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International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research.

ISSN 0973-1873 Vol.1, No.2 (2005), pp. 109126

c _Research India Publications
Mapping Cores on Network-on-Chip
Giuseppe Ascia, Vincenzo Catania and Maurizio Palesi
DIIT - University of Catania, Italy
gascia, vcatania, [email protected]
Abstract: The paper addresses the problem of topological
mapping of intellectual properties (IPs) on the tiles of a mesh-
based network on chip (NoC) architecture. The aim is to ob-
tain the Pareto mappings that maximize performance and min-
imize the amount of power consumption. As the problem is an
NP-hard one, we propose a heuristic technique based on evolu-
tionary computing to obtain an optimal approximation of the
Pareto-optimal front in an efcient and accurate way. At the
same time, two of the most widely-known approaches to map-
ping in mesh-based NoC architectures are extended in order to
explore the mapping space in a multi-criteria mode. The ap-
proaches are then evaluated and compared, in terms of both
accuracy and efciency, on a platform based on an event-driven
trace-based simulator which makes it possible to take account of
important dynamic effects that have a great impact on mapping.
The evaluation performed on real applications (an MPEG-4
codec and a cellular phone application) conrms the efciency,
accuracy and scalability of the proposed approach.
I. Introduction
Continuous improvements in semiconductor technology
mean that a whole processing system comprising processors,
memories, accelerators, peripherals, etc. can now be inte-
grated in a single silicon die. In addition, a reduction in the
time-to-market has led researchers to dene methods based
on the reuse of pre-designed, pre-tested modules in the form
of intellectual properties (IPs). Despite this, hardware de-
signers are not yet able to fully exploit the abundance of tran-
sistors that can be integrated with current technology. De-
signer productivity, in fact, is growing by just 20% a year,
as compared to an increase of over 60% a year by technol-
ogy [33]. This gap will have to be reduced in order to re-
spond to future requests by the consumer applications market
(smart phones, automotive electronics, home networks, en-
tertainment systems, etc.). Possible solutions to these prob-
lems can be sought in platform based design (PBD), which
is based on the reuse of components, architectures, applica-
tions and implementations [8, 21, 26]. Of course the aim is
always to obtain a good trade-off between generality and per-
formance. Generality makes it possible to reuse hardware,
software, development ows, etc., while performance (la-
tency, cost, power, etc.) can be guaranteed by using specic
dedicated architectures.
Without doubt, today, the on-chip interconnection system
represents one of the major elements which has to be opti-
mized in designing a complex digital system. The Interna-
tional Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors [33] fore-
sees it will represents the limiting factor for performance
and power consumption in next generation systems-on-a-
chip (SOCs). The continuous reduction in the time-to-market
required by the telecommunications, multimedia and con-
sumer electronics market makes full-custom design of an in-
terconnection system inappropriate and has led to the deni-
tion of design methodologies focusing on design reuse. This
is conrmed by the great standardization effort made by the
VSI Alliance [42] and the development, by the major EDA
and Semiconductor companies, of on-chip interconnection
systems that are easy to integrate and scale [20, 3, 29, 35, 36].
Although, however, they are good solutions for current SOCs
integrating fewer than 5 processors and rarely more than 10
master buses, their use in next-generation systems, which are
likely to integrate hundreds of modules, seems hardly feasi-
The limiting factor is mainly the topological organization
of the interconnection between the various units, which will
substantially remain bus-based. As regards performance, the
continuous reduction in gate delays and increase in wiring
delays will cause signicant synchronization problems. In
50 nm technology, the projected chip die edge will be around
22 mm, with a clock frequency of 10 GHz. An optimistic
estimate of the propagation delay for a signal crossing a chip
diagonally ranges between 6 and 10 clock cycles[38]. At any
rate, Moores law will remain valid for the next 10 years and
single processors will not be able to use all the transistors
on a chip. Synchronous regions will occupy an increasingly
lower fraction of a chip [37] giving rise to locally synchro-
nous, globally asynchronous solutions [16]. Applications
will be modelled as a set of communicating tasks with differ-
ent characteristics (e.g. control-dominated, data-dominated)
and origins (reused from previous projects or acquired from
third parties), which will make implementations extremely
110 Giuseppe Ascia, Vincenzo Catania and Maurizio Palesi
A. Network on Chip
A type of architecture which lays emphasis on modularity
and is intrinsically oriented towards supporting such het-
erogeneous implementations is represented by Network-on-
Chip (NoC) architectures [12]. These architectures loosen
the bottleneck due to delays in signal propagation in deep-
submicron technologies and provide a natural solution to the
problem of core reuse by standardising on-chip communica-
tions. The NoC architectural topology most frequently re-
ferred to can be represented by an n m mesh. Each tile of
the mesh contains a resource and a switch. Each switch is
connected to a resource and the four adjacent switches. A
resource is generally any core: a processor, a memory, an
FPGA, a specic hardware block or any other IP compatible
with with the NoC interface specications. More generally, a
resource may be represented by a complex multi-master and
multi-slave system using an interconnection network based
on shared-bus. The design ow for an architecture of this
kind involves several steps. First the application has to be
split up into a set of concurrent communicating tasks. Then
the IPs are selected from the IP portfolio and the tasks are
assigned and scheduled. Finally, the IPs have to be mapped
onto the mesh in such a way as to optimise the metrics of
The last phase is currently assuming more and more in-
terest in the scientic community [17, 28]. Actually, it has
a strong impact on typical performance indexes to be opti-
mized. Unfortunately, the mapping problem is an istance of
constrained quadratic assignment problem which is known to
be NP-hard [14]. The search space of the problem increases
factorially with the system size. It is therefore of strategic
importance to dene methods to search for a mapping that
will optimise the desired performance indexes (performance,
power consumption, quality of service, etc.) with a good
tradeoff between accuracy and efciency. This represents the
main focus of this paper. In addition, these strategies have to
a multi-criteria exploration of the space of possible architec-
tural mapping alternatives. The objectives to be optimised
are, in fact, frequently multiple rather than single, and are al-
most always in contrast with each other. There is therefore
no single solution to the problem of exploration (i.e. a single
mapping) but a set of equivalent (i.e. not dominated) pos-
sible architectural alternatives, featuring a different trade-off
between the values of the objectives to be optimised (Pareto-
B. Contribution
In this paper we present a multi-objective exploration ap-
proach for the mapping space of a mesh-based NoC architec-
ture. The approach, based on evolutionary computing tech-
niques, is an efcient and accurate way to obtain the Pareto
mappings that optimize performance and power consump-
tion. In addition, two of the most widely known approaches
to topological mapping of IPs in a mesh-based NoC archi-
tecture [17, 28] have been extended to achieve multi-criteria
optimization and have been compared with the approach pro-
posed here. In contrast with the approaches in the existing lit-
erature which use static analysis to evaluate a mapping, here
we use an event-driven trace-based simulator which makes
it possible to take account of important dynamic effects that
have a great impact on performance indexes to be optimise.
