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Laser Beam Welding of Hard Metals

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AIPS01-04-013 PMS Ref: 01-04-05

Issue: 4 Rev: FEB 01/22
Issue 4
Page 1 of 24
March 2012

Airbus Process Specification

Laser Beam Welding of Hard Metals

Published and distributed by :

31707 BLAGNAC Cedex

Copyright reserved
Ref. no. AIPS01-04-013

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1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Definition, applicability and limitations

4 Requirements

5 Technical qualification

6 First part qualification

7 Series production inspection

8 Rework

9 Environment, health and safety


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1 Scope
This Airbus Process Specification defines the requirement for Laser Beam Welding (LBW) of Hard Metals.
The purpose of this specification is to give design and quality requirements to manufacturers. Although the
essential requirements of a process are defined, the specification does not give complete in house process
instructions, these shall be given in the manufacturers detailed process instruction and supporting work

This specification shall not be used as an inspection document unless parts or assemblies have been
manufactured according to this specification.

It shall be applied when mentioned in the relevant standard, material specification or drawing.

2 Normative references
This Airbus specification incorporates by dated or undated reference provisions from other publications. All
normative references cited at the appropriate places in the text are listed hereafter. For dated references,
subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this Airbus specification only when
incorporated in it by amendment of revision. For undated references, the latest issue of the publication referred to
shall be applied.

ABS 5012 Aerospace Series, Welded Tubes, Titanium Ti-99002 for Non Hydraulic Applications in
Standard or High Quality ¾” ” D ” 9”, Dimensions

ABS 5142 Aerospace Series, Sheets and Strips, Titanium Ti-P99002, Thickness 0,1 mm ” a ” 6,0
mm, Dimensions

ABS 5326 Aerospace Series, Sheets, Titanium Alloy (Ti-6Al-4V), Normal and Special Flatness
Tolerances (Code N and S), Thickness 0,3 mm ” a ” 6,0 mm, Dimensions

ABS 5488 Aerospace Series, Welded Tubes for Non Hydraulic Applications, Nickel Alloys, 1” ” D ” 6”,
(25,4 mm ” D ” 152,4 mm), 0,01” ” a ” 0,06”, (0,25 mm ” a ” 1,52 mm), Dimensions

ABS 5737 Sheets and strips, Cold and hot rolled Austenitic Stainless Steel X6CrNiTi18-10 /
X6CrNiNb18-10 0,1 mm < a < 4 mm Dimensions

AIMS 02-05-001 Airbus Material Specification, Heat Resisting Nickel Alloy (NiCr22Mo9Nb (Inconel Alloy
625)), Annealed, Welded Tubes, 1” ” D ” 6”, (25,4 mm ” D ” 152,4 mm), 0,01” ” a ”
0,06”, (0,25 mm ” a ” 1,52 mm) Rm • 830 MPa

AIMS 03-18-002 Airbus Material Specification, Titanium Ti-P99002, Annealed, Sheet and Strip, 0,1 mm ” a
” 6,0 mm

AIMS 03-18-004 Airbus Material Specification, Titanium Alloy (Ti-6Al-4V), Annealed, Sheet and Strip, 0,1 mm
” a ” 6,0 mm

AIMS 03-23-001 Airbus Material Specification, Titanium Ti-P99002, Annealed, Welded Tubes for Non-
Hydraulic Applications, High Quality, ¾” ” D ” 9”

AIMS 01-04-005 Austenitic stainless steel (X6CrNbnb 18 10 / X6CrNiTi18 10 (18/10)) Rm t 540Mpa sheet
and strip 0,1 mm d a d 6 mm

AIMS 03-23-002 Airbus Material Specification, Titanium Ti-P99002, Annealed, Welded Tubes for Non-
Hydraulic Applications, Standard Quality, ¾” ” D ” 9”

AIPS 01-04-001 General Requirements for Welding and Allied Processes

AITM 6-1001 Airbus Test Method For inspection Processes, Penetrant Testing

AITM 6-7002 Airbus Test Method For inspection Processes, X-Radiographic Inspection, General

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EN 1321 Destructive Tests on Welds in Metallic Materials- Macroscopic and Microscopic Examination
of Welds

EN 2002-1 Aerospace Series Metallic Materials Test Methods Part1: Tensile Testing At Ambient

