Joint Shipboard Helicopter and Tiltrotor Aircraft Operations (2012)
Joint Shipboard Helicopter and Tiltrotor Aircraft Operations (2012)
Joint Shipboard Helicopter and Tiltrotor Aircraft Operations (2012)
06 December 2012
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1. Scope
This publication provides doctrine for planning, coordinating, and conducting joint
shipboard helicopter and tiltrotor aircraft operations from United States air-capable ships.
2. Purpose
This publication has been prepared under the direction of the Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff. It sets forth joint doctrine to govern the activities and performance of the
Armed Forces of the United States in joint operations and provides the doctrinal basis for
US military coordination with other US Government departments and agencies during
operations and for US military involvement in multinational operations. It provides military
guidance for use by the Armed Forces in preparing their appropriate plans. It is not the
intent of this publication to restrict the authority of the joint force commander (JFC) from
organizing the force and executing the mission in a manner the JFC deems most appropriate
to ensure unity of effort in the accomplishment of the overall objective.
3. Application
a. Joint doctrine established in this publication applies to the Joint Staff, commanders
of combatant commands, subordinate unified commands, joint task forces, subordinate
components of these commands, and the Services.
Lieutenant General, U.S. Army
Director, Joint Staff
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ii JP 3-04
Adds the term “tiltrotor aircraft” with “helicopter” throughout the publication.
Summary of Changes
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iv JP 3-04
Table of Contents
vi JP 3-04
• Describes the Unique Aspects of Joint Shipboard Helicopter and Tiltrotor Air-
craft Operations
This publication provides Unlike some joint operations where the Services are
general guidance for assigned operational areas and interact with each other on
integrating any Service the margins (via communications channels or across
helicopter or tiltrotor boundary lines), joint shipboard helicopter and tiltrotor
aircraft onboard air-capable operations require continuous interaction, coordination, and
ships, amphibious assault teamwork to accomplish the simplest of tasks. Poor
ships, and aircraft carriers interaction and coordination can result in personnel injury
for operations from the sea. and equipment damage. If not quickly identified and
mitigated, Service differences in terminology, training,
equipment, and standing operating procedures will be
magnified and may develop into significant challenges.
Executive Summary
General Planning Regardless of the time available for planning, the following
Considerations areas must be considered: administration, required training
and certification, embarkation, communications system
General planning support, intelligence operations, health services, ordnance,
considerations include helicopter maintenance, and logistics/supply. Typically,
mission integration, when United States Army or United States Air Force units
ordnance planning, embark aboard ship the personnel of both the embarking
command and control unit and the ship have limited knowledge of each other’s
planning, operations, capabilities and operational concepts.
logistics and supply, vertical
takeoff and landing
unmanned aircraft system.
Embarkation Planning There are several avenues for onload of personnel and
equipment. For small units, embarking for short duration,
Embarkation planning flying everything aboard may be the preferred method. For
involves reverse planning larger units or for longer durations, a combination of
from the objective, to the pierside loading and fly-on may be the optimal method.
landing zone, to the ship, Ordnance can be loaded pierside or flown aboard the ship
and to the port of while underway as cargo. Coordination of fly-on from a
embarkation such that the shore site to a ship at sea will depend on distance between
equipment that will be the ship and shore, available navigation aids, and
needed first is the last communications between shore air traffic control (ATC)
viii JP 3-04
Executive Summary
equipment loaded onboard and the ship’s controllers. Several items should be
ship. coordinated and agreed upon before flying out to the ship
(e.g., arrival sequence, ship’s position, navigational aids
Executive Summary
Shipboard Command United States Navy and United States Coast Guard
Authorities regulations set forth the authority of the ship’s CO with
respect to aircraft embarked in or operating from the ship.
An embarked unit commander/detachment OIC shall be
designated by the JFC or the parent unit’s CO. The
designated commander/OIC reports directly to the ship’s
CO, air wing commander, or authority specified by the JFC
for the mission assigned. Administratively, the
commander/OIC normally reports to the ship’s executive
officer for matters of day-to-day routine with respect to the
embarked unit while embarked on the ship.
Flight and Hangar Deck All post-landing events will be controlled by/coordinated
Operations with appropriate ship’s personnel. After coordination has
been accomplished, the ship will provide a qualified move
Limited space and the director and move crew. The helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft
potential for conducting unit will provide a plane captain or crew chief to act as a
numerous varied and brake rider and/or unit safety observer. Based upon the air
hazardous tasks plan and flight schedule, the ship will man its flight
simultaneously require close quarters stations in time to meet the first scheduled launch.
control and coordination to Each ship and embarked unit should establish the
x JP 3-04
Executive Summary
ensure that operations are pre-takeoff sequence that best supports their operations and
conducted safely. the assigned mission. Helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft
engines/auxiliary power units shall not be started without
the ship’s permission. During initial engine start and rotor
engagement, the low inertia/speed of the main helicopter
rotor blades will permit rotor blades to flex and flap as they
rotate. Caution should be observed during this stage of
rotor engagement to keep personnel outside and well clear
of the rotor arc.
Deck Handling/ Space is very limited aboard ship, with aircraft required to
Maneuvering/Spotting share takeoff, landing, and maintenance spots. Helicopters
designed for land operations typically require more space
than helicopters designed for maritime operations.
Personnel are trained to maneuver embarked maritime
helicopters/tiltrotor aircraft using the support equipment
embarked. It may be necessary to alter established
practices when using shipboard support equipment with
helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft designed for land operations
because of their limitations and compatibility with
shipboard configurations.
Other Logistics and A short-duration detachment will usually draw the bulk of
Personnel Service its supply material from a packup kit provided by the parent
Considerations Service. Resupply of drawn material will occur as needed.
Material support for detachments of longer duration will be
better served by establishing an independent unit identity,
especially when shipboard operations will be conducted
outside the umbrella of the parent Service support
infrastructure. Establishment of independent unit identity
will provide the most flexible support if a
helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft unit is to relocate from ship-to-
ship or ship-to-shore.
Executive Summary
xii JP 3-04
“The helicopter is probably the most versatile instrument ever invented by man. It
approaches closer than any other to fulfillment of mankind’s ancient dreams of the
flying horse and the magic carpet.”
1. Purpose
a. This publication provides general guidance for integrating any Service helicopter or
tiltrotor aircraft onboard air-capable ships (ACSs), amphibious assault ships (AASs), and
aircraft carriers for operations from the sea.
2. General
a. Each ship class is different in this regard; however, all aspects of the ship must be
shared such as command and control (C2) facilities, office spaces, maintenance spaces,
flight deck, hangar deck, medical and dental facilities, storage areas, logistics, messing, and
berthing. Unlike some joint operations where the Services are assigned operational areas
and interact with each other on the margins (via communications channels or across
boundary lines), joint shipboard helicopter and tiltrotor operations require continuous
interaction, coordination, and teamwork to accomplish the simplest of tasks. Poor
interaction and coordination can result in personnel injury and equipment damage. If not
quickly identified and mitigated, Service differences in terminology, training, equipment,
and standing operating procedures will be magnified and may develop into significant
b. A ship provides the combined benefits of a landing zone, maintenance and work
areas, refueling platform, air operations planning facilities, and C2. The ship also provides
for sustainment, living, dining, and recreation provisions, as well as other daily necessities
such as the ship’s laundry, store, and barber shop.
c. Above all else, the shipboard environment demands the ultimate in teamwork. At
any time there can be an event, combat-related or otherwise (e.g., heavy weather), that may
affect all personnel aboard the ship. Even during peacetime, the ever-present dangers of
flooding or fire can require sounding “general quarters (GQ)” which stations the crew
(including helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft detachments) to an assigned battle station. It is
important to understand the potential lethality of the flight deck environment during flight
Chapter I
operations. If an aircraft mishap occurs, there is the real possibility of a major conflagration
because of the explosive characteristics of fuel and ordnance that, if not properly responded
to, may cause the loss of ship and lives. It is incumbent on everyone embarked on a ship to
know their responsibilities during the many evolutions that transpire during normal ship’s
routine. The ship’s company (crew) has the responsibility to impart that knowledge to
personnel not familiar with ship surroundings.
d. Daily shipboard routine is promulgated in the ship’s plan of the day (POD). The
POD is the primary means of announcing each day’s schedule of important events and will
normally include the daily flight schedule on non-ACSs, whereas on ACSs, it will be
promulgated as a daily air plan. The ship’s executive officer (XO) is responsible for the
POD. Commanders and officers in charge (OICs) of embarked units should be included in
POD development to better coordinate the use of common spaces, accommodate training
activities, synchronize operations, and ensure that their unit’s personnel fully understand
shipboard responsibilities. For information that needs to be passed to the crew in a timely
fashion, there is a general announcing system (1MC).
I-2 JP 3-04
“Plan and train carefully. Execute rapidly. Simple plans are the best plans.”
War Instructions
United States Navy, 1944
(2) Removal of the ship from its place in the amphibious ready group (ARG) or
carrier strike group in order to support the embarked unit.
(3) Degradation of ship and/or embarked unit mission capabilities resulting from
emission control (EMCON)/hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance (HERO)
requirements, wind limitations, and/or geographic location requirements.
(a) The number and type of helicopters/tiltrotor aircraft and numbers and
ranks/rates of personnel will determine the number of naval aircraft and personnel that must
be debarked to make room for the embarking units.
Chapter II
(b) Lost maritime mission capabilities may result from disruptions in normal
flight operations and maintenance or having to debark a significant number of ship aircraft
and personnel.
(3) Time required to respot the deck for the next wave/serial.
(2) Air-Capable Ships. Most ships are classified as ACSs, which are
characterized by small flight decks on the stern, bow, or both. Due to the size of some
smaller flight decks, certain helicopters/tiltrotor aircraft are limited to hover operations only.
The number of helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft landing spots available to support operations
should be verified prior to embarkation. ACSs are divided into three levels which describe
the environmental conditions in which each ship is capable of operating.
II-2 JP 3-04
(b) Level II ships are capable of day or night, VMC operations only.
(c) Level III ships are capable of day, VMC operations only.
(d) Each level is further divided into seven classes which describes the
specific type helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft support capability of each ship:
2. Class 2 ships provide landing clearance plus fuel and electrical service.
3. Class 2A ships provide landing clearance plus fuel and direct current
electrical service.
(3) Amphibious Assault Ships. The Navy has two ship classes which fall into
this category: amphibious assault ship (general purpose) (LHA), and amphibious assault
ship (multipurpose) (LHD). These ships are characterized by large flight decks with
multiple landing spots, a large hangar below the flight deck, and full maintenance and
service capabilities. These ships are day and night all-helicopter, tiltrotor aircraft (short
takeoff and vertical landing aircraft), and vertical/short takeoff and landing operations
capable, aided by TACAN and full radar services from the helicopter direction center
(HDC)/amphibious air traffic control center (AATCC). Refer to NAVAIR 00-80T-106,
LHA/LHD NATOPS Manual, for detailed procedures when operating with AASs.
(4) Aircraft Carriers. Aircraft carriers, nuclear (CVNs), are the only ships in this
category. Helicopters/tiltrotor aircraft can expect full services and maintenance support
when operating from aircraft carriers. The carrier air traffic control (ATC) center provides
complete radar service in all weather, day and night. Refer to NAVAIR 00-80T-105, CV
Chapter II
NATOPS Manual, and NAVAIR 00-80T-120, CV NATOPS for Flight Deck and Hangar
Deck, for detailed procedures when operating with aircraft carriers.
2. Compatibility Analysis
a. General. When helicopters/tiltrotor aircraft are embarked aboard ships with flight
decks, physical incompatibilities can have a negative impact on the operational capabilities
of both the ship and the embarking unit. It is incumbent upon the personnel of the
embarking unit and the ship to analyze potential incompatibilities and take actions to
minimize them in advance of operations. Failure to do so can lead to significant operational
problems, damage to equipment, and/or injury to personnel. Factors to consider include:
(1) Severely limited space for flight operations, maintenance, and storage.
