Elsevier's Integrated Review Genetics With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 2e (Saunders) (2011)
Elsevier's Integrated Review Genetics With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 2e (Saunders) (2011)
Elsevier's Integrated Review Genetics With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 2e (Saunders) (2011)
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Adkison, Linda R.
Elsevier’s integrated review genetics / Linda R. Adkison.—2nd ed.
p. ; cm.—(Elsevier’s integrated series)
Integrated review genetics
Rev. ed. of: Elsevier’s integrated genetics / Linda R. Adkison, Michael D. Brown. c2007.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-323-07448-3 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Medical genetics. I. Adkison, Linda R. Elsevier’s
integrated genetics. II. Title. III. Title: Integrated review genetics. IV. Series: Elsevier’s integrated
[DNLM: 1. Genetics, Medical. QZ 50]
RB155.A2565 2012
616′.042—dc22 2011004253
Though the youngest of all the medical specialties, genetics explains better the morphologic variation observed in embry-
embodies the essence of all normal and abnormal develop- ologic development and anatomic presentation. It provides
ment and all normal and disease states. Perhaps because of better insight into susceptibility to infection and disease. It
its recent recognition as a discipline and perhaps because of offers insight into neurologic and behavioral abnormalities. It
its derivation from research in several areas, it is easier for is defining the strategies for gene therapy and pharmacoge-
genetics to be an “integrated” discipline. Approaching genet- nomics. For these reasons, it has been exciting to put this
ics as “a particular gene located on a specific chromosome book together.
and inherited in a specific manner” loses the appreciation of This text focuses on well-known and better described dis-
spatial and temporal dimensions of expression and the many, eases and disorders that students and practitioners are likely
many factors affecting every single aspect of development, to read about in other references. Many of these do not occur
survival, and even death. at a high frequency in populations, but they underscore major
Every medical discipline is connected to human well-being mechanisms and major concepts associated with many other
through the mechanisms of gene expression, environmental medical situations. It is my hope that this text will be as
influences, and inheritance. Genetics underscores the many stimulating to read as it was to write.
biochemical pathways, physiologic processes, and pathologic
mechanisms presented in other volumes of this series. It Linda R. Adkison, PhD
Biochemistry Microbiology
John W. Baynes, MS, PhD Richard C. Hunt, MA, PhD
Graduate Science Research Center Professor of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology
University of South Carolina Director of the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program
Columbia, South Carolina Department of Pathology and Microbiology
University of South Carolina School of Medicine
Marek Dominiczak, MD, PhD, FRCPath, FRCP(Glas) Columbia, South Carolina
Clinical Biochemistry Service
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Neuroscience
Gartnavel General Hospital Cristian Stefan, MD
Glasgow, United Kingdom Associate Professor
Department of Cell Biology
Clinical Medicine University of Massachusetts Medical School
Ted O’Connell, MD Worcester, Massachusetts
Clinical Instructor
David Geffen School of Medicine Pathology
UCLA; Peter G. Anderson, DVM, PhD
Program Director Professor and Director of Pathology Undergraduate
Woodland Hills Family Medicine Residency Program Education
Woodland Hills, California Department of Pathology
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Genetics Birmingham, Alabama
Neil E. Lamb, PhD
Director of Educational Outreach Pharmacology
Hudson Alpha Institute for Biotechnology Michael M. White, PhD
Huntsville, Alabama; Professor
Adjunct Professor Department of Pharmacology and Physiology
Department of Human Genetics Drexel University College of Medicine
Emory University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Atlanta, Georgia
Histology Joel Michael, PhD
Leslie P. Gartner, PhD Department of Molecular Biophysics and Physiology
Professor of Anatomy Rush Medical College
Department of Biomedical Sciences Chicago, Illinois
Baltimore College of Dental Surgery
Dental School
University of Maryland at Baltimore
Baltimore, Maryland
Case Studies and Case Study Answers are available online on Student Consult www.studentconsult.com
Series Preface
How to Use This Book confident in the subject matter of many of the integration
The idea for Elsevier’s Integrated Series came about at a boxes, so they will serve as helpful reminders.
seminar on the USMLE Step 1 exam at an American At the back of the book we have included case study ques-
Medical Student Association (AMSA) meeting. We noticed tions relating to each chapter so that you can test yourself as
that the discussion between faculty and students focused you work your way through the book.
on how the exams were becoming increasingly integrated—
with case scenarios and questions often combining two or Online Version
three science disciplines. The students were clearly con- An online version of the book is available on our Student
cerned about how they could best integrate their basic Consult site. Use of this site is free to anyone who has
science knowledge. bought the printed book. Please see the inside front cover
One faculty member gave some interesting advice: “read for full details on the Student Consult and how to access
through your textbook in, say, biochemistry, and every time the electronic version of this book.
you come across a section that mentions a concept or piece In addition to containing USMLE test questions, fully
of information relating to another basic science—for example, searchable text, and an image bank, the Student Consult site
immunology—highlight that section in the book. Then go to offers additional integration links, both to the other books
your immunology textbook and look up this information, and in Elsevier’s Integrated Series and to other key Elsevier
make sure you have a good understanding of it. When you textbooks.
have, go back to your biochemistry textbook and carry on
reading.” Books in Elsevier’s Integrated Series
This was a great suggestion—if only students had the time, The nine books in the series cover all of the basic sciences.
and all of the books necessary at hand, to do it! At Elsevier The more books you buy in the series, the more links that
we thought long and hard about a way of simplifying this are made accessible across the series, both in print and
process, and eventually the idea for Elsevier’s Integrated online.
Series was born.
The series centers on the concept of the integration box. Anatomy and Embryology
These boxes occur throughout the text whenever a link to
another basic science is relevant. They’re easy to spot in the
text—with their color-coded headings and logos. Each box Histology
contains a title for the integration topic and then a brief
summary of the topic. The information is complete in itself—
you probably won’t have to go to any other sources—and you Neuroscience
have the basic knowledge to use as a foundation if you want
to expand your knowledge of the topic.
You can use this book in two ways. First, as a review book … Biochemistry
When you are using the book for review, the integration
boxes will jog your memory on topics you have already
covered. You’ll be able to reassure yourself that you can iden-
tify the link, and you can quickly compare your knowledge
of the topic with the summary in the box. The integration
boxes might highlight gaps in your knowledge, and then you
can use them to determine what topics you need to cover in
more detail.
Second, the book can be used as a short text to have at
hand while you are taking your course … Immunology and Microbiology
You may come across an integration box that deals with a
topic you haven’t covered yet, and this will ensure that you’re
one step ahead in identifying the links to other subjects Pharmacology
(especially useful if you’re working on a PBL exercise). On a
simpler level, the links in the boxes to other sciences and to
clinical medicine will help you see clearly the relevance of Genetics
the basic science topic you are studying. You may already be
Integration boxes:
Whenever the subject matter can be related to another
science discipline, we’ve put in an Integration Box.
Clearly labeled and color-coded, these boxes include
nuggets of information on topics that require an inte-
Artwork: grated knowledge of the sciences to be fully under-
The books are packed with 4-color illustrations stood. The material in these boxes is complete in itself,
and photographs. When a concept can be and you can use them as a way of reminding yourself
better explained with a picture, we’ve drawn of information you already know and reinforcing key
one. Where possible, the pictures tell a dynamic links between the sciences. Or the boxes may contain
story that will help you remember the informa- information you have not come across before, in which
tion far more effectively than a paragraph of text. case you can use them a springboard for further
research or simply to appreciate the relevance of the
subject matter of the book to the study of medicine.
Succinct, clearly written text, focusing on
the core information you need to know and
no more. It’s the same level as a carefully
prepared course syllabus or lecture notes.
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Basic Mechanisms 1
CONTENTS approximately 150 nucleotide pairs wrapped around the
histone core. H1 histone anchors the DNA around the core.
This structure leads to a superhelix of turns upon turns upon
turns called a solenoid structure. In the solenoid structure,
CHROMOSOME ORGANIZATION each helical turn contains 6 nucleosomes and approximately
1200 nucleotide pairs. Additional turns form minibands that,
when tightly stacked upon each other, give the structure rec-
GENETIC CHANGE ognized as a chromosome. In each nucleus, chromatin is orga-
nized into 46 chromosomes. In a fully relaxed configuration,
DNA is approximately 2 nm in diameter; chromatids are
approximately 840 nm in diameter. Twisting and knotting are
extremely effective at compacting DNA within the nucleus
(Fig. 1-2).
The essence of genetics is an understanding of the hereditary A DNA molecule comprises two long chains of nucleotides
material within a cell and the influence it has on survival of arranged in the form of a double helix. Its shape may be
the cell through every function and response the cell and its compared to a twisted ladder in which the two parallel sup-
organelles undertake. Without these fundamental concepts, ports of the ladder are made up of alternating deoxyribose
no aspect of human development and well-being can be sugars and phosphate molecules. Each rung of the ladder is
adequately explained. composed of one pair of nitrogenous bases, held together by
specific hydrogen bonds. Hydrogen bonds are weak bonds;
however, the total number of hydrogen bonds between the
●●● CHROMATIN strands assures that the strands of the double helix are firmly
One of the finest triumphs of modern science has been the associated with each other under conditions commonly found
elucidation of the chemical nature of chromatin and its role in living cells.
in the transfer of information from nucleic acids into proteins,
known as the central dogma. James Watson built on his earlier
work, which outlined the fundamental unit and chemical BIOCHEMISTRY
composition of the complex molecule composing chromatin
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Briefly stated, the central DNA Configuration
dogma “oversimplifies” the mechanism whereby the chemical There are three basic three-dimensional configurations of
message held in DNA is transferred to ribonucleic acid (RNA) DNA. The most common is the B form in which DNA is
through transcription and this RNA blueprint is translated wound in a right-handed direction with 10 bp per turn.
into protein: DNA → RNA → protein. Other proteins associ- Within the turned structure are a major groove and a minor
ated with DNA contribute to its structure and many play roles groove, where proteins can bind. The A form also has a
right-handed turn and is composed of 11 bp per turn. This
in regulating functions. In its simplest form, chromatin is
form is seen in dehydrated DNA such as in oligonucleotide
composed of DNA and histone proteins.
fibers or crystals. The third form, Z-form DNA, was named
Histones are small, highly conserved, positively charged for its zigzag appearance and has a left-handed turn
proteins that bind to DNA and to other histones. The five composed of 12 bp per turn. This form occurs in regions of
major histones are H1, H2A, H2B, H3, and H4. The presence DNA with alternating pyrimidines-purines: CGCGCG.
of 20% to 30% lysine and arginine accounts for the positive
charge of histones and distinguishes these from most other
proteins. All histones except H1 are highly conserved among The molar concentration of adenine equals thymine and
eukaryotes. that of guanine equals cytosine. This information is best
DNA is packaged into the nucleus by winding the double accommodated in a stable structure if the double-ring purines
helix twice around an octamer of histones; this DNA-histone (adenine or guanine) lay opposite the smaller, single-ring
structure is called a nucleosome (Fig. 1-1). Each nucleosome pyrimidines (thymine or cytosine). The combination of one
is composed of two of each histone except H1 and purine and one pyrimidine to make up each cross-connection
2 Basic Mechanisms
DNA Histone
6–8 Nucleosomes
per turn
200 bp of DNA
30 nm
300 nm
Chromatin diameter
is conveniently called a base pair (bp). In a DNA base pair, Because of the configuration of phosphodiester bonds
adenine (A) forms two hydrogen bonds with thymine (T), and between the 3′ and 5′ positions of adjacent deoxyribose
guanine (G) and cytosine (C) share three hydrogen bonds. molecules, every linear polynucleotide can have a free,
The sequence of one strand of DNA automatically implies the unbounded 3′ hydroxyl group at one pole of the poly-
sequence of the opposite strand because of the precise pairing nucleotide (3′ end) and a free 5′ hydroxyl at the other
rule A = T and C = G. pole (5′ end). There are theoretically two possible ways
for the two polynucleotides to be oriented in a double
helix. They could have the same polarity—that is, be paral-
BIOCHEMISTRY lel, with both strands having 3′ ends at one pole and 5′
ends at the other pole. Or, by rotating one strand 180
Nitrogenous Bases
degrees with respect to the other, they could have opposite
Purines are adenosine (A) and guanine (G). Pyrimidines are polarity—that is, be antiparallel—with a 3′ and a 5′ end
cytosine (C) and thymine (T). In the double helix structure, A at one pole of the double helix and a 5′ and a 3′ end at
binds to T with two hydrogen bonds; C binds to G with
the other pole of the double helix. Only the antiparallel
three hydrogen bonds.
orientation actually occurs. The antiparallel nature of the
Uracil (U) is found in RNA in place of T in DNA. The
structure of U is T without the methyl group at carbon 5. double helix dictates that a new DNA chain being repli-
Hypoxanthine is found in certain tRNAs. cated must be copied in the opposite direction from the
template (Fig. 1-3).
Chromosome Organization 3
5′ 3′
S N O H 2C
N G N H C Figure 1-3. DNA is organized in an
N H O O H 2C antiparallel configuration: one strand is
5′ to 3′ in one direction and the other
O O strand is 5′ to 3′ in the opposite
3′ 5′
direction. A purine is bound to a
pyrimidine by hydrogen bonds: A:T and
G:C. The helix occurs naturally because
of the bonds in the phosphate
4 Basic Mechanisms
Promoter Exons
Template strand
Introns A T G C RNA polymerase C A G
Coding strand
Figure 1-4. Organization of a gene showing the upstream 5′
promoter region, exons, and introns. Introns are removed by mRNA
splicing during the formation of mRNA. Recognized by tRNA
Some gene expression may be facilitated by transcription
Transcription and RNA Processing
factors binding to special sequences known as enhancers.
Enhancers may be found hundreds to thousands of base pairs Transcription is the synthesis of RNA from a DNA template,
away from the promoter, upstream or downstream of the requiring RNA polymerase II. RNA is single stranded with an
untranslated 5′ cap and 3′ polyA tail.
gene, or even within the gene. Binding of these sites increases
Small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) stabilize intron
the rate of transcription. It is suggested that the factor binding
loops, in a complex called a spliceosome, for removal of
to the enhancer may cause DNA to loop back onto the pro- introns. snRNPs are rich in uracil and are identified as U and
moter region and interact with the proteins binding in this a number: U1, U2, U3, etc.
region to increase initiation.
6 Basic Mechanisms
mRNA during translation. Altered reading frames may create will receive extra copies of genetic material while others
a stop codon, or incorrect amino acids will be inserted into will be missing genetic material (see Chapter 2).
the protein, resulting in suboptimal function. A common rearrangement is the fusion of two long arms
Many deletions of larger regions of chromosomes have of acrocentric chromosomes leading to the formation of two
been described in which partial monosomies result in spe- new chromosomes. When this fusion occurs at the centro-
cific syndromes that are sometimes called microdeletion mere, it is called a robertsonian translocation. There are five
syndromes. As might be expected, a deletion that involves acrocentric chromosomes among the 23 pairs (chromosomes
more than one gene may have a worse effect than a muta- 13, 14, 15, 21, and 22), and all are commonly seen in trans-
tion in a single gene. Many of the described disorders locations. Robertsonian translocations are the most common
involve deletions of millions of base pairs and numerous chromosomal rearrangement. In a balanced arrangement, no
genes. Most of these are de novo mutations and have such problems are evident in the individual. However, the unbal-
significant presentations that the individuals do not pass anced form presents the same concerns as partial monosomy
the deletion on to another generation (Box 1-1). Duplica- or partial trisomy.
tion of genetic material results from errors in replication. As noted, a mutation is a heritable change in genetic mate-
These may occur when a segment of DNA is copied more rial. It may be spontaneous, as with some nondisjunctions,
than once or when unequal exchange of DNA occurs insertions, or deletions, or induced by an external factor. This
between homologous chromosome pairs. The results may external factor, a mutagen, is any physical or chemical agent
be a direct, or tandem, repeat or an inverted repeat of that increases the rate of mutation above the spontaneous
the DNA. Unequal exchange, or recombination, occurs in rate; the spontaneous rate of mutation for any gene is 1 ×
meiosis when homologous chromosomes do not align prop- 10−6 per generation. Therefore, determining whether a muta-
erly. The recombination results in a deletion for one chro- tion results from a spontaneous event within the cell or from
mosome and a duplication for the other. In either case, a mutagen requires evaluation and comparison of the rates of
DNA that has been gained or lost can result in unbalanced mutation.
gene expression. Mutagens are generally chemicals and irradiation (Box 1-2).
Genetic material may also be moved from one location to Chemical mutagens can be classified as (1) base analogs that
another without the loss of any material. Such movements mimic purines and pyrimidines; (2) intercalating agents that
may occur within a chromosome or between chromosomes. alter the structure of DNA, resulting in nucleotide insertions
Within a chromosome, movements are usually seen as inver- and frameshifts; (3) agents that alter bases, resulting in dif-
sions. Inversions either include the centromere (pericentric ferent base properties; and (4) agents that alter the structure
inversion) or are in one arm of the chromosome (paracentric of DNA, resulting in noncoding regions, cross-linking of
inversion) (Fig. 1-6). These changes provide significant chal- strands, or strand breaks.
lenges to the chromosome during meiosis. Proper alignment Ionizing radiation damages cells through the production of
of homologous chromosomes is impossible. If recombination free radicals of water. The free radicals interact with DNA and
is attempted, distribution of genetic material to gametes can protein, leading to cell damage and death. Obviously, those
become unbalanced; some gametes may receive duplicate cells most vulnerable to damage are rapidly dividing cells. The
copies of DNA segments while others lack these DNA extent of the damage is dose dependent. Cells that are not
segments. killed have damage—mutations—to the DNA at sublethal
The movement of genetic material between chromosomes doses. Such damage is demonstrated by base mutations, DNA
is called a translocation. Translocations that exchange
material between two chromosomes are called reciprocal
translocations. These translocations generally have little
consequence for the individual in whom they arise. However,
translocations become important during the formation of Pericentric inversion
gametes and segregation of the chromosomes. Some gametes
a b c d e f n m l k j i h g o p q r s t
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t
3′ 5′
cross-linking, and breaks in DNA. Breaks in the DNA of
chromosomes may result in deletions, rearrangements, or Figure 1-7. Base excision repair is the mechanism most
even loss. commonly employed for incorrect or damaged bases.
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is non-ionizing because it pro- Specificity of repair is conferred by specific DNA
duces less energy. UV-A (≥320 nm) is sometimes called N-glycosylases, such as uracil (or another base) DNA
“near-UV” because it is closer to visible light wavelength. N-glycosylase. These glycosylases hydrolyze the N-glycosidic
bond between the base and the deoxyribose. AP, apurinic/
UV-B (290–320 nm) and UV-C (190–290 nm) cause the
greatest damage. The most damaging lesion is the formation
of pyrimidine dimers from covalent bonds formed between
adjacent pyrimidines. These dimers block transcription and
which no base is attached to the phosphate-sugar backbone.
Unlike other types of mutations, these examples cause little
●●● ERRORS IN DNA AND DNA REPAIR distortion of the DNA and are repaired by base excision (Fig.
DNA mutations can be significant if the expression of a gene, 1-7). DNA glycosylases release the base by cleaving the gly-
or its alleles, and its allelic products are altered and the cosidic bonds between the deoxyribose and the base. DNA
alteration cannot be repaired. Cells obviously have mecha- polymerase I replaces the base to restore the appropriate
nisms to repair DNA damage, since each individual encoun- pairing (A:T or G:C), followed by ligation to repair the ends.
ters many spontaneous mutations that do not progress to a Glycosylases are specific for the base being removed, and if
disease state. Three general steps are involved in DNA repair: there is a deficiency of a particular glycosylase, repair is
(1) mutated DNA is recognized and excised, (2) the original compromised.
DNA sequence is restored with DNA polymerase, and (3) More extensive damage to DNA than single base pairs
the ends of the replaced DNA are ligated to the existing may distort the DNA structure. Damage of this type requires
strand. The mechanisms employed by cells to accomplish the removal of several nucleotides to accomplish repair.
these steps include base excision, nucleotide excision, and Nucleotide excision repair (Fig. 1-8) differs from base exci-
mismatch repair. sion repair, which requires specific enzyme recognition of
Individual bases need replacing because of oxidative the base needing repair and of the size of the repair.
damage, alkylation, deamination, or a structural error in The general mechanism of nucleotide excision repair is
Errors in DNA and DNA Repair 9
recognition of a bulky distortion, cleavage of the bonds matching the template. There are nine major proteins
on either side of the distortion with an endonuclease, involved in nucleotide excision repair. Any of these proteins
removal of the bases, replacement of the fragment with can be mutated and affect the repair process. This is exactly
DNA polymerase I, and ligation of the ends to the DNA what is seen in the inherited diseases xeroderma pigmento-
strand. sum and Cockayne syndrome. Mutations in different genes
Nucleotide excision repair requires a complex system of yield the same general clinical presentation (Table 1-1).
proteins to stabilize the bulky region of the DNA being Patients with xeroderma pigmentosum have flaking skin with
removed and then to resynthesize the correct segment abnormal pigmentation and numerous skin cancers, such as
basal and squamous cell carcinomas as well as melanomas.
Combinations of different mutated genes result in variations
in the severity and spectrum of disease presentation. In Cock-
ayne syndrome, another DNA repair disorder, affected indi-
Damaged DNA: dimer
viduals share several clinical features with xeroderma
5′ 3′ pigmentosum, such as sensitivity to sunlight. Two primary
genes have been identified as causing Cockayne syndrome:
CSA and CSB. However, not only have abnormal proteins
involved in the DNA repair process been identified in Cock-
ayne syndrome, but some are also responsible for xeroderma
3′ 5′
pigmentosum. Clinical features of these two distinct syn-
Proteins bind and dromes become less distinct when similar mutations are
endonuclease removes shared (Table 1-2).
several nucleotides
5′ 3′
3′ 5′ Skin Tumors
Basal cell carcinoma is a slow-growing tumor that rarely
DNA polymerase I metastasizes. It presents as pearly papules with subepidermal
and ligase telangiectasias and basaloid cells in the dermis.
5′ 3′
Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common tumor
resulting from sun exposure. The in situ form does not
invade the basement membrane but has atypical cellular
and nuclear morphology. Invasive forms occur when the
3′ 5′ basement membrane is invaded.
Melanoma of the skin demonstrates a variation in
pigmentation with irregular borders. Some malignant
Figure 1-8. Nucleotide excision repair. Damaged DNA is melanomas may develop from dysplastic nevi, but the
recognized on the basis of its abnormal structure or abnormal association of multiple dysplastic nevi with malignant
chemistry. A multiprotein complex binds to the site to initiate melanoma is strongest for familial forms of melanoma.
excision and repair by a DNA polymerase and ligase.
*Mutations in these genes, as well as in others, may cause clinical features of the disease. These represent locus heterogeneity, or a condition in which a mutation
in more than one gene can cause the same presentation.
10 Basic Mechanisms
TABLE 1-2. Relationship Between Genes Involved in the Xeroderma Pigmentosum–Cockayne Syndrome–
Trichothiodystrophy Spectrum*
with Neurologic Abnormalities Complex Syndrome
CS, Cockayne syndrome; COFS, cerebro-oculo-facio-skeletal syndrome; TTD, trichothiodystrophy; XP, xeroderma pigmentosum.
*Trichothiodystrophy is a group of disorders in which half of those affected are photosensitive, which is correlated with a nucleotide excision repair defect.
■ DNA is a double-stranded, antiparallel molecule.
●●● QUESTIONS of these options are among the differentials for a patient
presenting with an XP-looking presentation. It is the fine
1. A 6-year-old male presents with multiple brownish points of observation that separate the options for a pre-
freckles on the cheeks, nose, and upper lip. Freckles sumptive diagnosis.
are scattered on both forearms and thighs. No telan-
giectasias (dilated capillaries causing red spots) or 2. A study of 600 families previously diagnosed with
malignant skin tumors were present. No physical or hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer found 100 indi-
neurologic abnormalities were noted on physical viduals with no evidence of mutations in the MLH1
examination, and mental development was normal for gene as expected. Further analysis of these 100 indi-
age. Past medical history reveals the boy demon- viduals revealed that 25 had mutations in both alleles
strated severe photosensitivity at age 6 months. of the gene encoding adenine glycosylase. Which of
Which of the following is the most likely presumptive the following is most likely affected in these 25
diagnosis? individuals?
A. Acanthosis nigricans A. Base excision repair
B. Acute lupus erythematosus B. DNA proofreading repair
C. Bloom syndrome C. Mismatch repair
D. Cockayne syndrome D. Nucleotide excision repair
E. Xeroderma pigmentosum E. SOS repair
Answer. E Answer. A
Explanation: This patient demonstrates xeroderma pig- Explanation: Hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer
mentosum (XP) caused by mutations in one of several (HNPCC) is caused by mutations in several genes produc-
genes involved in nucleotide excision repair. Both Bloom ing proteins for mismatch DNA repair. In this specific study
and Cockayne syndromes are related to XP in that they diagnoses were most likely not based upon gene mutation
have defects in DNA repair. Table 1-2 shows the genotype- confirmation but upon patient and family presentation.
phenotype overlap between XP and Cockayne syndrome. Further analysis revealed a subset of patients who surpris-
XP should be suspected in early onset of photosensitivity, ingly did not have the expected mutation, and among these
pigment changes, tumors, and skin aging. The defect a subset was found that had mutations in the gene for
results in the inability to correct DNA damage caused by adenine glycosylase. DNA glycosylases are required for
ultraviolet radiation. With Cockayne syndrome, patients base excision repair, and in particular, specific nucleotide
present with skin aging, psychomotor delay, progressive glycosylases are required to make specific corrections.
ophthalmic changes leading to cataracts, and photosensi- Mutations in the adenine glycosylase allow damaged bases
tive rashes. Bloom syndrome is also called congenital opposite an adenine in the template strand to go unre-
telangiectatic erythema. In this patient telangiectasias are paired. This can lead to possible transversions and a change
absent. The mutation responsible for Bloom syndrome in the gene sequence. DNA proofreading repair is a function
encodes a DNA helicase activity contributing to genome of DNA polymerase. Mismatch repair enzymes are a family
stability. Acanthosis nigricans are dark, thick velvety areas of enzymes that include best-studied HNPCC. These include
of skin associated with insulin resistance and several dis- seven genes of which two represent the majority of cases.
orders, including Bloom syndrome. Acute lupus erythe- Nucleotide excision repair requires many proteins to effec-
matosus is characterized by a typical butterfly eruption tively repair an area of DNA. The diseases most often asso-
pattern on the malar region of the face and generalized ciated with nucleotide excision repair are xeroderma
photosensitive dermatitis. pigmentosum and Cockayne syndrome. SOS repair is a
The significance of this question in Chapter 1 is to postreplication mechanism best associated with Escherichia
underscore several features of questions and answers. coli as a last resort for repair. No template is required and
Clinical presentation of commonly discussed disorders is it is very error-prone.
important. In this case XP is the most commonly studied
of the options presented. The answer options should all Additional Self-assessment Questions can be Accessed
be related even if they have not been presented. Four at www.StudentConsult.com
Chromosomes in the Cell 2
CONTENTS letters A through G. Each pair of autosomes is identical in
size, organization of genes, and position of the centromere
(Fig. 2-1). The genes on these homologous chromosomes are
organized to produce the same product. In addition, there are
Identification of Chromosomes two sex chromosomes, which are unnumbered and of differ-
ent sizes. The male has one X chromosome and one Y chro-
mosome. The female has two X chromosomes of equal size
MEIOSIS and no Y chromosome. Thus, the complement of 46 human
chromosomes comprises 22 pairs of autosomes plus the sex
Meiosis and Gamete Formation
chromosome pair—XX in normal females and XY in normal
ROLE OF CHROMOSOMAL ABNORMALITIES IN males—and the female is described as 46,XX and the male
Cytogenetic analysis and preparation of a karyotype pro-
Chromosomal Numerical Abnormalities
Chromosomal Structural Abnormalities
vide physical identification of metaphase chromosomes. At
this stage of visualization, each chromosome is longitudinally
doubled, and the two strands (or chromatids) are held together
at a primary constriction, known as the centromere. A chro-
mosome with a medially located centromere is technically
called metacentric. When the centromere is located away
from the midline, one arm of the chromosome appears longer
than the other. Such a chromosome is termed submetacen-
Replication and segregation of chromosomes from progenitor tric. In acrocentric chromosomes, the centromere is nearly
cells to daughter cells is a fundamental requirement for the terminal in position (Fig. 2-2). Cytogeneticists betrayed their
viability of a multicellular organism. Defects in the replica- sense of humor by designating the short arm of the chromo-
tion and distribution of this chromosomal material during some as p (for petite) and the long arm as q (the next letter
cell division give rise to numerical (aneuploidy) or structural of the alphabet!).
(translocations, deletions, duplications, or inversions) chro-
mosomal defects. Down syndrome is a well-known example
of a disorder that can be caused by either a numerical
Identification of Chromosomes
error or a structural error and is discussed several times in Chromosomes are most easily identified in the metaphase
this chapter; other disorders are highlighted to a lesser stage of the cell cycle. Here, each homologous chromosome
extent. These and many other abnormalities have pleiotropic is doubled and has a sister chromatid; the sister chromatids
consequences, or multiple phenotypic effects from a single are held together by a single centromere. Beginning with a
event, and can result in severe clinical presentations that sample of blood, phytohemagglutinin, which stimulates cell
are readily recognizable. Cytogenetics, the study of chromo- division in human white blood cells, and colchicine, which
some abnormalities, enables techniques for the visualization arrests cell division at the metaphase stage, can be used to
of an individual’s chromosomal complement. provoke a large number of cells to the metaphase stage. At
this point, chromosomes are ordinarily stained for visualiza-
tion under the light microscope. Two of the more traditionally
employed techniques are Q-banding and G-banding.
Quinacrine dye stains chromosomes and is detected with
AND NOMENCLATURE a fluorescent microscope. The banding pattern produced is
Genetic information in DNA is organized on chromosomes called Q-banding. Pretreating cells with the enzyme trypsin,
as genes. As noted in Chapter 1, each cell has 22 autosomal which partially digests the chromosomal proteins, and then
pairs and one pair of sex chromosomes. The autosome pairs staining the preparation with Giemsa dye, results in the
are numbered 1 to 22, in descending order of length, and formation of G-bands, which are visible under the ordinary
further classified into seven groups, designated by capital light microscope as demonstrated in Figure 2-1. The Giemsa
Chromosome Structure and Nomenclature 13
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 X Y
Diagrammatic Relative
Group Number Representation Length*
Large chromosomes
A 1 8.4
2 8.0
3 6.8
B 4 6.3
5 6.1
Medium chromosomes
C 6 5.9
7 5.4
8 4.9
9 4.8
10 4.6
11 4.6
12 4.7
D 13 3.7
14 3.6
15 3.5
Small chromosomes
E 16 3.4
17 3.3
Figure 2-1. A, Normal karyotype. 18 2.9
Chromosomes are arranged as
homologs in descending order by size. F 19 2.7
(Courtesy of Dr. Linda Pasztor, Sonora 20 2.6
Quest Laboratories.) B, Characteristics
of metaphase chromosomes showing G 21 1.9
22 2.0
groups with similar lengths and
Sex chromosomes
centromere positions. Groups D and
G chromosomes with acrocentric X 5.1 (group C)
Y 2.2 (group G)
centromeres are often involved in
translocations. (Data from the * Percentage of the total combined length of a haploid set of 22 autosomes.
International System for Chromosome B
Nomenclature, 2005.)
14 Chromosomes in the Cell
lowed by the arm (p or q), then the region number within an major control switches regulating transitions from G1 to S
arm, and finally the specific band within that region. For and G2 to M.
■ CDKs and cyclins trigger progression through the cell
example, 1q32 refers to chromosome 1, long arm, region 3,
and band 2. Higher-resolution techniques have permitted the cycle.
portrayal of prophase chromosomes and, concomitantly, the M
subdivision of existing bands. To indicate a sub-band, a (mitosis)
decimal point is placed after the original band designation,
followed by the number assigned to the sub-band. In the G2 G1
(gap 2) (gap 1)
example used, the identification of two sub-bands would be
designated 1q32.1 and 1q32.2.
Today, technical advances allow researchers to identify a
given region or a particular gene-specific sequence on a
chromosome spread with a fluorescent DNA-specific probe
that hybridizes with its corresponding sequence on the chro-
mosome. The hybridized probe is revealed by fluorescence
under ultraviolet light. This nonradioactive technique is called
fluorescent in situ hybridization, or FISH. The technique is
useful in defining specific chromosome sequences in both
interphase and metaphase nuclei. It is favored for detecting S phase
(DNA synthesis)
many chromosomal aberrations prenatally. Each chromosome
can also be labeled by chromosome-specific fluorophores, a Cells that
technique known as chromosome painting, and readily dis- division
tinguished (Fig. 2-3). This technique is particularly useful
Cell Cycle and Mitosis 15
During mitosis, the cell undergoes fission and each daugh- and a nuclear membrane re-forms around the chromosomal
ter cell receives a complete genetic complement that is identi- material, thereby reconstituting the nucleus. Associated with
cal to the progenitor cell. This is a highly complex process of telophase is cytokinesis, or cytoplasm division, which ulti-
the cell cycle with five distinct phases. Prophase begins mately results in two complete, chromosomally identical
mitosis and is characterized by a condensation of the chro- daughter cells.
mosomes and the initial stages of the mitotic spindle forma-
tion. A pair of organelles called centrioles form microtubule/
mitotic spindle organization centers and migrate to opposite
ends of the cell. Prometaphase features the dissolution of the HISTOLOGY
nuclear membrane and attachment of each chromosome to a
spindle microtubule via its centromere. During metaphase,
chromosomes are maximally condensed, and thus most easily Centrioles occur as a pair of organelles in the cell, and they are
arranged perpendicular to each other. They are composed of
visualized by light microscopy, and align along the equatorial
microtubules—nine sets of triplets—and organize the spindle
plane of the cell. Anaphase is characterized by replication of
apparatus of spindle fibers and astral rays on which
chromosomal centromeres and the migration of sister chro- chromosomes move during mitosis and meiosis. Similar to
matids to opposite poles of the cell. Finally, in telophase, the mitochondria, centrioles replicate autonomously.
chromosomes begin to decondense, spindle fibers disappear,
16 Chromosomes in the Cell
Mitosis Meiosis
Parent cell
Interphase Diploid
Chromatin condenses into
Nuclear envelope disappears.
Metaphase Meiosis I
Diploid Homologous
Chomosomes align chromosomes
at the equatorial plate.
Meiosis II
Sister chromatids separate. Haploid Haploid
Centromeres divide.
Chromatin expands.
Cytoplasm divides.
Haploid Haploid Haploid Haploid
Figure 2-4. Mitosis is the process of forming identical Figure 2-5. Meiosis occurs in gonads and results in the
daughter cells. There are four basic stages: prophase, formation of gametes. In the first stage, meiosis I,
metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. homologous pairs of chromosomes are separated, thereby
reducing the number of chromosomes to 23. In meiosis II,
sister chromatids are separated, resulting in gametes with 23
Meiosis is cell division that occurs only during gamete forma- Prophase of meiosis I is the signature event of the meiotic
tion. This variation from the mitosis observed in somatic cells process, since it is here that genetic recombination takes
is essential because human somatic cells—including gamete place. Prophase is complex and is subdivided into five stages.
progenitor cells—are diploid, containing two complete copies During leptotene, chromosomes begin to condense to the
of each chromosome. The genetic material must be reduced point where they are easily visible. The chromosomes are rep-
by 50%, to a haploid state, during gamete formation for a resented by pairs, each with a single centromere and two
newly formed zygote to have a complete chromosomal com- sister chromatids. In zygotene, homologous chromosomes
plement. Meiosis involves two separate cell divisions that are associate with each other and pair, via the synaptonemal
conceptually similar to the stages of mitosis (Fig. 2-5). The first complex, along the entire length of the chromosomes. Further
cell division, meiosis I, is referred to as a “reductive division” coiling and condensing of the chromosomes and completion
because the chromosomal number is reduced to a haploid of the synapsis process characterize pachytene. Synapsed,
number in the resulting daughter cells. Here, homologous paired homologous chromosomes are termed bivalent—
chromosomes, each comprising two sister chromatids, line up indicating two joined or synapsed chromosomes—or tetrad—
along the equatorial plate during metaphase I and separate representing the four separate chromatids in the bivalent
during anaphase I. Meiosis II directly follows meiosis I in the structure. Importantly, bivalent chromosomes in pachytene
absence of further DNA replication. During anaphase of undergo an exchange of chromatid material in a process called
meiosis II, centromeres are duplicated and sister chromatids recombination or crossing-over. In practice, genetic recombi-
segregate to opposite poles of the cell. Each gamete formed nation is vital to the chromosomal exchange of parental
contains a haploid genome consisting of 23 chromosomes. genetic material during gamete formation. This process is the
Meiosis 17
major source of genetic variation, and it permits an extremely dictyotene until sexual maturity is reached and ovulation
high degree of variability among gametes produced by an occurs. At ovulation, the oocyte completes meiosis I, produc-
individual. Homologous chromosomes begin to pull apart in ing a secondary oocyte that contains most of the cytoplasm
diplotene, and chiasmata—points of attachment between from the primary oocyte; the cell with little cytoplasm is
paired chromosomes—are apparent. Chiasmata indicate posi- termed the first polar body and undergoes atresia. The second-
tions where crossing-over has occurred. In the next stage, ary oocyte initiates meiosis II, but this process is completed
diakinesis, homologous chromosomes continue to separate only at fertilization of a mature ovum, at which point a second
from each other and attain a maximally condensed state. polar body is formed. Hence, in females, only one mature,
haploid gamete is produced during gametogenesis, and the
process may take from 10 to 50 years. Spermatogenesis, on the
HISTOLOGY other hand, is a much more rapid and dynamic process, taking
roughly 60 days to complete. Here, puberty signals the mitotic
Synaptonemal Complex and Synapsis maturation of diploid spermatogonia to diploid primary sper-
Synapsis is the pairing of homologous chromosomes during matocytes. Primary spermatocytes undergo meiosis I to form
prophase I of meiosis. The synaptonemal complex is the haploid secondary spermatocytes, which, in turn, proceed
protein scaffolding structure present between homologous through meiosis II to form spermatids that differentiate further
chromosomes that facilitates genetic recombination. into mature sperm. In contrast to oogenesis, four mature,
haploid gametes are derived from one primary spermatocyte.
Following diakinesis, the rest of meiosis I proceeds quite
similarly to mitosis. During metaphase I, a spindle apparatus Ovary
forms and the paired chromosomes align along the equatorial The ovary is attached by the mesovarium to the broad
pole of the cell. During anaphase I, the individual bivalents ligament. The ovary is covered by a simple squamous or
completely separate from each other; then homologous chro- simple cuboidal epithelium/germinal epithelium (a
mosomes, with their cognate centromere, are separated and misnomer) that forms the ovarian cortex. Deep beneath the
drawn to opposite poles of the cell. Finally, in telophase I, the germinal epithelium is the tunica albuginea, which is the
haploid chromosomal complement has segregated to both dense irregular collagenous connective tissue capsule of the
ovary that surrounds the ovarian cortex. Ovarian follicles,
poles of the cell and cytoplasmic cleavage yields two daughter
containing primary oocytes, are embedded in the stroma of
cells. Two critical features can be appreciated at this point.
the cortex. The medulla of the ovary consists of a looser
First, the number of chromosomes has been reduced from connective tissue and blood vessels.
diploid (46 chromosomes) in one cell to haploid (23 chro-
mosomes) in daughter cells. Second, genetic recombination
has generated a new arrangement of genetic material, which
originated from parental chromosomes, in each of the daugh- HISTOLOGY & PHYSIOLOGY
ter cells. Each chromosome in the daughter cell can be
thought of as hybrid, or recombinant, representing a unique Seminiferous Tubules
combination of the two parental chromosomes. Seminiferous tubules constitute the exocrine portion of the
Meiosis II proceeds just as in mitosis except the starting cell testes. There are two major cell types: Sertoli cells and
is haploid and no DNA replication (typically an interphase the spermatogenic cells that lie between the Sertoli cells.
event) occurs. Each of the 23 chromosomes is represented by The immature germ cells are located near the periphery of
the seminiferous tubules, and as they mature they move
two sister chromatids sharing a centromere. These chromo-
toward the lumen.
somes thicken and align along the equatorial plane of the cell.
Sertoli cells are a nonproliferative columnar epithelium
The centromere replicates and each chromatid is then pulled connected by tight junctions. These junctions form the
to opposite poles of the cell during anaphase II. Subsequent blood-testis barrier that subdivides the lumen of the
cytoplasmic division yields two haploid (23 single chromatid seminiferous tubule into a basal and an adluminal
chromosomes with one centromere) gametes. Overall, a single compartment to protect developing germ cells from an
gamete progenitor cell may yield four independent gametes. immunologic response. Sertoli cells provide support and
nutrients to sperm cells during spermatogenesis and also
regulate the release of spermatozoa. Sertoli cells are the
Meiosis and Gamete Formation primary testicular sites of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
Meiosis is the signature event in gamete formation. However, action, and androgen-binding proteins (ABPs) are secreted
under the influence of FSH. During embryonic development,
marked sex-specific differences exist in the production of
these cells secrete antimüllerian hormone, a member of the
sperm and egg. By birth, germ cells in females have nearly
transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) superfamily of
completed oogenesis as primary oocytes—derived from glycoproteins involved in regulation of growth and
oogonia via roughly 30 mitotic divisions—and have initiated differentiation that prevents feminization of the embryo.
prophase of meiosis I. Primary oocytes are suspended at
18 Chromosomes in the Cell
Meiosis II
Nondisjunction at 23 chromosomes +
meiosis I 1 additional chromosome
Trisomy at fertilization
22 chromosomes
Monosomy at fertilization
Nondisjunction at
meiosis II
23 chromosomes +
1 additional chromosome
Trisomy at fertilization
Meiosis I
22 chromosomes
Monosomy at fertilization Figure 2-9. Nondisjunction. A,
Nondisjunction occurs in meiosis I
when homologous chromosome pairs
segregate to the same daughter cell.
B, Nondisjunction occurs in meiosis II
when sister chromatids segregate to
23 chromosomes the same daughter cell. When
Euploid at fertilization nondisjunction occurs in meiosis I, all
gametes are abnormal, whereas when it
occurs in meiosis II, there is a 50%
chance that a normal gamete will be
sperm fertilizes an egg cell lacking the particular chromo- complement. If nondisjunction occurs in a secondary sper-
some, the outcome is monosomy. Theoretically, autosomal matocyte undergoing meiosis II, only two of the four sperm
monosomies should be equally as common as autosomal will be abnormal and only two of the zygotes will be
trisomies. However, monosomy, when it occurs in the auto- chromosomally abnormal; the other two will be normal
somes, is largely incompatible with life. In fact, any rare euploids. There is also a difference in chromatids, and
viable newborn with one autosome completely missing is therefore in alleles present on chromatids, depending on
short lived. Ironically, a person can survive with one missing whether nondisjunction occurs during meiosis I or meiosis
X chromosome; 45,X is known as Turner syndrome. Indeed, II. If nondisjunction occurs during meiosis I, all three chro-
of all disorders involving missing or additional chromosomes, matids in a fertilized egg have unique parental (or really
those involving the sex chromosomes are the most likely to grandparental) origin. If nondisjunction occurs during meiosis
demonstrate survival beyond the early days and months II, the result is two chromatids that originated from the
of life. replication of the same DNA strand and one unique chro-
Meiotic nondisjunction may occur during either the first matid occurring in the fertilized egg. The potential for inher-
or the second meiotic division (see Fig. 2-9). If nondisjunc- iting similar alleles is more likely with nondisjunction in
tion occurs in a primary spermatocyte during meiosis I, then meiosis II than in meiosis I even if consideration is not
all sperm derived from the primary spermatocyte will be given to the recombination that may have occurred. In
abnormal and all zygotes will have an aberrant chromosome both cases—nondisjunction in meiosis I and in meiosis
Role of Chromosomal Abnormalities in Medical Genetics 21
Other Trisomies
Several thorough investigations have revealed that 40% to
50% of first-trimester spontaneous abortuses are trisomic for
one of the autosomes. All human autosomal trisomic condi-
tions are associated with marked developmental disorders.
The frequencies of trisomies in different autosomal groups
vary widely. Trisomies for chromosomes 13, 16, 18, 21, and
22 occur most often, especially chromosome 16. For reasons
not well understood, chromosome 16 appears to be particu-
larly vulnerable to nondisjunction. Trisomy 16 is the most
common (one third) autosomal trisomy found in abortuses.
Interestingly, trisomy 16 in abortuses shows little association Figure 2-10. Features of trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome).
with increasing maternal age, suggesting that an unusual age- Trisomy 13 female infant with cleft palate and bilateral lip,
independent mechanism is responsible for this extraordinarily low-set malformed ears, hypotelorism, and postaxial
polydactyly of the left hand. This infant also has an
common trisomic condition.
omphalocele. (From Moore KL, Persaud TVN. The Developing
Other than in Down syndrome, the trisomic condition is Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, 7th ed. Philadelphia,
rare in live-born infants. Two autosomal trisomies other WB Saunders, 2003, p 164.)
than trisomy 21 demonstrate survival to term and occur
with sufficiently significant frequency to be well-described
syndromes—namely, trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome, Fig. 2-10)
and trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome, Fig. 2-11). Both disorders
are associated with severe mental retardation and a broad
spectrum of severe developmental anomalies (Table 2-1).
Prominent features of a trisomy 13 baby are bilateral clefts
of the lip and palate, a forehead that slopes backward, defec-
tive eye development, and an excess number of fingers and
toes (polydactyly). Common clinical features of trisomy 18
infants are recessed chin, elongated head, small eyes, “rocker-
bottom” feet, and tightly clenched hands and fingers with the
second and fifth fingers overlapping the third and fourth.
Estimates for trisomy 13 and trisomy 18 range widely from
1 in 4000 to 1 in 10,000 live births. Each leads to death in
early infancy, invariably within a year of birth.
Life span 50% die by age 1 month 90% die by age 1 year
75% die by age 6 months
Clinical Seizures Clenched fist; second and fifth fingers overlap the third
presentation Microcephaly; micrognathia and fourth
Scalp defects (absent skin) Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR)
Cleft lip, cleft palate Rocker-bottom feet
Hypotelorism Micrognathia, prominent occiput, micro-ophthalmia
Coloboma defects of the iris Low-set ears
Low-set, abnormally shaped ears Cardiac defects
Polydactyly Generalized muscle spasticity
Simian crease Renal anomalies
Hernias Mental retardation
Severe mental and motor retardation
Associated Congenital heart defects in 80% Congenital heart defects in 90%
disorders Dextrocardia in 20–50% (heart is on right side of Joint contractures
chest rather than left) Spina bifida in 6%
Omphalocele in 10% Eye abnormalities in 10%
Holoprosencephaly in 66% Hearing loss—high
Radial bone aplasia in 5–10%
Problems associated with survival past 1 month of age:
Feeding difficulties
Gastroesophageal reflux
Slow postnatal growth
Kidney defects
Developmental disability
cells remain. Now, if nondisjunction occurs in one cell during the exception of chromosome 21 and some combinations of
the second cleavage division, three different cell types arise. sex chromosomes, are lethal. Therefore, the finding of two X
If the monosomic cell line perishes (as is usually the case), chromosomes in females but only one in males raised several
then the embryo will be a mosaic consisting of cells with a questions. Why do females survive with twice as much gene
normal chromosome number and cells with a trisomic number product as males? Or, why do males survive with only half
of chromosomes. When several thousand normal divisions as much gene product as females?
ensue before a mitotic error occurs, the mosaicism may be The answers to these questions became clear with a better
clinically inconsequential inasmuch as the number of normal understanding of the mechanism of compensation for this
cells far exceeds the abnormal cells. Mosaics may also arise apparent gene dosage discrepancy. In the 1940s, Murray Barr
by chromosome loss, better designated as anaphase lag. In and Ewart Bertram noted differences in the position of a
this situation, one chromatid may lag so far behind during darkly staining mass in the nuclei of interphase cells. They
anaphase that it fails to become incorporated in a daughter further noted that the darkly staining mass, which became
nucleus. know as a Barr body, was associated only with interphase
cells from females. This led to the speculation that the Barr
Sex Chromosome Numerical Abnormalities body was a tightly condensed X chromosome. Because of its
Unlike autosome pairs that are the same size and contain correlation with the X chromosome, Barr bodies are also
homologous alleles, sex chromosomes are strikingly different referred to as sex chromatin.
in size with little similarity in the genes found on each. This A common method to observe sex chromatin is on a buccal
discrepancy is critically important in the developing embryo smear of cells scraped from the inside of the cheek, spread
because the two X chromosomes found in cells of females on a glass slide, stained, and examined with a light micro-
represent twice as many coding genes, and potentially gene scope. The number of Barr bodies observed is the number of
products, as the one X chromosome found in cells of males. X chromosomes minus 1. In embryos, it is first observed
It is now understood that most conditions of aneuploidy, with around the sixteenth day of development. Although easy to
Role of Chromosomal Abnormalities in Medical Genetics 23
detect, disadvantages of Barr body analysis are that structural X chromosomes in early development for normal female
abnormalities of the X chromosome are not detected and that development but not normal male development (see Chapter
mosaicism can be missed. Currently, FISH analysis followed 11).
by G-banding is preferred over buccal smears for X chromo-
some studies.
In 1959, the first male with Klinefelter syndrome and a
Chromosomal Structural Abnormalities
karyotype of 47,XXY was identified. As expected, these Certain chromosomal defects do not involve numerical
males possess a Barr body, because of the presence of an deficiency or excess. Rather, they feature morphologic or
extra X chromosome, whereas normal males do not. At about structural abnormalities such as translocations, deletions,
the same time, a female with gonadal dysgenesis was described duplications, or inversions.
with a karyotype of 45,X, and the disorder became known
as Turner syndrome. These two events, along with research Translocation Errors
data, led scientists to recognize the importance of the Y chro- One chromosomal aberration that does not involve nondis-
mosome in sexual development and underscored the impor- junction is translocation—the transfer of a part of one chro-
tance of two normal X chromosomes for female development mosome to another, generally a nonhomologous chromosome.
(see Chapter 11). An embryo develops as a male in the pres- This occurs when two chromosomes break and then rejoin in
ence of a Y chromosome and as a female in the absence of a another combination. The exchange of broken parts is often
Y chromosome. reciprocal and may not involve loss of chromosomal material.
The first translocation observed was reported in the bone
Lyonization and Dosage Compensation marrow cells of an infant with Down syndrome born to a
In 1961, Mary Lyon proposed the inactive-X hypothesis to mother only 21 years old. The researchers found 46 chromo-
explain what happens to genes on the Barr body. She hypoth- somes in the affected child instead of the expected 47.
esized that (1) the genes found on the condensed X chromo- However, detailed examination of the chromosomes revealed
some are genetically inactive, (2) inactivation occurs very that one of the chromosomes had an unusual configuration.
early in development during the blastocyst stage, and (3) It appeared to consist of two chromosomes fused together
inactivation occurs randomly in each blastocyst cell. The net (see Fig. 2-6B). The interpretation was that the affected child
effect of this inactivation equalizes the phenotypes in males had inherited an extra chromosome, but this extra chromo-
and females through a phenomenon known as dosage com- some had become integrally joined to another chromosome.
pensation. The process of X chromosome inactivation is called Stated another way, one chromosome was in fact represented
lyonization. Contrary to Lyon’s original hypothesis that X three times, but the third instance was concealed as part of
inactivation occurs randomly, it has now been demonstrated another chromosome.
that gene inactivation may not always be random and that Translocations that exchange material between two chro-
the inactive X chromosome has some genes that are indeed mosomes are called reciprocal translocations (Fig. 2-12).
expressed. This work also highlights the need for two active These translocations generally have little consequence for the
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18
14q21q 21
A. Synapsis
14 14 14
Normal Translocation
chromosomes carrier Trisomy 21 Monosomy 21 Trisomy 14 Monosomy 14
14, 21 14, 21 14, 21 14, 21 14, 21 14, 21
C. Fertilization 14, 21 14q21q 14q21q21 14 14q21q14 21
with normal Normal Normal Down Lethal Lethal Lethal
gamete phenotype phenotype syndrome
21q 21q
14 14 21 21 14 14q 21 14 14q 21 21
D. Karyotypes and
numbers 46 45 46
Figure 2-13. Possible gametes produced by an individual with translocation Down syndrome and the consequences of these
gametes becoming fertilized. A, Synapsis of the translocation chromosome 14q21q and normal chromosomes 21 and 14; 14p
and 21p have been lost. B, Six types of gametes are possible; three of these are viable. C, Fertilization with a normal gamete
will produce one normal genotype, one translocation carrier with a normal phenotype, one translocation Down syndrome
zygote, and three lethal zygotes. D, Karyotypic results for chromosomes 14 and 21 after fertilization.
individual in whom they arise. However, reciprocal transloca- translocation chromosome; it is written more precisely as
tions become an important issue during the formation of t(14q;21q). This large translocation chromosome carries the
gametes and segregation of the chromosomes. Some gametes essential genes of chromosomes 14 and 21. The two small
will receive extra copies of genetic material while others will p arms, containing tandemly arrayed ribosomal RNA genes,
be missing genetic material. are lost.
A common rearrangement is the fusion of two long arms When all genetic material is present, chromosomes are said
of acrocentric chromosomes leading to the formation of a to be in a balanced rearrangement and the carrier is typically
new chromosome. This fusion occurs at the centromere and asymptomatic. The loss of 14p and 21p in the 14/21 translo-
is called a robertsonian translocation. There are five acrocen- cation is inconsequential; since ribosomal RNA genes repre-
tric chromosomes (see Fig. 2-1) among the 23 pairs (chromo- sent middle repetitive sequences repeated many times in the
somes 13, 14, 15, 21, and 22), and all are commonly seen in genome on several chromosomes (see Chapter 1).
translocations. Robertsonian translocations are the most Translocation is without clinical consequence to the
common chromosomal rearrangement. In Down syndrome, mother, inasmuch as redundant copies of ribosomal RNA
the translocation always involves chromosome 21, of course, genes occur in other acrocentric chromosomes. However, the
often fused to chromosome 14. Initially, breaks occur in the consequences for her children can be significant, since the
two chromosomes in the region of the centromere. Then, the woman carrying the t(14q;21q) translocation chromosome
two long arms of broken chromosomes 14 and 21 become can produce several kinds of eggs. Eggs with only three
joined together at the centromere. This newly formed, chromosomal complements are viable, or capable of being
relatively large chromosome is referred to as a 14/21 fertilized (Fig. 2-13). Specifically, the three types of viable
Role of Chromosomal Abnormalities in Medical Genetics 25
eggs, when fertilized by normal sperm, result in three pos- new gene is created! The new fusion gene consists of a
sible outcomes: (1) a completely normal child with a normal sequence of DNA from the original chromosome 22 known
chromosome set; (2) a normal child with the 14/21 translo- as a breakpoint cluster region (BCR) plus a gene from
cation chromosome who potentially can transmit transloca- chromosome 9, called ABL, which becomes attached to
tion-type Down syndrome; and (3) a Down syndrome child BCR (see Fig. 5-7). The fusion gene, BCR-ABL, codes for
with three copies of chromosome 21, one of which is fused an abnormally large chimeric product of this composite
to chromosome 14. gene and is fundamental to the pathogenesis of chronic
myelogenous leukemia (CML). The ABL gene is an onco-
gene, which is fairly innocuous in its normal location on
chromosome 9. When associated with an unfamiliar DNA
sequence (in this case, BCR), the ABL gene product fosters
an uncontrolled proliferation of white blood cells. The ABL
BIOCHEMISTRY gene has potent tyrosine kinase activity. Cell proliferation
rRNAs is enhanced as activated tyrosine kinase results in auto-
phosphorylation of a number of sites on the fusion protein
Ribosomal RNAs are an integral part of ribosomes. There
and phosphorylation of other proteins (see Chapter 5).
are four rRNAs: 5.8S, 18S, 28S, and 5S. The 45S precursor
gives rise to 5.8S, 18S, and 28S. 5S is transcribed from
separate 200- to 300-gene clusters and requires RNA
polymerase III for transcription. Each acrocentric
chromosome (13, 14, 15, 21, and 22) has 30 to 40 tandem PATHOLOGY
repeats of 45S genes that are transcribed by RNA
polymerase I. Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML)
The nucleolus forms around the tandemly repeated rRNA
CML is a myeloproliferative disease of bone marrow
genes, and this combination of a nucleolus and rRNA genes
characterized by an increased proliferation of the
is called the “nucleolar-organizing region” (NOR). These
granulocytic cell line that does not lose the capacity to
regions are responsible for rRNA transcription and for
differentiate. The blood profile has increased granulocytes
assembly of components for ribosome synthesis.
and immature precursors, including occasional blast cells.
CML is responsible for 20% of all adult leukemias. There are
three phases of disease: chronic, blast, and accelerated.
Splenomegaly is the most common physical finding.
Normal Inverted
Chromosome 18
Figure 2-14. Paracentric inversions of chromosome 18:
46,inv(18),(q11.2;q23). 1. A newborn female is the second child born to a
36-year-old mother and 47-year-old father. The infant
has a round face, low hairline, hypertelorism, epi-
canthal folds, up-slanting palpebral fissures, long
philtrum, high-arched palate, short and webbed
neck, small hands and feet, clinodactyly of the fifth
fingers, overlapping toes, and diastasis of the first
and second toes. There is no family history of a
Questions 27
similar presentation. Which of the following proce- evokes an understanding of nondisjunction completely.
dures is recommended to establish a diagnosis? Penta-X requires three nondisjunction events to occur, two
A. Linkage analysis in the formation of one gamete and one in the formation
B. Expression analysis of the other gamete.
C. Gene analysis 3. The laboratory performed analysis of blood chemis-
D. Karyotype tries and enzyme levels on an infant with penta-X
E. Triple screen syndrome. What is the theoretical expectation for
Answer. D these results compared to normal newborn levels?
Explanation: This infant presents with characteristics similar A. Decreased
to Down syndrome. The most common presentation of B. Increased
Down syndrome is trisomy 21, and there is a correlation with C. Same
increasing maternal age and chromosome nondisjunction, D. Uninterpretable
which is the mechanism causing trisomy 21. The triple Answer. C
screen is a screening assay done during pregnancy that
Explanation: The results of this comparison are theoreti-
measures α-fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotro-
cally the same. Recall that lyonization of additional X chro-
pin (hCG), and unconjugated estriol (E3). This test can be
mosomes occurs at the blastocyst stage. After this occurs,
informative for trisomy 21. Gene analysis is not a good
there is only one active X chromosome in cells. The detri-
choice because this child presents with many phenotypes
mental effects in the child are from expression of the extra
suggestive of a syndrome involving multiple genes and
chromosomes. In reality, there are some genes active only
systems. Likewise, expression assays look at what genes
from the inactive X and there are some genes that are acti-
are being expressed; many genes are expressed constitu-
vated and inactivated at differential times. The best answer,
tively, and sorting through what should be expressed versus
however, is that the expected expression of genes should
what is expressed in different syndromes would be tedious
be the same as in a normal newborn.
and time prohibitive. Linkage analysis with family informa-
tion is not likely to be informative because there is no family 4. Among gametes produced by an individual carrying
history of a similar presentation. Therefore, the karyotype is a chromosome 14/21 translocation, fewer infants are
the best option provided. Karyotyping, whether by Giemsa actually born with translocation Down syndrome
banding, fluorescent in situ hybridization, or spectral analy- than expected. Which of the following best explains
sis, is most effective in determining extra chromosomes or the discrepancy between observed and expected
rearranged chromosomes. findings?