EN9103 Quality management systems - Variation management of key characteristics

ISO 6520-1 Welding and Allied Processes- Classification of Geometric Imperfections in Metallic
Materials- Part 1: Fusion Welding

ISO 15609-4 Specification and Qualification of Welding Procedures for Metallic Materials- Welding
Procedure Specification- Part 4: Laser Beam Welding

ISO/TR 17671-6 Welding- Recommendations for Welding of Metallic Materials- Part 6: Laser Beam Welding

3 Definitions, applicability and limitations

3.1 Definitions
Refer to AIPS 01-04-001, ISO 15609-4 and ISO 17671-6.

3.2 Applicability
This Airbus specification is applicable when invoked by the drawing directly or through another document for the
purpose given in the scope. When processing to AIPS 01-04-013 is required, it shall be invoked on the drawing by
the words “Laser Beam Welding of Hard Metals” to AIPS 01-04-013.

3.3 Limitations of the process

Welding in accordance with this specification is limited to the materials and weld depths defined in table 1.

Table 1: Material and Weld Depth Limitations

Material Group Heat Treatment

Maximum Weld Depth
(see AIPS 01-04- Alloy Grade Condition Prior to
001) Welding

NiCr22Mo9Nb (Inconel 625) Annealed 1,6

X6CrNiNb18-10/ X6CrNiTi18-10 Hyperquenched 2,5

Ti-P99002 (C.P. Titanium) Annealed 2,5

Ti-6Al-4V Annealed 2,5

It is only necessary to qualify one material from each material group. For example, for Group III materials,
qualification of one alloy grade automatically covers the other, i.e. it is not mandatory to qualify both Ti-P99002
(C.P. Titanium) and Ti-6Al-4V.

Ti-P99002 (C.P. Titanium) can be welded to Ti-6Al-4V with a maximum weld depth of 2,5 mm.

If a new need arises, these limits may be expanded through a qualification process which is carried out in
accordance with the Reference Manufacturing Shop (RMS).

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4 Requirements
4.1 Technical requirements
4.1.1 Engineering Requirements for Technical Qualification
As a general rule, the qualification requirements defined below should be followed if technical qualification of the
process in a Manufacturing Shop different to the RMS is required. In certain cases, the Airbus Materials &
Processes specialist may authorise changes to the qualification requirements, e.g. base materials, test piece
configurations or the number of test specimens required. In such cases, the revised requirements will be detailed in
the Qualification Test Programme (QTP). Joint Configurations to be Qualified
The configuration and thickness of the joint that shall be qualified depends on the production requirements of the
particular manufacturing shop. For the purpose of this specification, the joint configurations shown in Table 2 are
defined. Table 2 also defines the qualifiable thickness ranges and the qualification test pieces that shall be used to
qualify each joint configuration.
Table 2: Joint Configurations and Test Pieces

Joint Configurations to be Qualifiable Thickness Ranges (mm) Qualification Test Piece (1)
Butt Weld- Flat Products t ” 2,5 See Appendix A
Overlap Weld- Tubular Products t ” 2,5 (total joint thickness) See Appendix B
T-Joint Weld t ” 2,5 See Appendix C
Joint configurations which are not covered by table 2 will be dealt with on a specific basis. In such cases, the
configuration of the test pieces will be defined in the QTP.
The T-Joint weld can be performed in the following 3 configurations:

Configuration 1 : Welded on Configuration 2 : Welded on Configuration 3 : Welded

both sides of stiffner one side of stiffner with from lower surface
complete penetration

~ ~ 8
r Materials to be used for Qualification
Table 3 defines the alloy grades and material specifications that shall be used for qualification.

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Table 3: Materials to be Used for Qualification

Alloy Grade Used for Material Specification to be Final Condition of
Product Form
Qualification Used (1) Qualification Test Piece
ABS 5142
(AIMS 03-18-002)
(C.P. Titanium)
ABS 5326
(AIMS 03-18-004) Sheet

ABS 5737
(AIMS 01-04-005) As-Welded

ABS 5012
(AIMS 03-23-001/ AIMS 03-
(C.P. Titanium)
ABS 5488
NiCr22Mo9Nb (Inconel 625)
(AIMS 02-05-001)

The use of alternative material specifications may be permitted provided their use is approved by Airbus M&P
prior to the start of the Qualification phase. Testing and Inspection of Qualification and WPS Validation Test Pieces
The test pieces defined in section shall be inspected in accordance with Table 4. All non destructive
inspections shall be carried out in the as-welded condition.

