SSP649 WG en
SSP649 WG en
SSP649 WG en
Service Training
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Audi presents the Q7 e-tron quattro - its second model to feature a The standard MMI Navigation plus system, with Audi connect
high-performance plug-in hybrid drive. The electric current pro- internet module, is integrated in tthe hybrid management system
vided by the lithium-ion battery allows the large SUV to run for up on the Audi Q7 e-tron quattro.
to 56 km solely on electric power – quietly, powerfully and emis-
sion free. Together with the diesel engine, this gives a total range The new electromechanical power steering system is highly effi-
of 1410 km. cient and responsive. The likewise newly developed five-link wheel
The Audi Q7 e-tron quattro is the world's first plug-in hybrid with a suspensions on the front and rear axles are more than 60 kg lighter
6-cylinder diesel engine and full-time quattro all-wheel drive. In than the axles on the preceding model and are a major factor
some countries, it is also available with a 2.0l TFSI engine. contributing towards high driving dynamics.
According to the ECE standard for plug-in hybrid vehicles, the
Audi Q7 e-tron quattro with 3.0l V6 TDI can cover 100 km on only Comfort is further enhanced by the optional adaptive air suspen-
1.7 l of diesel, which works out at CO2 emissions of 46 g/km. The sion. The driver can control the suspension via the standard Audi
standard thermal management system with integrated heat pump drive select dynamic handling system, which offers up to seven
was developed specially for the Q7 e-tron quattro. modes and integrates further technical components such as
The Q7 e-tron quattro sets a new benchmark with the display and steering, active accelerator pedal and automatic gearbox.
operating concept of the standard Audi virtual cockpit and the
newly developed MMI system.
Vehicle distinguishing features _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4
Dimensions ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6
Passive safety
Overview ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8
Components __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8
System overview ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10
Airbag control unit J234 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12
Power transmission
Overview _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 24
Selector mechanism ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 26
Emergency release, parking lock __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 27
Plug-in hybrid drive _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 28
Hybrid module (separation clutch actuator, sensors) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 30
8-speed automatic gearbox 0D7 (cutaway view, ATF and MTF systems, ATF supply) ________________________________________________________________ 36
Gearbox schematic, gear set, shift elements _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 44
Shift matrix, operating modes, mechatronic module ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 46
ATF cooling _ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 58
Function diagram, information and data exchange _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 60
Functions influencing gearbox control (Audi drive select, e-tron modes) _____________________________________________________________________________ 61
Combinations of selector positions and e-tron modes within the Audi drive select modes _________________________________________________________ 63
Service ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 64
Overall concept ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 66
Brake system ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 68
Electro-mechanical brake servo _ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 69
Brake system pressure accumulator VX70 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 71
Wheels and tyres ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 73
Overview _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 96
Inspection and maintenance _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 97
Self study programmes _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 99
The self study programme teaches a basic understanding of the design and mode of operation of new models, Note
new automotive components or new technologies.
It is not a repair manual! Figures are given for explanatory purposes only and refer to the data valid at the
time of preparation of the SSP.
This content is not updated. Reference
For further information about maintenance and repair work, always refer to the current technical literature.
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Charger socket 1 for high-voltage battery e-tron specific rear bumper with
charging UX4 behind a flap diffusor without visible exhaust
tail pipes
In vehicle interior
Dash panel insert of Audi virtual cockpit MMI system with e-tron displays
with power meter and e-tron displays
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1679 1690
1968 2212
649_053 649_054
1 1)
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Maximum headroom
Air suspension at loading height
Elbow room width
Shoulder room width
With rear seat folded down
Including driver (75 kg)
with 3.0l V6 TDI engine
All dimensions are given in millimetres and refer to the unladen weight of the vehicle.
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Passive safety
Front side airbag
Depending on country version and trim level, the passive occupant
and pedestrian protection system in the Audi Q7 e-tron quattro
may comprise the following components and systems:
• Airbag control unit • Front inertia-reel seat belts with pyrotechnic belt tensioners
• Adaptive driver airbag • Front inertia-reel seat belts with electrical belt tensioners
• Adaptive front passenger airbag • Front inertia-reel seat belts with active belt force limiters
(front passenger airbag, two-stage country version) • Inertia-reel seat belts for 2nd seat row with pyrotechnic belt
• Front side airbags tensioners, driver and front pass. sides (country version)
• Rear side airbags (equipment option) • Front lap belt tensioner (country version)
• Head airbags • Seat belt warning for all seats (country version)
• Front airbag crash sensors • Seat occupancy sensor in front pass. seat
• Crash sensors for side impact detection in the doors • Front pass. airbag disabling switch (country version)
• Crash sensors for side impact detection in the C posts • Front pass. airbag OFF and ON warning lamp
• Crash sensor for side and longitudinal impact detection • Driver and front pass. seat position sensors
• Centre pedestrian protection crash sensor • Pedestrian protection trigger (country version)
(acceleration sensor, country version) • Battery isolator, 12-volt electrical system
• Left and right pedestrian protection crash sensors • Battery isolator of high-voltage system
(pressure sensors, country version)
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The diagrams in the chapter "Passive occupant safety" are schematic diagrams designed to aid understanding.
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System overview
The system overview shows the components for all markets. Keep in
mind that this constellation is not possible in a production model.
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Additional equipment
E24 Driver side seat belt switch K19 Seat belt warning system warning lamp
E25 Front pass. side seat belt switch K75 Airbag warning lamp
E224 Airbag disabling switch, front pass. side K145 Front pass. airbag OFF warning lamp (ON and OFF status of
front pass. airbag is indicated)
F390 Driver side seat belt switch, 2nd seat row
F391 Centre seat belt switch, 2nd seat row N95 Driver side airbag igniter
F392 Front pass. side seat belt switch, 2nd seat row N131 Front pass. side airbag igniter 1
N132 Airbag igniter 2, front pass. side
G128 Seat occupied sensor, front pass. side N153 Driver seat belt pretensioner igniter 1
G179 Side airbag crash sensor, driver side N154 Front passenger seat belt pretensioner igniter 1
G180 Side airbag crash sensor, front pass. side N196 Rear seat belt pretensioner igniter on driver side
G256 Side airbag crash sensor, rear driver side N197 Rear seat belt pretensioner igniter on front pass. side
G257 Side airbag crash sensor, rear pass. side N199 Side airbag igniter, driver side
G283 Front airbag crash sensor, driver side N200 Side airbag igniter on front pass. side
G284 Front airbag crash sensor, pass. side N201 Rear side airbag igniter on driver side
G551 Driver side seat belt force limiter N202 Rear side airbag igniter on front pass. side
G552 Front pass. side seat belt force limiter N251 Driver side curtain airbag igniter
G553 Driver side seat position sensor N252 Front pass. side curtain airbag igniter
G554 Front pass. side seat position sensor N253 Battery isolation igniter
G598 Pedestrian impact mitigation trigger 1 N297 Seat belt tensioner igniter 2, driver side
G599 Pedestrian impact mitigation trigger 2 (lap belt pretensioner)
G693 Centre crash sensor for pedestrian impact mitigation N298 Seat belt tensioner igniter 2, front pass. side
G851 Driver side crash sensor for pedestrian protection 2 (lap belt pretensioner)
G852 Front pass. side crash sensor for pedestrian protection 2 N490 Igniter for exhaust valve for driver airbag
G858 Centre crash sensor for X/Y axis N491 Igniter for exhaust valve for front pass. airbag
N563 High-voltage battery isolator igniter
J234 Airbag control unit
J285 Instrument panel control unit T16 16-pin connector, diagnosis connection
J533 Data bus diagnostic interface J533 (gateway)
J706 Seat occupancy recognition control unit
J854 Front left belt pretensioner control unit
J855 Front right belt pretensioner control unit
Wire colours:
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The airbag control unit J234 registers a crash based on the infor-
mation supplied by internal and external crash sensors. The
airbag control unit classifies a crash as "minor" or "severe" depend-
ing on crash severity. A minor crash is further subdivided into
multiple crash levels depending on severity.
A severe crash is registered if restraint systems, e.g. seat belt
tensioners and airbags, are deployed. The airbag control unit sends
a signal indicating the crash severity and crash level to the data
bus. Other bus subscribers receive this crash signal and can then
take the appropriate action, e.g. shut off fuel supply.
If the airbag control unit has detected a relevant crash, the hybrid
battery is deactivated for safety reasons. In the event of a crash,
the airbag control unit sends to a crash signal to the data bus. The
gateway (data bus diagnostic interface J533) relays the signal to
the battery regulation control unit J840.
Minor crash
Severe crash
In the event of a severe crash, the signal to isolate the hybrid High-voltage battery isolator igniter N563
battery is transmitted by two different pathways. This provides High-voltage battery switch box SX6
redundant (multiple) backup for signal transmission.
For more information about the hybrid battery, refer to Self Study Programme 650 "Audi Q7 e-tron quattro (type 4M) high-
voltage system and vehicle electrics".
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Online roadside assistance is activated after the following events: An Audi emergency call is activated if the airbag control unit has
detected a severe crash.
• The airbag control unit has detected a minor crash. The signal to activate Audi emergency call is transmitted in two
different ways. This provides redundant (multiple) backup for
• A collision with a pedestrian is detected and the pedestrian signal transmission.
impact mitigation system has deployed.
• Pathway 1: The airbag control unit sends the crash signal
(severe crash) to the gateway (data bus diagnostic interface
The signal to activate online roadside assistance is transmitted via J533) which activates the Audi emergency call.
the data bus systems. In this case, the airbag control unit signals
the ascertained crash level to the gateway (data bus diagnostic • Pathway 2: The airbag control unit J234 is also wired discretely
interface J533) which activates online roadside assistance. to the gateway (data bus diagnostic interface J533). In the
event of a severe crash, a pulse-width-modulated signal is
transmitted across this line. The gateway evaluates the signal
and activates the Audi emergency call.
The on and off times (pulse width) can be changed while maintain-
ing a constant period duration (T). This means that the pulse width
is modulated. The PWM signal must be demodulated (made
readable) so that it can be utilised.
OFF signal
Pulse width
Time (t)
ON signal ON signal
For more information about online roadside assistance and the Audi emergency call, refer to Self Study Programme 647
"Audi A4 (type 8W) Infotainment and Audi connect".
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• Active accelerator pedal module • Reduction of compression ratio from 16.8 to 16.0 by modifi-
cation of the piston recess geometry
• Double belt tensioner for the poly V-belt
• 2-stage exhaust gas recirculation system with EGR precooler
• Electrically driven AC compressor
• Ceramic glow plugs
• Engine is braked in start-stop mode by the starter generator
after the ignition is turned off • Particulate sensor
• Active engine and gearbox mounting system • NOx oxidising catalyst with SCR coated diesel particulate
For more information about the 3.0l V6 TDI engine and the SCR system, refer to Self Study Programmes 479
"Audi 3.0l V6 TDI engine (second generation)", 622 "Second-generation Audi clean diesel" and 632 "Audi Q7 (type 4M)".
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The engine code is, as seen in the direction of travel, located at the
front left below the cylinder head on the protruding edge of the Engine speed [rpm]
engine block. 649_004
Features Specifications
Displacement in cm 3
Stroke in mm 91.4
Bore in mm 83.0
Exhaust gas treatment NOx oxidising catalyst, SCR coated diesel particulate filter, particulate sensor,
oxygen sensor
Emission standard EU 6 (W)
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• Elimination of the belt drive (electrical AC compressor, no • Audi valvelift system (avs) on the exhaust side
conventional generator)
• Reconfiguration of the crankcase ventilation flow over the
• Polymer-coated main bearings, conrod bearings and stop discs balancer shafts in the area of the engine block
in the crank mechanism. These are needed to meet the demand
for improved emergency running properties, due to frequent • Currently available in Japan, Singapore, Korea and China only.
cold-starting and starting from electric mode (engine speed is
higher than during a normal engine start).