A. In utero loss of fetuses with Down syndrome
2. A karyotype of a 1-week-old child revealed 49,XXXXX B. Increased viability of trisomy Down syndrome
in all cells and the child was diagnosed with penta-X C. Reduced fertilizing capacity of balanced gametes
syndrome with multiple congenital anomalies. Which D. Unbalanced gamete missing a chromosome 14
of the following is the most likely etiology of this E. Unbalanced gamete missing a chromosome 21
Answer. A
A. Chimera
B. Dispermy Explanation: Individuals who carry a translocation are gen-
C. Mosaicism erally not affected in any way because they have a balanced
D. Nondisjunction complement of chromosomes. However, in the formation of
E. Tetraploidy gametes, the translocation chromosome has trouble align-
ing at the metaphase plate in order to segregate into germ
Answer. D
cells. Figure 2-13 shows the gamete possibility for transloca-
Explanation: The extra chromosomes occur in this infant tion Down syndrome carriers. Shown is that the risk of having
because of nondisjunction during gamete formation. A an infant with Down syndrome is about 1 in 3 but the empiric
chimera is the fusion of two different cell lines and the risk is less about 1 in 10 to 1 in 20. Monosomies, other than
presence of two different karyotypes, which is not the the sex chromosome 45,X, generally do not survive. Option
case here since all cells have the same karyotype. In B is a true statement but it does not explain the discrepancy
humans, chimerism can occur in nonidentical twins when between what is expected (1 in 3) and what is observed
anastomoses of placental blood vessels occur. Likewise, when a parent is a translocation carrier. Option C is not
mosaicism is not a good choice because all cells were appropriate since the best capacity for fertilization is with
49,XXXXX. Dispermy occurs when two sperm fertilize an balance chromosomes. Options D and E are not good
ovum. When this occurs, there is an additional haploid options because these gametes yield a monosomy after
complement of chromosomes, not just extra sex chromo- fertilization, and neither alone fully explains the discrepancy
somes. Tetraploid cells have four chromosome sets, or in observed versus expected findings. Monosomies, other
96 chromosomes. Note that “ploidy” refers to sets of chro- than the sex chromosome 45,X, generally do not survive.
mosomes, whereas “somy” refers to chromosome, and
“aneuploid” means having extra or missing chromosomes. Additional Self-assessment Questions can be Accessed
In this particular case, penta-X syndrome is very rare but at www.StudentConsult.com
Mechanisms of 3
CONTENTS inheritance, mechanisms of unifactorial inheritance are often
called mendelian inheritance and the other mechanisms are
referred to as nonmendelian inheritance.
Multifactorial inheritance is more complex because of the
Autosomal Dominant Inheritance variation of traits within families and populations. Individual
Autosomal Recessive Inheritance genes within a disease demonstrating multifactorial inheri-
X-Linked Recessive Inheritance tance may have a dominant or recessive inheritance pattern;
X-Linked Dominant Inheritance but when numerous nongenetic factors and genes interact to
Penetrance and Expressivity cause the disease, the mechanisms can be difficult to interpret
Late-Acting Genes
and explain.
TABLE 3-1. Selected Mechanisms of Allele Action Box 3-1. EXAMPLES OF INHERITED DISORDERS
Affected female
Affected male
Monozygotic twins (one egg)
Female heterozygote (carrier of recessive allele) I, II Roman numerals designate generation number
1 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
5. The presence of two mutant alleles generally presents with In other words, recessive disorders in family histories tend
a more severe phenotype. Detrimental dominant traits are to appear only among siblings and not in their parents.
rarely observed in the homozygous state. This is demonstrated by the family pedigree in Figure 3-3.
This pedigree shows that a normal male marries a normal
woman. Apparently, both were heterozygous carriers, since
Autosomal Recessive Inheritance
one of the four children (the first child, designated II-1)
A gene can exist in at least two allelic forms. For the sake exhibited the recessive trait. This son, although affected,
of simplicity, two will be considered—A and its alternative had two normal offspring (III-1 and III-2). These two chil-
(mutant) allele, a. From these two alleles, there are three dren must be carriers (Aa), having received the a allele
different genotypes, AA, Aa, and aa, that can be arranged from their father (II-1) and the A allele from their unaf-
in six types of marriages. These genotypes and their offspring fected mother (II-2). The genetic constitution of the mother
are listed in Table 3-2. The outcome of each type of mar- (II-2) cannot be ascertained; she may be either homozygous
riage follows the mendelian principles of segregation and dominant (AA) or a heterozygous carrier (Aa). The mar-
recombination. riage of first cousins (III-3 and III-4) increases the risk that
In the vast majority of cases of recessive inheritance, both parents of IV-1 and IV-3 have received the same
affected persons derive from marriages of two heterozygous detrimental recessive gene through a common ancestor.
carriers; affected individuals receive a mutant allele from In this case, the common ancestors are the parents in
each parent and represent homozygous recessive expression. generation I.
Mendelian Inheritance 31
TABLE 3-2. Possible Combinations of Genotypes and Phenotypes in Parents and the Possible
Resulting Offspring
1 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 3-3. Pedigree of a family with 1 2 3 4 5
an autosomal recessive trait.
It can be deduced from this pedigree that the daughter happen to mate, as seen in Figure 3-3. This explains cases in
(II-6) of the first marriage was a carrier (Aa). Her two children which a trait, absent for many generations, can suddenly
were normal, but it is noted that her first child (III-4) married appear without warning.
a first cousin (III-3), and from this marriage affected children Often only one member in a family is afflicted with a par-
(IV-1 and IV-3) were born. Accordingly, the daughter of the ticular disorder. In such an event, it would be an error to jump
third generation (III-4) must have been heterozygous, and in to the conclusion that the abnormality is not genetic solely
turn, her mother (II-6) was most likely heterozygous (or else because there are no other cases in the family. Without a
she married a heterozygous man). Similarly, the male involved positive family history, and sometimes the corroboration of
in the cousin marriage (III-3) must have been heterozygous, diagnoses, the occurrence of a single afflicted individual may
as was his father (II-3). represent a new, sporadic mutation.
Pedigrees of the above kind typify the inheritance of such
recessively determined traits as albinism, cystic fibrosis, and Characteristics of Autosomal
phenylketonuria. Special significance is attached to the het- Recessive Inheritance
erozygous carrier—the individual who unknowingly carries Guidelines for recognizing autosomal recessive inheritance
the recessive allele. It is usually difficult to tell, prior to mar- may be summarized as follows:
riage, whether the individual bears a detrimental recessive 1. Most affected individuals are children of phenotypically
allele. Thus, a recessive allele may be transmitted without any normal parents.
outward manifestation for several generations, continually 2. Often more than one child in a large sibship is affected.
being sheltered by the dominant normal allele. The recessive On average, one fourth of siblings are affected.
allele, however, becomes exposed when two carrier parents 3. Males and females are equally likely to be affected.
32 Mechanisms of Inheritance
1 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 3-5. Inheritance of an X-linked dominant trait. Note that daughters always inherit the trait from an affected father,
whereas sons of an affected father never inherit the trait.
calculated mathematical risk would take into consideration (Table 3-3). The effects of location may result in a loss of
the empirical penetrance percentage for the trait (say, 60%) function, as seen with fragile X syndrome. A gain of function
and the probability that a person from the general population is seen with amplification of CAG, resulting in polyglutamine
(spouse II-6) would harbor the disease allele. tracts that cause neurotoxicity in several other neurodegen-
Expressivity is the term used to refer to the range of phe- erative diseases. Finally, RNA can be detrimentally affected
notypes expressed by a specific genotype. This is much more if the expansion occurs within a noncoding region. In myo-
frequent than nonpenetrance. A good example of expressivity tonic dystrophy, the expanded transcript is unable to bind
is seen in neurofibromatosis (NF). NF consists of two disor- RNA proteins correctly for splicing and remains localized in
ders, NF1 and NF2, caused by mutations in different genes. NF the nucleus (see Chapter 8).
is an autosomal dominant disorder, and in both forms over During normal replication, when the double helix separates
95% of affected individuals have café-au-lait spots. Café-au- into small, single-stranded regions, secondary structures form
lait spots are flat, coffee-colored macules. The expressivity of with complementary and repeated sequences. These struc-
these spots, which resemble birthmarks, is variable and differs tures, represented as loops and hairpins, hinder the progres-
in number, shape, size, and position among individuals. sion of replication by DNA polymerase. An example is
(GAA)n/(TTC)n expansions that bind to each other. As a
result, the polymerase may dissociate either slightly or com-
Late-Acting Genes pletely. If its realignment or reassociation does not occur at
Proper interpretation of penetrance and expressivity may be the exact nucleotide where it should, DNA has slipped. Con-
complicated when the genes involved are expressed in the sequently, synthesis continues, but it may “resynthesize” a
adult rather than the child. These late-acting genes include short region, resulting in amplification. This amplified region
many genes involved with aging but may also include certain distorts the helical structure of DNA—a distortion under the
disease genes. Huntington disease is an inherited disorder surveillance of mismatch repair proteins. Ordinarily, proteins
characterized by uncontrollable swaying movements of the stabilize the DNA not matching the template strand into a
body and the progressive loss of mental function. The muta- loop that can be excised followed by repair and ligation of
tion in the gene is present at birth in all cells of the individual, any correct nucleotides inserted with the DNA strand. Mis-
but the effect of the protein is not evident until much later. match repair is the mechanism responsible for slippage repair.
The symptoms usually develop in an affected person between Failure of the mismatch repair mechanism to remove the
the ages of 30 and 45 years. Penetrance is 100%, there is no extra DNA does not imply a mutation of any of the repair
cure, and the progress of the disease is relentless, leading to proteins but rather an inability to adequately repair all regions
a terminal state of helplessness. No therapy can significantly involved in slippage. This suggests that triplet repeat amplifi-
alter the natural progression of the disease, and there are no cation may occur through events of large slippage that over-
states of remission. Death occurs typically 12 to 15 years after whelm the repair system, through unequal recombination, or
the onset of the involuntary, jerky movements. both. The mechanism by which DNA avoids repair during
amplification is unknown.
Some clinical presentations do not fit the classical patterns of BIOCHEMISTRY
mendelian inheritance and represent examples of nontradi-
tional or nonmendelian inheritance (see Box 3-1). These Hairpin Structure
include triplet repeats, genomic imprinting, mosaicism, and Hairpins are fundamental structural units of DNA. They are
mitochondrial inheritance. formed in a single-stranded molecule and consist of a
base-paired stem structure and a loop sequence with
unpaired or mismatched nucleotides. Hairpin structures are
Triplet Repeats often formed in RNA from certain sequences, and they may
The expansion of short tandem arrays of di- and trinucleo- have consequences in DNA transcription, such as causing a
pause in transcription or translation, that result in termination.
tides from a few copies to thousands of copies demonstrates
a type of mutation with the potential of having profound
effects on the phenotype of offspring through an unusual G
mode of inheritance. First demonstrated with fragile X syn-
drome, the expansion of triplet repeats is found in several
In an Intron
A process known as unequal crossing-over, or recombina- expected. Neither males nor females show any outward signs
tion, may further amplify duplications. In this process, there is of fragile X syndrome. However, male carriers of the fragile
physical exchange of genetic material between chromosomes. X premutation are at a high risk for fragile X–associated
During meiosis, homologous chromosomes may mispair with tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS), an adult-onset neurologic
each synapsis. Should a crossover event occur, the DNA disorder characterized by ataxia, intention tremor, short-term
breaks, an exchange occurs, and the DNA ends are ligated. If memory loss, atypical Parkinson disease, loss of vibration and
the exchange of chromosome material (i.e., DNA) is unequal, tactile sensation and reflexes, and lower limb weakness. Pen-
chromatids either lose or gain DNA (Fig. 3-7). For amplifica- etrance of this disorder increases with age. With the appear-
tions, the result is a gain of triplet repeats for one chromatid. ance of these features in this group of males (premutation
The presence of triplet repeats is not an abnormal condi- males occur at a frequency of 1 in 813), the premutation
tion. It is when the number of repeats reaches a threshold presentation is a more common cause of tremor and ataxia
number that disease is expressed (see Table 3-3). When the in men over age 50 (1 in 3000) than are other ataxia/tremor-
number of repeats remains stable in the absence of amplifica- associated disorders.
tion, or with limited amplification below a threshold number, Females with premutations are also reported with FXTAS,
a normal condition exists. Once amplification begins to occur, although the incidence is lower. Two additional effects seen
a premutation may exist in which some individuals, but not in these females are premature ovarian failure occurring
all, may express some symptoms. At this stage, amplification before age 40 and an increased incidence of dizygotic twins.
can proceed in the gametes of a premutation individual to a Women with full mutations do not experience these features,
full mutation in which all individuals are affected. Depending just as men with full mutations have a different constellation
on the gene affected and its chromosomal location, a triplet of physical features. Approximately 22% to 28% of women
repeat disease may demonstrate autosomal dominant, auto- in this group experience premature ovarian failure. Some
somal recessive, or X-linked expression. studies suggest the increase in twinning may be linked more
Unlike most X-linked or recessive disorders, the premuta- closely to premature ovarian failure than to the premutation
tion phenotype presents a different clinical image than itself.
Nonmendelian Inheritance 37
Figure 3-7. Unequal crossover and CGG CGG CGG CGG CGG CGGn
sister chromatid exchange. A, One
chromatid of sister chromatids CGG CGG CGG CGGn
incorrectly pairs with its corresponding
sister chromatid. B, The outcome
shows one chromosome gained DNA,
one lost DNA, and two remained the
same. B
A particularly interesting feature of triplet repeat amplifica- explanation dispelled previous beliefs that the disease was
tion is that, in many disease presentations, the amplification occurring earlier and with greater severity in successive
is parent specific during gametogenesis. This is the underlying generations because the mothers were worrying during
cause of confusion about its mode of inheritance. For fragile pregnancy and beyond, and somehow contributing to the
X syndrome, two elements contribute to the expression of disease etiology.
trinucleotide repeats and disease expression. First, expansions
tend to occur through female meiosis I gamete formation.
Second, males are more often affected than carrier females
Genomic Imprinting
due to X chromosome inactivation. This explains why in For most autosome genes, one copy is inherited from each
fragile X syndrome the sons of carrier females are more parent and generally both copies are functionally active.
affected than daughters and why offspring of carrier males There are some genes, however, whose function is dependent
do not express the disorder. The risk of mental retardation on the parent from whom they originated. Stated another
and other physical features depends on the position of an way, allelic expression is parent-of-origin specific for some
individual in a pedigree relative to a transmitting male. The alleles. This phenomenon is known as genomic imprinting.
daughters of normal transmitting males inherit the same Genomic imprinting differs from X chromosome inactivation
regions of amplification as are present in the transmitting in that the latter has a somewhat random nature and involves
father. most of the chromosome. Genomic imprinting involves
During oogenesis in the daughter of a normal transmitting specific alleles on particular chromosomes.
male, further amplification occurs that is inherited by sons DNA is imprinted through methylation, though the signal
and daughters. Because males carry only a single X chromo- for initiating this process is unknown. It is a reversible form
some, the effect is more pronounced than in females carrying of allele inactivation. During gametogenesis, most DNA is
two X chromosomes, one of which presumably is normal. demethylated to remove parent-specific imprints in germ
Females are therefore obligate carriers. The reverse occurs in cells. Remethylation then occurs on alleles specific to the
Huntington disease, in which amplification occurs preferen- sex of the parent (Fig. 3-8); some alleles are methylated
tially in meiotic transfer from the father. In either situation, specifically in the copy inherited from the father, inactivating
a molecular explanation now exists for the observation in that copy of the gene, while others are methylated specifi-
some neurologic disorders of an increase in disease severity cally in the maternally inherited copy. In females, methylation
through successive generations. Referred to as genetic antici- occurs prior to ovulation when oocyte development resumes.
pation, amplification of triplet repeats provides a scientific In males, imprinting in spermatogonia is less clear but prob-
explanation to allay fears in an affected family. This ably occurs at birth when spermatogonia resume mitosis.
38 Mechanisms of Inheritance
Figure 3-8. Genomic imprinting. A, Somatic cells have
methylated alleles from a specific parent. B, At gamete Ubiquitin
formation, the imprint is removed and all alleles are Ubiquitin is a highly conserved, small protein of 76 amino
re-imprinted for the sex of the parent. C, When gametes form acids involved in protein degradation and found in all cells.
a zygote, parent-specific alleles are present. Blue is a It attaches to proteins targeted for degradation by
paternal imprint and pink is a maternal imprint.
proteasomes or occasionally lysosomes.
■ UBE1: ubiquitin-activating enzyme, which converts
However, it is clear that DNA methyltransferase expression
ubiquitin to a thiol ester
in the nucleus correlates with maternal and paternal imprint- ■ UBE2: family of carrier proteins
ing. Methylation remains throughout embryogenesis and ■ UBE3: protein ligase that binds ubiquitin to proteins
postnatally. The consequence of imprinting is that there is
only one functional allele for these imprinted genes. This
has significant clinical implications if the functionally active
allele is inactivated by mutation. Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes occur from micro-
deletions in 75% to 80% of cases and can be detected by
FISH analysis. However, as seen in Figure 3-9, other mecha-
BIOCHEMISTRY nisms exist, including the possibility of mutations within the
DNA Methylation individual genes. These represent the major mutation mecha-
nisms. Gross deletion of the promoter and exon 1 of SNRPN
DNA methylation occurs by the addition of a methyl group
has been reported; most mutations reported in the UBE3A
to cytosine. With the presence of “CpG islands,” or regions
of adjacent cytosines and guanines in promoter regions, gene are nonsense mutations resulting in a nonfunctional
methylation of these cytosines is an important aspect of protein. Molecular analysis with restriction enzymes can
gene regulation. Promoter regions that are highly methylated reveal changes in methylation sites.
provide fewer readily available target sites for transcription Not all chromosomes have imprinted genes. In fact, only
factors to bind. Therefore, methylation is associated with nine chromosomes with imprinted alleles have been reported.
down-regulation of gene expression and demethylation is Most of the genes that are imprinted occur in clusters and
associated with up-regulation of gene regulation. Methylation probably number only a few hundred.
occurs in the presence of DNA methyltransferase, which Uniparental disomy (UPD) is responsible for approximately
transfers a –CH3 group donated by S-adenosylmethionine. 20% of Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes and occurs
The –CH3 group is added to carbon 5 of cytosine and
when two copies of one chromosome originated from one
becomes 5-methylcytosine (m5C).
parent by nondisjunction. This differs from a complete hyda-
Barr bodies, the physical presentation of inactive X
chromosomes, are heavily methylated. Aberrant DNA tidiform mole, which receives an entire complement of chro-
methylation can lead to disease. mosomes from one parent and is incompatible with life. When
a homologous pair of chromosomes is inherited from a single
Nonmendelian Inheritance 39
Chromosome 15
parent, consequences arise if some genes on the chromosome required. Between the ages of 1 and 6 years, the child develops
are imprinted and thus not expressed (see Fig. 3-9). As seen hyperphagia, leading to morbid obesity. Individuals have
in Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes, UPD is a factor in short stature. Children have cognitive learning disabilities but
a significant number of cases. are generally only mildly mentally retarded. Their behaviors
Uniparental disomy occurs in Prader-Willi and Angelman are distinctive and characterized by tantrums, stubbornness,
syndromes when a gamete has two of the same chromosome manipulative behaviors, and obsessive compulsiveness, such
from nondisjunction of chromosome 15. Upon fertilization, as picking at sores. Both males and females demonstrate
trisomy 15 occurs but fetal demise is avoided through “rescue” hypogonadism and incomplete pubertal development with a
and loss of one of the three copies. Most of the time, normal high incidence of infertility. Other features include small
disomy is restored. However, about a third of the time UPD hands and feet, almond-shaped eyes, myopia, hypopigmenta-
occurs. Most nondisjunction occurs in maternal meiosis I. tion, and a high threshold for pain. Obesity can be managed
Therefore, the resulting UPD is a heterodisomy, or the pres- by diet and exercise to yield a more normal appearance.
ence of two different homologous chromosomes from a
parent, rather than an isodisomy, or the presence of two
chromosomes with identical alleles. If genomic imprinting
exists on these chromosomes, genetic disease occurs. The The presence of cells with different karyotypes in the same
fetus may have escaped the consequences of trisomy but not individual is mosaicism. It arises from a mutation occurring
the necessity of fine regulation of gene expression. during early development that persists in all future daughter
Clinically, Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes present cells of the mutated cell. If the mutation occurs early in devel-
quite differently. Angelman syndrome is characterized by opment, more cells as well as tissues will be affected; thus,
microcephaly, severe developmental delay and mental retar- clinical presentations are generally more pronounced the
dation, severe speech impairment with minimal or no use of earlier a mutation occurs.
words, ataxia, and flapping of the hands. Symptoms become Mosaicism may either be chromosomal mosaicism or germ-
apparent beginning around age 6 months and are fully evident line mosaicism. With chromosomal mosaicism, the presence
by age 1. Because affected individuals often have a laughing, of an additional chromosome or the absence of a chromo-
smiling facies, the term “happy puppet” was used in the past some from nondisjunction will create some trisomic or mono-
to describe them. somic cells. Monosomic cells are likely to die, but trisomic
Prader-Willi syndrome may first be apparent in utero, where cells may persist, yielding a clinical presentation less severe
the fetus is hypotonic and displays reduced movements. This than complete trisomy, in which all cells have an extra chro-
hypotonia is apparent at birth; feeding may be difficult owing mosome. This underscores an important concept about chro-
to a poor sucking reflex, and nasogastric feeding may be mosomal mosaicism: the more cells with an extra chromosome,
40 Mechanisms of Inheritance
the more severe the clinical presentation. Mosaicism may also nucleus. These genes are contributed to offspring through
result from a less dramatic event than nondisjunction. A new gametes from each parent. Mitochondria also contain DNA
mutation may occur on a particular chromosome in some (mtDNA) that contribute genes to the process of cellular
cells that persists in some tissues but not necessarily all. If the energy production. Mitochondria, however, are contributed
expression of the mutated gene or region of chromosome to the zygote only from the maternal gamete and thus rep-
adversely affects the cells or tissues in which it is located, a resent a maternal inheritance pattern. Females always pass
more discrete effect will occur. If germ cells are not affected mitochondrial mutations to both sons and daughters, but
by chromosomal mosaicism, gametes will be normal and off- males never pass these mutations to their offspring (Fig.
spring will be unaffected. A minority of Down syndrome 3-11).
cases as well as many types of cancers are examples of mtDNA is a circular molecule that encodes 37 gene prod-
somatic mosaicism affecting chromosomes. ucts on 16.5 kb of DNA. There may be a few to thousands of
In germline mosaicism, the mutation is not in somatic cells mitochondria per cell. If all copies within a cell are the same,
and an individual is unaware of the mutation until an affected the cell is homoplasmic. In part owing to a very high sequence
offspring is born. All cells of the affected offspring will carry evolution rate, some mtDNAs may become mutated while
the mutation. Parental testing will not reveal the mutation others remain normal within the same cell. This situation, in
unless germ cells are tested. With one affected child, the which normal and mutated mtDNAs exist in the same cell, is
occurrence of a de novo mutation in the child cannot be termed heteroplasmy. Segregation of mtDNA during cell divi-
distinguished from a germline mosaicism. De novo mutations sion is not as precise as chromosomal segregation, and daugh-
are also called spontaneous mutations. However, the occur- ter cells may accumulate different proportions of mutated and
rence of the same mutation or condition in more than one normal mtDNA. The random segregation of mtDNA during
offspring is highly suggestive of a parental germline mutation mitosis may yield some cells that are homoplasmic or cells
(Fig. 3-10). Germline mosaicism is suspected in about one with variable percentage of heteroplasmy. For this reason,
third of young males developing Duchenne type muscular many members of the same family may have different propor-
dystrophy (see Chapter 7). tions of mutated mtDNAs. Unlike nuclear chromosomal
allele mutations demonstrating autosomal dominant, autoso-
mal recessive, or X-linked inheritance, a threshold of mutated
Mitochondrial Inheritance mtDNAs is generally required before a disease results. Typi-
All inheritance models, with the exception of mitochondrial cally, clinical manifestations result when the proportion of
inheritance, involve genes found on chromosomes in the mutant mtDNA within a tissue exceeds 80%. This threshold
Multifactorial Inheritance 41
Identical twin 1
Fraternal twin 1/2
First-degree relatives 1/2
Second-degree relatives 1/4
Total liability (genetic and environmental)
Third-degree relatives 1/8
Figure 3-13. The threshold level is shown for the First cousins
continuous variation of a multifactorial, polygenic trait.
Folic Acid
Folic acid is a vitamin, a water-soluble precursor to
relatives tetrahydrofolate. It plays a key role in one-carbon
metabolism and the transfer of one-carbon groups. This
makes it essential for purine and pyrimidine biosynthesis as
well as for the metabolism of several amino acids. It is also
important for the regeneration of S-adenosylmethionine,
known as the “universal methyl donor.”
Folate deficiency is the most common vitamin deficiency
in the United States, presenting clinically as megaloblastic
C anemia. However, the group most likely to be deficient in
folate is women of childbearing age, whose deficiency
should be treated. Folic acid prevents neural tube defects
and is recommended for all women prior to conception
Third-degree and throughout pregnancy in doses ranging from 0.4 to
relatives 4.0 mg/day.
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is an example of a complex disease
that is not a single pathophysiologic entity but rather several
distinct conditions with different genetic and environmental
etiologies. Individuals with two fasting glucose levels of PHARMACOLOGY
126 mg/dL or greater are considered to have diabetes melli-
Insulin Therapy
tus. Two major forms of DM have been distinguished: type 1
and type 2. Note that, unlike other diseases that typically use First-line therapies for type 2 diabetes mellitus are “insulin
Roman numerals to designate disease types, Arabic numerals sensitizers” such as the thiazolidinediones and metformin.
Insulin is used when this first approach fails to completely
are used for diabetes.
resolve the situation. Exogenous insulin, used for type 1 and
Type 1 has been referred to by obsolete expressions
type 2, can be administered intravenously or intramuscularly.
such as “juvenile-onset diabetes,” “ketosis-prone diabetes,” For long-term treatment, subcutaneous injection is the
“insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus,” and “brittle diabetes.” predominant method of administration.
Type 2 has been called “maturity-onset diabetes,” “ketosis- Several aspects of subcutaneous injection of insulin differ
resistant diabetes,” “non–insulin-dependent diabetes mel- from its physiologic secretion. The kinetics of the injected
litus,” and “stable diabetes.” Type 1 DM is predominantly form of insulin does not parallel the normal response to
a disease of whites or populations with an appreciable nutrients. Insulin from injection also diffuses into the
white genetic admixture and is characterized by β-cell peripheral circulation instead of being released into the
destruction in the pancreas. Type 2 DM is the more preva- portal circulation.
lent type, comprising 80% of the cases; it is characterized Preparations are classified by duration of action: short,
intermediate, or long-acting.
by insulin resistance and an insulin secretory defect in
■ Short: lasts 4 to 10 hours (insulin lispro/insulin aspart,
β-cells. In the United States, the prevalence of type 1 is
regular insulin)
about 1 in 400 by age 20. Over 95% of affected individu- ■ Intermediate: lasts 10 to 20 hours (NPH insulin)
als develop the disease by age 25 years. The mean age of ■ Long-acting: lasts 20 to 24 hours (insulin glargine)
onset is approximately 12 years.
Multifactorial Inheritance 45
The two broad categories of DM are separable on the basis Children of a diabetic father have a greater liability to type
of several observations, such as mean age of onset, the asso- 1 DM than children of a diabetic mother. By the age of 20,
ciation with certain genes within the major histocompatibility 6.1% of the offspring of diabetic fathers had diabetes, whereas
complex (MHC), the presence of circulating islet cell antibod- only 1.3% of the offspring of diabetic mothers had the
ies, and the predisposition of β-cells to destruction by certain disease. Hence, type 1 is transmitted less frequently to the
viruses and chemicals. Affected individuals with type 1 DM offspring of diabetic mothers than to those of diabetic fathers.
may have some family history of type 1 DM, gluten enter- The mechanism responsible for the preferential transmission
opathy, or other endocrine disease. Most of these patients is not clear.
have the “immune-mediated form” of type 1 diabetes mel- In essence, the low incidence of hereditary transmission of
litus with islet cell antibodies and often have other autoim- type 1 DM suggests the intervention of one or more critical
mune disorders such as Hashimoto thyroiditis, Addison environmental insults. One hypothesis suggests that type 1
disease, vitiligo, or pernicious anemia. Evidence supports the requires two hits, analogous to the two hits required in the
view that early-onset type 1 is an autoimmune disease in development of some cancers. The first hit is an infection, and
which insulin-producing β-cells of the pancreas are ultimately the second hit is the selection of self-reactive T cells, which
and irreversibly self-destroyed by autoreactive T lympho- is influenced genetically through the MHC. The incisive ques-
cytes. Individuals with type 2 DM are more often women, tions are: What are the nongenetic (environmental) factors
older than age 40, and experience obesity. Type 1 and type 2 that trigger type 1, and how do they interact with the genetic
DM are genetically distinct, inasmuch as type 2 is not known factors?
to be associated with any particular human leukocyte antigen
(HLA) haplotype. Monozygotic Twin Studies
There is another form of diabetes termed type 1B, also To elucidate the role of genetic and environmental factors in
called idiopathic or type 1.5 diabetes. These individuals are the etiology of diabetes, pairs of identical (monozygotic)
initially responsive to medication because they have adequate twins have been studied. Theoretically, if diabetes is influ-
insulin production but gradually develop insulin resistance. enced strongly by inherited factors and one identical twin
Antibodies develop and more slowly destroy pancreatic β- manifests the disease, the other would be expected to display
cells. This explains those individuals who are diagnosed with the disease. The extent of genetic involvement is estimated
type 2 DM who gradually become insulin resistant and may from the degree of concordance (both twins developing dia-
become ketosis prone. Individuals of African, Hispanic, or betes) as opposed to discordance (only one twin developing
Asian descent are more likely to develop type 1B DM. diabetes).
The pancreas is a retroperitoneal organ except for the tail, Monozygotic (MZ) twins are identical twins that originate
which projects into the splenorenal ligament. It is an from one zygote, a process that usually begins during the
exocrine gland and produces digestive enzymes. It is also blastomere stage. Dizygotic (DZ) twins are fraternal twins
an endocrine gland and produces insulin and glucagon. The that originate from two zygotes.
main pancreatic duct joins the bile duct, which runs through The type of placenta depends on when twinning occurs.
the head of the pancreas, to form the hepatopancreatic Most MZ twins have monochorionic-diamniotic placentas
ampulla that enters the duodenum. (65% to 70%). If twinning occurs later (9–12 days after
fertilization), then monochorionic-monoamniotic placentation
may occur, but this is rare (1%). In this latter case, twin-to-
twin transfusion syndrome can occur. If twinning occurs after
Family Studies day 12, separation is incomplete and conjoined twins result.
Type 2 DM is more highly associated with familial diabetes DZ twins have dichorionic-diamniotic placentas, most of
which are separate (60%). If implantation sites are close,
than type 1 DM. Most studies show that at least one third of
placentas may fuse (40%). Since DZ twins occur more
the offspring of type 2 parents will exhibit diabetes or abnor-
frequently than MZ twins, the most prevalent placentation is
malities in glucose tolerance in late life. Specifically, the prev- dichorionic-diamniotic.
alence of type 2 among children of type 2 parents is 38%,
compared with only 11% among normal controls. In sharp
contrast, familial aggregation of type 1 is less common. The
usual finding in family studies is that 2% to 3% of the parents In a study of 100 pairs of identical twins for type 2 DM, it
and 7% of the siblings of a proband with type 1 have diabetes was found that, when one twin of a pair developed diabetes
(Table 3-5). Stated another way, the likelihood that a parent after age 50, the other twin developed the disease within
with type 1 DM will have a child with type 1 is only 2% to several years in 90% of cases. Thus, older (i.e., >50 years)
3%. If one child has type 1, the average risk that a second identical twins are usually concordant for type 2 DM. The
child will have type 1 is only 7%. very high concordance rate for late-onset type 2 is impressive
46 Mechanisms of Inheritance
2. T-lymphocyte infiltration
and recognition of foreign
antigens on infected cells Infected islets
and local APC
Figure 3-15. Process depicting
destruction of insulin-producing β-cells
in a hypothetical model of viral-induced
3. Up-regulation of HLA class II
islet cell autoimmunity. Infection of the
T on surviving b-cells by IFNg
CD4 pancreatic islet by a virus (e.g.,
T coxsackie B4 or cytomegalovirus) may
T lead to a robust intra-islet
Periphery T-lymphocyte–mediated response. As a
T T 4. Selection and expansion
result of T-lymphocyte infiltration, local
T CD8 inflammation, and/or interferon (IFN)
of autoreactive THelper
clones secretion, induction of HLA class II
expression on the β-cell is enhanced,
Drain to leading to the selection of T-lymphocyte
local node clones. Through mimicry, reactivation of
these T-lymphocyte clones occurs when
5. Autoreactive B lymphocyte
acquires T-cell help
antigen-presenting, autoreactive B
lymphocytes capture and present
B specific β-cell antigens released from
T the damaged islet. The specific B/T-
lymphocyte interaction provides
Clonal selection co-stimulation and avoids anergic
Affinity maturation deactivation of autoreactive B cells. As
these clones survive and expand,
b-Cell–specific islet-specific autoantibodies accumulate
6. Autoantibody binds B in the circulating immunoglobulin pool.
to surviving b-cells This view is supported by studies of
and insulin High-affinity B-lymphocyte
differentiation to a plasma high-risk subjects showing that
cell that secretes antibodies antibodies to candidate autoantigens
may exist long before disease
develops. The presence of islet
immunity, however, does not
T-cell receptor Insulin
HLA class II necessarily imply loss of β-cell function.
(Courtesy of Dr. Ronald Garner, Mercer
University School of Medicine.)
differential splicing to form at least 8 different proteins These same individuals have a lower metabolism and increased
expressed in a tissue-specific manner. Calpain-10 is found insulin resistance suggestive of mild diabetes, characteristics
only in pancreatic islet cells. A specific A-to-G mutation in that also increase obesity. Calpain-10 itself does not cause
intron 3, referred to as UCSNP-43 (for University of Chicago diabetes, but it does interact with other factors such as diet
single nucleotide polymorphism 43), increases the risk for and exercise to cause diabetes. These mutations have also
diabetes. Two other mutations, UCSNP-19 in intron 6 and been found in other populations and when present increase
UCSNP-63 in intron 13, also affect risk. Two mutated UCSNP- the risk for diabetes.
43 alleles and two different alleles at the other two sites are Molecular analyses of the insulin gene and an adjacent
associated with the greatest risk for developing diabetes. The large, “hypervariable” region proximal (5′) to the gene itself
presence of two different DNA sequences at three sites in have revealed an array of mutational events, but thus far it
the same gene allows for eight different combinations of has been difficult to associate most known nucleotide changes
sequences. It is hypothesized that these alterations affect with specific physiologic mechanisms. It can be asserted that
expression in different tissues: the UCSNP-43 alleles alter the risk for transmission of type 2 DM is greater than that for
calpain-10 expression in the pancreas and the other alleles type 1 because of the need of an environmental stress or
affect expression in muscle or fat cells. insult to the β-cells. For first-degree relatives, the risk is 10%
Pima Indians with two UCSNP-43 mutations but without to 15%; the risk of impaired glucose tolerance, which is the
diabetes produced 53% less calpain-10 mRNA in muscle. usual precursor of type 2, is 20% to 30%. A good case can
Multifactorial Inheritance 49
*Each of these transcription factors is involved in the regulation of the insulin gene through a complex process affecting the gene directly or through regulation of
each other. Thus, mutations decrease transcription, leading to increased blood glucose. Ultimately, complete β-cell failure occurs.
be made for periodic screening of first-degree relatives with Glucose Levels in Two Subtypes of MODY
oral glucose tolerance tests: those with impaired tolerance Glucokinase and Transcription Factor Deficiencies
should be advised to maintain ideal body weight. In a minor-
ity, but a significant percentage, of families, type 2 occurs 20 factor (HNF-1a) mutation
without the precondition of obesity. In those families, type 2
is probably caused by a different mechanism. 16
Glucose (mmol/L)
proteins, but modifications can also affect mRNAs in ways CH2COOH CH3C CH2COOH
that are not reflected in the protein; they may also occur in OH
tRNAs, rRNAs, and other less well recognized RNAs. Modi- Homogentisic acid Enzyme Acetoacetic acid
fications in protein structure result from any of the mecha-
Normal gene
nisms presented in Chapter 1, with effects ranging from
benign to an inactive or absent protein. Even a single amino Alkaptonuria
acid replacement in a protein may have important clinical
consequences, as evidenced by sickle cell hemoglobin (see
Alternative Splicing
Alternative splicing is the differential joining of exons to form
more than one variant from the same gene. The significance
of this mechanism is that it increases the diversity of gene homogentisic acid along with a blue-black discoloration of
products. A prominent example at the DNA level is connective tissue, including bone, cartilage, and skin, caused
immunoglobulin class switching. At the RNA level, this is by deposits of ochre-colored pigment—a condition known as
demonstrated at dystrophin, the gene mutated in Duchenne ochronosis. The block between C and D may also cause
and Becker muscular dystrophies. Dystrophin has seven increased use of other pathways, resulting in greater produc-
promoters that are used to generate specific, cell-type tion of alternative products. For example, in phenylketonuria
expression. (PKU), a single enzymatic block results not only in the accu-
mulation of phenylalanine (product C) but also in gross over-
production of phenylpyruvic acid (product Z). This provides
a general orientation to inborn errors of metabolism also
called metabolic disorders.
An important consideration in the development of disease
●●● MODEL OF BLOCKED is the period of gene expression. Those genes important for
early development will have earlier consequences if mutated
than will genes not expressed until puberty or after. These
The consequences of an alteration of a single enzyme are genes are differentially expressed; they are expressed at some
shown in Figure 4-2, which depicts the model reaction periods but not at other periods. Some genes are expressed
sequence A → D and the relevant genes for each step. In this continually and are called constitutively expressed genes. A
model, it is assumed that each gene acts independently and different group of genes may be expressed only in a particular
each is responsible for the formation of a specific enzyme. tissue. These tissue-specific genes may be either differentially
Substrate A is converted to end product D through a series or constitutively expressed (Table 4-1).
of metabolic steps that are each catalyzed by a separate A different consideration is the type of mutation and the
enzyme. As illustrated, a number of consequences may arise location of the mutation within the affected allele. As recog-
if enzyme “c” is not formed because gene “c” is mutated nized in Chapter 1, there are several types of mutations. In
and transcription does not occur. One effect would be the addition to mutations altering structure and function, other
lack of formation of product D, which could lead to a clinical mutations may cause a modification in the rate of synthesis,
disorder. In addition, the immediate precursor of the blocked posttranslational mechanisms, or transporting of proteins out
reaction could accumulate in abnormal amounts. For example, of the cell. Even if these changes produce products at normal
it has already been shown that homogentisic acid accumulates or near-normal levels, a modification may alter the function,
in alkaptonuria because its conversion to acetoacetic acid is efficiency, or half-life of the protein and result in a disease
blocked. The outcome is an increase in urinary excretion of condition.
Newborn Screening 53
Constitutive tRNAs
Cell membrane enzymes
Some transcription factors
Cytochrome P-450
G protein–coupled receptor
} Tissue-specific
Transcription factors } Non-tissue-specific
} Tissue-specific
Phenylalanine Tyrosine
Phenylketonuria Tyrosinemia type II
hydroxylase aminotransferase
Albinism Neonatal
type IA and IB, Tyrosinase acid oxidase tyrosinemia
type II
Tyrosine Homogentisate
Fumarylacetoacetate Tyrosinemia
hydrolase type I
GTP cyclohydrolase
Tetrahydrobiopterin NAD;
Phenylalanine BH4
Phenyllactic acid
Figure 4-4. Different forms of hyperphenylalaninemia. Defects in the ability to produce tetrahydrobiopterin efficiently will lead
to PKU types II and III. PAH may be normal, but without tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) synthesis there is excess phenylalanine and a
decrease in tyrosine.
56 Genetics of Metabolic Disorders
across the blood-brain barrier. It competes for the same active at a higher frequency than expected and account for approxi-
transport system as does leucine, an important component of mately 60% of mutations in Europeans. These “hot spots” for
myelin. Postmortem studies of PKU infants with microceph- mutations provide a better understanding of allelic heteroge-
aly suggest that the decreased brain size is due to a decreased neity. Stated another way, if 60% of PAH mutations are
amount of myelin and a reduction in other protein compo- represented by only 5 of 500 mutations, the phenotypical
nents of the brain. expectation among individuals with PKU and hyperphenyl-
alaninemia is more likely to be based on these 60% rather
than phenotypes that may be represented by other
PATHOLOGY mutations.
Both the excessive amount of phenylalanine and the lack
Changes in Urinary Amino Acids Associated with of tyrosine produce the abnormal consequences of PKU (see
Clinical Presentations Fig. 4-3). High levels of phenylalanine are damaging to rapidly
developing brain tissues in the developing infant. Brain
damage in the untreated patient occurs after birth rather than
before because the placenta produces phenylalanine hydrox-
ylase. Therefore, the placenta converts excess phenylalanine
Inherited metabolic PKU, tyrosinemia,
disorders homocystinuria, cystinuria, to tyrosine for the developing fetus. Production of this
other hyperaminoacidurias enzyme in the infant’s liver begins after birth.
Malnutrition Dietary protein malabsorption, Figure 4-4 also demonstrates that a deficiency of tyrosine
extreme metabolic crises can occur in other ways that result in elevated levels of
such as fasting, starvation, phenylalanine and decreased levels of tyrosine. These forms
or muscle wasting
Hydroxyproline excretion is of hyperphenylalaninemia are often referred to as type II
associated with celiac disease and type III PKU to distinguish them from classic, or type
and malabsorption disease I, PKU. Each form can be detected with the Guthrie test or
Decreased protein Recent dietary insufficiency with amino acid profiling of urine or plasma. However, the
ingestion demonstrates decreased choice, and ultimately the success, of treatment depend on
amino acid excretion
Alcoholism Nutritional anemia and alcoholic which enzyme is affected. Individuals with classic PKU are
gastritis demonstrate altered treated with a phenylalanine-restricted diet; however, in type
amino acid excretion II and type III hyperphenylalaninemia, phenylalanine is
Cushing disease Increased cystine elevated but these individuals are not spared the effects of
Chronic fatigue Strongly associated with progressive neurologic deterioration by a phenylalanine-
syndrome β-alanine; increased ratio of
tryptophan to branched-chain restricted diet (Table 4-3). Defects in dihydrobiopterin syn-
amino acids thetase and dihydropteridine reductase resulting in deficiencies
Muscle catabolism 3-Methylhistidine indicates of tetrahydrobiopterin and dihydrobiopterin block or reduce
excessive muscle catabolism the conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine, leading to
Osteoporosis Elevated hydroxyproline with inadequate neurotransmitter formation.
increased osteocalcin
secretion indicates high bone When relying on the Guthrie screening test, the physician
turnover must be cautious about positive results. Elevated tyrosine
associated with low birth weight, seen in infants on high-
protein diets, and with vitamin C deficiency may also cause
a positive Guthrie test. Liver disease and galactosemia can
also cause a positive test. Two additional tests can be used to
More than 500 mutations have been described in the PAH detect elevated levels of phenylalanine and other amino
gene. Most mutations result in hyperphenylalaninemia owing acids. A fluorometric assay is an automated test that produces
to reduced enzyme activity. Mutations have been described fewer false positives than does the Guthrie test. Tandem mass
in each of the 13 exons; however, 5 mutations are present spectrometry is used to identify numerous metabolic defects.
*Variation in severe versus mild, persistent form results from different PAH allele combinations.
Aminoacidopathies 57
Melanocytes Hyperaminoaciduria
Melanocytes are neural crest cell derivatives interspersed Hyperaminoacidurias, or the increased plasma concentration
among the cells of the stratum basale. They are of an amino acid, are explained by several mechanisms:
distinguished by pale, halo-like cytoplasm. Within (1) a defect may occur before the kidney, as seen in
melanocytes are melanosomes that produce melanin. The hyperargininemia, where the defect causes increased plasma
melanin-containing melanosomes are transported to and arginine; (2) competition for the same transporter may occur
take up locations covering the nuclei in keratinocytes, when the same transporter is used for more than one amino
protecting them from ultraviolet radiation. Hence, skin acid and the high filtering load of one amino acid inhibits the
color depends on activity of melanocytes rather than their others; and (3) a defective transporter may occur and result in
number. decreased reabsorption by the kidney. Finally, a generalized
proximal tubule dysfunction may occur from inherited or
acquired conditions affecting the proximal tubule cells. In this
type of hyperaminoaciduria, also called Fanconi syndrome,
the kidney fails to appropriately reabsorb the particular amino
NEUROSCIENCE & PHARMACOLOGY acids as well as Na+, Cl−, HCO3−, glucose, and water.
Catecholamines serve as neurotransmitters and circulating
hormones. They are derived from tyrosine and include Homocystinuria and
dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. The rate- Hyperhomocystinuria
limiting step in this pathway, which begins with the essential
amino acid phenylalanine, is tyrosine hydroxylase. Methionine is an essential amino acid that is converted to
After release from chromaffin cells of the adrenal gland cysteine. These amino acids are the only two sulfur-containing
and sympathetic axons, catecholamine reuptake primarily amino acids in protein synthesis, and therefore, the roles they
occurs at synaptic clefts, although non-neuronal uptake also play in synthetic pathways are critical. For example, an
occurs. This mechanism is sodium dependent but not ATP important methionine derivative is S-adenosylmethionine
dependent; transporters are therefore referred to as (SAM), which serves as an endogenous methyl donor. Methi-
Na+-dependent transporters. An example is the Na+- onine is also important in the synthesis of carnitine, taurine,
dependent norepinephrine transporter (NET). After uptake, phosphatidylcholine, and phospholipids. Cysteine is critical
catecholamines are either stored or catabolized by
in the production of heparan, coenzyme A (CoA), biotin, and
monoamine oxidase (MAO) and catechol
O-methyltransferase (COMT).
Catecholamine receptors are specific for ligands.
Dopamine effects are mediated by D1 and D2 receptor
subfamilies. Norepinephrine and epinephrine act via two BIOCHEMISTRY
broad families of receptors (α and β) or five classes (α1, α2,
β1, β2, and β3). S-Adenosylmethionine (SAM)
SAM is an enzymatic cofactor involved in irreversible methyl
group transfers for methylation and required by most
methyltransferase reactions. Many targets of methylation are
screening test; hence, care must be exercised when diagnosing in the brain. In particular, catecholamines are degraded by
PKU in a newborn. Positive Guthrie tests are typically fol- the actions of monoamine oxidase (MAO) and catechol
lowed by more detailed investigations, including serum phe- O-methyltransferase (COMT). COMT transfers a methyl
group from SAM to catecholamines, initiating a degradation
nylalanine and tyrosine levels.
process. In the absence of sufficient SAM, COMT, or other
Tyrosinemia types I and II are rare but can be detected
degradation enzymes, accumulations in degradation
by molecular analysis. Type I, also known as hepatorenal products occur and are seen in several neurologic
tyrosinemia, is potentially fatal. Present in either acute or disorders.
chronic form, it is associated with liver failure or with liver
dysfunction and renal nephropathy. Type II, also known as
oculocutaneous tyrosinemia, usually presents during the first An intermediate in the methionine-to-cysteine pathway is
year as eye irritations in the form of photophobia, conjunc- homocysteine, a thiol compound required to regenerate
tivitis, or pain resulting from tyrosine crystals within the methionine. Classic homocystinuria is a recessive metabolic
cornea. Skin lesions begin as blisters on fingertips and toes; disorder due to deficiency of cystathionine β-synthase (CBS)
later keratotic plaques appear on palms and soles. Both types that produces increased urinary homocystine and methionine.
result from the accumulation of tyrosine. Mental retardation About 50% of homocysteine is recycled to methionine.
may occur in these individuals, but it is unclear whether it As shown in Figure 4-5, two other enzymes may result
results from elevated tyrosine or is secondary to the enzyme in hyperhomocystinuria: methionine synthase and 5,10-
deficiency. methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase.
Aminoacidopathies 59
Methionine THF
Methionine Glycine
synthase Methyl-B12
N5, N10-Methylene-THF
N5-methyl-THF 5,10-Methylenetetrahydrofolate
Pyridoxine reductase (MTHFR)
Classic Cystathionine-
homocystinuria b-synthase
Figure 4-5. Classic homocystinuria results from a deficiency of cystathionine β-synthase. Other mutations can affect the
pathway but have less damaging effects.
Most of the 132 mutations found in the CBS gene are mis-
sense mutations, with the majority being unique mutations. PATHOLOGY & PHYSIOLOGY
However, among these the two most frequent mutations are Homocysteine (Hcy)
I278T and G307S, both of which are found in exon 8 of the
Elevated Hcy causes oxidative stress and injury to vascular
gene. I278T, in which isoleucine is replaced by threonine at
cells through the auto-oxidation of Hcy, formation of Hcy
codon 278, accounts for about 25% of all homocystinuric
mixed disulfides, interaction of Hcy thiolactones, and protein
alleles. G307S, in which glycine replaces serine, is the leading homocysteinylation. Oxidation of Hcy produces reactive
cause of homocystinuria in Ireland, where it accounts for oxygen species (ROS), primarily superoxide, hydroxyl
more than 70% of the mutations, suggesting that at least in radicals, and peroxynitrites. These lead to the formation of
this population a founder effect for this allele may exist. The peroxide and hypochlorous acid. All are toxic to tissues and
I278T mutation is almost always B6 responsive, whereas the cause damage to lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins.
G307S mutation is almost always B6 nonresponsive. This type The formation of mixed disulfides leads to the formation of
of information is necessary for knowing which tests to perform additional ROS. In addition, Hcy may undergo
and similarly which therapies might be effective. rearrangements to form Hcy thiolactones that will acylate
As noted, there are several causes of hyperhomocystinuria lysines in proteins. These homocysteinylate proteins initiate
further ROS damage and loss of biological activity. In
in addition to the classic form (see Fig. 4-5). These may be
particular, low-density lipoproteins may be affected, leading
benign or associated with mental retardation. Liver disease
to inflammation and the formation of foamy cells associated
due to hepatitis or tyrosinemia type I will cause elevated with atherosclerosis. The ability to inactivate these ROS is
serum methionine. A deficiency of folic acid or vitamin B12 the function of antioxidants. However, even with
resulting in methylmalonic acidemia will also cause up-regulation of glutathionine peroxidase and superoxide
dismutase, there is evidence that they are depleted in
chronic situations (see Fig. 6-6 and Biochemistry Box,
p. 114).
Vascular cells do not express cystathionine β-synthase
(CBS), so they are more vulnerable to elevated Hcy. These
cells are therefore more dependent on the methionine
synthase and methyl-B12 remethylation pathway.
Galactosemia is an extraordinary metabolic disorder in which
Figure 4-6. Galactosemia cataract. The accumulation of affected infants are unable to utilize galactose found in milk.
galactose in the lens leads to the production of galactitol. Galactose is important beyond its ability to provide glucose.
This sugar alcohol exerts increased osmotic pressure within It is also a component of cerebrosides, gangliosides, and
the lens because it diffuses very slowly. The induced swelling glycoproteins. These are constituents of cell membranes, and
is not solely responsible for subsequent cataract formation; cerebrosides and gangliosides are a significant portion of
however, evidence supports its role in cataract formation brain lipid. Galactose ordinarily is converted to glucose and,
rather than galactose-1-phosphate because a galactokinase
deficiency in which galactose-1-phosphate is absent will still
eventually, oxidized to provide energy. In affected infants,
yield cataracts. (From Kanski J. Clinical Ophthalmology: A galactose is not transformed and accumulates in various
Systemic Approach, 4th ed. London, Butterworth Heinemann, tissues. The infant suffers from malnutrition, becomes
1999, p 177.) severely mentally retarded, and develops cataracts (Fig. 4-6).
Organic Acidemias 61
Characteristically the liver becomes grossly enlarged. returns to normal size, vomiting ceases, and nutrition and
Untreated, the infant usually dies. growth improve markedly. Unfortunately, unless a galactose-
Classic galactosemia, an autosomal recessive disorder, free diet is instituted promptly at birth, there is usually no
results from a block in the conversion of galactose-1- recovery from the mentally retarded state. Damage to the
phosphate to glucose 1-phosphate by galactose-1-phos- liver, brain, and eyes occurs in the very first days of life.
phate uridyltransferase (Fig. 4-7). As a result of the defect, Accordingly, if a newborn infant is a first-degree relative of
galactose-1-phosphate and galactose metabolites accumu- an individual with galactosemia, pre- or perinatal testing
late in tissues and are elevated in the blood and urine. can identify the condition. Estimates for the prevalence of
Galactose-1-phosphate competes with the UTP-dependent galactosemia vary widely, from 1 in 18,000 to 1 in 70,000
glucose-1-phosphate to reduce UDP glucose production. infants.
Two mutations account for 62% of the mutations identi-
fied: Q188R (54%) and S135L (8.4%). The remaining
mutations are either private (unique to a specific family)
or unknown.
In a nonclassic form of galactosemia, galactokinase is defi- During normal degradation of many amino acids, intermedi-
cient. This rare form demonstrates elevated levels of galactose ate metabolites known as organic acids are formed. Enzyme
but does not have deposition of galactose-1-phosphate in deficiencies causing the accumulation of organic acids can
tissues. Excess galactose is metabolized by alternative path- lead to severe metabolic acidosis. Failure to recognize the
ways to metabolites that are normally present in only trace underlying cause of metabolic acidosis can have serious con-
amounts. Both forms of galactosemia result in cataract forma- sequences to the individual. Typically, infants appear normal
tion from galactitol, the reduced sugar alcohol of galactose, during the first few days prior to the onset of symptoms.
by aldose reductase. Galactitol accumulates in the lens, Clinical symptoms of organic acid disorders may include
causing a change in osmotic pressure as water is absorbed and vomiting, metabolic acidosis, ketosis, dehydration or coma,
swelling occurs. hyperammonemia, lactic acidosis, hypoglycemia, failure to
If the diagnosis of galactosemia is made before the disease thrive, hypotonia, global developmental delay, sepsis, and
is too far advanced, nearly all the symptoms will disappear hematologic disorders.
if galactose is restricted from the infant’s diet. The liver
Transamination in the
α-Ketoisovalerate α-Keto-β-methylvalerate α-Ketoisocaproate
Isobutyryl-CoA 2-Methylbutyryl-CoA Isovaleryl-CoA
Figure 4-8. Branched-chain amino acid metabolism. A mutation in the α-keto acid decarboxylase enzyme complex results in
the accumulation of valine, isoleucine, leucine, and the α-keto analogs of these branched-chain amino acids in the urine,
resulting in maple syrup urine disease.
Maple syrup urine 1 in 150,000 Leucine, Branched-chain keto Yes Maple syrup
disease (MSUD) (general isoleucine, acid dehydrogenase odor to urine
population) valine
1 in 1000
Propionic acidemia 1 in 20,000 Isoleucine, Propionyl-CoA Yes Yes Neutropenia
methionine, carboxylase
Methylmalonic 1 in 20,000 Isoleucine, Methylmalonyl-CoA Yes Yes Neutropenia
acidemia (MMA) valine, mutase
Isovaleric acidemia 1 in 150,000 Leucine Isovaleryl-CoA Yes Sweaty feet
dehydrogenase odor
Biotin-unresponsive 1 in 15,500 Leucine 3-Methylcrotonyl-CoA Yes Hypoglycemia
3-methylcrotonyl- carboxylase
CoA carboxylase
3-Hydroxy-3- Unknown Leucine Hydroxymethylglutaryl- No Reye syndrome,
methylglutaryl- CoA lyase hypoglycemia
lyase deficiency
Ketothiolase Unknown Isoleucine Mitochondrial Yes Yes Hypoglycemia
deficiency acetoacetyl-CoA
Glutaric acidemia 1 in 150,000 Lysine, Glutaryl-CoA No Basal ganglia
type I (GA I) hydroxylysine, dehydrogenase injury with
tryptophan movement
enzymes within a pathway and not by availability of biotin. defective enzyme. However, it is important to remember that
In fact, treatment with biotin has little effect in these disor- products downstream of the defective enzyme may be critical
ders but is very effective in biotinidase deficiency. Biotinidase to health. Early recognition is important to minimize effects
deficiency results in the deficiencies of multiple carboxylases of the disease.
rather than one. Ketoacidosis, organic aciduria, and mild Treatments for inborn errors of metabolism are generally
hyperammonemia may occur with biotinidase deficiency, but found in one or more of several categories: dietary restriction
in partial deficiency these symptoms may occur only during of substrate, replacement of end product, depletion of storage
metabolic stress. Partial biotinidase deficiency, in particular, substrate, amplification of mutant protein, replacement of
is associated with metabolic stresses such as illness, fever, and mutant protein, organ or bone marrow transplantation, and
fasting. Urinary organic acid analysis will distinguish between surgical removal (Table 4-6). As discussed in this chapter,
isolated and multiple carboxylase deficiencies. many of the disorders identified at birth can be treated by
dietary restriction and supplementation. A classic example of
dietary restriction is PKU. Phenylalanine should be restricted
soon after birth to achieve normal growth and cognitive
development. Special formulas are used and adjusted as the
GENETIC DISEASE infant grows. Early in the history of PKU treatment, many
The essential principles underlying treatment of many inher- patients were taken off the diet in childhood or as teenagers.
ited metabolic disorders are avoidance of the harmful envi- Likewise, other individuals lacked continual compliance with
ronmental factors that exacerbate the condition and the diet as they got older. Adherence to a low-phenylalanine
restoration of a normal internal metabolism by modifications diet should be lifelong and particularly so for women of
of the diet. In the examples described, the environmental childbearing age. A range of plasma phenylalanine levels from
factor is often a component of the diet. Removing this com- 2 to 6 mg/dL is recommended until age 12 years. Afterward,
ponent removes the substrate that accumulates because of the the suggested range is from 2 to 15 mg/dL.
64 Genetics of Metabolic Disorders
DNA damage,
Cyclin D cell stress
Cyclin D/CDK4 (active complex) MDM2
p16INK4 p21
RB phosphorylation in p14ARF
E2F/DP1/RB complex
Active E2F
Cyclin D Constitutively
degradation produced CDK2
Cyclin B
CDK2/cyclin B
Cyclin D (P)
G2 ;
Cell CDK25 Figure 5-2. The cell cycle requires
P G1 cycle specific cyclins and cyclin-dependent
kinases (CDKs) to progress through
+Inactive each stage. The transition from G1 to S
kinase Active phase is regulated by cyclin D (D1-3)
CDK2/cyclin B and cyclin E that are synthesized in G1
complex and active when phosphorylated.
Cyclins A and B1-2 control transition
Cyclin D
from G2 to M. Cyclin B binds to CDK2,
synthesis Cyclin B
and this complex is activated by
G0 degradation
phosphorylation by CDK25 and other
68 Cancer Genetics
Repression of Active
BIOCHEMISTRY transcription
It can be appreciated now that tumors arise from alterations Intense molecular genetic and family studies over the last
in the cell cycle resulting from abnormal proteins that dra- two decades have revealed that the initial mutation leading
matically alter the balance between cell growth and cell to cancer either can occur spontaneously (de novo) in certain
death. The principal mechanisms for cell cycle perturbation sporadic patients or can be inherited, thus prescribing predis-
are mutations in those genes that regulate it. Predictably, the position to heritable cancer. In either case, a single mutational
majority of genes associated with cancer are important in event is rarely sufficient for neoplasia. Rather, a genetic para-
normal cell growth, proliferation, differentiation, death, and digm has emerged in which cancer results from a progressive
maintenance of the genome. or sequential accumulation of mutations (Fig. 5-4). Often
mutations occur in genes necessary for DNA maintenance
and repair. Such mutations may facilitate the process by
increasing the likelihood of mutation within the cell. Accord-
Genetic Paradigm for Cancer ingly, with each new mutational “step,” cellular regulation of
Most of the time, cancer originates following genetic changes growth versus stasis or death diminishes, ultimately resulting
in a single cell; hence, cancers are monoclonal and all tumor in a cell lineage that divides without constraint. At this point,
cells are derived from a single progenitor. This cell exhibits normal cell metabolism is profoundly altered, and cells may
altered physiologic properties that upset normal cellular regu- obtain the ability, through further genetic change, to infiltrate
lation of proliferation and death. Because daughter cells will other tissues and metastasize to other organs, thus complet-
carry the same mutation or mutations, the propensity for ing the transformation into a malignant neoplasm (see Fig.
unchecked cellular growth is perpetuated during subsequent 5-4). Below, the salient features of oncogenes and tumor
cell divisions. Thus, all cells in a tumor have a common suppressor genes are discussed along with examples of their
origin. role in cancer.