To the best of our knowledge this work is the rst attempt
to attack the topological mapping problem for NoC archi-
tectures from a multi-objective point of view taking care of
model important dynamic effect such as contention for out-
going links, backpressure effects, inuence of buffer size,
packet size, etc.
C. Paper Organization
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II sum-
marizes some of the most important contributions in the eld
of topological mapping of IPs/cores in mesh-based NoC ar-
chitectures. Section III presents the simulation and evalua-
tion framework used and the impact of the architectural and
application parameters on the performance indexes consid-
ered. Section V our approach for exploration of the mapping
space is presented. In the same section we discuss the mul-
tiobjective extension of two other algorithms proposed in lit-
erature we compare to. Experimental results are reported in
Section VI. Finally, Section VII summarizes our contribution
and outlines some directions for future work.
II. Previous Work
The problem of mapping in mesh-based NoC architectures
has been addressed in three previous papers. Hu and Mar-
culescu [17] present a branch and bound algorithm for map-
ping IPs/cores in a mesh-based NoC architecture that mini-
mizes the total amount of power consumed in communica-
tions with the constraint of performance handled via band-
width reservation. The same authors in [19] extend the ap-
proach to constructs a deadlock-free deterministic routing
function such that the total communication energy is min-
imized. Murali and De Micheli [28] address the problem
under the bandwidth constraint with the aim of minimizing
communication delay by exploiting the possibility of split-
ting trafc among various paths. Lei and Kumar [25] present
an approach that uses genetic algorithms to map an appli-
cation, described as a parameterized task graph, on a mesh-
based NoC architecture. The algorithm nds a mapping of
the vertices of the task graph on the available cores so as to
minimize the execution time.
These papers do not, however, solve certain important is-
sues. The rst relates to the mapping evaluation model used,
which can be dened as static. The exploration algorithm
decides which mapping to explore without taking important
dynamic effects of the system into consideration. For ex-
ample, failure to model the effects of bus contention causes
components which communicate with each other more fre-
Mapping Cores on Network-on-Chip 111
quently to be clustered, whereas it may be more effective
to separate components whose trafc ows overlap in time
so as to increase the degree of concurrency. In the above-
mentioned works, in fact, the application to be mapped is
described using task graphs, as in [25], or simple variations
such as the core graph in [28] or the application characteriza-
tion graph (APCG) in [17]. These formalisms do not, how-
ever, capture important dynamics of communication trafc.
They hypothesize worst-case conditions, which leads to sev-
eral mappings being discarded and thus a highly conservative
exploration. The second problem relates to the optimization
method used. It refers in all cases to a single performance
index (power in [17], performance in [28, 25]). As we will
see in the section devoted to experiments, optimization of
one performance index may lead to unacceptable values for
another performance index (e.g. high performance levels but
unacceptable power consumption). We therefore think that
the problem of mapping can be more usefully solved in a
multi-objective environment, i.e. one in which there is no
single solution but a set of mapping alternatives (which we
will indicate as Pareto mapping), each featuring a different
tradeoff between performance indexes, from which the de-
signer (or decision maker) will choose the most suitable.
The contribution we intend to make in this paper is to pro-
pose a multi-objective approach to solving the problem of
mapping IPs/cores in mesh-based NoC architectures. The
approach will use evolutionary computing techniques to ex-
plore the mapping space with the goal to optimize perfor-
mace and power consumption. The mappings visited during
the exploration process will be evaluated using a trace-based
approach which gives an excellent combination of accuracy
and efciency features.
III. Evaluation of a Mapping
Figure 1 shows the NoC topology we will refer to. It is a two-
Figure. 1: Structure of a 3x3 mesh-based NoC architecture.
dimensional mesh of processing resources. Each processing
resource is connected to the communication network by a
switch. We will call the pair formed by a resource and a
switch a tile. The term mapping will be used to indicate as-
signment of an IP/core to each tile in the NoC. Each switch
in the NoC is connected to the four adjacent switches except
for those at the network boundaries. Switches send data from
one network interface to the other by means of packets. Such
a packet consists of one or more ow control digits (or its),
were a it is the minimal transmission unit. On each side of
a switch there is an output and an input port. The input port
has a nite-length FIFO buffer in which its to be routed are
queued. The use of the FIFO is regulated by back-pressure
mechanism [18]. Under this scheme, a it will be held in
the buffer until the downstream router has empty space in the
corresponding input FIFO. Thus, the network will not drop
any packet in transit. This is extremely important for NoC
architectures which may not implement very advanced end-
to-end protocol.
The routing algorithm features static XY routing in which
a it is rst routed in a horizontal direction (X) and then,
when it reaches the column where the destination tile is lo-
cated, it is routed in a vertical direction (Y). Of course the
XY routing is a minimal path routing algorithm and is free of
deadlock and livelock [15]. As a transmission scheme we use
wormhole routing because of the low cost (the buffer capac-
ity can be less than the length of a packet) and low latency
(the router can start forwarding the rst it of a packet with-
out waiting for the tail).
Figure. 2: Behavioural annotated graph (BAG).
