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25 September 197b
29 December 1969
(See 6.4)



Thin 8pecificatlon is approved for use by all Department and &encles

of the Departmac of Oefeme.


1.1 ~. This specification covere five r,~es of flat braided capea

nuitable for lacing and tylw (ace 6.1).

1.2 classification. The tape ah.sllbe of the following types, sizes, end
finishes as specif icd (nee 3.4, 3.6 and 6.2).

Typex - Polyamide (nylon)

Finish A - Natura3
Plnish B - UU Impregnated
Finish C - Symthecic tubber or e1a8w’mm matfng

‘o Finish
Vinyl chloride or. vfnyl chloride-ncetace copolymer coating
Liquid W1OU coacing

Type II - Polyester
Finish A - Natural
Finish B - wax impregm ted
Finish C - Synthetic rubber or alas tamer emxfng
Finish E - Vinyl chloride or vinyl chloride-acetate copolymer

Type 111 - Tecrafluorocarbm

Plnish A - Nacura2
I Fininh C - synthetic robber or ●lastomer coating

Ty-pe r? - C3AS0
Finish C - Synthetic rubber or ehotomer coating
Finish D - .Tecrafluorocarbon coatfng (see 6.5)
Finish ‘P - Silicone re6in f.mpregmced

Type v - Polymaida (nylon) - heat resistant

?iniah A - Natural
Finish s - Wax fmpregnaced
Pinish C - Synthetic rubber or ehotomer coaclng
Finish F - Silicone resin Lrpregnated
Finish C - Liquid nylon coating

Fsc 6029

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2.1 ‘1’hafollowing docuzm&ts, of the iseue in effeet m date of invitation

for bids or request for proposal, form a part of thim cpecifi-tion w the
extent specified herein:



ML-C-3231 - Cortige; Reparation for Delivery of.


FED- STTJ-191 - Textile, Teat Methods.


HIL-STO-1O5 - Samp2ing Procedures and Tables for 2Mptccion b~


(Copies of specifiuciom, ●candarda, drawlnga. =d pubf.icationo required

b~ mppliers in rxmnection vith specific procurem=t fmctirms, should be
obtafned frcn the procuri!rg activic~ or ●s directd by the cmcrxting of ficer.)


3.1 Cavemrmnc and supplier purchasea. z%e requirements specified in 3.11

d 3.L2 apply only to capa pxchased directly by the Ccwarrmnt. AU other
requirements apply to tape purchased M a coEPoneuc for M end item b~ ●
auppl.ler, and co tape purchased directly b~ che Coverruneut.

3.2 Hacerials.

3.2.1 ~. The yarn wed in the fabrication of tyw I -pa #ball be

a high tenacity, continuous fikmenc, nylon yarn.

3.2.2 Type II. The yarn usad fn the fabrication of the type II tapa ebsll
be ● blgh tenacity, coatizmaua fil~ent, Palyeoter yakn. ..

3.2.3 @e III. The yarn uned h tbe fabrication of the type 111 tape shtll
be a rnncln.oue filamenc, cecraflwrourbon pm.

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. .
1 ,

3.2.4 Type 2V. The yarn used IIIthe’fabrication of the type IV cape shall
t-ran electri=l grade, rnntl.auous filament, glasa yarn having high icsulacion
reaistaace, hish dielectric strength, high resistance to aging, and 10U moi8ture
pickup . The =texia2 mhdl be free from any free alkali metal orioles, ouch an
ecda or potash, and from foreign particles, dirt, or other lmpuricies.

3.2.S ~. The yarn used h the fabrication of the type V cape shall
be an electrical gr-uie, conttiuow filamenc, non-= icing, aromatic polyamide
yarn (n.te6.3) having high temperature resistance, hi8h insulation resiacancc,
Mgh dielectric strength, ad high resistance to aging. fie yarn shall be
substantially free from mizing, loading and other miulteraats.

3.3 Construction. Type I, II, 111, IV and V capea shall be braided in

a flat braid couocruction.

b 3.4 physical requirement,. The finished tapes shall conform CO”the re-
quirements specified in tablee” I through V vhen tested an epecifled ia 4.2.5.

● TABLE 1. Phwlcal requirements - type I tape

width , ThicLness, Breaking acrength, Elongachu,

tithes l.nchea pOundB percmt
Size (~ lox) (~ 0.003) (m.lnimd (IMdmum)

1 .200 .016 MS 40

● ✎
2 .110 .015 80 ho

.. . .n Lo
3 .065 .U1O
4 .060 .012 25 40
s .050 .010 ~1 15 40

&l The tolerance for size S tapee shall be ~ 0.004 inch.