(4) Heightened fire risks due to crowded conditions and proximity of ordnance.
(12) Tiltrotor high exhaust temperatures can cause long-term fatigue damage to
flight decks without proper mitigation.
II-4 JP 3-04
(13) Electromagnetic interference (EMI) from SPS-40 and SPS-49 radars during
tiltrotor blade fold wing stow.
b. Once the personnel of the embarking unit and the ship have researched potential
incompatibilities, a formal visit to the ship by the embarking unit’s maintenance, logistics,
and operations personnel should be scheduled.
(1) It is imperative that the personnel of the embarking unit inspect the operating,
maintenance, storage areas and supporting equipment they will use aboard ship. Quite
often, additional compatibility issues will arise after the embarking unit has examined
available/assigned ship facilities.
c. Geometric Fit/Deck Load Limits. Both ship and unit personnel should consider
geometric fit issues during the planning process. Among the issues to consider are:
(2) Flight deck, elevator, hangar deck fit (blades spread, folded, and/or removed).
e. A detailed safety analysis involving aircraft fit and deck and elevator strength must
be completed before embarking any helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft aboard a ship. The results of
these analyses are used to determine ship certification levels and associated restrictions,
which are published in the NAEC-ENG-7576, Shipboard Aviation Facilities Resume.
Requests to deviate from the certification and restrictions published in the Shipboard
Aviation Facilities Resume must be addressed to fleet commanders in the form of a waiver
Chapter II
request. Waiver requests for the Navy should go to Commander, Naval Surface Force
Pacific (Code N431D), information Commander, United States Pacific Fleet
(COMUSPACFLT), for West Coast ships or to Commander, Naval Surface Force Atlantic
(Code N42), and information Commander, United States Fleet Forces Command
(COMUSFLTFORCOM), for East Coast ships. Waivers, if approved, will be granted by
(1) Heavy weather capability (tie down [TD] points, blade harness/TD, etc.).
II-6 JP 3-04
(11) Beacon.
(23) Rotor coast down (rotor brake equipped versus non-rotor brake equipped).
Chapter II
j. Ordnance. Embarking units are required to inform the ship’s ordnance handlers and
weapons officers of specific ordnance they plan to embark. Navy ammunition logistics code
(NALC) or Department of Defense identification code (DODIC) and the national stock
number (NSN) should be used to identify ordnance. Shipboard magazines are certified to
store many types of ordnance; however, some ordnance may not be compatible with a
specific magazine. Ordnance compatibility issues include:
(1) Weapon System Explosive Safety Review Board (WSESRB) approval of the
ordnance and containers for shipboard employment.
(2) WSESRB approval of the type, model, and/or series (T/M/S) aircraft and
installed weapons systems.
(5) HERO test data on ordnance designed with electrically initiated devices (EIDs)
to determine safe shipboard radio frequency (RF) environments and/or required EMCON.
k. Although the ship’s magazines may be certified to hold specific ordnance in the joint
inventory, ordnance for the ship’s weapons systems may not be compatible with embarked
unit ordnance. Ship’s ordnance handlers may need to reconfigure their magazine loads to
accommodate other Service ordnance. Compatibility information for particular ordnance
may be found in Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) Ordnance Publication (OP) 4,
Ammunition and Explosives Safety Afloat.
II-8 JP 3-04
The quality of pre-deployment planning relates directly to the success of the overall
helicopter and tiltrotor operations. Historically, planning time has been limited by the
emergent nature of contingency operations. Unit and staff personnel can enhance mission
success by considering the issues discussed in the following paragraphs.
a. General
(1) Considerations for Planning. Regardless of the time available for planning,
the following areas must be considered: administration, required training and certification,
embarkation, communications system support, intelligence operations, health services,
ordnance, helicopter maintenance, and logistics/supply.
Chapter II
(b) Personnel from the units involved should meet with/talk to their
counterparts as early as possible and continue a dialogue until the at-sea period is completed.
It is essential to discuss integration issues prior to helicopter and tiltrotor operations.
c. The presail conference is a formal visit to the ship by key personnel representing the
embarking unit’s maintenance, logistics and operations departments. The presail conference
is necessary to discuss embarkation, maintenance, operations, C2 to include command
relationships, ordnance, communications system support, habitability, safety, etc. in regards
to the upcoming deployment. Typically, when USA or United States Air Force (USAF)
units embark aboard ship the personnel of both the embarking unit and the ship have limited
knowledge of each other’s capabilities and operational concepts. Nothing should be
assumed by either party when planning for helicopter and tiltrotor aircraft operations. It is
essential, starting with the presail conference and continuing throughout the planning
process, that unit and ship personnel be detailed and meticulous utilizing the checklists and
other references listed in this publication.
II-10 JP 3-04
additional compatibility issues will arise when the operating spaces are actually visited by
the embarking unit. This is when the space constraints inherent with shipboard operations
become apparent to the embarking unit.
f. Mission Integration. The degree to which the operations of the embarked unit are
merged or deconflicted from those of the ship is dependent on several factors, listed below.
(1) The unit with the priority mission will determine mission requirements;
therefore, mission priorities may shift among several units as phases of an operation develop
or are completed. The most likely mission integration scenarios occur in support of
contingency operations. Probable scenarios include:
(a) Helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft units fly out to the ship. The ship sails to the
mission area where the unit executes the mission and returns to the ship. The ship sails to
the fly-off point and the units fly off to return to base.
(b) The ship provides a safe haven for helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft units based
and operating ashore.
(c) The helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft units fly out to the ship after support
personnel and troops embark in port. The ship provides transportation to the operational
area and launches waves for an operation, then transports the helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft and
aircrew personnel back to home base.
(2) When planning a long-term embarkation, the embarking unit’s planner must
then determine if organic ship aircraft will also be embarked. If no organic aircraft are
embarked, then mission integration issues should be minimal.
(3) With organic air assets embarked, operational scenarios for different
helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft compositions can be compared for fully integrated, semi-
integrated, or coordinated flight operations. Flight operations are considered fully integrated
when non-naval helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft launches and recoveries are accomplished during
regular cyclic fixed-wing flight operations for aircraft carriers, or during regular flight
operations for other class ships. Semi-integrated operations describe conditions where naval
aircraft and helicopters/tiltrotor aircraft operate in sequential periods. Coordinated flight
operations refer to the case where helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft operations take place in a
single period outside scheduled naval flight operations for the CVW, ACE, or ACS.
Chapter II
When the carrier air wing (CVW) is embarked the air wing commander (CAG) may be designated to coordinate
embarkation efforts for both Navy squadrons and embarking Army and Air Force units. The point of contact will be
the CAG embark officer. When CVW is not embarked, the air boss or the ship’s 1st Lieutenant may be tasked with
coordination. Either way the embarking unit(s) will need to coordinate closely with both.
II-12 JP 3-04
(a) Fully Integrated Flight Operations. These operations are the most
difficult to coordinate, conduct, and sustain but can provide the best opportunities for
mission integration and allow helicopters/tiltrotor aircraft to take advantage of carrier strike
group direct-support capabilities. Fully integrated flight operations from ARG ships can
take advantage of integral ARG/Marine expeditionary unit capabilities. Fully integrated
Chapter II
flight operations have few advantages for cruiser-destroyer class ships because of the limited
deck and hangar space.
II-14 JP 3-04
(1) Non-Navy ordnance aboard ships is one of the most critical helicopter and
tiltrotor operations issues and must be addressed early in pre-deployment planning. Direct
liaison between the embarking unit’s ordnance officer and the ship’s weapons department
representatives will identify and/or solve many of the associated compatibility, procedural,
and training issues. Initial planning for the onload of non-Navy ordnance aboard a ship may
require close coordination with the NOSSA located in Indian Head, Maryland,
( The Web site provides information on ordnance
physical security, insensitive munitions, and ordnance safety aboard Navy ships. NOSSA
will be the POC for joint ordnance compatibility waivers. This ordnance information will
assist the embarking unit when preparing for shipboard helicopter operations involving non-
Navy ordnance. NAVSEA OP 4, Ammunition and Explosives Safety Afloat, is a
comprehensive Navy directive delineating ordnance handling and storage procedures aboard
Navy ships ( Infantry ordnance is not common to most ship’s
Chapter II
magazines. Planners should research all available data thoroughly before the presail
(2) If the assigned ship and embarked helicopter detachment are not deployed, a
pre-embarkation ordnance planning conference will be scheduled by the appropriate
geographic combatant commander (GCC), preferably at least six months prior to the
planned sail date, with all participating, to identify the support required and the
timelines/responsibilities to put that support in place. The T/M/S of aircraft, including the
installed aircraft weapons control systems and the ordnance weapon systems planned for
shipboard employment require NOSSA CO approval prior to ammunition/explosives (A/E)
onload. Required ordnance data is identified below. This data is also required for HERO
EMCON considerations. NOSSA approved USA ordnance is identified in NAVSEA
SW020-AC-SAF-010, Transportation and Storage Data for Ammunition, Explosives, and
Related Hazardous Materials, where required packaging and explosive stowage data are
included for each ordnance by NSN. Requests for A/E that are not included in NAVSEA
SW020-AC-SAF-010 shall be referred by the ship to the type commander (TYCOM) and
NOSSA for resolution. Deviation from the explosive safety standards set forth in NAVSEA
OP 4, Ammunition and Explosives Safety Afloat, requires a waiver to be submitted by the
host ship with supporting rationale from the affected GCC.
(3) Defense Message Handling System (DMHS). The ordnance onload requires
extensive preplanning and coordination by ship’s force. Chief of Naval Operations (CNO)
approved waivers may be required for pierside loading, depending on the area and location.
To ensure the onload is conducted smoothly and efficiently, it is imperative that the
ordnance depot or ammunition stock point keep the ship and the helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft
detachment constantly up to date on the types and quantities of ordnance to be
loaded/employed via DMHS in the following format:
(b) NSN. An NSN will be used for locating detailed information on each
(d) Lot Number. The ammunition lot number (ALN) or serial number (SN)
when available. Refer to Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) Publication (P)-724,
Conventional Ordnance Stockpile Management/P-801, Notice of Ammunition
Reclassification (NAR) Manual and P-802, Navy Ammunition Logistics Codes, for details on
mandatory identification and control requirements.
II-16 JP 3-04
(g) Number of Palletized Lifts. Required for pierside crane services and for
onload evolution timing.
(h) Applicable NAR. All United States Navy (USN) ammunition and most
USA A/E are catalogued in the Ordnance Information System. When an item of A/E by
ALN or SN requires a change in the material condition code of a DODIC/NALC lot or SN,
a NAR is promulgated by Naval Operational Logistics Support Center (NOLSC). A similar
control system is in place for USA A/E. To ensure that ship’s supporting special operations
forces (SOF) units are continually aware of any change in the materiel condition of
embarked SOF A/E, NOLSC includes USA ammunition reclassification in Navy NARs. To
ensure there is no oversight or omission in the USN NAR, the appropriate GCC shall ensure
the supporting Army ammunition supply point (ASP) is provided the DMHS plain language
address directory (PLAD) of the host ship. The ASP shall provide the host ship with all
related USA A/E material condition reclassification action on a continuing basis until the
SOF and USA A/E is completely expended or off-loaded.
(i) Small Arms Weapons. A list of all small arms weapons, by type and
quantity, being deployed aboard the ship is required to ensure secure stowage requirements
are available.
h. Administration
(1) The ship’s XO is responsible for all administrative matters aboard ship. The
XO coordinates the ship’s staff and ensures that the ship functions as a team. The XO holds
daily department head meetings, normally in the evening, to discuss the next day’s schedule.
A senior officer from the embarked unit should attend these department head meetings to
coordinate the ship’s schedule with the unit’s operations, training, and other needs.