Oncogenes 69
Types of Cancers Retroviruses
Major types of cancer can be described as: Retroviruses give rise to transposable elements. There are
■ Carcinoma (85% of all cancers): derived from epithelial usually three genes flanked by direct repeats. The genes of
tissues; includes cancers of glands, breast, skin, and retroviruses include:
most internal organs ■ gag: codes for core and structural proteins
■ Sarcoma: cancer of connective tissue origin, such as ■ pol: codes for reverse transcriptase, protease, and
Clonal expansion
Additional mutations
Escape from immunity
Tumor progression
Figure 5-4. Simplified schematic for
the molecular basis of cancer.
(Redrawn from Kumar V, Abbas A, Invasion and
Fausto N. Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Malignant neoplasm metastasis
Basis of Disease, 8th ed. Philadelphia,
WB Saunders, 2010, p 280.)
Specifically, RAS is located in the plasma membrane and is mutations. As discussed later, tumor suppressor genes do not
involved in regulation of cellular proliferation through inter- share this genetic mechanism.
action with growth factors (see Fig. 5-5). Normally, when RAS
binds GTP, it undergoes a conformational change to its acti-
vated state and binds a protein kinase called RAF, a serine
Oncogene Activation by Translocation
protein kinase also called MAPKKK (for mitogen-activated Burkitt Lymphoma
protein kinase kinase kinase), initiating the MAP kinase– Burkitt lymphoma is a rare cancer of the jaw found in African
mediated protein phosphorylation cascade that ultimately children. Cytogenetic analysis confirms that the majority of
results in the activation of at least one nuclear transcription patients have a balanced translocation involving the MYC
factor that regulates the expression of genes important in cell proto-oncogene from chromosome 8q24 to chromosome
proliferation. A mutation altering a single base pair in RAS 14q32 [t(8;14)(q24;q32)] (Fig. 5-6). Occasionally, the MYC
is all that is necessary to produce an abnormal RAS that is gene is translocated to chromosome 2q11 or chromosome
constantly in the “active” conformation. In this case, the 22q11. In each position, the MYC gene is placed in a new
abnormal RAS protein promotes cellular growth and is con- genomic environment that features the genes for immuno-
strained by normal cellular checkpoints, thus promoting globulin (Ig) heavy chains or κ light and λ light chains, respec-
tumor formation. In fact, RAS mutations are found in many tively. It is clear that this new genetic address results in
tumor types, including colon cancer, as will be discussed later. uncontrolled MYC expression. Though MYC is constitutively
Functionally, oncogenes exact their transforming capacity expressed at low levels in cells, its translocation places it
through dominant transmission, since only a single allele under different promoter control—that of the immuno-
needs to be mutated in order to deregulate cell proliferation. globulin genes with higher expression levels—resulting in its
Hence, oncogenes typically act as dominant, gain-of-function overexpression. This is critical to cancer formation since the
Oncogenes 71
RET 10q Receptor tyrosine kinase Multiple endocrine neoplasia, thyroid carcinomas
ERB-B 7p12 Epidermal growth factor receptor Glioblastoma, breast cancer
ERB-A 17q11 Thyroid hormone receptor Acute promyelocytic leukemia
NEU (ERB-B2) 17q21 Receptor protein kinase Neuroblastoma, breast cancer
MET 7q31 Receptor tyrosine kinase Hereditary papillary renal carcinoma, hepatocellular
KIT 4q12 Receptor tyrosine kinase Gastrointestinal stromal tumor syndrome
From Jorde LB, Carey CC, Bamshad MJ, White RL. Medical Genetics, 3rd ed. St. Louis, Mosby, 2003, p 236.
MYC protein is a transcription factor whose targets are a translocations seen in the endemic form of Burkitt lymphoma,
number of genes important in cell proliferation and cell cycle in the sporadic form c-MYC exons 2 and 3 are translocated
control. Hence, Burkitt lymphoma is an example of a chro- to the switch region of the Ig heavy chain locus; a cryptic
mosomal rearrangement that places a normal gene in a new promoter next to exon 2 is used to overexpress c-MYC.
genetic environment, altering its expression and thereby
promoting cellular transformation.
Burkitt lymphoma is endemic in Africa, and most people
associate it with an African B-cell neoplasm involving the PATHOLOGY
maxilla or mandible. However, there is also a sporadic form
Hodgkin versus Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas
that usually does not involve the maxilla or mandible. This
form, appearing in Caucasians, involves the abdominal organs Hodgkin lymphomas and non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHLs)
most frequently and presents with tumors causing swelling differ in several respects. Hodgkin lymphomas arise in a
single or related nodes, spread continuously, and contain
and pain. The distal ileum, cecum, or mesentery are more
Reed-Sternberg cells.
often involved than other abdominal organs, pelvic organs,
Non-Hodgkin lymphomas may arise at extranodal sites
or facial bones. Epstein-Barr virus is strongly implicated in and spread in an unpredictable manner. There are about 20
the etiology of the African form, but this correlation is types of NHL, including Burkitt lymphoma.
less clearly understood in the sporadic form. Unlike the
72 Cancer Genetics
Receptor-ligand complex
Growth factor P
receptor RAF (MKKK)
Figure 5-5. Tyrosine receptor signaling. Growth factor ligand causes the dimerization and autophosphorylation of tyrosines.
Bridging proteins (BRB2/SOS) bring the receptor into the vicinity of RAS, where it catalyzes guanine exchange on RAS. The
activated RAS associates with RAF1, a serine/threonine protein kinase, and RAF1 then activates and phosphorylates MEK. The
MAP kinase cascade interacts with proteins that are translocated to the nucleus, where transcription factors are activated.
(Redrawn from Kumar V, Abbas A, Fausto N. Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 7th ed. Philadelphia, WB Saunders,
2004, p 99.)
H chain enhancer
H chain genes C-MYC gene
C-MYC gene
Chr 8 Chr 14
b1 b2 b3 b4 b5
e1 2 3 4–8 9–11 12–16 17 19 24
a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a11 a12
e1 b2 a2
e1 b2 b3 a2
e1 a2
e1 e19 a2
Figure 5-8. The major forms of the BCR-ABL fusion gene. Translocations involving the m-BCR region of the BCR gene lead to
joining of the second or third exons of this region (b2, b3) with the second exon of the ABL gene (a2) to form the b2a2 or b3a2
transcripts and the p210 product. Breakpoints in the m-BCR region of the BCR gene result in fusion of the first exon of this
gene (e1) with the second exon of the ABL gene (a2) to form the e1a2 BCR-ABL transcript that encodes the p190 hybrid
protein. Breakpoints in the m-BCR region of the BCR gene juxtapose the exon 19 (e19) of this gene to the second exon of the
ABL gene (a2) to produce the e19a2 transcript that encodes the p230 protein. (Redrawn courtesy of Rajyalakshmi Luthra, PhD,
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas.)
74 Cancer Genetics
1. Labeling of genomic
tumor DNA and normal
genomic control DNA
by nick translocation
Biotin-labeled tumor DNA Digoxigenin-labeled
control DNA
2. Simultaneous hybridization of
differentially labeled tumor and
control DNAs to normal human
metaphase spreads
3. Fluorescence detection of
the hybridized DNAs
Figure 5-10. Fluorescence in situ
hybridization with the probe MYCN.
A, Interphase nucleus with dmin and
one HSR from patient 1. B, Interphase
nucleus with dmin and five HSRs from
the same patient. C, Metaphase cell
with dmin and one HSR from patient 2.
D, Metaphase cell from the same case
with dmin and two HSRs. (From
Yoshimoto M, de Toledo SRC, Caranet
EMM, et al: MYCN gene amplification:
identification of cell populations
containing double minutes and
homogeneously staining regions in
neuroblastoma tumors. Am J Pathol
1999;155:1439–1443. With permission
from the American Society for C D
Investigative Pathology.)
With Rb as a model, it can now be seen how tumor sup-
pressor genes are key etiologic factors in familial cancers. Rb
can present as sporadic or familial cases (Fig. 5-13). In familial
(or heritable) cases, a mutation of one RB1 allele is passed
through generations in an autosomal dominant fashion. As
noted above, Rb expression requires a second hit in the other,
normal allele. This would seemingly be an extremely rare
event, but the 1 million or so retinoblasts are mitotically
active, giving ample opportunity for genetic error. Hence, Rb
clinical expression is quite common in families with a germ-
line RB1 mutation, although penetrance is not complete
owing to the random nature of the second, somatic mutation
(see Fig. 5-13). It is proper, then, to suggest that the predis-
position for Rb is high in families carrying the mutation,
although some individuals heterozygous for an RB1 mutation
may not develop retinal tumors.
An apparent paradox regarding tumor suppressor genes is
voiced by the question: How can cancer due to tumor sup-
pressor genes be autosomal dominant when both copies of
the gene must be inactivated to permit tumor formation? In
fact, the inherited or constitutional deleterious allele is trans-
mitted in an autosomal dominant manner and most hetero- Figure 5-12. CT scan (A) and MRI (B) of retinoblastoma in
zygotes do manifest the disease. So, while the predisposition a child with leukocoria showing a calcified mass in the globe
for cancer is inherited in a dominant fashion, pathology at of the eye. (Courtesy of Simin Dadparvar, MD.)
the cellular level requires the loss of both alleles—a decidedly
recessive mechanism. This explains why penetrance is incom-
plete in Rb, since only about 90% of heterozygotes ever including the RB1 locus. In familial Rb, the remaining RB1
undergo the second, somatic hit to their normal RB1 allele. allele was the inherited and deleterious gene, and the loss of
the nonmutated allele equaled a second hit and precipitated
Loss of Heterozygosity tumor formation. Several mechanisms may account for LOH,
Intensive molecular genetic analysis of the Rb locus revealed including interstitial deletion in chromosome 13q14, mitotic
that, in a significant proportion of cases, individuals who were nondisjunction resulting in the loss of one chromosome 13,
otherwise heterozygous in normal tissues contained tumors or mitotic recombination. In any case, LOH represents the
that harbored only a single RB1 allele. In other words, most common genetic mechanism for loss of the normal RB1
one allele seemingly vanished. The tumor cells underwent a allele in patients. If LOH is not found, the most likely expla-
loss of heterozygosity (LOH) for part of chromosome 13q, nation is a point mutation inactivation of the second RB1
78 Cancer Genetics
in one allele
in other allele
in other allele
TABLE 5-3. Examples of LOH and Associated Tumor Suppressor Gene Cancers
allele. LOH is considered an important genetic phenomenon TABLE 5-4. Comparison Between Heritable and
in cancer and has been observed in a number of cancers that Nonheritable Retinoblastoma
are perpetuated by the loss of tumor suppressor genes (Table
Spontaneous Retinoblastoma
Spontaneous retinoblastoma accounts for roughly 60% of Tumor Usually Unilateral
cases and results from the concerted action of two indepen-
Family history 20% of cases None
dent somatic RB1 mutations in a single retinal cell (Table 5-4). Average age <1 year About 2 years or
Hence, these tumors are unifocal and unilateral, since they at diagnosis later
are truly monoclonal in origin. This can be contrasted to Increased risk Osteosarcoma, None
familial Rb, in which tumors can be multifocal and are often of second other
primary sarcomas,
bilateral—reflecting the need for only a single additional
tumors melanoma,
somatic mutational event within the normal RB1 allele in a others
retinal cell.
Tumor Suppressor Genes 79
Neurofibromatosis Type 1
Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is an autosomal dominant
Retinoblastoma disease of the nervous system that features the cardinal signs
Tumors may contain both differentiated and undifferentiated of multiple benign neurofibroma tumors in the skin (Fig.
cells. Differentiated cells may contain Flexner-Wintersteiner 5-14), irregularly pigmented patches of the skin (café-au-lait
rosettes and fleurettes, whereas undifferentiated cells have spots), and small benign tumors on the iris known as Lisch
hyperchromatic nuclei and appear as collections of small, nodules (Box 5-2). Occasionally, NF patients will develop
round cells.
cancer related to the nervous system, including neurofibro-
Calcification is characteristic of retinoblastoma and
sarcoma, cancer of Schwann cells, or astrocytoma. The NF1
differentiates retinoblastoma from other tumors or lesions that
mimic retinoblastoma in children under age 3 years. In older
gene is located at chromosome 17q11.2, and its nucleotide
children, calcification may occur in other lesions, such as and protein sequence analyses showed it has extensive simi-
retinopathy of prematurity and Toxocara infections from pets. larity with a GTPase-activating protein (GAP). This, in turn,
is significant to carcinogenesis because one of the GAP func-
tions is to accelerate the hydrolysis of GTP bound to the RAS
protein. Thus, the NF1 protein, neurofibromin, can be envi-
Using Rb as a model, the key differences between the sioned as a GAP specific to neural-related cells that regulates
heritable cancer predisposing syndromes and sporadic cancer RAS activity in neuronal tissues. Normally, neurofibromin
can be examined. Typically, the inherited cancer predisposi-
tion is passed through a family by autosomal dominant trans-
mission. Because offspring of a carrier have a 50% chance Box 5-2. DIAGNOSTIC FEATURES OF
to inherit the predisposing allele, the risk is high within NEUROFIBROMATOSIS TYPE 1
families. There is a much lower risk for sporadic cases of a
certain cancer in the general population. Individuals harbor- Café-au-lait spots
ing a cancer predisposition allele tend to have an earlier Prepubertal—6 or more >5 mm
onset, develop second tumors that tend to be bilateral as Postpubertal—diameter >15 mm
opposed to unilateral, and/or exhibit cancers in other organ Neurofibroma
systems more frequently than do sporadic cases. Although Two or more of any type of neurofibroma or
the sporadic form is much more common than the familial One plexiform neurofibroma
form for any particular cancer, there is still great value in Freckling in the axillary or inguinal regions
forging a deep understanding of the molecular pathophysi- Optic glioma
Two or more Lisch nodules (iris hamartomas)
ologic mechanisms of heritable cancers. Advances in diagno-
A distinctive osseous lesion such as sphenoid dysplasia or
sis, prognosis, presymptomatic detection and surveillance,
thinning of the long bone cortex with or without
and treatment will not only help those patients with the pseudarthrosis
heritable form but also may lead to mechanistic insights into A first-degree relative with NF1
the sporadic forms.
interacts with RAS in the signal transduction pathway by carcinomas. Molecular genetic dissection of colorectal cancer
down-regulating the activity of RAS. As the neurofibromato- has demonstrated that the inactivation of the APC (“adeno-
sis gene product is diminished or lost by mutation, RAS matous polyposis coli”) gene on chromosome 5q and the
activity may increase in such a way to promote cell growth DCC (“deleted in colon cancer”) gene on chromosome 18q
and inhibit cellular differentiation. In this case, the loss of is common in colorectal cancer. This, in turn, explains the
NF1 serves as the “trigger” for increasing the activity of the increased frequency of LOH on chromosomes 5q and 18q in
RAS oncogene. this form of malignancy—the APC and/or the DCC genes
When a deleterious NF1 mutation occurs, the heterozygote have been lost via LOH. The general genetic model for cancer
exhibits typical neurofibromatosis. If the second NF1 allele evolution to colorectal cancer can now be applied (Fig. 5-16).
is inactivated, however, RAS activity may increase further It is important to remember that it is the accumulation of
and the chance for malignancy increases. This scenario sug- mutations that is key in this model—not necessarily the order.
gests that the NF1 gene is a tumor suppressor gene. Indeed, Empirically, for example, it has been reported that greater
LOH for the normal NF1 allele has been observed in a than 90% of carcinomas contain at least two of these genetic
number of NF1-related malignancies. changes and roughly 40% show at least three accumulated
This genetic paradigm can be applied to the two forms of
●●● DNA REPAIR GENES familial colorectal cancer syndromes, familial adenomatous
polyposis and hereditary nonpolyposis of the colon cancer.
Colorectal Cancer and the Genetic
Like many of the autosomal dominant cancer syndromes,
Paradigm for Cancer Revisited the familial form of colorectal cancer is recognized by an
Nearly 2% of individuals in Europe and North America increased incidence of cancer in people with a family history
develop colorectal cancers, making it one of the most common of colorectal cancer and families exhibiting a number of
cancers in the Western world. Most of these will be sporadic
cases, but up to 30% will be familial cases (Fig. 5-15). Two
subclasses of familial colorectal cancers have been identified
Familial adenomatous polyposis
that are associated with the loss of tumor suppressor genes: (FAP)1%–5%
familial adenomatous polyposis and hereditary nonpolyposis Hereditary nonpolyposis
Rare CRC syndromes
colon cancer. Although the primary genes associated with <0.1% colorectal cancer
5% (HNPCC)
these colorectal cancers have radically differing functions, the
overall mechanism for carcinogenesis is quite similar.
Chromosome Chromosome
18 17
APC gene loss RAS gene DCC gene loss TP53 gene loss
Figure 5-16. Multiple-step progression of colon cancer. Different genes are mutated at different stages of tumorigenesis.
DNA Repair Genes 81
affected individuals consistent with autosomal dominant and LOH for the APC region is found in 70% of adenomatous
transmission. polyps in non-FAP patients. Most APC mutations are non-
sense and frameshift mutations, and molecular genetic diag-
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP) nostics can identify carriers at an early age, permitting
Approximately 1% to 5% of colorectal cancers are caused by appropriate monitoring and treatment.
FAP, an autosomal dominant disorder. FAP is a serious dis-
order in which penetrance is greater than 90% by age 35, Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colon Cancer
reflecting the near-100% risk in untreated individuals. There (HNPCC)
is also an increased risk for extracolonic tumors in FAP, A small percentage of colorectal cancer is described by the
including upper gastrointestinal (GI) tumors, osteomas, autosomal dominant HNPCC, which is characterized by the
thyroid tumors, and brain tumors. The gene responsible for presence of only one or a few adenomas in the proximal
FAP is the APC gene. The APC gene product is a cytoplasmic colon. Cancer is usually diagnosed by age 45, and the lifetime
protein that regulates the activity of β-catenin, one of three penetrance risk for cancer is 80%. Extracolonic tumors are
ubiquitously expressed cytoplasmic catenins. β-Catenin has not rare and include cancers of the endometrium, biliary and
two functions within the cell. First, it permits cell-cell interac- urinary tracts, ovary, and stomach.
tions by anchoring cadherins, which are extracellular glyco- HNPCC is due to mutations in one of the four genes
proteins that form intercellular complexes necessary for cell (MLH1, MSH2, PMS2, and MSH6) involved in DNA mis-
adhesion. Second, β-catenin is also a transcription factor that match repair (MMR)—a class of genes that is highly evolu-
promotes the expression of MYC and cyclin D1 proteins. tionarily conserved, supporting their importance in
Under normal conditions, APC regulates β-catenin levels by maintaining genome viability (Fig. 5-17). MLH1 and MSH2
binding to it and marking it for proteolytic degradation, thus mutations are most common and found in 60% to 80% of
preventing excessive levels of β-catenin. The loss of APC individuals developing HNPCC. Typical of the tumor sup-
permits accumulation of β-catenin in the nucleus, where pressor gene model of carcinogenesis, in individuals hetero-
it facilitates cellular proliferation by activating cyclin D1 zygous for mutations in these genes, only a second somatic
and MYC. As noted previously, cyclin D proteins are impor- mutation in the other allele via an LOH mechanism or point
tant in the transition from G1 to S and MYC proteins are mutation is needed in order to promote cancer. Specifically,
transcription factors for cell proliferation and cell cycle the loss of MLH1 or MSH2 proteins renders DNA mismatch
control genes. repair inefficient and thus promotes genetic instability and
an increased mutation rate. This instability is referred to as
microsatellite instability. In regions of di- or mononucleotide
repeats, mismatching during DNA replication can occur, pro-
BIOCHEMISTRY ducing deletions or additions of the repeats. Mutations in
the repair enzymes decrease effective repair, leading to
disease. Two examples seen in patients with HNPCC are in
Most β-catenins are bound to cadherins, a class of calcium- the BAX gene, which is involved in apoptosis, and the
dependent proteins important in cell adhesion, at the cell TGFBR2 (transforming growth factor-β receptor 2) gene
membrane. The remaining β-catenins either occur in a free
involved in signaling. Indeed, much somatic variation in DNA
form and enter the nucleus or are part of a complex
microsatellite regions is observed in these patients owing to
associated with APC (adenomatous polyposis coli) and GSK
(glycogen synthase kinase) proteins. Nuclear β-catenins
errors in DNA replication accompanied by decreased repair.
recruit transcription factors to regulate gene expression. In Obviously an increased mutation rate could facilitate the
resting cells, however, cytoplasmic β-catenins turn over second genetic hit in other tumor suppressor genes, or the
rapidly and few enter the nucleus. The APC-GSK complex initial activating mutation in an oncogene, again promoting
controls degradation. GSK phosphorylates β-catenins, malignancy.
leading to ubiquination and degradation by proteosomes. The Amsterdam criteria were established in 1991 to facili-
WNT proteins control β-catenin expression. WNTs bind to tate identification of HNPCC families. More recently, these
a seven-helix receptor at the cell membrane, leading to the have been modified to assist in diagnosing the disease.
inactivation of GSK phosphorylation activity. In the absence HNPCC should be considered in families with: (1) two cases
of GSK and β-catenin phosphorylation, β-catenin is not
of colorectal cancer where families are small (one age under
degraded. The increased concentration of free β-catenin can
55) or (2) two cases of colorectal cancer and one case of
then enter the cell and affect transcription.
endometrial cancer or other early-onset cancer.
Breast Cancer
Individuals inheriting a deleterious APC allele develop
numerous (hundreds or thousands of) adenomatous polyps at Breast cancer is a malignancy that originates in the glandular
an early age. In some polyps, a second, somatic genetic hit tissue of the breast, primarily the milk-producing lobules and
occurs, thus effectively knocking out the APC gene product. the milk ducts. It is, like colorectal cancer, one of the most
This is possibly an early event in the pathway to malignancy; common malignancies in humans. Roughly 10% of North
the association between colorectal cancer and FAP is strong, American women will develop cancer in their lifetime. This
82 Cancer Genetics
Hereditary nonpolyposis
colorectal cancer (HNPCC)
MSH6 (rare)
MSH2 ∼30%
Unknown MLH1
Figure 5-17. Five mismatch repair
∼30% ∼30%
genes have been identified in HNPCC.
Two of these are responsible for a
majority of cases, and genetics
laboratories that offer HNPCC testing
examine only these two genes: MLH1
and MSH2.
10% have been classified as heritable. Although the familial ■ Lumpectomy: removal of palpable mass
The BRCA1 gene maps to chromosome 17q21 and encodes
a 1863-amino-acid polypeptide. Mutations in this gene are Nationality
Most common in white women
responsible for 40% to 50% of the autosomal dominant
Least common in Hispanic, Asian, and black women
breast cancer families. For patients harboring a mutation, the
risk for developing a breast cancer is 80% by age 70. Hence, Uncommon before menopause
penetrance in these families is not 100%. A second primary Positive family history
breast tumor forms in roughly 50% of the cases. As for other Early menarche—before age 12 years
tumor suppressor genes, one deleterious BRCA1 allele is Late menopause—after age 55 years
inherited and the loss of both alleles is required for neoplasia. Atypical epithelial hyperplasia of breast on biopsy
Most identified mutations are nonsense or frameshift muta- Dense breast parenchyma on mammography
tions, predicting a truncated or nonfunctional gene product. Hormone replacement therapy
Again in keeping with the tumor suppressor gene motif in Radiation exposure to breasts—before age 30 years
cancer, the normal BRCA1 allele is frequently absent in Lifestyle
Physical activity and weight management reduce risk
tumor tissue but is present in adjacent normal breast tissue,
Alcohol use
signaling LOH (Fig. 5-18).
BRCA2 localizes to chromosome 13q12 and produces a
large protein of 3418 amino acids. Greater than 100 BRCA2 of mutations, consistent with the genetic model of cancer
variants have been characterized, and these account for progression.
roughly 30% of families with breast cancer. The risk for Worldwide, approximately 1 in 800 persons carries a del-
breast cancer associated with this gene is 50% to 85% in eterious BRCA1 allele (Box 5-3). This carrier frequency for
females and 6% for the rare male breast cancer. This gene is breast cancer predisposition varies from population to popu-
also associated with an increased risk for prostate, pancreatic, lation. Affected families also rarely share the same pathogenic
and laryngeal cancer. Just like BRCA1, this gene is a tumor mutation; BRCA1 mutations are therefore “private” to a
suppressor gene and shares a similar profile of mutations family. In certain cases, however, seemingly unrelated breast
(protein termination mutations and LOH resulting in no cancer families have been found to have a deleterious allele
protein production) in tumor tissues. Hence, they share in common.This phenomenon has been observed, for example,
pathogenic characteristics with the RB1 and APC tumor sup- in the Ashkenazi Jewish population, where two BRCA1
pressor genes already discussed. However, unlike these genes, alleles, 187delAG and 5385insC, and the 6174delT BRCA2
BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations are not generally found in allele are common among families (Fig. 5-19). These three
sporadic breast cancer cases. variants are found in 1%, 0.13%, and 1.5% of Ashkenazi
Recent data suggest that BRCA1 and BRCA2 may be Jews, respectively. Taken together, these three mutations
involved in more sporadic cancers than previously thought. result in an overall carrier frequency of 1 in 40 and account
Many of these are not due to mutations in the coding for 25% of early-onset breast cancer and 90% of familial
region of BRCA1, but rather are promoter mutations that breast and ovarian cancer in this population. The unexpected
increase promoter methylation and lead to transcriptional high frequency of certain mutations within a subpopulation
silencing of the gene. As expected, the prognosis for disease is consistent with a genetic founder effect whereby a modern
with these mutations is poor. The mean survival of women population has derived recently from a small group of found-
with ovarian cancer with BRCA1 promoter hypermethyl- ers. For BRCA1 and BRCA2, additional founder mutations
ation was 36.1 months compared with 63.3 months for have been characterized in northern European and Icelandic
women with ovarian cancer but with a normal BRCA1 populations. The presence of certain disease-causing alleles in
gene. particular population subgroups can streamline DNA-based
The BRCA1 and BRCA2 proteins do not share significant testing for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations.
DNA or amino acid homology, but they do participate in the
same molecular complex. BRCA1 is a phosphorylated nuclear
protein that has two functional motifs: a BRCT domain at the
Ovarian Cancer
C-terminus and a ring-finger domain at the N-terminus. It is Ovarian cancer is the fifth leading cause of death from cancer
expressed in a variety of tissues, particularly in G1 through S among women and is the deadliest of all gynecologic cancers,
phase of the cell cycle. BRCA1 and also BRCA2 apparently with a 5-year survival rate of less than 50%. Like breast
interact with the RAD51 protein, a gene product involved in cancer and most other cancers, the majority of ovarian
the repair of double-stranded breaks in the DNA. BRCA1 cancers appear sporadic, and only 5% to 10% can be called
may also activate the p21 CDK inhibitor, which, as discussed hereditary on the basis of multiple affected family members
for p53 later in this chapter, is involved in suppressing growth and an age of onset 10 to 15 years before sporadic cases (Fig.
at the G1-to-S cell cycle transition, presumably to repair DNA 5-20). BRCA1 (70%) and BRCA2 (20%) mutations account
damage. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are therefore caretaker tumor for 90% of inherited ovarian cancer. In these families, both
suppressor genes, since the homozygous loss of these alleles breast and ovarian cancer segregate among affected individu-
predicts genome instability that promotes the accumulation als. Mutations in BRCA1 are associated with an earlier age
84 Cancer Genetics
Figure 5-18. Invasive and noninvasive ductal carcinomas. A, Carcinoma has poorly defined edges that have begun to extend
into surrounding tissue. Fibrous, or scar-like, tissue may form. Depending on the location, symptoms may include dimpling,
retraction of the nipple, and nipple discharge. B, Histology of sample from patient in part A shows a random configuration of
cells extending through the periductal connective tissue. C, Noninvasive ductal carcinoma (also known as interductal carcinoma
or ductal carcinoma in situ) contains breast duct cells that have malignant characteristics but have not invaded surrounding
tissue. D, Histology of sample from patient in part C shows proliferating malignant ductal cells limited to existing ductal units
without invasion through the basement membrane. (Courtesy of Dr. Juan Lee, Mercer University School of Medicine, Georgia;
and Dr. Emil Goergi, Dodge County Hospital, Georgia.)
Apoptotic Genes 85
185delAG 5382insC Figure 5-19. One in 40 Ashkenazi
prevalence ~1% 1 in 100 women prevalence ~0.13%
Jews carries a BRCA1 or BRCA2
mutation, demonstrating a founder
effect. Since the prevalence of these
specific mutations is high, population
Founder mutations traced to a BRCA2
screening can be done in this
common ancestor who lived more 6174delT
than 600 years ago prevalence ~1.5%
population with a three-mutation test.
Frequencies are for carriers of this allele
in the population.
of onset than is seen with BRCA2 mutations: 54.6 years ●●● APOPTOTIC GENES
versus 64 years, respectively. A lifetime risk of developing
p53 Protein and Li-Fraumeni Syndrome
ovarian cancer by age 75 years for heterozygous carriers of
either mutated gene is 63%, even though women with BRCA1 The TP53 gene, producing the p53 protein involved in the
mutations will develop ovarian cancer earlier. cell cycle, holds a special place in cancer genetics; somatic
Ovarian cancer is also not uncommon in the previously mutations in this gene are found in roughly half of all human
discussed HNPCC due to mutations in the MLH1 and MSH2 cancers, easily making it the most frequently altered gene in
tumor suppressor genes involved in DNA mismatch repair. cancer. Over 50% of colorectal, lung, and bladder tumors
Up to 8% of familial ovarian cancer families do not have have p53 mutations, as do roughly 40% of breast cancers.
BRCA1, BRCA2, or HNPCC-related genes. These cases may The extremely high frequency of p53 variants in various
be caused by an unidentified site-specific major allele. tumor types obviously suggests an important role in cell
growth and differentiation.
The TP53 gene maps to chromosome 17p and encodes a
transcription factor that is expressed when the cell is stressed
or damaged by such factors as ionizing radiation, environ-
ANATOMY mental mutagens that damage the DNA, or ultraviolet light.
Because p53 levels rise when DNA is damaged, this protein
is often called the “guardian of the genome.” One of the
The ovaries lie on the posterior side of the broad ligament targets for p53 is the promoter for the CDKN1A gene encod-
projecting into the ovarian fossae. They are supported by: ing p21 (Fig. 5-21). p21 is a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor
■ Mesovarium: attaches ovary to the broad ligament
(CDI) in the CIP/KIP family of CDIs. It inhibits the activity
■ Suspensory (infundibulopelvic) ligament of the ovary:
of the cyclin/CDK complex, thereby disallowing inactivation
attaches ovary to the pelvic brim
■ Ovarian ligament: remnant of the gubernaculum lying
of the pRB protein by phosphorylation. pRB therefore remains
within the mesovarium that attaches the ovary to the active in its hypophosphorylated state, resulting in halting the
lateral surface of the uterus beneath the uterine tube cell cycle prior to the S phase, as discussed previously. This,
in turn, gives the cell time to repair any DNA damage prior
86 Cancer Genetics
to DNA replication. p53 also increases the expression of affected children, while breast cancer is most common in
GADD45 (for growth arrest and DNA damage 45), a DNA adult females.
repair enzyme. If the genome is successfully repaired and The TP53 gene product is a tumor suppressor. Following
ready for subsequent replication, p53 down-regulates itself. the model previously discussed for retinoblastoma, the mech-
In this way, p53 acts to preserve the integrity of the genome anism of cancer in Li-Fraumeni syndrome is clear. Family
by inhibiting tumor formation. However, if the cell is unable members transmit the constitutional TP53 mutation in an
to respond appropriately to excessive damage, p53 triggers autosomal dominant fashion. Those who inherit the deleteri-
apoptosis by inducing the proapoptotic BAX and IGFBP3 ous allele need only one additional mutational hit in the other
genes. So, in a sense, if p53 cannot safeguard the cell by TP53 allele. This second hit may occur in any somatic cell,
permitting DNA repair, it provokes death rather than allow thus accounting for the wide variety of tumor types found in
continued genetic damage that would promote cancer. Li-Fraumeni syndrome.
Prostate Cancer
BIOCHEMISTRY & PATHOLOGY Prostate cancer is the most common malignancy in men and
the second leading cause of death due to cancer in men.
Apoptosis The lifetime risk is 10% to 14%, although the diagnosis,
Apoptosis is a cascade of events leading to the activation of surveillance, and prognostication efficiency of prostate cancer
caspases and ending with cell death. There are three have been greatly facilitated by laboratory testing for the
phases to apoptosis: initiation, intrinsic, and extrinsic. In the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) (Box 5-4).
initiation phase, the caspases become active.
In the intrinsic pathway, BCL2 and BCLX antiapoptotic
proteins are located on mitochondrial membranes and
recognize internal damage to the cell such as that caused
by reactive oxygen species. The balance of BCL2 and BCLX Prostate
with the proapoptotic proteins BAK, BAX, and BIM changes,
and the increase in the proapoptotic proteins causes an The prostate is located between the base of the urinary
increase in mitochondria permeability. Cytochrome c then bladder and the sphincter urethrae muscle, and it consists
leaves the mitochondria and forms a complex with apoptotic of five lobes:
■ Anterior
protease-activating factor 1 (APAF1). These cytochrome c
■ Median—prone to benign hypertrophy causing obstruction
molecules and APAF1 molecules form apoptosomes that
activate caspase-9. This leads to activation of caspases 3, 6, of urethral orifice
■ Posterior—prone to cancer transformation
and 7 and to cell death through cleavage of cell substrates.
■ Right lateral
The extrinsic pathway involves signals from receptors that
■ Left lateral
are members of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family,
containing a “death domain.” When bound to ligands, It secretes PSA, prostaglandins, citric acid, acid
caspases are activated. For example, the type 1 TNF phosphatase, and proteolytic enzymes.
receptor and FAS located on the cell surface can bind TNF
and FAS ligands and activate caspase-8. The proteolytic
cascade is thus activated, as is caspase-9, leading to cell
death followed by phagocytosis of debris. PATHOLOGY
Prostate-specific Antigen
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is an enzyme produced by
the prostate and normally secreted in semen from prostatic
Because somatic TP53 mutations are clearly a key etiologic epithelium. It functions as a protease to liquify seminal fluid.
event in many cancers, the presence of germline TP53 muta- PSA is not specific to cancer; it is found in an increased
tions predicts dire consequences. In fact, this condition is seen amount in the blood during
in Li-Fraumeni syndrome, a familial cancer disorder in which ■ Prostate cancer
Ionizing radiation
Mutagens Cell with p53
mutations or
Normal cell loss of
(p53 normal) normal p53
exhibit the disease on the same side of the family, or (3) two Box 5-4. RISK FACTORS FOR PROSTATE CANCER
or more close relatives have early-onset prostate cancer.
Among the familial forms, 5% to 9% may be hereditary, and Age
these seem to follow an autosomal dominant mode of trans- Risk increases over age 55
mission within families (Fig. 5-23). Examination of tumors 75% of cases are diagnosed after age 65
from such families reveals LOH at several loci, consistent with Positive family history
the tumor suppressor model of cancer. Diet—risk increases with high saturated fat intake
Molecular genetic investigation of hereditary prostate Nationality/race
cancer indicates two loci linked with the disease. The two Most common in North America and northwestern Europe
hereditary prostate cancer genes, HPC1 and HPC2, are linked Highest risk for blacks
to chromosomes 1q24 and 17p11, respectively. Originally, it 70% more common in blacks than in whites
Lowest risk for Asians
was believed that these two loci represented major suscepti-
Exposure to heavy metals
bility genes for this form of cancer. Subsequent detailed
analysis of heritable prostate cancer, however, revealed that Physical activity and weight management reduce risk
only HPC1 represented a strong association with prostate Smoking
cancer. Another gene, MSR1, also demonstrates a strong
88 Cancer Genetics
Dx 75 Dx 65
Dx 67 65 69 Dx 67 Dx 65 Dx 60 Dx 64 Dx 62 Dx 60
Figure 5-23. Family with prostate cancer linked to HNPC1 mutations. Hereditary prostate cancer accounts for about 10% of all
prostate cancer. About 34% of cases are linked to mutations in this gene. The ages of two unaffected brothers (III-2 and III-3)
are shown. Dx, diagnosis.
Telomeres and Telomerase 89
AACCCC Incomplete, newly synthesized
5' lagging strand
5' 5' synthesis
Telomerase with bound RNA template
extends 3' end
DNA synthesis)
5' 3' 5'
Completion of
lagging strand by
DNA polymerase
Figure 5-24. Telomere replication and
DNA synthesis)
the role of telomerase. Telomerase
binds to the 3′ end of a parental
3' strand—the terminal sequences of the
TTGGGGTTGGGGTTGGGGTTGGGGTTGGGGTTG chromosome—and provides a template
AACCCC CCCCAACCCCAACCCC (ACCCCAAC) for synthesis in the 5′ →
5' 3′ direction. The newly extended
DNA polymerase
sequence serves as the template for
synthesis on the opposite strand.
In normal cells, telomerase activity decreases with age and telomerase is active in tumor cells and may facilitate prolifera-
the number of cell divisions, yielding progressively shorter tion provides a diagnostic substrate as well as a potential new
telomeres over time. Normal cells also have a limited poten- target for anticancer drugs (Fig. 5-25).
tial for cell division, and it is believed that the shortening of
the telomeres is associated with the limited proliferative
capacity of the typical somatic cell. Indeed, after hundreds of PHARMACOLOGY
cell divisions, certain telomeres may be dangerously short
Antitelomerase Therapy
and terminal genes are threatened. Such damage may signal
p53 and pRB expression to halt the cell cycle and place the Telomeric DNA and the core telomerase components, hTR
cell into a G0 state. At this point, the cell is said to be in and hTERT, are good targets for antitelomerase
pharmacologic strategies.
■ Approaches to targeting hTR
In many cancer cells, telomerase activity is reactivated, ■ Antisense 2′-5′ oligoadenylate inhibits telomerase and
allowing tumor cells to proliferate indefinitely. Experimen- increases apoptosis
tally, two lines of data underscore the potential importance ■ N3′-P5′ thiophosphoramidate oligonucleotides
of telomerase to cancer. First, tumor cells show no telomeric (GRN163) increase apoptosis and senescence
shortening over repeated cell divisions, strongly suggesting ■ Ribozymes
that this enzyme is required for indefinite proliferation. ■ Peptide nucleic acids to stop growth and initiate
TABLE 5-5. Examples of Several Therapeutic Approaches Targeting Components of the Telomerase Core
hTER 2′-5′ Oligoadenylate Inhibit telomerase Apoptosis; increased sensitivity to Prostate, ovarian,
antisense cisplatin bladder, cervical
N3′-P5′ Apoptosis, senescence Prostate cancer
hTERT Ribozyme Inhibition of proliferation; sensitivity to Breast and
topoisomerase inhibitors ovarian cancer
Peptide nucleic acids Decreased survival Prostate cancer
Data from Birrocio A, Leonetti C. Telomerase as a new target for the treatment of hormone-refractory prostate cancer. Endocr Relat Cancer 2004;11:407–421.
agents hTER
hTERT Gene
HDAC Transcription
hTERT antisense
or ribozyme Translation
hTR antisense
or ribozyme
Small hTERT
molecules p23
Assembly and
Telomeres hTERT p23 P p23
Kinase 3' 3' 5'
inhibitors 5'
modification G-quadruplex
PKC ligand
Figure 5-25. Some of the most promising approaches that directly target either telomerase and telomeres or the telomerase-
associated regulatory mechanisms are reported in the boxes at the targeting sites. HDAC, histone deacetylase; DN-hTERT,
dominant-negative hTERT; PKC, protein kinase C. (Reproduced by permission from Biroccio A, Leonetti C. Telomerase as a new
target for treatment of hormone-refractory prostate cancer. Endocr Relat Cancer 2004;11:407–421 [Fig. 1]. © Society for
Endocrinology, 2004.)
Cytogenetic Alterations in Cancer and Tumor Heterogeneity 91
●●● CYTOGENETIC ALTERATIONS types are generated. Because a hallmark of tumor growth
IN CANCER AND TUMOR is genetic instability, each sublineage differs in the accumula-
tion of genetic alterations ranging from an accumulation of
HETEROGENEITY point mutations to karyotypic differences. In turn, these
Cytogenetic changes such as translocations, deletions, inver- genetic changes provoke variation in invasiveness, growth
sions, and aneuploidy are common in tumor cells and decid- rate, hormonal responsiveness, and metastatic abilities. From
edly uncommon in normal cells. Certain of these play a a genome point of view, the most frequent chromosomal
strong causal role in certain cancers such as Burkitt lym- alteration in solid tumors, such as colon cancers, is a change
phoma, chronic myeloid leukemia, and neuroblastoma—all of in chromosome number. Colon cancers are frequently hyper-
which result from earlier discussed chromosomal abnormali- diploid (i.e., possessing chromosomes in excess of the diploid
ties that transform proto-oncogenes into oncogenes. Some number). However, not all chromosomes are fully intact,
chromosomal numerical defects such as aneuploidy appear and it can be speculated that tumors exhibiting LOH not
later in the more malignant stages of cancer. Such changes only suffer from the functional loss of suppressor genes but
suggest either that the loss of genetic control of chromosomal also have lost growth-promoting genes. The unintended dele-
stability and number is key to late-stage cancer or that chro- tion of growth-promoting genes might restrict the cell’s
mosomal instability is secondary to the cellular deregulation growth potential. The cancer cell would thus be expected
found late in tumor progression. to obtain a selective advantage from an endomitosis, or
Tumors are clonal and derived from a single progenitor chromosomal replication within a cell nucleus that does not
cell. However, as the tumor grows, the constituent cells divide, leading to hyperdiploidy; this mechanism will restore
become extremely heterogeneous and sublineages of variant copies of the growth-promoting genes necessary to maintain
Ker 18
mRNA Transcripts
GRB-7 17q11-21 amplicon
HER2 (including HER2)
Ker 17
Ker 5
Basal keratins
Ker 16 and cluster of
Cyclin A2 proliferation genes
Cyclin E1
Cyclin B1
Figure 5-26. Selected data from mRNA expression profiling of 26 breast carcinomas. Each vertical column represents one
carcinoma, and each horizontal row represents the data for a gene identified at the left. Red circle, increase in expression;
green circle, decrease in expression; black circle, no difference in expression between normal and carcinoma cells. (Redrawn
from Kumar V, Abbas A, Faust N. Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 7th ed. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 2004,
p 1137.)
92 Cancer Genetics
tumor progression. This extreme chromosomal heterogeneity In certain cases, such as FAP (colectomy), familial ovarian
may or may not facilitate certain features, such as metastasis, cancer (oophorectomy), and familial breast cancer (bilateral
of a tumor, but at the very least, it demonstrates the dys- mastectomy), prophylactic surgery is considered a viable
functional biology of the cancer cell while serving as a option to eliminate the genetically identified and verified
cancer biomarker. malignancy risk.
A new technique called microarray analysis, which com-
pares patterns of gene expression in normal and abnormal
tissues, is demonstrating great promise for diagnostic use
SCREENING (see Chapter 13). This gene expression profiling has proved
As the number of cancer-related genes increases, attention is most useful in cancer diagnosis and surveillance (Fig. 5-26).
turning to the role of DNA testing for early detection and Here, complementary DNA (cDNA) probes are used that
prevention of cancer. This method is primarily applicable to are derived from tumor and adjacent normal tissues. Gene
familial cancers with a known mutational association, since chip expression studies permit the classification of new sub-
sporadic cancer implies unknown molecular etiology. Until types of breast cancers and produce a rapid diagnostic tool
recently, cancer surveillance in families predisposed to the for the distinction between acute lymphoblastic leukemia
disease relied on phenotypic or symptomatic monitoring with and acute myeloid leukemia. Prior to such tests, it was
or without indirect diagnostic tests. As familial cancer genes often difficult and time consuming to classify tumor subtypes.
and mutations are identified, however, cancer screening is Overall, gene expression analysis can be applied to neoplasia
performed noninvasively and well before the onset of early classification, diagnosis of malignant versus benign tumors,
symptoms. The identification of a cancer-predisposing muta- prognosis (including metastatic potential), and the develop-
tion therefore permits an aggressive surveillance or treatment ment of a cell-based surveillance platform to monitor the
plan for at-risk individuals as well as reproductive planning. response to therapy.
TABLE 6-1. Examples of Major Blood Group Systems Expressed on Erythrocyte Membrane Surfaces*
*Individuals with type AB are referred to as “universal recipients”; individuals with type O are the acknowledged “universal donors.”
the A antigen, cells clump together in large granular masses. encodes the D antigen (RHD) and the other encodes proteins
On the other hand, if anti-A is mixed with B blood cells, or carrying C or c and E or e antigens (RHCE). RHD and RHCE
anti-B with A blood cells, there is no reaction; the cells remain are 96% homologous, representing the consequence of gene
suspended without clumping. This simple principle is the basis duplication. Interestingly, these two genes are oriented in
for blood group tests. opposite directions with the 3′ ends facing each other (Fig.
There are three alleles responsible for four main ABO 6-2). Individuals who are Rh-positive have both RHD and
blood group system phenotypes. The phenotypes produced RHCE, whereas Rh-negative erythrocytes have only RHCE
are A, B, AB, and O. The carbohydrates defining A and B on their surfaces. Eight common antigen combinations are
antigens are added to the H antigen, fucose (Fig. 6-1). shown in Box 6-1. The lack of D is shown as d, though there
Together there are more than 90 alleles of the three major is no d antigen or anti-d.
gene blood types. The origin of these alleles is the gene
producing a glycosyltransferase enzyme that attaches a sugar
to a precursor.
Molecular Genetics of ABO
Blood Groups
Rh Blood Group Antigens The locus specifying different blood group types is called
The second most commonly known antigens are the Rh anti- the ABO locus. This locus encodes glycosyltransferases that
gens, named for the rhesus monkey in which they were dis- synthesize A and B antigens expressed on the erythrocyte
covered. These are transmembrane proteins with loops cell surface. For these antigens to be expressed, a precursor
exposed on cell surfaces. They appear to be used for the molecule called the H antigen, which is synthesized by
transport of carbon dioxide and/or ammonia across the cell fucosyltransferase (expressed by the FUT1 gene), must be
membrane. Among the ABO blood group antigens, there are present. Another gene, FUT2, synthesizes H antigens found
four phenotypes (A, B, AB, and O); the Rh blood group in saliva and other fluids.
system has 47 antigens that are determined by two closely The ABO locus is located at chromosome 9q34.1. It con-
linked genes located at chromosome 1p34-1p36. One gene tains 7 exons that span over 18 kb. Most of the coding
Blood Group Antigens 95
N-acetylgalactosamine O
added to precursor O O
O This is the A antigen;
A allele O
it reacts with
transferase anti-A antibody
O allele O
O transferase
This is the H antigen;
it reacts with neither
Precursor carbohydrate anti-A nor anti-B antibody
B allele O
Galactose added O This is the B antigen;
to precursor it reacts with
anti-B antibody
Figure 6-1. The ABO antigens on the surface of erythrocytes are carbohydrates. Note that the O-encoded transferase is
inactive due to a frameshift mutation. Therefore, the precursor, H antigen, remains unchanged. Failure to express the H antigen
results in the Bombay phenotype.
sequence of this gene is found in exon 7. A single, critical antigens, individuals with O blood type lack this ability. A
base deletion mutation in exon 6 results in a loss of glycos- and B alleles differ in a few single-base substitutions changing
yltransferases enzymatic activity that is found in most O four amino acid residues (R176G, G235S, L266M, G268A),
alleles. This frameshift deletion, of guanine at position 261 and these changes are reflected in the differences in A and B
(A261G), results in an inactive enzyme. Therefore, unlike transferase specificity.
individuals with A, B, or AB blood types that express glyco- The H locus encodes fucosyltransferase and is required for
syltransferases that convert the H antigen into A or B synthesis of the H antigen. The H antigen consists of a chain
96 Hematologic Genetics and Disorders
of β-D-galactose, β-D-N-acetylglucosamine, and α-L-fucose. A, B, and AB (Table 6-5). Type O children do not arise from
Either HH or Hh genotypes occur from in the production of parents with type AB blood, and AB offspring occur twice as
H antigen. If a person has no H locus, or the expression of often as either the A or B child. The 1 4 A : 1 2 AB : 1 4 B pheno-
functional fucosyltransferase is so low that the phenotypic typic ratio is clearly the result expected from the mating of
effect is that no fucosyltransferase is present, the alleles are two heterozygous parents. Predicting the phenotypic ratio is
referred to as “null” alleles. In the situation where an indi- possible for any mating in which the blood type of the parents
vidual has no H locus on either chromosome 19, the lack of is known. Likewise, knowing the blood type of a child and
H antigen (hh) precludes the production of A and B antigens one parent provides information about what the other par-
and the serum contains anti-A, anti-B, and anti-H. These cells ent’s blood type might be. The blood types of several children
demonstrate a rare phenotype of H-deficient erythrocytes may yield even more definitive information about an unknown
called the “Bombay phenotype” (Oh). These individuals differ parental blood type. More recently, however, blood typing is
from those with O blood type who have H antigen present used less for parental identity than it once was, but it is still
on cells but who lack A and B antigens because of the lack very important for transfusions and organ transplantation.
of glycosyltransferases. Transfusions of individuals with the
Bombay phenotype should therefore be from someone with
the Bombay phenotype.
Importance of Blood Group Antigens
Antigens expressed from the ABO locus are universally rec-
ognized as “erythrocyte” antigens; however, they are found
Inheritance on most epithelial and endothelial cell surfaces, including
As discussed above, the ABO blood group antigens are other blood cells such as leukocytes and platelets. A soluble
expressed from one locus, which has three alleles yielding six form of the antigens is also present in all body fluids with the
possible genotypes and four possible phenotypes (Tables 6-3 exception of cerebrospinal fluid. The function of these anti-
and 6-4). gens is unknown, though their importance for transfusion
The presence of three alleles does not alter the rules of compatibility is critical. It has also been noted that some
inheritance presented in Chapter 3; an individual normally diseases are linked to specific ABO phenotypes. For example,
possesses only two of the three alleles. When both parents there is a correlation among individuals with type A blood
are AB, only three blood types can appear in the offspring: and gastric cancer, and individuals with type O blood have a
higher incidence of gastric and duodenal ulcers. Of interest
for this particular section is that individuals with type O
blood have about 25% less factor VIII and von Willebrand
factor than other individuals. Similarly, individuals who have
TABLE 6-3. All Possible Genotypes for other blood types (A, B, and AB) have an increased risk of
Offspring of Parents with
arterial and venous disease.
Each Allelic Contribution
An ABO incompatibility may occur in a fetus expressing an
A or B antigen inherited from the father that is not present
in the mother. The mother, for example, may be type O and
the baby may be type A. As shown in Table 6-2, the mother
ALLELES INHERITED has anti-A and anti-B antibodies that may enter the fetal
circulation through the placenta and destroy fetal RBCs car-
rying the A antigen. This may result in hemolytic disease of
the newborn (HDN), in which the principal manifestation is
O AO BO OO jaundice. Unlike Rh incompatibility, which is discussed below,
ABO incompatibility may occur during a first pregnancy
because anti-A and anti-B antibodies are found early in life
from exposure to A- and B-like antigens found in many foods The C, c, E, and e antigens are less immunogenic and only
and bacteria. Hemolytic disease due to anti-A (or anti-B) is important after antibodies have been detected or when more
much milder than that caused by anti-Rh, and rarely requires precise haplotypes are required. The additional antigens,
an exchange transfusion of blood (<1 : 1000). those not shown in Box 6-1, represent different Rh protein
For most clinical purposes, testing for the presence of RhD epitopes that are very rare.
(Rh positive or Rh+) or its absence (Rh negative or Rh−) is
sufficient for compatibility testing. Approximately 85% of the
Caucasian population is Rh-positive. Individuals who are
Rh-negative produce anti-D when given Rh-positive blood. If The red blood cell (RBC) membrane consists of a lipid bilayer
anti-D antibody is formed, hemolysis occurs in an adult. (primarily phospholipids and unesterified cholesterol), inte-
However, if this occurs in during pregnancy, where the mother gral membrane proteins, and structural proteins that form the
becomes sensitized to D antigens in fetal blood, hemolysis membrane infrastructure. Membrane proteins are often glyco-
(HDN) can occur that is much more serious than ABO incom- proteins that confer either functional or antigenic properties,
patibility (Fig. 6-3). Also known as erythroblastosis fetalis, illustrated by anion exchange band 3 protein and glycopho-
harm to a fetus can be prevented by administering anti-Rh rins, respectively. The structural proteins define an inner mem-
factor, known as Rh immune globulin, to the Rh-negative brane coating lattice that forms the typical biconcave shape
mother before exposure to Rh-positive blood and production and promotes the deformability of normal RBCs. Such pro-
of antibodies. The Rh immune globulin is administered when- teins include spectrin, ankyrin, actin, and protein 4.1. Spectrin
ever there is a risk of maternal and fetal blood mixing, such is composed of two chains, α and β, that form heterodimers by
as following childbirth, an abortion, a miscarriage, or prenatal wrapping around each other. These heterodimers associate in
testing. Once sensitized, the woman will always produce anti- a head-to-tail manner, resulting in heterotetramers. Spectrin
bodies to Rh-positive cells. heterotetramers interact with two other structural proteins,
actin and protein 4.1, at the spectrin “tail” end. At the “head”
end, the spectrin heterotetramer is attached to ankyrin, and
this complex is stabilized by protein 4.2. This proteinaceous
Rh-negative woman before pregnancy
“membrane skeleton” is connected to the lipid bilayer by an
association between ankyrin and band 3 proteins. Mutations
in these structural proteins affect the ability of RBCs to appro-
Pregnacy with Rh-positive fetus priately change shapes when circulating through narrow and
tortuous vessels. Decreasing the flexibility of RBCs can lead
to an increased opportunity for abnormal pathology.
Blood mixes at placental separation
Mother sensitized to Rh-positive blood
Lipids that consist predominantly of aliphatic or aromatic
Mother develops anti-Rh antibodies
hydrocarbons form the framework of cell membranes. The
major lipid components are phosphoglycerides (sometimes
just referred to as phospholipids), sphingolipids, and sterols.
Second pregnacy with Rh-positive fetus Cholesterol is the major sterol. There are hundreds of minor
lipids, and differences in specific composition cause different
cell membrane fluidity; in some situations, differences are
Mother’s anti-Rh antibodies enter fetal circulation reflected by disease.
Lipids in membranes usually contain C16 saturated fatty
acids and longer fatty acids with the presence of double
Anti-Rh antibody to fetal Rh-positive RBCs bonds. The presence of double bonds is critical, since C18 fatty
acids are solid at physiologic temperatures without double
bonds. Double bonds create specific conformational changes
Hemolysis of fetal RBCs that affect membrane fluidity. Fluidity is particularly influenced
by the amount of cholesterol in membranes because the rigid
steroid ring binds and immobilizes other fatty acids. Thus,
Figure 6-3. Erythroblastosis fetalis. Hemolytic disease modest changes in cholesterol concentrations have great
caused by the mixing of fetal blood containing Rh-positive impact on membranes. Spur cell anemia illustrates the impact
antigens with maternal blood that is Rh-negative. The first of an increased ratio of cholesterol to phospholipids. This
pregnancy usually is not affected since blood from the fetus condition is usually seen in alcoholic cirrhosis, in which
is not mixed with that of the mother, which initiates an cholesterol content increases from 25% to 65%. The increased
immune response, until birth. Subsequent pregnancies, cholesterol leads to a progressive increase in RBC
however, are at risk for HDN unless the mother is given Rh deformation and ultimately hemolysis and anemia.
immune globulin to suppress antibody formation.
98 Hematologic Genetics and Disorders
Hemolytic disorders are characterized by premature Figure 6-4. The red blood cell membrane has several
destruction of red cells. Hemolysis can occur either proteins that affect the structure of the cell. Mutations in
intravascularly or extravascularly. During intravascular proteins leading to hereditary spherocytosis (HS), hereditary
hemolysis, hemoglobin is released and bound to elliptocytosis (HE), and hereditary pyropoikilocytosis (HPP)
haptoglobin. The hemoglobin-haptoglobin complex is are shown.
removed by hepatic RES cells; thus, the haptoglobin levels
generally fall, and the resulting excess hemoglobin is
converted to ferritin and hemosiderin. With rapid
intravascular hemolysis, hemoglobinuria can be seen. screening tests; however, once a mutation is identified within
Most hemolytic disorders demonstrate extracellular
a family, other members may be screened. HS is most com-
hemolysis. Red cells are sequestered in the spleen and/or
monly an autosomal dominant disease with variable expres-
liver and phagocytized, with the hemoglobin escaping into
plasma and thus causing the haptoglobin to decrease. In sivity (Table 6-6). α-Spectrin, however, is a notable exception.
this case, hemosiderinuria and hemoglobinuria generally do Roughly four times more α-spectrin than β-spectrin is
not occur. expressed within an RBC. This seeming excess of α-spectrin
is reflected in heterozygotes for α-spectrin mutations. In these
individuals, enough α-spectrin protein is usually produced
without serious consequence. However, homozygous or com-
pound heterozygous α-spectrin mutations can precipitate a
Red Blood Cell Membrane Defects
severe HS presentation.
Hereditary Spherocytosis and HE is similar to HS in that both may have mutations in
Hereditary Elliptocytosis α-spectrin and β-spectrin genes. These disorders differ in the
Hereditary spherocytosis (HS) and hereditary elliptocytosis effect the mutations have on the membrane and its resulting
(HE) are the most common hemolytic anemias caused by shape. Typically in HE, spectrin heterodimers cannot self-
RBC membrane defects. HS is the most common hereditary associate into heterotetramers. This is consistent with the fact
hemolytic anemia found in individuals of Northern European that most HE mutations are found in the protein domains that
descent and results from structural defects linking the under- directly participate in the self-association process. HE is also
lying membrane skeleton with the lipid bilayer. Mutations typically an autosomal dominant disease (Table 6-7).
causing HS are in genes encoding ankyrin, spectrin, band 3 Patients with the most common form of HE are usually
protein, and protein 4.2 (Fig. 6-4). Such defects cause a loss asymptomatic. Only 5% to 20% develop hemolysis with
of membrane and an associated decreased surface area– anemia, splenomegaly, scleral icterus, pallor, gallstones, or
to-volume ratio. These changes account for the spheroidal occasional leg ulcers. In many cases, splenectomy eliminates
shape of the HS erythrocytes and the decreased ability of symptoms by decreasing the number of ruptured RBCs. This
RBCs to change shape as they circulate through small vessels defect is common in individuals of African and Mediterra-
and capillaries. The deformed erythrocytes, called sphero- nean descent, and many of these individuals harbor similar
cytes, become trapped in the splenic microcirculation and genetic backgrounds, or haplotypes. This indicates a genetic
undergo hemolysis (Fig. 6-5). founder effect and persistence within the population. Such
The mutational spectrum in ankyrin, α-spectrin, β-spectrin, persistence can be explained by selection, since elliptocytosis
band 3 protein, and protein 4.2 includes missense, nonsense, appears to confer some resistance to malaria. This contrasts
frameshift, splicing, and promoter variants. The majority of with the situation for HS, which is much more common in
patients have unique (or “private”) mutations. This indicates European-derived individuals than African-derived individu-
an absence of a mutational “hot spot.” Unique mutations als and does not exhibit a founder effect or allele persistence
are more difficult to identify and are not well suited for due to selection.
Hemolytic Anemias 99
Figure 6-5. A, Hereditary spherocytosis. Spherocytes lack central pallor, stain more darkly, and are smaller in diameter than
nonspherocytic RBCs. B, Hereditary elliptocytosis. Many cells are elliptical rather than oval. The marker ellipsoidal cell has
an axial ratio of >2 : 1. Cell fragments and microelliptocytes are present. Note that they maintain an area of central pallor.
