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My Conductive Learning Environment

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“MY CONDUCTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT” know having this kind of conductive learning environment will

help my students to enhance and grow their full potential.

As a student, I have to come to appreciate the
importance of having a conductive learning environment. A Improving the Basic Writing Skills of Grade 7 Learners
conductive learning environment is a place where students can in Filipino: An Action Research in Filipino Language
learn, grow and succeed. There are several factors that
Joey Ramos Cabigao
contribute to a conductive learning environment and I am
School Principal, Department of Education Schools Division of
fortunate to have experienced many of them.
City of Malolos
One of the key components of a conductive learning ABSTRACT:
environment is supportive teachers. Teachers who are
This action research primarily aims to remediate the low level of
passionate about their subject and committed to their student’s
basic writing skills (writing in cursive, capitalization,
success can make a huge difference in the learning process .
punctuation, spelling, and paragraphing) of Grade 7 learners in
They encourage questions, provide clear explanations and offer
Filipino class/subject in a government high school. The
helpful feedback. They make learning engaging, interesting and
researcher conducted (1) assessment of learners’ writing
fun. Another important aspect of a conductive learning
competency through pre and post-tests; (2)
environment is access to helpful resources. This includes
preparation/development of writing exercises; (3) activities are
textbooks, online resources and educational tools. Having
emphasizing the conduct of writing activities in and out of the
access to these resources makes it easier for students to learn
classroom; and (4) home visitations to reinforce the teacher’s
and understand the material. It also helps to foster a sense of
and parents’ monitoring on the progress of their children. A five-
independence and self-directed learning. A conductive learning
point rating scale was utilized in assessing learners’ outputs. An
environment is also one that is inclusive and welcoming. This
increase of 1.56 was recorded in the general rating of pre to
means that students from all backgrounds and abilities are
post-test, which shows that 80% improvement is manifested
treated with respect and given equal opportunities to learn and
among the learners’ basic writing competencies, proving that
succeed. In such environment students feel safe and supported.
the intervention used is effective in achieving the target of the
Furthermore, a conductive learning environment is one that
study. The study reveals the significant role of teachers in
promotes collaboration and teamwork. This involves creating
arousing learners’ interest in writing and making them realize its
opportunities for students to work together on activities.
importance. The study holds the importance of having learning
Collaborative learning not only helps students to develop social
activities and worksheets appropriate to the level of learners’
and communication skills, but it also enhances their ability to
needs to improve/enhance the unique skills in writing of each
learn and retain information.
learner. Just like other researchers, this study encourages the
In conclusion, a conductive learning environment is promptly remediate the classroom- and school-based problems
essential to student success. Supportive teachers, helpful through the conduct of research for a rational and systematic
inclusive resources and teamwork are key factors that way of addressing it. With the aid of well a documented study in
contribute to such an environment. As a future teacher I hope all research endeavors, this will guide other teachers and school
that my student learning environment are like this because I heads to experience the same plight of addressing the gaps in
schools effectively. Keywords: Basic writing skills, writing and to specify variables that need to go into a follow-up. Results
mechanics, learning gaps, remediation, Writing activities showed that grade 6 learners exhibited better academic
performance in learning their lessons in English through blended
learning modality than face to-face learning modality. Moreover,
I. Title of Action Research: learners can perform well in their English subject regardless of
Learning Modalities: A Tool or A Hindrance to Learners' what type of learning modality be used in the class to facilitate
Academic Performance in English teaching-learning process. But blended learning modality is the
II. Authors: appropriate learning modality be used by the grade 6 learners in
CATHERINE A. COSTOY learning their lessons in English during the first quarter with the
Teacher III given current situation in our educational system. Furthermore,
Biñan Elementary School learners’ experiences in learning English through Blended
Link: learning modality are indeed not easy yet fun and exciting in the
https://www.depedbinan.com/media/research/SDO- new normal.
IV. Identify the Problem of the Study
The problem of the study is the what are the learners’
experiences, difficulties, problems, and challenges
The spread of the virus has alarmed not only China but the
encountered in English through blended learning modality
entire world. It resulted to a great economic loss and massive
educational crisis to the entire learning system. In response to
V. Identify the Action Taken in the Study
these challenges brought by COVID-19, the Department of
An exploratory sequential mixed methods research design
Education developed Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan.
was utilized. In the first stage of the study, the data was
However, though the school had carefully determined its best fit