(3) The embarking unit should confirm whether the ship has migrated to the
cashless, debit-card based Navy Cash system for messing and ships store purchases (to
include vending machines).
i. C2 Planning
Chapter II
(1) Available space, types, and availability of equipment aboard the ship govern
C2 planning considerations. Space constraints may require the embarked unit(s) to be
divided and placed on more than one ship, further exacerbating the challenges. Command
and staff action and control of non-naval embarked units may require modifications to unit
SOPs (both ship and embarked unit). Basic communications, detailed planning, rehearsals,
and mission execution are all more difficult whether forces are located on one ship or on
several ships.
(2) Ships are designed and built to perform a specific set of missions.
Accordingly, under most circumstances, a ship’s CO will be required to fulfill the assigned
missions in addition to providing support to an assigned embarked unit. Most ships are not
designed to facilitate the normal operations and mission accomplishment of embarked units,
especially in terms of communications systems and intelligence support. It is critical that
leaders fully understand the capabilities, limitations, and needs of all forces (ships and
embarked units) and develop a plan that will satisfy overall mission accomplishment. The
following are typical planning tasks:
(a) Establish clear command relationship and authorities for all organizations
aboard each ship.
(f) Establish air control tower manning requirements: primary flight control
(PRIFLY)/helicopter control officer (HCO).
II-18 JP 3-04
(1) C2.
(6) Time sequence (briefs, preflights, spotting, takeoff, rendezvous, en route, etc.).
k. Medical. Medical health services vary widely depending on the class of the ship.
Single-spot ACSs may have only an independent duty corpsman and no dental services,
while multispot ACSs may have a physician and/or a dentist assigned. AASs and aircraft
Chapter II
carriers usually have forward resuscitative care capability. Embarked unit planning should
address medical and dental personnel to augment the ship’s medical teams.
l. Logistics/Supply
(1) Navy ships do not normally stock other Service-unique items in their supply
inventory. In addition to the standard aircraft maintenance packup kits containing small
parts, tools, and consumables, a helicopter/tiltrotors maintenance unit assigned shipboard
missions should pre-stage essential parts, such as rotor blades and engines, aboard ship prior
to deployment. Ship’s supply officers (SUPPOs) should inquire of the embarking unit
which items they may need and make arrangements to establish a logistics line to obtain
those items. Embarking units should contact the ship and discuss unique requirements with
the SUPPO early in the planning cycle.
(2) The Navy supply system generally operates in several stages. Ships are
supported via airheads and beach detachments. The airhead is a central location for all parts
going to a particular ship. Expediters at the airhead forward supplies to an appropriate
beach detachment located within flying range of the ship. The beach detachment collects
the supplies and loads them aboard aircraft flying to the ships. Helicopter/tiltrotors units
that are embarked aboard ship for an extended period should tie into the Navy supply
pipeline to get replacement parts and supplies from their parent organizations. Embarked
units should coordinate with the ship’s SUPPO to have a liaison at each of the logistics stops
in the ship’s supply train.
For specific guidance concerning logistic support, refer to Chapter IV, “Sustainment.”
II-20 JP 3-04
Chapter II
Period (1SS) 6 months from simulator flight, not to exceed 1 year from
last 1SS landing. (MSS) 1 year from simulator flight, not to
exceed 2 years from last MSS landing.
DLQ Academics Required for all initial DLQ training, or if currency has elapsed
for both 1SSs and MSSs.
1SS one-spot ship MSS multispot ship
DLQ deck landing qualification N/A not applicable
FDLP flight deck landing practice USMC United States Marines Corps
HAC helicopter aircraft commander USN United States Navy
IP instructor pilot
Figure II-4. United States Army/United States Air Force Deck Landing Requirements for
One-Spot Ships and Multispot Ships
II-22 JP 3-04
Certification is not required for all training operations that do not require embarkation (e.g.,
DLQ). In addition, all personnel assigned duties involving the handling of A/E shall be
qualified and certified for the task IAW Chief of Naval Operations Instruction
(OPNAVINST) 8023.24, Navy Personnel Ammunition and Explosive Handling
Qualification and Certification Program, and NAVSEA OP 4, Ammunition and Explosives
Safety Afloat. This will be accomplished by the unit commander providing the ship with
documentation that aviation ordnance device-handling personnel have been thoroughly
trained, qualified, and certified on the safe and efficient handling of aviation ordnance.
(2) Shipboard fire fighting indoctrination training is required for flight deck
5. Embarkation Planning
a. General. Embarkation planning involves reverse planning from the objective, to the
landing zone, to the ship, and to the port of embarkation (POE) such that the equipment that
will be needed first is the last equipment loaded onboard ship. Successful embarkation plan
development requires early coordination between the embarking unit and the ship’s crew.
Both should work concurrently on developing embarkation milestones, scheduling an
embarkation conference, staffing advance parties (to include ship guides), assigning
embarkation coordinators, and developing a load plan. Most of the issues concerning
embarkation should be discussed during the embarkation and presail conferences. See
Appendix C, “Pre-Deployment Planning Checklists.”
Chapter II
(e) Safety.
(h) Traffic routes for cargo and personnel moving on and off the ship.
d. Naval personnel load cargo based on cube and weight. Any cargo that is not hand
carried must be palletized and banded or loaded in standard International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) configured equipment and containers (military van, container express,
quadruple container, six-compartment container). When palletizing cargo, embarking units
should plan on using one of the more commonly used sizes in North America (48" × 48",
48" × 40" or 42" × 42"). 463L pallets cannot be used unless arrangements can be made to
provide Army low-profile forklifts on CVNs or AASs (Navy forklifts cannot handle 463L
pallets). Failure to follow these simple palletizing requirements can delay embarkation and
place both the ship and unit at risk. It is important to let the load officer know the volume
and weight of crates and equipment containers so they can arrange the appropriate storage
space on ship. In addition, they will need to know which items are necessary for ready
access and which will be infrequent access/use items. A critical part of embarkation
planning is the embarkation conference. This conference should be scheduled six months or
more in advance or as early as possible in the planning process and shall address:
II-24 JP 3-04
f. Future events are discussed and scheduled during the planning board for training.
This is the forum where the embarked unit will address unit-training requirements and
coordinate and schedule these requirements with the various ships’ departments whose
services or spaces may be needed. Ship departments have periodic training requirements
such as engineering casualty drills, and EMCON or deceptive lighting evolutions that may
significantly impact the embarked unit’s maintenance or flight operations. The planning
board for training is the venue where these competing requirements are negotiated.
Chapter II
(1) Information for Embarked Units. Navy ships employ the team concept
underway. Everyone aboard ship contributes to the success of the ship’s mission and
participates in policing the ship’s common use areas. This generally involves temporary
assignment of embarked personnel to the ship’s supply department to augment ship’s
company personnel providing necessary services such as laundry, food preparation, and
cleaning details. Embarking units must include this requirement in their overall plan by
identifying personnel for these details (possibly from their support units).
(2) Information for Ship’s Personnel. Embarking units are generally manned
only for flying assigned missions. They are not manned to accommodate requests to
augment ship’s company in mess duties or working parties. In practice they are supported
by other organizations that are specialized for specific support roles: field kitchen,
quartermaster, security police, and maintenance units. Addressing augmentation
requirements during the embarkation and presail conferences will allow the embarking unit
to plan/arrange for personnel augmentation accommodation.
i. Safety. Embarking units will find the shipboard environment is like an industrial
area. Ships are a collection of electrical, electronic, and mechanical equipment. HAZMAT
storage/issue spaces are found in various locations dependent on ship class or type.
Temporary HAZMAT storage lockers are located throughout the ship in spaces requiring
frequent access to HAZMAT in performing daily routine tasks. Awareness of ship hazards
and their locations is the first step toward safety aboard ship. Much of this information will
be presented during shipboard indoctrination conducted by the ship’s safety department after
unit embarkation.
j. General Onload. There are several avenues for onload of personnel and equipment.
For small units, embarking for short duration, flying everything aboard may be the preferred
method. For larger units or for longer durations, a combination of pierside loading and fly-
on may be the optimal method. Embarking units should have an advance party embark 48
to 96 hours prior to loading. This provides sufficient time to become familiar with the ship
and establish coordination before cargo, vehicles, and personnel arrive. The advance party
should be composed of personnel to coordinate all general onload preparation.
k. Ordnance Onload. Ordnance can be loaded pierside or flown aboard the ship while
underway as cargo. Underway replenishment (connected/vertical) is prohibited for non-
Navy packaged munitions due to safety considerations. After the supporting ordnance is
identified per NAVSEA OP 4, Ammunition and Explosives Safety Afloat, and the
operational commander identifies an onload target date to both the Service depot/ASP and
the ship’s weapons officer, the ship can arrange for onload through the applicable TYCOM.
Similar arrangements will be made for the ordnance off-load following completion of the
II-26 JP 3-04
operational tasking. Full justification for any related waivers that must be submitted by the
host ship will be provided by the embarking unit commander.
6. Debarkation Planning
This section will cover some of the debarkation considerations. It is not an all-
encompassing source document. This data forms the baseline from which ship and
embarked unit personnel can begin to develop a debarkation plan. There are two
debarkation processes to discuss. Mission debarkation is leaving the ship to conduct the
mission (return to the ship is anticipated and expected) and is focused on operational
concerns and support requirements. Post-mission debarkation is leaving the ship (return not
anticipated). Post-mission debarkation is a mirror image of the embarkation process.
Coordination for debarkation should begin well before the anticipated debarkation date.
Discuss timelines and support requirements both on the ship and on shore. All areas
covered in the embarkation conference should be addressed in debarkation planning.
Chapter II
and unit shore personnel. Issues to consider prior to fly-off include departure sequence,
ship’s position, NAVAIDS, etc.
7. Safety
a. Responsibility for Safety. The CO of the ship has supervisory responsibility for the
safety of embarked helicopters/tiltrotor aircraft at all times. The helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft
unit CO or detachment OIC and the individual aircraft pilots are directly responsible for the
safety of assigned aircraft and personnel. In questionable circumstances, the embarked unit
CO or detachment OIC will make the final determination concerning flight safety of aircraft,
crew, and passengers.
b. Risk Management. Many embarking units are unfamiliar with the complexities
and many hazards of the shipboard environment. Parent commands should provide
embarking units with appropriate water survival aviation life support equipment and train
them on the proper care and use during normal unit train-up. Awareness of ship hazards and
their locations is the first step toward safety aboard ship. Much of this information will be
presented during shipboard indoctrination conducted by the ship’s safety department after
unit embarkation. Items to discuss include:
(1) Machinery noises and other routine shipboard activity, including night
flight/amphibious operations, may affect crew rest.
(4) Limited space and tight quarters present injury hazards from equipment and/or
boxes hanging on the walls (bulkheads) and ceilings (overheads).
(7) Personnel should be trained in the use of flight deck safety equipment.
(8) Wind and ship motion may adversely impact what would otherwise be routine
II-28 JP 3-04
(10) Salt air exposure and its corrosive effects on airframe and electronic
(11) Mitigation programs; tool control, foreign object damage (FOD) control, and
shipwide drills.
(1) During flight operations, only those personnel whose presence is required will
be allowed in the flight deck area. All other personnel will remain clear or below the flight
(3) Personnel are allowed to transit the area under the rotor arc of an operating
helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft only with the permission of the pilot (who will signal the LSE or
LSO before permitting such passage). For operating helicopters configured with a tail rotor,
persons transiting from one side to the other under the rotor arc will do so via the nose of the
aircraft. The use of a guide to move personnel around turning aircraft rotor blades should be
d. Safety Concerns for Aircraft Passengers and Troop Movement. All shipboard
passenger transfers shall be conducted IAW OPNAVISNT 3710.7U, NATOPS General
Flight and Operating Instructions. Ensure that passengers to be transferred are manifested
and briefed per Service guidelines, NAVAIR 00-80T-105 CV NATOPS Manual, NAVAIR
00-80T-106 LHA/LHD NATOPS Manual, or NAVAIR 00-80T-122, Helicopter Operating
Procedures for Air-Capable Ships, have proper cranial protection and emergency flotation
devices, and have received a flight emergency briefing with a copy of the pertinent
helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft emergency diagram.