To describe the functioning of the various components of
the simulation framework we will use a representation based
on a variation of a nite-state machine which we will indicate
as a behavioral annotated graph (BAG). Each machine state
is identied by a name, a set of operations (op
, . . . , op
) and
two attributes which we will call latency and power (See Fig-
ure 2). Transition from one state to another is represented by
an oriented arc associated with a condition (transition only
occurs when the condition is met). The conditions are eval-
uated after a time equal to the value of the attribute latency,
starting from the instant at which the state is entered. If none
of the conditions on the arcs are met, the machine remains in
the current state and the process is repeated. Otherwise there
is a state transition and the total amount of energy consumed
while the machine remains in this state is measured. This can
be summed up as follows:
1. t
= GetCurrentTime();
2. op
, . . . , op
112 Giuseppe Ascia, Vincenzo Catania and Maurizio Palesi
3. if (GetCurrentTime() t
< latency) goto 3;
4. if (Condition == false) goto 2;
5. energy = (GetCurrentTime() t
) power;
6. State transition;
Figure 3 shows the BAG for a generic core. In the Idle
state the average amount of power consumed by a core is
. If there is at least one it in the input queue it passes
to a ctitious state (featuring latency = 0 and power = 0) in
which the type of it is evaluated. If it is the rst in a data
ow directed towards the core involved (head it, H) or an
intermediate it (body it, B) the core switches to the Buffer-
ing state, with an average power consumption of P
buf f
and a
latency of T
buf f
. This state allows us to simulate situations
in which a core starts to process the data, not on a it basis
but on a set of data that cannot be contained in a single it.
If, on the other hand, the it is the last in a communication
ow, the core switches to the Process state in which the it
is actually processed, with an average power consumption of
and a latency of T
. The operation performed
in both these states is to consume the it at the head of the
queue and then, when the latency time ends, to switch un-
conditionally back to the Idle state.
Figure 4(a) shows the interface of a switch. Each of the
ve input ports has an associated queue (buffer). Each out-
put port is associated with an input signal (with the sufx
Ready) which is asserted whenever the element connected to
the relative port is ready to accept a it. Figure 4(b) shows
the BAG for a generic switch. In the Idle state a switch con-
sumes on average P
. If there is at least one it in at
least one of the 5 input queues the switch passes to a cti-
tious state (with latency =0 and power =0) in which the it
is read and immediately afterwards to the Routing state. In
this state (which features an average power consumption of
and a latency of T
) the output port on which
to route the it is determined and the relative ctitious state
(LOCAL, NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST) is entered. Only
when the it is ready to be transmitted (ready=true) does
the switch pass to the Transmit state in which the it at the
head of the input queue is extracted and then, on expiry of
the latency time T
, unconditionally returns to the Idle
state, with an average power consumption of P
, which
models the power consumed on the interconnection buses be-
tween the switches.
The simulation is event-based and is performed by stimu-
lating the network with concurrent trace les. Each trace le
is a sequential list of communication patterns. Each pattern
comprises three elds: a source identier, a destination iden-
tier, and the amount of information exchanged. The amount
of trafc sent by the source core to the destination core is sub-
divided into packets and each packet is routed according to
the routing scheme and BAGs described above.
A. Motivation
In this section we wish to demonstrate (using an experiment-
based approach) that accurate modeling of the communica-
tion dynamics is essential in order to evaluate a network.
We will begin out analysis by considering as our perfor-
mance parameter the speed at which a network handles a cer-
tain amount of incoming trafc. This mainly depends on the
speed at which the switches route packets. If, for example a
switch A has to forward the packet at the head of the input
queue from its port to the port in the adjacent switch
B, two events can occur: (i) the input queue in the port is
not full, or (ii) the input queue in the port is full. In the
former case, A can forward the packet, thus freeing a slot in
the queue in port . In the latter case, A has to wait for B
to eliminate at least one packet from the input queue in port
before it can forward the packet. In general, therefore, the
overall performance of the network (measured as the time re-
quired to handle all the incoming trafc) improves if the size
of the switch input queues increases. With an increased input
queue capacity, in fact, a generic switch needing to forward
a packet to another switch will have a greater probability of
being able to queue the packet in the input port of the other
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
queue length (packet)

Figure. 5: Trafc draining time vs. switch input queue size.
Figure 5 shows the time required to handle trafc versus
the size of input queues in the switch ports. The values were
obtained on a 5x5 network. The latency and power attributes
of the core BAGs were randomly set between 0 and 1 for
each core and 0.1 for all the switches. The trafc was gener-
ated considering communication between the network nodes
to be equally probable (that is, the probability that node A
will communicate with node B is equal to the probability that
node C will communicate with node D, however A, B, C and
D are taken). The ow of data exchanged between two nodes
has a Gausssian distribution with an average of 128 bytes and
a variance of 64 bytes. Eight different traces formed by 100
Mapping Cores on Network-on-Chip 113
Figure. 3: Behavioural annotated graph of a generic core.
patterns were injected in parallel, so as to simulate 8 con-
current communications at each instant. Each point in the
graph was obtained by measuring the time taken to handle
the trafc in 100 different mappings and calculating the av-
erage value.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

queue length = 2
queue length = 4
Figure. 6: Trafc draining time for 10 different mappings
and two different networks (with switch input queues of 2
and 4 packets).
It can, however, be observed that in some cases an increase
in the size of the switch queues may increase the trafc han-
dling time. Figure 6 shows this possibility. It gives the traf-
c handling time for 10 different mappings with switches
having input queues that allow a maximum of two and four
packets to be queued. The trafc handling times for the sec-
ond network are generally shorter than those for the rst net-
work, with one exception. With mapping 6, in fact, the traf-
c is handled faster in the rst network. This behavior can
only be detected via a dynamic analysis of the system, that is
by taking into account the dynamic interaction between the
various trafc ows, which is only possible by performing
trace-based simulations.
It should also be observed that the optimal mapping is
greatly affected by the architectural parameters of the net-
work. Let us consider, for example, the size of the switch
input buffers. In Figure 6 it can be seen that a mapping may
be optimal for one network but not for another. Of the 10
mappings considered, in fact, mapping 5 is by far the best for
the second network but the second worst for the rst network.
To evaluate the impact of mapping and relate it to the traf-
c characteristics the following experiment was performed.