C, Hereditary pyropoikilocytosis. Almost all cells are misshapen. Fragmented spheroidal cells and elliptical forms predominate.
(Courtesy of Dr. Anna Walker, Mercer University School of Medicine, Macon, Georgia.)
of expression rather than the structure or function of the (NADPH), a cofactor in glutathione metabolism in human
protein produced. The differences between HPP and HE in RBCs. The HMP shunt is tightly coupled to glutathione
disease severity are explained by allele specificity resulting metabolism, which serves to protect RBCs from oxidant
from mutations in the same gene. Specific mutations in injury. Accordingly, a marked deficiency of G6PD leaves the
α-spectrin associated with HPP are called “low-expression” red cells vulnerable to oxidant damage.
alleles. There are at least four of these alleles that produce
fewer α-spectrin chains. When any of these alleles combines
with other α-spectrin alleles that are more commonly associ-
ated with HE, fewer α-spectrin chains are produced from one BIOCHEMISTRY
allele and defective α-spectrin chains produced from the
other allele fail to form spectrin tetramers. Hexose Monophosphate Shunt
The hexose monophosphate shunt (HMP) is also called the
pentose phosphate pathway. It occurs in the cytoplasm and
Erythrocyte Metabolic Defects is a major source of NADPH and 5-carbon sugars. The HMP
Glucose-6-Phosphate consists of two irreversible oxidative reactions and a series
of reversible sugar-phosphate conversions. No ATP is
Dehydrogenase Deficiency
consumed or produced directly. Carbon 1 is released from
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency
glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) as CO2, and 2 NADPH are
reigns as the most prevalent enzyme disorder in the world. It produced for each G6P entering the pathway. The HMP also
occurs in an estimated 400 million people in the world popu- produces ribose-phosphate for nucleotide synthesis.
lation. As an X-linked disorder, it affects mostly males. The
highest frequencies occur in Mediterranean countries, Africa,
and China. The worldwide distribution of G6PD deficiency
parallels that of malaria, which suggests a genetic state of
balanced polymorphism associated with resistance to falci- HISTOLOGY
parum malaria. It has been observed that female heterozy-
gotes for G6PD deficiency, who have both normal and Heinz Bodies
G6PD-deficient RBCs, have lower parasite counts in G6PD- Heinz bodies are intracellular inclusions composed of
deficient red cells and are relatively resistant to malaria. This denatured hemoglobin. Found at the cell membranes of
selective advantage has been observed for other diseases such erythrocytes, they are seen in thalassemias, enzymopathies,
as sickle cell disease and β-thalassemia. hemoglobinopathies, and after splenectomy.
G6PD activity is essential to normal functioning of the
hexose monophosphate (HMP) shunt. This pathway generates
reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
Hemolytic Anemias 101
MICROBIOLOGY Glucose-6-phosphate
Sickle Cell Trait and Malaria Resistance (G6PD)
Erythrocytes in a person with sickle cell trait (heterozygote) 6-phosphate
confer protection from infection with falciparum malaria.
RBCs develop “knobs” on the cell membrane surfaces that
cause the cells to stick to the endothelium of small vessels.
This sticking occurs because of low O2 concentration, NADP; NADPH
presumably caused by the parasite.
The parasite requires a high K+ environment, and when
the RBC membrane is damaged, potassium is lost from the
RBC as well as the parasite. Infected RBCs are more acidic
and hypoxic. These conditions increase sickling, leading to GSSG 2 GSH
the sequestration of infected cells (but not uninfected cells) Glutathione
and elimination of the sickled cells by phagocytes.
Neonates have an increased resistance to malaria because Ribose
Hb F is very stable and resistant to malaria hemoglobinases.
Hb F cells are infected preferentially to Hb A cells.
G6PD and Oxidative Stress
H2O H2O2
The metabolism in erythrocytes is almost entirely anaerobic,
and the major source of energy is derived from the glucose Antioxidant
that is metabolized by the glycolytic pathway and the activity
pentose phosphate pathway. These cells are very sensitive
to oxidative stress. Figure 6-6. Role of G6PD in oxidative stress. G6PD is
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase is the only RBC required to generate NADPH and break down H2O2. GSH,
enzyme that produces NADPH through glutathione reduced glutathione; GSSG, oxidized glutathione; NADP+,
reductase, and therefore any variation in the function of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate; NADPH,
G6PD can decrease the amount of NADPH available to the reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate.
cell. A deficiency in G6PD diminishes the amount of NADPH
available for glutathione reductase. This is not an issue in
other cells, because they have several enzymes. A reduction
in glutathione allows reactive oxygen products to damage enzyme. The G6PDA− enzyme is more rapidly degraded than
cell proteins, lipids, and DNA. the normal enzyme, but young G6PD A− cells are capable of
Individuals deficient in G6PD should not be given withstanding oxidant stresses. In stark contrast, both the cata-
oxidative drugs such as antimalarial drugs (primaquine), lytic ability and stability of the variant G6PDB− enzyme are
certain analgesics/antipyretics, cardiovascular drugs reduced so drastically that virtually the entire G6PDB− RBC
(procainamide, quinidine), sulfonamides, and cytotoxics/ population, young and old cells, is susceptible to oxidant-
antimicrobials. These oxidant drugs can induce immediate
induced hemolysis. The A form of G6PD deficiency is
acute hemolytic episodes characterized by progressive
contrasted with the B form in Table 6-8.
anemia, hemoglobinuria, and reticulocytosis caused by
hemolysis of cells with low G6PD activity. G6PD allelic changes result in varied forms of enzyme
deficiency: decreased enzyme synthesis, the presence of an
enzyme with abnormal kinetics, or the presence of an unsta-
ble enzyme whose catalytic activities become diminished as
There are two normal alleles of G6PD—the B allele cells age. Two prominent hemolytic conditions, primaquine
(G6PDB), which is widespread in the Mediterranean, Middle sensitivity and favism, illustrate effects of the mutated alleles.
East, and Orient, and the A allele (G6PD A), which is largely
confined to sub-Saharan Africans and their descendants. The Primaquine Sensitivity
normal enzyme products of these alleles are designated In the mid-1900s, a strain of vivax malaria with a long latent
G6PDB+ and G6PDA+, respectively, where the “+” denotes period was common in Korea. During the Korean War
normal enzyme activity. Both enzymes slowly degrade nor- (1950–1953), American soldiers were prophylactically admin-
mally over the life span of a normal red cell, but G6PD activ- istered an antimalarial drug, primaquine (a 6-methoxy-8-
ity is still sufficient in the oldest normal RBCs to withstand aminoquinoline). It was observed that about 10% of black
oxidant stresses (Fig. 6-6). The mutations causing G6PD A− and soldiers experienced an intravascular hemolytic reaction fol-
GGPDB− differentially affect the rate of degradation of the lowing administration of primaquine. Intravascular hemolytic
102 Hematologic Genetics and Disorders
e Gg Ag d b
b-Like genes
Chr 11
Embryonic Fetal Adult
Produced Yolk sac Fetal liver
Figure 6-7. Genetic control of various
globin genes and products in the =Y pseudogene
embryo, fetus, and adult.
104 Hematologic Genetics and Disorders
Figure 6-8. A, Sickle cell disease. Crescent- and cigar-shaped cells are present along with target cells and teardrop cells.
B, Hemoglobin sickle cell disease. The striking sickle forms of sickle cell are not evident, but densely staining, elongated
RBCs with rather blunt ends are present. (It has been said these are trying to “sickle like S, and crystallize like C.”) Cells appear
dense on the smear, with many target cells. C, Hemoglobin C disease. Target cells are present as are some spherocytic cells.
Hemoglobin crystals can be seen within intact cell membranes. These are pathognomonic. (Courtesy of Dr. Anna Walker,
Mercer University School of Medicine, Macon, Georgia.)
Erythrocyte Hemoglobin Defects 105
hemoglobin A
Penicillin Prophylaxis in Infants with G A A
Sickle Cell Anemia DNA
Prophylactic penicillin therapy prevents 80% of life- C T T
threatening Streptococcus pneumoniae sepsis. Infants
should receive 125 mg of penicillin V PO4 prophylaxis orally
twice a day. Children ages 3 to 5 years should receive
250 mg of penicillin V PO4 prophylaxis orally twice a day.
Erythromycin prophylaxis is an alternative for individuals Glutamic acid
allergic to penicillin. Folic acid supplementation may also be
Hemoglobin S Hemoglobin C
Hemoglobin and O2 Binding
Hemoglobin is a tetramer with each monomer composed
of a heme and a globin. Heme is a general term for a G U A mRNA A A A
metal ion chelated to a porphyrin ring. Central to the
pyrrole rings of porphyrin is Fe++. Oxygen binds to
Valine Lysine
hemoglobin only when iron is in the ferrous state (Fe++),
and therefore hemoglobin in the Fe+++ state
Figure 6-9. Hemoglobin A mutations. Two different
(methemoglobin) does not bind oxygen. However, O2
missense mutations at the same codon result in two different
interaction can bind reversibly to Fe++ because of the
proteins. The mutations are allelic.
interaction of heme with specific amino acids in
hemoglobin. The interaction of histidine with Fe++ stabilizes
the Fe-O2 complex. When O2 binds to Fe++, the shape of
the hemoglobin molecule is changed to a planar
Genetic Aspects of Sickle Cell Anemia
conformation. This change in the shape of hemoglobin Sickle cell anemia results from the single substitution of
corresponds to a change from the tense (T) form to the valine for glutamic acid at amino acid 6 in the 146-amino-acid
relaxed (R) form. Oxygen binding is sterically inhibited in chain of the β-hemoglobin chain. This abnormal hemoglobin
the T form. In the R form, the affinity for O2 is is known as hemoglobin S (Hb S), and its cause is an altera-
approximately 150-fold greater than in the T form. The tion of a single base of the triplet of DNA that specifies an
binding of the first O2 is energy dependent, but affinity for amino acid, as depicted in Figure 6-9. Another abnormal
binding increases after the first O2 is bound. These affinity hemoglobin molecule, hemoglobin C, results from a mutation
changes account for the S shape of the initial slope of the at the same DNA triplet; however, whereas the glutamine
oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve. The capacity to bind O2 residue is replaced by valine in hemoglobin S, it is replaced
is dependent on the availability of Fe+++. Pao2 determines
by lysine via a different missense mutation in hemoglobin C.
the binding of hemoglobin with O2, or the hemoglobin
Hemoglobin S and hemoglobin C are allelic; two indepen-
saturation level, and this oxyhemoglobin saturation level
can be influenced by alterations in Paco2, pH, and dent mutations occurred in the same sequence of bases in the
temperature. DNA that make up alleles of a single gene (Table 6-10). This
demonstrates that there may be more than one mutation site
106 Hematologic Genetics and Disorders
Size Heterozygote Homozygous
marker Normal sickle trait affected
Figure 6-11. α-Thalassemia. RBCs are hypochromic and Figure 6-13. β-Thalassemia. Marked anisocytosis and
microcytic and vary considerably in shape. Target cells are poikilocytosis are present. Along with the bizarre forms are
present. (Courtesy of Dr. Anna Walker, Mercer University occasional teardrop cells and target cells. (Courtesy of Dr. Anna
School of Medicine, Macon, Georgia.) Walker, Mercer University School of Medicine, Macon, Georgia.)
precursors remain in the marrow; those that are released to β-Thalassemia is a heterogeneous disorder. Some patients
the circulation are disadvantaged and rapidly destroyed by with homozygous β-thalassemia are unable to synthesize
the spleen. The suppressed synthesis of β chains is compen- any β chains; this is known as β0-thalassemia. The produc-
sated by overproduction of fetal hemoglobin. The compensa- tion of some β chains is known as β+-thalassemia. In
tion, however, is incomplete, since the blood cells are still either event, the lack of or marked reduction in β-chain
deficient in hemoglobin. synthesis is accompanied by the unimpaired synthesis of
To reiterate the role of Hb F in the etiology of the disease, α chains. The clinical severity of β-thalassemia reflects the
as Hb F (α2γ2) γ-chain production switches off postpartum, extreme insolubility of α chains, which are present in
the deficit of β chains in β-thalassemia becomes a significant relative excess because of the deficiency of β-chain syn-
problem. Anemia is compounded by the death of RBC precur- thesis. Therefore, the fewer functional β chains present,
sors, which leads to compensatory erythropoietin-induced the more insoluble α-chain aggregates occur and the more
marrow hypertrophy. This, in turn, leads to a hypermetabolic severe the disease.
state, skeletal changes, and increased intestinal absorption of The loss of β-chain gene function results from a variety of
iron and iron overload. Iron overload is compounded by different structural mutations within or surrounding the β
administration of transfusions to treat the anemia. gene. The level of β-chain synthesis is determined by the
specific manner in which gene expression is altered. Unlike
α-thalassemia, in which α-globin genes are deleted, the
β-globin gene is present in most cases, and defects in gene
Erythropoietin-induced Marrow Hypertrophy expression have been identified that alter gene transcription,
Erythropoietin (EPO) secretion from the kidney is stimulated
mRNA processing, and translation. The varying clinical sever-
by hemolysis and a decrease in hemoglobin. Tissue anoxia ity observed in β-thalassemia is directly correlated with the
also leads to EPO production. EPO causes excessive iron degree to which such mutations decrease β-globin gene
absorption and iron overload and increases erythroid expression.
hyperplasia in bone marrow and extramedullary sites. Clinically, β-thalassemias are classified as thalassemia
Marrow expansion leads to skeletal deformities by major, thalassemia intermediate, or thalassemia minor. The
invading bone and impairing proper growth. It also affects three differ in severity of disease and types of inter-
extramedullary sites—the liver and spleen. Extreme cases ventions. As suggested, thalassemia major is the most
involve extra-osseous masses in the thorax, abdomen, and severe and requires transfusions. Thalassemia minor is often
Deleted genes are indicated by hyphens (-) in α-thalassemias. The absence of chain production in β-thalassemia is indicated by (0), whereas mutations resulting in
decreased β-globin chains are indicated by (+).
110 Hematologic Genetics and Disorders
The majority of individuals with minor and intermediate B, and von Willebrand disease. Among these, the hemophilias
thalassemia do not need regular transfusions, although some affect 1 in 10,000 individuals per year and are best known
individuals do require either occasional or regular transfu- because of their historic association with European royal
sions. The most effective therapy, if needed, is the use of families. However, von Willebrand disease is the most common
transfusions with prophylactic antibiotics. Unfortunately, just coagulation disorder, affecting 1% to 2% of the U.S. popula-
as with thalassemia major, repeated transfusions, especially tion (Table 6-12).
in children, can create a state of iron overload, which damages Hemophilia A and B are characterized by defects in key
the tissues in which it is deposited, such as the heart and liver. components of the clotting cascade—factors VIII and IX,
Chelation with an iron-binding resin is administered to respectively—that render the patient incapable of normal
prevent this overload. The intensive use of transfusions and coagulation processes. Clinical expression can range from
chelation can extend the life expectancy of a patient for 20 mild to excessive bleeding due to major insult to frequent
to 30 years. Bone marrow transplantation is available but has spontaneous internal bleeding without insult. As exhibited by
been successful in only a small percentage of patients. a number of recessive disorders, the degree of clinical mani-
To summarize, α- and β-thalassemia are caused by a molec- festation depends on the amount of gene products available.
ular defect in the α- or β-globin genes that prevents normal Accordingly, the amount of available clotting factor is deter-
expression of these genes. Because the α-globin gene is essen- mined by the severity of the genetic mutation. Finally, both
tial both to fetal life and to postpartum life, α-thalassemia hemophilias are sex-linked diseases and serve as a paradigm
generally is either fatal in utero or compatible with a normal for X-linked recessive disorders. Females only exhibit bleed-
lifestyle. On the other hand, the β-globin gene is not impera- ing problems via unfortunate lyonization, or the co-occurrence
tive in fetal life and is not even fully expressed until after of two independent allelic mutations.
birth. Hence, β-thalassemia in its full expression is the crip- In von Willebrand disease, both platelet aggregation and
pling disease of childhood. α-Thalassemias and β-thalassemias clot formation fail to occur properly. The von Willebrand
are compared in Table 6-11. protein, also known as the von Willebrand factor or vWF,
normally promotes platelet adhesion to endothelium and
is a carrier for factor VIII in the clotting cascade. There-
●●● BLEEDING DISORDERS fore, von Willebrand disease has an association with hemo-
The most common hereditary deficiencies of coagulation, philia A that is caused by a mutation in the factor VIII
resulting in excessive bleeding, are hemophilia A, hemophilia gene.
TABLE 6-12. Comparison between Hemophilia A, Hemophilia B, and von Willebrand Disease
Data from Hoffbrand AV, Pettit JE, Moss PAH. Essential Haematology, 4th ed. Oxford, England, Blackwell, 2001, p 265.
Bleeding Disorders 111
Hemophilia B
Hemophilia B, sometimes referred to as Christmas disease,
Coagulation results from a reduction in the amount of factor IX, a serine
Abnormal coagulation results from the failure to clot or the protease, available for thrombin generation by the clotting
failure to prevent excessive clotting. Coagulation comprises cascade. The incidence of hemophilia B is roughly one-seventh
an intrinsic and an extrinsic pathway. that of hemophilia A. This is in part attributable to the much
The intrinsic pathway is initiated by a negatively charged smaller size of the factor IX gene—8 exons comprising 34
surface, which may occur with damaged endothelium or by
kb—at the tip of the X chromosome (Xp27) and very close
surface contact with certain foreign substances. Partial
to the factor VIII gene. Still, hundreds of different missense,
thromboplastin time (PTT) detects intrinsic factor
abnormalities reflected by increased PTT.
nonsense, frameshift, and deletion mutations have been
The extrinsic pathway is activated by tissue found with hemophilia B. The most common cause of mild to
thromboplastin (factor III), which is released after cell injury moderate hemophilia B results from missense mutations.
of endothelium or other cells. Prothrombin time (PT) mainly There have been occasional reports of large deletions associ-
detects abnormalities in extrinsic factors (prothrombin; ated with severe disease, but usually cases are associated with
factors V, VII, and X), although prothrombin is commonly frameshifts, splicing errors, nonsense, and missense muta-
considered the major factor measured by PT. Most factors tions. For both hemophilia A and B, nearly one third of cases
adversely affecting the extrinsic coagulation pathway, are due to new, spontaneous mutations.
including clotting factors, result in an increased PT.
However, a few situations, such as vitamin K
supplementation, thrombophlebitis, and use of certain
drugs, will decrease PT.
Serine Proteases
Serine proteases are a family of enzymes that cleave
Hemophilia A between specific amino acids. They are grouped according
to structural homology and play important roles in
Hemophilia A occurs with an incidence of approximately coagulation, inflammation and immunity, and digestion.
1 in 5000 live male births. A deficiency or absence of Generally, there is an enzyme-specific preference for
clotting factor VIII ultimately results in impaired thrombin cleaving adjacent to a specific type of amino acid. For
production. The gene for factor VIII is large, encoding 26 example, trypsin cleaves after the basic amino acids arginine
exons that span 186 kb on the tip of the long arm (Xp28) and lysine. The coagulation factors, except for factors VIII
of the X chromosome. Base pair changes, deletions, frame- and V, which are glycoproteins, are all serine proteases.
shift mutations, and protein-truncating mutations have been Serine proteases are synthesized in an inactive form
found in the factor VIII gene, and clinical severity is pro- (zymogen) and require proteolysis for activation. Those
portional to the loss of factor VIII activity conferred by participating in the coagulation cascade are synthesized in
the liver, secreted as zymogens, and activated following
the mutation. Hence, it is possible for a female to exhibit
vascular injury. The zymogen, or proenzyme, form generally
a modest reduction in factor VIII due to X inactivation.
has an “-ogen” suffix.
About 45% of the most severe cases of hemophilia A are
caused by the so-called “flip” inversion in intron 22. Here,
recombination with nearly homologous X chromosome
sequences located near the chromosome-terminating telo-
mere disrupts the normal reading frame. Approximately 50% The presentation of hemophilia B is quite similar to hemo-
of remaining cases of severe hemophilia have deletions, philia A. For both disorders, there may be prolonged bleeding,
rearrangements, frameshift mutations, splicing errors, or spontaneous bleeding, hemarthrosis, deep muscle bruising,
nonsense mutations. Mild to moderate cases typically harbor intracranial bleeding at birth, unexplained GI bleeding, and
missense mutations. excessive bruising. Both hemophilias have mild to severe
In severe cases, the diagnosis of hemophilia may be made forms. Only by determining the deficient factor can a proper
during the first year of life. If the diagnosis is not made, an diagnosis be made.
affected child may have large bruises from minor injuries,
which may even suggest a “battered” child. The child or adult
with severe forms of the disease may have five or more spon-
Von Willebrand Disease
taneous bleedings per month. Often, these are in joints and Von Willebrand disease differs from the hemophilias in its
deep muscles and can be painful. This is in contrast to indi- mode of inheritance. It is transmitted in an autosomal domi-
viduals with mild disease who may not have spontaneous nant manner with variable expression. In hemophilia, bleed-
bleeding and may experience abnormal bleeding once a year ing is generally in joints and muscles, whereas in von
to once every 10 years. Willebrand disease, bleeding is more common in mucous
112 Hematologic Genetics and Disorders
Venous Thrombosis TABLE 6-13. Risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis with
■ Superficial thrombophlebitis affects superficial veins. Factor V Leiden Mutation
■ Deep vein thrombosis affects deep veins.
■ Prolonged thrombosis can lead to chronic venous RISK AVERAGE FACTOR V LEIDEN
insufficiency with edema, pain, stasis pigmentation, (AGE) POPULATION MUTATION
dermatitis, and ulceration.
■ Because thrombosis is almost always associated with <40 years 1 in 10,000 1 in 1750
phlebitis, “thrombosis” and “thrombophlebitis” are used 40–50 years 1 in 1250 1 in 1100
interchangeably. 50–60 years 1 in 1100 1 in 476
■ Venous thrombosis may occur as a result of a coagulation 60–70 years 1 in 833 1 in 250
disorder or related to an underlying malignancy. 70–80 years 1 in 625 1 in 120
Questions 113
Types of Connective Tissue Skin
Connective tissues are classified by the cells and fibers Skin is composed of the epidermis and the dermis. The
present in the tissue as well as the characteristics of the epidermis is composed of two main zones of cells:
ground substance. ■ Stratum corneum: outer layer of cells without nuclei
Connective tissue (CT) proper consists of loose ■ Stratum germinativum: composed of three strata (basal,
Collagen Genes
The model exon in all collagen loci is a 54-bp unit that
Collagen genes are named starting with the prefix COL, fol- codes for 18 amino acid residues, or six triplets of Gly-X-Y
lowed by an Arabic numeral indicating the collagen type, the repeats. This model led to the hypothesis that the varied col-
letter “A,” and finally a second Arabic number denoting the lagen genes, although now widely scattered in the human
particular α chain. Four distinct genetic loci (COL1A1, genome, were derived from a single ancestral gene more than
COL1A2, COL2A1, and COL3A1) collectively encode the 50 million years ago. It is surmised that the numerous genes
unique chains of the three classic fibrillar collagens—types I, evolved by successive duplications of a primitive procollagen
II, and III—and these genes are dispersed throughout the gene consisting of 54 bp with six Gly-X-Y repeats that under-
genome. COL1A1 is found on chromosome 17, COL1A2 on went subsequent chromosomal rearrangements and sequence
chromosome 7, COL2A1 on chromosome 12, and COL3A1 divergence. These genes have remained highly conserved
on chromosome 2. Type IV collagen is a nonfibrillar, or amor- during evolution.
phous, form coded for by the COL4A3 gene on chromosome
2. Overall, there are more than 34 different collagen genes
dispersed on at least 15 chromosomes.
Collagen genes have several interesting features. Genes
encoding fibrillar collagen are quite similar in structure; the BIOCHEMISTRY
triple helical domain regions consist of greater than 40 exons
all of which are multiples of 9 nucleotides. Exons are typically Glycine
54 nucleotides in length, but multiples of 54 or combinations Glycine is the smallest amino acid and is a nonessential
of 45 and 54 base exons are not uncommon. Consistent with amino acid. Its size is convenient for “small places” in
the (Gly-X-Y)n primary amino acid sequence motif, each proteins such as the turns of helices. These are
exon begins with a glycine codon. The gene COL1A1 that evolutionarily very stable. Substituting the glycine with a
larger amino acid can dramatically change the shape of the
encodes α1(I) will serve as an example. The gene is large,
spanning 18 kb of genomic DNA and encoding 52 exons that
Glycine can also function as an inhibitory neurotransmitter
are 45, 54, 99, 108, or 162 base pairs in length. Hydroxypro- and serve as a co-agonist with glutamate to activate NMDA
line occupies the Y position in about a third of the exon (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors.
triplets and is often preceded by proline.
Connective Tissue and Bone Diseases 117
I Normal stature, little or no deformity, blue sclerae, hearing loss AD 50% reduction in type I
collagen synthesis
II Lethal in perinatal period, very few survive to 1 year; minimal AD Structural alteration in
calvarial mineralization, beaded ribs, compressed femurs, long type I collagen
bone deformity, platyspondyly chains—
III Progressively deforming bones, moderate deformity at birth, scleral AD/AR (rare) Increased collagen
hue varies, dentinogenesis imperfecta, hearing loss, very short Structural alteration turnover
stature in type I collagen
IV Normal to gray sclerae, mild to moderate deformity, variable short AD Excessive
stature, dentinogenesis imperfecta, some hearing loss posttranslational
modification to one
type I collagen chain
V Similar to OI type IV plus calcification of interosseous membrane of AD None identified
forearm, anterior radial head dislocation, hyperplastic callus
formation, normal sclerae
VI Similar to OI type IV with early-onset vertebral compression fractures, Unknown None identified
mineralization defect
VII Mild symptoms, short stature, shortened limbs, normal sclerae AR A non-collagen type I
Data from Sillence DO, Senn A, Danks DM. Genetic heterogeneity in osteogenesis imperfecta. J Med Genet 1979;16:101–116.
AD, autosomal dominant; AR, autosomal recessive.
118 Musculoskeletal Disorders
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome patients have not been identified. Of patients with COL5A
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is a group of connective tissue mutations, one half have inherited the mutation from a parent
disorders featuring joint hypermobility, hyperelasticity of the and the other half harbor a new mutation that occurred in a
skin, and abnormal wound healing (Fig. 7-4). Historically, parental gamete or during their own early embryonic develop-
EDS was classified into two subtypes, EDS type I and type ment. Both protein-truncating mutations and glycine substitu-
II, the discriminator being clinical severity. However, it is now tion mutations have been found in COL5A-associated EDS.
recognized that EDS represents a continuum of clinical mani-
festations. Today, most of EDS types I and II have been reclas- Marfan Syndrome
sified as classic EDS on the basis of diagnostic criteria. Three Marfan syndrome is a systemic connective tissue disorder that
of four major criteria must be met for diagnosis of EDS: skin typically manifests as skeletal, ocular, and cardiovascular
hyperextensibility; wide, atrophic scars; joint hypermobility; defects. Individuals are typically tall with arachnodactyly
and a positive family history for EDS. There are six major (Fig. 7-5). Ectopia lentis, mitral valve prolapse, and dilation
types of EDS (Table 7-3). Newer terminology has replaced of the ascending aorta are also common.
the use of Roman numerals to designate types. Unlike osteogenesis imperfecta and Ehlers-Danlos syn-
Classic EDS is an autosomal dominant disease caused by drome, Marfan syndrome is caused by mutations in the FBN1
mutations in genes encoding the α chains of type V collagen. gene that encodes fibrillin, a glycoprotein that is the major
Specifically, approximately 50% of patients presenting with structural component of extracellular microfibrils. Microfi-
classic EDS have mutations in either COL5A1 or COL5A2. brils are part of the ECM and form a network for elastin
The genetic defects responsible for the remaining half of the deposition in the formation of elastic fibers. Microfibrils are
120 Musculoskeletal Disorders
Ciliary Body of the Eye Craniosynostosis
The ciliary body lies behind the iris and is attached to the Craniosynostosis is the premature closure of sutures in the
lens by ciliary zonules. It produces aqueous humor and skull that leads to a change in the shape of the skull. Major
controls accommodation—the changing of lens shape. sutures include coronal, sagittal, metopic, and lambdoid.
There are several types of craniosynostosis:
■ Brachycephaly: premature closure of coronal sutures
■ Scaphocephaly, also called dolichocephaly: premature
In 2002, Steinmann et al questioned the existence of EDS V as a distinct entity. The phenotype, described in 1975, was poorly defined and may have represented
another disorder.
Connective Tissue and Bone Diseases 121
Figure 7-5. Individuals with Marfan syndrome have characteristic arachnodactyly with joint hypermobility. A, Long fingers.
B, Positive wrist sign (Walker sign). C, Positive thumb sign (Steinberg sign). D and E, Hypermobile joints.
individuals with Marfan syndrome are dolichocephaly (Fig. fibrillin within the aorta, dilatation of the aortic root, where
7-6), prominent brow, hypognathic or retrognathic mandible, maximum stress occurs, is a serious concern (Fig. 7-7).
and high-arched and narrow palate. Vertebral and pectus Dilatation is seen in approximately 25% of children and
deformities are present in 30% to 60% of individuals. 70% to 80% of adults. These individuals carry a significant
Although the skeletal features may be the most readily risk of aortic dissection that may begin as a gradual dilata-
recognized phenotype of Marfan syndrome, the earliest tion at the aortic root that progresses into the ascending
manifestation may be mitral valve disease. Eighty percent aorta. Marfan syndrome does not preclude childbirth by
of individuals will show evidence of prolapse; in more than females, but these women must be monitored regularly by
25% of these individuals, prolapse will progress to regur- echocardiography.
gitation by adulthood. Aortic regurgitation is also common Marfan syndrome is an autosomal dominant disease;
and progressive in 70% of individuals. Because of the altered approximately 75% of the cases are inherited and 25%
122 Musculoskeletal Disorders
represent de novo mutations. Over 500 independent FBN1 throughout this text as well as conditions not discussed in
gene mutations are associated with Marfan syndrome, nearly this text. Careful consideration of all physical and clinical
70% of which are missense mutations. This suggests that findings is important in establishing a presumptive diagnosis.
the production of normal microfibrils is altered by the A definitive diagnosis is easily attainable with molecular
presence of mutant fibrillin. In the heterozygous state, this analysis for each of these disorders with a specific known
defines autosomal dominant disorders—the interaction family mutation or in situations in which limited mutations
between mutant and normal fibrillin is sufficient for disease are associated with a disorder, such as for achondroplasia
expression. (see next section). An equally definitive diagnosis is also
Allelic heterogeneity at the FNB1 locus accounts for the possible with other tests such as muscle biopsy used for
overall symptom variability observed in individuals with muscular dystrophies. Less secure diagnoses are described
Marfan syndrome and between different affected families. in Table 7-4.
Some clinical variability can also be seen within a family
sharing the same mutation, suggesting that other genetic or
epigenetic factors play a role in disease expression. ●●● MUSCULOSKELETAL DISEASE
Differential Considerations RECEPTOR DEFECT
Osteogenesis imperfecta, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and
Marfan syndrome all share variably expressed phenotypic Achondroplasia, also known as short-limb dwarfism, is the
features. This is also true for other conditions discussed most common form of dwarfism and occurs in roughly 1
in 20,000 live births. In short-limbed dwarfism, affected
individuals have short stature and particularly short arms
and legs; the average height of adult men is 132 cm and
that of adult women is 125 cm. Although all bones formed
from cartilage are involved in achondroplasia, the prolif-
eration of cartilage is greatly retarded in the metaphyses
of long bones. In essence, the maturation of the chon-
Cephalic index (CI) ≤75.9 drocytes in the growth plate of the cartilage is affected.
Head width¥100 Other skeletal abnormalities include macrocephaly with
CI =
Head length frontal bossing, midface hypoplasia, and genu varum (Fig.
7-8). The spine and ribs are also affected, as is the car-
tilaginous base of the skull. Life span and intelligence are
typically normal, although 5% to 7% of infants with
Figure 7-6. Dolichocephaly. The head is long and narrow. achondroplasia die within the first year of life from central
The cephalic index can be calculated to determine whether a or obstructive apnea due to brainstem compression or
shape is dolichocephalic or within normal limits. midface hypoplasia.
Extracellular domain
a Figure 7-9. Typical FGFR structure.
Ig, immunoglobulin domain; TM,
transmembrane domain; kinase,
tyrosine kinase domain.
Muscle Cell Diseases 125
Figure 7-11. Gowers maneuver. The photographs show the characteristic movements by which a child with muscular
dystrophy uses his hands to walk up his legs to a standing position. (Used with permission from the MDA Foundation.)
levels are also found in the central nervous system. Dystro- actin-binding portion of spectrin in the cytoskeleton of the
phin is localized to the sarcolemmal membrane, where it red blood cell (see Chapter 6). This is followed by a rod-like
functions in a mechanical fashion by linking the ECM with domain consisting of 24 repeats of similar sequences of nearly
actin components of the cytoskeleton, thereby helping to 109 amino acids. The rod-like domain terminates at a cysteine-
resist stresses associated with muscle contraction. rich region of about 150 amino acids. The C terminus com-
The N-terminal region of the dystrophin molecule (Fig. prises a 420-amino-acid region that is interactive with other
7-13) is an actin-binding domain, homologous to the membrane proteins.
Muscle Cell Diseases 127
Laminin 2
Extracelluar matrix complex aDG
Sarcolemma Dystroglycan
a b g d bDG complex
Dystrophin aDB
Actin SYN
Hinge Cytoplasmic
regions complex
Dystrophin Organization
Dp427 Dp260 Dp140 Dp116 Dp71
2 30 44 56 63
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500kb
Figure 7-14. Exon of the dystrophin gene showing the seven different promoter sites for each of the isoforms: three full-length
and four shortened forms. The 427-kDa forms differ only at the NH2-terminal sequences. Two “hot spots” for deletions are
shown: cluster I between exons 45 and 53 affects the rod domain of the protein, and cluster II between exons 2 and 20 affects
the actin-binding domain. Dp, dystrophin protein. (Used with permission and adapted from Blake DJ, Weir A, Newey SE, Davies
KE. Function and genetics of dystrophin and dystrophin-related proteins in muscle. Physiol Rev 2002;82:291–329.)
There is tissue-specific expression of the 427-kDa protein are correlated with abnormal electroretinograms and electro-
that is controlled by different promoters. Brain dystrophin is encephalograms in individuals with abnormal dystrophins.
expressed in the cortex and hippocampus; muscle dystrophin DMD and BMD are caused by many mutations within the
is expressed in skeletal muscle, cardiomyocytes, and some dystrophin gene that are located in the middle of the short
glial cells; and Purkinje dystrophin is expressed in cerebellar arm of the X chromosome (Xp21). It is the largest known
Purkinje cells and skeletal muscle. These three dystrophins human gene, spanning about 2000 kb and containing more
have a unique first exon followed by 78 common exons. Four than 70 exons. The gene is approximately 0.001% of the total
internal promoters give rise to shorter forms of dystrophin human genome, representing about one third the amount of
isoforms. Figure 7-14 shows the seven different promoters the entire Escherichia coli genome. Although the gene is 2
within the dystrophin gene. In addition to the three 427-kDa million base pairs in size, the mature dystrophin mRNA is 14
proteins already mentioned, the four shorter dystrophins are kb, which encodes a very large polypeptide of 3685 amino
present in the retina (260 kDa); the brain and fetal kidney acids in muscle.
(140 kDa); Schwann cells and nodes of Ranvier (116 kDa); DMD is allelic with BMD in that both are caused by dif-
and the glia, kidney, liver, and lung (71 kDa). These findings ferent mutations within the same gene locus. BMD affects
128 Musculoskeletal Disorders
12s F
rRNA D-loop Cyt b
DEAF 1555G E
L LHON 14484C
MELAS 3243G LHON 14459A
ND1 LHON 3460A
NARP 8993G/C
D K ATPase6
5 kb deletion
Complex I genes (NADH dehydrogenase) Complex III genes (ubiquinol:cytochrome-c oxidoreductase) Transfer RNA genes
Complex IV genes (cytochrome c oxidase) Complex V genes (ATP synthase) Ribosomal RNA genes
Figure 7-15. Human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) chromosome. The human mitochondrial genome is 16,569 bp in length and
encodes 37 gene products, including 13 mRNAs, 22 tRNAs, and 2 rRNAs. The chromosome is present in multiple copies per
cell. DNA replication is initiated at the origins of DNA replication (OH and OL), and polycistronic RNAs are produced by the two
major promoters (PH and PL). The large RNAs are then processed to yield the mRNAs, tRNAs, and rRNAs. tRNA genes are
identified by a single-letter code that refers to the cognate amino acid in the charged tRNA. CO, cytochrome oxidase genes;
Cyt b, cytochrome b gene; D-loop, noncoding displacement loop; ND, NADH dehydrogenase genes. (From MITOMAP:
A human mitochondrial genome database. Available at: http://www.mitomap.org.)
mtDNA gene products take place within the mitochondrial principles. First, mitochondria are present in multiple copies
matrix. Thus, the mtDNA-encoded polypeptides are essential per organelle, and thus a cell harbors thousands of mtDNAs.
for aerobic respiration and, therefore, life. Because most of Second, mitochondria are strictly maternally inherited.
the well-characterized inherited mitochondrial diseases are Defects in mtDNA that result in disease show maternal
due to mtDNA mutations, these will be discussed further. (and no paternal) transmission. Third, mtDNA has an
However, it should be noted that, because most mitochon- extremely high mutation rate due to lack of an efficient
drial proteins are provided by the nucleus, the number of DNA repair mechanism. Fourth, when a new mutation occurs
nDNA-based mitochondrial diseases might be significantly within a mitochondrion of a cell, a mixture of mutant and
underrecognized. normal mtDNA is produced. This mixture is called hetero-
mtDNA has a number of features distinguishing “mito- plasmy and, unlike the homozygous/heterozygous situation
chondrial genetics” from the better known nuclear genetic found for nDNA mutations, a heteroplasmic proportion can
130 Musculoskeletal Disorders
Myoclonic Epilepsy with Ragged Red similarly aged individuals harboring 85% mutant tRNALys can
appear healthy and unaffected, exhibiting normal muscle bio-
Fiber Syndrome
energetic capacity, OXPHOS enzyme activity, and phenotype.
MERRF typically presents with mitochondrial myopathy and Interestingly, maternally related individuals age 60 years and
myoclonic epilepsy—a periodic, uncontrolled jerking that greater, with the same 85% mutant tRNALys, can be severely
often begins focally but progresses to generalized cyclic mus- affected with mitochondrial myopathy, little muscle energy
cular contractions. Roughly 85% of the cases are due to an capacity, and dramatically reduced respiratory chain enzyme
A-to-G mutation in the mtDNA tRNALys gene at nucleotide activities. Hence, for mitochondrial diseases due to tRNA
position 8344, and many of the remaining cases result from mutations, age of onset often reflects the proportion of mutant
a G-to-C mutation at position 8356 in the same tRNA gene mtDNA inherited, and symptoms tend to progress with age
(Fig. 7-17). Both of these mutations disrupt the TψC loop of in terms of the number and severity of clinical signs. This
tRNALys. These mutations have consistently been found het- suggests that at least two factors—an inborn error mutation
eroplasmic in patients and have never been found in normal and an age-related factor—collaborate to precipitate many
mtDNA. forms of mitochondrial disease.
As indicated above, clinical variability and age-related pro-
gression of symptoms are common in the mitochondrial dis-
orders. Upon diagnosis of MERRF, examination of the clinical Chronic Progressive External
status of maternally related individuals within the proband’s
Ophthalmoplegia and
family often reveals affected individuals exhibiting a spec-
trum of clinical signs, including mitochondrial myopathy,
Kearns-Sayre Syndrome
ataxia, cardiomyopathy, sensorineural hearing loss, diabetes, Frequently, a mild to moderate mitochondrial myopathy
and dementia. The wide range of clinical signs and the vari- features ophthalmoplegia and ptosis in addition to frank
able expression found within families is in part due to the mitochondrial myopathy. This combination of symptoms is
varying heteroplasmic proportioning found in affected indi- termed chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia
viduals. MERRF pedigrees show a strong association between (CPEO). Some patients manifest CPEO before age 20, with
phenotype and genotype (heteroplasmic proportion) in rela- retinitis pigmentosa and at least one of the following:
tion to aging. For example, a young (15- to 25-year-old) cardiac conduction abnormality, cerebellar ataxia, or cerebral
patient with 95% mutant tRNALys often will have a complex spinal protein level above 100 mg/dL. These patients have
and severe clinical picture, including mitochondrial myopa- the more severe Kearns-Sayre syndrome (KSS). Occasion-
thy, reduced muscle oxidative capacity, and diminished mito- ally, other signs manifest with KSS or CPEO, including
chondrial respiratory chain enzyme activities. In contrast, optic atrophy, sensorineural hearing loss, dementia, seizures,
cardiomyopathy, diabetes, and lactic acidosis. Like the
mtDNA tRNA mutations that result in MERRF and MELAS,
KSS and CPEO patients typically feature RRFs and dimin-
ished histochemical staining of respiratory chain enzymes
in skeletal muscle.
The np8344 MERRF Mutation in tRNALys Nearly 85% of KSS patients harbor rearrangements of the
mtDNA that take the form of a group of interrelated, complex
OH 3' molecules including normal, duplicated, and deleted mtDNA.
Macrocephaly 45%
Short stature (below third percentile) 31.5%
Figure 8-1. Isolated café-au-lait spots are found in many people without neurofibromatosis; however, individuals with more
than five or six of these should be investigated further for NF, particularly if the spots appear within the first 5 years of life. These
dizygotic twins are age 7.
Single-Gene Disorders 135
epidermis, found mainly on the trunk of the body, and may mutations produce a truncated protein. This protein has a
range in size from less than a centimeter to several centime- domain homologous to the GTPase-activating family. The
ters in diameter. Although cosmetically unappealing, they are protein also has a GAP-related domain (GRD) that interacts
rarely painful (Fig. 8-2). One of the most common causes of with the RAS proto-oncogene. Mutations that truncate neu-
morbidity in individuals with NF1 is the development of rofibromin in the GRD region inactivate the tumor suppressor
plexiform neurofibromas along large nerves. These may function of neurofibromin. The large size of the protein and
invade adjacent structures and impinge on organs. the large number of mutations identified indicate that many
Lisch nodules are asymptomatic hamartomas of the iris mutations are family specific and that carrier screening can
associated with NF1 in 90% to 95% of individuals with NF1 yield many false negatives in a large population.
(Fig. 8-3). These nodules generally develop before peripheral
The gene responsible for NF1 is neurofibromin. It is a large BIOCHEMISTRY
gene, and more than 500 mutations have been described that
disrupt normal neurofibromin expression, but most germline GTPases, Components of the G
Protein Complexes
G proteins exist in an active or inactive state and participate
in signal transduction. In the inactive state, GDP is bound to
the G protein, which is composed of α, β, and γ subunits.
Ligand binding to a receptor allows interaction with a G
protein, causing GDP to be replaced by GTP in the α
subunit of the G protein. This α-GTP complex dissociates
from the β and γ subunits as well as from the receptor and
interacts with an appropriate effector, such as adenylate
cyclase, to produce cAMP.
To inactivate the active G protein, GTPase activity that is
intrinsic to the complex converts GTP to GDP and the α
subunit recombines with the β and γ subunits. The rate-
limiting step in this cycle is the GDP dissociation, since GTP
cannot bind until GDP dissociates.
Figure 8-3. Lisch nodules (arrow) are associated with Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome
neurofibromatosis type 1. (From Digre K, Corbett JJ. Practical
Viewing of the Optic Disc. Philadelphia, Butterworth Lesch-Nyhan syndrome is a metabolic disorder of purine and
Heinemann, 2003, p 223.) pyrimidine metabolism. It is an X-linked deficiency of the
136 Neurologic Diseases
Hypoxanthine IMP
oxidase Guanine GMP
Uric acid
Allopurinol is a xanthine oxidase inhibitor used to treat
chronic gout. It is also administered with colchicine to
prevent gouty arthritis. Xanthine oxidase oxidizes allopurinol
Figure 8-4. Bilateral vestibular schwannomas (arrows) shown to alloxanthine, which also inhibits xanthine oxidase and de
by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with contrast. The novo purine synthesis.
arrowhead shows extension of the right schwannomas into the
internal auditory canal. (Courtesy of Simin Dadparvar, MD.)
Tay-Sachs disease — hypotonia,
b-Hexosaminidase A seizures, spasticity, blindness,
cherry red spot of macula
Cer-Glu-Gal Cer-Glu-Gal-Gal
Fabry disease —pain in lower Sandhoff disease—
extremities, renal failure, optic atrophy,
a-Galactosidase b-Hexosaminidase B seizures, spasticity
hypertension, cardiomyopathy
Cer-Glu Cer-Glu-Gal-Gal-GalNAc
Gaucher disease (type IA) —
osteonecrosis, anemia,
thrombocytopenia, Gaucher cells
Sphingomyelinase Galactocerebrosidase
Figure 8-6. Degradation of sphingolipids by lysosomal enzymes. Fabry disease has X-linked inheritance. Other examples
demonstrate autosomal recessive inheritance. VSG, vertical supranuclear gaze.
Gangliosides are the most complex group of
glycosphingolipids. These ceramide (a family of lipids
composed of sphingosine and fatty acid) oligosaccharides
are composed of a sugar and at least one sialic acid
residue. They are the primary component of cell membranes
and make up 6% of brain lipids.
Angiokeratoma Corporis Diffusum
NANA Angiokeratoma corporis diffusum is the hallmark of Fabry
Cleavage site
disease, causing red to blue-black cutaneous vascular
lesions. Early lesions may be small and non-hyperkeratotic,
Figure 8-7. Hexosaminidase A complex is composed of but they tend to increase in number and size with age and
three proteins: the α subunit, the β subunit, and an activator. are nonblanching with pressure. Lesions may occur
A mutation in the α subunit results in Tay-Sachs disease. Cer, anywhere but tend to concentrate between the umbilicus
ceremide; Gal, galactose; GalNAC, N-acetylgalactosamine; and the thighs; they rarely occur on the face, scalp, or ears.
Glu, glucose; NANA, N-acetylneuraminic acid.
Single-Gene Disorders 139
There are three clinical forms: adult, infantile, and juvenile platelets, hepatosplenomegaly, bone pain, and aseptic necro-
(Table 8-2), also characterized as types 1, 2, and 3. The most sis (Fig. 8-11). Unlike in other lipidoses, there is no brain
common form of Gaucher disease is type 1. This is a chronic involvement.
non-neuropathic form and is responsible for 85% of cases. Type 2 Gaucher disease is an acute neuropathic disease.
The onset of symptoms may be early or delayed until adult- The clinical onset of hepatosplenomegaly is apparent by 3
hood. These include easy bruising and fatigue, anemia, low months of age. There is extensive and progressive brain
damage. Death occurs by age 2.
Type 3 Gaucher disease is a subacute neuropathic form
with variable hepatosplenomegaly. Brain involvement, such
as seizures, is gradual. Other than the neurologic symptoms,
symptoms in type 3 may be similar to those in type 1.
Life expectancy is generally three to four decades without
1, Adult form Anemia, bruising, fatigue, low platelets, 1 in 450 in Ashkenazi Jewish Variable; in general, the later
(most common) hepatosplenomegaly, bone pain and population in life symptoms appear,
aseptic necrosis, growth retardation the less severe the disease
2, Acute or Rapid, progressive development of 1 in 100,000—no ethnic focus 2 years
infantile form neurologic symptoms
3, Subacute or Slowly developing neurologic symptoms 1 in 100,000—no ethnic focus 3 to 4 decades
juvenile form beginning in childhood; other
symptoms similar to type 1
*There is also a perinatal form that is lethal and associated with skin abnormalities or with nonimmune hydrops fetalis. A cardiovascular form is characterized by
calcifications of the aortic and mitral valves, supranuclear ophthalmoplegia, corneal opacities, and splenomegaly.
Single-Gene Disorders 141
Gaucher disease is an autosomal recessive disorder caused (see Fig. 8-6). Type A is the most severe form and is seen
by mutations in the gene for glucocerebrosidase (GBA). in the majority of individuals with Niemann-Pick disease.
Although approximately 200 Gaucher-associated mutations There is less than 1% of the normal enzyme in type A,
have been characterized within the GBA gene, only 4 variants resulting in feeding difficulties, an enlarged abdomen within
account for 90% of disease in the Ashkenazi Jewish popula- the first 3 to 6 months, a cherry-red spot, and progressive
tion. These same mutations account for 50% to 60% of muta- loss of motor skills. These individuals usually die by 2 to 3
tions in other populations. Type 1 affects 1 in 450 Ashkenazi years of age.
Jewish individuals and is the most common genetic disorder Individuals with type B have more enzymatic activity, gen-
affecting this population. Types 2 and 3 occur in 1 in 100,000 erally between 10% and 60%, and thus experience less
individuals and have no predilection for any particular severe symptoms. These symptoms may include hepato-
ethnic group. splenomegaly and respiratory problems that can lead to car-
Treatment has dramatically reduced the symptoms of diovascular stress, but there is little or no neurologic
Gaucher disease since the introduction of enzyme replace- involvement. These individuals may survive into late child-
ment therapies for types 1 and 3 Gaucher disease in hood or adulthood. In addition to types A and B, some indi-
1991. The administration of a recombinant analog for β- viduals may have an intermediate form of disease with more
glucocerebrosidase eliminates the symptoms but does not neurologic problems than type B but milder symptoms than
cure the disease. This therapy reduces the size of the liver and type A.
spleen, reduces skeletal anomalies, and normalizes blood cell Type C Niemann-Pick disease has a different genetic defect
counts. Therapy must be maintained for the life of the indi- that may lead to a secondary deficiency of sphingomyelinase
vidual or the symptoms will recur as substrate once again due to the large accumulation of lipids. The total sphingomy-
begins to accumulate. Bone marrow transplantation has been elinase may be normal but inadequate. Two genes are respon-
used in some patients to replace hematopoietic cells; however, sible for type C—NPC1 and NPC2. NPC1 is a member of a
the risks of graft-versus-host rejection may be high. Enzyme gene family of membrane-bound proteins with a sterol-
replacement therapy is a better choice of treatment. There is sensing domain. Mutations in NPC1, which occur in 95% of
no treatment for the severe brain involvement seen with type C disease, disrupt transport of cholesterol and other
types 2 and 3. Treatment can increase the life expectancy of lysosomal products, leading to neuronal degeneration.
individuals significantly, and it may even approach normal. The second gene, NPC2, produces a cholesterol-binding
However, while Gaucher disease is the most common lyso- protein. Mutations in this protein decrease cholesterol binding,
somal storage disorder in the general population, lifelong causing it to accumulate in the cell. NPC1 and NPC2 there-
enzyme replacement therapy is expensive and not an option fore work together to transport lipids. Mutations in NPC1
for every family. Yet without this therapy, the options are prevent proper transport of lipids out of the cell, whereas
limited. mutations in NPC2 affect lipid movement within the lyso-
some and perhaps between lysosomes and other organelles
such as the endoplasmic reticulum.
Cholesterol enters the cell normally, but in Niemann-Pick
IMMUNOLOGY disease cholesterol and other unmetabolized lipids accumu-
late in cells of the liver, spleen, and brain. Infants often
Complications of Bone Marrow Transplantation have jaundice at or shortly after birth, followed by the
Graft-versus-host (GVH) reaction is the major complication progressive development of hepatosplenomegaly, ataxia, dys-
of bone marrow transplantation. The reaction occurs when tonia, dysarthria, and dementia. Vertical supranuclear gaze
immunocompetent cells contained in the bone marrow graft palsy is highly suggestive of type C. Individuals with type
recognize the host tissue as foreign and initiate rejection. C disease generally die before age 20.
During the afferent phase of the disease, alloreactive
donor T cells recognize major and minor histocompatibility
antigens of the host. The efferent phase follows, and
inflammatory effector cells are activated. Cytopathic
molecules, including cytokines, are also secreted and
induce pathology in the skin, gastrointestinal tract, liver,
lung, and immune system. GVH reaction symptoms include
Vertical Supranuclear Gaze Palsy
rash, jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly, diarrhea, and infection.
Cyclosporine may be used to decrease the GVH reaction. Supranuclear and internuclear pathways are involved with
voluntary conjugate eye movement. “Nuclear” refers to
cranial nerve nuclei. The pathways originate in the middle
frontal gyrus and require bilateral activation of nuclei for
movement. The principal pathway controlling coordinated
Niemann-Pick Disease
eye movement is the internuclear pathway, which is linked to
Niemann-Pick disease is an autosomal recessive group of
the third, fourth, and sixth cranial nerve nuclei via the medial
related neurologic disorders designated as A, B, and C. Both longitudinal fasciculus. The supranuclear pathway feeds into
A and B have mutations in sphingomyelinase, causing sphin- the medial longitudinal fasciculus.
gomyelin to accumulate rather than be degraded to ceramide
142 Neurologic Diseases
Some populations are more affected than others with a In the infantile form of Krabbe disease, a 30-kb deletion is
specific type of Niemann-Pick disease. For example, types A responsible for 45% and 35% of cases occurring in individu-
and B occur more frequently in the Ashkenazi Jewish popula- als of European and Mexican ancestry, respectively. This
tion. Type B is also prevalent among North African popula- differs from late-onset disease, which often has a G809A
tions. Type C is more likely to occur among Hispanic mutation. Compound heterozygotes with both mutations
Americans in southern New Mexico and Colorado. demonstrate late-onset disease.
heparan and dermatan sulfate (see Fig. 8-12). The Hurler large hernias, respiratory infections, and thickening of the
phenotype—coarse facies, enlarged skull, corneal clouding, meninges, leading to decreased cerebrospinal fluid circulation
hepatosplenomegaly, thickened skin, hernias, and and increased cranial pressure.
contractures—becomes evident by the age of 1. Mental dete- Scheie syndrome is a milder form of MPS, designated
rioration is progressive. Heparan sulfate and dermatan sulfate as MPS-IS. Intermediate to Hurler and Scheie is MPS-IH/S.
accumulate in the coronary artery, leading to ischemia and MPS-IH and MPS-IS forms are allelic. The intermediate form,
cardiac insufficiency. Other problems are the potential for MPS-IH/S, is a compound heterozygote. The milder form has
no CNS involvement (Table 8-5).
Both enzyme replacement and bone marrow transplanta-
tion have been used to treat MPS-I. Recombinant α-L-
TABLE 8-3. Comparison of Heparan, Heparan iduronidase is available for treatment. Individuals with severe
Sulfate, and Dermatan Sulfate disease may be treated with bone marrow transplantation
(BMT) or umbilical cord blood transplantation to modify
GLYCOSAMINOGLYCAN* DISTRIBUTION disease progression and improve survival. This treatment may
improve some of the physical features and decrease the CNS
Heparan Component of intracellular deterioration. Because of the morbidity and mortality risks
granules of mast cells; associated with transplants, BMT is generally not used in
lining of arteries of the milder forms of the disease.
lungs, liver, and skin
Heparan sulfate Basement membranes,
components of cell MPS-II: Hunter Syndrome
surfaces MPS-II, also known as Hunter syndrome, is an X-linked dis-
Dermatan sulfate Skin, blood vessels, heart order. The wide spectrum of clinical severity correlates with
valves the amount of iduronate sulfatase activity present. Like
*Heparan sulfate contains more acetylated glucosamine than heparan, and
MPS-I, this is a progressive disorder. Typically, symptoms
heparan is more sulfated than heparan sulfate. begin between ages 2 and 4 years. Clinical features are similar
I Hurler <10 years (teens to 20s) α-l-Iduronidase Heparan sulfate and dermatan
Hurler-Scheie Normal expectancy sulfate
II Hunter 15 years (severe) Iduronate sulfatase Heparan sulfate and dermatan
Normal expectancy sulfate
IIIA Sanfilippo A Heparan N-sulfatase Heparan sulfate
IIIB Sanfilippo B α-N-acetylglucosaminidase Heparan sulfate
20 years
IIIC Sanfilippo C Acetyl-CoA:α-glucosaminide Heparan sulfate
IIID Sanfilippo D N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfatase Heparan sulfate
144 Neurologic Diseases
normal at birth. The first changes may appear in a child ■ Dolichocephalic skull due to premature sagittal suture
mentally retarded (IQ range is 55–75). The prevalence of in which the fragile X allele is active. Hence, the fragile X
mentally impaired females is 1 in every 2000 to 2500. The mutation predisposes affected females to a characteristic cog-
high rate of heterozygous expression is unprecedented for nitive profile deficit. In addition to the neurologic features,
X-linked inheritance. The fact that carrier females may be recall that heterozygous females also have a different clinical
affected is consistent with random inactivation of one of the profile that includes premature ovarian failure and features of
two X chromosomes. If the active chromosome is the fragile fragile X–associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS; see
one in the majority of the affected female’s brain cells, then Chapter 3).
brain function is affected, with results comparable to that of
fragile X males. It has been surmised that the degree of Huntington Disease
mental retardation is correlated with the percentage of cells Huntington disease (HD) is a progressive disorder of motor,
psychiatric, and cognitive functions resulting from selective
neuronal death. It is a particularly devastating disease for the
patient and family because there is no cure and because
TABLE 8-6. Predominant Clinical Features of symptoms of HD usually begin in midlife between the ages
Fragile X Syndrome in Males of 35 and 45. This later age of onset is significant, since the
mutated allele may have already been passed on to offspring
Prepubertal Postpubertal before symptoms begin to appear. It is inherited as an auto-
Delayed developmental Mental retardation somal dominant disease with complete penetrance. Mean
milestones Pronounced craniofacies
survival time after onset of symptoms is 15 to 18 years.
Sit alone, 10 months Macro-orchidism
Walk, 20.6 months Like fragile X syndrome, HD results from the expansion of
First clear words, 20 months Additional Features a triplet repeat. Fragile X and Huntington disease differ by
Developmental delay Strabismus the triplet that amplifies—CGG for fragile X and CAG for
Abnormal behavior Joint hyperextensibility Huntington—and the number of repeats necessary for patho-
Tantrums Mitral valve prolapse
Soft, smooth skin genesis. The number of CAG triplets normally present in the
Autism HTT (Huntington) gene is 10 to 26. Unlike the fragile X
Mental retardation: IQ 30–50 repeat that expands during maternal gametogenesis and lies
Abnormal craniofacies outside the gene, the HD repeat is found in the first exon of
Long face the gene and is inherited from the father. The disease displays
Prominent forehead
anticipation, in which a larger expansion is associated with
Large ears
Prominent jaw an earlier onset of the disease and more severe symptoms.
De novo mutation of this gene has never been reported.
Rights were not granted to include this figure in electronic media. Please refer to the printed publication.
Figure 8-14. Fragile X syndrome. A, Two-year-old male with a full mutation exhibiting a relatively normal appearance with an
elongated face and prominent ears; also note tapering fingers, a minor anomaly. B, At age 5 years, his head is large with large
ears and a prominent jaw. C, At age 22 years. (From Scriver CR, Beaudet AL, Sly WS, et al. Metabolic and Molecular Bases of
Inherited Disease, 8th ed, Vol 1. New York, McGraw-Hill, 2000, p 1269, Fig. 64-7.)
Complex Diseases of the Brain 147
Although seemingly straightforward, each of these laws actu- siblings, then they should have 50% of their genes in common.
ally interacts with each other in ways that are not fully MZ twins have 100% of their genes in common. The findings
understood. What is becoming clearer is that even minor of twin studies demonstrate that DZ twins have less than
variations in allele expression, both temporally and physi- 50% of their genes in common, since MZ twins cannot have
cally, may affect function and alter the cascade of following more than 100% of their genes in common. An explanation
events in profound ways. Overall, however, studies demon- for this and similar observations has been less than satisfac-
strate the robustness of genetics among twins, and that twins tory, but certainly discussions about the role of the cellular
reared apart are about as similar as twins reared together. environment during chromosome assortment and gamete for-
mation were prompted.