Chapter II
(2) Flight deck personnel will ground out the helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft hoist cable
prior to the passenger reaching the ship’s deck.
(1) FOD. All-weather deck areas, and particularly the flight deck, will be
inspected before and monitored throughout all helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft operations to
ensure that they are clear of FOD. FOD-producing material includes rags, paper, line, ball
caps, hardware, and other matter that can be caught by air currents and damage aircraft or
injure personnel.
(b) Procedures for the custody and security of personal small arms (e.g., 9
millimeter and M4/M16 rifles) will be IAW the ship’s current small arms (weapons)
II-30 JP 3-04
h. Emergency Procedures. While aboard ship, there are generally two categories of
emergencies: shipboard emergencies (especially shipwide emergencies) or aircraft
emergencies. Each emergency situation is unique. Therefore, pre-established procedures
may not hold in every instance, but the following general guidelines are appropriate:
(1) Shipboard Emergencies and Drills. These emergencies include “GQ” and
“man overboard.”
(b) “Man overboard” indicates there may be someone in the water who needs
to be rescued. When “man overboard” is announced it is imperative that a visual muster be
conducted of all personnel. An accurate muster is necessary to determine whether someone
from the ship is, in fact, in the water, and who that person is. The muster report should be
forwarded to damage control central or the bridge as required. The method for forwarding
this information will depend on the ship’s established procedures.
(2) Aircraft Emergencies. These emergencies fall into three basic categories:
aircraft ditch or crash, an immediate landing, and a precautionary shipboard landing.
(b) When the flight deck has an emergency and a crash alarm is sounded,
unnecessary personnel will be cleared from the flight deck and surrounding area.
(c) During any emergency, the first consideration of the ship should be to
close the distance to the helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft and prepare for immediate recovery. For
single-spot ship emergencies, the senior member of the air detachment onboard the ship
should report to the bridge. If the emergency involves a tail rotor malfunction, single engine
condition, engine fire, or power loss, optimum relative wind for recovery is required. If a
flight control malfunction is indicated, a stable flight deck with acceptable winds is
warranted. Specific actions are outlined in aircraft flight manuals.
Chapter II
includes information on crew exposure, helicopter icing, and general cold weather
operational guidance.
(2) Maintenance and Servicing. While routine tasks take longer because of
difficulties posed by low temperatures, aircraft and equipment can be maintained and
serviced when exposed to temperatures as low as –40°Celsius (C). The time required to
perform a maintenance task on an aircraft in cold weather is best determined by considering
it to be a function of wind chill rather than temperature. Cold weather operation of
helicopters/tiltrotor aircraft shall be IAW the applicable aircraft manual.
(3) When refueling at low temperatures, care should be taken because objects can
become charged with static electricity more readily than at normal temperatures. Refueling
should be carried out as soon as possible after shutdown to prevent water condensation
inside fuel tanks.
(4) Flight Operations. All flight operations should be planned and scheduled
with consideration for aircrew/passenger survival time and SAR capability in the area of
operations. Personnel transfers to or from ships during cold weather operations should be
kept to a minimum as required by operational necessity. Cold weather passenger transfers
should be performed over the shortest distance possible, preferably within visual range.
Transferring and receiving units should establish and maintain communications/radar
contact for the duration of the transfer.
(5) Cold-Water Estimated Survival Time. Figure II-5 displays predicted cold-
water survival time (defined as the time required to cool to –30°C) of lightly clothed, non-
exercising humans in cold water. The graph shows a line for the average life expectancy
and a broad zone that indicates the large amount of individual variability associated with
different body size, build, fatness, physical fitness, and state of health. The zone would
include approximately 95 percent of the variation expected for adult and teenage humans
under the conditions specified. The zone would be shifted downward into the fast coolers
section by physical activity (e.g., swimming) and upward into the slow coolers section for
heavy clothing and/or protective behaviors (e.g., huddling with other survivors or adopting a
fetal position in the water). Specialized insulated protective clothing (e.g., survival suits,
wet suits) are capable of increasing survival time from 2 to 10 times (or more) the basic
duration shown here. In the zone where death from hypothermia is highly improbable, cold
water greatly facilitates death from drowning, often in the first 10 to 15 minutes, particularly
for those not wearing flotation devices.
II-32 JP 3-04
Slow Fast
9 Coolers Coolers
Survival Time (hours)
Death from
Highly Probable
3 Average
Death from Hypothermia
1 Highly Improbable
0C 5C 10C 15C 20C 25C
(32F) (41F) (50F) (59F) (68F) (77F)
C Celsius F Fahrenheit
8. Ordnance
Chapter II
or destroy the ship and crew in a matter of minutes. It is therefore imperative that
mandatory safety procedures are complied with at all times by qualified and certified
personnel with the appropriate supervision.
II-34 JP 3-04
(2) HERO
(b) DOD and JSC work with NOSSA and Naval Surface Warfare Center
Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) to determine what safety measures are required to mitigate
the risks associated with non-Navy ordnance aboard Navy ships. This analysis must be
accomplished prior to embarking any non-Navy ordnance onboard ships. To ensure that this
is accomplished quickly and efficiently, the embarked units must be prepared to provide a
DODIC or NALC and a complete NSN list of all ordnance items that will be brought to the
ship. This includes aircraft cartridge-actuated devices, fuel tank, fire suppression, aircraft
ordnance, and personnel munitions.
(d) Responsibilities
Chapter II
3. Ship’s CO. The ship’s CO has overall responsibility for the welfare
and safety of all personnel on the ship. Although not all-inclusive, the CO’s responsibilities
for safe ordnance handling are:
II-36 JP 3-04
Chapter II
(e) HERO EMCON Bill. A HERO EMCON bill is a set of directions for
implementing HERO restrictions on ships and shore stations. Aboard ship, an EMCON
bill’s development and implementation are typically the responsibility of the combat system
officer or the EWO. Its purpose is to prescribe operating restrictions, through advance
planning, the known conflicts between the EME created by high-power transmitting
equipment and HERO classified ordnance. The degree of relief from HERO EMCON
restrictions that can be obtained by following a HERO EMCON bill is dependent upon two
(g) The ship requires information concerning the exact ordnance the
embarking unit will be loading aboard. This information is important both for the ship’s
ordnance personnel to plan where and how to store it, but also for ship operators to
determine other safety factors. As noted in the listing of responsibilities of the squadron
commander/detachment OIC, the embarking squadron/detachment must declare all
ordnance and emitter items to the ship’s CO. This information will allow any required
changes to be made to the ship’s EMCON bill due to the introduction of the embarking
squadron’s/detachment’s ordnance loadout. The embarking unit provides a detailed list of
all ordnance to be deployed aboard the ship with the following information as soon as the
mission has been identified. Items on the list include:
II-38 JP 3-04
(a) HERF. HERF is the potential hazard that is created when volatile
combustibles, such as fuel, are exposed to EM fields of sufficient energy to cause ignition.
To reduce the possibility of fuel vapor ignition by high-powered transmitters or other spark
sources, the Navy uses jet propulsion fuel, type 5 (JP5) exclusively aboard ship. Typically,
most Army and Air Force units use jet propulsion fuel, type 8 (JP8), or jet propulsion fuel,
type 4 (JP4), which have a lower flash point than JP5 and are therefore considered more
susceptible to shipboard E3. Aircraft containing JP8 fuel may operate aboard Navy ships, to
include launch/recovery, startup/shutdown, and refueling. Aircraft with fuels other than JP5
are requested to notify the ship’s air officer “air boss” prior to landing, so appropriate
precautions may be taken by flight deck personnel. Aircraft containing fuel other than JP5
will not be allowed in the ship’s hangar. If shipboard hangaring of nonorganic aircraft is
anticipated, embarking helicopters/tiltrotor aircraft should make every effort to fill all
aircraft tanks with JP5 fuel prior to arrival on the ship (available at most Navy airfields). If
this is not possible, the aircraft will be refueled on the flight deck with JP5, and fuel samples
will be drawn and flash point tested. The aircraft will not be hangared until all samples test
at 120°Fahrenheit (F) or higher. In the absence of flash point testing, aircraft arriving with
fuel other than JP5 will not be permitted in the hangar until they have been refueled at least
three times with JP5. For more specific information, consult NAVAIR 00-80T-109,
Aircraft Refueling NATOPS Manual.
(b) HERP. HERP is the potential hazard that exists when personnel are
exposed to an EM field of sufficient intensity to heat the human body. If the body’s heat
gain exceeds its ability to rid itself of excess heat, an increase in body temperature can occur
that could have an effect on metabolic processes, with potentially deleterious effects.
Radiation from high-powered transmitters can cause injury to personnel in the vicinity of
transmitting antennas located on the ship’s deck and masts. Stand-off areas around high-
powered RF antennas are clearly marked on the ship’s decks and bulkheads with a bright
Chapter II
(a) This section covers the EMCON and EMV information that is necessary
to prepare for compatible and interference-free shipboard helicopter/tiltrotor operations.
Some non-maritime helicopters/tiltrotor aircraft have not been tested in the EME of various
ship classes. When conducting non-USN operations, consideration must be given to
potential radiation hazards, EMI, and EMV.
(b) Joint operations increase the potential for undesired E3, particularly if the
platforms and their associated systems and equipment are exposed to operational EMEs
different from those for which they were designed and tested. When helicopters/tiltrotor
aircraft are operating in the vicinity of ships, there must be established guidelines and
procedures to avoid or minimize the potential for harmful EMI to shipboard, avionics,
engine, and flight control systems. This guidance provides platform distance separation
restrictions, along with radar main-beam illumination restrictions to preclude “burnout”
and/or performance degradation of sensitive electronic components aboard the aircraft. The
preparation and implementation of an effective HERO EMCON bill will also assist in the
control of EMI during operational deployments.
II-40 JP 3-04
“If you are in trouble anywhere in the world, an airplane can fly over and drop
flowers, but a helicopter can land and save your life.”
1. Pre-Operations
a. Helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft operations from ships place both ship and flight
personnel in a unique and demanding environment. Close coordination and proper actions
are required by all personnel at all times. Operational effectiveness and flight safety require
extensive training in the areas of C2, aircraft coordination, and flight deck procedures. In
order to provide the required amount of teamwork and enhance flight safety, the air officer,
aviation officer, squadron commander, detachment OIC, or a designated officer shall
conduct the following briefings:
(1) Commanding Officer and Executive Officer. The CO and XO will receive
a thorough brief from the air or aviation department head and the commander/OIC of the
Service helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft squadron/detachment. This briefing will cover, but
should not be limited to, aircraft capabilities, planned training, and operational evolutions,
with impact on ship’s schedule and waiver requirements emphasized. Particular emphasis
will be placed on the relation of each evolution to normal operations and any waiver
Chapter III
(3) Ship’s Air or Aviation Officer, Flight Deck Officer or Director, and Flight
Deck Cargo Supervisor. Key air operations personnel will be briefed on planned
operations by the ship’s operations officer. Coordination of flight deck evolutions and
operation-specific procedures will be covered in detail.
(4) Officer of the Deck (OOD). All OODs will be briefed by the air or aviation
department head and operations officer regarding specific limitations on deck movement,
wind envelopes, and the ship’s light configuration.
(5) Engineer Officer or Aviation Fuels Officer. These officers will be briefed
by the embarked unit with regard to the type of fuel to be brought aboard by the Service
units, fuel requirements, and fueling or defueling procedures once aboard. Particular
attention will be paid to the hazards of JP8 and its effect on storage risks, volatility of
mixtures, and fire fighting considerations. The engineering or aviation fuels officer is
responsible for routine fuel sample inspections and will provide a fuel sample for the
helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft commander during “hot refuelings” (refueling with engines,
auxiliary power units, and/or rotors in operation).