For more information about the Gen. 3 2.0l TFSI engine, please refer to Self Study Programmes 606 "Audi 1.8 and 2.0l TFSI
engines of EA888 series (third generation)" and 645 "Audi 2.0l TFSI engines of EA888 series".
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Power output in kW
Torque in Nm
Features Specifications
Displacement in cm 3
Stroke in mm 92.8
Bore in mm 82.5
Maximum injection pressure in bar Adaptive lambda control, adaptive knock control
Fuel injectors Sequential (dual) direct injection (FSI) and multipoint injection (MPI) with adap-
tive idle charge compensation
Exhaust gas treatment Close-coupled ceramic catalyst, oxygen sensors before and after
catalytic converter
Emission standard EU 6 (W)
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Technical features
Active accelerator pedal
The Audi Q7 e-tron quattro usually starts in electric-only mode. Accelerator pedal module GX2 with:
The driver's power requirement are indicated to the system via the • Active accelerator pedal control unit J1115
• Accelerator pedal position sensor G79
active accelerator pedal. To activate the internal combustion
• Accelerator pedal position sensor 2 G185
engine, the driver must press the active accelerator pedal beyond a
defined point of resistance. The point at which the resistance
occurs is dependent on the requirements of the hybrid manage-
ment system. The linear solenoid for the active accelerator pedal in
the accelerator pedal module produces a variable pressure point by
means of a spring-loaded lever. When the pressure point is
exceeded, the internal combustion engine is engaged. The inte-
grated active accelerator pedal control unit J1115 receives the
relevant information from the hybrid management system.
Internal combustion engine engagement signal Signal tone before starting of the internal combustion engine
A pressure point can be felt when the active accelerator pedal is Shortly before the engagement of the internal combustion engine
pressed. If this pressure point is "exceeded", the internal combus- due to the charge state of the hybrid battery and the driver's
tion engine is engaged to provide the driver with the required current driving style, a counter-force is briefly produced by the
engine power. active accelerator pedal.
In addition, a corresponding text message is displayed in the
instrument cluster. This indicates the driver that he needs to ease
off the accelerator, in order to continue driving in electric-only
drive mode.
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If the engine start button is pressed at the same time as the brake for drive if the hybrid battery has sufficient charge. If the hybrid
pedal, the drive system is activated. e-tron READY mode is dis- battery is not sufficiently charged, the internal combustion engine
played in the Audi virtual cockpit. The vehicle uses the e-machine is started.
Particulate sensor
Starting of the internal combustion engine via the starter generator C29 (12-volt starting)
Starter generator Tensioning roller for Crankshaft Belt pulley for poly V-belt
C29 belt tensioner 2
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Engine start
• Belt start
If the capacity of the e-machine is utilised in electric drive mode
to such an extent that smooth slip-starting cannot be achieved
via the e-machine, the internal combustion engine is started by
the starter generator C29.
Controlled shut-off
Generator mode
For more information about the third-generation 2.0l TFSI engine, refer to Self Study Programme 650
"Audi Q7 e-tron quattro (type 4M) high-voltage system and vehicle electrics".
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Since hydrocarbons also form in electric-only drive mode, there is In electric-only drive mode, the line leading to the activated
the danger of overloading the activated charcoal filter, with the charcoal filter is closed by closing the fuel tank shutoff valve N288.
result that the hydrocarbons can no longer be bound. The Audi Q7 This increases the pressure inside the fuel tank to approx. 0.3 bar.
e-tron quattro therefore has a pressure reservoir. The actual pressure is indicated to the engine control unit by the
fuel tank sensor G400.
Connection to activated
charcoal filter and to the
Fuel delivery and sender unit fuel tank shutoff valve
Fuel filler flap release button
The diesel fuel tank in the Audi Q7 e-tron quattro with 3.0l V6 TDI engine has a capacity of 75 l and is a carryover from the
conventional model.
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The Audi Q7 e-tron quattro with 3.0l V6 TDI engine has a five-point This system provides enhanced ride comfort by performing the
power unit mounting system. These include the active engine following functions:
mounting, two switchable gearbox mountings and a conventional • Reduction of vibration across a wide frequency band
gearbox mounting. • Positioning of the power unit in the vehicle
• Reaction against drive torque
• Damping of power unit vibration
In addition, support mounting are located on the front left and
right of the engine due to the absence of a torque reaction
Power unit mounting actuator 1 Gearbox mounting valve 1 Conventional gearbox mounting system
N513 N262
The power unit mounting control unit J931 sends the calculated
control signal to power unit mounting actuators N513 and N514.
Counter-vibration is produced by the active engine mountings.
Support bearing
For more information about the starter generator C29, refer to Self-Study Programme 650 "Audi Q7 e-tron quattro (type 4M)
high-voltage system and vehicle electrics".
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The hydraulically switchable gearbox mounts, gearbox mounting The conventional gearbox mount is installed in the rear section of
valve 1 N262 and gearbox mounting valve 2 N263 are laterally the gearbox and counteracts the load reversal and tilt functions.
mounted to the gearbox and counteract the torsional vibration of
the power unit. They switch between a soft characteristic in inter-
nal combustion mode and a soft characteristic if the e-machine is
used for drive.
649_123 649_132
The exhaust flap is closed when the hybrid battery charge level is
low, in order to dampen the acoustic transition from electric drive
to the drive by internal combustion engine.
This is done by slowly opening the exhaust flap thereby damping
the muffled noise of the diesel engine.
Electrically powered exhaust flap
For more information about the exhaust flap with electric drive, refer to Self-Study Programme 607 "Audi 4.0l TFSI Engine
with Biturbo Charging".
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Power transmission
3.0l V6 TDI engine, Hybrid module with e-machine
page 14 (three-phase AC drive VX54),
page 30
Selector mechanism,
page 26
Cover for power terminal box
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Key power transmission components of the plug-in hybrid drive in Both drives, in combination with the 3.0l V6 TDI engine, deliver a
the Audi Q7 e-tron quattro are the 8-speed automatic gearbox total system output of 275 kW to the gearbox. Total output is
0D7, the prop shaft and the rear axle drive 0D2 together with the 270 kW in combination with the third-generation 2.0l R4 TFSI
internal combustion engine. engine. Both versions of the internal combustion engine transmit a
The eight-speed automatic gearbox 0D7 is a conventional 8-speed maximum system torque of 700 Nm to the gearbox.
automatic gearbox for quattro drive paired with the hybrid module.
The hybrid module is seated between the internal combustion The prop shaft is a shortened version of the prop shaft used on the
engine and the conventional automatic gearbox. Audi Q7 (type 4M); this same goes for the rear axle drive 0D2,
The core element of the hybird module is the e-machine, with a which is also used on the Audi Q7 (type 4M).
peak power output of 94 kW and peak torque of 350 Nm.
The internal combustion engine and the e-machine can be coupled You can find detailled information about the prop shaft and the
by separation clutch K0 (refer to page 32). rear axle drive in Self Study Programme 632 "Audi Q7 (type 4M)".
The internal combustion engine and the gearbox are supported by a 5-point mounting system.
Refer to page 22 for more information.
Flexible absorber,
use depends on engine type
Prop shaft,
The prop shaft assembly procedure is identical to the standard procedure described in SSP 632 for
the Audi Q7 (type 4M). The prop shaft of the Audi Q7 e-tron quattro is, however, shorter due to the
size of the 0D7 gearbox.
All work on the high-voltage system must be referred to a qualified high-voltage technician (refer to safety information in
Self Study Programme 650 "Audi Q7 e-tron quattro (type 4M) high-voltage system and vehicle electrics".
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Selector mechanism
The selector mechanism and operating concept of the
Audi Q7 e-tron quattro with 100 % shift-by-wire technology is
identical to that of the Audi Q7 (type 4M).
• There is no mechanical connection between the selector • The parking lock can only be activated manually using the
lever and the gearbox. P button.
• It operates by registering driver inputs without a mechanical • To operate the tiptronic function (manual mode M), the
fallback level. selector lever must be moved into the tiptronic gate (this is
• The parking lock is electrohydraulically actuated and auto- only possible if selector position D or S is active). To use the
matically engaged/disengaged, Auto P function "tip-shifting in D/S" function, the tiptronic steering wheel
((P-ON-/P-OFF position). must be operated.
• In the event of a fault, a mechanical emergency release • As before, the release button (selector lever release button
device allows the parking lock to be released in order to E681) is integrated in the selector lever and configured for
move the vehicle. redundancy.
• Only speeds R, N, D and S are selected via the automatic
Selector mechanism
Gear selector lever for Actuating mechanism for parking Emergency release cable
emergency releasing the lock emergency release device
parking lock
Cover for emergency release device of parking lock in front left footwell
For more information about the selector mechanism and operating concept of the Audi Q7 e-tron quattro, refer to Self Study
Programme 632 "Audi Q7 (type 4M)", page 40 ff.
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Before actuating the emergency release device of the parking
lock, the vehicle must be secured to prevent it from rolling away.
• Simply pull the socket wrench insert upwards out of the actuat-
ing mechanism (position 3 in Fig. 649_062).
649_062 Note:
The socket wrench insert must not be turned back, as this will
Emergency release Bowden damage the actuating mechanism of the emergency release
cable 1
Emergency release Bowden
cable 2 • Fit the cover.
Quick-connect coupling
To simplify removing and installing the gearbox, the emergency-
release Bowden cable consists of two parts, which are intercon-
nected by a quick-release coupling. Refer to Workshop Manual.
Quick-connect coupling
For more information about the parking lock emergency release device in the Audi Q7 e-tron quattro, refer to Self Study
Programme 632 "Audi Q7 (type 4M)", page 48 ff.
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Screw coupling position 1, Service port cover End plate of separation clutch K0
radial oblong hole
There are 5 tangential oblong holes and 1 radial oblong hole in the
torque converter transmission plate. Cover/service port
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As has been the case since the launch of the Audi A5 (type 8T), the
torsion damper transmission plate must be disconnected from the
engine flywheel via the service port in order to remove the 0D7
gearbox. See SSP 392.
Hybrid module
page 30
When the hybrid module is separated from 0D7 gearbox, the side shaft protection tube
is hanging loosely in the rear gasket ring and can drop down.
For removal and installation of the basic gearbox and the hybrid module as well as all other components, the instructions
given in the workshop manual must be followed.
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Torsion damper
Coolant return
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Stator with 24 coils, cooled, External rotor, Clutch plate of separa- End plate of separation clutch K0
with integrated clutch control 32 permanent magnets produce 16 pole pairs, tion clutch K0,
mechanism, the diaphragm spring is integrated in the rotor page 32
page 32 together with the contact plate for separation
clutch K0, page 32.
The rotor of the e-machine is bolted to the end plate for separation
clutch K0. The torque converter transmission plate is attached to
the end plate by six screws (page 28).
Coolant feed
Coolant return
V Power terminals of the e-machine
In the stator there are 3 sets of coils each with 8 parallel coils U
interconnected by a delta circuit configuration.
To ensure that the rotor starts to run in the desired direction and
with maximum torque despite the extremely low current input, it
is important that the control electronics activate the three phases
in correct sequence. For this purpose, the control electronics needs
to know the exact position of the rotor and therefore the position
of the pole pairs relative to the coils.
The electric drive power and control electronics JX1 calculate the
exact position of the pole pairs relative to the coils from the
signals generated by drive motor rotor position sensor 1 G713 W
(refer to page 34).
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The separation clutch K0 is a dry plate clutch and is engaged in the The separation clutch K0 is actuated by the separation clutch
idle state. It works in exactly the same way as the starting clutch actuator V606, irrespective of hydraulic pressure supply to the
of a manual gearbox. The separation clutch couples the internal automatic gearbox.
combustion engine to the e-machine.