● TASLE 22. Physiml requirements - Wx 11 ape

Width, Thiclmean , Breaking strength, Elongation,

inches iaches pounds percent
Size (~ 102) (: 0.003) (UJnlzmm) (M*)

1 .200 .016 235 40

2 .110 .025 80 40
3 .085 .014 50 40
.060 .012 25 40
; .050 .010 ~1 15 40

I .’, ~/ l%e tolerance for size 5 tapea shall be ~ 0.004 inch.

● -.
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TABLE III . Physical rewireuams - type III tape

Iiidrib, Thickness, Breaking BCrtnBth, Eltmga tion ,
inches inches pounds percent
size (~ 10Z) (~ 0.003) (minkum) (mtxiinm)

.120 .011 30 30
: .
6 .065 .011 M 30
5 .02s .02.I 10 30

TABLE 2V . Phvnica2 requlreatntn - type IV tape

WI th , Thickness, Breaking ltrengch, Umgat 100,

inches inches palnde percent
Size (~ 10Z) (~ 0.003) (Mirlimum) (18txiwm)

1 .225 .016 200 s

.110 .016 100 5
: .08s .016 75 5
4 .060 .016 30 5
5 .050 .016 .

TASLE v. Physical Cequiremcmcs - me V tapa

Wtdch , Thickness, Br-king ocrrngth, Elangatim,

1$ inchw inches percent
Sise (~ 10Z) (~ 0.003) (minimum) (-imu81)

1 .200 .016 85 40
2 .2-IO .Olb 50 40
3 .075 .012 35 40 I
4 .055 .010 25 40

● 3.5 g. blend othervime specified (see 6 2) , the color of the upt

shall be mtcura2. When ocher than naaral color -~ ia %Cifi=d , the color
shall b lmparced by using spun dyed fiber OT b~ dyeing the fiber or upe
prior to application of the finish,

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I “:


● 3.5.1 Colorfastness. ETmn other than =t.ral colored cape in specified,

the fInlshed tape shall shcw calazfaacness Co crocdng ●qual to ux better than
the otandard sample. When no standard simple is available the f I.nisimd cape
shall show w greater croekin8 than Xunsell value of 6.5.

3.6 w. AU tape fi.nishea shall contain no ropper, mercury, or

-Oumds of wpper or mercuv. All fiaishen shall be able to be used freely
. in contact with idaul.aced ceble or vire (see 6.2).

3.6.1 Finish A. Natural finish shall denote a tape for which no cor.si8-
tency or luscar ocher than that Inhertnt in the material in required.

3.6.2 Finish B. Finish B ‘tape shall be uniformly created vith micro-

crystalline fun8icide wax. The treated tape shall contain a mintitm af 15
percent to a mxbum of 32 percent war hen tested as cpecificd in 4.2.5.

3.6.3 Finish C Finish C tape shall be uniformly impregnated vich a

rynthetlc~~i.nish. l% treated rape shall contain a rein- of 7 per-
cent to a maxfmm af 17 percent aynchetic rubber Impregnating material or
.dascaer coating utten tested as apecifled in 6.2.5.

3.6.4 Finish D. Finish D tape yarnn shall be unifoanly inpre@sted with

tetrafluoro~rbon -sting before braiding. The crcacd tape yarna shall coa-
Cafn ● minim= of 10 percent to a maximum of 20 perceuc Cecrafluorocarbon fn-
pregnatln% material vhrn tested aa specified in 4.1.5.

3.6.5 Finish E. Finish E ape shall be traiform.lycoated with virgin vinyl

0- chloride or vinyl chloride acetate copolymers plasticized with pho6phate or

phthalate eater plasticizers exclusively. The finished cape shall contain a
minf.mwa of 25 percent to a wimum of 30 percent of che vinyl cmat’mg material
when cesced as npecificd in .4.2.5.

3.6.6 Finish F Finish F Capes shall be unifornly impregnated with a

silicone ‘&h. The crcaced tape shall roncain ● minimwm df 7 percent
to ● maximum of 17 percenc silicone resin material tien tested ●n rpecified
in 4.2.5.

4 3.6.7 Finish c Fiaish G capea shall b! uniford~ coated tith liquid

nylcn pol~~e finished tape shall contain a minimum of h percent to
a uucx~ of 14 perccnc of the liquid nylon pol~r coating mcerial w+en
tented ● s speeif led in 4.2.5.