(6) Crash Crew or Fire Party On-Scene Leader. Fire fighting and rescue
personnel will be briefed by the embarked detachment regarding aircraft particulars as they
pertain to rescue and salvage operations. Once embarked for operations, the
helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft units will provide the weapons officer and crash crew personnel
with orientation lectures on rescue access, armament safing, ordnance, fire fighting hazards,
and aircraft emergency shutdown procedures.
(7) LSO or LSE. The LSO or LSE will be briefed by the embarked unit on
special requirements with regard to lighting, signals, NVDs, aircraft securing, and fueling
(8) Air Controllers and Combat Information Center Personnel. Air control
personnel will be briefed by the operations officer with regard to communications and
identification equipment, SAR capabilities, weather criteria, and instrument approach
(10) Flight Deck Personnel. Flight deck personnel, including the ordnance
officer, or the designated ordnance subject matter expert will be briefed by the embarked
unit on platform-specific procedures for fueling and deck handling evolutions, including
procedures for the use of NVDs if their use is planned.
III-2 JP 3-04
(11) Ship’s Company Briefs. When applicable, the ship’s company will be
briefed by the executive department regarding operations security aspects and restrictive
lighting measures, including the lighting hazards during NVD operations.
b. Command and Control Spaces. Most Navy ships are not configured with C2
spaces for embarked Army or Air Force units. The embarked unit command element will
be required to share already-cramped shipboard C2 spaces. Units such as SOF that desire a
special compartment information facility for planning should make this requirement known
early in the pre-deployment planning process as these facilities are limited in number and
size, particularly on ACS.
c. Communications Equipment. Some embarked units will bring their own portable
communications equipment. While having their own communications pathways can ease
competition for scarce shipboard resources, antenna location must be coordinated.
Additionally, possible interference with shipboard electronics and EMCON policies must be
considered and carefully coordinated.
a. Ship’s Commanding Officer. USN and USCG regulations set forth the authority
of the ship’s CO with respect to aircraft embarked in or operating from the ship. When
operating with a helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft unit embarked, the joint force commander’s
(JFC’s) operation order will define command relationships for the assigned mission. These
command relationships will normally apply from initial embarkation until final debarkation.
In all cases, the ship’s CO retains authority over embarked units in all areas involving safety
of the ship or its crew.
(2) Coordinate embarked unit embarkation requirements with the XO of the ship.
Chapter III
(4) Coordinate all requirements for communications to higher authority with the
ship’s CO.
(5) Apprise the ship’s CO and operations officer of operational and support
requirements that directly affect the ship’s operations.
(6) Apprise the ship’s CO of embarked unit’s readiness when required for
operational reporting requirements to higher authority.
(7) Ensure embarked unit compliance with ship’s routine operating and
administrative instructions.
The ship’s CO has overall responsibility for all actions that take place on a ship to
include the flight and hangar decks. Limited space and the potential for conducting
numerous varied and hazardous tasks simultaneously require close control and coordination
to ensure that operations are conducted safely. Flight and hangar decks are hazardous work
areas. Constant vigilance is required to prevent personal injury or helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft
or other equipment damage during flight and hangar deck operations. The embarked unit
should plan on providing a noncommissioned officer as flight deck liaison to facilitate close
coordination with the ship’s personnel.
a. Immediately after embarkation, the unit should expect to attend a general shipboard
safety brief. This brief should also include the conduct expected of personnel while on the
flight and hangar decks. Aircrews and maintenance personnel can expect a more specific
flight and hangar deck orientation brief prior to beginning their operations in these areas.
The risks associated with conducting daily flight and hangar deck operations aboard ship
can be minimized through effective communication and coordination between ship’s
personnel and embarked personnel.
b. The combination of relative winds and rotor downwash when launching or landing a
helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft immediately adjacent to a spot occupied by a shutdown
helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft may cause rotor system damage to the shutdown
helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft. Blade fold systems of helicopters designed for land operations
are designed for aircraft transport or storage only. Extreme care shall be taken when
launching or recovering helicopters/tiltrotor aircraft immediately adjacent to a spot occupied
by these helicopters. Rotor downwash created by the CH-47, CH-53E, and the V-22 is
greater than that produced by any other embarked helicopter. This downwash is sufficient
to damage unsecured rotor blades and to blow aircraft chocks, tiedown chains, and towbars
about the deck or overboard, and cause personnel injury or death. Because of the
susceptibility of the AH/MH-6 helicopter to wind-related damage, launches and recoveries
to a spot immediately upwind or crosswind from a static AH/MH-6 (blades unsecured, tied
down, or folded) should not be conducted except in case of an emergency.
III-4 JP 3-04
(1) Post Landing. All post landing events will be controlled by/coordinated with
appropriate ship’s personnel. After landing, expect the following sequence of events in
preparation for shutdown:
(d) The helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft will be refueled (time and fuel state
(2) Shutdown. Engine shutdown and rotor disengagement aboard ship can be
more difficult and more hazardous than ashore, especially for helicopters that do not have a
rotor brake. High winds and a rolling/pitching flight deck, coupled with the geometric
design of ships and their superstructures, can cause unusual wind patterns (accelerated
updrafts and downdrafts) in the helicopter shutdown area. Helicopters not equipped with a
rotor brake may experience rotor coast-down times in excess of five minutes, as well as
rotor blade flex and flap as the rotor RPM slows. It is not unusual for the main rotor blades
to flap downward to within two feet of the flight deck or to flap up in excess of 45 degrees
during a no rotor brake shut down. This excess flapping can cause damage to rotor head
components and is a potential safety hazard to personnel. Prior to no-rotor brake shutdowns,
the ship should strive to obtain the minimum winds across the deck and should also keep
other helicopters from landing on or departing from adjacent spots in order to reduce the
possibility of helicopter component damage and/or personnel injury.
(3) Blade Fold. Folding or spreading main rotor blades may be required to
conserve flight deck space, use the ship’s elevator, or to hangar the aircraft. Tiltrotor aircraft
are equipped with an automatic blade fold and wing stow system. Typically, automatic
blade fold systems are designed to fold helicopter main rotor blades in less than two
minutes. Army helicopters do not have automatic blade fold systems. However, most
Army helicopters have the capability to fold their blades manually. Manual blade fold times
vary depending on the type of helicopter and the proficiency of the fold crew. In general,
the smaller the helicopter the quicker and easier it is to fold. The MH-6 can fold rotor
blades in less than 10 minutes while the MH-47 typically takes 40 minutes or longer to fold
rotor blades. Manual blade fold procedures may require repositioning of the helicopter on
the flight deck to ensure that blade walkers will be able to remain safely on the flight deck
while walking blades to the folded position. Close coordination and understanding between
the ship’s personnel and helicopter unit is required to determine blade fold capabilities and
develop launch/recovery timelines. The effects of wind speed and direction, combined with
ship motion, can adversely affect the ability to control the blades. Crews must exercise
Chapter III
extreme caution when folding or spreading blades in high wind/deck motion conditions. It
is highly recommended that maintenance crews practice manual blade fold/spread
procedures prior to embarkation. It is also recommended that the specific helicopter that
will be embarked on the ship conduct at least one blade fold/spread evolution prior to
embarkation to ensure that rotor head pins, nuts, bolts, etc., are serviceable and move freely
and easily.
Note: Army/Air Force blade fold support systems are not designed for the
high winds and turbulence routinely encountered on the flight deck of a
ship underway. Personnel should reference aircraft operations manuals
to ensure blade fold support systems rotor blades, and/or rotor heads are
not damaged by winds or when in close proximity to launching/recovering
aircraft. The V-22 maximum safe relative wind conditions for folding or
unfolding the proprotor blades and wing stow/unstow is 45 knots from
any quadrant.
III-6 JP 3-04
with the ship. The embarking unit should be prepared to provide required specialized
handling equipment. Severe weather, high winds (normally in excess of 45 knots relative)
and/or high sea state may preclude all helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft movement/handling.
g. Pre-Takeoff Procedures. Based upon the air plan and flight schedule, the ship will
man its flight quarters stations in time to meet the first scheduled launch. The ship and the
helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft unit will be conducting independent and coordinated actions in
preparation for helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft launch. Each ship and embarked unit should
establish the pre-takeoff sequence that best supports their operations and the assigned
mission. A notional sequence of events in support of the initial launch of helicopter/tiltrotor
aircraft is listed below; these recommended times may be reduced as ship and unit personnel
gain experience working together:
(3) Ship calls for FOD walk-down (approximately 60 minutes prior to launch
(5) Pilots/aircrew man helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft (30 minutes prior to launch time
pilots in their seats).
(6) Ship obtains necessary winds for start. Helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft engines
started and rotors engaged (15 minutes prior to launch time). Radio checks complete.
(7) Ship obtains winds for launch. Helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft loaded (10 minutes
prior to launch time).
(9) Helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft launched on time IAW the air plan/flight schedule.
Chapter III
the air plan and flight schedule. Manual blade spread will require the helicopter to be
positioned so each blade can be walked into position by maintenance personnel. Once
again, in general terms, the smaller helicopter will be able to spread its blades more rapidly
than the larger helicopter.
(3) The aircrew must inform the ship once the pre-takeoff checks are complete and
the helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft is ready for takeoff. Following this notification, the ship will
provide the relative winds for takeoff and will remove the chocks and chains from the
helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft. The helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft is now ready for takeoff, pending
clearance from the air boss, under the direction of the LSE. On LHA/LHD class ships,
launch/recovery of V-22s shall be conducted from/to H-53 mainmount wheel boxes.
(1) Fuel Compatibility. To reduce the hazard of shipboard fires, only fuel with a
flash point above 140°F is permitted to be stored aboard ships. USA and USAF aircraft use
JP8 (or their NATO/civilian equivalents which may include JP4) as their first choice for
fuel, although all can operate with JP5. Since Army and Air Force shore installations
typically do not provide JP5 fuel—and Navy aviation refueling installations are not always
available—it may not always be possible for helicopters/tiltrotor aircraft to transition to JP5
prior to arriving at the ship. In addition, Navy safety doctrine prohibits the hangaring of
helicopters/tiltrotor aircraft with significant quantities of JP4 or JP8 in their tanks because of
the low flash points of those fuels. Furthermore, JP4 and JP8 cannot be introduced into ship
JP5 fuel tanks because of concerns about lowering the flash point of the fuel stock and
III-8 JP 3-04
introduction of additives (such as “Plus 100”) that adversely affect the ability of Navy
shipboard filtration systems to remove water from the fuel. Because JP5 is not universally
available on shore, helicopters/tiltrotor aircraft are likely to arrive at the ship with significant
quantities of JP4 or JP8 in their systems, especially in short notice operations. This presents
a problem if it is necessary to immediately hangar the helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft (high
winds, maintenance). In this case, the choice is to defuel the aircraft or introduce enough
JP5 into the helicopter’s/tiltrotor aircraft fuel tanks to raise the flash point to acceptable
limits; defueling may be required to allow for the addition of JP5. Unless the ship is
equipped with a holding tank to contain the discarded fuel, the only alternative will be to
defuel the aircraft to the environment, which may not be a viable option, depending upon
local environmental protection regulations. Therefore, if a ship is expected to operate with
helicopters/tiltrotor aircraft designed for land operations, it should be equipped with the
capability to defuel JP4 or JP8 to a holding tank, or otherwise dispose of it. For exceptional
circumstances, procedures for hangaring helicopters/tiltrotor aircraft with other than JP5
may be found in NAVAIR-00-80T-106, LHA/LHD NATOPS Manual. The following
procedures should be used to raise the flash point to the desired level:
(c) Neither procedure is guaranteed to raise the flash point. The ship will take
fuel samples and determine flash point prior to hangaring the helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft. It
may be necessary to repeat the procedures several times.
