Psychiatry 1 - Answers
Psychiatry 1 - Answers
Psychiatry 1 - Answers
2) Down syndrome
• Epicanthal folds, cardiac murmur, developmental delay
8) Social phobia
• Social anxiety disorder, performance type: anxiety restricted to public speaking
• Fear of embarrassment or judgement is a classic sign of social phobia
11) Reassurance
• Sleep changes in elderly: ↓ REM sleep time, ↑ REM latency, ↓ stage N3 (non-REM sleep)
• This patient is experiencing normal age related changes
14) Opioid
• Opioid intoxication → respiratory and CNS depression, pupillary constriction
19) Maintain the current dosage of sertraline and schedule weekly follow-up examinations for the next month
• SSRIs take 4-6 weeks to work - if there is no improvement at that time, then the dose can be titrated accordingly
• This patient has a mild-moderate risk for suicide - not enough to hospitalize, but they should be monitored closely
outpatient (weekly examinations)
• Black box warning: patients age 18-24 have a slightly increased risk of becoming suicidal when initiating antidepressant
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26) Dopamine
• Blockade of the nigrostriatal dopamine pathway is responsible for EPS in patients taking antipsychotics
27) Psychotherapy
• Psychotherapy is the treatment of choice for adjustment disorder
38) Serotonin
• Fluoxetine (SSRI) → ↑ serotonin in the synoptic cleft
• Tramadol inhibits the re-uptake of NE and serotonin
• Fluoxetine + Tramadol → Serotonin Syndrome
43) Amenorrhea
• Anorexia nervosa → ↓ GnRH → ↓ LH, FSH → ↓ estrogen → amenorrhea, bone loss
44) Ziprasidone
• Antipsychotics are the first-line pharmacotherapy for patients with acute psychosis
• Second-generation is usually preferred due to less EPS side effects
45) Clomipramine
• Tx of OCD: CBT + SSRI; clomipramine and venlafaxine are second line