This document contains a question bank related to data structures and algorithms. It includes 33 questions organized under different concepts (CO) related to topics like linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, sorting, searching and dynamic programming. The questions range from writing algorithms to implement different data structures to applying various algorithms to solve problems to explaining concepts in brief.
This document contains a question bank related to data structures and algorithms. It includes 33 questions organized under different concepts (CO) related to topics like linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, sorting, searching and dynamic programming. The questions range from writing algorithms to implement different data structures to applying various algorithms to solve problems to explaining concepts in brief.
This document contains a question bank related to data structures and algorithms. It includes 33 questions organized under different concepts (CO) related to topics like linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, sorting, searching and dynamic programming. The questions range from writing algorithms to implement different data structures to applying various algorithms to solve problems to explaining concepts in brief.
This document contains a question bank related to data structures and algorithms. It includes 33 questions organized under different concepts (CO) related to topics like linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, sorting, searching and dynamic programming. The questions range from writing algorithms to implement different data structures to applying various algorithms to solve problems to explaining concepts in brief.
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Question Bank
Data Structures & Algorithms
Que No Question CO 1 Write an algorithm to insert a node in a linked list at CO1 any position 2 write an algorithm to count number ofnodes in singly CO1 linked list. 3 What are the advantages of using linked list over CO1 arrays. 4 Write an algorithm to reverse the nodes from the linked CO1 list 5 Explain the linked representation of stack. CO1 6 Discuss use of Priority Queue & need of circular CO1 queue. 7 What are the different operations performed on a CO1 queue? 8 Write an algorithm to implement a queue using linked CO1 list 9 Apply the algorithm to draw binary search tree using CO2 following data: 11,6,8,19,4,10,5,17,43,49 10 Construct a red black tree for the following data 10, 18, CO2 7, 15, 16, 30, 25, 40, 60, 2, 1, 70 11 Write a note on AVL Tree CO2 12 Wrie an algorithm for fenwick tree CO2 13 Write a note on segment tree CO2 14 What are the different terminologies used in tree? CO2 15 Compare BFS and DFS CO2 16 Explain Max Heap in brief CO2 17 Apply the DFS algorithm on the following graph & CO2 show the steps 18 Write a note on ajacency matrix & adjacency list. CO2 19 Define hash functions 2 collisions CO2 20 Apply the rain terrace algorithm to the following CO3 problem Input: (3, 0, 3, 0, 4, 2) Draw the figure & find the solution. 21 Write an algorithm for recursive staircases using brute CO3 force technique. 22 Find the shortest path using Dijkstras algorithm for CO4 following graph. 24 Explain the rules of tower of honoi with suitable CO4 example 25 Apply the merge sort algorithm on following data: CO4 L38,27,43,3,9, 82, 10] 26 What are the advantages of binary search over linear CO4 search? Explain a binary search algorithm to search a element. 27 Explain the rules of tower of honoi with suitable CO4 example. 28 Sort the following data using quick sort method CO4 24,30,27,32,11,21,19 29 Find the longest comman sequence for following data CO5 using dynamic programming X: {A, B,C, D, B, A#; D, F} Y: {C, B, A, F} 30 Consider the following instance of 0/1 knapsack CO5 problem n=4 m=8 P=(2,3,1,4) & W=(3,4,6,5) using dynamic programming. Determine the optimal profit & solution vector. 31 What is power set? CO3 32 Write a short note on regular expression matching. CO4 33 Apply the kruskal’s algorithm to find the minimum CO4 cost spanning tree of following graph
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