(2) Refueling Equipment. Not all helicopters are equipped with single point
pressure refueling systems as in the Navy. Some of them rely upon CCR (gravity fueling
with nozzle/tank fitting adapter to capture fumes) and/or open-port fueling to fill some or all
of their fuel tanks. In addition, some of their aircraft cannot CCR fuel at pressures greater
than 15 psi, whereas current Navy capability is to CCR at a minimum of 45 psi.
(3) Hot Refueling Aircraft with Ordnance. Aircraft with ordnance are not
normally hot refueled onboard ships. When all required HERO precautions have been met,
the ship’s CO may authorize ordnance-equipped helicopters to be hot refueled when
required by operational necessity.
Chapter III
Intentionally Blank
III-10 JP 3-04
“Is the proposed operation likely to succeed? What might the consequences of
failure? Is it in the realm of practicability in terms of material and supplies?”
1. General
b. Helicopters designed for land operations typically require more space than
helicopters designed for maritime operations. Most do not have automatic blade folding
systems but do have limited manual blade fold capability to enable transportation aboard
ship or aircraft. These manual fold systems are typically not designed for quick and easy
folds, nor are they robust enough to withstand high winds. Damage to folded rotor systems
can occur in less than 25 knots of relative wind. The landing gear geometry and towing
systems of helicopters designed for land operations are not optimized for maneuvering in
tight spaces. The aircraft TD points may not be designed to deal with the stresses associated
with high winds and deck movement. Therefore, these helicopters may require special
handling when maneuvering, spotting, and parking.
(1) Towing systems: Which tow tractors and tow bars are compatible with, or
acceptable for use with the embarking helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft?
Chapter IV
(3) Blades folded mooring system limitations: USA and USAF blade TD systems
are designed to hold the blades for an air transport, not for heavy weather security.
Information on the above can be obtained from specific aircraft maintenance manuals, but
is more easily obtained by discussion with the unit at the presail conference.
2. Maintenance Considerations
IV-2 JP 3-04
specific helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft certifications for elevator and hangar deck operations.
The hangar deck is well lighted, protected from the elements, contains overhead hoists, and
has support equipment available.
(1) Aircraft carriers have a robust AIMD that is capable of providing third- and
fourth-echelon maintenance. The AIMD is capable of providing repairs for airframe
structures, hydraulic systems, fuel cells, avionics/weapons systems, and corrosion control, as
well as engine buildup and testing.
(2) Although the AIMD is designed to support Navy aircraft, their expertise may
be of great benefit to an embarked unit, especially in terms of corrosion control, airframes,
hydraulics, and special tool fabrication. Additionally, aircraft carriers have spaces designed
as maintenance workspaces. In the event that a helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft unit will be
embarked for an extended period of time, the embarked unit may want to augment the ship’s
AIMD with personnel expertise and/or test/calibration equipment.
d. AAS Maintenance Capabilities. Large amphibious ships have the same type of
maintenance capabilities as the aircraft carrier, although in a somewhat smaller package.
AASs have a smaller flight deck, smaller elevators, smaller hangar door openings, and
smaller hangars than aircraft carriers. Much like the aircraft carrier, the hangar deck of the
AAS is well lighted, protected from the elements, contains overhead hoists, and has support
equipment available. All heavy helicopter/tiltrotor maintenance should be conducted on the
hangar deck if possible. AASs also have a robust AIMD with similar capabilities and
expertise as aircraft carriers.
Chapter IV
the embarked unit should identify the personnel responsible for conducting maintenance
coordination as soon as possible after embarkation. General POCs are listed in Figures II-1,
II-2, and II-3.
g. Post Maintenance Check Flight (PMCF). PMCFs must be either scheduled on the
daily air plan and unit flight schedule or coordinated between the embarked unit and the ship
on an emergent basis. PMCFs are normally accomplished prior to the first launch, after the
last launch, or between normal launch and recovery cycles. Due to the requirement to
adhere to the air plan/flight schedule, aircrews conducting PMCF should be prepared to
meet their requirements in the minimum time necessary while maintaining safe flight
j. Aircraft Security. The weather at sea can be more severe than that normally
encountered ashore. Ships frequently have relative winds greater than 45 knots across the
flight deck. High winds can cause damage to rotor blades, rotor heads, and rotor head
components, especially if the rotor blades are not properly secured/tied down. Severe pitch
and roll can cause inadequately secured helicopters/tiltrotor aircraft to slide on the deck and
to hit other helicopters/tiltrotor aircraft or the ship’s structures.
(1) The responsibility for the helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft physical security rests
with the embarked unit. Embarking units should coordinate with the ship to ensure
sufficient Navy TD-1 TD chains are available to secure the unit’s aircraft. Army MB-1
mooring hardware is not compatible for shipboard use. Due to the harsh at-sea
environment, constant monitoring of the security of the helicopter’s rotor blades/tiltrotor
aircraft proprotor and the security of helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft TD chains is required. To
reduce the potential for a shipboard fire, all helicopters/tiltrotor aircraft should be constantly
monitored for fuel and other fluid leaks while aboard ship.
(2) The ship should require the embarked unit to provide an “aircraft integrity
watch” when the ship is not at flight quarters to monitor helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft security.
IV-4 JP 3-04
It is important that personnel assigned to this watch are thoroughly instructed by the ship on
the procedures and responsibilities associated with their position. The aircraft integrity
watch is responsible for the security of all aircraft and equipment on the flight deck and
hangar bays. The individual watch stander should routinely check each aircraft to ensure
that it is not leaking petroleum, oils, and lubricants (POL) on the deck and is properly
secured (airframe chained to the deck and rotor blades tied down).
k. Safety. The ship’s safety orientation and flight deck safety briefs and the embarked
unit helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft familiarization brief should be given prior to the start of
flight operations.
(2) Maintenance personnel should be provided and should wear proper flight deck
safety equipment. While working on the flight deck, maintenance personnel should wear
flotation equipment, head protection, hearing protection, and eye protection. The embarking
unit should not rely on the ship to provide this equipment but should bring it with them.
Chapter IV
c. Meals. Shipboard meals for officers are normally handled by an independent fund
to which individual officers contribute. Officers can expect to pay directly or be billed for
meals consumed. Enlisted members eat in a dining facility operated by the ship’s SUPPO
and funded from the ration allowances of the members. Orders for enlisted members should
reflect rations in kind for the duration of shipboard embarkation. Coast Guard cutters will
treat meals provided to embarked personnel as reimbursable issues and submit Department
of Defense (DD) Form-1149, Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document, IAW
COMDTINST M4061.5, Coast Guard Food Service Manual.
d. Supply Requisitions. The ship’s SUPPO can provide assistance in preparing and
transmitting properly formatted supply requisitions into the system; however, the embarked
helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft unit is responsible for providing the technical, identification, and
funding data for the required material.
e. Cargo Routing. Procedures for shipping material to units deployed worldwide exist
within the Defense Transportation System and are contained in Defense Transportation
Regulation. The shipper’s service control office (SSCO) for all USN units is the Navy
Material Transportation Office (NAVMTO) in Norfolk, Virginia. NAVMTO maintains a
cargo routing information file (CRIF) that contains up-to-date information on how to route
material to covered mobile units. Detachments possessing individual unit identification
codes and desiring to avail themselves of this service should make arrangements with
NAVMTO and their parent SSCO to be included in the CRIF. The appropriate ships’
personnel will keep NAVMTO and other responsible SSCOs apprised of consignment
instructions for embarked detachments. Alternatively, material for an embarked detachment
may be consigned to the host ship. Detachments operating from Coast Guard cutters should
contact the cutter’s SUPPO before deployment to coordinate cargo routing.
g. Hazardous and Flammable Material. The embarked unit should coordinate all
HAZMAT requirements with the ship’s SUPPO prior to deployment. The embarked unit is
responsible for ensuring their required HAZMAT and corresponding material safety data
sheets are requisitioned and loaded. The ability to procure required HAZMAT on
deployment is very limited. All HAZMAT must be approved for shipboard use. There is
typically limited shipboard storage for HAZMAT aboard all vessels. Stowage and disposal
will be IAW current directives provided by the host activity.
h. Ammunition
IV-6 JP 3-04
(3) Allowance Lists. Ammunition requirements for units afloat are established to
provide a basic authorization by quantity and type to suit the applicable mission and
armament of the unit. Normally, these authorizations are in the form of allowance lists.
(6) Army Ordnance Replenishment. Army A/E packaging has not been tested
and approved by the Navy Packaging, Handling, Shipping, and Transportation Center for
underway replenishment. Due to this safety risk, all Army A/E will be loaded pierside or
transferred aboard as internal aircraft cargo. Army A/E will arrive onboard Navy ships in
their standard packaging configurations. When aircraft are used to deliver Army A/E to
Navy ships, the aircrew will download the internally loaded A/E, and the host ship will
transport the A/E to below deck magazines using ship’s armament weapons system
i. Mail. The military postal service is a method for delivery of moderate-sized parts
and supplies as well as personal and official mail. Embarked helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft
units may obtain a mobile unit Army post office or fleet post office address from the US
Military Postal Service Agency, Washington, DC, IAW the DOD 4525.6-M, Department of
Defense Postal Manual. Establishment of an address and ZIP code is required
approximately 60 days in advance. Ships will update mail routing instructions for embarked
Chapter IV
IV-8 JP 3-04
For assistance in answering questions relating to shipboard aviation facilities, call the
Shipboard Aviation Facility Hotline Action Desk at Defense Switched Network (DSN):
624-2592/Commercial: (732) 323-2592.
Commanding Officer, Naval Air Technical Data and Engineering Service Command
Naval Aviation Depot North Island
Building 90, Code 3.3A
P.O. Box 357031
San Diego, CA 92135-7031
Appendix A
United States Coast Guard
Staff Symbol: CG-711
2100 Second Street, SW
Washington, DC 20593-0001
Commercial: (202) 372-2201
4. FM 1-564, Shipboard Operations. This manual outlines Army procedures for shipboard
helicopter operations. The manual is used to coordinate, plan, execute, and teach shipboard
operations. Along with Navy publications, it provides information for developing a
standardized, progressive program to train crews to proficiency on shipboard operations.
The proponent of FM-1-564, Shipboard Operations, is Headquarters (HQ) USA Training
and Doctrine Command and available from the USA publications agency at User must have an Army knowledge online account to access.
5. Ordnance Manuals
A-2 JP 3-04
Shipboard Helicopter and Tiltrotor Operations Publications
Navy Warfare Development Command
1528 Piersey Street, Building O-27
Norfolk, VA 23511
Commercial: (401) 841-6412
DSN: 948-6412
E-mail: [email protected]
b. APP 2(F)/MPP 2(F) Volume II, Helicopter Operations From Ships Other Than
Aircraft Carriers (HOSTAC) Technical Supplement. This manual provides technical
information on helicopter types and as well as national flight deck information. The data for
the US ships is derived directly from the NAEC-ENG-7576, Shipboard Aviation Facilities
Resume. This publication contains the ship/helicopter interoperability matrix.
Appendix A
c. APP 2(F)/MPP 2(F) Volume II, PG, Helicopter Operations From Ships Other
Than Aircraft Carriers (HOSTAC) Technical Supplement Pocket Guide. Designed
specifically for aircrew, this manual provides national flight deck information.
A-4 JP 3-04
Appendix B
Intentionally Blank
B-2 JP 3-04
1. Summary. This LOI describes the concept of operations and assigns responsibility for
Commanding Officer, USS __________ and assigned detachment from [US Army
Command/US Air Force MAJCOM] for DLQ training exercises. This LOI is effective for
planning for day/night VFR operations.