Adoption Studies Epigenetics is the study of changes in gene activity that
Adoption studies are important to understanding the effects do not involve alterations to the genetic code but that are
of environment on inherited traits because they address the still passed to successive generations. It is through epigenetics
role of genes from biological parents along with differences that environmental factors such as diet, stress, and prenatal
encountered in growth and development resulting from the nutrition imprint genes passed from one generation to
environment the child is adopted into. Such studies have another. The most frequently studied epigenetic mechanisms
involved large cohorts and have demonstrated that adopted are DNA methylation and histone modifications. Studies of
children share a greater similarity with their biological parents human postmortem brain demonstrate that aging and
than with the siblings of their adoptive families. Alzheimer disease are associated with epigenetic dysregula-
tion. Other studies show that early exposure to toxins can
Association Studies alter methylation patterns of genes involved in Alzheimer
Association studies are a common tool for genetic epidemiol- disease that affect brain development, leading to observa-
ogy studies and employ both case-control studies and case- tions seen later during the disease. Twin studies also suggest
parent trio studies. More recently, they have also been used that epigenetic mechanisms mediate the risk for Alzheimer
to determine the frequency of a particular trait in a popula- disease.
tion occurring with a particular polymorphism; in other
words, they have been used as a mapping tool. It is possible
to use a population-based association study, and many of
Alzheimer Disease
these have been reported; however, there are far fewer prob- Alzheimer disease (AD) is typically a late-onset disorder with
lems with family studies, where variables that may alter symptoms appearing after the age of 65. The predominant
results can be minimized. The greatest difficulty with these clinical feature of Alzheimer disease is progressive dementia,
studies is ascertainment bias, in which there is a difference but the disorder is most readily identified by its neuropatho-
in the likelihood that affected relatives of the case individual logic effects evident in postmortem brain tissue—the forma-
will be reported compared with affected relatives of the con- tion of neuritic plaques containing insoluble spherical amyloid
trols. Family members of an affected individual are also more deposits and of intracellular neurofibrillary tangles composed
likely to know of other affected relatives than control fami- of the cytoskeletal protein termed tau (τ). At the protein level,
lies. Family members of an affected individual are also more protein phosphatase 2A is methylated normally; its hypo-
keenly aware of symptoms or presentations related to a methylation, which is an epigenetic effect, results in tau
disease in other family members than are those individuals hyperphosphorylation and the neurofibrillary tangles. The
with no affected family member. The relatives of affected degeneration and death of neurons in the hippocampus and
individuals are also more likely to respond to questionnaires portions of the cerebral cortex shackle the minds of victims
than relatives of controls. in confusion. Studies of the epidemiology of Alzheimer
The advent of molecular tools affected the study of behav- disease indicate that the disease is present in 2% of the
ior just as it did other areas of science. Now the focus has over-65 population and at least 8% of the over-85 population
turned more to the effect of gene expression on behavior. The worldwide. The prevalence of Alzheimer disease is lower than
greatest area of interest is the area of psychiatric genetics. expected because of the competing causes of death. That is
Tremendous efforts are being made in the areas of schizo- to say, many individuals destined to express geriatric genetic
phrenia and bipolar disorder—the two most intensely studied disease will not express symptoms because they fail to survive
psychiatric illnesses. However, the task of identifying suscep- to the age of onset.
tibility genes and gene interactions is extremely challenging Attention was initially focused on a small subset of clinical
and perhaps even daunting. cases in which the patients showed an early onset of symp-
toms in the fourth and fifth decades. Although appearing
Epigenetic Studies relatively early in life, the symptoms are clinically and neu-
In recent years, more attention has been directed toward rologically indistinguishable from the later-onset Alzheimer
environmental factors to explain situations that fail to comply disease. Since the early-onset patients are clustered in large
with mendelian and mathematical expectations for inheri- pedigrees, the early-onset form is generally referred to as
tance. Revisiting the finding mentioned above that MZ twins familial Alzheimer disease (FAD). In FAD families, the disor-
are more than twice as similar as DZ twins helps illustrate der segregates as an autosomal dominant trait over multiple
this. If DZ twins share the same percentage of genes as generations.
Complex Diseases of the Brain 149
Parkinson Disease
One of the most common progressive degenerative diseases Underlying the complexity of Parkinson disease are seven
affecting individuals over the age of 60 is Parkinson genes implicated in its etiology. Four have an autosomal dom-
disease. Most of the causes of this disease are unknown; inant mode of expression, and three have an autosomal reces-
however, oxidative damage, environmental toxins, and sive mode (Table 8-8). Originally, these genes had other
accelerated aging processes have been discussed as possible abbreviations, but as they became more closely associated
contributors. As expected, the complex nature of Parkinson with Parkinson disease, the gene abbreviation was changed to
disease etiology makes diagnosis difficult and often impre- PARK. In addition to these loci, there are at least three sus-
cise until the disease has advanced. Diagnosis is based ceptibility genes. Most twin studies across a broad spectrum
on the clinical presentation of bradykinesia, tremor, and of ages and focusing on late-onset disease have been ambiva-
rigidity. lent in distinguishing a genetic influence. However, the best
Although most commonly associated with aging, Parkinson association indicates that disease onset before age 50 may be
has several forms: juvenile-onset disease occurring before better related to genetic factors, suggesting that environmen-
age 20 years, early-onset disease occurring before age 50 tal influences in association with other genes have a stronger
years, and late-onset disease occurring after age 50 years. association with later-onset disease.
Each of these is expected to have a different etiology, but It is important to note that clinical signs of bradykinesia,
they all share the cardinal feature of the disease: dopami- tremor, and rigidity may be associated with other neurologic
nergic neurons are lost in the substantia nigra and Lewy diseases that mimic true Parkinson disease. Included among
bodies are present in the remaining, intact nigral neurons these are Alzheimer disease, Lewy body dementia, progres-
(Fig. 8-16). As many as 80% of the dopaminergic neurons sive supranuclear palsy, and others. Parkinson disease may
may be lost before clinical symptoms are apparent in affected also accompany diseases such as Huntington disease, spino-
individuals. cerebellar ataxia, and Wilson disease. These co-occurrences
Complex Diseases of the Brain 151
underscore the need for critical assessment of family history, TABLE 8-9. Prevalence Rates for Schizophrenia
laboratory findings, and individual presentation of symptoms
for correct diagnosis. The correctness of the diagnosis can
have familial consequences for diagnoses and management of
other members of the family and future generations.
Australia 285,000
Britain 250,000
Schizophrenia Canada 280,000
China 6–12 million (estimate)
Schizophrenia is a neurologic disorder afflicting about 2.2 India 4.3–8.7 million (estimate)
million people in the United States and more than 51 United States 2.2 million
Worldwide 51 million (estimate)
million people worldwide (Table 8-9). It is characterized
by delusions, hallucinations, reduced interest and drive, *Approximately 1.1% of the population over 18 years of age.
altered emotional reactivity, and disorganized behavior.
Structural brain abnormalities observed in individuals with
schizophrenia include decreased volume, loss of gray matter
(Fig. 8-17), and ventricular enlargement. The clinical features 13%. When both parents are schizophrenic, the risk to their
are often not recognized until late in the second decade offspring rises sharply to 46%.
or early in the third. Retrospectively, cognitive and behav- The risk of siblings of a proband (affected child) is influ-
ioral signs are present from early childhood in individuals enced by the status of the parents’ mental health. When the
with schizophrenia. parents are free of schizophrenia, the risk to a sibling of an
Twin studies, family studies, and adoption studies all dem- affected individual is 9%. When one parent is also affected,
onstrate a strong genetic component to schizophrenia. These the risk increases to 17%.
studies show conclusively that the risk of schizophrenia Both classic and modern studies concur that the concor-
increases among close relatives. Figure 8-18 reveals the dance rate in MZ twins—the proportion of co-twins who are
morbid risk for relatives of schizophrenics. The morbid risk is affected—is 48% (see Fig. 8-18). This concordance rate holds
the probability that a person who survives through the period even when MZ twins are reared apart. This rate differs appre-
of greatest manifestation, in this case 18 to 45 years of age, ciably from that of DZ twins, which is 17%. The concordance
will develop schizophrenia. The morbid risk in the general rate in DZ twins is in good agreement with family studies
population is approximately 1%. This serves as a benchmark showing a 9% to 17% rate of schizophrenia among nontwin
for comparing the risk of schizophrenia in relatives of schizo- siblings. Therefore, as stated earlier, twin data favor a signifi-
phrenics. As shown, the risk for relatives is considerably cant genetic component in the etiology of schizophrenia, but
higher than for the general population, and the risk varies as since 52% of MZ twins are discordant, environmental factors
a function of the degree of genetic relatedness to the affected are also strongly implicated.
individual. The risk declines sharply as one moves from near Numerous studies have associated environmental factors
to distant relatives. with schizophrenia. The most common study design for these
In samples of parents of a schizophrenic child, the risk of studies is the case-control study in which individuals with
a given parent developing schizophrenia is 6%. This value is the disorder are compared with individuals not experiencing
of dual importance: the majority of schizophrenics do not the disorder. These groups are matched for as many variables
have affected parents, and the lack of schizophrenia in as possible, such as age, sex, race, weight, background for
parents cannot be used to exclude the diagnosis in the child. different diseases, and geographic area. Statistical analysis
The risk to a child of a schizophrenic parent is, on the average, demonstrates the strength of proposed associations. For
152 Neurologic Diseases
annual loss
Figure 8-17. Three-dimensional maps
of brain changes in childhood-onset
schizophrenia derived from high-
resolution magnetic resonance images.
A, Average rates of gray matter loss in
normal adolescents and in
schizophrenia reveal profound,
progressive gray matter loss in
schizophrenia. Average rates of gray
matter loss from 13 to 18 years in the
same subjects show severe loss (red
and pink; up to 5% annually) in parietal,
motor, and temporal cortices, whereas
inferior frontal cortices remain stable
(blue; 0 to 1% loss). Dynamic loss is
also observed in the parietal cortices of
normal adolescents, but at a much
slower rate. B, Deficits occurring during
the development of schizophrenia are
detected by comparing average profiles Early and Late Gray Matter Deficits in Schizophrenia
of gray matter between patients and Earliest deficit
controls at their first scan (age 13;
upper) and their last scan 5 years later
(age 18; lower). Although severe
parietal, motor, and diffuse frontal loss
has already occurred (upper) and deficit
subsequently continues, the temporal
and dorsolateral prefrontal loss
characteristic of adult schizophrenia is
not found until later in adolescence Five years later (same subjects)
(lower), where a process of fast attrition
occurs over the next 5 years. The color
code shows the significance of these
effects. (Reprinted with permission from
Thompson PM, Vidal C, Giedd JN, et al.
Mapping adolescent brain change
reveals dynamic wave of accelerated STG DLPFC
gray matter loss in very early-onset
schizophrenia. Proc Natl Acad Sci
U S A 2001;98:11650–11655.) B
schizophrenia, previous associations include illegal drug use, specifically implicated in the schizophrenic phenotype,
winter and spring birth, pregnancy and delivery complica- including the basal ganglia, areas of the frontal lobe, Wer-
tions, delayed development, low IQ, immigration status, and nicke’s area, the occipital lobe, the hippocampus, and the
urban birth and domicile. The biggest disadvantage of case- limbic system (Fig. 8-20). As might be expected, these are
control studies is that they provide little information about the areas of intense investigation for candidate genes involved
the absolute risk of the disorder. in the pathophysiology of the disease.
The overarching implication of twin and family studies The mechanism of inheritance for schizophrenia is
along with case-control studies is that genes and environ- complex. The number of specific susceptibility loci, the risks
mental factors involved in the etiology of schizophrenia associated with these, and their interaction with each other
most likely affect neurologic development (Fig. 8-19). Many and other genes is clearly unknown. It is even possible
studies have substantiated the role of genetics and heritabil- that schizophrenia is not a single disorder but a group of
ity in brain morphology. In general, brains of individuals disorders with overlapping presentations that remain to be
with schizophrenia are smaller than brains of controls and clearly delineated. Several susceptibility genes have strong
cerebral ventricles are larger. Several areas of the brain are associations with schizophrenia.
Complex Diseases of the Brain 153
Birth order
Variation Variation
caused by caused by
environment genes
Developmental interactions
Occipital lobe
Disturbances can lead to
Wernicke's area difficulties interpreting
Overactivity can create complex images, recognizing
hallucinations motion, and interpreting
Basal ganglia emotions in others
contribute to paranoia
and hallucinations
Frontal lobe
Disturbances contribute to
difficulty in planning
actions and organizing
D-Amino Acid Oxidase (DAO) Is
Another area of focus is the metabolism of dopamine by
a Peroxisomal Enzyme
catechol-O-methyltransferase in schizophrenia and bipolar
The reaction disorder, since an imbalance of dopamine is considered key
D-Amino acid + H2O + O2 → a 2-oxo acid + NH3 + H2O2 in the pathogenesis of psychosis. As noted above, COMT is
requires a FAD coenzyme and catalyzes oxidative
located in a region deleted in VCFS, a syndrome with increased
deamination of histamine, putrescine, or both. It is
risk for schizophrenia. This enzyme catalyzes the transfer
ubiquitous and highly expressed, especially in the brain,
where it oxidizes D-serine—an activator of N-methyl-D- of a methyl group from S-adenosylmethionine to catechol-
aspartate–type glutamate receptor. amines, including the neurotransmitters dopamine, epineph-
rine, and norepinephrine (Fig. 8-21). Genetic variation
Complex Diseases of the Brain 155
Tyrosine Epinephrine Metanephrine
BH4+O2 S-adenosylhomocysteine
Tyrosine hydroxylase
BH2+H2O S-adenosylmethionine N-methyltransferase
DOPA decarboxylase O2 Dopamine β-hydroxylase
3-Methoxytyramine 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylacetate
Homovanillic acid
Figure 8-21. Biosynthesis and metabolism of dopamine. COMT, catechol O-methyltransferase; MAO, monoamine oxidase;
DOPA, L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine.
TABLE 8-12. Commonly Seen Associations with Bipolar Disorders Compared with Prevalence
in the General Population
BIOCHEMISTRY Valproate is an antiseizure agent that is also effective for
many individuals with bipolar II disorder and mania. Some
B-Cell CLL/Lymphoma 2 (BCL2) studies show better compliance with valproate than with
There are 25 members of the BCL2 gene family, classified lithium. It increases GABA available to the CNS and
into two subgroups: prolongs recovery of inactivated Na+ channels. In neurons,
■ Anti-apoptotic: BCL2, BCLxL, and others it inhibits repetitive firing through interaction with voltage-
■ Proapoptotic: BAX, BAK, BOK, BID, BAD, and others sensitive Na+ channels. Valproate will also alter fatty acid
BCL2 regulates cytochrome c release and mitochondrial metabolism, impair β-oxidation in mitochondria, and disrupt
membrane permeability. the urea cycle, leading to hyperammonemia.
158 Neurologic Diseases
later in onset and does not present with all of these symp-
KEY CONCEPTS toms. Sanfilippo syndrome is also an MPS disease in which
■ Neurologic diseases may have distinctive phenotypic findings infants are normal and presentation begins at around age 2.
suggestive of the disease, and these may or may not be pathog-
2. At age 2.5 months, an infant is diagnosed with San-
nomonic: café-au-lait spots, Lisch nodules, cherry-red spots of
the macula, angiokeratomas, macro-orchidism, and others.
filippo syndrome. A sibling died at age 4 with the
same disease 8 months after diagnosis. Which of
■ Lysosomal storage diseases are progressive as substrate accu- the following best describes the etiology of these
mulates in the brain, skeleton, heart, liver, and spleen. symptoms?
■ Two major classes of lysosomal storage diseases are sphingo-
A. FMRP is absent in the brain
lipidoses and mucopolysaccharidoses.
B. Gangliosides accumulate in nerve cells
■ Sphingolipidoses are caused by deficiencies of enzymes neces- C. Glycosaminoglycans accumulate in connective tissue
sary for degradation of sphingolipids in lysosomes. D. Hypoxanthine and guanine are not salvaged
■ Mucopolysaccharidoses are caused from the accumulation of E. Merlin accumulates in vestibular schwannomas
glycosaminoglycans—heparan sulfate and dermatan sulfate. Answer. C
The deficient enzymes are involved in degradation of these
molecules. Explanation: Sanfilippo disease is one of several MPS dis-
eases with a similar etiology. They are lysosomal storage
■ Triplet repeats may occur in the promoter region, exon, intron,
diseases. For Sanfilippo, one of four enzymes may be defi-
or 3′ noncoding region of a gene in a disease-specific manner.
All have neurologic manifestations.
cient leading to an inability to degrade heparan sulfate. For
Hurler, Scheie, and Hunter syndromes, both heparan sulfate
■ Triplet repeats amplify during germ cell development in a parent- and dermatan sulfate are affected. FMRP is the protein
of-origin–specific manner. affected in fragile X syndrome. Gangliosides accumulate in
■ Complex neurologic diseases have associations with more than nerve cells in gangliosidoses. Hypoxanthine and guanine
one gene and encompass environmental factors. are not salvaged in Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, an HPRT
■ Epigenetic factors, primarily through studies of DNA methylation deficiency. Merlin accumulates in neurofibromatosis 2.
and histone modifications, are being identified that alter disease
presentation several generations after the insult. 3. An apolipoprotein profile was determined for 100
■ Neurologic disease once considered “adult onset” can be identi-
patients with stage II peripheral vascular disease. A
fied much earlier (early teen years) for some diseases with subgroup of these patients was at risk for develop-
advanced technologies. ing Alzheimer disease but demonstrated no symp-
toms at the time of evaluation. Which of the following
apolipoproteins has the greatest predictive value for
this subgroup?
A. ApoAI
1. At age 6.5 months, an infant presents with physical C. ApoB100
and mental deterioration, difficulty in swallowing, D. ApoCIII
progressive loss of vision and hearing, and increas- E. ApoE4
ing hypotonia leading to paralysis. Which of the Answer. E
following should be considered in a differential
diagnosis? Explanation: Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) is associated with
late-onset Alzheimer disease. Among the APOE alleles,
A. Fragile X syndrome APOE ε2, ε3, and ε4 occur most often and APOE ε4/ε4 is
B. Hunter syndrome associated with the earliest onset. This same subset of indi-
C. Juvenile-onset Parkinson disease viduals (ε4/ε4) is at a higher risk for atherosclerosis. Indi-
D. Sanfilippo syndrome viduals with APOE ε2/ε2 are at a higher risk for cardiovascular
E. Tay-Sachs disease disease. ApoB48 and ApoB100 are isoforms. ApoB48 is
Answer. E limited to chylomicrons and ApoB100 is associated with
liver lipoproteins (very-low-density, low-density, and
Explanation: This child presents with symptoms of Tay-
intermediate-density lipoproteins). ApoC is related to plasma
Sachs disease. The important consideration for a differential
triglycerides. ApoAI is the major component of high-density
is the age of the child. Fragile X symptoms generally appear
at or near puberty and do not include these symptoms.
Infants with Hunter syndrome are normal at birth and symp-
toms are a progressive deterioration due to a lysosomal
storage disease in which mucopolysaccharides are not Additional Self-assessment Questions can be Accessed
properly degraded. Juvenile-onset Parkinson disease is at www.StudentConsult.com
Cardiopulmonary 9
CONTENTS diseases, such as familial hypercholesterolemia and cystic
fibrosis (CF), and rare disorders with complex and heteroge-
neous genetic etiologies, represented by long QT syndrome
and α1-antitrypsin deficiency, are featured. When possible, a
Familial Hypercholesterolemia discussion on therapeutic intervention is included, although
Long QT Syndrome no cures currently exist for these diseases.
Classifying Lipoproteins
There are several ways to classify lipoproteins. The most widely used systems recognize the differences in densities during
ultracentrifugation and electrophoresis.
IDL, intermediate-density lipoprotein; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; TC, total cholesterol; TG, triglycerides; VLDL, very-low-density lipoprotein.
Exons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Protein Ligand binding EGF precursor homology
domains C9 complement Clotting factor homology
Signal O-linked Cytoplasmic
sequence sugars
Figure 9-1. LDL receptor gene and protein structure. The domains of the protein are shown and are labeled in the lower
portion. The seven cysteine-rich, 40-amino-acid repeats in the LDL binding domain are assigned numerals I to VII. Repeats IV
and V are separated by eight amino acids. The three cysteine-rich repeats in the domain that is homologous with the EGF
precursor are lettered A to C. Arrowheads indicate the positions where introns interrupt the coding region. Exon numbers are
shown between the arrowheads.
LDL 3 4
synthesis Figure 9-3. Familial
hypercholesterolemia is caused by
DNA Nucleus
several types of genetic defects, all
Transcription involving the gene for the LDL receptor
RNA molecule. Sometimes the gene is
either missing or so damaged that
the receptor is not transcribed and
1 processed into a functional mRNA
(1). Alternatively, the receptor may
be translated and folded but is still
sufficiently abnormal that it is not
transported to the cell surface (2) or, if
Golgi it reaches the surface, cannot migrate
apparatus along the cell membrane to the coated
pits, which are the only sites where
2 LDL can be internalized (3). In still
other defects, the receptor reaches the
Folded Newly formed coated pits, but its capacity to bind LDL
receptor receptor is reduced (4). In all cases, the ultimate
result is the same: reduced cellular
intake of LDL, leading to higher serum
LDL levels and atherogenesis.
Niacin is a vitamin. It is pyridine-3-carboxylic acid, which is a
component of the coenzymes NAD+ and NADP+. More than
A 200 enzymes require these coenzymes for electron transfer
in redox reactions. NAD+ frequently functions in catabolic
reactions to produce energy; NADP+ functions more often in
anabolic reactions such as cholesterol and fatty acid
synthesis. Most niacin comes from the diet, since synthesis
from tryptophan is inefficient. A mild deficiency causes
glossitis; a marked deficiency causes pellagra.
Bile Acids Are End Products of
Cholesterol Metabolism
Cholesterol is excreted in bile as free cholesterol and bile
acids. Bile acids and phospholipids solubilize cholesterol in
B bile. When bile acids cannot be recycled, they can be
synthesized in the liver and stored in the gallbladder. Those
Figure 9-5. Xanthelasma (A) and corneal arcus (B). (A from bile acids that are transferred to the small intestine but not
Feit J, et al. Hypertext Atlas of Dermatology. Available at: reabsorbed at the portal vein are then converted to
http://www.muni.cz/atlases.) secondary acids. Some secondary acids are reabsorbed in
the colon.
Some drugs, such as colestipol, which cause decreased
bile acid reabsorption in the intestine, will cause an increase
in serum cholesterol conversion to bile acids. This, in turn,
developing new therapies for forestalling, if not preventing, increases cholesterol synthesis.
human atherosclerosis.
Development of novel gene therapy protocols will benefit First, the gene is controlled by its own promoter, which
from efficient routine means of delivering genomic DNA to will drive expression at a physiologically relevant level.
cells. Several gene therapy strategies have been investigated Second, the gene is expressed from a genomic DNA sequence,
in animal models with varying levels of success. A limitation including all intron sequences. This allows alternative splic-
of some earlier strategies was that vector systems carrying ing to occur that can produce alternative forms of the
DNA into cells could incorporate only small fragments of protein in a tissue-specific or developmentally regulated
DNA while entire genes often exceed this limitation. This was fashion. Third, critical noncoding elements that control gene
coupled with low efficiencies of delivering large (>100-kb) expression at a transcriptional level are present and cor-
DNA inserts to cells. Original vector systems relied on viruses, rectly oriented toward the promoter to control expression.
such as adenovirus, lentivirus, or retrovirus, with limited These three features can be easily combined in a gene
capacity for additional DNA incorporation or unacceptable delivery vector with the capacity to deliver other complete
immunogenicity (see Chapter 13, Gene Therapy). Newer genomic DNA loci.
systems employ bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) that
will accept large DNA inserts needed to replace entire genes.
The efficiency of the BAC DNA delivery is still low, but effi-
ciency and stable incorporation and expression of genes in
Long QT Syndrome
human cells are improving. The long QT (LQT) syndromes are primarily a collection
One approach to improve efficiency has been to modify of related cardiac ion channel defects that alter myocardial
a BAC to become infectious. A BAC was identified contain- repolarization, culminating in prolonged electrocardiographic
ing the complete 45-kb LDLR genomic DNA locus within QT intervals and a form of ventricular tachycardia (Fig.
a 135-kb insert. The insert contains all 18 LDLR exons, 9-6) termed torsades de pointes (TdP). Prolonged QT may
the introns, and the promoter. Immediately adjacent to the occur from either a decrease in repolarization of cardiac
promoter are three steroid response elements (SREs) critical currents or an increase in depolarizing cardiac currents,
for promoter regulation by steroids. This BAC was converted although the former occurs more commonly owing to reduc-
by molecular manipulation to an infectious vector incor- tions in potassium currents (IKr or IKs). The ion channel
porating elements from herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) abnormalities predispose a person to arrhythmia that may
and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). The modified BAC was then result in sudden syncope, or to a sudden drop in blood
used to infect human fibroblasts in culture from receptor- pressure resulting in temporary loss of consciousness. This
negative FH patients. Transfection of the infectious BAC is perhaps the most common clinical sign seen in the LQT
containing the LDLR gene, promoter, and controlling ele- syndromes. The syncopal events can be solitary and rare
ments was highly efficient compared with the noninfectious or recur frequently. If not corrected, the TdP may degener-
BAC construct. In addition, and most importantly, the ate to ventricular fibrillation and sudden death. In the
LDLR gene insert restored LDLR expression to appropriate United States, the LQT syndromes have a prevalence of
levels. 1 in 7000 individuals. Indeed, it is estimated that congenital
LQT syndrome may be responsible for nearly 4000 cases
of sudden childhood death annually. Accordingly, LQT syn-
dromes may also account for a percentage of sudden infant
death syndrome (SIDS) cases.
At least 12 genes are associated with LQT syndrome
Steroid Response Elements (Table 9-2). Five of the genes are associated with two
Two different response elements have been identified for syndromes: Romano-Ward (RW) syndrome and Jervell and
steroids. The SRE with a consensus sequence of Lange-Nielsen (JLN) syndrome. Prior to molecular charac-
5′-GGTACAnnnTGTTGT-3′ is bound by the androgen terization of the gene mutations within individuals and
receptor (AR), glucocorticoid receptor (GR), progesterone families with LQT syndrome, the two syndromes were
receptor (PR), and mineralocorticoid receptor (MR). recognized as unique, thus underscoring the phenotypic
The estrogen response element (ERE) with a consensus heterogeneity that became clearer with molecular studies.
sequence of 5′-AGGTCAnnnTGACCT-3′ is recognized only Both syndromes present with LQT syndrome but differ in
by the estrogen receptor. the presence or absence of hearing and in the mechanism
The mechanism of transmission of cues from receptors to of inheritance. Normal hearing and autosomal dominant
response elements is unknown.
transmission characterize RW syndrome, whereas JLN syn-
drome features sensorineural hearing loss and autosomal
recessive inheritance. Two additional LQT syndromes have
been proposed as candidates for RM but currently have
Familial hypercholesterolemia is a classic monogenic loss- not been designated as such. In RW and JLN syndromes,
of-function disease, and homozygous FH has long been five genes produce potassium channel proteins. A Na+
considered a candidate for a gene replacement strategy. The channel protein gene is involved with LQT3, also a member
application of molecular genetics to BACs and the LDLR of the RW syndrome family. More recently, a calcium channel
gene provides several advantages for gene therapy strategies. defect has been linked to LQT8.
Cardiac and Vascular-Related Disorders 165
QT intervals
Figure 9-6. Torsades de pointes (French, “twisting of points”) is a cardiac arrhythmia seen with prolonged QT intervals in long
QT syndrome (LQTS).
Note: For gene names, KCN designates potassium channel and SCN designates sodium channel.
166 Cardiopulmonary Disorders
that presents either as RW or JLN. In JLN syndrome, the other clinical signs is a related, milder manifestation of the
mutations affect both inner ear and cardiac channels. same pathophysiologic mechanism.
Median Percent Predicted FEV1 vs Age, 1990 and 2004 Box 9-1. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSES FOR
Cystic fibrosis should be considered in:
Infants with
Meconium ileus
Predicted (%)
amino acids. It comprises five functional domains, including
two membrane-anchoring segments each characterized by six
membrane-spanning portions that form the core of the ion
channel, two nucleotide-binding domains capable of binding
10 ATP to modulate channel function, and a regulatory (R)
0 domain, whose multiple capacities for phosphorylation
0–1 2–5 6–10 11–17 18–24 25–34 35–44 45; suggest that it serves as a switch that governs CFTR function.
Age (y) As might be expected from the clinical manifestations, CFTR
Overall percentage in 2004: is expressed on the apical surface of epithelia in the lungs,
P. aeruginosa 57.3 S. aureus 51.7 MRSA 14.6 pancreatic ducts, intestines, and sweat gland ducts.
H. influenzae 16.2 S. maltophilia 11.6 B. cepacia 2.9
Defective CFTR proteins result in an impaired ability to
secrete chloride ions (see Fig. 9-9). The disturbance of Cl−
Figure from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Patient Registry 2008 Annual transport across the luminal surface is associated with a com-
Report. Bethesda, MD, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, 2009. pensatory influx of Na+ ions to retain electrical neutrality. The
Pulmonary-Related Disorders 169
Surviving (%)
86 1995–2004
84 1985–1989
Figure 9-8. Mean survival age of 82 1980–1984
individuals with CF. (From the Cystic 80
Fibrosis Foundation. Patient Registry 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
2008 Annual Report. Bethesda, MD, Age (y)
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, 2009.)
accompanying water influx causes dehydration at the cellular heterozygous carriers. A reproductive advantage for the het-
surface, leading to the sticky mucus characteristic of the erozygote (Aa) over the normal homozygote (AA) would
disease. The sticky mucus in the lung causes mechanical account for the high frequency of the lethal recessive gene
obstruction and chronic inflammation of the airways. for CF in white populations. The hypothesis currently favored
is that heterozygous carriers are more resistant to infantile
Inheritance of Cystic Fibrosis gastroenteritis than noncarriers, and thus a single mutant
CF is one of the most common autosomal recessive disorders allele might protect the carrier from profuse diarrhea and
in whites. It is the most common lethal monogenic disease. fluid loss. This describes a heterozygote advantage that is
One infant in 2000 to 2500 is born with the recessive disor- seen in several disorders in which the heterozygous genotype
der, and there are approximately 30,000 affected individuals has a higher relative fitness than either the homozygous
in the United States. This means that approximately 1600 dominant or homozygous recessive genotype. One of the best
affected newborns may be expected each year in the United known examples of heterozygote advantage is sickle cell trait
States. Almost all patients with CF are whites; blacks (1 in (see Chapter 6).
15,000) and Asian Americans (1 in 31,000) are rarely afflicted.
As seen with other autosomal recessive disorders, the fre- CF Gene and CFTR
quency of heterozygous carriers is greater than the frequency The CFTR gene, responsible for CF, is located on the long
of affected homozygous individuals. One in 22 to 28 Cauca- arm of chromosome 7. The gene is large, containing more than
sians is a carrier of CF, depending on the population screened. 230,000 base pairs, and it has 27 exons, producing a 6.5-kb
The majority of affected children—more than 99%—come mRNA. More than 1500 different mutations have been
from marriages of two normal parents, both of whom are described at the CF locus. The most common is an in-frame
170 Cardiopulmonary Disorders
N-linked carbohydrate
Cytosol ATP
D F508
PO4 R domain
Molecular Testing for Cystic Fibrosis Viruses are efficient at transferring DNA into a host cell. Viral
vectors must be modified to avoid eliciting an immune
In genetic counseling programs, an important consideration
response—the greatest disadvantage of viral vectors—by
is the development of simple, inexpensive means of unam-
the host. Commonly used vectors are retrovirus, adenovirus,
biguously detecting heterozygous carriers of inherited reces- adeno-associated virus, herpes simplex virus, and lentivirus.
sive disorders. CF testing has largely been achieved by The size of the insert is a limiting factor for choice of vector.
DNA-based molecular genetic testing for common disease
172 Cardiopulmonary Disorders
Adenovirus-based vectors have been used to introduce α1-antiprotease, but by convention, most biomedical scien-
normal human cDNAs of CFTR into the lung epithelium of tists, physicians, and patients refer to the protein as AAT.
animal models, and normal expression of membrane-lined Unequivocally, however, the key physiologic role played by
CFTR has been demonstrated. Since the adenovirus does not AAT in the lungs is the inhibition of neutrophil elastase,
integrate into the genome of the lung epithelial stem cells, it an enzyme that normally destroys bacteria. In the absence
is lost with cellular turnover. Reinfection therefore is neces- of AAT, neutrophil elastase will destroy elastic fibers in lung
sary but can cause immunologic reactions. There also may be connective tissue.
the risk of a replication-competent infectious virus being Emphysema was originally believed to occur from an
generated as a result of recombination with ubiquitous wild- imbalance between protease and antiprotease activity. When
type virus. In general, the possible risk factors have excluded a marked genetic deficiency of AAT became associated with
application of the strategy of gene therapy in humans by severe pulmonary disease, it became clear that AAT defi-
adenovirus vectors. ciency is a risk factor for lung disease. However, because the
A nonviral gene transfer vector has been used to transfer onset, rate of progression, and severity of pulmonary disease
a normal CFTR gene to epithelial cells. Compacted DNA vary among individuals with severe AAT deficiency, it is also
nanoparticles containing only the CFTR gene sequences are clear that additional genetic or environmental factors are
used to more efficiently cross the cell membrane and enter etiologically relevant.
the nuclei, where recombination can occur. These nanoparti-
cles have shown few immunogenic or toxic effects in animals AAT Gene
and humans and extend the strategies being used to develop The AAT gene is found at chromosome 14q32.1, is 12.2 kb
new gene therapies designed to correct defective genes in length, and contains seven exons. The gene has at least
in situ. three different names in the literature including AAT, PI, and
SERPINA1; all can be used interchangeably.
The AAT gene is highly polymorphic. More than 125 dif-
ferent mutations have been identified in the gene, and a
BIOCHEMISTRY subset of these impacts serum AAT levels. Three codomi-
nantly expressed AAT alleles—M, S, and Z—are primarily
Nonviral Gene Vectors important to lung, as well as liver, disease. By convention,
Nonviral vectors avoid some problems seen with viral these variants are assigned the symbol Pi, designating prote-
vectors. ase inhibitor, followed by a superscript capital letter (PiM, PiS,
■ DNA vaccination: recombinant gene is injected into and PiZ) to define the allele. Historically, the capital letter
tissues (i.e., muscle) indicates the relative electrophoretic mobility of the mutant
■ Liposomes: gene fused with liposomes; can cross
protein, where M represented moderate, S slow, and Z the
blood-brain barrier slowest gel mobility.
■ Poly-cation conjugates: DNA condensed into
The PiM, or M, allele is the normal allele. There are actually
nanostructure; can pass through membranes; cells can be
a number of M alleles that do not reduce the serum AAT
targeted by use of conjugated receptor ligands
■ Bacteria: Salmonella with altered genes targets cells (i.e.,
concentration, which normally is 20 to 53 μmol/L. Hence,
macrophages) to deliver DNA they are simply neutral polymorphisms of the AAT gene. The
M allele is the most common form in whites, with an allele
frequency of 95% and a homozygote (MM) frequency of
approximately 90% (Table 9-6). The S and Z alleles are more
rare and are associated with reduced levels of AAT activity
α1-Antitrypsin Deficiency
and hence account for AAT-deficient disease. The S variant
One of the etiologies for chronic obstructive pulmonary results from a valine-for-glutamate substitution at amino acid
disease (COPD) is unrestrained proteolytic activity in the
connective tissue of the lungs, especially the elastin compo-
nent. The gradual destruction of pulmonary elastic tissue
results from a diminished presence of α1-antitrypsin (AAT). TABLE 9-6. AAT Genotype Frequencies in Whites
Emphysema is a type of COPD with decreased AAT activity. of Northern European Ancestry and
AAT is a major serum serine protease inhibitor produced Associated AAT Serum Activities
in the liver. The 394-amino-acid protein is the most abundant
antiprotease in the lung, constituting roughly 95% of all AAT/PI ENZYME ACTIVITY
alveoli antiprotease activity. In blood, AAT is associated GENOTYPE FREQUENCY (% CONTROL)
with the α1-globulin fraction and accounts for 90% of the
antiprotease activity based on its reactivity with trypsin. MM 0.90 100
Human antitrypsin actually inhibits the activity of a broad MZ 0.038 60
SS 0.001 50–60
spectrum of proteins, including trypsin, chymotrypsin, elas-
SZ 0.0012 (1/800) 30–35
tase, skin collagenase, plasmin, thrombin, and bacterial pro- ZZ 0.0004 (1/2500) 10–15
teases. Because of this, the protein is more accurately labeled
Pulmonary-Related Disorders 173
264 (V264E) of the AAT gene. The Z form is defined by a evidence that, in addition to the abnormalities in protein
glutamate-to-lysine substitution at position 342 (E342K) and processing and secretion, Z protein has a reduced ability to
represents the most severely impaired AAT variant. Homozy- inhibit elastase. Overall, the ZZ genotype typically results in
gosity of the PiZ (ZZ) has the greatest deficiency of protease an AAT activity of only 10% to 15% of normal values (see
inhibitor (serum levels of 3.4–7 μmol/L, indicating 10% to Table 9-6). Such individuals with familial emphysema are
15% of the activity found in the normal, or MM, state). This highly susceptible to the development of lung disease as early
form is associated with nearly all AAT-deficiency disease. as age 35 years.
However, emphysema also occurs with moderate frequency
in individuals heterozygous for the PiS and PiZ alleles, desig- Pathogenesis of Lung Disease
nated SZ. Because the AAT genes are codominant, any com- in ZZ Individuals
bination of a deficiency allele and an M allele (MS or MZ) Not all ZZ individuals with severe AAT deficiency develop
results in at least 50% AAT activity and, accordingly, is not emphysema. Interestingly, serum levels of AAT in ZZ asymp-
associated with pulmonary disease. tomatic and emphysema-symptomatic individuals may be the
Several families have been reported in which a “silent,” or same. The manifestations of clinical illness evidently require
null, allele appears to be present. The rare silent allele (des- exposure to certain precipitating environmental factors.
ignated PiNull) results in the complete absence of synthesis of Tobacco smoke is a major and unambiguous trigger for overt
AAT; individuals homozygous for the null allele develop pulmonary disease in ZZ individuals (Fig. 9-11). Characteris-
emphysema by their mid-20s. Affected individuals are gener- tically, ZZ emphysema-symptomatic individuals have been
ally homozygous for a deletion that results in a frame shift heavy smokers for many years. The smoking habit seems to
and premature termination of translation. subtract an average of at least 10 years from their life span.
In ZZ patients, the onset of dyspnea occurs at a median age
ZZ Genotype of 40 in ZZ smokers compared with 53 years in ZZ nonsmok-
The frequencies of molecular variants show considerable ers. The insidious onset of shortness of breath in smokers
variation among ethnic groups and geographic areas. The ZZ progresses relentlessly to a typical presentation of pulmonary
genotype has the highest incidence in Scandinavia, where emphysema.
approximately 1 in 1700 persons (0.06%) is homozygous for In health, the neutrophil elastase is continually inhibited
this defective allele. DNA haplotype analysis suggests that the by AAT and, to a lesser extent, by α2-macroglobulin. AAT
original Z mutation arose in Scandinavia. This detrimental Z enters lung tissue by simple diffusion from the serum. In the
allele is essentially absent in African blacks, Asians, and Native
Americans, indicating that the deleterious homozygous state,
and thus AAT deficiency, is largely a disorder of whites.
In the United States, 0.01% to 0.05% of the white popula- Smoke
tion is ZZ homozygotes. Although one person in 2500
has α1-antitrypsin deficiency, about one person in 25 is a
heterozygous carrier. Thus, there are 100 times as many
heterozygous carriers as there are affected individuals, a Activates leukocytes Alveolar macrophages
and neutrophils are
scenario similar to that seen in CF. increased in the lung
The Z variant of AAT differs from the normal M protein in
interesting ways. This single-amino-acid substitution (E342K)
affects the folding and ultimately the conformation of the Inflammatory
response initiated
molecule. Most misfolded Z antitrypsin aggregates near the Proteolytic
end of the endoplasmic reticulum, where newly synthesized activity increases
proteins ordinarily bud off and pass into the Golgi apparatus
Oxygen free
to be packaged for transport. The basic defect, accordingly, is radicals increase
a blockage in Z antiprotease processing in the endoplasmic
reticulum, resulting in the intracellular accumulation and
polymerization of mutant AAT with subsequently lowered Proteases Protease inhibitors
are produced are inactivated
levels of circulating antiprotease. Presumably because of the
accumulation of AAT polymers, liver disease, characterized
by abnormal liver enzymes, fibrosis, or cirrhosis, occurs in a
minority of patients. Destruction of
Additionally, the Z protein isolated from hepatocytes con- alveolar tissue
tains carbohydrate side chains that differ markedly from
normal. The Z protein has an increase in mannose and a Figure 9-11. Tobacco smoke activates leukocytes to
increase proteolytic activity. It also causes alveolar
decrease in both sialic acid and galactose residues. Appar- macrophages and neutrophils to release chemotactic
ently, the excess of mannose residues on the carbohydrate substances that initiate an inflammatory response. This
side chains prevents the final formation of carbohydrate side response creates oxygen free radicals that inactivate protease
chains with terminal sialic acid residues. Finally, there is inhibitors. Thus alveolar tissue damage proceeds unchecked.
174 Cardiopulmonary Disorders
Figure 9-12. AAT deficiency leads to an increased risk of α1-Antitrypsin Pro-Met*-Ser-Ile-Pro-Pro Elastase
emphysema. Alveolar walls break down, resulting in Engineered Pro-Val*-Ser-Lie-Pro-Pro Elastase
overinflation and permanent enlargement. A, Normal lung. oxidation-
B, Emphysema lung. (Reproduced by permission of Talecris resistant mutant
Biotherapeutics, Inc., http://www.prolastin.com.) *Reactive site.
Questions 175
homeostasis. Myosin binding protein is a myosin- Explanation: Four hundred probands have a total of 800
associated protein found in the cross-bridge–bearing zone possible alleles at the KCNQ1 locus. Each individual has
(C region) of A bands in striated and cardiac muscle; LQT1 syndrome. The inheritance in these individuals sug-
mutations in this protein are associated with hypertrophic gests autosomal recessive inheritance because parents are
cardiomyopathy. unaffected. The presence of 79 bi-alleles demonstrates that
some individuals had two different alleles. Two different
2. A 28-year-old female with a four-generation family
alleles in individuals with autosomal recessive inheritance
history of early-onset coronary artery disease and
who demonstrate the disease is a compound heterozygous
myocardial infarctions presents for evaluation. Lab-
condition. The two alleles may affect the protein differently
oratory results are as shown:
such that neither can produce a normal product. Another
example of this occurs in familial hypercholesterolemia.
PATIENT NORMAL 4. A 24-year-old male presented with a history of
reduced ejaculatory volume and infertility. Physical
Total cholesterol 383 mg/dL 120–140 mg/dL examination revealed normal testes and epididymis
Triglycerides 65 mg/dL 40–150 mg/dL but the vas deferens were bilaterally absent. FSH,
HDL cholesterol 49 mg/dL >40 mg/dL LH, prolactin, and testosterone levels were normal.
LDL cholesterol 321 mg/dL 60–160 mg/dL
Semen analysis demonstrated reduced volume and
Glucose 88 mg/dL <100 mg/dL
ALT/AST Normal — azoospermia. Which of the following is the most
TSH Normal — likely diagnosis in this male?
Urinalysis No protein No protein A. Cystic fibrosis
B. Hemochromatosis
Which of the following transport mechanisms is pri- C. Kallmann syndrome
marily affected in this patient? D. Klinefelter syndrome
E. Testicular adrenal rest tumor
A. Active transport
B. Lysosomal degradation Answer. A
C. Osmosis Explanation: Males with cystic fibrosis (CF) generally present
D. Passive diffusion with infertility, but this may also occur in other disorders. If
E. Receptor-mediated endocytosis there is one mild and one more severe mutation, congenital
Answer. E bilateral absence of the vas deferens may occur but the indi-
vidual may have only mild CF symptoms and not have been
Explanation: This patient has elevated LDL cholesterol,
diagnosed. Iron deposition in the hypothalamus and pituitary
suggesting a defective LDL receptor, which is the mutation
can lead to sexual dysfunction. Kallmann syndrome, which
for familial hypercholesterolemia. In this case LDL should
is most commonly associated with anosmia, has decreased
be removed by binding to LDL receptors, located predomi-
gonadotropin-releasing hormone leading to hypogonadism
nantly in the liver. ApoB100 is exclusive to LDL and is
and reduced infertility. In Klinefelter syndrome the seminifer-
required for binding to the receptor and endocytosed at
ous tubules are hyalinized; testosterone levels will be low and
clathrin-coated pits. The endosomes fuse with lysosomes
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone
for degradation that releases cholesterol. The receptor is
(LH) levels will be high. Testicular adrenal rest tumors (TARTs)
recycled to the surface and cholesterol is used for steroid
are not tumors but benign hyperplasia of adrenal germ cells
hormones, bile acids, lipoproteins, and regulator actions.
that have descended with the testes during development.
Lysosomal degradation is affected because there is a
They are associated with congenital adrenal hyperplasia
decrease in endocytosis, but this is a secondary rather than
and are demonstrated in inadequate glucocorticoid therapy
a primary effect.
such that adrenocorticotropic hormone is high and feedback
3. A study of KCNQ1 genes in 400 unrelated probands to the hypothalamus/pituitary is inadequate.
with long QT syndrome (LQT1), who had no affected
parent, identified 79 bi-allelic mutations in the gene. Additional Self-assessment Questions can be Accessed
Which of the following is expected in this population at www.StudentConsult.com
of unrelated affected individuals?
A. A large number of compound heterozygotes
B. Decreased reproductive fitness with allelic mutations
C. Earlier age of onset of symptoms with multiple
D. More affected heterozygotes than homozygotes
E. Variations in the triplet repeat expansion at the locus
Answer. A
Renal, Gastrointestinal, 10
and Hepatic Disorders
CONTENTS Finally, several disorders of the liver are discussed. The
intestine must absorb metal ions correctly or an overload or
deficiency may occur, as discussed for iron and copper. Both
are toxic if not transported correctly and excreted properly.
Renal Agenesis Some of the same genes are involved in the transport of both
Multicystic Renal Dysplasia metals.
disorders and as such is a concern of physicians evaluating abdominal part of the ureter and renal pelvis are common;
children with chromosomal abnormalities. Equally interesting a supernumerary kidney is rare
■ Ectopic ureter: the ureter opens anywhere except into the
is that the gene that causes Hirschsprung disease is the same
gene involved in normal development of the kidney and ■ Ureteric ectopia: the ureter is not incorporated into the
other organs; however, when mutated, it may also result in posterior part of the bladder
multiple endocrine neoplasia and familial medullary thyroid ■ Cystic disease
178 Renal, Gastrointestinal, and Hepatic Disorders
Box 10-1. CLINICAL FEATURES ASSOCIATED WITH TABLE 10-1. Examples of Genes Important in
A RENAL ANOMALY Kidney Development
Unilateral Bilateral
Normal renal agenesis renal agenesis
have elevated amino acid excretion and variable intestinal dysplasia can be associated with different disorders, including
absorption. All three forms were thought to be allelic and several that involve the gastrointestinal system. In this section,
expressed from the SLC3A gene (solute carrier family member a disorder of intestinal function is discussed.
3A) on chromosome 2 until a second gene was identified in
a different cohort of individuals. The second gene encodes a
subunit that associates with the active transporter produced
Hirschsprung Disease
by SLC3A; this gene, SLC7A9, is now recognized as being Hirschsprung disease, or aganglionic megacolon, is a congeni-
responsible for all non–type I cystinuria. A new terminology tal disorder characterized by the absence of neural crest–
has been proposed to classify cystinuria as type A, formerly derived neurons along part of the distal large intestine. This
type I, and type B, formerly types II and III (Table 10-3). is also referred to as a neurocristopathy—a term used to
Cystinuria is one of the most common errors in amino acid describe lesions related to aberrations in neural growth,
transport, occurring at a frequency of 1 in 7000 individuals. migration, or differentiation that occur during embryologic
Most of these individuals have type A cystinuria. Type B development. The abnormalities or dysfunctions of neural
disease is relatively rare, although an increased incidence of crest cells include carcinoid tumors, neuroblastoma, neurofi-
cystinuria exists among individuals of Libyan Jewish ancestry bromatosis, pheochromocytoma, and Hirschsprung disease.
resulting from a founder effect. Founder effects occur in small Normally, neural crest cells originating primarily at the vagal
populations originating from very few founders that recruit level of the hindbrain and sacral regions of the spinal cord
few newcomers to the community, preferring instead to marry migrate to regions of the intestine and rectum. Failure of these
within the community. Approximately 1 in 2500 persons of cells to migrate or differentiate properly results in the disease.
Libyan Jewish descent has type B disease (Fig. 10-4). The
carrier frequency in this population is around 1 in 25, the
same as the frequency for cystic fibrosis, which is the most PATHOLOGY & PHYSIOLOGY
common autosomal recessive disorder among whites. Hirschsprung Disease
Owing to improper neural crest cell development in the
intestine, the Meissner submucosal and Auerbach myenteric
plexuses are missing. Functional obstruction and dilatation
PHARMACOLOGY proximal to the affected segment occurs, with dilatation
occurring proximal to the aganglionic segment. Mucosal
Treatment of Cystinuria
inflammation or stercoral ulcers may also occur.
Several drugs are used to treat cystinuria, all of which have Constipation, leading to an enlarged colon, is secondary to
free sulfhydryl groups that can form mixed disulfides with failure of the aganglionic segment to relax in response to
cysteine. The mixed disulfides are much more soluble than proximal distention of the internal anal sphincters following
cystine. Tiopronin and d-penicillamine bind to excess cystine rectal distention.
and increase solubility. However, the patient must be The rectum is always affected, and the intestinal
monitored for efficacy and tolerance. submucosa fails to stain with acetylcholinesterase.
Mercaptopropionylglycine and captopril are not as
effective as tiopronin or d-penicillamine, but they have fewer
side effects. Box 10-4. SYNDROMES ASSOCIATED WITH
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
Waardenburg syndrome
As demonstrated for cystinuria, mutations in a single gene
Joubert syndrome
may have effects in organs within different systems, such as VACTERL (vertebral, anal, cardiac, tracheal, esophageal,
intestine and kidney, because the proteins function in differ- renal, and limb) association
ent places. Similarly, disorders such as multicystic renal
excretion 2259 2156 2199 15247 268 Creatinine
bp ND
Typically, newborns and infants with Hirschsprung disease groups, the incidence for whites, blacks, and Asians is 0.75,
have intestinal obstruction and subsequent colon distention 1.05, and 1.4 per 5000 live births, respectively.
resulting from a lack of peristalsis. The disease is variable, and Hirschsprung disease is a multigenic disease and is associ-
the region of the colon affected varies. Aganglionosis is ated with mutations in at least 9 to 11 genes (Table 10-4). In
restricted to the rectosigmoid colon, also referred to as short- addition to those shown in the table, the gene for the glial
segment disease, in 80% of individuals; in 15% to 20% of cell line–derived neurotrophic factor receptor (GRFA1) and
these cases, aganglionosis extends proximally to the sigmoid PAX3, a DNA-binding protein important in early neurogen-
colon. Total intestinal aganglionosis with the absence of gan- esis, have been identified in animal models. Many of these
glion cells from the duodenum to the rectum is rare, repre- genes control morphogenesis and differentiation of the enteric
senting only 5% of cases; this is referred to as long-segment nervous system. Of particular interest among these genes is
disease (Fig. 10-5). the RET gene.
Hirschsprung disease is the most common form of func- RET is expressed in tissues of neural crest origin and is a
tional intestinal obstruction in infants, with an incidence of 1 susceptibility gene for several inherited diseases, including
in 5000 in live births. The disease is more common in males, the multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) syndromes and
with a ratio of 4 to 1, and most of this is short-segment Hirschsprung disease. This gene was originally identified as a
disease. In contrast, for long-segment disease, the male-to- proto-oncogene, encoding a receptor tyrosine kinase (Fig.
female ratio is only 1.5 to 2. In 70% of cases, Hirschsprung 10-6). The transmembrane protein is composed of a signal
disease occurs as an isolated disease, but it may also occur peptide, a cysteine-rich region, a transmembrane region, a
with a chromosomal abnormality, and the incidence can vary conserved intracellular tyrosine kinase domain, and an extra-
with the different associated genetic syndromes. For example, cellular cadherin-related binding domain. This transmem-
classic congenital central hypoventilation syndrome is associ- brane receptor is the signaling component of receptor
ated with Hirschsprung disease in 16% to 20% of affected complexes with four ligands: glial cell line–derived neuro-
individuals. Twelve percent of Down syndrome patients have trophic factor (GDNF), neurturin (NRTN), artemin (ARTN),
Hirschsprung disease. In Bardet-Biedl syndrome, Hirschsprung and persephin (PSP). Members of the GFRα family bind to
disease is found in 2% of affected individuals. In cartilage- RET, permitting the binding of a specific ligand. RET/GFRα1
hair hypoplasia, it is present in 9%. Among different racial binds GDNF, RET/GFRα2 binds NRTN, RET/GFRα3 binds
Hepatic Disorders 183
High diferric transferrin transferrin
Low hepcidin
High hepatocyte iron
Figure 10-7. Model for the regulation of intestinal iron absorption. Changes in body iron usage alter the amount of diferric
transferrin in the circulation (A). This molecule is preferentially taken up by cells requiring iron. The change in diferric transferrin
concentration is detected by transferrin receptor (TFR) 2 and the hemochromatosis protein (HFE)/TFR1 on the plasma
membrane of hepatocytes and leads to changes in the expression of hepcidin (B). Hepatocyte iron stores also affect hepcidin
production by altering the amount of TFR1 on the plasma membrane. Circulating hepcidin interacts with ferroportin 1 at the
basolateral membrane of the villus enterocytes of the small intestine, causing the iron transporter to be internalized and
degraded and reducing iron export (C). The accumulation of iron within the cell decreases the expression of divalent metal
transporter 1 (DMT1) and DCYTB at the brush border. Any changes in iron absorption affect diferric transferrin levels, thereby
completing a negative feedback loop that regulates body iron homeostasis. (Redrawn with permission from Frazer DM,
Anderson GJ. Iron imports. I. Intestinal iron absorption and its regulation. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol
Hepatic Disorders 187
Metal Ions
More than 25% of all enzymes contain metal ions or require
them for activity. The most commonly required in enzymatic
reactions are iron and magnesium. Cobalt (in coenzyme B12)
and manganese are also required.
Most are divalent ions. Iron and manganese change
Figure 10-8. Hereditary hemochromatosis. Hepatocellular oxidation states during reactions.
iron deposition (blue) is stained with Prussian blue stain in an
early stage of the disease. Parenchymal architecture is
normal. (From Kumar V, Abbas A, Fausto N. Robbins &
Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 7th ed. Philadelphia, WB
Saunders, 2005.) PATHOLOGY
Iron Overload among Africans
Iron overload in Africans results from a predisposition to iron
Expression of hemochromatosis in women occurs later than loading. This condition was formerly called Bantu siderosis.
in men, presumably owing to loss of iron during menses and It occurs among Africans who drink beer from
pregnancy. As a result, onset of a full phenotypic clinical nongalvanized steel drums and differs from HFE-associated
expression for hemochromatosis generally occurs after meno- hemochromatosis. Iron loading occurs in Kupffer cells as
pause. Unlike men who initially have cirrhosis or diabetes, well as hepatocytes. However, cardiomyopathy and diabetes
women at the outset have vague symptoms of fatigue, arthral- are less frequent. Serum ferritin levels are elevated, but
gia, and pigmentation. The differences in these presentations transferrin levels may not reflect the extent of overload.
may contribute to more men being diagnosed than women There is a concern that affected individuals may be more
susceptible to infections and tuberculosis than individuals
until progressive hepatic involvement becomes significant in
with HFE-associated hemochromatosis.
Nearly 90% of all HH patients are homozygous for an HFE
missense mutation that changes cysteine at amino acid residue
282 to tyrosine (C282Y). A second HFE variant that substi-
Menkes Syndrome
tutes aspartate for histidine at amino acid 63 (H63D) also is
associated with HH and typically occurs in the homozygous Copper is required in trace amounts for several reactions
state or as a compound heterozygote with C282Y. HFE het- (Box 10-5). It is absorbed in the stomach and duodenum
erozygotes may also accumulate iron but rarely, if ever, dem- and bound to albumin for transport to the liver. Two highly
onstrate clinical signs. homologous genes are involved in copper homeostasis:
The frequency of C282Y homozygotes in individuals of ATP7A, expressed in most cells, and ATP7B, expressed in
northern European ancestry is as high as 1 in 250, indicative
of a high allele frequency and characteristic of a very common
disease. However, HFE-associated hemochromatosis serves as
a classic example of incomplete penetrance in that roughly Box 10-5. ENZYMES REQUIRING COPPER AS
half of C282Y homozygotes demonstrate some degree of A COFACTOR
iron overload and only 10% develop pathologic indicators
of iron overload. For the majority of clinically identified HH Lysyl oxidase—connective tissue formation
patients, it is clear that HFE mutations serve as predisposing Superoxide dismutase—free radical scavenging
Cytochrome c oxidase—electron transfer
entities and may be necessary but not sufficient for disease
Tyrosinase—electron transfer
Monoamine oxidase—neurotransmitter formation
Among the many populations that have been studied, Dopamine β-hydroxylase—conversion of dopamine to
mutations in C282Y have not been found in individuals from noradrenaline
Africa, Asia, Southeast Asia, or Micronesia. A few alleles have
188 Renal, Gastrointestinal, and Hepatic Disorders
hepatocytes, brain, kidney, and placenta. The liver has a addition of copper to certain enzymes. However, when cells
high affinity for copper-bound albumin, and in hepatocytes are exposed to excessive copper, the copper-transporting
the ATP7B protein facilitates copper incorporation in protein is rapidly relocated to the plasma membrane, where it
apoceruloplasmin, followed by release of copper-rich ceru- functions in copper efflux to decrease the concentration of
loplasmin in the circulation; thus, copper is a rate-limiting copper in the cytoplasm. The normal function of ATP7A is to
element for ceruloplasmin formation. move copper from the intestinal mucosa into the blood-
Ceruloplasmin, a ferroxidase, is important also for iron stream, where it is bound to albumin proteins and transported
transport. By oxidizing ferrous iron to the ferric form, ceru- to tissues. If the ATP7A protein is nonfunctional, the uptake of
loplasmin promotes iron loading onto transferrin, which copper from the intestines is impaired and copper deficiency
binds only the ferric form of the metal. Oxidizing ferrous results. Mutations in this gene result in Menkes syndrome,
to ferric iron also serves an antioxidant function and thus which is sometimes referred to as kinky hair disease. It is an
helps prevent or reduce oxidative damage to proteins, lipids, X-linked disorder characterized by early retardation in growth,
and DNA. Aceruloplasminemia shares features with other peculiar hair, and focal cerebral and cerebellar degeneration.
neurodegenerative diseases. Severe neurologic impairment begins within a month or two
of birth and progresses rapidly to decerebration.