Unless otherwise specified in the QTP, tests specimens shall be extracted in accordance with the Appendices A, B
and C.

In the case of qualification test pieces, the Qualification Body may request additional tests (e.g. fatigue) to be
carried out. In such cases, all details of the tests, together with the requirements to be met shall be quoted in the
Qualification Test Programme (QTP).

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Table 4: Testing and Inspection of Qualification and WPS Validation Test Pieces

Testing/ Inspection Test Method Acceptance Criteria

Non Destructive Inspection
Visual -
See Appendix D- Acceptance
Radiographic AITM 6-7002- Annex B
Level A
Penetrant AITM 6-1001
Destructive Testing
For butt and overlap joints:
For butt and overlap joints: EN 2002-1
See Appendix E
For T-joint; For T-joint; To be defined in the
To be defined in the QTP QTP
To be defined in the QTP
Shear Test To be defined in the QTP

See Appendix D- Acceptance

Metallographic (1) EN 1321
Level A
Macrographic and Micrographic examination

4.2 Quality requirements

4.2.1 Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)
For each material/ thickness/ machine combination, the local Quality Assurance Authority will validate a Welding
Procedure Specification (WPS). All production, welding shall be carried out against a validated WPS.

The content of the WPS shall be in accordance with ISO 15609-4.

The Local Quality Assurance Authority shall choose a test piece configuration which is representative of the
production joint. In all cases, all the WPS validation tests and inspections defined in Table 4 shall be carried out.
The acceptance criteria for validation of the WPS are shown in Appendix D.

Tack welds made prior to laser beam beam welding must be completely remelted during the subsequent welding
pass. Tack welds can be made by laser beam or other welding processes and the method shall be documented in
the WPS.
4.2.2 Personnel and Equipment
Requirements established to personnel and equipment by the Local Quality Assurance Authority must be in
accordance with AIPS 01-04-001.

4.3 Key Characteristics

Key Characteristics acc. to EN9103 are defined by responsible engineering based on a risk analysis for parts
manufactured by this process. Key characteristics shall be defined on product level and if necessary also on
process level.
They shall be subject to variation control by production organization according to EN9103.
Key Characteristics do not relieve the production organization from meeting all engineering requirements defined in
this document.

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Table 5: Key Characteristics

Product Key Characteristics Process Key Characteristics

Requirement/ Sub.- Requirement/
No. Designation Designation
Limit No. Limit
see Process
1.1 Weld quality level
1.2 Surface preparation
1 Material properties 1.3 Joint preparation Imperfections
according to
1.4 Gas shield Appendix D
1.5 Welding Cycle

5 Technical qualification
The Technical Qualification shall be performed according to the relevant Airbus procedure.

6 First part qualification

For the introduction of new structural components or major changes to serial production processes for class 1
parts, a First Part Qualification (FPQ) according to the relevant Airbus procedure is mandatory. For class 2 parts
FPQ is mandatory when specified on the drawing.
Main objective of a FPQ is to prove, that the inner quality of a structural part / component meets the requirements
defined in the Definition Dossier taking into account materials and key parameters of the manufacturing process
and tooling.

7 Series production inspection

7.1 Inspection Methods and Frequency
For series inspection of parts, the definitions of AIPS quality level, frequency of inspection and inspection methods
are stated in AIPS01-04-001 “General Requirements for Welding and Allied Processes”. Welds shall be inspected
in as-welded condition (i.e. prior to subsequent machining). In the case of subsequent machining of the weld top
and /or root surface, the weld shall be re-inspected for surface imperfections to meet the acceptance criteria.

7.2 Acceptance Criteria

In all cases, the welds must satisfy the acceptance criteria defined in Appendix D. Note that a weld which contains
defects greater than those permitted may be accepted provided that all such defects will be subsequently removed
by machining. Welds accepted on this basis shall be re-inspected after machining to ensure that the defective
areas have been fully removed. Alternatively, for parts where machining of the weld seam is mandatory, inspection
of the weld need only be carried out in the welded and machined condition.

7.3 Other Tests

When required by the drawing, additional tests (such as pressure tests) shall be carried out. In such cases, all
details of the test, together with the requirements to be met shall be quoted on the drawing.

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8 Rework
LBW joints that do not meet acceptance criteria or quality requirements may be repaired either by re-working or re-
welding. The type, scope and procedure for re-welding and re-work of welded joints shall be documented and
validated by the local Quality Assurance Authority.