1000 mappings were randomly generated for each network
n n, n 3, 4, 5. n
/2| simulations were run for each
mapping, relating to different trafc scenarios. These sce-
narios differed in the number of pairs of cores simultaneously
communicating with each other. They range froman absolute
lack of concurrency (that is, one and only one pair of cores
are communicating at any one time) to maximum concur-
rency (at any one time there are n
/2| pairs of cores com-
municating with each other). Figure 7 shows the relationship
between the maximum and minimum trafc draining times
for 1,000 random mappings in the trafc scenarios described
above. As can be seen, when the size of the network in-
creases, so does the impact of mapping on performance. For
a 5x5 network, for example, choosing a suitable mapping
can improve performance by over 40%. It should be pointed
114 Giuseppe Ascia, Vincenzo Catania and Maurizio Palesi
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
concurrent communications


Figure. 7: Relation between maximum and minimum traf-
c draining time for 1,000 random mappings with varying
numbers of concurrent communications and different net-
work sizes.
out that these values are extremely conservative. They were
obtained considering only 1,000 random mappings as com-
pared with the 25! 10
that are possible. It should also be
noted that the impact of mapping depends greatly on the traf-
c characteristics. In all the cases considered, the maximum
impact is obtained in trafc scenarios in which the number
of pairs of cores communicating concurrently is equal to half
the maximum number of pairs that can communicate concur-
IV. Exploration Framework
Figure 8 shows the framework for exploration of the space of
possible mappings in mesh-based NoC architectures.
It comprises two macro blocks: a NoC simulator (to eval-
uate the performance indexes to be optimized for any map-
ping), and an Exploration engine (which determines the next
mapping to be evaluated). The inputs to the framework are:
Architectural parameters: for example, topology, net-
work size, communication protocols, size of buffers in
switches, priority assignment schemes, etc.
Application parameters: these mainly refer to the char-
acteristics of the communication trafc involved in the
application being considered. They may relate to both
the characterization of statistical models of the trafc
exchanged between the various network resources, and
real traces obtained by measuring the communication
trafc during execution of the application. Useful appli-
cation parameters to specify trafc in statistical models
are: packet generation rate (packets can be generated at
random or periodical intervals, or in a bursty or uniform
Figure. 8: Framework for simulation and exploration of the
mapping space.
fashion); the statistical distribution of the destination
addresses (random, or polarized towards a certain group
of resources (hot spot) etc.). For the real traces, they
can be obtained from the communication task graph in
which the application tasks are assigned and scheduled
with reference to a library of available IPs/cores.
Set of BAGs: these specify the functional behavior of
each element in the NoC and also contain characteriza-
tion information for estimation of the timing and power
consumption parameters.
The ow of operations involved in exploration generally
consists of repeating two phases: evaluation of one or more
mapping alternatives, and determination of the next map-
ping/s to be evaluated. The rst phase is carried out using a
NoC simulator, which evaluates the performance indexes to
be optimized. These represent the input for the second phase,
which implements the exploration algorithm and produces
the next mapping/s to be evaluated. The mappings evaluated
are stored and can be used by the exploration algorithm to de-
cide the next step. This iterative process is concluded when
a stop criterion is met. Then the non-dominated mappings
(Pareto mappings) are extracted from the mappings evalu-
In this paper we will focus on the second phase of the
framework, the one referring to the mapping space explo-
Mapping Cores on Network-on-Chip 115
ration algorithms.
V. Multi-Objective Exploration of the Mapping
The mapping problem is an instance of a constrained
quadratic assignment problem which is known to be NP-
hard [14]. The search for an optimal mapping (hencefor-
ward referred to as exploration) is also complicated when
the concept of optimality is not limited to a single perfor-
mance index (or objective) but comprises several contrasting
indexes. The traditional approach to a multi-objective opti-
mization is to aggregate the objectives into a single one by
means of a weighting mean. The main drawback to this ap-
proach is that it does not cover the non-convex regions of
the Pareto-front and requires several instances of the opti-
mization algorithm to be run with different weights. In this
section we present: 1) an approach to multi-objective map-
ping space exploration that uses evolutionary algorithms as
the optimization strategy; 2) multi-objective extension of an
exploration algorithm based on the branch-and-bound pro-
posed in [17]; and 3) multi-objective extension of a variation
of the exploration algorithm proposed in [28].
A. Problem Formulation
The mapping problem can be expressed by Figure 9. Given
a target application described as a set of concurrent tasks
which have been assigned and scheduled, to exploit such
an architecture, the fundamental questions to answer are: i)
which tile each IP should be mapped to, ii) what routing al-
gorithm is suitable for directing the information among tiles,
such that the metrics of interest are optimized. More pre-
cisely, in order to get the best power/performance tradeoff,
the designer needs to determine the topological place-ment
of these IPs onto different tiles. Referring to Figure 9, this
means to determine, for instance, onto which tile [e.g. (3,1),
(1,3) etc.] each IP (e.g. DSP2, ASIC1 etc.) should be placed.
While task assignment and scheduling problems have been
addressed before [9], the mapping and routing problems de-
scribed above represent a new challenge, especially in the
context of the regular tile-based architecture, as this signif-
icantly impacts the energy and performance metrics of the
Formally, if C is the set of cores, and T the set of tiles,
we will use the term mapping to indicate an injective and
surjective function M : C T that associates the tile t T
on which c is mapped with each c C.
Evaluating a mapping means obtaining the related perfor-
mance indexes for a specic trafc scenario. If S indicates a
trafc scenario, we dene the evaluation function
V(S, M) = (V
(S, M),V
(S, M), . . . ,V
(S, M)) (1)
which yields the values of the n performance indexes relating
to the mapping M for the trafc scenario S. In our case study,
Figure. 9: Graphic explaination of the mapping problem.
