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© IJCIRAS | ISSN (O) - 2581-5334

January 2023 | Vol. 5 Issue. 8


Dr. Ravinder Singh
Faculty of Sociology Department of Sociology GLDM Govt. Degree College, Hiranagar, Department of Higher Education, Government of
Jammu and Kashmir, Affiliated to University of Jammu

built Sabarmati Ashram far from Ahmadabad to think

and meet with village peoples.
The central aim of this research paper is to gain an
understanding of the concept and context of rural When India gained independence, a greater emphasis
society and development in India. The rural society was placed on villages, agriculture, and rural India. The
has always been central to India's identity. Villages first five-year plan (1951-56) was centred on agriculture,
are the nation's backbone, and many scholars irrigation, and village community development. It
believe that the soul of India resides in the villages. primarily addressed the agricultural sector, including
Thus the primary goal of this paper is to investigate dam and irrigation investment. The third five-year plan
rural society through a sociological lens. In addition, (1961-66) focused on agriculture and wheat production
the paper discusses various government initiatives to improvement. Panchayat elections were instituted in
develop rural India. The paper provides us with a order to bring democracy to the grassroots. The twelfth
comprehensive understanding of the complex five-year plan (2012-17) aimed to improve infrastructure
pictures of rural India in the present day. Because the and provide electricity to all villages.
paper attempted to study, discuss, and analyze the
overall structure of rural sociology, rural society, and When Prime Minister Narendra Modi assumed office in
rural development, it may be significant from a 2014, he emphasized the importance of villages, citing
policy standpoint. The paper also contributes to the Gandhi's statement that the soul of a country resides in
literature, research and the knowledge production. its villages. As a result, if you want to make this country
complete and self-sufficient, you must start with the
Keyword: Rural, Society, Sociology, Development, villages. The Modi government has implemented a slew
India of policies and programmes aimed at rural
development. Because of the importance of rural India,
1.INTRODUCTION the focus on villages has always remained on the
India has always been known as the land of villages. agendas and policies of various governments in India.
According to the 2011 census, India has 649,481 villages,
with 68.84% residing in rural areas and 21.16% residing 2. BACKGROUND OF THE PAPER
in urban areas. A village is regarded as a unit of social,
political, and economic organization in the Rig Veda. In India, the study of rural society and development has
Many scholars have spoken about villages; for example, become a major concern for policymakers, academics,
poet Premchand pointed to British rule and stated that and social scientists. India has always been associated
during the industrialization phase, the structure of with agrarian or peasant society, and more than 65% of
villages changed dramatically. Rabindra Nath Tagore the population has a relationship to rural areas or
said that villages are the backbone of the nation and agriculture. The paper attempted to comprehend three
built Santi Niketan Ashram far from Calcutta, whereas critical concepts. One is about the history and nature of
Gandhi said that villages are the soul of the nation and rural sociology in India. Two, it investigates the history
and scope of India's rural society. Third, it explains