3.7 Fuuuua resistance. No cape shall show visible ‘growth (to -the‘naked
●p) c.f fungus on the mirface of the Cesc SpeCimeUa.when tested u. specified
in 4.2.5.

,a -
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● 3.8 snot slip resintc.nce. Stress applied co a apacimm de by jofafas

swo coda of the braided cape with a quare hot dx.11 result la cha brubsge
of the tape ●pecixen rscher than Cbe slippage or pulling out of she baot u%-
tented ●s specified in 4.2.S. SIIOCsup reaiacanca is not applicable to
typa III tapca or sapea vhlch have ffni.shA, B, D and E.

● 3.9 ~. There ehall be no visible damage or reutawalof the coaciagn

m finish C. D. E, F, and C tapes uteritested as tpeelfi&3 k 4.2.5.

● 3.10 Accelerated axing. khan specified (ace 6.2) Iiniah C, D, E, P, and C

UFO ●hall evidence M scif fneao, brittleneac, mf mem, Or tacb.ia”s A=
tinted u ●pacified in 4.2.5.

3.3.3 -. lhlene otherwise cpecifiad (ma 6.2), the tapea till ba

furnished on parallel wind spools (reels) cm uaiversal viad tubes (bercdaafter
referred co ● s holders). Size 1 and 2 tapes tiall b pt up in Y.50Tard lungtlm
ad size 3, 4 and 5 -jen shall be PC up Ss 500 yard lengt!u. A plus tolerance of
10 ~rceat and a misw tolertmca of 3 percent shall ba alloued on thm lrnsth of
UPC mI any holder opecified. The tape shall ba fre- from Mats; ltmps or pro-
jecting ends -d shall be evenly ed co that each turn sad lsyer b frea frcm
tmt-sle==nt and CWiSttiS. There shall ba uo mre tba four piacas per bolder
auf no piece shall be lea- ttm 50 yards fn lewch.

3.U Identific&ioa. Each bolder of tape ●hsll hove ● lsbel attxbed fn

mxh ● uanner M S0 te=.sfnla pbC= and ba clearly l@bla WItll all ape k
b9m r~. l’bc label shalJ k legibly prlntmi, scamped, ox typed rich .atar
imol.ble link. The label shall contain tha follcwing Iaformtci.m.

Stocb number
Specifi-tiun n=bar
7Y74, finish and sise “
Contrmct number mnd dmte
Supplier’a mme

3.13.1 Trpe III Cape. TyPe 111 tape ahs.ilbe ●ccaqanied b~ ● Wtiu
Sahel or cbeec ulUnS ●ttention to Cbe wmraci.m of baxardoua vaparm at
c~ratureo Aov.= 4oo”F (204. c).

3.13 lSorbmmnnhi~. lltefinithed UPC -ball mnfcmm co the quality and

uada of product established bl thti specificatiua. The occurrmxe of dafecca
shall not uceed the applicable mcceptabla qualit~ lereln.

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4.1 Re8rmndM3ity for Inmectl.an. onleic otherwise specifiul in the

UYnt18ct or purchase order, the suDDlier is responsible far the nerfor.annce
of ●ll inape~tiun requirtnencs as ‘&cified herein. Except M o~heruiae
specified in the contract or order, the oupplier my u6e his m or an~
other facil.it:easuitable for the performmce of the inspection requirtnencs
epecifled harain, tmlens di.qsppraed by tha !%vernment. Ibe Covermenc re-
aemea the right to perform my of the inspections set forth fm tbe specifi-
ution where sueb Inspection uc deemed necessary CO assure suppUea and
services tanferm to premxibed requiremer.ts.

4.1.1 Cercificste of compliance. lkre certificaceo of cotnp

lianee axe
dubmitted, the Covermmnc resemen the right co check Cut eucb itaas co
dccermine the validity of the certification.

4.2 gue.lity wnfo-nce insp=cti.m. Sampling for inspection shall be per-

fo-ed in accordance with KSS,-STO-1O5,except where otherwise indicated hertinaftez

4.2.1 mmnt and =Cerlal lnsvecc:an. In ●ccordance with 6.1 above,

components and ~terl.als ohall be ccsted in accordance with all the requireu.mts
of ref arenced specificationn, drawfngs, aad ntandards unless ocha-vise ●x-
cluded, amended, dified or qtulified in cbi~ specification or applicable
purchase documt. In addition, inspection sha2.2be performed for the re-
quire-ace in Labia VI.