for example, the evaluation function corresponds to the sim-
ulation framework (described in [5]) and the performance in-
dexes are those the platform is capable of measuring (power,
communication latency, bandwidth, throughput, etc.). Eval-
uation of an incomplete mapping made up of a set of cores
C with a trafc scenario S is performed by evaluating
the mapping on a trafc S
obtained by ltering out all com-
munication ows in which the source or destination is a core
c C
Given a trafc scenario S and two mappings M
and M
can be said to dominate M
(which will be indicated as
) if V
(S, M
) V
(S, M
), i 1, 2, . . . , n and there
exists at least one j 1, 2, . . . , n such that V
(S, M
) <
(S, M
). The set of Pareto mappings is a set of map-
pings that do not dominate each other. The Pareto front is
the image of the evaluation function for the set of Pareto
mappings. If M is the set of all possible mappings, the
Pareto-optimal set P is the set of Pareto mappings such that
M M : M ~M
, M
The aim of the approach we propose is to obtain as accu-
rate an approximation as possible of the Pareto-optimal front
by evaluating (visiting) as few mappings as possible. The op-
timization metrics we consider are the completion time and
the total energy consumption. Formally, given a set of cores
C, a set of tiles T (such that [C[ = [T[), and a communica-
tion trafc scenario S (which models the communication be-
tween the cores c C), the topological mapping problem is
the problem of nding the Pareto-optimal set Pof mappings
that optimise in both completion time and total energy con-
B. GA-based Multi-Objective Exploration of the Mapping
The use of evolutionary algorithms (EAs) as a multi-
objective optimization technique is of increasing appeal. The
elds of application are numerous, including among others
computer science, engineering, economics, nance, indus-
try, physics, chemistry, and ecology. EAs have been demon-
strated to be very powerful and generally applicable for solv-
ing difcult multi-objective problems. Such algorithms cre-
ate an interesting alternative to other approaches since they
can be scaled with the problem size and can be easily run on
116 Giuseppe Ascia, Vincenzo Catania and Maurizio Palesi
parallel computer systems. In VLSI design, EAs have been
applied to a very broad range of problems: in problems relat-
ing to layout such as partitioning [1], placement and routing
[40], in design problems including power low-power synthe-
sis [7], technology mapping [23] and netlist partitioning [2].
There are various approaches to GA-based multi-objective
optimization, divided into three main categories [10]:
1. Approaches using aggregation functions,
2. Approaches not based on the notion of Pareto optimum,
3. Pareto-based approaches.
The rst type (those that use aggregating functions) re-
duce the problem of multi-objective optimization to one of
scalar optimization by aggregation of the objective func-
tions [41, 32]. The main disadvantage to aggregation func-
tions is that they do not generate proper Pareto-optimal solu-
tions in the presence of non-convex search spaces, which is
a serious drawback in most real-world applications.
The second approach (not based on the notion of Pareto
optimum) solves some of the difculties encountered in the
rst, such as nding suitable weights to combine (aggregate)
the objectives. One of the most famous approaches in this
class is VEGA [32]. The drawback to this approach is that
even if the user denes the objective functions independently
of each other, the algorithm combines them. Thus, under cer-
tain conditions (i.e., when proportional selection is used) the
resulting tness function turns out to be a linear combination
of the objective functions in which the weights depend on the
distribution of the population in each generation. The prob-
lems are thus the same as those of the rst approach i.e. not
nding certain points in concave regions.
Currently, the third class of approaches (Pareto-based ap-
proaches) is the most promising. The basic algorithm con-
sists of selecting Pareto non-dominated individuals from the
rest of the population. These individuals are then assigned
the highest rank and eliminated from further contention. An-
other set of Pareto non-dominated individuals are determined
from the remaining population and are assigned the next
highest rank. The procedure is repeated until the whole pop-
ulation is suitably ranked. The most widely used approaches
belonging to this class are NSGA-II [13], PESA [11] and
SPEA2 [43]. A simple steady-state Pareto-based evolution-
ary algorithm is presented in [39] that uses an elitist strat-
egy for replacement and simple uniform scheme for selec-
tion. Here, no tness calculations, ranking, sub-populations,
niches or auxiliary populations are required.
In this paper we propose the use of a heuristic technique
based on EAs for multi-objective mapping space exploration.
More specically, we chose SPEA2, which is very effective
in sampling from along the entire Pareto-optimal front and
distributing the solutions generated over the trade-off sur-
face. SPEA2 is an evolution of SPEA [44] and incorporates a
ne-grained tness assignment strategy, a density estimation
technique, and an enhanced archive truncation method. The
chromosome is a representation of the solution to the prob-
lem, which in this case is described by the mapping. Each
tile in the mesh has an associated gene which encodes the
identier of the core mapped in the tile. In an n m mesh,
for example, the chromosome is formed by nm genes. The
i-th gene encodes the identier of the core in the tile in row
i/n| and column i%m (where the symbol % indicates the
modulus operator).
The crossover and mutation genetic operators were have
been suitably redened. More specically, a crossover be-
tween two mappings M
and M
generates two new map-
pings M
and M
constructed as follows. Let t
T be
the tile in row y and column x. Given a mesh of H rows
and W columns, two random numbers x 1, 2, . . . ,W R
and y 1, 2, . . . , H R (where R is a user dened para-
meter) are extracted. Then, the crossover operator simply
swaps the two regions consisting of tiles fromt
to t
Figure 10 describes the crossover operator. Where the func-
1 ( Mapping, Mapping)
2 XOver( Mapping M
, Mapping M
3 {
4 Mapping M
5 Mapping M
6 x = Rand( 1, 2, . . . ,W R ) ;
7 y = Rand( 1, 2, . . . , HR ) ;
9 f or (x
, y
) x, x +1, . . . , x +R1y, y +1, . . . , y +R1
10 {
11 Swap( M
, M
/ ) , M
/ ) ) ;
12 Swap( M
, M
/ ) , M
/ ) ) ;
13 }
15 ret urn ( M
, M
) ;
16 }
Figure. 10: Crossover operator.
tion Swap(M,c
) exchanges the core c
with the core
from mapping M.
The mutation operator acts on a single mapping M to ob-
tain the mutated mapping M
as follows. A tile T
from map-
ping M is chosen at random. Indicating the core in the tile
as c
and c
as the core with which c
communicates most
frequently, c
is remapped on a tile adjacent to T
so as to
reduce the distance between c
and c
by a hop, thus obtain-
ing the mutated mapping M
. Figure 11 describes the muta-
tion operator. The RandomTile(M) function gives a tile
chosen at random from mapping M. The MaxCommuni-
cation(c) function gives the core with which c commu-
nicates most frequently. If two or more cores have equal
frequency of communication, one of them is randomly cho-
sen. The Row(M,T) and Col(M,T) functions respec-
tively give the row and column of the tile T in mapping
M. Finally, the North, South, East, West(M,T)
Mapping Cores on Network-on-Chip 117
1 Mapping Mutate( Mapping M)
2 {
3 Mapping M
= M ;
5 Tile T
= RandomTile( M
) ;
6 Core c
= M
) ;
7 Core c
= MaxCommunication( c
) ;
8 Tile T
= M
) ;
10 Tile T
11 i f ( Row( M
, T
) < Row( M
, T
) )
12 T
= North( M
, T
) ;
13 e l s e i f ( Row( M
, T
) > Row( M
, T
) )
14 T
= South( M
, T
) ;
15 e l s e i f ( Col( M
, T
) < Col( M
, T
) )
16 T
= East( M
, T
) ;
17 e l s e
18 T
= West( M
, T
) ;
20 Swap( M
, T
, T
) ;
22 ret urn M
23 }
Figure. 11: Mutation operator.
functions give the tile to the north, south, east and west of the
tile T in mapping M.
