CSCT Project Proposal

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UFCF9Y-60-M CSCT Project Proposal



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Project Title: Integration and Management Information Systems Usability and their Role in
Improving Effectiveness of Libraries: A Case of UWE Library Systems

Problem Statement
Based on the number of university libraries that have already implemented it, the integrated
library management system (ILMS) is steadily gaining popularity in libraries, despite its low
acceptance rate. Even with the built-in advantages of integrating ILMS into the automated
workflow of libraries, university libraries continue to face challenges in effectively utilizing
the deployed technologies to optimize the libraries’ adoption goals (Khan et al. 2023).
According to the literature, many libraries that have implemented the systems are still dealing
with issues like complete abandonment of the systems right after migration, inadequate
maintenance, only using a portion of the systems instead of utilizing them to their full
potential, malfunctioning modules, and vendors providing insufficient support services,
among other issues related to adoption and use (Xu and Du 2018).

Libraries throughout the world that have completely embraced and implemented ILMS have
shared several success stories, including increased use of library resources, easier work tasks,
and suitable improvements in utilization statistics. Conversely, university libraries have
reported setbacks as opposed to gains (Li et al. 2019). According to the literature study,
several libraries that have previously implemented ILMS have even gone so far as to switch
between systems, entirely giving up on the prior one in the process, which has resulted in the
loss of a significant portion of library data and the unnecessary expenditure of time and
money (Khan et al. 2023).

There is evidence to suggest that the issues raised may have resulted from the ILMS use not
being evaluated before these libraries hastily chose and implemented these systems (Li et al.
2019). In the end, the majority of these libraries would not be able to advance in ILMS usage
and, for the most part, would not be able to go back (Xu and Du 2018). Since other libraries
that have not adopted ILMS are unable to significantly learn from those that have in terms of
adoption procedures, things to take into account, and documented accomplishments, this
scenario not only threatens the adoption of ILMS but also its use (Khan et al. 2023). It is
against this background that this study seeks to explore the integration and management of
information systems usability and their role in improving the effectiveness of libraries: A
case of UWE library systems.

Aim and Scope
This project proposal aims to explore the integration and management of information systems
usability and their role in improving the effectiveness of libraries: A case of UWE library

The scope of the proposal will entail the study of the integration and management
information systems usability as the independent variable of the study and its role in
improving the effectiveness of libraries as the dependent variable. The study will be
conducted in the UWE library. The site was chosen due to its availability of resources and
data, as well as its relevance to the study topic. The UWE library is a reputable organization
that offers access to a variety of information services and resources. By conducting the
research at this library, a thorough analysis of the usability of the integration and
management information systems and their influence on the efficiency of library operations
would be possible.

The research will collect data from real-world scenarios and assess the level of information
systems usability in a practical environment by concentrating on the UWE library. This will
offer insightful information about the difficulties and chances for library operations to be
improved. The study will also benefit from the experience and collaboration of UWE library
administrators and personnel, who can offer insightful advice and assistance all along the
research process.

Project objectives
i. To assess the current state of integration and management information systems in the
UWE library.
ii. To evaluate the impact of information systems usability on the effectiveness of library
iii. To identify the key challenges and barriers faced by the UWE library in integrating
and managing information systems effectively.
iv. To explore the potential benefits and opportunities that can be achieved through
improved usability of information systems in the UWE library.
v. To develop recommendations and guidelines for enhancing the usability of
information systems in the UWE library and improving their role in enhancing library

Expected project outcomes
A thorough evaluation of the management and integration information systems in place at the
UWE library, including a breakdown of the systems’ different kinds and usability levels. a
detailed analysis of the possible advantages and areas for development in the relationship
between information systems usability and the efficiency of library operations at the UWE
library. Identifying the main obstacles and problems the UWE library has in successfully
integrating and managing information technology and offering suggestions for improvement.
Discover the methods and approaches the UWE library uses to integrate and manage
information systems, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Development of
guidelines and suggestions aimed at improving the UWE library’s information systems’
accessibility, with a focus on addressing particular issues and boosting general efficacy.
Lastly, a user guidance tool that will enhance the usability of UWE library systems.

Brief Literature Review

Enhancing the accessibility and integration of management information systems (MIS) is
essential to raising the efficiency of libraries (Li et al. 2019). Libraries can better serve their
patrons’ needs and provide high-quality services by optimizing operations, expanding
information access, boosting user experience, supporting data-driven decision-making,
encouraging cooperation, effectively managing digital resources, and enabling performance
evaluation (Xu and Du 2018). Processes may be automated, data can flow seamlessly, and
productivity is increased with integrated systems and user-friendly interfaces (Gul and Bano
2019). Better information structure, retrieval, and distribution are made possible by MIS,
increasing resource accessibility. The user experience is enhanced by easy search features
and user-friendly interfaces. Personalized services and well-informed decision-making are
facilitated by data analysis. Collaboration and resource sharing between libraries are made
easier via integration. Effective handling of digital resources and performance evaluation
improve library operations (Khan et al. 2023). In the end, integration and MIS usability boost
libraries’ overall efficacy by optimizing operations, boosting client happiness, and improving
services (Li et al. 2019).

Gul, S. and Bano, S., 2019. Smart Libraries: An Emerging and Innovative Technological
Habitat of 21st Century. The Electronic Library, 37(5), pp.764-783.

Khan, A.U., Rafi, M., Zhang, Z. and Khan, A., 2023. Determining the impact of
Technological Modernization and Management Capabilities on User Satisfaction and Trust in
Library Services. Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, 72(6/7), pp.593-611.

Li, S., Hao, Z., Ding, L., and Xu, X., 2019. Research on the Application of Information
Technology of Big Data in Chinese Digital Library. Library Management, 40(8/9), pp.518-

Xu, F. and Du, J.T., 2018. Factors Influencing Users’ Satisfaction and Loyalty to Digital
Libraries in Chinese Universities. Computers in Human Behavior, 83, pp.64-72.

Testing and evaluation

When developing and implementing integration and management information systems (MIS)
in libraries, testing and evaluation are crucial steps in the process. These procedures aid in
guaranteeing that the systems fulfill the intended specifications, work well, and offer a
satisfying user experience. In this study, the researcher will carry out functional, usability,
performance, integration, and user acceptance testing.

Ethical considerations
The ethical considerations that will be taken into account will include privacy and protection
of data, informed consent; intellectual property rights, accessibility and inclusivity, bias as
well as equity.

Project Plan
The plan of the project will entail the following activities;-

i. Defining project scope and objectives

ii. Gathering of requirements and analysis
iii. Selection of the system and procurement
iv. System development and configuration
v. Quality assurance and testing
vi. Documentation and training
vii. Implementation, deployment, evaluation, and continuous improvement


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