitivity analysis. A
ductions, customers’ power consumption and background voltage) are careful technical selection of the value, for example 90th or 95th
highly recommended to obtain the needed input data [45,46]. percentile is needed as part of a trade-off between the risk of overvoltage
The probability distribution functions (pdfs) for the aleatory uncer­ and the risk of not being able to connect solar PV.
tainty can be obtained from the past measurements in the following way.
The background voltage is used as an example: CRediT authorship contribution statement

⁶ The 10-minute values are considered. For example, the background Enock Mulenga: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Data
voltage for the time range of 10 am − 2 pm. The values are obtained curation, Validation, Writing - original draft Preparation, Analysis,
through the days 21st March to 21st September. The highest value Visualization, Investigation, Writing - review & editing, Formal analysis.
for each day is taken, resulting in 84 values per year (i.e. the daily Math H.J. Bollen: Validation, Analysis, Resources, Visualization,
highest values between 10:00 and 14:00). Writing - review & editing, Supervision. Nicholas Etherden: Valida­
⁶ The probability distribution function is obtained for the highest daily tion, Investigation, Writing - review & editing, Supervision.
values over the time-of-year considered (i.e. 184 values between 21st
March and 21st September). Declaration of Competing Interest

The input voltage data for the example outlined can be obtained on The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
the LV-side of the MV-LV transformer corrected for the voltage drop over interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the source and transformer impedance at that location. A similar the work reported in this paper.
approach applies to the customers’ lowest consumption.
6.6. Comparing mitigation methods
This work has been funded by Skellefteå Kraft Elnät, Umeå Energi AB
The hosting capacity method for overvoltage phenomenon proposed and Swedish Energy Agency.
in this paper can also be used for comparing different mitigation
methods. Examples of such mitigation methods are the application of References
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