C. Pareto-based Branch-and-Bound Approach
In [17] Hu and Marculescu present an approach using
branch-and-bound as the mapping space exploration strategy.
The approach is, however, a mono-objective one. In this sub-
section we will extend their approach in order to perform
multi-objective exploration of the mapping space. We will
call our approach Pareto-based Branch-and-Bound (PBBB).
Let c
, c
, . . . , c
2 be the set of cores in the system in
decreasing order with respect to the communication traf-
c. The core c
can be mapped on any of the N
tiles in
the mesh. These N
mappings generate the rst layer of
a tree which is the starting point for the branch-and-bound
algorithm. For each rst-level mapping the core c
can be
mapped on any of the N
1 free tiles, thus generating a
second level N
1) mappings. This is the branch
phase of the algorithm and is described in pseudo-code in
Figure 12. Where the MakeMappings(M,c) function,
given a mapping template M and a core c, yields a set of
mappings obtained by mapping c on each free tile in M.
Each mapping at this level is evaluated (simulated) and
then characterized according to the optimization objectives,
which in our case are power and delay. The dominated
mappings are discarded, while the branch and bound phases
are reiterated on the survivors. This is the bound phase
of the algorithm as described in pseudo-code in Figure 13.
Where the ExtractPareto(M) function extracts the
1 Mappings Branch( Mappings M , Core c)
2 {
3 Mappings M
= / 0 ;
5 f or ( M M)
6 M
= M

MakeMappings( M , c ) ;
8 ret urn M
9 }
Figure. 12: Branch phase of the branch-and-bound algo-
1 Mappings Bound( Mappings M)
2 {
3 Mappings M
= ExtractPareto( M ) ;
5 i f ( [M
[ > T
6 Pruning( M
, T
) ;
8 ret urn M
9 }
Figure. 13: Bound phase of the branch-and-bound algo-
non-dominated mappings from the set M. To prevent the
algorithm from degenerating the bound phase is followed by
a further pruning phase. Let us indicate the set of mappings
generated by the bound phase as M. If [M[ >T (where T is
a user-dened threshold) [M[ T mappings are eliminated
at random from M. The Pruning(M,T
) function
randomly eliminates mappings from a set M if the cardi-
nality of this set exceeds a threshold T
in such a way as
to make the cardinality of M equal to T
The branch and bound phases are reiterated until all the
cores have been mapped. For example, indicating the map-
pings obtained in the bound phase as M
, M
, . . . , M
, the core
will be mapped for each of them on to the N
2 possible
tiles. The n(N
2) mappings will be the third level of the
tree. The algorithm terminates when all the cores have been
mapped and the leaves of the tree will be the Pareto map-
pings. A pseudo-code description of PBBB is given in Fig-
ure 14. Where the SortByTraffic(C) function orders
the set of cores C according to the communication trafc.
D. Pareto-based NMAP Approach
Murali and De Micheli in [28] propose NMAP, an algorithm
that maps the cores in a mesh NoC architecture with the aim
of minimizing the average communication delay. In this sub-
section we will extend NMAP to perform a multi-objective
exploration of the mapping space. Unlike [28], however, we
will refer to a routing XY. We will call this approach Pareto-
based NMAP (PBNMAP).
118 Giuseppe Ascia, Vincenzo Catania and Maurizio Palesi
1 Mappings PBBB( Cores C)
2 {
3 Cores C
= SortByTraffic(C ) ;
4 Mappings M = MakeMappings( / 0 , C
) ;
5 f or ( c C
) {
6 M = Branch( M , c ) ;
7 M = Bound( M ) ;
8 }
10 ret urn M;
11 }
Figure. 14: Pareto-based branch-and-bound approach.
The algorithm comprises two phases. In the rst the
cores featuring the largest amount of communication traf-
c are mapped onto the central tiles in the mesh (i.e. the
(N 2) (N 2) tiles with the greatest numbers of neigh-
bours). The remaining cores are then ordered in decreas-
ing order with respect to the communication trafc they have
with the cores mapped in the previous phase. The rst, c
is mapped onto each of the 4(N 1) remaining tiles. The
4 (N 1) are evaluated and those that are dominated are
discarded. If M
is the set of non-dominated mappings, the
algorithm is reiterated for each M M
with c
and so on
until the last core c
has been mapped and the set of
Pareto mappings M = M
has been obtained. Fig-
ure 15 gives the pseudo-code for this rst phase. Where
1 Mappings PBNMAP_1st( Cores C)
2 {
3 Cores C
= SortByTraffic(C)
4 Mapping M ;
5 f or ( i 1, 2, . . . , (N2) (N2))
6 Map( M , C
, (i 1)/(N2) +1 ,
7 (i 1)%(N2) +1 ) ;
9 Cores C2
10 SortByC2CTraffic( C
, . . . ,C
2 ,
11 C
, . . . ,C
) ;
12 Mappings M = / 0 ;
13 f or ( c C2s ) {
14 M = MakeMappings( M , c ) ;
15 M = ExtractPareto( M ) ;
16 }
18 ret urn M;
19 }
Figure. 15: First phase of the Pareto-based NMAP approach.
the Map(M,c,row,col) function maps core c onto the
tile in row row and column col of the mapping M. The
) function sorts the cores in
the set C
according to the communication trafc they have
with the cores in the set C
In the second phase, the mapping of cores c
and c
is in-
verted for each mapping M M and each pair (c
, c
), thus
obtaining the new mapping M
. The algorithm proceeds with
the next pair on the mapping M or M
according to whether
M dominates M
or M
dominates M. If M and M
are Pareto
mappings, the algorithm proceeds with the next pair on both
mappings. A pseudo-code description of this phase is given
in Figure 16, while Figure 17 describes the main program.