Coolant feed
Adjusting ring
Ball ramp
Worm gear
Ball cage
Release bearing
Plug-in coupling
Preload spring,
unwanted move-
ment of the balls
along the ball
For more information about the tasks of the separation clutch and power flow through the gearbox, refer to "Gearbox sche-
matic, gear set and shift elements" on page 44. The shift states of clutch K0 are shown in the shift matrix on page 46.
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The separation clutch actuator drives the worm gear shaft via the The separation clutch otherwise functions in the same way as a
shaft slip-on coupling. The worm gear is connected to the spur convetional frictional clutch with diaphragm spring and contact
gear drive of the adjusting ring. When the clutch disengages, the plate.
adjusting ring is rotated about 120° in the direction of the arrow.
The ball cage holds three balls in position and evenly distributed If the actuator is deactivated in the event of a fault, or if the
over its circumference. By rotating the adjusting ring, the balls maximum allowable temperature is exceeded, the separation
push the reciprocating plate against the disengagement bearing clutch K0 is engaged because the clutch actuating mechanism is
over the ball ramps in the adjusting ring and in the reciprocating not self-locking. In this case, the vehicle can only run in hybrid
plate. Longitudinal guides stop the reciprocating plate from mode where drive is provided by both the internal combustion
rotating. engine and e-machine.
The actuator electronics measure the temperature via an inte- The actuator has a rotor position sensor, which measures angle of
grated temperature sensor. If the temperature of the actuator rotation and speed.
exceeds a value of 125 °C, the electronics indicate the actual The electronics calculate the stroke of the disengagement bearing
temperature to the engine control unit J623. from the angle of rotation of the actuator shaft. The electronics are
The clutch control software thereupon activates the separation able to determine the force-distance characteristic and the clutch
clutch K0 as little as possible, to allow the actuator to cool down pressure point from the power input, which corresponds to the
again. If this fails and the temperature rises to a value of 135 °C, force acting on the disengagement bearing as a function of angle
the actuator will not be activated any further until it has cooled of rotation and travel.
down to a temperature of 110 °C. Once this temperature level is To factor in the clutch pressure point shift resulting from clutch
reached, operation of the actuator, and hence separation clutch lining wear, the clutch control software adapts the force-distance
K0, is again unrestricted. characteristic after the change of terminal status (terminal 15 off).
However, this takes place at ever increasing intervals over the life
Actuator diagnostics of the clutch.
If the engine control unit software is updated or if the engine
Actuator diagnostics are provided by the engine control unit J623 control unit or the hybrid module or the separation clutch actuator
(address code 01). If the vehicle is raised on a hydraulic lift and the V606 is replaced, the force-distance characteristic must be repro-
engine cover has been removed, the actuation of the clutch by the grammed using the "Basic setting" guided function on the diagnos-
actuator is distinctly audible. tic tester.
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The drive motor rotor position sensor 1 G713 is seated in the The power electronics require this information to control the
hybrid module housing and operates contactlessly. When the three-phase AC current in such a way that the rotor starts up in the
vehicle is opened (wake-up), the electric drive power and control desired direction with minimum power consumption and
electronics module JX1 calculates the exact position of the rotor maximum torque.
from the signals generated by G713. In addition to determining the exact rotor position, the electric
The control electronics JX1 must know exactly how the permanent drive power and control electronics module JX1 determines the
magnets of the rotor are positioned relative to the stator coils even direction of rotation and speed of the rotor from the signals
when stationary. generated by G713.
The sensor works on the induction principle. It has 2 signal outputs Electric drive Drive motor rotor
(sine wave and cos wave) and 2 supply lines (positive and ground). motor rotor position sensor 1
A DC voltage of 5 volts is applied by the electric drive power and V141 G713
The rotation of the rotor alters the width of the copper track in
relation to the sensor, and thus the inductance in relation to each
coil. The wider the track under a coil, the greater the voltage
available to the signal. When this voltage is plotted by the sensor
electronics as a function of the angle of rotation of the rotor, the
result is a sine-wave curve. The same functional principle applies to
all 4 coils. The sensor coils are positioned over the copper track in
such a way that the sensor electronics identify 4 sine-wave signals
phase-shifted 90° relative to one another. The sensor electronics
utilise two of these signals to compensate for variation in sensor
distance relative to the rotor and temperature. Two sine-wave
signals phase-shifted 90° relative to one another are sent to the
electric drive power and control electronics module JX1.
The electric drive power and control electronics module JX1 is able
to identify the exact position of the rotor relative to the stator coils
from the voltage difference between both signals, even when the
rotor is at standstill. To find out how this works, please refer to
page 35 of Self Study Programme 601.
Copper track
Sensor electronics
Signal 1 Signal 2
Copper track Coils 1 – 4
Effects of failure of the sensor
If the sensor fails, the hybrid system warning lamp comes on in the
dash panel insert. The vehicle can be driven with the internal
combustion engine until the ignition is turned off. It is not possible
to restart the vehicle as the e-machine only runs in generator
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The drive motor temperature sensor G712 is seated between In this case, the e-machine operates neither as a motor nor as a
2 magnetic coils, in order to ensure better signal acquisition. It is generator. An entry is made in the event memory of the electric
an NTC sensor and indicates the temperature to the electric drive drive power and control electronics module JX1. To avoid heating
power and control electronics module JX1. This signal is required in of the stator coils through voltage indication to a temperature in
order to prevent overheating of the e-machine. The measured excess of 215 °C, the electric drive power and control electronics
value can be read out as a measured value using the diagnostic module JX1 energises the stator coils with a three-phase current
tester. If the stator is not sufficiently cooled, the e-machine is which does not produce torque at the rotor (0 Nm control). In this
restricted by the power electronics upwards of a measured tem- way, no voltage is induced in the stator coils by the magnetic fields
perature of about 185 °C1) and energised without load upwards of of the rotating rotor.
215 °C1). The e-machine will function again as a motor and generator as
soon as the measured temperature drops below approx. 210 °C1),
or the status of the terminals changes.
The stator is cooled via the die-cast aluminium stator support. The If the sensor fails, the hybrid system warning lamp appears in the
cooling ducts are integrated in the stator support. Coolant flows dash panel insert. The vehicle can still be driven, albeit with very
through the cooling ducts forming a coolant jacket. The die-cast limited hybrid drive.
aluminium has the advantage of low weight in addition to having
high thermal conductivity. This highly effective cooling connection
allows a continuous peak power output of 60 kW and a continuous
peak torque of 200 Nm.
The low-temperature circuit for the high-voltage system in which 1)
he given values provide a guideline and are not binding. They
the stator cooling system is integrated is explained on page 84. may deviate depending on model version.
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8-speed automatic gearbox 0D7 (cutaway view, ATF and MTF systems, ATF supply)
Development/manufacturer ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Gearbox type Electrohydraulically controlled eight-speed planetary gearbox for all-wheel drive with torque
converter and e-machine. It also functions as a generator. During engine operation it delivers a
maximum power output of 94 kW. As a generator, it charges the hybrid battery with a charging
power of up to 80 kW (refer to "Operating modes" on page 48). The separation clutch K0 for
coupling the internal combustion engine is activated electro-mechanically via a servomotor, the
separation clutch actuator V606, and therefore is independent of the gearbox hydraulics.
Control system • The hydraulic control unit and the electronic control unit are integrated in the mechatronic
module as a unit. The selector lever position is signalled electrically (shift-by-wire). The
parking lock function is electro-hydraulically actuated. The mechatronic module has the
internal ZF designation "E26/29".
• Dynamic shift program with separate sport program "S" and "tiptronic" shift program for
manual gear-shifting.
Type • Gearbox for vehicles with longitudinally-mounted engine and all-wheel drive
• Front axle drive fore of the e-machine
• Order of components: torsion damper, e-machine, converter, gear set
• Two separate oil systems: an ATF system and a gear oil system for the transfer box and front
axle drive
Clutch E
Clutch C
Clutch D
Ventilation hose
Vent for transfer box and front axle drive The front axle drive is
vented into the transfer box via the side shaft protection tube.
Side shaft
Screw plug for transfer box inspection Oil pump for transfer box Spur gear with beveloid gearing1),
and filler port and front axle drive front axle drive
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Force distribution Self-locking centre differential with 40:60 asymmetrical-dynamic torque split
Front axle/rear axle
Weight including oil and 210
three-phase AC synchronous motor in kg
Gear ratios 1st gear: 4.714; 2nd gear: 3.143; 3rd gear: 2.106; 4th gear: 1.667; 5th gear:
1.285; 6th gear: 1.000; 7th gear: 0.839; 8th gear: 0.667; R gear: -3.317
Kingpin inclination 7.07
Cover/service port,
Access to screw coupling – converter housing/e-machine
Torsion damper
Screw plug for front axle drive inspection and filler port
Separation clutch K0
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Cutaway view
Cutaway A-A
Side shaft
Brake A Brake B
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Sectional view C-C
Sealing ring, A
to be replaced after dismantling
the hybrid module
Clutch D
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The 0D7 gearbox of the Audi Q7 e-tron quattro has two separate ATF system for the planetary gearbox and the hydraulic
systems. control unit (lifetime)
One for the Automatic Transmission Fluid, or ATF for short, and
one for the Mechanical Transmission Fluid, or MTF for short, for MTF system for the transfer box and the front axle drive
the transfer box and the front axle drive. (gear oil with STURACO1), lifetime)
The MTF system and the ATF system are separated from one
another by a double shaft oil seal and a sealing disc.
The leak oil drainage port for the shaft oil seal is located on the
left-hand side of the gearbox, at the same height as the shaft oil
seal (refer to Fig. 649_079 on page 41).
Sealing disc
Double shaft oil seal Hybrid module housing Screw plug for front
axle drive inspection
and filler port
Ventilation hose
Front axle drive
The common oil system necessitates a special procedure when filling and checking the gear oil in the front axle differential
and transfer box. Gear oil levels may differ depending on the driving situation. When checking the oil level, therefore, it is
important to always set the oil level at both check points. Follow the instructions given in the Workshop Manual.
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When heating or cooling the gearbox, the pressure is equalised via Vent for transfer box and front axle drive
the gearbox vent.
Ventilation hose
ATF system vent
The plastic ATF oil pan saves weight. It forms a unit together with The ATF oil pan is not designed to withstand this load. After setting
the ATF suction filter. down the gearbox, observe the instructions for transportation in
The gearbox must not be set down onto the ATF oil pan. When the the Workshop Manual.
gearbox is set down, it settles on the e-machine power terminals The ATF drain screw has a bayonet catch in place of the usual
and on the ATF oil pan at two points. thread. It may not be reused and must be replaced after checking
the oil level.
The design of the transfer box oil pump and the front axle drive Two pipes integrated in the gear case are used for exchange
was first used in the 09E gearbox. The pump of the 09E gearbox between the MTF of the front final drive and the MTF of the trans-
differs only slightly from the pump in the 0D7 gearbox. fer box.
The functional principle of the pump is described in greater detail This design allows for highly efficient lubrication with a minimum
in SSP 283 (page 70 ff.) and in SSP 457 (page 37). oil level. This significantly reduces churning losses and minimises
The oil pump is driven by the side shaft and provides targeted and foaming of the oil.
reliable lubrication of all bearings and gears in the transfer box
and in the front axle drive.
TURACO is an oil additive protects against excessive stresses in the centre differential and thus helps to enhance ride comfort. Pay
attention to exact assignment of gear oils in accordance with the parts numbers in the electronics parts catalogue (ETKA).
During transportation and when carrying out work on the gearbox, the gear oils (MTF and ATF) may mix via the common
gearbox vent if the gearbox is tilted too far. Furthermore, the gearbox must not be set down onto the ATF oil pan. The ATF oil
pan is not designed to withstand this load. Follow the instructions given in the Workshop Manual.