At the discretion of the local Quality Assurance Authority surface/geometric weld imperfections may be re-worked
by blending them out of the weld. The re-worked area shall be re-inspected to the requirements of the original weld.
Re-worked welds shall meet the same quality acceptance criteria (i.e. Appendix D) as the original welds.
Re-welding shall be carried out using LBW or TIG process. Alternative welding processes may be used with prior
approval from the Airbus Materials and Processes Function. It is permissible to re-weld a defective section of weld
provided that no more than two re-welding operations are carried out and the part has not undergone any further
heat treatment prior to re-welding.

Unless re-welding procedures have been already validated during part qualification, re-welding procedures for
'Quality Level A and B' welds shall be approved by Airbus prior to their implementation onto series parts. For
certain parts, Airbus may also request some specific tests to be carried out on test pieces which simulate the
proposed re-welding procedure. In this case, the test results shall also be provided to Airbus for approval. Once re-
welding procedures and, where appropriate, specific test results have been approved by Airbus, the local Quality
Assurance Authority may implement these re-weld repairs at their own discretion.
In the case of 'Quality Level C' welds, the local Quality Assurance Authority shall validate and approve each re-
welding procedure.
Re-welded joints shall be re-inspected to the requirements of the original welds. Re-welded joints shall meet the
same quality acceptance criteria (i.e. Appendix D) as the original welds.
Non-destructive test reports shall clearly identify the location of any re-welding repairs.
Concessions shall be raised for any parts which are re-worked or re-welded using methods/ techniques which fall
outside those defined in vaildated re-work/ re-welding procedures.

9 Environment, health and safety

Process shall be in line with Airbus environmental policy.
Banned substances, as per relevant Airbus procedure, shall not be applied.
Hazardous materials shall comply with rules defined in relevant Airbus procedure.

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Appendix A
Process Qualification and WPS Validation Test Piece for Butt Welding of Flat Products


Jc __ 1_
- -~f~ ----~- -----:-■ ------- -


Welding Direction
F1 ■



1······························ t ················· ....!


M1 =.____l
J __ ---- -:- --------

. a
. I
a ..,
- ~ -

a = 150 mm (minimum)
b = 300 mm (minimum)
c t 25 mm (minimum discard material)
T1 to T3- Transverse tensile test specimens (crown and root of weld shall be unmachined)
F1- Area for removal of other test specimens if required
M1- Metallographic specimen- Transverse (macrography, micrography)

Thickness of Qualification Test Piece

The thickness (t) of the test piece shall be: 1,0 mm < t ” 2,5 mm

Figure A.1: Test Piece for Butt Welding of Flat Products

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Appendix B
Qualification Test Piece for Overlap Welds of Tubular Products

a a


M3 M4 Z

I 7,5±0,5 mm
►1 :◄


( ~


11 ~ Ill
Direction 4±1 mm 15±1 mm

Details of weld bead


T3 F1

a = 150 mm (minimum)
D = Outside diameter of tube (minimum 100 mm)
T1 to T3- Transverse tensile test specimens (crown and root of weld shall be unmachined)
F1- Area for removal of other test specimens if required by the QTP
M1, M2 and M4- Metallographic specimens- Transverse (macrography and micrography)
M3- Metallographic Specimen- Longitudinal (macrography and micrography)
X- Start of overlap
Y- Start of slope down
Z- End of slope down

Thickness of Qualification Test Piece

The joint thickness (t) of the test piece shall be: 1,0 mm < t ” 2,5 mm

Diameter of Qualification Test Piece

The actual diameter of tube chosen for qualification is at the discretion of the local Quality Assurance authority
provided it is not less than 100 mm.
Figure B.1: Test Piece for Overlap Welding of Tubular Products

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Appendix C
Qualification Test Piece for T-Joint Weld



■■■■■■■■■■■ ·•"

···························~·········· Welding Direction



a = 100 mm (minimum)
b = 300 mm (minimum)
c t 25 mm (minimum discard material)
d = 50 mm (minimum)
1,0 mm < t1 ” 2,5 mm, 1,0 mm < t2 ” 2,5 mm
M1, M2- Metallographic specimen- Transverse (macrography, micrography)
F1- Area for removal of other test specimens if required