These manifestations underscore the critical function of
copper for the proper function of several enzymes. Lysyl
BIOCHEMISTRY & PATHOLOGY oxidase is important for the cross-linking of collagen and
Ceruloplasmin elastin, and deficiencies lead to problems in connective tissue,
such as bone. The enzyme dopamine β-hydroxylase (or dopa-
Ceruloplasmin is an α-globulin. Ninety percent of copper is
mine β-monooxygenase) requires copper to catalyze the con-
bound to ceruloplasmin; each molecule binds six copper
atoms, and albumin carries the remaining 10% with less
version of dopamine to noradrenalin. Individuals with Menkes
avidity (i.e., albumin donates copper more readily). syndrome have a reduced activity of this enzyme with high
Ceruloplasmin concentration is decreased with liver levels of dopamine and low levels of noradrenalin and its
disease. Its absence, however, does not produce marked neuronal metabolite dihydroxyphenylglycol. Cytochrome
changes in copper metabolism, although it will cause a oxidase is part of complex IV of the electron transport chain
gradual accumulation of iron in the liver and other tissues. in mitochondria; it contains bound copper atoms. Since copper
This occurs because the ferroxidase activity of ceruloplasmin is insufficient, the activity of the enzyme is reduced and less
is important for oxidizing ferrous iron to ferric iron. Without ATP is produced, leading to lipid catabolism in the body to
oxidation, iron is not bound to transferrin. Copper deficiency provide adequate energy for essential biochemical reactions.
is accompanied by a hypochromic, microcytic anemia
In addition, lower cytochrome oxidase activity leads to neu-
similar to that produced by iron deficiency.
romuscular disorders and progressive brain degeneration.
Menkes syndrome ATP7A Chr Xq12-q13 Intestinal absorption Decreased serum copper Daily copper
of copper levels histidine
Decreased liver copper levels injections
Increased intestinal copper
Decreased ceruloplasmin
Wilson disease ATP7B Chr 13q14.3-q21.1 Biliary excretion of Decreased serum copper Copper chelation
copper levels
Increased liver copper levels
Increased urinary copper
Decreased ceruloplasmin
clear that the disease is the result of copper accumulation in in different populations. For example, the prevalence is 1 in
the liver, and only after liver disease has initiated does neu- 10,000 individuals in China, Japan, and Sardinia. As this sug-
rologic involvement begin. gests, mutations are panethnic, but the frequency of certain
Wilson disease is an autosomal recessive disease resulting mutations is ancestry dependent. The H1069Q mutation
from mutations in the adenosine triphosphatase gene, ATP7B, accounts for 35% to 45% of mutated alleles in individuals
located on chromosome 13q14.3-q21.1. Many mutations with European ancestry. Mutations in exons 8, 14, and 18
have been described that affect the transport of copper across account for 60% of the mutations detected in British popula-
the trans-Golgi network and into vesicles. These mutations tions. The R778L mutation accounts for about 57% of the
specifically cause diminished copper excretion, leading to its Wilson disease alleles in persons of Asian ancestry. Mutations
accumulation in the liver, brain, and eye. Onset of the disease in exons 8 and 12 account for 57% of Wilson disease alleles
may be as early as age 3 years in families with affected in the Chinese population. Wilson disease alleles H714Q and
members and ranges to age 50 years before diagnosis. delC2337 are identified in up to 45% of individuals with
The heterozygote frequency of Wilson disease mutations is Russian ancestry. These data underscore the importance of
1 in 90 in the general population, with the disease occurring family history in determining the correct mutation through
in 1 in 30,000 individuals. Expression of the disease varies specific laboratory instructions for screening.
190 Renal, Gastrointestinal, and Hepatic Disorders
Clinically, Wilson disease is variable but characterized by affected individuals, they are not pathognomonic, since they
recurrent jaundice, fatigue, malaise, arthropathy, and rashes. may be associated with other causes of liver disease such as
Fulminant hepatic failure may occur with severe coagulation autoimmune hepatitis and cholestasis.
problems, encephalopathy, acute Coombs-negative hemoly- The first line of treatment is copper chelation. Dysarthria
sis, and renal failure. Chronic liver disease poses additional and tremors are more amenable to chelation therapy than
issues with separate consequences, including portal hyperten- dystonia. Renal tubule disease is usually improved with chela-
sion, hepatosplenomegaly, ascites, and low serum albumin. tion therapy. In severe disease, however, individuals may not
As the disease progresses, neurologic manifestations of respond to chelation and may require liver transplantation.
Wilson disease increase as hepatic manifestations begin to
decline. After the age of 18 years, 70% of clinical features are
neurologic and about 20% are liver associated, classified as
acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and fulminant hepatic NEUROSCIENCE & ANATOMY
failure. Lenticular degeneration is associated with dystonia,
its most common feature. Additional features include dysar- Basal Nuclei (Ganglia) and Lenticular Nucleus
thria, tremors, dysphagia, and psychiatric disturbances. Eighty The basal nuclei (ganglia) consist of five interconnected
percent of all individuals with Wilson disease and 98.1% of nuclei: the caudate nucleus, putamen, subthalamic nucleus,
individuals with neurologic symptoms have Kayser-Fleischer globus pallidus, and substantia nigra. The lenticular nucleus
rings, seen as discoloration of Descemet’s membrane of is composed of the globus pallidus and putamen.
the corneal endothelium (Fig. 10-10). Although common in The organization of the basal nuclei (ganglia) leads to an
order of connections. Specific cells in the putamen or
caudate project to the globus pallidus or substantia nigra
and allow cortex-to–motor neuron transmission. The nucleus
is located between the caudate nucleus and the island of
Reil, or insula, with its anterior portion attached to the head
of the caudate nucleus.
Coombs Test
Two Coombs tests are used to detect and characterize
antibodies: the direct and indirect. The indirect is almost
never needed routinely.
The direct Coombs test is conducted to investigate the
cause of hemolytic anemia, whether it is to diagnose
hemolytic disease of the newborn or hemolytic anemia in
A adults or to investigate hemolytic transfusion reactions. A
positive Coombs test supports autoimmune hemolysis (IgG,
complement, or both are on the surface of erythrocytes).
Many diseases can initiate autoantibody formation leading
to hemolysis. Drugs can also initiate autoantibody formation
(e.g., quinidine, methyldopa, and procainamide).
Chelating Properties
Chelating agents are heavy-metal antagonists with the ability
to complex with metals to prevent or reverse their binding to
ligands. An ideal chelator has the following characteristics:
B ■ Water soluble
■ Resists biotransformation
12 Heterochromatic
later develop into extragonadal germ cell tumors. The differ-
ence in sex differentiation is a reflection of gene expression
from the X and Y chromosomes. Under the influence of Y
chromosome genes, testis organization begins in the sixth and Y
seventh week. Ovary differentiation begins at about the Figure 11-1. Anatomy of the Y chromosome. The
twelfth week. pseudoautosomal region of the Y chromosome contains
Early cytogenetic evidence indicated that the Y chromo- genes also found on the X chromosome.
some possessed a gene or genes controlling the destiny of a
bipotential gonad to become an ovary or testis. Several can-
didate genes were investigated. The hypothetical gene sought 841-bp transcript resulting in a 204-amino-acid protein.
was called the testis determining factor (TDF). The location Within the SRY protein is a centrally located high mobility
of the gene producing this factor was localized to the short group (HMG) octamer that binds to the minor groove of the
arm on the Y chromosome through a study of patients with DNA helix, inducing a large conformational change. This
translocations and deletions of the Y chromosome. The dis- explains the observation that almost all SRY mutations in
covery of 46,XX males with a translocation of the Yp termi- 46,XY females have been localized to the HMG region:
nus to the Xp led to the discovery that the terminal region Mutant SRY proteins may not effectively bind to the DNA
of Yp was essential for testicular differentiation. to cause the conformational change needed for other genes
At the termini of Y chromosomes are pseudoautosomal to be transcribed.
regions (PARs). The few genes within these regions are the
same on the X and Y chromosomes and are inherited in an
autosomal manner, as the name implies. Males have two
copies of these genes, one allele on the Y chromosome and BIOCHEMISTRY
one on the X chromosome, just as females have one allele on
Amino Acid Motifs
each of the X chromosomes. During meiosis I, Xp and Yp
align at the PAR and recombination may occur. In transloca- Several amino acid motifs are commonly found in
transcription factors. In a helix-turn-helix motif, which
tions involving genes adjacent to the pseudoautosomal region,
includes homeodomain proteins (proteins with a recurring
molecular analyses revealed a 1.1-kb transcript expressed
60-amino-acid motif, important in controlling development),
only in testes, and this gene was designated as the sex- a recognition helix binds in the major groove of DNA and is
determining region of the Y chromosome (SRY) (Fig. 11-1). stabilized by the turn and the other helix.
In the case of 46,XX males, recombination between Xp and The zinc finger motif includes general transcription factors
Yp translocated the SRY gene to the Xp chromosome along such as TFIIIA, and SP1. This motif binds in the major
with genes in the pseudoautosomal region; some of these groove of DNA and uses a repeating zinc motif to create the
PAR genes are also expressed specifically in testes. The SRY final structure.
gene is the gene encoding the TDF and has become the In the helix-loop-helix motif, including the transcription
general designation for the gene product, which may also be factors MYOD, MYC, and MAX, two helices are separated by
referred to as the SRY protein. a loop that acts as a sequence-specific DNA binding
The SRY gene contains only one exon and no introns. The
The leucine zipper motif, including FOS, JUN, and CREB,
5′ flanking promoter region of SRY differs from the vast
does not directly interact with DNA. It contains leucine
majority of genes. It contains no TATA or CCAAT boxes, is repeats on two protein α-helices that interdigitate in a
GC rich, and contains two zinc finger recognition sites for zipper-like fashion to stabilize the protein.
the SP1 transcription factor. The single exon produces an
194 Disorders of Sexual Differentiation and Development
SF-1 + SOX-9
Testes Sertoli cells AMH Müllerian duct regression
AMH gene receptors
Leydig cells
Testosterone Stabilization of
the wolffian ducts
5α-Reductase receptor
Male differentiation of
DHT the urogenital sinus
and external genitalia
Figure 11-2. Diagrammatic representation of genes involved in sex differentiation. AHC, adrenal hypoplasia congenita,
hypogonadotropic hypogonadism; AMH, antimüllerian hormone; DAX1 (AHC), critical region on the X chromosome gene 1;
SF-1, steroidogenic factor-1; WT-1, Wilms tumor suppressor. (Adapted from Larsen PR, Knonenberg HM, Melmed S, et al:
Williams Textbook of Endocrinology, 10th ed. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 2003, p 864.)
The SRY gene was identified first because of the interest in heterozygote. Consequently, among the variable phenotypic
sex differentiation. However, within the developmental expressions, Sertoli cells will either not initiate differentiation
pathway, steroidogenic factor-1 (SF1) gene expression is nec- or not be maintained. An important target for SOX9 in sex
essary for SRY transcription (Fig. 11-2). If SRY is expressed, determination is antimüllerian hormone (AMH), also called
another gene, SOX9, is up-regulated and SRY expression müllerian inhibitory factor (MIF).
remains high throughout Sertoli cell development. SOX pro- Development of both male and female gonads and adrenal
teins are related to SRY and have HMG boxes that are 71% glands requires the expression of the SF1 gene; this gene
homologous to those of SRY. also regulates the steroid hydroxylase enzyme system. Failure
SOX9 expression is required not only for proper sex dif- of SF1 expression to occur in adrenals causes a cascade of
ferentiation but also for chrondrogenesis. Mutations in the events in which insufficient corticosterone produces signifi-
SOX9 gene result in a severe dwarfism syndrome, campto- cant consequences. SF1 is expressed in the Sertoli cells
melic dysplasia, characterized by bowing of long bones and after initiation of gonad development when mitosis is sup-
skeletal dysplasia including hypoplastic scapulae, unmineral- pressed and inhibin is produced. SF-1 acts synergistically
ized thoracic pedicles, and narrowed iliac bones (Fig. 11-3). with Wilms tumor suppressor-1 (WT-1) to up-regulate AMH.
Mutations in SOX9, which can be in both the regulatory and AMH diffuses from Sertoli cells to the paired müllerian
the coding regions, also lead to XY female sex reversal (46,XY duct primordia and effects apoptosis through serine/threonine
complete gonadal dysgenesis) owing to gonadal dysgenesis protein kinase surface receptors. Further internal and exter-
in about 75% of the cases. Inherited as an autosomal domi- nal male differentiation is regulated by testosterone synthesis
nant disorder, normal development does not occur in a in the Leydig cells, beginning at about 9 weeks, and by
Gonadal Differentiation and Disorders of Sexual Development 195
dihydrotestosterone. Testosterone synthesis may be stimu- (AHC) is caused by loss-of-function mutations in DAX1,
lated by placenta-derived human chorionic gonadotropin resulting in hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in males. In
(hCG) prior to fetal pituitary luteinizing hormone (LH) the severest clinical presentation, infants have primary
expression, since hCG and LH share regions of high homo- adrenal insufficiency characterized by hyponatremia, hyper-
logy and can interact with the same receptors on Leydig kalemia, acidosis, and hypoglycemia—a life-threatening situ-
cells. ation if untreated. Less severe mutations may present with
hypogonadotropic hypogonadism at adolescence. Mutations
resulting in this presentation are due to decreased DAX1
ANATOMY & EMBRYOLOGY expression rather than to absence of expression in the
hypothalamus and pituitary.
Adrenal Development
The adrenal cortex and medulla have different origins. The
cortex is a mesoderm derivative. It first appears in week 6 as
a mesenchyme aggregation between the root of the dorsal BIOCHEMISTRY
mesentery and the gonad. Cells are derived from the
Receptor Serine/Threonine Kinases
mesothelium of the posterior abdominal wall.
The medulla is a neural crest cell derivative. Cells of the Receptor serine/threonine kinases are one of five classes of
medulla are innervated by presynaptic sympathetic fibers, catalytic receptors. They phosphorylate serine and/or
similar to sympathetic ganglia. threonine residues on proteins. An example of these is the
transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) superfamily. This large
family includes members important during embryogenesis
and control of cellular differentiation in adults: antimüllerian
ANATOMY hormone (AMH), inhibins, activins, bone morphogenic
proteins, and other glycoproteins.
Bowlegs The receptors are single-membrane-spanning
Bowleg is the outward curvature of the lower limbs with glycoproteins and consist of two types, RI and RII. Ligands
medial concavity. It includes genu varum and tibia vara. bind to RII but not to RI. RI recognizes ligand is bound to RII
Normal physiologic bowing is observed in newborns and but cannot itself bind ligand; however, it transmits a signal
infants and, like idiopathic bowing, generally self-corrects. In when ligand is bound to RII. Formation of a stable RII-ligand/
camptomelic dysplasia, the femoral and tibial shafts are RI complex results in phosphorylation of RI at serines and
bowed. This may be secondary to generalized bone threonines. This activates the kinase activity of RI to
softening. Examples of disorders in which bowing occurs downstream effectors.
are rickets, osteogenesis imperfecta, secondary Substrates of activated RI include the SMAD family of
hyperparathyroidism, and hypo- or hyperphosphatasia. transcription factors. When phosphorylated by the TGF-
complex, the activated factor translocates to the nucleus,
binds to DNA, and effects transcription.
Sex reversal can also occur from a duplication of a region
on the X chromosome called DSS (dosage-sensitive sex rever-
sal). It is regulated by SF1 through feedback inhibition. DSS
contains a gene designated as DAX1 for DSS-AHC critical PHYSIOLOGY
region on the X chromosome. Prior to testis determination,
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)
DAX1 is expressed in both gonads. As SRY expression
increases from the Y chromosome, DAX1 expression declines hCG shares structural homology with luteinizing hormone
in testes. In the ovary, where SRY expression is not normal (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and thyroid-
stimulating hormone (TSH). It functions after binding to a G
or expected in 46,XX females, DAX1 expression is present
protein receptor on target cells, and it may also interact with
and blocks the synergistic activity of SF-1 and WT-1 to
receptors for LH, FSH, and TSH because of shared
up-regulate AMH expression; ovary development occurs. To homologies.
reiterate, when SRY expression increases, DAX1 expression is The syncytiotrophoblast, which forms the placenta,
repressed. Thus accordingly, DAX1 expression does not occur produces hCG beginning in the second week after
in testes, where SRY expression is high, and ovary formation fertilization. Production begins to decline during the eighth
is prevented. An interesting situation occurs when the DAX1 week and thereafter occurs from the chorion, the outer
gene is duplicated on the X chromosome in a male. Here, the embryonic membrane. Its major function is to maintain the
amount of SRY is insufficient to antagonize the increased corpus luteum during the first trimester of pregnancy via LH/
DAX1 activity. DAX1 remains active and continues to prevent hCG membrane receptors. This function is important because
testis formation, resulting in a 46,XY female (46,XY complete the corpus luteum secretes progesterone and estrogen to
maintain pregnancy. Excess hCG is excreted in urine and is
gonadal dysgenesis).
the basis of most pregnancy tests. During the second
DAX1 is expressed in all tissues of the steroidogenic
trimester, the placenta begins secreting progesterone, which
axis: hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal cortex, and gonads. plays a critical role in supporting the endometrium of
As might be expected, mutations in DAX1 can affect these pregnancy and hence the survival of the fetus.
tissues. The X-linked form of adrenal hypoplasia congenita
196 Disorders of Sexual Differentiation and Development
Secondary Sexual Characteristics
Secondary sexual characteristics are generally those
changes that occur at puberty. For females, breast and
Figure 11-3. Camptomelic dysplasia is caused by mutations associated apocrine gland development follow stimulation
in the SOX9 gene. This gene plays an essential role in sex by estrogens secreted by ovaries. Estrogen also causes the
determination as well as in chrondrogenesis. In the latter,
pelvis to widen, and causes deposition of fat in the hips,
SOX9 protein binds to sequences in the collagen gene,
buttocks, and thighs. It also induces uterine growth,
COL2A1, to regulate its expression. (Used with permission of
proliferation of the endometrium, and menses. Pubic and
GE Healthcare: http://www.medcyclopaedia.com.)
axillary hair also grow, controlled by androgens secreted by
adrenals and ovaries.
Through testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, males
experience growth of the penis, testes, and pubic hair.
Understanding the generalities of sex development and
Testosterone directly increases muscle mass and size as
several disorders that can occur with mutations allows a
well as the mass of vocal cords, which leads to deepening
better appreciation of the survival of individuals missing an of the voice, and the mass of bones, which leads to
X chromosome or having additional sex chromosomes. increased strength and changes in skeletal shape.
5α-Reductase converts testosterone to DHT at peripheral
target tissues, such as the skin, and contributes to beard
Turner Syndrome
growth, acne, and temporal balding. DHT binds to the same
Turner syndrome is a sex chromosome disorder of sexual androgen receptor as does testosterone but with greater
development with a 45,X karyotype. It results from loss of affinity, and the DHT-receptor complex binds with greater
an X chromosome through nondisjunction, which character- avidity to DNA.
izes approximately 60% of the individuals with the classic
features of Turner syndrome (Box 11-1). The remaining 40%
encompasses a wide range of structural abnormalities of one
of the X chromosomes, including Xp and Xq deletions (Box
11-2). Many patients with Turner syndrome have a mosaic PHYSIOLOGY
pattern comprising two or more cell lines and have a milder
phenotype. Amenorrhea
Women with Turner syndrome have rudimentary ovaries, Primary amenorrhea is defined as the absence of pubertal
also called streak ovaries. Germ cells in the primitive gonad development by age 14 years, menarche by age 16 years,
begin to differentiate but then undergo degeneration, some- or menarche 4 years after onset of thelarche. The primary
times referred to as dysgenesis, and oocytes are lost during causes of primary amenorrhea are hypothalamic or pituitary
fetal development. By birth, the number of oocytes is dysfunction, ovarian dysfunction, anatomic disorders of the
severely diminished, and by adolescence ovarian tissue has uterus or vagina, and other causes such as hypothyroidism
or adrenal hyperplasia.
regressed to ridges of white streaks devoid of both germ
Amenorrhea is physiologic when it occurs inappropriately
cells and hormone-producing cells and consisting of fibrous
in a prepubertal female, during pregnancy and in early
connective tissue. The degeneration of ovaries has secondary lactation, and after menopause. At other times, it reflects a
consequences, notably, an inhibition of breast development pathologic condition that should be evaluated.
and the presence of infantile external genitalia. The decreased
Gonadal Differentiation and Disorders of Sexual Development 197
45,X karyotype
Webbed neck, coarctation of aorta, high-arched palate,
shield-like chest with widely spaced nipples, short
metatarsals, renal abnormalities; gonadal dysgenesis;
may also have cubitus valgus, renal abnormalities, edema
of hands and feet, micrognathia
Lack of ovarian development leading to deficient secretion
of sex steroids
Increased incidence of diabetes mellitus, inflammatory bowel
disease, and autoimmune disease
46,X,i(Xp) A B
Figure 11-4. Turner syndrome. A, Lymphedema and
webbed neck are frequent features in infants with Turner
syndrome. Lymphedema in newborn females is an indication
45,X,46,X,i(Xq) for karyotyping. B, A 13-year-old girl with classic Turner
47,X,i(Xq),i(Xq) features, including short stature, webbed neck, delayed
sexual maturation and lack of secondary sexual
*Features of Turner syndrome may occur with different genotypes.
characteristics, cubitus valgus, and broad, shield-like chest
with widely spaced nipples. (From Nussbaum RL, McInnes
RR, Willard HF. Thompson & Thompson Genetics in Medicine,
6th ed. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 2001, p 175.)
The frequency of Turner syndrome is 1 in 2000 to 1 in 2500
live-born females. There is high intrauterine mortality, and
98% to 99% of all 45,X fetuses are spontaneously aborted—
accounting for 20% of all chromosomally abnormal aborted
embryos. Given the high incidence of in utero loss, one might Turner females are short because they are missing one
expect 45,X fetuses at term to be severely affected, particu- SHOX allele. SHOX expression is most evident in the midpor-
larly mentally. Nevertheless, Turner syndrome is associated tion of limbs and the first and second pharyngeal arches.
with normal intelligence. Expression in these sites supports the involvement of this
Turner syndrome results from haploinsufficiency of certain gene in the development of other Turner stigmata beyond
genes on the X chromosome. Gene dosage considerations led short stature, such as cubitus valgus, genu varum, high-arched
to the prediction that the genes implicated in the Turner phe- palate, micrognathia, and sensorineural deafness. This also
notype escape lyonization. This further suggests that a func- explains the greater height attained by 46,X,i(Xp) females
tional Y chromosome homolog may exist, since two copies who possess many Turner syndrome features. The Xp isochro-
are suggested in XX females. As discussed earlier, genes pos- mosome contains SHOX alleles, and these females express
sessing these characteristics are those residing in the PAR of three SHOX alleles.
X and Y chromosomes. Genes in the PAR that are dosage Treatment for Turner syndrome usually includes growth
sensitive probably contribute to the short stature observed in hormone therapy to improve growth followed by estrogen
Turner syndrome. One such gene has been identified in the replacement to improve development of secondary sex
Xp22 and Yp11.3 regions containing a homeobox that is characteristics. Estrogen therapy is also important for reduc-
mutated in individuals with idiopathic short stature. This gene ing the risk of osteoporosis, which is common in Turner
is designated SHOX, for short stature homeobox-containing syndrome.
gene. There are two forms of this gene resulting from alterna- Turner syndrome is phenotypically mimicked in Noonan
tive splicing. SHOXa protein is expressed in skeletal muscle, syndrome, which features webbed neck, short stature, pectus
placenta, pancreas, heart, and bone marrow fibroblast. excavatum/carinatum, characteristic facies, cryptorchidism,
SHOXb protein expression is restricted to fetal kidney and and cardiac anomalies. However, whereas Turner syndrome
skeletal muscle and has its greatest expression in bone marrow results from an absent X chromosome, Noonan syndrome
fibroblasts. is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner and thus
198 Disorders of Sexual Differentiation and Development
Figure 11-5. Leydig cells in Klinefelter syndrome. A, Testicular biopsy shows small, hyalinized seminiferous tubules and
pseudoadenomatous clusters of Leydig cells. The patient had normal semen volume and severe oligospermia. B, Atrophy
of seminiferous tubules and reduced testicular volume give a false impression of Leydig cell hyperplasia in Klinefelter
syndrome. Studies have shown that the total number of Leydig cells is actually reduced. C, A few hyalinized
seminiferous tubules surrounded by Leydig cells contain abundant microvacuolated cytoplasm. Even though Leydig cells
may appear morphologically normal in Klinefelter syndrome, they are often functionally deficient and androgen levels are
often reduced, accompanied by elevated FSH and LH levels. (Used with permission of Dr. Dharam Ramnani at
exposure affects development—just as seen with excessive association between abnormal hormonal balance and
androgen exposure. breast cancer. Klinefelter individuals with unusually high
The limbs of males with Klinefelter syndrome are longer numbers of X chromosomes have been reported, such as
than average and facial hair is sparse (Fig. 11-6). Although 48,XXXY, 49,XXXXY, and 50,XXXXXY. With more than
some are passive with poor self-image, most have an IQ in two X chromosomes, the deleterious effect on IQ is
the normal range. Less than 1% of mentally retarded males increasingly severe. Despite numerous X chromosomes,
have a 47,XXY complement. A few 47,XXY males are free of however, the individual is male by virtue of the Y
any clinical signs of Klinefelter syndrome, with the exception chromosome.
of infertility. Testosterone replacement beginning in the early to the
Individuals with Klinefelter syndrome have a 20-fold mid-adolescent years is recommended for Klinefelter syn-
increased risk of developing breast cancer. The incidence drome. This therapy will not reverse gynecomastia but will
of breast cancer in patients with Klinefelter syndrome is support secondary sexual characteristics. Individuals with
comparable to the incidence in females, suggesting an Klinefelter syndrome are at an increased risk for osteoporosis
200 Disorders of Sexual Differentiation and Development
Chromosomal Mosaicism
Clinical records include many mosaic forms of Klinefelter
and Turner syndromes, including 46XX/45X, 46,XY/45X,
46,XX/47XXY, 46,XY/47,XXY, and others. The actual phe-
notypic manifestation of mosaicism depends on the relative
proportion and distribution of the two types of cells in
the body. As a consequence of the many bizarre mosaic
combinations, a graded series of clinical Turner and Kline-
felter syndrome features has been found in individuals,
ranging from a severe presentation to a nearly normal
Figure 11-6. Klinefelter syndrome. Physical characteristics physical presentation. In all cases of fertility in individuals
are variable, as shown in these two patients. Puberty with Klinefelter or Turner syndrome, mosaicism is sus-
generally occurs at the normal time, but the testes remain pected even if not proved. As previously described, indi-
small. As hyalinization of the seminiferous tubules increases,
vidual cells with multiple X chromosomes undergo X
androgen production does not increase for proper pubertal
development, leading to abnormal body proportions; sparse inactivation of all but one X chromosome per cell, but
or absent facial, axillary, pubic, and body hair; female all are active until inactivation occurs. As in nonmosaic
distribution of adipose tissue; gynecomastia; decreased males, increasing numbers of Barr bodies are correlated
libido; decreased muscle mass and strength; and with decreasing IQ.
osteoporosis. The pituitary-gonadal system appears to Mitotic nondisjunction explains the following self-
function well until puberty, when testosterone production contradictory finding: individuals affected with Klinefelter
diminishes and gonadotropins increase. Hyalinization leads
syndrome are born more often to older women, yet a
to a decrease in inhibin B levels, and follicle-stimulating and
luteinizing hormone levels become greatly increased. maternal-age effect cannot be demonstrated for Turner
(Courtesy of Dr. Mark Stephen, Madigan General Hospital.) syndrome. If both disorders were to stem from a meiotic
nondisjunction event during the formation of the mother’s
because of decreased androgens, and testosterone therapy gametes, then both disorders should be subject to the
will reduce this risk. Similar to women with Turner syndrome, same strong influence of the mother’s age. This has led
these men have an increased risk of autoimmune disorders to the conclusion that the vast majority of Turner cases
such as diabetes, thyroid disorders, and systemic lupus arise from chromosomal errors that occur in a cell of the
erythematosus. early embryo by mitotic nondisjunction rather than in a
maternal or paternal germ cell by meiotic nondisjunction.
PHARMACOLOGY If this is the case, it is likely that most, if not all, live-
born 45,X individuals are mosaics. This implies that the
Androgen Replacement extraordinarily high in utero lethality of the 45,X condi-
Various drugs and routes of administration can treat tion reflects that those 45,X conceptuses lack a second
androgen deficiency. Methyltestosterone, oxymetholone, and cell line. In support of this view, the extent of mosaicism
fluoxymesterone may be given sublingually or orally, but is exceedingly high in females with Turner syndrome—as
have disadvantages such as erratic absorption and potential high as 75%.
for cholestatic jaundice and are less effective than It is important to determine the genotype in females with
intramuscular preparations. Testosterone propionate is a Turner syndrome to distinguish 45,X and 45,X/46,XX indi-
short-acting treatment. Testosterone enanthate and viduals from mosaic individuals with any cells containing a Y
cyclopentylpropionate are given intramuscularly and can
chromosome, such as 45X/46,XY. The presence of any Y chro-
cause virilization. Transdermal patches mimic normal diurnal
mosome material increases the risk of gonadoblastoma to
testosterone fluctuation.
Therapy is contraindicated in adolescents prior to greater than 95%. This can be avoided through correct iden-
epiphyseal fusion and in patients with prostate cancer. tification of mosaicism and subsequent removal of the streak
ovary and gonadal remnants.
Disorders of Sex Steroidogenesis 201
Triple-X Female
The 47,XXX constitution occurs once in every 1000 newborn
females and accounts for about 50% of all females with Cholesterol
more than two X chromosomes. Similar to 47,XYY males, There are three sources of cholesterol for its many functions
most 47,XXX females have no apparent physical abnormali- in the body, such as the need for membranes and
ties and many are fertile. Evidently, the presence of an steroidogenesis. The liver is the major organ controlling
additional X chromosome does not impair fertility, and its cholesterol metabolism. Cholesterol may be made
extrahepatically and de novo in the liver from acetate, or it
presence is far less hazardous to the developing oocyte
may be received by the liver in the form of cholesterol-
than is the absence of an X chromosome in 45,X females.
enriched remnant chylomicrons from the intestine. It can
There is evidence that the developing oocytes of the 47,XXX also be taken up by the liver as plasma lipoprotein, primarily
female actually discard the additional X chromosomes by in the form of low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Once cholesterol
a mechanism known as selective disjunction. Thus, no XXY is synthesized or taken up by liver cells, it is exported by
or XXX offspring can be born to 47,XXX females. Children two mechanisms. Cholesterol is used to synthesize bile
born to 47,XXX females are either normal males or normal acids or it is included in bile as cholesterol and cholesteryl
females. esters. It is also exported to the blood in the form of
Clinically, triple-X females may appear as quiet infants very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL).
who later have delayed motor, verbal, and emotional devel-
opment. However, very few of these females are distinguished
by these features in adulthood. Social problems may occur
at puberty, since these girls are tall for their age. As in ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY
Klinefelter males, the extremities of these females are longer
than normal, giving a greater lower body–to–upper body Gonads and Steroidogenesis
ratio. As a result of vertical growth, back problems and The ovarian follicle is composed of theca cells, granulosa
scoliosis may develop. Intellectually, there may be learning cells, and the primary oocyte. 3β-Hydroxysteroid
disabilities and intelligence may be slightly lower than that dehydrogenase (3β-HSD) is stimulated by gonadotrophs.
of siblings or a control group, but overall intelligence is Theca cells lack aromatase and produce androgens.
within the normal range. Several studies have highlighted Granulosa cells lack 17α-hydroxylase and produce
the importance of environment and social interaction for estrogen—primarily estradiol in the proliferative phase and
the normal development of these females. progesterone in the luteal phase.
The primary male steroids are testosterone,
dihydroxytestosterone, and estradiol. DHT and estradiol are
produced by the testes and by peripheral conversion (80%
is from peripheral conversion). Leydig cells produce more
●●● DISORDERS OF than 95% of testosterone and secrete estradiol, estrone,
SEX STEROIDOGENESIS pregnenolone, progesterone, 17α-hydroxypregnenolone,
and 17α-hydroxyprogesterone. Target cells convert
In addition to several similarities in the genes required testosterone to DHT with 5α-reductase.
for their development, steroidogenesis occurs in both the
adrenal gland and the reproductive system. Beyond the
impact of chromosomal anomalies and gene mutations
affecting the establishment of sex, steroidogenesis is critical Ovotesticular Disorder of
for proper development and function of gonads. Many
Sexual Development
disorders in this pathway result from specific gene muta-
tions that affect sex—as either a primary or a secondary Ovotesticular DSD is the presence of both ovarian and tes-
consequence—through development of abnormal gonads ticular tissue in an individual. The most common karyotype
and adrenals. is 46,XX, but 46,XX/46,XY and 46,XY may also occur. The
Steroid hormones, with the exception of retinoic acid, most common presentation of gonadal tissues is in an ovo-
are synthesized from cholesterol in the gonads, in adrenal testis, a gonad containing both tissues. Other presentations
cortex, and peripherally in such sites as skin, fat, brain, and include a testis that may be present on one side and an
placenta. Sex steroids include androgens, estrogens, and ovary on the other side, ovarian and testicular tissue on one
progestins. Mineralocorticoids, such as aldosterone, and glu- side and an ovary or testis on the other side, and an ovotestis
cocorticoids, such as cortisol, also are steroids and require or testis on one side along with an ovary in its normal
some of the same enzymes as sex steroid synthesis. The position.
effects of mutations in these latter pathways may have broad Genital ducts generally reflect the gonad that is present. In
and complex ramifications due to mineralcorticoid insuffi- individuals with an ovary on one side and a testis on the
ciency. A few examples of genetic disorders of sex steroido- other, müllerian derivatives develop on one side and wolffian
genesis that result in anomalies of sexual determination and derivatives on the other. In the presence of an ovotestis,
differentiation are discussed below. genital ducts are usually müllerian derivatives. External
202 Disorders of Sexual Differentiation and Development
Hypospadias can occur anywhere along the urethral groove
when fusion of the urethral fold stops proximal to the tip of
the glans penis. It occurs in 1 in 100 to 1 in 200 boys.
Conditions associated with hypospadias are the following:
■ Inadequate testosterone produced by testes—
Figure 11-7. 46,XX/46,XY infant with palpable gonad. From earlier discussions, it is plausible to consider that
(Courtesy of Tarek Bisat, MD, Mercer University School of translocation of an SRY allele might result in 46,XX ovotes-
ticular DSD. While most of these individuals are SRY nega-
tive, 10% of individuals studied demonstrated SRY expression
in the ovotestis. Involvement of other genes have not been
Box 11-4. CLINICAL FEATURES OF identified; however, it is not difficult to hypothesize that
OVOTESTICULAR DSD mutations in other differentiation genes might perturb devel-
opment. The 46,XX/46,XY individual is usually a chimera
Genitalia are ambiguous. resulting from double fertilization. These individuals have two
Cryptorchidism is frequent. populations of cells.
Ovotestis may be located in labioscrotal fold.
Testis, ovary, or ovotestis is present.
Menses may occur.
Spermatogenesis is rare.
Breast development and virilization occur at puberty. ANATOMY & EMBRYOLOGY
A chimera, or a person with two genetically distinct cell
genitalia may be ambiguous, male, or female (Fig. 11-7). If a types, may occur by one of three mechanisms:
■ Anastomosis of placental vessels
penis is present, hypospadias and cryptorchidism are not
■ Introduction of cell line artificially, such as with a
uncommon, but generally gonads or an ovotestis are palpable
in the labioscrotal fold (see Fig. 11-7). Breast development transfusion or transplantation
■ Fusion of two zygotes
and menses may occur at puberty. For 46,XX individuals,
pregnancy has been reported, but there is only one report of
a 46,XY individual fathering a child (Box 11-4).
46,XY Disorder of Sexual Development
ANATOMY & EMBRYOLOGY Enzyme Deficiencies
Testosterone, like other steroids, is synthesized from
Genital Ducts cholesterol in a series of steps requiring the steroidogenic
Mesonephric and paramesonephric ducts are important for enzymes P450scc (cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme),
establishing male and female reproductive systems. 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD), CYP17 (17α-
Mesonephric ducts establish the male reproductive system. hydroxylase/c17,20-lyase), and 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydro-
The proximal portion becomes convoluted to form the genase (17β-HSD). Male and female embryos have the same
epididymis, and the remainder forms the ductus deferens androgen receptors; differences between males and females
and ejaculatory duct. result from differences in levels of androgens.
The paramesonephric ducts establish the female 17β-HSD plays an important role in the balance of
reproductive system. These ducts develop lateral to the gonadal steroids. It maintains a balance between active 17β-
gonads and mesonephric ducts. The mesonephric ducts
hydroxysteroids and relatively inactive 17-ketosteroids.
degenerate due to lack of testosterone. The cranial portions
Reducing the 17-ketosteroids is the last step leading to tes-
of the paramesonephric ducts form the uterine tubes and
the caudal portions fuse to form the uterovaginal tosterone in Leydig cells and estradiol in granulosa cells.
primordium, which forms the uterus and vagina. Oxidation of 17-ketosteroids occurs predominantly in the
periphery and is the balancing force.
Disorders of Sex Steroidogenesis 203
Pregnenolone DHEA Androstenediol
Progesterone Androstenedione Testosterone DHT
11-Deoxycortico- 11-Deoxycortisol Elevated testosterone
sterone Aromatase and androstenedione
Elevated testosterone Masculization of female 5α-Reductase
and androstenedione genitalia Female genitalia
Corticosterone Cortisol Masculization of female Pubertal failure Partial virilization at puberty
genitalia Elevated testosterone to
Pubertal failure DHT ratio
17β-Estradiol (E2)
Estrone (E1)
Estriol (E3)
Figure 11-8. Synthesis of androgens and estrogens. Enzyme mutations lead to a deficiency of androgens and estrogens.
Deficiency of 17α-hydroxylase (P450c17) shunts precursors into the aldosterone pathway. Deficiency of 17β-hydroxysteroid
dehydrogenase will shunt precursors to estrogens primarily, as will a deficiency of 5α-reductase. Deficiency of aromatase leads
to a deficiency of estrogens.
There are at least six isozymes of 17β-HSD in humans. Type and male genital ducts. Classic features include a clitoris-like,
3 17β-HSD is the most frequent cause of 46,XY DSD due hypospadiac phallus bound down in chorde, a bifid scrotum,
to defective testosterone biosynthesis (Fig. 11-8). At birth, a urogenital sinus opening onto the perineum, and a blind
46,XY males with a 17β-HSD mutation generally appear vaginal pouch opening into the urogenital sinus or the
female or have mildly ambiguous genitalia resulting from perineum (Box 11-5). At puberty, virilization occurs owing to
testosterone deficiency during differentiation. Although the increased testosterone even though there is an inability
having female external genitalia, these males have testes and to convert it to DHT.
typical male derivatives of the wolffian ducts: epididymes, vas
deferens, seminal vesicles, and ejaculatory ducts. As testos-
terone levels increase at puberty, these males experience
marked virilization with clitoral hypertrophy and breast Box 11-5. FEATURES OF 5α-REDUCTASE
enlargement. DEFICIENCY (46,XY DSD)
5α-Reductase is required for the conversion of testosterone
to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) (see Fig. 11-8). There are two External genitalia appear female at birth.
isozymes of this gene. Type 1 is expressed postnatally, primar- Testes are extra-abdominal, usually inguinal.
Hypospadiac microphallus with bifid scrotum is present.
ily in the liver and skin. Type 2 is expressed pre- and postna-
There is a blind vaginal pouch.
tally, predominantly in prostate, internal genital structures
It is sometimes referred to as “penis at 12 syndrome.”
derived from wolffian ducts, genital skin, and liver. 46,XY It is strongly suspected with normal blood testosterone level
individuals with mutations in this gene are males presenting but elevated T:DHT ratio.
with feminization or ambiguous genitalia along with testes
204 Disorders of Sexual Differentiation and Development
3β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
No glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, androgens, estrogens
Salt excretion in urine
Early death
Most common form of CAH
Usually a partial deficiency
ACTH elevated, causing an increased shift to sex hormones
and masculinization 17β-Estradiol (E2)
11-Deoxycorticosterone 11-Deoxycortisol
Decreased cortisol, aldosterone, corticosterone
Increased deoxycorticosterone leading to fluid retention and hypertension Estrone (E1)
Figure 11-9. Steroidogenesis pathway. Mutations affecting enzymes primarily responsible for the production of
mineralocorticoids and cortisol can have secondary effects on sex steroid production. Substrates that accumulate are shunted
to the right. The mineralocorticoid pathway occurs in the zona glomerulosa and the cortisol and androgen pathways occur
predominantly in the zona fasciculata of the adrenal gland.
206 Disorders of Sexual Differentiation and Development
Salt Wasting
Adrenal hyperplasia occurs owing to the feedback control
of the hypothalamus and pituitary. In the absence of sufficient Salt wasting can accompany two forms of congenital
adrenal hyperplasia: 21-hydroxylase deficiency and
products, such as cortisol and sex steroids, ACTH and gonad-
3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency. Since the
otropins stimulate the adrenals to produce more products,
former is more common, salt wasting is seen most often
and thus cellular hyperplasia occurs. An important consider- with this form. Severe salt wasting will occur in about 75% of
ation for each of the following enzymes is the mutation itself. infants with severe 21-hydroxylase deficiency. This deficiency
Recall that the location and extent of change in the DNA can leads to decreased cortisol and aldosterone synthesis.
be demonstrated as either a negligible or mild effect or as a Reduced aldosterone, which functions normally to stimulate
serious effect due to little or no enzyme production. the kidney to reabsorb Na+ and water and enhance K+
secretion, will cause electrolyte and fluid loss due to
hyponatremia and hyperkalemia, which lead to acidosis,
3β-Hydroxysteroid dehydration, and vascular collapse if not corrected.
Dehydrogenase Deficiency The decrease in circulating volume also causes an
increase in renin, which activates the renin-angiotensin
system through stimulation of the baroreceptor reflex and a
3β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase is expressed as two highly
decrease in renal arteriole pressure. Angiotensinogen is
homologous genes (HSD3B1, HSD3B2) and identified as cleaved into angiotensin I, which is then converted to
type I and type II. Type I gene expression is found predomi- angiotensin II. This octapeptide is unable to stimulate the
nantly in the placenta and the peripheral tissues of skin and adrenal cortex directly, or indirectly through stimulation of
mammary gland. Type II gene expression occurs mainly in the the anterior pituitary and release of ACTH to effect
adrenal glands and gonads. As expected, a mutation in the aldosterone production. Therefore, the net result is life
type II gene will interfere with mineralocorticoid, glucocor- threatening unless reversed.
ticoid, progesterone, androgen, and estrogen synthesis (see The situation is different with 11β-hydroxylase deficiency
Fig. 11-9). If a mutation is severe, salt-losing crises, hypomas- (CYP11B1 deficiency). In these infants, the lack of cortisol
culinized external genitalia in males (46,XY DSD), and clito- causes an increase in ACTH resulting in increased
aldosterone. This increases Na+ reabsorption and K+
romegaly at birth in females (46,XX DSD) may occur along
secretion by the kidney, leading to “salt retention” rather
with adrenal hyperplasia. Obviously, milder mutations, char-
than “salt wasting.” Directly related to the enzyme deficiency
acterized by the type and position of the mutation affecting is an increase in 11-deoxycortisol. This and the excess
the protein’s function, may not display the broad spectrum 11-deoxycorticosterone contribute to hypertension.
of phenotypes. Type I mutations are less problematic but may
Disorders of Combined Adrenocortical and Sex Steroidogenesis 207
11β-Hydroxylase Deficiency
11β-Hydroxylase (CYP11B1) converts deoxycorticosterone
(DOC) to corticosterone and 11-deoxycortisol to cortisol
Figure 11-10. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia. This 46,XY (see Fig. 11-9). A deficiency of this enzyme is the second
child was raised as a female. (Courtesy of Roberta Sonnino, most common cause of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Most
MD, University of Minnesota School of Medicine.) mutations completely abolish the enzyme activity, although
the clinical presentation may be variable. The resulting corti-
Impaired cortisol synthesis due to 21-hydroxylase defi- sol deficiency leads to an increase in ACTH and a subsequent
ciency leads to increased ACTH levels and increased levels of increase in precursors that are diverted to the androgen syn-
adrenal androgen precursors and androgen secretion. Ele- thesis pathway. Females may have ambiguous or masculinized
vated androgen levels before 12 weeks of gestation lead to external genitalia at birth and become virilized in early child-
labioscrotal fusion and clitoral enlargement, whereas after 12 hood. In cases of ambiguity, there is clitoral enlargement and
weeks of gestation only clitoromegaly is induced. Virilization labial fusion (Fig. 11-12). Virilization varies from mild to
Before 12 weeks After 12 weeks virilization
■ The development of gonads, kidneys, and adrenals have
common origins.
■ Disorders of sexual development may occur from chromosomal
nondisjunction, gene mutations, changes in gene expression, or
■ The steroidogenesis pathway is important for mineralocorticoids,
cortisol, and androgens and sex steroids.
■ Defects in the steroidogenesis pathway are determined by
increased levels of substrates and decreased products.
■ Increased products are shunted with other enzymes, leading to
■ Defects in the steroidogenesis pathway resulting in salt wasting
are critical to identify at birth or shortly thereafter.
■ A very common form of adrenal hyperplasia may present as a
milder, later onset disease.
1. A 15-year-old female is evaluated for delayed
puberty. Physical examination reveals normal female
severe. Male infants have normal external genitalia, as with genitalia. Imaging studies reveal undeveloped streak
21-hydroxylase deficiency, but virilize prematurely. Both gonads and the presence of normal müllerian struc-
DOC and 11β-deoxycortisol are increased in blood, but tures. Chromosomal analysis reveals a 46,XY kar-
11-deoxycortisol has little activity; it is the action of DOC yotype. Which of the following best explains this
that provides the mineralocorticoid actions. Should an indi- finding?
vidual have a late onset of CYP11B1 deficiency, it is most A. Deletion of DAX
likely the result of a less pronounced mutation that allowed B. Deletion of XIST
adequate expression during earlier years. C. Deletion of DSS
The CYP11B1 gene functions primarily in mitochondria in D. Lyonization
the zona fasciculata of the adrenal cortex. A related gene, E. SRY mutation
CYP11B2, functions only in the zona glomerulosa. These two Answer. E
genes represent a gene duplication of CYP11B1 and are adja-
cent to each other. They are 95% homologous in exons and Explanation: SRY is required for expression of the testis-
determining factor, and therefore mutations in this gene on
90% homologous in introns. The function of CYP11B2 is the
the Y chromosome affect sex determination. Mutations with
conversion of corticosterone to aldosterone, and therefore a
the greatest effect occur in the HMG region of the protein,
mutation would cause an aldosterone crisis but not the
which is needed for the protein to bind the minor groove of
cortisol crisis that can occur with CYP11B1 deficiency. The
the DNA helix, inducing a conformational change for other
enzyme catalyzes three reactions in mitochondria: an gene transcription. DSS is a region on the X chromosome
11β-hydroxylase activity, an 18-hydroxylase activity, and an and can also result in sex reversal but when expression is
18-oxidase activity. These activities are regulated by angio- unbalanced by SRY expression; deleting DSS, which also
tensin II and potassium. Individuals with CYP11B2 mutations implies deletion of DAX1, will not create increased expres-
are clinically characterized by hypertension, variable hyper- sion and affect sexual development. Duplication of DAX will
aldosteronism, and increased levels of the abnormal adrenal cause sex reversal to a 46,XY female. Lyonization is not
steroids 18-oxocortisol and 18-hydroxycortisol. appropriately applied to this case because only one X chro-
CYP11B1 deficiency occurs in 1 in 100,000 live births. mosome is present. X-inactivated specific transcript (XIST)
However, in some populations the incidence is higher. For expresses RNAs that assist in maintaining an inactivated
example, in Israel, the incidence is 1 in 5000 births among state of one X chromosome in a 46,XX female.
Sephardic Jews. While uncommon in European women, this
deficiency is reportedly responsible for 15% of congenital Additional Self-assessment Questions can be Accessed
adrenal hyperplasia in Muslim and Jewish women. at www.StudentConsult.com
Population Genetics 12
and Medicine
CONTENTS interest in genetics, but the problem fascinated him as a
mathematical one. The solution ranks as one of the most
fundamental theorems in population genetics. As fate would
have it, Hardy’s formula was arrived at independently in
the same year (1908) by a physician, Wilhelm Weinberg,
and the well-known equation bears both their names.
Basic Algebraic Formula
Application of Hardy-Weinberg Theorem
Estimating the Frequency of Heterozygotes ●●● HARDY-WEINBERG EQUILIBRIUM
Significance of the Heterozygote
X-Linked Loci Basic Algebraic Formula
CONSANGUINITY AND RECESSIVE INHERITANCE Assume there are only two possible alleles, A and a, at a
particular locus on an autosome. In addition, assume the
General Aspects of Consanguinity frequency of the A allele in the population is designated “p,”
ASSORTATIVE MATING AND INBREEDING and “q” is the frequency of the a allele. Under these con-
ditions, p + q = 1, since this is the totality of these alleles
DNA TECHNOLOGY AND CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS in an individual within a population. The probability of
bringing two gametes bearing the A allele together is simply
p × p = p2. The chance of obtaining the aa genotype is q2, and
the chance of obtaining Aa is 2pq. The “2” in 2pq derives
from the fact that there are two ways of forming the hetero-
zygote, since each allele can be contributed to the zygote
Prior chapters have focused on variations within DNA mol- either through the egg or through the sperm.
ecules that lead to disease. Oftentimes, specific variations are The simplest case for understanding gene expression is the
identified within particular populations at a greater frequency gene with only two alleles; however, as discussed in great
than in other populations. Many examples have been given detail in prior chapters, any change in DNA at a locus results
in which groups such as the Ashkenazi Jews, whites of north- in a new allele, making the possibilities seemingly endless.
ern European ancestry, or black populations have a propen- Though Hardy and Weinberg developed this formula prior to
sity for specific disorders. Understanding DNA variations by a proper appreciation of alleles, only two alleles are consid-
combining the study of populations with advancing molecular ered at a time and the formula still has applicability.
diagnostics is leading to a better understanding of gene action An important factor that influences the genetic composi-
and the development of disease. tion of a population is the system of mating among individu-
als. The simplest scheme of breeding activity in a population
is referred to as random mating (or panmixia), wherein any
●●● HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE one individual has an equal chance of pairing with any other
At the turn of the 20th century, an intriguing question was individual. Random mating does not imply promiscuity; it
posed to the English geneticist R. C. Punnett. He was asked simply means that those who choose each other as mating
to explain the prevalence of blue eyes in humans in view partners do not do so on the basis of similarity or dissimilar-
of the acknowledged fact that the blue-eyed condition was ity in a given trait or gene.
a recessive characteristic. Would the dominant brown-eyed The absence of preferential mating in a population has
trait in time supplant the blue-eyed state in the human interesting consequences. The gametes in a panmictic popula-
population? The answer was not self-evident, and Punnett tion are mixed at random. Each gamete carries either A or a.
sought out his colleague Godfrey H. Hardy, an astute math- To predict the outcome of the random mixing of gametes, the
ematician at Cambridge University. Hardy had only a passing “Punnett square” is used (Fig. 12-1). This matrix essentially
210 Population Genetics and Medicine
rare. Recessive albinism may be used as an illustration. The albino individuals (aa) in a given generation will come
frequency of albinos is about 1 in 20,000 in human popula- from normally pigmented heterozygous parents.
tions. When the frequency of the homozygous recessive (q2) Detrimental recessive alleles in a population are unques-
trait is known, the frequency of the recessive allele (q) can tionably harbored mostly in the heterozygous state. As shown
be calculated, as follows: in Table 12-1, the frequency of heterozygous carriers is many
times greater than the frequency of homozygous individuals
1 afflicted with a trait. Thus, an extremely rare disorder such
q2 = = 0.00005
20, 000 as alkaptonuria (blackening of urine) occurs in 1 in 1 million
persons. One in 500 persons, however, carries this detrimen-
q = 0.00005 = 0.007 tal allele in the hidden state. There are 2000 times as many
= about 1/140 or 1 in 140 (frequency of recessive allele) genetic carriers of alkaptonuria as there are individuals
affected with this defect. For another recessive trait, cystic
The heterozygotes are represented by 2pq in the Hardy- fibrosis, 1 in 2500 individuals is affected with this homozy-
Weinberg formula. Accordingly, the frequency of heterozy- gous trait. One in 25 persons is a carrier of cystic fibrosis.
gous carriers of albinism can be calculated as follows: In modern genetic counseling programs, an important con-
sideration has been the development of simple, inexpensive
q = 0.007 means of detecting heterozygous carriers of inherited disor-
ders. Molecular diagnostic techniques have increased the
p+q =1 number of carrier screening programs available for at-risk
p = 1 − 0.007 = 0.993
2pq = 2(0.993 × 0.007) = 0.014 Natural Selection for a Heterozygote:
= about 1/ 70 (frequency of heterozygous carriers) Sickle Cell Trait
Sickle cell trait is a heterozygous condition for a specific
Thus, although 1 person in 20,000 is an albino (recessive mutation in hemoglobin that is called hemoglobin S (Hb S).
homozygote), about 1 person in 70 is a heterozygous carrier— The occurrence of this mutation overlaps the distribution of
or, there are 285 times as many carriers as affected individu- malaria in Africa and is an example of a heterozygous
als. The rarity of a recessive disorder does not signify a condition that conveys a survival advantage in areas where
comparable rarity of heterozygous carriers. In fact, when the malaria is endemic. Sickle trait cells, those with only one
frequency of the recessive gene is extremely low, nearly all mutant allele, generally undergo little sickling at normal O2
the recessive genes are in the heterozygous state. tension. Though some sickling will occur as O2 tension
lowers, it is not as much as in sickle cell anemia with two
mutant alleles and twice as much mutant hemoglobin.
Significance of the Heterozygote Plasmodium falciparum requires normal intracellular K+
concentration. With lower O2 tension in the cell, potassium
When the frequency of a detrimental recessive allele becomes
diffuses out. P. falciparum grows poorly in the lower than
very low, most affected offspring (aa) will come from mating normal O2 tension occurring in Hb S cells and dies because
of two heterozygous carriers (Aa). For example, in the of the inadequate O2 and reduced K+.
human population, the vast majority (>99%) of newly arising
212 Population Genetics and Medicine
Carrier Status Carrying Allele Carrier Status Carrying Allele WERE CARRIERS SUCH A MATING
(III-1) was born in the first marriage of the man (II-1) and the ●●● ASSORTATIVE MATING
woman (II-2). The man dies, and his brother (II-3) feels
obliged, as required by certain religious laws, to marry the
widow and assume responsibility for the family. The couple In some circumstances, mates are selected for characteristics
may ask the question: What are the chances that the second shared or not shared in common. These situations are referred
marriage will produce a child with PKU? Alternatively, what to as positive assortative mating and negative assortative
would be the chances of a phenylketonuric offspring if the mating, respectively. For those characteristics that are geneti-
widow were to marry instead an unrelated man (II-4) with cally determined, an increase in homozygosity will be
no family history of PKU? observed. This is not the same as inbreeding. Inbreeding
As Figure 12-3 suggests, the widow (II-2) and the late involves all loci on all chromosomes with a resulting increase
husband (II-1) are each heterozygous. The late husband’s in homozygosity at many loci; assortative mating affects only
brother (II-3) is phenotypically normal, but the probability is those characteristics that are similar. Examples are matings
1 in 2 that he harbors the recessive allele for phenylketonuria that occur between individuals with similar clinical conditions
(see Chapter 13, Recurrence Risk Assessment). This recessive such as dwarfism or congenital deafness.
allele was transmitted by one of his parents, either I-1 or I-2.
Both parents might have been heterozygous, but since the
trait is rare, it is more probable that only one parent was a
Individual probabilities may be categorized as follows:
● Chance that the widow (II-2) is a carrier = 1
Positive Assortative Mating
● Chance that the late husband’s brother (II-3) is a carrier
Positive assortative mating examples include selection of
= 1/2 mates for the following:
● Chance for a homozygous recessive child = 1/4
■ Intellectual ability
Thus, the total chance that a child of this marriage will be ■ Athletic talent
afflicted with PKU is ■ Physical characteristics
■ Parental income
1 × 1/ 2 × 1/ 4 = 1/ 8 ■ Place of birth
■ Home town
Similarly, suspected genetic disorders at most stages of 80% of cystic fibrosis results from a single mutation in the
development and detection can be evaluated with develop- CFTR gene. Different allele frequencies vary with different
ment of proper diagnostic tools for gene evaluation. Impor- populations. Using a panel to screen for the most common
tant to clinical application, these tools are most effective mutations in a single population may not adequately identify
when applied to single-gene disorders. For complex multifac- cystic fibrosis in other populations (Table 12-4). However, this
torial disease, DNA diagnostics is not recommended. same information may provide better diagnostic screening
within specific populations because of the propensity of spe-
cific mutations to occur within a population. It may not
BIOCHEMISTRY remove all doubt about a result, and false negatives may still
occur, but increased confidence occurs when specific muta-
Diagnosis of Sickle Cell Disease tions are known to occur. Likewise, for disorders with a high
A single nucleotide change in the normal β-globin allele incidence of spontaneous mutations, identifying the molecu-
produces a change in the amino acid conformation. lar defect with molecular techniques provides a tool for
■ An A-to-T mutation in the sixth codon results in a glutamic
testing a proband’s offspring. Even with the advent of and
acid–to-valine substitution. increased reliance on molecular DNA techniques, the Hardy-
■ The A-to-T mutation changes the CTGAGG enzyme
Weinberg theorem remains a powerful component of risk
recognition site, and a diagnostic test can be designed
analysis and family counseling.
with this information.
■ Mutation replaces a charged glutamic acid with an
■ Two commonly used genetic probability equations are: p + q =
1 and p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1. Variations in allele (q) and disease (q2)
Children frequencies are determined with these equations.
1 2 3 ■ These equations are most often used with autosomal recessive
GTG disorders because these are readily recognized as being q2
Beta-S (aa). For autosomal dominant disorders, it can be difficult to
GAG distinguish between homozygous (p2) and heterozygous (2pq)
Beta-A individuals.
■ For X-linked recessive disorders, q is the disease and allele fre-
quency in males. For X-linked disorders in females, the allele and
Limitations to the use of DNA diagnostics for single-gene disease frequencies may not be the same.
disorders occur when there are many alleles for a particular ■ Recessive disorders are often present in offspring from related
gene. The larger the gene, the more opportunities for muta- individuals. The more deleterious genes in common between a
tions to occur and the less likely an individual can be tested male and female, the more likely two deleterious alleles will occur
for all alleles. An example is cystic fibrosis, for which over in the offspring.
1500 mutations have been described (see Chapter 9). About
216 Population Genetics and Medicine
Modern Molecular 13
CONTENTS biology that is dictated by a unique set of alleles. As more is
revealed about how these alleles interact with each other and
the environment, specific treatments will be customized fol-
lowing genetic diagnosis. In this chapter, modern medicine in
Revised Diagnostic Paradigm its appropriate molecular context is discussed with a focus on
Molecular Genetic Techniques three essential areas: (1) the tools of molecular medicine;
Mutation Detection (2) the role of genetics in diagnosis, screening, and counseling;
and (3) molecular genetic approaches to treatment.