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ATF supply
The supply of ATF to the eight-speed automatic gearbox 0D7 is The mechanically driven ATF pump is driven by the e-machine and/
ensured by two pumps: a mechanically driven ATF pump and the or by the internal combustion engine via the converter housing.
electrically driven auxiliary hydraulic pump 1 for gear oil V475. The internal combustion engine can only provide drive if the
Both pumps draw in the ATF via the ATF intake filter. The auxiliary separation clutch K0 is closed. If the ATF pump is running at the
hydraulic pump V475 is seated behind the mechatronic module required speed, it is able to provide system pressure without any
(refer to page 57). When the vehicle is started, it assists the need for the auxiliary hydraulic pump.
mechanically driven ATF pump up to a gearbox input speed of
approximately 500 rpm. During vehicle operation, the mechani- The hydraulic energy results from the system pressure and the
cally driven ATF pump ensures the supply of ATF. associated volumetric flow rate. It is the prerequisite for gearbox
operation and allows the gearbox control elements (brakes and
clutches) to be controlled, actuated, lubricated and cooled, and
therefore allows the vehicle to be driven.
This ATF pump is identical to the twin-stroke vane pump used in The hub spline engages the spline of the converter housing (refer
the 0BK gearbox. to cutaway view on page 38). For the sake of clarity, the chain
For more information about the mechanically driven ATF pump, drive, drive hub and rotor are shown in red in the diagram.
refer to page 25 of SSP 457. The mechanically driven ATF pump is
connected to the pump drive hub via a chain drive.
Brake A
Impeller shaft
Chain drive
ATF pump,
mechanically driven
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The auxiliary hydraulic pump V475 is capable of conveying ATF on Actuator diagnostics can be performed using the diagnostic tester.
3 output levels within an ATF temperature range from 0 °C to Basically, it is possible to update the pump software. However, this
125 °C. The pump communicates with the automatic gearbox function will not be available at the time of market launch.
control unit J217 via a LIN bus line.
The ignition is turned on by pressing the "START ENGINE STOP" If the temperature is outside limits or if the auxiliary hydraulic
button, and the gearbox control unit instructs the pump via the pump V475 fails, ATF is supplied by the mechanically driven ATF
LIN bus to convey ATF on the lowest output level. If the selector pump only. The ATF pump is driven by the e-machine.
lever is engaged in D or R, the pump receives the instruction to
convey ATF on the highest output level. The auxiliary hydraulic
pump ensures the supply of ATF. This aids disengagement of the
parking lock and allows deceleration-free start-up.
If the mechanically driven ATF pump reaches the required speed
and is capable of supplying system pressure by itself, the auxiliary
hydraulic pump receives the instruction via LIN bus to stop convey-
ing ATF. Communciation between the pump and the gearbox
control unit is maintained via the LIN bus line.
Auxiliary hydraulic pump 1 for gear oil
The pump electronics of the auxiliary hydraulic pump V475 signal
the condition of the pump to the gearbox control unit. There is no
pressure sensor. In addition, the pump electronics diagnose
electrical faults and cyclically confirm to the gearbox control unit
via the LIN bus the supply of voltage through terminal 30. Any
irregularities which occur are indicated to the gearbox control unit.
Depending on the type of irregularity, an entry is made in the event
memory of the gearbox control unit.
Rotor DC motor
Brushless DC motor
Terminal 30,
positive contact to voltage supply
G-rotor pump,
of pump rotor is press-fitted onto the rotor shaft of the DC motor.
Non-return valve,
maintains the oil pressure inside the gearbox when the auxiliary
hydraulic pump V475 is stationary.
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Separation clutch K0
Gearbox schematic
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As is the case with a standard automatic gearbox, the torque The gear set is identical to that of the 0BK gearbox as described in
converter is utilised for start-up. The torque output to the con- SSP 457 (page 26 ff.) The eight forward gears and reverse gear are
verter lockup clutch by the e-machine or the internal combustion realised by linking four simple single-web planetary gear sets. The
engine is transferred to the gearbox input shaft by the converter. two front gear sets have a common sun gear. Output is via the
The use of the converter for start-up protects the shift elements planetary carriers of the fourth gear set.
and the ATF which, as a result, lasts for the life cycle of the
gearbox. It is not necessary to change the ATF. In addition, the
torsional vibration of the internal combustion engine is insulated
by the converter, and is not transmitted to the gearbox.
Brake A
Brake B
PT1 H1 H2 P2 PT3
H3 P3
P1 RS2
Five shift elements shift eight gears. The separation clutch K0 The shift matrix on page 46 depicts the interaction of the shift
couples the internal combustion engine to the e-machine. The elements and the converter lockup clutch in the various operating
converter lockup clutch prevents converter slip and increases the modes of the hybrid drive.
efficiency of the automatic gearbox. These operating modes, e.g. drive by electric motor or drive by
• 2 multi-disc brakes (A and B) internal combustion engine, are controlled via separation clutch K0.
• 3 multi-disc brakes (C, D and E) The separation clutch K0 is a dry plate clutch and is engaged in the
• 1 converter lockup clutch idle state. It works in exactly the same way as the starting clutch of
• 1 separation clutch K0, dry plate clutch a manual gearbox. The separation clutch couples the blue-coloured
components in the diagram, which are connected to the internal
Shift elements A, B, C, D and E as well as the converter lockup combustion engine, to the dark-red-coloured components, which
clutch are activated by the mechatronic module and closed hydrau- are connected to the e-machine. The separation clutch K0 is actu-
lically (refer to page 56). ated via the separation clutch actuator V606. The shift states of
The operating principle of the shift elements and the converter clutch K0 are also shown in the shift matrix on page 46.
lockup clutch, e.g. resetting and dynamic pressure equalisation, is
described in SSP 457 and is identical to that of the 0BK and 0BL
gearboxes. The individual gears are obtained by using 3 closed shift
elements of groups A, B, C, D and E.
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Shift matrix
The shift matrix shows the interaction between the actuators and
shift elements in each of the operating states and gears.
parking brake
Parking lock Disengage
function parking brake
Hold parking
brake released
Gearbox in selector positions N
and P
Gearbox in P or N: start ICE
with e-machine
Gearbox in P or N: ICE drives
Operating modes
e-machine as generator
Vehicle is running: start ICE 4th gear
with e-machine
Vehicle is running: start ICE 1st gear
with starter generator
Electric drive mode 1st gear
Drive by ICE
1st gear
Drive by ICE, ICE uses 1st gear
e-machine as generator
Use of both drive systems for
drive, boost function 1st gear
Recuperation under braking 1st gear
and acceleration
Coasting mode 1st gear
Clutch closed
Clutch open/closed dependent on operating status
2nd gear
6th gear
Pressure control valves/solenoid valve
7th gear
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Pressure control valves N215, N216, N217, N218, N233, N371 and N433
Pressure control valves, also known as EPC (electric pressure There are two types of pressure control valve:
control valve), convert a control current to a hydraulic control
pressure. They are activated by the gearbox control unit and • Pressure control valves with rising pressure curve
control the hydraulic valves (slide valves) belonging to the shift • Pressure control valves with falling pressure curve
elements (brakes and clutches).
Pressure range [bar] 0 – 4,7 • Automatic gearbox pressure control valve 1 N215 – brake A
Operating voltage [V] 12 • Automatic gearbox pressure control valve 2 N216 – brake B
Resistance at 20 °C [Ω] 5,05 • Automatic gearbox pressure control valve 4 N218 – clutch D
• Automatic gearbox pressure control valve 5 N233 – clutch E
• Automatic gearbox pressure control valve 6 N371 – converter
lockup clutch
If the valves with a falling pressure curve are energised, the control
pressure decreases with the control current. The activated shift
elements (brakes and clutches) are closed. In the de-energised
state, the valves of the shift elements are open, i.e. not engaged to
transmit power.
Pressure range [bar] 4,7 – 0 • Automatic gearbox pressure control valve 3 N217 – clutch C
Operating voltage [V] 12 • Automatic gearbox pressure control valve 7 N443 – system
Resistance at 20 °C [Ω] 5,05 pressure
If the valves with a falling pressure curve are energised, the control
pressure decreases with the control current. The activated clutch C
is opened. The system pressure is reduced. When the valves are
de-energised, clutch C is closed and the system is at maximum
Solenoid valve N88 controls the parking lock valve. The parking The parking lock solenoid N486 is for holding the parking lock slide
lock valve controls the system pressure to the parking lock slide valve in position "parking lock disengaged" (refer to SSP 457,
valve (refer to SSP 457, page 48). page 48).
For more information about the shift schematic, the valves and the mechatronic module, refer to Self Study Programmes
457 "Audi A8 ’10 Power Transmission" and 603 "Audi A6 Avant ’12".
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Operating modes
The vehicle is ready for operation. This is indicated to the driver as A supply of ATF pressure is ensured. Selector position P or N is
soon as "e-tron READY" is displayed in the dash panel insert (refer selected.
to page 39 of SSP 650).
Electric drive mode (starting with CLC open / driving with controlled CLC)
1st gear
The gearbox schematic shows the power flow while driving in When driving in electric mode, the e-machine or the electric drive
electric mode or in 1st gear. motor V141 delivers a peak power output of 94 kW (refer to
The converter is used for starting. The converter lockup clutch is page 30).
open at start-up, in order to utilise the increased torque of the The other gears are shifted by activating the shift elements as
converter. Operation of the converter lockup clutch is controlled described in the shift matrix on page 46.
while driving.
The separation clutch K0 is open while driving in electric mode. The
internal combustion engine is shut off. A prerequisite for driving in
electric mode is that the hybrid battery has sufficient charge (refer
to page 9 on SSP 650).
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Neutral idle control (starting with and without neutral idle control)
If the internal combustion engine is in operation, the internal Conditions which allow neutral idle control to be activated
combustion engine and the gearbox are disconnected by the
neutral idle control system when the vehicle is at a standstill. • The internal combustion engine is in operation.
As a result, the driveline is isolated acoustically and vehicle noise is • Full adaption of the shift elements (brakes, clutches)
reduced. The torque load for the internal combustion engine is also • ATF temperature > approx. 20 °C1)
reduced, as the engine no longer has to counteract the usual • Road gradient < 4 %1) (the gradient is determined by the
converter torque produced by a torque converter automatic longitudinal acceleration sensor of the brake electronics.)
gearbox. • Selector position D engaged
• Accelerator not pressed
Neutral idle control in 1st gear • Foot brake pressed
Neutral idle control when start-stop mode is active The shift matrix illustrates, in excerpts, the activation of the shift
elements for 1st gear. For more information about the shift matrix
If the internal combustion engine is shut off as a result of start- of the 0D7 gearbox, refer to page 46.
stop mode and then the instruction to restart is issued, the neutral
idle control system is reactivated when selector position D is
engaged. To speed up ATF pressure buildup, the auxiliary hydraulic
pump 1 for gear oil V475 assists the closing of brake A and the
application of brake B. Shift matrix
The rest of the sequence follows the neutral idle control function
1st gear
described above.
Stopping with the neutral idle control system
Brake closed
The neutral idle control function, which is used exclusively by the Brake at kisspoint
Audi Q7 (type 4M) with internal combustion engine, is not avail- Open/closed dep. on clutch status
able for the Audi Q7 e-tron quattro.
he given values provide a guideline and are not binding. They may deviate depending on model version.
In selector position S neutral idle control is not activated in order to allow more direct drive-away. Without neutral idle control, clutch C is immediately closed
if selector position S is selected. This is why it is possible to notice traction after selecting 1st gear and traction reversal after shifting from 1st gear to R
gear (or vice versa). Traction is barely noticeable after selecting 1st gear in selector position D, because clutch C is open when neutral idle control is active and
traction cannot be established until the brake has been released.
Unlike the Audi Q7 (type 4M) powered exclusively by the internal combustion engine, neutral idle control is not implemented in R gear.
