22521ittstm U9 Cp1a
22521ittstm U9 Cp1a
22521ittstm U9 Cp1a
In this chapter, we will learn:
The controls and auditing in the computerized environment.
CAATs and their types.
Auditing software.
Data extraction and analysis.
Print control data for internal tables Internal tables are stored tables from which
certain values are extracted for further
processing and storing.
For example, a billing program has an internal
table of prices that is used to prepare invoices.
There could be multiple versions of these
internal tables, each taking effect after a certain
time period.
Therefore maintaining the integrity of these
tables is important. An error in the price list
internal table may result in the customers being
under billed. Recovering the money may not
be possible.
Printing of internal tables or calculating and
reporting of a control total, if the table is large
periodically should be a practice.
Print run to run control totals A processing subsystem may involve running
multiple programs that pass files between each
Run to run control totals may signal a record
being erroneously dropped from a master file
that is updated.
Print suspense account entries A monetary transaction mismatch to be master
file is written to a suspense account and
ultimately cleared to their correct accounts.
A suspense account report reminds users that
they must take action to clear errors that are
pending at the suspense account.
restricted to certain
machine types
Test Data - ‘Live’, Fictitious data Performs a wide “Dead” test data
‘Dead’, Integrated applied against the variety of tasks requires additional
Test Facility or Base client’s programs Gives considerable work for the
Case System either whilst they are comfort about the auditor to satisfy
Evaluation running or in an operation of himself the right
entirely separate programs programs were
o p e r a t i o n . used
Can be precisely
targetted for Care must be taken
The results of specific procedures to ensure that
processing the within programs ‘live’ data does not
fictitious data are impact actual
compared with the Long term
expected results economies
Technique can be
based on the auditor’s expensive to set up
understanding of the and cumbersome to
programs involved use
Adequate for
detection of major
error but less likely
to detect deep-
seated fraud
System Information
Quality Quality
Impact on task -
Quality of work
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