Figure C.1: Test Piece for T-Joint Weld Applicable to Configurations 1-3

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Appendix D
Acceptance Criteria
Table D.1: AIPS Acceptance Criteria for Butt Welds
ISO 6520-1
Internal (I) AIPS Acceptance Criteria
Ref. or External
Classification/ Description (E) Acceptance Acceptance Acceptance
Level A I Level B Level C
Excess Weld Metal


a I t
h E h ” 0,1t h ” 0,2t

h ” 0,15t
0 iI t
E h ” 0,2t

Linear Misalignment

0 l
t h

t E h ” 0,2t h ” 0,4t

501/ h
e ~I t E
Not Permitted
h ” 0,15 mm

Spatter is acceptable provided it is non-adherent
602 E and can be removed by brushing or another such
method approved by Airbus M&P

Excess Penetration

504 Q t t

E h ” 0,1t h ” 0,2t

Root Concavity

h t=W r t E
h ” 0,2t


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Appendix D
Acceptance Criteria
Table D.1: AIPS Acceptance Criteria for Butt Welds (concluded)

ISO 6520-1
Internal (I) AIPS Acceptance Criteria
Ref. or External
Classification/ Description (E) Acceptance
Level A j Acceptance
Level B j Acceptance
Level C
Temper Colour (1) For material group II:
Dark grey colour not permitted
Zone A _,.
- For material group III
Weld Colours no more severe than
straw yellow in the weld and
- ~J-J -a adjacent metal within 1.0 t or 2.0

i mm (whichever is less) from the

~ ~ j_ (
edges of the weld, i.e. inside
Zone A For material
Colours no group III:
a = t or 2.0 mm (whichever t
610 E more severe Colours no Colours no
is less)
than violet in more severe more severe
metal away than blue in than blue in
from the metal away the weld and
edges of the from the edges entire heat-
weld for more of the weld for affected zone
than 1.0 t or more than 1.0 t
2.0 mm or 2.0 mm
(whichever is (whichever is
less), i.e. less), i.e.
outside Zone outside Zone A
Lack of Penetration


fa rt
E, I Not Permitted

Cracks (2) E, I Not Permitted
Gas Cavities Dmax ” 0,3t
Nmax = 20 per 250 mm weld
¨L length
Minimum distance between 2


-I t
pores t 3D (where D = diameter
of larger pore)
Where the distance (¨L)
between two individual pores is
” 1d (where d = diameter of

Pore 1 Pore 2 larger pore) they shall be

considered as a single pore
The following sequence of temper colours shows progressive increase of severe effect on weld quality:
Material Group II: Silver > Yellow > Brown > Violet > Blue > Dark grey
Material Group III: Bright Silver (always acceptable) > Light Yellow > Straw Yellow > Violet > Blue > Blue Grey
> Dull Silvergrey and / or White Flaky Oxide (always not permitted)
Inspection for microcracks (i.e. using microscopy techniques) is only necessary during Qualification

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Appendix D
Acceptance Criteria
Table D.2: AIPS Acceptance Criteria for Overlap Welds

ISO 6520-1
Internal (I) AIPS Acceptance Criteria
Ref. or External
Classification/ Description (E) Acceptance Acceptance Acceptance
Level A I Level B I Level C
Weld Width L
L > 1 mm, 0,8 mm < l ” L

E l =< 0,8 mm allowed locally provided the total
length of the defective area is ” 10% of total
bead length

Excess Weld Metal



~P=9 t h
E h ” 0,1t h < 0,2t

509 E h ” 0,1t h ” 0,2t

Localised Underfill of Weld Top

h h ” 0,1t

d]_ ~ h ” 0,15t

E (smooth transition between
t weld metal and base metal)

Both adherent
and non-
spatter is
provided it
does not
affects the fit,
Spatter is acceptable provided form or the in-
it is non-adherent and can be service
602 Spatter E removed by brushing or function of the
another such method approved part and it
by Airbus M&P does not inhibit
the inspection
of the part.
Otherwise it
shall be
removed by a
approved by
Airbus M&P.
Excess Penetration


iJJ E h ” 0,1t h ” 0,2t


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Appendix D
Acceptance Criteria
Table D.2: AIPS Acceptance Criteria for Overlap Welds (concluded)