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Starting of the internal combustion engine via drag starting, slip starting or comfort starting
Depending on the driver's power requirements, the internal com- To start the internal combustion engine neutrally by slip starting,
bustion engine is started after selecting selector position S1), the the torque generated by the e-machine is increased by the amount
Audi drive select mode dynamic1) or by the hybrid management of torque required for starting after the separation clutch K0
system in dependence on the charge level of the hybrid battery closes. The internal combustion engine is brought up to an ignit-
(refer to page 9 of SSP 650). able speed and fired. If the rpm levels of the internal combustion
The driver's power requirements are indicated to the system via the engine and e-machine are in sync, the separation clutch K0 is
active accelerator pedal (refer to page 18). completely closed.
Based on an engine speed of 0 rpm, the e-machine starts the For comfort starting, the internal combustion engine is dragged
internal combustion engine by drag starting after the separation up to the speed of the e-machine by the separation clutch K0 and is
clutch K0 has closed (nengine = 0; ne-machine = 0). not fired until the separation clutch K0 has closed completely. The
basic choice of starting option is dependent on the driver's power
requirements and on the speed conditions.
Provided that the driver is wearing a seat belt, and the doors and
bonnet are closed.
Vehicle stationary
Starting of the internal combustion engine via the starter generator C29 (12-volt starting)
3.0l V6 TDI models are equipped with a starter generator. Under Starting with starter generator C29 is also referred to as 12-volt
given conditions, the internal combustion engine is started by the starting. During 12-volt starting, the separation clutch K0 is open.
starter generator. For more information, please refer to page 19.
Hybrid drive mode: Use of both drive systems for drive, boost function
The gearbox schematic shows the power flow in 1st gear when using The other gears are shifted by activating the shift elements as
both drive systems for drive. The separation clutch K0 is closed. described in the shift matrix on page 46.
1st gear
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The Audi Q7 e-tron quattro usually starts a trip in electric-only conditions, it is possible to use both drive systems (refer to
mode. If the internal combustion engine is started unser certain page 50). This mode of driving is known as "hybrid driving".
Power meter
The power meter shows the ranges of various operating modes. At the latest, however, the internal combustion engine starts when
Depending on the requirements of the hybrid management system, the driver's power requirements exceed 50 % of the power speci-
the internal combustion engine is engaged within the starting range. fied by the power meter and the yellow band is reached.
The starting range is indicated in the power meter by a broken When defining the starting range, the hybrid management system
green line. It varies between 0 % and 50 %, depending on the factors in the state of charge of the hybrid battery and e-tron
operating strategy of the hybrid management system. mode.
Boost function
The boost function is available as of an absolute hybrid battery As both drives deliver their maximum power at different engine
charge level, defined by the hybrid management system. The boost speeds, the result is not the expected maximum system power
function utilises the maximum system power of the hybrid drive. output of 284 kW but rather a slightly lower maximum system
The boost function is activated when a defined pressure point is power output of 275 kW.
exceeded in the travel of the active accelerator pedal (refer to The engine speeds at which both engines develop their maximum
page 18). When the boost function is active the e-machine and the torque overlap. A system torque of 950 Nm is physically possible.
internal combustion engine deliver their maximum power output Howwever, as the 8-speed automatic gearbox 0D7 can only handle
in accordance with the engine speed characteristic whereby both 700 Nm of torque, the maximum system torque is limited to this
power outputs add up to a total value (Fig. 649_096). value. The maximum system torque is available at about 1250 rpm
For example, the 3.0l V6 TDI engine in the Audi Q7 e-tron quattro or higher.
delivers a maximum power output of 190 kW. It is capable of
delivering up to 600 Nm of torque. The e-machine is capable of
delivering a short-time maximum power output of 94 kW. The
maximum torque of the e-machine is 350 Nm.
Performance data of the Audi Q7 e-tron quattro with 3.0l V6 TDI engine
Torque-power curve
System torque in Nm
Torque [Nm]
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Stationary charging
Separation clutch K0 closed
1st gear
The gearbox schematic shows the power flow while driving with Flow of power from the generator is ensured by increasing engine
the internal combustion engine in 1st gear. The separation clutch load in a fuel-efficient way. The hybrid management system in the
K0 is closed. The other gears are shifted by activating the shift engine control unit selects a load range with the lowest possible
elements as described in the shift matrix on page 46. specific fuel consumption [grammes of fuel per kWh] by selectively
shifting the load point.
The hybrid battery is charged when driving with the internal The power output of the generator results from the power con-
combustion engine, provided that the e-machine is not being used sumption of all current loads and the charging capacity of the
as an additional drive. batteries. Loads include all loads of the 12-volt electrical system,
For this purpose, the e-machine functions as a generator and is the electrical AC compressor and the high-voltage heater (PTC)
driven by the internal combustion engine. The battery regulation Z115. Batteries include the hybrid battery A38 and the 12-volt
control unit J840 indicates the state of charge of the hybrid battery battery A.
to the hybrid management system in the engine control unit. The The voltage converter A19 in the electric drive power and control
hybrid management system activates the hybrid management electronics module JX1 is used to supply the 12-volt electrical
system for generator mode when required. In addition, the inter- system and charge the 12-volt car battery (refer to SSP 650).
nal combustion engine can produce up to 20 kW of generator
power during the charging cycle. If the upper limit defined by the
battery regulation control unit J840 for absolute state of charge is
reached, generator mode is deactivated.
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3rd gear
The gearbox schematic shows the power flow in 3rd gear in coast- Only selector position D or E is displayed in the gear indicator; the
ing mode. The separation clutch K0 is open and the internal com- gears are not shown. The gearbox preshifts into a gear according to
bustion engine is shut off. The converter lockup clutch is closed. the speed of the vehicle.
The e-machine runs in sync with the gearbox input shaft and
applies a low thrust torque of < 5 Nm to the gearbox input shaft.
The reduces noise and enhances comfort.
Vehicle settings
• In selector position D, one of the Audi drive select modes • One of the e-tron modes EV, Hybrid or Battery Hold is selected.
allroad, effiency, comfort or auto is selected.
Operating conditions
• Vehicle speed < 160 kph. • Gradient < 1 %1). Gradients do not affect function. The road
• Internal combustion engine is off. gradient is measured by the longitudinal acceleration sensor of
• The driver eases off the accelerator pedal and does not press the brake electronics.
the accelerator pedal again.
Switch-off conditions
• The internal combustion engine is started. • Cruise control active – if the cruise control system is on but not
• Pressing the brake pedal. Coasting mode is not resumed after activated, this is not a switch-off condition. Exception: ACC
the braking operation is interrupted. (adaptive cruise control) with PEA (Predictive Efficiency Assist).
• Pressing the accelerator pedal. PEA utilises the route data provided by the navigation system.
• Gradient > 1 %1) Together with ACC, PEA is able to suppress activation of coast-
• Selector position S is selected. ing mode depending on the situation. This takes place regard-
• tiptronic mode is selected via the tiptronic gate or the Tip- tip- less of the vehicle's speed, e.g. if the vehicle is approaching a
tronic selector. built-up area or a roundabout. Coasting mode is also sup-
• The Audi drive select mode dynamic is activated. pressed when the vehicle approaches other road users.
If the coasting mode is suppressed by a switch-off condition and if hybrid management system initiates overrun recuperation mode
the operating conditions for overrun recuperation are met, the (page 54).
The given values provide a guideline and are not binding. They may deviate depending on model version.
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Overrun recuperation
3rd gear
The gearbox schematic shows the power flow during brake energy The overrun recuperation function utilises the overrun energy
recuperation in 3rd gear. The separation clutch K0 is open and the (kinetic energy) of the vehicle for energy recovery purposes. The
internal combustion engine is shut off. The converter lockup clutch overrun energy drives the-machine, which operates in a controlled
is closed. Depending on the speed at which the vehicle is travelling, generator mode. Thus, the loads are supplied with power and both
the relevant gear is preselected. Overrun recuperation initiated up the hybrid battery and, indirectly, the 12-volt car battery are
to a speed of 160 kph as soon as the driver eases off the brake charged up to the hybrid battery charge level defined by the
pedal without braking under the operating conditions listed below. battery regulation control unit J840.
While overrun recuperation is in progress, the braking power -
Vehicle settings: from 3 kW to 25 kW - is converted to electrical energy and the
• Selector lever is engaged in S or braking effect of the internal combustion engine in overrun mode
• Audi drive select mode dynamic is selected or is simulated. At the same time, the relevant gear is selected in the
• The gearbox is in tiptronic mode, the driver can gradually gearbox depending on the speed at which the vehicle is travelling.
influence the degree of deceleration using the shift paddles on If the hybrid battery no longer has the capacity to accept electrical
the steering wheel, or charge, the electric drive supplies only the active power demand in
• One of the coasting mode switch-off conditions is met (refer to its capacity as a generator. If the e-machine is used neither as a
page 53). generator nor for drive, the electric drive power and control elec-
tronics module JX1 energises the stator coils by applying a three-
phase current which does not result in torque at the rotor. This
avoids heating of the stator coils through voltage induction (refer
to page 35).
The drag torque of the internal combustion engine, simulated by
the generator mode, is not required when the hybrid battery is
fully charged and is compensated when the driver indicates that
he/she wishes to decelerate by applying the hydraulic brake.
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3rd gear
The gearbox schematic shows the power flow during brake energy The hybrid management system initiates the controlled conversion
recuperation in 3rd gear. The separation clutch K0 is normally open of of up to 80 kW of braking power into electrical energy by brake
and the internal combustion engine is shut off. energy recuperation.
The converter lockup clutch is closed. Depending on the speed at
which the vehicle is travelling, the relevant gear is selected. If the hybrid battery has sufficient charge, the electric drive sup-
plies only the active power demand in its capacity as a generator.
As with overrun recuperation, the brake energy recuperation In this case, or if the braking effect of brake energy recuperation is
system utilises the overrun energy (kinetic energy) of the vehicle insufficient to provide the required amount of deceleration, the
for energy recovery purposes. The overrun energy drives the- electrical braking effect is harmoniously enhanced or replaced by
machine, which operates in a controlled generator mode. Thus, the the hydraulic brake.
loads are supplied and the batteries are charged up to a charge
level defined by the battery regulation control unit J840. If the e-machine is used neither as a generator nor for drive, the
electric drive power and control electronics module JX1 energises
Brake energy recuperation is initiated regardless of vehicle speed the stator coils by applying a three-phase current which does not
as soon as the driver presses the brake pedal, and provided that result in torque at the rotor. This avoids heating of the stator coils
the hybrid battery can still accept electrical energy. through voltage induction (refer to page 35).
The brake servo control unit J539 uses the data generated by the
brake pedal position sensor G100 to calculate the braking power
requested by the driver by brake pedal input and sends this infor-
mation to the hybrid management system in the engine control
unit J623 via FlexRay bus.
The hybrid management system carries out a check to determine
how much of this braking power can be converted to electrical
energy by brake energy recuperation and sends this value to the
brake electronics.
The brake pedal position sensor G100 is integrated in the brake The electro-mechanical brake servo can be found in the current
servo. flow diagram and in the service literature under the term "brake
It senses the position and actuation rate of the brake pedal. It also servo NX6". For more information about the electro-mechanical
supplies the signals for activation of the brake light thereby elimi- brake servo, refer to page 70.
nating the need for brake light switch F.
Since the data generated by the brake pedal position sensor G100
is used to calculate the braking effect requested by the driver, no Brake servo control unit
brake energy recuperation will take place if this sensor fails. In this J539
case, a message appears on the display in the dash panel insert.
Push rod
Brake pedal position sender
G100 649_103
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In the case of the Audi Q7 e-tron quattro, shift by wire technology Mechatronic module E26/29 is identical to the mechatronic
is used for communication between the selector mechanism and module used in the 0D5 gearbox of the Audi Q7 (type 4M) (refer to
the 0D7 gearbox as well as for actuation of the parking lock. The SSP 632).
mechatronic module of the 0D7 gearbox is designated E26/29 by Mechatronic module E26/29 is a further development of
its manufacturer, ZF Friedrichshafen AG. mechatronic module E26/6, which is used in the 0BK gearbox of
the Audi A8 (type 4H) (refer to SSP 457 for more information).