© IJCIRAS | ISSN (O) - 2581-5334
January 2023 | Vol. 5 Issue. 8

India's rural development. The paper provides a detailed rural life. The American Sociological Society established
analysis of rural society and development in India and a separate department of rural sociology in 1917. For the
attempted to make a significant contribution to the first time in the United States, a journal called Rural
literature and research Sociology was published in 1935. In the United States,
the Rural Sociological Society was founded in 1937.
3. METHODOLOGY Renowned sociologists like James Michel Williams,
Warren H. Wilson, and Newell L. Sims made significant
Methodology is a process that investigates any social contributions to the study of American rural society
phenomena by employing various methods, tools, and (Doshi and Jain, 2021).
techniques and makes the study more systematic. It all
starts with the epistemology, and then uses theoretical Sir Henry S Maine, who published two books, Ancient
framework and methodology. In this manner, the entire Law (1861) and Ancient Society (1861), is credited with
methodological framework has been used to conduct establishing rural sociology as a discipline in India
the present research study. The paper has prepared on (1877). He wrote extensively about Indian villages, but
the basis of secondary literature. In the preparation of Dumont later chastised him for his European bias and
the research paper it has consulted all the policy related centralism. "Sir Henry Maine hardly ever looked at the
documents, relevant books and articles published on Indian village in itself, but only as a counterpart to
rural sociology, rural society and rural development in Tutonic, Slavonic, or other institutions. Dumont argues
India. that to him, India was merely a historical repository of
veritable phenomena of ancient usage and legal
4. INTERPRETATION, DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS thought. A systematic study of rural sociology in India,
on the other hand, began after the promulgation of the
One it discusses the history and nature of rural sociology Indian Constitution and the implementation of the
in India. Two, it investigates the history and scope of Community Development Programmes. Sociologists
India's rural society. Third, it explains India's rural and social anthropologists began conducting extensive
development. In this way the paper provides a detailed and numerous studies in the field of rural sociology in
analysis of rural society and development in India and the early 1950s. The primary focus of these studies was
makes significant contributions to the literature and the examination of the interrelationships between
research. various aspects of rural organisation. M.N.Srinivas
(1960), McKim Marriott (1955), S.C.Dube (1955), and
4.1. Origin and Nature of Rural Sociology D.N.Majumdar (1955) contributed to the field of rural
sociology (1955).
Rural sociology is a relatively new branch of sociology,
with studies dating back to the nineteenth century. Rural sociology is a subfield and branch of sociology
Among the prominent rural sociologists of the time that studies rural social life. The study of rural society,
were Sir Henry Maine, Etton, Stemann, Baden Powell, social structures, and institutions is known as rural
Slater, and Pallock, among others. Rural societies in sociology. Rural sociology is also concerned with
America faced many socioeconomic problems between peasant society because rural society is primarily
1890 and 1920, attracting the attention of the dependent on agriculture. Rural sociology focuses on
intelligentsia and establishing rural society study as an rural community life. As a result, rural sociology was
academic discipline. The appointment of the Country developed specifically to investigate rural phenomena,
Life Commission by American President Theodore and it is a systematic examination of the various aspects
Roosevelt was a watershed moment in rural sociology of rural society.
history. At the time, rural life in America was impacted
by widespread poverty and an economic downturn. The It is the study of rural social networks and how they
rural social problems in the United States had grown function for the smooth operation of society. The rural
significantly, and the CLC was to study these rural social society is generally rooted in villages, and rural
problems and make recommendations for improving sociology studies the various aspects of villages, how

© IJCIRAS | ISSN (O) - 2581-5334
January 2023 | Vol. 5 Issue. 8

they function, the various problems they face, and how

they deal with the looming challenges. Rural sociology For sociologists, the term "rural society" refers to a small
provides viable solutions and methods of mitigating the society with a small population and a smaller physical
problems that plague villages. area; the density of the rural population is very low, and
it may be clustered according to social status criteria. It
Rural Sociology's nature generally indicates whether it is an agricultural society with traditional moral customs
belongs to the natural sciences or the arts. Sociology (mores), folkways, and culture.
was dubbed the "Queen of Sciences" by its founder,
Auguste Comte. Some sociologists have compared Many sociologists and anthropologists have studied
sociology to natural sciences. "Sociology appears to me Indian villages, including Dube, Lewis, Srinivas, Marroit,
to have all the properties that define science," writes Bailey, Gough, Berreman, Epstein, Andre Beteille, T.K.
Pierre Bourdieu. All sociologists worthy of the name Oomen, and K.L. Sharma. Rural society is one that is
agree on a common heritage of concepts, methods and connected to nature and has an impact on their entire
verification procedures". Most sociologists believe that life. The population is more homogeneous. They have a
sociology possesses all of the characteristics of science small community and an agricultural-dominated
and that it is, without a doubt, a science. Rural sociology economy.
is a science because it is a specialized branch of
sociology. Although not all farmers are equally impacted by the
rural economic crisis, the majority of lower and middle
Many scholars have discussed about Rural Sociology; class farmers are compelled to send their sons and
According to Sanderson, "Rural sociology is the brothers to the cities in order to find new jobs. Due to a
sociology of rural life in the rural environment". "Rural lack of education and appropriate training, the
sociology is the study of human relationships in rural underprivileged rural population is compelled to live in
environments," says Bertand. Another scholar A.R Desai slums and work as daily wage earners in cities. The rural
defines rural sociology as, "the science of rural farmer's standard of living is extremely low, and they are
society….It is the science of laws of the development of exploited to a much greater extent by large landlords,
rural society". middlemen, and lenders. The other issues in rural areas
arise from the fact that there are few specialised services
Thus, rural sociology studies the social interactions, available to them because they do not live in large,
institutions, and activities, as well as the social changes populated areas.
that occur in rural society. It investigates the structure
and operation of rural social organizations. Rural Thus, people in rural areas are generally at a
sociology reflects rural social life and establishes the disadvantage and face numerous social issues such as
norms and values that govern rural society. It paints a unemployment, the breakdown of rural joint families,
clear picture of the rural population and how they differ migration, poverty, health-related issues,
from the urban population. developmental issues, a lack of awareness and
information, and fewer facilities than those in urban
4.2. History and Scope of Rural Society areas.

