Dockyard & Engineering P3
Dockyard & Engineering P3
Dockyard & Engineering P3
Bill of Quantities
Dredging of Chengi River from Km. 103+350 to Km 86+075 = 17.275 km in connection with 'Protection of Khagrachari Town & Adjoining
Infrastructures from River Bank Erosion' project Under Chittagong O&M Division-II, BWDB, Chittagong. (Package No-W-CTG-2/D-21)
Bill of Quantities
Unit Price Unit Price Total Price
Item Price
Item Measurement
Group Code (if Description of Item Quantity
no. Unit In figures In Words In Figures
any) In Words
2 Embk 16-230-10 Earth work by cum 228157.020 190.026 One 43355765.883 Four
work by Mechanical Excavator Hundred Crore
Excavator (Long Boom ) in and Ninety Thirty-
constructing/resectioning point Zero Three
of embankment/canal Two Six Lakh
bank/road etc. with Fifty-Five
clayey soil (minimum Thousand
30% clay, 0-40% silt and Seven
0-30% sand) within the Hundred
initial lead of 30m, and all and Sixty-
lifts including throwing Five point
the spoils to profiles in Eight
layers not exceeding Eight
150mm in thickness, clod Three
breaking upto a
maximum size of
100mm, benching the
side slopes, stripping/
ploughing the base of
embankment and borrow
pit area, dug bailing,
cutting trees upto 200mm
girth, with uprooting
stumps, clearing jungles,
rough dressing and
150mm cambering at the
centre of the crest etc.
complete as per
specification and
direction of Engineer in
Embankment by
mechanical excavator, ht:
0 to 4 m
Twenty- Thousand
Polythene 20-500 Polythene Sheet : (1.0 kg Two point Four
3 sqm 89560.410 22.001 1970418.580
sheet (E.R.) per 16.00 sqm) Zero Zero Hundred
One and
point Five
4 SIte Office 01.1.3 Erection and job 2.000 534129.423 Five Lakh 1068258.846 Ten Lakh
(P.W.D.) maintenance of semi Thirty- Sixty-
permanent site office and Four Eight
removal of the same Thousand Thousand
after completion of work One Two
in accordance with the Hundred Hundred
conditions of contract. ln and and Fifty-
addition to the ofiice Twenty- Eight
required for own use, the Nine point point
contractor shall provide Four Two Eight
and maintain furnished Three Four Six
site office for the use of
Engineer-in-charge and
his staff. The site oflice
must have tiles floor,
adequate foundation,
brick walls, false ceiling
of gypsum board and all
windows are to be
glazed, shuttered and
provided with steel grill.
Outslde and inside wall
surface are to be painted
on plaster acceptable to
the Engineer-in-charge.
The site offce shall be
maintained in a secure
condition by the
contractor until the
completion of the
contract and shall be
provided with electricity,
water supply, wash
rooms and sewerage
facilities. All doors shall
be fitted with approved
locks and windows shall
be provided with
screen/blinds. Before
construction the
contractor shall submit
plans and drawings
showing proposed details
and location for the site
office, including
foundations, access
roads. shades, layout of
electrical and water
supply and hard
standings there for the
approval of Engineer-in-
charge. The Engineer in-
charge may require
revision of the plans prior
to giving approval for
construction. The
contractor shall also
submit detailed proposed
furniture, fittings and
other items of equipment
and plant to the
Engineer-in-charge for
approval. These items
shall be of the standard
quality suitable for site.
The office, complete with
furnishings. fittings,
access roads and hard
standings shall be ready
for occupation by the
within 28 days of the
date when the contractor
first occupies the site.
The contractor shall
provide day and night
guards and an attendant
for the field oflice. At the
end of the contract all
materials, equipment and
plant, furniture, fittings
recovered from
dismantling the office
and removing access
road will be the property
of the contractor. No
interim payment shall be
certified unless
engineer's oflice with
required facilties are
constructed and
accepted by the
(This is a time related
item; proportionate
paymenl for this item
shall be made
distributing in each bill on
the basis of percentage
progress of the whole
works under contract)
Engineer's site office of
minimum 38 sqm plinth
area with providing
necessary facilities
including office
furniture,24000 BTU air
cooler, umbrella,
crookeries, water punfier,
PC with monitor,
uninterruptible power
supply (UPS), laserjet
printer (minimum 20
ppm), LED flood light
fittings(Halogen) for sight
security etc.
Project Profile
Signboard: Providing and
fixing of typical project
profile signboard as per
direction of E-I-C, to be
placed at a suitable place
of the site Including
submission of proposals
for the materials & size of
the signhoards
(recommended size:
1800mm x 1200 mm with
2 nos. 75mm dia. MS
post, outer & inner
frames af board shall be
50mm x 50mm x 5mm & Seventeen
25mm x 25mm x 5 mm Thousand
respectively ) and text Five
Sign 4.01.09 layout to the engineer for Hundred
5 sqm 17.280 17551.261 303285.790 Hundred
Board (LGED) approval which will be and Fifty-
positioned as directed by One point
the engineer and Two Six
Five point
removing the same on One
completion of the works
or as instructed by the E-
I-C. Sheeting will be
made of encapsulated
lens with retro-reflective
type and
messages/borders will be
screen printed. The text
shall mention among
others the name of the
project, name of the
implementing agency,
cost of the project,
completion time, name of
the contractor etc.