Wiring harness from vehicle LIN-bus line for auxiliary hydraulic pump 1
to e-module for gear oil V475, page 43
Parking lock solenoid Hydraulic control Gearbox input speed sender Automatic gearbox control unit
N486 unit G182 J217
Protect the mechatronic module against electrostatic discharge.
Please refer to the guidelines provided in SSP 284 "6-speed automatic gearbox 09E in the Audi A8 ’03 part 2", page 6, and in
the Workshop Manual.
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The mechatronic module used in the 0D7 gearbox has a LIN bus The sensors, actuators and design configuration of the electrohy-
line to auxiliary hydraulic pump 1 for gear oil V475, which replaces draulic parking lock, as well as the method of activation of the shift
the control line for the hydraulic impulse storage system (HIS) as elements in the mechatronic module of the 0D7 gearbox, are
used in the 0D5 gearbox or 0BK gearbox. identical to those of the mechatronic modules used in the 0D5 and
0BK gearboxes (refer to SSP 457 and SSP 632 for more informa-
Clutch E
Clutch C
Brake B
From converter
To converter
Lubrication pressure
Connector to vehicle
Parking lock Pressure connection of auxiliary
slide valve hydraulic pump 1 for gear oil
Pressure connection from ATF cooler intake Hydraulic pressure supply to Power supply for
mechanically driven ATF pump mechatronic module from auxil- auxiliary hydraulic
iary hydraulic pump 1 for gear oil pump 1 for gear oil
V475 V475
To converter
From converter
Close converter
lockup clutch
Brake B
Clutch C
Clutch E
Brake A
Connector for auxiliary hydraulic From ATF cooler return line Clutch D Ground for auxiliary hydraulic
pump 1 for gear oil V475 to lubrication pressure pump 1 for gear oil V475
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ATF cooling
The ATF cooling system is integrated in the cooling circuit of the If the ATF cooler is leaking, coolant (glycol) will mix with the ATF.
internal combustion engine in a parallel configuration. In 3.0l V6 Even the smallest quanties of coolant in the ATF can have a detri-
TDI models the ATF cooler is flushed by the coolant flow from the mental effect on clutch control.
coolant pump. A gylcol test will show up even trace quantities of glycol and can,
If the Audi Q7 e-tron quattro is equipped with a third-generation therefore, be used to rule out this cause.
2.0l R4 TFSI engine, the ATF cooler is flushed by the coolant run-on If the coolant lines have been disconnected in order to carry out
pump V51. repairs, the coolant circuit can be bled using the "coolant circuit
In both cases, the rate of coolant flow is controlled by the ATF bleeding routine", available under address code 01 on the diagnos-
coolant regulator in dependence on the temperature. tic tester.
The diagram shows a section of the coolant circuit of the 3.0l V6 The connections for coolant return from the ATF cooler as well as
TDI engine (refer to page 25 of SSP 632). heating feed and return are shown on page 83.
Heater inlet
2 1
Coolant return line of ATF cooler
Heating return
Coolant pump
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Coolant run-on pump V51
(not intended for the 3.0l V6 TDI engine, this
pump is used in combination with the third-
generation 2.0l R4 TFSI engine)
Coolant feed
When installing the coolant thermostat, always pay attention to
closed direction of flow. This is indicated by an arrow on the housing.
Fitting the coolant thermostat in the wrong position will adversely
affect temperature regulation and impair ATF cooling.
Clogging of the groove in the valve seat will disrupt the continuous
trickle flow of coolant. In this case, the thermocouple will not be
heated to the required level. The valve seat remains closed and the
Thermocouple with lift pin
ATF is not cooled.
In case of complaints concerning excessively high ATF tempera-
649_114 ture, check the coolant circuit and the oil circuit to the ATF cooler,
as well as the coolant thermostat.
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The control unit of the 0D7 gearbox communicates with the vehicle In addition to the usual information used by an automatic torque
via FlexRay bus. Since the instructions for the separation clutch converter, the automatic gearbox control unit J217 requires
actuator are decided by the engine control unit, a great deal less requires the following supplementary data for gearbox control
information is required for gearbox control purposes. The separa- purposes:
tion clutch actuator V606 actuates the separation clutch K0.
• Speed of e-machine
• System torque at gearbox input shaft
FlexRay, to J533
FlexRay, to J533
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The Audi drive select button can be used to select between differ-
ent vehicle configurations (modes). The gearbox control unit
responds differently to these modes.
Gearbox setups are tailored to the customer's requirements in a
country-specific way. For this reason, only typical differences
between the various modes can be shown here.
offroad mode – for models with steel spring suspension comfort mode
lift / offroad – for models with air suspension The comfort mode does not have any effect on the gearbox setup.
If the lift / offroad mode is activated in models with air suspen-
sion, the internal combustion engine is started. This means that auto mode
electric drive is unavailable in this mode. When a speed of 30 kph Driver type recognition in drive positions D and S:
is exceeded, the vehicle exits this mode and switches to allroad In selector positions D and S driver type recognition is carried out
mode. On models with steel spring suspension, electric drive is on the basis of the driver's driving style. Criteria for driver type
possible in offroad mode. A maximum speed of 30 kph does not recognition include the mode of actuation of the brake and accel-
apply to these vehicles. erator pedals, the speed of the vehicle as well as transverse and
In offroad mode the gearbox control unit assists driving in rough longitudinal acceleration of the vehicle within defined periods.
terrain by using adapted functions. Gear selection follows a fixed Accordingly, an economical driving style leads to early upshifts and
shift program without driver type recognition. As in selector late downshifts. A sporty driving style is facilitated by late upshifts
position S, the gears are held for longer, particularly 1st gear. and early downshifts.
Selector position S is unavailable, but manual shifting is possible The driving phases in which the driver adopts an efficient, eco-
in tiptronic mode (manual mode M). Automatic upshifting of the nomical, sporty or manual driving style can be read out using the
gearbox is deactivated in tiptronic mode. The engine runs up to the diagnostic tester.
speed limiter without shifting up in order to prevent undesirable Selector position D:
up-and-down shifting. The deactivation of automatic upshifting Gearshifts are comfort-oriented and shift point selection is
allows the engine to stop on a hill at full engine speed. Even if brief adapted to the driver's driving style with the assistance of driver
loss of traction occurs, the gear is held to ensure that full drive type recognition.
torque is available when the wheels regain full traction. The deacti- Selector position S1):
vation of automatic upshifting allows the full braking effect of the If selector position S is selected, the gearbox control unit is
engine to be utilised when driving downhill. To protect the engine running the sport program. In this program, the shift points are
against overspeeding, the gearbox shifts up before a defined sporty and adapted to the engine power range. Shift points are
engine speed is reached. configured with the assistance of driver type recognition. Shift
times and shift points vary according to setup, the range being
allroad mode from the standard sport program to a handling course setup with
The allroad mode does not have any effect on the gearbox setup. short, noticeable shift cycles.
fter a change of terminal status, a combination of
Audi drive select mode auto, e-tron mode EV and selector posi-
tion D is always used for restarting the vehicle.
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e-tron modes
e-tron modes EV, Hybrid and Battery Hold can be freely selected
one after the other in a loop using the electric drive button E656
(EV button) or using the rotary pushbutton of the MMI.
The e-tron Modi are adapted to meet country-specific legislation
and customer requirements.
For more information about the e-tron modes, refer to SSP 650
(page 26). 649_149
Electric drive button
The EV mode prioritises electric drive mode. In this mode the During vehicle operation, the hybrid battery charge is held at a
vehicle runs with the minimum possible CO2 emission within the constant level. The vehicle runs in hybrid mode. This means that
e-range, provided that the driver's power requirements do not both drives are active. Only a small proportion of the battery
exceed the capacity of the e-machine. The driver's power require- charge is utilised. The battery charge is saved for later operation in
ments are indicated to the system via the active accelerator pedal EV mode.
(refer to page 18).
Hybrid mode
In Hybrid mode, the hybrid management system selects the most maximum electrical range of the vehicle. Taking into account the
favourable drive mode. The vehicle is operated as fuel-efficiently as navigation data, the system operates in such a way that the electri-
possible beyond its pure e-range. cal energy of the hybrid battery will ideally be used up when the
If Predictive Efficiency Assist (PEA) is activated via the MMI and vehicle reaches its destination. This helps keep CO2 emission to a
route guidance is started, the e-tron Hybrid mode is set automati- minimum.
cally and once only in the driving cycle if the distance exceeds the
Downhill assist
The downhill assist functions aids the driver on downhill gradients. Downhill assist cuts out again as soon as the gradient lessens or
It is activated in selector positions D and S when the foot brake is the accelerator pedal is pressed.
pressed or after the cruise control system is activated. Downhill assist cannot overcome the physical limitations of the
The gearbox selects a gear appropriate to the gradient. The task of vehicle and therefore cannot maintain a set speed in all conditions.
downhill assist is to maintain the reduced speed within the bounds The driver must always be ready to apply the brakes!
of its physical and drive limitations. It may be necessary to addi-
tionally correct the vehicle's speed with the foot brake.
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Combinations of selector positions and e-tron modes within the Audi drive select modes
The possible combinations of Audi drive select, the e-tron modes Since Audi drive select affects other systems in addition to the
and the gears are defined. These combinations are key factors hybrid drive, its combination options rank ahead of the selectable
determining the drive characteristics of the Audi Q7 e-tron quattro. e-tron modes.
In the individual mode of Audi drive select, one of the listed
Audi drive select modes can be selected for the engine/gearbox
regardless of the other vehicle systems. Key:
Change e-tron modes
Shift from D/S
Audi drive select Modi Selec- e-tron mode Selec- e-tron mode Selec- e-tron mode
tor tor tor
posi- posi- posi-
tion tion tion
Battery Hold4)
Battery Hold4)
Battery Hold4)
Battery Hold4)
Battery Hold4), 6)
In the offroad or lift / offroad mode of Audi drive select, selector position S is not available.
If the lift / offroad of Audi drive select is activated in models with air suspension, the internal combustion engine is started. In models with air suspension,
therefore, electric drive is unavailable in this mode. When a speed of 30 kph is exceeded, the vehicle exits this mode and switches to allroad mode.
Electric drive is possible in models with steel spring suspension. A maximum speed of 30 kph does not apply here.
If Predictive Efficiency Assist (PEA) is activated via the MMI and if route guidance is started, the e-tron mode Hybrid is set automatically and once only during
the driving cycle. The condition for this is a distance which exceeds the maximum electrical range.
If selector position S is selected, the resultant combination is S-Battery Hold. If the combination S-Battery Hold is engaged from selector position D, the last
combination of selector position and e-tron mode is restored, provided that the e-tron mode has not been changed in the interim.
Starting from the S-Battery Hold combination, S-Hybrid can be accessed via D-EV by pushing the electric drive button E656 in quick succession. D-EV can be
set by pushing the electric drive button E656 in slow succession. The e-tron modes can be freely selected using the rotary pushbutton.
After a change of terminal status, a combination of Audi drive select mode auto, e-tron mode EV and selector position D is always used for restarting the
vehicle. The combinations D-Hybrid, D-Battery Hold and D-EV can be selected in sequence using the electric drive button E656. The e-tron modes can be
freely selected using the rotary pushbutton on the MMI.
If the dynamic mode of Audi drive select is selected, the resultant combination is S-Battery Hold. If a new Audi drive select mode is selected from the
dynamic mode of Audi drive select, the last combination of selector position and e-tron mode is restored, provided that the e-tron mode has not been
changed in the interim.
Moving the selector from D to M or from S to M and back does not change the modes of Audi Drive select or the e-tron drive.
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Using the diagnostic tester
The electrical components and control operations of the 0D7 results queried via the address code 02 – Gearbox electronics. The
gearbox are diagnosed. Components and event memory entries following key diagnostic functions can be executed to assess and
can be assessed based on measurement data and the diagnostic handle the 0D7 gearbox.