TABLS VI. Caap.ment test

● ./ Ciaracceris clc Requirement reference 7esc methcd

Itaterial identifl-ticm 3.2 ~1

Finish Idencificacloa 3.6 y

Capper and =rcuq wntem 3.6 ~1

&l Vnlea# otherulne specified, a certificate of compliance shmll be submitted

md will ba accepcabls for the stated requirements.

● 4.2.2 In-proeeaa fnspectim. 3napection shall be conducted to insure that

procusiq fd in accordance with che mpccified requircmcsts. The Cwernmtnt
reserves the right to exclude from co-lderacion for acceptance =Y -Keqal
or oervice for *ich b-process inspection has lndicatcd nonconfonuace. Ihe
parcencage of finish C, O, E, ?, md G Impregnating u.sterialaon che reapeccivt

● “-

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MU.-T-43h35B --0
type capes shall be demrmimzd durfng processing h sceorduue with The
sample mlt, lot size, ~le
fa 4.2. S.
size and acceptance criteria U
One determination shall be ~de per eple
be u apecffled
unit. The ●mple Cize
shall be 5 regardleaa of the lot size, and the reau.lts ●hall be averaged.
4.2.3 Examfnntlon of the awl item for vimml defects. me defecca listed
in table VII ehall be taunted regardless of their proxfmity to each other.
me tumple unit For chia eramfn# cicn shall be cne balder of tape. The lot
size for this uam.tnacion shti be expressed fa unit= each of boldera of tap.
ma sccepcable quallty leval (AQL) shall be 4.0 d=f=cm p= 100 UU~CS. fie
fnapeccion level shall be level 1.

IASLE VII. Vinual aa!nfnacion - defects

.&amine Defect

ApPus=ice and - Any cut

worhaaamhip - Cb.afad or &maged
- rush, AJVY, tMWMIIT sppliti,
resulting Sm thin or bare spots,
cle=rly vinible &/

UJlor - Ocher than sperified

Cleanne*a - overall mxlummaa, damrly visible ~1

Identificatlun - omitted, fnrorrec:. illegible, S.nneeurely

●ttached or MC as @pecified
- Eandwritcen entries
- Warning eheec or label not included with
cype 111 =pe

~/ At rmnml fnmpectlon distance (approxhmce17 3 feet). Examination for l-Rth aud vi.ndf.nxm r holder. rbe e-pie unit
for chin aamlnacian ahdl be one bolder. The Inspection level ahti be S-3
and cbe AQL ●hdl be 4.0 percent defective. 7k lnt oize ahdl be expreeaed
h mica of one holder. Defects vith regard to kngth and winding sN1 be
considered to UISC if any of the following art decermfned during Snepeccirm.

(a) TIN? total yardage of UT oaa holder u less than nlnti or =?,
than the maxbca specified is 3.11.

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(b) Leagth of tape an mpml (reel) mre than 2 yards lees cb.m length
marked on Label.

(c) kproparly or not firmly wcund reoulting fn k.fnkn,euangling or

●lippage during unwinding or otherwise affectfng free unhmpered
urnrbiiig of tape.

(d) Tape creased.

(e) Mare than four pieces on any holder.

(f) Any piece leen thm 50 yards in length.

“ (g) day tints, lumps or projecting ends. Total vardaze in mmle. No AQL is appli-ble to the exanl.natlun

far m tal mrdsea.
.- The number of holders er-rsJtied.
~der L.2.3 shall be
utilixed in determining the total prdage. A lot shall be maccep=ble if
the total of the actunl yardage of the individual holders in tbe mrple in
1=s than the total yardage.marked on the labels.

4.2.4 E=urdinAcian of preparation for deliver? requirements. An uaminatiun

ah~ be made to determine chat pacbgi.ng, packing and marking requirrmcnts
cmmp17 with tbe =ctiom 5 requirements of chid mpeci.ficatien. The UAMI.MCi~
●hsll be in accordance virh the provisions of H32.-C-3131, except that the
iuapeccian level shall be S-2 and tha AQL shall be 2.5 defects per 100 uaitn.