2. Mission. USS __________ will provide underway platform services in the conduct of
DLQ training exercises (reference (a)). Individual ship routine and exercises may be
conducted consistent with attainment of DLQ training goals, safety, and operational
Annex A to Appendix B
for appropriate OPAREA clearances. The host ship can provide limited administrative,
logistics, material, maintenance, and repair support. The OTC will ensure a flight deck
safety/indoctrination brief is provided to Army/Air Force aircrews prior to the scheduled
operations. The OTC will ensure the wind envelopes for the participating aircraft are
available to the HCO and the Army/Air Force unit conducting the DLQs.
d. The liaison officer will provide diagrams of pertinent aircraft depicting aircraft
egress, fuel cell locations, and TD points for the HCO and crash/fire crew during the DLQ
pre-sail conference.
f. The aircraft scheduled for DLQ training should meet the shipboard aviation fuel
safety requirements set forth by the Navy (reference (d)). Aircraft shutting down aboard the
ship with other than JP5 shall notify the first available ship’s controlling authority prior to
B-A-2 JP 3-04
Sample Letter of Instruction
h. Field deck landing patterns (FDLPs) can be accomplished at any facility that
suitably replicates shipboard deck markings. FDLP may also be conducted in approved
flight simulators.
7. Safety Reports. Actions to be taken in the event of aircraft mishap/incident will be per
OPNAVINST 3750.6, The Naval Aviation Safety Program, and the memorandum of
understanding among the Services’ safety centers (reference (e)). Initial message
notification of aircraft mishap/incident will include as an information addressee, the US
Army Headquarters: CSA WASHINGTON DC//DAMOTRI// or US Air Force
Headquarters: MAJCOM/CC (Use corresponding MAJCOM’s address), as appropriate.
Operations Officer
Numbered Fleet Staff
Copy to:
Participating Army/Air Force Unit(s)
Annex A to Appendix B
Intentionally Blank
B-A-4 JP 3-04
(Classification) //N03000//
2. ( ) QUALIFICATION EXPIRED ON (date) DUE TO (reasons)
CONSTRAINTS. (i.e., using USN, USMC, or other Service unit IPs)
A. (name/rank)
B. TOT HRS (insert #)
C. TOT NVD HRS (insert #) (if applicable)
D. TOT SHIP LDNGS (insert #)
E. TOT NVD SHIP LDNGS (insert #)
Annex B to Appendix B
Intentionally Blank
B-B-2 JP 3-04
(Classification) //N03000//
1. ( ) (specify waiver requested)
2. ( ) (specify reason for waiver request)
3. ( ) (provide data to support request)
Annex C to Appendix B
Intentionally Blank
B-C-2 JP 3-04
1. General
2. Presail Conference
a. General. The naval surface community schedules a presail conference during the
early stages of deployment planning involving an embarked unit. The presail conference is
an essential part of the compatibility analysis, as it provides key personnel of the
participating units with a formal forum to address the concept of upcoming operations at sea
as well as procedural and safety issues.
(1) The presail conference normally requires an entire day and should be
scheduled no less than six weeks prior to embarkation/deployment. The number and
expertise of both embarking unit and ship’s company attendees should be sufficient to fully
address specific C2, operational, aircraft maintenance, supply/logistics, ordnance, and
administrative requirements needed to plan the joint operation. Temporary additional
duty/temporary duty funding spent here will significantly enhance preparation, planning,
and ultimate success of the joint deployment aboard ship.
(2) Ensure all units involved in the upcoming joint ship helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft
operations are invited, paying particular attention to divisional/departmental responsibilities
so that representatives can meet their respective counterparts at the conference.
(5) Develop agenda and promulgate to all commands/units prior to the conference.
Appendix C
(7) The issues in paragraph 2b through 2i should be addressed during the presail
conference and/or follow-on discussions/visits between the embarking unit and ship
(8) Develop computer, local area network, and telephone support requirements for
assigned ship’s spaces.
(9) Employ information assurance measures to protect and defend the availability,
integrity, authentication, confidentiality, and repudiation of the ship’s information and
information systems.
(10) Arrange for and schedule ship orientation briefing and safety briefing for all
embarking personnel immediately upon arrival at ship to include general ship compartment
layout/location, general safety aboard ship; and shipboard drills such as GQ, man overboard,
fire, and flooding.
C-2 JP 3-04
Pre-Deployment Planning Checklists
(5) Brief ship’s communications and navigation equipment. Are embarking unit’s
communications capabilities compatible with the ship’s capabilities?
(6) Brief the air plan development process (with examples of typical day’s flight
schedule). How is the air plan developed with input from embarking unit/staff?
(7) Discuss ship’s overhead message. What does it contain? How does the
embarking unit get this message when ashore prior to the fly-aboard?
(f) Embarking unit pilot shipboard experience and DLQ (day/night) and NVD
training requirements.
Appendix C
(g) Briefing requirements needed from host ship (weather, intelligence, radio
frequencies, call signs, instrument flight rules [IFR] recovery operations, etc.) for daily
operational aircrew briefings.
(h) SAR support requirements needed and assets available (surface and
helicopter) to support shipboard helicopter/tiltrotor operations.
(j) Pierside service requirements for both embarkation and debarkation. Pre-
deployment troop or equipment loading requirements (both on flight deck fly-aboard and at
pierside before ship departs. What pierside services will be needed to accomplish
onload/off-load (cranes/forklifts)? How should equipment be packaged (containers, pallets,
e. Ship’s Air Department. The ship’s air department should address the following
(2) Work stations/color codes of flight deck jerseys, general flight deck layout of
type/class host ship (dimensions, flight deck lighting [NVD compatible?]), landing spot
locations and markings, elevators, ordnance arming spots, location of “bomb farm,” location
of ordnance elevators, etc.
(4) General flight deck procedures and safety awareness (FOD, rotorwash, etc.).
(6) General time sequence for launch/recovery (aircrew man-up, start engines,
C-4 JP 3-04
Pre-Deployment Planning Checklists
(7) Sounding of “flight quarters” (what happens?). Discuss “flight quarters for
aircraft movement only.” Emphasis on plane captains/crew chiefs manning cockpits/brakes
for moves and safety when moving aircraft.
(9) Manning cockpits and LSE on launch spot (expected minutes) prior to launch?
(11) Start engines/rotors signal (wind limits for rotor engagement for type
helicopter/tiltrotor embarked).
(12) Troop loading. Where will troops be staged? Who escorts the lines of troops
(“sticks”) to helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft? (Combat cargo coordination required.)
(13) Weapons arming (aviation ordnance loading [including hot/cold tube loading
of rockets], arming, de-arming, downloading, and related aircraft maintenance/refueling
(16) Departure radio call expected (“fuel to splash and souls onboard?”).
(22) WOD limits for helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft rotor shutdown and blade fold?
(23) Embarked helicopters with rotor brakes. Which do not have rotor brakes?
Appendix C
(1) What is embarking unit’s organizational structure and who are ship’s POCs?
(3) Are there unique aircraft handling characteristics and handling equipment
required for specific types of helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft to be embarked (tiller/guide bar for
H-47, handling wheels for skid type, etc.) to be addressed to air department?
(5) Fueling ports and TD points known to host ship air department?
(7) Are alternative fueling procedures (gravity refueling) and equipment (Wiggins
fitting) available for refueling?
(8) What type of shipboard defueling capability exists? Is it compatible with your
helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft?
C-6 JP 3-04
Pre-Deployment Planning Checklists
(12) Has all ordnance that requires loading onto the host ship to meet the mission
assignment been identified and preapproved by the WSESRB prior to ammunition onload?
When and where will the ammunition be onloaded? Where should the ammunition be
shipped to for follow-on load on the host ship?
(13) Does ship’s flight deck have NVD compatible lighting and qualified LSEs to
accomplish NVD operations?
(14) How will the weapons department be advised of air plan aviation ordnance
requirements? Where will aviation ordnance be staged on the flight deck? How much
staging lead time can be provided to facilitate aircraft loading? Where will expendable
countermeasures be pre-loaded? What procedures must be followed for rocket cold/hot tube
loading? What ammunition accountability procedures will be utilized?
(1) What are the aircraft maintenance capabilities of the host ship?
(2) Does it have an AIMD (to accomplish higher than squadron/company level
(3) Does this type/class ship normally operate similar type helicopter/tiltrotor
(4) Does host ship’s supply department stock aviation supplies (AVCAL)? These
supplies (also listed by NSN) can be compared to your deployment needs. An embarking
supply representative must verify this at the planning conference and before deployment.
(Note: This AVCAL may change prior to deployment due to air wing and type aircraft fleet
(6) Where will the embarking unit safely stow the myriad equipment to be either
self-lifted to the ship or loaded aboard at the pier?
(7) Where are the embarking unit’s assigned maintenance spaces aboard ship?
(Take the time to look at these spaces before you leave the ship while on your visit.)
Appendix C
(9) Who does the embarking unit coordinate with to perform an aircraft wash
evolution aboard ship? Aircraft deployed at sea need protection from the salt-laden
environment. This requires frequent fresh water washes.
(10) Does the embarking unit have the correct TD chains for deployment (Navy
TD-1A chains)? If not, where does the unit get them?
(11) Were the embarked unit personnel working on the flight deck thoroughly
briefed on the use of flight deck/hangar deck fire fighting equipment?
(12) How do the embarking unit’s lines of supply/logistics integrate with the
Navy’s supply/logistics system?
(13) Is host ship’s electrical power and GSE support compatible with embarking
unit aircraft (voltage/phase/hydraulic fittings)?
(14) What TD supplies (cargo straps, etc.) does the embarking unit have to ensure
safe TD of all embarked equipment/boxes at sea?
(1) Ordnance.
(3) Ordnance crew certification requirements (embarked unit and host ship).
(5) Required ordnance packaging and marking for shipment and onload aboard
(7) Designated ordnance stowage areas aboard ship for joint ordnance.
(8) Temporary stowage areas for ordnance/ammunition on the flight deck and
prevention of FOD.
(9) Stowage, point of issue, responsibility for the issue, and accountability of
personal weapons and ammunition aboard ship.
(10) Ship’s HERO restrictions for specified ordnance. Who (in ship’s company)
is responsible for setting HERO?
C-8 JP 3-04
Pre-Deployment Planning Checklists
(11) Ordnance load plan input for ship’s notional air plan.
(12) Aviation ordnance storage, buildup, loading and unloading procedures aboard
ship (see NAVAIR 00-80T-106, LHA/LHD NATOPS Manual, NAVAIR-00-08T-105, CV
NATOPS Manual, and NAVAIR 00-80T-122 (NATOPS), Helicopter Operating Procedures
for Air Capable Ships.)
(13) Aviation crew-served weapons on the flight deck (type and safety).
i. Safety
(2) Schedule flight deck safety orientation and flight crew rescue brief for air
Appendix C
Intentionally Blank
C-10 JP 3-04
The following DLQ checklist has been extracted from MOU between the DON and the
Department of the Army and the Department of the Air Force, Army/Air Force Deck
Landing Qualification, January 2002.
2. Establish:
b. Schedule ___________________
8. Communications/NAVAIDS/transmitters ___________________
Annex A to Appendix C
a. Wind ___________________
b. Pitch/roll ___________________
a. Embarkation/debarkation ___________________
b. Berthing/messing ___________________
C-A-2 JP 3-04
Deck Landing Qualification Presail Checklist
a. Coordinator ___________________
e. Billeting ___________________
f. Messing ___________________
DSN: (312) 960-6914
Commercial: (904) 270-6914
Annex A to Appendix C
Intentionally Blank
C-A-4 JP 3-04
c. TD points: ___________________
Annex B to Appendix C
7. Pre-exercise planning
8. Communications
d. RF interference: ___________________
d. GSE: ___________________
C-B-2 JP 3-04
Embarked Unit Pre-Deployment Planning Checklist
12. Requirements for aviation detachment personnel assigned to flight deck duties
d. Communications: ___________________
Annex B to Appendix C
k. EMCON: ___________________
f. Grounding/bonding: ___________________
C-B-4 JP 3-04
Embarked Unit Pre-Deployment Planning Checklist
f. WSESRB: __________________
17. Safety
c. Passengers: ___________________
d. FOD: __________________
a. GSE: ___________________
d. Inspections: __________________
f. HAZMAT: ___________________
19. Logistics
Annex B to Appendix C
b. Funding: ___________________
c. Meals: ___________________
f. Supply: ___________________
k. Ammunition: __________________
l. Mail: ___________________
n. Publications: __________________
o. ALSE: ___________________
p. SAR: ___________________
C-B-6 JP 3-04
1. General
b. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual 5120.01, Joint Doctrine Development
5. Multi-Service Publications
a. APP 2(F)/MPP 2(F) Volume I, Helicopter Operations From Ships Other Than
Aircraft Carriers (HOSTAC) (Maritime VSTOL Data Included).
