Shock 1
Shock 1
Shock 1
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Nclex Questions for Shock - Critical Care
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4. Faster than normal capil- result from vasoconstriction of the arteries.
lary refill time Strong pulses would not be present with vaso-
constriction from increased peripheral resis-
Rationale 4: Capillary refill times are delayed
or slowed due to decreased blood flow through
the vessels caused by the vasoconstriction
from increased peripheral resistance.
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Nclex Questions for Shock - Critical Care
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4. Gastric stress ulcer Rationale 5: Pulmonary edema is not an iden-
5. Pulmonary edema tified complication of hypovolemic shock.
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Nclex Questions for Shock - Critical Care
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perature of the intravenous fluids being admin-
istered too rapidly.
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Nclex Questions for Shock - Critical Care
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A patient, experiencing va- Correct Answer: 1,2,3
sodilation, is diagnosed Rationale 1: One etiology of distributive shock
with distributive shock. The is sepsis.
nurse will assess the pa- Rationale 2: One etiology of distributive shock
tient for which etiologies? is spinal cord injury.
Note: Credit will be given Rationale 3: One etiology of distributive shock
only if all correct choices is anaphylaxis.
and no incorrect choices Rationale 4: Hemorrhage is not an etiology of
are selected. distributive shock.
Standard Text: Select all Rationale 5: Pulmonary embolism is not an
that apply. etiology of distributive shock.
1. Sepsis
2. Spinal cord injury
3. Anaphylaxis
4. Hemorrhage
5. Pulmonary embolism
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Nclex Questions for Shock - Critical Care
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tient will develop distribu- sodilation leads to profound hypotension, hy-
tive shock because: povolemia from fluid extravasation, reduced re-
1. The release of histamine load, and reduced cardiac output.
causes vasodilation with Rationale 2: Sympathetic innervation is not in-
plasma leakage. terrupted in an anaphylactic reaction.
2. Sympathetic innervation Rationale 3: Microorganisms do not overwhelm
is interrupted. the vascular system in an anaphylactic reac-
3. Microorganisms over- tion.
whelm the vascular system. Rationale 4: Parasympathetic innervation func-
4. Parasympathetic inner- tioning unopposed is not a characteristic of an
vation functions are unop- anaphylactic reaction.
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Nclex Questions for Shock - Critical Care
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type of shock is due to: Rationale 2: In cardiogenic shock, stroke vol-
1. Reduced cardiac output ume is decreased.
2. Increased stroke volume Rationale 3: There is not a reduction of blood
3. Reduced blood volume volume in cardiogenic shock.
4. Blood flow blocked in the Rationale 4: There is not a blockage of blood
pulmonary circulation flow through the pulmonary circulation in car-
diogenic shock.
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Nclex Questions for Shock - Critical Care
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type of shock? tive shock.
1. Obstructive Rationale 2: Pericarditis is not a risk factor for
2. Hypovolemic the development of hypovolemic shock.
3. Distributive Rationale 3: Pericarditis is not a risk factor for
4. Cardiogenic the development of distributive shock.
Rationale 4: Pericarditis is not a risk factor for
the development of cardiogenic shock.
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Nclex Questions for Shock - Critical Care
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Standard Text: Select all Rationale 5: Warm dry skin is not a manifesta-
that apply. tion of cardiogenic shock.
1. Systolic blood pressure
82 mm Hg
2. Capillary refill 10 sec-
3. Crackles bilateral lung
4. Heart rate 55 and regular
5. Warm dry skin
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Nclex Questions for Shock - Critical Care
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rial wedge pressure
2. Elevated central venous
3. Elevated systemic vascu-
lar resistance index
4. Elevated mean arterial
5. Elevated stroke volume
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Nclex Questions for Shock - Critical Care
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3. Tachycardia pulmonary embolus.
4. Oliguria Rationale 4: Oliguria is seen in other causes
of obstructive shock and is not a symptom that
differentiates the cause as being from a pul-
monary embolus.
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Nclex Questions for Shock - Critical Care
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27. A patient is experiencing Correct Answer: 1,2,3
acute respiratory distress Rationale 1: Epinephrine produces bronchodi-
after eating an item of a lation, improving the respiratory status. The
known food allergy. What route of administration is initially intramuscular.
interventions will the nurse Rationale 2: Supplemental oxygen is used in
implement when providing the treatment of anaphylactic shock.
emergency care to this pa- Rationale 3: Hydrogen ion blockers such as
tient? diphenhydramine may be administered to block
Note: Credit will be given the histamine effects.
only if all correct choices Rationale 4: Vasopressin is not used in the
and no incorrect choices treatment of anaphylactic shock.
are selected. Rationale 5: Antithrombolytic agents are not
Standard Text: Select all used in the treatment of anaphylactic shock.
that apply.
1. Administer epinephrine
1:1000 intramuscularly.
2. Apply oxygen via face
mask as prescribed.
3. Provide diphenhy-
dramine 25 mg intra-
4. Administer vasopressin.
5. Prepare to administer
antithrombolytic agents as
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