● 4.2.5 Testing
of the end ices!. The mrthrds of testing Sped.fied in
YYD-STD-191, applicable, and an listed in table VIII shall be follcwed.
The physical and chemical valuea specified In eection 3, =cept an specified
Imrein, apply co the ●verage of the decerminaciona made on a ●mple unit for
tat purposes as opecif led in the qplicable test method. Far the percentage.n
of finish for finishes B, C, D, E, P, and C the requirements shall apply onl~ to
cbe 10C average (average of AU eauple unica within the lot). The ample unit
for end item teetlmg shall be one holdtr of finished tape. Tbe s.smplemit for
fn-procem Inspeecian for percent add on for finish C, O, E, F, and G shall be
u follww :

30 yardsof -finished tape

30 yarde of finished tape
320 yards of unfinished yarn
.320 yards of finished yarn

Tba lot size ohaL2 be expressed in units of woe holder. Zhe lot shall be tul-
●cceprable if one or nmro uuics fail to ueet an~ test requirrmeat opecified
or if the 10C aversse of cbe ~rcrntages of finiehes B, C, D, E, F, snd C

● ’
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fai2# to meat the requirement specif led in 3.6. A3.3 test report. ,ghall~m-
cain tha individu.d vakea utilized in expressing the ffna.2reatd t. 2he
sample #fZe (number of sample units) shall be in atcordanca with the foll~tig:

Lot size (holders~ samrl le size

800 or leas 2
S01 up to and lnc.hdi.ng 22,000
22,001 and over ;

Trats co detecmine compliance with npecificatlon rquiremmu including

quantit~ of delivery m97 be mde under prewaillng atrmapheric conditions,
except fn aetclrment of dispute, in wttich @se the teats shall be made upon
material which has reached equilibrium ~der standard conditions ~S d=ftied
in FEO-S2D-191.

TAS2.S 7211. Test =thods

limber of
Requlremenc Tea c tiorw per
Characteristic paraxraph me chod sample unit Rtsults reported as


(Flat braid) 3.3 Visual i Pass or fail

Vfd th 3.6 6.2=5.4 ~ kvg. of 3 deterc.inacim

I to neartnt O.CQ1 lacb

Z-hichmla 3.4 5030 g 5 Avg. of 5 determinations

to aeareat 0.001 inch

Braking 3.4 4102 3 AVS. af 5 decendnaticns

atrrngch to nearat 0.5 pound

nougat 10U 3.4 4102 y 5 Avg. of S determin.st;mq

to nearest 0.2 percent

Calorfastnees to 3.5 5651 1 PasB or fail


U= Collcenc 3.6.2 2621 ~/ 2 Avg. of 2 decermim=~.ma

to oeareac 0.2 percent


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T.ARLP. “V211 . Teat methtds (cunt’d)

Nwnber of
Requirem.tnt Test tioas per
Characteristic paragraph method sanPIe unit ResuIts reported ad

Finish content 3.6.3 1 Pass or fail


ruuguc 3.7 5760 1 Pass or fail


hot slip 3.8 1 Paem or fail


2U0rJcLng 3.9 1 Pass or fd

Accelerated 3.10 5852 ~1 1 Pa9a or fall


●d &/

To be determ.1.ntdsfmltanemsly

The chloroform

aol.bla procedure shall be used.

bretking BtreUgth.

~/ .%xept chat the specimen hall be 6 inches h length by the full vidth of
tbe tape.

~/ A tension load equal to 5 ~ 1 percent of the minimum specified bruaklng

strength nha.11be applied to the apecintn and the Lhickaess determinatlm
~hall be measured while under this 100II.

4.2,5.1 Oetemination of percentage of finish. The percentage of ffnfnh

C, 0. E, P, and G isqregnating ~cr.riala en the respective type taps shall be
decermtied during procesaLng, by Che supplier, by weigMmg MI identical sample
of tape or yarn (oee 3.6.6) , before and after the lmpregnatiag pmcesa. Ibe
teat specimen shall be s da- of 30 prds of tape or 220 ~arda of yarn an
●pplicable. Uelght (length per pound) @hall be decermbed h accord-cc with
Heehd 4010 of PZD-SrO-191. rhe p.ercrncage of finish shall be calcwlaced am
follam :

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Percmt finish Q ~ loo


Where: A - length per ptnd of untreated tape or yarn, ●s ●pplicable.