collected through an open- ended research interview protocol
learning modality for its learners, the implementation of
through google forms then, their responses were downloaded
learner’s learning modality can still be a great contributing
and extracted from the file for presentation, interpretation,
factor to either a hindrance or tool in achieving quality learning
and data analysis. Further exploration was done in the
outcomes. This study explored on the significant difference
second stage through quantitative data collection and analysis
between the face to face and blended learning modality in
particularly on the learner academic performance in English with
terms of selected grade 6 learners’ experiences and academic
the use of appropriate statistical tools or instruments for an
performance. An exploratory sequential mixed methods research
intervention and to specify variables that need to go into a
design was utilized. In the first stage of the study, the data was
collected through an open- ended research interview protocol
through google forms then, their responses were downloaded
and extracted from the file for presentation, interpretation, and
data analysis. Further exploration was done in the second stage
through quantitative data collection and analysis particularly on
the learners’ academic performance in English with the use of
appropriate statistical tools or instruments for an intervention
absent only and when they reach the three absent. I
will ask the parents first why they child got absent. In
terms of timeframes, I will only give ten minutes
before they considered as a late comer and when they
arrived thirty minutes late, they will be absent in my
 I will create a safe, enjoyable and cooperative learning  I will provide materials that will aid in the growth and
environment . Discipline will be applied and each development of my students. I’ll also use some
student will get one on one attention they need to technology that we will use in class on a daily basis.
succeed. Furthermore, in my classroom I will eliminate anything
CLASSROOM RULES AND REGULATIONS that can cause distractions.
To ensure the discipline of my students. I will establish
classroom rules and procedures such as: CLASSROOM SAFETY RULES AND PROCEDURES
 Treat others with respect at all times.  To ensure the safety and security of my students. I will
 Listen to the teacher when s/he speaks. provide a medicine cabinet in my classroom. I will get
 Ask for help when you need it. rid of anything that can be dangerous such as knives,
 Be prepared every day with required items. chemicals and etc. Also, I will implement rules about
 Respect other people’s property. safety and prohibit my students in leaving campus
 Listen and follow directions. during class hours to ensure their safety.
 Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat. STRATEGIES FOR REWARDS AND CONSEQUENCES
 Respect your classmates and your teacher.  I will intend to impose class rules that will hold
 Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. students accountable for their actions. And those
students who will comply of the sanctions will get a fair
TEACHER STUDENT RELATIONSHIP consequence and those students who don’t break the
 In order to maintain the positive relationship with my rules will get a reward in the end of the semester.
students. I will treat them fairly and with respect. I’ll
teach them to be morally upright and use positive
words when interacting. I’ll teach them how to speak
and listen carefully. And I will remind them that I am
their teacher inside the classroom and friends outside
but with limitations.
 In terms of schedule and timeframes. I will set a rule
for the attendance of my student they have three
concluded that the students’ decision to adopt e-learning is not
contingent upon how familiar they are with related technology
because majority of them are not knowledgeable in MS Word,
MS Excel, MS Power point, Adobe, Movie Maker, Microsoft
Teams, Hangouts, Quiz Maker and majority are beginner in
Zoom and Google Meet. Parents/Guardians, friends, and
Level of Readiness of Grade 7 Students on Online neighbors of student respondents can provide technical
Distance Learning Modality assistance and support because majority of them are competent
in using computer software and in using different online and
JEANETTE Q. ALVAREZ internet applications and communication platforms.
Head Teacher III
Jacobo Z. Gonzales Memorial National High School
In order to help the teachers in providing quality basic
education and appropriate technical assistance, the researcher
assessed Grade 7 students’ readiness on Online Distance
Learning (ODL) modality in terms of availability of ICT
equipment, level of proficiency/competence of student-
respondents in using the different Software and platform, level
of competency of student-respondents’ family member/s and
friends/neighbor/s in using the different computer software and
online and internet applications and communication platforms.
For this study, the researcher used descriptive quantitative
research design to describe students’ self-assessment on their
readiness on Online Distance Learning (ODL). A survey
questionnaire using google form were used for the student-
respondents. This research instrument was adopted from the
assessment tool provided by the Department of Education
(DepEd) as stipulated in DepEd Memorandum No. 119 s. 2020
entitled “Conduct of school Readiness Assessment on Online
Learning”. The first part concentrated on the profile of the
student-respondents. The second part focused on student’s self-
assessment on their readiness on online distance learning
modality. Based on the results, the student-respondents are not
yet ready for online distance learning in terms of availability of
ICT equipment and internet accessibility. The researcher

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