Agriculture is the mainstay of rural society (Desai, 2019). 4.3. Rural Development in India
The terms "rural society" and "villages," "countryside,"
and "folk society" are almost interchangeable. The In this section, we will look at rural development in India.
village is the most commonly used term in sociological All policies and programmes for rural India were
literature. In India, a village is defined as a community initiated after independence and the establishment of
with a population density of less than 500 people per the constitution. As a result, it will focus more deeply on
square kilometre, at least 3/4 of the population engaged the government's policies after 1950. Maheswari (1995)
in primary occupation, namely agriculture, and a village rightly said rural development is an important aspect of

© IJCIRAS | ISSN (O) - 2581-5334
January 2023 | Vol. 5 Issue. 8

development in India. Programmes and policies play a maintaining environmental balance. TRYSEM (Training
vital role in development (Maheswari, 1995). Rural Youth for Self Employment) was established on
August 15, 1979, for educational and vocational training.
In India, rural development has seen a lot of The Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP)
experimentation. The trajectory shifted from community was launched on October 2, 1980, for the overall
development to integrated development and, more development of the rural poor. The National Rural
recently, to inclusive development. The 'Sevagram' Development Program (NREP) was launched in 1980 to
(1920) effort by 'Father of the Nation' Mahatma Gandhi, provide employment opportunities for rural residents.
the rural reconstruction institute at Shantiniketan by The Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas
Rabindra Nath Tagore in 1921, the Marthandum project (DWCRA) programme was introduced in 1982 to provide
by Spencer Hatch in 1921 under the auspices of Young women from rural families living below the poverty line
Men Christian Association (YMCA), and The Indian with sustainable opportunities for self-employment.
Village Service (IVS) established by Mr. Arthur T. Mosher
of New York and Shri B.N. Gupta in 1945 had These rural Other important policies and programmes include the
upliftment programmes were largely philanthropic Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme
works carried out by individuals with selfless interests (RLEGP), which was introduced in 1983 to provide
(Kumar, 2014). employment to landless farmers and labourers, the
Council of Advancement of People's Action & Rural
The Community Development Programme (CDP) was Technology (CAPART), which was introduced in 1986 to
launched in 1952 to promote rural development and provide assistance to rural people, self-employment
people's participation. The Intensive Agriculture through credit and subsidy, and the National Drinking
Development Program (IADP) was introduced in 1960- Water Mission.
61 to provide farmers with loans for seeds and fertilizers.
In the years1964-65, the Intensive agriculture area In 1988, the Jawahar Rozgar Yojna (JRY) was introduced
programme (IAAP) was introduced to develop special to provide employment to rural unemployed people,
harvest in agriculture. To boost productivity, the Green and in 1989, the Nehru Rozgar Yojna (NRY) was
Revolution was implemented in 1966-67. The Rural introduced to provide employment to urban
Electrification Corporation was established in 1969 to unemployed people. In 1991, the Rural Drinking Water
provide electricity to rural areas. Mission was renamed and upgraded to the Rajiv Gandhi
National Drinking Water Mission, and the Employment
The accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme Assurance Scheme (EAS) was introduced to provide at
(ARWSP) was implemented in 1972-73 to provide least 100 days of employment in villages and District
drinking water in villages. The Crash Scheme for Rural Rural Development Agency (DRDA) financial assistance
Employment (CSRE) for rural employment was to rural people by district level authority. In 1993, the
established in 1973. Marginal Farmer and Agriculture Mahila Samridhi Yojna was introduced to encourage
Labor Agency (MFALA) were established in 1973-74 to rural women to deposit in Post Office schemes.
provide technical and financial assistance to marginal
farmers. In 1975, the Command Area Development In 1994, the Child Labor Eradication Program was
Programme (CADP) for better utilisation of irrigational introduced to redirect child labour from hazardous
capacities and the Twenty Point Programme (TPP) for industries to schools. In 1995, the Midday Meal Scheme
poverty eradication were introduced, with the overall was launched to provide nutrition to primary school
goal of raising the standard of living. The National students in order to improve enrolment, retention, and
Institution of Rural Development Training, Research, and attendance, as well as a national Social Assistance
Advisory for Rural Development were established in programme to assist BPL people. The Ganga Kalyan
1977. Yojna was launched in 1997-98 to provide farmers with
financial assistance for exploring ground water
The Desert Development Programme (DDP) was resources. The Kastoorba Gandhi Education Scheme was
introduced in 1977-78 to control desert expansion while implemented in 1997 to establish girl’s schools in areas

