Dentalife Ian 2018 DR Binderman
Dentalife Ian 2018 DR Binderman
Dentalife Ian 2018 DR Binderman
Itzhak Binderman1, Gideon Hallel2 and Marius
Dept. of Oral Biology and Biomedical Engineering, Tel Aviv
University, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Private Practice.
Department of Prosthodontics, Dental School, University
Prof. Itzhak Binderman Prof. Marius Leretter of Medicine and Pharmacy Timișoara.
Prof. Itzhak Binderman, DMD, Professor in Dentistry, Department of Oral Biology and Biomedical Engineering, Tel Aviv University,
Israel. Honorary life member of ICOI and DGZI. Specialization in Prosthetic Dentistry.
Mail: [email protected]
Dr. Gideon Hallel, DMD, Private Practice in Tel Aviv
Prof. Marius Leretter, DMD, Department of Prosthodontics, Dental School, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timișoara, Romania.
Conflict of interest: IB is co founder of SDG procedure and has interest in Kometabio inc.
The healing process of a tooth extraction site results in significant changes of alveolar ridge contour caused by
alveolar bone loss, most of it, during 3-4 months after extraction. It is therefore strongly indicated to graft the extracted
site with biocompatible or bioactive bone grafts. Most of the synthetic allogeneic and xenografts preserve the alveolar
ridge during the repair phase and then it resorbs during the remodeling phase, thus, achieving only a partial ridge resto-
ration. In recent years, a novel procedure was developed where the extracted tooth is transformed into immediate graft
that preserves best the alveolar ridge for many years. This happens because the autologous dentin undergoes anky-
loses with newly formed bone thatis biologically connected to the host bone this way restoring a functional connectivity
between host bone and dentin particles.
tions. The prosthetic devices in the tooth crown should
be cut out, usually by tungsten carbide. In many cases
roots volume is enough to convert into particulate, since
the particulate dentin recovered from the roots by SDG
procedure will result in 2-3 times the volume of the roots.
When teeth are endodontically treated, the dentist should EDUCAŢIE PROFESIONALĂ
evaluate whether after removing the root canal filling, he
Alveolar ridge preservation
will be left with usefull amount of dentin graft. It should
be noted that 10% of extractions consist of wisdom teeth.
When impacted wisdom teeth or other are extracted it is
a must to graft the large defects in order to restore the tracted tooth into an autologous particulate that grafted
alveolar ridge. The SDG procedure does it best. the extraction site. On follow up, the bone ankylosed to
Here, we present everyday cases in general dental dentin produces a very stable alveolar ridge that other-
practice. Case YM (Figure1) is a young adult that his tooth wise would be resorbed during 3-6 months after extrac-
26 has a local progressive periodontal bone loss. tion. This grafted site preserves the alveolar ridge both
Figure 1 shows that the extracted tooth is a naïve functionally and esthetically. It can be utilized as a site for
tooth with no dental treatment. It shows that during 15-20 implant insertion after 3 month in the maxillary posterior
minutes, the dentist or his assistant is converting the ex- region, changing it from D3 bone into D1 bone.
Figure 1
a b c
Figure 2 shows a case (ML) where a molar tooth with Here, two implants were inserted 3-4 month after graft-
a root canal filling was extracted. In this case, the crown ing.
was discarded and the root canal filling was removed Also, in this case the dentin particulate was mixed
and the roots underwent the SDG procedure. In this case with PRF before grafting, thus, producing a possibility of
you will find that the extraction site and even some of the ‘sticky bone’ that could be molded into a geometry that
sinus (see Figure 2e, arrow) was filled with dentin graft. fits the restoration of the ridge (Figure2c).
Figure 2
a b c
Figure 3
In fact, Figure 4 shows an x-ray taken 4 years after shows most viable mineralized bone deposited directly
grafting dentin particulate of a single molar and recon- on the dentine surface, termed as ankyloses.
structing with implants and prosthetic device. The bone This is achieved only by autologous dentin as was
level next to implants was perfectly stable. described before in re-implanting of avulsed teeth and
A bone biopsy taken before placing the implants autotransplantations.
Figure 4
B iopsy tak en 2months after grafting j u st b efore Fou r years after implant insertions and
implant insertion in the lower j aw. D = dentin prosthetic reconstru ction in dentin grafted
particu late. B + newly formed b one ank ylosed sock et au gmentation b y SDG procedu re. N o
to dentin. A rrows show ank yloses interface. vertical resorption at implant interface.
Alveolar ridge preservation
tween dentine or cementum mineralized matrices and
the newly deposited mineralized bone matrix is creating a
functional biological connectivity that allows remodeling
of all mineralized tissue in most physiological pattern. Al-
though, root resorption takes place in a very slow pace,
it is replaced by newly formed bone, thus, preserving the
alveolar ridge.
Malmgren and others suggested to decoronate anky-
losed teeth and this way to preserve the alveolar ridge.
This concept of biological ankyloses happens when au-
tologous extracted teeth are undergoing an SDG process
and re-implanted back into extraction sites and/or are
used for grafting alveolar bone defects, deficiency or in
sinus augmentation procedures.
Also, recent clinical findings suggest that dentin grafts Filippi A, Pohl Y, von Arx T.(2001). Decoronation of an
of extraction sockets in the esthetic zone preserves best ankylosed tooth for preservation of alveolar bone prior to
the buccal plate. Recent study from Zurich university (Val- implant placement. Dent Traumatol 17:93–5. 1 Decorona-
dec et al., 2017) that used the same concept of grafting of tion of ankylosed teeth.
particulate mineralized dentin found it safe and effective
in preserving the alveolar ridge in the esthetic zone. Kosinski T.(2017). Innovative Socket Grafting Tech-
In conclusion, the extracted tooth is not anymore a niques in Preparation for Dental Implants. TPD.
medical waste, since in most cases it is the patient tis-
sue that can be transformed immediately into a graft that Malmgren B, Cvek M, Lundberg M, Frykholm A.(1984).
will preserve the alveolar ridge and restore functionctional Surgical treatment of ankylosed and infrapositioned re-
and esthetic reconstructive prosthesis. implanted incisors in adolescents. Scand J Dent Res
• Reducerea substantiala a timpului de vindecare
• Calitatile unei grefe de os autolog
• Mentine masa osoasa si inaltimea crestei alveolare
• Ofera estetica excelenta
• Elimina efectele adverse ale respingerii si a bolilor de transmitere
• Economie la materialele de reconstructie osoasa