• Adaptation
• Actuator diagnostics
• Basic setting
Provided that the driver is wearing a seat belt, and the doors and bonnet are closed.
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The following components related to power transmission can be The electrical components of the selector lever (refer to page 26)
assessed on the basis of measurement data, event memory entries are diagnosed. The diagnostic results can be queried using address
and actuator diagnostics via address code 01– Engine electronics. word 81.
The following diagnostic functions of importance to power trans- An actuator test is available for the following components:
mission can be executed. • Selector lever position display Y5
• Separation clutch actuator V606 • Selector lever lock solenoid N110
Actuator diagnostics: Separation clutch actuator • Transverse selector lever lock motor V577
Guided Function: Seperation clutch adaption,
is performed if:
• the hybrid module was replaced
• the separation clutch actuator was replaced
• the engine control unit J623 was replaced
• new software has been installed in engine control unit J623
• Coolant run-on pump V51,
in combination with third-generation 2.0l R4 TFSI engine
Actuator diagnostics: Electrical coolant pump
• Gearbox mounting valve 1 N262
Actuator diagnostics: R/H gearbox mounting valve
• Gearbox mounting valve 2 N263
Actuator diagnostics: L/H gearbox mounting valve
• Coolant circuit ventilation routine
The high-temperature circuit of the internal combustion engine
is vented via this guided function. The ATF cooling system is
integrated in this circuit (refer to page 58).
If a vehicle with an 0D7 gearbox needs towing, the usual restric- Reason
tions on automatic gearboxes apply: When the internal combustion engine is at standstill, the oil pump
• Emergency-releasing the parking lock, refer to page 27. is not driven and certain parts of the gearbox are not lubricated.
• Max. towing speed 50 kph. Failure to comply with the towing conditions can lead to serious
• Max. towing distance 50 km. gearbox damage.
• Do not tow the vehicle with the front or rear axle raised off the
If the red gearbox warning lamp appears in the If the yellow gearbox warning lamp appears in
instrument cluster, the driver is instructed not to the instrument cluster, it is normally possible to
drive any further. continue driving the vehicle. Driver information is
displayed informing the driver what to do.
For detailed and up-to-date information, please
refer to the vehicle owner's manual.
Note the other descriptions and notes on the topic of tow-starting and towing in the owner's manual.
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Overall concept
The Audi Q7 e-tron quattro adopts key chassis components from chassis systems have been reconfigured using special springs,
the Audi Q7 (type 4M). There are however several minor differences dampers and anti-roll bars. All-wheel steering will not be available
due to functional requirements (electric drive, blended braking for the Audi Q7 e-tron quattro at launch. The chassis alignment
etc.) and the modified package (location of hybrid battery). and setup procedures are identical to those for the
On account of the differences in axle load compared with Audi Q7 (type 4M).
Audi Q7 (type 4M) and the modified axle load distribution, the
Steering column
• Adopted from
Audi Q7 (type 4M)
Front axle
• Adopted from
Audi Q7
(type 4M)
• Adopted from Audi Q7 (type 4M)
• To improve control quality, general use
is made of the hydraulic unit with
3 pressure sensors to check for the
plausibility of changes in brake pressure
due to recuperation
ACC (optional)
• Adopted from Audi Q7 (type 4M)
• Brake pressure for ACC-based control
operations is provided by the
electro-mechanical brake servo
• ACC-based driver assistance systems/ Electro-mechanical brake servo Steering wheels
functions are the same as in the with brake system pressure accu- • Adopted from
Audi Q7 (type 4M) mulator VX70 (refer to page 69) Audi Q7 (type 4M)
For detailed information about the chassis system of the Audi Q7 (type 4M), refer to Self Study Programmes 632
"Audi Q7 (type 4M)" and 633 "Audi Q7 (type 4M) Chassis".
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Rear axle
• Adopted from Audi Q7 (type 4M)
• General use is made of the aluminium
track control arm at the top rear due to
package requirements
Only chassis systems with a quattro drivetrain are used for the Audi Q7 e-tron quattro.
The following chassis versions are available:
Standard suspension (1BA)1) The standard suspension as basic equipment features steel springs and non-adaptive air
Chassis with air suspension This chassis version is optional. For detailed information about the design, function and
and adaptive air suspension service operations of the chassis with air suspension, refer to Self Study Programme 633
1BK1) "Audi Q7 (type 4M) Chassis".
Chassis with air suspension The sport chassis with air suspension is optional, too. The sport version of the chassis
and adaptive air suspension differs from chassis 1 BK in that it has a more sporty setup This is accomplished by using
2MA1) modified damper hydraulics, special spring characteristics (provided by special roll pistons)
and a special control characteristic (special control software for suspension control
unit J775). The control software is loaded into the control unit as a data set from a data
container prior to initial use.
Production control number
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Brake system
The Audi Q7 e-tron quattro is equipped with a generously dimen- The electrical parking brake (EPB) is a carryover from the
sioned brake system which offers a high performance reserve in all Audi Q7 (type 4M). The foot controls and the brake servo are new
driving situations. The front axle wheel brakes have lightweight developments designed with a strong emphasis on weight saving.
aluminium calipers and lightweight discs. Increased brake caliper The new ESC system (ESP 9) by Robert Bosch AG is a high-perform-
rigidity conveys a direct and sporty braking feel. All brake pads ance stability control system.
already meet the highest environmental standard (copper free),
which will not become mandatory until 2021.
Number of pistons 6 6
Number of pistons 1
Piston diameter 44 mm
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Engine-gearbox unit
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Push rod
(brake pedal connection)
Tandem master brake cylinder Brake servo control unit Lower pinion shaft
The brake pressure applied by the driver is boosted by the engine- The sliding assembly of the booster sleeve on the push rod, and
gearbox unit. An AC motor drives 2 pinion shafts through a reduc- the resultant separation of both components, ensures that the
tion ratio. The splines of the pinion shafts are in mesh with the driver can apply brake pressure even if the boost function fails.
spline on the booster sleeve. The rotary motion of the pinion shafts
is translated into a longitudinal motion of the booster sleeve. Control unit J539 provides for terminal 15 run-on. If the vehicle is
stationary and the driver is not applying the service brake, the
To increase the brake pressure, the booster sleeve is moved run-on time is approximately 60 seconds. If the vehicle is actively
towards the tandem master brake cylinder (to the left in the braked by the driver after terminal 15 is switched off, brake boost
diagram). The electric motor is activated by the brake servo control is maintained for up to approx. 360 seconds.
unit J539. The control unit receives information on the position of After approx. 180 seconds and after 360 seconds, the driver is
the brake pedal and the push rod (= driver input) from the inte- instructed to secure the vehicle against rolling and informed that
grated brake pedal position sender G100. brake boost is about to be deactivated.
The position of the electric motor rotor and hence, indirectly, the The signals from the brake pedal position sender G100 of the
position of the booster sleeve is monitored by a rotor position electro-mechanical brake servo are used for activating the brake
sensor (Hall sender) in the electric motor. light.
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a = aH + aG
Time [s]
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The pressure accumulator is connected directly to the master brake The braking pressure within the system, i.e. in the wheel brakes,
cylinder and thus to the hydraulic braking circuit. decreases. At the same time, the brake boost provided by the
electro-mechanical brake servo is reduced in order to ensure that
If the brake pressure applied by the driver (dependent on the the brake pedal does not "give".
additional braking torque of the electric drive during recuperation)
has to be reduced, the electric motor of the pressure accumulator If the additional braking torque of the electric drive decreases
is activated by the brake servo control unit J539. again under active braking, or if the generator mode of the electric
drive is fully deactivated, the previously reduced braking pressure
The ABS control unit J104 determines the required degree of brake must be increased again. Control unit J539 re-activates the electric
pressure reduction and "instructs" control unit J539 to implement motor of the pressure accumulator. The motion of the piston
this reduction. The piston performs a lift motion due to the spindle reduces the cylinder volume, and the brake fluid in the cylinder is
drive in the cylinder, cylinder volume increases and brake fluid is returned to the braking circuit. The pressure within the braking
taken in from the braking circuit. system increases accordingly.
Electric motor
Bleed valve
Service operations
The electro-mechanical brake servo (including brake servo control After this, the diagnostic tester automatically programs the
unit J539) and the pressure accumulator can be accessed under electro-mechanical brake servo. The basic setting procedure must
diagnostic address 23. If necessary, the components can only be be performed after the pressure accumulator is replaced. At the
replaced as complete assemblies by service personnel. After same time, the end positions of the pistons are determined.
replacing the electro-mechanical brake servo (including control Actuator diagnostics routines have been implemented for function-
unit), online encoding of the control unit must be carried out. For testing the electro-mechanical brake servo and the pressure
this purpose, it is important to properly bleed the braking system. accumulator, as well as for activating the warning lamp and the
brake lights.
For more information about the brake system pressure accumulator VX70, refer to Self Study Programme 627
"Audi A3 Sportback e-tron (type 8V)".
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9.0J x 20 ET33
Flow form cast
285/45 R20 XL
The established second-generation low tyre pressure indicator is As previously for the Audi Q7 (type 4M), a third-generation direct
also offered as basic equipment for the Audi Q7 e-tron quattro. tyre pressure monitoring system is optional. For detailed informa-
tion, refer to Self Study Programme 633 "Audi Q7 (type 4M)
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Main radiator
Low-temperature cooler
3-phase AC drive
Valve block
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Heat pump
The heat pump system has been used in building installations for components to be used for heating the cabin. Waste heat can be
years, and now finds its way into the world of Audi automobiles recovered for heating purposes by extending the refrigerant and
through the Audi Q7 e-tron quattro. An electric-powered vehicle coolant circuits. This significantly improves the efficiency of the
develops less waste heat than a vehicle with an internal combus- electric heating system. The heat pump extends the range of the
tion engine. It is important to make efficient use of the generated Audi Q7 e-tron quattro. It collects the waste heat from the compo-
thermal energy. This means there is no need to generate energy nents in the electric driveline and increases the temperature of the
from waste heat, which can be used for heating the cabin. The use coolant flowing through the heat exchanger. For a detailed descrip-
of the heat pump allows the waste heat released by electrical tion, refer to page 90.
Thanks to the electric AC compressor V470 and the high-voltage The heat pump has another advantage when it comes to prevent-
heater (PTC) Z115, it is possible to pre-cool the cabin in the ing windscreen fogging up in wet weather. With the heat pump, it
summer and to preheat the cabin in the winter. The heat pump can is possible to initially cool and dehumidify the intake air and
subsequently maintain a comfortable temperature of approxi- subsequently to reheat the intake air efficiently via the heat pump.
mately 22 °C without the need for additional heating. This is To achieve this, conventional heating systems of electric-powered
possible down to an ambient tempeature of about 0 °C. If the vehicles have to consume twice as much energy.
ambient temperature drops below 0 °C, the high-voltage heater
(PTC) Z115 can provide back-up.
Electrical pre-conditioning can be started directly or programmed The pre-conditioning function is available irrespective of whether
for a specific departure time. This function can be operated via the the vehicle is currently being charged via the charging infrastruc-
in-car MMI, via the Audi connect app or via myAudi. ture, or not. A requirement is that the hybrid battery has sufficient
charge. A conventional auxiliary heater can be ordered as an
Operating options
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Key components
The high-voltage heater (PTC) Z115 heats the coolant for the Selector lever sensors
heater heat exchanger in the cabin, both in electric drive mode and High-voltage heater (PTC)
when preheating the vehicle. The high-voltage line is installed in
the plenum chamber.
Connection to 12-volt
electrical system
The high-voltage heater (PTC) Z115 is used when the heating High-voltage cable
output of the heat pump is not sufficient to heat the cabin. connection
Coolant connections
For further information about the high-voltage heater (PTC) Z115, refer to Self Study Programme 650
"Audi Q7 e-tron quattro (type 4M) high-voltage system and vehicle electrics".