ISO 6520-1
Internal (I) AIPS Acceptance Criteria
Ref. or External
Classification/ Description (E) Acceptance Acceptance Acceptance
Level A Level B Level C
For material group II:
Dark grey colour not permitted
For material group III
Colours no more severe than
Temper Colour (1) straw yellow in the weld and
adjacent metal within 1.0 t or
Zone A 2.0 mm (whichever is less)

from the edges of the weld, i.e.


a weld a inside Zone a For material

Colours no group III

t Colours no Colours no
610 E more severe

more severe more severe

than violet in
than violet in than blue in
metal away
metal away the weld and
from the
A=t or 2mm (whichever is from the edges entire heat-
edges of the
less) of the weld for affected zone
weld for more
more than 1.0
than 1.0 t or
t or 2.0 mm
2.0 mm
(whichever is
(whichever is
less), i.e.
less), i.e.
outside Zone
outside Zone
Cracks (2) E, I Not Permitted
Gas Cavities

Dmax ” 0,3 (t1+t2)

Nmax = 20 per 250 mm weld
Minimum distance between 2
™r .

pores >= 3D (where D = Not

diameter of larger pore) Applicable
201 t1 I

Where the distance (¨L)
t2 between two individual pores is
” 1d (where d = diameter of

larger pore) they shall be

Pore 1 Pore 2 considered as a single pore

The following sequence of temper colours shows progressive increase of severe effect on weld quality:
Material Group II: Silver > Yellow > Brown > Violet > Blue > Dark grey
Material Group III: Bright Silver (always acceptable) > Light Yellow > Straw Yellow > Violet > Blue > Blue Grey >
Dull Silvergrey and / or White Flaky Oxide (always not permitted)
Inspection for microcracks (i.e. using microscopy techniques) is only necessary during Qualification

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Appendix D
Acceptance Criteria
Table D.3: AIPS Acceptance Criteria for T-Joint Welds (Configurations 1&2)

ISO 6520-1
Internal (I) AIPS Acceptance Criteria
or External
No. Classification/ Description Acceptance Acceptance Acceptance
Level A I Level B I Level C
Bead Symmetry

Area a1 = Area a2 ± 10%

- E Only for qualification and WPS validation
aa11 a2 (metallography)

Insufficient Throat Thickness

a • 0,2t (where t is the thickness of the thinnest
5213 I sheet)

Only for qualification and WPS validation

a t (metallography) (1)

Localised underfill h ” 0,2t

t (where t is
h ” 0,1t the thickness
E (where t is the thickness of the of the
h thinnest sheet) thinnest
Penetration into Sheet
h ” 0,2t1
H Only for qualification and WPS validation
- I
(metallography) (1)

Angular Defect
i :: i As per drawing tolerances
- / :; ,/

( / ~

I ~11~/ I


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Appendix D
Acceptance Criteria
Table D.3: AIPS Acceptance Criteria for T-Joint Welds (Configurations 1&2)

ISO 6520-1 Internal AIPS Acceptance Criteria

Ref. (I) or
No. Classification/ Description External Acceptance Acceptance Acceptance
(E) Level A Level B Level C
Incomplete Interpenetration of
weld beads
Not Permitted

Both adherent
and non-
adherent spatter
is acceptable
provided it does
not affects the
fit, form or the
Spatter is acceptable provided it is in-service
non-adherent and can be removed function of the
602 Spatter E
by brushing or another such part and it does
method approved by Airbus M&P not inhibit the
inspection of the
part. Otherwise
it shall be
removed by a
approved by
Airbus M&P.
For material group II:
Dark grey colour not permitted
For material For material For material
group III group III group III
610 Temper Colour (2) E Colours no more Colours no more Colours no more
severe than severe than severe than
straw yellow in straw yellow in straw yellow in
the weld and the weld and the weld and
adjacent metal adjacent adjacent metal

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Appendix D
Acceptance Criteria
Table D.3: AIPS Acceptance Criteria for T-Joint Welds (Configurations 1&2) (concluded)

ISO 6520-1 Internal AIPS Acceptance Criteria

Ref. (I) or
No. Classification/ Description External Acceptance Acceptance Acceptance
(E) Level A Level B Level C
Cracks(1) E, I Not Permitted
Gas Cavities
Only for qualification and WPS validation
dmax < 0,1t1
Where the distance (¨L) between two individual pores
201 I is ” 1d (where d = diameter of larger pore) they shall
d be considered as a single pore