Appendix D
b. APP 2(F)/MPP 2(F) Volume II, Helicopter Operations From Ships Other Than
Aircraft Carriers (HOSTAC) Technical Supplement.
c. APP 2(F)/MPP 2(F) Volume II PG, Helicopter Operations From Ships Other Than
Aircraft Carriers (HOSTAC) Technical Supplement Pocket Guide.
D-2 JP 3-04
8. Service Publications
Appendix D
D-4 JP 3-04
1. User Comments
Users in the field are highly encouraged to submit comments on this publication to:
Deputy Director, Joint Staff J-7, Joint and Coalition Warfighting, 116 Lake View Parkway,
Suffolk, VA 23435-2697. These comments should address content (accuracy, usefulness,
consistency, and organization), writing, and appearance.
2. Authorship
The lead agent for this publication is the US Navy. The Joint Staff doctrine sponsor for
this publication is the Director for Operational Plans and Interoperability (J-7).
3. Supersession
4. Change Recommendations
b. Routine changes should be submitted electronically to the Deputy Director, Joint and
Coalition Warfighting, Joint and Coalition Warfighting Center, Joint Doctrine Support
Division and info the lead agent and the Director for Joint Force Development, J7/JEDD.
c. When a Joint Staff directorate submits a proposal to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff that would change source document information reflected in this publication, that
directorate will include a proposed change to this publication as an enclosure to its proposal.
The Services and other organizations are requested to notify the Joint Staff/J-7 when
changes to source documents reflected in this publication are initiated.
5. Distribution
Appendix E
a. Joint Staff J-7 will not print copies of JPs for distribution. Electronic versions are
available on the Joint Doctrine, Education, and Training Electronic Information System
Web site at (NIPRNET), and
(SIPRNET), and on the Joint Electronic Library (JEL) at
b. Only approved JPs and joint test publications are releasable outside the combatant
commands, Services, and Joint Staff. Release of any classified JP to foreign governments or
foreign nationals must be requested through the local embassy (Defense Attaché Office) to
DIA, Defense Foreign Liaison/IE-3, 200 MacDill Blvd., Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling,
Washington, DC 20340-5100.
c. JEL CD-ROM. Upon request of a JDDC member, the Joint Staff J-7 will produce
and deliver one CD-ROM with current JPs. This JEL CD-ROM will be updated not less
than semi-annually and when received can be locally reproduced for use within the
combatant commands and Services.
E-2 JP 3-04
C Celsius
C2 command and control
CCR closed circuit refueling
CNO Chief of Naval Operations
CO commanding officer
COMDTINST Commandant, United States Coast Guard, instruction
COMUSFLTFORCOM Commander, United States Fleet Forces Command
COMUSPACFLT Commander, United States Pacific Fleet
CRIF cargo routing information file
CV aircraft carrier
CVN aircraft carrier, nuclear
CVW carrier air wing
F Fahrenheit
FM field manual (Army)
FOD foreign object damage
lb pound
LHA amphibious assault ship (general purpose)
LHD amphibious assault ship (multipurpose)
LSE landing signalman enlisted
LSO landing signals officer
GL-2 JP 3-04
P publication
PLAD plain language address directory
PMCF post maintenance check flight
POC point of contact
POD plan of the day
POE port of embarkation
POL petroleum, oils, and lubricants
PRIFLY primary flight control
psi pounds per square inch
RF radio frequency
RPM revolutions per minute
XO executive officer
GL-4 JP 3-04
air-capable ship. A ship other than an aircraft carrier, nuclear; amphibious assault ship
(general purpose); or amphibious assault ship (multipurpose) from which aircraft can
take off, be recovered, or routinely receive and transfer logistic support. Also called
ACS. (Approved for incorporation into JP 1-02.)
amphibious assault ship (general purpose). None. (Approved for removal from JP 1-02.)
amphibious aviation assault ship. None. (Approved for removal from JP 1-02.)
cartridge-actuated device. Small explosive devices used to eject stores from launched
devices, actuate other explosive systems, or provide initiation for aircrew escape
devices. Also called CAD. (Approved for replacement of “cartridge actuated device”
in JP 1-02.)
combat information center. The agency in a ship or aircraft manned and equipped to
collect, display, evaluate, and disseminate tactical information for the use of the
embarked flag officer, commanding officer, and certain control agencies. Also called
CIC. (JP 1-02. SOURCE: JP 3-04)
control area. A controlled airspace extending upwards from a specified limit above the
Earth. (JP 1-02. SOURCE: JP 3-04)
deck status light. A three-colored light (red, amber, green) controlled from the primary
flight control. Navy—The light displays the status of the ship to support flight
operations. United States Coast Guard—The light displays clearance for a helicopter to
conduct a given evolution. (JP 1-02. SOURCE: JP 3-04)
delaying operation. An operation in which a force under pressure trades space for time by
slowing down the enemy’s momentum and inflicting maximum damage on the enemy
without, in principle, becoming decisively engaged. (JP 1-02. SOURCE: JP 3-04)
flight deck. 1. In certain airplanes, an elevated compartment occupied by the crew for
operating the airplane in flight. 2. The upper deck of an aircraft carrier that serves as a
runway. The deck of an air-capable ship, amphibious aviation assault ship, or aircraft
carrier used to launch and recover aircraft. (Approved for incorporation into JP 1-02.)
flight deck officer. Officer responsible for the safe movement of aircraft on or about the
flight deck of an aviation-capable ship. Also called FDO. (JP 1-02. SOURCE:
JP 3-04)
flight quarters. A ship configuration that assigns and stations personnel at critical positions
to conduct safe flight operations. (JP 1-02. SOURCE: JP 3-04)
foreign object damage. Rags, pieces of paper, line, articles of clothing, nuts, bolts, or tools
that, when misplaced or caught by air currents normally found around aircraft
operations (jet blast, rotor or prop wash, engine intake), cause damage to aircraft
systems or weapons or injury to personnel. Also called FOD. (JP 1-02. SOURCE:
JP 3-04)
hazards of electromagnetic radiation to fuels. The potential hazard that is created when
volatile combustibles, such as fuel, are exposed to electromagnetic fields of sufficient
energy to cause ignition. Also called HERF. (JP 1-02. SOURCE: JP 3-04)
hazards of electromagnetic radiation to personnel. The potential hazard that exists when
personnel are exposed to an electromagnetic field of sufficient intensity to heat the
human body. Also called HERP. (JP 1-02. SOURCE: JP 3-04)
GL-6 JP 3-04
HERO SAFE ordnance. Any ordnance item that is percussion initiated, sufficiently
shielded or otherwise so protected that all electro-explosive devices contained by the
item are immune to adverse effects (safety or reliability) when the item is employed in
its expected radio frequency environments, provided that the general hazards of
electromagnetic radiation to ordnance requirements defined in the hazards from
electromagnetic radiation manual are observed. (JP 1-02. SOURCE: JP 3-04)
HERO UNSAFE ordnance. Any ordnance item containing electro-explosive devices that
has not been classified as HERO SAFE or HERO SUSCEPTIBLE ordnance as a result
of a hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance (HERO) analysis or test is
considered HERO UNSAFE ordnance. Additionally, any ordnance item containing
electro-explosive devices (including those previously classified as HERO SAFE or
HERO SUSCEPTIBLE ordnance) that has its internal wiring exposed; when tests are
being conducted on that item that result in additional electrical connections to the item;
when electro-explosive devices having exposed wire leads are present and handled or
loaded in any but the tested condition; when the item is being assembled or
disassembled; or when such ordnance items are damaged causing exposure of internal
wiring or components or destroying engineered HERO protective devices. (JP 1-02.
SOURCE: JP 3-04)
hung ordnance. Those weapons or stores on an aircraft that the pilot has attempted to drop
or fire but could not because of a malfunction of the weapon, rack or launcher, or
aircraft release and control system. (JP 1-02. SOURCE: JP 3-04)
landing aid. Any illuminating light, radio beacon, radar device, communicating device, or
any system of such devices for aiding aircraft in an approach and landing. (JP 1-02.
SOURCE: JP 3-04)
landing signalman enlisted. Enlisted man responsible for ensuring that helicopters/tiltrotor
aircraft, on signal, are safely started, engaged, launched, recovered, and shut down.
Also called LSE. (Approved for incorporation into JP 1-02.)
landing signals officer. Officer responsible for the visual control of aircraft in the terminal
phase of the approach immediately prior to landing. Also called LSO. (JP 1-02.
SOURCE: JP 3-04)
multispot ship. Those ships certified to have two or more adjacent landing areas.
(Approved for replacement of “multi-spot ship” in JP 1-02.)
officer of the deck. 1. When underway, the officer designated by the commanding officer
to be in charge of the ship, including its safe and proper operation. 2. When in port or
at anchor, the officer of the deck is designated by the command duty officer, has similar
responsibilities, and may be enlisted. Also called OOD. (Approved for incorporation
into JP 1-02.)
operational necessity. A mission associated with war or peacetime operations in which the
consequences of an action justify the risk of loss of aircraft and crew. (JP 1-02.
SOURCE: JP 3-04)
ordnance handling. Applies to those individuals who engage in the breakout, lifting, or
repositioning of ordnance or explosive devices in order to facilitate storage or stowage,
assembly or disassembly, loading or downloading, or transporting. (Approved for
inclusion in JP 1-02.)
presail. The time prior to a ship getting under way used to prepare for at-sea events.
(JP 1-02. SOURCE: JP 3-04)
primary flight control. The controlling agency on air-capable ships that is responsible for
air traffic control of aircraft within 5 nautical miles of the ship. On most Coast Guard
cutters, primary flight control duties are performed by a combat information center, and
the term “PRIFLY” is not used. Also called PRIFLY. (Approved for incorporation
into JP 1-02.)
GL-8 JP 3-04
short takeoff and landing. The ability of an aircraft to clear a 50-foot (15 meters) obstacle
within 1,500 feet (450 meters) of commencing takeoff or in landing, to stop within
1,500 feet (450 meters) after passing over a 50-foot (15 meters) obstacle. Also called
STOL. (Approved for incorporation into JP 1-02 with JP 3-04 as the source JP.)
short takeoff and vertical landing aircraft. None. (Approved for removal from JP 1-02.)
spot. 1. To determine by observation, deviations of ordnance from the target for the purpose
of supplying necessary information for the adjustment of fire. 2. To place in a proper
location. 3. An approved shipboard helicopter landing site. (JP 1-02. SOURCE:
JP 3-04)
spotting. Parking aircraft in an approved shipboard landing site. (JP 1-02. SOURCE:
JP 3-04)
vertical replenishment. The use of a helicopter for the transfer of material to or from a
ship. Also called VERTREP. (JP 1-02. SOURCE: JP 3-04)
visual meteorological conditions. Weather conditions in which visual flight rules apply;
expressed in terms of visibility, ceiling height, and aircraft clearance from clouds along
the path of flight. Also called VMC. (Approved for incorporation into JP 1-02.)
Intentionally Blank
GL-10 JP 3-04
JP 1
JP 1-0 JP 2-0 JP
JP 3-0
3-0 JP 4-0 JP 5-0 JP 6-0
All joint publications are organized into a comprehensive hierarchy as shown in the chart above. Joint
Publication (JP) 3-04 is in the Operations series of joint doctrine publications. The diagram below
illustrates an overview of the development process:
Approval Development