1 Mappings PBNMAP_2nd( Mappings M , Cores C)
2 {
3 f or ( i 1, 2, . . . , N
4 f or ( j i +1, i +2, . . . , N
) {
5 Mappings M
= / 0 ;
6 f or ( M M) {
7 Mapping M
= Swap( M , i , j ) ;
8 i f ( M
9 M
= M

10 e l s e i f ( M ~M
11 M
= M

M ;
12 e l s e
13 M
= M

M, M
14 }
15 M = ExtraxtPareto( M
) ;
16 }
18 ret urn M;
19 }
Figure. 16: Second phase of the Pareto-based NMAP ap-
1 Mappings PBNMAP( Cores C)
2 {
3 Mappings M;
5 M = PBNMAP_1st(C ) ;
6 M = PBNMAP_2nd( M , C ) ;
8 ret urn M;
9 }
Figure. 17: Pareto-based NMAP approach.
VI. Experiments
A. MPEG-4 Codec
In order to evaluate the various approaches in real trafc sce-
narios, an MPEG-4 simple prole @ level 2 codec was used
as a case study [34]. A general block diagram of the encoder
and decoder is shown in Figure 18.
For the hardware/software partitioning reference was
made to the MoVa architecture described in [22]. It adopts a
macroblock-based pipeline with 4 stages for the encoder and
Mapping Cores on Network-on-Chip 119
Core Description
MEC Motion estimation coarse
MEF Motion estimation ne
MC Motion compensation
VLC Variable length coding
VLD Variable length decoding
REC Reconstruction
SP Stream producer
DB Deblocking
DCTQ Discrete cosine transform & quantization
IQIDCT Inverse discrete cosine transform & inverse quantiza-
RISC 32 bit risc microprocessor
VIM Video input module
VOM Video output module
ISC Input stream controller
MEME Encoder memory
MEMD Decoder memory
Table 1: Cores implementing the codec.
3 for the decoder. More specically, the encoding section
performs coarse motion estimation in the rst stage, ne mo-
tion estimation ne and motion compensation in the second
stage, discrete cosine transform and quantization in the third
stage, and nally reconstruction and production of the stream
in the fourth stage. In the decoding section, the rst stage in-
volves variable length decoding of each data stream; in the
second stage it performs sequential inverse cosine transfor-
mation, inverse quantization and motion compensation; the
third and nal stage is reconstruction.
To obtain the trafc traces the C application implementing
the codec [24] was modied with the addition of a monitor
code to record the volume of incoming and outgoing trafc
in the various functional blocks into which the application
is partitioned. Table 1 shows the 16 cores implementing the
codec. They were characterized in terms of timing by using
the clock cycle data in [22] for the execution of each oper-
ation (DCT, MC, etc.). For power characterization, we used
the mean values given in the datasheets [27, 31]. For the in-
terconnection system we used an approach similar to the one
presented in [17]. To characterize the switches, a 5x5 switch
was implemented in VHDL following the architecture de-
scribed in [6]. It was synthesized with a Synopsys Design
Compiler using the Virtual Silicon 0.13m, 1.2V technolog-
ical library and analyzed using Synopsys Design Power us-
ing different random input data streams for the inputs of the
switch. The amount of power consumed by a it for a hop
switch was estimated as being 0.181nJ. We assumed the tile
size to be 2mm2mm and that the tiles were arranged in a
regular fashion on the oorplan. The load wire capacitance
was set to 0.50f F per micron, so considering an average of
25% switching activity the amount of power consumed by a
it for a hop interconnect is 0.384nJ.
Figure 19 shows the application characterization graph of
the MPEG-4 codec. Each vertex of the graph represents a
core. An edge that connects a core i to a core j denes
a communication ow from core i to core j. Each edge is
Figure. 19: Application characterization graph of the
MPEG-4 codec.
characterized by a set of attributes such as the trafc volume
i, j
) and the minimum bandwidth requirement for the com-
munication (B
i, j
). The latter one is used as an exploration
constraint. More precisaly, a mapping is rejected if it does
not satisfy at least one of such constraints. These constraints
are set by performing a proling of the application and an-
notating the trafc volume exchanged between the various
application components. For example, to decode N frames at
X fps we have B
i, j
= T
i, j
The following values were used for the free parameters of
the exploration algorithm. For GAMAP we chose a popula-
tion of 50 mappings, a crossover probability of 0.7 and a mu-
tation probability of 0.1. The R parameter of the crossover
operator was set to 2. These values were chosen after nu-
merous simulations and were the values that on average led
to better solutions or shorter convergence times. The number
of generations was set runtime by means of a stop criterion
based on analysis of the convergence of the Pareto-front [4].
For PBBB, the parameter T
was set to 100. Figure 20
gives the power values and trafc clearing times for 10,000
random mappings. It also shows the Pareto fronts obtained
by GAMAP, PBNMAP, and PBBB, and the solutions found
by BB [17] and NMAP [28]. As can be seen, the solutions
obtained by GAMAP dominate those obtained by the other
approaches. The gure also shows the good trade-off be-
tween delay and power (respectively equal to a factor of 3
for delay and 2.5 for power).
Figure 21(a) gives the number of simulations (i.e. map-
pings evaluated by GAMAP) for varying numbers of genera-
tions. It gives the number of simulations actually performed
and those virtually performed if no caching mechanism had
been used. Figure 21(b) gives the normalized delay and en-
120 Giuseppe Ascia, Vincenzo Catania and Maurizio Palesi
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Time (s)

Figure. 20: Evaluation of 10,000 random mappings and
Pareto fronts obtained by GAMAP, PBNMAP, and PBBB for
a 4x4 NoC in which the MPEG-4 codec is mapped on.
ergy values for varying numbers of generations. As can be
seen, in both cases no mappings that determine appreciable
improvements in delay and energy consumption are found af-
ter the 20th generation. At the 20th generation GAMAP had
only performed 840 simulations as compared with 2,670 by
PBNMAP and 7,238 by PBBB, thus providing an exploration
time speed-up of 3.2 and 8.6 respectively.
Figure. 22: Pareto mapping for the lMPEG-4 codec.