Patient interview
Family history
Pedigree analysis
Physical examination
Preliminary diagnosis
paradigms and investigative and diagnostic methodologies to physical examination, and supportive laboratory tests, a diag-
clinical practice. To do so requires an understanding of the nosis can typically be made. In the post–Human Genome
tools and approaches used in molecular medicine. These Project era, however, the diagnosis may be considered pre-
include the diagnostic paradigm, molecular genetic tech- liminary in some cases, with confirmation based on DNA-
niques used for diagnosis and prognosis, and an understand- based analysis or genetic testing. The association of a known
ing of the relevance of medical genetics to the modern health mutational or chromosomal variant with a disease phenotype
care system. confirms the diagnosis and may even provide prognostic
value if significant genotype-phenotype correlations are
documented. The importance of this portion of the modern
Revised Diagnostic Paradigm diagnostic paradigm is evidenced by the dramatic increase
For many years, a typical generalized paradigm for initial in genetic testing laboratories over the last 10 to 15 years,
patient-physician interaction has consisted of three central accompanied by the acceptance of insurance companies that
elements. First, the physician interviews the patient, paying molecular genetic diagnostics provides a high degree of accu-
special attention to the initial complaint. Questions generally racy and specificity.
focus on signs and symptoms and quality-of-life issues. A In the absence of a known pathogenic genetic variant, a
physical examination ensues, followed by the third element, physician may feel unsure of a clinical diagnosis. In this case,
laboratory testing, to assess either the functionality of organ it may be that the patient harbors a new, previously unchar-
systems or biochemical parameters in bodily fluids; typically acterized mutation. Such patients and families are the founda-
these include tests of blood, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid. tion for the discovery aspects of modern biomedicine. Hence,
Such inputs lead to a clinical diagnosis and an appropriate it is important that today’s physician realize the vital role of
standard of care. public and private research efforts to the biomedical enter-
In the current age of molecular medicine, however, addi- prise. By means of appropriate dialogue and approved
tional steps are added to this paradigm (Fig. 13-1). The first informed consent, the physician-patient axis can collaborate
part of the revised paradigm remains as described with one with medical geneticists and biochemists to discover new
important special emphasis. Given the genetic basis of most disease-causing mutations (Box 13-1). This, in turn, promotes
disease and the recent progress made in understanding robust genetic databases, new diagnostic capacity, and the
genetic predisposition, it is essential that physicians pay close possibility of novel or enhanced genotype-phenotype asso-
attention to family history and perform detailed pedigree ciations of interest to patient care.
analyses. Observations made here can provide important Finally, with the explosion of genetic information available
diagnostic clues. to the physician comes a responsibility to accurately convey
The remainder of the diagnostic algorithm requires addi- the implications of genetic findings to the patient. This indi-
tional input. Following the family history/patient interview, cates that genetic counseling should be added to the
Tools of Molecular Medicine 219
Elements of an Authorization
Core Elements Notice of the covered entity’s ability or inability to condition
The name(s) or other specific identification of person(s) or treatment, payment, enrollment, or eligibility for benefits
class of persons authorized to make the requested use or on the Authorization, including research-related treatment,
disclosure. and, if applicable, consequences of refusing to sign the
The name(s) or other specific identification of the Authorization.
person(s) or class of persons who may use the PHI or The potential for the PHI to be re-disclosed by the recipient
to whom the covered entity may make the requested and no longer protected by the Privacy Rule. This
disclosure. statement does not require an analysis of risk for
Description of each purpose of the requested use or re-disclosure but may be a general statement that the
disclosure. Researchers should note that this element Privacy Rule may no longer protect health information.
must be research study specific, not for future unspecified Optional Elements: Examples that may be relevant to the
research. recipient of protected health information.
Authorization expiration date or event that relates to the Your health information will be used or disclosed when
individual or to the purpose of the use or disclosure (the required by law.
terms “end of the research study” or “none” Your health information may be shared with a public health
may be used for research, including for the creation and authority that is authorized by law to collect or receive
maintenance of a research database or such information for the purpose of preventing or
repository). controlling disease, injury, or disability, and conducting
Signature of the individual and date. If the Authorization public health surveillance, investigations or interventions.
is signed by an individual’s personal representative, a No publication or public presentation about the research
description of the representative’s authority to act for the described above will reveal your identity without another
individual. authorization from you.
Required Elements If all information that does or can identify you is removed
The individual’s right to revoke his/her Authorization in from your health information, the remaining information
writing and either (1) the exceptions to the right to revoke will no longer be subject to this authorization and may be
and a description of how the individual may revoke used or disclosed for other purposes.
Authorization or (2) reference to the corresponding If you revoke this Authorization, you may no longer be
section(s) of the covered entity’s Notice of Privacy allowed to participate in the research described in this
Practices. Authorization.
*Provides comprehensive federal protection for the privacy of personal health information (PHI). Research organizations and researchers may or may not be
covered by the HIPAA Privacy Rule. (Data from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Human Research Protections, 45 CFR §164.508.)
is impossible to identify an individual fragment with many restriction endonuclease digestion or small, synthetic DNA
fragments resolved in the gel. The ability to visualize single oligonucleotides.
DNA fragments requires the addition of a DNA probe that A gene-specific probe is not hybridized to its complement
hybridizes specifically to the fragment of interest. A DNA in an agarose gel owing to the difficulty of working with the
probe is typically single stranded and complementary to the gel matrix itself. Instead, the fragmented DNA is transferred
gene or region of DNA interest. It is labeled with a fluorescent to a dry filter and the probe is added. This is the essence of
or radioactive tag so that the probe-target complex can be the Southern blot procedure (see Fig. 13-2). Specifically, fol-
detected. Probes can be DNA fragments purified from lowing gel electrophoresis, the DNA strands are denatured
Tools of Molecular Medicine 221
; dATP
120 130 140 150
B 0
Figure 13-4. DNA sequencing. A, Sequencing is diagrammed using radioactively or non-radioactively labeled deoxynucleotides.
DNA fragments of varying lengths are produced by the dideoxynucleotides and separated on a polyacrylamide gel. The sequence
is read from the top to the bottom of the gel. B, Four different fluorescent labels are used to tag the primer that is used in
dideoxynucleotide sequencing reactions, as shown in part A. The reaction products are then pooled and separated by capillary
electrophoresis. A laser-induced fluorescence detector monitors the signals in four spectral channels, which are plotted as four
colors corresponding to each base in the ladder. (Courtesy of NBII Program administered by the Biological Informatics Office of
the U.S. Geological Survey.)
224 Modern Molecular Medicine
:OJPKO site. This type of mutation can either abolish an existing rec-
ognition site or create a novel site. When this happens, it
O permits a mutation-specific test that can be used for diagnos-
:O JPKO tic purposes. Perhaps the best example of a mutation-specific
RFLP test is found in sickle cell anemia. As described in
Chapter 6, sickle cell anemia results from an A-to-T missense
:O JPKO mutation and the substitution of a valine for a glutamate at
the sixth amino acid of the β-globin polypeptide. This base
change affects the 5′-CCTNAGG-3′ (where N can be any
CH2 nucleotide) recognition site for the MstII restriction endo-
O nuclease because the central A is replaced by a T, rendering
a similar but different 5′-CCTNTGG-3′ sequence. MstII does
H H not recognize or cleave this altered DNA sequence. Hence,
sickle cell anemia patients differ from the normal population
by the loss of this particular restriction site, resulting in an
RFLP for sickle cell anemia. In the laboratory, this is recog-
(ddNTP) nized by means of agarose gel electrophoresis in which normal
individuals have two smaller DNA fragments that correspond
to the affected individual’s single, longer DNA fragment (Fig.
13-5). While specific and sensitive, this methodology is rela-
tively rare in practice because the majority of point mutations
do not alter a restriction endonuclease recognition site. As
seen in Chapter 6 and suggested earlier in this chapter, PCR
can also be used to amplify a fragment of interest for restric-
tion analysis. The fragment sizes may differ between genomic
Tools of Molecular Medicine 225
5 6 7 Codon number sequence T C G A T A G C
CCT–GAG–GAG Hemoglobin A Homoduplex
CCT–GTG–GAG Hemoglobin S A G C T A T C G
Normal oligo-
CCT–NAG–G Mst II site nucleotides
Mutant Heteroduplex
sequence T C G T A G C
Mst II Probe Mst II Mst II
Globin gene
1.15 kb
sequence T C G T A G C
B 1.35 kb Heteroduplex
Mutant oligo-
Mutant Homoduplex
sequence T C G T T A G C
subjected to complete or partial automated DNA sequence molecular genetics will grow more comprehensive as addi-
analysis. DNA sequencing is much more labor intensive and tional insights are made regarding genetic predisposition to
time consuming than the above methods if not automated, disease and the role of genetics in pharmaceutical efficacy.
but it is an excellent approach for the discovery of new or
rare mutations. This technique is so valuable that increased
technological developments have reduced the time and cost ●●● GENETIC TESTING
of sequencing; it is not unthinkable that samples currently AND SCREENING
referred to a research laboratory for evaluation will be
sequenced in a diagnostic laboratory in the near future.
Fundamentals of Genetic Testing
Currently, DNA-based tests exist for roughly 1500 diseases
Deletion Detection with about 900 in use in genetic laboratories. Clearly, genetic
Very small deletions, typically single-base deletions that testing for disease mutations and predispositions will have a
cause disease, may be screened for by means of the same greater impact on medicine as more genes are identified and
methodologies employed for point mutations. Larger dele- associated with pathology. DNA-based testing must have ana-
tions, however, require a different approach. PCR is ideal for lytical and clinical validity and utility. Analytical (laboratory)
detecting deletions in the 100-bp to 4-kb range, since primer validity, or efficiency, refers to the ability of a genetic test to
pairs amplify both a normal and mutated allele containing accurately indicate the genetic condition or genotype. It is
a deletion. Following PCR, DNA fragments are separated described by two elements—sensitivity and specificity (Table
by electrophoresis and compared with molecular weight 13-3). Sensitivity is a measure of how effective a particular
standards. Deleted alleles are obviously not as large as the test is at identifying the mutation or genotype of interest; it
nondeleted forms and are easily visualized. is also the detection rate for true-positive samples. Specificity
indicates how often a test identifies those samples that do not
Trinucleotide Repeat Expansion Detection have the mutation, which is the detection rate for true-
As described in Chapter 8, expansions of trinucleotide negative samples. To have value to the physician, gene tests
sequences are a relatively common genetic mechanism for must also have clinical validity or predictive value, defined
neurologic disease. Fragile X syndrome, Huntington disease, by the ability of a particular assay to detect disease. Positive
myotonic dystrophy, spinobulbar muscular atrophy, and predictive value reflects the percentage of all positive tests
Friedreich ataxia are all examples of disease caused by that are true positives; the converse is true for a negative
expanding trinucleotide repeats. This class of mutation poses predictive value. Again, sensitivity and specificity are rele-
a special challenge for diagnostics, as illustrated by fragile X vant. Here, clinical sensitivity refers to the proportion of
syndrome. Fragile X is due to an expansion of a CGG tri-
nucleotide in the 5′-untranslated region of the FMR1 gene. TABLE 13-3. Diagnostic Value of Tests Defined
Three classes of FMR1-associated CGG expansions are rec- by Sensitivity, Specificity, Predictive
ognized in the population: normal chromosomes contain Value, and Efficiency
between 5 and 50 repeats, premutation chromosomes contain
between 50 and 200 repeats, and full mutation chromosomes RESULTS OF A DIAGNOSTIC TEST
(affected individuals) feature 200 to 2000 CGG repeats. Dis-
tinguishing between these three allelic repeats seems, intui- PATIENT Test Positive Test Negative
tively, an ideal task for PCR. In practice, however, this is true
for normal and premutation alleles; PCR primers flank the Disease present True positive False negative
site of the CGG expansion and amplify the alleles. The same (TP) (FN)
is not always true for the full mutation because full mutation Disease absent False positive True negative
expansions can reach 6 kb in length, exceeding the size geno- (FP) (TN)
typing can be done on the basis of PCR alone. Thus, Southern
blotting is typically performed when fragile X syndrome is TP
Sensitivity (%) = × 100
suspected. In this case, a probe is used that hybridizes proxi- TP + FN
mal to the expanded region. In this way, very large expansions Specificity (%) = × 100
can be detected. The dividing line between use of PCR and TP
Southern blotting to size the repeat tract falls between 70 and Positive predictive = × 100
value (%) TP + FP
100 repeats. Southern blots cannot identify a precise repeat
size at the normal and low premutation ranges, but PCR is Negative predictive = × 100
value (%) FN + TN
unable to correctly identify repeat tracts over 70 to 100 units.
It is important to note that DNA diagnostics pervades the Test efficiency = × 100
(percentage of TP + TN + FP + FN
entirety of the health care system today. A large number of
laboratories utilizing genetic techniques now exist and stand times the test
provides a correct
as a testament to the ubiquity of genetic defects in medicine.
answer per total
Even in rural or remote settings, samples are sent to a labora- number)
tory for DNA analysis. The association between medicine and
Genetic Testing and Screening 227
people who have a particular disease that tested positive for and presymptomatic diagnosis and intervention. Many of the
a causal mutation while clinical specificity indicates the pro- disorders identified in the newborn have been discussed else-
portion of people who do not have a particular disorder and where. Many do not present in the newborn with an obvious
have tested negative for the associated gene mutation. Both disease phenotype, and a highly specific and sensitive genetic
sensitivity and specificity are measured by comparing the test is ideal for early detection of disease genotypes. Certain
genetic test results with those obtained from a separate, defin- other disorders such as sickle cell anemia and congenital
itive diagnostic test, such as a biochemical assay. The clinical adrenal hyperplasia seem to be excellent candidates for
utility of a DNA-based test refers to its ability to be useful population-based newborn screening. However, because of a
to the clinician. In other words, a genetic test is useful only lowered incidence or suboptimal treatment paradigms even
if it clearly provides value to the diagnosis, prognosis, treat- with early intervention, such diseases are not included in
ment, or prevention of a disease. some newborn screening programs. Occasionally, newborn
DNA-based tests have two overarching utilities: genetic genetic screens are performed in certain regions of the world
testing and genetic screening. Genetic testing generally refers where they have a high incidence. For example, cystic fibrosis
to the confirmation or establishment of a diagnosis within a is one of the most common autosomal recessive diseases
patient or family that has a clear disease phenotype and found in people of Northern and Western European origin.
family history. In this instance, a gene test is usually an effort In these populations, the incidence of cystic fibrosis ranges
focused on an individual or family and on a single gene. from 1 in 2000 to 1 in 2500. Hence, several of these countries
Genetic screening, in contrast, is a population-based approach have instituted a DNA-based newborn screening procedure
that attempts to identify presymptomatic individuals in the to detect affected infants. Because there is no effective dietary
population who harbor disease-associated genetic variants. or pharmacologic treatment for cystic fibrosis, the expectation
Genetic screening includes such important concepts as het- is that early prophylactic treatment, such as physical therapy
erozygote carrier identification, newborn screening, prenatal and antibiotic administration, will improve the quality of life.
diagnostics, and presymptomatic testing for late-onset disor- A similar approach and rationale are being utilized in Africa
ders or disease predisposition. Hence, DNA-based screens for the early detection of sickle cell anemia.
have a significant public health component, whereas genetic
testing typically refers to an individual or family. Since genetic Heterozygote Carrier Screening
testing is a fairly straightforward concept, the following As disease databases grow and DNA-based assays continue
discussion centers on the principles of genetic screens. to be developed and optimized, the feasibility of carrier
screening for autosomal recessive diseases in adults has
increased. Here, the purpose is not to identify individuals at
Genetic Screening risk for disease development but rather individuals who are
In general, the feasibility and utility of genetic screening in a at risk for passing on deleterious alleles to their children.
population is greatly enhanced when certain criteria are met Hence, this type of genetic screen seeks to inform and educate
in three general areas: disease characteristics, diagnostic test healthy individuals regarding reproductive risks. Such screens
features, and the capacity of the health care system. Diseases are most effective when coupled with genetic counseling and
subject to genetic screens should be reasonably common, well prenatal diagnostic options.
characterized, severe enough to warrant population screening, Heterozygote screening makes the most sense when an
and treatable or preventable.The genetic test itself should have autosomal recessive disease is present at a relatively high
laboratory and clinical validity and be inexpensive and rapid frequency in the population. Owing to the high incidence of
enough to promote widespread use (see Table 4-2). Finally, the recessive disorders in certain subpopulations, carrier screen-
health care system itself should be prepared for the treatment ing is therefore most effective among particular ethnic groups
of the disease, including providing accessible therapeutic that harbor a high deleterious allele frequency (see Chapter
resources, counseling services, and educational programs. 12). Tay-Sachs disease is perhaps the most striking example
It is important to note that not all genetic screens are tests of this in the Ashkenazi Jewish population. Tay-Sachs disease
for mutations. Biochemical tests are available that can indi- (see Chapter 8) is a severe autosomal recessive neurologic
cate whether a particular gene is defective. Examples include disease that results in childhood death. It occurs commonly
the Guthrie test for hyperphenylalanine levels and the cre- in the Ashkenazi Jewish population, where the frequency of
atine kinase assay for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. heterozygotes is approximately 1 in 30, reflecting the high
However, PCR-based, mutation-specific assays are being risk in this subpopulation and suggesting that carrier testing
increasingly utilized, since they are typically rapid, noninva- has significant value to individuals of reproductive age. In
sive, inexpensive, and accurate. Examples of DNA-based fact, genetic testing for Tay-Sachs in the Ashkenazi Jewish
genetic screening include cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anemia. population has been a resounding success. Since 1970, such
testing performed either by biochemical assay or direct DNA
Newborn Genetic Screening testing has resulted in a 90% decrease in the incidence of
Genetic testing in the newborn represents a tremendous this disease in North America in this subpopulation. The
opportunity for disease intervention, provided the above majority of individuals born with Tay-Sachs disease now are
criteria are met. In newborn screening, it is particularly rel- of non–Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry. This decrease in incidence
evant that a disorder be prevented or ameliorated by early more accurately represents the combined effects of education,
228 Modern Molecular Medicine
TABLE 13-5. Examples of Diseases for Which Somatic Cell Gene Therapy Protocols Are Being Tested
Adenosine deaminase deficiency Lymphocytes, bone marrow stem cells Adenosine deaminase
Cystic fibrosis Bronchial epithelium CFTR
Duchenne muscular dystrophy Myoblasts Dystrophin
Familial hypercholesterolemia Hepatocytes LDL receptor
Fanconi anemia Hematopoietic stem cells FANCC
Gaucher disease Macrophages Glucocerebrosidase
Hemophilia B Hepatocytes, fibroblasts Factor IX
improvement. Other criteria for ideal candidates for gene harmful immunologic response, easily produced, and direct-
therapy include: able to the appropriate target cell, and it has a long half-life.
1. Single-gene defect Although no current vector system meets all these criteria,
2. Well-characterized sequence and regulatory elements viral vectors are easy to manipulate and can deliver DNA
3. Significant morbidity and mortality (i.e., there is a rea- to target cells and thus may be considered reasonable
sonable risk-benefit ratio) vectors. Three main classes of viral vectors are in use today:
4. Cells that are experimentally accessible and otherwise retroviruses, adenoviruses, and adeno-associated viruses
represent adequate target cells (Table 13-6).
Stem cells are ideal for many gene therapy procedures, Retroviral vectors are derived from RNA viruses that can
since an introduced gene may have high replicative potential integrate their genomes into the host cell chromosomal DNA
and be distributed in a large number of differentiated daugh- after making a DNA copy from their RNA genome using
ter cells. Bone marrow stem cells, in particular, provide an reverse transcriptase. This integration process is efficient and
excellent opportunity for hematologic disease treatment stable. These vectors are genetically engineered so that they
because they are relatively well characterized and can be are rendered incapable of infection by removal of most of the
cultured. Diseases such as thalassemia and sickle cell anemia, virus’s genome. For a given disease, the “corrected” gene of
and perhaps certain metabolic disorders, are good candidates choice replaces the removed viral DNA, and retroviruses are
for bone marrow therapies because marrow cells can be capable of containing up to 8 kb of exogenous DNA. This size,
altered to express an appropriate gene product for delivery while appreciable, limits the utility of retroviral vectors in that
to relevant tissues via the circulatory system. Typically, the cDNAs of large genes, such as the gene responsible for Duch-
transfer of genes into cells relies on either a viral or nonviral enne muscular dystrophy, cannot be inserted into these
vector. vectors. The inserted gene typically includes regulatory
sequences such as promoter elements and polyadenylation
Gene Transfer Procedures signals. Because the vectors cannot replicate, they must be
Theoretically, gene therapy can be applied to either somatic introduced into packaging cell lines. These cell lines have
or germline cells. However, because treating somatic cells been infected with a retrovirus that lacks the virion packaging
yields clinical improvement in the patient and because techni- signals. Such cells make many viral proteins, but no virus
cal and ethical concerns have limited protocols that alter the particles can be formed. An introduced vector (sometimes
genes of gametes, the much more common somatic cell gene termed a “helper virus”) contains the packaging proteins, and
therapy is discussed here. thus the combination of vector and packaging cell lines pro-
The goal of somatic cell gene therapy is to improve or vides all proteins necessary for the production of infectious
cure a genetic defect within a patient’s somatic cells. To do particles. These particles—containing the therapeutic DNA of
so, two general approaches may be utilized. First, an ex interest yet still incapable of replication—are used to transfect
vivo approach involves the isolation and culturing of cells the target cells. Following transfection, the introduced DNA
from the patient. A corrected or altered gene construct is inserts into the target cell’s genome and is expressed by
added to these cells, and the cells are reintroduced to the normal mechanisms.
patient. Second, an in vivo approach features the direct Retroviral vectors have two potential drawbacks. First, they
injection of a gene into a resident tissue or organ. In either only infect replicating cells and are therefore not a viable
case, the gene of interest requires a vector to facilitate its option for certain target cell types such as neurons or skeletal
journey to—and entry into—the appropriate target cell. muscle. Second, because retroviruses integrate into the host
genome randomly, the possibility exists for random inser-
Viral Vectors for Gene Transfer tional mutagenesis whereby a functional allele is inactivated
Vectors serve as the vehicle for entry of a gene into the or an inactive allele is activated, leading to consequences of
cell. A perfect vector is safe with no adverse reactions or this change.
Genetic Approaches to Treatment 231
encapsulated in a liposome (a lipid bilayer that can fuse with drug sensitivity has a genetic basis that is reflected in altered
cell membranes), protein-DNA conjugates that can be tar- erythrocyte metabolism. Another drug, succinylcholine, is
geted to particular cell receptors, and artificial chromosomes used during anesthesia to induce muscle paralysis. The extent
(Table 13-8). Artificial chromosomes may represent the future of paralysis may last from a few minutes to a few hours in
of gene therapy vectors. They are synthetic constructs that different individuals given the same dose. This difference
contain the minimal functional elements of a chromosome, results from the altered kinetics of pseudocholinesterase and
including centromere and telomeres. These constructs can is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner.
incorporate up to 10 Mb of DNA, meaning that very large
pieces of exogenous DNA can be introduced to a cell by this
Gene Replacement Versus Uses of Succinylcholine
Gene Silencing Succinylcholine, also known as scoline or suxamethonium
chloride, is composed of two linked acetylcholine molecules.
Gene replacement techniques are unlikely to be efficacious
It imitates the action of acetylcholine at neuromuscular
for diseases occurring from either a dominant negative or junctions but causes prolonged opening of the
gain-of-function genetic mechanism. In these cases, the goal acetylcholinesterase receptor channels, leading to
becomes to silence or reduce the expression of the pathogenic depolarization of the membrane. Initially, repetitive muscle
gene. Three general approaches are being developed in this excitation and tremors occur, followed by relaxation
context. First, antisense oligonucleotide therapy involves the secondary to inactivation of Na+ channels. Succinylcholine
introduction of a short, synthetic DNA oligonucleotide that is degraded by pseudocholinesterase, rather than
is complementary to the abnormal mRNA into a cell. The acetylcholinesterase, but at a much slower rate.
oligonucleotide is considered antisense relative to the mRNA, Succinylcholine is used for short-term muscle relaxation
and binding of the antisense oligonucleotide to the target during anesthesia. It does not produce unconsciousness or
anesthesia itself but is used to produce sustained muscle
mRNA hinders or eliminates translation of that mRNA.
relaxation, or flaccid paralysis, after unconsciousness—a
The effect of this action is decreased expression of the
condition that is useful in certain types of surgery when it is
disease gene. important to prevent contraction and excitation of muscles.
Second, ribozyme therapy is being developed to disable
target mRNAs. Ribozymes are autocatalytic RNA molecules
that cleave RNA targets, including mRNA. It is possible to
produce ribozymes that are specific for a particular nucleo-
tide sequence context. This means that ribozymes can be PHARMACOLOGY & NEUROSCIENCE
introduced that cleave the mRNA of disease genes but not of Opioids
normal copies.
Opioids interact with receptors for three families of
Finally, RNA interference (RNAi) uses RNA molecules for
endogenous peptides: endorphins, enkephalins, and
posttranscriptional gene silencing (Fig. 13-7). Specifically,
dynorphins. There are three major classes (with several
small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are used to block mRNAs subclasses) of opioid receptors in the central nervous
of disease genes. In a procedure similar to the DNA-based system: μ, κ, and δ. Opioids, in minute doses, excite
antisense approach described above, siRNAs are short RNA neurons in the periaqueductal gray matter and nucleus
oligonucleotides that are introduced into cells in the more reticularis paragigantocellularis. Descending pathways
stable form of double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs). The dsRNAs from the midbrain have an inhibitory effect mediated by
are processed into the single-stranded siRNAs by a multisub- 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), enkephalins, and noradrenaline
unit protein complex called the RNA-induced silencing on pain transmission from the dorsal horn. Opioids can also
complex (RISC). siRNAs can base-pair with mRNAs of a inhibit pain directly at the dorsal horn and inhibit peripheral
target gene and mediate either mRNA degradation or trans- nociceptive afferent neurons.
Morphine is an opioid that relieves pain by interfering with
lational arrest. siRNAs as small as nine nucleotides can attain
the sensation of pain. It interacts with δ and κ receptors
great target specificity. As with all gene therapy approaches,
weakly but is a powerful agonist at the μ opiate receptors in
delivery of siRNAs to the appropriate cell and stable, long- the central nervous system. Manifestations of morphine and
lasting expression of siRNAs are areas of major concern and heroin include analgesia, euphoria, respiratory depression,
research effort. and dependence.
Pharmacogenomics and
Individualized Medicine To better illustrate that genes determine drug effects,
Though most consider pharmacogenomics a recent applica- codeine is considered. This drug is one of many that are con-
tion of genetic understanding, the concepts are not that verted by members of the P-450 protein family to other
recent. Recall that some African Americans have an acute forms. In the liver, codeine is metabolized by CYP2D6 to
hemolytic crisis when given primaquine (see Chapter 6). This morphine. There are allelic variations in the CYP2D6 gene,
Genetic Approaches to Treatment 233
TABLE 13-7. Comparison between Viral and TABLE 13-8. Comparison among Several
Nonviral Gene Delivery Nonviral Vectors
RNase H
Figure 13-7. Examples of posttranscriptional gene silencing tools. Four common approaches for targeting mRNA to induce
posttranscriptional gene silencing and their corresponding mechanism of action. (Modified with permission from Kukreck J:
Antisense technologies. Eur J Biochem 2003;270:1628–1644.)
resulting in poor metabolism, extensive metabolism, and production of morphine. These latter individuals are more
ultrametabolism. In about 10% of the Caucasian population, likely to experience adverse effects and toxicity with
homozygosity occurs for alleles that are either nonfunctional any standard dose of codeine. The best scenario is those
or have very little function, and in these individuals codeine individuals who have extensive metabolism and gain pain
does not metabolize to morphine. There are also individuals relief without incurring risk for toxicity. Of course, once the
having ultrametabolism of codeine, resulting in an increased genotype is determined for an individual, physicians will
234 Modern Molecular Medicine
recognize which patients require less codeine, the ultrametab- record. Once high-density SNP maps spanning the genome
olizers, and those who require a different drug, the poor are completed, the next step is correlating individual or
metabolizers. Since there are at least 29 polymorphisms for groups of SNPs with disease efficacy and adverse events. With
the CYP2D6 gene, this and other P-450 genes are attractive this genetic prescreen, drugs can be prescribed that are tai-
candidates for microarray analysis (see below). Determining lored not only to the disorder but also to the individual
individual genotypes for P-450 genes, responsible for clearing genetic signature, leading to more personalized or individual-
over half of the drugs introduced to the body, provides physi- ized medicine.
cians with powerful information to anticipate and avoid The potential benefits of pharmacogenomics are not limited
potentially lethal drug interactions. to individually tailored drug therapy. Other benefits include
The clinical utility of the Human Genome Project is also more accurate dosing information (determined by a person’s
apparent with the development of another tool to identify genetics rather than height and weight), rapid drug design,
and quantitate a high density of genetic polymorphisms. acceleration of drug discovery and approval, and overall
Single nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNPs, span populations decreased health care costs.
and racial and ethnic groups. Not all changes in nucleotides
are classified as SNPs; an SNP is defined as two or more
nucleotides represented at a particular site that are present
in at least 1% of the population. SNPs may occur outside a
gene or have an effect on protein function, as do many point A key goal for medical geneticists is the development of rapid,
mutations. SNPs are classified as linked, causative, coding, accurate, and inexpensive methods for genetic diagnosis,
and noncoding (Fig. 13-8). prognosis, and disease susceptibility prediction. Many such
SNP maps are being developed in large genetic databases protocols, including mass spectroscopy and nanoparticle tech-
(Fig. 13-9). With this foundation, an individual’s SNP geno- nology, are under development. However, DNA microarray
type can be determined, although this can be a slow and analysis represents a viable diagnostic and prognostic tool
expensive process. The advent of DNA microarrays for DNA that is already of clinical value and is rapidly becoming an
sequencing and mutation detection, however, holds the industry standard in genetic medicine.
promise for making individualized SNP surveys rapid and
inexpensive. It is not inconceivable that, in the near future,
personal SNP profiles will be a standard part of the medical
Microarray Analysis
DNA-based diagnostic procedures have traditionally relied
on the analysis of a single gene or a small group of
genes. However, new technology permits the simultaneous
Linked SNPs
measurement of thousands of gene sequences or changes in
Outside gene
gene expression. This technology is termed DNA microarray
Also called indicative SNPs
May correlate to drug
analysis; it is also known as DNA array or gene chip analysis
response or certain disease (Fig. 13-10). This is a hybridization-based technique that
No effect on protein involves a nucleic acid probe hybridizing to a target nucleic
production or function acid. The targets are small pieces of DNA that are spotted
in grid-like fashion on a small glass, nylon, or plastic slide,
or “chip.” This DNA can be gene fragments, cDNAs, or syn-
Causative SNPs thesized oligonucleotides. Key to this technology is that the
Inside gene grid contains thousands of target DNAs, each with its own
May correlate with disease Regulatory
or response to treatment sequences position on the grid. Typical arrays contain 10,000 to 20,000
genes per chip, and these gene targets are “spotted” using
Noncoding SNP technology derived from the semiconductor microelectronics
Changes amount of protein
industry. To begin to see the utility of this methodology,
Gene recall that the entire human genome contains approximately
Coding SNP 23,000 genes. The probe sequences are either DNA fragments
Changes amino acid sequence or cDNAs derived from a control (or normal) and experi-
mental (or disease) cell type. Probes are typically labeled
with a fluorescent tag such that, following hybridization with
region a microarray chip, probe-target hybrids are indicated by a
scanning detection system featuring lasers, cameras, and a
computer that can identify precisely which spots on the grid
mRNA yield a hybridization signal. The collection of positive hybrid-
ization signals on the grid results in a “molecular signature”
Figure 13-8. Classification of SNPs. Not all SNPs are that can be useful for the two current primary clinical uses
disease causing, but they can be informative in forming for microarray technology: gene expression profiling and
genotypic signatures. mutation detection.
New Diagnostic Approaches 235
Figure 13-9. SNP map of chromosome 15. Approximately 99.9% of DNA sequences are identical between individuals. Over
80% of the remaining 0.1% of sequences differ at single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). (Redrawn with permission from NCI
Cancer Genome Anatomy Project. Available at: http://gai.nci.nih.gov/html-snp/imagemaps.html.)
Prepare microarray
Gene Expression Profiling
Prepare cDNA probe
The use of DNA microarrays is a method to study gene
"Normal" Tumor expression. For example, it may be of interest to compare
gene expression profiles for a particular tissue in normal and
diseased states. In this application, gene chips are made in
which the target DNA typically consists of thousands of
Label with cDNAs. The probes may be cDNAs derived from the mRNAs
fluorescent dyes
from the normal and diseased tissue. Probe cDNAs from the
normal tissue would be labeled with a particular fluorescent
tag (red, for example), and cDNAs from diseased tissue would
Microarray on
glass, be labeled with a different fluorescent tag (green, for example).
Combine equal
nylon, or The “red” and “green” cDNA probes would be washed over
plastic chip the gene chip during the hybridization step. Encountering its
complementary target, a probe forms a hybrid, and this is
indicated as a “positive” hybridization by the scanner. Com-
Hybridize probe
to microarray Scan puter software calculates the relative amounts of the red and
green signal at each address or spot on the grid. Such a ratio
represents the relative amount of mRNA expression of that
Figure 13-10. Gene expression analysis using microarray gene in the normal and the diseased tissue. In other words, a
technology. Colors detected by the scanner reflect expression given address on the target grid may give a strong red signal
and level of expression in normal and tumor samples. indicating strong mRNA expression in normal tissue and
236 Modern Molecular Medicine
Haplotype 1 C T G A C T A A G T A C C G A
Haplotype 2 C T G A C T A A G T A C C T A
Haplotype 3 C T G A C T A G G T A C C G A
Haplotype 4 C T G A C T A G G T A C C T A
Haplotype 5 C C G A C T A A G T A C C G A
Haplotype 6 C C G A C T A A G T A C C T A
Haplotype 7 C C G A C T A G G T A C C G A
Haplotype 8 C C G A C T A G G T A C C T A
Figure 13-11. Single nucleotide polymorphisms. A, Three 2-nucleotide changes (SNPs) shown for one of two complementary
DNA strands. B, Possible combinations of SNPs lead to eight possible haplotypes (23). A child inherits one haplotype from each
parent, yielding a SNP profile that may be associated with a particular phenotype.
weak expression in diseased tissue, a strong green signal Gene Chips and Mutation Detection
indicating high expression levels in the diseased tissue, a One of the first uses of microarray technology was the iden-
yellow signal indicating expression of the gene in both normal tification of point mutations. This type of array detects genetic
and diseased tissue, or a black signal indicating no expression variation among humans, as seen with SNPs. Microarrays can
in either tissue type. When all gene targets on the chip grid also detect specific disease-causing mutations, such as the
are considered, an expression signature for a given disease spectrum of mutations that cause PKU or cystic fibrosis. In
state is demonstrated. An illustration of this application is the latter example, the DNA targets on the array grid repre-
shown in Chapter 5 (see Fig. 5-26). sent pieces of DNA that contain all known or relevant varia-
In Chapter 5, comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) tions of a gene or genes; such variations may include either
was introduced as a cytogenetic technique that can be used benign polymorphisms or disease variants or both. This means
to demonstrate changes in chromosome content, as illustrated that adjacent addresses on the grid represent the same gene
with double minutes and heterogeneous staining regions (see but differ by as little as a single base pair. For example, a gene
Fig. 5-9). This same concept can be used with microarray chip to perform genetic diagnosis for phenylalanine hydroxy-
analysis by placing genomic DNAs on a slide or support lase (PAH)–associated hyperphenylalaninemia contains many
rather than cDNAs or DNAs as described above. The genomic oligonucleotide or cDNA targets representing all known
DNAs are selected clones, often bacterial artificial chromo- genetic variants of the PAH gene. Probes are generated by
some (BAC) DNA clones, representing the physical genomic isolating DNA from a patient, followed by PCR amplification
map. These microarrays are referred to as aCGH (array com- of the patient’s PAH gene that also incorporates a fluorescent
parative genomic hybridization). For each gene, the ratio of tag in the probe. The probe is then applied to the chip and
red to green fluorescence corresponds to the ratio of DNA hybridizes and fluoresces with only the grid address corre-
copy number of that gene in the tumor sample compared with sponding to the patient’s PAH mutation. In this way, mutation
the normal sample. Since each clone represents a known detection is rapid and comprehensive.
region of a chromosome and complex computer software will There is also clinical utility in the identification of SNP
identify the region of chromosomes with copy number altera- patterns. As discussed above, SNPs are benign single nucleo-
tions, this technique provides high resolution for detecting tide polymorphisms. Typically, SNPs are base changes without
chromosomal alterations, amplifications, deletions, and loss pathology. Several thousand SNPs have been identified in
and gain. humans, and more are being added to genetic databases every
Questions 237
week. Accordingly, and using the above method, gene chips ●●● QUESTIONS
have been produced that can test individual genomes for the
presence or absence of the known SNPs. This produces an 1. The high rate of prostate cancer in African American
SNP signature and can indicate collections of SNPs, or hap- males prompted investigation of an at-home PSA
lotypes, that consistently occur together (Fig. 13-11). An indi- (prostate-specific antigen) screening kit with 12,000
vidual SNP or a SNP haplotype may be associated with male volunteers over the age of 45. Of these, 3360
individuals had PSA levels greater than 4.0 ng/mL,
certain disease states via genetic linkage. In this case, rapid
and in 8640 individuals, PSA levels were less than
and accurate microarray analysis reveals a haplotype or SNP
4.0 ng/mL. Each participant then consented to have
signature predicting disease predisposition. As discussed
a blood sample drawn to compare the results.
above, SNP profiling will also greatly enhance the ability to
use genetic signatures for the determination of drug choice,
as SNP genotypes will—for a given drug—predict efficacy PSA LEVELS CONFIRMED AT
and adverse reactions on an individual basis. 4.0 ng/mL OR GREATER
Within the near future, most human genes will be character- Positive screening test 2400 960
ized regarding location in the genome, sequence, and func- (≥4.0 ng/mL)
tional identity.At the same time, molecular genetic technology Negative screening test 600 8040
will advance to a point where it will be routine to ascertain (<4.0 ng/mL)
an individual’s collection of disease and disease predisposition
alleles as well as benign SNPs. These data will permit a more
What is the sensitivity of the screening test?
precise form of medicine—one that is specific to an individu-
al’s unique genetic profile. Genetic predispositions will be A. 23%
identified, and DNA-based diagnostics will be routine. Knowl- B. 71%
edge of genetic risks will allow individual presymptomatic C. 80%
opportunities for disease intervention including lifestyle D. 87%
change. Intelligent and rational drug design will be the norm, E. 89%
since it will be based on integrated genetic and biochemical Answer. A
signatures. Gene therapy is emerging as a permanent curative Explanation: Sensitivity is the number of actual positives
approach in the treatment of both inherited and noninherited that are correctly identified. PSA levels tend to increase with
disease. Hence, it is unlikely to be an exaggeration to state that age, with normal values generally less than 4.0 ng/mL. In
today is the dawn of the new age of molecular medicine. this case, the question becomes what percentage of indi-
viduals who have PSA levels greater than 4.0 ng/mL were
also determined using the home testing kit to have an ele-
KEY CONCEPTS vated PSA. The true positives (TP) and false negatives (FN)
■ Molecular tools can be applied to almost any aspect of biomedi- are 2400 and 8040, respectively. To determine sensitivity:
cal research. Application to diagnostics is increasing. [TP/(TP + FN)] × 100 = 23%.
■ New applications of molecular techniques to diagnostics and
therapies are often in research protocols and clinical trials. Additional Self-assessment Questions can be Accessed
Informed consent for these studies differs from that given for at www.StudentConsult.com
treatment already approved and used in daily practice. Informed
consent is an ongoing process. Case Studies and Case Study Answers are available
■ HIPAA authorization for research protocols and clinical trials may online on Student Consult www.StudentConsult.com
be incorporated into informed consent documents.
■ Genetic screening is used for diseases that are reasonably
common, well characterized, severe, and treatable or
■ Criteria for genetic screening include disease characteristics,
diagnostic test features, and health care system capacity.
■ Clinical tests must demonstrate acceptable sensitivity, specificity,
predictive value, and efficiency.
■ Genetic counseling is a knowledge-based interaction between
patients and health care providers.
■ Gene therapy targets somatic cells and not germ cells. There-
fore, a successful therapy is limited to the individual affected and
not offspring.
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Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate Adenomatous polyposis, familial (FAP), 76t, Ambiguous genitalia, 207–208, 207f
figures; those followed by t indicate tables; 80–81, 80f Ameloblasts, 118b
and those followed by b indicate boxed Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC), 81b Amenorrhea, 196b
material. Adenosine (A), 1–2, 2b, 3f AMH (antimüllerian hormone), 17b,
Adenosine deaminase deficiency, 64t, 230t 194–195, 194f, 204
A S-Adenosylmethionine (SAM), 58, 58b, AMH gene, 194f
A (adenosine), 1–2, 2b, 3f 154–155 AMI (acute myocardial infarction), 160b
A-form DNA, 1b Adenoviruses, 172, 231, 231t Amino acid(s), 54b
AAT. See α1-Antitrypsin (AAT) Adoption studies, 148 essential, 54b
AAT gene, 172–173, 172t Adrenal gland nonessential, 54b
AAVs (adeno-associated viruses), 231, anatomy of, 205b plasma increase in, 58b
231b, 231t, e40 development of, 195b triplet coding of, 4, 6b
ABL oncogene, 25, 71t, 72–73, 72f–73f, e3 evaluation of, 206b urinary, 56b
ABO blood group, 32b, 93–94, 94t, 95f, steroidogenesis in, 205, 205f Amino acid motifs, 193b
113 Adrenal hyperplasia, congenital (CAH), Aminoacidopathies, 54–60
Bombay phenotype of, 95–96, 113 207–208, 207f, 207t, e34–e35, e35 of homocystine metabolism, 58–60, 59f
genotypes/phenotypes of, 93–94, 94t, 96, mild, 207 of phenylalanine metabolism, 54–57, 55f,
96t Adrenal hypoplasia congenita (AHC), 195 56t–57t
incompatibility in, 94t, 96–97 α-Adrenergic blockers, in long QT of tyrosine metabolism, 55f, 57–58
inheritance of, 96, 96t syndrome, 167 γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), 154b
molecular genetics of, 94–96 Adrenocortical steroidogenesis, disorders of, Amplification
soluble antigens of, 96 205–208, 205f, 207f–208f, 207t gene, 73–74, 75f
ABPs (androgen-binding proteins), 17b Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), 204 triplet repeat, 35–37, 37f
Acanthosis nigricans, 11, 124b, e25 Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) Amyloid β-peptide, 149
Acatalasia, 211t stimulation test, 206b Amyloid plaques, 148–149
Aceruloplasminemia, 188, e28 Adult hemoglobin A (Hb A), 32, 32b, 103, β-Amyloid precursor protein (APP) gene,
Acetyl-CoA carboxylase, 62 103f, 105f, 106t 149
Acetyl-CoA:α-glucosaminide AFP (α-fetoprotein), e3 Analytical validity, 226–227
N-acetyltransferase deficiency, 143f, Africans, iron overload among, 187b Anaphase
143t, 144 Aganglionic megacolon. See Hirschsprung of meiosis, 17
α1,3-N-Acetylgalactosamyl transferase, 32b disease of mitosis, 15, 16f
N-Acetylglucosamine-6-sulfatase deficiency, Agglutination reaction, 93 Anaphase lag, 21–22
143f, 143t, 144 AHC (adrenal hypoplasia congenita), 195 Andersen syndrome, 165t, 167
α-N-Acetylglucosaminidase deficiency, 143f, AHC gene, 194f Androgen-binding proteins (ABPs), 17b
143t, 144 AIS (androgen insensitivity syndrome), 204 Androgen insensitivity syndrome,
aCGH (array comparative genomic AKAP9 gene, 165t 204
hybridization), 236 Albinism, 29b, 31, 55f Androgen receptor, 204, 204b
Achondroplasia, 122–125, 123f, 132, e19 carrier for, 211t Androgen replacement, 200b
autosomal inheritance of, 29, 29b classic (oculocutaneous), 57, e9 Androgen synthesis, 202, 203f
clinical manifestations of, 29, 122, 123f Aldosterone, 205b Anemia
epidemiology of, 29, 122 Alkaptonuria, 51–52, 51f, 55f, 64 Fanconi, gene therapy in, 230t
FGFR3 gene in, 123–125, 124f–125f carrier for, 211, 211t hemolytic, 98–102, 98b
mitochondrial inheritance of, e4 Allele(s), 4, e2 erythrocyte hemoglobin defects and,
natural history of, 124–125 conservation of, 4 102–110, 103f–105f
prenatal diagnosis of, 125, 125f dominant, 28 erythrocyte membrane defects and,
vs. pycnodysostosis, 212–213 expression of, 53 98–100, 98f–99f, 99t–100t
Acidemia(s), organic, 61–63, 62f, 63t hemizygous, 32–33 erythrocyte metabolic defects and,
biotinidase deficiency as, 62–63 notation for, 28 100–102, 100b, 102t
maple syrup urine disease as, 61–62, 62f, null, 95–96, 173 fava bean–related, 102
63t–64t recessive, 28, 29t glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
Acidosis, metabolic, 62b Allele frequency, 212 deficiency as, 100–102, 101b, 101f,
Acrocentric chromosome, 12, 14f Allele-specific oligonucleotide (ASO) 102t
Acrocephaly, 120 testing, 225, 225f hemoglobinopathies as, 102–104, 103f
ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone), 204 Allelic heterogeneity, 53, 170, e1 hereditary elliptocytosis as, 98,
ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) Allelic variation, 28, 53. See also 98f–99f, 100t
stimulation test, 206b Mutation(s) hereditary pyropoikilocytosis as, 98f,
Actin, 175 Allopurinol, 136b 99–100, 100t
Action potential, cardiac, 166b Alport syndrome, 64t, 115t hereditary spherocytosis as, 98,
Activated protein C resistance, 112 Alternative splicing, 52b 98f–99f, 99t–100t
Acute chest syndrome (ACS), 106b Alu elements, 4, 4b primaquine-induced, 101–102
Acute lupus erythematosus, 11 AluI enzyme, 4b, 220t sickle cell anemia as, 104–107,
Acute myocardial infarction (AMI), 160b Alzheimer disease, 148–150, 158 104f–105f, 105t–106t, 106b, 107f.
Adeno-associated viruses (AAVs), 231, epigenetic studies in, 148 See also Sickle cell anemia
231b, 231t, e40 familial, 148–149 thalassemias as, 107–110, 108f, 109t
240 Index
CIP/KIP inhibitors, 66f, 67–68, 68b Consultand, 228 Cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator
Cirrhosis, in α1-antitrypsin deficiency, 175 Coombs test, 190b (CFTR) gene, 53, 169–171, 170f, 170t
CKIs (cyclin kinase inhibitors), 67–68, 68b Copper (Cu+) therapeutic manipulation of, 172
Cl− (chloride) transport, in cystic fibrosis, accumulation of. See Wilson disease Cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator
168–169, 169f chelation of, 190 (CFTR) protein, 167–171
Cleft lip, 42 as cofactor, 187–188, 187b Cystinosis, 64t
Clinical utility, 226–227 deficiency of. See Menkes syndrome Cystinuria, 180–181, 191
Clinical validity, 226–227 metabolism of, 188, 189f classification of, 180–181, 181t
CML. See Chronic myeloid (myelogenous) requirement for, 187–188, 187b founder effect in, 181, 182f, 191
leukemia (CML) transport of, 188 treatment of, 181b
Coagulation, 111b Copper transporter 1 (CTR1) gene, 188 Cytochrome c oxidase, 187b, 188
deficiency of, 110–112, 110t Cornea Cytochrome P-450 3A4 system, 163b
excess of, 112, 112t Kayser-Fleischer ring of, 190, 190f, e29 Cytochrome P-450 aromatase, 204
Cockayne syndrome, 9, 10t, 11 opacity of, in Fabry disease, 139f Cytogenetics, 12
Codeine, 232–234 Corneal arcus, 161, 163f, e25 Cytosine (C), 1–2, 2b, 3f
Coding strand, 5, 5f Coronal suture, 120b
Codominant inheritance, 32, 106 Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) D
Codons, 5, 6b challenge, 206b D-Amino acid oxidase activator (DAOA)
COL1A1 gene, 116–118, e17, e19 Cortisol, 205b gene, 154
COL1A2 gene, 116, 118 COX 17, 189f D-Amino acid oxidase (DAO) gene, 154,
COL2A1 gene, 116 CPEO (chronic progressive external 154b
COL3A1 gene, 116 ophthalmoplegia), 130b, 131–132 DAX1 gene, 194f, 195
COL5A1 gene, 119 CpG islands, 38b DCC (deleted in colon cancer) gene, 78t,
COL5A2 gene, 119 CPK (creatine phosphokinase), 128b, e17 80, 80f
Colchicine, 12 Craniosynostosis, 120b DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ), 82b, 84f
Colestipol, 163b Creatine phosphokinase (CPK), 128b, e17 DCYTB gene, 184–185
Collagen, 115 CRH (corticotropin-releasing hormone) DDB2 gene, 9t–10t
genes for, 116 challenge, 206b ddNTP (dideoxyribonucleoside
structure of, 115, 116f Cri du chat syndrome, 7b, 25, 26t triphosphate), 224b
types of, 115, 115t Crossing-over, unequal, 36, 37f, e15 De novo mutation, 7, 40
Colorectal cancer, 76t, 80–81, 80f, 82f, e3, CRS (chronic rhinosinusitis), in cystic Deep vein thrombosis, 112, 112t
e11. See also Hereditary nonpolyposis fibrosis, 171 Deformation, 179b
colorectal cancer (HNPCC) CSA gene, 9, 10t Deletion syndromes, 7, 7b, 25, 26t
Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), CSB gene, 9, 10t Dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy
75f, 236 CT. See Connective tissue (CT) (DRPLA), 36t
Compound heterozygote, 161–162 CTR1 (copper transporter 1) gene, 188 Dentinogenesis imperfecta, 117, 118b,
COMT (catechol-O-methyltransferase), 58b, Cyclin(s), 14b, 66f–68f, 67, 67b 118f
154–155, 155f Cyclin-CDK complex, 67–68, 67f, 85–86 Deoxyribonucleic acid. See DNA
COMT gene, 154, 155f Cyclin D, 67, 67f–68f, 68b (deoxyribonucleic acid)
Concordance, 45 Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), 14b, 67, Deoxyribose, 3b
Conductive hearing disorder, 117b 67b, 67f Dermatan sulfate, 142, 143f, 143t
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), Cyclin kinase inhibitors (CKIs), 67–68, Dermatosparaxis, in Ehlers-Danlos
207–208, 207f, 207t, e32, e34–e35, 68b syndrome, 120t
e35 CYP11B1 gene, 207–208 Dermis, 115b
mild, 207 CYP2D6 gene, 232–234, e38–e39 Dexamethasone suppression test, 206b
Congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens Cystathionine β-synthase (CBS) deficiency, DHT (dihydroxytestosterone), 196b, 201b,
(CBAVD), 167, 167t, 170–171, 171b, 58–60, 59f, e8–e9 203f, 204
176 Cystic fibrosis (CF), 29b, 31, 167–172, Diabetes
Congenital disorder, 29 e25–e26 gestational, 49–50, e5
Congenital hypertrophy of retinal pigment allelic heterogeneity in, 170 maturity-onset, of young, 49, 49f, 49t,
epithelium, e2, e11, e29 carrier for, 169, 211t e6
Connective tissue (CT), 114 carrier screening in, 170–171, 171t, 215, Diabetes mellitus (DM), 44
collagen of, 115, 115t, 116f 215t, e36–e37 atherosclerosis risk in, 161
disorders of, 117–122, 117t chronic rhinosinusitis in, 171 bipolar disorder and, 157t
anatomic basis for, 114, 115t, 116f clinical features of, 167–168, 167t gender and, e5
differential considerations in, 122, 123t congenital bilateral absence of vas type 1 (insulin-dependent), 44–45
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome as, 119, 119f, deferens in, 167, 167t, 170–171 autoimmunity in, 45–47, 48f
120t differential diagnosis of, 168b family studies in, 45, 46t
Marfan syndrome as, 119–122, gene for, 53, 169–171, 170f, 170t HLA studies in, 46
121f–122f gene therapy for, 171–172, 230t molecular mimicry in, 47
osteogenesis imperfecta as, 117–118, incidence of, 162t, 169 sex-specific thresholds in, e5
117t, 118f infertility in, 168, 176 twin studies in, 45–46
types of, 115b inheritance of, 169 type 2 (non–insulin independent), 44–45,
Connexins, e8 lung function in, 167, 167t, 168b, 47–49
Conotruncal anomaly face syndrome, 178b 168f family studies in, 45
Consanguinity, 32, 212–214, 212t, 213f, e4 molecular pathophysiology of, insulin therapy in, 44b
general aspects of, 213–214 168–169, 169f obesity and, 47
Consent, informed, 219b, e39 newborn screening in, 227 risk assessment for, 48–49
Conservation, of alleles, 4 survival with, 169f screening for, e38
Constitutively expressed genes, 52 treatment of, 64t sex-specific thresholds in, e5
Index 243
Diabetes mellitus (DM) (Continued) DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) (Continued) Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD)
susceptibility genes in, 47–48 unique, 3–4 (Continued)
twin studies of, 45–47 Z form of, 1b genetics of, 125–128, 127f, e17
type 1B (type 1.5), 45 DNA glycosylases, in DNA repair, 8, 8f, 11 Gowers maneuver in, 126f
Diagnosis, 122, 123t DNA methyltransferase, 38b Ductal carcinoma, 82b
paradigm for, 218–219, 218f DNA microarray analysis, 234–237, 235f, Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS),
security of, 123t, e19 e39 82b, 84f
Diakinesis, 16–17 DNA repair, 8–10 Duodenal ulcers, 96
Dideoxynucleotide chain-terminating base excision, 8, 8f Duplication errors, 7, 26
technique, 222, 223f, 224b mismatch, 10–11, 10f, 35 Dust cells, 137b
Dideoxyribonucleoside triphosphate nucleotide excision, 8–9, 9f Dwarfism, short-limb. See Achondroplasia
(ddNTP), 224b proofreading, 11 Dysbetalipoproteinemia, 159t
Diet DNA repair genes, 76t, 80–85 Dysbindin, 154
galactose-free, 61 in breast cancer, 81–83, 85f Dysostosis multiplex, 144b
phenylalanine-free, 56–57, 63, e8 in colorectal cancer, 80–81, 80f, 82f Dysplasia, 179b
Differentially expressed genes, 52, in ovarian cancer, 83–85, 85f Dystrobrevin, 127f
53t DNA sequence analysis, 222–224, 223f Dystrobrevin-binding protein 1 (DTNBP1)
Differic transferrin, 186f Dolichocephaly, 120, 122f gene, 154
DiGeorge sequence, 178b Dominant allele, 28 Dystroglycan, 127f
DiGeorge syndrome, 7b Dominant effects, of recessive mutation, Dystrophin, 52b, 127–128, 127f
Dignity, 229t 29t retinal, e17
Dihydrobiopterin deficiency, 56 Dominant inheritance DZ (dizygotic) twins, 45b, 147–148
Dihydrobiopterin synthetase, in autosomal, 28–30, 29b, 30f
phenylketonuria, 55f, 56, 56t characteristics of, 29–30 E
Dihydropteridine reductase, in nonpenetrance in, 34–35, 34f ECE-1 gene, 183t
phenylketonuria, 55f, 56, 56t X-linked, 29b, 34, 34f ECM (extracellular matrix), 114, 114b
Dihydropyridine receptor, 175 Dopamine, 154–155, 155f EcoRI, 219, 220t
Dihydroxytestosterone (DHT), 196b, 201b, Dopamine β-hydroxylase, 187b, 188 Ectopia lentis, 59
203f, 204 Dopamine β-monohydroxylase, 188 EDN3 gene, 183t
Diploid cell, 16–17, 16f Dopamine D4 receptor, 156, e20 EDNRB gene, 183t
Diplotene, 16–17 Dosage compensation, 23, 33 Edwards syndrome, 21, 21f, 22t, e2
Discordance, 45 Dosage-sensitive sex reversal (DSS), 195 E2F transcription factor, 66f, 67, 68f
Disomy, 20–21 Double helix, 1–2, 2f–3f Efficiency, test, 226–227, 226t
uniparental, 38–39, e7 Double minutes (dmin), 73–74, 75f–76f Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, 115t, 119, 119f,
Dispermy, 27 Down syndrome, e6 120t, 132
Disruption, 179b Brushfield spots in, e2 Electron transport chain (ETC), 128–129
Divalent metal transporter 1 (FDMT1) causes of, 18–22, 18f Electrophoresis, 107b
gene, 184–185, 188 clinical features of, 18–19, 18b, 19f capillary, 223f, 224
Divalent metal transporter 1 (FDMT1) deletion errors in, 25 gel, 219–220, 221f, 224
protein, 184, 186f familial, 25 Elliptocytosis, hereditary, 98, 98f–99f,
Dizygotic (DZ) twins, 45b, 147–148 incidence of, 19 100t
DJ-1, 151t karyotype for, 18, 18f, 26–27 Emphysema, 173–174, 173f–174f
DM. See Diabetes mellitus (DM) maternal age and, 19, 19f Empirical risk, 229
DMD (Duchenne muscular dystrophy), 125, meiotic nondisjunction in, 19–21, 20f, “End replication problem”, 88
127f, 230t, e17, e36 25 Endonucleases, restriction, 219, 220t
dmin (double minutes), 73–74, 75f–76f mosaicism in, 21–22 ENDRB gene, 183t
DMT1 (divalent metal transporter 1) gene, nondisjunction in, 19–21, 20f, 25 Enhancer, 5
184–185, 188 paternal translocation in, 25 env gene, 69b
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) screening for, 19b Environmental factors, in multifactorial
A form of, 1b translocation in, 18f, 23–24, 24f, 27, e2 inheritance, 43–44
antiparallel orientation of, 2, 3f, 5 Down syndrome critical region, 25 Enzymes, 4
B form of, 1b DQA1 gene, 46 deficiencies of. See Inborn errors of
coding strand of, 5, 5f DQB1 gene, 46 metabolism
compaction of, 1, 2f–3f DRD4 (dopamine D4 receptor) gene, 156 restriction, 4b, 219, 220t
diameter of, 1 DRPLA (dentatorubropallidoluysian Epidermis, 115b
double helix of, 1–2, 2f–3f atrophy), 36t Epigenetics, 43–44, e1
5′-to-3′ orientation of, 5b, 5f Drugs studies of, 148
hairpin structure of, 35b acanthosis nigricans with, 124b EPO (erythropoietin), bone marrow
highly repetitive, 3–4, 6 long QT syndrome with, 166b, e25 hypertrophy with, 109b
methylation of, 37–38, 38b, 145b oxidative, glucose-6-phosphate Epstein-Barr virus, 71
middle repetitive, 3–4 dehydrogenase deficiency and, ERB-A oncogene, 71t
mitochondrial (mtDNA), 40–41, 128–130, 101b ERB-B oncogene, 71t
129f, e21 DSS (dosage-sensitive sex reversal), 195 ERCC1 gene, 9t
mutation of. See Mutation(s) DTNBP1 (dystrobrevin-binding protein) ERCC2 gene, 9t–10t
orientation of, 2, 3f, 5, 5b gene, 154 ERCC3 gene, 9t–10t
repair of, 8–10, 8f–10f Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), ERCC4 gene, 9t–10t
slippage of, 35 29b, 125, e17, e36 ERCC5 gene, 9t–10t
structure of, 1–2, 2f–3f clinical presentation of, 125, 126f–127f ERE (estrogen response element), 164b
sugar of, 3b epidemiology of, 125 Erlenmeyer flask deformity, 140f
template strand of, 4–5, 5f gene therapy in, 230t Erythroblastosis fetalis, 97, 97f
244 Index
Erythrocyte hemoglobin defect(s), 102–110, α-Fetoprotein (AFP), e3 G1 phase, 14, 14b, 65–66, 66f
103f–105f FGFR3 (fibroblast growth factor receptor-3) G2 phase, 14, 14b, 65–66, 66f
hemoglobinopathies as, 102–104, 103f gene, 124–125 G proteins, 69, 69b, 72f, 135b
sickle cell anemia as, 104–107, mutation in, e1 GA (glutaric acidemia), 63t
104f–105f, 105t–106t, 106b, 107f. FGFR (fibroblast growth factor receptor) GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid), 154b
See also Sickle cell anemia gene, 123, 124f–125f GAD1 (glutamic acid decarboxylase 1)
thalassemias as, 107–110, 108f, 109t FH. See Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) gene, 154
Erythrocyte membrane, 97 Fibrillin, 119–120, e8 GADD45 (growth arrest and DNA damage
defects in, 98–100, 98f–99f, 99t–100t Fibroblast growth factor receptor-3 45), 85–86, 87f
lipids of, 97b (FGFR3) gene, 124–125, e1 gag gene, 69b
Erythrocyte metabolic defects, 100–102, Fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs), GAGs (glycosaminoglycans), 142b
100b, 102t 123, 124f excess accumulation of, 142–144, 143f,
Erythromycin, in sickle cell anemia, 105b Fibrous plaque, 161b 143t–144t
Erythropoietin (EPO), bone marrow First polar body, 17 Gain-of-function mutation, 29t, 35, 70. See
hypertrophy with, 109b FISH (fluorescent in situ hybridization), 14, also Oncogenes
Essential amino acids, 54b 15f, 73, 76f Galactitol, 60f, 61
Estradiol, 201b, 203f Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes, 79b Galactocerebrosidase, 142
Estrogen response element (ERE), 164b Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), 14, Galactocerebrosidase deficiency, 137f, 142
ETC (electron transport chain), 128–129 15f, 73, 76f Galactocerebroside, 142
Ethics, 228, 229t Fluorochromes, 15f Galactokinase deficiency, 61
Euploidy, 18 Fluorometric assay, 56–57 Galactose, 60–61
Exon(s), 4–5, 5f Fluorophores, 14 Galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase,
alternative splicing of, 52b Fluoxymesterone, 200b 61, 61f, e9–e10, e37
mutation in, 6 FMR1 (fragile-X mental retardation 1) gene, Galactosemia, 29b, 60–61, 61f, e8–e9,
Exon shuffling, 160 145 e9–e10
Expressivity, 35 FMRP (fragile-X mental retardation cataract in, 60f
Extracellular matrix (ECM), 114, 114b protein), 145b frequency of, e37
Eye, 75b FMTC (familial medullary thyroid treatment of, 64t
ciliary body of, 120b carcinoma), 183 α-Galactosidase
Folate deficiency, 43b deficiency of, 138–139
F Folic acid, 43b recombinant, 139
Fabry disease, 64t, 137f, 138–139, 139f, Folic acid deficiency, 60 Galactosphingosine, 142b
e23 Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), 17b α1,3-Galactosyltransferase, 32b
Factor V Leiden, 112, 112t, e16 FOS oncogene, 71t Gamete, formation of, 17
Factor VIII deficiency. See Hemophilia A Founder effect, 83, 85f, 181, 182f, 191, e4 Gametogenesis, 17
Factor IX deficiency. See Hemophilia B FOXD1 gene, 178t γ-Aminobutyric acid, 154b
Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), 76t, Fractures, in osteogenesis imperfecta, 118, Gangliosides, 136–137, 138b
80–81, 80f e17 GAP (GTPase activating protein), 69,
Familial Alzheimer disease, 148–149 Fragile-X mental retardation 1 (FFMR1) 79–80
Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), gene, 145 Gap 1 (G1) phase, 14, 14b, 65–66, 66f
159–164, 159t, 175–176, e25 Fragile-X mental retardation protein Gap 2 (G2) phase, 14, 14b, 65–66, 66f
gene therapy in, 230t (FMRP), 145b Garrod, Archibald, 51–52
genetics of, 161 Fragile X syndrome, 26, 29b, 35, 36t, Gastric cancer, 96
heterozygous, 159t, 161–162, 162f–163f 145–146, e24 Gastroenteritis, infantile, 169
homozygous, 162–163 clinical features of, 145–146, 146f, 146t Gastrointestinal disorders, 181–183. See
incidence of, 162t DNA diagnostics for, 226 also Hirschsprung disease
LDL metabolism in, 160 premutation in, 36 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST),
LDL receptor in, 160–161, 161f Southern blotting in, 226 e11
treatment of, 64t, 163–164 transmission of, 37 Gatekeeper genes, 74
Familial hypertriglyceridemia, 159t Fragile X–associated tremor/ataxia Gaucher cells, 137b, 140f
Familial incontinentia pigmenti, 50 syndrome (FXTAS), 36 Gaucher disease, 137f, 139–141, 139b,
Familial medullary thyroid carcinoma Frameshift mutation, 6–7, e1 140f, e22–e23
(FMTC), 183 Friedreich ataxia, 29b, 36t enzyme replacement in, 141
Family relationships, shared genes and, 42, Frontal bossing, 122, 123f, e15 gene therapy in, 230t
42t, 43f Frontal lobe, in schizophrenia, 153f type 1, 64t, 140–141, 140f, 140t
Family studies, in diabetes mellitus, 45, Fructosemia, 64t type 2, 140–141, 140t
46t FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), 17b type 3, 140–141, 140t
Famine, 43 Fucosyltransferase, 32b, 94–96 Gaze palsy, supranuclear, vertical, 141b
Fanconi anemia, gene therapy in, 230t Fucosyltransferase 1 (FUT1) gene, 94 GBA gene, 141
Fanconi syndrome, 58b Fucosyltransferase 2 (FUT2) gene, 94 GC box, 5
FAP (familial adenomatous polyposis), 76t, Fusion gene, 25, e3 GCK (glucokinase) gene, 49, 49t
80–81, 80f FUT1 gene, 94 GDNF (glial cell line–derived neurotrophic
Favism, 102 FUT2 gene, 94 factor), 182–183, 183f, 183t
FBN1 gene, 119–122 FXTAS (fragile X–associated tremor/ataxia GDNF (glial cell line–derived neurotrophic
Ferritin, 184, 184b syndrome), 36 factor) gene, 178t, 183t
Ferroportin 1, 184–185 GDP (guanosine diphosphate), 69, 69b, 72f,
Ferrous iron (Fe++), 105b G 114b
Fetal hemoglobin (Hb F), 103, 103f, 106 G (guanine), 2b, 3f GEF (guanine nucleotide exchange factor),
malaria and, 101b G-banding, 12–14, 13f 69
in β-thalassemia, 109 G0 phase, 65–66 Gel electrophoresis, 219–220, 221f, 224
Index 245
Gender GIST (gastrointestinal stromal tumor), e11 Guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF),
multifactorial inheritance and, 42–43 GLA gene, 138 69
X-linked inheritance and, 33–34 Glaucoma, e25 Guthrie test, 56–58, 57b
Gender development disorder(s), 192–201 Gleevec (imatinib mesylate), 73, 73b GVH (graft-versus-host) reaction, 141b
Klinefelter syndrome as, 23, 176, Glial cell line–derived neurotrophic factor
198–200, 198b, 199f–200f, e32 (GDNF), 182–183, 183f, 183t H
triple-X female as, 201 Glial cell line–derived neurotrophic factor H antigen, 32b, 94–96, 94t, 95f, 113
Turner syndrome as, 19–20, 23, 196–198, (GDNF) gene, 178t, 183t H-RAS oncogene, 71t
197b, e31–e32, e33 Globin, 32b, 102–103. See also Hairpin structure, 35b
XYY syndrome as, 200 Hemoglobin (Hb) HAMP gene, 184t
Gender differentiation, 192–201, 194f Globin genes, 103, 103f Haploid cell, 16–17, 16f
Gene(s). See also Chromosome(s) deletions of, 107–108, 108f, 110, e15 Haploinsufficiency, 197
cancer. See Oncogenes mutations in, 105–110, 105f, 106t, 107f, Haplotype, 98
constitutively expressed, 52 225f Hardy, Godfrey H., 209
differentially expressed, 52, 53t nomenclature for, 103 Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium/theorem,
enhancer of, 5 Globoid cell, 142, 142b 209–212
exon of, 4–6, 5f Globoid cell leukodystrophy, 142 application of, 210, 211t, 216
intron of, 4–5, 5f Globotriaosylceramide, 138 Hb. See Hemoglobin (Hb)
late-acting, 35 Glucocerebrosidase defect, 137f, 139–141, HBA1 gene, 103
nontranslated, 4 139b, 140f, e22–e23 HBA2 gene, 103
organization of, 4–5 Glucocerebrosides, 139 hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin),
promoter of, 5, 5f Glucocorticoids, 205b 195b, e5
RNA-specifying, 4 hypercholesterolemia with, 161 Hcy (homocysteine), 58, 59b–60b
structural, 4 Glucokinase, 49 HD. See Huntington disease (HD)
tissue-specific, 52, 53t Glucokinase (GCK) gene, 49, 49t HE (hereditary elliptocytosis), 98, 98f–99f,
triplet repeats of, 35–37, 36t, 37f Glucose 100t
unexpressed sequences of, 4–5, 5f formation of, 60–61, 61f Health Insurance Portability and
variability in, 4, 6–8, 28. See also in maturity-onset diabetes of the young, Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy
Mutation(s) 49, 49f Rule, 220b, e39
Gene amplification, 73–74, 75f Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase Hearing loss, 117b
Gene chips, 236–237 (G6PD), 100 in long QT syndrome, 164
Gene expression gene for, 101 Height
constitutive, 52, 53t oxidative stress and, 101b, 101f in achondroplasia, 122
differential, 52, 53t Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase distribution of, 41, 41f
variable, 53, e1 (G6PD) deficiency, 29b, 100–102, 102t, in Marfan syndrome, 120–121
Gene expression profiling, 91f, 92, 235–236 e14 positive assortative mating and, e36
Gene pool, 210, 210b favism and, 102 Heinz bodies, 100b, e14, e25
Gene silencing, 232, 233f primaquine sensitivity and, 101–102 Helix-loop-helix motif, 193b
Gene therapy, 229–232, 230t sex-linked inheritance of, 102 Helix-turn-helix motif, 193b
in α1-antitrypsin deficiency, 174, 174t Glutamic acid decarboxylase 1 (GAD1) Hematologic disorder(s), 93–113
in cystic fibrosis, 171–172 gene, 154 bleeding disorders as, 110–112, 110t
in familial hypercholesterolemia, 164 Glutaric acidemia (GA), 63t hemolytic anemia as, 98–102
nonviral vectors in, 172, 172b Glycine, 116b erythrocyte hemoglobin defects and,
viral vectors in, 171b, 230–231, 231t, Glycogen synthase kinase (GSK), 81b 102–110, 103f–105f
233t, e40 Glycophorins, 97 erythrocyte membrane defects and,
Gene transfer procedures, 230–232, 231t, Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), 142b 98–100, 98f–99f, 99t–100t
233t excess accumulation of, 142–144, 143f, erythrocyte metabolic defects and,
Genetic anticipation, 37 143t–144t, e23 100–102, 100b, 102t
Genetic change, 6–8, 7b–8b, 7f Glycosphingolipids, 136–137, 138b glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
Genetic code, 6b Glycosyltransferases, 32b deficiency as, 100–102, 101b, 101f,
Genetic counseling, 228 GM2 gangliosides, 137–138, 137f 102t
Genetic screening, 227–228 Goiter, familial, treatment of, 64t hemoglobinopathies as, 102–104, 103f
carrier, 227–228 Gonadal differentiation, 192–201, 194f hereditary elliptocytosis as, 98,
newborn, 227 Gottosman, Irving, 147 98f–99f, 100t
vs. testing, 227 Gowers maneuver, 126f hereditary pyropoikilocytosis as, 98f,
Genetic testing, 226–228 G6PD. See Glucose-6-phosphate 99–100, 100t
fundamentals of, 226–227, 226t dehydrogenase (G6PD) hereditary spherocytosis as, 98,
prenatal, 228 Graft-versus-host (GVH) reaction, 141b 98f–99f, 99t–100t
vs. screening, 227 Granulosa cells, 201b sickle cell anemia as, 104–107,
Genital ducts, 202b GRFA1 gene, 182 104f–105f, 105t–106t, 106b, 107f.