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Non-return valves
The non-return valves ensure that the refrigerant flows in the right
direction in the various operating modes.
For more information about cleaning the refrigerant circuit as well as the various function tests on the shut-off valves, please
refer to the Workshop Manual.
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The heat exchanger for heat pump operation transfers heat from Refrigerant connection
the refrigerant circuit or the cooling circuit to the heating circuit.
This means that the hot, gaseous refrigerant condenses within the
plate heat exchanger and dissipates its heat to the heating circuit.
Refrigerant receiver
Coolant connections
Refrigerant pressure/temperature sender
The sensors for refrigerant pressure and refrigerant temperature 1st line: Part number
(G395, G826 and G827) are used for regulating the cooling and
heat pump systems. The sensors evaluate the pressure and tem-
6th line: Address (DTS 1)
perature in the refrigerant circuit.
and service component
designation (G395)
The sensors for refrigerant pressure and refrigerant temperature currently have a fixed address. All three sensors are identi-
cal in design, but must not be interchanged. The part number, address and service component designation can be found on
the label marking the electrical connection.
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Refrigerant circuit
The refrigerant circuit of the Audi Q7 e-tron quattro differs from The two refrigerant circuit service connections (high and low
that of the Audi A3 e-tron in that it includes additional compo- pressure) are located upstream of the AC compressor on the
nents for the heat pump. low-pressure side and downstream of the valve block on the
high-pressure side.
• Heat exchanger for heat pump operation • Refrigerant expansion valve 1 N636
• 4 non-return valves
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N636 V424
2 G395 G826
3 V470 3
N641 N640 11
N643 N642
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Coolant circuits
In addition to the refrigerant circuit, the Audi Q7 e-tron quattro module JX1 are also cooled via this circuit. The temperature of the
has high- and low-temperature circuits. They are needed to meet components is controlled via valve circuits. The hybrid battery can
the temperature requirements of all components in a hybrid be cooled both passively via the atmosphere and actively via the
vehicle. The temperature range extends from –30 °C to +110 °C. refrigerant circuit. A heat pump integrated in the thermal manage-
The engine coolant circuit is used for cooling the internal combus- ment system of the Audi Q7 e-tron quattro systematically collects
tion engine and the gearbox and for heating the cabin. The coolant the heat loss of the electrical components. The heat loss flows are
circuit of the high-voltage system regulates the temperature of the heated via the refrigerant circuit. After this, they are fed to the
hybrid battery unit AX1 and high-voltage battery charger 1 AX4. vehicle heating circuit via the heat exchanger for heat pump
The components of the electric driveline, the three-phase AC drive operation. This ensures highly efficient cabin heating while extend-
VX54 and the electric drive power and control electronics ing the electrical range of the vehicle.
The heating circuit is required for heating the cabin. It is a part of When operating the vehicle in electric mode, the cabin heating
the coolant circuit. It differs from the heating circuit in conven- circuit is disconnected from the cooling circuit of the internal
tional models in that it also includes the integrated high-voltage combustion engine by a valve circuit. In this way, the energy input
heater (PTC) Z115 and the heat exchanger for heat pump opera- via the high-voltage heater (PTC) Z115 and the heat exchanger for
tion. These components allow hybrid vehicles to be operated even heat pump operation is made available to the cabin.
at low ambient temperatures and without comfort restrictions.
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V617 AX1
G968 G908
9 V618
G904 G906
VX54 V620
Component of the pipe assembly
AX1 Hybrid battery unit V590 Coolant pump for high-voltage battery
AX4 High-voltage battery charger 1 V617 Coolant pump for thermal management
V618 Coolant pump 2 for thermal management
G837 Low coolant level indicator sensor 2 V620 Coolant pump 4 for thermal management
G902 Coolant temperature sensor 1 for thermal management
G904 Coolant temperature sensor 3 for thermal management VX54 3-phase AC drive
Z115 High-voltage heater (PTC)
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The coolant circuit for the high-voltage system cools the following The low-temperature cooler is seated between the main radiator
components: and the condenser.
• Three-phase AC drive VX54
• Electric drive power and control electronics module JX1 The switching positions of coolant switching valve 1 N632 and
• Hybrid battery unit AX1 coolant shutoff valve 2 N645 allow the coolant circuit for the
• High-voltage battery charger 1 AX4 high-voltage system to be subdivided into two separate circuits.
This is the case when the hybrid battery unit AX1 has a different
Since these components require a relatively low temperature level, temperature to the electric driveline.
a separate cooling circuit is required.
Low-temperature cooler 3-phase AC drive High-voltage battery charger 1 Hybrid battery unit
VX54 AX4 AX1
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V617 AX1
G968 G908
9 V618
G904 G906
VX54 V620
Component of the pipe assembly
AX1 Hybrid battery unit V590 Coolant pump for high-voltage battery
AX4 High-voltage battery charger 1 V617 Coolant pump for thermal management
V618 Coolant pump 2 for thermal management
G837 Low coolant level indicator sensor 2 V620 Coolant pump 4 for thermal management
G902 Coolant temperature sensor 1 for thermal management
G904 Coolant temperature sensor 3 for thermal management VX54 3-phase AC drive
Z115 High-voltage heater (PTC)
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This coolant circuit regulates the temperature of the electric drive temperature, necessitating a separate cooling circuit. The low-
power and control electronics module JX1 as well as the three- temperature cooler is positioned fore of the main radiator.
phase AC drive VX54. These components require a relatively low
3-phase AC drive
Electric drive
power and control
electronics module
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V617 AX1
G968 G908
9 V618
G904 G906
Component of the pipe assembly N632
AX1 Hybrid battery unit V590 Coolant pump for high-voltage battery
AX4 High-voltage battery charger 1 V617 Coolant pump for thermal management
V618 Coolant pump 2 for thermal management
G837 Low coolant level indicator sensor 2 V620 Coolant pump 4 for thermal management
G902 Coolant temperature sensor 1 for thermal management
G904 Coolant temperature sensor 3 for thermal management VX54 3-phase AC drive
Z115 High-voltage heater (PTC)
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The coolant circuit for the hybrid battery regulates the tempera-
ture of the hybrid battery unit AX1 and the high-voltage battery High-voltage battery charger 1 Hybrid battery unit
charger 1 AX4. AX4 AX1
It comprises the hybrid battery heat exchanger, also known as the
chiller (refrigerant-coolant heat exchanger), which allows active
cooling of the hybrid battery unit AX1 through the refrigerant
circuit of the air conditioning system.
Hybrid battery
heat exchanger (chiller)
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V617 G968 AX1
9 V618
G904 G906
VX54 V620
G907 JX1
N645 649_024
Component of the pipe assembly N632
AX1 Hybrid battery unit V590 Coolant pump for high-voltage battery
AX4 High-voltage battery charger 1 V617 Coolant pump for thermal management
V618 Coolant pump 2 for thermal management
G837 Low coolant level indicator sensor 2 V620 Coolant pump 4 for thermal management
G902 Coolant temperature sensor 1 for thermal management
G904 Coolant temperature sensor 3 for thermal management VX54 3-phase AC drive
Z115 High-voltage heater (PTC)
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Heating mode
To heat the cabin, the electrical AC compressor V470 compresses quently evaporates in the hybrid battery heat exchanger. At the
gaseous refrigerant thereby heating it to a high temperature. A same time, the hybrid battery heat exchanger extracts heat from
compact plate heat exchanger, the heat exchanger for heat pump the low-temperature circuit of the electric driveline, with the result
operation transfers the heat of the hot gas to the cabin heating that its temperature drops by approx. 3 to 5 °C. In this process, the
circuit thereby cooling and liquefying the gas. The liquid refriger- heat pump utilises the waste heat from the electric driveline for
ant expands via the electrical expansion valve N636 and subse- heating the cabin.
Valve block
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Cooling mode
The hot, gaseous refrigerant is not liquefied in the heat exchanger It is expanded via the expansion valve and evaporates in the air
like in heating mode, but rather in the large condenser in the front conditioner's evaporator thereby cooling the cabin.
end of the vehicle.
temperature Heat exchanger for
High-voltage heater sensor 1 hybrid battery
(PTC) G902 (chiller)
Valve block
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Reheat mode
In Reheat mode the air is initially cooled and dehumidified, and is If required, the system can also access the waste heat from the
subsequently reheated. The heat exchanger for heat pump opera- electric driveline via the heat exchanger for the hybrid battery. This
tion makes the heat absorbed by the refrigerant while cooling the operating mode avoids windscreen fogging.
air available to the cabin.
Valve block
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For more information about the AC control panels, air distribution as well as the front and rear air conditioners, refer to Self
Study Programme 632 "Audi Q7 (type 4M)".
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System overview
Thermal management
Hybrid CAN
Coolant temperature sensor 7 for thermal management G908
High-voltage heater (PTC)
Extended CAN
Data bus
diagnostic interface
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Battery regulation
control unit Coolant pump 4 for thermal management V620
AC compressor control unit J842
Electrical AC compressor V470
In valve block:
Refrigerant shutoff valve 2 N640
Refrigerant shutoff valve 3 N641
Refrigerant shutoff valve 4 N642
Refrigerant shutoff valve 5 N643
Diagnostics CAN
High pressure sender G65
Diagnostic port
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The Audi Q7 e-tron quattro always has the highest-specification
MMI Navigation plus (I8H)
version of the infotainment system from the Audi Q7 (type 4M).
This means that MMI Navigation plus is always installed. Standard equipment
The Audi connect emergency call and service package is included as
standard. 8.3“ TFT colour monitor with 1024 x 480 pixel resolution
TV tuner (QV1)5)
7UH for countries without navigation map data
EL0 for markets without Audi connect
2x HFP (2 mobile phones can be coupled via Hands-Free Profile)
The Audi connect data module will then become a fully fledged
telephone module mit SAP (SIM Access Profile).
If digital radio (QV3) and TV tuner (QV1) are ordered together,
the PRNR is QU1.
For more information about the infotainment system, refer to Self Study Programme 637 "Audi Q7 (type 4M) occupant pro-
tection and infotainment".
For more information about wireless charging and Audi connect emergency call and service, refer to Self Study Pro-
gramme 647 "Audi A4 (type 8W) Infotainment and Audi connect".
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Service intervals
In new vehicles, the next oil change due field (flexible servicing The value displayed in the mileage-based servicing events field is
event) is initially blank. now 30,000 km for new vehicles and is decremented in increments
This interval has to be computed from the driving profile and of 100 km. The value in the field for the time-based servicing
engine load and is not displayed until about 500 km have been events is now 730 days (2 years) for new vehicles and is updated on
covered. The display "Oil change due" then switches to "Next oil a daily basis (upwards of a total mileage of about 500 km).
Changing the oil According to service interval display, between 15,000 km / 1 year and
30,000 km / 2 years depending on driving style and conditions of use.
Inspection 30,000 km / 2 years 30,000 km / 2 years
Brake fluid change interval Change after 3, 5, ... years Change after 3, 5, ... years
The 2.0l R4 TFSI engine is currently available in Japan, Singapore, Korea and China only.
The specifications in the current service literature generally apply.
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Inspection with oil change
Inspection with oil change
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SSP 479 The Audi 3.0l V6 TDI engine SSP 607 Audi 4.0l V8 TFSI Engine
(second generation) with Biturbo Charging
SSP 637 Audi Q7 (type 4M) SSP 645 Audi 2.0l TFSI engines of
Occupant protection and infotainment EA888 series
SSP 647 Audi A4 (type 8W) SSP 650 Audi Q7 e-tron quattro
Infotainment and Audi connect (type 4M)
High-voltage System and Vehicle
Order number: A15.5S01.29.20 Electrics
Audi Vorsprung durch Technik
[email protected]
D-85045 Ingolstadt
Technical status 11/15