Finally, Figure 22 shows a point (the minimum energy
mapping) in the Pareto set obtained by GAMAP. The cores
specic to the encoding section are shown against a dark
gray background, whereas those specic to the decoding are
against a white background. The cores shared by the encoder
and decoder are shown against a light gray background and
have been mapped (in this case) in the centre of the NoC. In
the decoding section, the cores VOM and DB are topolog-
ically separated from VLD, MEMD and ISC as there is no
direct communication ow between these sets: they commu-
nicate by means of a ring represented by the core REC. In the
encoding section there are also two separate parts which do
not communicate directly but through the set of shared cores.
B. Cell Phone
Figure 23(a) is a block diagramof a mobile phone application
in which it is possible not only to hold a normal conversation
but also to listen to an MP3, surf the web, receive and send
images, and listen to emails. The application example used
is the airport scenario described in [30]. In this example
the trafc ows are generated under certain synchronization
constraints. For example, as can be seen from Figure 23(b),
which shows a fragment of the communication timeline, it is
not possible to read an email and perform MP3 streaming at
the same time.
The application was partitioned into 13 cores [one for each
block shown in Figure 23(a)] and mapped onto a 44 NoC.
Cores for a concurrent synthesized application in which each
core communicates at random with the others were mapped
onto the remaining 3 tiles.
200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
delay metric

Figure. 24: Evaluation of 10,000 random mappings and
Pareto fronts obtained by GAMAP and PBBB for a 44 NoC
and cell phone application.
Figure 24 shows the solutions obtained by GAMAP and
PBBB together with the evaluation of 10,000 randomly gen-
erated mappings. In this case it was not possible to com-
plete the exploration using PBNMAP due to the great num-
ber of Pareto mappings obtained at each iteration during the
rst phase of the algorithm (Figure 15). The main reason
for this behavior lies in the characteristics of the trafc con-
sidered. More specically, in the rst phase of the algo-
rithm the mapping of a core that does not communicate with
any of the other cores already mapped generates as many
Pareto mappings as there are free tiles. In such situations
the ExtractPareto(M) function returns the same set M , the
mappings of which will be extended in the following itera-
tion by the MakeMappings(M, c) function to map the core
c, generating a new set of mappings [M[ f in size (where
f indicates the number of free tiles in the incomplete map-
ping). Obviously, the more often this situation arises, the
more quickly the number of mappings to be evaluated (and
Mapping Cores on Network-on-Chip 121
thus the number of simulations to be performed) grows. In
this example it happens quite frequently because the applica-
tion was partitioned using a coarser granularity. The trafc
ows, in fact, involve on average fewer cores than the previ-
ous examples, thus reducing the probability that a core being
mapped will communicate with at least one of the cores al-
ready mapped.
Going back to Figure 24 we can observe a great range
of dispersion between the points (2.3x for delay and 2.5x
for energy consumption) which once again requires efcient
techniques to explore the mapping space. In this example
GAMAP and PBBB yield the same solution but the former
requires only 1,227 simulations as compared with the 9,893
required by the latter.
VII. Conclusions
In this paper we have proposed a strategy for topological
mapping of IPs/cores in a mesh-based NoC architecture. The
approach uses heuristics based on multi-objective genetic al-
gorithms to explore the mapping space and nd the Pareto
mappings that optimize performance and power consump-
tion. At the same time, two of the most widely-known ap-
proaches to mapping in mesh-based NoC architectures have
been extended in order to explore the mapping space in a
multi-criteria mode. The approaches have been then evalu-
ated and compared, in terms of both accuracy and efciency,
on a platform based on an un event-driven trace-based sim-
ulator which makes it possible to take account of important
dynamic effects that have a great impact on mapping. The
experiments carried out on real applications (an MPEG-4 en-
coder/decoder system and a cellular phone application) con-
rm the efciency, accuracy and scalability of the proposed
approach. Future developments will mainly address the de-
nition of more efcient genetic operators to improve the pre-
cision and convergence speed of the algorithm. Evaluation
will also be made of the possibility of optimizing mapping
by acting on other architectural parameters such as routing
strategies, switch buffer sizes, etc.
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Author Biographies
Giuseppe Ascia received the Laurea degree in electronic engineering and
the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the Universit di Catania, Italy, in
1994 and 1998, respectively. In 1994, he joined the Institute of Computer
Science and Telecommunications at the Universit di Catania. Currently, he
is an Associate Professor at the Universit di Catania. His research interests
are soft computing, VLSI design, hardware architectures, and low-power
Vincenzo Catania received the Laurea degree in electrical engineering
from the Universit di Catania, Italy, in 1982. Until 1984, he was responsible
for testing microprocessor system at STMicroelectronics, catania, Italy.
Since 1985 he has cooperated in research on computer network with the
Istituto di Informatica e Telecomunicazioni at the Universit di Catania,
where he is a Full Professor of computer science. His research interests
include performance and reliability assessment in parallel and distribuited
system, VLSI design, low-power design, and fuzzy logic.
Maurizio Palesi received the Dr.Eng. degree and the Ph.D. degree in com-
puter engineering from Universit di Catania, Italy, in 1999 and 2003 respec-
tively. Since December 2003, he has held a research contract as Assistant
Professor at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica e delle Telecomu-
nicazioni, Facolt di Ingegneria, Universit di Catania. His research focuses
on Platform based system design, design space exploration, low-power tech-
niques for embedded systems, and Network-on-Chip architectures.
124 Giuseppe Ascia, Vincenzo Catania and Maurizio Palesi
Figure. 4: Switch interface (a), Behavioural annotated graph of a switch (b).
Mapping Cores on Network-on-Chip 125
(a) (b)
Figure. 18: Block diagram of the MPEG-4 codec. (a) Encoder. (b) Decoder.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

Minimum delay
Minimum energy
(a) (b)
Figure. 21: Number of (virtual and real) mappings evaluated by GAMAP in varying numbers of generations (a). Normalized
minimum delay and power consumption values obtained by the GAMAP in varying numbers of generations (b).
126 Giuseppe Ascia, Vincenzo Catania and Maurizio Palesi
(a) (b)
Figure. 23: Example application of a cell phone (source [30]) (a). A portion of the communication timeline (b).

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