© IJCIRAS | ISSN (O) - 2581-5334
January 2023 | Vol. 5 Issue. 8

with low female literacy (at the district level). A rural self- and entrepreneurship, developing 75,000 entrepreneurs
employment programme called Swaran Jayanto Gram in agro-rural industry sectors (Mohapatra & Prusty,
Swarojgar Yojna and a village infrastructure programme 2021).
called Jawahar Gram Samriddhi Yojna were both The Swamitva Yojana scheme used advanced
implemented in 1999. technology to promote land ownership. The Union
Government's Panchayati Raj ministry tested this
In 2001, the Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojna was scheme as a pilot study before launching it on April 24,
implemented to provide employment and food security 2020, on the eve of Panchayati Raj Diwas. This scheme
to rural people; in 2005, the National Rural Health was successfully launched by the Ministry of Rural
Mission was implemented to provide accessible, Development and the Panchayati Raj department (Ibid,
affordable, accountable, and quality health services to 2021).
the poorest of the poor in the country's most remote
areas; and in 2006, the National Rural Employment Since 1947 the government of India has initiated various
Guarantee Scheme NREGS was implemented to provide policies, programmes and initiatives to strengthen rural
100 days wage employment for development work in social system. In almost all the five year plans the various
rural areas. governments has recognized the importance of self
reliant villages. Therefore to make village more self
The National Rural Livelihood Mission/Aajeevika (2010) sufficient the government should coordinate and initiate
initiative was launched to create efficient and effective more welfarian schemes.
institutional platforms for the rural poor (Self Help
Groups) to increase household income and improve 5. CONCLUSION
access to financial services (Ministry of Rural
Development, Government of India). The paper contends that rural society will always be the
The Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana, heart and soul of India, and that we will not be able to
a component of the National Livelihood Mission, aims fully understand India unless we understand it
to meet the career aspirations of rural youth while also systematically and scientifically. More than 65% of the
diversifying rural families' income. The scheme, which country's population lives in rural areas, and those who
was launched on September 25, 2014, is primarily aimed live in cities have mostly migrated from rural areas. The
at rural youth from low-income families aged 15 to 35. paper concluded that rural sociology as a discipline was
Another Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) is a rural created specifically to understand rural social structure,
development project launched by the Government of rural social institutions, issues, and challenges in Indian
India in 2014 in which each Member of Parliament will villages. The paper emphasized that villages have always
be responsible for three villages' personal, human, been the backbone, social, and political organization in
social, environmental, and economic development. This India's civilizational history. Finally, the paper argues
would significantly improve the villages' standard of that the government has focused on rural development
living as well as their quality of life. since 1947, and many policies and programmes have
Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana (Gramin)/ Indira Awas been implemented to strengthen villages. The paper
Yojana, renamed Pradhan Mantri Gramin Awaas Yojana also suggests that more comprehensive and welfare-
in 2016, is an Indian government welfare programme oriented initiatives are needed to strengthen rural
designed to provide housing to rural poor people in society, rural economy, and overall rural social structure.
India. The scheme's goal is to provide housing to all Because of the nature and scope of rural society and
citizens by 2022. development, it will always be a major concern for policy
Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) “Sabki makers, scholars and government institutions.
Yojana, Sabka Vikas” scheme funded by Scheme of Fund
for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI) and REFERENCES
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© IJCIRAS | ISSN (O) - 2581-5334
January 2023 | Vol. 5 Issue. 8

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