Genitalia, ambiguous, 207–208, 207f Growth arrest and DNA damage 45 See also Sickle cell anemia
Genomic imprinting, 29b, 37–39, 38f–39f (GADD45), 85–86, 87f thalassemias as, 107–110, 108f, 109t
Genotype, 28 Growth factor receptor defect, 122–125, hemophilia as, 110–112, 110t
in autosomal recessive inheritance, 30, 123f–125f thrombophilia as, 112
31t GSK (glycogen synthase kinase), 81b Heme, 32b, 105b, 185b
expressivity of, 35 GSPD gene, 101–102 Hemizygosity, 32–33
Genu varum, 123f, 195b GTP (guanosine triphosphate), 69, 69b, 72f, Hemochromatosis, 176, 183–187, e30
Germ-line mosaicism, 40, 40f 114b gender and, 187
Gestational diabetes, 49–50, e5 GTPase activating protein (GAP), 69, 79–80 genetics of, 184, 184t
Giemsa staining, 12–14, 13f Guanine (G), 1–2, 2b, 3f hereditary, 185, 187f
246 Index
Hemochromatosis (Continued) Hepatic disorder(s), 183–190 HJV (hemojuvelin) gene, 184, 184t
incidence of, 162t hemochromatosis as, 64t, 162t, 183–187, HLAs (human leukocyte antigens), 46b
secondary, e28 184t, 187f, e30 in diabetes mellitus, 45–46
treatment of, 64t Menkes syndrome as, 64t, 187–188, HMG-CoA (3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-
types of, 184t 189t, e28 CoA) lyase deficiency, 63t
Hemoglobin (Hb), 32b, 103–104 Wilson disease as, 64t, 188–190, 189t, HMP (hexose monophosphate) shunt, 100,
defects in, 102–110 190f, e28, e28–e29, e29 100b
hemoglobinopathies as, 102–104, 104f Hepatic nuclear factor-1α (HNF-1α), 49, HNF-1α (hepatic nuclear factor-1α), 49,
sickle cell anemia as, 104–107, 104f, 49f 49f
105t, e15. See also Sickle cell Hepatorenal tyrosinemia, 58 HNF1A gene, 49, 49t
anemia Hepcidin, 184–185, 186f, e27, e30 HNPCC (hereditary nonpolyposis
thalassemia as, 107–110, 108f, 109t Hephaestin, 184 colorectal cancer), 80–81, 80f, 82f,
classification of, 109t Hereditary elliptocytosis (HE), 98, 98f–99f, e12–e13, e12
identification of, 107, 107b, 107f 100t adenine glycosylase mutation in, 11
oxygen binding to, 105b Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH), 185, mismatch repair in, 10
Hemoglobin A (Hb A), 32, 32b, 103, 103f, 187f ovarian cancer and, 85
105f, 106t Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer hnRNA (heterogeneous nuclear RNA), 5
Hemoglobin AS (Hb AS), 101b, 106, 106t, (HNPCC), 80–81, 80f, 82f, e12–e13, Hodgkin lymphoma, 71b
211b e12 Homocysteine (Hcy), 58, 59b–60b
Hemoglobin (Hb) Barts, 107–108 adenine glycosylase in, 11 Homocysteine-cysteine, 59b
Hemoglobin C (Hb C) disease, 104f–105f, mismatch repair in, 10 Homocystine, 59b
105–106, 106t ovarian cancer and, 85 Homocystinuria, 58–60, 59f, e8
Hemoglobin F (Hb F), 103, 103f, 106 Hereditary pyropoikilocytosis (HP), 98f–99f, clinical manifestations of, 59
malaria and, 101b 99–100, 100t forms of, 59
in β-thalassemia, 109 Hereditary spherocytosis (HS), 98, 98f–99f, genetics of, 60
Hemoglobin (Hb) Gower 1, 103, 103f 99t–100t, e14 Homogeneously staining regions (HSRs),
Hemoglobin (Hb) Gower 2, 103, 103f Herpes simplex virus, 231t 73–74, 75f–76f
Hemoglobin H (Hb H) disease, 108, 109t Heterodisomy, 39 Homogentisic acid, 51–52, 51f
Hemoglobin (Hb) Portland, 103, 103f Heterogeneous nuclear RNA (hnRNA), 5 Homoplasmy, 40–41
Hemoglobin S (Hb S), 32, 32b, 103, Heteroplasmy, 40–41, 129–130, e18 Homozygosity, 28
105–106, 105f, 106t. See also Sickle Heterozygosity, 28 Homozygotes, frequency of, 211t
cell anemia loss of, 77–78, 78t Homozygous dominant expression, 28
Hemoglobinopathy, 102–104, 104f in colorectal cancer, 80 Homozygous recessive expression, 28,
Hemojuvelin (HJV) gene, 184, 184t in retinoblastoma, 77–78 30
Hemolysis, 98b Heterozygote(s) HPC1 gene, 76t, 78t, 87–88
erythropoietin secretion and, 109b compound, 161–162 HPC2 gene, 87–88
Hemolytic anemia, 98–102 frequency of, 210–211, 211t HPLC (high-performance liquid
erythrocyte hemoglobin defects and, screening of, 227–228 chromatography), 107b
102–110, 103f–105f significance of, 211 HPP (hereditary pyropoikilocytosis),
erythrocyte membrane defects and, Heterozygote advantage, 169 98f–99f, 99–100, 100t
98–100, 98f–99f, 99t–100t Heterozygous carrier, 31 HPRT (hypoxanthine-guanine
erythrocyte metabolic defects and, genetic screening for, 227–228 phosphoribosyltransferase), 136b,
100–102, 100b, 102t Hexosaminidase A, 138, 138f 136f
fava bean–related, 102 Hexosaminidase A deficiency, 137–138, HPRT (hypoxanthine-guanine
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase 137f, 158 phosphoribosyltransferase) deficiency,
deficiency as, 100–102, 101b, 101f, Hexosaminidase B deficiency, 137–138, 29b, 135–136, 136f, e23
102t 137f, e22 HPRT1 gene, 135–136
hemoglobinopathies as, 102–104, 103f Hexose monophosphate (HMP) shunt, 100, HS (hereditary spherocytosis), 98, 98f–99f,
hereditary elliptocytosis as, 98, 98f–99f, 100b 99t–100t, e14
100t HFE gene, 184–185, 184t, 187, e30 3β-HSD (3β−hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
hereditary pyropoikilocytosis as, 98f, HFE protein, 185, 186f deficiency), 206
99–100, 100t HH (hereditary hemochromatosis), 185, 17β-HSD (17β−hydroxysteroid
hereditary spherocytosis as, 98, 98f–99f, 187f dehydrogenase deficiency), 202–204,
99t–100t High-performance liquid chromatography 203f
primaquine-induced, 101–102 (HPLC), 107b HSD3B1 gene, 206
sickle cell anemia as, 104–107, 104f– Highly repetitive DNA, 3–4, 6 HSD3B2 gene, 206
105f, 105t–106t, 106b, 107f. See HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and HSRs (homogeneously staining regions),
also Sickle cell anemia Accountability Act) Privacy Rule, 220b, 73–74, 75f–76f
thalassemias as, 107–110, 108f, 109t e39 HST oncogene, 71t
Hemolytic disease of the newborn, 96–97, Hippocampus, in schizophrenia, 153f hTER, 88, 89b, 90f, 90t
113 Hirschsprung disease, 177, 181–183, hTERT, 88, 89b, 90f, 90t
Hemophilia A, 29b, 33, 33f, 64t, 110–111, e27 HTT gene, 146–147
110t clinical manifestations of, 182 HTT protein, 147
Hemophilia B, 29b, 64t, 110–111, 110t epidemiology of, 182 Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG),
gene therapy in, 230t genetics of, 182–183, 183f, 183t 195b, e5
Hemorrhagic stroke, 160b long-segment, 182, 182f Human-derived products, risks of, 175b
Heparan, 143t pathophysiology of, 181b Human Genome Project, 217, 234
Heparan N-sulfatase deficiency, 143f, 143t, short-segment, 182 Human leukocyte antigens (HLAs), 46b
144 Histiocytes, 137b in diabetes mellitus, 45–46
Heparan sulfate, 142, 143f, 143t Histones, 1 Hunter syndrome, 143–144, 143t, e22–e23
Index 247
Karyotype, 12–14, 13f, 15f Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, 29b, 135–136, Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) (Continued)
for Down syndrome, 18, 18f, 26–27 136f, e23 in familial adenomatous polyposis, 81
Karyotyping, spectral, 14, 15f Leucine, 61, 62f in neurofibromatosis type 1, 80
Kayser-Fleischer ring, 190, 190f, e29 Leucine-rich repeat, 151t Lovastatin, 163b
KCNE1 gene, 165t, 166–167 Leucine zipper motif, 193b Low-density lipoprotein (LDL), 159t
KCNE2 gene, 165t, 166–167 Leukemia, 69b metabolism of, 160–161, 161f
KCNH2 gene, 165t, 166 myeloid (myelogenous), chronic. See Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor,
KCNJ2 gene, 165t, 167 Chronic myeloid (myelogenous) 160–161, 160f–161f, 175
KCNQ1 gene, 165t, 166–167, 176 leukemia (CML) Low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR)
Kearns-Sayre syndrome, 130b, 131–132, Leukocoria, 74, 77f gene, 160, 160f
e18 Leukodystrophy, globoid cell, 142 mutations in, 161, 162f
Kell antigen, 94t Lewy bodies, 150, 150b, e22 therapeutic manipulation of, 164
Kennedy disease, 29t, 36t Leydig cells, 199f, 201b LQT. See Long QT syndrome
Kernicterus, 102, 102b LHON (Leber hereditary optic neuropathy), Lumpectomy, 82b
α-Ketoacid decarboxylase, 61, 62f 29b, 41, 130 Lung transplantation, in cystic fibrosis, 171
Ketothiolase deficiency, 63t Li-Fraumeni syndrome, 76t, 85–86, 88f, 92, Lung volume reduction surgery, 175b
Kidney(s) e12 Lutheran antigen, 94t
agenesis of, 178, 178b, 178t, 179f Liability, 42, 43f Lymphocytes, 47b
disorders of, 177–181, 177b–178b Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, type 1C, Lymphoma, 69b
duplication of, 177b 165t Burkitt, 70–71, 72f
ectopic, 177b Limbic system, in schizophrenia, 153f Hodgkin, 71b
horseshoe, 177b Lipids, membrane, 97b non-Hodgkin, 71b
malrotated, 177b Lipoprotein(s), 159b Lynch I syndrome, e11
multicystic dysplasia of, 178–180, 179f, intermediate-density, 159t Lynch II syndrome, e11
180t, 181b low-density, 159t Lyon, Mary, 23
stones of, 180 metabolism of, 160–161, 161f Lyon hypothesis, 33
Kinetochore, 66b very-low-density, 159t Lyonization, 23, 33–34, 198, 212b, e15
Kinky hair disease, 64t, 187–188, e28 Lipoprotein lipase deficiency, 159t Lysosomal storage disease(s), 136–144,
KIR2.1, 167 Liposomes, 233t 137f
KIT, e11 Lisch nodules, 135, 135f, e2, e20–e21 Fabry disease as, 64t, 137f, 138–139,
KIT oncogene, 71t, e11 Lithium, 157, 157b 139f, e23
Klinefelter syndrome, 176, 198–200, e32 Liver disease, 183–190 Gaucher disease as, 137f, 139–141, 139b,
breast cancer and, 199–200 in α1-antitrypsin deficiency, 175, e26 140f, 140t, 230t, e22–e23
clinical features of, 198–199, 198b, 200f hemochromatosis as, 64t, 162t, 183–187, Krabbe disease as, 137f, 142
epidemiology of, 198 184t, 187f, e30 mucopolysaccharidoses as, 142–144,
history of, 23 Menkes syndrome as, 64t, 187–188, 189t, 143t–144t, e23
Leydig cells in, 199f e28 Niemann-Pick disease as, 137f, 141–142
lyonization in, 198 Wilson disease as, 64t, 188–190, 189t, Sandhoff disease as, 137–138, 137f, e22
STS in, 198–199 190f, e28, e28–e29, e29 sphingolipidoses as, 136–142, 137f
Knudson, A. G., 74–75 Liver transplantation Tay-Sachs disease as, 137–138, 137f, 158
Knudson’s two-hit hypothesis, 74–75, 78f in α1-antitrypsin deficiency, 175 Lysosomes, 136
Krabbe disease, 137f, 142 in familial hypercholesterolemia, 163 Lysyl oxidase, 187b, 188
KSS (Kearns-Sayre syndrome), 130b, in maple syrup urine disease, 64
131–132, e18 Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS), 82b M
Kupffer cells, 137b Locus heterogeneity, e1 M-FISH (multiplex fluorescence in situ
Kyphoscoliosis, in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, LOH (loss of heterozygosity), 77–78, 78t hybridization), 15f
120t in breast cancer, 83 M (mitosis) phase, 14–15, 14b, 16f, 65–66,
in colorectal cancer, 80 66f
L in familial adenomatous polyposis, 81 Machado-Joseph disease, 36t
Laboratory validity, 226–227 in neurofibromatosis type 1, 80 Macro-orchidism, 145
Lambdoid suture, 120b Long QT syndrome, 164–167, 176 Macrocephaly, 122, 123f
Landsteiner, Karl, 93 acquired, 166b Macrophages, 174b
Langerhans cells, 137b Andersen, 165t, 167 Macrosomia, 50
Late-acting genes, 35 drug-induced, 166b, e25 Macula, cherry-red spot of, 138, 138f
LCIS (lobular carcinoma in situ), 82b epidemiology of, 164 MAD proteins, 66b
LDL (low-density lipoprotein), 159t founder effect in, 216 Major histocompatibility complex (MHC),
metabolism of, 160–161, 161f genetics of, 164, 165t 46
LDL (low-density lipoprotein) receptor, Jervell and Lange-Nielsen, 164, 165t, Malaria
160, 160f, 176 166–167 glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
LDLR gene, 160, 160f management of, 167 deficiency and, 100
mutations in, 161, 162f mortality in, 164 Hb F and, 101b
therapeutic manipulation of, 164 Romano-Ward, 164, 165t, 166, 216 hereditary elliptocytosis and, 98
Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON), torsades de pointes in, 164, 165f primaquine for, 101–102
29b, 41, 130 Long-segment disease, in Hirschsprung sickle cell trait and, 101b
Leg, thrombosis of, 112b disease, 182, 182f Malformation, 179b
Leigh syndrome, e24 Loss-of-function mutation, 29t, 35. See also Mania, 155t–157t, 156–157
Lens, dislocation of, 59 Tumor suppressor genes Manic-depressive illness, 155–157,
Lenticular nucleus, 190b Loss of heterozygosity (LOH), 77–78, 78t 155t–157t
Lentivirus, 231t in breast cancer, 83 MAO (monoamine oxidase), 187b
Leptotene, 16–17 in colorectal cancer, 80 MAO (monoamine oxidase) inhibitors, 155b
Index 249
MAP kinase–mediated protein Metabolic disorder(s) (Continued) Mitosis, 14–15, 14b, 16f, 65–66, 66f
phosphorylation cascade, 70, 72f galactosemia as, 60–61, 60f–61f, 64t, nondisjunction in, 6, 21–22
MAPK pathway, 197–198 e8–e9, e9–e10 Mitotic spindle, 66b
MAPKKK (mitogen-activated protein kinase historical perspective on, 51–52 Mitral valve disease, in Marfan syndrome,
kinase kinase), 70 homocystinuria as, 58–60, 59f, e8 121
Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), 61–62, hyperhomocystinuria as, 58–60 MLH1 gene, 76t, 81
62f, 63t–64t hyperphenylalaninemia as, 54–57, 55f, MLH2 gene, 76t
liver transplantation in, 64 56t–57t, e8 MM (mitochondrial myopathies), 41,
Marfan syndrome, 29b, 119–122, 120f–122f Lesch-Nyhan syndrome as, 29b, 135–136, 128–130, 129f–131f
Mastectomy, 82b 136f, e23 MMA (methylmalonic acidemia), 60, 63t
Maternal age maple syrup urine disease as, 61–62, 62f, MMR (mismatch repair), 10–11, 10f, 35
Down syndrome and, 19, 19f 63t–64t MnlI, 220t
Klinefelter syndrome and, 200 model of, 52–53, 52f MNS blood group, 94t
Mating newborn screening for, 53–54, 54t, e8 Möbius syndrome, e13
assortative, 214 organic acidemias as, 61–63, 62f Modified radical mastectomy, 82b
random, 209 treatment of, 63–64, 64t MODY (maturity-onset diabetes of young),
Maturity-onset diabetes of young (MODY), tyrosinemia as, 57–58, 64t 49, 49f, 49t, e6
49, 49f, 49t, e6 Metabolomics, 217 Molar pregnancy, e4–e5, e5
McArdle disease, e4 Metacentric chromosome, 12, 14f Molecular medicine, 217–238
Mean, 41 Metal ions, 187b allele-specific oligonucleotide testing in,
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), 104b Metaphase, 3f, 12, 13f, 76f 225, 225f
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin of meiosis, 17 deletion detection in, 226
concentration (MCHC), 104b of mitosis, 15, 16f diagnostic paradigm for, 218–219, 218f
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV), 104b Metastasis, 69b DNA sequence analysis in, 222–226, 223f
Medical ethics, 228, 229t Methionine synthase, 58, 59f gene chip technique in, 236–237
Medullary thyroid carcinoma syndrome, Methionine synthase deficiency, 60 gene expression profiling in, 235–236
64t Methylation, DNA, 37–38, 38b, 145b gene replacement technique in, 232
Megacolon, aganglionic. See Hirschsprung 3-Methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase, 62 gene silencing technique in, 232, 233f
disease deficiency of, 62–63, 63t gene therapy in, 229–232, 230t
Meiosis, 16–17, 16f 5,10-Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, gene transfer procedures in, 230–232,
nondisjunction in, 6, 19–21, 20f 58, 59f 231t, 233t
recombination in, 7, 16–17, 16f deficiency of, 60 genetic counseling in, 228
MEK, 72f Methylmalonic acidemia (MMA), 60, 63t genetic testing in, 226–228, 226t
Melanocytes, 58b Methyltestosterone, 200b individualized, 232–234, 234f–236f
Melanoma, 9b, 76t Metopic suture, 120b microarray analysis in, 234–237, 235f
Melanosomes, 58b MHC (major histocompatibility complex), mutation detection in, 224–226, 225f,
MELAS (mitochondrial encephalomyopathy 46 236–237, 236f
with lactic acidosis and stroke-like Microarray analysis, 91f, 92 nucleic acid visualization in, 219
episodes), 29b, e18 Microdeletion syndromes, 7, 7b, 25, 26t pharmacogenomics in, 232–234
Membrane, erythrocyte, 97 Microfibrils, 115, 116f, 119–120 point mutation detection in, 224–225,
defects in, 98–100, 98f–99f, 99t–100t Microsatellite instability, 81 225f
lipids of, 97b Microtubules, 15b, 66b polymerase chain reaction in, 221–222
Membrane potential, 128 Middle repetitive DNA, 3–4 prenatal genetic testing in, 228, 228b
MEN (multiple endocrine neoplasia) type MIF (müllerian inhibitory factor), 17b, privacy rules in, 220b
II, 183 194–195, 194f, 204 recurrence risk assessment in, 228–229
Mendel, Gregor, 28 Migraine, bipolar disorder and, 157t restriction fragment length polymorphism
Mendelian inheritance, 28–35, 29b, 29t Miller-Dieker syndrome, 26t in, 219–221, 221f, 226t
autosomal dominant, 28–30, 29b, 30f Mismatch repair (MMR), 10–11, 10f, 35 Southern blot analysis in, 219–221, 220t,
autosomal recessive, 30–32, 31f, 31t Mismatch repair genes, e12 221f
codominant, 32 Missense mutation, 6 tools of, 217–226
consanguinity and, 32 Mitochondrial disease, 41, 128–130, 131f, trinucleotide repeat expansion detection
expressivity in, 35 e18 in, 226
late-acting genes in, 35 chronic progressive external Molecular mimicry, in diabetes mellitus, 47
penetrance in, 34–35, 34f ophthalmoplegia as, 131–132 Monoamine oxidase (MAO), 187b
X-linked dominant, 34, 34f Kearns-Sayre syndrome as, 131–132, Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, 155b
X-linked recessive, 32–34, 33f e18 Monosomy, 6, 18–21, 20f
Menkes syndrome, 64t, 187–188, 189t, e28 myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red partial, 6–7
Merlin gene, 135 fiber syndrome as, 131, 131f Monozygotic (MZ) twins, 45b, 147–148
MERRF (myoclonic epilepsy with ragged ragged red fibers in, 130, 130f Morphine, 232b
red fibers), 29b, 131, 131f, e18, e21 treatment of, 132 Mosaicism, 21–22, 27, 39–40, 40f
Mesonephric ducts, 202b Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), 40–41, anaphase lag and, 21–22
Mesovarium, 17b, 85b 128–130, 129f, e21 chromosomal, 39–40, 200
Messenger RNA (mRNA), 5, 5f Mitochondrial encephalomyopathies, 130 in Down syndrome, 21–22
MET oncogene, 71t Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy with germ-line, 40, 40f
Meta-analysis, 156 lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes nondisjunction and, 21–22
Metabolic acidosis, 62b (MELAS), 29b, e18 MPS (mucopolysaccharidoses), 64t,
Metabolic blockade, model of, 52–53, 52f Mitochondrial inheritance, 40–41, 40f, e4 142–144, 143t–144t, e23
Metabolic disorder(s), 51–64 Mitochondrial myopathies (MM), 128–130, MRD (multicystic renal dysplasia), 178–180,
aminoacidopathies as, 54–60 129f–131f 179f, 180t, 181b
biotinidase deficiency as, 62–63, e10 ocular, 130b, 131–132 mRNA (messenger RNA), 5, 5f
250 Index
MSH2 gene, 76t, 81 Musculoskeletal disorders (Continued) Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), 29b,
MSH6 gene, 76t, 81 Kearns-Sayre syndrome as, 130b, 79–80, 79b, 133–135
MSR1 gene, 76t, 78t, 87–88 131–132 café-au-lait spots in, 35
MSUD (maple syrup urine disease), 61–62, mitochondrial myopathies as, 128–130, genetics of, 135
62f, 63t–64t 129f–130f, 130b incidence of, 133
liver transplantation in, 64 muscular dystrophies as, 125, Lisch nodules in, 135, 135f
mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA), 40–41, 126f–127f neurofibromas in, 79–80, 79f, 133–135,
128–130, 129f, e21 myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red 135f
MTHFR (5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate fiber syndrome as, 131, 131f vs. neurofibromatosis type 2, 134t
reductase) deficiency, 60 Mutagens, 7–8, 8b Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2), 29b, 135,
Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS), 29b, 64t, Mutation(s), 4, 6, 28 e21
142–144, e23 in cancer, 68, 70f café-au-lait spots in, 35, 133, 134f
dysostosis multiplex with, 144b de novo, 7, 40 vs. neurofibromatosis type 1, 134t
type I, 142–143, 143f, 143t–144t detection of, 224–226, 225f vestibular schwannoma in, 135, 136f
type II, 143–144, 143f, 143t–144t frameshift, 6–7, e1 Neurofibromin gene, 79–80, 135
type III, 143f–144f, 143t, 144, 158 gain-of-function, 29t, 35, 70. See also Neurologic disease(s), 133–158
Müllerian inhibitory factor (MIF), 17b, Oncogenes complex, 147–157
194–195, 194f, 204 gene chip detection of, 236–237 Alzheimer disease as, 148–150, 158
Multicystic renal dysplasia (MRD), inversion, 7, 7f, 26, 26f, e1 behavioral genetics in, 147
178–180, 179f, 181b loss-of-function, 29t, 35. See also Tumor bipolar disorders as, 155–157,
bilateral, 179–180 suppressor genes 155t–156t
familial, 180 in metabolic disorders, 52–53, 52f Parkinson disease as, 150–151, 150f,
malformations with, 180t missense, 6 151t, e20
unilateral, 179–180 in mitochondrial disease, 41 schizophrenia as, 151–155, 151t,
Multifactorial inheritance, 28, 41, 41b nonsense, 6 152f–153f
characteristics of, 44 point, 6, 224–225, 225f single-gene, 133–147
in diabetes mellitus, 44, 46t, e5. See also spontaneous, 7, 40 Fabry disease as, 64t, 137f, 138–139,
Diabetes mellitus (DM) transition, 6, e1 139f, e23
environmental factors in, 43–44 transversion, 6 fragile X syndrome as, 145–146, 146f,
epigenetic factors in, 43–44 triplet repeat, 35–37, 36t 146t, e24
gender and, 42–43 MYB oncogene, 71t Gaucher disease as, 137f, 139–141,
liability in, 42, 42t, 43f MYC gene, 66f, 74b, e27 139b, 140f, 140t, e22–e23
phenotypic distribution in, 41, 42f translocation of, 70–71, 72f Huntington disease as, 146–147, 147f,
relatives’ risk in, 42, 43f n-MYC oncogene, 71t e20, e21–e22
Multifactorial trait, 42 amplification of, 73–74 Krabbe disease as, 137f, 142
Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) type MYC protein, 74b Lesch-Nyhan syndrome as, 135–136,
II, 183 Myelodysplastic syndrome, e13 136f, e23
Multiple polyposis of colon, 64t Myocardial infarction (MI), 160b lysosomal storage diseases as, 136–144
Multiplex fluorescence in situ hybridization in heterozygous familial mucopolysaccharidoses as, 142–144,
(M-FISH), 15f hypercholesterolemia, 161 143t–144t, e23
Muscle cell disease(s), 125–132 Myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red fibers neurofibromatosis as, 133–135,
chronic progressive external (MERRF), 29b, 131, 131f, e18, e21 134f–136f, 134t, e21
ophthalmoplegia as, 130b, 131–132 Myosin binding protein C, 175 Niemann-Pick disease as, 137f,
Kearns-Sayre syndrome as, 130b, Myotonic dystrophy, 29b, 35, 36t 141–142
131–132 MZ (monozygotic) twins, 45–46, 45b Sandhoff disease as, 137–138, 137f,
mitochondrial myopathies as, 128–130, e22
129f–130f, 130b N sphingolipidoses as, 136–142, 137f
muscular dystrophies as, 125, 126f–127f Na+-dependent norepinephrine transporter Tay-Sachs disease as, 137–138, 137f,
myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red fiber (NET), 58b 158
syndrome as, 131, 131f NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), triplet repeats and, 144–147
Muscular dystrophy, 125 163b Neurturin (NRTN), 182–183, 183t
Becker, 125 NADP (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide Neutrophil elastase, 172–174, e25
Duchenne, 125, 127f, 230t, e17, e36 phosphate), 163b Newborn
Musculoskeletal disorders, 114–132 NADPH (nicotinamide adenine of diabetic mother, 50
connective tissue and bone, 114–122 dinucleotide phosphate), 100, G6PD deficiency in, 102
anatomic basis for, 114, 115t, 116f 100b–101b, 101f, e14 hemolytic disease of, 96–97, 113
differential considerations in, 122, Naked DNA vaccination, 233t kernicterus in, 102b
123t Negative assortative mating, 214 Newborn screening, 53–54, 54t, e8
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome as, 119, 119f, Negative predictive value, 226–227, 226t NF. See Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1);
120t Nephrolithiasis, 180 Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2)
Marfan syndrome as, 119–122, NES (nuclear export signal), 145b NF1 gene, 76t, 79–80
121f–122f NET (Na+-dependent norepinephrine NF2 gene, 76t
osteogenesis imperfecta as, 117–118, transporter), 58b NHL (non-Hodgkin lymphoma), 71b
117t, 118f Neu (ERB-B2) oncogene, 71t Niacin, 163b
growth factor receptor defect, 122–125 Neural tube defects, 43 in familial hypercholesterolemia, 163
achondroplasia as, 122–125, 123f–125f Neuregulin 1 (NRG1) gene, 154 Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
muscle cell, 125–132 Neuroblastoma, 73–74, 76f phosphate (NADPH), 100, 100b–101b,
chronic progressive external Neurocristopathy, 181 101f, e14
ophthalmoplegia as, 130b, NEUROD1 gene, 49t NIDDM. See Non–insulin independent
131–132 Neurofibrillary tangles, 148–149 diabetes mellitus (NIDDM)
Index 251
Niemann-Pick disease, 137f, 141–142 Oncogenes (Continued) p21, 66f, 67–68, 68b, 85–86, 87f
Nitrogenous base, 1 gene amplification and, 73–74, 75f p27, 66f, 67–68, 68b
NLS (nuclear localization signal), 145b translocation activation of, 70–73, p53, 66f, 68b, 85–86, 87f. See also TP53
Nociceptors, 139b 72f–73f gene
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, 71b One gene–one enzyme thesis, 52 p57, 67–68
Nondisjunction, 6 One gene–one polypeptide thesis, 52 p arm, 12, 14f
in Down syndrome, 19–21, 20f, 25 Online Mendelian Inheritance of Man, 4 P blood group, 94t
meiotic, 6, 19–21, 20f Oocytes, 17, 201b Pachytene, 16–17
mitotic, 21–22 Oogenesis, 17 Packaging signal (psi) sequence, 231b
in penta-X syndrome, 27 Ophthalmoplegia, chronic progressive PAH (phenylalanine hydroxylase)
Nonessential amino acids, 54b external, 130b, 131–132 deficiency. See Phenylketonuria
Non–insulin independent diabetes mellitus Opioids, 232b PAH gene, 56, 236
(NIDDM), 44–45 Opitz G/BBB syndrome, 178b Pain, 139b
familial, 45 Optic neuropathy, hereditary, Leber Palindromes, 4b
obesity and, 47 (LHON), 29b, 41, 130 Pancreas, 45b
risk assessment for, 48–49 Organic acidemia(s), 61–63, 62f, 63t Pancreatic islets of Langerhans, 44b, 46–47
screening for, e38 biotinidase deficiency as, 62–63 destruction of, 47, 48f
susceptibility genes in, 47–48 maple syrup urine disease as, 61–62, 62f, Panmixia, 209
twin studies of, 45–47 63t–64t PAR (pseudoautosomal region), 193, 193f,
Nonmalfeasance, 229t Ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) 197
Nonmendelian inheritance, 29b, 35–41 deficiency, 212b Paracentric inversion, 7, 7f, 26, 26f
genomic imprinting in, 37–39, 38f–39f Orofaciodigital syndrome, 29b Paramesonephric ducts, 202b
mitochondrial, 40–41, 40f Orotic aciduria, 64t PARK genes, 150, 151t
mosaicism in, 39–40, 40f Ossification, 123b Parkin, 151t
triplet repeats in, 35–37, 36t, 37f Osteogenesis, 115t Parkinson disease, 150–151, 150f, 151t, e20
Nonpenetrance, 34–35, 34f Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), 117–118, Partial monosomy, 6–7
Nonpolyposis colorectal cancer. See 117t, e17, e19 Partial thromboplastin time (PTT), 111b
Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal vs. child abuse, 118 Partial trisomy, 25
cancer (HNPCC) dentinogenesis imperfecta in, 117, 118b, Patau syndrome, 21, 21f, 22t
Nonsense mutation, 6 118f PAX3 gene, 29t, 182
Nonviral vectors, 172, 172b, 231–232, 233t hearing loss with, 117b PCR (polymerase chain reaction), 221–222,
Noonan syndrome, 29b, 197–198, e31 type I, 117, 117t, 118f 222f, 222t, e38
NOR (nucleolar-organizing region), 25b type II, 117t, 118 in sickle cell anemia, 107, 107f
NPC1 gene, 141 type III, 117t, 118 Pedigree, 28–29
NPC2 gene, 141 type IV, 117t, 118 in autosomal dominant inheritance, 29,
NRG1 (neuregulin 1) gene, 154 type V, 117t 30f
NRTN (neurturin), 182–183, 183t type VI, 117t in autosomal recessive inheritance,
NRTN (neurturin) gene, 183t type VII, 117t 30–31, 31f, e6–e7, e6f, e7
Nuclear export signal (NES), 145b wormian bones in, 118, 119f in germline mutation, 40, 40f
Nuclear localization signal (NLS), 145b Ovarian cancer, 76t, 83–85, 85f in hemophilia A, 33, 33f
Nuclear ribonucleoproteins, small (snRNPs), Ovarian follicles, 17b in Hunter syndrome, e22f
5b Ovarian ligament, 85b in Huntington disease, e20, e20f
Nucleic acid visualization, 219 Ovary (ovaries), 17b, 85b in Li-Fraumeni syndrome, 86, 88f
Nucleolar-organizing region (NOR), 25b follicle of, 201b in mitochondrial inheritance, 40, 40f
Nucleosome, 1, 2f streak, 196 in prostate cancer, 88f
Nucleotide excision repair, 8–9, 9f Ovotesticular disorder of sexual in retinoblastoma, 78f
Nucleotides, 1, 6b development, 201–202, 202b, 202f, symbols for, 30f
Null allele, 95–96, 173 e32, e32–e33 in X-linked dominant disorder, 50
Nullisomy, 20–21 Ovulation, 17 in X-linked dominant inheritance, 34, 34f
Nutrigenomics, 217 Oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), in X-linked recessive inheritance, 33, 33f
128–130 Penetrance, 34–35, 34f, e1, e4
O Oxidative stress, 150b Penicillin, in sickle cell anemia, 105b
Obesity, 43 glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and, Penta-X syndrome, 27
type 2 diabetes mellitus and, 47 101b, 101f Pentose phosphate pathway, 100, 100b
Occipital lobe, in schizophrenia, 153f OXPHOS (oxidative phosphorylation), Pericentric inversion, 7, 7f
Ochronosis, 52 128–130 Persephin (PSP), 182–183
OCT (ornithine transcarbamylase) Oxycephaly, 120 Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, e11
deficiency, 212b Oxygen PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis),
Ocular mitochondrial myopathy, 130b, hemoglobin binding of, 105b 214, 228
131–132 toxicity of, 150b Ph (Philadelphia) chromosome, 25, 72–73,
Oculocutaneous albinism, 57, e9 Oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve, 105b 72f–73f, e3, e13
Oculocutaneous tyrosinemia, 58 Oxymetholone, 200b Pharmacogenomics, 217, 232–234
Odontoblasts, 118b Phenotype, 4, 28
OI (osteogenesis imperfecta), 117–118, P in autosomal recessive inheritance, 31t
117t, 119f, e17, e19 p14ARF, 66f in codominant inheritance, 32
Oligohydramnios, 178, e27 p15, 67–68, 68b in multifactorial inheritance, 41, 41f
Oligonucleotides, allele-specific, 225, 225f p16, 67–68, 68b penetrance and, 34–35
Oncogenes, 69–74, 71t, 72f p16INK4, 66f, 68f, 76t Phenylalanine
in Burkitt lymphoma, 70–71, 72f p18, 67–68 accumulation of. See Phenylketonuria
in chronic myeloid leukemia, 72–73, 72f p19, 67–68, 68b (PKU)
252 Index
Renal agenesis, 178, 178b, 179f RNA interference (RNAi), 232 Sensitivity, test, 226–227, 226t
Renal development, 178, 178t RNA polymerase II, 5b, 5f Sensorineural hearing disorder, 117b
Renal disorder(s), 177–181 RNA processing, 5b Serine proteases, 111b
agenesis as, 178, 178b, 179f Robertsonian translocation, 7, 24, 24f Sertoli cells, 17b
anatomic, 177b–178b Romano-Ward (RW) syndrome, 164, 165t, Severe achondroplasia with developmental
cystinuria as, 180–181, 181b, 181t 166, 216 delay and acanthosis nigricans
multicystic dysplasia as, 178–180, 179f, ROS (reactive oxygen species), 60b (SADDAN), 124
180t, 181b RRFs (ragged red fibers), myoclonic epilepsy Sex chromatin, 22–23
Renal dysplasia, multicystic, 178–180, 179f, with, 131, 131f, e18, e21 Sex chromosomes, 4, 12, 13f. See also X
180t, 181b rRNA (ribosomal RNA), 4, 25b chromosome(s); Y chromosome
Renal stones, 180 Rubella, congenital, 46 numerical abnormalities of, 19–20, 22–23
Renin, 206b RW (Romano-Ward) syndrome, 164, 165t, Sex-determining region of the Y
Restriction endonucleases, 4b, 219, 220t 166, 216 chromosome (SRY) gene, 193–194,
Restriction fragment length polymorphism Ryanodine receptor, 175 193f, 202, 208, e33–e34
(RFLP), 219–221, 221f, 226t Sex differentiation, 192–201, 194f
mutation-specific, 224–225, 225f S Sex-linked inheritance. See X-linked
RET gene, 71t, 182–183, 183f, 183t, e27 S (synthesis) phase, 14, 14b, 65–66, 66f inheritance
Retina, 75b G1 transition to, 67–68, 67f Sex reversal, dosage-sensitive (DSS), 195
Retinal detachment, 75b SADDAN (severe achondroplasia with Sex steroidogenesis, 201, 203f, 205f
Retinal dystrophin, e17 developmental delay and acanthosis disorders of, 201–205
Retinal pigment epithelium, congenital nigricans), 124 adrenocortical disorders and, 205–208,
hypertrophy of, e2, e11, e29 Saggital suture, 120b 205f, 207f–208f, 207t
Retinoblastoma (Rb), 29t, 68f, 74–79, 76t, Salt wasting, 206b ovotesticular disorder of sexual
e11–e12, e12 SAM (S-adenosylmethionine), 58, 58b, development as, 201–202, 202b,
calcification in, 77f, 79b 154–155 202f
computed tomography of, 77f Sandhoff disease, 137–138, 137f, e22 46,XX disorder of sexual development
familial, 77, 78f, 78t Sanfilippo syndromes, 143t, 144, 144f, 158 as, 204–205
leukocoria in, 74, 77f Sanger dideoxynucleotide chain-terminating 46,XY disorder of sexual development
loss of heterozygosity in, 77–78 technique, 222, 223f, 224b as, 202–204, 203f
magnetic resonance imaging of, 77f Sarcoma, 69b Sexual development, 192–201
pathology of, 79b Scaphocephaly, 120 disorders of, 192
RB1 gene in, 67, 74–79, 76t, 78t Scheie syndrome, 142–143, 144t adrenocortical disorders and, 205–208,
spontaneous, 78–79, 78f, 78t Schizophrenia, 151–155, 153f 205f, 207f–208f, 207t
Retinoblastoma gene product (pRB), 67, brain areas affected in, 152, 152f–153f chromosomal mosaicism in, 200
68f, 74, 85–86 chromosomal abnormalities in, 154–155 Klinefelter syndrome as, 198–200,
Retrolental fibroplasia, 150b DAO gene in, 154 198b, 199f–200f, e32
Retroviral vectors, 230, 231t DAOA gene in, 154 nomenclature for, 192, 193t
Retroviruses, 69, 69b, 231b dopamine metabolism in, 154–155, 155f ovotesticular, 201–202, 202b, 202f
Reverse genetics, 133 DTNBP1 gene in, 154 triple-X female as, 201
Reverse transcriptase, 69b environmental factors in, 151–152, 153f Turner syndrome as, 196–198, 197b,
RFLP (restriction fragment length family risks of, 151, 153f e31–e32, e33
polymorphism), 219–221, 221f, 226t GAD1 gene in, 154 46,XX disorder of sexual development
Rh blood group, 94, 94t, 95b, 95f genetics of, 154–155 as, 204–205
incompatibility in, 97, 97f NRG1 gene in, 154 46,XY disorder of sexual development
Rh immune globulin, 97 prevalence of, 151, 151t as, 202–204, 203f
RHCE gene, 94, 95f RELN gene in, 154 XYY syndrome as, 200
RHD gene, 94, 95f twin studies in, 151 SF-1 (steroidogenesis factor 1) gene,
Rhinosinusitis, chronic, 171, e26 Schwannoma, vestibular, 135, 136f 194–195, 194f
Ribonucleic acid. See RNA (ribonucleic acid) SCN5A gene, 165t, 166 Short-limb dwarfism. See Achondroplasia
Ribonucleoproteins, small nuclear (snRNPs), SCN4B gene, 165t Short-segment disease, in Hirschsprung
5b Screening disease, 182
Ribonucleotides, 224b for cancer, 91f, 92, e38 SHOX gene, 197–198
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA), 4, 25b carrier, 227–228 SHOXa protein, 197
Ribozyme therapy, 232 in cystic fibrosis, 170–171, 171t, 215, Sick sinus syndrome with bradycardia, 165t
Rickets, hypophosphatemic, 29b 215t, e36–e37 Sickle cell anemia, 104–107, 104f, e15
Risk for Down syndrome, 19b acute chest syndrome in, 106, 106b
empirical, 229 genetic, 227–228 carrier for, 106, 211t, 216, e37
liability and, 42, 43f carrier, 227–228 codominant expression in, 32
recurrence, 42 newborn, 227 diagnosis of, 215b
Risk assessment, 228–229 vs. testing, 227 DNA analysis in, 107, 107f, 224–225,
RNA (ribonucleic acid) for inborn errors of metabolism, 53–54, 225f
hairpin structure of, 35b 54t, e8 genetic aspects of, 105–106, 105f
heterogenous nuclear (hnRNA), 5 for type 2 diabetes mellitus, e38 incidence of, 162t
messenger (mRNA), 5, 5f SD (standard deviation), 41 infection in, 105b
nontranslated, 4 Secondary sexual characteristics, 196b pathophysiology of, 32b, 106
premessenger, 5 Security of diagnosis, 123t, e19 penicillin prophylaxis in, 105b
ribosomal (rRNA), 4, 25b Selective advantage, 210 physiologic alterations of, 106, e15
silencing (siRNA), e40 Selective disadvantage, 210 survival with, 105t
transfer (tRNA), 4 Seminiferous tubules, 17b Sickle cell hemoglobin S (Hb S), 32, 32b,
uracil in, 2b in Klinefelter syndrome, 198, 199f 103, 105–106, 105f, 106t
254 Index
Sickle cell trait, 101b, 106, 106t, 211b Steroid response elements (SREs), 164b TFR2 gene, 184–185, 184t
Sideroblastic anemia, 59b Steroid sulfatase (STS) gene, 198–199 TGFBR2 (transforming growth factor-β
SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), 164 Steroidogenesis, adrenal, 205, 205f receptor 2) gene, 81
Simvastatin, 163b Steroidogenesis factor 1 (SF-1) gene, Thalassemia, 107–110
Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), 194–195, 194f α-, 107–108, 108f, 109t, e15
234, 234f–235f, 236–237, e38–e39 Stratum corneum, 115b β-, 108–110, 108f, e15
SIP1 gene, 183t Stratum germinativum, 115b classification of, 109, 109t
SIS oncogene, 71t Streak ovary, 196 Thalassemia intermediate, 109–110, 109t
Sister chromatid, 12, 17 Stroke, 112, 160b Thalassemia major, 109–110, 109t
Skewed inactivation, 33–34 STS (steroid sulfatase) gene, 198–199 Thalassemia minor, 109–110, 109t
Skin, 115b. See also Connective tissue (CT) Submetacentric chromosome, 12, 14f α-Thalassemia trait, 108, 109t
angiokeratoma of, 138b, 139f Substance abuse, bipolar disorder and, 157t Theca cells, 201b
hyperelasticity of, 119, 119f Succinylcholine, 232b Threshold level, 41, 42f
tumors of, 9b Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), 164 Thrombophilia, 112
SKY (spectral karyotyping), 14, 15f Suicide, bipolar disorder and, 157t Thromboplastin time, partial (PTT), 111b
SLC3A gene, 180–181 Superoxide dismutase (SOD), 187b, 189f Thumb sign, 121f, e17
SLC7A9 gene, 180–181, 182f Supranuclear gaze palsy, 141b Thymine (T), 1–2, 2b, 3f
SLC18A2 gene, 154–155 Susceptibility genes, in diabetes mellitus, Tibia vara, 195b
SLC40A1 gene, 184, 184t 47–48 Timothy syndrome, 165t
Small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs), Suspensory ligament, 85b Tissue-specific genes, 52, 53t
5b Synapsis, 17b Tobacco smoke, α1-antitrypsin deficiency
Smith-Magenis syndrome, 7b, 26t Synaptonemal complex, 17b and, 173–174, 173f–174f
SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism), 234, Syncope, 164 Torsades de pointes (TdP), 164, 165f
234f–235f, 236–237, e38–e39 Syncytiotrophoblast, 195b Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 32, 212–213
snRNPs (small nuclear ribonucleoproteins), Synpolydactyly, 29b TP53 gene, 85–86, 92
5b Synthesis (S) phase, 14, 14b, 65–66, 66f in colorectal cancer, 78t, 80f
SNRPN gene, 38 G1 transition to, 67–68, 67f in Li-Fraumeni syndrome, 76t, 86
SNTA1 gene, 165t Syntrophin, 127f Transcription, 1, 4–5, 5b, 5f
SOD (superoxide dismutase), 187b, 189f α-Synuclein, 151t, e22 Transcriptomics, 217
Solenoid structure, 1, 2f Transferrin, 185, 185b, 186f
SOS repair, 11 T Transferrin receptor, 185, 186f
Southern blot analysis, 219–221, 220t, 221f T (thymine), 1–2, 2b, 3f Transferrin receptor 2 (TFR2) gene,
SOX9 gene, 194, 194f, e27 T lymphocytes, 47b 184–185, 184t
SOX10 gene, 183t Tandem mass spectrometry, 56–57 Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β), 195b
Specificity, test, 226–227, 226t TART (testicular adrenal rest tumor), 176, Transforming growth factor-β receptor 2
Spectral karyotyping (SKY), 14, 15f 207, e34 (TGFBR2) gene, 81
Spectrin, 97–100, 98f, 99t TATA box, 5 Transition mutation, 6, e1
Spermatocytes, 17 TATAAAA sequence, 5 Translation, 1, 4–5
Spermatogenesis, 17 Tay-Sachs disease, 137–138, 137f, 158 Translocation, 7, 23–25, 23f–24f
Spherocytosis, hereditary, 64t, 98, 98f–99f, carrier for, 211t, 227–228 oncogene activation by, 70–73, 72f–73f
100t, e14 incidence of, 162t reciprocal, 23–24, 23f
mutations in, 98, 99t neuropathy in, 215b robertsonian, 7, 24, 24f
Sphingolipid(s), 136–137, 137f TDF (testis determining factor), 193 Translocation Down syndrome, 18f, 24, 24f,
Sphingolipidosis(es), 136–142, 137f TdP (torsades de pointes), 164, 165f 27, e2
Fabry disease as, 137f, 138–139, 139f, Telomerase, 88–89, 89f Transversion mutation, 6
e23 Telomeres, 88–89, 89f Trichothiodystrophy, 10t
Gaucher disease as, 137f, 139–141, 139b, Telophase Triglycerides, 159t
140f, 140t, e22–e23 of meiosis, 17 Trigonocephaly, 120
Krabbe disease as, 137f, 142 of mitosis, 15, 16f Trinucleotide repeat. See Triplet repeats
Niemann-Pick disease as, 137f, 141–142 Template strand, 4–5, 5f Trinucleotide repeat expansion detection,
Sandhoff disease as, 137–138, 137f, e22 Test 226
Tay-Sachs disease as, 137–138, 137f, 158 efficiency of, 226–227, 226t Triphalangeal thumb, e17
Sphingomyelin, 136–137 sensitivity of, 226–227, 226t Triple helix, 115, 116f
accumulation of, 141–142 specificity of, 226–227, 226t Triple screen, 19b, 27, 228b
Sphingomyelinase deficiency, 137f, 141–142 validity of, 226–227, 226t Triple-X syndrome, 201, e31
Spina bifida, 42 Testes, in Klinefelter syndrome, 198, Triplet, of DNA code, 4, 6b
Spinocerebellar ataxia, 29b, 36t 199f–200f Triplet repeats, 29b, 35–37, 36t, 37f,
Spliceosome, 5b Testicular adrenal rest tumor (TART), 176, 144–147
Spontaneous mutation, 7, 40 207, e34 detection of, 226
SPRY genes, 178, 178t Testis determining factor (TDF), 193 in fragile X syndrome, 145–146, 146f,
Spur cell anemia, 97b Testosterone, 194–195, 194f, 196b, 201b 146t, 226
Squamous cell carcinoma, 9b in Klinefelter syndrome, 199–200 in Huntington disease, 146–147, 147f
SREs (steroid response elements), 164b replacement of, 200b Trisomy, 6, 18, 20–21
SRY (sex-determining region of the Y synthesis of, 202, 203f partial, 25
chromosome) gene, 193–194, 193f, Tetrad chromosome, 16–17 Trisomy 13, 21, 21f, 22t, e6
202, 208, e33–e34 Tetrahydrobiopterin, e9 Trisomy 15, 39
Standard deviation (SD), 41 Tetrahydrobiopterin deficiency, 56 Trisomy 16, 21
Statins, 163b Tetrahydrobiopterin synthase (BH4), 55f Trisomy 18, 21, 21f, 22t, 181b, e2
Steinberg sign, 121f, e17 Tetraploidy, 27 Trisomy 21. See Down syndrome
Stem cells, 230 Tetrasomy, 18 Trisomy 22, 21
Index 255