Pore 1 ¨L Pore 2

Inspection for microcracks (i.e. using microscopy techniques) is only necessary during Qualification
(2 )
The following sequence of temper colours shows progressive increase of severe effect on weld quality:
Material Group II: Silver > Yellow > Brown > Violet > Blue > Dark grey
Material Group C: Bright Silver (always acceptable) > Light Yellow > Straw Yellow > Violet > Blue > Blue Grey
> Dull Silvergrey and / or White Flaky Oxide (always not permitted)

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Appendix D
Acceptance Criteria
Table D.4: AIPS Acceptance Criteria for T-Joint Welds (Configuration 3)
ISO 6520-1 Internal AIPS Acceptance Criteria
(I) or
Ref. External
Classification/ Description Acceptance Acceptance Acceptance
No. (E) Level A Level B Level C
502 Excess Weld Metal

Only for qualification and WPS validation

E h ” 0,2t1



509 E h ” 0,2t1
h t1

Localised underfill

h ” 0,2t1

h t1

Penetration Width

L2 L3 L1, L2, L3, L4 > 0,3 mm

E Only for qualification and WPS validation
- L1 L4 (metallography)

Angular Defect

"" As per drawing tolerances


Lack of Fusion
L = Length of defect
Allowed locally on one side only: Length of
in direction of weld single defect (L) ” 1 mm and total length
of defects less than 5% of the overall weld


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Appendix D
Acceptance Criteria
Table D.4: AIPS Acceptance Criteria for T-Joint Welds (Configuration 3)

ISO 6520-1
Internal (I) AIPS Acceptance Criteria
Ref. or External
Classification/ Description (E) Acceptance Acceptance Acceptance
Level A I Level B Level C
Both adherent
and non-
adherent spatter
is acceptable
provided it does
Spatter is acceptable provided it is not affects the
non-adherent and can be removed fit, form or the
by brushing or another such in-service
method approved by Airbus M&P function of the
602 Spatter E
part and it does
not inhibit the
inspection of the
part. Otherwise
it shall be
removed by a
approved by
Airbus M&P
For material group II:
Dark grey colour not permitted
For material
For material
group III
For material group group III
(1) III Colours no
610 Temper Colour E Colours no
more severe
Colours no more more severe
than straw
severe than straw than straw
yellow in the
yellow in the weld yellow in the
weld and
and adjacent metal weld and
adjacent metal

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Appendix D
Acceptance Criteria
Table D.4: AIPS Acceptance Criteria for T-Joint Welds (Configuration 3) (concluded)

ISO 6520-1
Internal (I) AIPS Acceptance Criteria
Ref. or External

Classification/ Description (E) Acceptance Acceptance Acceptance
Level A Level B Level C
Cracks (2) E, I Not Permitted
Gas Cavities
I a.or

Only for qualification and WPS validation

l: dmax < 0,1t1
201 Where the distance (¨L) between two individual pores
I is ” 1d (where d = diameter of larger pore) they shall

be considered as a single pore




Pore 1 ¨L Pore 2
The following sequence of temper colours shows progressive increase of severe effect on weld quality:
Material Group II: Silver > Yellow > Brown > Violet > Blue > Dark grey
Material Group C: Bright Silver (always acceptable) > Light Yellow > Straw Yellow > Violet > Blue > Blue Grey >
Dull Silvergrey and / or White Flaky Oxide (always not permitted)
Inspection for microcracks (i.e. using microscopy techniques) is only necessary during Qualification

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Appendix E
Tensile Strength Requirements

Unless otherwise specified by the drawing, the ultimate tensile strength (Rm) of the weld shall meet the
requirements defined below.

Table E.1: AIPS Tensile Strength Requirements

Material Group Alloy Grades Welded Rm of Welded Test Specimen

NiCr22Mo9Nb (Inconel 625)
NiCr22Mo9Nb (Inconel 625)
X6CrNiNb18-10/ X6CrNiTi18-10
to • minimum Rm for parent material
X6CrNiNb18-10/ X6CrNiTi18-10

Ti-6Al-4V to Ti-6Al-4V
Ti-P99002 (C.P. Titanium)
Ti-P99002 (C.P. Titanium)
Ti-P99002 (C.P. Titanium)
• minimum Rm for Ti-P99002 (1)
Dissimilar Joints to
As defined in relevant AIMS.

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Issue Description of modification

1 New standard

2 §4–9 New AM2534 and incorporation of FPQ


3 4.3 Implementation of Key Characteristics


4 7.1 Update

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