6 Geo-Bags 40-380-30 Supplying filling and each 15601.000 441.783 Four 6892256.583 Sixty-
placing of geotextile bags Hundred Eight
of different sizes and and Forty- Lakh
capacity at project/work One point Ninety-
site, making with Seven Two
standard geo-textile Eight Thousand
fabric (97% Three Two
Polypropylene Fabric Hundred
with 3% additives, and Fifty-
mass>= 400gm/m², unit Six point
weight : 855 Kg/m3 to Five Eight
946 Kg/m3, EOS<=0.075 Three
mm, Test of service life
according to ISO
13438:2018, Test of
exposure time according
to EN 12224 :2000) and
sewing in accordance
with the drawing and
Technical Specifications
of BWDB and Schedule
of Rates of BWDB, filling
with sand (dry and
minimum 80% sand must
be retained on sieve no
100), sewing along one
transverse (top) side
after filling, staking in
stakes, marking by
synthetic enamel paint
during counting, placing
in position as per
approved drawing
including levelling,
dressing and preparation
of base, cost of all
materials & equipments
and its mobilization,
labour, incidental
charges etc. complete as
per technical
specification, approved
design and direction of
Engineer in charge.
Geo-bag; inner
geofabric th.=>3.0mm,
Fill Vol: 0.0840cum; wt:
8 PVC Pipe Supplying and each 587.000 6180.516 Six 3627962.892 Thirty-Six
(LGED) Installation of uPVC pipe Thousand Lakh
fittings like T-Joints, One Twenty-
Bends & End Caps with Hundred Seven
leak proof O-ring jointing and Eighty Thousand
using best quality point Five Nine
elastomeric sealing One Six Hundred
gaskets etc, of different and Sixty-
size and wall thickness in Two point
accordance with ISO- Eight
4422 and |SO-4065, etc. Nine Two
completed including
costs of all materials &
labors and costs of
testing for complete leak
proofness and repair
and/or replacement of
leaking joints, if any, as
per design, drawings,
specifications and
Direction of Engineer-in-
For Bend Size:315mm
Supplying and
Installation of uPVC pipe
fittings like T-Joints,
Bends & End Caps with
leak proof O-ring jointing
using best quality
elastomeric sealing
gaskets etc, of different
size and wall thickness in
accordance with ISO- Six
4422 and ISO-4065, etc. Thousand
completed including Eight
costs of all materials & Hundred Hundred
9 PVC Pipe labors and costs of each 1172.000 6835.797 and Thirty- 8011554.084
(LGED) and Fifty-
testing for complete leak Five point
proofness and repair Seven
and/or replacement of Nine
leaking joints, if any, as Seven
per design, drawings,
specifications and
Direction of Engineer-in-
harge.(Same for equal or
For T-Joints:
Wall thickness
4.90mm&1.47 Length
10 Geo- 40-500-40 Supplying and placing sqm 210.970 314.777 Three 66408.504 Sixty-Six
Textile non-woven needle Hundred Thousand
punched type geotextile and Four
fabric (97% Fourteen Hundred
Polypropylene Fabric point and Eight
with 3% additives, unit Seven point Five
weight : 855 Kg/m3 to Seven Zero Four
946 Kg/m3, EOS<=0.075 Seven
mm, Test of service life
according to ISO
13438:2018, Test of
exposure time according
to EN 12224 :2000) as
filter materials of
elongation at maximum
force machine direction
(MD) >=60% and <= 100
% , elongation at
maximum force (CMD)
=> 40% and <= 100%
,horizontal and vertical
permeability (under 2
m/sec. for effective
erosion protection in
hydraulic structures/river
training works including
local handling, placing in
position, providing
machine seamed joints
(with 100%
polypropylene or nylon
thread) or 35cm lap in
dry condition or minimum
100cm lap under water
including protecting the
geotextile material from
UV ray and from any
other damages including
supply of all materials,
labours, equipment's etc.
complete as per direction
of Engineer in charge.
Mass =>400 gm/m²,
thickness(Under 2 kpa
pressure) =>3.00 mm,
EoS<=0.08mm, strip
tensile strength =>23
kn/m, grab strength
=>1500 N, CBR puncture
resistance =>3800 N.
Grand Thousand
Total: Three
Six Two
Executive Engineer
BWDB, Chittagong.
This Bill of Quantities is Electronically Signed by Mr. Khandaker Haque on behalf of Dockyard & Engineering Works Limited