B - Length per Fund of created tape or ~m, M applicable. Oetcndmtian of knot slip resistance. The hoc slip reslscanca of

the tapes ahdl be determined in accordance with H.%thod4102, except as modified
herein. The teat specbns shall be cut in half and then the two halves uhall be
firmly tied togetbc.rwith a oquare knot. l%e tw procrud5ng emda me the hoc
shall be cut so that ane-half inch protrudes. The e.pecirm shall be aligned
co that the ICDOC1s ●pproxi=taly hslfvay between the drape. TIM e.achfne
shall be operated IMC1l the knot slips or pulln out or the opecinea breaks
●t or in the proximity to Che Imoc. Breaks closer tbaa 1/2 inch of the jnus
shall be discarded. Five good remifngo nhall be ebtained. If hoc Sllppage
is obtained on only mm of the five readings, = dditianal specinen shall
be tested ●nd if a gocd reading b obtained, the readtig indicaclag knot
dlpp~ge shall be discarded. o.?ternlnaci.mof bloekfnq. TM turns of the tapa ohall b- wound

aI a I/&-inch diameter clean metal aandrd tinder. l-pound ctasion ●nd the
-d secured throu8h holes in the -ndrel. Eight turns of cape shall then be
wund on top of the firot laler under the 2-pound tension and tbt er.dasecured
.s before. I_bewound mandrel ah.allthen be placed in ● temperature controlled
OVea at 70 ~ l-C (or 2 bourn, and in such ● manner than M Wt of th~ @Pe~
e-a fm contact vith cha surface af the oven. lh= SPecfmen #hall then be rm-
-ved and cooled ● t roam tempersc”re. After cnotig, the outer hpr shall be T
unwound and ~ned for evidence of ti~ge to the coatings du= to dhesion ba-
twezn 3A~ers of turns. The firm layer ehall be cxsmlsed witilesti21 in plsce
$s: eimlar ?.idcaca of adherence and dmaage.

● Oetermlr.acl.mof width. The tidth of the tapes ●hall be deter- ,

mined by USiIISan epcica.1comparator. The OPcl-l comparator used shall
l@ude a reticle cdlbrated co 0.005 inch divlsiona ad shall incorporate
a magnifier -pablc of !Mmifying cho cede. a tenslen load ●qual to 5 z 1
parcent of the ❑ lnm cpecified brcsklns otrength for ●ach particular size
#hs.U be applied to the specimm and the width of the r.apashall be messured
b%ile tindercMa load.


3.1 PackaEln.q. Packabtingehdl b= level A or C u epeclfi=f (see 6.2).

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● 5.1.1 L.evele A end C. tape shall be packaged in accordance with the a~U-

Ale requirtmencs of tsTL-C-3L31.

5.2 Packin~ Packing shaLl be level A, B o? C an epccifled (see 6.2).

1“ S.2.1 Lrvels A. B nnd C. Tape nhall be packed in accordance with the
●pplicable requirammts of NIL-c-3131.

5.3 tikfi~. In addition co any apeci,d carkfng required by the tontract

or order, interior pdckagea and shipping containers shall be markad in accor-
&IlC6 WI th I’EL+-3331 .


6.1 Intended use. The tape covered by this specification 18 intended for
being and tying telephone switchboard cable forms, hookup wires, cable ends,
mircraf t cable bundles, electrical snd ●lectronic equipment, and r..lectxics.l
vlre-hanmm a.sa.ed3iea.

6.2 Orderins data. Proc”remmtc docuuents ehou.ldcqmcify the follmring:

(a) Title, number and date of this specification.

(b) Type, size -d finish required (eee 1.2, 3.4 and 3.6).
(c) C.slot, if ocher than r+ecified (see 3.5).
(d) ~c-up if other than apecif led (mee 3.11). -.
(e) When accelerated aging is requird (::= 3.10) .
(f) Se3ection of applicable level. of packaging md pdckinE (ace 5.1
d 5.2).

6.3 ~ acceptable material far type V capes, Ncmu (formerly called =-1),
in manufacture by E. I. du Pout de Nenmurs 6 Co. , Inc. (see 3.2.5) .

6.4 Supersesaion data. llin epecificscion includes the requirrmencs of

the n~luri cape previously covered by specif ic.stiomsNLL-T-7 13A and NLL-T-00713B.
@eae requirements are cited under type I, finish B tapes of thin upecific.stim”.

6.5 * application of an ddicicnal finish to type IV glass tape comted

with finish D (tecr.sfluorocarbon coatfng) MY be .uaed when hoc holding
tharacceristics are desiru!.

6.6 Narp,ina.Lidrntif i-clan. l%e =rgins of this cpecificz.tion are umrbd

with ~ asteriak ca indicate where changes (aiditions, uodif icdtions, eorree
tiom, deletions) frum the pr=ioum issue were made. ~is waa done u a con-
-Ience only .snd the Caverwent ●su=a w l.bbilit~ wttacaoever for an~ in-
accuracies in theme notations. Bidders and mppliera are uu cloned to eva.luste

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